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spirit (8)

Spirit Rising


Spirit rising
High up in the sky
The entire world looks different
everything is so small
but yet so beautiful
I feel my spirit rising
higher and higher in the sky
It feels like I was given wings
strong and powerful
to take me up high
towards the sun

©Aysha Kleywegt

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Hi! In this post I will teach you how to clear a room of negative energies and spirits,

and how to capture a spirit in a jar!(More on that later.)

Clearing a room is pretty simple. All you need is a chair or something you can sit on and relax on in the middle of a room.

So to begin, sit on it! Now, depending on how many walls you have in the room, most have four, you will need to do this at each wall -- direct the Reiki Power symbol, Emotional symbol, then Power symbol again, towards each wall, as if you are making a 'symbol sandwich'.

Now, direct Reiki to these symbols and will all negative energies or spirits back to their home in the light.

If you don't know that there is a spirit in your home, learn a basic Chakra meditation and practice it for a week or two, to attune yourself to the spiritual energy around you, when you meditate you will be able to see the spirits.

Now, what about putting a spirit in a jar? Well, it is all the same general stuff, but with a twist in the 'home in the light'.

So, again, sit comfortably, not necessarily in the middle of the room -- hold a jar of any size, in your hand. I suggest you put a gemstone in the jar or you may not be able to keep the spirit in.

I also put some sand in the bottom, to make it look pretty and for an emergency grounding, if this goes wrong, you want the spirit back in its' body, wherever it is in our physical world.

As it is, you may not actually HAVE a spirit about, this is really simple to overcome as you just need to get one.

Sit there and meditate for a short while to get into the 'zone of energy' then ask your higher self for a spirit, make sure you are clear on whether it is a positive or negative spirit, as this may be a bit tricky for your first time in clearing energy.

Now, just as you did before for the room clearing, will the spirit into its' home in the light, but this time -- will it into the brilliant light of the gemstone in the bottle, request that is stays there until you ask otherwise, and that it does not harm to anything or anyone, unless you ask otherwise. You may want to ask your spiritual guides to help keep it there, if it is a negative spirit it may make up its' own mind.

Make sure you put Reiki into the bottle to keep it full so the spirit does not anger and become negative.

For this point, remember also to keep clearing a room how I showed you above to ward of spirits, just in case they want to hang around. Do it every few days for maximum safety.

Thank you for your time to read my post.

Love and light,


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I wanted to share these photos. They are a medium for triggering a blessing to you if you want to receive. My intention is that your greatest good be served; as well as the greatest good for all!

I have asked for Quan Yin and the ethereal and devic energies of these stones and crystals and metals to help minister to your current condition no matter when you look at the photo or ask to receive the blessing. I also asked for many forms of healing energies, angels, ascended masters, Melchizedek, Holy Spirit Shekhina, Divine Mother and Father, and the Source of All to help you in whatever way is best. I trust the wisdom of Spirit to deliver whatever is beneficial and that no harm can be caused to any by this. May we All benefit and be raised to a higher potential for communing in Joy and Freedom!



The physical presence of this photo consists of Gold, Silver, Copper, other 'non-precious' metals (no disrespect intended!), Amethyst, Citrine, Herkimer Diamond, Apatite, Laboradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, Sunstone, Moldavite, Larimar, Tiger's Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Hematite, Fluorite, Unakite, Carnelian, Onyx, Emerald, and Malachite.

The figurine and plate are ceramic. Blessings to All!



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A Descension occurs when a vaster part of a person's own Spirit comes to reside in the body. Descensions of Spirit are an integral part of the Lightbody Ascension process. Everyone will experience this at some time. Often, as Spirit descends into body, a person feels magnificent ecstasy and bliss. There may be a sense of revelation, expandedness, clarity of purpose, and the sensation of seeing everything through new eyes. The subjective experience spans from a pleasant bliss state to complete disorientation. How dramatic a descension feels depends upon the degree of Light that a person has integrated previously, the rigidity of a person's beliefs about who they are and why they are here, and how extensively the Spirit chooses to re-pattern the bodies at that time.

