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merkabah (2)

Archangels and Light Beings Surround Earth

The Picture, which can be viewed by clicking on the link, came to me in an email and I refer to it on this blog, because it so beautifully depicts the Earth surrounded by a glowing Merkabah field of Light in the shape of the Star Tetrahedron. This sacred geometric shape of Light creates a high frequency field of Light around whatever, or whomsoever, is inside of it. As such it creates a raised resonance state as well as a protective energy field.

We note the results of the efforts of the Light Beings who concentrate their efforts on Earth, as well as the Archangels who stand in attendance. All of this Light, beaming into Earth, can only be a good thing.

With the Merkabah field of Light in place around the Earth, we are assured that all who live here are stimulated by higher frequencies of Light. This means that human beings are more likely to start thinking from the basis of an awakened state of consciousness. From this we are more likely to choose to do the following:

Create more peace, both individually and collectively.

  • Live with the principles of Light and love in our hearts and minds.
  • Understand who we are as Souls.
  • Connect to our Soul Intent, and live that purpose, as human beings.
  • Realise what we are doing here on this planet.
  • Begin to understand what our purpose is for the future.

And, in this way, we gently and easily birth what has been termed the Golden Age on Earth. As we live the reality of truth, peace, harmony, tolerance and mutual co-operation we find there is no room in our lives for the lower resonance states no matter whether they are thoughts, emotions or actions, and we begin to live the reality and the truth of ONE.

Therefore, please actively participate in creating this state of ONENESS on Earth by keeping this picture in your mind’s eye and using it during a meditation, or print it out and put it in a place where you can look at it as often as possible. Our visual processes are a powerful means of creation, so when we consciously make use of them, we enhance their performance.

While we do this we note that calling in the Archangelic helpers of humanity and asking them to shine their Light on problem areas around the Earth, is all we need to do to raise the resonance of the whole planet.

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How to create a vortex

I've tried the Drunvalo Melchizedek Merkabah meditation but here is another method to activate merkabah/create a vortex-

Holy Grail Vortex

This exercise should be done with a statement "With no harm to anyone." Intent of exercise to be done should be stated before the exercise starts.

(Brings energy to the earth, downward direction)

First create counter clockwise vortex - in center - and say: From the point of Light within the Mind of God. Let Light stream forth into the minds of men. let Light descend on Earth,

Create second counter clockwise vortex - three feet out - and say

From the point of Love within the Heart of God, let Love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.

While these two vortexes are spinning, visualize the energy coming up in the cup of the Holy Grail.

(Now reverse the flow of energy and return it in an upward direction.) Spin clockwise energy field six feet out and say:

From the Center where the will of God is known, Let purpose guide the little wills of men, the purpose which the Masters know and serve. (Sends the energy to the cities of Light in the fourth dimension.)

Now spin clockwise energy field 12 feet out and say:

From the center which we call the race of men, Let the Plan of Love and Light work out, and may it seal the door where evil dwells. (Sends the energy now past the sun to the center of the Pleiades, which is the galaxy where Earth resides.)

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan of Earth.

(Never do the exercise unless you have permission from Mother Earth and your Creator. Also, it should not be done unless you have three people. Three people create a note of harmony. It is important that these rules be followed.)

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