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Meditation? (21)

Meditation and Enlightenment

Is meditation necessary for enlightenment? ~ Reposted from the internet (Enlightenment comes from Divine Grace, which is attracted to Love and the human seeking Spirit)

“A day will come when you will laugh at your previous efforts. What you realize on the day you laugh is also available now.” - Sri Ramana Maharshi

Many enlightened people spent years doing spiritual practices prior to attaining Self-Realization. Almost to a person, they claim their spiritual practices had nothing to do with it. Sudden, total enlightenment regularly strikes people who have no interest in spirituality, like alien abductions of the heart.

What are we to make of this? I think it’s like falling in love.

Someone strikes your fancy and you want to get to know them. Your heart is in your throat when you send that first, unnerving text.

There are mishaps and misadventures, as in any good love story.

At the same time, you get the strangest feeling that your love is in the stars. You tell your friends your partner is your soulmate and your destiny.

This isn’t like you. You’re a hard-nosed, “show me” realist, and now you’re going around like a half-cracked mystic.

But you’re right. You’re not pursuing a relationship - the eternal Relationship is pursuing you on the apparent, temporal plane.

It’s the same with meditation.

You think you’re meditating to attain enlightenment, but you’re meditating because enlightenment has already claimed you.

You think you’re setting out at dawn to find your quarry, but the “hound of heaven” has pursued you this whole time.

There are no “selves” trying to reach enlightenment or God-Consciousness - there is only God playing the eternal game of hide-and-seek.

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Laarkmaa, a group of Pleiadians, have a powerful Heart Meditation. 

It is found in appendix C of the book below


The book is on Kindle for $6.99. Click on the cover image above to go to the book.

I can't share the Meditation here because it is copyrighted, but definitely check it out.

It is kind of like the Unified Chakra Meditation or White Light Empowerment. 

You draw in Light to yourself then you send it to the world. 


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Unified Chakra Meditation

In 2009, I learned about the Unified Chakra Meditation. It is a powerful tool to accelerate your Lightbody integration and ascension or awakening process.

The Unified Chakra meditation below is adapted from the book What Is Lightbody? by Tashira Tashi-Ren.

This technique is based upon the original Unified Chakra from Angelic Outreach. This technique is brought to us by Archangel Ariel and was channelled by Tashira Tashi-Ren.


It supports your mutation at every level. The Unified Chakra creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field. It helps screen out other people's pictures of reality. Most of people walk around in other peoples' energies. The main thing is to get in your body and figure out what your energy is as distinct from other people's energies.


It is suggested you do the Unified Chakra meditation every time that you notice your attention is in the past or the future. At first that will seem like an incredible task, but if you do it with discipline, you will find that within two weeks you will unify instantly. By the end of four to five weeks, you won't step out of the merge. Unlike a lot of meditations, you do not leave your body; you stay conscious. It is an altered state, but it is one that you can live in.


Let's begin the Meditation.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Opening my heart

Into a beautiful ball of Light,

Allowing myself to expand.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand,

Encompassing my throat chakra

And my solar plexus chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand,

Encompassing my brow chakra

And my navel chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my crown chakra

And my base chakra

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my Alpha chakra

(Eight inches above my head)

And my Omega chakra

(Eight inches below my spine)

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my eighth chakra

(above my head)

And my upper thighs

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.

I allow my emotional body to merge

With my physical body.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my ninth chakra

(Above my head)

And my lower thighs

In one unified field of Light

Within, through, and around my body.

I allow my mental body to merge

With my physical body.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my tenth chakra

(Above my head)

And to my knees

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body.

I allow my spiritual body to merge

With my physical body,

Creating the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my eleventh chakra

(Above my head)

And my upper calves

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the Oversoul to merge

With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my twelfth chakra

(Above my head)

And my lower calves

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the Christ Oversoul to merge

With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my thirteenth chakra

(Above my head)

And my feet

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the I AM Oversoul to merge

With the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

Allowing the Light to expand

Encompassing my fourteenth chakra

(Above my head)

And to below my feet

In one unified field of Light

Within, through and around my body

I allow the Source's Presence to move

Throughout the unified field.

I AM a unity of Light.


I breathe in Light

Through the center of my heart,

I ask that the highest level of my Spirit

Radiate forth from the center of my heart,

Filling this unified field completely.

I radiate forth throughout this day.

I AM a unity of Spirit.

I AM a unity of Light.


And So it is. Amen.


The Unified Chakra Meditation


  • is designed to train your chakras to stay open and connected multi-dimensionally


  • The Unified Chakra creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force field. When all your energies are aligned and connected, it is much easier to live Heaven on Earth.


  • It also helps to screen out other people’s pictures of reality.


  • By practicing the Unified Chakra regularly, you will train the different parts of yourself to merge, making you more present and able to follow your Spirit with each breath and each step. It takes 2 to 3 weeks of regular practice for this to start occurring.


  • It is best done in a sitting position with the seven body chakras aligned vertically.


  • It is suggested you do it daily.


  • Unlike most meditations, you do not leave your body; you stay conscious. It is an altered state but it is one that you can live in.


  • It is sometimes helpful when first using it, to record it, and play it, when learning until you get more familiar with the process.


  • It is also important to feel what is going on in your fields. This is not a visualization technique. As you progress in the meditation, you will feel your consciousness expanding as the Higher parts of you connect into your personality.



Please comment below about your own experiences with this Meditation. I would love to hear from you.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all that you do. I appreciate all of you. I love you all. God bless you all.  In Loving Service. Namaste.


Online sources for the Unified Chakra Meditation:


Buy Tashira Tachi-Ren's book What is Lightbody? at

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God's Order Within Us


When we surrender to God’s feelings within ourselves, God embraces us and gives us all the justice in the world. He shows us the righteous way in revealing our love as He guides us on the path where He always stands by our side, trying to bring revelation into our home. When we open up to God’s love within us, we are on the right path of righteousness and on the way to paradise on the level of our existence.
When we are open only to material goods and forget about our inner being, we lose prosperity in our lives, because the real joy lies in sharing with others and wanting a just social system. When we celebrate every tiny moment, we are getting closer to our joy, which opens the door to God’s assumption and brings us closer to a righteous life. When we try our best to become conscious of ourselves and subject ourselves to God’s will within, we set off on a path leading towards our happiness and hope for a better tomorrow. A better future lies in a just social system which doesn’t neglect anyone, takes care of the poor and helpless and makes sure they receive appropriate social help.
When we only think about ourselves, we forget that someday we might also be in a situation where we will need God’s help, but we won’t receive it as long as we only care about ourselves. All good things come back to us and increase ten- or hundredfold if we do them out of the purity of our heart. Pure heart leads us on the path of love and self-acceptance. When we accept our real image, God’s image isn’t far from us. Let us accept ourselves on the inside, including all our unique qualities, and open up to God’s love that keeps us alive when we are losing hope.
When we trust ourselves, we surrender to God’s will within ourselves and let it show us the right path of self-trust and reliability of our decisions and changes which set us onto the right path. Caring for others and letting them know about our changes means that we are trying to make the world better than it has ever been, for when we are proud of ourselves, well-being enters our lives. When we are proud of our actions and long for a new chance to prove ourselves, there is hope that others will imitate our enthusiasm for achieving a better social order and inner peace. Inner peace is a feeling of longing for God’s peacefulness within us, which puts us on the path of a well-ordered life and inner self-image revealing us in the light of God’s wisdom.
When we open ourselves up for all the beautiful things God sends into our lives, we start to cherish every little moment of our lives in the company of wonderful people God puts on our path. God tries to enable us the optimal evolution through tests and temptations which open the door to self-trust and God’s peace within us. When we become open to God’s love in ourselves, this love places us into the center of existence and shows us how to achieve joy and accept life as a gift, because life is not self-evident if we don’t deserve it by consistently declining greed and inner restlessness.
God’s spark within ourselves helps us recognize the essence of life, and supports us during the most difficult moments of our lives, even when everybody else has left us. That is when God’s blessings become evident as they shut the door on arrogance which takes us further away from the essence of our existence, which is co-existence with everybody we live with. Also, they give us self-confidence when we surrender to God’s will. God’s will is a path which guides us on the way of righteous and courageous people who help others in need even if they don’t know them, because such moments are precious and rare. God sends them to us as a test and if we miss them, they rarely return.

