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Daily practice for all round healing


This post will go through a list of actions which you can do to make yourself a much more healthy, aware, relaxed, easy-going, loving person.

Step one: Take a short walk to a quiet area, probably surrounded by nature. If you are not near a natural area, or it is not a nice day -- maybe just stay in your living room, or a quiet room somewhere in your house.

Step two: Sit down and relax, to steady your breathing. Maybe practice deep steady breaths, or alternate nostril breathing, to clear out your lungs.

Step three: Do a short yoga exercise, a example is salute to the sun;


Repeat this exercise until you feel relaxed, but not tiered.

Step four: Fill your chakras with energy, generally using Reiki, or another form of energy sharing; like Ethereal Crystals.

(You may want to call your spiritual guides/angels/archangels, to help with your healings.)

Step five: Ground, to relieve yourself of all negative energies.

Step six: Meditate for 10 - 15 minutes. I suggest a simple Chakra meditation, or Zen meditation, practiced in Zen Buddhism.

If you feel stiff between any of these steps, do a few stretches. Like stretching your spine or spinning your arms gentle around in their sockets.

Do this exercise daily, and make sure you have plenty of fresh air around you, so maybe if you are inside, open a window?

 Love & light,

Solomon Azulay.


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~ via Suzanne Lie
Posted: 04 Jun 2013 09:20 PM PDT

