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Chakra (4)

Unified Chakra Meditation

In 2009, I learned about the Unified Chakra Meditation. It is a powerful tool to accelerate your Lightbody integration and ascension or awakening process.

The Unified Chakra meditation below is adapted from the book What Is Lightbody? by Tashira Tashi-Ren.

This technique is based upon the original Unified Chakra from Angelic Outreach. This technique is brought to us by Archangel Ariel and was channelled by Tashira Tashi-Ren.


It supports your mutation at every level. The Unified Chakra creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field. It helps screen out other people's pictures of reality. Most of people walk around in other peoples' energies. The main thing is to get in your body and figure out what your energy is as distinct from other people's energies.


It is suggested you do the Unified Chakra meditation every time that you notice your attention is in the past or the future. At first that will seem like an incredible task, but if you do it with discipline, you will find that within two weeks you will unify instantly. By the end of four to five weeks, you won't step out of the merge. Unlike a lot of meditations, you do not leave your body; you stay conscious. It is an altered state, but it is one that you can live in.


Let's begin the Meditation.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Opening my heart

Into a beautiful ball of Light,

Allowing myself to expand.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand,

Encompassing my throat chakra

And my solar plexus chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand,

Encompassing my brow chakra

And my navel chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my crown chakra

And my base chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my Alpha chakra

(Eight inches above my head)

And my Omega chakra

(Eight inches below my spine)

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my eighth chakra

(above my head)

And my upper thighs

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.

I allow my emotional body to merge

With my physical body.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my ninth chakra

(Above my head)

And my lower thighs

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.

I allow my mental body to merge

With my physical body.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my tenth chakra

(Above my head)

And to my knees

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body.

I allow my spiritual body to merge

With my physical body,

Creating the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my eleventh chakra

(Above my head)

And my upper calves

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the Oversoul to merge

With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my twelfth chakra

(Above my head)

And my lower calves

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the Christ Oversoul to merge

With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my thirteenth chakra

(Above my head)

And my feet

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the I AM Oversoul to merge

With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my fourteenth chakra

(Above my head)

And to below my feet

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the Source's Presence to move

Throughout the unified field.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

I ask that the highest level of my Spirit

Radiate forth from the center of my heart,

Filling this unified field completely.

I radiate forth throughout this day.

I AM a unity of Spirit.

I AM a unity of Light.


And So it is. Amen.


The Unified Chakra Meditation


  • is designed to train your chakras to stay open and connected multi-dimensionally


  • The Unified Chakra creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field. When all your energies are aligned and connected, it is much easier to live Heaven on Earth.


  • It also helps to screen out other people’s pictures of reality.


  • By practicing the Unified Chakra regularly, you will train the different parts of yourself to merge, making you more present and able to follow your Spirit with each breath and each step. It takes 2 to 3 weeks of regular practice for this to start occurring.


  • It is best done in a sitting position with the seven body chakras aligned vertically.


  • It is suggested you do it daily.


  • Unlike most meditations, you do not leave your body; you stay conscious. It is an altered state but it is one that you can live in.


  • It is sometimes helpful when first using it, to record it, and play it, when learning until you get more familiar with the process.


  • It is also important to feel what is going on in your fields. This is not a visualization technique. As you progress in the meditation, you will feel your consciousness expanding as the Higher parts of you connect into your personality.



Please comment below about your own experiences with this Meditation. I would love to hear from you.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all that you do. I appreciate all of you. I love you all. God bless you all.  In Loving Service. Namaste.


Online sources for the Unified Chakra Meditation:


Buy Tashira Tachi-Ren's book What is Lightbody? at

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Want to quickly uplift yourself? Doing white light healing meditation on a regular basis increases the Light quotient of our entire energy field. This unlocks our natural healing capacity, uplifts us and increases our overall wellbeing. The following meditation is for individual as well as humanitarian / planetary healing. It is an awesome way to start the day!

If you haven’t already, you may want to read the Chakra Meditation page first, for background information and variations you can use with this and other meditations.

This meditation was originally inspired by Tony Stubbs’ “Invocation to the Unified Chakra,” (from his book, An Ascension Handbook.) I continually adapt, change, and sometimes abbreviate it, according to what is needed at the time. I encourage you to do the same.