We should try to be better than ever, and make building good relationships and raising children our most important task. We should also take care of our environment because we have been given magnificent surroundings, full of beautiful moments of living in co-existence with nature. When we don’t try to preserve nature as God has created it, we are destroying ourselves, because without nature there is no life. Destroying nature brings us closer to an end that nobody wants to see, least of all ourselves.

Try to have a new understanding of the essence of life which will lead us towards paradise on Earth and reveal God’s love within us, because God’s blessing is inside ourselves when we try to improve ourselves. God’s peace is a reward for everyone who approaches God in a righteous and natural way, through good relationships and an idyll which gives us hope for the salvation of the Earth as a planet in the best image of God in harmony with God’s order.

Sandi Dolinar

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The Path to Inner Happiness


When we look deep inside ourselves, we should ask ourselves what makes us so happy that we don’t hide our happiness from others. What is it that separates us from the times when we were dissatisfied with ourselves? It is love. Love is the one and only thing which always leads us to happiness, inner satisfaction, peace, mutual understanding… First the love of ourselves, and then of everyone else.
Why don’t we allow happiness to knock on our door, what are we afraid of? First of all we are afraid of our own selves when we don’t admit to ourselves that it is good to be happy and that people who are unhappy won’t suffer due to our happiness. When we show our happiness to the outside world, it becomes a part of us. When we look within and tell ourselves, ‘I’m happy and I’m going to show this to everyone,’ those who envy us will gradually distance themselves from us all on their own, because our happiness will have made them even more painfully aware of their unhappiness and dissatisfaction they carry inside.
The path to happiness isn’t always easy, sometimes we need to get rid of all the clutter burdening us day after day, and find our place under the sun among our equals. Whenever we want to feel happy, we should start celebrating even the smallest part of our day which will bring us joy. At times we are afraid that other people won’t accept us the way we really are, so we conform to that belief and want to please others. At other times we fear that no one in our life will love us the way we are, so we create a desire to be different, to be the way that other people will like us. We suppress our true emotions and come across as cold, since we don’t dare to show what we are feeling in a certain moment because our feelings may not be consistent with what we think other people expect from us. So we grow increasingly similar to everyone else day by day, caught in the everyday mediocrity. But when we decide not to live for others anymore, we shall begin to live for ourselves, please ourselves and become who we truly are.
When we become who we really are, it is time to let go of everything we are not. If people around us disagree with our new image, it is their own problem, not ours. We can say to them, ‘I’m sorry I’m not the way you would like me to be, but this is my life.’
When we are changing, we encounter numerous obstacles on our way, but if we are self-confident, inwardly believe firmly that we can do it and that we are the ones who will succeed, it won’t be difficult to overcome any obstacle. But where do the patterns holding us back stem from? They are dormant within us and lead us through everyday life either consciously or unconsciously. The unconscious patterns have been part of us for a very long time, eventually they have become the emotional mental programme directing our life, our way of thinking… These are the things we have picked up from our parents, our environment, some we have cultivated ourselves… Then there are also the conscious patterns, our character… If we look within and observe ourselves, we will discover which of our characteristics can make us proud and which can’t. If we try and change everything we can about ourselves, and accept everything we cannot change, we are already on our way to our new image which will pave the way to our happiness and satisfaction. As long as we are dissatisfied with ourselves, we are annoyed by everything in other people as well. Only when we begin to accept ourselves, with all our pluses and minuses, with all our peculiarities, shall we find ourselves on the way to shaping our personal character we will eventually take pride in.

The world won’t look more beautiful because it will have changed for the better, but because we will have changed. And if we change, the world shall change by that much as well. By radiating happiness and with our new self-image we will act as a role model for many who will follow us on their way to happiness and personal satisfaction. And that is the right path to transformation transcending personal happiness.

While searching for personal happiness we sometimes get caught in a vicious circle and cannot seem to find a way out of the existing situation which keeps repeating itself over and over again. Some people give up and resign themselves to their fate, others keep fighting, but only few find a way out of a crisis immediately. For example, we are disturbed by what someone is doing to us, but instead of telling them about it, we keep our dissatisfaction to ourselves. Or else someone hurts us and then withdraws from us, thus preventing us from dealing with emotions we are experiencing, or we experience a loss and act outwardly calm while suffering inwardly and we cannot express our natural emotions. In such cases we bottle our emotions up, turn them against us and create emotional blocks in our body which prevent us from expressing our emotions even when we do want to show them outwardly. Many people have been disappointed in their intimate relationships more than once. Later in life they tend to find it more difficult to connect with others, they don’t open up or show their emotions, since they are afraid of another disappointment and their fear is stronger than their love. In all those instances it is us who place limitations upon ourselves, which hinder us in everyday life. After we have been suppressing natural emotions for a long time, it often happens that they suddenly burst out as their opposites and become an even greater burden for us.

That happens mostly because our inner and outer self-images are moving further apart. On the inside we suffer, while on the outside we pretend to be happy. That causes severe stress for our body. Eventually, the body itself turns on the defense mechanism and creates inner peace by balancing out our inner and outer self-images. The inner image begins to show outwardly as an expression of the consequences of bottled-up emotions; for example, when the suppressed emotion is sadness, inner peace is created through the manifestation of depression. That way our body frees itself from constantly having to put on a front which doesn’t match what we feel inside. This becomes even more evident considering the fact that a considerable amount of time elapsed between repressing an emotion and the emotional balancing which is expressed outwardly. This means that we don’t deal with certain emotions as soon as they are aroused by an event, but instead suppress them, only to see them erupt later on in a situation which is no longer appropriate for releasing those emotions.

A similar process occurs with mental patterns which hold us back at every step. We create views and perceptions of most everyday things, and form deeply rooted rules of what is right and what wrong…

What is also extremely important on our path of transformation is accepting the fact that we can only change ourselves, we can never change others. Indeed, we often try our hardest to change people around us, but we keep forgetting that the only one we can change is ourselves and that others will change if we change first. This is particularly the case in intimate relationships. If we are unhappy with our relationship, we need to make the first step and change ourselves, and that is the only way the relationship will change. It is also important to allow our partner to be him or herself, and not limit them in any way. We can only limit ourselves, with our conscious and subconscious patterns, whereas we need to allow our partner their personal freedom. Personal freedom is irreplaceable.