We Arcturians have often spoken of the Heart/Mind in which the heart, your High Heart and the mind, along with your multidimensional consciousness, are merged into ONE. This joining creates a liaison that initiates a quantum shift of both your thinking, which becomes multidimensional in nature, and your emotions ability to receive, contain and disburse unconditional love.
Since unconditional love is the bonding force of the multiverse, once you allow it into your multidimensional consciousness it bonds unconditional love into your vessel. At the same time, your multidimensional consciousness guides you to perceive and accept unconditional love. The ability to think multidimensionally and to receive and use unconditional love is the key to the transmutation of your earth vessel.
As the multidimensional consciousness and unconditional love becomes blended into your Heart/Mind, the Three Fold Flame within your High Heart becomes activated to initiate the return of your innate power within, infinite wisdom and unconditional love into your daily life. These attributes actually serve you as a "virus protector" by emanating a multidimensional energy field around your physical body.
This energy field creates a “lens” which expands your perspective beyond the limitations of your physical reality so that you can place your attention onto the higher frequencies of reality. Where your attention is, there you are also. Hence, as your multidimensional consciousness chooses to attend to a higher frequency of reality, your unconditional love can bond with that higher expression of Earth. In this manner, you will create your energetic pathway into fifth-dimensional New Earth.
Free of many third dimensional illusions and limitations your earth vessel begins to resonate to the power of multidimensional thinking, the wisdom of the higher dimensions and the ability to live within the constant feedback of unconditional love. Unconditional love is much like a mirror. When your aura resonates to unconditional love you consciously perceive and experience every energy pattern that you transmit into your reality.
Thus you have instant feedback of any energy that you send into your world. This component of unconditional love is what prepares you for life in the fifth dimension where there is no time. Within the NOW of the fifth dimension you every thought and emotion is instantly manifested.
However, if you hold any fear-based thoughts or emotions, you create a thought form that can only manifest in a reality in which there is fear. Since there is no fear in the fifth dimension and beyond, your consciousness is instantly pulled into a lower frequency of the fourth dimension where that thought form can be, and is, manifested.
In other words, the frequency of your thoughts dictates the level of reality in which the thought-forms are manifested. Further, that manifestation pulls your consciousness into the frequency/dimension of reality in which your thought form manifested.
Therefore, whenever your thought form is created by a love-based thought, and you fuel that thought with unconditional love it is manifested in a reality that resonates to the frequency of unconditional love. Hence, your consciousness is instantly pulled into the higher resonance of reality in which that thought form manifested. It is in this manner that you will begin to create an energetic pathway to New Earth.
New Earth is not at place. New Earth is a higher frequency of the exact Earth on which you hold a physical form. Hence, you can maintain that physical form while you visit New Earth. Thus, just as you would leave your car in the airport parking lot when you fly to another location, you can leave your physical body on physical Earth while you travel inter-dimensionally.
However, just as you may not want to leave your cherished car in a field, you may not want to leave your earth vessel in an insecure location while you transport your consciousness into a higher reality of Earth. Therefore, it is important to make sure your physical vehicle is in a safe place while you take your inter-dimensional "flights" to New Earth.
Fortunately, New Earth does not resonant to time. Hence, you can leave your earth vessel, which exists within time, and return to it just a millisecond after you left it. In fact, you may be having many visits to New Earth of which your physical body and 3D consciousness is unaware. However, your cellular consciousness is aware of these visits, as it was protecting your physical form while you were "gone" into no-time.
Fortunately, there is a bonding frequency that adheres your earth vessel to the frequency of your third/fourth dimensional reality. You cellular consciousness is aware of this frequency and emits it from your physical body while you are on a multidimensional journey. Your multidimensional consciousness perceives this emanation and uses this energetic beacon to “light its way” back into your physical form.
Many of you are feeling great fatigue because it is increasingly difficult for you to maintain the lower dimensional consciousness of your physical form. In fact, it is work to have your consciousness limited to such a low frequency when your Heart/Mind wants to soar into the higher worlds.
Your third dimensional thinking is addicted to the frequency of operation that it has maintained for myriad incarnations. Therefore, the higher light that is activating your Heart/Mind is creating an inter-dimensional tug-of-war. One component of your consciousness seeks to remain in the familiar operating frequency that binds you to the third/fourth dimension while another component of your consciousness is pulling you away from that density of reality.
Hence, you may feel like an airplane that is trying to take off while still tethered to the landing strip. This tug-of-war creates great fatigue in your physical form. When you fight this fatigue you are functioning via your third dimensional operating system. On the other hand, when you surrender to the fatigue, you are operating from a fifth dimensional state of consciousness.
Since your state of consciousness adheres you to a reality of the same resonance, the third dimensional consciousness/behavior of fighting for what you want adheres you to the physical world. Conversely, the fifth dimensional consciousness/behavior of surrendering to the moment adheres you to a fifth dimensional reality.
In your long journey through third dimensional life, you have learned that you must fight the constant illusion that you are not good enough to get what you want. Now you must release that third dimensional behavior of fighting for so that you can embrace the fifth dimensional behavior of surrendering into the NOW of each moment.