You can read it by sections, closing your eyes to do each step, or record it in your own voice and then listen to it. Take as many breaths as you wish for each step. Take your time. Slow down and focus attention on the words. Feel free to insert your own words for “God,” “Source,” “Higher Power,” etc.

And now…

Sit back and relax, with your spine straight. Uncross your legs, arms and hands. Close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath, without trying to change it. Just observe it as you breathe in and out for a few minutes.

A stream of pure White Light Healing Energy flows down from Source and into the top of my head – a glorious waterfall of pure unconditional Love, wellbeing, vitality and joy, straight from the Heart of Creator, flowing into my being.

white light healingThis pure White Light Healing Energy shines like millions of diamonds, reflecting all the colors of the rainbow, each color carrying a specific ray of healing and nourishment into all levels of my Being. I breathe this stream into the top of my head, through my Crown Chakra. Healing Light flows into every cell of my being, enlightening, enlivening and nurturing me.

I breathe in this White Light Healing Energy all the way down to the soles of my feet, out my feet and deep into the core of Mother Earth. I AM creating a permanent, continuous corridor of Light from the Heart of Source, down through all levels of my being and deep into Beloved Mother Earth. As my breath goes out, I breathe this White Light Healing Energy out from my Heart to all Humanity.

This Healing Light circulates through me and I surrender and release everything that has veiled or obscured Love. Old residues and dense particles of energy are consumed by this White Light, immediately burning up in its brilliance.

From my Crown Chakra, I breathe this pure Diamond Light into my Brow Chakra or Third Eye, in the middle of my forehead. I breathe in pure White Light, Love and clarity. I release everything that has blocked my reception of the Highest Light and Love of Source. I ask this White Light Healing Energy to open my inner vision to a broader, light-filled, continually expanding perspective.

From the top of my head, I breathe the pure Healing Light and Love of Source into my Throat Chakra at the base of my throat, my place of speaking and being my Truth. I release everything that veils the Truth of Who I Am. White Light flows out from this energy center, affirming to the world the Highest Truth of Who I Am. As I breathe out, the pure White Light Healing Energy from Source flows through my throat and out to all Humanity, bringing Light Healing and Love to the world through my voice.

Still breathing in White Diamond Light into the crown of my head, I breathe it down into my Heart Chakra,expanding my Heart in a brilliant sphere of pure White Light, radiating out in all directions. I AM a unified field of pure White Light, and I breathe Healing Light into, within, through, and around my body. In this Light Healing, I release everything that has veiled love. I AM a unity of Light. I breathe out White Light Healing Energy to all Humanity through my Heart Center.

From my Crown Chakra, I breathe in the pure White Light Healing Energy into my Solar Plexus (just below my Heart) – my parent chakra. I release and free myself from all the “shoulds” and rules I’ve adopted that obscure Love and Light. I AM an expanding unified field of pure White Light, and I breathe Healing Light into, within, through, and around my body.

white light healingAs I continue breathing in pure White Light Healing Energy from the crown of my head down, I breathe it into my Sacral Chakra (just below my navel) – my child chakra. I feel a beautiful and innocent child alive within me. Pure White Healing Light, Unconditional Love and Divine Compassion nurture this young being who lives inside me. I open to Source and feel It loving me as I AM. I surrender everything that veils Light. I AM a unified field of pure White Light, and I breathe Healing Light and wellbeing into, within, through, and around my body.

From the top of my head, I breathe in pure White Light Healing Energy down into my Root Chakra (at the base of my spine). Here I feel my tribal connection with Mother Earth and all my fellow human beings. I release all separating and constricting imprints stored in my Root Chakra. I AM a unified field of pure White Light, and I breathe Healing Light into, within, through, and around my body.

With each breath, this Healing Light expands out in a brilliant sphere of White Light all around my physical body. It now includes my Alpha Chakra, above my head, and my Omega Chakra, just below my spine. I release everything that vibrates at a frequency less than God’s Infinite Perfection. I AM a unified field of pure, brilliant White Light, within, through and around my body. Through my Heart Center I breathe out this brilliant Healing Light to all Humanity.

