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The Passing Of The Year – A Poem


The Passing Of The Year – A Poem

Another brilliant piece of writing penned down by Robert W. Service, the 'The Passing of the Year' is a perfect poem to be recited on New Year's Eve. The poem is the reflection of the thoughts of both an optimist and a pessimist over the transition of the year from old to new. The poem brings forth the view points of both the optimist and the pessimist on the passing of the old year and the approach of the New Year. The poem quite smartly puts across the importance and meaning of the arrival of the New Year. Through this poem the poet tries to put across the individuality of human beings, and how the New Year has different meanings for each individual. Surf through the poem below to get a better understanding on the perspective the poet wants to present.

The Passing Of The Year

The Passing of the Year
My glass is filled, my pipe is lit,
My den is all a cosy glow;
And snug before the fire I sit,
And wait to feel the old year go.
I dedicate to solemn thought
Amid my too-unthinking days,
This sober moment, sadly fraught
With much of blame, with little praise.
Old Year! upon the Stage of Time
You stand to bow your last adieu;
A moment, and the prompter's chime
Will ring the curtain down on you.
Your mien is sad, your step is slow;
You falter as a Sage in pain;
Yet turn, Old Year, before you go,
And face your audience again.
That sphinx-like face, remote, austere,
Let us all read, what're the cost:
O maiden! why that bitter tear?
Is it for dear one you have lost?
Is it for fond illusion gone?
For trusted lover proved untrue?
O sweet girl-face, so sad, so wan,
What hath the Old Year meant to you?
'And you, O neighbour on my right,
So sleek, so prosperously clad!
What see you in that aged wight
That makes your smile so gay and glad?
What opportunity unmissed?
What golden gain, what pride of place?
What splendid hope" O Optimist!
What read you in that withered face?
And you, deep shrinking in the gloom,
What find you in that filmy gaze?
What menace of a tragic doom?
What dark, condemning yesterdays?
What urge to crime, what evil done?
What cold, confronting shape of fear?
O haggard, haunted, hidden One,
What see you in the dying year?
And so from face to face I flit,
The countless eyes that stare and stare;
Some are with approbation lit,
And some are shadowed with despair.
Some show a smile and some a frown;
Some joy and hope, some pain and woe:
Enough! Oh, ring that curtain down!
Old weary year! it's time to go.
My pipe is out, my glass is dry;
My fire is almost ashes too;
But once again, before you go;
And I prepare to meet the New:
Old year! a parting word that's true,
For we've been comrades, you and I -
I thank God for each day of you;
There! bless you now! Old Year, goodbye!


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Contract Kids – Switzerland

Contract Kids –Switzerland

Published on 28 May 2012

Switzerland's secret shame

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Generations of Swiss children lost their childhoods to state-endorsed abuse and forced labour. This shocking report brings us their stories, shedding light on a little-known dark chapter of Swiss history.

"Our Switzerland, which always wants to be goodie-goodies, has so many skeletons in its cupboard", Maria Magdalena tells us. Right up until 1981 the Swiss state sent thousands of teenagers like Maria to places like Hindelbank women's prison for 're-education'. Accused of being rebellious or promiscuous they were held indefinitely without trial. "I was beaten for everything", Hugo Zingg, who was a so-called 'contract child' recalls. Of the five children on the farm he was forced to work on, he was the only one not to commit suicide. However, possibly the most shocking story is that of Bernette Gechter. Her strictly religious foster parents took her to a doctor at 7 years old, believing she was sexually active. She was diagnosed with a brain disorder and forced to undergo electro-shock therapy. At 18 when she became pregnant, they aborted the baby and sterilized her because they thought she was unfit to be a mother. The survivors are campaigning for recognition, but the Swiss government still refuses to hold a full investigation or discuss remuneration for the victims.

A Film By SBS
Distributed By Journeyman Pictures
May 2012

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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
May 1, 2013

May is a very powerful time of year for all of us evolving on this Planet, and we are being given some amazing opportunities during May of 2013 to add to the Light of the World. Our I AM Presence, the God Self within each of us, is intervening in our lives in new and profound ways. This is due to the incredible shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness that have been taking place within every person’s Earthly Bodies since the beginning of this year.
Since the Birth of the New Earth, which took place in the Realms of Cause on December 22, 2012, our I AM Presence has been raising the frequency of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies exponentially. This is greatly accelerating our physical transformation from carbon-based planetary Beings into Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. Now our I AM Presence is more accessible to our outer consciousness than ever before. This is allowing us to more tangibly work with the new 5th-Dimentional energies that are bathing the Earth.
I would like to share some information that is being given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven regarding the opportunities that are being presented to us at this time. The Divine Intent of this information is to help all of us take full advantage of the powerful energies that will bathe the Earth during the Mystical Month of May in 2013.
May has always been considered a mystical month because of very powerful activities of Light that take place during this time. These events are orchestrated by Saint Germain and Mother Mary. I will begin with Saint Germain’s activity of Light.


Saint Germain’s Ascension Day
The 1st of May is known as Saint Germain's Ascension Day. This year, Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame will bless the Earth with an unprecedented influx of the New 5-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame. This is a frequency of the Violet Flame that reflects our Father-Mother God’s Infinite Perfection. This year we will experience this Sacred Fire in frequencies beyond anything we have ever been able to receive.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain has been instrumental in bringing the knowledge of the Violet Flame to the conscious minds of Humanity. In the Heavenly Realms, he is known as the Son of Freedom, and he has volunteered to sustain the Violet Flame on Earth for the benefit of all Life evolving here. In his exalted service in the Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—The Cosmic I AM¬¬—All That Is—Saint Germain is the Keeper of the Violet Flame. In this octave of Divine Service, he sustains this Gift from our Father-Mother God for all of the Sons and Daughters of God throughout the Universe.
During this critical time on Planet Earth, Saint Germain is working with the support of the entire Company of Heaven. Every Adept, Avatar, Buddha, Saint, and Christed Being that has ever walked the Earth is helping Saint Germain in his endeavor to assist Humanity and all Life evolving here to integrate the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.
Due to the incredible changes that have successfully taken place within Humanity’s Earthly Bodies this year, we are now capable of assimilating higher frequencies of the Violet Flame than ever before. Beginning May 1st, Saint Germain, in unison with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity who are associated with the Violet Flame, will magnetize from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God the most intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of withstanding.
The Beings of Light associated with this Sacred Fire will breathe this unfathomable Violet Flame into the Divine Matrix of our Father Mother God. The Divine Intelligence within this Sacred Fire has been waiting for the opportunity to assist Humanity in transmuting our human miscreations back into Light since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace aeons ago.
Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame have volunteered to sustain these intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame for the rest of the year. Their goal is to help Humanity to transmute the maximum negativity from our human miscreations, in as short a time as possible. This accelerated purification will greatly assist in paving the way for the pattern of perfection for the New Earth to be magnetized into our daily lives.
In order for this wondrous facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished, however, Saint Germain and the Legions of the Violet Flame must have our help. In alignment with Universal Law, the call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. In order for these powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame to manifest in the physical plane of Earth, they must be drawn through the Heart Flames of people abiding in the physical plane.

Even though Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame are committed to being the Open Door for these incredibly powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame, unless this Sacred Fire is drawn into the physical plane through the Heart Flames of embodied Lightworkers, we will not have access to its transmuting power on Earth.
This means, once again, that we are being called to a higher service. We are being asked by our Father-Mother God, Saint Germain, and the entire Company of Heaven if we are willing to put forth the necessary effort to be the Open Door through which this magnificent Violet Flame will enter the physical plane of Earth. This is not a monumental task. It is simply a matter of invoking these new frequencies of the Violet Flame through our I AM Presence and decreeing them into action through our Heart Flames.
At the bottom of this e-mail I have included a powerful Invocation that was given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven to help us receive the maximum benefit that Cosmic Law will allow from this amazing 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame.
If this opportunity to transmute Humanity’s miscreations, which are causing all of the pain and suffering on Earth, resonates in your heart-of-hearts please join with Lightworkers around the world and invoke this Violet Flame as often as you can on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this Planet.


Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart
Another very important and helpful thing that takes place during the Mystical Month of May is that Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Realms of Light is open to all Humanity. During May every year, our I AM Presence has the opportunity to take us to this Temple in our finer bodies while we are sleeping at night.
This may be a new concept for you, but there is no such thing as our soul being unconscious. When we lay our body down to rejuvenate it through sleep, our I AM Presence escorts us into the Realms of Light in our finer body. Once we are there, we have the opportunity to learn new things and to benefit from the Gifts of Light that are being administered to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. If when you go to sleep at night you ask your I AM Presence to help you remember when you wake up the experiences you had in the Inner Realms of Light, you will gradually become aware on a conscious level of what you are learning during your nightly travels.
This year, Mother Mary, in unison with the Feminine Aspect of our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity, is providing Humanity with a powerful Gift that will help us to transcend the distorted and painful patterns of the old Earth. This Gift from On High will allow us to more effectively integrate and secure into the physical plane the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. Mother Mary said this Divine Intervention will help us to manifest our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love in tangible and profound ways.
During the entire Mystical Month of May in 2013, when we are escorted into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart, she will invest us with the most powerful and healing frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love that we are capable of receiving. Mother Mary said that this unprecedented Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love will heal Humanity’s wounded hearts in ways that will enable each of us to release and forgive the pain and suffering we created either deliberately or inadvertently throughout our myriad lifetimes.
Mother Mary’s activity of Light, which will be working in harmony with Saint Germain’s Gift of the intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will help us to transmute and transcend Humanity’s past transgressions of the Laws of Love and Oneness in miraculous ways.


A New Moon Solar Eclipse Will Bless the Earth on May 10, 2013
The added influx of Light we will experience from this powerful Celestial alignment will greatly enhance all of the activities of Light taking place during the month of May. This will be an important time for each of us to redouble our efforts and to add to the Light of the World with increased invocations of the Violet Flame.
The Good Will Festival of Humanity Will Be Celebrated May 25, 2013


During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ and the Divine Wisdom of Buddha, which have been building in momentum since the two previous Full Moon Festivals, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity’s ability to unify our hearts and minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. As this influx of Light adds to the Gifts of Saint Germain and Mother Mary the Light of God will increase on Earth exponentially.

5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Invocation


The Violet Flame of A Thousand Suns
This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that you will experience this activity of Light personally and tangibly. But KNOW that you are serving as a surrogate on behalf of every man, woman, and child on Earth. As you invoke this Gift of the Violet Flame for yourself, you are simultaneously invoking this Sacred Fire on behalf of ALL Humanity. Through each person’s I AM Presence, the Violet Flame will respond in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

And We Begin…
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.
I AM the Open Door for the New 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame which are more powerful than any human miscreation.
I AM inbreathing this Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into my Heart Flame, and I AM breathing this Sacred Fire out through my Heart Flame to bless all Life on Earth.
As I breathe the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through my Heart Flame, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame expand and expand this Gift from my Father-Mother God until it is pulsating with the power and might of a thousand Suns.
I now decree that this exquisite Violet Flame instantaneously transmutes the human miscreations affecting every person, place, condition, or thing on Earth, whether these painful experiences were created consciously or unconsciously, in the past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability.
I decree that the Violet Flame transmutes every electron of precious Life energy that is in any way blocking or preventing the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
Now, through the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light who are associated with the Violet Flame begin to blaze, and blaze, and blaze the Violet Flame with the intensity and power of a thousand Suns through Humanity’s human miscreations as I decree:

Beloved Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame...
a) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman, and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression is a Loving benediction.
b) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all of the incoming babies, the children, their parents and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.
c) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders, teachers, instructors and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and eternally sustained.
d) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, until Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood is tangibly manifest, and a Renaissance of Divine Love is the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.
e) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Genuine Caring, Compassion, and Healing are manifest realities for every person.
f) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and all of the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance, financial freedom, and the God supply of all good things.
g) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution and every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.
h) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.
i) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.
j) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.
k) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy associated with the Nature Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Environment of Earth until ALL are purified and the perfection of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth is manifest.
I accept and know that this activity of the Violet Flame has been secured through every person’s Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence. This Sacred Fire will increase daily and hourly with every breath I take until this Earth and ALL her Life are manifesting the perfection of the New Earth. And so it is.
5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Poster

by Dominique Claire Germain

11” x 15 1/4”
In order to assist us in relating to, and experiencing, the awesome beauty and power of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, Saint Germain has inspired a beautiful poster of this exquisite Gift from our Father-Mother God.
Saint Germain has given us a vision of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame pulsating with scintillating 5th-Dimensional frequencies. This vision was projected from the Realms of Illumined Truth and magnetized into the physical plane by a dear Lightworker named Dominique Claire Germain and a wonderful graphic artist she works with in France.

By focusing on this image when we invoke the Violet Flame and by having
the image in our homes and places of work, we will be reminded throughout
the day that we are the Open Door for this Gift from our Father-Mother God.


As the radiance of this Divine Image resonates through our environment, we will experience a shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness that will help us to quickly transmute our human miscreations. This will clear the way for the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our Renaissance of Divine Love.
Dominique has copyrighted the poster so that it will not be altered or changed in any way. If you would like to have a copy of this magnificent Violet Flame poster to bless your home or office, it is available on our website.
(If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser)

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

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DailyOm – Stepping Stones

April 6, 2011
Stepping Stones

One Day at a Time

Our lives are made of stepping stones, one experience after another in perfect and divine order.

The years of our life do not arrive all at once; they greet us day by day. With the descent of each setting sun, we are able to rest our heads and let the world take care of itself for a while. We may rest assured throughout the night, knowing that the dawn will bring with it a chance to meet our lives anew, donning fresh perspectives and dream-inspired hopes. The hours that follow, before we return to sleep once more, are for us to decide how we want to live and learn, laugh and grow. Our lives are sweeter and more manageable because we must experience them this way: one day at a time.

Imagine the future stretching out before you and try to notice if you feel any tension or overwhelm at the prospect of the journey still to come. Perhaps you have recently made a lifestyle change, like beginning a new diet or quitting smoking, and the idea of continuing this healthy new behavior for years seems daunting. Maybe you have started a new job or are newly married and can feel an undercurrent of anxiety about your ability to succeed. If you can shift your focus from what may happen years down the line and return it to the day that is before you right now, you may find a measure of calm and renewed confidence in your capabilities. You may also discover an inner faith that the future will take care of itself.

The way we show up for our lives today and tomorrow has an enormous affect on who we will be and what we will be experiencing years from now. If we can remain fully engaged in the day at hand, enjoying all it has to offer and putting our energy into making the most of it, we will find that we are perfectly ready and capable to handle any future when it arrives.

DailyOm – A World in Confusion

April 7, 2011
A World in Confusion

Cultivating Inner Clarity

If we can locate the stillness at the center of our hearts, we can find composure in almost any situation.

People who maintain their sense of calm when things around them are in a state of flux and confusion are always wonderful to be around. We feel calmer just being near them, as if they have activated our own sense of inner peace. From them we learn that we can be calm, even when everything around us is in turmoil, because we know that no matter what happens, this inner sense of calm will help us to function well. Often, times of confusion are the times that enable us to find that part of ourselves that knows how to cope, and how to be a light to others in the storm.

If we allow ourselves to be thrown off balance by every piece of disturbing news that comes our way, we may be relying too much on our emotions. On the other hand, our thoughts may also be unreliable at times like these, as they chatter on endlessly about what might happen next. If our feelings and thoughts activate one another in a hectic way, then we become caught up in the confusion that surrounds us. However, if we can locate the stillness at the center of our hearts, we can find composure in almost any situation. In addition, we provide a safe place for our friends and family, who are also prone to taking on the confusion of a world in flux.

It helps to remember that we don’t need to completely understand what’s happening right now, nor do we need to be able to predict the future. Most of us just want to find our way to being at peace with whatever happens, and we can find this peace inside. Cultivating our inner clarity with meditation, journaling, and reading words that inspire us, will lead us to that place inside us that’s already there, just waiting.

DailyOm – Underneath the Noise

April 8, 2011
Underneath the Noise

Hearing the Whisper

Sometimes it is the softness of a whisper that is needed the most.