The first step to accepting ourselves is to accept all our plusses as well as minuses, to change everything we can about ourselves and accept what we cannot change. And when we accept ourselves, other people won’t disturb us anymore. Next, the path to our love leads us further through wisdom and inner peace. The latter will be achieved when our body is completely relaxed and unburdened with everyday stress, troubled relationships… What happens in our life are events, and it is our subjective emotional-mental responses to them that cause stress. If we accept everything that happens to us as something good, although it may not seem as such at first glance, the events in our life won’t be stressful for us anymore. That goes especially for events we have no influence over. We often get involved in all sorts of things, and then get annoyed when the consequences result in further unpleasant situations. It is therefore extremely important to learn to accept responsibility for and the consequences of our actions. When we master that, we grow up.

Similarly, events which occur as a consequence of our mistakes won’t be stressful for us either. Everyone has found different ways of limiting the effects of stress and release the tension resulting from them. Some people go to a bar, do extreme sports or overwork, some use sex as a release, others take their anger out on a punching bag… But if we haven’t got a coping mechanism at our disposal in the moment, the tension only builds up within us. Furthermore, these methods of release only function for a short while, in the long run they are inefficient. It is therefore in our best interest to prevent the events from having a stressful impact on us. Whenever it does still happen, we can meditate for a couple of minutes and work through all our tensions and strains. That way we will have limited the effects of stress on our life in the very beginning.

In everyday life, meditation can help us in various ways. It is a form of relaxation and a way of establishing contact with oneself. By meditating we relax inwardly, calm our thoughts and generate within us the creative power to resolve all everyday problems. And when we learn how to incorporate our spiritual help into our meditation practice, the process of working through our stresses and strains becomes significantly faster. Our spiritual path is our life itself. We know that reading countless spiritual books, going to everything that resembles spirituality and then thinking about how enlightened one is, doesn’t make one a spiritual person. We become spiritual when we put our life in order; when we resolve all our difficulties and learn to deal with even the smallest problems as soon as they arise, when we create strong physical foundations which will be the base of our future. That way we also balance our life and achieve perfection in our existence. That is when spirituality becomes an upgrade in our life and opens up higher goals of our life.

Sandi Dolinar

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Inner self-image


When we take a look inside ourselves, at our inner self-image, we see a mirror of our past experiences and insights. Insight is a path which frees us from all of our old beliefs and helps us experience a better future.

When we open within ourselves, to our inner being, our outside appearance doesn’t matter that much anymore and things about ourselves don’t bother us as much as before. For example, if we haven’t been satisfied with our appearance, we realize that outward appearance is just a shell, and it is in fact our inwardness which makes us precious. Let us look inside ourselves, see our inner beauty and find within us everything we have been unsuccessfully looking for outside. Our awareness leads us to the highest discoveries about ourselves, to the self-recognition of our inner strength and the ability to change for the better in all areas where we want to change. When we close ourselves up and run away from problems, we are moving away from our essence, for helping those in need provides us with great inner strength and goodness. We shouldn’t force others to accept our help, because in that case they won’t appreciate us enough. We should try to be good when everybody leaves us, and believe in our self-recognition found in quietness and peace.

When we look inwards, into our inner being, we are getting close to the moment of our truth which has been haunting us for a long time, but we have suppressed it inside and haven’t let it out. Accepting ourselves is very difficult, yet it eliminates our arrogance and pride which are present when we don’t accept ourselves. Our inner image helps us create and fulfil all our hopes and expectations, for when we look inside and find within our inner strength, things happen smoothly. This is because we have attracted attention into our world that opens all the doors which have been closed up until now due to our self-distrust. When we decide to fulfill all our desires, our inner strength, which is part of our self-confidence, will enable us to meet people who will help us gain new insights about ourselves and find the path to inner balance. When we don’t accept ourselves in our inner self-image and don’t recognize it as our essence and core, we don’t like our outer image either.

Let us feel comfortable in our body, which is the only one we have. We should try to enable our bodies to function optimally. Our inner strength makes us realize how to act optimally in every situation. Our bodies let us know in countless ways what burdens them, but we don’t listen to these messages until we turn inwards. Our thoughts and fears burden our bodies also if they don’t come from our heart, from the essence of our core. Our core changes every day if we don’t follow the right path, the path of inner strength and self-recognition of our core, our essence, which is the purpose we live for and open ourselves up to the inner beauty of life. Life itself puts us on the path of change and opens new doors, as long as we don’t hinder our progress in a conservative way of accepting ourselves as separate from the whole. The essence lies in cooperation, not in manipulation and inner restlessness.

Let us transform in our inner image, which enriches us on the path within and gives us the strength to resist everyday temptations that test our self-confidence. Let us open up to love which is rooted within us and let’s not suffocate it, but rather accept it as something good which removes old rubbish inside ourselves that has covered up our core. Our core is the essence of life which opens our inner potentials given to us by God to accept ourselves. Everybody opens their own doors of inner courage and inner strength, which free us from everything we don’t want to be anymore.

To be or not to be who we truly are isn’t only a philosophical question. Love for ourselves sets us off on the path of becoming who we are and deciding that we never want to go back. Old things draw us back onto the old path, but inner love helps us open the door to what we want in our hearts, and find within us the path of inner reason and inner courage which enrich us day by day. Don’t look back, because there you will find experiences of the past which we have already accepted. Instead, open up to new experiences and tests that will enrich our inner peace and free us from the past. The past can only live in our memory when that is necessary so we don’t repeat our mistakes which pull us back onto the old path or the old way of living which we have already outgrown with our new inner self-image.


Sandi Dolinar

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Free download of Feel the Energy app for decreasing stress levels and finding your way to inner peace. Enjoy meditation, reading daily messages, articles, horoscopes .... 


For personal growth and help with working on yourself, choose the unique Feel the Energy meditation app. This app will become a loyal companion in establishing an open and solid connection with yourself. We all carry a spark of the divine within us, this app will not only help you rediscover it, but will also help you confidently steer your life in the direction of peace, joy and happiness. 

The Feel the Energy app offers the ideal solution for releasing stress, anger and low emotions that lead you away from a peaceful, orderly and happy life as well as harmonious relationships. 

This app can be used by anyone regardless of their experience with meditating. It can be used as guidance when taking the first steps toward self awareness or as a go-to meditating app for intermediate and advanced users who have already discovered the beneficial effects of meditation. 

Living in the past is a huge burden. The Feel the Energy app lets you step into the moment by increasing your awareness in the moment and teaching you acceptance of life events as they occur. It gives you the opportunity for rapid personal growth and personal development. 

Downloading the app free of charge allows you to enjoy one meditation session for free, read the Sun and the Moon horoscope and articles that offer an explanation of the way the spiritual world works and a magnificent insight into the development of humanity. 

The available in-app purchases include a 7 or 31 10-minute meditation sessions and the purchase of the De Le Roi energy cosmetics, energy cards as well as other products. Daily intensive meditation sessions are available for only 50 cents a day as a part of the monthly subscription. The benefits of meditating daily are faster personal growth and a more focused work on yourself, but the decision on how fast you want the progress to occur always lies in your hands. 

