Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

This is a group where you can post your questions about Reiki, Reiki attunements, Reiki healing etc and Reiki Master Teachers can answer you. A forum for students or for anyone who has questions. Post your discussion below.

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  • Sir,
    Thank you for sharing yourwonderful attunements and empowering others. I have a doubt,it might be stupid. To self attune any particular symbol, which level 2 prerequisite, do we have to follow level 2 attunement procedure or there any other method pls.
    Thank you
    • Greetings, for the attunements I have prepared simply say or think the words to receive and the level 2 symbols download automatically. Blessings
  • Hello sir, are these attunements to be taken only by command or to listen to any MP3 or any sound? Please provide information on this. As attunement of kundlini reiki is to be done only with command?
    • Greetings, all of my attunements including Kundalini Reiki are to be taken by saying or thinking the words to receive. Some healing sessions are available via listening to or watching videos. Blessings, Chris
    • 🙏
  • Hello. Your day is full of light and blessings. I had a question!
    What systems and methods do you use to receive blessings and abundance in life? namaste
    • Hello! Yes my day is filled with artifical light and natural light but there are no blessings attached to it my friend.I have no systems or methods to receive blessings and as far as abundance goes.I only have moneyless abundance in my life currently speaking of course and I hope that answers your question if you have anymore for me you can contact me here thank you my friend goodbye as well as take care of yourself signed a happy group member,RichRaelian!
    • I wish you the best of blessings and abundance
    • I hope all beings are blessed with blessings
    • Wishing you many blessings as well.
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How are Chris Comish's attunements or healing sessions created?

This question was asked on another website The purpose of this post is to empower others who wish to create attunements or healing sessions or to help recipients understand. Question: So how does this stuff work?  You read the book (or read the words) and it activates?  Answer: Thanks for your question. When you read the words to receive, the energy downloads to you from your higher self. It is all intention. When you intend to receive the…

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2 Replies · Reply by Chris Comish Sep 11, 2023

My Reiki story

This is about how I got into Reiki and other energies. During the years of 1996 - 2006 I went through an identity crisis. Although I was raised as a Protestant, I had trouble finding Spirit. I could only access the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. I prayed, I went to church, but I had trouble understanding Spirit. So I prayed for the wisdom to get to know Spirit. I never understood the Holy Spirit in the Bible and wanted to know the Holy Spirit. I read in the book of Acts about laying…

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5 Replies · Reply by Chris Comish Mar 28, 2023