You may have noticed that if you want to speak to someone in a noisy, crowded room, the best thing to do is lean close and whisper. Yelling in an attempt to be louder than the room’s noise generally only hurts your throat and adds to the chaos. Similarly, that still, small voice within each of us does not try to compete with the mental chatter on the surface of our minds, nor does it attempt to overpower the volume of the raucous world outside. If we want to hear it, no matter what is going on around us or even inside us, we can always tune in to that soft voice underneath the surrounding noise.

It is generally true that the more insistent voices in our heads delivering messages that make us feel panicky or afraid are of questionable authority. They may be voices we internalized from childhood or from the culture, and as such they possess only half-truths. Their urgency stems from their disconnectedness from the center of our being, and their urgency is what catches our attention. The other voice that whispers reassurances that everything is fundamentally okay simply delivers its message with quiet confidence. Once we hear it, we know it speaks the truth. Generally, once we have heard what it has to say, a powerful sense of calm settles over our entire being, and the other voices and sounds, once so dominant, fade into the background, suddenly seeming small and far away.

We may find that our own communications in the world begin to be influenced by the quiet certainty of this voice. We may be less inclined to indulge in idle chatter as we become more interested in maintaining our connection to the whisper of truth that broadcasts its message like the sound of the wind shaking the leaves of a tree. As we align ourselves more with this quiet confidence, we become an extension of the whisper, penetrating the noise of the world and creating more peace, trust, and confidence.

DailyOm – Other People’s Agendas

April 19, 2011
Other People’s Agendas

Appreciating Suggestions

Other people may have their own agenda for our life; we can value their input but we don’t have to take it to heart.

As children, our parents had dreams for us. They wanted us to do well in school, and to do whatever was necessary to reach our highest potential. Later in life, friends may try to set us up with their idea of the perfect partner or the perfect job. Spouses may have agendas for us, too. People close to us may have ideas about how we should live our lives, ideas that usually come from love and the desire for us to be happy. Other times, they come from a place of need within them—whether it is the parent who wants us to live out his or her dreams or the friend or spouse who wants us to play an already-defined role. Whatever the case, we can appreciate and consider those people’s input, but ultimately we must follow our own inner guidance.

There may come a time when all the suggestions can become overbearing. We may feel that the people we love don’t approve of our judgment, which can hurt our feelings. It can interfere with the choices we make for our lives by making us doubt ourselves, or filling a void with their wishes before we’ve had a chance to decide what we want. It can affect us energetically as well. We may have to deal with feelings of resistance or the need to shut ourselves off from them. But we can take some time to rid ourselves of any unnecessary doubts and go within to become clear on what we desire for ourselves.

We can tell our loved ones how much we appreciate their thoughts and ideas, but that we need to live our own lives and make our own decisions. We can explain that they need to let us learn from our own experiences rather than rob us of wonderful life lessons and the opportunity to fine-tune our own judgment. When they see that we are happy with our lives and the path we are taking to reach our goals, they can rest assured that all we need them to do is to share in our joy.

DailyOm – A Dynamic Choice-Maker

April 20, 2011
A Dynamic Choice-Maker

Accepting Yourself

There is no such thing as a good person or a bad person; simply choices and actions that lead us in different directions.

There is no such thing as a good person or a bad person. There are choices and actions that lead us in different directions, and it is through those choices and actions that we create our realities. Sometimes we choose or do something that takes us in the opposite direction of the reality we want to create for ourselves. When we do this, we feel bad—uneasy, unhappy, unsure. We might go so far as to label ourselves “bad” when a situation like this arises. Instead of labeling ourselves, though, we could simply acknowledge that we made a choice that lead us down a particular path, and then let it go, forgiving ourselves and preparing for our next opportunity to choose, and act, in ways that support our best intentions.

Many of us experienced childhoods in which the words good and bad were used as weapons to control us—you were good if you did what you were told and bad if you didn’t. This kind of discipline undermines a person’s ability to find their own moral center and to trust and be guided by their own inner self. If you were raised this way, you may find yourself feeling shockwaves of badness when you do something you were taught was wrong, even if now you don’t agree that it’s bad. Conversely, you may feel good when you do what you learned was right. Notice how this puts you in something of a straitjacket. An important part of our spiritual unfolding requires that we grow beyond what we learned and take responsibility for our own liberation in our own terms.

You are a human being with every right to be here, learning and exploring. To label yourself good or bad is to think too small. What you are is a decision-maker and every moment provides you the opportunity to move in the direction of your higher self or in the direction of stagnation or degradation. In the end, only you know the difference. If you find yourself going into self-judgment, try to stop yourself as soon as you can and come back to center. Know that you are not good or bad, you are simply you.

DailyOm – Spreading Your Light

April 21, 2011
Spreading Your Light

How You Affect Others Daily

Everything we do or say has the potential to affect the whole; imagine how powerful that is.

As the pace and fullness of modern life serve to isolate us from one another, the contact we do share becomes vastly more significant. We unconsciously absorb each other’s energy, adopting the temperament of those with whom we share close quarters, and find ourselves changed after the briefest encounters. Everything we do or say has the potential to affect not only the individuals we live, work, and play with but also those we’ve just met. Though we may never know the impact we have had or the scope of our influence, accepting and understanding that our attitudes and choices will affect others can help us remember to conduct ourselves with grace at all times. When we seek always to be friendly, helpful, and responsive, we effortlessly create an atmosphere around ourselves that is both uplifting and inspiring.

Most people rarely give thought to the effect they have had or will have on others. When we take a few moments to contemplate how our individual modes of being affect the people we spend time with each day, we come one step closer to seeing ourselves through the eyes of others. By asking ourselves whether those we encounter walk away feeling appreciated, respected, and liked, we can heighten our awareness of the effect we ultimately have. Something as simple as a smile given freely can temporarily brighten a person’s entire world. Our value-driven conduct may inspire others to consider whether their own lives are reflective of their values. A word of advice can help others see life in an entirely new fashion. And small gestures of kindness can even prove to those embittered by the world that goodness still exists. By simply being ourselves, we influence other’s lives in both subtle and life-altering ways.

To ensure that the effect we have is positive, we must strive to stay true to ourselves while realizing that it is the demeanor we project and not the quality of our wondrous inner landscapes that people see. Thus, as we interact with others, how we behave can be as important as who we are. If we project our passion for life, our warmth, and our tolerance in our facial features, voice, and choice of words, every person who enters our circle of influence will leave our presence feeling at peace with themselves and with us. You never know whose life you are affecting, big or small. Try to remember this as you go out into the world each day.

DailyOm – Words of Wisdom

April 22, 2011
Words of Wisdom


Our minds accept as truth the critical statements we tell ourselves, but it can also accept our positive affirmations.

The words we speak and think hold great sway over the kind of life that we create for ourselves. Many people live their lives plagued by negative thoughts and never even realize this. They tell themselves and others that they are doomed to fail, not good enough, or not worthy of love, yet they are amazed when their reality starts reflecting these words. Just as the subconscious mind accepts as truth the critical statements we tell ourselves, however, it is also equipped to instantly accept the veracity of our affirmations.

Affirmations are statements chosen and spoken consciously. Once they enter our realm of consciousness, they also enter our subconscious mind where they have the power to change our lives. The affirmations you create should be specific, not too long, worded positively, formed in complete sentences, and spoken in the present tense as if what you are affirming is already true. It is a good idea to repeat your affirmations daily. You may want to tell yourself that you deserve to be happy or that you are in control of your destiny. Or, you may want to focus on a particular goal, such as attracting new friends. Rather than telling yourself you want to be well-liked, say, “I am well-liked.”

Your subconscious mind will pick up on these positive messages, and you will begin to live your life as if what you are affirming already has happened. Soon, your reality will begin to reflect your affirmations. If you find that you are thwarting yourself with negative thinking, try repeating ! your affirmations several times a day. Write your affirmations down and say them aloud or in your mind. Allow your conviction to grow stronger each time you say your affirmations, and your negativity will be overridden by your motivation and positive thoughts.

Affirmations are a powerful tool for creating our desired reality. We consciously and subconsciously invite opportunity into our lives when we say affirmations. Trust in the power of your affirmations, and you will very quickly create what you have already stated to be true.

DailyOm – Seasons of Beauty

April 25, 2011
Seasons of Beauty

Aging Gracefully

As we cultivate our life, our beauty becomes as much about what we are creating and doing as it is about our appearance.

We tend to associate youth with beauty, but the truth is that beauty transcends every age. Just as a deciduous tree is stunning in all its stages—from its full leafy green in the summer to its naked skeleton during winter and everything in between—human beings are beautiful throughout their life spans.

The early years of our lives tend to be about learning and experiencing as much as we possibly can. We move through the world like sponges, absorbing the ideas of other people and the world. Like a tree in spring, we are waking up to the world. In this youthful phase of life, our physical strength, youth, and beauty help open doors and attract attention. Gradually, we begin to use the information we have gathered to form ideas and opinions of our own. As we cultivate our philosophy about life, our beauty becomes as much about what we are saying, doing, and creating as it is about our appearance. Like a tree in summer, we become full, expressive, beautiful, and productive.

When the time comes for us to let go of the creations of our middle lives, we are like a tree in autumn dropping leaves, as we release our past attachments and preparing for a new phase of growth. The children move on, and careers shift or end. The lines on our faces, the stretch marks, and the grey hairs are beautiful testaments to the fullness of our experience. In the winter of our lives, we become stripped down to our essence like a tree. We may become more radiant than ever at this stage, because our inner light shines brighter through our eyes as time passes. Beauty at this age comes from the very core of our being—our essence. This essence is a reminder that there is nothing to fear in growing older and that there is a kind of beauty that comes only after one has spent many years on earth.

DailyOm – An Invitation to Love

April 27, 2011
An Invitation to Love

Angel Meditation

A meditation with your angels can provide a new gentleness into your normal meditation routine.

Though your host of spirit guides encompasses many diverse beings, all of which willingly watch over you, meditating with angels can be a uniquely insightful experience. The angels stationed at your side are both powerful and knowledgeable—they possess a limitless understanding of your needs and desires, your strengths and weaknesses, and your purpose. However, angels take an active part in our lives only when invited to do so. Meditation allows you to make contact with your angels and lovingly request that they participate actively in your day-to-day life.

To begin, retreat to a solitary place where you won’t be distracted by concerns. Incense and candlelight may aid you in achieving a meditative state but are not necessary. However, laying an image of an angel, angel statue, or item symbolizing your angels before you can focus your thoughts. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply, and let yourself relax. When you feel peaceful, invite your angels from the highest of light to sit with you as you meditate. Mentally repeat your request and reiterate that this time together is important to you. Then, in your mind’s eye, visualize a bright-white light floating above you. As you breathe, draw this light first into the crown of your head and then into the whole of your physical self. Allow this light to spread through your arms and hands, your core, and your lower body. Repeat this integration of illumination with a violet light.

Once again, ask your angels to be with you. Let the stillness surrounding you enter your soul, and open your heart to your angel guides. If they wish to communicate a message, they will do so now. Allow them to wrap their wings around you and infuse you with their bountiful love. Breathe them in as you did the light. As the meditation draws to a close, you may feel a presence, fluttering wings, or billowing fabric, or you may see an angel in your mind’s eye. Thank them for providing you with love and light, and being with you as you meditated. If you don’t sense or feel anything, there is no cause for worry—you can be certain your angels are with you. Don’t be surprised if you start to see signs throughout the day that your angels are near, perhaps a feather at your doorstep. As you practice this meditation, you will become increasingly adept at recognizing when your angels are near and sensing their presence.

DailyOm – Unblocking the Ally
April 28, 2011
Unblocking the Ally

Habitual Anger

Anger can easily become our go-to emotion; to remedy, start noticing when and why you get angry.

Sometimes when we feel anger, it is coming from a deep place that demands acknowledgment and expression. At these times, it is important that we find healthy ways to honor our anger, remembering how dangerous it is to repress it. However, anger can also become a habit, our go-to emotion whenever things go wrong. Often this is because, for whatever reason, we feel more comfortable expressing anger than we do other emotions, like sadness. It can also be that getting angry gives us the impression that we’ve done something about our problem. In these cases, our habitual anger is inhibiting both our ability to express our other emotions and to take action in our lives.

If it’s true that anger is functioning this way in your life, the first thing you might want to try is to notice when you get angry. You might begin to see a pattern of some kind. For example, you could notice that it is always your first response or that it comes up a lot in one particular situation. If the pattern doesn’t become clear right away, you could try keeping a journal about when you get angry and see if you can find any underlying meaning. The good thing about keeping a journal is that you can explore your anger more deeply in it—from examining who in your family of origin expressed a lot of anger to how you feel when you encounter anger in others. This kind of awareness can be a formidable agent of transformation.

Anger can be a powerful ally, since it is filled with energy that we can harness and use to create change in the world. It is one of the most cathartic emotions, and it can also be a very effective cleanser of the emotional system. However, when it becomes a habit, it actually loses its power to transform and becomes an obstacle to growth. Identifying the role anger plays in your life and restoring it to its proper function can bring new energy and expansiveness to your emotional life.

DailyOm – An Invitation to Love

April 27, 2011
An Invitation to Love

Angel Meditation

A meditation with your angels can provide a new gentleness into your normal meditation routine.

Though your host of spirit guides encompasses many diverse beings, all of which willingly watch over you, meditating with angels can be a uniquely insightful experience. The angels stationed at your side are both powerful and knowledgeable—they possess a limitless understanding of your needs and desires, your strengths and weaknesses, and your purpose. However, angels take an active part in our lives only when invited to do so. Meditation allows you to make contact with your angels and lovingly request that they participate actively in your day-to-day life.

To begin, retreat to a solitary place where you won’t be distracted by concerns. Incense and candlelight may aid you in achieving a meditative state but are not necessary. However, laying an image of an angel, angel statue, or item symbolizing your angels before you can focus your thoughts. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply, and let yourself relax. When you feel peaceful, invite your angels from the highest of light to sit with you as you meditate. Mentally repeat your request and reiterate that this time together is important to you. Then, in your mind’s eye, visualize a bright-white light floating above you. As you breathe, draw this light first into the crown of your head and then into the whole of your physical self. Allow this light to spread through your arms and hands, your core, and your lower body. Repeat this integration of illumination with a violet light.

Once again, ask your angels to be with you. Let the stillness surrounding you enter your soul, and open your heart to your angel guides. If they wish to communicate a message, they will do so now. Allow them to wrap their wings around you and infuse you with their bountiful love. Breathe them in as you did the light. As the meditation draws to a close, you may feel a presence, fluttering wings, or billowing fabric, or you may see an angel in your mind’s eye. Thank them for providing you with love and light, and being with you as you meditated. If you don’t sense or feel anything, there is no cause for worry—you can be certain your angels are with you. Don’t be surprised if you start to see signs throughout the day that your angels are near, perhaps a feather at your doorstep. As you practice this meditation, you will become increasingly adept at recognizing when your angels are near and sensing their presence.

DailyOm – Messengers of Direction

April 29, 2011
Messengers of Direction

Animals in Nature

Animals in nature always have a message for us, start noticing what animals show up in your life and when.

Animals share our planet with us, but experience it differently—each has its own abilities and gifts that allow them to interact successfully with the natural world. Since we are merely one manifestation of the universe’s energy in action, when we feel the need for direction we can turn to animals in nature for guidance. Animals can show us different ways to approach and deal with our challenges.

As we hold a question in mind, we can begin to pay attention to the animal activity around us. Staring out a window we may notice a bird soaring high in the sky, showing us how to look at our situation from a greater distance. If we don’t get an immediate answer, we can remember that the universe has its own perfect timing that doesn’t heed the ticking of the clock. Instead, we can release our question into the universe’s care, and then trust that an animal messenger will carry inspiration our way. In the meantime, we align ourselves with the universe’s rhythm—opening, humbling ourselves, and shifting our perceptions so that at the perfect time we will be ready. Then, even weeks later, the sight of a small bird hopping from branch to branch may signal for us to use a talent other than our greatest strength and to take small leaps rather than fly over details. A squirrel bounding across an open expanse of grass to stash its latest prize may remind us to check our favorite hid! ing places for forgotten treasure. Even if we don’t see actual animals, their representations may hold messages; whether we see them in a shape in the clouds, a picture, or a show on television, their symbolic meaning is the same.

