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light (51)

Receive Light.... Prayer


Father God, In the power of the Holy Spirit I ask that Your Light shine upon each of us. 

Shine Your glory on the shadows of the enemy and the shadows of fear and intimidation.

Father, Your light exposes the ugliness of his actions. 

You are our strength and the truth....darkness is broken and evil can not hide. 

I declare victory over indecision, strife, chaos and sickness. 

Tear down the wall of frustration and obstacles of confusion.
Father God, ask healing of our minds with new understanding, our hearts with restoration and love, our eyes with clarity and vision of truth, ears to hear Your still small voice and helps us to be steadfast for glory! 

We are nothing without You, we can not do it alone. 

Bring a presence of openness and peace.

Father, we receive You and give authority over our lives. 

I  His Holy name.....Amen!

2 Corinthians 4:6
 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
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Mother Earth

By Athene Raefiel


Mother Earth is trying to balance herself. She has and will always do what is necessary to harmonize the nature of the Planet. The news media portrays her to be cruel and violent when in reality she is simply doing what any other Mother would do to protect her abode and young life.
We are merely at the beginning of what will be world conflict brought about by natures need to harmonize and balance. Rather than us killing, torturing, creating wars and fighting for the greatest power and wealth we need to be unifying as a world in crisis to save ourselves and the planet. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this fact; it is plain as day.

The Andes Indians came down out of the mountains in about 1995 to tell us of the devastation humans were creating to nature and her cycle of life. Many did not even know these people existed or that they had been living in the mountains there in natural harmony with the Earth for thousands of years.

Landmasses started moving when the large underwater Earthquakes began setting off Tsunamis in between 2001 and 2004. Old Volcanoes coming back to life after lying dormant for thousands of years is going to continue as the water levels continue to rise and we are having more and more earthquakes world wide.

When Earthquakes occur on the Ocean Floors then the floors begin shifting. This sets off massive changes globally. It is a domino effect, a chain reaction of sorts. Since the Ocean floors make up two thirds of our Planet Earth they are sure to effect all and everything else on the planet.

Since species upon species of Aquatic Sea life has been becoming extinct, the oceans have created a momentum to save themselves. The waters have the greatest power known to this planet and all of its life. The oceans can supply us with all the power needed to heat homes, run vehicles, create electricity and feed us, yet we fill it debris trash, oil spills and over-fishing as well as over-hunting for hides and trinkets we do not need.

If there were a conspiracy theory, I think I would say that we are all living a lie perpetrated by great minds who see the developing world as an entity unto itself that can control not only nature itself but also the nature of life living upon it.

If the greatest wealth in the world is actually distributed between less than one percent of the population then for those few there would be little to gain if it were not for free trade, market and big oil.

The United States has all the resources it needs to take care of itself and yet we depend on other nations for almost all of our food, clothing and practical needs. Survival has become such a powerful entity in our life that we no longer have time to be with ourselves or by ourselves. We have no time to relax and enjoy family, to plant some vegetables and enjoy a sunrise or sunset. While in many third world countries people are being starved and tortured, babies thrown in boiling water and killed simply because others can do it to them without fear of reprimand.

We have lost our balance as a civilized world and we have lost our way as Divine Beings. Everyone has an agenda and almost all believe they are the only righteous ones in Gods eyes.

All wars continue to be about Religion, Resources or Simple insanity. War has no common sense value at all nor does it serve any true Divine Entity. It is always selfish and never selfless except for the warriors dying.

Where is the conscience of the world? When did we quit believing that each and every person has a responsibility to Mother Earth and Nature to honor the life within and upon it?

Depression, sadness and mental illness are becoming a way of life for massive amounts of people. Animals are losing their sense of direction and becoming more violent as humans lead the way. Some species even of insects have just decided to become extinct as they too no longer sense the beauty and love of nature necessary for them to survive.

We as lightworkers have nothing to work with but the Light and Love of the Divine. We are Spiritual warriors fighting always an uphill battle for a place at the table that will allow us to be heard amid the brain jamming devices as well as the brainwashing that accompanies the masses.

Yes we have Nobel Peace Laureates that we adore and appreciate, but by and of themselves, they too must continually battle energies that find them to be a threat to the very core of the negative power structure.

The poles are shifting ladies and gentlemen at an unprecedented rate, see ( ) just as the glaciers are melting., Here are a few other websites to tell you about Solar activity and other Earth Changes as well.

I share these things with you not to frighten you but to educate. Too many of my friends have already quit reading, National Geographic, watching the news or even reading a newspaper, because they feel they are better off just not knowing the truth of the 3D world around them. I do not believe the answers lie in burying my head in the sand.

Human consciousness is strong my friend and every one of us have the potential to change our own consciousness in order to effect the whole.

We must re-program our own thinking, feeling and believing in order to stay on track. There are many beings that have moved into the awareness that they're energetic beings of consciousness over this past century. Some have chosen to live lives as peaceful warriors away from the fray of the rest. I do not believe this an option for me this lifetime. I believe that we must educate and inspire more and more individuals to find consciousness and learn to use it to change the world happenings.

We as a unit within the Divine Light of Source and all of its Hierarchies and Galactic Brotherhoods have the power to shift the Earth and its inhabitants to a new evolutionary path. We may not be able to stop the devastation that will be wrought by Mother Earth to re-balance herself but we can help her as well all species of life still upon her but we must act daily.

Suggestions for Daily Living:

Teach and share only what you practice yourself.

Recycle and reuse at every opportunity, be the example.

Each day you go outside greet the sky the earth the trees the animals and pay honor to Earth, Air fire and Water, North, East South and West.

Avoid wastefulness.

Change your thoughts to positive thoughts if they tell you negative things.

Do affirmations for the beauty and love you want and need in your life.

Look through anothers eyes before you judge.

Take time to breathe and be with yourself.

Learn to like and love yourself.

Learn to Meditate and discover multi-dimentional thought and knowingness.

Anchor Light and Love each morning and night.

Sample of Affirmations:

I am, I am, I am, a child of the Divine Light
I am, I am, I am, special in my own right
I am, I am, I am, sacred as is all life.

I deserve to free to be me. I am worthy to feel joy and beauty.
I deserve to help others help themselves. I am worthy to love and be loved.
I am open to receive Divine Light and Love always.
I am a soul and spirit light.

I deserve to have abundance in my life on all levels.
I am open to receive.
I am riches and wealth.

I forgive myself for being simply human and recognize that to be human is a great gift and honor.
I appreciate the Divine Light that shines within all life and myself.
I trust in the power of my True Inner Light to guide and protect me.

I am the one true power of light that always resonates with truth.
I am free to be unlimited.
I am unlimited.



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Pillar of Lights Meditation

Sit or lie down comfortably, with your spine straight and legs not
Inwardly look upward through the Crown Chakra to the Source. Visualize
it, feel it or simply intend that it is about 6 to 8 feet above the
It can perhaps be seen as a sphere of light or a 12 faceted white
Take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your
mouth to center yourself.
Visualize the White Light flooding down through your Crown Chakra,
then into your neck, down into your shoulders and arms. Pouring
through your chest, and down your torso; into your buttocks, and your
thighs; then your calves, and down into your ankles. Into your toes
and the soles of your feet.
You feel energized and calm. Take three more deep breaths.