Each breath I take expands this Unified Field of Light even further. Healing Light is now permeating my Emotional Body. This pure White Light floods all my emotions with Light Healing and cleansing. I release everything within my Emotional Body that has obscured the Light. I AM a unified field of pure, brilliant White Light, within, through and around all levels of my being. I breathe out this Diamond Light through my Heart Center to all human kind. I AM a conduit for the Healing Light of Source to flow to all Humanity.

white light healingStill expanding out with each in-breath, this Unified Field of Light extends out even further. Now my Causal Body is permeated with the pure White Light Healing and Love from Source. I invoke the Healing Light of God to transmute the cause, core, effect, habit, record and memory of every thought, feeling, word or action I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, known or unknown, that reflects limitation of any kind. I ask this White Light Healing Energy to transmute every electron of precious Life Energy that has my signature on it in any place and time that reflects anything less than the Infinite Perfection of God. As all electrons are transmuted to God’s Perfection, I fill this space with the White and Golden Light of God’s Pure Healing. I AM a unified field of pure, brilliant White Light, within, through and around all levels of my being. I breathe out this Healing Light through my Heart Center to all human kind, so that all life can partake of this healing energy.

I continue expanding into even more brilliant regions of White Light Healing Energy with each breath I take. This Healing Light is now expanding into my Mental Body, permeating all my thoughts with pure White Light and wellbeing. I let go of all limiting ideas, thoughts and beliefs. I AM a unified field of pure, brilliant White Light, within, through and around all levels of my being.

With each in-breath I continue expanding into even higher, more refined spheres of White Light Healing Energy. This Healing Light now expands into my Etheric Body, permeating all subtle and psychic energies with pure Diamond Light. I let go of all limiting energetic connections. I AM a unified field of pure, brilliant White Light, within, through and around all levels of my being. Through my Heart Center, I breathe out this Light Healing to all Humanity.

As I breathe in, I continue expanding out even further with White Light Healing Energy. This Healing Light is now expanding into my Spiritual Body, with the full force of God’s brilliant White Light. I AM a unified field of pure, radiant, White Light, within, through and around all levels of my being. I breathe out this Healing Light through my Heart Center, consecrating every facet of my being as a channel for Source to use for all Humanity.

My in-breath continues to expand the unified field of White Light Healing Energy even further. This Healing Light now expands into, permeates and awakens my Avatar / Christ Self. I AM a unified field of pure, radiant, White Light, within, through and around all levels of my being. I breathe out this Divine Healing Light through my Heart Center to all Humanity.

As I breathe in, I expand into the pure essence of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. The Pink Divine Feminine Ray and the Blue Divine Masculine rays merge within me into a Sacred Violet Flame of Infinite Forgiveness and Transmutation, now filling my entire being on all levels and dimensions. Through my Heart Center, I breathe out this Sacred Violet Flame of Infinite Forgiveness and Transmutation to all Humanity. Together we transmute all electrons of Life Energy in all time and dimensions that vibrate at anything less than God’s Infinite Perfection, back to the pure state of Divine Light and Love.

white light healingAs I continue breathing in, I expand the unified field of White Light Healing Energy even more. I consciously expand into my I AM Presence.I AM a unified field of pure, radiant, White Light, within, through and around all levels and dimensions of my being. Through my Heart Center I breathe out my I AM Presence and join with the I AM Presence of all Humanity, the I AM Presence of Mother Earth, the I AM Presence of all Emissaries of the Highest Light and Love and the I AM Presence of All That Is. I AM a Unity of Healing Light.

And now with my in-breath I expand into God Presence, the purest illuminating Light, Love and Truth of All That Is. I AM a unified field of the pristine, radiant Perfection of God, within, through and around all levels and dimensions of my being. With every out-breath I breathe out to Humanity this Infinite Perfection and Radiant White Light and Love of God.

As I breathe in, I AM a Continuum of Healing Light, from the Glorious Heart of Source, through all the levels of my being, all the way down and through my Physical Body, out the soles of my feet, and deep into the Heart of Mother Earth. I AM a continuous, unified field of White Light Healing Energy within, through, and around all dimensions and levels of my being. Through my Heart Center, on all dimensions, I breathe out the full breadth, width and depth of this Sacred Love and Light of Source to all Humanity.

I ask this continuous, Unified Field of Healing Light – The Highest Level of Spirit – to Permanently Radiate from the center of my Heart, filling all levels of my Being completely. I ask it to shine out to all Humanity where we meet in one glorious Unified Field of White Light Healing Energy.

I radiate forth throughout this day as pure White Light Healing Energy. I AM Unity of Spirit. I invoke this Unified Field of Healing Light to guide me in all that I do. I ask this Light to anchor itself in my Heart Center and the crystal that I wear over my Heart (if you wish to wear one and anchor this Light into it).