Animals are closer to the rhythms and cycles of nature and have fewer distractions from it than humans do. That is why they are the perfect messengers when we are in need of advice. Just by being themselves they remind us of the wisdom of the universe, and that all answers are available to us when we reconnect with our source and with those who know how to be nurtured by it.

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A gharial with its elongated, narrow snout. Another one behind, with its pale olive-yellow-colored skin shows that they are young. Taken at Snake Park, in Chennai, India. Photo and caption Courtesy Stanislaus Ronny Terence/ National Geographic Your Shot


It was excellent conditions for aurora photographing last night. In this image I got the moon with Pleiades on top and Jupiter to the left. And just over the mountain, Orion was rising. Canon EOS 5D mk3 with Canon EF16-35L f/2,8 II. Photo and caption Courtesy Frank Olsen/ National Geographic Your Shot

A view across the valley from First Mountain, Grindelwald Photo and caption Courtesy Paul Mulholland/ National Geographic Your Shot


I like snorkeling and this summer, in Lefkada Island, my son spotted a jellyfish near a rock. I brought my small water-resistant camera and made several shots. The jellyfish was followed by two small fishes that swam around and inside them as their house. This is the best shot. Photo and caption Courtesy Mauritzio Zambelli/ National Geographic Your Shot


While exploring the beautiful Painted Rock in the Carrizo Plain National Monument, I came across this amazing pair of barn owls. This pair, like many owl species, weren't particularly bothered by my presence. I spent 30 minutes photographing them as they flew around the ancient rock, every once in a while giving me up-close-and-personal shots of their beauty. Photo and caption Courtesy Mitch Walters/ National Geographic Your Shot


While photographing lilies in a local swamp a cloud of tadpoles swam by numbering in the thousands, all following along in a trail. (Photo and caption Courtesy Eiko Jones / National Geographic Your Shot)


Like guardians, these trees stand in line at the top of Lake Wakatipu near Glenorchy, New Zealand. Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Canon EF 17-40 f/4.0L USM @ 17mm, 7 exposures @ f/8.0 (1 EV apart), ISO 50. (Photo and caption Courtesy Brad Grove / National Geographic Your Shot)


Towards the end of the summer, monsoon season creates spectacular atmospheric conditions in the southwest. Starting around noon, you can watch storm clouds building up, discharging and dissipating. This picture was taken with an infrared converted DSLR, bringing out the contrast in lighting. (Photo and caption Courtesy Dirk Scholvin / National Geographic Your Shot)


Hornet drinking water. (Photo and caption Courtesy Nachum Weiss / National Geographic Your Shot)


Flying over the Olgas made me feel like landing on the moon, and when I look at this image I still get this “out of this world” feeling. The shot was taken in Central Australia; the formation is called the Olgas. (Photo and caption Courtesy Ingrid Hendriksen / National Geographic Your Shot)


Waterspout looking out from my house into the Chapelco range, San Martin de los Andes, Patagonia, Argentina. (Photo and caption Courtesy Norberto Budnikas / National Geographic Your Shot)


Lilac-breasted roller shot at Lake Nakuru, Kenya, August 2012. (Photo and caption Courtesy Gautham Ramnath / National Geographic Your Shot)


Rusty the cat saw this mantis on the steps. He must have liked it enough to let him pick his nose. (Photo and caption Courtesy Dori Meincke / National Geographic Your Shot)


As we were sailing into Pond Inlet, Nunavut (Canada), we came upon this incredibly beautiful and old iceberg. The light was magical, and the simplicity and beauty of the iceberg is what I like most. (Photo and caption Michelle Valberg / National Geographic Your Shot)


I have been photographing these beauties for a few months now. They are tanagers, blue, red, yellow, and gray. This male is a bit deceptive but lately he has been quite trusting of myself. And who could say no to a delicious mango? (Photo and caption Courtesy Alfredo Hidrovo / National Geographic Your Shot)

A young swallow being fed by one of its parents on the first of September. This was the second brood out of the nest this year. (Photo and caption Courtesy Norma Gleeson / National Geographic Your Shot)


Caught this little master weaving its web-home on my window grill late at night. (Photo and caption Courtesy Shreyak Nabar / National Geographic Your Shot)


Normally solitary, these gregarious grasshoppers are out for a stroll together. (Photo and caption Courtesy Becky Jaffe / National Geographic Your Shot)


Pulling out of the parking lot of my favorite camera shop, I got my first glimpse of the red glow on the horizon. It was our first major haboob of the season. Luckily, I was only minutes away from a predetermined viewpoint. As I raced up to my viewpoint, I could see the wall of dust starting to block out the blue sky above. Reaching the top, the wind now gusting and the thick sand blasting my face, I knew I only had a few minutes to get the shot I wanted. I was swallowed up two minutes later. (Photo and caption Courtesy Andrew Pielage / National Geographic Your Shot)


One of the best urban vistas in the world; view from Sugar Loaf mountain. (Photo and caption Courtesy Raymond Choo / National Geographic Your Shot)


Tiger takes a time out to chill and relax in the scorching heat … but the ferocity remains. (Photo and caption Courtesy Manvendra Chauhan / National Geographic Your Shot)


Students from Coastal Marine Biolabs were doing night diving observations of marine organism fluorescence at Santa Cruz Island, California. I recorded several glowing life-forms, including this beautiful anemone with special filters, on my underwater camera. (Photo and caption Courtesy Dan Harding / National Geographic Your Shot)


This image is composed of 500 images and was taken with my camera strapped to the branch of a fig tree in the Cooloola section of the Great Sandy National Park in Queensland, Australia. You can see the light trails in the sky from the planes arriving and leaving the Sunshine Coast airport. The yellow glow in the sky is from the lights of Noosa. (Photo and caption Courtesy James Ray / National Geographic Your Shot)


Western Australia is a paradise for lovers of flowering trees and wildflowers. This one was taken in Kings Park in Perth. (Photo and caption Courtesy Peter Nydegger / National Geographic Your Shot)


A red-winged blackbird harassing a red-tailed hawk takes a ride. (Photo and caption Courtesy Ray Whitt / National Geographic Your Shot)


While waiting patiently under the scorching sun for a blue-tailed bee-eater to land, I was overjoyed when instead of one, a pair of them came and perched along with their prey. (Photo and caption Courtesy Angad Achappa / National Geographic Your Shot)


An old friend, Dusty the cat, having a sniff at my little brother’s python. (Photo and caption Courtesy Rachael Ogle / National Geographic Your Shot)


A male wine-throated hummingbird displays his gorget to attract a female in a Guatemalan cloud forest. (Photo and caption Courtesy Knut Eisermann / National Geographic Your Shot)


On a recent photography road trip to Crater Lake National Park, I came upon this scene. A giant swirl of pollen had formed on the deep-blue water of the lake. Something you don’t see everyday and I feel fortunate to have witnessed this natural phenomenon. (Photo and caption Courtesy Pierre Leclerc / National Geographic Your Shot)


This optical illusory “two-headed” zebra was found in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania. (Photo and caption Courtesy Emily Mitchell / National Geographic Your Shot)


In the eyes of the chameleon was a great lunch, and at the same time in every single ommatidia of the compound eye of the grasshopper the reflection of his slayer triggers the terror of being eaten alive. (Photo and caption Courtesy Shikhei Goh / National Geographic Your Shot)


A baby octopus hatching, Pramuka Island, Indonesia. (Photo and caption Courtesy Simon Chandra / National Geographic Your Shot)


Colorful toucan. (Photo and caption Courtesy Chris Martin / National Geographic Your Shot)


On a snowy morning, this gentoo penguin peaked over the edge of an iceberg shelf high above the frigid water below. He contemplated diving into the water from this perch, but decided to take the longer route instead, waddling and sliding down the other side of the iceberg. Photo taken in Pleneau Bay, Antarctica, December 2011, with a Canon 5D Mark II and a 70-300 mm lens. (Photo and caption Courtesy Nancy Leigh/ National Geographic Your Shot)


This 6.5-year-old sow had been waiting for the salmon to run up the Brooks River for two days. She kept probing the water and sniffing the air, expecting the fish to arrive any day. On the morning of this shot, the salmon started running up the Brooks River and up the famed Brooks Falls. The sow assumed this unusual posture over the rock and observed the fish below. When the opportunity presented itself, the bear pounced and caught the first fish of the season. (Photo and caption Courtesy Cesar Aristeiguieta/ National Geographic Your Shot)


Private breeding. (Photo and caption Courtesy Sebastian Zelazko/ National Geographic Your Shot)


Female giant ichneumon wasp depositing eggs into a log in Killens Pond State Park, Delaware. July 15, 2012. (Photo and caption Courtesy Arden Browning/ National Geographic Your Shot)




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National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 1 of 4 – Invaders

Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 1 of 4 – Invaders

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth -Part 2of4- One Degree Factor

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 3 of 4 - Predator

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth -Part 4 of 4- Troubled Waters

Around the globe, scientists are racing to solve a series of mysteries. Unsettling transformations are sweeping across the planet, and clue by clue, investigators around the world are assembling a new picture of Earth, discovering ways that seemingly disparate events are connected. Crumbling houses in New Orleans are linked to voracious creatures from southern China. Vanishing forests in Yellowstone are linked to the disappearance of wolves. An asthma epidemic in the Caribbean is linked to dust storms in Africa. Scientists suspect we have entered a time of global change swifter than any human being has ever witnessed. Where are we headed? What can we do to alter this course of events?

National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth, premiering in Spring 2005 on PBS, explores these questions. Drawing upon research being generated by a new discipline, Earth System Science (ESS), the series aims to create an innovative type of environmental awareness. By revealing a cause and effect relationship between what we as humans do to the Earth and what that in turn does to our environment and ecosystems, the series creates a new sense of environmental urgency. Award-winning actor, writer and director Edward Norton (Primal Fear, American History X, Italian Job) hosts the series. A dedicated environmental activist, Norton has a special interest in providing solar energy to low income families. Each of the four one-hour episodes is constructed as a high-tech detective story, with the fate of the planet at stake.

National Geographic

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DailyOm – Choosing Loving Care

March 16, 2011

Choosing Loving Care

Extra Weight

If we make food choices from a place of love and awareness we will nurture ourselves with the foods our body really needs.

Our bodies are like living temples, and deserve all the love and care we can give them. Amazingly flexible and strong, they allow us to experience the world. If we notice that we’re not feeling our best, that we’ve put on extra weight, or that our favorite clothes don’t fit, we can make the choice to be good to ourselves in a new way today.

There are times we become conscious of a deeper hunger that will not be satisfied physically. We can make a new, healthier choice for ourselves in any moment, regardless of the hour, day, week or month. And when we make the choice lovingly, we work from a creative place of improving our lives and nurturing the best within us, so there is no need to punish ourselves. From this place, we can be gently honest with ourselves about the reasons we want to eat certain foods. We can reach out to doctors to help us determine if our bodies are out of balance at a level that requires something other than basic nutrients. We can also reach out to our friends for support and to share the journey of health, which is just another part of our adventure on the physical plane.

When we treat ourselves and our bodies as we would a trusted and loyal companion, we keep our energy free from negative thoughts that would complicate our journey. Our bodies are not our enemies, and we are not fighting a battle. Instead, we are investing our love and attention into the care and support of a beautiful creation—our selves.




DailyOm – Accepting Our Calling

March 17, 2011

Accepting Our Calling


When we accept our divinity we no longer question whether we are worthy because we know that we here for a purpose.

The issue of worthiness may come up in many areas of our lives, as we ask, often unconsciously, whether we are worthy of success, love, happiness, and countless other things, from supportive relationships to a beautiful home. In the end, though, it all comes down to one thing: our willingness to claim our space in this life as humans on this planet at this time. When we accept our divinity, we no longer question whether we are worthy, because we know that we are meant to be here to fulfill a particular purpose, a purpose that no one other than us can fulfill.

There are no replacements who can take over and live our lives for us, no other person who has had the experiences we have had, who has access to the same resources and relationships, who carries the same message to share with the world. Our purpose may be large or small, and in most cases it is multi-leveled, with important actions taking place on the interpersonal level, as well as in terms of the work we do in the world. Small acts of kindness share the stage with large acts of sacrifice, and only through accepting and honoring our divinity can we know what we are called to do and when.

Ultimately, we are all equally, exactly, completely worthy of being here in this life. Moreover, we are all essential to the unfolding plan of which we are each one small, but important, part. If we suffer from low self worth, it is because we have lost track of understanding this truth, and allowing it to guide our actions in the world. Seeing ourselves as part of something larger, as beings called to serve, is the ultimate cure for feelings of unworthiness. In the end, it’s not about evaluating ourselves as worthy or unworthy, so much as it’s about accepting that we have been called here to serve and taking the steps required to listen and respond to what our lives are asking us to do.





DailyOm – Seeing the Illusion

March 18, 2011

Seeing the Illusion

The Secret of Surrender

True lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the opposite of control.

Most of us were raised and live in a culture that emphasizes the ideals of independence and control. The general idea is that we are on our own and we don’t need any help from anyone else, and if we are really successful it’s because we are in complete control. However, true lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the opposite of control. We cannot accomplish anything truly great on our own, without any help, and the idea that we can is an illusion that causes most of us a great deal of suffering. Surrender comes when we see that illusion and let go of trying to attain the impossible. Surrender can then be seen as a great strength rather than a weakness.

Even small moments of surrender are powerful indicators of how different our lives could be if we would only let go. We’ve all had the experience of extending huge amounts of effort and energy to reach a particular goal only to realize that we can’t make it happen after all. At the moment of letting go, realizing that we need to ask for help or simply release our agenda entirely, a profound feeling of relief may rush over us. This warm, open sensation is the essence of surrender, and if we didn’t feel that we didn’t really let go. But it is never too late to let go, even of things in the past that didn’t work out the way we wanted them to, because surrender is always an option in every moment of our lives.

When we finally do surrender, our goals actually become possible, because the act of surrender is, in essence, asking for the help we need. This help may come in the form of other human beings or unseen helpers such as angels or inner guides. It may also come in the form of shifting circumstances, the small miracles that we call grace.





DailyOm – Knowing Our Heart’s Desire

March 21, 2011

Knowing Our Heart’s Desire

Feeling Jealous

When we examine jealousy of another, we can use this feeling to help us determine what we really want for ourselves.

Jealousy is one of the toughest feelings we come up against in our lives. There is not much worse than this aching sense that somehow life has been unfair to us, while amply rewarding someone else. It’s even worse if that someone else is present in our daily lives, making it difficult for us to get the space we need to feel and heal our pain. We may be jealous of a sibling, a dear friend, or even famous personalities. We may even face the challenge of feeling jealous of our spouse, our child, or one of our parents. Whatever the case, we can normalize our experience by understanding that, as painful as it is, jealousy is a common human feeling.

Nevertheless, it is important that we not revel in our jealousy for too long, feeding it with inner talk or gossip with others. If we do, we run the risk of losing ourselves to its negative power. Jealousy has something good to offer us, though, and that is information about our own heart’s desire. When we are jealous of certain people, we want what they have, and if we are to be conscious, we must acknowledge that. In this way, we discover what we want for ourselves, which is the first step to getting it. It may be a certain kind of relationship or a career. Whatever it is, it is possible that we could create it for ourselves, in our own lives, if we are able to honor our own desires.

Of course, there are times when we cannot heal our jealousy in this way, and then the lesson may be about acceptance and the understanding that our path is different from the paths of those around us. It may be hard to see now, but perhaps it will eventually be clear why our life has taken its particular path. In the end, the best cure for jealousy is the recognition that the life we have is full of its own meaning and beauty, utterly unique to us—a gift that could never be found in the life of another.





DailyOm – Taking the Risk

March 22, 2011

Taking the Risk

Permission to Be Real

People who keep it real present themselves as they truly are, the good parts and the parts most of us would rather hide.

Most of us are familiar with the idea of keeping it real and have an intuitive sense about what that means. People who keep it real don’t hide behind a mask to keep themselves safe from their fear of how they might be perceived. They don’t present a false self in order to appear more perfect, more powerful, or more independent. People who keep it real present themselves as they truly are, the good parts and the parts most of us would rather hide, sharing their full selves with the people who are lucky enough to know them.