Archangel Metatron, Metatron, Metatron, come in please. Open, open,
open the very heart of the Source I AM. Open, open, open the very
heart of the Source Council of Twelve I AM. Open, open, open the very
heart of the Oversoul Body of Light I AM. Mahatma, Mahatma, Mahatma I
AM. Archangelic Kingdom of Light I AM. Open, open, open and ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Lord Maitreya Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Maitreya Buddha come in please.
Surrounding us NOW in a six-foot in diameter living liquid Golden
White Crystal sphere of the Consciousness of the Source I AM and
sealing it NOW that only Love and Light may pass through. Bringing all
polarities within this sphere into a state of union/fusion.
Lord Kuthumi, Kuthumi, Kuthumi, Office of the Christ, come in please.
Please open our heart chakras NOW. Placing within them 5th, 6th and
7th dimensional Rose Pink Crystal Hearts of your Unconditional Love
and Deep Compassion. Ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM.
Lord Melchizedek, Melchizedek, Melchizedek, come in please. Open,
open, open the very heart and Councils of 12 of the Universal Level of
pure Beingness I AM.
Lord Melchior, Melchior, Melchior, come in please Open, open, open the
very heart and Councils of 12 of the Galactic Level of Pure Beingness
Lord Helios, Helios, Helios, and Lady Vesta, Vesta, Vesta, come in
please. Open, open, open the very heart and Councils of 12 of the
Solar Christ Conscious Level of pure Beingness I AM. And ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Metatron, Metatron, Metatron, open, open, open ourCrown Chakras NOW as
One please. Releasing NOW from the very Heart of the Source I AM a
Trinitized River of living, liquid crystal light. Brilliant Diamond
White Light of the Source I AM; Brilliant Aqua-Blue Diamond Light of
the Divine Feminine I AM; and Brilliant Golden Yellow Diamond Light of
the Divine Masculine I AM. Three as One, NOW pouring in through the
Crown Chakra into all cells of the brain, into the mid-brain
hypothalamus, receptor of light; into the 12 major cranial nerves down
into the medulla oblongata brain stem; and down into the
electromagnetic spinal cord and flowing out into the entire central,
peripheral and autonomic nervous systems of the body NOW; touching
deeply into every gland, every organ, every body system; every cell
NOW receiving the Trinitized Presence of the Source I AM.
Archangel Ratziel, Ratziel, Ratziel, come in please. Open, open, open
our Pituitary and Pineal Chakras and ignite, ignite, ignite the
Antakarana Rainbow Bridge of Light, connecting the two and all that is
above to all that is below I AM.
Lord Sanat Kumara, Sanat Kumara, Sanat Kumara, come in please. Open,
open, open our Occipital Medulla Chakras, and ignite, ignite, ignite
the Light I AM.
Lord Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha, Lord of the
Earth, come in please. Open, open, open the Throat Chakra, and ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights, I AM.
Archangel Khamael, Khamael, Khamael, Lord of the Heart Chakra, come in
please and the four Archangels of the Golden Pyramid of Lights I AM
come in please.
Taking 3 very deep breaths, we NOW pass into the Heart Chakra, into
your Sacred Temple of your own creation. Be it Greek, Atlantean,
Egyptian, Tibetan, Mayan, or whatever form you choose. See the temple,
be it a sphere, a crystal cavern, a pyramid or a cube of space. See
the temple pillars and walls with all the sacred statues and altars of
the members of your special Spiritual Family of the Stars. You are the
Starseed, and it is time for the Sleepers to awaken. So within this
temple of your own creation, see yourself seated upon a golden throne,
encrusted, perhaps, with faces and sacred jewels, and see your naked,
golden, innocent body resting comfortably upon this Golden Throne of
vibrant, living Light. Across the temple in front of you on the
opposing wall, see a fireplace of your own choosing. Ignite, ignite,
ignite it with your Sacred Breath, NOW and see emanating from the
fireplace a Living, Cosmic Fire with all of the 12 rays easily
visible. Bask in the radiation of the 12, your Council of 12. Place
upon your feet, as your now bend down seated upon the throne, Golden
Sandals encrusted with precious stones of your own choosing. Place
upon your Sacred Body, Golden Robes and above the left breast on the
robe, see your sacred name in golden letters of flame and acknowledge
yourself as the I AM. Place in your right hand now a golden orb of
your spiritual authority, surmounted by a sacred symbol of your
choice, be it an equal-armed cross, a six pointed star, a five pointed
star, or whatever symbol suits you and ignite, ignite, ignite the
Light I AM. In your left hand place your symbol of power as a Co-
Creator be it a shepherd's crook, a royal flail, a magician's staff or
a crystal wand and please place where you will the multi-colored
crystals representing the Council of Twelve. See the descending Pillar
of Light from Source I AM NOW placing upon your head a golden crown of
your own choosing encrusted with 12 diamonds. This is the symbol of
your Divinity. Now, as you breathe deeply three times, inhaling
through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, bring the throne to
life and to a new level of vibration.
See Khamael standing within your body (Crown to Base Chakra) in a
pillar of living crystal flame of brilliant Rose/Pink.
And before you, to the left, we now call in Archangel Michael,
Michael, Michael, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal
flame of Royal Blue and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and
welcome. Clothe us with your silver armor and the spiritual protection
that we require at this time.
Looking before you to the right, we invoke Archangel Raphael, Raphael,
Raphael, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of
Yellow/Orange and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome.
Please invest our consciousness with the Higher Mind of the Sophia,
the Divine Wisdom.
Behind us to the right, we call in Archangel Gabriel, Gabriel,
Gabriel, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of
scarlet red and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome.
Blow your sacred crystal trumpet and begin the Etheric Ascension and
the decension of the Mahatma with the whole cellular activation. When
this is complete, begin the Spiritual Ascension and integration of the
Body of Light, which will follow in its proper time.
Behind us to the left, Archangel Auriel, Auriel, Auriel, come in
please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of Blue-Violet and
ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome. And Auriel,
mistress of the veils, begin NOW to take down all the veils that have
shielded our spiritual powers and awareness for so long. And So Be It.
Open, open, open solar plexus chakra; open, open, open sexual/Co-
Creator chakra and ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Archangel Sandalphon, Sandalphon, Sandalphon, come in please. Open,
open, open the Base Root Chakra and open, open, open the very Heart of
the Mother of the Earth I AM.
Lady Gaia, Gaia, Gaia, come in please. Rising up through the breath
into the Base Root Chakra through the Central Pillar up onto the
Golden Throne of the Heart Chakra I AM. Embrace, embrace, embrace and
ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Metatron, anchor the Pillar of Lights into the very Heart of the
Source I AM. Sandalphon, anchor the Pillar of Lights into the very
Heart of the Earth I AM. Khamael, anchor the Pillar of Lights in ever
succeeding and expanding spheres of Rose Pink Crystal Light into the
Source/Cosmic Heart I AM. And Ignite, ignite, ignite the Triple Flame
of Source, within our hearts, of our pure Beingness I AM.
So Be It, So Mote It Be.

Adam-El David and Brian Grattan

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"Dealing with Darkness..."

ray-of-light.jpgby finding the ancient light
Whether we like to admit it or not, we're all going to have to process our inner darkness at some point on the evolutionary journey - and almost certainly many times - it's an ongoing process. To me, darkness really relates to 'internal mis-representation of reality'. It happens as the soul forms a judgment - get's stuck in an opinion - about whether something is 'good' or 'bad', 'right' or 'wrong'. Every exploration is inspired by an original truth - what some call "ancient light". In helping people through darkness, I've discovered the key is to go fearlessly into the heart of it, not deny it, but let it wash over you, and then, at the height of the inner storm, look for this ancient light within it...

The journey of the soul
When we venture courgeously into the depths of our soul, we ultimately realise its innate character is to explore every attachment we may have in order to initiate self realisation and thereby evolutionary growth. Early on in my journey, I had what (for me) was a very powerful realisation...

"On the journey of the soul,
when a crossroads is reached
where one path leading to 'heaven' and the other to 'hell',
a soul yearning for liberation makes no judgment or distinction
about which one to choose.
Attunement to either path happens due to one 'consideration' only...
What can 'I' learn?"


At the time I found this immensely liberating and empowering. It explained why exactly I was experiencing so much darkness when I simply let go. Prior to this, I'd been temporarily caught in a 'spiritual identity' - an idea and opinion about "how spiritual people should be".

Spiritual identities
The opinion seems to be strongly prevalent within spiritual circles that a truly 'spiritual person' should be like this or that, they have certain behaviours and shine the light in particular ways. In this arena, I observe it often causes evolving people to ask..."how can it be right to experience such darkness?"

What can all-too-frequently happen next is denial! As the negative feelings and visions start welling up, the spiritual ego wants to either disown or suppress them. How often do you hear 'spiritual' people on facebook for example openly exploring their darkness? My observation is that there is a tendency to project only what 'wants' to be heard.

Such spiritual identities are strongly limiting - the soul yearns for completeness, but it cannot be that if it has not been forged in the crucible of life - the all of it. So the first key to dealing with darkness is not to deny it, but as the experiences begin to arise, fall fearlessly into the heart of it...

"It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow,
if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled
and closed from fear of further pain!
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own,
without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it."

Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Blessings in disguise
All action in the physical plane, whether light or dark, subtle or intense arises from a higher co-creative (and mostly abstract) contemplation. So a group of souls may be drawn together to explore a question. For example: "what is the true meaning of compassion?"...

If the purpose of each soul is to evolve beyond attachment,
and to be truly liberated is to be liberated by all things,
then everything 'I do to you' which causes the exposure and pain of attachment - our suffering,
must ultimately be a blessing.


Yes I know this one can be pretty tough! To accept that some of the most horrendous perpetrations against us are actually blessings in disguise. But if in the heart of our suffering, we can keep remembering this one vital truth, then it becomes possible to realise that...

"I must have created it by my very attachment to it.
Otherwise there simply wouldn't be a need for me to experience it."

This is of course the "Law of Attraction" in operation - we draw exactly those circumstances to us through which we need to evolve and grow. Again, I have found this realisation to be immensely liberating whilst dwelling in the heart of darkness.

Looking for the ancient light
So souls come together to explore those areas that limit, contract and hold us back. We're here to expand the boundaries on physical and emotional expression: to walk the blade edge of life by continually realsing we are not the experience itself, we are that which is beyond the experience.

So when darkness begins to happen and wants to draw us in, if we can feel the tightness of our own fear and non acceptance beginning to contract us down, then it's almost certainly a sign that we're being invited to let go and dive into what ever then comes up - however painful it may appear to be.

And when the experiences wash over us, I've observed it's vitally important to keep looking for the ancient light within it... "why is this happening? Why is it having such an effect? What is the outcome I'm either needing or resisting from this?"

"And I found that I can do it if I choose to -
I can stay awake and let the sorrows of the world tear me apart
and then allow the joys to put me back together,
different from before, but whole once again."

Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Holding the pain
If we courageously explore our inner darkness in this way, then we will certainly find the reason we're in it in the first place. At some point we'll notice our attachment. Take for example emotional pain. What happens when you're flooded by negative emotion? Are you owned by it? Do you give into it and react from that place? And if you do, does it serve you to do so?

Let's be clear, it is important to honour what wants to come up, but the point is to evolve beyond the attachment that causes such emotion. If we simply wallow in the emotion and let it define us, then it will keep recreating itself.

So in the case of excessive emotional release and external projection for example, it could be about bringing the centre of our attention into the heart and holding the negative energy within our field - as unpleasant as it may be - just holding that energy without immediate release can help us dissolve the attachment to it. In which case, a good part of the denseness may then simply ebb away.

But this is far from a passive and suppressive approach. It takes the fearless application of the inner warrior to hold that energy and to work with it. It's all about feeling it, letting it wash through you, but then also finding a flow of light which is through it all - the original cause of the exploration.

The only effective way out is through
I do observe it is often the case that without such a proactive approach to the darkness, people inadvertently subject themselves only to increased pain and suffering, by either resisting the darkness or getting lost in it and therefore being defined by it.

With a positive exploration however, fearlessly falling into it, looking for the ancient light, honouring our expression yes, but resisting projection onto others by holding the energy within, then the inner alchemy will cause the lost fragments of soul that are identifying with the event to reintegrate and the darkness will then wash away. We'll quickly find ourselves 'bobbing back back up to the surface' once more.

For me then, dealing with darkness is something we'll all be invited to master. The amazing thing is, that when we summon the courage to work with it in this way, we find a natural aptitude for processing it. And ultimately, on the journey of the soul, the only effective way out is through.

For all those in darkness right now, my heart goes out to you.

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The mystery of the descent or "fall" to Earth of the rebellious angels—the
solar angels or agnishwattas—is said to be the mystery hinted at in the
Scriptures, and "the secret of the ages" (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 93). Thus
it is not surprising that there is so much confusion and misunderstanding
concerning the "fallen angels" of which Lucifer is the best known

The secret of the "fallen angels" is essentially the mystery which lies
behind the very Plan of evolution, for the solar angels' willingness to "fall",
to sacrifice themselves in order to bring the light of the principle of mind to
what was then animal man, marked the coming into action of the great Law of
Duality by which matter, form—negative and passive—could be quickened by spirit.
This act of sacrifice at the dawn of human history is a thread woven throughout
the great scriptures and mythologies of the world, including the myth of
Prometheus who stole fire (mind) for man, and the biblical story of the Prodigal
Son, who left the Father’s home to embark upon the path of experience in the
life of form and the senses—the journey to "the far country".