The many illusions of time and space have created the belief that you must fight your way through the myriad 3D barriers that lie between you and your goal. In the fifth dimension, your goal is to BE your Multidimensional SELF. Hence, when you surrender into your goal, you surrender into your Multidimensional SELF. When you fully surrender into your Multidimensional SELF you ARE fifth dimensional. Thus, when you surrender into the process of transmuting your 3D earth vessel into a 5D Lightbody, you greatly facilitate this process.
This transmutation begins by allowing your fifth dimensional consciousness to merge with your third dimensional body, which is already connected with the cells and DNA of your earth vessel. Your cellular consciousness is already multidimensional. Your cells are made up of molecules. These molecules are multidimensional in that they extend into the subatomic levels in which the templates are formed for your body. Your cellular consciousness is also connected to your DNA.
Therefore, as your DNA continues to expand from just the 3% third dimensional DNA into the 97% multidimensional DNA, your consciousness expands from your physical reality into your multidimensional expressions of self. Furthermore, while you are shifting at the level of your DNA, you are also shifting at the level of your daily state of consciousness.
Your cellular and DNA consciousness are best identified as your “super-subconscious.” This super-subconscious, subatomic consciousness is the quantum level in which the 97% DNA functions as a two-way portal of light. These myriad light portals are two-way in that this DNA serves as a portal that is able to receive the higher frequencies of light into your earth vessel, while it also projects that light into your daily life.
When you are editing a paper that you are writing, you may “save a copy” of the original so that you have an unaltered version to consult while you are editing the new version. However, in this case you are in the process of using the original version of your earth vessel. Thus, the “copy” of your transmuting vessel is the one saved being saved to your fourth dimensional “computer files.”
In this manner, you can still function on physical Earth while you are simultaneously altering your body at a cellular level. Hence, you have two versions of earth vessels. You have the original version that can only function on the physical plane, as well as the multidimensional Lightbody version that can function on any frequency of reality. We hear your question of,
"Why don't we just keep the transmuting vessel?"
This is a good question, which we will now answer. There are two reasons why you want to keep your original vessel.
First, the transmuting vessel is still “under construction” and can only be operated by your higher states of consciousness. Since you are transmuting your body while you are still holding many third dimensional obligations, it is often difficult to maintain a constant connection to your multidimensional consciousness. Thus you still need to “drive” your physical vessel when your consciousness is attached to your physical consciousness.
The second reason is because you are in partnership with Gaia. Therefore, you have volunteered to align your personal consciousness with the planetary consciousness. Thus, as your personal consciousness expands, so does the planetary consciousness. Likewise, as the planetary consciousness expands, so does your personal consciousness. Also, since many of Her inhabitants, mostly human, need more “time to transmute their personal earth vessels, Gaia is keeping Her planetary earth vessel. In the same manner, you are maintaining your physical vessel so that you can assist others.
Many of you are feeling as though you are two persons. In fact, that is exactly what is happening. People and planet are maintaining a physical "original" while they experiment with the new concept of ascension without destruction. Furthermore, you may find that some of the alterations that you have made to your copied file do not work. Fortunately, you still have your original to consult.
For example, you may find that you have taken in more Light than your transmuting version of SELF can easily contain. Therefore, that vessel is temporarily out of order until you have adapted to the new, higher frequency operating system. In this case, you can return to the 3D version of your vessel while your transmuting “copy” is grounding the higher light within the core of the planet and within the core of each cell of your physical vessel.
What would happen if you turned on a huge generator and did not ground it? It would short circuit. Your 3D vessel is your grounding cord, while your "copy" is your transmuting vessel is accepting higher and higher frequencies of light. In this manner, there is no destruction of your physical form.
Hence, you do not need to "die" when you ascend. In the same manner, Gaia has maintained Her original version of a 3D planet while Her "copy" is being transmuted. Then, She too has the physical Earth to ground the higher light that She is also downloading. Thus, just as you do not destroy your physical personal vessel, she is not destroying Her physical planetary vessel.
You are not transmuting your form while in a Temple at the peak of an isolated mountain. No one is caring for your earthy needs or your physical form but you. Furthermore, many of you plan to maintain your original earth vessel so that you can assist others who are ascending at different speeds and in different manners. Keeping an operational version of your earth vessel guarantees that there are physical humans on the physical planet while other beings are adapting to the higher frequencies of light.
Your physical earth vessel serves as an inter-dimensional landing pad for the increasing inter-dimensional experiences of your multidimensional consciousness. Also, once your personal adaptations are complete, your fourth dimensional expression will transmute into your multidimensional Lightbody, while you still maintain a physical earth vessel. Then, your Lightbody will travel the Cosmos via its Merkaba/Starship, and “land” in your earth vessel to share your experiences with others.
We will return soon to share how the higher light transmutes each chakra. We ask that you take this message into your meditations so that your Heart/Mind can assist you to access your innate infinite wisdom, power within, unconditional love and multidimensional thinking to deeply embrace these multidimensional concepts.

