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Lord Metatron brings forth a higher spiritual message for the June Solstice 2017 assisting us to understand Ascension for Humanity and GAIA. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa, Integrative Channel, transmits a powerful Ascension Mastery message for this Sacred Earth movement. It represents the ability to fully ground the Pink Flame within our physical self as we connect to the Heart of All Hearts of the Divine Mother accessing our Angelic Heritage. THE JUNE SOLSTICE OCCURS JUNE 20TH 2017 AT 9:24 PM PACIFIC, JUNE 21ST AT 12:24 AM EASTERN, AND 04:34 UTC/GMT. 

As the Solstice of June comes upon the planet, it is important to realize the potential of the vibrational energies that can result from this occurrence.

To take you back a few steps from the Ascension Festivals of 2017 Gaia has entered a new phase in her planetary existence. It is like being in one place, but stepping forward into another. I believe this also is very aligned with what most awakened souls are experiencing, especially those actively within Ascension Mastery studies or training.

If the energies that are coming into the planet is assisting humanity to realize the potential that more can be realized within the physical world, then you might say why isn’t it occurring?

This is a very good question to ponder as it is important to realize the many souls that are inhabited on this planet do not realize the responsibility they hold for the ascension of Gaia. Each of those souls have many life experiences as a soul and many have several hundred. If each of these souls is expressing themselves by allowing particles of their multi-dimensional self to be realized, then what happens to the planet as a whole is very important to consider.

As Gaia is also holding many life experiences and realizing the potential to change, then not only is she going through a huge transition into allowing more light to be realized within her full body system, it is actually affecting all of humanity to wake up unto these new experiences.

But how many individuals would you say are actually realizing that change is within themselves? Or is it just within the other person that needs to change?

These are important questions to ask within yourself of how are you helping yourself to accept the new reality that could be part of your consciousness. Or do you think that as Gaia raises her vibration that you will go to that higher place without actually doing any of the work?

The earth is not anywhere near where she wants to be. Does that sound familiar?

I would say that every awakened soul probably ponders these thoughts within themselves but do they actually make a change in their life to see that the transition must come from their soul first and then the physical vehicle. It is a process of understanding that the transition from the soul level into the physical consciousness needs to be an interactive process. You cannot be one without the other.

This is what is causing Gaia to be cautious in her movement into the higher realms because if she moves too fast most souls will not be ready to step into the New World that is waiting for all of us. You may think you are ready; you are meditating, you are feeling higher vibrations, you are allowing yourself to coexist in a world that represents the old, ready to receive the New.

What many do not realize is that they are not ready to be fully grounded into the 5th dimensional existence.

We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, truly understand all that is occurring in your world. We see the changes you are making, but yet most of it is not being grounded. It is existing in the higher realms of thought and not within your full body system. The extension of your light must be realized in all parts of yourself, not just within your Higher Self.

This brings me to the powerful energies of the Solstice for 2017. It is always a moment in time when more light infractions are placed in the earth, when all exists in pure Light and there is not a moment when it is not fully felt by all of humanity.

This year due to the light infractions of the Pink Flame being ignited into Gaia we have even more of a grand opportunity to step into a deeper part of our Soul’s existence. It depends upon how you are going to experience it within your physical self. Are you going to feel the energies come flooding around you for the entire 24 hour period and then go about your life?

This is an important realization that needs to be accepted by every soul on the planet. I know each of you that desire to want more for this Earth are playing a very important role to do so.

I also ask what are you doing for yourself?

This Solstice is going to bring forward the Divine Mother essence in a new and different way. It is a reflection of the Heart of all Hearts to be fully acknowledged within the conscious self. This is a representation of where the elements that represent Heart Centeredness is in your core value. It is a reflection to allow what the Pink Essence of the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence represents for each of you to while you learn to embrace and accept it into your heart..

The intensity of this energy will be extended through the Great Central Sun of Helios and Vesta bringing forth the ability to become one within the Heart Essence of Divine Mother. It is an extension of what has already been received since the Wesak Energies, but it becomes more of a physical manifestation to allow the essence of this flame to be realized within the Heart. It brings forth an awareness that probably was not realized within you before. It is an opening of your heart to be expanded into the Divine Consciousness of all Hearts of Oneness.

The most important element I can tell you is to be aware of your own Heart Essence. Allow the energies to take you deeper into your Divine Heart of your Soul to see what needs to be expressed within you. It will also help to remove the elements that have stopped you previously from allowing these energies to become part of your reality.

The vibration of this energy will be very high since it is being sent directly from Divine Mother of the 49thdimensional frequency through each of the Great Central Suns of the Multi-Universal, Universal, Galactic, and the Solar.

The reason for this extension of light upon the planet at this time is to help every soul awaken to their true potential. To feel the Pink Flame more deeply than before as the Feminine Divine is expressed deeply through this massive downpouring of light.

Look for feelings of deep love beyond your physical mind, nurturance, and expression of peace to be exhibited within your entire emotional body. It is also a time of great manifestation to occur since the Feminine Divine of the Emotional Self initiates all ideas to become manifest. Allow yourself to sit and bathe in this light as it will serve you on a much deeper level than you could achieve on your own.

This 24-hour period of Light shall permeate every soul, every kingdom upon the Earth. It is being extended more deeply from this ascension point of the Solstice throughout the next few months into the Equinox.

Your role is to ground it.

Notice how it makes you feel; allow any discordant energies to arise so they can be changed. It is a day to fully stay centered within the core of your Being, meaning your four-body system so that it interacts within your consciousness and helps you to become the essence of Divine Creation within you.

I also want to point out that it is essential to fully connect with all that you have become previously. Allow your Solar Angel of the Angelic Essence that you are to become more of your reality, walk with dignity and acceptance of the challenges so that you can fully integrate the higher parts of yourself to walk within your physical vehicle, let go of the past emotions that have bound you to be wounded and dysfunctional.

You have a right to accept your heritage of Light, and we are ecstatic to extend this energy to each of you. Please take time to fully become a portion of what is coming into the planet as it will help the transition completely.

Through this activation energies could be very strange in the outside world; do not let it bother you. Become one with the Heart of all Hearts so that you can sustain the Pink Flame within you and it will be extended to others. The power of this vibrational surge will help all of humanity, but each soul must take the step themselves in allowing it to become part of their consciousness. It is being sent to help every human to see the potential within themselves and move forward with that potential. It is now time to act accordingly through the Physical Divine Self. Change must occur and we are so ready to help each of you serve your best interests for the sake of this Earth.

