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Morning Blessing: 11.12.12
Getting Your 11:11 Bearings Straight. 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." - Lewis Carroll

Dear william, 


Congratulations! You were present, in a body - which is really important, when humanity demonstrated their acceptance of Gaia's acceleration and evolving consciousness. Did you miss it? It happened last yesterday, on 11:11. We aligned with some swifter fifth-dimensional energies of the Universe. What this will translate into for the globe is a greater sensitivity to Oneness.


This week if you would like to assist with the foundation-ing of the New into the physical arena of planet Earth you can do so by opening to your individual spiritual sensitivity with the intention of receiving and expressing the harmonic Light waves that are presently traveling at infinites speeds around and within Gaia. These latest harmonic Light waves are a form of electro-magnetic energy that are literally zooming into our fields at unprecedented rates - unlike light, which can only travel at 186,000 miles per second. Since these current waves travel at infinite speeds they can go across great distances in the Universe immediately. Much of November's anchoring is coming from the Great Central Sun and it is bringing elevated Spiritual Intelligence to all who would like to connect to it. This new intelligence increases your percentage of Light quotient and tweaks your ability to understand spiritual energy, spiritual relationships, spiritual symbols and the ability to ascend past the perceived duality and illusions of this third dimension.


Your Light quotient is the percentage of light energy that can be held in your energy field. Higher light frequencies are necessary in order to ascend this time on planet Earth. A higher light vibration is necessary to be a hybrid human after 2012. A higher light quotient is necessary in order to transform one's Self into the fifth dimension and to perform the spiritual practices of pulsing your core star (Soul) essence. The spiritual light quotient that is currently asking to be embodied is anchored through meditation, and through sacred toning and sacred sounds. Isn't it interesting that you can expand the Soul's residence and your sensitivity to spiritual Light just by listening to sacred sounds and tones or by allowing yourself to watch a sunset with mindfulness? 


Throughout my practice and teachings we have been connecting to the transiting fifth dimensional energies with prayer, intention and toning. The prayer and focused attention of the mind upon an intended outcome takes us within. The toning that then emanates from each Soul at its unique energetic level works to activate the sacred Language of Light frequencies that are housed in the etheric and astral layers. Each encounter is about creating a bridge of liquid Light from the sacred to the mundane in order that all of us begin to radiate the new influx of Light that is here. I say this all the time but, an unbelievable burst of spiritual elevation is now on the planet - the ascension. And we are closer than any other time in Gaia's history to bringing the God-head and Creator-Light essences into balance once again in this domain. You? Me? Isn't it amazing that we have that ability? You bet it is!


For years visionaries have been detailing how the game is changing here. We have tuned in and reported on the progress of our potential; on the chances of our limitless possibilities. Now it is my pleasure to announce that finally the moment has arrived when we longer have to work at "getting there". We are the change we wanted to see in the world. Yes, many still do not have a clue exactly what that means as a spiritual truth but the ones reading these words understand we have crossed through a veil of consciousness and there is no slowing us down from this point forward. Knowing that makes you smile a little more than before. Lets joy leap in your heart. Allows the Divine to live with abandon here and now. There is no more trying to get it, there is only attuning to the vibration of it and then becoming. 


So this is where your contract with the newest infrastructures of Light changes a bit. Our new role is one of pulsing, shimmering, radiating and transmitting the higher vibrational energy and consciousness that is now here. You must now connect to the Divine in all things first - live from the perspective of your own divinity - see through the eyes of your Soul - and love with the purity of Source. Doesn't the truth of that resonance sit right in your heart? Practice these things and you will not only feel these wondrous evolutionary energies, you will participate more vibrantly, more purposefully and more successfully than you have ever imagined possible. 


So once again, the natural contribution you can make this week as a Universal citizen of global awakening is to enlighten your existence with some sacred toning and mediation. Remember toning is the fuel that ignites the Language of Light and creates the conditions that are right for others to begin to feel and align with their holiness. When you tone, or listen to toning (Tom Keyon for example), take a deep breath. Let your energy sink into your solar plexus, into your navel chakra. As the energy saturates you, be aware that a new sensitivity has become more open around your crown chakra and your third eye area. Intend for this newly balanced state to be a shared remembrance. In this way your existence can be the energetic antidote for those wanting to shift but not knowing how. The focus and intention for your meditations should center upon opening and expanding the heart chakra. Such meditations are currently helping to move from the "me to we" concept in consciousness.


I'll close by simply echoing the sentiments of some celestial guides, "You are the ones who must be the receptacles and transformers of the Divine Light from the Infinite Creator which is filtered down to you from the Soul Self. Just as your beloved Universal parents reduce and filter the Creator Light out into the galactic suns and then transduce it down through the suns of your solar system, you are needed to filter the Light through yourself. You must then activate it with your unconditional love and radiate it out into the world."


Sending healing sound waves out to each of you,




There is a greater reality where Oneness resides, and increasingly this
reality is being anchored in our present duality-based system. Today 
I use the language of numbers to move with conscious intention toward
a deeper and passionate knowing that everything is part of the One. 
Right now, I consciously choose to stand in our One Being and dissolve
in the activation of the All. 
As an increasing number of souls awaken to our inherent Oneness, we
become more our true selves than ever before. I take a sacred moment this
day to consciously anchor in the New, and build upon this holy foundation 
a knowing of perfect balance and equality. I use this empowering energy to 
realize that all people are "Greatness in Action," discovering that everything is 
vaster. . . that everything is woven into Oneness. As we enter another level
of Light and Knowing we remember, we ALL remember that polarity is natural
and needed but duality creates separation of heart. 
I breathe a sigh of relief as the very core of me shouts out in joy, celebration,
and knowing that finally Oneness comes to dance in all hearts. One to one
these new Heart Lights create a tapestry of God manifesting around our 
beautiful blue-green sphere. Finally the all children of Earth awaken from 
the long sleep of forgetfulness. And so it is. Amen. 
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Daughter Of Osiris:



Daughter of Osiris:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

How long it has been through the Aeons of Time, Daughter of Mine, as we have Journeyed Through Time.

I come from a Far Off Land to speak to thee, oh, beloved, through the Layers of Time and Space.  We weep not for thee, for we all do see, thy journey has begun, as you have seen The Son.  The Sun glides by to all who can see, have ears to hear, and love for He.

Memories lie dormant, thus will they surface;  you are not alone;  we have the Key as we Reach Out To He.

How we have shared innumerable lives, amongst Planes of Existence Way Beyond Earth.  Each life we have gone hither and thither, Levitation being our Preferred Mode of Travel.

Those Bonds of Eternal Love, so they are fed, ignited further, as we are led… into New Worlds Which Rest, Hidden Within Our Father’s Breast.

Great is His Joy, as He sees thee glow, free from the Veil of Another Earth Birth.


Planet after Planet, they Wait for Thee, as you Fulfil Your Destiny.

Thy birth sign dearest beloved, is Thy Special Key, to the Remembrance of God’s Mysteries.  Just as I, Hold in My Palm, that Golden Ankh, you so understand.

For Back in Time, Dearest Daughter, so do we go, in Tune With The Infinite Creator Of All That Has Been, Is, And Will Always Be. 

The Cycles of Time move slowly forward, into New Worlds of Being, as those Veils of the Godhead Are Shown To Us, We Who Are, Of His Breath. But not only us can be at His Side, All Who Have Become One, Will Know They Are Blessed.

Thy Many Lives Lived In The Higher Planes Of Being, As Well As Earth, With Those Wheels of Rebirth, have given thee beloved, A Vast Storehouse of Memories, which thy soul has access to, as it retraces its steps to that Apex of the Pyramid, where we will be waiting at that Golden Day, when Our Daughter Returns Home From Exile.

Such is Earth known to us in the Divine Spheres, So Far From Our Homeland in our Fair and Golden Atlantis.

More and more memories, so they surface for all;  they are so accessible and can be found in the Stillness of Being.

Layers of Time – what are they – just Another Key to be Opened, as the Soul Returns Home, which, as the Opening of the Key Becomes Easier, the Doorway to the Mysteries Glows With Joy, as the Two Remember…. All They Were Told, From Days Of Long Ago, When We Lived In A Plane, Far Above Earth.

Beloved child, we are with you always, no one can separate our deep, deep love.  As a Child of Mine, you will always be so, deep within the Very Soul Of Me.

Thy Mother Too, sends her Love to you, the Passage of Time Has Not Stopped That Bond, Never Broken Throughout The Journeys of Time; Nor will it be.  Instead, if it is possible, those Bonds of Love Have Become An Invisible Thread.  There For Eternity, but not seen by all, for Like Gossamer Light, it Shines So Bright, Stonger than the Darkest Night – as it Seeks Always to Envelop those Dark Corners of Earth, as Our Light And Energies Transcend Time And Space, As We Follow His Holy Grace.  Travelling in footsteps, long ago walked, and avenues not thought of as we Hear His Word.

The Voice Of The Creator, Blesses Us So, As We All Bathe In His Golden Glow.


12 November, 2012.



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I Stand At The Gates Of Paradise:



I Stand At The Gates Of Paradise:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

I Stand At the Gates of Paradise.  My earth life has ended, I have travelled far, to that Heavenly place, beyond that Great Star, which like the Holy Grail, forever beckoned me to its very presence - my previous memories now in full remembrance.


I have finally realised yet again in the depths of my soul, that the golden plan of my destiny has at last been fulfilled.  Aeons of time have come and gone, centuries lived through, just so I could be with You.



The void in my life has been completely filled, yes, my cup over flows, awe and excitement flow through my inner being, side by side, each emotion acting as a magnet to that still higher place, from which aeons of time ago I set out on my eternal journey to give love, light and knowledge to humankind.


My pathway seemed like eternity - but with that there is no time, for such passes by as in an instant; such was the density of earth - time was felt, loved at times, endured at others.



But now, as I Stand at the Gates of Paradise, I have risen as if on Angels' wings, my cycles of life, pass their way in front of my vision, like watching an Epic film, the Akashic Records of my whole existence have yet again given me great joy, but also pain, for debits and credits have all been experienced.  I started off with a golden page, but over so many aeons of time, the good got pushed into the background at times, but overall, goodness and light prevailed.


My family, my twin-soul, loved ones through time, glide joyfully towards me, their joy is as my own, in having truly at last returned home.  That Golden Age was not a myth, it actually was, yes, and I lived, loved and breathed it then as I do now, as I Stand once more at the Gates of Paradise.   


At last my next 'journey' can begin, in worlds less dense, and in that recognition, I am ecstatic to be where I am now.

About 2004.

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We are the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace in Group Consciousness.  We also comprise the Elohim Councils of God, along with the Angelic Councils which are 12 councils in all with 12 angels within each one.  As you know, we work directly with the Divine Mother and Father God to assist in regulating the frequencies through the Rays of God along with all of the principalities of Light.  It is our Divine Pleasure to assist you in this manner.

The activations that you want information about that will be occurring in November are going to regulate the frequencies for individuals to fully accept that there is something more to their lives than just what they are feeling. All of these activations are a step into the Gateway of 12-11-12 within a preparatory stage of development.

The essence of understanding about the Mayan Calendar encompasses more than many individuals realize.  It is a potential of understanding to allow the Christed Self to be born into each human being upon the planet.  The acceleration of the planet is taking effect deeply as we speak and will continue to do more through the process.  For those that have been on this awakened state of consciousness, these dates are only going to push them into deeper levels of understanding which is the same truth for all of humanity.  The point being is that the individuals who are working within a Pathway of Mastery will step ahead of everyone else.  This means that individuals that have a knowledge and expertise are being asked to go deeper to assist other individuals.  There are actually waves of consciousness occurring within an individual at this time, but it is up to their free will in how this consciousness will appear in their lives.

There is a deep knowledge that needs to be expressed in the type of individuals that awaken unto the planet and allow that vibrational level to flow within them.

[Please see the channeled message from Albert Einstein on the Theory of Ascension & What it Means for the Public Arena which will be posted on this blog shortly or within our newsletter.]

November 11, 2012 is a day when an opportunity will present itself to individuals that want to go further into the depths of their understanding.  As always the 11:11 activations are doorways for growth and opportunity.  It is important to realize that these doorways are activated through a person’s subconscious mind to allow the conscious mind to receive the message that an opportunity is presenting itself to them.  Not all individuals truly take advantage of this opening of frequencies in the way it should be done.  There seems to be a commonplace attitude that it is just another number. We believe that many people are receiving these messages through the clocks, on signs, within the media, etc to help them be aware that an opportunity is being presented to awaken them into a new reality.

This day on 11-11 is not different except on a much deeper level.  The degrees of acceleration are increasing through openings that are being guided from the God Force.  You see, humanity needs to wake up and what a perfect opportunity to allow this to happen through a time sequence.  11:11 actually means to come into Oneness as it is represented by the binary system of 4 digits being the same.  There actually occurs a time sequence of no time to occur so the frequency stops for one second of 11:11.  Each individual that stops for that moment within 11:11 will allow their Higher Essence to access their physical creation by acting upon the frequency of the ONE.  This is why so many individuals are feeling these frequencies within their lives.

The day of 11:11:12 represents the same no-time zone.  2012 is the year of the Golden Era when more people have awakened into a new reality than has ever occurred before.  This means that the percentage of individuals in this year will see 11:11 more often.  Since November 11th is 30 days before the Gateway of the New World is opened, individuals will be prepared to awaken themselves into a deeper level of understanding than they have ever felt before.  Some may say it is a warning sign; but in actuality, it is a moment of pure acceptance that there is more to themselves than what their mind can understand.

This also is a time when each individual that chooses to have an awakening will remember the essence of their Angelic Self.  11:11 has always represented to the Angelic Presence and this day is a moment to allow that Angel That You Are to be fully activated within the body.  There will be a remembrance and allowing the thoughts and emotions of the Angel that You Are to fully embody your physical existence.  Your Angelic Timeline will then be fully activated.  It is going to be quite a very powerful moment for humanity.

It is essential for individuals to be prepared on this day to walk through another doorway of awareness by allowing their Higher Self/Highest Essence to walk with them side by side.  Now for individuals that are newly awakened, the Higher Self will present themselves in a different manner; i.e., dream states, showing the clock energies, feeling elation, joy is within them, etc.  For the other individuals that are working within their pathway of mastery, they will go deeper and will be guided not only by their Higher Self but their I AM Presence.  This is being engineered by the higher frequencies depending upon the person’s awareness.  The more that the individual has accepted their pathway and is working on their Inner self, the deeper the knowledge will come to them.  It is an appointed time of entry to prepare the physical body to receive more frequencies in preparation for the gateway December the 12th.

This entryway is also going to assist individuals to walk through the following 30 days in the altered state that they achieved on the 11-11 date in November.  It is being geared by a person’s ability to be on the pathway of Light, to accept that Light within them, to work through their initiations, and move into the deeper realms for preparation into the New World.  The ones that are not on a mastery pathway will feel more elation and also have moments of realizing that more needs to be done.  It truly is an awakening day for everyone upon the planet.

We ask that you apprise all individuals awakened and unawakened that this is a day of awakening.  It is the first doorway to walk into the entryway of 12-12-12.  Preparations need to be done for each individual person.  There will be many that will not feel anything different as this is because their bodies are numb from the pain they have endured.  This is where we are going to be assisting within the planet to help the souls that are lost from themselves.

We suggest gathering with others whether long distance or in close groups to connect with the energies that occur at 11:11, 1:11, and again at 11:11.  All increments of “one” are very important.  The best time to connect is in your 11:11 time zone and the energy will run its course throughout the day.  Meditations should be done representing the ONENESS and connecting to the GRID of the planet to put everything into motion as we commune with every one of you through this day.

We must remind individuals that this is the first activation during a 30 day cycle and going about their business during the day will cause the deflection of energies within them.  This is not something that we want as the more energies that are involved, the merrier it will be.

The 11:11 day is a pre-requisite for the activation of 11:22:12.  Many of you realize that “22” is a master number and represents the initiation process of allowing the Gateway to be fully opened within an individual’s physical consciousness that relates to Mastery.  This means that each individual that fully activates the energies within themselves with the other activations of 11:11 and the Solar Eclipse of 11:13 representing the Feminine & Masculine Divine Energies being activated, will take them into the deeper initiation process that they have been undergoing.  It does not mean that each individual is going to jump initiation phases but there will be a quickening of energies that will occur.

We just uploaded a special video meditation for the11:11 Awakening.  You may utilize this video not only for 11:11 but all the activations that are occurring through December 21st, 2012.

11:11 Awakening Meditation

In addition we are holding a special tele-call on the 11th at 11 AM Pacific.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa.  If you would like to receive our newsletter which shares our open calls for these events and more channeled writings, please do so on the website.

Expressions of the Oneness of the All,
- Elders from the Throne of Grace, Elohim Council of Light, & Angelic Councils of Oneness at your service.

We hope that you will connect with others on this day of awakening.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission is granted to share this information with this link provided.

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The Sacred Vessel - Mona Rolfe PhD

The Creation of the Children of the Breath – whole chapter:

Life is a mystery – it is the existence beyond, without, or outside the Will of God.  Those who dwell in the glorious radiance of the Place of God are part of God with an absorption of light which man in the physical body does not, and cannot, touch.


When the Divine Overplus drop by drop was caught and held to produce a being in the image of God the Father it was detached from the Being of God;  it was separated drop by drop from the radiance of God Himself.

Each one of those drops of the Overplus of Creation held within its light, power, colour, sound, being, and by itself was entirely apart from God and individual.

These drops were gathered together to form the Children of the Breath of God.  Each drop formed a being created by God within God, but outside, for that being was a living soul, and though a part of God was also a thing alone, an individual, created life.

During the hours of sleep you journey in the Place of Light, and you can only journey in that Place of Light because your heart holds that thread, that cord, which links you to God Himself.  You have many times seen small children who are not yet able to walk easily by themselves with a form of strap about their shoulders which is held by the parent or guardian.


That is exactly the image that you portray for those in the world of spirit.  You have that silver cord, the end of which is held by God, through which God supplies you with the force which is necessary to function as His child in the physical body of earth.

So when you return from the Place of Light after a night of sleep, earth’s morning wakes for you and the work of earth begins.  What is the work of earth?  It is that material work, that material task, by which you earn your bread, through which you must learn to build a sure foundation, for if you are troubled about the work of earth you walk unsteadily towards the night of sleep, and if you do not sleep you fail to link with God, and if you fail to link with God you cannot absorb into your being through the silver cord that power of light which must rest in your heart that His radiance may shine through your eyes and manifest itself through your whole being.

When you hold a child on reins you leave it to choose its path, and when God holds you and places within you the glory of Himself, He gives you freedom through the power of the will, but you can only have that freedom and use that freedom if you learn to accept your part in obedience to God.



So in your meditation when you set yourself aside from material needs and withdraw into the silence the only thing that matters is that you should submit your will to God and when you have done that, the whole of life is simple and plain.