The app has been developed and is managed by Sandi Dolinar. Sandi has over 17 years of experience in running meditations. With his abilities to connect to the spiritual world, he has helped hundreds of people on their path of personal transformation and enlightenment. The experience has shown that people who attend his meditation classes begin to change intensively, evolve through inner work, and go on to improve their day-to-day life as well.

Please feel free to comment and rate the app.

Sandi Dolinar


Free download of Feel the Energy app for decreasing stress levels and finding your way to inner peace. Enjoy meditation, reading daily messages, articles, horoscopes....

Download at:

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I am looking forward to your comments, experiences, sharing this post ...

Sandi Dolinar


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From our evolved state of Unity Consciousness, we have the ability to bring a dramatic shift to any and all outplay not aligned to love. This assistance cannot wait a moment longer. We are marching now, into the Middle East as an invincible Army of Light. 
Begins this Equinox
September 23, 28, October 5, 12

 Go to Map and Register

Children of the Sun Foundation launches a most penetrating campaign to assist in transmuting the hate virus and its entire energy hologram that has kept the Middle East locked in a barbaric loop of prejudice, war, violence and killing.

Our immediate priority is to empower the land and the people to rebuild their life force so that the entire energetic system can be re-trained to reject the dis-ease of conflict that has plagued this entire area for centuries.


This mission is to help clear blockages, repair and reconnect the energy grid system. We will purify elemental matter and transmit highly alkalizing healing light. Our group forcefield will deliver a transference, likened to a walloping love vaccine, purposed to trigger eradication of a most deadly, hate empowered virus and its contagious influence.


We begin in the Middle East due to the current level of turmoil. We head next to Africa. If participation numbers are high, we will keep going strong.


 We are one Group Avatar in transforming action... NOW!


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Ohm shantih Harih

Hi everybody, I am Pieter Franciscus from the Netherland, I am a wicca, practionar of Reiki, and a meditation teacher, I help people with dream traveling, and to get of rid of mental blockades, and fear. Most of the time with guided meditation.Also with spirirual problems with your religion,family traditions.  I am initiated in the yoga and the indian religions. And wish you well

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My Beloved I AM of my Being.

In and with thee I take my stand for eternity. I come into this day in God, with God, by God and for God. I will live this day and every day in God, with God, by God and for God. And I will close this day in God, with God, by God and for God.

I Am God protected, God purified, God mentored, God connected, God illumined, God healed, God fed. God supplied and I Am God victorious over all that is of a discordant nature in my outer world.

I love the Light and I want to grow in my experience with the Light. I love the Light more than anything else in the World and I know that your Light is all wisdom, love and power within me and in all my experiences in my outer world.

I take my stand in the Light; for I AM the Light. This is the Light I experience in all things in my World. And I AM so grateful.

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Close your eyes and you will see clearly

Close your eyes and you will see clearly. 
Cease to listen and you will hear truth.

Be silent and your heart will sing. 
Seek no contacts and you will find union.

Be still and you will move forward on the tide of the spirit. 
Be gentle and you will need no strength.

Be patient and you will achieve all things. 
Be humble and you will remain entire.

~ Taoist meditation ~

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We are the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace in Group Consciousness.  We also comprise the Elohim Councils of God, along with the Angelic Councils which are 12 councils in all with 12 angels within each one.  As you know, we work directly with the Divine Mother and Father God to assist in regulating the frequencies through the Rays of God along with all of the principalities of Light.  It is our Divine Pleasure to assist you in this manner.

The activations that you want information about that will be occurring in November are going to regulate the frequencies for individuals to fully accept that there is something more to their lives than just what they are feeling. All of these activations are a step into the Gateway of 12-11-12 within a preparatory stage of development.

The essence of understanding about the Mayan Calendar encompasses more than many individuals realize.  It is a potential of understanding to allow the Christed Self to be born into each human being upon the planet.  The acceleration of the planet is taking effect deeply as we speak and will continue to do more through the process.  For those that have been on this awakened state of consciousness, these dates are only going to push them into deeper levels of understanding which is the same truth for all of humanity.  The point being is that the individuals who are working within a Pathway of Mastery will step ahead of everyone else.  This means that individuals that have a knowledge and expertise are being asked to go deeper to assist other individuals.  There are actually waves of consciousness occurring within an individual at this time, but it is up to their free will in how this consciousness will appear in their lives.

There is a deep knowledge that needs to be expressed in the type of individuals that awaken unto the planet and allow that vibrational level to flow within them.

[Please see the channeled message from Albert Einstein on the Theory of Ascension & What it Means for the Public Arena which will be posted on this blog shortly or within our newsletter.]

November 11, 2012 is a day when an opportunity will present itself to individuals that want to go further into the depths of their understanding.  As always the 11:11 activations are doorways for growth and opportunity.  It is important to realize that these doorways are activated through a person’s subconscious mind to allow the conscious mind to receive the message that an opportunity is presenting itself to them.  Not all individuals truly take advantage of this opening of frequencies in the way it should be done.  There seems to be a commonplace attitude that it is just another number. We believe that many people are receiving these messages through the clocks, on signs, within the media, etc to help them be aware that an opportunity is being presented to awaken them into a new reality.

This day on 11-11 is not different except on a much deeper level.  The degrees of acceleration are increasing through openings that are being guided from the God Force.  You see, humanity needs to wake up and what a perfect opportunity to allow this to happen through a time sequence.  11:11 actually means to come into Oneness as it is represented by the binary system of 4 digits being the same.  There actually occurs a time sequence of no time to occur so the frequency stops for one second of 11:11.  Each individual that stops for that moment within 11:11 will allow their Higher Essence to access their physical creation by acting upon the frequency of the ONE.  This is why so many individuals are feeling these frequencies within their lives.

The day of 11:11:12 represents the same no-time zone.  2012 is the year of the Golden Era when more people have awakened into a new reality than has ever occurred before.  This means that the percentage of individuals in this year will see 11:11 more often.  Since November 11th is 30 days before the Gateway of the New World is opened, individuals will be prepared to awaken themselves into a deeper level of understanding than they have ever felt before.  Some may say it is a warning sign; but in actuality, it is a moment of pure acceptance that there is more to themselves than what their mind can understand.

This also is a time when each individual that chooses to have an awakening will remember the essence of their Angelic Self.  11:11 has always represented to the Angelic Presence and this day is a moment to allow that Angel That You Are to be fully activated within the body.  There will be a remembrance and allowing the thoughts and emotions of the Angel that You Are to fully embody your physical existence.  Your Angelic Timeline will then be fully activated.  It is going to be quite a very powerful moment for humanity.

It is essential for individuals to be prepared on this day to walk through another doorway of awareness by allowing their Higher Self/Highest Essence to walk with them side by side.  Now for individuals that are newly awakened, the Higher Self will present themselves in a different manner; i.e., dream states, showing the clock energies, feeling elation, joy is within them, etc.  For the other individuals that are working within their pathway of mastery, they will go deeper and will be guided not only by their Higher Self but their I AM Presence.  This is being engineered by the higher frequencies depending upon the person’s awareness.  The more that the individual has accepted their pathway and is working on their Inner self, the deeper the knowledge will come to them.  It is an appointed time of entry to prepare the physical body to receive more frequencies in preparation for the gateway December the 12th.