When a Descension begins, the first change that is noticed is usually the sensation of heat, tingling, or electricity around the physical body. This is caused by a massive infusion of Light into the etheric blueprints to activate dormant Lightbody structures. This immediately changes the spin and overall motion of the geometries of the mental and emotional body. At the same time, it signals the physical body's cells to increase production of ATP. The DNA then receives the higher Light encodements from Spirit and mutates to actualize more of the Lightbody.

The physical body's vibratory rate often raises dramatically from this strong infusion of Light at the cellular level and releases old patterns from the emotional and mental bodies. Sometimes, a person actually feels like the molecules of their body are separating. With these radical shifts at all levels, often a release of density is triggered from the physical form, resulting in headache, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, fever, body aches, and dizziness. This usually passes within seventy-two hours.

Sometimes individuals feel disoriented because the old answers to, "Who am I and why am I here?" are no longer available. Despite any discomfort, most people feel exhilaration, ecstasy and freedom. As psychic and multi-dimensional awareness blossoms, a new vaster sense of identity and purpose manifests. Spirit provides the activation for a complete break with referencing to the past and an invitation to live NOW, as the vast, limitless, and multi-dimensional Light Master that you are.

The focus of a descension is to get all of that vastness of Spirit right into the cells, to release the limitation patterning and to get the new patterns firmly in place.

Body's reaction: In a Dimensional Descension, a discreet facet of your Spirit from a higher dimension comes to reside in the body. This facet has identity, life context, and its own description of essence and function. It may have a species planetary, or star orientation, as well as, be able to recall where it came in from. People who have experienced a Dimensional Descension are often confused with walk-ins. The body has usually felt like something is coming and may be in dread. Often there is a feeling that they are going to come apart at the seams or that they are losing molecular integrity. This is can be frightening from the physical perspective.


When the individuated, embodied part of Spirit: the Soul, has completed what it set out to accomplish in a lifetime, it has three basic options: take on a new life goal, die, or walk-out. If the soul chooses to walk-out, an agreement is made with another soul to walk-in and continue the embodiment. This is neither "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," nor possession. It is not a requirement that a person be a walk-in to ascend. It is simply an individual agreement and another way of entering onto the planet. The walk-in experience is so very individual that it's difficult to give a definitive description. Here is an overview of possible experiences.

Usually, there is a "try-on" period of a few days or weeks when the new soul tries on the body before the actual transfer. The personality may or may not be aware as it often occurs while sleeping, meditating or channeling. There may be a feeling of someone hanging around or loss of time. This period lasts for a few days or weeks. The new soul is getting the feel of the body. Remember, some beings coming in have never been in physical bodies and may need to get the feel of being so densified. The new soul is also reviewing the DNA encodements and the existing energy patterns stored in all of the bodies and deciding what to keep or release.

Sometimes, right before a walk-in, the personality may feel a sense of completion with the lifetime. This may manifest as extreme fatigue, severe depression, or suicidal feelings. This is the personality's way of interpreting that a transfer is about to occur. The personality made or may not be conscious during the actual walk-in. If unconscious, the transfer often occurs during a deep trance or sleep state. On occasion, the soul chooses to manifest trauma to the body such as, accident, illness, coma, concussion, or emotional shock. This allows the new soul to more quickly integrate to a deeper level. Because all of the body's systems are disrupted from the habitual patterns by trauma they are, therefore, more receptive to the new soul. In the past, this was the most common route the two souls would undertake for the transfer of energy. Nowadays, the walk-in process is somewhat easier for several reasons. Everyone on the planet has begun the Lightbody mutation. For a walk-in, this means that the physical body is better able to accept a new energy at the cellular level and the personality can adapt to a new identity. More and more walk-ins are fully conscious through the whole transfer.

At the time of the walk-in, the old spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are released with the original occupant and the new spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are attached to the physical one. New patterns and emotions are brought into the etheric blueprint bodies and some old patterns are released. The etheric and physical bodies, as well as, the Keepers of the Legacy, are what keep some form of continuity.