The mind of God within man is light;  the light of God within man is mind.  It does not matter what the scientists say, mind is the God within, and only when you can use your brain in such a way that it is guided by your mind can you accept earth’s work at its full value and know and realise why God has given you life.

He has given you life that you shall learn to see one aspect of Himself as no other person can and that aspect of Himself you see through using your mind in conjunction with His, and although you are free to go where you will and to travel in whatever direction you wish you are nevertheless only free when you can submit your will to His Will through the power of your own mind.

The power of God outside you is form, and when you look at all things in life with the eyes of the spirit you see the shape of God within them because you see the purpose which God has used in their creation.  Nothing is accidental;  nothing is wasted.  You may think that a long hard day has brought you no fruit to your labour, no reward for your pains and although it may not show for many many months after, you will realise that where that labour has touched your life through God, God has manifested Himself through your work in the world of men.

So through your life on earth you live with God, in God, by God and through Him, but most essentially in Him, and when He is with you, all things are possible.  Nothing is beside or apart from the plans which you make for your earthly work, but all the plans must contain the outward consciousness of God which is form, shape, preparation, and all plans must contain the inner consciousness of God, which is mind.

After the creation of the Divine Mother aspect of God, our Father-Mother God prepared the way for the creation of the Son aspect of God.  After this third aspect of God when all was finished, He created His beloved Son, El Daoud – Daoud means ‘beloved’ and El means ‘the’ – and He called him close to His side.  He explained to him with all the glory of light which He gave him, the work which He called upon him to fulfil in His, God’s, service.

That purpose was to continue the work of creation which God had begun over a long period of time.  El Daoud had collected the Divine drops of the Overplus of light, of colour, and glory, and poured them out until they assumed at his bidding, through the bidding of the Father-Mother God, form and shape which brought into being the other etheric worlds, and when all the worlds were created, all worlds were peopled with different strata of life, the greatest light givers being those in the plane next to the God-plane and the Father-Mother God, and the lesser light givers being further away from the God-plane of the Father-Mother God.

These are the things of the spirit as our Father-Mother God ordained in the beginning, that man should have form in His image and that form should be endued with the blessed power and light of Himself through the mind of him whom He called ‘Man’.

You find yourselves today standing on a threshold.  You have learned from life a story but you have learned it the wrong way round, for you have learned the journey of man on earth and forgotten the journey of man through God to earth.  Now you are on your way back;  slowly and painfully you are accepting the troubled part of life, blessed by the love of God, holding within yourself that great creative force which He has given each one of you to use in His service in a different way from your fellow man.


Why must you obtain this knowledge with such difficulty when you would be so glad to use it?  To how many would you carry this wonderful story and forget to ask yourself whether they were ready to accept it, whether they would pour ridicule on it, whether they would go away with crooked lips, smiling, and pour ridicule upon you.  The fact that these things of the spirit are open to you means that you have been called to undertake some special work and that work is the full understanding of the cycle of life, from the drop of Divine Overplus as it left the Father’s side to its complete formation in matter in the body of flesh, and from that complete formation the development through that form of the mind of man which gave him the power to link consciously with the glory of God.  With that knowledge to plan your life in His service in purification of body and soul in preparation for the moment when you stand and face the bridge of death, that bridge of death which is to so many is a black thunderous cloud through which they are afraid to venture, from which they turn their faces and prefer to go on suffering physical pain rather than place one foot upon that bridge.

But that bridge is a glory of light;  the substance of which it is made is strong enough to hold you;  it will not let you fall for you have prepared God’s image in the form of man and you have prepared your soul through your own mind to meet the soul mind of God.

End of chapter - Mona Rolfe, The Sacred Vessel - The Creation of the Children of the Breath

(First published in 1978, still available).

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Essential Events Of 2013....

2013 Power Dates - Comprehesive Astrological Events

January 3, 4 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower. The Quadrantids are an above average shower,
with up to 40 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower usually peaks on January
3 & 4, but some meteors can be visible from January 1 - 5. The near last quarter
moon will hide many of the fainter meteors with its glare. Best viewing will be
from a dark location after midnight. Look for meteors radiating from the constellation

January 11 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and
will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 19:44 UTC.

January 27 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:38 UTC.

February 10 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun
and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 07:20 UTC.

February 25 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 20:26 UTC.

March 11 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and
will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 19:51 UTC.

March 20 - March Equinox. The March equinox occurs at 11:02 UTC. The Sun will shine
directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night
throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the
northern hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the southern

March 27 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:27 UTC.

April 10 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and
will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:35 UTC.

April 21, 22 - Lyrids Meteor Shower. The Lyrids are an average shower, usually producing
about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. These meteors can produce bright dust trails
that last for several seconds. The shower usually peaks on April 21 & 22, although
some meteors can be visible from April 16 - 25. The gibbous moon could be a problem
this year, hiding many of the fainter meteors in its glare. It will set before sunrise,
providing a short window of dark skies. Look for meteors radiating from the constellation
of Lyra after midnight.

April 25 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 19:57 UTC.

April 25 - Partial Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of
Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

April 28 - Saturn at Opposition. The ringed planet will be at its closest approach
to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time
to view and photograph Saturn and its moons.

May 5, 6 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Eta Aquarids are a light shower, usually
producing about 10 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower's peak usually occurs
on May 5 & 6, however viewing should be good on any morning from May 4 - 7. The
crescent moon will hang around for the show, but should not cause too many problems.
The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Aquarius. Best viewing
is usually to the east after midnight, far from city lights.

May 10 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will
not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 00:28 UTC.

May 10 - Annular Solar Eclipse. The path of annularity will begin in western Australia
and move east across the central Pacific Ocean.

May 25 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and
will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:25 UTC.

May 28 - Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. The two bright planets will be within
1 degree of each other in the evening sky. The planet Mercury will also will also
be visible nearby. Look to the west near sunset.

May 25 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of
North America, South America, western Europe, and western Africa. (NASA Map and
Eclipse Information [])

June 8 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will
not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 15:56 UTC.

June 21 - June Solstice. The June solstice occurs at 05:04 UTC. The North Pole of
the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its northernmost
position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees
north latitude. This is the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the northern
hemisphere and the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the southern hemisphere.

June 8 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will
not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 15:56 UTC.

June 23 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and
will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:32 UTC.

July 8 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will
not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 07:14 UTC.

July 22 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and
will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:15 UTC.

July 28, 29 - Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Delta Aquarids can produce
about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower usually peaks on July 28 & 29,
but some meteors can also be seen from July 18 - August 18. The radiant point for
this shower will be in the constellation Aquarius. The last quarter moon will be
around for the show and may hide some of the fainter meteors. Best viewing is usually
to the east after midnight.

August 6 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and
will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 21:51 UTC.

August 12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers
to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower's peak
usually occurs on August 13 & 14, but you may be able to see some meteors any time
from July 23 - August 22. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation
Perseus. The near first quarter moon will set before midnight, leaving optimal conditions
and dark skies for what should be an awesome show. Find a location far from city
lights and look to the northeast after midnight.

August 21 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 01:45 UTC.

August 27 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue planet will be at its closest approach
to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time
to view Neptune. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue dot in
all but the most powerful telescopes.

September 5 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun
and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:36 UTC.

September 19 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the
Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:13

September 22 - September Equinox. The September equinox occurs at 20:44 UTC. The
Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of
day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of fall (autumnal
equinox) in the northern hemisphere and the first day of spring (vernal equinox)
in the southern hemisphere.

October 3 - Uranus at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach
to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time
to view Uranus. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot
in all but the most powerful telescopes.

October 5 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and
will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 00:34 UTC.

October 18 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 23:38 UTC.

October 18 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will be visible throughout most
of the world except for Australia and extreme eastern Siberia. (NASA Map and Eclipse
Information [])

October 21, 22 - Orionids Meteor Shower. The Orionids is an average shower producing
about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. This shower usually peaks on the 21st,
but it is highly irregular. A good show could be experienced on any morning from
October 20 - 24, and some meteors may be seen any time from October 17 - 25. The
gibbous moon will be a problem this year, hiding all but the brightest meteors with
its glare. Best viewing will be to the east after midnight. Be sure to find a dark
location far from city lights.

November 3 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and
will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:50 UTC.

November 3 - Hybrid Solar Eclipse. The eclipse path will begin in the Atlantic Ocean
off the eastern coast of the United States and move east across the Atlantic and
across central Africa.

November 17 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 15:16 UTC.

November 17, 18 - Leonids Meteor Shower. The Leonids is one of the better meteor
showers to observe, producing an average of 40 meteors per hour at their peak.
The shower itself has a cyclic peak year every 33 years where hundreds of meteors
can be seen each hour. The last of these occurred in 2001. The shower usually peaks
on November 17 & 18, but you may see some meteors from November 13 - 20. The full
moon will prevent this from being a great show this year, but with up to 40 meteors
per hour possible, this could still be a good show. Look for the shower radiating
from the constellation Leo after midnight.

December 3 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and
will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 00:22 UTC.

December 13, 15 - Geminids Meteor Shower. Considered by many to be the best meteor
shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known for producing up to 60 multicolored
meteors per hour at their peak. The peak of the shower usually occurs around December
13 & 14, although some meteors should be visible from December 6 - 19. The radiant
point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini. The gibbous moon could
be a problem this year, hiding man of the fainter meteors. But with up to 60 meteors
per hour predicted, this should still be a good show. Best viewing is usually to
the east after midnight from a dark location.

December 17 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun
and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:28 UTC.

December 21 - December Solstice. The December solstice occurs at 17:11 UTC. The
South Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its
southernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn
at 23.44 degrees south latitude. This is the first day of winter (winter solstice)
in the northern hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the
southern hemisphere.

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We are asking everyone to utilize the following Sacred Fire invocation to co-create a worldwide field of neutralized awareness supported by streams of Divine Harmony and Illumined Peace.

Through embodied Equanimity, we are calmly living our life in the Absolute Reality of the One Consciousness.


This One Consciousness, that exists in and through everything, IS the Universal Consciousness.... that which we refer to as God.


The individualized aspect of Universal Consciousness is also referred to as... I AM THAT I AM.


There is only one identity, one entity of which we are a part.


THAT is the truth.


THAT I AM is this truth in each of us.


Remembrance of THAT I AM is the realization.

We are One Consciousness 


We are connected to every thing through a highly attuned field of energy which contains the perfected blueprint for all existence.


All life is a collection of pulsating charges that are simply repeating patterns.


The same particles of energy, over and over, one Being constantly reforming itself.


Everything is a reflecting the One Consciousness of life.


Peaceful, calm, and steady. This is the unattached nature of life.


Just flowing in the rhythm of the One Consciousness at play.

Living in the Absolute Reality


Each and every day, let's feel ourselves to be one with this awareness.


The one observing and the one being observed.


We are simply a witness, accepting everything just as it is.


We are not for or against anything, just neutral towards everything that is not of this pure awareness.


We are neutral to everything that is of the temporary world, holding no emotional charge.


When we detach, we come home to the REAL.



The NOW Moment IS the Divine Reality


This moment is all that exists, that has ever existed, or ever will exist... right now.


All is possible in this moment. Everything is available to us instantaneously.


This is the changeless, this is the REAL.


"Pure awareness"... even, steady, calm and neutral.


We create from this space




Beloved Mother-Father God, please anchor a pillar of the Platinum Cosmic Light around the entire planet. Bless this column of divine light with the power to affect spontaneous transformation and revelation in the hearts and minds of all people and all life, everywhere. I command that this pillar of Platinum Light creates and eternally sustains a field of perfect neutralized awareness, so that all may experience the Absolute Reality.

Beloved God I AM, please surge the Emerald Flames of Harmony throughout the planetary Crystalline Grid and the through the consciousness of all people on Earth. Please bring all creation into the full power and affect of Divine Harmony, balancing and stabilizing all currents of energy within the Unified Field.

Beloved I AM THAT I AM, I now call forth the Golden Flames of Illumined Peace to blaze through the Earth with the might of a thousand Suns. May the radiant light of true inner peace stream forth to and from the hearts and minds of all people, transforming all into perfect stillness and Pure Awareness. We are Masters of our Peace Commanding Presence.

By and through these mighty streams of cosmic light, may all humanity live in the peaceful knowing of the Eternal Now, moving through this world in perfect Equanimity, in absolute Harmony with the One Supreme Consciousness.


Bright blessings to us all.


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Heavenletters #3902 A Blue Star Becomes Golden Light , August 1, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3902 A Blue Star Becomes Golden Light , August 1, 2011

God said:

How do you stay humble and walk on air? Get used to walking on air. As you get used to walking on air, heights and humility will balance out. When you are in Heaven, you are humble. All the love and beauty humbles you.

Another way to say humble is to say that you are in awe. Yes, being in awe is the same as being humble. You are meant to walk on air. You are meant to fly high. You are meant to soar. You are meant to be blessed and blessed again and to know only blessing. What else, really, is there to know? A blessing is love blown your way, and you drew it to you, and now blessing is yours. Blessing becomes you like rosiness on your cheeks.

As you are blessed, it is inevitable that you bless. It is natural. It is natural that you become a blessing. You were born to Earth as a blessing from God. I installed you on Earth. I installed you exactly as I installed the stars in the night sky. The stars are lights I turned on in Heaven, and you are a light that I turned on on Earth. Never is this light turned off. It is always on. This is the Truth. I know you can’t quite conceive it, yet that is how it is. You are bright light that I cast with My hand. You are Eternal Light made by God.

Believe it or not, you are a blue star on Earth. You have valor. You are valorous. You are a blue star who becomes golden light and shines your light mightily. What did you think you were? Do not answer. You have had enough of old thinking.

Let’s look at it another way.

Every time you are inspired, you also receive responsibility. Along with all the blessings you are given comes responsibility. The more you are given, the more you have to give and the more there is for you to give.

Please do not feel responsibility as a yoke you must carry. Responsibility is a blessing. A blessing is like light that you share. How do you not share light?

We are not speaking of responsibility that you assume. We are speaking of what is natural. Natural is easy. It doesn’t even require thought. When you have a boat that crosses the river, while you are at it, you take others across with you. It takes no special effort. It just takes noticing that there are others who also want to cross the river. And if you do have a boat, you have a hand, and you have a heart, and your heart carries others across the river.

When you get up now from wherever you are sitting, you will stand tall. You will walk the Earth from the height of love. You will dance across the Earth. You will be a ballerina of love. You will be an opera star of love who sings to her heart’s content. There will be stars but no divas. You will not need any pumping up. You will already be divine and know your Divinity the way I know your Divinity. You are an imprint of God. I imprinted you with My hand. I gave you My Name and asked you to be true to yourself and, so, true to Me, true to My vision, true to My love, true to My Vastness, true to the world and true to the state of your heart.

What else is there for you to do but to be the Truth that I designated you to be? This is My Will, and it is yours.

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Heavenletters #3906 Be God’s Stand-in Today , August 5, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3906 Be God’s Stand-in Today , August 5, 2011

God said:

Hello. Howdy. How are you today? How are you looking at the world today? What are you making of it? You are influencing the world. You are making something of it.

You are making today what it is. I know that sometimes you can only think a day is thrown at you the way a clown receives a pie in his face. You are sure you are innocent of this day and have nothing to do with it. And, yet, somewhere down the line, you contributed to it, or you asked for it or voted for it.
On the other hand, it could have been someone else’s order, and yet you received it.

It is not a question of deserve. You deserve only the very best. Accept a down day the same way as you accept a lucky day. It came to you. It is yours. And now it matters what you do with it. It matters how you treat your day.

If it is a heavy day, you do not have to compound it. The solution is to carry on with as light a step as you possibly can. Even as with a most joyous day, you do not want to be carried away with it. A day is a day. It is only a day. You have had thousands of them, and where are they now?

Where are you, beloved?

Wherever you are, you sit at My doorstep. Enter. Come in. Sit beside Me. All is well.

And life is life, and life is what you make of it. This day will never come again. This is your one chance to get this day right. And what does right mean? It means to tread lightly, and to go on from here. One day leads to another, and each day is like someone passing in a crowd.

Even if today cannot be a day meant for you, it came to you, and so it is your guest, and it is for you to be hospitable. If this is not an auspicious day for you, it is still your day, and it is for you to treat it right.

A day has gone to the trouble to come to you. A day did not come to assail you. It is not always up to the day what it will bring. The day is simply like the postman who brings you the mail. He has so many people all over the world to deliver mail to. Have some consideration for the mailman.

Ask him to sit down a while and take off his shoes and rest. Treat this day as you would wish to be treated. It may not be your best day, and, yet, still, you can be at your best. You do not yet know what your best is. Regardless of the day, be higher today than you were yesterday. You are not yet a rose in full bloom. You are, indeed, a rose.

You may not have had an immediate say in the day that came to you, and yet you are a rose, and you can do as roses do.

You can be an emblem of Me. Why not? Why not speak for Me and do for Me and serve the world on My behalf? Why not be My emissary? Why be at the mercy of the winds of the day when you can be an exponent of God and brighten your life and the lives of others? Why can’t you? Why don’t you? Will you?

Let Me see you reflect the light of the Sun today. Be My stand-in today.

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Heavenletters #3909 Have a Good Time Today, August 8, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3909 Have a Good Time Today, August 8, 2011

God said:

Have a good time today. Decide ahead of time that you will. Enough of this trying to figure everything out. Enough of trying to put everything in place. Life in the world does not stay in place. You may think it ought to, yet it doesn't. There is not a second on Earth that is not moving right along.

Have a good time today. Enjoy every microcosm of life today. It is your life to enjoy.

I don't mean that you have to have a rip-roaring time. I mean for you to take pleasure in the day.

Enjoy, enjoy. Enjoy the weather even when it rains. Would you deny the earth rain? Would you really insist only on sunshine? Would you really prefer that there were no hot or cold? Would you really prefer a world without snow or a world without deserts?

Would you not include forests and plains in the world?

You might say you would prefer a world without insects or wild animals or anything that might disturb your sleep.

Would you really want a world of only superlative books? A world of only wisdom? Would you really want a world of sure-fire events, a world predicated on your common sense? Responsibly, would you?

Would you demand your idea of perfection from the outer world? Would you insist on perfection from yourself? Why, dear ones, you would hardly be able to make a move. Better to embrace even folly or your tripping on the carpet. You may wish aspects of yourself to disappear, yet would you really?

Be glad for what you are glad. Be glad you are young or you are old. Be glad with whatever life puts before you. There is something good here. Even in a jungle there is a lot that is good. I will go so far as to say that it is all good. It is good for a jungle to be a jungle.

It is good for you to be a human being on Earth with all your foibles. Foibles have a place in life. Would you really keep them out? Would you eliminate them? Would you make everyone exactly the same in every area?

Where it matters, seen or unseen, everyone is the same. Love your idiosyncrasies. Love them ardently.

Don't try to be like everyone else, and don't try to make everyone else like you. Hands off.