Being real in this way is not an easy thing to do as we live in a culture that often shows us images of physical and material perfection. As a result, we all want to look younger, thinner, wealthier, and more successful. We are rewarded externally when we succeed at this masquerade, but people who are real remind us that, internally, we suffer. Whenever we feel that who we are is not enough and that we need to be bigger, better, or more exciting, we send a message to ourselves that we are not enough. Meanwhile, people who are not trying to be something more than they are walk into a room and bring a feeling of ease, humor, and warmth with them. They acknowledge their wrinkles and laugh at their personal eccentricities without putting themselves down.

People like this inspire us to let go of our own defenses and relax for a moment in the truth of who we really are. In their presence, we feel safe enough to take off our masks and experience the freedom of not hiding behind a barrier. Those of us who were lucky enough to have a parent who was able to keep it real may find it easier to be that way ourselves. The rest of us may have to work a little harder to let go of our pretenses and share the beauty and humor of our real selves. Our reward for taking such a risk is that as we do, we will attract and inspire others, giving them the permission to be real too.



DailyOm – Stuck in the Mud

March 23, 2011

Stuck in the Mud

Staying in Pain

Pain comes and goes- it is when we get stuck in our pain that it becomes detrimental to our well-being and development.

Pain comes and it goes. It is just one component to the grand cycle of life. And when experienced as such, pain can serve as an important teacher. It is when we get stuck in our pain that it becomes detrimental to our well-being and development. If you notice that you feel closed-off, resentful, heavy-hearted, or that you try very hard to avoid being hurt again, there may be a part of you that is still stuck in pain.

We can get stuck in our pain for many reasons. As children, it was natural for us to cry, throw a tantrum, and let the experience move through us. By fully feeling our pain in this way, our emotions would wash us clean, leaving us open and available to new experiences. With age, though, we might have determined that expressing emotion was no longer appropriate, and so we developed a variety of coping strategies to deal with our discomfort. We may have learned to stuff our feelings down or to run away from them. Perhaps we began thinking that staying closed and unwilling to try new things would keep us safe from heartbreak, safe from rejection, and safe from failure. We may have even gotten so used to being in pain that the thought of being without it scares us. But, if we continue to hold onto it longer than necessary, we are expending a lot of energy that could instead be channeled into making our life experiences more positive.

If you notice that you are continually connecting with the same familiar patterns of pain, consider embracing your feelings and letting go of your hurt. Whether your pain is from childhood or from an experience last week, see if you can give it room to move. When it does, you will reconnect with a wonderful source of your own vital energy.





DailyOm – Disapproving Faces

March 24, 2011

Disapproving Faces

Not Everybody Will Like You

When someone doesn’t like you, rather than taking it personally we can release the need for approval and move on.

It is not necessarily a pleasant experience, but there will be times in our lives when we come across people who do not like us. As we know, like attracts like, so usually when they don’t like us it is because they are not like us. Rather than taking it personally, we can let them be who they are, accepting that each of us is allowed to have different perspectives and opinions. When we give others that freedom, we claim it for ourselves as well, releasing ourselves from the need for their approval so we can devote our energy toward more rewarding pursuits.

While approval from others is a nice feeling, when we come to depend on it we may lose our way on our own path. There are those who will not like us no matter what we do, but that doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with us. Each of us has our own filters built from our experiences over time. They may see in us something that is merely a projection of their understanding, but we have no control over the interpretations of others. The best we can do is to hope that the role we play in the script of their lives is helpful to them, and follow our own inner guidance with integrity.

As we reap the benefits of walking our perfect paths, we grow to appreciate the feeling of fully being ourselves. The need to have everyone like us will be replaced by the exhilaration of discovering that we are attracting like-minded individuals into our lives—people who like us because they understand and appreciate the truth of who we are. We free ourselves from trying to twist into shapes that will fit the spaces provided by others’ limited understanding and gain a new sense of freedom, allowing us to expand into becoming exactly who we’re meant to be. And in doing what we know to be right for us, we show others that they can do it too. Cocreating our lives with the universe and its energy of pure potential, we transcend limitations and empower ourselves to shine our unique light, fully and freely.




DailyOm – A Chance to Contribute

March 25, 2011

A Chance to Contribute

Disarming the Know-It-All


A person that is a know-it-all is usually afraid of listening because it has become completely unfamiliar to listen.

Most of us have encountered a person in our lives who can accurately be referred to as a know-it-all. This person seems to know everything about anything that gets brought up and tends to dominate the conversation. They don’t take well to being questioned, and they have a hard time ever admitting that they were wrong.

Being around a know-it-all is inevitably tiring because there is no shared energy between the two of you. Rather, you become an audience member to this person’s need to be the center of attention. Attention and respect are probably the two things this person most longs for, and at some point in their lives, they learned that knowing it all was the way to get those needs met. Over time, they have become stuck in this pattern, regardless of the fact that it is no longer working. They may feel afraid of the experience of listening, being receptive, or learning something new, because it’s so unfamiliar.

On the one hand, when we see the childlike need underneath the know-it-all’s mask of confidence, we feel compassion for the person, and we may tolerate their one-sided approach to conversation out of a desire not to hurt their feelings. On the other hand, we may be feeling drained and tempted to avoid this person altogether. In the middle of these two possible ways of feeling, we may actually like this person and wish for a closer relationship. If we come from a place of kindness, we might attempt to bridge the gap that this person’s habitual way of relating creates. Simply expressing a desire to be closer may open their heart, and give you a chance to ask for what you need in the relationship—a chance to contribute.




DailyOm – A Legacy of Love

April 4, 2011

A Legacy of Love

Leaving the Earth a Better Place

From our first breath here to our very last, we will find infinite opportunities to influence our environment for the better.

We inherit this great planet from our parents and from the generations that came before. Then, in concert with the surrounding culture, our elders teach us how to care for the land and the sea, ourselves and each other. They model ways of being in relationship with every other expression of life on earth. But whether they act with care or carelessness, compassion or cruelty, generosity or greed, we have the ability to choose our own individual way of relating with the planet and her inhabitants. From our first breath here to our very last, we will find infinite opportunities to influence our environment for the better. We can decide now to act with intention in order to leave this amazing planet brighter and more beautiful than when we arrived.

If we enjoy environmental activism, we might feel moved to clean up beaches or to plant trees. But, we need not feel limited in our ability to contribute positively. There are many ways to leave a legacy of love. We might begin by radiating affirmative thoughts and feelings about how magnificent the earth truly is. We might create and tend a special garden, one that provides an abundance of food and herbs for ourselves and our loved ones. Or we might create a garden filled with sweet smelling flowers to uplift our hearts. We might even honor the earth simply by trying to be the best person we can be while we are here. Such good will can have a domino effect, inspiring others to contribute in their own way as well.

We spend our lifetimes being nourished and enlivened by the rain, sun, soil and wind. Our experience is blessed by other living beings, from plants to insects to birds and humans. We receive so much; giving back just naturally feels good. When we live our lives with intention of leaving this temporary home a better place for generations to come, we are perhaps leaving behind the best gift of all.





DailyOm – A Chance to Contribute

March 25, 2011

A Chance to Contribute

Disarming the Know-It-All

A person that is a know-it-all is usually afraid of listening because it has become completely unfamiliar to listen.

Most of us have encountered a person in our lives who can accurately be referred to as a know-it-all. This person seems to know everything about anything that gets brought up and tends to dominate the conversation. They don’t take well to being questioned, and they have a hard time ever admitting that they were wrong.

Being around a know-it-all is inevitably tiring because there is no shared energy between the two of you. Rather, you become an audience member to this person’s need to be the center of attention. Attention and respect are probably the two things this person most longs for, and at some point in their lives, they learned that knowing it all was the way to get those needs met. Over time, they have become stuck in this pattern, regardless of the fact that it is no longer working. They may feel afraid of the experience of listening, being receptive, or learning something new, because it’s so unfamiliar.

On the one hand, when we see the childlike need underneath the know-it-all’s mask of confidence, we feel compassion for the person, and we may tolerate their one-sided approach to conversation out of a desire not to hurt their feelings. On the other hand, we may be feeling drained and tempted to avoid this person altogether. In the middle of these two possible ways of feeling, we may actually like this person and wish for a closer relationship. If we come from a place of kindness, we might attempt to bridge the gap that this person’s habitual way of relating creates. Simply expressing a desire to be closer may open their heart, and give you a chance to ask for what you need in the relationship—a chance to contribute.





DailyOm – A Matter of Significance

April 5, 2011

A Matter of Significance

Recognizing Your Value

Sometimes we can feel as if we don’t matter in the world, but we all have something to offer.

It can be easy sometimes to buy into the illusion of our own insignificance. We may see large corporations or institutions, celebrities or successful people in our community, and compare ourselves to them, thinking that their fame or material power affirm how little our own lives amount to. But nothing could be further from the truth. Every single one of us matters—tremendously. Our very existence affects countless people in countless ways. And because we are each essentially a microcosm of the larger universe, our internal experiences affect the whole of life more than we could ever imagine. The world simply could not exist as it does now if you, or any one of us, were not in it.

Perhaps you are aware that on some level you believe your life does not matter. If this thought resonates within you, maybe it is time to explore why you feel this way. You may have formed self-rejecting or belittling beliefs as a child to keep yourself safe or to help you make sense of confusing situations. You may have felt unseen or unheard and decided that there was something wrong with you, rather than with the attention span of the people around you. Spend some time looking into where these feelings of insignificance first took root, and see what changes you might be able to make in your life and in your heart.

This one belief in your own unimportance could be limiting you and impacting your life in enormous ways. When you shift your perceptions around your own ability to affect your life and impact the world, you may discover wonderful parts of yourself that you had long ago forgotten. There may even be exciting new parts that you never even knew existed. When you gain awareness of how much your life really does matter, new sources of energy can emerge and your sense of connection with the world is renewed.





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The speed is astonishing - Imagine the sight if the view was cloud free.

Recorded October 9 2012 above Moonee Ponds Australia samsung sdc-435 950nm infrared filter
RECORDED AIRPLANES, HELICOPTERS in same session - TAKE ABOUT 6 seconds to cross screen - This is just not normal.

15 mm wide angle lens - objects are large. (estimate - size of a car)

Greetings Ground Crew,

Here is an impressive video recorded "October 9 2012 above Moonee Ponds Australia Credit;Lou20764.

He used a samsung sdc-435 950nm infrared filter recorded airplanes, helicopters in same session - Take's about 6 seconds to cross screen - This is just not normal he said".

15 mm wide angle lens - objects are large. (estimate - size of a car)"

From my viewing perspective they are going way to fast to be jets and over 100 craft in formation.
See's like he captured a large Spaceship fleet.

More of these kinds of formations will be seen in other parts of the world soon.

I love how many Craft were video taped .

I've in the last few days gone over many new video's from around the planet but many did not feel right.This one did.

Please enjoy this latest footage for October 2012 below.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always, CmdrAleon link to video

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DailyOm – Evaluating Media

February 21, 2011
Evaluating Media

Fresh Mind

It is up to us to seek out media that empowers and informs us, and to say no to media that drains energy and hope.

There is a lot of information available to us at this time in history, more than ever before, and it travels fast. We are able to learn in the blink of an eye about something that happened halfway around the world, and it’s natural for us to want to know what’s going on. However, it’s also fair to say that we don’t want to become so caught up in one way of looking at events that we lose perspective. Often, the news comes to us in a very fear-oriented format, and when too many of us get caught up in fear, the balance of the whole is disrupted. It helps to remember that we have a much greater and more positive impact on the world when we maintain our inner sense of peace and joy.

We are aware enough to know when we are eating something that is not good for us, because we don’t feel well after we’ve eaten it. In the same way, we can determine for ourselves whether the sources in which our information comes are ultimately healthful. News can be presented in a way that inspires us to take positive action to help the world, or it can be presented in a way that leaves us feeling powerless and sad. It is up to us to seek out and support media that empowers and informs us, and to say no to media that drains our energy and our hope.

For a time, it may even be of benefit to commit to a media fast, in which we stop taking information in for a time to give ourselves a rest. When we return to the task of taking in and processing the information all around us, we will come to it with a fresh mind. This will enable us to really notice how we are affected by what we hear and see, and to make conscious choices about the sources of information that we allow into our lives.




DailyOm – Universal Awakening

February 22, 2011
Universal Awakening

Rippling And Tipping

At this time of awakening, even small acts can become great forces in the world, like pebbles making ripples in a pond.

A snowball at the top of a mountain has the potential to become huge, just by rolling down the mountain and gathering more snow. In a short time, this tiny snowball can become a force to be reckoned with. We humans are like this when it comes to exchanging energy and vision, and no matter how few people are involved at the beginning, there is the potential for massive change. As consciousness seekers, we are in the midst of this process, and it is amazing to see people we thought might never come around, waking up to their truth. Each time we see this, we can count ourselves blessed to be living at a time when the awareness of humanity seems to be at a tipping point, as more and more individuals open their minds and change their ways.

For some people, this revolves around an awareness of the environment, for others it is a spiritual awakening, and for many it is both. A great change in consciousness is sweeping through us all, as we recognize that things are not what they have seemed to be, that there is more to our lives than meets the eye. Many of us have the awareness and the energy at this time to break through old, outmoded ways of seeing things and to move into a new way of being in the world, and it is essential that we do so. The beauty of living at this time is that even small actions have a powerful ripple effect, and the reverberations of what we do have the power to reach and open many minds.

It is as if a scale is about to tip in favor of higher consciousness, and each one of us has the power to bring humanity closer to that point with the smallest of actions. Each time we move in the direction of our dreams and visions, we can visualize another small pebble dropping into the pond, or another gold weight on the scale, rippling and tipping our way to universal awakening.




DailyOm – Empowered Storytelling

February 23, 2011
Empowered Storytelling

Create a Supportive Life Story

When you remember that you are the author of your own life story, you are free to create a masterpiece.

We all have our own life story. It is filled with relationships and events that help shape who we are and what we believe to be true about the world. Depending on our perspective and willingness to grow, our experiences can become fodder for negativity and patterns of playing the victim, or they can fuel a life of empowerment and continued self-development. It is the story we tell ourselves about what happens that makes all the difference.

Take a moment to look at the life story you create for yourself on an ongoing basis. If you generally feel peaceful about the past and trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way, then you are framing circumstances in a manner that serves you well. On the other hand, if you retain a lot of guilt or resentment and often feel weighed down by life, you may want to start telling yourself a new version of past and present events. No matter who the characters are in your story or what they have done, you are the only one who can give their actions the meaning they will have for you. You are the only one who can define what role you will play in your own life. By taking responsibility for your story, you are able to learn and grow, forgive and find compassion, and most importantly, move on into a brighter future.

From now on, you can choose a life story that supports you. Let it be proof of your own resilience and creativity. Be kind with the roles you give yourself and generous with how many chances you get to learn what you need to know. When you remember that you are the author of your own story, you are free to create a masterpiece.




DailyOm – Unconscious Communication

February 25, 2011
Unconscious Communication

Chronic Lateness

Addressing chronic lateness helps us to better honor both others and ourselves.

Being late for an appointment or a date can seem like a small thing that really doesn’t matter, but it communicates volumes, whether we mean it to or not. Being kept waiting is an experience that almost no one enjoys, because at best, it wastes their time, and at worst, it indicates a lack of regard. It’s as if we’re saying that our time is more important than their time, so we don’t need to honor them by showing up when we said we would. When we are running late, it means a lot if we call and let the person know, especially if it’s going to be more than ten minutes. However, if we are chronically late, it may take more than a phone call to properly address the issue.

If it’s become a habit of ours not to be on time, we may want to look inside ourselves and see what’s going on. It’s easy enough to make excuses about our behavior, or to project responsibility on the other person, perceiving them to be uptight if they are irritated by our tardiness. What’s more difficult, and more meaningful, is looking at ourselves and asking why it is that we always, or often, show up late. Sometimes this happens out of a lack of self-regard, as if we aren’t really important anyway, so why will anyone care if we’re late, or don’t show up at all. Chronic lateness can also stem from being disorganized, or simply trying to do too much in one day. Another possible reason for being late to a particular appointment, or date, is that we don’t really want to be there. We communicate our disinterest or boredom by not showing up on time.

Whatever our reasons, if we raise them to the conscious level, we have an opportunity to live a more conscious life. As we begin to understand the deeper reasons behind our inability to show up on time, we have the option to communicate clearly and consciously about how we really feel, rather than communicating unconsciously by being late.