The role of the solar angels and their sacrifice on behalf of humanity is
discussed at length in The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky. In fact, in 1887
the magazine of the Theosophical Society took "Lucifer" as its name in an effort
to bring clarity to what it regarded as an unfairly maligned sacrificing

The name "Lucifer" comes from the Latin words, Luxor Lucis (light) and ferry
(to bring); thus Lucifer literally means "light-bearer". It is linked with the
planet Venus in Revelations XXII: 16 when Christ says "I am the bright morning
star", which is Venus, heralding the coming into full light of the Sun—the Son,
the Christ. Interestingly the role of "light-bearer" is linked with Mercury, or
Hermes—the divine messenger for the Gods in Greek and Roman mythology. In
Christianity Mercury’s function is served by St. Michael, "the Angel Guardian"
of Christ, according to St. Thomas. The esoteric interrelationship of this Angel
Guardian and Christ is further illumined in the statement by the Tibetan teacher
with whom Alice Bailey collaborated to write a series of books on the Ageless
Wisdom, that "Mercury and the Sun are one".

Esoterically, the role of Guardian Angel was made possible by the sacrifice
of the solar angels in their preservation of the principle of mind or, occultly,
fire, through persistent repeated incarnations in form until animal man became
thinking man and, finally, began to awaken to his true spiritual heritage:
human/divine man. Thus the solar angel creates the form for the incarnating soul
principle—the causal body—and it also withdraws that body at the fourth
initiation, when the link between form and spirit has been permanently fused and
the causal body is shattered.

The notion of the "rebellious angel" seems to trace back to the poet John
Milton in Paradise Lost, which seemed to anchor in human consciousness the idea
of the descent of the solar angels as an act of rebellion and therefore a fall
from grace. ("To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell: Better to reign in
Hell than serve in Heaven.") Yet this spirit of rebellion and ensuing pain is
not found on Venus, we are told by the Tibetan. The rebellious spirit appears to
rest squarely on Earth, for the Tibetan suggests that this spirit of rebellion
qualified the attitude of our planetary Logos himself, the "Divine Rebel". The
Tibetan quotes the Old Commentary:

He entered into life and knew it to be death.

He took a form and grieved to find it dark.

He drove Himself forth from the secret place and sought the place of light,
and light revealed all that he sought the least.

He craved permission to return.

He sought the Throne on high and Him who sat thereon.

He said "I sought not this. I looked for peace, for light, for scope to
serve, to prove my love and to reveal my power. Light there is none. Peace is
not found. Let me return.

But He who sat upon the Throne turned not his head. He seemed not even to
listen nor to hear. But from the lower sphere of darkness and of pain a voice
came forth and cried: "We suffer here. We seek the light. We need the glory of
an entering God. [I can find no other words except these last two to express the
ancient symbol from which I am translating.] Lift us to Heaven. Enter, 0 Lord,
the tomb. Raise us into the light and make the sacrifice. Break down for us the
prison wall and enter into pain.

The lord of Life returned. He liked it not, and hence the pain.

(Esoteric Psychology II, p. 98)

Evil of Separatism

Yet sin and evil do exist on Earth. We are told by the Tibetan that the only
true evil is the sin of separatism. And in this sense we gain some understanding
of how Lucifer became identified with evil, for the awakening mind which
characterises the stage of advanced humanity today is, as we know all too well,
our means both of liberation and of further separation and imprisonment. The
mind, functioning and powerful but devoid of soul, can be the great
crystallising factor which builds powerful barriers of separation. "The mind is
the slayer of the Real. Slay thou the slayer", the disciple is commanded. In
this sense the mind in its concrete and analytical element becomes the refuge
(and the unrecognised prison) of the ideologue, and is indeed capable of the sin
of separatism through prejudice and hate and the willingness to accept the
distortions of half-truths.

Further clarification of the role of the solar angels is found in a
consideration of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth Ray of
Knowledge, and the planets Mercury and Venus, through which they respectively
channel their energies. For Mercury is the "Messenger of the Gods" and the
fourth ray is the fluid principle which links the Plan and Purpose of divinity,
known on the level of buddhi or intuition, which is ruled by Mercury, with the
mind or menes, ruled by Venus and the fifth ray. "Venus was the custodian of
what we call the principle of Mind and brought it as a pure gift to embryonic
humanity", we are told in The Rays and the Initiations. Or as the Buddha said,
"Love is the deliverance of mind". And the fifth ray, channelled by Venus and
mental in expression, "operates in connection with the Law of Cleavages", and
"is also responsible for the rapid formation of great conditioning ideologies"
(Ibid., p. 602). In this we are reminded that the solar angels who chose to
descend to Earth submitted to the Law of Duality so that the evolution of the
human being could be dependent upon the development of mental discrimination and
free will, and thus upon the capacity to make choices and to choose the higher
way. There is always a choice of two paths, and it is a choice which must, for
the human being, be guided by free will.

The substance of the mental plane is fifth ray, channelled through Venus, and
because the angel kingdom works with substance—with the form aspect—so the solar
angels brought the substance of mentality to man by establishing the link of the
causal body of the soul on the mental plane—a link preserved until the fourth
initiation which shatters the no longer needed form of the causal body. Some
idea of the magnitude of this act of the solar angels is suggested in the
realisation that the fifth Ray of Knowledge "is the energy which admits humanity
(and particularly the trained disciple or initiate) into the mysteries of the
Mind of God Himself. It is the 'Substantial' key to the Universal Mind" (Ibid.,
p. 591).

Further, the link of the fifth Ray of Knowledge and the second Ray of
Love-Wisdom is said to be exceedingly close, because the second ray rules this
present solar system, and in the sacrifice of the "Light Bearing" solar angels
on behalf of animal man, the second ray aspect of wisdom was awakened, for
"wisdom is knowledge gained by experience [the journey of the Prodigal Son] and
implemented by love". Thus the descent of the solar angels into substance
brought the legacy of experience to the unfoldment of the divine Plan.

So, returning to the story of the Prodigal Son, to understand the deeper
implications of the Prodigal Son’s experience, it is important to note that,
upon his return to the Father’s home, the Father joyously rushed out to embrace
him, leaving the elder son who had remained at home feeling jealous and
unappreciated. That such a journey to "a far country" is part of God"s Plan
seems to be verified by the following passage from the Tibetan:

This urge to sacrifice, to relinquish this for that, to choose one way or
line of conduct and thus sacrifice another way, to lose in order eventually to
gain—such is the underlying story of evolution. This needs psychological
understanding. It is a governing principle of life itself, and runs like a
golden pattern of beauty through the dark materials of which human history is
constructed. When this urge to sacrifice in order to win, gain or salvage that
which is deemed desirable is understood, then the whole clue to man’s unfoldment
will stand revealed. This tendency or urge is something different to desire, as
desire is academically understood and studied today. What it really connotes is
the emergence of that which is most divine in man. It is an aspect of desire,
but it is the dynamic, active side and not the feeling, sensuous side. It is the
predominant characteristic of Deity.

(Esoteric Psychology II, p. 97)

Through the energy of the fifth ray, which is "essentially a light-bearer",
the evolution of humanity is hastened, bringing about the descent of the Kingdom
of God to Earth as a result of the ascent of so many taking initiation in this
age. The fact that The Secret Doctrine equates Venus with Gaia (Earth), and the
awakening consciousness of the Gaia theory recognises that Earth is a living and
unified organism, suggests that humanity may now be beginning to awaken and
cooperate somewhat with the reason for which the angels descended into matter:
for the salvaging of substance and the awakening of mind in form so that the
Purpose of Deity could be registered and expressed in substance. The solar
angels "fell" as an act of choice and of supreme sacrifice on behalf of
humanity. Those "Lords of Knowledge and Compassion and of ceaseless persevering
Devotion" are ourselves, and we in turn must consciously choose to take control
of our incarnation in form, seeking Purpose and thereby rendering life on Earth
a gift of sacrifice to the lesser lives dependent on our care.

Christ said, "I am the bright morning star". His promise, and the legacy of
the presence on Earth of all such "light bearers", may best be summarised in the
following words: H. P. Blavatsky wrote that "in all the ancient cosmogonies
light comes from darkness". And Alice Bailey expressed a similar recognition in
the following words: "The Master M. . . adds darkness unto light so that the
stars appear, for in the light the stars shine not, but in the darkness light
diffused is not, but only focussed points of radiance." (The Rays and the
Initiations, p. 170)

Read more… There is a prelude in the video that last 3.2 minutes prior to the start of the invocation. This is very powerful and drinking lots of water is recommended as always ; )Invocation to the Universal Underworld ~ Day 1I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Ray Councils and Brotherhood of the Light,and all other Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,as I align with my I Am Presence, and ground myself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.I now ask to be taken into the Crystalline City of Light above Table Mountain in South Africa,so I may undergo my initiation of Light to serve with empowerment, strength and wisdom,as a Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the doorway of this beautiful Crystal Temple of Light, where I am greeted by three High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek,and request permission to enter into this Crystalline City of Light.I am a seeker of Light, I seek the secrets of the Universe, the keys of enlightenment,I am in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life,and request permission to enter into this Crystal Temple of Light,so I may take on the keycodes of Light that will assist me to come into a deeper level of empowerment, Love and wisdom,so I may transmute all that is not of the Light,so I may take my Service work to another level of Light.The doors are now opened as I enter into this Temple of Light,walking up a beautiful crystal staircase into an Initiation Chamber of Light.I am greeted by my family and friends of the Light,by the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's and Brotherhood of the Light,welcomed and embraced as a seeker of Light.I am now guided into an Ascension Flame of Light,where I will experience this initiation of empowerment and wisdom,Overlighted by the Ray Councils of Light, my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High.I am now surrounded in a beautiful red flame of Light,through the first ray of will and power, and through this initiation of Light, I now recite the following:I take back the power I may have given to others and to my sub-conscious mind,releasing any issues of abuse and misuse of power,releasing any addictions or frequencies that hold me back from truly experiencing my Higher Light, as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.As I take on this mantle of leadership, I step into a deeper level of my own power, trusting and surrendering to the Divine,and being guided by my I Am Presence and the Company of Heaven.And now, I am surrounded in a beautiful yellow flame of Light,through the third ray of Divine Intelligence.Through this flame of Light, I expand my consciousness to receive the teachings of Light from On High,letting go of "lesser than and better than" consciousness issues,so I may receive the wisdom of Mother/Father God,so I may remember my initiations of Light,so I may assist in co-creating this Golden Age of Light.I now experience the parallel mergers of my Highest Potential through the streams of consciousness of the various times lines, merging into this Now, I now unlock the codes as this first wave human Soul in embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint, coming into full remembrance of my preciousness, uniqueness and individual puzzle piece.I now merge with my I Am Presence and the 144 Soul rays of which I am one,amplifying myself in this energy of Light,receiving these downloads of Light, activating the dormant DNA and aligning me to my sacred contact in this Now.I now receive the appropriate key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries through my body, energy field and hologram.I now direct these higher frequencies of empowerment and wisdom through the Unity Grid of Light for all Life to experience these ray frequencies of Light.I now link through my heart to the Sun,and now to the Central Sun on Alcyone and to the Great Central Sun on Sirius, and from here, take on all the encodings of Light I need as this initiate of Light in this Golden Age of Light.I now find myself back in my sacred space,surrounded in beautiful red and yellow flames of Light,honoring my Self as this magical Master Being of Love and Light.Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.netCo-created by Adi'El ‪‬Music by Mike Hammer ‪‬To advertise your Light events, go to ‪‬For 11:11:11 Light events, go to ‪
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Principles of Light and Purification