There are many flavors of food and many styles of cooking. Rather than limit yourself, expand.

However, if you tend to be rigid, encourage yourself to be flexible. Do not get so set in your ways. Do not get so set in your thoughts. Do not get old before your time. Or do not get old at all. If something can be one way, it can be another. Keep your heart and mind open. Allow life in. Allow in every drop. Let in opportunity. Make opportunity your handmaiden.

As much as you think you may know, you do not know as much as you think. Rather be a discoverer than one who knows how everything has to be.

I tell you that life is as it is, and I tell you to enjoy, and I tell you to enjoy even your idiosyncrasies, and yet I tell you to expand. If life is ever-expanding, then you too must expand. Enjoy everything about you and keep growing. You are not meant to grow old. You are not meant to be set in your ways. Find a way to grow and so be ever young.

It is good to be who you are, and it is good to be growing. You can have both.

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Heavenletters #3913 (fr) As You Pour, So Will You Discover, August 12, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3913 (fr) As You Pour, So Will You Discover, August 12, 2011

God said:

Speak to Me of love. Leave off searching. Give up. Tell Me how many times you give love, love which is countless, and yet which can be gathered. Speak to Me of love, the indelible love in your heart. Sow it. Sow it bountifully and not even think of reaping.

You are a giver of love and nothing less. You are privileged to be able to give love, even where love seems to be not. Love is not one-way, and yet you are to be concerned only with love from your heart. That is clear, isn't it? Your concern is the love you give out, not what reaches you.

Love yourself enough so that you will give great love for the sake of giving what I ask you to do and what is yours to do for the sake of all. It is gratifying to give, so be glad that you can give. Your name is Giver. A giver carries grace. He delivers grace, and he delivers on My behalf. My behalf is also your behalf. All I have I give to you, and you give it back to Me through varied avenues. How many ways can you send love back to Me and through how many Earth ones can you do it?

In one fell swoop, you can send love to everyone on the planet Earth. You can do it right now. You can send your love out everywhere in one titanic wave of love. An ocean doesn't keep his love to himself. An ocean knows he is for all. An ocean gives his waves, and, so, many ride on him. You could say that those the ocean gives to are the ones who keep him afloat. The ocean gives, and his waves reach to Heaven.

Are you not the ocean? Are you not the water of love sparkling? And do you not lap the shores?

And do you not carry ships across? And do you not fill up the pails with water for the children? Are you not the mud-maker? And do you not let the sun shine on you and sparkle your waves?

Who would not like to be the ocean who gives himself so generously and tirelessly. You never saw an ocean get tired of giving, did you? The ocean, guided by the moon, pulls back on its arrow only to gather more of itself and then to burst forth, itself the shining sea, itself the bounding main, itself churning itself so that all may float on it.

Does the great ocean, any more than any Great One, add numbers up? Does he keep credits and balances? Does he regulate the flow of himself? He is the ocean and he is the roar of it. Surf's up!

The ocean needs only himself and himself to give. The ocean never diminishes himself by giving. He replenishes himself by giving.

Give love generously. Tip well. Be a big spender of love. If you are not feeling love this minute, give it anyway. No longer analyze your love and how you don't feel it enough. Give it, and you will feel it.

Stop thinking about it, and you will have it. You are not meant to place your orders for love. You are meant to fill orders for love.

An ocean does not go dry. Perhaps you are fanning yourself too much. Give this mysterious love away, and you will know it. Get off the lounge chair you are lying in. Change your position.

When you take your money out of your purse, that is when you see it. Spill love out. You will never empty the bucket. As you pour, so will you discover.

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Heavenletters #3916 In Good Company, August 15, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3916 In Good Company, August 15, 2011

God said:

Will you accept Me as God? What if you did? What if you simply gave your allegiance to Me and gave up discomfort and all your questioning? Why must you prove Me and prove yourself? Let Us shake hands and close the deal once and for all. Let Us be One in Our hearts. Join your heart to Mine. Hold My hand forevermore. Let Us be happy that We are One and One for Eternity.

We have never been just on a short ride around the block. We have been on a great journey where length is not measured yet is never-ending. We are the swell of the Ocean Waves. We are One on land or sea. We are One Wonderful Self permeating in waves and waves that celebrate Our Oneness.

We merge as the Ocean merges with the waves, and the waves are never unmerged from the Ocean.

Ah, Oneness, as seen from Earth, is twofold. But, of course, One is One not two.

What did you think life was about?

Never mind the details. We travel Life together, and there is no getting off. We are pledged to One another even though there is no other. Other is only a manner of speech. It is a wording. In Oneness, there is no other. In Truth, there is no other. You can't have other and Oneness. You have Oneness and no other.

You are Oneness. Yes, you, who huffs and puffs in the world. Yes, you, who doesn't really know what you're doing from moment to moment even as there are no moments, only Eternity which is momentless. There is no roller coaster. You may think you're on it, yet you are singularly in My heart. If I am stillness, then you are too. We are as silent as a mountain, and We are as boundless as love, for We are one entwined love. We have grown to love, and Our Oneness loves and loves. Petals of Our love fall to Earth, and Our One Heart rises infinitely.

Nothing exists but Oneness. There is nothing in the whole wide world but Our Love, My love and your love that are One Supreme Love even when there is nothing to be supreme over. We are an ecstasy of Oneness. In stillness, there is a pulse, and We embrace Our Oneness like nothing else, for there is nothing else.

All the ramifications in life that you see are nothing but ramifications of Oneness, so Oneness can look at itself bemusedly. Life is a lot of display. It is merchandizing. It is a still life seeming to move. In the greatest activity, there is stillness. Water starts to boil, and there is bubbling of the still waters, yet water remains water. Even frozen, water is still water. There is a variation called ice, but ice is water. No doubt about that. Frozen water is still water.

No matter appearances, you and I, We are Oneness. I am Oneness. There is you then in that case. You are not separate from Me. Of course, you think you are, but that is only a thought. Thoughts are a dime a dozen. We, on the other hand, are One, One indivisible Love. That is the long and short of it.

That is all that there is. And what a Oneness that is. It is unforgettable, and yet it has been forgotten.

Forgotten, but not lost. Forgotten and yet remembered like a familiar sun or a star twinkling in the distance of which there is none either. No distance, no time in space, Oneness Alone, and, yet, in good company.

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Heavenletters #3936 When an Arrow Has Landed in Your Heart, September 4, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3936 When an Arrow Has Landed in Your Heart, September 4, 2011

God said:

On Earth, it is not that this one is right and that one is wrong. Of course, that's what you think. More often that the other is wrong and you are right. You are both right from individuated point of view. And you are both mistaken. You are not asked to be right. You are not asked to prove your rightness or anyone else's wrongness. You are asked to be gentle with your brothers and sisters. You are meant to be generous with the family of man on Earth. And all are your family.

So long as you take offense, so long as you read attack into another's words, it is unlikely that you can be generous and gentle. You take a military stance. You feel you are protecting your life's space. I once spoke of your being a lady or gentleman in all your interactions. It is not good manners to take offense at what is said around you. I am not asking you to fake good manners. I am asking you to come from a higher place than you may presently come from.

In all actions and reactions, people are revealing themselves. They are not revealing you. When others reveal hostility, they are directing it to themselves. Ultimately, this is how it is. They are trying to get rid of the hostility they carry by putting it on you. By the same token, when you see their swords of anger as directed at you, even as they evidently are pointed at you, then you also are revealing yourself and your own lack of self-love. Words do hurt you. When someone's words hurt you, have you not taken their hot potato as yours? They cannot really pass it on to you. Only as you accept it and take it as your own, can they.

If someone sees you as a bad guy, and you take it to heart, you have some doubts about yourself that another has rubbed you the wrong way, and now you are inflamed at the other. You are the one to take offense into your heart. Who said you had to?

You are right in this: No one has the right to hurt you, on whatever level you are hurt on. And you have no right to take offense, even when offense is meant. Someone who was hurt identified you as the cause of his hurt. And you have done just the same, identified another as the cause of your hurt.

It is not that you are to become thick-skinned. It is that you are not to be thin-skinned. You are not to buy, even for a moment, others' appraisals of you. You are meant to rise above where they would place you. Even when others mean to lay you low, you don't need to accept their lack of faith in themselves and make it your own.

Remember that I am your foundation. Others' perceptions are not. Have you made others' opinions your foundation? Have you made others your steering wheel? Are you not your own free-wheeling person free to accept what you wish to accept and free to not be swayed by what you don't want to be swayed by?

Accept what I tell you and not so much what others may say to you.

The time for hurt and hard feelings is over.

What foolishness it is for you to occupy your heart and mind with hurt and hard feelings. When an arrow has landed in your heart, intentionally or not, pull it out. It is your heart. And your heart is made for love and nothing but love. You can do it. You have to do it. Do it now. Pull out the bits and pieces that may be blocking your love right now.

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Heavenletters #3937 You Are the Sun , September 5, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3937 You Are the Sun , September 5, 2011

God said:

A caterpillar doesn't resist being transformed into a butterfly, and yet you resist your own transformation. In your case, it is not really so much a transformation as it is removing old layers that have kept you hidden, even from yourself. And so you may resist taking off your old familiar bathrobe and serapes and shawls you have covered yourself with. You can't hide your bright light forever. You have never hidden it from Me.

Why hide that which is the most beautiful of all? Why not be a butterfly?

Your days of being a bumbling caterpillar are over. Now you are going to fly. Bared of the old cloaks, you are going to be as light as air, and you are going to light up the whole world. Think of it, your light going on all over the world. You will be waking everyone up to the bright light they have held back on.

Your light is not dim. Your light is bright. Only you have covered it up. You are a bright candle, so now let your light be seen.

What choice do you have, dear ones? You have the choice to brighten the world or to cast shadows upon it. Take a stand. If you wish to represent Me, then represent Me. Instead of casting shadows of doubt or negativity or whatever, cast out old thoughts that darken life on Earth. Jump out and let your light be seen. You can't hide your light forever. You were born to be king or queen. No longer can you hide in the crowds. Now you come forward and accept your crown. I dub you now the bright light that you always have been. Bright light, stand up. Come forward and accept what you were born for.

From this day forward, you will acknowledge yourself as bright light. You will come out from under the eaves and reveal the light that you are.

If you don't know where to begin, then I will tell you. No more old thinking. When an old thought appears, replace it with a new thought.

If you have previously thought that you are not worth much really, now say that you are worth a great deal.

If you have previously thought that you were not lovable, now say that you are lovable and how much you love yourself.

Negative thinking is old thinking. There has been a preponderance of old thinking on Earth, and that is going to change now. You are going to change it. And you change it by stepping out of the past and putting on a pair of new shoes. They are spanking new shoes, and you can only dance in them, and you can only speak truth in them. In these new shoes, you can only glisten. You can only step out of the old shadow of yourself, for you now recognize your bright light and hide it no longer.

You are a bright star from Heaven who has alit on Earth. Where did you think you came from if not from Heaven? You are still from Heaven. You were Heaven-sent, and now you are rising to Heaven, and you pull the entourage of the world along with you. You are not an idler here on Earth.

You are a proponent for Earth. As you dance on Earth, you lift up the world as you would the hem of a ball gown, and you raise Earth to Heaven so that darkness disappears and only the sun shines on Earth. You are the sun that shines. Do not deceive yourself that you are a cloud. Clouds burst, and you have burst out of cloud-consciousness now into starlight-consciousness, into moon-consciousness, into sun-consciousness.

You are the sun.

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Heavenletters #3941 The Garden of Hearts , September 9, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3941 The Garden of Hearts , September 9, 2011

God said:

I pat the seat beside Me. This seat is for you. I have been saving it for you. Come, sit down beside Me. Do as I ask. Gladden My heart. Of course, your heart will be the most gladdened of all. You are invited to the garden of My heart. It is all tilled and waiting for you to come and blossom for all the world to see, for you to see, for you to see how much you mean to Me, and how much you are worth to yourself. See now.

Come, sit beside Me, and bring the world into its new blossoming. Help the world to know its worth. Neglect not the world. The Earth is the only planet you have to live on right now. I am talking about the relative world. This is the only world under your feet at this time, and your influence on this innocent Earth is great. You have a relationship with this manifest world. You are not independent of it, nor is it independent of you. There is something going on between you. Let it be a romance going on between you. Let the Earth be like a blossoming plant you put at the center of your table and love to see. Bless this Earth with your presence.

Why wouldn't you bless the Earth you live on? Bless it now. Bless it later. Bless it. Give the world your blessings. Bless life on Earth. The Earth you live and love on has been good to you. Don't kick it.

Don't despair of it. Bless it. Thank it. If you don't like the way your beloved child combs his hair, comb it differently then. The Earth is as your beloved child and it yearns for your love.

It is not quite possible to separate your life on Earth from the Earth itself. This is the planet you cohabit. Restore it to its original state. Plant seeds of love everywhere. When you nourish one foot of the soil of the Earth, you nourish the whole planet. Your neighborhood rests on this planet and the planet rests on you. Its happiness right now rests on you. Nourish this world with your thoughts.

Nourish it lavishly. Pour your blessings upon it.

Tear down the fences in your heart.

A trodden lot of Earth, dried up and neglected, can become the Garden of Eden. First it becomes the Garden of Eden in your heart, and then it reveals itself in all its glory. Who will plant a new seed first?

Let everyone be first. Be the first to pat the soil and invited beauty to come, just as I pat this seat beside me. As loving as I am to you, be as loving to the Earth and the face it presents to you.

The Earth is more than the sum of its parts, and yet you can nourish the parts. You can extol them.

You can create the beauty you so desire, and you can create the good will you have long been seeking.

You walk the Earth. Let Us walk the Earth together. It is good to plant in fertile soil. And if the soil is presently not fertile, then make it fertile. Make it healthy. Let your feet and hearts bless this Earth you walk on, and so you bless yourself.

Bless the house you live in. Earth is the house you live in. Make it beautiful. Make it beautiful for you, and make it beautiful for all to see. What you are really planting is good fortune. That you serve is your good fortune.

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Heavenletters #3944 Where Did You Spring From?, September 12, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3944 Where Did You Spring From?, September 12, 2011

God said:

The stars shine down on you, and you look up at the stars. Your eyes follow the stars, and the stars follow you. You and the stars are destined for each other. You are meant for each other. The stars follow you, and you follow the stars. The Magi followed the stars, and the stars led them to a holy birth, holy because the baby blossomed into the man. He was not someone for whom it could be said: "What he could have been." He became what he could have been. He became a bright light that the stars looked upon, and he lighted up the world simply because he was.

And so must you. Attach your heart to the stars and you will wonders perform. You are a wonder. You are here to bless the Earth and all those who cohabit the Earth will you. With every step you take is to bless the Earth your feet walk on. There is a straight line between you and the stars. The stars pull you, and, as though you are harnessed to the stars, you pull them. You look up at the stars, and the stars look at you. They shine on you as you shine on the stars. It is all reciprocal, isn't it? The stars give as good as they get, and you spark the stars.

It is as though you are a drum majorette. At the top of your baton are the stars you whirl, and you whirl the stars fluently. You and the stars have a language of your own. You are both whirling in space, whirling, whirling, as you communicate back and forth. You lead one another. Stars in the sky and stars on Earth, the stars and you.

This is romance. This is romance at its highest. The stars pluck you from Earth. There is a light exchange. And you pluck the stars. With the light bright between you, the Earthly Stars become the Heavenly Stars, and from what vantage is it known which are which when light shines forth so brightly? The stars warm your heart, and the stars twinkle. You do have an infinity with the stars, and yet it is not one way. Not at all. Everything has an influence on everywhere, and you influence the stars. You are as important as the stars. And the stars are not there for nothing.

The stars reflect My light, and you reflect My light. My light is reflected, and you and the stars and the rest of the galaxies reflect Me. There is nothing else to reflect.

And, so, in your reflection, I am reflected on Earth. Whose light is the sun's if not Mine? And whose light is yours if not Mine? My light belongs to all, and you who stand in the threshold of My light, are the sparklers of it.

Shine, o beautiful soul, shine on.

You are the harvest moon as well. And you are the dew that falls, or does it rise up from the center of the Earth to moisten the Earth's coverlet?

Where did you spring from if not from My heart?

And where did the stars spring from if not from My heart?

And where did everything spring from if not from My heart?

And where did you spring from, and where are you going if not to My heart?

Where else is there to go but My heart? What else is there to find but My heart. What are you looking for if not My heart? And My heart dwells in yours, and you dwell in Mine, and so the prince and the princess are united, and the stars blink in joy at the marriage of hearts and stars and all the sundry Creation.

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Heavenletters #3948 Be of Good Cheer, September 16, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3948 Be of Good Cheer, September 16, 2011

God said:

Nothing is to overtake your peace of mind. Your peace of mind is meant to be inviolate. As it is, you let every Tom, Dick, and Harry overcome your peace. You let every car trouble, computer trouble, any kind of headache you can think of, take over. Are you aware of this? Are you aware that you have been specializing in disturbance?

Of course, you believe that assaults on your peace come from outside you, when it is you who holds the gun. It is you who warns yourself: "Trouble coming. Trouble has arrived. You have a snag in your stocking. Pull out the army of emergency support. Stop this assault even after it has occurred. Worry it to death."

It is as if you barricade yourself from trouble by focusing on it. You chew the bone of contention until you are ragged. Oh, your car won't start, and your car's not starting becomes the takeover of the century. It is one thing that your car doesn't start. It is another that makes it a tragedy and the winner of your peace.

You are the aggravator, not the car. The car is one thing. It is a humble event. It is you who makes it the worst predicament you have ever been in since the last one you exaggerated. Make it the last.

Nothing is to ruffle you. Nothing is to disturb your peace. Your car's breaking down, no matter how huge it seems to you at the moment, is a little trickle in your life. It is not a wound. It is not monumental. Cars break down. Your computer won't start. Your ice cream cone drops. Where is your balance in life? It is not life that gets out of hand. It is you. It is you who makes little things big.

Reduce little things to size. The little things that you make big are little branches. Let them float downstream on the river of life. You are not to carry them on your back.

Be impartial about niggling events. Little events are not meant to be made big events. If peace is the foundation of your life, why do you shake your very foundation?

If peace were a room you live in, you have cluttered your room with an accumulation of socks with holes in them until you may even believe that socks are out to get you. No more throwing socks on your floor, beloveds. No more clutter of what is nothing at all.

Is aggravation more important to you than peace? Do you value aggravation more? It must be that you do, or you would not favor it so. You would not favor it over peace at all. Keep the peace, beloveds. Be vigilant about peace. Lay down your arms. Untense your heart. Declare peace your modus operandi. Declare peace, and never deviate from it. Peace is always at hand. It is always available to you. Choose it. Let go of what is not peace. Choose peace. Peace is rightfully yours.

Aggravation is your own invention. Imagine something else.

Imagine a polar bear lolling in the snow. Be a lumbering polar bear.