DailyOm – Employing Presence

February 28, 2011
Employing Presence

Being Present At Work

Bringing your presence into your work activities can fill the entire experience of working with new energy and life.

Being present at work begins before we even go to our place of employment. It starts with our intention to bring consciousness into everything we do, including those activities we do for money. Whether you are a secretary who files papers all day, a janitor who cleans the local high school, or a nurse caring for children, there is much to be gained by fully engaging in the tasks at hand. When you decide to bring your presence into your work activities, you may find that the entire experience of working is filled with new energy and life.

Sometimes we believe that when we step through the doors of our workplace, we cease being ourselves and start being someone else’s employee. Though our employer may depend on us to perform certain tasks, the truth is that we never stop being ourselves. The commitment to being a conscious, empowered person of integrity doesn’t stop and start with a time clock. Our decision to be present for our own lives is what weaves together all of our experiences from the moment we wake up, throughout our entire workday, and to the moment we turn off the lights at night.

Before leaving for work today, you can clear your energy and choose to step out with your best foot forward. Setting an intention in the morning can even help you stay present as your day unfolds. You might decide to find joy in every activity, complete all of your projects on time, or be truly helpful to your coworkers. By being fully present, you will begin to radiate and people may begin to notice; they may even want to follow your lead. Whether you run a company or hold a sign outside a deli, do it with pride and be the best you can be.




DailyOm – A Bridge To Acceptance

March 1, 2011
A Bridge To Acceptance

Dealing With Disappointment

Disappointment provides us a bridge from expectations to acceptance of reality, wisdom, and the energy to begin again.

Whenever we do something in life with an expectation of how we’d like it to turn out, we risk experiencing disappointment. When things don’t go the way we had envisioned, we may feel a range of emotions from slightly let down to depressed or even angry. We might direct our feelings inward toward ourselves, or outward toward other people or the universe in general. Whether we feel disappointed by ourselves, a friend, or life in general, disappointment is always a tough feeling to experience. Still, it is a natural part of life, and there are many ways of dealing with it when we find ourselves in its presence.

As with any feeling, disappointment has come to us for a reason, and we don’t need to fear acknowledging it or feeling it. The more we are able to accept how we are feeling and process it, the sooner we will move into new emotional territory. As we sit down to allow ourselves to feel our disappointment, we might want to write about the experience of being disappointed—the situation that preceded it, what we were hoping would happen, and what did happen. The gift of disappointment is its ability to bring us into alignment with reality so that we don’t get stuck for too long in the realm of how things might have been.

As we consider other disappointments in our life and how we have moved past them, we may even see that in some cases what happened was actually better in the long run than what we had wanted to happen. Disappointment often leaves us feeling deflated with its message that things don’t always turn out the way we want. The beauty of disappointment, though, is that it provides us a bridge to its other side where the acceptance of reality, wisdom, and the energy to begin again can be found.





DailyOm – The Feeling Underneath

March 2, 2011
The Feeling Underneath

Compulsive Apologies

If you find yourself apologizing often it might be time to look at why you feel compelled to say “I’m sorry” so often.

Many people suffer with the tendency to apologize all the time, chronically, for everything. On the one hand, apologizing is a social convention that keeps interactions between people polite, and in that way it can be very helpful. On the other hand, if we find ourselves apologizing for everything, it might be time to look at why we feel compelled to say “I’m sorry” so often. Ultimately, saying you’re sorry is saying that you are responsible for something that has gone wrong in the situation. Whether it’s negotiating a parking spot, moving through the aisles of the supermarket, or reaching for what you want, there are times when sorry is the right thing to say. But there are other times when “excuse me” is more accurate.

Sometimes saying you’re sorry is like saying that the other person in the equation has more of a right to be here than you do. Of course, it’s true that using the word sorry can simply be an innocuous way of defusing tension. However, if you find that you say sorry all the time, you might want to look a little deeper and see where in your psyche that might be coming from. If it’s a pattern, breaking it may simply take some awareness and practice.

The first step is observing yourself each time you say it, without being hard on yourself about it. Throughout your day simply notice when you apologize. At first, you might be surprised to see that you do it even more than you first realized. After a day or two of simply observing, try to tune in to what it is you are feeling right before you say it. You might be feeling threatened, embarrassed, intensely anxious, or a variety of other feelings. Over time, try to stop yourself before the words come out and just be with the feeling that’s there. You may recognize it as one from your childhood, one that’s been with you for a long time. The more you are able to see it, the freer you will be not to be sorry all the time.





DailyOm – A Bad Habit

March 10, 2011
A Bad Habit

Being Hard On Ourselves

When we are hard on ourselves for any reason, we send our bodies the message that we are not good enough.

One of the key components of human consciousness that most of us need to address and change is our tendency to be hard on ourselves. We do this in ways that are both overt and subtle, and half the work sometimes is recognizing that we are doing it at all. For example, if we find it difficult to graciously accept compliments, this is probably a sign that we tend to be hard on ourselves. Other ways in which we express this tendency include never feeling satisfied with a job well done, always wanting to be and do better, and getting mad at ourselves for getting sick. Getting mad at ourselves at all indicates that we need to rescue ourselves from our learned ability to be unkind to ourselves.

In essence, when we are hard on ourselves, we send our bodies the message that we are not good enough. Whenever we do this, we do damage that will need to be addressed later, and we sap our systems of much-needed energy. Being hard on ourselves is a waste of precious time and energy that we could use in positive ways. To begin to understand how this works, we can think about times when someone made us feel that we weren’t good enough. Even just thinking about it will create an effect in our bodies that doesn’t feel good. We may be used to the feeling, but when we really tune into it, we instinctively know that it is not good for us on any level.

Like any bad habit, being hard on ourselves can be a challenging one to release, but the more we feel the burden it places on us, the more motivated we will be to change. At first, just noticing when we are doing it and how it makes us feel is enough. As our awareness increases, our innate impulse toward health and well-being will be activated, moving us out of danger and into a more positive and more natural relationship with ourselves.




DailyOm – Actively Participating

March 11, 2011
Actively Participating

Showing up for Life

Showing up for your life means actively participating in our own life rather than hiding and going through the motions.

The way we walk into a room says a lot about the way we live our lives. When we walk into a room curious about what’s happening, willing to engage, and perceiving ourselves as an active participant with something to offer, then we have really shown up to the party. When we walk into a room with our eyes down, or nervously smiling, we are holding ourselves back for one reason or another. We may be hurting inside and in need of healing, or we may lack the confidence required to really be present in the room. Still, just noticing that we’re not really showing up, and having a vision of what it will look and feel like when we do, can give us the inspiration we need to recover ourselves.

Even if we are suffering, we can show up to that experience ready to fully engage in it and learn what it has to offer. When we show up for our life, we are actively participating in being a happy person, achieving our goals, and generally living the life our soul really wants. If we need healing, we begin the process of seeking out those who can help us heal. If we need experience, we find the places and opportunities that can give us the experience we need in order to do the work we want to do in the world. Whatever we need, we look for it, and when we find it, we engage in the process of letting ourselves have it. When we do this kind of work, we become lively, confident, and passionate individuals.

There is almost nothing better in the world than the feeling of showing up for our own lives. When we can do this, we become people that are more alive and who have the ability to make things happen in our lives and the lives of the people around us. We walk through the world with the knowledge that we have a lot to offer and the desire to share it.




DailyOm – Feeling Threatened

March 14, 2011
Feeling Threatened

Afraid of the Truth

We avoid the truth because it scares us, or makes us angry, or makes us feel like we don’t know what to do.

Most of us have had the experience of being in possession of a piece of truth that we were afraid to share because we knew it would not be well received. There are also instances in which we ourselves have been unable to handle some truth confronting us. This might be a small truth, such as not wanting to see that our car needs repairs because we don’t want to pay for them, or a large truth, such as not fully accepting that someone close to us is pushing us away. Usually the truth is evident, and we can see it if we choose, but we have elaborate ways of hiding the truth form ourselves, no matter how apparent it is.

For the most part, we avoid the truth because it scares us, or makes us angry, or makes us feel like we don’t know what to do. We often create our lives based on a particular understanding, and if that understanding turns out to be fully or even partially incorrect, we may feel that our whole sense of reality is being threatened. It takes a strong person to face the truth in circumstances like these, and many of us run for cover instead. Nevertheless, we can only avoid the truth for so long before it begins to make itself known in ever more forceful ways.

Ultimately, there is no way to avoid the truth, no matter how painful it is, so the sooner we let down our defenses, the better. When we know the truth and accept that we may have to adjust our lives to accommodate, we are in alignment with reality. At the same time, we can be patient with people around us who have a hard time seeing the truth, because we know how painful it can be. Whatever the truth is, we make a sincere effort not to close our eyes to it, but instead to be grateful that we have access to it.




DailyOm – Saying Thank You

March 15, 2011
Saying Thank You

Trusting Spiritual Assistance

When we connect to higher energies for help, it is much like a phone connection which needs to be closed at the end.

We may have become accustomed to asking for help from the unseen world—whether from angels, guides, or ancestral spirits—but sometimes we may forget to close our connection afterwards with a thank you. When we connect to these energies for assistance, it is much like a phone connection. Forgetting to close the conversation with a proper “goodbye” is like not hanging up. While that line is still connected, others can have trouble getting through, while in the meantime, batteries are being drained. Saying “thank you” is a way of releasing our concerns into trusted hands and getting out of the way so that the universe’s divine order can work on our behalf.

As spiritual beings, we may talk about “staying connected,” but our connection needs to be with our source. We can plug in and recharge, but we run on batteries in between, and every connection we make utilizes some of our personal power. Even being surrounded by people that energize us has its limits, and at some point we will feel ready to go off on our own to do what is ours to do. Instead of trying to be constantly connected, we can turn to these beings for help in a way that is more like placing an order. We contact them, ask for what we need, and then say thank you and goodbye.

Beings of light don’t require our gratitude; it is an energetic acknowledgement of trust and release that benefits us. When we bring ourselves to a sense of being grateful, we affirm that what we have asked is already done. Then we can move forward with confidence to do the things we are meant to do, while knowing that all will be well.

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DailyOm – Ending The Cycle
February 4, 2011

Ending The Cycle

Start Today


Today we can make the choice to end a cycle or way of being that is not in alignment with our soul’s desire.


One of the hardest things in life is feeling stuck in a situation that we don’t like and want to change. We may have exhausted ourselves trying to figure out how to make change, and we may even have given up. However, each day offers us an opportunity to renew our resolve and to declare to the universe that we are ready for change. We may even say out loud that we have tried and struggled and have not found a way, but that we are open to help, and that we intend to keep working to create change for ourselves. Making this declaration to the universe, and to ourselves, may be just the remedy for the stagnation we are experiencing. And, it can be done today, right now.


It is difficult to understand, even with hindsight, how the choices we have made have added up to our current situation, but it is a good idea to examine the story we tell ourselves. If we tend to regard ourselves as having failed, this will block our ability to allow ourselves to succeed. We have the power to change the story we tell ourselves by acknowledging that in the past, we did our best, and we exhibited many positive qualities, and had many fine moments on our path to the present moment. We can also recognize that we have learned from our experiences, and that this will help us with our current choices.


When we do this kind of work on how we view our past self, we make it possible for the future to be based on a positive self-assessment. This inner shift may allow us to get out of the cycle we’ve been in that’s been keeping us stuck. Now we can declare our intentions to the universe, knowing that we have done the inner work necessary to allow our lives to change. Allow today to be the day to end cycles and enter into a new way of being.





DailyOm – At The Feet Of The Divine

February 7, 2011

At The Feet Of The Divine

Laying Our Burdens Down

We weren’t meant to carry such heavy burden alone; visualize yourself laying down your burden and feel the lightness.


We all know the feeling of walking through life as if we are carrying the huge burden of our worries and stresses on our backs and shoulders, struggling to keep moving forward. There is no real way to move freely and fluidly in such a situation, and we are all longing to lay our burdens down. Just imagining that it would be possible to do such a thing can be enough to elicit a sigh of relief and a feeling of lightness.


The human imagination is a powerful tool, and we can use it to take journeys to faraway places without ever leaving our home. Because of this, we too can lay our burdens down at the feet of a divine being such as the great Mother, Buddha or a mountain. Releasing ourselves from that which we can’t handle on our own. No matter how smart we are, how capable we are, or how hard we work, no one can single-handedly cope with all the worries that we tend to take on in the course of our lives. And, we aren’t designed to do so. Our wellbeing depends upon our ability to hand over that which we can no longer carry by ourselves.


Visualizing yourself carrying your burdens to the feet of someone or something much bigger than you can be a powerful daily practice. To begin, sit with your eyes closed and envision an all powerful, supremely comforting being in what ever form that takes for you, standing at the end of a road. See yourself carrying a large sack, box, or other container, imagining that all your worries are inside it.


Watch as you make your way to the being of your choice, and lay your baggage down at their feet. Allow yourself to feel the lightness and relief of this action, express your gratitude, and surrender. You will be amazed by how this simple meditation can liberate you from a burden you were never meant to carry.






DailyOm – Co-Creating with Nature

February 8, 2011

Co-Creating with Nature

Conscious Gardening

Think about gardening in a new way; work with your garden on a co-creative way, asking permission and listening to her.


Gardens offer us a perfect opportunity to reconnect to our true selves and remember our place in the natural world. Rather than approach our gardens as mere investments of energy, we can look at the entire process of gardening, from planting seeds to harvesting food, as a way of deepening our conscious relationship with the creative force of the universe. If we are willing to shift our intention from dominating, or at least directing nature, to co-creating with nature instead, we may discover a deep peace and renewed sense of wonder.


To co-create we must first begin with a foundation of mutual respect. As you create your garden in partnership with nature, you can respect the earth, water, insects and animals by using organic seeds, soil and fertilizers. You can also communicate with the plants, insects and elements involved in your garden, and create a regular practice of stillness to listen for any messages they may have for you. When it comes time for harvesting fresh vegetables or picking beautiful blooms, you might even ask permission first. If you ask with an open heart, you will always receive an answer.


Imagine what it would be like to surrender certain aspects of your human world to the precision and surety of the natural environment. You might decide, for example, to forego your calendar and plant in rhythm with the cycles of the moon.

Or, you might choose to ignore clock time and water your garden when the sun hits a certain position in the sky. By opening your garden experience to more of nature’s input, you can become available to witness a whole universe of miracles, while engendering a greater sense of honor between the two worlds.


When we recognize ourselves as allies, co-creators, with the earth and the natural world, our relationship to our environment begins to change. We no longer feel the need to control the circumstances around us and can relish in the perfection of all that is.





DailyOm – Life Transitions

February 9, 2011

Life Transitions

The Death And Rebirth Of Self

Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life.


Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life. Even though this is a natural and necessary part of our growth, it is often painful or, if we don’t realize what’s happening, confusing and disorienting. In fact, confusion and disorientation are often the messengers that tell us a shift is taking place within us. These shifts happen throughout the lives of all humans, as we move from infancy to childhood to adolescence and beyond. With each transition from one phase to another, we find ourselves saying good-bye to an old friend, the identity that we formed in order to move through that particular time.


Sometimes we form these identities in relationships or jobs, and when we shift those areas of our life become unsettled. Usually, if we take the time to look into the changing surface of things, we will find that a shift is taking place within us.


For example, we may go through one whole chapter of our lives creating a protective shell around ourselves because we need it in order to heal from some early trauma. One day, though, we may find ourselves feeling confined and restless, wanting to move outside the shelter we needed for so long; the new part of ourselves cannot be born within the confines of the shell our old self needed to survive.


We may feel a strange mixture of exhilaration and sadness as we say good-bye to a part of ourselves that is dying and make way for a whole new identity to emerge in its place. We may find inspiration in working with the image of an animal who molts or sheds in order to make way for new skin, fur, or feathers to emerge. For example, keeping a duck feather, or some other symbol of transformation, can remind us that death and rebirth are simply nature’s way of evolving. We can surrender to this process, letting go of our past self with great love and gratitude, and welcoming the new with an open mind and heart, ready for our next phase of life.





DailyOm – Remember The Light Side

February 10, 2011

Remember The Light Side

In Praise Of Fun

There is no need to feel guilty about having fun; having fun and being happy is our birthright.