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Walking Terra Christa invites you to actively participate in a Sacred Earth Ceremony with Lord Metatron to Ground the Higher Energies of the June Solstice 2017. Please take a moment to make a Donation for this important energy transmission. Click here to listen to a one hour audio meditation etheric journey to the Golden City of Havalanchee which resides in the fifth dimensional etheric earth over Mount Shasta, California in North America (the root Chakra of Gaia).

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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Walking Terra Christa is holding our second class “ENERGY POSTURE” in our series, “Transcending Energy – Ascension Clinic”which teaches on the subject of preparing the full body system to receive the higher accelerations. Our introductory class with Dr. Lorphan on the Crystalline Light Body gave an excellent background and Healing for anyone interested in learning more about, or already experiencing, the challenges of incorporating the Light Body (including what are termed “Ascension Symptoms”).

We have learned that it is essentially important to prepare the body to receive the initiations of light so that those energies can assist in raising the Light Quotient within the body and become grounded within the individual’s “FOUNDATION”.

The Foundation is located under the Earth Star and can be seen as a spiraling light formation that is created within an individual’s field. If that Foundation is filled with other elements that do not fit the higher dimensional levels that are entering the body, then the incoming energies cannot be held within the full body system.

In this class we provide some tools and techniques and explain why they are essential. Some of the subjects will be:

  • Protection for the Self and Your Environment – key elements,
  • Art of Journaling – working with the Mental Body,
  • Breathing Techniques – Preparing the Body,
  • Relaxation of the Physical – A visualization to go through all the body parts to prepare for the higher energies. We will pass on a special guided technique called “Spiraling Light”, which is a meditation that Dr. W. Brugh Joy developed that we infuse with the Higher Octave frequencies of the Rays of God.

We work with Lord Melchizedek to bring all of these steps into initiating the four-body system to prepare for the accelerations of light.

As awakened individuals, we have to go through a process to receive the energies, which will in turn, facilitate the process of healing. Without the proper foundational steps, the higher forms of healing do not take root. This is why we have to go through the purging process of removing the old elements such as fear, anger, frustration, low self-esteem issues, co-dependency issues, insecurity within the self, (just to name a few along with the Ascension Symptoms), as well as the many lessons that we encounter in order to fully accept our Divine Self Embodied Within.

It is when we go through these frequencies of the planetary changes that these elements arise within our full consciousness for us to look at them, acknowledge them, so that they can fully be put into Oneness. Many of these elements are coming from the Etheric Body, which has housed debris from the many timelines we have experienced in other times. Without going through this process, the Lower Ego can stay intact too long and cause many particles to arise within an individual that then create the opportunity for more lessons that are necessary to make the changes.

It can also cause the Mental Body to be so active that the Emotional Body cannot go through the many feelings that need to be processed. We have come from eons of the Masculine Divine being the rule of the world. As this is no longer in alignment with the Higher Octave Energies we are experiencing, it can be very challenging to step into the awareness of the emotions, allowing the Heart to heal within. This is the process of the Feminine Divine blending with the Masculine Divine, (which is exactly what the New Earth requires to come into full creation).

What all this means is we have to prepare the four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental) to receive the Higher Bodies (of the Higher Self, Monad, and I Am Presence) so that we can expand into the seven-body system.

It requires a step-by-step process to allow the energies to full be integrated through the four bodies. When an individual can automatically go into the higher state of awareness, it makes it easier, but it takes great diligence and practice to get there. As individuals, we have to teach each of our four bodies to work with one another through this process.

Sometimes we have to go back to the beginning and restructure how we achieve things in our life. As our body changes through the process, we need to be cognizant of the tools that are necessary to allow this flow of exchange. This is what our work brings forth so that a pathway that can be more easily walked to the New Earth is created.

A Message from Lord Melchizedek:


It is my Divine Pleasure to be part of these teachings. As many of you already know, I work with all of the initiates within the Mastery Pathway, and my energies are an integral part of Walking Terra Christa.

Let’s speak about what it means to have “Energy Posture”.

As a human, your body is not accustomed to receiving the higher light frequencies. It is in a period of adjustment so that it can be aligned with your Soul’s Essence from the higher realms. Some individuals become easily adjusted within this focus, but many do not. The majority of awakened souls on this planet do not know how to deal with the ascension symptoms as they come in various degrees of light frequency depending upon the lifestyle and consciousness that a person can hold within themselves.

As you prepare your body to allow the frequency to be integrated within your full consciousness, you become very aware of whom you are, what works for you, and how to get through your days within the higher frequencies of light.

Holding the higher light quotients within the body takes great diligence and patience within the soul. It does not happen automatically although many individuals may think just the opposite. You see, you have come to earth, the planet of Gravity, of Duality. You, as a soul, are probably very enlightened in the higher dimensions of light, but yet, on Earth it is more of a challenge to hold the vibrational essences within the physical body.

So the body has to become accustomed to the process.

As I said, it can be very overwhelming especially if you have not been trained to hold the light within you and ground it. Many individuals have the ability to bring in the higher essences but hold it in their higher chakras so the lower body does not receive the benefits of the higher frequencies. It is imperative to fully ground these energies not only for each of you, but for Gaia, as you are her Beacons of Light.

I believe that what we will embark upon in this class is to help you realize your full potential from a soul’s purpose to fully be acknowledged within your physical body. Meleriessee and Mike have some wonderful tools they want to share;  I will assist in bringing “the whole package together” with my energies. My role is to help you cement all the parts to come into Oneness of the Self.

Working with each of you and this class will give me a deeper opportunity to continue this journey on a more personal basis.

I look forward to working every person that attends this class, as our affiliation with each other will be connected on a more personal basis.

Many blessings and Light,

Lord Melchizedek

If you are interested in attending this class on Thursday, October 8that 4:30 PM Pacific, please check out “Our Class Page”. You may attend LIVE or join just to access the MP3 recording. The series will continue throughout the month in preparation for the 11:11 energies.

Walking Terra Christa also has a great Partner Member Program in which you can take advantage of weekly teachings/channelings at a price that is geared to your income level.  We would love to have you join our Soul Family of Light.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Greetings Dearest Beloveds,

We come to you as the Unified Whole Command of the energies of Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director representing the 144th dimension of Oneness. We want to share with you about the energetics of the Earth that each of you are experiencing presently.