Imagine a puppy who plays. Forsake obstacles. Leap over them. Get to the other side.

Be a playful puppy.

Imagine a child of God. That's who you are. Don't be a wraith. Bet on yourself. Bet on life. You are not in a high-stakes' game. You are in a little game. It is not so serious as you have thought.

Be of good cheer. No matter what gets in your way, be of good cheer.

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Heavenletters #3951 God's Beloved, September 19, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3951 God's Beloved, September 19, 2011

God said:

When you think you have nowhere to turn, turn to Me. When you have a dozen places to turn, still turn to Me. I never want you to go through that which you call suffering. I don't want you to go through suffering of any dimension. When you are going through what you go through, whether big or little, your suffering hurts the same. Why suffer? I am not called the Great Comforter for nothing. Turn to Me. Turn not aside from Me. Do not throw up your hands.

Have recourse in Me. Give Me a chance to ease your heart. Your heart is not meant for aching. Your heart is meant for enjoining and enjoying. Join with Me. Pledge allegiance to Me. Choose Me over suffering any day. Choose Me. Choose Me now.

There is no point to your suffering. It is an indulgence, beloveds. It is self-indulgence. Get up from the bed of nails you have lain down on. Sit up straight. Stand up. Move away from self-torment. You have been throwing hot coals at your feet. You have been slowing yourself down. You have been entrapping yourself in hot tar. You have been burning your heart. You could be loving yourself instead.

Arise. Do somersaults. Leap. Leap out of the past and make way for now. A moment ago is the past. Unfetter yourself from the past of even a moment ago. Do not bang your head against the wall. Move away from futility. Become a resource to yourself. Be a resource to Me.

You can rely on Me. I would also like to rely on you. I would like you to work for Me. Can you give up yourself for a little while, and serve Me with happiness? Your suffering serves no one. Your frustration serves no one. And I ask you to serve Me. Think of Me. Serve yourself some solace.

When attention on an aspect of your life causes you discomfort, unhappiness, hopelessness, despair and so on, note that it is your attention. There are better places to put your attention. Take your attention off what is ailing you. Remove your attention. Climb another step. Look out from a different window. Find another view. Give up despair.

When you don't like a street you walk down, choose another street. If one street is marked Suffering, and another is marked Forget About Yourself for a While, which street do you choose? What avenue of life are you going to stay on? Is it not your choice?

Come to Me. At the very least, come to Me. Open your heart to Me. You have opened your heart wide to woe and trouble. Is it so hard to open your heart to Me? Is it so hard to lay down your troubles and sit with Me? We will have a sip of tea for a while. Not only will you forget your troubles, they will no longer exist. When you are no longer troubled, where are your troubles? They only exist as you say so. This and that may have happened, yet they are not to plague you. You have been plaguing yourself. You have been the trouble-maker. It is you who has sorted events in life and put them in a slot named Trouble. Put troubles aside. Do not claim them. Leave them off your list. Just let them go.

You have Me. Whatever else transpires in the world, you have Me. What can the matter be, for I am with you. I hold your hand and I lead you to Heaven. Don't look back. Look at Me. I am holding you in love. Stay with Me. Wander not from Me. I will keep you on an even keel, for you are My beloved.

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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that independence is your soul's natural state, and
Freedom is another name for God.

The Divine is that which is totally free, all the time.

Nothing constricts It, nothing limits It, nothing stops
It or prohibits It or denies It in any way.
You are exactly the same. Your soul is nothing
more than an Individuation of Divinity...and it is
absolutely nothing less. Act as if you are divinely
free today -- and watch your life change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that disappointment is your thought that God doesn't
know what God is doing.

That, of couse, is impossible. So try to not be
disappointed in anything. Know that life is showing up
perfectly in every moment.

Today's disappointment could be tomorrow's springboard
to all that you've ever wanted. In fact, it probably is.

You will not have to think very hard to know exactly
why you received this message today...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that without knowing who you are and why you are
here, life has no meaning.

Seek, then, to study the questions. Work to experience
the grandest answers. Who You Are is an Individuation
of Divinity. Why you are here is to demonstrate that.

Today is going to offer you a perfect chance to do that.

Watch. Listen. Before the end of this day,
you will have a chance to be Divine.

Indeed, someone is counting on you to.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the fastest way to learn something is to teach it.

Do not wait, therefore, until you "know all about it" or
have "mastered" what you wish to share before you
begin to share it.

The world needs more of what you wish to learn
more of. So teach. Share. Help others. And do not
worry so much about what you "don't know." Worry
about what you don't do. Because you are robbing us
while you are waiting to become an "expert."

You know exactly why you heard this today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that he who eats till he is sick, must fast till he is well.

That is a Hebrew proverb, and it has to do with a lot
more than food. Look to see what behaviors you are
indulging in over and over again that are clearly not
serving you. Then, go on a "bad habit diet."

I mean it. I'm not kidding, Pick one bad habit, one
bad behavior a day for five days. You can do this.

Stop doing the stuff you're doing that obviously
does not serve you--or others.

This friendly "nudge" came from your Self, you know...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you have only just begun to discover your

This period of your life marks a New Beginning. You
can feel it. And you have only just begun to know the
treasure and the glory of You. And you have only just
begun to make your Real and Lasting Contribution.

So step into this day with zest and zeal! Go now and
give your gift. We're all waiting for you. And we need
the wonder of Who You Are.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that no effort is ever wasted, although some pay
dividends later than you think.

Do not imagine that you "wasted your time" because
something didn't turn out right. There is no such thing
as "waste" in the Universe. Everything -- everything --
yields benefit.

It's true. And your life will show you this. So don't
decry the "effort that failed." All things lead to your
highest good. You just may not know it yet.
You know even now why you just read this...

Love, Your Friend

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there are no guarantees in life...except that all
things happen for God's best reason.

If you need to know in advance that everything will
"work out" before you jump in, you'll never jump into

Yet "jumping in" is life's greatest excitement, its grandest
adventure. Don't deny yourself that. Just go for it. Trust
that Life will bring you benefit no matter what happens.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that imagination is your greatest gift. Do not be afraid
to use it.
Imagine yourself as being okay right now. Totally okay.

Imagine yourself as Whole, Complete, and Perfect. With
nothing to change, nothing to "improve."

Imagine your heart as being open again, your life as if it
were starting over in the most important ways.

Can you imagine this?

Then you have just created Tomorrow.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that fear is one of the main sources of cruelty. To
conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Bertrand Russell said that, and he was right.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said, "Fear and guilt are the only
enemies of man." She was right, too.

And Franklin Roosevelt famously said,
"We have nothing to fear but fear

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life is about your soul, not about your body and
not about your mind.

Most people work hard to keep the body happy. Then
they seek to stimulate their mind. Then...if there is time...
they look after their soul. Yet the most beneficial priority
has it just the other way around.

When was the last time you paid attention to your soul?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that earthly possessions are not what you came here
to gather.

Do not worry about your earthly possessions. Place
your attention on your heavenly goal--the evolution of
your soul--and you will find peace even while on earth.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the events of this very day will move you closer
to God.

That is what they were designed to do, and you will
experience them doing just that if you will allow
yourself to.

It is all a matter of opening your eyes to what is really
happening (as opposed to what it looks like is
happening). Judge not by outward appearances.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.

The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.

The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your security is guaranteed through the sharing
of your love.

The peace and safety for which you yearn is not a
matter of food, clothing, and shelter. It is a matter of
love. Love and be loved, and all else will be added
unto you.

The world will perform its magic when you step into
yours. That is the promise of God, and it will be kept.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that life will resolve itself in the process of life itself.

Let the moment play itself out. Try to not push the river.

Life knows what It has in mind. Trust Life.

It is on your side.

Do you know how I know? You are still here.

How much more proof do you need?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can be happy right here, not tomorrow, not
in ten minutes, but now. You can be happy right now.

Byron Katie said that, and she is right. Happiness is
allowing yourself to be okay with what is, rather than
wishing for, and bemoaning, what is not.
Obviously, what is is what is supposed to be, or it
would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life.

Somewhere along the way you will have to learn to
just Trust Life. (Read that, "Trust God.")

Why not start today?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that rushing around to fix everything, or to "get ready,"
is not going to do you more good.

Move resolutely, but don't rush. There's a difference.

Rushing removes resolution, often replacing it with
panic or irrationality or, at best,
not well thought-out choices.

So keep moving. Don't stop. But don't rush. Don't
race around. Sure and steady gets you there
every time.

You know exactly why you received this message.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that it is better to do now what you will have to do

You know, right now, what you will have to do
eventually. Your stomach is telling you right now.

You just don't want to have to listen to it; don't
want to believe it.

Believe it. The tummy knows. How many times in
your life must you prove this to yourself?

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that every day--nay, every moment--
you will have a chance to be Right or
to be Love.

Your choice will define who you are.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that any frustration you have is simply the result of
wrong thinking.

If you were thinking rightly you could not possibly
imagine that anything was going 'wrong.' You would
know that nothing in the Universe is working against
you. By definition, given Who You Are,
this is impossible.

Move, then, to gratitude when you encounter your
frustrations. And see every event as an Opportunity.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another
is betrayal nonetheless. It is the Highest Betrayal.

You are not avoiding betrayal by betraying yourself, you
are merely choosing whom to betray. In fact, there is no
such thing as "betrayal." There is only the truth,
finally spoken.

That is not betrayal at all. That is love.

For another, and for yourself.

Can you love that much?

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you will benefit enormously if you simply strive to
be a good person. Strive to live rightly.

This will not always be easy. It will require real work,
real dedication, real commitment to the Journey of Your
Soul. Yet in the end, I trust in God that it will be so very
worth it, for the reward is Self Realization.

To know the Self as Who You Really Are is the goal
and the opportunity of each lifetime. To expand your
definition of that is the invitation.

I admire and deeply respect and salute you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that Freedom is Who You Are.

'Freedom' is but another word for 'God.' It has been
difficult to find words in human language to describe
That Which God Is, but 'Freedom' is one of them.

Another word to describe God is...You.

You and God are One. Therefore you, too, are Free.

Free to make choices, free to select your reactions
and responses to life, free to be your authentic Self.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that true ambition is not what you thought it was.

Bill, the man who co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous,
said that, and he was right. "True ambition," he said, "is
the profound desire to live usefully and walk humbly
under the grace of God."

What is your ambition for today? What is on the top
of your priority list? What are you hoping to do today?

What are you hoping to be?

Your answer to this question will create not just the
day, but you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that love tolerates human foibles, faults, and failings.

When someone does something you don't like, try
toleration. Tell them in your nicest way that you do
not feel good about what occurred or what was said,
but try hard not to cold-shoulder them, and block
them out of any warm connection with you.

All you teach them by that is to be afraid of you -- by
making them afraid of losing you...or at least the warmth
of their connection with you. This is, of course, what
some people say God does to us...

Give people the same break you would like God (and
other people, for that matter) to give you.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that most dramatic conflicts are perhaps those
that take place not between men, but between a man
and himself.

Author Mark Moustakas said that, and he was right.

If we can win the struggle within -- the struggle that
Muslims call jihad -- we can win this human race.

What are you battling with right now? What unwanted
habit? What undesireable behavior? What old pattern?

Claim victory over these, and your entire life can change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the word salvation in the Bible means perfect
health, harmony, and freedom.

Emmet Fox said that, and he was right. These things
are the will of God for man, he said,
and he was right again.

When you ponder how to achieve your 'salvation,'
make sure you understand, first, what 'salvation' is.

We are seeking here to save ourselves from our own
misunderstandings about Life and How It Is, and
about Who We Really Are.

Move into the fullness of your True Identity, and
watch your whole life change.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that being "right" has nothing to do with it.

The idea that you call "right" is the idea that someone
else calls "wrong." The solution that you call "perfect"
is the solution that another calls "unworkable." The
position that you feel is unassailable is the very
position that others assail.

What will solve all of this? Not attack, that's for sure.

And not defense, either. So what is left? Simple human
love. The kind of love that says, "It doesn't matter who
is right or wrong. It only matters that you are not hurt.

And that we both can benefit. All true benefits are mutual."

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can only succeed, you cannot fail.

Failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a
failure. Nothing. Everything moves the human story,
and hence the process of evolution, forward.

Everything advances you on your journey.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that a hunch is angel talk, and
probably should not be ignored.

Listen to your hunches, pay attention to your intuition,
do not dismiss your random thoughts, inspirations or
ideas. Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches. Angels
whisper fast. They have to when they're flying around...
Honor your Hints from Heaven.

They could be giving you the best advice
you ever had.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing is ever solved, or created, by standing still.

Movement is the process of the Universe. So move.

Do something. Anything.But do not stand still.

Do not remain"on the horns of a dilemma." Do not fence sit.

Put your foot down on one side or the other,
swing the opposite leg over and start walking.

You'll know before you take ten steps if
you're going in the right direction.

Not to decide is to decide.

Try to not make choices by default.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that "Why is this happening?" is the most useless
question in the Universe.

The only really profitable question is, "What?" As in,
"What do I choose now?" This question empowers.

The "why" question simply perplexes, and rarely
satisfies even when it gets a good answer.

So don't try to "figure it out." Stop it. Just focus on
what you now wish to create. Keep moving forward.

There's nothing behind you that can possibly serve
you better than your highest thoughts about tomorrow.

Love, Your Friend....

Read more…

DailyOm – Choosing Loving Care

March 16, 2011

Choosing Loving Care

Extra Weight

If we make food choices from a place of love and awareness we will nurture ourselves with the foods our body really needs.

Our bodies are like living temples, and deserve all the love and care we can give them. Amazingly flexible and strong, they allow us to experience the world. If we notice that we’re not feeling our best, that we’ve put on extra weight, or that our favorite clothes don’t fit, we can make the choice to be good to ourselves in a new way today.

There are times we become conscious of a deeper hunger that will not be satisfied physically. We can make a new, healthier choice for ourselves in any moment, regardless of the hour, day, week or month. And when we make the choice lovingly, we work from a creative place of improving our lives and nurturing the best within us, so there is no need to punish ourselves. From this place, we can be gently honest with ourselves about the reasons we want to eat certain foods. We can reach out to doctors to help us determine if our bodies are out of balance at a level that requires something other than basic nutrients. We can also reach out to our friends for support and to share the journey of health, which is just another part of our adventure on the physical plane.

When we treat ourselves and our bodies as we would a trusted and loyal companion, we keep our energy free from negative thoughts that would complicate our journey. Our bodies are not our enemies, and we are not fighting a battle. Instead, we are investing our love and attention into the care and support of a beautiful creation—our selves.




DailyOm – Accepting Our Calling

March 17, 2011

Accepting Our Calling


When we accept our divinity we no longer question whether we are worthy because we know that we here for a purpose.

The issue of worthiness may come up in many areas of our lives, as we ask, often unconsciously, whether we are worthy of success, love, happiness, and countless other things, from supportive relationships to a beautiful home. In the end, though, it all comes down to one thing: our willingness to claim our space in this life as humans on this planet at this time. When we accept our divinity, we no longer question whether we are worthy, because we know that we are meant to be here to fulfill a particular purpose, a purpose that no one other than us can fulfill.

There are no replacements who can take over and live our lives for us, no other person who has had the experiences we have had, who has access to the same resources and relationships, who carries the same message to share with the world. Our purpose may be large or small, and in most cases it is multi-leveled, with important actions taking place on the interpersonal level, as well as in terms of the work we do in the world. Small acts of kindness share the stage with large acts of sacrifice, and only through accepting and honoring our divinity can we know what we are called to do and when.

Ultimately, we are all equally, exactly, completely worthy of being here in this life. Moreover, we are all essential to the unfolding plan of which we are each one small, but important, part. If we suffer from low self worth, it is because we have lost track of understanding this truth, and allowing it to guide our actions in the world. Seeing ourselves as part of something larger, as beings called to serve, is the ultimate cure for feelings of unworthiness. In the end, it’s not about evaluating ourselves as worthy or unworthy, so much as it’s about accepting that we have been called here to serve and taking the steps required to listen and respond to what our lives are asking us to do.





DailyOm – Seeing the Illusion

March 18, 2011

Seeing the Illusion

The Secret of Surrender

True lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the opposite of control.

Most of us were raised and live in a culture that emphasizes the ideals of independence and control. The general idea is that we are on our own and we don’t need any help from anyone else, and if we are really successful it’s because we are in complete control. However, true lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the opposite of control. We cannot accomplish anything truly great on our own, without any help, and the idea that we can is an illusion that causes most of us a great deal of suffering. Surrender comes when we see that illusion and let go of trying to attain the impossible. Surrender can then be seen as a great strength rather than a weakness.

Even small moments of surrender are powerful indicators of how different our lives could be if we would only let go. We’ve all had the experience of extending huge amounts of effort and energy to reach a particular goal only to realize that we can’t make it happen after all. At the moment of letting go, realizing that we need to ask for help or simply release our agenda entirely, a profound feeling of relief may rush over us. This warm, open sensation is the essence of surrender, and if we didn’t feel that we didn’t really let go. But it is never too late to let go, even of things in the past that didn’t work out the way we wanted them to, because surrender is always an option in every moment of our lives.

When we finally do surrender, our goals actually become possible, because the act of surrender is, in essence, asking for the help we need. This help may come in the form of other human beings or unseen helpers such as angels or inner guides. It may also come in the form of shifting circumstances, the small miracles that we call grace.





DailyOm – Knowing Our Heart’s Desire

March 21, 2011

Knowing Our Heart’s Desire

Feeling Jealous

When we examine jealousy of another, we can use this feeling to help us determine what we really want for ourselves.

Jealousy is one of the toughest feelings we come up against in our lives. There is not much worse than this aching sense that somehow life has been unfair to us, while amply rewarding someone else. It’s even worse if that someone else is present in our daily lives, making it difficult for us to get the space we need to feel and heal our pain. We may be jealous of a sibling, a dear friend, or even famous personalities. We may even face the challenge of feeling jealous of our spouse, our child, or one of our parents. Whatever the case, we can normalize our experience by understanding that, as painful as it is, jealousy is a common human feeling.

Nevertheless, it is important that we not revel in our jealousy for too long, feeding it with inner talk or gossip with others. If we do, we run the risk of losing ourselves to its negative power. Jealousy has something good to offer us, though, and that is information about our own heart’s desire. When we are jealous of certain people, we want what they have, and if we are to be conscious, we must acknowledge that. In this way, we discover what we want for ourselves, which is the first step to getting it. It may be a certain kind of relationship or a career. Whatever it is, it is possible that we could create it for ourselves, in our own lives, if we are able to honor our own desires.

Of course, there are times when we cannot heal our jealousy in this way, and then the lesson may be about acceptance and the understanding that our path is different from the paths of those around us. It may be hard to see now, but perhaps it will eventually be clear why our life has taken its particular path. In the end, the best cure for jealousy is the recognition that the life we have is full of its own meaning and beauty, utterly unique to us—a gift that could never be found in the life of another.