Often when we talk about fun, or doing things just for fun, we talk about it in a dismissive way as if fun isn’t important. We tend to value hard work and seriousness, and we forget to pay our respects to the equally important, light side of silliness and laughter. This is ironic because we all know the feeling of euphoria that follows a good burst of laughter, and how it leaves us less stressed, more openhearted, and more ready to reach out to people. We are far more likely to walk down the street smiling and open after we’ve had a good laugh, and this tends to catch on, inspiring smiles from the people we pass who then positively influence everyone they encounter. Witnessing this kind of chain reaction makes you think that having fun might be one of our most powerful tools for changing the world.


Laughter is good medicine, and we all have this medicine available to us whenever we recall a funny story or act in a silly way. We magnify the effects of this medicine when we share it with the people in our lives. If we are lucky, they will have something funny to share with us as well, and the life-loving sound of laughter will continue to roll out of our mouths and into the world.


Of course, it is also important to allow ourselves to be serious and to honor that side of ourselves so that we stay balanced. After a great deal of merriment, it can actually be a pleasure to settle down and focus on work, or take some time for introspection until our next round of fun begins.



DailyOm – Everyone Has A Story

February 11, 2011

Everyone Has A Story

Interesting People Everywhere

Each and every one of us has a story to tell and they are all important.


It's easy to forget sometimes that everyone has a story to tell if we take the time to listen. We are so accustomed to hearing the stories of people in the news that we sometimes lose track of the fact that the random stranger on the bus also has a fascinating story about where they came from and how they got to be where they are. The sheer variety of paths taken in this world, from farmers to CEOs to homeless people to world travelers, is indicative of how much we can learn from each individual. Sometimes the shy, quiet person at work has the most amazing life story and the biggest dreams, it is up to us to take the time to find out.


Some people travel a path of wealth and privilege, while others struggle with only themselves to rely on, and both have great stories to tell. Each person learns lessons, makes choices, and develops a unique perspective, which only they can claim and share. Even two people who have had very similar lives will have slightly different experiences, leading them to a different point of view, so each person remains a treasure trove waiting to be explored. When we take the time to ask questions and listen, we find that every person has a fascinating story to tell and an utterly unique perspective from which to tell it.


Bearing this in mind, we have the opportunity to approach the world around us in a new way. There is never any reason to be bored at a party, or on the bus, or in a conversation with a stranger. When we retain the spark of curiosity and the warmth required to open someone up, we always have in front of us the makings of a great story. All we have to do is ask.


DailyOm – What We Can't See

February 14, 2011

What We Can't See

The Unseen World

Just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Just because we can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, although this is a common way in which people deny the existence of spirit guides, angels, and other unseen helpers in our lives. However, anyone who has encountered such beings can attest to the fact that they do, indeed, exist, just as our breath exists, keeping us alive, even though we can't see it. The wind exists, too, but we only know this because we feel it on our skin and hear it moving the leaves on the trees. All around us and within us are things we can't see, and yet we know they are just as real as the grass beneath our feet.


What we see and don't see may just be a matter of perspective, like the ladybug who sees the leaf on which she sits, but not the tree the leaf grows on, or the person sitting beneath it. And the person beneath the tree may or may not see the ladybug, depending on where he focuses his attention. Still, all of these things, whether seen or not seen by the person or the ladybug, exist in reality. Some people are more gifted at accessing that which we cannot see, but given an open and willing heart, anyone can tune into the invisible realm and begin to find their way.


Human beings have always done this, and it is only recently that we have fallen into distrusting the existence of what we can't see. If you have lost touch with the unseen world, all you have to do is resolve to open your heart to its existence, and it will make itself known. Closing your eyes in meditation and visualization, or engaging the unseen through the written word, are just two ways to welcome the invisible back into your life. Whatever you choose to do, cultivating a relationship with that which you can't see is a time-honored human practice that can greatly enhance your life.


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Curry insomnia curry – in Food Folder

The Insomnia-No-More: A curry that makes you fall asleep

A TV chef has created a curry that leaves you drowsy 20 minutes after eating it

The curry that helps tackle insomnia © SWNSCelebrity Indian chef and TV presenter Gurpareet Bains has made a curry that produces similar effects to sleeping pills.
People have reported feeling "tired and spaced out" within 20 minutes of eating it and a journalist said he was "almost comatose" after a taste test.
Gurpareet says he created the curry to try and help people sleep.


“This dish was designed with one thing in mind - to help people with insomnia.
"Its ingredients have been used for millennia for their tranquilising properties, and our research has shown it to work incredibly well,” he told reporters.


Gurpareet Bains - creator of the insomnia-fighting curry © SWNSThe key insomnia-fighting ingredient in the curry is nutmeg, which contains myristicin - an oil that produces 'intoxicating' effects if people eat a lot of it at once.The chef includes a whole ground tablespoon of it in his recipe! No wonder people fall asleep…


Only minutes after a TV producer tried "a few mouthfuls" of the curry for a live taste test, she said: "My eyes feel quite heavy. I think if I was at home right now lying down I would fall asleep."


The recipe features in Gurpareet’s book, Indian Superspices. It’s the follow-up to his debut, Indian Superfoods – an Amazon bestseller.


In the past, he’s created a cancer-fighting curry, a hangover curing curry and a curry that can prevent you from catching a cold.


We might need to try out some of his recipes!

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The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper- June 2012 Edition – Trailer



Since 1993, THE 'X' CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER has been focused on The World of the Paranormal, The Science of Parapsychology and New Age Spiritualism.


Published every month, for print, on-line read, down loadable for computers and hand held portable devices, within our pages, you will find articles and stories on some of the following topics: paranormal subjects including the occult, remote viewing, hauntings, shadow people, precognition, reincarnation, forbidden knowledge, conspiracy theories, UFOs, UFO crashes, alien abduction, psychic phenomena, near-death experience, angels, exorcism, end-time prophecies, shamanism, herbalism, mind over matter, psychic surgery, crystals, Atlantis, Kirlian photography, lost tribes and civilizations, 666: the Number of the Beast, 11:11 in numerology, fairies, PSI, ESP, astrology, Chinese astrology, sacred geometry, palmistry, time travel, cosmology, the Apocalypse, Nostradamus, dreams and dream interpretation, Tarot cards, Ouija boards, life after death, the Dead Sea scrolls, Wicca, the Michigan Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle, vile vortices, séances, spiritualists, the Dalai Lama, Raelians, paranormal hoaxes and frauds, zombies, past life regression, Electronic Voice Phenomena, crop circles, cryptozoology and science fiction literature, among many other paranormal and parapsychology topics.



The Publisher of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper is Rob McConnell, who, besides publishing The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper is the host & executive producer of The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show, which is internationally syndicated. The 'X' Zone Radio current podcasts are available at, Apple iTunes, Blubrry and on Boxe, Roku, SonyTV and AppleTV. Dare To Believe! Read The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper Today!



In the June 2012 edition of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper:

Page 01: Proof That UFOs Are Terrestrial
Page 02: Beware of `Social Media' Sites
Page 03: Better That Bigfoot Doesn't Exist
Page 04: Did Bigfoot Ever Really Exist?
Page 05: Mayan Calendar Myth Hoax
Page 05: Conference Lacks Proof of Bigfoot
Page 06: Reasons Why Bigfoot Doe Not Exist
Page 07: TV's `Chasing UFOs' Is A Big Flop
Page 09: Top 10 Most Famous UFO Hoaxes
Page 10: Riddle of the Sphinx
Page 12: Psychic Fraud At Work
Page 13: John Edward: Hustling the Bereaved
Page 14: Most Extraordinary Discovery
Page 17: Linda Star Wolf
Page 18: 5 Most Fraudulent Psychic
Page 19: Paranormal State Caught Faking Shows
Page 22: Prism Publishing
Page 23: Rented Silence
Page 25: Investigation Into UFO Major Sightings
Page 29: If You Ever Need Me
Page 31: Truth Behind NASA's UFO Videos
Page 33: The Feats of Israel
Page 34: Come Back to Life
Page 36: New Visions
Page 37: Canada No Haven for Human Traffickers
Page 38: RCMP: Human Trafficking in Canada
Page 39: Snippets from the Trenches
Page 43: `X' Zone Bits and Bites
Page 44: Inner Miracles
Page 45: The `X' Zone Book of Triviology
Page 46: Upside Down World
Page 47: Ray Bradbury Dies at 91
Page 48: Paranormal Quotes
Page 49: Debunking The Ghost Box
Page 50: Planet X: The Sign of the Son of Man

Read more…



27 July 2012

In This Issue

1.A Gradual Training

2.Special: Stupa / Chethiya Sponsorship

3.Special Events this Weekend

4.Upcoming Events for this Week

1. A Gradual Training

New! At each stage of this "gradual training" (anupubbi-sikkha), the practitioner discovers a new and important dimension of the law of cause-and-effect — kamma, the cornerstone of Right View. It is thus a very useful organizing framework with which to view the entirety of the Buddha's teachings.


The gradual training begins with the practice of generosity, which helps begin the long process of weakening the unawakened practitioner's habitual tendencies to cling — to views, to sensuality, and to unskillful modes of thought and behavior. This is followed by the development of virtue, the basic level of sense-restraint that helps the practitioner develop a healthy and trustworthy sense of self. The peace of mind born from this level of self-respect provides the foundation for all further progress along the path. The practitioner now understands that some kinds of happiness are deeper and more dependable than anything that sense-gratification can ever provide; the happiness born of generosity and virtue can even lead to rebirth in heaven— either literal or metaphorical. But eventually the practitioner begins to recognize the intrinsic drawbacks of even this kind of happiness: as good as rebirth in wholesome states may be, the happiness it brings is not a true and lasting one, for it relies on conditions over which he or she ultimately has no control. This marks a crucial turning point in the training, when the practitioner begins to grasp that true happiness will never be found in the realm of the physical and sensual world. The only possible route to an unconditioned happiness lies in renunciation, in turning away from the sensual realm, by trading the familiar, lower forms of happiness for something far more rewarding and noble. Now, at last, the practitioner is ripe to receive the teachings on the Four Noble Truths, which spell out the course of mental training required to realize the highest happiness: nibbana.


Many Westerners first encounter the Buddha's teachings on meditation retreats, which typically begin with instructions in how to develop the skillful qualities of right mindfulness and right concentration. It is worth noting that, as important as these qualities are, the Buddha placed them towards the very end of his gradual course of training. The meaning is clear: to reap the most benefit from meditation practice, to bring to full maturity all the qualities needed for Awakening, the fundamental groundwork must not be overlooked. There is no short-cutting this process.




2. Special: Stupa / Chethiya Sponsorship

You are able to sponsor items of the Stupa /Chethiya that will be built at Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara. Plese contact the Vihara (temple) for more information 03 9702 6275. Please see the below document for available items and the sponsorship cost of each section.




3. Special Events this Weekend

1. The mid-term test is this Sunday the 29th of July for Sunday School kids at 2pm.
2.The rains invitation is this Sunday the 29th of July at 7pm.

For more information on any of these events please call the Vihara (temple) on 9702 6275.



4. Upcoming Events for this Week

Saturday, 28 July @ 4:30 PM, Weekly Guided Meditation in English (Held on Confirmation Only): More info

Saturday, 28 July @ 7:00 PM, Osupan Pujava (Medicinal Drinks Offering): More info

Sunday, 29 July @ 2:00 PM, SPECIAL - Mid-Term Test for Sunday School (Dahampasala): More info

Sunday, 29 July @ 7:00 PM, SPECIAL - Rains Invitation: More info

View more Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara upcoming events here





Dhamma (Buddhism) Articles

A Buddhist Approach to Disenchantment - A Buddhist approach to becoming disenchanted with all that gives rise to stress, see

A Buddhist Approach to Disillusionment - A Buddhist approach to seeing past the trickery and into reality, see

A Buddhist Approach to Mental Health - A Buddhist perspective and approach to mental health, see

A Buddhist Approach to Problem Solving - A Buddhist approach to problem solving through the development of wisdom (panna), see

A Buddhist Approach to Revulsion - Asubha - A Buddhist approach to bodily revulsion (asubha), see

A Buddhist Approach to Subduing & Overcoming Addictions - A Buddhist approach to Subduing subduing & overcoming addictions, see

A Buddhist Approach to the Awareness of In-and-Out Breath Meditation - Anapanasati - A Buddhist approach to the awareness of breath meditation (anapanasati), see

A Buddhist Approach to the Contemplation on Body Parts - Asubha - A Buddhist approach to bodily revulsion (asubha) through the detailed contemplation of the body parts, see

A Buddhist Approach to the Mastery over the Mind through Skilful Mental Attention - A Buddhist approach to the mastery over the mind through skilful mental attention, see

A Buddhist Approach to the Meaning of Life - A Buddhist approach to the meaning of life, see

A Buddhist Approach to True Happiness through Renunciation - A Buddhist approach to true happiness through renunciation, see

A Buddhist Approach to Time Management - A Buddhist approach to effective time management, see

An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation - Basic instructions for doing the mediations of loving kindness (metta), awareness of breath (ana-pana-sati) and foulness of the body (asubha), see

Arahants and Suicide - An analysis on whether Arahants (Worthy Ones) can commit suicide, see

Attachment - An analysis of how attachment leads to unsatisfactoriness, see

Buddhist Positive Thinking - Positive thinking from a Buddhist perspective, see

Consequences - About being responsible for our actions (kamma) and their consequences (vipaka), see

Daily Dana - On giving and generosity, see

Equanimity - Dealing with the eight characteristics of life, see

Fault Finding & Resentment - Dealing with fault finding and resentment, see

Five Precepts - Developing virtue through the five precepts, see

Four Noble Truths - The essence of Buddhism, see

Make Haste - About the dangers of samsara (endless round of birth and death) and a call to attain Nibbana (release) at the earliest opportunity, see

Mental Purity - Five ways prescribed by the Buddha for subduing mental defilements, see

Metta Meditation - Easy to follow instructions for doing the meditation on loving-kindness, see

Noble Eightfold Path - The path for ending unsatisfactoriness, stress and suffering, see

Offerings - On making offering to the Lord Buddha's supreme qualities, see

One Hour of Unsatisfactoriness - The unsatisfactoriness that can be felt within the space of an hour, see

Reverence - On revering those worthy of reverence, see

Sensual Pleasure & Pain - An analysis of sensual pleasure and pain, see

Work Stress - An analysis of stress in the work-place, see

See these articles here and here

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04 August: 144 Birthday of Master CVV – Transmitting the Energies of Synthesis


On 4 August is Master CVVs birthday. 1868, 144 years ago (12 x 12; in Indian counting the 144 years were completed already last year), he took birth in the South Indian city of Kumbhakonam.


His purpose was to transmit the Aquarian energies to the planet and to the beings living on it. He was the carrier of these energies of synthesis which were supposed by theosophists to come through a young man whom in the beginning of the last century they had prepared for this reception – the later J. Krishnamurti – but the energy took another way and manifested unnoticed by those who had done their own plannings. Many thought that the whole was a funny story of the theosophists – which caused many to leave the path or turn to other movements -, but it was only another way things developed.


When I first came to know of Master CVV in the 80ies I felt strangely “hit” by his energies, but it took a number of years before there was the second impulse: In 1996 when reading the book “The Aquarian Master” – it was for me like a clap of thunder. I felt more and more attracted by the profound energy he transmitted. When in January 201o I came to his birthplace, where, together with Sri Kumar (Master KPK), we had a group meeting with about 200 persons, the intense meditations there were for me a tremendous experience which left a deep mark in my life.


Master CVV was born under the sun sign Leo, the sign of the heart centre. During the seminar on Agni in 1991 Master KPK pointed out the importance of the mission of Master CVV in relation to the heart centre. Please find below some lines from that lecture.


“There is an internal journey that will be conducted through heart lotus. That is why it is said: ‘Heart is the gateway for the interior and exterior understanding’ – The meeting of the inner man and the outer man is in the heart centre. Hence the importance of working with the heart lotus. And it has such syllabus as covering the four triangles to meet the light, to develop the body which we call ‘the body of light’. And the Master whom we call Master CVV, He started pushing light from that centre into the petals, because in the scheme of the divine plan, time has come where humanity needed to be evolved rather quickly. And hence, He started emitting the Ray of Uranium from the heart lotus. So, when there is the invocation of the sound CVV, there is the piercing light of Uranium functioning from within the heart lotus which is a quality of the planet Uranus. And as this light shines forth into the lotus of the heart, there is the unfolding of the lotus quickly. That is why events happen very quickly in the personality life of the people.