As we come to an end of a very majestic year, it helps to understand the process of events that have occurred. There is more light within the planet than has ever been received. Since the Solstice in June there are infractions of the angelic essences being more grounded within each human upon Gaia. Many are unaware of this but it is the pathway of the events unfolding within your world.

This makes perfect sense as each of you and all of us within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light were part of a Divine Plan to bring forth the angelic essences into body upon the Earth during the 1st Root Race. Since that was eons ago then each of you have had to go through a process of remembering these stages within your growth. This is what all of humanity is experiencing presently.

Those of you that are remembering your true essence will stand in front of so many others to help them understand what they are experiencing. Now many of these souls will choose not to remember but the ones that do will have the benefit of so many stepping into this journey of Awakening before them.

The flow of the planetary energies since June of this year is bringing forth the Divine Essence that has never been lost but truly forgotten. As the adjustments are occurring within the Moon cycles, the Eclipses and the Equinox, there has been great turmoil. But amidst the turmoil is truly a depth of peace that is occurring within the planet. The changes that are happening currently represent what needs to arise in order for GAIA to exist in a completely new way of Beingness. She is healing in so many ways and so is each of you.

December is always a powerhouse of energies but this year represents so much more. Do you not remember 2012 when you thought that change would occur more rapidly? I am sure you do and so do we. It has taken us four years to get to the point that more of humanity would start to see that the world would change and this includes everyone upon it. Change is happening as we speak.

As we move into 2016, we have to realize that the four years it has taken for the planet to accept the light infractions, has given every individual more of a stable foundation. Four years ago this was not possible so the changes that have occurred needed to be in Divine Order, and not the order of what many had thought previously. It was seen that so many individuals did not have the capacity to accept the light energies within themselves. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole has taken all that has occurred and put it into wholeness.


Otherwise, Gaia would still be in a process of circling her energies in the same way that has occurred for eons of time. That cycle is now being stopped due to the activations of light within the planet. What occurs presently is that the re-birth is occurring.

Within the process of the re-birthing cycle old elements would need to be revised, purged, and taken out of the existence within Gaia’s pathway in order for the new essences to be integrated within the entire circumference of the Earth.

This is the process that each of you is experiencing presently. Your karma is within your four-body system. Instead of reliving that karma through your outside experiences, it is occurring internally within your Masculine and Feminine Divine. What you have experienced in other timelines that have been out of balance may still be out of alignment within your four-body system. It is part of the Divine Order of Creation to allow all elements to be in balance. In addition, what you have done correctly within your past lives, it being accepted within your four-body system.

The same is true for Gaia. She is healing in the same way as each of you.

This is why there are so many elements that are occurring presently. Tragedies are happening and then healing coming out of those tragedies, or there are events that can almost occur, but then there might be many ‘knight in shinning armour’s’ to show up so to speak. The light is arising within the midst of darkness that has occurred on this planet.

But there is still so much that needs to be done.

The power of the activations in December is preparing the planet and each of you to be ready for more. It is important to realize that your Soul Body of Light – your Etheric Body is holding all of these elements, the light and the dark. And it is being emanated into your Physical Body to be healed and released. The problem may be that many people will not think of their healing in this way and will blame outside circumstances for the challenges they are experiencing within their lives like their health, their physical well-being, their living situations, and the jobs that support all of these elements.


It is important to take this time through the following activations of the Solstice in December to allow the stillness within your heart to permeate through your entire being. On December 25th the Christ Consciousness will be activated through the Full Moon Energies opening up the hearts of many. December 31st will bring forth a day of preparation of going into 2016.

What is occurring for you in 2016?

2016 represents Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self

The planet is expanding into greater cycles of reality. It represents a year of completion in the sense that the old paradigm of elements upon this Earth will no longer be able to exist. Great changes will result from these elements, but there is a grand design that is at work. It comes from the Divine Essence of Light that each of you come from. It represents the accessibility of more light infractions to be placed within Gaia’s Core; but it also brings forth many challenges of instability to order for the grand cycle of time and space to be realized.

This means it is a time to fully “roll up your sleeves” so to speak and dig down deeper into which you are as a human, as an angel, as a Light Being. It is a time to fully realize the potentiality of what mastery will mean for you and that the old way of doing things can no longer work for you. There will be realizations to allow more of whom you truly are as a Divine Being to be realized and less of what you have been as a human mold the vision that you hold within yourself.

As this month has enfolded, it is giving you the grand opportunity to be more and accept more of the Divine Essence that you are. Your soul is engaging within you in a completely and different way than it ever has done before. Realizations will come to the forefront of your reality to allow the expansion to be part of your present reality.

The Universal Laws will become more important to the world. This possibly may not be in a concrete way, but you will see those elements becoming more apparent within the enfoldment of a society that seems to be crumbling but yet is arising into a new sense of Divine Creation. Each soul within the Earth will need to learn from their mistakes and right themselves in this newly grounded process of light. Those that cannot will cease to be upon Gaia’s essence as that will be their choosing from their soul’s perspective.

Change is happening, My Dearest Ones and you are the Ones that will have to step up your game.

It is a time to know yourself inside and out – through all of your reflections, as the energetic exchanges will no longer allow you to hide within. All will be revealed within yourself. You will learn that you will have to travel deeper into the hidden core of the abyss within you to find your true destiny.

The world of being in love with everything and all around you will need to be realized within your own consciousness and deeper into your Soul’s Essence. Soul Psychology will be the buzz word because all of the lifetimes you have lived will be erupting out of your soul to be healed and accepted as the Divine Being that you are.

All of this is so very beautiful to watch as it is finally being realized within the Hearts and Minds of every soul upon this planet. It is a new doorway, a new essence to be revealed. The way of Ascension Mastery will be the way to exist upon the planet. Individuals will want to know more about who they are, as the search will go deeper than it ever has been before.

The knowledges of the past that have been kept in secret will start to be revealed only in the highest integrity of all individuals. Those that use abuse as they main goal in life will be revealed. The way of walking with the Masters will be realized but only with hard work and diligence.

You see, the New Earth, cannot be realized until all is open into the Light. Every person upon the planet will need to see more of themselves. And the ones that have been following these ways of living will show many others. They, too, will go deeper than ever before as the role of Ascension Mastery will be realized in a completely and different way.