This entryway is also going to assist individuals to walk through the following 30 days in the altered state that they achieved on the 11-11 date in November.  It is being geared by a person’s ability to be on the pathway of Light, to accept that Light within them, to work through their initiations, and move into the deeper realms for preparation into the New World.  The ones that are not on a mastery pathway will feel more elation and also have moments of realizing that more needs to be done.  It truly is an awakening day for everyone upon the planet.

We ask that you apprise all individuals awakened and unawakened that this is a day of awakening.  It is the first doorway to walk into the entryway of 12-12-12.  Preparations need to be done for each individual person.  There will be many that will not feel anything different as this is because their bodies are numb from the pain they have endured.  This is where we are going to be assisting within the planet to help the souls that are lost from themselves.

We suggest gathering with others whether long distance or in close groups to connect with the energies that occur at 11:11, 1:11, and again at 11:11.  All increments of “one” are very important.  The best time to connect is in your 11:11 time zone and the energy will run its course throughout the day.  Meditations should be done representing the ONENESS and connecting to the GRID of the planet to put everything into motion as we commune with every one of you through this day.

We must remind individuals that this is the first activation during a 30 day cycle and going about their business during the day will cause the deflection of energies within them.  This is not something that we want as the more energies that are involved, the merrier it will be.

The 11:11 day is a pre-requisite for the activation of 11:22:12.  Many of you realize that “22” is a master number and represents the initiation process of allowing the Gateway to be fully opened within an individual’s physical consciousness that relates to Mastery.  This means that each individual that fully activates the energies within themselves with the other activations of 11:11 and the Solar Eclipse of 11:13 representing the Feminine & Masculine Divine Energies being activated, will take them into the deeper initiation process that they have been undergoing.  It does not mean that each individual is going to jump initiation phases but there will be a quickening of energies that will occur.

We just uploaded a special video meditation for the11:11 Awakening.  You may utilize this video not only for 11:11 but all the activations that are occurring through December 21st, 2012.

11:11 Awakening Meditation

In addition we are holding a special tele-call on the 11th at 11 AM Pacific.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa.  If you would like to receive our newsletter which shares our open calls for these events and more channeled writings, please do so on the website.

Expressions of the Oneness of the All,
- Elders from the Throne of Grace, Elohim Council of Light, & Angelic Councils of Oneness at your service.

We hope that you will connect with others on this day of awakening.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission is granted to share this information with this link provided.

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Reiki Meditation Part 1

NamastheThis is a very power meditaion combining aii the values of other types of meditatin. Such as Transcendental Meditatin plis the healing power of the Reiki Energies. It can halp to bring about physical relaxation. Mental relaxation clarity including improved ability to visualise , clairvoyance .enhanced healing skills. And expantion of consciousness.It can also be used to help solve problams and achieve goals and and it has the amazing tendency to surround all the are of concern in your life with a soft white reiki mist. It is best done in the morning and. Or night or also whenever you have time.Method1. Sit comfortablly in a quiet place with your hands on your things or wherever else comfortable.Close your eyse and take three slow deep breaths. Imagine you breathe in a pure white light through the noseand breath out rubbish and toxic through the mouth.2. With your eyes still closed, draw the reiki master symbol in front of you with your right(or dominant) hand.At the same time as you draw, visulaise white or violet light comming out from your middle fingure.3.Visualise the image of the master symbol to be just in front of you after drawing and say silently to yourself its name 3 times. Hold the image for about 5 to 10 minute do not worry if your mind does drift to some other thoughts. Just be aware that your thoughts have drifted and them just return your focus back to the symbol in front of you(you will get better and better with practice)(If you cannot visualise at aii draw the symbol on a piece of paper let you eyes focus on it and relax. Then close your eyes while retaining the image)4. When you finish meditation in the symbol imagine it moving up into a field of light above you and bring your attention back in front of your eyes.5. Repet steps (2) to (4) using the power symbol mental symbol. And the DH symbol6. After the meditating on all the symbols you are now centered and charged with creative healing energies.You are now ready to go to the part two of the meditation(part two teaches you to send Reiki to the projects and challenges of the day actulize your goals and hepl or heal others at a distance)Manifesting Goals. Part Two1. State yourgoal silently to yourself ,create a picture of it in your mind of having already accomplished it and visualise the four reiki symbols around it, with the master symbol on top. CKR on the right SHK bellow and DH on the left of the picture. Hold the image in your mind for several minute or. On the left of the picture. Hold this image in your mind. For several minute or longer with the thoughts and feeling of accomplishment,Do this for each goal or project or send to help or healing to others. When you are finished with the image ,state, if this be oossible within divine love and wisdom them let it be so. .then send the image up to the field of light and place it together with all the other .reiki symbolls with a feeling of fullfillment,Accept the idea that the prosess is complete and that your goals has been established.Belive this to be true, then completly relese it from your conscious attention(If you are not able to visulaize simply write out the goal or healing on a piece of paper stating that it has been achived along with the four Reiki Symbols and hold it between your hands accepting the idea that it is surrounded with light)2: if you have reiki grid hold the master crystal in your right hand during the meditation to charge it.Then hold it between your hands and channel .reiki into it by projecting the four reiki symbols into it then your charge your grid now3. To the end the meditation place your toung to the root of your mouth and focus on the area just behind your navel. Then draw the power symbol down the front of the body with the spoiral around the area just bellow the navel and part your stomec 3 times at the same time saying its names 3 timesThis wil realise any excess build up of energy in your head and store it in the power centre4. Then breathe deeply and slowly and open your eyes when you are readyRakesh chenicheriLove and light
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• Present by light body is in a desperate state. It is weak, broken and polluted energies alien reptiles and others with whom we have close relationships. Suffers from a deplorable lack of energy. For this reason, I will now describe how energized by light body - feed THEM. This thing is essentially important. In the past they used a variety of techniques to increase the energy of light. body. Animals were sacrificed (energy taken from animals), and sacrificed humans (satanism, vampirism) in order to reach the strength and power to the rulers of the world are doing today. Were used and a variety of meditation, exercise, breathing ... effect was weak. All these aberrations to know what led.

And it is completely easy solution, but dark forces are not allowed to come to him because they would lose power over people. But the weather changed ...

So, if our body is made up by light from the light, which then feeds it?

Light of course. Specifically, it is supplied with light from two natural sources: the Sun and the Earth. It is composed of etheric vibrational energy of our star and our planet. And now that you know it, it's just to find out how to directly take energy from our father and mother and they want to give us free, can not wait to wake up and look.

I will now describe the exercise which I have named "Pyramid of the Sun."

So make fists pyramid.

Finger and thumb make up a triangle. Other fingers splayed. Spread your fingers until you felt mild tension in your hands. This will help to streamline the attention to the center of the palms. Next step is to activate the energy in his hands. Holding hands in this position, feel his breathing and his hands, his fingers and hands, pay attention to their interior and exterior ... Breathe aware of their hands and try to feel it in your breath flows through them. Breathe hands, breathe some air that flows through them. Soon you will feel the flow and the flow of energy in them. It can be a feeling of burning, warmth, something that flows ... It's your LIGHT BODY. Breathing is the key that opens the door to consciousness.