And as many brothers and sisters expressed here in the beginning of the class, invariably everyone expressed that there is so much change ever since the last group meeting or the meeting before the last group meeting. And if we listen to the cassette which is recorded when they were speaking, many people said: “Many things changed in my life!” And the others said: “Everything changed in my life!” It is the stimulation of the Aquarian energy from within the heart lotus that makes it possible. That is what is called ‘the Mission of the Master CVV’ which you all can receive and then work with it. I told you yesterday that a flower cannot be opened from outside. Until there is an effort from within, there cannot be much cooperation coming from external sources. I also told that more often, if we try to open the petals of the flower from outside, the petals break. Even a high initiate like Madam Blavatsky has written that there is an eternal law where unfolding cannot be done from external support, unless there is an impulse from within to unfold. The outer is ready to help us, but the inner is not ready to receive the help. So, with much love, compassion and understanding, the Sons of Light have been waiting all through.


Then came a brilliant new law. Why not we work from within outside? And that law descended upon the planet, and that energy linked up the Cosmic Kundalini with the Earth Kundalini, and consequently the new energies started functioning from within outside with a new impulse. This is the extra dimension which the planet and the planetary beings are witnessing in this century. And hence, the speed of functioning and the progress achieved! In respect of all kingdoms, there is very speedy evolution. The speedy evolution is there with metal, with plant, with animal and with human beings.


All this is attributed to the visit of the new energy. And what is witnessed by the man of the 20th century was not witnessed in the previous ten centuries. To scope up with the speed, man is also prepared from within.”


Receiving the energies of synthesis – a painting I did in 2011


Documentary looking at the wildlife of the most stunning mountain range in the world, home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears.


Snow leopards stalk their prey among the highest peaks. Concealed by snowfall, the chase is watched by golden eagles circling above. On the harsh plains of the Tibetan plateau live extraordinary bears and square-faced foxes hunting small rodents to survive. In the alpine forests, dancing pheasants have even influenced rival border guards in their ritualistic displays. Valleys carved by glacial waters lead to hillsides covered by paddy fields containing the lifeline to the East, rice. In this world of extremes, the Himalayas reveal not only snow-capped mountains and fascinating animals but also a vital lifeline for humanity.


Narrated By: Sir David Attenborough



Natural World: Himalayas (BBC)



Land of God & Goddess - Dev Bhoomi !!! Discover the importance of Ma Ganga in this spellbinding journey to the Himalayas!


The epic journey to find the source of the Ganges . Reaching the temple of Gangotri - the place where Hindus believe that Ganges first appeared on Earth. Further on we will also trail Kedarnath, Valley of Flowers, Yamunotri and Badrinath.


Nanda Devi is India's second highest peak and shelters the Bhyander Valley, home to the remarkable Valley of Flowers. Covered in snow for the majority of the year, it is transformed when the snow melts during the short summer and the high meadows become carpeted in spectacular flowers of every colour. Fantastic cinematography from the epic series of Ganges. GK Travel & Tours.



Ganges or Ganga - A Complete Documentary: [MUST WATCH]


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Household hints – Very Clever Ideas

Household hints

Use a (clean) dustpan to fill a container that doesn’t fit in the sink

Place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on, and keep paint off the side of the can

Use a staple remover to save your fingernails when trying to add things to your key ring!

Put wooden spoon across boiling pot of water to keep from boiling over.

Use bread clips to save flip-flops with split holes.

How to put shoes in the dryer

Use sunglasses or a small convex mirror to avoid people sneaking up on you while wearing headphones at work

How to keep the straw from rising out of your soda can

Use a microfiber cloth to prevent frost from forming on the windshield.

Use a Comb to Keep a Nail Steady for Hammering

Use a post it note to catch drilling debris.

Read more…


4/29/12 - Japan Cloud - update – Petro Gem



Things are getting pretty serious with the chemtrail and radiation bombardment of north america… perhaps it’s time to bring out the crystals and blast all those harmful toxins, right out of the sky AND OURSELVES, as if they never existed… here’s how…









I will take a crystal today and place it half way in the ground, with the intention of creating clear pure air, if you do the same, please connect it with my crystal and the crystal network including the Atlantian and Lemurian giant crystals buried underneath planet earth… Through this process we also ask to connect with Archangel Michael and the sky spirit sylphs… all of which we ask WHILE HOLDING THE CRYSTAL IN HAND: “crystals… Archangel Michael and sky spirit sylphs… within these crystals… clear these crystals with the energy of Source, and program these crystals for the next 200 years, to emit transmuting VIOLET LIGHT… and ask that violet light to light up the sky… AND LIGHT UP OUR BODIES… transmuting all harmful chemicals, energies and radiation…. Archangel Michael and crystals…

please program the crystals with GOLDEN LIGHT too, so that the sky lights up with RESTORATIVE GOLD…. while we’re at it, kindly pulse all those within a 200 mile radius of these crystals to be bathed in fountain of youth- golden light accessible for any who are open to receive this light, upgrading our dna to be free of any chemical damage…restranding our dna to 12 strands…… so be it”.





The power of the crystal you place in the ground will be greatly enhanced if you create a medicine wheel using crystals, stones, and orgonite, placing your main crystal in the centre… program your medicine wheel to enhance your stated intentions… be specific and don’t expect the spirit/crystal worlds to read your mind, even though they can, they need your specific direction, otherwise it would be a violation of free will. This medicine wheel can be used to enhance any of your creations… sit in the centre and feel the vortex.




Thank you for your awareness of chemtrails, and then dreaming and creating a CRYSTAL clear sky and self, and taking action to collaborate with our multidimensional family and the crystal world, to create the world we truly desire.


Keep looking up… Dieter (Indian in the machine)
Educate yourself about sylph sky spirits:


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Mass arrests are beginning of the illuminati… more Ashtar Command spaceship sightings around the world… mother earth continues to have major earthquakes with some in unexpected places… major ET visitation near our sun continues to go unreported by mainstream… nuclear radiation continues to spread to Northern Hemisphere… earthlings continue to merge with Project Transition Earth with Sananda as the Supreme Commander… united states gov continues to be at war with the people (ruled by army of bankers, satanists, zionists, and clones)… the masses are using social internet networks to take back our world… human prepare for the biggest events in our entire history…
spiritual awakening of planet earth gathers momentum… world mainstream media losing power…

CNN does a Larry King Live special asking if Aliens have shut down US nuclear missiles (now rendered non-operable by Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light… a new world financial system based in Switzerland may be introduced headed by the ‘White hats’… friendly extraterrrestrials now in control of world planetary affairs: preventing pole shift with ET technologies, stopping nuclear war, neutralizing most damaging effects of chemtrails… the role of each human is to seek to know Self, and to align in service with the Divine Plan… ask for heaven, and we shall receive. How are you doing through all of this, are you a spirit that wanted the adventure of all prior incarnations? Oh yes you are! Nobody came to earth to have a boring time, or to be a slave forever… seek the joy in your life’s path, as a light that will guide you back home…. We are here together as spiritual beings having a physical experience… we are holding light in our circle of unity, forever until the end of linear time… Your brother, Dieter (Indian in the machine)


Mezmorphia (Native Flute And Singing Bowls)

The beautiful sounds of native flute, and tibetan singing bowls… gently trance yourself out… and become apart of the soft dreamy soundscape.



Spirit of the Buffalo

…..Be like the Eagle and soar high so that you can see what is happening, be like the buffalo, your home is where you roam….featuring the voice of Harmonica Donna Lucien.



A Bar Party Goes Tribal

This song will transport you from a regular bar scene, into a tribal paradise… and it really happened… I added some keyboards, but the rest of this recording is live from party @ Lydia’s with Purple Pixie, Cheryle, PPixie, Bernard, and others…



The Galactic Federation Of Light






To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium we placed a big red push button on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text "Push to add drama" invited people to use the button. And then we waited... Discover here what happened or visit for more info.


TNT. We know drama.



British firm unveils “Carkoon” – the cocoon baby seat

British firm unveils “Carkoon” – the cocoon baby seat

A revolutionary baby seat that deploys a protective cocoon in collisions has been unveiled by a British firm.



The Carkoon is a rear-facing baby seat that features a sliding protective shell made from Kevlar and fireproof Nomex, which is capable of keeping a child safe for up to 18 minutes in the event of a blaze. The Carkoon also contains a transmitter that alerts emergency services with the exact GPS location of the child – giving vital extra information for any rescue effort.


Added to the design is a rotating base and “quick release” handle that saves messing about with seatbelts for rapid ejection. The cocoon shell is also highly resistant to collisions and will only deploy in extreme circumstances thanks to an embedded gyroscopic magnitude sensor that detects when a vehicle is tipped back or forward.

Carkoon Product Animation Scenario

“Initially we tried to think of a way to create a car seat that got around the many ways cars seats are attached and create uniformity manufacturers could adhere to,” Carkoon’s inventor Jullian Preston-Powers told Yahoo! Cars. “We realised that adults are protected by airbags but babies don’t have any protection from the same technology.”


The Carkoon’s air shield does not come into contact with the baby in the event of a collision and also protects them from objects in the car that turn into potentially fatal projectiles at high speeds. Despite these added benefits, the original idea for the product was to protect a baby from flames and came about after a Sussex fireman told the Brighton-based Cool Technologies about an unsuccessful attempt to save a baby from a burning car.


“We thought to ourselves; what if there isn’t a firefighter there at all? There must be a way to protect the child from fire,” said Mr Preston-Powers. “Smoke is difficult thing to deal with as well but the car seat does cocoon around the child so it prevents smoke it seeping in.


“There is nothing like anything this on the market, it is a big game-changer,” he added. “Moving to the next generation was very easy, as car seats are all the same. They are getting cheaper, made of poor quality plastic so this will change things.”


The Carkoon is currently only works with cars fitted with the Isofix safety seat system, which was made mandatory in the UK on new cars from this year onwards. The model will be priced at around £499 and is expected to hit shelves by spring 2013.


Lady Master Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray

Lady Master Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray



Ascended Lady Master Nada is Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the purple and gold ray, of peace, service and brotherhood. She tutors souls in mastering these qualities in the solar-plexus chakra, and helps them prepare to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. In addition, she is known as the unifier of families and twin flames. The word Nada means the voice of the silence, and also a receding of the personality into the nothingness, giving way to the Christ Self. Nada is a Messenger of the Lord Meru and received training in His retreat. She is of the Third Ray. Nada has a certain cosmic authority for the incoming age. Healing is one of Her actions or services to mankind. She is one Who directs healing to the mankind of Earth. She uses a Pink Flame for some of Her work. Nada is a member of the Karmic Board and represents the Third Ray in that body. She has recently assumed the Chohanship for the Sixth Ray for the time being. Her symbol is a pink rose.




Nada also serves on the Karmic Board—a group of eight ascended masters and cosmic beings who dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgment on behalf of every soul. Through both these offices in the Great White Brotherhood (chohan and member of the Karmic Board), she teaches the path of personal Christhood by expressing love through ministration and service to life. She assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional people, public servants in government as well as those devoted to serving the needs of people in every branch of human and health services. You will also find her at the side of businessmen and -women, blue-collar, skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of freedom and revolutionaries of love in every field.

On Atlantis Nada served as a priestess in the Temple of Love. In other embodiments, she was a lawyer and expert in the defense of oppressed souls. In her final incarnation 2,700 years ago, Nada was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children. Archangel Charity appeared to her at an early age and taught her how to draw God's love from the flame in her heart and to radiate it into the nature kingdom for the blessing of all life. He also taught her to radiate it into the chakras of her brothers and sisters, so that by a heightened inner awareness they might bless others and uplift earth’s culture through the arts.


Lady Master Nada’s etheric retreat is located over Saudi Arabia.

Assisting Saint Germain in his "great gathering of the elect" who will serve with him in the cause of world freedom is beloved Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray. This Ascended Lady Master also serves on the Karmic Board as the representative of the Third Ray. Through both offices she teaches Jesus' path of personal Christhood through ministration and service to life.

On Atlantis Nada served as a priestess in the Temple of Love. The etheric counterpart of this temple, which is designed after the pattern of a rose, is centered above New Bedford, Massachusetts. Each petal is a room, and in the center there burns the flame of Divine Love--tended by brothers and sisters of the Third Ray for the healing of earth's evolutions by love, which Jesus says is the fulfilling of the law of karma.


Final incarnation

In other embodiments, Nada took up the avocation of law and became an expert in the defense of souls oppressed by the spoilers in the earth. During her meditations upon the Law of God and in the course of her ministrations in the temple, she perceived the Law "as the certain defense which the Mother must use to protect her children from the wiles of this world, from the fallen ones who seek also to use the Law to their unjust purposes." In her final incarnation 2,700 years ago, Nada was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children. The beloved angel Charity appeared to her at a very early age and taught her how to draw God's love from the flame in her heart and to radiate it into the Nature kingdom for the blessing of life.

The Archeia of the Third Ray also taught Nada to expand her threefold flame for the quickening of the chakras of her brothers and sisters, that by a heightened inner awareness they might bless the people and uplift the culture of the Divine Mother on earth through the arts.


In a dictation given August 28, 1982, Nada told her story:

"As I was embodied in a large family of many brothers and sisters of great talent, I saw how each one in pursuing his career needed love and ministration and the keeping of the flame of the sacred fire in order to be successful, "And thus, although the choice was given to me to pursue my own career, unbeknownst to my brothers and sisters I quietly kept the flame in deep meditation and prayer as well as outer helpfulness, in [by way of] contacting the great spheres [causal body] of their divine plan, and in accelerating through the mighty Archangels Chamuel and Charity in the understanding that the adversaries of love are many, and that love is the full power of creativity, and that the success of the career son or daughter of God depends upon the defeat of love's adversary, point counterpoint.

"And therefore, in the course of defending the Christhood of my brothers and sisters, I had to advance in my own self-mastery to confront the fallen ones who attempted to thwart them in their most magnificent lifestreams and their offering to the world.

Thus I understood love as the consuming fire of the Holy Spirit that does indeed challenge and bind the wicked in the way!...

"I can assure you that at the conclusion of my incarnation when I saw the victory of each one of my brothers and sisters, the fullness of my joy was in a heart of love expanded, keeping the flame--keeping the flame and knowing that I was needed, that I was essential to their victory....

"It seemed to the world, and perhaps even to my own, that I had not accomplished much. But I took my leave into the higher octaves thoroughly understanding the meaning of the self-mastery of the pink flame. Thus it was from the point of the Third Ray that I entered into the heart of Christ and saw the application [on the Sixth Ray] as ministration and service."


The Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service

As Lord of the Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service, the Ascended Lady Master Nada assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional people, public servants in government as well as those devoted to serving the needs of God's children in every branch of human and health services.

You will also find her at the side of businessmen and -women, blue-collar, skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of Freedom and revolutionaries of love in every field.

Of course, Nada loves them all because she teaches the principle and practice of the sacred labor as the effective means to achieve the goal of the ascension. Fittingly, the mottos of her disciples are "I serve," "The servant is not greater than his Lord," and "I am my brother's keeper.


Nada tells us of the initiations and joy of selfless service:

"Understand this formula of selflessness: To know when you have become selfless is to not be aware of the choice of selflessness. By this I mean that the natural course of your life is always the preferring of the love of God, the service of that God incarnate. To be aware of self, its pleasures, its privileges, its preferences, and then to make a choice to forgo that self is a step on the path of selflessness which must indeed be taken....

"But once you have reached that center, you are no longer aware of choosing between the Self--the Real Self--and the not-self. For you have become that living Self and you identify with all preferences to be that Self, to be immersed in that Self, to be the hands, the heart, the head of the Lord wherever you are needed, wherever it is required, filling in for God, supplying every need and therefore supplying each aspect of the Christ which someone may lack fulfillment in for the mastery of the threefold flame.

