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Healing Sessions (5)

Sending healing to all people on Earth, received at the perfect time for the highest and greatest good of each on a daily continuous basis in alignment with each free will. Christ is manifest now! Buddha is manifest now! Love and Light is manifest now!

I invoke the Holy Spirit to descend upon all of humanity at the perfect time for each if in alignment with each free will for the highest and greatest good of each. May all beings be happy and be blessed.

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The following are descriptions of the chakras and their frequencies:

1. Root chakra. Affirmation "I AM." Energy, Stability, Comfort, Safety. 396 hz solfeggio frequency. Survival. Also the Kundalini energy is stored here. Associated With: Earth Connection, Physical Health, Safety and Security, Groundedness, The Body, Longevity, Kundalini, Healing.

2. Sacral chakra. Affirmation "I FEEL." Sensuality, Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability, Creativity. 417 hz solfeggio frequency. Personal identity. Kundalini rising begins in the Hara/Belly button chaka. Associated With: Relationships, Life Force, Emotions, Intimacy, Vitality, Skin, Impulse, Desire, Motivation, Letting Go.

3. Solar Plexus chakra. Affirmation "I DO." Strength, Personality, Power, Determination. 528 hz solfeggio frequency. Ego resides here. Social relations. Associated With: Self-Esteem, Ego, Confidence, Manifesting, Willpower, Self-Belief, Grit, Success, Conscious Mind, Adaptability.

4. Heart chakra. Affirmation "I LOVE." Acceptance, Love, Compassion, Sincerity. 639 hz solfeggio frequency. Opening of ascension path. Higher Self manifestation begins. Love/Compassion of Higher Self. Universal love. Associated With: Compassion, Faith and Hope, Forgiveness, Joy, Surrender, Humility, Empathy, Unconditional Love, Balance.

5. Throat chakra. Affirmation "I TALK." Communication, Expression, Creative Expression, Inspiration. 741 hz solfeggio frequency. Expression of Higher Self. Free communication. Associated With: Communication, Expression, Honesty, Worthiness, Gratitude, Creativity, Channeling Energy.

6. Third eye chakra. "I SEE." Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust. 852 hz solfeggio frequency. Vision of Higher Self. Universal energies. Associated With: Subconscious Mind, Deep Thought, Imagination, Mind's Eye, Intuition, Clarity, Wisdom, Vision.

7. Crown chakra. Affirmation "I UNDERSTAND." Knowledge (truth), consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality. 963 hz solfeggio frequency. Bridge of light unity connection to Higher Self. Flow/Channeling state. Sacredness of each experience. Associated With: Transcendence, Spirituality, Higher Self, Ascension, Quantum Mind, Source, At One, Inner Peace, Dreams, Cosmic.

Great solfeggio frequency videos are found at

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This question was asked on another website

The purpose of this post is to empower others who wish to create attunements or healing sessions or to help recipients understand.


So how does this stuff work?  You read the book (or read the words) and it activates? 


Thanks for your question. When you read the words to receive, the energy downloads to you from your higher self. It is all intention. When you intend to receive the attunement or healing session, you read or say the words to receive in the book, and receive the attunement or healing session.

In 2009 I created most of the attunements and healing sessions. Some other ones like Distant Healing Session and Purification Healing Session were created more recently. All attunements, empowerments, healing sessions were created and then sent to each recipient's higher self for custody until the recipient is ready to receive. My attunements, empowerments, healing sessions, can be received 100 years from now, a 1000 years from now, it doesn't matter, since they are held by the higher self which is Spirit which is eternal. The key ingredient is intent to receive. Each recipient needs to intend to receive to receive, by thinking or saying the words to receive. This obeys a law called the law of free will.

So basically I upload the attunement or healing etc. to the higher self (a multi-dimensional level to avoid free will interference) using a chi ball (basically an etheric zip file), and then when the recipient intends to receive by thinking or saying the words (aligning personal will to Divine Will), the attunement or healing session is unzipped from the chi ball and downloaded. The chi ball can transfer from multidimensional to etheric dimension and is basically similar substance to our chakra system (which exists in etheric and connects to the physical via the nervous system).

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Laarkmaa, a group of Pleiadians, have a powerful Heart Meditation. 

It is found in appendix C of the book below


The book is on Kindle for $6.99. Click on the cover image above to go to the book.

I can't share the Meditation here because it is copyrighted, but definitely check it out.

It is kind of like the Unified Chakra Meditation or White Light Empowerment. 

You draw in Light to yourself then you send it to the world. 


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