If you call upon us, we will assist you.

The Arcturians


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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that there are few tools more effective or more useful in achieving deep knowing, true joy, and inner peace than daily meditation.

It would be very beneficial to take 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening -- more if you can find it -- to be quiet with your Holy Self. Your consciousness can be dramatically expanded over a relatively short period of time with true dedication to such a gentle discipline.

Are you meditating regularly? Is it the first thing you cut out of your day if things start off, or begin to get, hectic? It should, of course, be the last thing.

Love, Your Friend....






On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that when we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life,
or in the life of another.

Hellen Keller said that, and she was right. There is a situation in your life right now where you are being asked to do your best, your very best. Maybe it is in finding forgiveness for another. Or is understanding something that you just haven't been able to understand. Or in accepting what has to this point felt unacceptable.

Whatever that situation (and you know exactly what it is right now)...are you doing the best that you can? If you are, so be it, and good. Yet if you think you might do better, allow this little nudge today to be your gift from the soul. A miracle awaits if you will reach back now and do your very, very, very best in this.

Love, Your Friend....





On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that to find beauty in everyone you must see beauty in everyone, then announce that you see it, for in announcing it, you place it there in their reality.

Do not miss a single chance -- not one single opportunity -- to tell someone how wonderful they are, how special they are, how important to you they are, how incredible as a person they are, how beautiful they are inside and out. Do not miss a single opening in which to insert such a comment, genuinely felt and genuinely meant.

Make it your life's mission today to bring to the attention of another just how extraordinary they are. Say it. Say it. SAY it. Their heart is waiting to know that their own best thought about themselves can be believed.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that every action is either strong or weak, and when every action is strong we are successful.

Wallace D. Wattles said that, and he was right. You know when the action you take is strong, and you know when it is weak. You can tell in your stomach. Endeavor to take no weak action whatsoever.

Run away from it. Reject it. Go for the strong action, the strong choice, every time.

You know, by the way, what is meant by all of this. You have been weak in some of your choices and decisions, and you have been strong. You have been both in your life. But no more, right? Only strong from now on, yes?

And you know exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that what is important in your life is what you decide is important -- and this decision will indelibly create who you are.

When you awoke this morning, what was the first thing on your mind? On your list of Things To Do, what is #1? As you contemplate your current priorities, is there a person at the top, or is it some kind of doingness ...?

Only you can know what is catching your attention, what is calling to you for your energy. Yet you can ask yourself a key question...

Where is love in all of this?
Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that every action is either strong or weak, and when every action is strong we are successful.

Wallace D. Wattles said that, and he was right. You know when the action you take is strong, and you know when it is weak. You can tell in your stomach. Endeavor to take no weak action whatsoever.

Run away from it. Reject it. Go for the strong action, the strong choice, every time.

You know, by the way, what is meant by all of this. You have been weak in some of your choices and decisions, and you have been strong. You have been both in your life. But no more, right? Only strong from now on, yes?

And you know exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that life offers you an amazing opportunity in every single moment to see and experience Who You Really Are.

Watch yourself this day. Just watch yourself. Look at what you are doing moment to moment...and why. Ask yourself in the midst of it, "What does this have to do with my real reason for being here? Is this what I have come all the way to the Earth to experience?"

If the answer is a resounding Yes, keep doing it. If the answer is No, ask yourself, "What in the world am I doing?" Look at the words and consider them literally. What-in-the-world-am-I-doing? What am I involved in every day, and what does this have to do with my soul? It's just a question...just a question...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that you need not be concerned about money. Be concerned, instead, about joy.

How much joy are you experiencing in this moment? How much joy are you bringing to this moment?

The joy you experience will be the joy you bring. If you are waiting for joy to be brought to you, you do not understand what you are doing here. And if you think that joy has anything to do with money, you really do not understand what you are doing here.

There is a person waiting right now, right this very minute, for you to uplift them. Do that...and you will be rich.

Really. I mean, really. I'm not making this up.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

...that it could seem like you are losing something right now, but do not be fooled. This is simply a turnaround orchestrated by your soul.

Even before this, you were. And even after all this passes away, you shall be. All the Rest Of It is stuff and nonsense. The accoutrement. The flora and fauna. Pretty, perhaps. Shiny and sparkling, perhaps.

But having nothing to do with anything.

Let it go. Release it. If it was not supposed to be removing itself from you now, it would not be doing so. It will never return to you in this exact form, and it is not intended to. If it returns at all, it will be in a higher form. That is the purpose of its leaving. All of life only improves itself. It can't do anything else.

This is called evolution. Trust it. And now, smile. Tomorrow is coming! Tomorrow is coming!

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that your job, your invitation from the Universe, is to give people back to themselves.

You can do this every day, in a hundred ways. Why not practice it with the first three people you encounter after reading this?

It is really a very easy thing to do -- yet it can affect a person mightily. All you have to do is look for the best in that person, and then show it to them, right then and there. Describe it. Admire it. Thank them for it.

Do this for three people every day and watch how your whole life can change. At last you will realize what you are doing here. All the rest will be just stuff and nonsense.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.