10900540291?profile=originalPrinciples of Light1. The light of God is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the force of Creation that now moves through time and space, creating the transformation of the earth into the next higher level of her evolution and consciousness.2. There is nothing solid in the universe. Consciousness creates energy, and energy creates matter. The consciousness of the One contains all and has created all.3. It is through our beliefs about reality that we co-create reality. Beliefs are not conscious thoughts. They include thoughts but are deeper than these.4. The movement of growth of the human embodied self involves the completion of a circle established at Creation. In the first half of this circle is a movement toward greater individuation. In the second half, a movement toward greater unity within a whole. Both halves are needed to fulfill the human potential5. At the highest level of God's emanation, light and love are One. At the lower levels, light may become separated from love.6. In order to contain the spiritual light coming to the earth today, a body of light is needed to contain the highest consciousness. For this, purification of mind, body, and emotions must take place on multiple levels.7. The path of purification leads to knowledge of who we are. The steps of this path are formed by knowledge of who God is. In the end, there is no goal nor steps. There is only One.Principles of Purification1. Light amplifies light and activates darkness.2. Darkness is not the absence of light but the cover for light. Light remains at all times.3. Light brings all things into greater wholeness through a process of continual expansion.4. Thoughts and feelings are not who we are. They are energies that we carry.5. The healing of darkness through light happens through the absorption of the darkness back into the light so that it goes out no more.6. What is released in the process of purification is set free. It does not return unless we hold onto it.7. Purification releases from the embodied self all that is not of the light. What remains is a transformed self that can express the life of the soul.8. Light calls forth darkness, drawing it to itself as a magnet. This is the liberating function of light. It uproots the darkness to set souls free.9. The test of darkness is whether it emanates love. Darkness and love are incompatible. Where one is, the other cannot be.10. Where doubt or fear infiltrate the mind, one must move to the heart. In the presence of the heart's love, darkness has nowhere to stand.11. There are two powers of darkness, and both can be diffused by faithfulness to love: the power of darkness to seem like light, and the power of darkness to create fear. In the presence of either, return to Love.12. The victory of light lies in the ascendance of the soul over the personality, and of God's reality over all that has become separated from it.Article Source: Julie Redstone - Light Omega
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Living Light book available in India

Someone asked me if the Living Light book was available to be shipped to India.

I found a website where you pay in Indian Rupees and it is shipped to your address in India

Here is the link for the Living Light (hardcover) (paperback)

Also available from,,, (english book section), (english book section), (english book section)

What is the Living Light? The Living Light is a collection of most of the attunements on this site plus how to channel, an invocation for the archangels, about axiatonal lines, planetary & cosmic ray attunements, and more. Available in hardcover or paperback versions. The books are mediums for storing the attunements and for sharing them with anyone- those without internet access, and those who can read (or you can tell them the words to say through speaking and they will receive if they cannot read). The attunements have no expiration date. The books can pass to your children and grandchildren and the attunements can be received by them when the time is right when they wish.

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Channeled Message from Archangel Metatron