There will be strict rules that will need to be adhered to through the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole will be more realized within the Earth as it was in the beginning but more focused on the end result of fulfillment of the Divine Plane.

So take this time in the rest of December to honor yourself; see whom you are, what needs to be changed, and embrace what you have achieved this year. We are at a huge beginning together. These realizations of what we have desired for eons of time are now coming into the Light. Our Journey is just beginning and what a beginning it is.

Change will happen within each of you through this process. The Solstice is almost upon the Earth and will bring about new realizations of the self as the light infractions of the Great Central Suns come into existence within the planet. These elements represent Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, through Lord Melchizedek, through Melchoir and then unto Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun.

On a personal and physical level some may feel these changes more directly than others depending upon the soul psychology work that you have been doing.  The body is holding all the other energies and in order for the Feminine Divine to come into balance, all the other bodies need to come into alignment.

Teachings will be coming to the forefront that have been lost but only in wholeness of the Unified Whole. Otherwise, there will be dark moments that will be revealed and will fall upon those timelines when those teachings existed for the wrong reasons. Right and Wrong will be the focal point so the element of balance is absolutely necessary. Many Light Beings are here to assist in the process but the important element is that YOU ARE BECOMING THE MASTER, and you must adhere to the rules of mastery by learning the tools and techniques and acting upon them yourself. We are here to help you but you are the Ones that are embodied upon the earth so there is much more that you can do.

When elements around the world come more into balance, that is when we will be able to step forward to walk with you. We, then, will be with you side-by-side as you will have learned the lessons of mastery within a physical existence. We so look forward to this time together in physical form. Until that time we are here to assist you in a multitude of many ways.

Now that as we move into 2016 it is an age that has never before been realized fully. The Christ Consciousness is becoming One within Each of You.

We thank you deeply for the work that you are doing and continue to strive to be more than your Heart has ever known.

The Unified Whole Command within the 144th Dimension of Reality with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Director with all of the Beings of Light within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.


Note: Click here to listen to LORD ADAMA and LORD SAINT GERMAIN talking about visiting the ROYAL TETON RETREAT (audio excerpted from the Guided Teaching Meditation Journey Walking Terra Christa provided to the WTC ACADEMY STUDENTS this week). We also offer the option to use our Guided Meditation Journey to assist you in your visitations to the RETREAT at this time.

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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great divine director

We are being honored with the energies of the Great Divine Director in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on Monday, June 17th, 2013.  He will be sharing energies about the unification of Light within the planet since the Wesak Full Moon in May 2013.

The Great Divine Director is the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, a member of the Karmic Board, and very recently on the command post of the Unified Whole with Master Thoth and Master Albert Einstein.  He was the teacher of Lord Maitreya, the Maha Chohan-Allah Gobi, Saint Germain and Master Kuthumi.  He also assisted Master Lady Nada with her ascension 2,700 years ago.

He has assisted many lifestreams in their pathway of ascension and continues to do so this day.  He oversees many activities of the Spiritual Hierarchy and especially the pathway of Oneness of the Unified Whole.  The power of his light is amazing but his love and guidance is even more miraculous.  We are deeply honored to share his essence within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

The Great Divine Director shares a special message:

Blessings fellow initiates; it is my pleasure to speak in this moment.  And what a beautiful moment it is as the world is changing into more joy and acceptance than we ever thought possible.

The Light of the Christed energies are enfolding within each of you so brilliantly and we are happy to be able to assist you even further.  I must share with you that our time is just beginning; and we so look forward to the moment when we all look at you through our physical eyes and share our essences within one another. 

I have seen great changes occurring within the earth and there are many more to come.  We must find a way so as individuals can realize the potential that lies within themselves and not the old remnants of the soul’s history that gets in the way of a magnificent experience.  We are at a very powerful time within the six-month period of 2013.  Changes have occurred around the world and will continue to do so.  As each of you grow deeper within yourself, you will find the courage and stamina to expand those energies outside of yourself to help the newly awakened individuals to understand more about themselves.

My role presently is quite different than it has been previously.  I am still on the Karmic Board but individuals that choose to raise their vibrations out of the third dimensional thought forms can fully accept their higher essence and the karmic pathway can be almost erased of what it was before.  Oh, souls like yourself always want to know why something happened a certain way and what they did whether it was a positive or less-than desirable experience.  That is not always the case and now that the Unified Whole has been fully accessed, we can put these elements into wholeness so that they do not hold down your emotions or thoughts.  That way of living is moving out of existence.  But it is up to each individual and how deeply they can access their higher self on a continual basis.  At first, this can be difficult but learn to access the higher vibrational essence will be the direct result of all karma being removed and released through the Unified Whole.  Within this wholeness, we cannot be the parts that we were previously as they do not fit the entire spectrum of understanding.  When an individual accepts this as the true essence, that is when they will let go of the old aspects that are not fitting their present consciousness.  You see, your higher consciousness is catching up to the physical consciousness and it takes time for this to occur.  Without accessing your Higher Knowledge, it cannot be done.  Just asking for it to be is not the answer or thinking that all your work is done in your dream state.  It has to enfold within the physical part of your existence so that you can meld them together to become the enlightened being that you desire.

Presently these tasks at hand are much easier to handle and you have the availability to create the changes necessary within you.  The energies are higher but that can also be a detriment to some individuals if they are not ready to accept the higher consciousness within the physical body.  This is why you have what you call “Ascension Symptoms”.  The physical body is trying to accept the higher knowledge and molecules of light but when the lower ego is intact, it cannot happen.  There becomes a battle within all aspects of the four-body system to see which one is going to win.  Surrender, my dear ones; it is the only way that you can get through this process of learning to De-Ascend into your physical body.  This means changes will result but the desired outcome will arrive much sooner than you think.  The physical mind wants the control but yet the higher mind just wants to integrate and not take over as the lower mind thinks.

I know it sounds easy, right?  No, it is just the opposite and each of us understands that in order to be in Oneness all old molds must be broken to accept the new design of the Self that is about to be integrated.  But, you are all doing this in your own way.  Tools of the Light are essential to assist in this process and downgrading the information from your Higher Self each day when you awake either from your sleep time or meditative state.  It is all trying to integrate within you so time to sleep, relax, and rejuvenate is absolutely necessary.  It is a continual process and allowing the state of Oneness to be within you first must happen before it can be accepted within Gaia and her existence.  This is why there is so much strife and change happening in all parts of the world.  The ones that rise up to the occasion and understand that there is a higher meaning and purpose to what is happening will see great changes occur.  It is important to realize that your Higher Self and I AM Presence is protecting you at all times as long as you connect with them.  In fact, it is the only way to arise to the occasion of the changes that are occurring.