"Your preference is then in supplying the tenderness and compassion, perceiving the need because your sensitivity to God has been refined not only by the All-Seeing Eye, but by the exercise of the secret rays, letting those rays flow through you and fearing not the pain of the crucifixion, but altogether transforming that pain into the bliss of communion."


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The gifts of the Holy Spirit which Nada administers are those of diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. These gifts involve the mastery of nuances of vibration in the five secret rays and their almost infinite combinations with the elements of the seven rays as the qualities of the Word are released through the petals of the chakras.

As pertains to human, divine, and angelic tongues, these gifts involve the mastery of speech, communication and the delivery of the Word. They range from the mastery of earth's languages for the transmission of the Word universally to all to proficiency in the tongues of angels as spoken by angelic messengers through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Such releases given from an enraptured, exalted, or altered state are dictations (sometimes ex cathedra) for the initiation of souls and the transfer of the sacred fires from the altars of heaven. These fires, grounded through the anointed, are surely for the blessing of the saints who labor in love under the weight of planetary karma they bear, or for the binding, surely, of the embodied seed of the fallen angels whose hour for the final judgment has come.

The gifts of tongues also facilitate understanding between peoples and figure in the art of diplomacy and just plain getting along with your neighbor--the soft answer that turneth away wrath, the bridling of the tongue that James admonished--comforting a child or the wounded soul or dealing in the power of the Lord's Spirit with the Devil's railings and possessing demons.

Thus the science of the spoken Word in all of its very human and divine ramifications is Nada's forte, which she conveys with the gifts of tongues and the interpretation thereof. So, too, it must be borne in mind that once the Word is spoken, instantaneously it becomes the manifest Work of the Lord through his mediators on earth.


Chohan of the Sixth Ray

Following in Jesus' footsteps, beloved Nada had assumed the full Chohanship of the Sixth Ray by December 31, 1959. Nada serves in Jesus' retreat in the etheric octave over Saudi Arabia, where many disciples of the Lord have received their training directly from his Sacred Heart, face to face, during the Saviour's two-thousand-year occupancy of that office.

Here in the home of the Prince of Peace Nada instructs and gives exercises in the God-mastery of the emotions and the quieting of the inordinate passions of the desire body. Using Jesus' mantra "Peace be still!" she demonstrates the use of the solar plexus for the release of the power of peace through the seven sacred centers. Here, too, she unveils the mystery of Jesus' saying "He that believeth on me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. " As Nada directs disciples in the application of the radiant purple-and-gold flame of the Sixth Ray--a key step in the nine steps of precipitation taught by the Master Alchemist Saint Germain and the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek (as well as by the Seven Mighty Elohim and the elemental builders of form) she stresses the path of devotion (bhakti yoga) through the reestablishment of a personal heart-tie to Jesus. This lovetie, she says, is the key to "believing on him." And in this case, believing is seeing--seeing just how to put on his consciousness, to assimilate his Body and his Blood, and to internalize his Word.

Oneness with the Christ of Jesus, chakra by chakra, reinforced through the individual Christ Self, is the open door to the disciple's instrumentation of that flow of Light from the Great Central Sun by which sons and daughters of God hold the balance for earth and her evolutions. The flow of Light out of "the belly," which means through the solar plexus, or place of the Sun, is of spiritual significance:

Here the belly refers to the womb as the matrix, or place prepared, for the soul's alchemy of bringing forth the Divine Manchild--the Christ consciousness of the universal age. This realization of the self as the instrument of the Greater Self with its attendant putting on of the Light of the, Great Central Sun (the Son of God) leads to the God Self-realization of the Mother seen as the soul who is Woman, "clothed with the 'Sun.'" By this Sixth Ray alchemy of Christ's love combined with the Ruby Ray action of the Third Ray--present in the Manchild who has the gifts of the Holy Ghost while he is yet in his mother's womb--Nada, assisted by her angels and devotees, contributes to the mitigation of world tension and the astral weight of the mass consciousness. Thus, this path of practicing the presence of the Lord-pursued by his own who abide in his heart as he abides in theirs--is the Sixth Ray aspect and action of the transmutation of personal and planetary karma.

Nada tells us of a beautiful ritual whereby through a simple call we can help alleviate the stress and strain weighing not only upon our brothers and sisters but upon our own body temple:

"God in man is yours to commend into the arms of the Holy Spirit. Thus I commend you each one. Will you commend one another into the arms of the Holy Spirit and understand that that Holy Spirit is the immaculate image of Father/Mother God?

"And when you commend yourself ere you fall asleep at night, ere you walk the pathway and the ways of the world, when you commend one another into the arms of the Holy Spirit, you are sealing each one in that certain matrix of perfection that is a shield and a guard through all testing, through all trial, through all tribulation.

"Thus did the Lord Christ proclaim upon the cross, 'Into thy hands I commend my Spirit, O God.' Thus, you see, he sealed his soul in the perfection and the protection of the Holy Spirit. This you must do each day for the selfhood of each one entrusted to your care, for all mankind, for the planetary body, for elementals and each blossom rare that my angels now place within the crystal chalice of your hearts."

In an age of Aquarian freedom the demands upon those who would tame its soul fires are great. True love for the brethren in Christ engenders a desire for self-mastery and self-control in the timing and teamwork of the Lord's Word and Work--in order that the achievements of Community might reflect the Christhood of initiates who have translated the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit into the nine steps of alchemy for the building of the temple of God and man.



Nada offers this sound advice for our soul's mastery of alchemy in this age:

"The vortex of every endeavor must contain an intense will. When balanced with Alpha and Omega in the individual or twin flames or friends, the increase of the periphery is as great as the fire of the center. Let the central flame therefore reveal all ingredients of the goal, for the very alchemy itself depends upon the formula. If the formula does not contain the capacity to bless life, to heal life, to increase wisdom, it will be a selflimiting one.

"Therefore, in business, in service, in any activity, consider: How far will the light travel? How far will the effort expended reach? Will all the earth be blessed because I have lived this hour and striven for the highest? Or will only those in my immediate circle, find temporal comfort?

"It is so true, beloved hearts, that mastery, as a quality, of itself has many dimensions. And the wisdom and intelligence of the mind that guides and directs an effort, that sets forth the goal and the means to achieve it, are principally to be considered as the most important ingredients. Combined with the love, then the power, the intelligence and the planning (the understanding of all phases of a project or design) will mean that you have discovered a limitless formula that will multiply and multiply itself long after you have walked the earth or that will rise and fall again.

"Thus, neither the soul nor the goal itself can rise any higher than its own matrix. Rather than pursuing many little endeavors, concentrate, then on that which will reach the star of your I AM Presence--Let your Christ Self calculate the mathematical formula: How much effort and planning, how much involvement will it take for the rocket of the soul to mount and accelerate to the vibration of the I AM Presence?"


Family planning

This self-assessment of resources, will, and goals is nowhere more vital than in family planning.

The Goddess of Liberty has stated the position of the Karmic Board that parents ought not to bring forth more children than "you are able to care for and for whom you may adequately express your love." Nevertheless, abortion as a means to birth control is deemed a violation of the sacred flame of Life which every Keeper of the Flame has vowed to keep. Therefore, other means to predetermining the family circle must be intelligently studied and applied, for when life, sacred life, is at stake, one does not act haphazardly as though the bearing and rearing of children were a matter to be left to the fates or the gods.

The worth of the individual as the potential to be God in manifestation is incalculable. Its violation at any level is fraught with far-reaching karmic consequences, as Jesus warned, to any who offend even one of these little ones.

Thus, tenderly Nada sponsors the world's children, individual by individual, often in answer to their prayers, or cries of anguish in abandonment. And she has legions of angels who personally attend the little ones and the youth.

It must be remembered, however, that unless the child is taught to pray and does pray daily, or someone does pray for him daily in his stead, the angels are not permitted to overstep their bounds to intrude or intercede in his life. By the justice of this Cosmic Law, which often seems unjust, accidents and calamities do happen.

As you say, "There are no free lunches," so the Ascended Masters say, "There are no favorite sons." God is no respecter of persons but does respect his covenanted free will vouchsafed to all equally who abide in the Matter spheres.

The decision to have or not to have the intercession of angelic hosts and Ascended Masters in the life of the family and the children and between husband and wife is a daily one which can only be made by you. It involves communion with the I AM Presence and a conscious desire expressed in prayer for the will of God to take command in every situation.

When wrestling with possessing demons of addiction and terminal diseases on behalf of loved ones, there is simply no replacement for a strong and dynamic decree momentum which can be acquired quite rapidly by fervent hearts who will study and apply the teachings recorded in our book on The Science of the Spoken Word. Those facing family difficulties of any kind should include in their list of options for the resolution of crisis the daily, concerted application of this unfailing Law and Light.

Decrees work if you work.


Nada answers one child's prayer

Nada tells us of her answer to one child's prayer. Know, O blessed reader, that she will answer your heart's call just as simply and beautifully as she did this little girl's. If you are burdened, do not give up, but take this moment to implore her immediate help in Jesus' name.

"I remember many years ago when a little girl who did not even know of the existence of the Masters of Wisdom prayed to God and said, 'O Father, if thou hast any servant upon this earth or anywhere in the universe that will love me and help me, thou dost not need to come thyself, but send them and I will receive them as thyself.'

"And when she prayed thusly, I was sent. And I appeared to her at first only as in a dream. She saw me surrounded with roses, and having a parochial background she fancied that I was Mother Mary. And so, in one of her dreams Mother Mary came also with me, and then she was confused and said, 'Oh, you have a sister.' "


"Do you understand the sweetness and simplicity of the child mind!?"

"And so eventually she found two spiritual friends who guided her destiny and assisted her through the entire school system. Upon her graduation, she became an artist of most ethereal pictures and followed the course of art all the days of her life.

"I want you to understand that within that artist there were many beautiful pictures unborn, paintings that never graced the canvases of the world. And if these could have been seen by humanity, they would, I tell you, have paid all that they had just to prize one of them."

Nada is especially concerned that incoming souls receive the necessary spiritual, practical and academic education and that parents understand the need to give their children loving but firm and creative discipline as a prelude to their discipleship under the Cosmic Christ.


Sponsor of twin flames and the family

Consequently, Nada is very much involved in the initiation and sponsorship of twin flames and the Aquarian-age family. And she draws her circle of love around homes of Light where father and mother set the example of the Path and children are tutored in the Law from birth by right standard and right action.


Regarding the problems of crime and the burdens of drugs upon our children, Nada has said:

"The love that must be instilled, beginning with yourself, is a love so tangible for God in the person of one another, for God in the person of his saints, his angels, the Masters, Nature, and the simplicity of life itself, that in the presence of such love the abrogation of the laws of God is altogether unthinkable."

Her sponsorship of the brothers and sisters of the Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare is uniquely toward self-mastery of the sacred fire on the path of the Divine Mother that their service might suffice unto the calling of "kings and priests unto God." Such attainment may also be the lot of householders during and after the childbearing years, if they so choose to consecrate their marriage. For great is our God and great are his dispensations to those who espouse the highest path of the initiates: Christhood through the Son of God.




In a recent dictation with Mighty Victory, Nada spoke of her sponsorship of twin flames:

"I come in the person of the Mother flame, as Chohan and member of the Karmic Board, to teach you and to walk with you. I come as the initiator of twin flames and soul mates and community members of the sangha of the Buddha and the community of Christ. For, beloved, the initiations of the Ruby Ray are tough. Therefore, we have recommended partnership, two by two, as Jesus sent his disciples, who also received some of these tests.

"Whenever there is the action of going forth two by two, one is the bearer of the Alpha flame and the other of the Omega, forming a circle of Light to be penetrated, like an impregnable fortress...

"Realize, then, that the conferring by the Lords of Karma of opportunity and initiation for twin flames is to that end that the twin flames together [might] enter the path of initiation of the Ruby Ray. Thus, with or without companion (known or unknown to you), it is well to call upon the Lords of Flame, Holy Kumaras, for those initiaations [to be given] to yourself and your beloved."

Since the sinking of Lemuria and subsequently Atlantis, circles of Masters and disciples sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood have held the balance of Light for earth's evolutions. Nada was one of those who kept the flame for the earth during the period of great darkness that covered the land. For, as we have pointed out, the priests and priestesses who tended the flames in the temples of Atlantis and on Lemuria (principally those who came to earth with Sanat Kumara) did carry those flames to other locations.

These keepers of the flame have continued to reembody as initiates of the sacred fire serving on the ray and in the temple of their calling. Whether in physical embodiment or from the ascended state, they maintain the balance of Alpha and Omega in the Spirit/Matter cosmos through the Guru/chela relationship.


Who Are The Ascended Masters and the Path of the Ascension

Spiritual Ascension - Graduation Day.wmv + 2011 How to Make Spiritual Ascension 2012

Spiritual Ascension - Graduation Day.wmv

2011 How to Make Spiritual Ascension 2012





Ascended Masters' world message for 2012-2013 regarding the Earth changes


Ascended Masters' world message for 2012-2013 regarding the Earth changes


2012 Ascension DNA Activation UFOs and Ascended Masters 2

2012 Ascension DNA Activation UFOs and Ascended Masters 2


Spirit Science 12 - The Human History Movie

Imee Ooi - The Chant of Metta



Video imported from 'UFODatabase' YouTube channel:


[ Text imported from AOL News web site: (exact URL referred below):


" UFOs Visited Nuclear Weapons Sites, Former Air Force Officers Say
Sep 21, 2010 -- 2:05 PM:


UFOs have monitored and possibly tampered with American nuclear weapons, according to a group of former Air Force officers who will make their claims public next week at a Washington, D.C., news conference.


'While most of the incidents apparently involved mere surveillance, in a few cases, a significant number of nuclear missiles suddenly and simultaneously malfunctioned, just as USAF security policemen reported seeing disc-shaped craft hovering nearby,' says Robert Hastings, author of 'UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites'.


On Monday, at the National Press Club, Hastings will present six former Air Force personnel who will break their silence and disclose dramatic first-hand experiences with UFOs at nuclear weapons sites. " ]


" 7-19-2008 - Have UFOs shut down our government's defense systems? There is evidence that something caused missiles to malfunction during test launches. Former Air Force officers tell their incredible story about the film that was confiscated by the CIA and what was on it and why don't officials want us to see it. Find out right now on LARRY KING LIVE. " ].


CNN - Larry King: UFOs shut down missiles??

Read more…




Mass arrests are beginning of the illuminati… more Ashtar Command spaceship sightings around the world… mother earth continues to have major earthquakes with some in unexpected places… major ET visitation near our sun continues to go unreported by mainstream… nuclear radiation continues to spread to Northern Hemisphere… earthlings continue to merge with Project Transition Earth with Sananda as the Supreme Commander… united states gov continues to be at war with the people (ruled by army of bankers, satanists, zionists, and clones)… the masses are using social internet networks to take back our world… human prepare for the biggest events in our entire history…
spiritual awakening of planet earth gathers momentum… world mainstream media losing power…

CNN does a Larry King Live special asking if Aliens have shut down US nuclear missiles (now rendered non-operable by Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light… a new world financial system based in Switzerland may be introduced headed by the ‘White hats’… friendly extraterrrestrials now in control of world planetary affairs: preventing pole shift with ET technologies, stopping nuclear war, neutralizing most damaging effects of chemtrails… the role of each human is to seek to know Self, and to align in service with the Divine Plan… ask for heaven, and we shall receive. How are you doing through all of this, are you a spirit that wanted the adventure of all prior incarnations? Oh yes you are! Nobody came to earth to have a boring time, or to be a slave forever… seek the joy in your life’s path, as a light that will guide you back home…. We are here together as spiritual beings having a physical experience… we are holding light in our circle of unity, forever until the end of linear time… Your brother, Dieter (Indian in the machine)


Mezmorphia (Native Flute And Singing Bowls)

The beautiful sounds of native flute, and tibetan singing bowls… gently trance yourself out… and become apart of the soft dreamy soundscape.



Spirit of the Buffalo

…..Be like the Eagle and soar high so that you can see what is happening, be like the buffalo, your home is where you roam….featuring the voice of Harmonica Donna Lucien.



A Bar Party Goes Tribal

This song will transport you from a regular bar scene, into a tribal paradise… and it really happened… I added some keyboards, but the rest of this recording is live from party @ Lydia’s with Purple Pixie, Cheryle, PPixie, Bernard, and others…



The Galactic Federation Of Light


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