I am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension. This planet, and all species of life on the planet are in the process of ascension. Ascension means that all first and second dimensional lifeforms will "move up" to third dimensional lifeforms. Humans, or third dimensional lifeforms, will graduate to either fourth dimensional worlds or fifth dimensional oneness depending on their level of evolution and their intent. The ascension is occurring now as a step by step progression, and will continue one way or another, for that is the will of all. Normally, planets and the species of life incarnate on the planet are ascended via cataclysmic disasters that usher in a death-resurrection cycle. In this cycle, as was demonstrated by Christ, disasters create planetary death. Because this is the way ascension usually occurs, it is known and understood very well at the level of the Universal Mind. That is why, since ancient times, there have been prophecies of terrible destruction to occur at end times. The resurrection cycle is the ascension, where all life begins anew, at a new level of consciousness in a higher dimensional world. This does not mean reincarnation, for that carries the concept of Karma with it, and before ascension can become a probability, all Karma must be cleared. It does not mean existence only as a spirit in celestial worlds, ascension is also physical. As a process, it changes the physical body while merging the body and the spirit into one being. This being is a perfected being of light, in a physical body of light. This ascension progression actually began thousands of years ago, with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The story of Moses leading his people out of bondage is a metaphor for the ascension progression. The incarnation of Jesus was a major turning point for the process because as an Avatar, Jesus was capable of taking on the "sins" or Karma of all humans and transmuting that energy to light. Because of his redemption, a gentle ascension became possible. This ascension, evolves through a series of steps, until a state as a light being becomes possible. The redemption of Christ was the beginning step of the Light Body progression. This first step took nearly two thousand years to complete. Light Body was introduced as an experiment in 1988, only seven months after Harmonic Convergence. It is an experiment because an ascension has never been attempted this way. This method, both a graduated increase of light within the physical bodies of all lifeforms and the planet and an increase in the vibratory level, has never been attempted before in ANY ascending universe. There are theories within the Universal Mind about how that process will work out, but at times the results have differed from the anticipated. In these cases revisions are made. As a foundation for the information I will give later, I must explain the Light Body progression to you. You must understand this process first at a personal level. This personal level is how Light Body will affect you physically, emotionally and mentally. Then I will give information on how Light Body will affect the planet and how it will affect the structures of your society. I consider the most important and exciting aspect of Light Body to be that this experiment transforms your physical shell into an appropriate vehicle to merge completely with your higher self, and happens concurrently with the physical process. This merging is created by a series of descensions of spirit, which are timed by the amount of light you are holding within your cells. The amount of light held by the physical cells is keyed to the level of Light Body, and the higher the level, the less dense the body. The more light you hold in your physical body, the greater the level of spirit you can contain within the body. Toward the end of the Light Body process, just proceeding the shift into ascension, you will merge completely with your Higher Self. The descensions of spirit are the mechanisms used to bring in, or turn on, the spiritual gifts of the masters. Light Body has twelve levels or steps, and as each step is completed the changes that have occurred physically must be integrated in all areas of the life and the spirit. Light Body is designed to bring up all your human issues as you progress, and each higher level brings up a deeper layer to the issues than the layer before it. This is to assist you in becoming clear mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As the issues emerge, you have the choice to allow Christ's redemption to transmute it for you - or to clear it using the light technologies that have become available over the past two decades (N.L.P., bodywork, rebirthing, body electronics, etc.). There is a void space at the end of each Light Body level that we call ego death, and it may manifest as depression or a sense of nothingness. This void is to be used as a rest stop before you continue your journey. This void is an energetic place where nothing exists, and you are able to build a new picture of yourself and your life before you move to the next step. The void is an integration chamber, or perhaps I could describe it as a cocoon, where you can rest and form the beautiful butterfly you are to become in your next step. The first six steps of Light Body were structured for gradual change at all levels with regular spiritual awakenings interspersed with the physical, mental and emotional changes. From seventh level through tenth level Light Body the progress changes and is focused on one area of your experience at a time. For example, in seventh level most of you experienced your first descension of spirit, and a noticeable spiritual awakening with it. You may have manifested clairvoyance, clairaudience, or a kinesthetic awareness of energy with the awakening. I am discussing this level in the past tense, because currently the planet is shifting into the beginning of ninth level. It is a very painful experience to be at a lower vibratory rate than the planet you exist on, which is the case for those who are below eighth level. Because you are reading this article, I am certain you would be somewhere between the void of late eighth level, to eleventh level in the Light Body progression. You would not have an interest in spiritually oriented literature if you were in the lower levels. Eighth level Light Body creates body changes in some extreme ways. Physical symptoms similar to viral syndromes are very common. During this level, you may have noticed that you caught a cold once a month. Other symptoms are headaches (behind the eyes) as the optic nerve pathways for light are turned on and the pineal gland becomes activated. You may have earaches as your hearing structures are rewired to decode light transmissions, and excessive perspiration or diarrhea as you drop density from the cells of your body. One perspective on these changes is that you are adding a third physical strand to your D.N.A. For some, the body may resist the density drop because of the descensions of spirit. A symptom of that resistance is weight gain. Human bodies have a tendency to try to cope with descensions by becoming bigger to contain the spiritual mass coming into it. The only effective way to stop the weight gain once it has started, is physical exercise. I mean very hard exercise such as weight lifting,bicycling, running, or swimming. The exercise must be sufficient to begin building muscle mass. Creating muscle mass will protect your nervous system, for the energies coming in with each descension is much stronger than your nervous system is accustomed to. Adipose tissue cannot protect the nervous system as muscle does by accepting the overflow from the nervous system. Adipose tissue will "fry" as these energies overflow, and the result is damage to the insulin receptors within the cells. This throws the metabolism out of balance, and the result is weight gain. The muscle mass created by exercise will take the overload from the nervous system, and will convince the body consciousness that it is "big enough" to hold the spirit. You may begin to notice flashing colors on your inner screen, geometric equations moving through your mind, or hear a hum. This is the beginning of the translation facility, and will allow you to turn light code into cognitive understanding and comprehension. The grids around the planet constantly transmit messages to the lifeforms incarnate on the planet. These messages come through in a form called light packets, and are coded. I call it "light code". This information must be "decoded" or converted to conscious thought, so you can understand it and use it in your life. These messages are designed to give instruction, and to explain what is occurring energetically at the higher dimensional frequencies. If you are a sensitive who can hear the hum, please acknowledge this to your guides. They are trying to assist you to get the light code transmissions, but they cannot verify that you hear it unless you respond. Your guides will try to assist you by turning up the volume and frequency of the audible light code until they see a response from you. The light code as a hum, can become very annoying and even physically uncomfortable. If you are experiencing this symptom, "ask"your guides to turn down the volume and calibrate the frequency so it will not be irritating or debilitating for you. These eighth level changes can take up to two years for a human. It has taken three years for the planet. Ninth level is about integrating the spiritual changes from seventh level and the physical changes of eighth into your physical life. In ninth level, relationships are your focus, for it is through relationships that you test yourself and the changes that have been wrought within you. You may find that any relationship based on control or manipulation becomes intolerable, and many relationships end during this phase. You may also find that your work in the world changes as you integrate your new identity. The void of ninth level Light Body can be very painful, for after so much focus on relationships, this void requires you to ultimately be alone with yourself. After all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you have, is it not? Ninth level ends (and sometimes begins) with fairly massive descensions, giving you yet another relationship to integrate as a part of your process. At the beginning of tenth level, life feels new, and you may feel newly born and very tender. Tenth level is the beginning of the spiritual awakening that will lead to your mastery of the abilities that mark the spiritual masters and adepts. These abilities, or gifts of the spirit, will become stronger as you become energetically clearer. In tenth level the focus will be on manifesting these spiritual gifts, and then integrating the gifts fully so they are usable in your physical, everyday life. Your greatest natural spiritual gift will be the first to manifest in tenth level, and your other gifts of the spirit will open later in a gradual way. You will be required to live by your spiritual gifts. If you are clairvoyant, for example, you must make decisions by what you perceive clairvoyantly - not by what you perceive physically. Your clairvoyance will literally overtake your physical sight during tenth level. You may notice one day that you are very clearly seeing three curbs and sidewalks. Deciding where to place your foot may be very confusing. You will be seeing the physical curb and sidewalk,the etheric curb and sidewalk, and the fourth dimensional curb and sidewalk. If you rely completely on your clairvoyance, not the physical sense of sight, you will know where to step. If you use the physical sense of sight you may trip a few times in a public place. Eventually you will learn how to process this type of vision. The process of becoming clear is one of releasing stored energy from the emotional body and the mental body, and relocating that energy to the spiritual body where it becomes usable, through which miracles are created. The only difference between an avatar and an ordinary man is the location of the energy held within the energy bodies. An ordinary man has all his energy "locked-up" in stored emotions and memories in the emotional body, and beliefs and thoughts in the mental body. The ordinary man has a flat spiritual body, for there is no energy to spare from the demands of the emotions and thoughts. An avatar has clear emotional and mental bodies. All the energy held within an Avatar's subtle bodies, is stored in the spiritual body. For a master, the energy associated with emotion flows into the emotional body from the spiritual body IN THE MOMENT, and is released to the spiritual body once the emotional stimulus has ended. The energy associated with a thought flows from the spiritual body to the mental body, and then is released to the spiritual body as the thought is completed. This leaves an Avatar's energy free, to use according to his will. The spiritual energy is available to an avatar because it is not consumed by thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and memories. This is the energetic structure each of you must create in your energy bodies, during tenth and eleventh level Light Body. This will allow each of you to perform miracles such as manifesting thought into physical reality. Eleventh level of Light Body is a natural progression from tenth, and many times the transition is so easy, the shift isn't noticed. The spiritual abilities continue to grow, and the physical body begins to change in appearance. Your physical body becomes luminous, glowing,and appears very beautiful. You might have friends and acquaintances suddenly remarking that you look younger, or that you have changed in some way that is indefinable. Eleventh level brings deeper levels of processing on your emotional issues. At this level you must deal with all your beliefs and thought forms around death and loss.You might create disillusionment, or even find you are creating your deepest fears within your physical life so you can clear them completely by experiencing them. Any stored energy held in the emotional or mental body after tenth level is completed must be released to the spiritual body in eleventh level. If you do not deal with those issues while you are in tenth level, you will manifest them in your lives within the eleventh. But, you truly have nothing to fear but fear itself when you are at eleventh level Light Body. Twelfth level Light Body is the ascension. It is marked by the movement of the Merkabah into the heart center of your body. The Merkabah can most easily be described as a golden ball of light. It is the vehicle of your ascension, and a major initiation for you when it happens. That event is the beginning of your personal ascension into a fifth dimensional world of oneness. The ascension can occur at an individual level, it can occur within a group, or it will occur as a part of the collective experience. You will ascend when you are ready, whether you do it alone, as a part of a group, or as a part of the planetary shift yet to come. There is not a period for the ascension in any way. At an individual level there are ascensions occurring daily. This year, 1995, is the first year since Harmonic Convergence where the energy has been available for the shift into a fifth dimensional consciousness while in a physical body. There are many beings, who are incarnate because they have volunteered to serve by testing the Light Body experiment. They are the first ones to move into ascension. For the rest of you, the Light Body program will continue until you are ready, and then you will shift. Ascension is a very simple thing. It is a change that occurs in an instant, but you are still here. The sun will still shine and the stars will still twinkle. The difference is Joy, your ability to live joy and to feel joy. The easiest way to verify that ascension has happened is to note the quality of joy in a person's life. The beginning of the ascension is when a person begins living life by creating their fantasies as their reality. I, Metatron can define JOY as samadi, ecstasy, or rapture. It is that state of oneness with God. It can also be defined as your center or being on your center. That clear space you can achieve in meditation where energy is flowing and you feel that absolute cosmic oneness with all. Whatever brings you pleasure or feelings of lightness, and whatever you would define as joy, is a pathway to that state. If you are working as a part of a spiritual group, you will experience a series of faster shifts in your processing. When one member of your group notices the embodiment of the Merkabah, you all will have received it, and will soon become aware of it also. The individual members may not have noticed this occurring at first, but at least one member of the group was ready for it, and as a result the entire group will get the benefit. A group working on ascension has a tremendous advantage because fifth dimensional consciousness is a consciousness of "oneness" or in other words, the group is one. Working with a group creates enormous synergistic energy, where each of you is far more powerful than you would be if you were alone. It also gives each member a chance to learn to relate both as individuals, and from oneness within the group. This is an essential fifth dimensional consciousness shift that everyone must make. As individuals and groups focus on ascension, they should focus on beginning to recreate their lives as absolute masterpieces of joy. As they