DailyOm – Taking the Risk

March 22, 2011

Taking the Risk

Permission to Be Real

People who keep it real present themselves as they truly are, the good parts and the parts most of us would rather hide.

Most of us are familiar with the idea of keeping it real and have an intuitive sense about what that means. People who keep it real don’t hide behind a mask to keep themselves safe from their fear of how they might be perceived. They don’t present a false self in order to appear more perfect, more powerful, or more independent. People who keep it real present themselves as they truly are, the good parts and the parts most of us would rather hide, sharing their full selves with the people who are lucky enough to know them.

Being real in this way is not an easy thing to do as we live in a culture that often shows us images of physical and material perfection. As a result, we all want to look younger, thinner, wealthier, and more successful. We are rewarded externally when we succeed at this masquerade, but people who are real remind us that, internally, we suffer. Whenever we feel that who we are is not enough and that we need to be bigger, better, or more exciting, we send a message to ourselves that we are not enough. Meanwhile, people who are not trying to be something more than they are walk into a room and bring a feeling of ease, humor, and warmth with them. They acknowledge their wrinkles and laugh at their personal eccentricities without putting themselves down.

People like this inspire us to let go of our own defenses and relax for a moment in the truth of who we really are. In their presence, we feel safe enough to take off our masks and experience the freedom of not hiding behind a barrier. Those of us who were lucky enough to have a parent who was able to keep it real may find it easier to be that way ourselves. The rest of us may have to work a little harder to let go of our pretenses and share the beauty and humor of our real selves. Our reward for taking such a risk is that as we do, we will attract and inspire others, giving them the permission to be real too.



DailyOm – Stuck in the Mud

March 23, 2011

Stuck in the Mud

Staying in Pain

Pain comes and goes- it is when we get stuck in our pain that it becomes detrimental to our well-being and development.

Pain comes and it goes. It is just one component to the grand cycle of life. And when experienced as such, pain can serve as an important teacher. It is when we get stuck in our pain that it becomes detrimental to our well-being and development. If you notice that you feel closed-off, resentful, heavy-hearted, or that you try very hard to avoid being hurt again, there may be a part of you that is still stuck in pain.

We can get stuck in our pain for many reasons. As children, it was natural for us to cry, throw a tantrum, and let the experience move through us. By fully feeling our pain in this way, our emotions would wash us clean, leaving us open and available to new experiences. With age, though, we might have determined that expressing emotion was no longer appropriate, and so we developed a variety of coping strategies to deal with our discomfort. We may have learned to stuff our feelings down or to run away from them. Perhaps we began thinking that staying closed and unwilling to try new things would keep us safe from heartbreak, safe from rejection, and safe from failure. We may have even gotten so used to being in pain that the thought of being without it scares us. But, if we continue to hold onto it longer than necessary, we are expending a lot of energy that could instead be channeled into making our life experiences more positive.

If you notice that you are continually connecting with the same familiar patterns of pain, consider embracing your feelings and letting go of your hurt. Whether your pain is from childhood or from an experience last week, see if you can give it room to move. When it does, you will reconnect with a wonderful source of your own vital energy.





DailyOm – Disapproving Faces

March 24, 2011

Disapproving Faces

Not Everybody Will Like You

When someone doesn’t like you, rather than taking it personally we can release the need for approval and move on.

It is not necessarily a pleasant experience, but there will be times in our lives when we come across people who do not like us. As we know, like attracts like, so usually when they don’t like us it is because they are not like us. Rather than taking it personally, we can let them be who they are, accepting that each of us is allowed to have different perspectives and opinions. When we give others that freedom, we claim it for ourselves as well, releasing ourselves from the need for their approval so we can devote our energy toward more rewarding pursuits.

While approval from others is a nice feeling, when we come to depend on it we may lose our way on our own path. There are those who will not like us no matter what we do, but that doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with us. Each of us has our own filters built from our experiences over time. They may see in us something that is merely a projection of their understanding, but we have no control over the interpretations of others. The best we can do is to hope that the role we play in the script of their lives is helpful to them, and follow our own inner guidance with integrity.

As we reap the benefits of walking our perfect paths, we grow to appreciate the feeling of fully being ourselves. The need to have everyone like us will be replaced by the exhilaration of discovering that we are attracting like-minded individuals into our lives—people who like us because they understand and appreciate the truth of who we are. We free ourselves from trying to twist into shapes that will fit the spaces provided by others’ limited understanding and gain a new sense of freedom, allowing us to expand into becoming exactly who we’re meant to be. And in doing what we know to be right for us, we show others that they can do it too. Cocreating our lives with the universe and its energy of pure potential, we transcend limitations and empower ourselves to shine our unique light, fully and freely.




DailyOm – A Chance to Contribute

March 25, 2011

A Chance to Contribute

Disarming the Know-It-All


A person that is a know-it-all is usually afraid of listening because it has become completely unfamiliar to listen.

Most of us have encountered a person in our lives who can accurately be referred to as a know-it-all. This person seems to know everything about anything that gets brought up and tends to dominate the conversation. They don’t take well to being questioned, and they have a hard time ever admitting that they were wrong.

Being around a know-it-all is inevitably tiring because there is no shared energy between the two of you. Rather, you become an audience member to this person’s need to be the center of attention. Attention and respect are probably the two things this person most longs for, and at some point in their lives, they learned that knowing it all was the way to get those needs met. Over time, they have become stuck in this pattern, regardless of the fact that it is no longer working. They may feel afraid of the experience of listening, being receptive, or learning something new, because it’s so unfamiliar.

On the one hand, when we see the childlike need underneath the know-it-all’s mask of confidence, we feel compassion for the person, and we may tolerate their one-sided approach to conversation out of a desire not to hurt their feelings. On the other hand, we may be feeling drained and tempted to avoid this person altogether. In the middle of these two possible ways of feeling, we may actually like this person and wish for a closer relationship. If we come from a place of kindness, we might attempt to bridge the gap that this person’s habitual way of relating creates. Simply expressing a desire to be closer may open their heart, and give you a chance to ask for what you need in the relationship—a chance to contribute.




DailyOm – A Legacy of Love

April 4, 2011

A Legacy of Love

Leaving the Earth a Better Place

From our first breath here to our very last, we will find infinite opportunities to influence our environment for the better.

We inherit this great planet from our parents and from the generations that came before. Then, in concert with the surrounding culture, our elders teach us how to care for the land and the sea, ourselves and each other. They model ways of being in relationship with every other expression of life on earth. But whether they act with care or carelessness, compassion or cruelty, generosity or greed, we have the ability to choose our own individual way of relating with the planet and her inhabitants. From our first breath here to our very last, we will find infinite opportunities to influence our environment for the better. We can decide now to act with intention in order to leave this amazing planet brighter and more beautiful than when we arrived.

If we enjoy environmental activism, we might feel moved to clean up beaches or to plant trees. But, we need not feel limited in our ability to contribute positively. There are many ways to leave a legacy of love. We might begin by radiating affirmative thoughts and feelings about how magnificent the earth truly is. We might create and tend a special garden, one that provides an abundance of food and herbs for ourselves and our loved ones. Or we might create a garden filled with sweet smelling flowers to uplift our hearts. We might even honor the earth simply by trying to be the best person we can be while we are here. Such good will can have a domino effect, inspiring others to contribute in their own way as well.

We spend our lifetimes being nourished and enlivened by the rain, sun, soil and wind. Our experience is blessed by other living beings, from plants to insects to birds and humans. We receive so much; giving back just naturally feels good. When we live our lives with intention of leaving this temporary home a better place for generations to come, we are perhaps leaving behind the best gift of all.





DailyOm – A Chance to Contribute

March 25, 2011

A Chance to Contribute

Disarming the Know-It-All

A person that is a know-it-all is usually afraid of listening because it has become completely unfamiliar to listen.

Most of us have encountered a person in our lives who can accurately be referred to as a know-it-all. This person seems to know everything about anything that gets brought up and tends to dominate the conversation. They don’t take well to being questioned, and they have a hard time ever admitting that they were wrong.

Being around a know-it-all is inevitably tiring because there is no shared energy between the two of you. Rather, you become an audience member to this person’s need to be the center of attention. Attention and respect are probably the two things this person most longs for, and at some point in their lives, they learned that knowing it all was the way to get those needs met. Over time, they have become stuck in this pattern, regardless of the fact that it is no longer working. They may feel afraid of the experience of listening, being receptive, or learning something new, because it’s so unfamiliar.

On the one hand, when we see the childlike need underneath the know-it-all’s mask of confidence, we feel compassion for the person, and we may tolerate their one-sided approach to conversation out of a desire not to hurt their feelings. On the other hand, we may be feeling drained and tempted to avoid this person altogether. In the middle of these two possible ways of feeling, we may actually like this person and wish for a closer relationship. If we come from a place of kindness, we might attempt to bridge the gap that this person’s habitual way of relating creates. Simply expressing a desire to be closer may open their heart, and give you a chance to ask for what you need in the relationship—a chance to contribute.





DailyOm – A Matter of Significance

April 5, 2011

A Matter of Significance

Recognizing Your Value

Sometimes we can feel as if we don’t matter in the world, but we all have something to offer.

It can be easy sometimes to buy into the illusion of our own insignificance. We may see large corporations or institutions, celebrities or successful people in our community, and compare ourselves to them, thinking that their fame or material power affirm how little our own lives amount to. But nothing could be further from the truth. Every single one of us matters—tremendously. Our very existence affects countless people in countless ways. And because we are each essentially a microcosm of the larger universe, our internal experiences affect the whole of life more than we could ever imagine. The world simply could not exist as it does now if you, or any one of us, were not in it.

Perhaps you are aware that on some level you believe your life does not matter. If this thought resonates within you, maybe it is time to explore why you feel this way. You may have formed self-rejecting or belittling beliefs as a child to keep yourself safe or to help you make sense of confusing situations. You may have felt unseen or unheard and decided that there was something wrong with you, rather than with the attention span of the people around you. Spend some time looking into where these feelings of insignificance first took root, and see what changes you might be able to make in your life and in your heart.

This one belief in your own unimportance could be limiting you and impacting your life in enormous ways. When you shift your perceptions around your own ability to affect your life and impact the world, you may discover wonderful parts of yourself that you had long ago forgotten. There may even be exciting new parts that you never even knew existed. When you gain awareness of how much your life really does matter, new sources of energy can emerge and your sense of connection with the world is renewed.





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A Secret Scrolls #142 to #145

A Secret Scrolls #142

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

You must be happy now to bring happiness into your life through the law of attraction. It's a simple formula. Happiness attracts happiness. Yet people use so many excuses as to why they can't be happy. They use excuses of debt, excuses of health, excuses of relationships, and excuses of all sorts of things as to why they can't use this simple formula. But the formula is the law.

No matter what the excuse, unless you begin to feel happy despite it, you cannot attract happiness. The law of attraction is saying to you, "Be happy now, and as long as you keep doing that, I will give you unlimited happiness."

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #143

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

There is a difference between feeling gratitude and appreciation for something, and feeling attachment to something. Appreciation and gratitude are states of pure love, while attachment contains fear - fear of losing or not having what you are attached to. When it comes to something you want in your life, appreciation and gratitude attracts, and attachment pushes away. If you are feeling afraid that you will not get what you want, or losing what you have, then you have attachment.

To remove the attachment, keep shifting yourself into a state of appreciation and gratitude, until you can feel that the fear has gone.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #144

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Begin your day by feeling grateful. Be grateful for the bed you just slept in, the roof over your head, the carpet or floor under your feet, the running water, the soap, your shower, your toothbrush, your clothes, your shoes, the refrigerator that keeps your food cold, the car that you drive, your job, your friends. Be grateful for the stores that make it so easy to buy the things you need, the restaurants, the utilities, services, and electrical appliances that make your life effortless. Be grateful for the magazines and the books that you read. Be grateful for the chair that you sit on, and the pavement that you walk on. Be grateful for the weather, the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees, the grass, the rain, and the flowers.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #145

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

From The Secret Daily Teachings

If you have "needing money" in your vibration, then you will keep attracting needing money. You have to find a way of being happy NOW, feeling good NOW, and being in joy NOW, without the money, because those great feelings are how you will feel with the money.

Money doesn't bring happiness - but happiness brings money.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar • 360° Aerial Panorama

This panorama can be opened in several different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
Myanmar is one of the most mysterious countries in the world. It borders India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand. Each of these destinations (except, perhaps, for Bangladesh) is full of tourists. But Myanmar remains outside of usual tourist routes. There are no direct flights from Russia, visa to Myanmar is not the easiest one to get, not to mention that it's not really advertised by travel agencies. This is why this amazing destination remains unknown to the world.


To say that one misses a lot by not going there is an understatement (you'll understand why when you see our panoramas). This country with a century-old history has preserved countless of monuments and it is rightfully called the "Golden Country" or "The Land of Golden Pagodas". There are around 2500 pagodas there. In fact, the entire country is one huge archaeological reserve, which preserves heritage of ancient civilizations.

Of course, it's impossible to describe thousands of pagodas and other Myanmar landmarks in just one article and to show all of them in one panorama cycle. So we're planning to tell you only about the most outstanding monument, the Shwedagon Pagoda (stupa).
Stupa is a dome symbolizing Buddha's teachings. Usually stupas serve as Buddhist shrines and repositories of sacred Buddhist texts. Some stupas conceal different vessels with Buddha's pieces of clothing or his hairs. Stupas are topped with spires that look like umbrellas, a symbol of protection from the rays of ignorance. Bells are hanging on the stupas to express the symbol of doing some good things.
The capital of Myanmar, Yangon (Rangoon) is known for the most famous stupa in the country, the Shwedagon Pagoda, along with a temple complex around it. These constructions are a couple thousand years older than the city itself. The name comes from «Shwe» (Burmese for "gold") and «Dagon» (previously this settlement was situated where the modern Yangon now exists).


According to the mystical yet forgotten legend, in ancient times this was the place where relics of three predecessors of Buddha were kept: the staff of Kakusandhi, the water filter of Konagamana, and a piece of tunic of Kassapa.


One day unknown brothers took a few hairs of Buddha from India, but during the trip they were attacked and robbed several times. However, they were able to deliver part of the sacred treasure - they brought eight hairs of Buddhism founder to Myanmar.


A grand festivity was held to celebrate this event. Lord Sakka and four spirits descended from heavens to choose a worthy place to store Buddha's hairs. They helped to discover three forgotten sacred places, and, as a result, it was decided to keep all sacred objects together with proper honors.


Thus, Shwedagon is the only temple in the world which holds four Buddhist relics of such high value. Furthermore, it's one of the few structures created during the life of Buddha.


It was built with great care and thoroughness by ancient Burmese. They dug a hole on a hill near Dagon, built a tomb, and covered it with a golden plate. Several stupas made from different materials were erected on top of it one by one: golden, silver, tin, copper, lead, marble, iron, and brick.
The Shwedagon Pagoda reached its current height only in 1774. After being rebuilt several times by King Hsinbyushin, it reached the height of 99 meters above the plate. At the same time the Shwedagon Pagoda started looking the way it looks now.


All sixty-eight surrounding stupas are gilded, while the Shwedagon itself is sheathed with golden plates from top to bottom. 8000 gold plates, 5000 diamonds, 2000 gem stones and semiprecious stones were used to decorate the main pagoda.


So it's not surprising that the stupa was repeatedly plundered over the years, and some parts, like three hundred years old bell encrusted with jewels, are now lost. However, the Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar has survived to see our days in its full glory.
There are bells hanging along the perimeter of the temple complex with wooden mallets lying nearby. It is believed that if you make a wish and hit the bell three times it will come true. So here and there you can always hear a bell's ringing in the distance.
This Myanmar landmark represents this country like the Moscow Kremlin represents Russia, or Mount Fuji represets Japan. The Shwedagon temple complex is one of the largest architectural ensembles not only in Myanmar, but in all of Southeast Asia. You can always see the golden cone of the central stupa dozens of kilometers away from Yangon, both from sea and land.

In order to get to the pagoda you have to climb the highest hill. But modern technologies made this task a lot easier: an escalator can take you to the Scwedagon. And for those of you who are thousands miles away from this amazing monument, there is a perfect opportunity to see it from the height of our panoramas.




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The issue of low-self esteem

Even as a child I always felt I was here for a reason. I have felt this way all my life. Not in a bragging way, not in a way that made me more than other people...never felt self important. It was this deep knowing from within me that would keep me going in some of the darkest times of my life...that it was all happening for a reason. And every time I made it through those hard times, it would strengthen my belief that I was here for a purpose. Never had any idea what that purpose was, however. Always figured it would play itself out. Seemed to be always waiting to see.

This knowing within me,of me having a purpose, did not seem to affect my self esteem in a positive manner however. In fact I have to say that growing up was extremely rough. Very dark. A lot of self loathing. Self hate.

I was taller than most boys growing up and therefore became embarrassed of my height. Instead of standing tall, I learned to slump. I also developed earlier and more than my school mates... My body became embarrasing because I felt different than other girls. I began to hate my body as well. In my eyes I looked funny and ugly. I never felt I fit in.

I was very smart but very unconventional in my learning style. I was extremely ADD and somewhere along the line I was labeled as being very smart but unable to sit still, to focus. A waste of intelligence sort to speak. I learned to not raise my hand and question what I was being taught. I believed my self to not be smart at all. Eventually I believed myself to be dumb.

So I hated the way I looked and I thought I was stupid.

So I come now to this stage in my life. At 48, fully aware of all the untruths that I believed about myself. Finally seeing myself for the first time...with my eyes of my soul. The beauty that is truly me.

Self esteem is how one sees oneself in life. But just because you see yourself in a light of low self esteem, it does not mean that is who you are. When as a child I saw myself as ugly, it does not mean that I am. Or dumb. Or any of those things which made me feel lacking somehow...less than. I am none of those things,for I am an aspect of creation. An individual expression of Source. I just could not see my own light, but it has been there all along.

The Light that is within us can never be put out. Yes,it can dimmed due to the dirt around it, but at the core it always shines bright. And that core is our heart. For our heart is our direct connection to our Source. We don't need anyone else to help us to connect. We have it all within us.

So next time I find myself falling back,thinking low thoughts about myself or others, I will remember that within my heart resides the Light that is creation. The energy of the original Source. And it is as beautiful as all of us.

And those old thoughts of low self esteem? They are just that: old thoughts. No longer serving my highest good. No longer needed in my new life. Going to let those thoughts, that old programming needs to go.

I think that is exactly what we are all doing. Letting all go to make room for the new. Each of us individually taking a stand and vowing to help make room for the new by each shining our individual,beautiful Light.

It is time.