Laura Ingalls Wilder said that, and she was right. This seems such simple stuff, such simplistic knowledge, yet when we truly embrace it as our living reality, our day-to-day lives begin to change in very important ways.

So take a look today and this evening at what sweet, simple things of life you may be looking past, or right over, and neither seeing nor enjoying. Look closely. They are likely to be right in front of your face -- something you're looking through every day

Love, Your Friend....

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Sparkling vanilla Christmas cookies

Hang these from a Christmas tree or pack them into boxes as end-of-term gifts for teachers and friends.

Makes 20 biscuits

Preparation and cooking times

Prep 10 mins
Cook 12 mins
Plus chilling time (raw dough)


• 140g icing sugar , sieved
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 1 egg yolk
• 250g butter , cut into small cubes
• 375g plain flour , sieved

• 200g icing sugar , sieved
• edible food colouring , optional
• edible gold and silver balls
• approx 2m thin ribbon cut into 10cm lengths

1. Tip the icing sugar, vanilla extract, egg yolk and butter into a mixing bowl, then stir together with a wooden spoon (or pulse in a food processor until well combined). Add the flour and mix to a firm dough. Shape the dough into two flat discs and wrap in clingfilm. Chill for 20-30 mins. Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5 and line two baking sheets with non-stick baking paper.

2. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to about the thickness of two £1 coins. Cut out Christmassy shapes (use a cutter if you like) and place on the baking sheets. Using the tip of a skewer, cut a small hole in the top of each cookie. Bake for 10-12 mins until lightly golden.

3. Lift the biscuits onto a wire rack to cool. Meanwhile, mix the icing sugar with a few drops of cold water to make a thick, but still runny icing. Colour with edible food colouring, if you like. Spread it over the cooled biscuits, decorate with edible balls and thread with ribbon when dry.

Nutrition Per serving
233 kcalories, protein 2g, carbohydrate 34g, fat 11 g, saturated fat 7g, fibre 1g, sugar 19g, salt 0.2 g

Recipe from Good Food magazine, December 2005.

Great Christmas Cookie Recipes: Walnut Linzer Cookies
Posted by julievr on December 7th, 2011

The holiday season somehow makes baking more enticing; I’m more inclined to make the effort and bake fancy cookies at this time of year than any other. Linzer cookies are some of my favorites – simple butter cookies sandwiched with jam, with a window to allow a peek of sweet colour. If you can find tiny star, gingerbread man or other festive cut-outs, use it to cut a shape out of the top layer. Finely chopped walnuts makes them even more festive.

Believed to have originated in the City of Linz, Germany, Linzer cookies are traditionally two round cookies held together with a layer of preserves or jam. The raspberry fruit filling used in this soft buttery cookie complements the nutty flavour of the walnuts.

How to toast walnuts: In large, dry skillet over medium-high heat, toast walnut halves or pieces, stirring occasionally, until lightly brown, about 1 to 2 minutes.

Walnut Linzer Cookies


1 1/2 cups butter, softened
2/3 cup sugar
2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup California walnuts, toasted and finely ground
1 tsp ground cinnamon


1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 tbsp rum or vanilla
1/4 cup California walnuts, finely chopped


1 cup raspberry jam

Preheat oven to 350˚F.

In bowl beat butter and sugar on high until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
In small bowl whisk together flour, walnuts and cinnamon.

Stir flour mixture into butter until well blended. Divide dough into three pieces and shape into discs. Wrap well with plastic wrap and refrigerate until well chilled.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out each disc to 1/8-inch thickness. Using a 1 1/2 inch round fluted cookie cutter, cut dough into rounds. Use a small cutter to make holes in the centre of half of the rounds. Arrange on parchment-lined baking sheets about 1-inch (2.5 cm) apart and chill in fridge for 15 minutes.

Bake the cookies in the centre of preheated oven, 1 sheet at a time, until cookies are pale golden, about 15 minutes. Transfer to rack and let cool completely. Repeat with remaining dough.

In bowl, whisk together icing sugar and rum. Brush over cookies with cutouts and sprinkle with finely chopped walnuts. Spoon approximately 1 tsp (5 mL) of the jam onto the bottom side of the solid cookies. Top with cutout cookies. Repeat with remaining cookies.