The overall feeling for the previous life experiences is one of neutrality. Most walk-ins retain life facts without emotional attachments. Memories of the previous soul's experiences are much like watching a movie with the emotional sound turned off. This neutrality often means a feeling of detachment from emotionally significant people such as: mate, children, parents, and friends. The old issues, unresolved situations and personal difficulties of the previous incarnee, are often easy for the new walk-in to handle. They are likely to leave the unsatisfying marriage or unfulfilling job that the previous occupants could not resolve.

Much to the dismay of the people around them, a new walk-in often goes through strong changes in the personality. The personality is completely malleable at this time and the new soul tries on new character traits until a good combination to serve the new life goal is found. Also, changes in personal preferences are common such as liking different foods, colors, clothes, and lifestyles than the original occupant.

A new walk-in is like a newborn baby. Because the emotional and mental bodies are "new," they have not yet been imprinted from the environment. Like a baby, a walk-in is a sponge for the emotions, traits and beliefs of the people around them. It is vitally important that a new walk-in choose carefully the people they spend time with for they will be imprinted with those people's qualities and biases good and bad.

The most difficult situation for a new walk-in is to be around people who pull on them to be or be like the previous incarnee. This can be very tough because those people were usually emotionally significant to the previous soul, i.e., mate, parents, family and friends. They may not realize or believe that a transfer of souls has occurred. When these well meaning people project their emotions and pictures of the old occupant on to a walk-in, an overlay of the old energy called "ghosting" occurs in the new energy bodies. Clairvoyantly, it looks like a double image. This is so stressful to the physical body and personality that the walk-in may become ill or feel quite crazy.

The bottom line in the process of the integration is the physical body. Most of the body's consciousness has nothing in its cellular memory banks for the walk-in experience except, "I'm dying." If the body strongly believes that it is dying, it may begin to shut down the entire system. Also, the body may reject the new soul at a cellular level, much like it can reject a new heart or liver. This usually manifests as rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and the pain, swelling and inflammation can be sudden and severe. In extreme cases, partial paralysis can occur. The other common manifestation of body rejection is severe allergic reactions to food, soaps, clothes, plants, household cleansers, the environment, and yourself. Sometimes, usually in the very beginning, a new walk-in may have epilepsy-like seizures as the brain waves and electro-magnetic functions of the brain change.

Most physical and personality symptoms of rejection and disorientation pass very quickly with a little integration. But the process of releasing the dysfunctionality and obsolete pictures of reality of the previous occupant may take years. Strong grief states are common as the body releases these old energies. The trick is not to resist and express the grief fully as it comes up. Then it seems to pass quickly.

If a walk-in was unconscious, there is usually the feeling, "I have something very important to accomplish-if only I could remember what it is." As frustrating as this feeling can be, having a veil over the life goal for a year or so can be a blessing. It allows time for integration of the body, personality, and the lifetime.

When a walk-in is a fully conscious one, he or she often hits the ground running, so to speak. Usually, the veil over the life work is not present so, they may not take the time to integrate the body. Often, "burnout" occurs and they may become sick at about the one year point.

Some walk-ins never know what really happened-just that they went through a dramatic life change. The range of awareness spans across the board. Some souls may just have a major karma that they wish to complete. Others, perhaps coming in from other dimensions or universes, may be here to assist in this planet's transition to Light. There are many reasons for a soul to walk-in but the main one is that it is usually quicker to integrate a new soul into a new body then it is to grow a body from scratch.

Reincarnation in the Same Body (RSB)

This is one of three choices that a soul has when it has completed its life goal: die, walk out, or reincarnate into the same body. RSB's take on an entirely new life goal, shift the personality to experience the goal, and restructure the DNA to bring forth new skills and perceptions for achieving that goal.

Once again the change in personality, tastes, habits, identity and focus can be so intense that it looks like a walk-in. RSBs intuitively know that they are not walk-ins. The changes put everyone around them in a tailspin and they often go off somewhere alone for a couple of years.