When you complete this task, and you feel the energy in your hands, pay attention to the triangle that you made with your fingers. It is an energy pyramid and the fingers on the side of the dish. Now, turn the pyramid of the sun and look briefly at the sun through it. Set up your hands so that the sun is in the center of the pyramid. Close your eyes and feel the sun power your palms, fingers, and energy pyramids, connect in this way with the energy of the sun. When you feel the sun that fills your pyramid and hands, breathe that energy right into your stomach in the landscape around the navel. You started to feed. Well, some laws are universal, such as physical food we enter into the bowels of the same so it is with food under light. Take care, breath of air power retractable and exhalation with the ejection. You pay attention only to the strong breath and exhalation should be neutral, release the body of a break, as we wishes, not controlled.

Be careful not to overstate. Solar energy is very intense so be cautious and moderate. As and when we eat physical food, if we overeat, being sick, hehe! At the beginning, you will hardly last more than two minutes ... Dizziness and drowsiness may be interrupted. It is interesting that after this exercise, people feel like drunk from alcohol and feel an indescribable joy. Haha, solar energy, all this, concentrated pure joy of existence. If you try this procedure'll understand what I mean.

Once again, I warn you not to overstate. Too much energy the sun can be very dangerous, be careful not to pass as Daedalus. Man that we found in the desert to die of thirst, we must not give it up now drink water because it will die. It should give him little by little until the body again adapt to a normal. So it is with on light fixture. But over time, your body will get used to a greater and greater amount of solar energy, while not shine the brightest! And then a dark programmers mind and consciousness of this world can only watch you and - to cry.

For, your minds will enter the frequency of the vibrations to which they may never to enter. In addition, solar energy will vremnom isceliti of all diseases and eliminate all negative energy.

good luck, this is a story of a man from Serbia who dont speak english and he has a 20 years of contats with extraterrestrials from pyramids in Serbia. I have tried an first day after a two minutes of eating my shutters have swollen, and the other day was great. Good luck


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Inner Journeys


                                     Stop! Be still! Listen to your heart and the love you have for self

                                                        and others and know your truth

                                 Put aside the seduction of mind and the glamour of this or that option

                                                          and truly listen to you, yourself.

                                   You will know the essence of truth when you allow your spirit to be.

                            Take time now to meditate, for in meditation you empower your spirit to Be.

                       As thoughts arise, acknowledge them and put them aside but allow them no energy.

                             Sit and observe that you are spirit, you are mind, and you are physicality

                                  Observe your mind, separate, you can observe your body, separate,

                                     and you can observe your spirit, your essence, essential being.

                              You have the answers within and they may not fulfil your expectations.

                    Put aside expectations and your spirit will love you beyond all previous understanding.

                                                                      You will be free.

                                                     How? That’s not easy I hear you say.

                              Not true, it is as easy as you are willing to allow it to be and as hard as your

                                                   clutch to the known and familiar will make it.


                  Mind and physicality will not easily surrender to your spirit just because you have chosen

                                                           to increase your spiritual awareness.

                      Others have trodden this path, some, a few, have seen the clarity of truth that

                                                             is a distillation of the essential you.

                  You are your spirit; it is only your mind that is holding you back in fulfilling your truth

                                                              and becoming all you want to be.


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Pillar of Lights Meditation

Sit or lie down comfortably, with your spine straight and legs not
Inwardly look upward through the Crown Chakra to the Source. Visualize
it, feel it or simply intend that it is about 6 to 8 feet above the
It can perhaps be seen as a sphere of light or a 12 faceted white
Take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your
mouth to center yourself.
Visualize the White Light flooding down through your Crown Chakra,
then into your neck, down into your shoulders and arms. Pouring
through your chest, and down your torso; into your buttocks, and your
thighs; then your calves, and down into your ankles. Into your toes
and the soles of your feet.
You feel energized and calm. Take three more deep breaths.

Archangel Metatron, Metatron, Metatron, come in please. Open, open,
open the very heart of the Source I AM. Open, open, open the very
heart of the Source Council of Twelve I AM. Open, open, open the very
heart of the Oversoul Body of Light I AM. Mahatma, Mahatma, Mahatma I
AM. Archangelic Kingdom of Light I AM. Open, open, open and ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Lord Maitreya Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Maitreya Buddha come in please.
Surrounding us NOW in a six-foot in diameter living liquid Golden
White Crystal sphere of the Consciousness of the Source I AM and
sealing it NOW that only Love and Light may pass through. Bringing all
polarities within this sphere into a state of union/fusion.
Lord Kuthumi, Kuthumi, Kuthumi, Office of the Christ, come in please.
Please open our heart chakras NOW. Placing within them 5th, 6th and
7th dimensional Rose Pink Crystal Hearts of your Unconditional Love
and Deep Compassion. Ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM.
Lord Melchizedek, Melchizedek, Melchizedek, come in please. Open,
open, open the very heart and Councils of 12 of the Universal Level of
pure Beingness I AM.
Lord Melchior, Melchior, Melchior, come in please Open, open, open the
very heart and Councils of 12 of the Galactic Level of Pure Beingness
Lord Helios, Helios, Helios, and Lady Vesta, Vesta, Vesta, come in
please. Open, open, open the very heart and Councils of 12 of the
Solar Christ Conscious Level of pure Beingness I AM. And ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Metatron, Metatron, Metatron, open, open, open ourCrown Chakras NOW as
One please. Releasing NOW from the very Heart of the Source I AM a
Trinitized River of living, liquid crystal light. Brilliant Diamond
White Light of the Source I AM; Brilliant Aqua-Blue Diamond Light of
the Divine Feminine I AM; and Brilliant Golden Yellow Diamond Light of
the Divine Masculine I AM. Three as One, NOW pouring in through the
Crown Chakra into all cells of the brain, into the mid-brain
hypothalamus, receptor of light; into the 12 major cranial nerves down
into the medulla oblongata brain stem; and down into the
electromagnetic spinal cord and flowing out into the entire central,
peripheral and autonomic nervous systems of the body NOW; touching
deeply into every gland, every organ, every body system; every cell
NOW receiving the Trinitized Presence of the Source I AM.
Archangel Ratziel, Ratziel, Ratziel, come in please. Open, open, open
our Pituitary and Pineal Chakras and ignite, ignite, ignite the
Antakarana Rainbow Bridge of Light, connecting the two and all that is
above to all that is below I AM.
Lord Sanat Kumara, Sanat Kumara, Sanat Kumara, come in please. Open,
open, open our Occipital Medulla Chakras, and ignite, ignite, ignite
the Light I AM.
Lord Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha, Lord of the
Earth, come in please. Open, open, open the Throat Chakra, and ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights, I AM.
Archangel Khamael, Khamael, Khamael, Lord of the Heart Chakra, come in
please and the four Archangels of the Golden Pyramid of Lights I AM
come in please.
Taking 3 very deep breaths, we NOW pass into the Heart Chakra, into
your Sacred Temple of your own creation. Be it Greek, Atlantean,
Egyptian, Tibetan, Mayan, or whatever form you choose. See the temple,
be it a sphere, a crystal cavern, a pyramid or a cube of space. See
the temple pillars and walls with all the sacred statues and altars of
the members of your special Spiritual Family of the Stars. You are the
Starseed, and it is time for the Sleepers to awaken. So within this
temple of your own creation, see yourself seated upon a golden throne,
encrusted, perhaps, with faces and sacred jewels, and see your naked,
golden, innocent body resting comfortably upon this Golden Throne of
vibrant, living Light. Across the temple in front of you on the
opposing wall, see a fireplace of your own choosing. Ignite, ignite,
ignite it with your Sacred Breath, NOW and see emanating from the
fireplace a Living, Cosmic Fire with all of the 12 rays easily
visible. Bask in the radiation of the 12, your Council of 12. Place
upon your feet, as your now bend down seated upon the throne, Golden
Sandals encrusted with precious stones of your own choosing. Place
upon your Sacred Body, Golden Robes and above the left breast on the
robe, see your sacred name in golden letters of flame and acknowledge
yourself as the I AM. Place in your right hand now a golden orb of
your spiritual authority, surmounted by a sacred symbol of your
choice, be it an equal-armed cross, a six pointed star, a five pointed
star, or whatever symbol suits you and ignite, ignite, ignite the
Light I AM. In your left hand place your symbol of power as a Co-
Creator be it a shepherd's crook, a royal flail, a magician's staff or
a crystal wand and please place where you will the multi-colored
crystals representing the Council of Twelve. See the descending Pillar
of Light from Source I AM NOW placing upon your head a golden crown of
your own choosing encrusted with 12 diamonds. This is the symbol of
your Divinity. Now, as you breathe deeply three times, inhaling
through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, bring the throne to
life and to a new level of vibration.
See Khamael standing within your body (Crown to Base Chakra) in a
pillar of living crystal flame of brilliant Rose/Pink.
And before you, to the left, we now call in Archangel Michael,
Michael, Michael, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal
flame of Royal Blue and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and
welcome. Clothe us with your silver armor and the spiritual protection
that we require at this time.
Looking before you to the right, we invoke Archangel Raphael, Raphael,
Raphael, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of
Yellow/Orange and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome.
Please invest our consciousness with the Higher Mind of the Sophia,
the Divine Wisdom.
Behind us to the right, we call in Archangel Gabriel, Gabriel,
Gabriel, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of
scarlet red and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome.
Blow your sacred crystal trumpet and begin the Etheric Ascension and
the decension of the Mahatma with the whole cellular activation. When
this is complete, begin the Spiritual Ascension and integration of the
Body of Light, which will follow in its proper time.
Behind us to the left, Archangel Auriel, Auriel, Auriel, come in
please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of Blue-Violet and
ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome. And Auriel,
mistress of the veils, begin NOW to take down all the veils that have
shielded our spiritual powers and awareness for so long. And So Be It.
Open, open, open solar plexus chakra; open, open, open sexual/Co-
Creator chakra and ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Archangel Sandalphon, Sandalphon, Sandalphon, come in please. Open,
open, open the Base Root Chakra and open, open, open the very Heart of
the Mother of the Earth I AM.
Lady Gaia, Gaia, Gaia, come in please. Rising up through the breath
into the Base Root Chakra through the Central Pillar up onto the
Golden Throne of the Heart Chakra I AM. Embrace, embrace, embrace and
ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Metatron, anchor the Pillar of Lights into the very Heart of the
Source I AM. Sandalphon, anchor the Pillar of Lights into the very
Heart of the Earth I AM. Khamael, anchor the Pillar of Lights in ever
succeeding and expanding spheres of Rose Pink Crystal Light into the
Source/Cosmic Heart I AM. And Ignite, ignite, ignite the Triple Flame
of Source, within our hearts, of our pure Beingness I AM.
So Be It, So Mote It Be.