Makes approximately 3 dozen cookies.

Spring Daisy Apricot Linzer Cookies
Posted by thenaptimechef on May 11th, 2011

Spring Daisy Linzer Cookies adapted from Ina Garten


3 sticks unsalted butter, room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon good quality extract
3 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon lemon zest (optional)
½ teaspoon kosher salt
¾ cup apricot preserves


1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or Silpat.

2. Sift together flour and salt in a bowl and set aside.

3. In a mix cream the butter and sugar until totally combined. Then, add the vanilla and lemon zest, mix again. With the mixer on low, add in the flour/salt mixture until the dough comes together. Do not overbeat. Wrap in plastic and chill for 30 minutes.

4. Place the dough on a floured surface and roll out until ¼ inch thick. Cut out rounds in a 3-inch round cookie cutter. With ½ of the rounds, cut out a smaller shape. Use extra dough to form a few more cookies. Place all cookies on the cookies sheets and bake for 20-25 minutes.

5. Allow cookies to cool to room temperature. Then, spread preserves on the bottom cookie and place the cut-out cookie on top. Dust the top of cookies with confectioners’ sugar.

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3 Thai Chicken Curry - Low Fat Recipes

Low Fat Thai Chicken Curry
By Fiona Haynes, Guide

Coconut milk makes a wonderfully mild and sweet aromatic base for this Thai-accented low fat chicken curry. Chili garlic sauce and curry powder add the the kick, so feel free to adjust the quantities of these to suit your taste. Many supermarkets now routinely stock canned coconut milk and chili-garlic paste. Be sure to use the lite coconut milk, which is considerably lower in fat than the regular version.


• 1 14-ounce can “lite” coconut milk
• 3 tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
• 1 tsp brown sugar
• 2 tsp curry powder
• 1 tsp bottled minced ginger
• 2 tsp chili-garlic sauce
• 3/4 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast, cut into 1-inch pieces
• 1 red pepper, de-seeded and chopped
• 2 cups mushrooms, sliced
• 1 large carrot, chopped
• 1 celery stalk, chopped
• 2 bunches scallions, chopped into 1-inch pieces
• 2-3 baby bok choy, (green parts) chopped


Place coconut milk in a large Dutch oven. Add soy sauce, sugar, curry powder, ginger and chili-garlic sauce, and stir. Gradually bring to a boil over a medium heat. Add chicken pieces, red pepper, mushrooms, carrots, celery and scallions. Cover and cook for 5-6 minutes. Stir in bok choy and simmer for 5 minutes more. Serve over Jasmine rice or whole grain rice, with juices.

Serves 4

Per Serving: Calories 201, Calories from Fat 58, Total Fat 6.5g (sat 4.5g), Cholesterol 49mg, Sodium 518mg, Carbohydrate 12.5g, Fiber 2.5g, Protein 23.2g

COOK ON THE RUN - Low fat Thai Green Curry

Working out twice a day builds an appetite...but it's 8:50PM and I need to eat quick and healthy. I decided on making a quick curry. There is no shortage of Thai restaurants in New York City so I've been eating Thai curry on a regular basis for the past 6 years. I always have coconut milk in the house and happened to have to have green curry paste. Dinner was ready by 9:08. Another quick one!

Like the majority of the dishes I make, there is a lot of room for intepretation here. Unlike many Indian curries, where the dish is stew-like, in a Thai curry, the proportion of solids to liquid is small.

These curries do not have to be spicy either. Keep it simple.

Green Curry

1 13.5 oz. can of low-fat coconut milk
1 tbs (or more) curry paste
1 tbs. fish sauce (optional)
1 tsp. brown sugar (regular sugar works fine)
2 chicken breasts cubed
1 potato
1/2 onion sliced
and any other vegetables you'd like to add


Pour the coconut milk into a saucepan. Add 1 tbs. or more of the curry paste. let it simmer for a couple minutes. Add the cubed chicken and sliced onion. In a separate pot boil the cut potatoes in salted water until tender. Add to the curry.