Oversensitive, overwhelmed, alienated, burdened with karma, in the void, purposeless, forsaken, and lost are all common descriptions given by people after an RSB. They keep the same energy bodies because it's not a total shift in occupancy of the physical body. Therefore all of the karma matrix, emotional body attachments and mental closed systems are still there to be dealt with. They don't get the Grace period that Walk-ins get. RSBs spend a lot of their time and energy clearing those patterns in the two years in the Void. They do lots of completions with family members.

A near death experience often triggers the RSB. A choice was made on the part of the soul at that time. Not all RSBs have near death experiences, but most do, and these commonly feel like they're living on borrowed time.

About three quarters of RSBs are wrapped in an etheric cocoon for the two to three years of integration. They are blessed by this. The few RSBs without the cocoon feel like they are walking around with no skin. Everything is over stimulating and they often get sick. The truly frustrating thing during those years of integration is a feeling of having no purpose. They pretty much get no information from Spirit on what the new goal is until the cocoon is off or the integration is complete. They may feel suicidal at times and may have trouble with astral entities hanging on them.

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Mother Earth

By Athene Raefiel


Mother Earth is trying to balance herself. She has and will always do what is necessary to harmonize the nature of the Planet. The news media portrays her to be cruel and violent when in reality she is simply doing what any other Mother would do to protect her abode and young life.
We are merely at the beginning of what will be world conflict brought about by natures need to harmonize and balance. Rather than us killing, torturing, creating wars and fighting for the greatest power and wealth we need to be unifying as a world in crisis to save ourselves and the planet. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this fact; it is plain as day.

The Andes Indians came down out of the mountains in about 1995 to tell us of the devastation humans were creating to nature and her cycle of life. Many did not even know these people existed or that they had been living in the mountains there in natural harmony with the Earth for thousands of years.

Landmasses started moving when the large underwater Earthquakes began setting off Tsunamis in between 2001 and 2004. Old Volcanoes coming back to life after lying dormant for thousands of years is going to continue as the water levels continue to rise and we are having more and more earthquakes world wide.

When Earthquakes occur on the Ocean Floors then the floors begin shifting. This sets off massive changes globally. It is a domino effect, a chain reaction of sorts. Since the Ocean floors make up two thirds of our Planet Earth they are sure to effect all and everything else on the planet.

Since species upon species of Aquatic Sea life has been becoming extinct, the oceans have created a momentum to save themselves. The waters have the greatest power known to this planet and all of its life. The oceans can supply us with all the power needed to heat homes, run vehicles, create electricity and feed us, yet we fill it debris trash, oil spills and over-fishing as well as over-hunting for hides and trinkets we do not need.

If there were a conspiracy theory, I think I would say that we are all living a lie perpetrated by great minds who see the developing world as an entity unto itself that can control not only nature itself but also the nature of life living upon it.

If the greatest wealth in the world is actually distributed between less than one percent of the population then for those few there would be little to gain if it were not for free trade, market and big oil.

The United States has all the resources it needs to take care of itself and yet we depend on other nations for almost all of our food, clothing and practical needs. Survival has become such a powerful entity in our life that we no longer have time to be with ourselves or by ourselves. We have no time to relax and enjoy family, to plant some vegetables and enjoy a sunrise or sunset. While in many third world countries people are being starved and tortured, babies thrown in boiling water and killed simply because others can do it to them without fear of reprimand.

We have lost our balance as a civilized world and we have lost our way as Divine Beings. Everyone has an agenda and almost all believe they are the only righteous ones in Gods eyes.

All wars continue to be about Religion, Resources or Simple insanity. War has no common sense value at all nor does it serve any true Divine Entity. It is always selfish and never selfless except for the warriors dying.

Where is the conscience of the world? When did we quit believing that each and every person has a responsibility to Mother Earth and Nature to honor the life within and upon it?

Depression, sadness and mental illness are becoming a way of life for massive amounts of people. Animals are losing their sense of direction and becoming more violent as humans lead the way. Some species even of insects have just decided to become extinct as they too no longer sense the beauty and love of nature necessary for them to survive.

