Chris Comish posted a blog post
In the paraphrased words of fellow master RJ Spina- "Create your outer life from your inner life...when there is peace in the inside there will be peace on the outside, don't accept reality from outer to inner, but accept reality from inner to…
3 hours ago
Chris Comish posted a video
3 hours ago
Chris Comish commented on Chris Comish's article Store
"Updated to add more recommended reading."
5 hours ago
Chris Comish left a comment for Sheri McEwen
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
9 hours ago
Chris Comish posted a video
23 hours ago
Chris Comish left a comment for Marcus Gardner
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
Chris Comish posted videos
Chris Comish liked STEVEN L HUTCHINSON's discussion A Year Of Miracles Energy Forecast By Emmanuel Dagher in Spiritual Growth
Chris Comish posted a photo
Come join me in the Path of Earth Service, be the Christ and Bodhisattva in service for the highest and greatest good of all beings. 
  • Chris Comish The Path of Earth Service contains both incarnated initiates (3rd density) and etheric initiates (those with 4th/5th/6th Density forms per the Law of One) that live in the City of Shamballa (Shambhala). The City of Shamballa is located in the…
  • Chris Comish The Path of Earth Service contains Adepts and Masters from 7 Ashrams of the 7 Rays. Chohans (Teachers) of each ray are El Morya (Will), Kuthumi (Love-Wisdom), Serapis Bey (Active Intelligence), Paul the Venetian (Harmony through Conflict), Hilarion…
Chris Comish is going to Zamfirescu Bogdan Cristian
Chris Comish liked Zamfirescu Bogdan Cristian's event Zamfirescu Bogdan Cristian
Chris Comish commented on Chris Comish's article Store
"Updated to add more recommended reading."
Chris Comish posted a blog post
The Gospel of Thomas was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and contains teachings from Jesus/Jeshua that reflect Oneness and Ascension. Here are two powerful quotes from The Gospel of Thomas.
Quote 1
Jesus said, "If your leaders tell you, 'Look, the…
Chris Comish posted videos
Chris Comish and Fatma are now friends
Chris Comish left a comment for Sah
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"

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  • Hello, thank you for your long lasting activity. I feel blessed to be here with you.

    • I feel the same. I appreciate you. Eternally grateful. 

  • Bodhisattva vow

    The unrescued I will rescue.
    The unliberated I will liberate.
    The uncomforted I will comfort.
    Those who have not attained nirvana, I will cause them to attain nirvana.

  • Hello, dear teacher. I have a question. I have a patient to whom I am sending energy. There is a lady who has a disordered menstrual cycle and her female hormones are messed up. I wanted to get your advice for her treatment.

    • Greetings. I answered your question in a message. Namaste.

  • Hi Chris! I'am not sure I deserve this honor of being the member of the month and I'am almost speechless but there was a site where I enjoyed that honor unfortunately I'am not a member there anymore.Thank you for your recognition of me my friend and goodbye!

  • You are light who guides many. May your path be strengthened by the presence of love through those whom you are bonded to and share a journey with.

    In wisdom, those who are special, will rise to know why they have been respected as such. May many blessings be with you and all ways lead to your abundance in well being.

  • Thank you, Chris!  Namaste!

  • Thank you so much, Chris. Not sure you can tell, it's my bday. Most of my attunements came from your book with the 43 systems. Green Tara is my favorite. I'm forever grateful for you, Master.
  • Thank You! Love and Light!
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