In deep humility and profound gratitude, I ask that this Healing Light of God shine through me to all life, claiming me as a channel for the Highest Love, Light and Healing, for Beloved Mother Earth and all who live here, including myself. I AM an Open Door to God’s Infinite Light, Love and Grace that No One Can Shut.

I accept this White Light Healing and I know it is God victoriously accomplished. And so it is. Beloved I AM!




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Walking Terra Christa New Earth Academy of Mastery is offering this amazing modality which assists individuals in accessing their I AM Presence and activating their higher essence on a daily basis.  This modality was previously given in a private session with a Chakra Balancing Alignment.  We found in 2013 that we could form a group class to assist individuals to receive this amazing attunement at a much lower price than before.  Not only that, we elevated the essence of the Diamond Heart Essence with Divine Light Language Codes that activate the diamonds within each person.

To make the DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm process easier, what we have now chosen to do is hold a group healing training session to begin the process of clearing the chakra system of anyone attending. We will bring forth the assistance of multiple shamanic and intergalactic healers to act in concert with us. This will set the foundation for the clearing that may need to be done on the individual basis as the Light Diamonds are installed.

The format of the new DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm TRAINING course will therefore consist of a combined Group Tele-Conference Session (approximately 1 hour in duration) to be followed by a scheduled Individual Session (approximately 25 minutes in duration) to finalize the clearing and install the Light Diamonds.

To insure the best process, each person attending the training is required to re-listen to the Group Session Tel-Conference training immediately prior to their personal session. In this way we can eliminate the 2 hour time frame per individual that is currently required in this modality. (This means you will be taking the extra time on your own to bring in the required energies). The advantage is this also reduces the exchange rate we would normally have for each individual.

The DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm installs a full set of Light Diamonds that are attuned to the I AM PRESENCE within the MERKABAH LIGHT BODY etheric field at specific intersecting points corresponding with, and extending within, the physical body. Some of these intersecting diamond structures are at the 8 chakra meridians (the energetic wiring in the human body for accessing the Rays of God). Once installed, an individual can spin these Light Diamonds within their etheric and physical bodies using the energies of the I AM PRESENCE to clear and balance the four body system and all the chakras in a very direct and succinct manner.

This Training Modality now also instills within you these Higher order elements:

  • Spiritual Etheric Induction to the Melchizedek Priesthood and the Lord Melchizedek teachings
  • Etheric Access to your your Golden Solar Angelic Body with Lord Metatron
  • Formal participation in the Ascension Science Initiations through the Mahatma Energies
  • Vibrational Chants of the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace to have them directly assist you with the deeper energies of the 22 Rays of God.
  • Initial Access to start to integrate the Energies of Divine Mother and Father God

We hope everyone reading this will avail themselves of this unique and powerful modality to assist integrating the Higher Self within the physical by utilizing the greater energies of their own I AM PRESENCE. Once installed you can maintain and activate these Light Diamond anytime to strengthen and expand your MERKABAH BODY OF LIGHT which is an essential component of walking into a Fifth Dimensional State of Being.

Please take time to listen to our FREE DIAMOND HEART ESSENCE TRAINING CLASS,

Date:  March 11th, 2014

Time:  5 PM Pacific


PLEASE NOTE:  If you previously had the Diamond Heart Essence Session with Meleriessee, please consider to take this class as it is an upgraded vibrational version of the original session.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Radiance of the Self Kuthumi DK

The 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom is divinely beautiful to embellish upon our essence.  In the Cosmic level we feel this expression of the color of Golden Yellow to incorporate within our Crown Chakra.  It is only activated in this way on the higher dimensional frequency as it first is expressed within the Heart Center.  It moves upward from a Light Blue within the Heart Center into the Golden Yellow as our chakra system learns to express the essence of Radiance of the Self by expanding beyond what the Lower Mind can experience.  The vision is now through the beauty of our Divine Self.

Master Kuthumi is the Ray Chohan for this amazing Ray of Light.  He is assisted by Master Djwhal Khul which is a perfect partnership as their work goes beyond space and time working hand-in-hand with each other through the ages.  Take a moment and feel their beautiful essences embrace you with the Golden Yellow flame that they both embody in this moment.

