STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a blog post
  Loving Ourselves Like The Creator Love UsBy Steven Hutchinson By remaining consciously present with the Creator's Love within our heart throughout our day - we are fostering a deep connection with the Creator that helps heal us, and that helps…
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion
  Loving Ourselves Like The Creator Love UsBy Steven Hutchinson By remaining consciously present with the Creator's Love within our heart throughout our day - we are fostering a deep connection with the Creator that helps heal us, and that helps…
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion in Spiritual Growth
...The Lemurian Golden Timeline is the core template of the New Earth; balanced feminine and masculine energies, harmony with Nature, infinite resources, love, abundance, unity.'Join the Golden Lemurian Circle:…
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a video
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON left a comment on Spiritual Growth
"<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture;…"
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion
  Our Preparation Continues By Patricia Cota-Robles We are still in the process of assimilating the Solar Light Codes we received during the June Solstice and the Full Moon that occurred June 20th through the 22nd in 2024. This very powerful influx…
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion in Spiritual Growth
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON left a comment on Spiritual Growth
"<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture;…"
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion
   Allowing Joy To Be Part Of Our Daily Lives - Wisdom Shared From Paramahansa Yogananda The joys life brings can often feel fleeting, yet inwardly we know there must be a joy that endures. In this talk, Self-Realization Fellowship monk Brother…
Jul 16
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion in Spiritual Growth
Jul 16
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion in Spiritual Growth
  Share The Light & Love In Your Heart Awakened OnesPleiadian Transmission of Light & Love By Octavia Vasile Important Call to the Awakened Ones! Are you aware of your power?"Greetings to you all, we are delighted to connect with you again and to…
Jul 14
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion
 ...Sirian Golden Heart Activation and Sirian-Lemurian Sacred Spine Creational Codes Activation By Anrita Melchizedek Beloved hearts, every year between July 3rd and August 11th we experience a Sirian Golden Heart Activation – of the Heart and…
Jul 14
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted discussions
Jul 13
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion in Spiritual Growth
  ...I Am My Divine Self's Supreme Love & Bliss In Action !By Steven Hutchinson...This short prayer/invocation was inspired by a Violet Flame Masterclass that I recently took and found powerfully uplifting. Just click on this link if you  want to…
Jul 12
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a blog post
  ...I Am My Divine Self's Supreme Love & Bliss In Action !By Steven Hutchinson...This short prayer/invocation was inspired by a Violet Flame Masterclass that I recently took and found powerfully uplifting. Just click on this link if you  want to…
Jul 12
STEVEN L HUTCHINSON posted a discussion in Spiritual Growth
  Finding Your Greatest Joy By Archangel MichaelWith Natalie Glasson I Am Archangel Michael, and I greet you now with Divine Love, Joy, & Archangel Blessings. I bring forth a joy that is so pure and of such a high vibration to each of you now. Just…
Jul 7

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  • Happy Belated Birthday Steve! Thank you for being you! I appreciate you brother. May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday Steve! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Thank you for accepting my friend request.
  • Dear Steven, Thank you so much for your welcome message  full of warmth and light. I think I am lucky to be accepted to the city of Shamballa and to meet wonderful people. With love and gratitude. 

  • God bless you Steven. I bow to the Divine in you.
  • Thank you Steven. God bless you. 

  • Thank you for the warm greeting. I can feel the love and positivity in this community.  May your days be filled with grace and may your soul achieve the goal it came here to reach.  

  • Thank you very much for your welcome Steven! I am delighted to be with you in this wonderful City of Shamballa. With love and gratitude!


  • Thank You Steven! May the divine love and blessing you share be bestowed upon you and your family as well!

  • Thank you Steven. My heart is filled with love and joy for being here and for having found such a beautiful network of Lightworkers. May the Divine Essence of the Creator guides us all in the Great Spirit of Shamballa. Love and Blessings, Marcy.

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