do so, they will begin to live from joy, and later, they will become joy. As each of you does this, you will begin to shift everyone you come into contact with in your daily life, broadcasting the energy of joy to them and waking them up to that frequency. The mass ascension will occur when the majority of ascending humans on the planet are existing in this state of joy, and not until. The reason for this fact, is that this planetary experience is one of free agency. In this dimensional universe, free agency is divine law. When the majority of you are living from joy, the planetary experience will have moved into a world of love and oneness. When the majority of you have given up the game of polarity because you have learned all you could, and have by your own choices moved into joy and oneness, the mass ascension will occur. Until that time comes, and it will,the Light Body progression will continue. The ascension will take as long as it takes, and humanity as a collective group, in the end, decides the timing of the great event. Free agency cannot be tampered with, not even for the highest of purposes, not even to create the ascension. The point I wish to make with this information is that the greatest way each of you can serve God, serve all mankind, serve the planet, and to serve yourselves is to create your lives as masterpieces of joy. Be ruthless in evaluating your lives, and clear everything that does not bring you joy. Let go of old emotions and old issues, for they are consuming the energy you could be feeling joy with. If you focus on this as the entire process, and focus on learning to live from joy as your path of initiation, you will become the adept or spiritual master you desire to be. You will assist everyone you meet, by your very presence, and you will be anchoring the energies of joy for the planet as well, to assist her in birthing a new level of manifestation for all. This ecstatic state of union with God is a part of the potential that is open for all. This path of joy makes the ascension so very simple, for all that is required is for each individual to begin focusing on, and taking full responsibility for his life. Live life as a masterpiece of JOY. The planetary changes that have been prophesied for these times you are living in are frightening for many. Since you have nothing to fear but fear, I will bring forth information about how the Light Body process has changed the probable future for the planet. I have described the process for you as it affects your physical self and your personal life. I will now explain how Light Body impacts the planet, for the planet is physical, and the entire basis for sustenance of your physical life. As you become a being of light the planet also changes. The planet is becoming a sphere of crystal and light. When the Light Body experiment began in 1988, the planet was shifted into third level Light Body. The planet shifted into a higher level each year after; fourth level in 1989, fifth level in 1990, and sixth level in 1991. The planet entered seventh level on Jan. 11, 1992 with the 11:11 gateway, and remained there until the next gateway opening which was 5/5/92. This gateway initiated the beginning of eighth level Light Body for the planetary process, and with that level of Light Body, earth changes were most probable. Planetary shifts have always been ushered in by a series of technologies I call gateways. Gateways are energetic conduits opened from a higher dimensional universe to this one. These conduits bring through the energies necessary to pattern mass consciousness, change planetary vibrations, and to change dimensional frequencies. A gateway requires the assistance of the space brothers and many beings on higher dimensional frequencies to create it and to refine the energies for the specified purpose. The purpose of a gateway, and its timing is the domain of the Light Councils, or Karmic Board, and the Great White Brotherhood. These councils oversee the progress, and assist when needed. The 5/5/92 gateway purposes were to forestall probabilities around cataclysmic disasters, which were most likely as the planet began losing density. The greatest probable disaster was a pole shift. The 5/5/92 gateway began the shift between the inbreath of God and the outbreath of God. The shift between an expanding Universe and a contracting Universe. This gateway, 5/5/92, signaled the still time between the two directions. This still time continues until 2012 when the exhalation begins. This physical Universe has been expanding, fragmenting out into individuation. When the contraction begins it is the merging of the fragments into oneness. As this gateway signaled a change in energetic direction, it was an appropriate gateway to use in shifting the grid structure around the planet. The etheric grid around the planet creates a blueprint for the ley lines, or energy rivers, within the planet. The grid is an energy organ of the planet, and can be compared to the nervous system inside and outside your body. The grids are structured and programmed for specific purposes at specific times, and they are changed regularly. Since the time of Atlantis, the grids for economic power were located over the Western Hemisphere, and the grids for spiritual power were located over the Eastern Hemisphere, but were dormant. These grids were turned on with the beginning of colonization of the New World. These grids were "flipped" or shifted, from East to West. This means that since May 5, 1992 the grids for spiritual power have been located over the western hemisphere. The grid shift represents an energetic reversal and it is equivalent to a pole shift, but without the physical shift. This was an absolutely necessary change, because the planet and every form of life on the planet had to change directions energetically, because the universal flow of energies changed. The shift in energetic direction would have created the pole shift on Earth (within the physical) within a three month period if the grid shift hadn't been accomplished. The grid shift created the same energetic structure as a pole shift, but on an energetic level rather than a physical level. The window when cataclysmic disasters were probable was within the nine month period of time after the grid shift. The grid shift was so massive that it took the concerted efforts of many beings to accomplish, incarnate, discarnate, and ascended. The assistance of the ships and space brothers was also required to forestall the potential disasters that were possible at this time. Since the grid shift, the planetary changes were "managed" by these beings to either prevent the disasters, or to time them to prevent as much loss of life as possible. Because the planet has completed eighth level, the possibility for cataclysmic disasters is far less. The fears held by many of you around creating the ascension by a death-resurrection cycle can be let go of, for the probability is that the Light Body progression will continue while the planet remains fairly stable. Is it not easiest to perceive this as the potential, rather than the disasters that have been foretold? This grid shift also sets into motion the last twenty year cycle before other celestial events occur, to mark the contraction of the dimensional universe. This twenty year cycle is one of "do or die" for the Light Body progression as an ascension plan. This grid shift was engineered to aid those who are known as lightworkers at this time of change, for the grid shift allowed the planetary frequencies to shift upward into what is known as the lower fourth dimensional frequencies. This brought the planetary vibration into what is known as the astral worlds. These worlds are still worlds of polarity and illusion, but they are far less physical. It makes it possible for each of you to begin opening potentials of joy for yourselves, and as you do, the disasters become less probable. Those who are aware and those who are learning to use spiritual power to create in the physical can use the energies from the new grid alignment to create their personal version of "heaven on earth". There were many of you requesting this assistance, for many lightworkers wanted to be able to precipitate thought into matter. They wanted to be able to levitate objects or themselves. They wanted to have a purse that would never be empty. The heavens have accommodated you in having those abilities in your lives via the dimensional shift created at the grid shift. It brings into potential the possibility, for the grid shift decreased density of matter by at least one third and that makes it much easier for those of you who would use energy or power to create with in the physical. Those who are able, will have an option of not only ascending into fourth dimensional worlds, which you are vibrating at now, but of moving into the fifth dimensional world. The only requirement is that you are capable of reaching that level of vibration, and that quality of joy in your lives. Each of you has a left brain and a right brain, and each half of your brain functions according to its defined purpose. In each of you one sphere of the brain is dominant. As above, so below - the same holds true for the planet. As spiritual awakening progresses in a human, the functioning of the spheres of the brain balance and become equal, the same situation must occur for the planet. The left brain of the planet or the West, and the right brain of the planet or the East must reach a new balance. The East and the West must become equalized in physical life in order for the ascension to progress. One possibility created by this grid shift is to bring the opportunity for spiritual mastery and power to the Western mind, and the bring a new balance of Economic and Political power to the East. The grid shift brings in the probability for complete spiritual empowerment within the western world in this lifetime. There has never been a good model of how to practice spirituality within the Western world. This is why so many of you have adopted Eastern religions - or have immediately shifted into the monastic life when you pursued the spiritual path. This grid will bring about a new kind of spirituality, one that is appropriate for the Western mind and culture. It is important for each of you to know that following the path of the monastic, withdrawing from everyday life, or living the life of the ascetic is no longer appropriate. You must be within the world, and this new spiritual path will bring a balance and a merging between the various areas of your life. You will walk the spiritual path while you live in the world, maintain family life, maintain jobs,and conduct business. All aspects of your daily life will become spiritual. It brings in balance for all those living and working in Eastern hemisphere countries to experience political power and economic well being within this lifetime. That new balance will bring about the Karmic balance necessary to eliminate the polarity that is inherent within third and fourth dimensional worlds. The grid shift affects your body physically by reversing the polarity in your entire body. Most individuals have had time since 1992 to become completely acclimated to the energetic shift. It has fostered a speeding up of the Light Body progression, and of course there are physical side effects of this speed up. It has also literally reversed the electromagnetic field of the planet. This grid shift brought a merging of physical and spiritual within the seven cities of light, which shifted from the Eastern hemisphere to the West. The cities of light each have a master resident within the city, and they are now feeding energy to the localities in the North American continent near their physical location. This is to feed the energies of the masters to the people and waking up the masses. The cities of light are at Mount Rainier, Salt Lake City, Denver, near Stone Mountain Georgia, on the seacoast at Hilton Head, slightly North and West of Detroit on the border of the United States and Canada,and Buffalo New York. As an additional anchor Shamballa has shifted from the East to an area near Baja, and Avalon has shifted to Southern Oklahoma. The seven cities of Gold have been reawakened in the Southwest United States and Northern Mexico, and the gates to the Garden of Eden are now opened in the state of Missouri. In this still space between the inbreath and the outbreath, it is quiet. Because of the quiet of the energy it is possible for each of you to each create for yourselves whatever you wish. The assistance of the energy produced by the cities of light, and the energy transmitted from the masters in those cities it yours. Use it as you will. Quite literally, the lightworkers have the option to become as ascended masters and to create the change for themselves that is known as translation. The rest of the ascending human lifeforms will shift from third dimensional awareness to fourth dimensional awareness. Many have chosen to fear the government, fear the possibility of civil war, or fear losing their freedoms instead of geophysical disasters at this time. I wish to address these fears, and assist you in shifting them with information. Perhaps the best illustration of how this process affects the political structures in your world because of the grid shift is to discourse on what I call the "silent revolution". The silent revolution has been created because of the grid shift, and the silent revolution is just what it sounds like. A revolution which will change the government, political structures, and resolve differences between factions of people once and for all, but it is occurring silently. Silently, without a word spoken, without much debate or disagreement, silently without a war or one shot fired! When the grids for political and economic power were located over the Western hemisphere, most of the energy produced by those grids was "gobbled up" by the United States. There were great technologies in use, at high levels to direct all the energy produced by these grids into United States governmental power. This supported the evolution of a super government. With this grid shift things have changed. The high level technologies used to direct the energy into government power still exists, except the grids have changed in purpose. These spiritual power grids are bringing a great spiritual awakening and full spiritual empowerment to the people. This will initially begin at governmental levels. Any of you who have awakened the ability to channel energy or to manifest from thought, are the leaders of the silent revolution. Wherever you direct the energy, or thought, is where the changes will first occur. This silent revolution is going to restructure the government of the United States, releasing most of its control to the individual states. The silent revolution will bring about equality for all, restructure taxes, welfare, health care, and bring about a reinterpretation and new understanding of the constitution of the United States. It will realign the government to more clearly reflect the will of the people. Remember the government of the United States is only a manifestation of the collective consciousness of its citizens. The kind and quality of government manifested, is a clear picture of the mass consciousness in this society. That mass consciousness is changing drastically as the silent revolution progresses. As it changes, the government will have no choice but to change as well, for it only reflects what the will of the people truly is. The Silent Revolution is a shift from one set of values to another, by the people. The values of power and winning at all costs are shifting to values of community and joy. Higher levels of consciousness which are necessary to manifest the ascension, either personally or for the collective, will be brought through as a product of the silent revolution. Other changes due to occur as a result of this revolution, will be changes in the way the legal system is administered, changes in economic policy, and changes in other governing decisions, such as those regulating alternative medicine. Policies such as those decisions resulting in secrecy about government projects and research, will be altered, moving toward full disclosure. The greatest changes should be occurring at the 5/5/96 gateway. The energies to support this have been coming in very strongly from the ship, The New Jerusalem, since the 5/5/95 gateway, and will be complete with the May 14, 1996 celebration date. The policy making and governmental changes may not be realigned for some time after. Expect this to be an ongoing experience. It is time for all Americans to understand that their government and their society are clear reflections of how they, as a collective,thinks and what the collective values are. As the inner - so the outer. If each individual makes an effort to clear his energies and begin living his lives as a masterpiece of joy, very rapidly the government will shift to reflect that consciousness. This is called the silent revolution because it is silent, and it is a revolution.It is achieved with energy, not the machinery of war. This affects each of your lives in very personal ways, for the government is a part of your lives every day. For example, issues around taxes deal with your economic well being. Products and services that are available are also at issue. The silent revolution enters your day to day lives because, as a lightworker you are empowered. Much responsibility rests on the shoulders of lightworkers to focus the energy from the