Adam-El David and Brian Grattan

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Beloved Presence of God, Mahatma and the Council of Elohim, Metatron
and the twelve Archangels, the Cosmic Council of Twelve and the twenty-
four Elders, Melchizedek, Lords of Sirius and Arcturus, Sai Baba and
Vywamus, Lord Maitreya and Sanat Kumara, Djwhal Khul and Babaji, El
Morya and Kuthumi, Serapis Bey and Paul the Venetian,Hilarion and
Sananda, Germain and the Ashtar Command - with all my heart and soul I
now call forth from the Throne of God, the Golden Chamber of
Melchizedek, and Sanat Kumara, the two to five year ascension
activation programme for my personal and cosmic ascension. I also
request ascension activation for my core ascension group and all
sincere ascension seekers on the entire planet. I also request
ascension activation for the Earth Mother if she would like to receive
this blessing.

As I go through this prayer, I ask that these activation's be given
and that they be programmed into the ascension seats, and the Light
quotient building program with which I am involved, and am officially
invoking now.

I request that this program, once invoked, continues twenty-four hours
a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year
until I achieve a 99% Light quotient, the anchoring of my fifty
chakras, completion of my seven levels of initiation, the anchoring of
my thirty six strands of DNA, and the anchoring and the activation of
my twelve bodies. and full God-realisation on all levels. I request
that this takes place at night while I sleep. It is also now time for
all humanity and the Earth to fully complete their ascension. I affirm
I invoke this now.
Metatron and Melchizedek, completely anchor and activate this day, and
over the next two years until fully complete, the following seventy-
six keys as stated in the Keys of Enoch and in the inner-plane Book of
Anchor and fully activate the sixty four keys on a solar, galactic,
universal, multi-universal and cosmic levels in all five sacred
Anchor the Deca Delta Light emanations from the ten Light Subscripts.

Anchor the fifty chakras, the twelve bodies, and the Melchizedek
diamonds and crystals.
I affirm this is anchored now.
Anchor the Nogan shells of Yahweh on a permanent basis.
I affirm these are anchored now.
Anchor the divine template and the Light grid of the Elohim
I affirm these are anchored now.
Anchor Yahweh's Tablets of Creation.
I affirm these are anchored now.
Anchor the cosmic Torah.
I affirm the Torah is anchored now.
Anchor the scriptures of Melchizedek.
I affirm these scriptures are anchored now.
Anchor the scriptures of Metatron.
I affirm these scriptures are anchored now.
Anchor the Elohim scriptures.
I affirm these scriptures are anchored now.
Anchor the cosmic Tree of Life permanently, and open all its
I affirm this is done.
Anchor the seventy-six sacred names of Metatron and Yahweh.
I affirm these names are fully anchored.
Anchor Yahweh's living energy codes.
I affirm these codes are fully anchored.
Anchor Yahweh's Book of Knowledge.
I affirm this knowledge is firmly in my consciousness.
Anchor the gifts of the Holy Spirit as described in the Keys of Enoch.
I affirm these gifts are firmly anchored.
Anchor the scrolls of weights and measures.
I affirm this is done.
Anchor the keys of the Alpha and Omega Melchizedek priesthood.
I affirm the keys of the Alpha and Omega Melchizedek priesthood are
firmly anchored.
Anchor the highest triad of the Tree of Knowledge.
I affirm this is firmly anchored.
Anchor the divine seed of the Elohim.
I affirm these seeds are anchored.
Anchor the keys to the Father, Son and Shekinah universes.
These universes are firmly anchored in my consciousness.

Anchor the biological codes for the Christ race.
I affirm I am Christed now.

So be it.So mote it be.

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The other day there was a long discussion with someone at my work.


We were talking about why certain beings appear and many other things. Also about channeling and connection to the spiritual world.


This blog is general and about my experience. Your experience may be different so please as always with everything use discernment.