Sharing from my heart with Light and Love ; ) marie

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Glass House Mountains (Queensland)

Glass House Mountains (Queensland)

Beerwah Pictures
This photo of Beerwah is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Aboriginal legend

It is said that Mt.Tibrogargan, the father, and Mt.Beerwah, the mother, had many children - Mt.Coonowrin (the eldest), Mt.Beerburrum, the Mt.Tunbubudla twins, Mt.Coochin twins, Mt.Ngungun, Mt.Tibberoowuccum, Mt.Miketebumulgrai and Mt.Saddleback. There were also Mt.Round who was fat and small and Mt.Wildhorse who was always paddling in the sea. One day, Tibrogargan was gazing out to sea when he noticed a great rising of the waters. Hurrying off to gather his younger children in order to flee to the safety of the mountains which lay to the west, he called out to Coonowrin to help his mother, who was again with child. Looking back to see how Coonowrin was assisting Beerwah, Tibrogargan was greatly angered to see him running off alone. He pursued Coonowrin and, raising his club, struck the latter such a mighty blow that it dislocated Coonowrin's neck and he has never been able to straighten it since.
When the floods subsided and the family returned to the plains, the other children teased Coonowrin about his crooked neck. Feeling ashamed, Coonowrin went to Tibrogargan and asked for forgiveness, but filled with shame at his son's cowardice, Tibrogargan could do nothing but weep copious tears, which, trickling along the ground, formed a stream which flowed into the sea. Then Coonowrin went to his brothers and sisters, but they also wept at the shame of their brother's cowardice.
The lamentations of Coonowrin parents and his brothers and sisters at his disgrace explain the presence, to this day, of the numerous small streams of the area. Tibrogargan then called Coonowrin, asking him why he had deserted Beerwah; at which Coonowrin replied that as Beerwah was the biggest of them all she should be able to take care of herself. He did not know that Beerwah was again pregnant, which was the reason for her great size. Then Tibrogargan turned his back on Coonowrin and vowed that he would never look at him again.
Even today, Tibrogargan gazes far out to sea and never looks around at Coonowrin, who hangs his head and cries, his tears running off to the sea. His mother Beerwah is still heavy with child as it takes a long, long time to give birth to a mountain.

The Geology Of The Glass House Mountains

The Glasshouse Mountains are the remnant cores of volcanoes active about 25 million years ago. They were formed as molten rock was forced out of vents from within the earth. As these flows of magma cooled over a period they solidified into conal shapes of hard rocks (rhyolite and trachyte). Erosion of the surrounding softer sand stone over millions of years has lowered the ground level to where we live to day. The only testimony to this violent volcanic era are the Mountains we see. Mount Beerwah at 556 metres high is the "Mother by legend" and the grandest of all the mountains. Mt.Tibrogargan is relatively smaller at 364 metres but still impressive with it's distinctive Aboriginal face looking east towards the Pacific being very visible from Glasshouse Mountains Road. At 375 metres high Mt.Coonowrin (Crookneck from the legend) is possibly the most striking of the group with a bare tooth like appearance. Very photogenic from the Old Gympie Road area. To the south are The Tunbubudla Twins at 338 and 294 metres. Somewhat smaller but still very dominant in size.

A total of 15 mountains of various sizes cover an area of over 600,000 hectares from Mt.Mellum in the north to Round Mountain south of Elimbah, to the lesser Wild Horse Mountain at 123 metres high on the Bruce Highway to the east. One of the most accessible places to view the mountains from is lookout 589 - just a short drive off Old Gympie Road and from most of the local tourist attractions, the magnificent views are worth every kilometre.

The History Of The Glass House Mountains

On Thursday 17th May 1770 Captain James Cook while sailing up the east coast of the land known as Terra Australis or New Holland, sighted and named "these hills" as the Glass Houses (the reflections and the shape of these hills reminded him of the glass manufacturing houses back in England).

The next morning at 9 am James Cook, Joseph Banks, Doctor Solander and a small group of men landed in the north shore of Moreton Bay and are recorded as the first British people to come ashore in Queensland. Cook named this area Glass House Bay. This bay was renamed 29 years later. On 15th July 1799 Capt. Matthew Flinders aged 25, sailed the sloop "Norfolk" into Moreton Bay. The next morning they landed on Bribie Island and after a disagreement with the natives, named the area Skirmish Point.

On the 26th July, Flinders sailed north up this river and beached 'Norfolk' on a sandy strip for some minor repairs. Together with two seamen and a native "Bongaree" from Sydney, he proceeded up a small creek in the general direction of the highest peak. After leaving the small boat they pushed through low swampy country until they were stopped by a small creek. (Glass House Mountains Creek). Unable to reach the larger mountains they decided to head for the closest 'round mount with sloping sides', and climbed Mount Beerburrum before returning to Norfolk. Flinders continued to explore and map the coastal area north to Sandy Cape on Fraser Island until the 9th August when he departed for Sydney.

In 1824, a penal settlement was established at Redcliffe Point. After moving this settlement to where Brisbane stands today, it was finally abandoned in 1839 and the area was opened to free settlers in 1842. In 1859 the state of Queensland separated from the colony of N.S.W. and Brisbane, by now a prosperous city, was declared the capital.

Glass House Mountains (Queensland)

Beerwah Pictures
This photo of Beerwahis courtesy of TripAdvisor

Aboriginal legend

It is said that Mt.Tibrogargan, the father, and Mt.Beerwah, the mother, had many children - Mt.Coonowrin (the eldest), Mt.Beerburrum, the Mt.Tunbubudla twins, Mt.Coochin twins, Mt.Ngungun, Mt.Tibberoowuccum, Mt.Miketebumulgrai and Mt.Saddleback. There were also Mt.Round who was fat and small and Mt.Wildhorse who was always paddling in the sea. One day, Tibrogargan was gazing out to sea when he noticed a great rising of the waters. Hurrying off to gather his younger children in order to flee to the safety of the mountains which lay to the west, he called out to Coonowrin to help his mother, who was again with child. Looking back to see how Coonowrin was assisting Beerwah, Tibrogargan was greatly angered to see him running off alone. He pursued Coonowrin and, raising his club, struck the latter such a mighty blow that it dislocated Coonowrin's neck and he has never been able to straighten it since.

When the floods subsided and the family returned to the plains, the other children teased Coonowrin about his crooked neck. Feeling ashamed, Coonowrin went to Tibrogargan and asked for forgiveness, but filled with shame at his son's cowardice, Tibrogargan could do nothing but weep copious tears, which, trickling along the ground, formed a stream which flowed into the sea. Then Coonowrin went to his brothers and sisters, but they also wept at the shame of their brother's cowardice.

The lamentations of Coonowrin parents and his brothers and sisters at his disgrace explain the presence, to this day, of the numerous small streams of the area. Tibrogargan then called Coonowrin, asking him why he had deserted Beerwah; at which Coonowrin replied that as Beerwah was the biggest of them all she should be able to take care of herself. He did not know that Beerwah was again pregnant, which was the reason for her great size. Then Tibrogargan turned his back on Coonowrin and vowed that he would never look at him again.

Even today, Tibrogargan gazes far out to sea and never looks around at Coonowrin, who hangs his head and cries, his tears running off to the sea. His mother Beerwah is still heavy with child as it takes a long, long time to give birth to a mountain.

The Geology Of The Glass House Mountains

The Glasshouse Mountains are the remnant cores of volcanoes active about 25 million years ago. They were formed as molten rock was forced out of vents from within the earth. As these flows of magma cooled over a period they solidified into conal shapes of hard rocks (rhyolite and trachyte).


Erosion of the surrounding softer sand stone over millions of years has lowered the ground level to where we live to day. The only testimony to this violent volcanic era are the Mountains we see. Mount Beerwah at 556 metres high is the "Mother by legend" and the grandest of all the mountains. Mt.Tibrogargan is relatively smaller at 364 metres but still impressive with it's distinctive Aboriginal face looking east towards the Pacific being very visible from Glasshouse Mountains Road. At 375 metres high Mt.Coonowrin (Crookneck from the legend) is possibly the most striking of the group with a bare tooth like appearance. Very photogenic from the Old Gympie Road area. To the south are The Tunbubudla Twins at 338 and 294 metres. Somewhat smaller but still very dominant in size.


A total of 15 mountains of various sizes cover an area of over 600,000 hectares from Mt.Mellum in the north to Round Mountain south of Elimbah, to the lesser Wild Horse Mountain at 123 metres high on the Bruce Highway to the east. One of the most accessible places to view the mountains from is lookout 589 - just a short drive off Old Gympie Road and from most of the local tourist attractions, the magnificent views are worth every kilometre.


The History Of The Glass House Mountains

On Thursday 17th May 1770 Captain James Cook while sailing up the east coast of the land known as Terra Australis or New Holland, sighted and named "these hills" as the Glass Houses (the reflections and the shape of these hills reminded him of the glass manufacturing houses back in England).


The next morning at 9 am James Cook, Joseph Banks, Doctor Solander and a small group of men landed in the north shore of Moreton Bay and are recorded as the first British people to come ashore in Queensland. Cook named this area Glass House Bay. This bay was renamed 29 years later. On 15th July 1799 Capt. Matthew Flinders aged 25, sailed the sloop "Norfolk" into Moreton Bay. The next morning they landed on Bribie Island and after a disagreement with the natives, named the area Skirmish Point.


On the 26th July, Flinders sailed north up this river and beached 'Norfolk' on a sandy strip for some minor repairs. Together with two seamen and a native "Bongaree" from Sydney, he proceeded up a small creek in the general direction of the highest peak. After leaving the small boat they pushed through low swampy country until they were stopped by a small creek. (Glass House Mountains Creek). Unable to reach the larger mountains they decided to head for the closest 'round mount with sloping sides', and climbed Mount Beerburrum before returning to Norfolk. Flinders continued to explore and map the coastal area north to Sandy Cape on Fraser Island until the 9th August when he departed for Sydney.


In 1824, a penal settlement was established at Redcliffe Point. After moving this settlement to where Brisbane stands today, it was finally abandoned in 1839 and the area was opened to free settlers in 1842. In 1859 the state of Queensland separated from the colony of N.S.W. and Brisbane, by now a prosperous city, was declared the capital.



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Sophia Goddess of Wisdom And Divine Sophia Wisdom

Sophia Goddess of Wisdom

I made this video explaining the Gnostic version of the story of Sophia in a nutshell. Sophia is the Greek word for wisdom, She is the bride of Christ and the mother figure of the holy trinity.

She had fallen from the Pleroma(divine world) because of a faulty passion to emanate without her husband/bridegroom the divine being known as Christ. During her agony and sorrow after her fall, a mistake is made and the physical world was created because of the goddess's extreme regret.

The Demiurge is another mistake that was created in this process. He is the one who forms these lower worlds, he is both a god and a mistake and is known as Samael(God of the blind) because he is ignorant of Sophia as well as anything else that is above him. He has no recollection of where he comes from and believes himself to be the one and only God.

Christ is actually sent from the father to come down and take the form of a man, so that he can redeem Sophia and bring her back to her first estate in the true heavens by reminding her of who she is.

Divine Sophia Wisdom

Goddess Sophia on Earth, incarnated in Eve Anderson invites you to learn the higher truths and receive her healings that will set you free as a result of karma clearing and DNA activation into thousands of strands. During a healing with Sophia, your spirit in heavens instantly learns the karmic lessons. As a result, you are granted a DNA activation of thousands of strands and a higher Christ consciousness. Eve Andersson is the healer of all healers on Earth.

Her healing is mostly needed at this time, as the Earth is already in the 5th Dimension. The healing prepares our hearts and minds to be able to inherit the New Earth already created in the higher dimensions. See info:

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On November 11th, 2012, we enter into the Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light, through the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, and the Overlighting of Lady Quan Yin and the Brotherhood of the Light.
The eleventh ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Love assists in connecting us to the realms of Illumined Truth through sincerity in action and the utterance of our Spiritual reality, and its manifest expression is to be found in Jacob’s ladder through the Sephirah Binah, Understanding. Through the increased Light frequencies and New Earth Templates, we are now experiencing a blending of earthly and Spiritual dimensions, manifest as stability, and the immutability of Mother/Father God. Stability requires that we are unchanging in the face of adversity and our perceived challenges are now expressed and transmuted through primordial wisdom, compassion and Divine Love, surrounded in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light. Our greatest fears are released through this ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, as we are embraced in the Cosmic Heart of the Divine Mother represented through Binah, Understanding. Additionally this ray allows us a deeper understanding of our immortal nature, experienced initially through the rejuvenation of the physical body and the lifting of all illusionary veils. Furthermore, the metaphoric depiction of our rebirth occurs as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love standing steadfast in the Light as the Group I Am Avatar Race.

We experience this initiation as The Priest through our stability, faith, and loving kindness to all Life, as we are invited into the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque, Mexico, amplified through the total Solar eclipse on November 13th. The focus through this Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love and Solar Eclipse is to go within, and embrace our deepest fears, while experiencing the complete integration our Divine Masculine Spirits. Additionally we experience the activation of the 144 Satellite Sun Discs into the 12 Primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, and the actualization of our Golden Solar Sun Disc within our Heart’s Temple as we align to the Inner Earth Sun, our Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, heralding the “Return of the Inner Sun”, unconditional Love. The 12 Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs emit zero point energy, the energy of Divine, unconditional Love existing in the fifth dimension and beyond, and furthermore, are the new spiraling strands of DNA experienced within the new Earth Templates. It is at this point that we experience our DNA activation to the new Earth Templates and a deep sense of connecting to one another and all Life through the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.

From here, we are invited into the Ascension Seat of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light in the Kingdoms of Light within Orion. As we experience the Universal Christed Consciousness of all Life, we are given an opportunity to activate the axiatonal lines through the 12 spin points found along the 12 acupuncture meridian lines in our bodies, and to appropriately youth and regenerate our physical bodies through an Axiatonal Chamber of Light. The axiatonal lines collectively hold the color frequencies necessary for the physical immortality of all initiates and are further able to assist us in the creation of our perfect physical Light body, our Adam Kadmon Body of Light and I AM Avatar Body of Light. The axiatonal lines, through the appropriate geometries of sound and color, are additionally able to bring about the necessary noise light emissions, as they are called, to cure dis-eases such as cancer, arthritis, blindness and many other illnesses. We are further placed in a Twelve Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light, as we request the full activation of the 12 Strand DNA to the new DNA templates of zero point energy and fractal equations of Universal-Source frequency plus the activation of the two additional etheric chromosomes, creating our immortal genes.

As we experience the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on November 28th/29th we are given an opportunity to deepen the integration of our Divine Feminine Spirits as we bring completion to ourselves through the full merging and integration of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes within in wholeness and Love. The old victim/persecutor consciousness fall away, and the healing of our wounded Masculine and Feminine Spirits occurs as we experience the radiance of the Divine Love within ourselves in power, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom and Divine Intelligence; as we radiate our Divine Love and receive it from all Life through the Center of All Creation.

As we bring a focus to the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and wrap the Earth and all her Life in this sacred Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, we assist in bringing in the axiatonal lines within and around the Unity Grid of One Unity Consciousness, allowing all Life to experience the Love and wisdom of the Divine Mother and Divine Father through these beautiful ray qualities of understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization and discernment.

In this Now moment, we are transmuting for not only ourselves but for all Life on this earth plane. We are clearing the vestiges of old karmic patternings and relationships in Love and forgiveness, in compassion and understanding, so that all Life may choose to experience One Unity Consciousness; so that all Life may choose to ascend. We are creating a world focused on the reality of One Unity Consciousness through the Love of all Creation, the Love for ourselves and the Love for all bands of consciousness. And as we experience the final completion of the One Unity Grid on 12-12-12 through the Golden Ray of One Unity Consciousness, we will truly experience ourselves as the Group I Am Avatar Race. As the eternal Divine Liquid Light of All Creation is experienced through the New Earth Templates, the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, the Crystalline Geometries of Light and our own Crystalline Bodies of Light, we are able to activate our Light Bodies/Merkabas and activate the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth, and experience ourselves through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation in this grand Galactic alignment of Light. This is our reality, our Heaven on Earth. And so it is.

Invocation to the Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,

the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,

the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,

the Mighty Elohim,

the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,

the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now call upon Lady Quan Yin and the Brotherhood of the Light

to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque,

so I may integrate this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love,

so I may release all my fears,

so I may heal my Divine Masculine Spirit,

so I may experience the actualization of the Golden Solar Sun Disc within my heart,

and the activation of my 12 Strand DNA to the New Earth Templates of Light

through the 12 Primary Solar Sun Disc Discs of Light.

As I enter into this Crystalline City of Light,

I am greeted and welcomed by Lady Quin Yin and the many Beings of Light from On High.

I am now wrapped in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love.

As my heart chakra and third eye in particular is now activated,

I clearly see what my greatest fears are,

and gently release my fears through the Cosmic Embrace of the Divine Mother,

and this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Light.

I now experience the healing of my wounded Masculine Spirit,

releasing my anger and rage, and perceived justifications for my thoughts and actions

through forgiveness and Love.

I now embrace my inner persecutor within my Heart’s Temple,

And now all sub-personality aspects of my Self needing to be integrated in this Now,

through the ray qualities of understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization and discernment, and the knowing of my Self as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.

And now, as the activation of the 144 Satellite Sun Discs into the 12 Primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs occurs,

I merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,

and now all 144 Soul rays of my Beloved I Am Presence of which I Am One.

As I now align with the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun,

I bring a focus to my Heart’s Temple,

and I now experience the actualization of the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within my heart.

I now connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and focus once more on the 12 Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs,

as a recalibration of my DNA occurs,

taking me into the New Earth Templates of Divine Love, and One Unity Consciousness.

And now, as I connect to the Light Workers and Star Seeded Ones,

I experience the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,

and the “Return of the Inner Sun”.

I now anchor the eleventh major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.
I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my sensory system, central nervous system, chakras and meridians.

I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light

into the Ascension Seat of the Brotherhood of the Light.

I now enter into the Temple of Illumined Truth and Divine Love,

and surrounded in a beautiful dodecahedronal shaped Temple of Light,

I am welcomed and greeted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light as The Priest and an Initiate of Light,

I am now placed in an Axiatonal Chamber of Light.

As this Axiatonal Chamber of Light is now activated,

through the appropriate geometries of sound and color and noise light emissions,

it rejuvenates and heals my etheric and physical bodies.

And now, the creation of my perfect physical Light body,

my Adam Kadmon Body of Light and I AM Avatar Body of Light occurs.

I am now placed in a 12 Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light.

I now request the full activation of my 12 Strand DNA to the new DNA templates of zero point energy and fractal equations of Universal-Source frequency through the related keycodes, harmonics, sacred geometries and fire letters.

I now request the activation of my two additional etheric chromosomes,

and the creation of my immortal genes.

I now assist the Brotherhood of the Light and all the Light Workers, Starseeded Ones and Beings of Light from On High,

to wrap Mother Earth and all her Life in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love.

I now assist in activating the Light Grids, the axiatonal lines, within and around the Unity Grid of Divine Love,

allowing all Life to experience the Love and wisdom of the Divine Mother and Divine Father,

and the knowing of themselves as sacred, precious Beings of Light.