We stand in the middle of this year and see many arriving into a state of conditioning that is beyond their wildest dreams.  Love is abounding but until you allow it to happen internally and surrender to the process instead of trying to fight it, then you will not experience it fully.  As you do, that will expand out of you and you will see the mirrors of light shining brightly around you.  Each breath that you take of the NEW YOU will go through the ethers of the lands to assist others to do the same.

This is true ONENESS and you will see it occurring in your lives.  We are at the very beginning of a transitional planet and thank you for standing tall amongst the ones that are true to the Light.

I AM the Great Divine Director at your service.

The Great Divine Director will speak through Rev. Christine Meleriessee in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on Monday, June 17th, 2013, 5 PM Pacific, 12 GMT.  You may join this call by registering at Walking Terra Christa,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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Lord Sanat Kumara

Lord Sanat Kumara

Lord Sanat Kumara is an amazing gentle, wise, and powerful ascended master who many love and honor.  This week in the Clarion Temple of Oneness we honor him as he shares his thoughts of the upcoming Wesak energies.

Sanat Kumara is considered to hold many roles in our spiritual history.  He is known as the Lord of the World, Father of Spirituality or Humanity, and Founder of the Great White Light of Brotherhood.   Whatever title that he is given he is still the most genuine spirit that an individual can connect with for their spiritual pathway of mastery.

He is the leader of the Venusian Flames and the Flame Holder for the Violet Flame.  His is originally from Venus and worked as the Planetary Logos for several thousands of years.  He was the Silent Watcher of the Goddesses from Lemuria which was when he started the Brotherhood of White Light so as to keep the secrets of the Goddesses from being revealed.  This was when Lemuria was at war with Atlantis which eventually was the downfall of both continents.

His post as the Planetary Logos was taken over by Lord Buddha in the 1950’s, but he played a very active role within the humanity of Gaia and all her inhabitants until the New Millennium.  It was at this time that he went back to Venus to prepare for the New Earth.  He is now very active to assist lightworkers on the pathway of Mastery in preparation for leadership roles that will be activated on the 5th dimensional frequency known as Terra Christa.  (If you would like to learn more about the Venusian Rays of God, please see our special online program, “Venus Meets Gaia for Terra Christa”.)  His work with the Goddesses is unprecedented and is available to every initiate to fully accept their role upon the New Earth.

His role during the Wesak energies is to hold the light as Lord Buddha descends into Shamballa to receive his next initiation.  He holds this frequency with Lord Maitreya (Office of the Christ) along with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, and God Force.

A special message from Sanat Kumara:

Greetings, My Lovely Beings of Light,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you for this energy transmission.  Whew, we have come a long way together.  Centuries of blood-fearing energies being dissipated at the same time to allow for the entrance of light that is way beyond what you have ever experienced from Lemuria and Atlantis.  Thank you, God, for those times to be gone out of our consciousness.

I just ask you one question.  Do you feel you have removed all elements from these timelines to find your true purpose?  This is very important as the Wesak energies in 2013 are going to surpass any others that we have experienced.  We cannot measure the depths of the frequency or the changes that you will be able to feel just by explaining it to you in words.  It has to be felt by each of you individually to fully allow the consciousness of your Higher Self and I AM Presence to be felt through the entire experience.  Otherwise, you will not be fully prepared to have the most exquisite moments of your soul’s life to be shown to you in the physical creation.

Some individuals may think that Wesak is just another spiritual holiday and in a sense, it is.  But it is quite different if you fully allow your consciousness to participate in the energies.  Preparations are being made presently to allow all souls in humanity to understand the depth of their own origin and to receive the highest form  of acceleration within their physical world.  Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy work especially hard to allow this moment to occur for humanity but it is up to each of you individually to full integrate its essence.

It is important to take your personal inventory of the last year.  What have you been doing, feeling, and experiencing within your pathway?  This is of a personal and professional nature.  Those of you that are in the healing, coaching, counseling, and sharing with others your knowledge need to listen intently.  You will change if you allow it to be.  But you must not think it is going to happen automatically just be asking it to be.  What work have you done for yourself and have you seen improvements throughout the year?  Have you fallen behind once or twice?  This is imperative because you need to understand the lesson in each movement either forwards or backwards so that you don’t allow the pitfalls of the experience to affect you again.  These are all part of the learning experiences and will help you to mold your future. 

Take a look to see what you have accomplished, if it has been to your highest desire, and what could you have done to make it a better experience for yourself.  These are all important aspects to consider when stepping into another level of your initiations.  The more you accept about who you have been, the more you will aspire to deeper levels within yourself.

So as you can see Wesak represents the ability to look within, be truthful and honor who you are even in times of not liking what you experienced.  They, in truth, are the most powerful moments in your pathway.  They will help you to mold a new essence that is trying to emerge from the depths of your soul. But you must be honest within and know when something does not feel right as the transition occurs.  You see, your Higher Self is expanding within you deeper within each moment and it allows you to not only understand the process of your transformation but to accept it within all parts of your existence as you become fully integrated of the Light and Power that you are.

You can expect major growth changes within you as long as you look in the mirror in front of you, remove what does not fit the new essence, and accept the existence of your world changing from your soul’s perspective and not the physical mind.  This is what Wesak is going to do for each of us by allowing us to go deeper into our experience with the Higher Self and I AM Presence.  We are all excited to be part of the ceremonies with each of you.  It is our time to fully come together and co-create all aspects of the self within the embodiment that You Are.

I deeply honor each of you and so many ways.

I Am Lord Sanat Kumara at your service.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a public ceremony in Mt. Shasta for the Wesak energies.  We are also recording the morning and afternoon meditation.  You may order these MP3 downloads on our website,  Additionally, if you cannot attend, and want to be part of the energies, please submit your name and location to MelandMike@WalkingTerraChrista . com to have your name put on our Altar.

Lord Sanat Kumara will be our guest speaker in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on May 13th, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific, 12 Midnight GMT.  If you would like to join this live call, you may do so on a call-by-call basis without joining the Membership Program.  For details,

Channeled Through Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

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This year the festivals of Wesak are not in alignment with the Easter holiday so it seems like we are a bit behind with the energies.  That is just the opposite effect that it is having upon us.