grids, and to shift this situation to more adequately reflect a higher consciousness. There are many groups of lightworkers working with energy to direct the silent revolution, especially those groups that are physically located near the cities of light. Since the Harmonic Convergence there have been many political changes on this planet. Some of them have been for the purposes of bringing about peace - you have experienced the fall of the Berlin wall, the fall of the Soviet Union, and international nuclear disarmament, to name a few events. That is because this is the dawning of the 1,000 years of peace. This society is disarming from without, and it must also disarm from within. As the inner - so the outer. Traditionally, Americans have created stress within the mass consciousness, and individually by creating a "bogey man" in their lives. Throughout cold war, the bogey man from without was the Soviet Union. That bogey man justified the buildup of arms.This "locked up" tremendous amounts of resources of all kinds, not just money, but energy as well. This kept the resources of the world firmly in the control of those who could be called the warlords. This disarmament is necessary, for it redistributes all those resources into other hands and other programs. If there is peace, there is no need for arms. Those resources that went into the arms buildup are now available for other purposes, whether it be education, health, housing, research into alternative energy, it is now available. The American consciousness has not shifted yet, from that of fearing the bogey man. Now, because the outside bogey man has collapsed, and there really is no other that is a match for this country in its great might, the American public has created another bogey man to continue the stress. That is what the collective is used to. It is what the collective has become addicted to, this warlike attitude. That comes because of political and economic power, and the desire to hold that position of supremacy. Also it keeps the economic policy and structures in place that were created with the arrival of the cold war and the arms buildup. There is a great economic incentive to do this, for that is money in the pockets of many who are employed in war related industries. To continue the old agenda of fearing the bogey man, the American public has become convinced that the bogey man they have to fight against is their own government. The difficulty with this is that your government is you! This is a disarming society, and disarming is necessary for peace. The constitution may be reinterpreted, but the rights as granted by the various amendments will not be trampled on, even the second amendment rights will not be modified. Americans will always have the right to own or bear arms. The only question is why would they want to? This is the coming of the millennium, the 1,000 years of peace. Welcome it with open arms! Do not hang on to the old beliefs and structures which were based on fear! Some political events within this country that have stirred up concerns about the loss of these rights such as the events at Waco, and now the events at Oklahoma City are to bring into the consciousness an evaluation, of what is right or wrong and where is violence justified in society. There does appear to be abuse by government agents, and there also appears to be abuses by those on the other side of the issue as well. In these situations, if you could view these events as a mirroring to everyone of what is within the mass consciousness at the level known as the United States, there is no right or wrong. These events are best used as an illustration of how much violence is in the mass consciousness, and how much enemy patterning is held in the mass consciousness. For that enemy patterning must be processed and released, and that releasing begins individually. The greatest way to release enemy patterning is to move yourself into a space where you believe there are no enemies. Move yourself into a space where there is no question about the need to protect your rights. Move yourself into the attitude that, yes, you have the absolute right to possess and bear arms, but where would the necessity to use those weapons ever come from? This is a world at peace! This is one of the things that will be shifting drastically in approximately one year as a result of the Silent Revolution. With the shifting in energy the illusion of having enemies will become less and less real, until it no longer exists. Become clear within each of yourselves about how you interpret these violent events, and what they are mirroring for you. Become clear within yourself about how you perceive the need to have arms, and what your values are. Work through these issues on your own level, in your own life, until you can create a perception of an absolutely safe, stable world. For other people in your life, who have concerns and fears about these political issues, assist them by your ability to bring through energy. Facilitate their efforts to process their beliefs, until they can arrive at a place where they are secure and without fear, and have the attitudes that this is the time of peace, let us welcome it. If you can do these things it will be of great assistance in shifting the mass consciousness on these issues. It is of interest that on the macro, people are willing to do away with nuclear arms. Destroy them, dismantle them, make their use illegal. But on a personal level, they will cling so tightly to their own firearms. Divine law is - as the inner, so the outer. It must happen at the personal level first, then it will manifest internationally. If you truly want to outlaw nuclear arms, begin within your own lives. Normally, before the energy realigns itself in a balanced way, the pendulum will swing very far from side to side. The hope is that this issue is just a pendulum swing before the attitudes balance themselves. Other movements you are seeing politically are to create reforms in the Welfare system. These shifts are the result of the gateway that opened one year ago on 6/6/94. That gateway was one of self-empowerment. But along with self-empowerment comes the requirement of self-reliance. This gateway brought through a new model for a self empowered-female. The archetype of the goddess Athena is something each female carries within her consciousness. An activated model of this archetype of an empowered female was beamed through the gateway from the ship Athena. This opened up a remedy for many social ills in the Western world, for how can you have an ascending planet or species, if over one half of the population is in a "less than" position? Many females are treated as less than, earning less than, less opportunity, less education, relegated to welfare, relegated to poor circumstances and unequal opportunities. To change that, females must also step into their power. The energy to support the female is available, and has been since the reawakening of the forces of nature at the 12/21/91 gateway. The changes that are coming into the welfare system, and the revising of it are to enforce the theme of full self-reliance. These changes will be ongoing over the next six years. The females who are a part of the welfare system are those who have contracts with the collective for dependency and support. Those contracts will be completely fulfilled by early 1997, and this completion will mean that these individuals MUST move into their work in the wrld and full self-empowerment. Their dependency status will no longer be appropriate. Largely, as the majority consciousness shifts in accepting these new ideas and programs everyone will shift. It is similar to the changes in mass consciousness that eradicated polio. Polio was not eliminated by the vaccine, for in reality the vaccine is either ineffective or it will create illness. It was the mass consciousness belief in the vaccine that did away with polio. Because the majority of the population believed they could not get polio, they didn't. Welfare is a similar situation. The "system" that has become the Federal Government has begun breaking down, and will continue to do so. It has peaked as far as structure, and size, and its foundation can no longer support its size. This breaking up process of the government at the Federal level is positively supported by the silent revolution. It is also being created by the individuals looking for a new bogey man. All attitudes eventually work for the highest good of all. That restoration of power to the states is for the highest good of all, and it creates more of an advantage to the individual. There will continue to be shifts with many services being terminated at the Federal level, and responsibility for those services coming from the state level instead. The councils in the higher dimensions view these changes as appropriate. The grid shift no longer energetically supports a large, all-powerful Federal entity. Breaking up that power into smaller chunks, and giving it back to the people at the level of state and local government is appropriate. Of course it reinforces the requirement for self-reliance, and self-empowerment, for there won't be a government program to take care of everything any longer. This breaking up of the Federal entity will reduce government costs, and allow for massive tax restructuring. You may find in the future, that political parties become a thing of the past, as the polarity of opposing ideas disappears into oneness. How soon this will come into physical being is not predictable, but it is a strong probability. Changes in the health care field will be similar to the issues around the arms build up and welfare reform. For this area, has also locked up tremendous resources making the energy unavailable for research into alternative fields, or energy available to eliminate disease. The health care field has reached a peak in what it can provide. It has, of course, priced itself out of the market. The economy can no longer support this expense, and of course the health care system will experience a reversal. You will see drastic revisions coming because of the silent revolution, and yes, these changes will be similar to socialized medicine. The changes supported by the silent revolution will be the changes involved in living from wellness, and the point of view will be that there is no more illness, suffering, or disease. This point of view will be due to the ascension progression. The mass consciousness has already created an attitude change. The mass consciousness perceives traditional medical care as expensive, invasive, and ineffective. Things that were not mentioned except in a metaphysical group seven years ago, are now being broadcast all over the media and are accepted by nearly everyone, even physicians. This is an example of how the process of shifting the mass consciousness can occur quickly. This planetary process is so vast, so all encompassing, and would not be possible if there was not a United States of America. The founding fathers with their occult knowledge and adeptship, knew exactly what they were creating when this nation was founded on occult emblems and symbols of power. Later, when the constitution evolved, the same type of individual worked to create the constitution. There are no accidents. What is occurring now, is a shift, from one level of being to a higher one, for all these structures. This is all being orchestrated by the Light Body progression. The founding fathers made accommodations in their use of spiritual power for this time, for it was clear to them this time was coming. These times have been predicted by every prophet, seer, and oracle since ancient times. They prophesied about it. You are living it! The major gateway for this year will be 9/9/95. This gateway will bring through the energies of completion. This is the ending cycle for many forms that have evolved within the American life, whether those forms are governmental, economic, or even spiritual. This gateway will begin the dismantling cycle and the ending phase on the personal level as well. There will be a void, where the old have not completely disappeared, and the new have not yet come into being. As a result of this void, things may be difficult during the three-month phase after the gateway. Each of you who are aware and empowered must focus on filling the void with joy, and shifting the forms of your lives quickly and easily. As you do this, the transitions from the old forms to the new will be traversed quickly and easily by the majority as well. For those of you who are working actively on your own ascension, you are carrying a great burden. That burden is in living impeccably. You cannot create something on the level of the macro (collective) without first bringing it into the micro (personal). As above, so below - that is divine law. You must first create within your own life what you desire in your society, social structure, and country. There are many of you incarnate, with the divine mission to realign the law to more closely resemble divine law. You are here to shift the entire collective around the issues of politics, economics, government, and law. You must use and live by the principles of divine law in your own lives first, before you can bring them through at the mass consciousness level. Create a life without a need for defense or violence, without a need for political polarity, without the need for welfare programs, and without the need for treatment of disease. Create your lives as a world of peace, joy, security, and equality. The outer world will follow your lead. This world you are living in is now a fourth dimensional world - an astral world. It is still a world of polarity, but there is a difference. That polarity is just an illusion! There are stories from every path of initiation about "The Guardian of the Threshold," and most often the Guardian is a terrible monster. When an initiate is developed enough to travel to the astral worlds, the first thing the initiate will encounter is the Guardian. The initiate must defeat the Guardian to make further progress on their spiritual path. This is considered a test, and the test must be passed, or the instruction of the master stops. Every Esoteric tradition has it's method of how to deal with the Guardian, and overcome it. The one universal truth about this test, is that the Guardian is you. That terrible demon is an astral apparition of your worst fears. A monster yes, but it is nothing more than an illusion. In every tradition the solution is for the initiate to release their fears and personal demons and then they will overcome the Guardian. It will just disappear. That is why each spiritual tradition, or path of initiation, has always had a focus on developing clarity, and personal qualities such as humility, forgiveness, and love. These qualities are the only way you can pierce the illusions of the astral worlds. As in the traditions of old, and in the ascension progression today, the upper dimensional frequencies are not opened to the initiate until this test has been passed. In an initiation, there is no failure. If the test is not passed, the lesson is merely repeated until the initiate gets it. This is the best metaphor I can give you to describe the experiences you are having in this dimensional frequency. Remember, the Guardian is just an illusion, and polarity is just an illusion. If you release those illusions and beliefs, release those fears, the Guardian disappears! The world you experience will recreate itself around your new reality perceptions. The assistance of all the hosts of heaven is available to each of you, but you must ask. We cannot violate your free agency, even to assist you. All the assistance you need to walk through these changes peacefully and joyfully is available to each of you. This information is given to you to assure you that all is well. My role is to shift your fears, to assure you of divine love, and to awaken you to potentials you may have to assist the collective. Each of you has only one responsibility in this lifetime, and that responsibility is for YOUR OWN LIFE. Divine law is As Above - So Below; As the Inner - So the Outer. When you perceive difficulties, enemies, or bogey men, in the outside world around you, look to your inner life for they will exist there as well. If you clear these perceptions from your inner life you will find that magically, your outer life, your experience, and perceptions shift. It is divine law. You can bring about the elimination of polarity very simply - by working on your own life, and that is all each of you are required to do. Go forward and create of your life an absolute masterpiece of joy. The tools are given to you, the power is given to you, and all the assistance and guidance that you could possibly need is available. Each of you must actually DO IT, and as you do it you will transform your world and the larger world as well. You have nothing left to fear but fear itself - for fear is the last great evil that remains in the world. Work on your fear, and eliminate it from your mental body and emotional body, and as you do so you will eliminate it from your life. Fear is the only enemy left, and that enemy is only located within each of you. Blessings to all, for we love you, we honor you, and we only seek to serve each of you. Truly, the great ones are those who are incarnate at this time of change. Your initiation is nearly complete. All that remains is for each of you to pass the tests of Joy.
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God's Instrument