We as lightworkers have nothing to work with but the Light and Love of the Divine. We are Spiritual warriors fighting always an uphill battle for a place at the table that will allow us to be heard amid the brain jamming devices as well as the brainwashing that accompanies the masses.

Yes we have Nobel Peace Laureates that we adore and appreciate, but by and of themselves, they too must continually battle energies that find them to be a threat to the very core of the negative power structure.

The poles are shifting ladies and gentlemen at an unprecedented rate, see ( ) just as the glaciers are melting., Here are a few other websites to tell you about Solar activity and other Earth Changes as well.

I share these things with you not to frighten you but to educate. Too many of my friends have already quit reading, National Geographic, watching the news or even reading a newspaper, because they feel they are better off just not knowing the truth of the 3D world around them. I do not believe the answers lie in burying my head in the sand.

Human consciousness is strong my friend and every one of us have the potential to change our own consciousness in order to effect the whole.

We must re-program our own thinking, feeling and believing in order to stay on track. There are many beings that have moved into the awareness that they're energetic beings of consciousness over this past century. Some have chosen to live lives as peaceful warriors away from the fray of the rest. I do not believe this an option for me this lifetime. I believe that we must educate and inspire more and more individuals to find consciousness and learn to use it to change the world happenings.

We as a unit within the Divine Light of Source and all of its Hierarchies and Galactic Brotherhoods have the power to shift the Earth and its inhabitants to a new evolutionary path. We may not be able to stop the devastation that will be wrought by Mother Earth to re-balance herself but we can help her as well all species of life still upon her but we must act daily.

Suggestions for Daily Living:

Teach and share only what you practice yourself.

Recycle and reuse at every opportunity, be the example.

Each day you go outside greet the sky the earth the trees the animals and pay honor to Earth, Air fire and Water, North, East South and West.

Avoid wastefulness.

Change your thoughts to positive thoughts if they tell you negative things.

Do affirmations for the beauty and love you want and need in your life.

Look through anothers eyes before you judge.

Take time to breathe and be with yourself.

Learn to like and love yourself.

Learn to Meditate and discover multi-dimentional thought and knowingness.

Anchor Light and Love each morning and night.

Sample of Affirmations:

I am, I am, I am, a child of the Divine Light
I am, I am, I am, special in my own right
I am, I am, I am, sacred as is all life.

I deserve to free to be me. I am worthy to feel joy and beauty.
I deserve to help others help themselves. I am worthy to love and be loved.
I am open to receive Divine Light and Love always.
I am a soul and spirit light.

I deserve to have abundance in my life on all levels.
I am open to receive.
I am riches and wealth.

I forgive myself for being simply human and recognize that to be human is a great gift and honor.
I appreciate the Divine Light that shines within all life and myself.
I trust in the power of my True Inner Light to guide and protect me.

I am the one true power of light that always resonates with truth.
I am free to be unlimited.
I am unlimited.



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The other day there was a long discussion with someone at my work.


We were talking about why certain beings appear and many other things. Also about channeling and connection to the spiritual world.


This blog is general and about my experience. Your experience may be different so please as always with everything use discernment.


Basically when a person first embarks upon meditation and wishes to connect to the spiritual world there may be resistance from the mind. Confused colors and images fly around until the mind has settled and surrendered. Depending on what you do before meditation makes a big impression on the mind and its resistance. If you listen to loving soft music or watch movies full of love, you attract love in your vibration and that is impressed upon the mind. If you watch scary horror movies, the fear is in your vibration and is impressed upon the mind.


The spirit world has its doorway in Earth and through the heart and mind. The soul/higher self is in the spirit world and is the silent watcher. First of all check out for a description of the spirit world to understand this. The soul/higher self exists in the heavenly realms. It speaks silently through intuition to you. It is above the vibration of the mind and connects through the heart. The subconscious mind can range in connection between the astral realms and Earth. The astral realms span from the lower heavenly realms to the void (known as some as purgatory) to even the hellish realms and also to Earthbound realm and Earth. The conscious mind also can reach those areas but has a limited capability to reach all. It is more finite in its range.