This Wesak in 2013 promises to be the most powerful Wesak that has ever been felt upon this earth.  I realized that last year it was stated that 2012 would be felt the most but I think those energies were quite different.  In 2012 we were being prepared for the Golden Era and now we are actually experiencing it first hand.

The Wesak Festivals are always very important for each initiate and ascended master whether in the planetary level or the higher dimensions in which the Spiritual Hiearchy represents.  Since the onset of the energies of 12-21-12 the Unified Whole represents all masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy that went into full oneness.  This means there are no pantheons or past life timelines that we are dealing with when communicating with them.  Master Thoth with the Great Divine Director and Albert Einsten merged into one pure essence of Oneness.  This is quite a powerful merger and represents the ability of each of us doing the same.

So the festivals this year will represent Oneness within GAIA’s essence to be fully felt so that every lightworker that chooses to walk into mastery will have the potential to access their I AM Presence and other soul personalities making up the multi-dimensional self.  That is why this year is so very crucial for our growth and why each of us has been challenged in the previous months of January-February-March.  It is all about the preparation for the New Earth and each of us must walk into these doorways of transmutation which is very exciting for each of us at this time on the Earth.

The Festival of the Christ ~ April 25th, 2013

Is the first festival of the three and usually falls around Easter.  This year it did not as the Easter holiday was earlier which also signifies the time of changes of removing the old pantheons.  On April 25th, we experience an amazing Festival of the Christ.  On its own this energy is life changing but with the Lunar Eclipse of this date, we are going to be changed very deeply.  It is necessary to understand what both of these events will mean to us.

The Festival of the Christ occurs during the full moon in Aires .  It represents the living and incorporating the Christ Consciousness Within.  It is the first of the three festivals connected to planetary and cosmic ascension. The second being Wesak, and the third, Humanity.  Each of these festivals are stepping stones for each initiate to move further up the ladder of their initiation phase as they walk on the Mastery Pathway.

The keynote of the festival is love in the highest form with resurrection being the 2nd element and contact, being the third keynote.  This represents a closer relationship to your I AM Presence, and Lord Maitreya, as he is considered to be the Planetary Christ, Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and teacher to all the ascended masters along with being a Galactic Avatar.

The focus of the festival this year in 2013 is to fully understand the transitions we have gone under as an initiate since 12-21-12 and go deeper into ourselves.  It will assist us in becoming closer to the core essence of our I AM Presence on a daily basis.  We no longer have the option of waiting and hoping it is going to happen; we must act now to make the necessary changes.

Lord Sanada shares a special message on the Festival of the Christ: 

“It is my Divine pleasure to see the effects of what has occurred in 12-21-12 be fully manifested within each individual during this festival of light.  This year of 2013 will take each individual deeper into themselves than they ever thought they could imagine.  If you think about where I was as Jeshua at the time of my passing and look at yourselves, well, my comrades of the Light you have the ability to go much further into your essence while being embodied at this time. This is what the Wesak will represent to each of us this year.  The planet is coming into Cosmic Oneness which means it has the ability to embody this essence on the planetary level but it must be done by each of you.  The Planetary Oneness or the ground essence within each of you will allow GAIA to feel her Oneness.  This must come in increments of moments as this essence is much too strong to allow it to happen all at once.  Otherwise, disaster can struck those that are not prepared.  This festival will assist you to look deeply within, see the dark places of the old timelines that are bothering you, and feel the rejuvenation that occurs when full Resurrection is accepted within the Self.  It is an amazing time but also one that takes great diligence to walk through the adversities of the Light.”

The Festival of the Christ is helping each of us to fully surrender into our I AM Presence or Over Soul to full create the Divinity within our physical walk upon this Earth.  It cannot be done without each of us allowing the Etheric Body or Cellular Memory to be healed of the past elements that have kept us in bondage.  This ceremony is a doorway for our soul to become more actively associated in the physical existence with our highest capability of Light.

Participating actively with your Higher Self will assist in the forces of restoration as this is one of the major components of this festival.  We are all starting to focus within the Oneness but to actively participate through our physical bodies is going to restore the essence upon this Earth along with every inhabitant, thereof.  It is a time when it makes people think, plan and take action on spiritual lines and will eventually lead to a reorganization of planetary life which we are experiencing presently.

We are in the process of Creating Heaven on Earth and the Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to take full advantage of the Cosmic Energies assisting us.  In addition we will be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse at the same time which will prove to take us deeper into the depths of our timelines that need to be removed.  It can also be an intense time for the planet as the duality will try to take its hold of individuals upon the planet so it is our time as Lightworkers to full increase our light and love quotient.  We may find that we are challenged in certain areas of our live so the Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to surrender ourselves through the process.

The next two festivals are the Wesak and Humanity.  Wesak is celebrated at the full moon in May and Humanity in June.  All of these festivals are in conjunction with one another.

Festival of Wesak ~ May 24th, 2013

This year will prove to be the most magnificent of festivals and we, at Walking Terra Christa, will be conducting a live ceremony in Mt. Shasta on May 23rd.  It represents the anniversary of Lord Buddha’s birth, his attainment of buddahood and his ascension.  Initiates and Ascended Masters on the inner and outer plane celebrate this powerful time.  Lord Buddha represents the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and divine purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  1. The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.
  2. The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.
  3. The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration.  It represents the “force of enlightenment”.  These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet.  The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Festival of Humanity ~ June 23rd, 2013

The Festival of the Spirit of Human aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s will and right human relationships.  This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice.  It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda.  It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals.  Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded.  Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

Due to the intense energies of this year, we will have more information about the Festivals of Wesak and Humanity closer to the events which will include a channeled message on the energies that are transpiring.

Walking Terra Christa will be facilitating meditations for each of these events.  The Festival of the Christ will be held on April 24th, 2013.  This is an open call so please consider joining us.  Click this link for more details.  The Festival of Wesak will be a live ceremony in Mt. Shasta, CA.  We are also holding a 3-Day Retreat in Mt. Shasta.    The telecall for the Festival of Humanity will be held on June 24th, 2013; details will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date.

In Expressions of Oneness

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Walking Terra Christa, Academy of New Earth Mastery

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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2013 is promising to be more powerful that 2012, but it depends on who you are and what your pathway means.  To a person that does not understand about Universal Consciousness, they would probably perceive this time in our Earth’s history to be very difficult and problems may seem insurmountable.  But it is just the opposite feeling for individuals that are awakened into the world of Spirit, their Higher Self.