Once all the ingredients are in the pan add fish sauce (optional) and brown sugar (again, regular sugar works great)

Serve by itself or with rice.


• Add chilis to heat up the dish.
• Don't be scared of fish sauce. Thais use it as we would use salt & pepper. But if you must, you can leave it out.
• It's up to you what vegetables you want to use. I've used eggplant, carrots, peanuts etc. Be creative.

Thai green curry – low fat
By: Frank Bordoni From: Good Food Bites


• 2 chicken breasts
• 1 cans coconut milk, or low fat coconut milk
• 1 handfuls Thaibasil
For the curry paste
• 4 greenchillies, chopped
• 2 banana shallots, chopped
• 1 sticks lemongrass, chopped
• 2 tbsp galangal, finely chopped or fresh ginger root
• 1 tbsp coriander roots, chopped
• 1 tsp cumin, ground
• 0.5 tsp salt
• 1 pinches freshly groundwhite pepper
• 0.5 limes, grated
• 1 tsp shrimp paste


1. To make the curry paste, using a mortar and pestle or blender, pound or process all the ingredients, to obtain a fine-textured paste. (This can be stored in a screwtop glass jar in the refrigerator for 3-4 months.)

2. To make the curry, cook the paste in a large non-stick wok or large frying pan over a low heat, for 5 minutes. Cut the chicken into strips and add to the pan. Cook for 5-8 minutes or until no longer pink.

3. Stir in the coconut milk and simmer for about 10 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Scatter over the Thai basil and serve

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Turkey risottoUse up any leftover turkey you might have with this simple risotto recipe. Ready in just 30 minutes - this recipe is a must over the busy festive period• Serves: 3-4• Total time: 30 minsIngredients• 500g cooked turkey• 200g broccoli florets, cut into small pieces• 100g carrots, cut into small julienne strips• 100g red pepper, cut into small julienne strips• 2 tbsp oil• 1 onion, chopped• 200g short grain rice• 600ml chicken stock• 1 tsp garlic puree• 100g grated cheddar cheese• SeasoningMethod1. Blanch broccoli florets, carrots and red peppers in boiling water for 2 minutes.Fry onions in oil until soft, then add the rice and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add stock and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20-25 minutes until rice is cooked and mixture is creamy.2. Add garlic puree and cheese and stir well. Stir in cooked turkey meat and seasoning. Gently fold in the cooked vegetables and serve.Nutritional information per portion• Calories 491(kcal)By Bernard Matthews FarmsCreamed turkey and mushroom soupUse leftover Christmas turkey to make this delicious, warming creamed turkey and mushroom soup. After all the cooking on Christmas day this soup is so simple to make and it makes a perfect light lunch or dinner on Boxing Day.• Serves: 4• Prep time: 10 mins• Cooking time: 45 mins• Total time: 55 minsIngredientsIf you have made stock from the giblets, add this to the pan for a full-flavoured soup instead of water. Also, any leftover vegetables, such as carrots, can be added.• Turkey carcass• 300ml (½ pint) left-over gravy• 1 onion, peeled and chopped• 2 teaspoons chopped fresh mixed herbs• Salt and freshly ground black pepper• 250g (8oz) mushrooms, sliced• 300ml (½ pint) milkMethod1. Put the turkey carcass, with any remaining turkey meat on it, into a large pan. Add the gravy, onion and herbs and pour in 1 litre (1¾ pints) water. Season well.2. Put the lid on the pan, bring to the boil and simmer for 30 mins. Lift out the turkey carcass, pulling off any turkey meat left on there, if you like.3. Add the mushrooms and simmer for 15 mins. Use a stick blender to half-blend the soup in the pan, or blend about half the soup in a food processor and then pour it back into the pan. Stir in the milk and warm through to serve. Add slivers of cooked turkey, if you like.Nutritional information per portion• Calories 145(kcal)• Fat 16.0g• Saturates 2.0gBy Kate MoseleyTurkey biryaniA fast and easy family meal to enjoy over the Christmas period, using leftover turkey and the trimmings. Great for a snack, supper or lunch for 2 people.• Serves: 2• Prep time: 10 mins• Cooking time: 35 mins• Total time: 45 mins• Spice level- 1 pepperIngredientsThis recipe will also be fine with leftover cooked chicken, lamb or beef.• 1 tbsp sunflower oil• 1 red onion, peeled and sliced• 2 tbsp chicken tikka curry paste• 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed• 200g (7oz) cooked turkey, sliced• 100g (3½oz) basmati rice• 300ml (1/2 pint) hot chicken stockMethod1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the red onion and fry for about 7 minutes, until softened and browned. Set aside about a third of the onion.2. Add the curry paste, garlic, turkey, rice and stock to the pan. Cover and cook for 25 minutes, until the rice is tender and the liquid absorbed. Sprinkle reserved onion on top.Nutritional information per portion• Calories 460(kcal)• Fat 16.0g• Saturates 3.0gBy Kate Moseley
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3 Cancer-fighting salads