It is our Divine Pleasure to speak with you through the essence of Love and Wisdom.  We are Master Kuthumi and Djwhal Khul at your service.  We would like to speak in unison about the essence of this ray, but we also want to share a part of our personal essence with each of you which we will do very shortly.

 First, let us embark upon the conditioning process that occurs within the lower mind.  Until an individual realizes the depth of their conditioning process within themselves, they cannot fully grasp the ideas that are enfolding within them from their Higher Mind.  Utilizing the Ray of Love and Wisdom will allow you to accomplish this task as it cannot come from concentrating deeply but truly allowing the flow of light to become One within their essence.  You see, the Love and Wisdom, does center within the Heart first within the color of Blue.  It must help an individual to receive the light fluctuations that are occurring within their Higher Mind so the light fractions are filtered within the Heart center to help open and expand the ability to receive their Wisdom of Creation through their Being.

This is what makes a Human become a Master.  Working within the Ray of Love and Wisdom will change the composition within an individual to accept their Divine Right as a powerful and enlightened Being.  Love and Wisdom creates leaders that are Heart focused and guided through the Will of God.

Until an initiate is fully ready to accept their totality of existence, the essence of Love and Wisdom flows through the Heart but then will actually change course and move into a higher essence.  This occurs by allowing the Higher Mind to be fully actualized within the Crown Chakra.  It is at this stage that a person will start to delve into deep spiritual study especially on the same wavelength as learning the whys and wherefores of Ascension and what it may mean for them in the physical body.  At times, during the transition this ray will be activated within the Planetary level of the Blue essence centering within the Heart to fully help an initiate to realize their full potential.  As we know, the Crown is the Spiritual Center of the Chakra Grid System so it makes perfect sense that once a person is ready to actualize their spirituality through the effect of the Crown, then the Ray of Golden Yellow will be activated.  It may take some time for certain individuals that have a tendency to be indifferent to others especially concerning spirituality and not allowing for the expansion to occur learning that there is a vast Universe that is part of the essence of God and not just one religious practice.

djwhal-khul-222x300I, as Master Djwhal Khul, say to you, the reader, that acceptance of the Golden Yellow Ray allows for the balance of the Mind through the acceptance of the Heart.  Many leaders do not employ this ray personally within their Being which is the cause of much dysfunction in your society today. 

 As each of you stand within the pathway of Mastery, take some moments to fully reflect within yourself how you exhibit your ability to express your views to others.  The most important element to acquire within your studies of spirituality and how it relates to mastery is to understand the concept of in-depth knowledge while applying it to the outside world.  It takes a great leader to first acknowledge their own ability to accept challenges that they may be encountering while sustaining a balance of equilibrium.  This takes great patience to endure adversity but all the while accessing their sense of insight and intuition. 

 This is the balance of the Heart and Mind within the Ray of Love and Wisdom.  These are traits that may take some time to fully acknowledge as the lower mind is very strong especially if the heart is weak.  The roles must become balanced by embracing the changes that need to be made through the process.

 kuthumi-letterGreetings of love and deep compassion to each of you trying to incorporate the best that You Are into the best that You Can Be.  This is truly the expression of Love and Wisdom in a short statement.  I Am Master Kuthumi, and I stand amongst many men and women of this world to assist in bringing peace and enlightenment into the hearts of the many.  How can I express to you the deep importance of allowing your inner wisdom to shine through your Heart essence?  It must be done personally, within yourself, and as the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom, it is my divine honor and duty to uphold within each of you the ability to incorporate this ray with the utmost ability to understand within yourself what it is to be You. 

 Expression to others of this nature is not an easy task especially for those individuals that have not had the understanding of what this ray may mean in their life, or do not hold this ray in any of their aspects of the four-body system.  It is very easy though to just stand within your power as it as it from your Crown within your chakra system.  As it moves through the Heart Center, then the essence will be ignited within you if you allow it to be.  Express your Will through the Heart and then speak the words that are necessary.  You will be more eloquent than you could ever imagine.  The essence that you express through yourself will be the Radiation of the Self.  Allow it to move through you and feel it deeply.  It cannot be denied as you fully accept the Wisdom of God within you.

 It is our Divine Pleasure to walk with you through Love and Wisdom as Master Djwhal Khul and Master Kuthumi. 

Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge which will fully assist you in the pathway of Mastery with ease and grace.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

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