And now, as I experience the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon energies,

I bring my Self into my Heart’s Temple and the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within my heart.

Surrounded in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love,

I now experience the healing of my wounded Feminine Spirit,

releasing the subjugation, victimhood and persecution of the Divine Feminine Principle through all timelines,

as I step into a deeper level of appreciation of my Self,

of loving and nurturing and forgiving my Self.

I now embrace my inner victim within my Heart’s Temple,

and now all sub-personality aspects of my Self needing to be integrating at this time

through my Divine Love and the Love of the Divine Mother.

And now, as I experience the integration of my Divine Feminine Spirit,

I merge with my Divine Masculine Spirit,

amplifying the energy of Who I AM in all my magnificence and preciousness,

in completion and wholeness, in Love, appreciation and One Unity Consciousness,

through the Twin Flame energy of my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light.

I now find my Self back in my sacred space,

grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,

and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I am now surrounded in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Divinity,

and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,

Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.

I Am Divine Love,

I Am compassion,

I Am strength,

I Am One with all Life,

I Am All That I Am.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
Music by Michael Hammer
Artwork by Daniel Holeman, Brian Exton and Others

Mp3 download
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you move through this 11:11 Stargate of Divine Love and Illumined Truth, through the eleventh ray, this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumination and Love, and feel this now, sweet ones, wherever you are in your sacred space. Breathe deep into the body, come into your Heart’s Temple and surround yourself in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love. Expand the lower abdomen as you breathe in and contract the lower abdomen as you breathe out. Connect in to the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, into this holographic representation of the One Heart of All Creation, and now into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging with your Beloved I AM Presence, and all the Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge, bringing them now into your sacred space, as you bring in your Pillar of Light and antakarana, breathing through this fluorescent tube of Light, connecting through all dimensions, to all the Beings of Light from On High, to your Higher Self, and Beloved I AM Presence.
Know what an exciting Now moment this is, sweet ones, as you move closer to the 12:12:12 Gateway of One Unity Consciousness, and the completion of the Unity Grid of Divine Love, within and around this Earth Plane, with the geometries of Light and keycodes and the New Earth Template to be experienced by all Life on this Earth Plane should they so choose; and these escalating Light Frequencies in this Now, sweet ones, take you into new levels of experiencing yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light, bringing a deeper level of stability through the immutability of Mother/Father God. As you remain steadfast in the Light, you are able to embrace your greatest fears within your Heart’s Temple, within the Cosmic Heart of all Creation, and further to this, through the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, to be able to actualize the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, sweet ones, and experience the new DNA encodings of Light. It is a grand alignment of Light, taking you in to a deeper understanding of what is occurring on this earth plane sweet ones; of the changes that are being experienced in this Now, amplified too through a merging of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine spirits, in wholeness and completion, through Divine Love and One Unity Conscious, and the “Return of your Inner Sun”. Hold this focus through your Heart’s Temple as the third eye is now activated, as you experience greater levels of understanding and insight through these merging Christed timelines and parallel realities as they come in now in streams of Light, sweet ones; of your highest potential, and indeed, a deeper understanding of this initiation as The Priest.

The geometry of Light that is activated through this eleventh ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Light is that of the dodecahedron, sweet ones, and we say to you your DNA is related specifically to the dual relationship between the icosahedron and the stellated dodecahedron and now as you re-sequence and reactivate your DNA through the twelve primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs, you will experience not only the new DNA encodings and templates of Light but additionally the two etheric chromosomes creating your immortal genes, which were activated through the full anchoring of the cosmic rays and the third level of Christ Consciousness, which occurred on your earth on April 23rd, 1994 through the combined efforts of both Sirius A and B and the entire Company of Heaven, when Sirius B was most closely aligned with Sirius A through its fifty year elliptical orbit around Sirius A, and in a star alignment with Earth that occurs once every ninety thousand years. At that moment in time the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light with the assistance of the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, and further Overlighted by the entire Company of Heaven amplified the frequency of Cosmic Love to activate the star-tetrahedronal shape, starting from the your original Divine eight-cell Blueprint to the third level of Christ Consciousness. This actualization was also imprinted into the Christ Consciousness Grid around your Earth Plane, the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and through the complete anchoring of the third level of Christ Consciousness, your immortal genes, two additional chromosomes were additionally reactivated. This means, sweet ones that you now have 46 chromosomes plus two additional etheric chromosomes, which are waiting to be physically activated, for many of you this will occur through the Halls of Amenti as you are crowned the High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek and experience the Cold Flames of the Flower of Life. And as you move into the year 2013 and experience the cosmic rays starting with the Cosmic ray of Solar Christ Consciousness, you have the potential to actualize your immortal genes, sweet ones, and we say to you that the understanding of your true immortal nature as these initiates of Light and Master Beings was programmed into the Christ Consciousness Grid, and into the Akashic Records, at the time of the reign of Akhenaton in 1500 B.C. During his time as Pharaoh Akhenaton was to create the Akhenaton Mystery School in which at least 300 people achieved immortality, following a period of training in the Right Eye of Horus. These immortal Beings of Light were later to form the Essene Brotherhood and many of these teachings of Light that are understood today through the kabbalah, sacred geometry, and quantum science, come through from the Brotherhood of the Light and the Essene Brotherhood, sweet ones. Additionally we say to you that a deeper understanding of your true magnificence as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love is to be found indeed within the Great Pyramid of Egypt and these many Chambers of Light, including the Immortal Chamber of Light holding the forty-eight symbols of immortality.

And the key to activation of your DNA into the New Earth Templates of Light, sweet ones, lies within the activation of your Light Body/Merkaba through the frequency of Divine Love. It is in this moment, this year of 2012, that you can experience the New Earth Templates and the collective consciousness of all Life on this earth plane, animate or inanimate, as well as the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, as you become one with all Life, sweet ones. And this is occurring for you and your planet through the 12:12:12 Gateway of One Unity Consciousness. In this Now what you are experiencing is a deeper activation through your Heart’s Temple of all your shadow aspects, integrated through this beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within yourselves, and the recalibration of the DNA so you may match the geometries of Light found within the Unity Grid, sweet ones.

And now, you bring a focus to Palenque in Mexico, another pyramid of Light holding many of these key-codes for this new Golden Age of Light, you are lifted now in a beautiful external Merkaba Vehicle of Light with your Master Guides and Guardian Angel, and the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence, Lady Quan Yin, and the Brotherhood of the Light, into this Crystalline City of Light. As you enter into this beautiful temple of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth through this Crystalline City of Light, you are welcomed and greeted as The Priest to the Order of Melchizedek. Lady Quan Yin and your soul and star families of the Light, now come forward to embrace you. The ray qualities of understanding and strength, stability, loving-kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization and discernment, are now anchored and activated in this beautiful pink-orange ray of Light through the third eye, and in this Illumination and Truth you see clearly through the Christed Timelines to your heart’s calling, into clearing and transmuting all that still needs to be cleared and transmuted, sweet ones, for you to stand steadfast in the Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

Wonderful. You now sense and experience the geometry of the dodecahedron around your body and energy field, sweet ones. There are three dodecahedrons around your body, related to the etheric body, the emotional body, and the mental body. You have a sense now of these dodecahedrons of Light as they come in now, fitting perfectly within an eighth dimensional platinum bubble of Light 16.8 feet in diameter around you. These pentagonal dodecahedrons are made up of 12 faces of five sided pentagons, and initially now you visualize the etheric body dodecahedron, now the emotional body dodecahedron, and now the mental body dodecahedron; all fitting perfectly within this beautiful platinum bubble of Light 16.8 feet in diameter around you. This level that we are working with is an eighth dimensional level, sweet ones, taking you into the Kingdoms of Light within Orion and this sphere of Light further connects you to the Melchizedek Brotherhood of Light at a fifth dimensional level of Christ Consciousness.

And now, as you focus on the emotional body dodecahedron, you start to gently spin this emotional body dodecahedron in a clockwise direction, spinning this at a comfortable speed within your platinum bubble of Light. This dodecahedron is assisting in the activation of the DNA to the New Earth Templates, and the activation of the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light of Light within your heart. And now as you slowly stop this spinning of the emotional body dodecahedron, you bring a focus to the mental body dodecahedron and as you slowly spin this mental body dodecahedron in a counter-clockwise direction within this platinum bubble of Light, you feel yourself vibrating to a higher consciousness of Light, expanding dimensionally to the teachings and understandings of the Brotherhood of the Light. Wonderful. You now bring the mental body dodecahedron to a standstill, as you bring your focus back to this Temple of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, this Crystalline City of Light. And now, as you experience the total Solar Eclipse and New Moon energies, focus on the integration of the Divine Masculine Principal and bringing into balance your Divine Masculine Spirit, sweet ones.

Through this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love you go within your Heart’s Temple now in embracing your persecutor, the inner persecutor within yourself that feels justified in its actions and thoughts to experience the anger and the rage, sweet ones. And now, as you look at those within your reality with whom you may have perceived conflict, you forgive, sweet ones. For it is knowing that many on this earth plane are ignorant and unconscious, and are blameless from the perspective that they would not do what they do if they understood from a consciousness perspective the impact of their choices, decisions and actions upon others. And you forgive, sweet ones, because you have the conscious awareness to do so ~ you forgive, sweet ones, so your own anger does not envelop you and take you into being disempowered, or power and control issues. As you bring a focus back to your inner persecutor, you forgive and Love this archetypal aspect of yourselves now, sweet ones. It is to find the balance of being the Spiritual warrior, in empowerment, in Love, in wisdom ~ of knowing when to step forward in dynamic right action, and when to step back in Love and wisdom.

And now as you experience the activation of the 144 Satellite Sun Discs into the twelve primary Golden Solar Sun Discs of Light, a re-calibration of your DNA occurs, taking you into the Unity Grid of Divine Love and the geometries of Light in near completion, sweet ones. You have a sense of these geometries of Light, as the dormant DNA is activated through Melchizedek Consciousness and is experienced by you through your multi-dimensional selves at each dimensional level, and every multi-dimensional aspect to yourself that you have ever been, currently are, or will be in any probably timeline through the continuum, the ever-present Now. As you experience these geometries of Light you become an extension to the Unity Grid of Divine Love, taking on the New Earth Templates of Divine Light and experiencing and reflecting the exact sacred geometry and harmonic resonance found within this Unity Grid. As you connect through these twelve primary Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs you hold the collective consciousness of the entire planet and are able to change the shape of the collective DNA of humanity through the frequency of Divine Love, through the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. And now, as you come into your Heart’s Temple, you experience the actualization of your Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light taking you into Unity Consciousness, as you align now with the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun, and now the Great Central Sun.

Wonderful, sweet ones. You are experiencing the solar vibrations of Light of this diamond and platinum matrix of Light through the axiatonal lines, though the photon rays and solar flares, through the super-electron and Spiritual Microtron, and through the geometries of Light that will assist you to activate your Light Body/Merkaba and the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth, in December 2012. As you now find yourself in the Ascension Seat of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light and the Kingdoms of Light in Orion, you are welcomed and greeted by Lord Melchizedek and the Brotherhood of the Light, as an initiate of Light and The Priest, sweet ones. As you find yourself within this beautiful Temple of Illumined Truth and Divine Love you are placed in an Axiatonal Chamber of Light, and we talk to you very briefly about the understanding of these axiatonal lines, for they are the Light grids used by the Brotherhood of the Light to assist in the forward evolution of the lower worlds. Your Beloved I AM Presence and Higher Self of the Light and the geometries of light of your physical organs, which form the physical body, can be described as a grid of magnetic domains and the lines that cohesively bring the body together as this grid of magnetic domains are the axiatonal lines, and these axiatonal lines, sweet ones, through the appropriate geometries of color and sound frequencies, are able to bring through the necessary noise-light emissions to rejuvenate the body as well as assist in the clearing of dis-eases that are experienced on this earth plane. Have a sense of the axiatonal lines being activated through your body, sweet ones, through the twelve spin points found along each of the twelve meridian lines in your body, bringing you back the master frequency of 144 and the templating of your magnetic domains. And as these sonic vibrations and sounds, colors and harmonics of Light come in, of Universal Source frequencies, sweet ones, bring a focus to any body part or organ that you need this frequency to be activated within, or around your body.

And now see yourself assisting multi-dimensionally in the activation of the axiatonal lines within and around Mother Earth’s Light Body and the Unity Grid of Light ~ assisting the Light workers, star seeded ones and Legions upon Legions of Light as you bring in now this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love. Wonderful. As you come back now into this Ascension Seat, surrounded in this Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love you are placed in a Twelve-Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light, experiencing the New Earth Templates, and indeed too, sweet ones, the activation of your two immortal chromosomes. You are experiencing the new DNA templates of zero-point energy, and these fractal equations of Universal Source frequencies in the activation of your two additional etheric chromosomes. To assist in this activation we will speak in tongues, sweet ones.

“You are a Child of the Light, a Child of the Sun, ever growing, upwards in Light” and the time is Now, sweet ones, for your ascension process ~ as you become the Spiritual Suns through the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, the Earth herself becomes the Spiritual Sun for this Solar System and all Life potentially experiences the Cosmic Heart of all Creation, and you are leading the way as the Lightworkers and facilitators and teachers of Light ~ you are creating change within your current reality, you are paving the way into this new Golden Age of Light, sweet ones. Wonderful.

And now the re-calibration the left and right hemispheres of the brain occurs, of the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands, as you now further experience the anchoring and activating of the eleventh Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and the two minor Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs along the spinal column. These Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs ~ thirteen major and twenty minor ~ are connected to the 33 Cosmic Portals of Light to be experienced December 21st, sweet ones ~ 21:12 ~ and this integration allows for you to activate your Light Body/Merkaba and the Light Body/Merkaba of Mother Earth as you experience the re-booting of the ascension grid at that Now moment through the Galactic Heart of All Creation.

As you come into your sacred space once more, sweet ones, and surround yourself in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love you experience the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse ~ the shadow around the shadow ~ being activated through the partial lunar eclipse on November 28th and 29th, and the Full Moon. What this is signifying and allowing you to experience, sweet ones, is the integration of the Divine Feminine Principal, and the healing of your Feminine Spirit, sweet ones, regardless of your gender. So take the time to come into your Heart’s Temple now, to embrace the victim consciousness; to move through the timelines of healing of the Divine Feminine Principal for all Life, sweet ones. For this work that we do brings you to the culminating point of experiencing Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through the merging of your Twinned Flame aspects ~ your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits, within your Heart’s Temple, and this time is coming now, and it is in this wholeness and completion that you may chose to deepen your connection to the center of Divine Love and radiate your Love out to all Creation. Have a sense now of merging and integrating your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits in wholeness within your hearts, sweet ones. As you now call upon the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and ask them to place you in a Kundalini Activation Chamber of Divine Love, you start to feel this kundalini activation in the base chakra area, monitored by these Beings of Light and all the Beings of Light from On High. As this liquid warmth fills the base chakra and pelvic area you continue this deep rhythmic breath through the lower abdomen as you move these beautiful energies of Light through your body, adding vaginal and anal muscle contractions at this stage should you so wish to, to further enhance your experience. As you breathe in, you can contract the vaginal and anal muscles, and as you breathe out, relax the vaginal and anal muscles. Gently rock the base chakra and pelvic area from side to side, backwards and forwards, as this kundalini energy spirals upwards from the base chakra, though the sacral chakra and into the solar plexus chakra. This kundalini energy further moves up the spine to the heart center, passes through the heart chakra in two golden spirals of Light now, into the throat chakra, and then the third eye, and now from the third eye, this kundalini energy moves into the crown chakra and the crown chakra opens right up to receive the rays of Eternal Love, the Divine Love of Mother/Father God, of All Creation.

As you come back into the Heart’s Temple you receive this Love from your family and friends of the Light, as you send your Love out now to every single person on this Earth plane – to the Light workers and star seeded ones, to all the Beings of Light from On High, sweet ones. As you ground once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, sweet ones, and merge with your Beloved I AM Presence, know that indeed the time is Now, where you are overcoming your challenges, understanding them from a cosmic perspective, integrating the shadow aspects, activating the dormant DNA, and truly becoming the Group I AM Avatar Race. This is occurring NOW, sweet ones, in your reality of Heaven on Earth. And indeed it gathers momentum through the month of November, through this 11:11 Gateway of Divine Love and Illumined Truth. Go within and hold the focus of the knowing of your magnificence and your preciousness, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And we thank you for your service work, sweet ones, to all humanity, to all Life, and we bless you, as we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller


One and a half hour tele/webinar conference session with Anrita Melchizedek
$33 (Approximately €25.00/£21.50/R250)

The Eleventh Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ The Priest
Saturday November 23rd - 7pm GMT/UTC,11am PDT, 2pm EDT
London/Lisbon 7pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 11am, New York 2pm, Sydney 6am (November 24th)

Details coming soon
For invocations and channelings on previous initiatory Gateways of Light, please view

My precious friends and family,

Welcome to The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network. This website is dedicated to all seekers of the Light who hold a focus of Service in Love. When we truly understand that the entire experience of creation, from beginning to end, is about Service in Love, we are on our way to becoming co-creators to the Company of Heaven in this magical weaving of Life. As we step into deeper levels of trust and surrender, forgiveness and Love, we allow each Now moment to embrace the Divine within ourselves and others, and through this, we experience the golden Liquid Light and Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

The teachings we offer on The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network are Overlighted by the entire Company of Heaven, with a focus on many of the incredible Christed ET’s that work with us, such as the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, as well as Mystery School teachings, focused on ancient Egypt and Atlantis, through the Order of Melchizedek.

Many of these Light teachings are not beginner’s material, so to speak, although if you are drawn to these teachings, it is simply a level of remembrance as you awaken the dormant DNA and come into the knowing of yourselves as Light Workers, starseeded ones, facilitators and World Teachers.

The teachings we offer on our website include: The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program, The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program), The High Priesthood Training, The Arcturian Stargate Series, The Ascended Master Training, The Seven Divine Rays, Return to Original Innocence, The Elders Teachings and numerous eBooks. Further details on these programs, mostly in Mp3 format, can be found at

Additionally we offer free downloads and monthly channelings, and if you would like to listen to any of the invocations or transmissions, please go to

Another wonderful way to connect is through our teleconferences, and for this sacred year of 2102, we are holding a focus on the Twelve Initiatory Gateways of Light. Should you be interested in these teleconference details, please go to ~ and for the You Tube videos of these Initiatory Gateways, please go to

It is my hope that the writings and teachings on our website may inspire you to remember and become the magnificence that you are, and have forever been, as a magical Master Being of Light and sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.