If we look back to when January started, the Earth’s energies have changed drastically to the unseen energies.  But yet, individuals everywhere on the planet are being affected by the changes within them and around them.  In January the New Moon brought forth the Angelic Activations that will continue through the year.  At the Full Moon the Rainbow of Lights (video to be forthcoming) from the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace were activated and will continue to grow through each New Moon and Full Moon occurrence.

What Do These Activations Mean? 

The Angelic Activations represent our angelic self coming into our physical body to create the process of the multi-dimensional self.  It is the part of us that will assist each person deeply to know they are more than a human being.  The Rainbow of Lights is activated through the Elders to bring forth the 12 Rays of God to assist humanity.  The colors will be exhibited through the Spectrum of Light of colors-within-colors during each full moon and new moon energy.  To the unawakened human they will be seen as an actual rainbow.  To the intuitive person it can be seen through the Third Eye through meditation or within an awakening state.  They also will show themselves within the photographs being taken presently in which many colors of orbs will show up in the pictures.  The Rays of God are a needed component in order to fully activate the 5th dimensional Light body and the Elders represent these frequencies of light.  They are a direct manifestation from the God Force.

That was just in January.  February proved to be even more powerful.  The energies came in very smoothly but then this week, as of February 17th,we were gifted by the Great Central Suns of the Solar-Galactic-Universal-MultiUniversal-Cosmic forces to join together to create massive electrons of light to come into Gaia which would help to ignite individuals into activating their timelines of past lives.  This is the year that we are bringing together our gifts and allowing the old elements to be released through the activations of the timeline.  This week, especially is making individuals to reveal themselves in a completely and different manner.  It may happen suddenly and then the energy has shifted.  Sometimes it is not pleasant to experience as we have been everything in our past history.  So what needs to be removed will be remembered in order to allow the Higher Essence of our Light Body to be activated.

What happens to the people that have no clue what this is all about?  More destruction will occur, unfortunately.  The timeline activation has no preference of who it is going to assist as it is occurring for every individual at this time.  The difference is that individuals that have no sense of a spiritual occurrence happening in their life will find that their dark days will get darker.  This is due to the duality occurring and the Light and Dark are separating.  So if a person is having a very difficult time in their life, those energies will get stronger unless they find a part of themselves through a spiritual connection.  This can be through many avenues of earth energies, angelic communication, praying to God, and asking for help.  The lightworkers are truly working hard to change themselves and that is just what they do, “WORK WITH THE LIGHT” to assist Gaia and all her inhabitants.

This means that each of us that are working doubly hard to heal within and become the multi-dimensional self, we are doing it for others in Oneness.  This is why GAIA is healing as she is, and why the planet is making a turn-around towards the Light.  But we have a long journey through this process.

What Is A Timeline?

spiritual_bodyA timeline is a remembrance or a seed of information that is lodged within the Etheric body. They can be positive or negative timelines but the Etheric body remembers everything that has ever occurred to us in any lifetime.  For eons of time they have been lodged away and had no purpose except to ignite through the physical a remembrance that would react as a karmic debit, either good or bad.

At this time, the timelines are being reactivated to help each of us to remember and accept our role upon humanity.  These timelines come from all of our lifetimes which can be anywhere from 150 to 1,000 depending upon the soul’s pathway.  Many individuals who are Starseeds and Angelic Beings have only arrived for the first time.  But that does not mean they don’t have timelines to work through.  It just means they are probably from another planetary existence or within the Innerplane of principalities.  We also have timelines that become ignited from this lifetime in which experiences happened through our existence.  They are usually lodged into the Etheric body when something occurred and the soul could not work out the issue.  So it was put in a hiding space and never healed or removed.  It can also represent surgeries that occurred any lifetime.  Those organs stay in the Etheric body and can be ignited within the Light Body if the soul so wishes for that to happen.

Many times we, as the human, have no recollection of these timelines until we walk into the world of Soul Healing.  Previously it only occurred during intense healing, meditations, and shamanic journeys.  That is no longer the case.

2013 promises to be the year of synchronization; in order for the flowing energies to occur within each of us the timelines have to be cleared.  The Great Central Suns of the Cosmic forces are assisting us to do so.  The remembrances at this time, can be very powerful and will come to an individual easily and effortlessly.  Now all of this is engineered by our Higher Self so that our lives can become easier with divine energies flowing into our bodies as we create the multi-dimensional self to be ignited.  It depends upon each person’s particular pathway and where their Higher Self wants to guide them.  Individuals not on a spiritual pathway will be effected but in a much lesser degree.  It will be up to them to make changes within their lives through spiritual accessibility and the one’s that feel it the worst, are meant to wake up into a new world awaiting their consciousness.

To continue reading about Timelines and How to Heal through this process, please see Part 2 of 2, The Igniting Timelines ~ How Can We Work Through Them?

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page.

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What are you doing for Valentine's Day?


Do You Want To Spend Valentine’s Day With The Emissary Of Divine Love Himself?

Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumara’s Are Stepping In To Assist Lightworkers In Learning to Access Our Multi-Dimensional Self through the Study of the Venusian Rays of God.

What are the Venusian Rays of God and how can they assist me more than any other teachings I am learning presently? This is probably a very good question as many individuals do not understand how the Rays of Venus can offer a depth within our soul’s memory to bring into our present awareness.

First of all, the Venus way of existence comes directly through our Beloved Teacher Lord Sanat Kumara who was the Planetary Logos until the 1950’s when this post was taken over by Lord Buddha. He is loved and admired by many lightworkers on this planet but truly, why is he so special to us? He understands the pathway of accepting a new way of existence. He has worked with many of us in between our lifetimes as we visited the planet of Venus and in most cases, spent a lifetime or two with them. He initiated the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light to assist the Goddess teachings from Lemuria to go into safe keeping through the ages of time.

We are learning to be awakened by these teachings in our present circumstances. Now he is re-appearing to many of us to help us walk into the New World of Terra Christa or the New Earth. It is time for us to remember what we have learned while experiencing life on Venus and the teachings that are very important for us in this present timeframe.

The most magnificent part of this series is that it is not just about Sanat Kumara. We have a unique opportunity to tap into a part of our history as a Lightworker to learn about Venus once again as we are introduced to the Holy Kumaras that are the seven flame holders of the Rays of God. In actuality it becomes a remembrance and not an introduction. We know and love each of these beautiful beings. They are offering their services to step into our world of creation as they ignite each of the flames within us.