Cancer-fighting salads
Article By: Jennifer Gruden

Try these 3 salads to get more cancer-fighting foods into your diet.

Although the risk factors for cancer are complex and no single food can cure or prevent cancer, numerous studies have shown a link between diet and cancer risk.

One of the most promising areas of research involves examining antioxidants. According to the American Cancer Society, "The body appears to use certain nutrients in vegetables and fruits to protect against damage to tissues that occurs constantly as a result of normal metabolism (oxidation). Because such damage is linked with increased cancer risk, the so-called antioxidant nutrients are thought to protect against cancer.

Antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and many other phytochemicals (chemicals from plants). Studies suggest that people who eat more vegetables and fruits, which are rich sources of antioxidants, may have a lower risk for some types of cancer."

Here are three salads to help you get more cancer-fighting foods into your diet this summer.

Power packed pomegranate salad

Pomegranates are known for their antioxidant punch, which has fueled pomegranate juice sales in North America and around the world. But the seeds may have benefits the juice doesn't.

A Technion-Israel Institute of Technology research team presented a study in June 2001 which indicated that pomegranate seed oil triggers apoptosis -- a self-destruct mechanism in breast cancer cells.

This salad combines pomegranate seeds with spinach, a leafy green also rich in antioxidants.

1 pound cleaned spinach leaves, tough stems removed
3/4 cup diced red onion
3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
Seeds from 1 pomegranate (approx. 1 cup)
1/3 cup toasted pine nuts
Salt and fresh ground pepper
Olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, or President's Choice brand Honey Pear Vinaigrette.

Place the spinach in a large salad bowl.
Sprinkle on the red onion, parsley, pomegranate seeds and pine nuts.
Just before serving, dress the salad with either shakes of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, or the PC Honey Pear Vinaigrette, to taste, adding salt and pepper as needed.

Blueberry chicken salad
Serves 4

Blueberries have become a part of the anti-cancer arsenal due to the fact that they are the berries richest in anthocyanosides, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the prevention of cancer cell growth. This lunch type salad is a great way to add blueberries into your diet, as well as increasing your consumption of leafy greens and lower-fat meat.

Feta cheese and pecans add a decadent feel to the dish.

4 cups sliced Belgian endive (about 2 large heads)
1 cup gourmet salad greens
1 1/2 cups chopped roasted skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
2 tbsp chopped pecans, toasted
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp honey
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper

Combine first four ingredients in large bowl.
Combine vinegar, honey, salt, and pepper; stir with whisk.
Add dressing to endive mixture; toss gently.
Sprinkle with cheese and pecans.
Yield: 4 servings

Black bean and tomato salad

Beans contain a number of phytochemicals, which have been shown to prevent or slow genetic damage to cells – and may particularly aid in preventing prostate cancer.
In addition, the high fiber content of beans has been connected with a lower risk of digestive cancers.
Tomatoes also contain lycopene, which has been shown to be especially potent in combating prostate cancer.

2 cups corn kernels (about four ears of grilled corn, or use frozen or canned)
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups grape tomatoes, halved
3 green onions, chopped finely

2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp dried oregano
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine corn, black beans, and tomatoes in a medium bowl. Whisk oil, vinegar, oregano, and salt and pepper together.
Drizzle over salad and toss until coated.
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