From my Heart to your Heart to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

Blessings in Love

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Aluna Joy, The Presence of the Great Mother and The Star Elders, with Meditation with Marcus Mason
Duloe Crystal Stone Circle, Cornwall, England - 6/29/12 Message #14

More photos of this pilgrimage can bee seen on Facebook HERE

The following is the 14th message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us, assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

Duloe Stone Circle - June 29, 2012 Our local guide and friend, Marcus Mason: Welcome everyone to Duloe. A small group of us have been working here every full moon for the last four years now. I came here first about ten years ago. I felt rather strange here because it felt really beautiful and really intact, but it felt a little bit flat. Then I came here with Sue about five years ago, and she said "Wow! This is all white quartz. I think it comes alive at night." The white quartz absorbs the sunlight during the day, and reflects that energy outward at night. So, we came here on the full moon one cold February morning, and it was stunning. Beautiful full moon up there, and it was like we were standing inside the full moon. It's a lunar site. This is a site that holds and works with the energy of the moon. So we have been working here with the energy of the full moon every month for the last four years.

The first year and a half, after seeing that first full moon, we didn't see the moon at all. It rained and it was cloudy and it snowed. So one day we asked the stones, "What is going on?" And the stones said, "We just want to make sure that you're serious." (laughter) And we are. So, welcome to you all. I would like to lead you in a meditation.

We will work with the energy of the moon. The moon is behind us somewhere, and it certainly is held in the circle there. There is a line that connects Duloe behind me, from this stone, and it connects up to the Hurlers, which are on Bodmin Moor. The Hurlers is one of the major vortexes and energy centers on the Michael/Mary Line.

So breathe in deeply into your heart. Feel your heart opening to receive your breath, opening to receive air from this place. And breathe the air out and down through your feet into the Earth to connect in to this sacred site. Breathe in again. Feel your heart opening more. And breathe out and down into the Earth. Feel your breath sending roots and energy down through your feet into the beautiful Mother Earth.

Breathe into your heart; and this time, send your out-breath down your left arm to the person next to you and feel it touching their heart and the person next to them, and so on, until it comes back around to you from your right. Breathe in and send it out clockwise around the circle.

Breathe into your heart. This time breathe out and up. Feel your attention and your energy moving up from your heart center to your throat center and from your throat center up through the center of your neck, coming to rest tucked in top of your spinal column under your brain. . . . level with the bridge of your nose. Imagine a flower of light opening at the bridge of your nose. This is the amygdala center-the shamanic center. Breathe in through that center and feel light concentrating-a small pair of lights-tucked in right under your brain, where your brainstem meets your brain.

Breathe in the light that looks like the light of the moon, clear milky white, radiant light. With each breath, breathe it in just above the bridge of your nose and try to concentrate it on the brain stem. Feel this light beginning to permeate and irradiate in and around your head, in and around your brain and in the spinal fluid that encircles your brain. Feel it calming and soothing your whole nervous system. As you breathe in, connect with the energy of the moon. Let your breath fill you with stillness and calm, gentle, radiant peace.

Feel that gentle, clear, white light starting to flow down your spinal column, flowing in the spinal fluid around your spinal column, around your central nervous system. As that clear, white light flows downward through your body, you can feel it relaxing and calming every organ in your body. The nerves become relaxed, and your spine becomes relaxed. So you allow this wave of soft white light, soft moonlight, to flow down your spine . . . down through your neck . . . down to the level of your chest, to your heart, down to the level of your diaphragm . . . relaxing the diaphragm and releasing any tension: any emotional tension, any physical tension. Feel it flowing down into your abdomen, as it relaxes the organs of your abdomen. Feel it coming to rest just below your navel. Imagine, beneath your navel, cool clear light-radiant pool-like water. Imagine the center of that pool has a reflection of a perfect full moon. The pool is calm and still until you can see a clear image of the moon reflecting in your belly below the navel-reflecting your emotional center.

As you bathe in the stillness, this gentle beauty, you can feel the containment of the stones around us. You can feel these beautiful white stones holding the energy of the moon around you.

Feel yourself absorbing and assimilating all the experiences that you have had from this journey . . . your feelings and senses . . . feel them coming up assimilating into your emotional body and then into your physical body, so they become a part of you. Feel yourself assimilating everything shared with each other, everything you have shared at sacred sites where you have been, the stones and the water, and the spirit beings of the Earth. Be aware of your every impression, every little previously unnoticed feeling and thought. Feel yourself filled with gratitude and wonder for this journey-knowing that your call has been completed and that you will always be a part of this whole.

Breathe in deeply into your belly, and breathe out through your legs into the Earth. Breathe in deeply, and out and down into the Earth. Breathe in, and out and down into the Earth.

The group finished with a final Om.

Aluna begin to share her insights and message: These stones make a chalice that goes deep into the Earth. We have been working, polishing, clearing, and emptying out our chalice within. As we were doing this mediation, I saw a little flame begin to grow inside our chalice, a little flame that is like a germination of a seed that we have picked up and tended to on this pilgrimage, and now it has caught fire. This is a new fire inside of us, the one we will take home across to the four corners of the Earth.

The Guardians here and the ones that have been walking with us on this journey know that it's the last day for some of us, and they are wrapping you in a beautiful light to send you home in a silken blanket . . . a shelter for this little tiny flame, so you can get home with this flame still burning brightly. As for the rest of us, we will carry our flame with us onward up north into Scotland until we are completely finished with our journey. At that time, they will blanket our flame as well.

Also there is something being placed underneath our feet. It is very solid, yet it looks like light underneath our feet. It looks like a disc of some sort. I don't quite understand it; but when I ask the Star Elders, they say it is "our new footing in the New World." So over the last eighteen months (2011-2012) or so, they have moved our hearts; they have moved our minds; they have moved our chakra systems to a new frequency, bandwidth, or dimension, etc. They are now putting our feet down upon a golden disc. This is the beginning point, or foundation stone, from which we are to build a New World.

Now looking back at the stone circle, I can see that the energy goes through the golden disc of light that we are standing on, and goes all the way to the core of the Earth. Outside this circle it looks like golden light, an opalized light; but when you look inside, it is filled with gold. On the bottom of the stone's chalice, there is a tiny, multicolored flame.

Okay, the Star Elders are asking me to examine this flame a little further . . . I can see multiple doorways, and at the core I see a mother figure. It could be the Marys or the archetype of the Great Mother inside this flame that is beckoning us through those multiple doorways. She is standing there holding absolute love and purity much like what I felt when I was in Tintagel. It's that really strong, beautiful love and purity . . . beyond description. She is slowly going to send us through these doorways. They are telling me to call them "locks," as in the different stages within a canal. These stages are the stages of the growth of our lives.

When we travel on this canal of life, we can only go so far before we reach a deciding factor in our lives, like a crossroad. Once we pass through the "lock", or crossroad, we can never go back. Then we move forward again and get a little further down the path, and we reach another "lock." Once we pass this "lock," we can never go back, as well. The reason we cannot go backwards is that once we have passed this pivotal point in our lives, we can never un-learn what we learned. That truth is with us from this point on.

The Star Elders are going to take us step by step into a place where we can't go back to the old way of being-become shut down, armored, defensive or closed. This process is going to keep us wide open and take us back to the energy of the Great Mother. The Star Elders are going to take it nice and slow for us. It looks like there are quite a few "locks." We will know when we passed through each one. We are going to feel much lighter as each door closes behind us. We are going to feel our light enhanced and feel more resilient with each "lock" we pass through. We also might feel a little more vulnerable and a little more visible.

For those of you in the circle who have always felt invisible in your life, they are saying "That's over. Get used to being seen." You are going to be seen. But you are so used to being invisible that this might make you feel a little like being in dreams we all have when we show up at school without our clothes on. (laughter). It's going to feel a little like this, which is exactly why we have those dreams to prepare us.

Such dreams are not because we are afraid we are going to show up in school without clothing. Those dreams are us being afraid that we actually will be seen, and the Star Elders are saying, "Get over it. There is no going back." We have agreed to go through the "locks," Yes? They are not going to reverse the doors for us to escape anymore. So . . . if we are okay with this process right now, they will begin to take us through the "locks." The Star Elders and Archangel Michael also say the "locks" are a lot like a zipper. Are you okay with this? We need to give permission for their assistance.

Group: Yes!

Aluna watches for a moment: Okay. Nice, I see nice easy zipper steps, each one opening our hearts a little further, clarifying our energy a little further, making us a little more visible with each step. On the other side, we will merge with the archetype of the Great Mother. When I look a little closer, it looks like once we get there, we will either be male or female or androgynous or whatever we are. But it looks like this Great Mother is a part of within us that has been waiting for us. The Star Elders prefer to do this last step while we are surrounded by white quartz crystal circle, standing on the golden disk/foundation stone of the new world. Are you ready to step into this wholeness? (Breathe and take a moment here.)

We have purified and clarified and have done much work on this pilgrimage (and those reading this as well). We are aware of a lot of what we have learned, but a lot of it we are not. We felt huge energy changes from really being weary to really being wide-awake, as we went through many levels of work. We are echoing what Kelly said the other day. "Good job. Well done. Well done." We are not the same. We even can look at each other now and see that we are a lot different by the way our faces have changed.

We are different from when we arrived. We have merged with our core . . . the Great Mother that is within us. This essence is the light, truth, and wisdom that fill our chalice. When we go home, we will take this full cup with us. We are the weavers who weave the sacredness back onto the Earth plane. This "work" is facilitated by these kinds of groups coming to sacred places with love and respect. We recognize that we have been weaving our light on the Michael/Mary Lines. We also recognize the Ancients that anchored these ley lines in ages past.

I'm feeling the guardians again-Joseph of Arimathea and Arthur-not quite as strongly as we did at Cadbury, which was mind blowing. They are also saying "Well done. Good job." They are pleased with us. The best way I can describe it is a profound recognition of who we are, not so much about what we have done or what we have accomplished, but the recognition that they know who we are and that we have come back. They are happy to see us again. So they thank us.

We take a moment in our hearts now to thank all of them for watching over us and opening the doors and giving us surprises and opportunities and beautiful experiences and for helping us to understand the vastness and differences of energy between magical and flat-out bizarre. (laughter) We have fine-tuned our inner instruments to know what good energy does and doesn't feel like-what calls to our heart and soul and what is not to be energized by our presence anymore. We know where to plant our feet, and we know what to move away from.

So we have long go released those misqualified energies that were anchored by the "old sides" of us (our former selves). Those energies will fade away because we are going to starve them to death by not participating in activities of the world that no longer apply to the focus in our hearts. "May the Camelot Hotel rest in peace." (laughter) That was Archangel Michael, not me.

Remember . . . "We cannot un-learn light." Once we have learned something, we can't unlearn it. So once we wake up to something, we can't go back to sleep to that truth because it is already alive within us. So with that waking up comes a great responsibility, but all of us are ready for this. YES?

As you may have noticed by now, the Star Elders and all the Guardians we work with never say "hello," and they don't say "goodbye" because that is linear consciousness, and they are coming from spherical consciousness. They just decide to quit talking. There is always a knowing that they will connect and see us again anytime we call on them.

POST NOTE . . . This was the most courageous group-not afraid of giving their ALL to what it takes for themselves and humanity. THANK YOU.


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The Keys to Ascension a Message from Sananda Kumara through Elizabeth Trutwin
Many times in the readings from Sananda the overwhelming always-asked-question is How am I Doing? and or Will I Ascend? I asked Lord Sananda to please comment for all.

Greetings! This is Sananda. A Roadmap on the Path. Recognize you are in a body and this body is a projected image which is run by the computer which is your mind. The mind is the hard drive and it includes ego and emotions. The heart is the software running on the hard drive.

Compare a twenty year old computer to a five year old computer to a brand new computer. The first difference you would notice about the hard drive is it has gotten smaller. When One embarks on the Path to Ascension which could also be called Enlightenment - the old programming naturally falls away because it is no longer needed. The form becomes sleeker and slimmer.

If you open the hard drive you will see areas for security and communicating which cannot be separate from the hard drive. Without them the computer will not run. The security area is where the ego functions from. Its only objective is to be an operating system. It delivers the language the hard drive needs to carry out functions. As time passes the hard drive is upgraded with new models and the new computers have less and less ego, in fact in the latest models ego is barely detectable because the smart computer already knows what to do without having to be told.

No programming is necessary.

The emotions and the desires. How One processes happy and sad, inspired and indifferent, true or false, interesting or boring comes from the hard drive core. This is how the computer is built. Imagine an empty computer tower in the hard drive. This one is being custom built for you. What will you include? What will you leave out? How striped down a model would you be content with? We never want to give up desires - desires will always be a part of our make-up. What changes as we upgrade is the intension behind the desire. We go from wanting something because it feels good to wanting something because it is what is needed to go to the next higher spiritual level. Everything else falls away naturally because it becomes a moot point. Your eyes no longer fall upon it. It is no longer considered inside the realm of potentials because your intensions matured and the realm of potentials broadened.

Everything is easier. Everything flows. Nothing in form holds on to you. You are Free.

In your custom built computer which runs your form you are given choices for software and these are controlled by your heart. Will you add photobooth, instagram? Will you want audacity, itunes? Will you want to build websites, video chat with friends? What will your heart need to express its love which is the whole point of the form?
One may even want interactive programming like telepathy, teleportation, jumping, levitation and instant manifestation. See, some people will think to ask for these things first and others will still be wondering what instagram is. This has to do with the speed and intensity of the hard drive. Some people run down the Path, some skip and some walk. Others linger at one spot their whole lives and forget to keep going. They get stuck and forget they wanted the Path in the first place.

The One most important step along the Path is to get help. This help can come by asking. Pray. Contemplate. Meditate. Call in your helpers by whatever names you are accustomed to - because they are all One. Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti, Mother Sehkmet, Divine Mother, Mary, St Germain, Michael, Metatron, Gabriel, Uriel, Tom the Ring-Tail Cat Paschat-- call the Guide which you feel close to. When you do this you will find clues along the Path to speed you along. You may be drawn to a teacher and having a living teacher can speed you along the Path. Stay a day or a lifetime, but if your Guides avail you to seek out something - do it. See how it will take you Higher. Do not ignore obvious signs given to you. Put it into action.

The next most important step along the Path is to see the Geek Squad. Ask that any outdated programming be removed from your hard drive. Do you think the world is flat or round? How many times in your life have you been shown the truth and it overwrote all you used to know about the World. Do a sweep of all running programs and take the red pill to embrace the occasionally painful truth about reality and speed along the Path. Take the blue pill to remain blissful in the illusion. The red pill gives the Geek Squad permission to keep deleting programs which are no longer true. Then there is a pop-up box which says: ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO PERMANENTLY DELETE THIS PROGRAM? That is the really stickie part of Enlightenment. Ungripping. Detachment. Releasing it and letting it go forever and ever and ever. Let It Go. Watch Yourself Grow.

Finally the last greatest leap is letting go of fears. Fear of Death and Fear of Lack are the two winners in the polls. Scan the Souls and these fears come up most.

Why are you afraid to die? Who said you HAVE to die? Ah. To Enlightened Ones who hear there is a fear of dying they think --- odd ---- the concept of death itself is an old program - at least 20th Century thinking. To those afraid of death it sounds like a criticism, because they are white knuckled, twisted stomach, teeth gnashing afraid of death and it is nothing to joke about. So, with any fear the same question comes up. Why not tell the fear: IT DOESNʻT MATTER. Do you think you can set aside the fear when it pops up by chanting in your mind silently IT DOESNʻT MATTER. What do you think will happen. OK. Think about the pop-up box on your computer which says: If you save this file you may be deleting previous versions. Please Do Not Show This Message Again. In this case you are fully aware you will save a newer version of the programming and it is the result you always want. You are not concerned with losing the old version because if you were you would not have consciously picked SAVE. So then where it says Please Do Not Show Me This Message Again you click on the X and it disappears permanently and the pop-up box doesnʻt irritate you every time it opens with an annoying message. When your FEAR pop-up box pops - say silently in your mind IT DOESNʻT MATTER. That is old programming and if I keep ignoring it, eventually I will find peace about the issue. I need not know the answer this second, I chose to say IT DOESNʻT MATTER. It appears I do not have all the money I will need today. IT DOESNʻT MATTER. I know I am working as hard as I can on the things my Guides have shown me to do so the outward appearance of lack? IT DOESNʻT MATTER.

In doing this everyday for a string of days or months or years - it makes it inevitable that things will change the next minute, hour, day or week - but they WILL change.

The key to abundance and lack of fear is to celebrate what you do have in this moment and keep the channel open for more at all times. If your friend or close family have a triumph in their life, reach a goal or have a success then Celebrate! Take them out for coffee, fix their favorite meal, have a picnic - do something within your means today - but keep life happy. Go from one happy moment to the next. This keeps the flow of experiences happy. This swifts you down the Path.

The key to Enlightenment is approach life with a sense of wonder. When you have seen the Geek Squad and thrown off the old programming all of your programs run smoother and faster. The negative annoyances fall away and One finds themselves exploring things they never did before. There is room and time and so your Guides will show you new ways to spend your time. New people to hang out with. New foods to try. You will find your whole nature changes. Your desires change.

When you approach life with worry the Universe gives you more to worry about.
When you approach life with wonder the Universe gives you more wonderful experiences. More and more Wonder. Life becomes a moviescape of Divinity, Beauty, Focus and more Love. This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 12, 2012 © All Rights Reserved. An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus.
This is a question and answer session on video Skype and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit
The Yagya Discourses are a two hour meeting. This will begin with a Guided Meditation, a Discussion on Enlightenment and a Question and Answer Session. This is a sharing with your community and a journey into Wholeness. You will enjoy this sacred time designed to give you new inspiration and rejuvenate your Spirit. We invite deep questioning where no question is taboo. This is an Interactive Call In Conference Call with Elizabeth Trutwin. After you register then the day before the call you will be emailed your password to participate. The suggested donation for the two hour meeting is $10. These will typically be a weekly meeting. Please check back often for the next day and time. The Next Yagya Discourse: Wednesday, October 21st 8pm-10 pm ET, 7pm-9pm CT, 6pm-8pm MT and 5pm-7pm PT There will be a 24 hour playback number for registered participants. Register Here. What is YAGYA? YAGYA the word has come from Sanskrit 'YAJAN'. It means prayer, sacrifice, surrender, concentration and sharing good and bad feelings with many people and things. Though this word has multifarious significance with our daily routines and activities. YAGYA as we study in Bhagavad Gita, it signifies action to make every one pleased, whether they are fore-fathers, Gods, family members, relatives and the many people in our surrounding community. Even for those who have no concern, we invite them to pray, eat and be happy to participate in blessings for our better future and spiritual evolution. In this regard we observe the actual meaning of YAGYA covers very wide range of significance. If you would like a copy of either or both StarGate Earth or Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation all you have to do is send me an email - I will add you to my updates list and email the two free Ebooks until October 31, 2012. Please forward this message to friends and invite them to get the books. I am here in Service and my Mission is to help with Full Galactic Disclosure. Namaste. ~beth There are currently volunteers working on translating them into Chinese, Dutch and Greek. More Here.
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