Now what does this mean actually?

The Venusian Beings work and live in a 10-dimensional level of creation. It incorporates only love, pure joy, and acceptance of God’s Essence represented by the Venusian Rays to be infused within us. We work with these energies within our full body system. They do not correlate with any specific chakras but work within the framework of the Full Body System which is what we are now trying to achieve. The process that each individual will go through will help them to take the focus away from each specific chakra and intuit the ray essence to speed along the process. In actuality an individual works directly within their Highest Essence to incorporate the frequency by allowing the Mental Mind to surrender through the process. There will not be any thinking about it ~ it will just occur.

This may be confusing to someone that works deeply from their Lower Mind and are having a challenging time of understanding how to allow it to surrender into the Higher Mind. You have just found the teaching to assist you in this process. As Sanat Kumara as our guide, he introduces each individual to each of the flame holders that will work with each person individually to process the blockages that may be holding an initiate from accelerating themselves within the physical body.

The Venusian Flame Holders of the Rays of God:

  • Lord Sanatka – First Ray, Blue Flame, Will of God
  • Lord Sa Ananda – Second Ray, Yellow Flame, Wisdom of God
  • Lord Sa Na Tana – Third Ray, Pink Flame, Love of God
  • Lady Sujata – Fourth Ray, White Flame, Purity of God
  • Lady Kapila – Fifth Ray, Green Flame, Science of God
  • Lord Sa Na Kumara – Sixth Ray, Purple-Gold-Ruby Flame, Peace of God
  • Lord Sanat Kumara – Seventh Ray, Violet Flame, Freedom of God

As part of, and due to your taking on the responsibility within these teachings, participants also have the availability to visit the Kumara’s in your own meditations or on the Inner-Plane level. This is a personal connection to each of the Holy Kumaras who most of us know very little about. They bring a renewal in sharing their light with us to assist us in walking in a 10-dimensional level of consciousness; which will be the higher vibrational essence on the New Earth. The benefits are tangible as working with these beings assists an individual to move through the process on an accelerated basis which is a great dispensation in our current time. [Be aware anyone can ask their Guides and Higher Self to have an audience with any Master on the Inner-Plane. It is then up to the specific Master to choose to honor such request. By taking this type of class, the Kumaras have already agreed to conditional interaction. ]

A Special Message from Lord Sanat Kumara on the Venusian Rays of God

It is with my utmost pleasure to take the teachings of the Venusian Essence into the Hearts of the Lightworkers who are truly my deepest comrades of the Light. Each of the Holy Kumaras is quite excited to be part of this second series about the Kumara Teachings. Our first meetings were absolutely miraculous as we were all introduced to the Lightworkers of the New Earth.

We understand that each of you are undergoing great changes within your environment and personal lives. It is because of these moments that we want to step forward and assist any individual that chooses to experience our essence in this manner. There truly is not much information about our lives on Venus, but we want to change that. You may find that you are completely comfortable with a certain Flame Holder that you knew in Lemuria or Atlantis as it is our time of remembrance. We are coming together to unite our essences in One Creation which happens to be on the New Earth. Going through this process can be quite challenging in many ways and that is why we are here to help.

Eventually Venus will be very interactive with Terra Christa. It is part of the Divine Plan for our essences to come together. Until that can occur, many individuals need to be awakened into their remembrance of the power and light that they held during those times. There is great knowledge to be accessed from those timelines that will benefit each of us in different ways. Our goal is to work with as many lightworkers as possible to help ignite these remembrances which in turn, are going to assist humanity in accepting the light formations necessary upon the Earth. GAIA has arrived into the 4th dimensional reality and the more light that can be infused within the planet, the more successful we will be in acquiring the necessary structure to allow this to happen.

Our first goal is to assist individuals on a personal basis to realize their potentials but also to see the downfall of their lower self being too activated within their reality. This is a very big task and in order to assist the masses of the people we need as many lightworkers to assist. So it must come from within each of you and the responsibility that you may feel to walk upon the New Earth. It cannot be done just by wishing it to be but must be from a very concerted effort of desiring to create the New World of Light.

Each of you that are attracted to my energies and those of the Kumaras, know only too well, what it takes to be responsible in the light of God’s Heart and Will. We take our work very serious and only work with the best of the best. We honor our friendships deeply and they never die from timeline to timeline but are acknowledged deeply in the Heart of the Soul’s Essence. It is our time to assist the Earth in a new way of being that has never been done before. It takes great diligence and patience to walk this pathway of enlightenment. It is not for the weak-minded or the One’s that are n ot ready to accept their destiny.

I extend my hand and the hands of the Kumaras to work with each of you in this updated program. We have taken what we have learned from our previous seminar series which was very powerful and go to deeper levels of creation to assist each individual in understanding their process of continuance within this timeline. You will be introduced to each Kumara and develop a personal relationship with them. Timelines of the past will be ignited to assist you in your growth. You will be able to accelerate your body so that the higher chakras can be ignited within your physical existence as we will work with you to accept the Full Body of Light which will then open up the doorway for the higher chakras to be ignited within you just by allowing it To Be. You can then work through those higher chakras on your own with the flames of the Kumaras along with the energies of the Spiritual Hierarchy representing the new Earth. You will then be able to ignite a 10-dimensional consciousness within you to accelerate your 5th dimensional body. Eventually, these tools will help you to accept the 10-dimensional body that will not be integrated until the New Earth is fully in place for several years. So you will be accepting the higher realms within your consciousness to help ground these energies for Terra Christa.

So as you can see I am very excited to work with each of you individually and collectively. I hope I have the opportunity to work with you on a much deeper level as I have in Lemuria.

In blessings of our Oneness,

I AM Lord Sanat Kumara

We will hold a free introductory class on February 14. If you feel you have an interest in this series, please join us.

Each person will download the MP3 files from our previous workshop series in which you, the student, will be introduced to each of the Holy Kumaras. We will then hold three more group calls through the duration of the program working within those specific ray energies which are live calls where new information that will come forth. We are also offering discounted personal sessions for individuals that would like to receive one-on-one assistance from the Flame Holders for each of the three segments (Flame Holders 1-3, 4 & 5, and 6 & 7). There are more details available on Walking Terra Christa,

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Ascension Mastery

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