Basically coming back to the point is that you have three parts. You are the conscious mind of your waking day, the subconscious mind of your memory, dreams, and you are the higher self of love which connects into your heart and speaks through intuition.


Now back to meditation. The heart is always love and the higher self sends its love always to the heart. The heart can be blocked by the mind because of our free will and all parts have equal power within ourselves at first. The mind and the heart are different but equal. Gradually as the heart opens the power of Spirit overcomes the mind or the opposite the mind blocks the heart from opening. The choice of heart or mind depends on the choices each of us makes.


Someone said to me, why would someone see a devilish person when they meditate? The answer is fear. The person who meditated had a vibration of fear (anger, guilt, blame, jealousy, greed and the other vices) which attracted this entity. The entity most likely was a lesser one who decided to puff itself up to create more fear on which it lived. (the more dangerous energy parasites are those that attach to addicts...a constant source of nutrition for the parasitic beings). The lower astral beings close to the hellish realms live on fear energy and are quite parasitic. Release the fear and they go away. A good way to test them is to say "Do you love God?" or I bless you with great Love. They will usually run when they hear that word or continue to act confusing and chaotic. They fight for your attention, don't give it to them, it is a waste of your energy. The fear is formed by what you expose yourself too and is often sourced from the mind. When this happens, visualize the angels surrounding you and you are One with God, feel great love in the room and know you are supported. Focus on what you want. This moves energy from the mind into the heart and releases fear.


Now if you have a love vibration you will naturally attract angels and other loving beings through your vibration of love (purity, oneness, satisfaction, generosity, peace, happiness). When you want to channel or reach loving beings focus your intent to connect with them. Ignore the mind, enter the heart and do everything out of love. At first, the mind has more power, but as the heart opens it will flower like a blossom. Surrender to love, let is fill your being, hold the love vibration and this focus will allow you to release the mind. What you give power and energy to, so it shall be.


Basically what happens is when you are loving you send love vibration from Earth to Earthbound realm to Void to Heavenly Realms where it is picked up, attracting loving beings to come close to Earth and communicate with you. You have to ask them for help, they will not communicate without being asked as this is love and respect for the free will God gave you.


Now if you send fear vibrations they are denser/heavier and cannot travel as far. They go from Earth to Earthbound realm to Void and often attract beings from the hellish realms. The beings from the hellish realms then are attracted to you. They often don't wait for your call, they push their way to you as long as you are in the fear vibration and fight for your attention. Stay One with God and Love and don't give them any power. They will leave you in search of the fear vibration.


So you have many choices. To get out of fear, enter Love. That's all you have to do. Blanket yourself with great love, visualize your loving support and you will not be led astray. It's a matter of vibration.


PS. Someone asked me, when they contact the other do those from the heavenly realms appear versus those from other areas? Often when those of the spirit world first contact you, they appear as faces and then once you have a better connection they appear full bodied. My experience has been with people who have passed that came from the heavenly realms and those from the void. The people from the heavenly realms open a door and white light shines from where they are to you. They are dressed in white and smiling at you. On their side are relatives and others who also passed over and are supporting them. On the other side an angel may exist to help keep the connection open (the bridge of light and love). Now, those existing from the void are different, they are not white but grayish in color, they are alone and not happy, maybe sad.....those in the hellish regions are aggressive and angry and manipulative. The amount of love is diminished. They need your prayers to bring them to wholeness and love.

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A most amazing thing happened to me today. This morning I did my usual prayer to Archangel Michael to protect myself and my car from all harm and all ill will for my highest good.Then I went to work and drove home from work. As I was driving, I encountered several speed zones. I was trying to get home and driving somewhat fast. Suddenly I received a hot flood of energy on my left foot which was not on the gas pedal but at rest. The energy appeared to speak to me saying earth and rest. So I slowed the car down below the speed limit. At the end of the lowest speed zone, a speed camera was waiting to get the cars. It was as if my spirit, mother gaia, my guides and Archangel Michael warned me through the language of spirit (energy flows). I was protected for sure and the amazing flash of energy in warning to my left foot telling me to slow down was amazing.

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