Greetings in the Love and Light of our Creator. Peace and Love to all of you.

Today's lesson is on The Path of Surrender. My goal is to be of Service to the Whole. To be Love in Alignment with Free Will. If this lesson resonates with you then great, if not then let it fall away. This is my perspective. We are all slices of the same truth, so I am open to your perspectives as well. Only when all sense of self is merged into the whole can we realize the truth. My name is Chris or Christopher, which means the Christ Bearer so this lesson for you is part of my purpose.

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According to Richard Rudd's book The Gene Keys Embracing Your Higher Purpose, Gene Key 43 explains the Ascension or Awakening process eloquently. The Process is Survival then Service then Surrender. Let's estimate that each phase of life is 30 years, but it is unique to each person. So approximately 30 years spent in Survival followed by 30 years spent in Service followed by 30 years spent in Surrender. Only God knows how long each process takes or where you are at but this is a general guideline to paint a picture for you. Honestly I'm starting to believe that younger generations take less time in each phase, as the Planet's vibration lifts more into Love as we move closer to the Great Central Sun in the Universe. An example of a younger generation would be the Crystal children.

So let's talk about the Survival phase. Survival is full 3D.  3D is designed to allow us to make free will choices for polarity. At first your purpose is Survival. The Survival phase in living in the shadows as discussed in Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. Survival phase examples are "How do I get enough to eat/drink, where is my shelter, will I have enough money?" etc. etc. The vast majority of humanity is in this phase, but changes are happening behind the scenes lifting humanity to the next phase. During this phase of Survival humanity indulges in physical, emotional and mental addictions. It is the avoidance of pain and the acceptance of pleasure. This phase has the ego in full bloom. The Survival phase is fear based. The survival phase is absorbed in negativity. The Survival phase is also all about the Selfish "I". In my survival phase I enjoyed the pleasures of the senses, which led to more suffering. I ended up nearly dying 3 times. During the survival phase, spirit is not understood. The losses and pain were wake up calls to enter the next phase. There had to be more to life than just suffering. That is when ignorance is removed, and awareness begins. In the next phase spirit starts being understood.

The next phase of Awakening is Service. Service is 4D and 5D. Many Lightworkers are in this phase. The Service phase leads to the Gifts as discussed in Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. Service is embracing the shadows, taking responsibility for your actions and unlocking the Gifts. The Service phase starts when you Open your Heart then re-connect with your Soul, and you ask "What is my Purpose? My Purpose must be more than chasing money and basic needs." Your Soul will resonate back to you and guide you to your Purpose. Once we enter into the service phase we begin to choose jobs and volunteer work that aligns with our purpose. Also, there are many techniques to connect to your Soul. It is my perspective that Reiki Healing and other types of energy healing, Mantras and prayers, as well as Silent Meditation, connect you to your Soul. Simply being in Service to Others to make Others happy will reconnect you to your Soul. You may get more psychic and start reading thoughts and feelings. You are more intuitive following intuition over what the mind thinks. You start to learn what you do to others is done to you, that the inner and outer are connected. You also start to learn that others are connected to you. The Service phase is the movement from Service to Self to Service to Others. The negative polarity never enters the Service to Others phase because it involves the opening of the Heart.

In the Service phase, humanity is tired of indulgence and selfishness and finds satisfaction in love to others. Service is work that feels good to the person, but there is still some separation between service and God in the person's consciousness. The Service phase is the gradual merging of the human personality with the Soul. The Involution of God's Grace meets resonance with the evolution of Humanity searching for freedom. The Service phase begins the Path of Initiation. Richard Rudd talks about the initiations in Gene Key 22. Also Charles Leadbetter talks about it in the Masters and the Path. The Path is also found in Initiation - The Perfecting of Man by Annie Besant. You can read about the initiations at

During the Service phase the person moves into refining purity in the thoughts, feelings and body. Service is when the individual begins forgiving. The individual asks for forgiveness. Service is when gratitude is embraced. Gratitude leads to Satisfaction which leads to Peace. Service is the movement of the person's entire being into Service of the Whole. The questions at this phase are "Why does evil exist? Why is there so much suffering? What is God? What is Spirit? What is my purpose?" As refinement and connection to love gradually happens, then love filters through the person's being. That love vibration allows the higher Buddhic, Atmic, and Monadic bodies to descend and merge with the human personality. The Buddhic body (Divine Heart) is the body of Oneness/Love/Compassionate action, the Atmic body (Divine mind) is the body of Christ Consciousness, and the Monadic Body is The Oversoul/Group Soul and the body of Divine Will. The Monadic body is Oneness with God. At this point in the phase, the person begins to release the 10 Fetters as talked about in Buddhism and follows Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path. The person lives and breathes Spirit in daily life. Spirit overtakes the person's life. The connection with God and the Ascended Masters, Angels and other beings is stronger. The person begins absorbing spiritual wisdom at a rapid pace. I will leave some wisdom books for recommended reading down below. As a result of all of the work in the Service stage, Oneness is experienced. Oneness is a result of God's Grace. Duality is removed, the tree of knowledge of good and evil (duality) is uprooted, and the tree of life appears. Good and Evil are seen as expressions, sides of the same coin, as well as pleasure and pain. They are choices that show contrast to each other. They are God's Will and part of the 3rd density we live in, which has the purpose for us to choose our polarity. Eventually Service work and worship/devotion to God become one in the same. All life's experiences are seen as opportunities and then are seen as sacred. Doing good works on Earth are all that matter in the Service and Surrender phases. During these phases all individual needs are surrendered for the needs of the whole. The person still has self-worth and keeps healthy boundaries but endeavors to be love in all actions. Empathy and compassion improves at this stage. This phase leads to becoming like a child, in awe of God's Grace and Beauty.

The Service Stage leads to the Surrender Stage. Surrender is 5D and 6D. Surrender is the oneness with Spirit. Surrender is the Oneness with God. In this stage, only God exists and all is God. There is nothing else. Only God. The grip of the mind on the human is released at this stage. Past and Future are released, and only Mindfulness- Being in the present happens. Only working from the heart exists. There is no judgment anymore or negative thoughts or feelings. The Surrender stage leads to the Siddhi's as discussed in Richard Rudd's The Gene Keys. The Surrender stage starts with total Oneness with all of Creation. Unconditional Love for all beings. Love in alignment with the free will of each. This stage is the Surrender of the individual self for the Greater self. The merger of the human personality with the Higher Greater Self. The surrender of the Soul (which was the bridge of the human to God), and to merge completely with God. There is no individual "I" anymore. Everything in life is done for the Greater Good. Everything is done to please God. Have no desire but the Desire for God. You can desire to make others happy, for that in the end God is pleased, since we are all one. If you want an example of the surrender stage, I invite you to read the book Mother Teresa, Come be My Light, the Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta. In her prayers and letters you can feel the surrender. Another book about Surrender is St. Francis of Assisi's biography. Or simply read all 64 Gene Keys in the Gene Keys Embracing your higher purpose by Richard Rudd. In the final act of surrender of all individual needs, desires and wants, the vessel becomes emptied. The surrender of the individual self. It involves complete humility, complete loss of the self. In a paradox, the vessel then becomes filled with God's presence. The buddhic, atmic, and monad bodies combine fully with the human, but the human personality is driven to follow only God's Will. Remember The Buddhic body (Divine Heart) is the body of Oneness/Love/Compassionate action, the Atmic body (Divine mind) is the body of Christ Consciousness, and the Monadic Body is The Oversoul/Group Soul and the body of Divine Will. In the stage of surrender the human becomes Divine. If there is no human left in the vessel, only Divinity exists. Only God is this instrument and this instrument is only God. At this point all existence, all creation is realized to be part of the body of God. Creation is cells in the body of God. Therefore, literally what you do to another is done to yourself because all of Creation is seen as connected with God's Love and Light. The human personality has become the Adam Kadmon, the perfected human. The Divine human now sees with God's eyes, hears with God's ears, talks with God's voice,thinks with God's consciousness, and uses God's hands. The human vessel is now God's Instrument. Only God is present, as the human mind, emotions and body were sacrificed and surrendered in favor of God. All of life is seen as connected with a stream of Eternal Light. All creation is seen as sparks of God. Serving another spark of God, is serving God because you are a spark of God. That's why Mother Teresa says, I am only the Instrument, all Glory be to God. This is in fact truth at the surrender stage. Not my will but Thy Will. God's Will be done. The surrender phase is the dawning of the Christ in each of us. The Christ Consciousness. Jesus said I AM THE WAY, I AM THE LIFE. This is because God was working through Jesus and God IS THE WAY AND GOD IS THE LIFE. Once the surrender phase is completed the Ascension process on Earth is completed. This would be the Communion or 6th stage of Ascension. The surrender phase is freedom of the Law of Karma as the individual was sacrificed for the Greater Glory of God. God has no karma so former being is replaced with a Divine being free of karma. The soul is absorbed into the Monad or Oversoul. At the conclusion of the surrender phase, the being is harvested as the Law of One discusses, which is that the being has achieved Greater than 50% Service to Others to be harvested into Eternal Life.

That is my understanding of the 3 phases that culminate in enlightenment. Today's lesson was about The Path of Surrender. My goal is to be of Service to the Whole. To be Love in Alignment with Free Will. If this lesson resonated with you then great, if not then let it fall away.  

Please like this video and subscribe to this channel. Share this video with others to help them understand their own process. We are all equal Sparks on the path to the Creator so let us lift each other up.

This instrument of God, which expresses as Chris, honors the Divine in you. Peace and love to all of you. From my heart to yours, I love you all. With deepest eternal gratitude to all of you for listening to these words. I am the way, I am the light, I am the path that leads to Eternal Life. As Buddha says, I am the raft that leads to the shore. Do not mistake the raft for the shore. Go onwards my brothers and sisters to the shore. God is the shore. God is All That Is. Who has ears, let them hear. The Divine in me honors the Divine in you. Shine on my brothers and sisters. Wishing God's Grace upon all of you. God's Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Praise the Lord our God on High! Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth! God bless you. Namaste my brothers and sisters.




Service Phase Book Reading (Not an all-inclusive list; find what resonates with you):

The Complete Ascension Manual by Dr. Joshua David Stone;

Beyond Ascension by Dr. Joshua David Stone;

The Law of One 101- The Choice by Carla Ruckert;

Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch by Dr. JJ Hurtak;

Bhagavad Gita;

Pistis Sophia, translated by G.R.S. Mead;

The Goal of Life, by Hiram Butler;

The Causal Body and the Ego, by Arthur E. Powell;

Initiation, Human and Solar, by Alice A. Bailey;

The Masters and the Path, by C.W. Leadbeater;

108 Lectures of Wisdom at ;

21 Essential Lessons (Vol. 1 and 2) by AMTF;

Gene Keys: Unlocking The Higher Purpose, by Richard Rudd; Also check out

The Voice of the Silence, by Helena Blavatsky;

The Corpus Christi - Science of the Rainbow Body, by Richard Rudd; Also check out


Surrender Phase Book Reading (Not an all-inclusive list; find what resonates with you):

Mother Teresa, Come be my Light: The Private Writing of the Saint of Culcutta

St. Francis of Assisi, A Biography by Omer Englebert

The Corpus Christi - Science of the Rainbow Body, by Richard Rudd; Also check out

Gene Keys: Unlocking The Higher Purpose, by Richard Rudd; Also check out


"As a being, standing in the sun, suffused with its light, and pouring it forth, would feel no difference between ray and ray, but would pour forth along one as readily and easily as along another, so does one on the buddhic plane feel brotherhood (or sisterhood) and pours themself into any one who needs their help. One sees all beings as themself, and feels that all one has is another's as much as one's: in many cases, more another's than one's, because their need is greater, their strength being less." ~ Arthur E. Powell


"Think, not what you want to do, but what you can do that will help someone else; forget about yourself, and consider others. A pupil must be consistently kind, obliging, helpful—not now and then, but all the time." (The Masters and the Path, p. 80) ~ The Master Kuthumi


More of God's Wisdom in the book The Path of Oneness available via the links at


Feel free to comment below. Would love to hear your perspectives or questions. We are all equal sparks of God, slices of the same Divine truth. God bless you all my brothers and sisters. Shine on!

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