Basically when a person first embarks upon meditation and wishes to connect to the spiritual world there may be resistance from the mind. Confused colors and images fly around until the mind has settled and surrendered. Depending on what you do before meditation makes a big impression on the mind and its resistance. If you listen to loving soft music or watch movies full of love, you attract love in your vibration and that is impressed upon the mind. If you watch scary horror movies, the fear is in your vibration and is impressed upon the mind.


The spirit world has its doorway in Earth and through the heart and mind. The soul/higher self is in the spirit world and is the silent watcher. First of all check out for a description of the spirit world to understand this. The soul/higher self exists in the heavenly realms. It speaks silently through intuition to you. It is above the vibration of the mind and connects through the heart. The subconscious mind can range in connection between the astral realms and Earth. The astral realms span from the lower heavenly realms to the void (known as some as purgatory) to even the hellish realms and also to Earthbound realm and Earth. The conscious mind also can reach those areas but has a limited capability to reach all. It is more finite in its range.


Basically coming back to the point is that you have three parts. You are the conscious mind of your waking day, the subconscious mind of your memory, dreams, and you are the higher self of love which connects into your heart and speaks through intuition.


Now back to meditation. The heart is always love and the higher self sends its love always to the heart. The heart can be blocked by the mind because of our free will and all parts have equal power within ourselves at first. The mind and the heart are different but equal. Gradually as the heart opens the power of Spirit overcomes the mind or the opposite the mind blocks the heart from opening. The choice of heart or mind depends on the choices each of us makes.


Someone said to me, why would someone see a devilish person when they meditate? The answer is fear. The person who meditated had a vibration of fear (anger, guilt, blame, jealousy, greed and the other vices) which attracted this entity. The entity most likely was a lesser one who decided to puff itself up to create more fear on which it lived. (the more dangerous energy parasites are those that attach to addicts...a constant source of nutrition for the parasitic beings). The lower astral beings close to the hellish realms live on fear energy and are quite parasitic. Release the fear and they go away. A good way to test them is to say "Do you love God?" or I bless you with great Love. They will usually run when they hear that word or continue to act confusing and chaotic. They fight for your attention, don't give it to them, it is a waste of your energy. The fear is formed by what you expose yourself too and is often sourced from the mind. When this happens, visualize the angels surrounding you and you are One with God, feel great love in the room and know you are supported. Focus on what you want. This moves energy from the mind into the heart and releases fear.


Now if you have a love vibration you will naturally attract angels and other loving beings through your vibration of love (purity, oneness, satisfaction, generosity, peace, happiness). When you want to channel or reach loving beings focus your intent to connect with them. Ignore the mind, enter the heart and do everything out of love. At first, the mind has more power, but as the heart opens it will flower like a blossom. Surrender to love, let is fill your being, hold the love vibration and this focus will allow you to release the mind. What you give power and energy to, so it shall be.


Basically what happens is when you are loving you send love vibration from Earth to Earthbound realm to Void to Heavenly Realms where it is picked up, attracting loving beings to come close to Earth and communicate with you. You have to ask them for help, they will not communicate without being asked as this is love and respect for the free will God gave you.


Now if you send fear vibrations they are denser/heavier and cannot travel as far. They go from Earth to Earthbound realm to Void and often attract beings from the hellish realms. The beings from the hellish realms then are attracted to you. They often don't wait for your call, they push their way to you as long as you are in the fear vibration and fight for your attention. Stay One with God and Love and don't give them any power. They will leave you in search of the fear vibration.


So you have many choices. To get out of fear, enter Love. That's all you have to do. Blanket yourself with great love, visualize your loving support and you will not be led astray. It's a matter of vibration.


PS. Someone asked me, when they contact the other do those from the heavenly realms appear versus those from other areas? Often when those of the spirit world first contact you, they appear as faces and then once you have a better connection they appear full bodied. My experience has been with people who have passed that came from the heavenly realms and those from the void. The people from the heavenly realms open a door and white light shines from where they are to you. They are dressed in white and smiling at you. On their side are relatives and others who also passed over and are supporting them. On the other side an angel may exist to help keep the connection open (the bridge of light and love). Now, those existing from the void are different, they are not white but grayish in color, they are alone and not happy, maybe sad.....those in the hellish regions are aggressive and angry and manipulative. The amount of love is diminished. They need your prayers to bring them to wholeness and love.

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Metta Bhavana Meditation

The development of loving-kindness.


This is a Buddhist meditation practise, illustrating the importance placed on the development of compassion in Mahayana Buddhism. ('Metta' means 'loving kindness' and 'bhavana' means 'cultivation').

When we practise this meditation, we start with ourselves. That is, we aim to feel more appreciative of ourselves first of all: more integrated and less prone to internal conflicts, before we attempt to develop positive feelings toward anyone else.

The basic psychological principle that Buddhists recognise here is that if we can't feel good about ourselves, then we are less likely to be able to feel good about other people.

So a metta bhavana meditation session leads from concern with oneself, to a concern for other sentient beings.

All sentient beings experience suffering in some degree. Here we focus on developing empathy for the difficulties that others may be experiencing: we wish them well, having 'their best interests at heart'.

The metta that we want to develop in our daily lives, as a result of the meditation practise, should not be a massiveley contrived state, however. Buddhist philosophy says that compassion can spring quite naturally from a recognition of the 'non-duality' of self and other: it is a state of 'engagement' in the world, a state of 'relating', where we feel for the experience of other people, and where we also focus on the good, positive, kind feelings we have so that we can spread that stuff around a bit...

The amount of time spent on each of the 'stages' of this practise is entirely optional, but perhaps 10 minutes for each stage would be a good average; less for beginners.

There's nothing to say that you can't whip through it on your own in a matter of seconds though- why not!

The Meditation.

Choose a Posture you feel comfortable with.

If there is stress or tightness in any part of your body then just let that stress or tightness 'fall away'. Take your time. Allow yourself to become more relaxed.

When you're ready concentrate on the breath. Simply watch it come and go, allowing your breathing to become regular and a little deeper, without forcing anything.

If your mind wanders off in any direction, gently bring yourself back to an awareness of each breath you take. Try to maintain this simple awareness for a few minutes. Breath comes in, and breath goes out.

Now shift your attention to the body as a whole, focussing on any emotions that you may be experiencing within yourself just now. From now on, and for the rest of the meditation, if you find yourself distracted in any way, then gently 'bring yourself back' to your body and the current state of your emotions.

The 'transformation' or 'education' of the emotions is an important part of the mettta bhavana practise, so always come back to focus on the emotional aspect of yourself when you find yourself going off in some other direction, but don't forget that all parts are related. Positive thoughts can give rise to positive emotions and negative thoughts can give rise to negative emotions, and at other times we will want to work primarily with 'thought', but not now: so if you can, just tune in to your feelings and try to maintain that awareness. OK that's the preamble over!

The first stage of the practise proper involves developing good feelings for ourselves: something within us that we can draw on, to extend to others.

[Technique 1:] Look into your memory to find a time when you were particularly happy, when you experienced feelings of joy, felt glad to be alive, felt warm and positive. Explore those memories for a little while, and every now and again say 'may I be well, may I be happy, may I be free from suffering'.

[Technique 2:] Imagine that with each breath, along with the air of each breath we take in, there is a subtle, life-force energy or 'prana', and that just as you absorb the oxygen from the air, so on some subtle level your body also gathers and stores up the pranic energy. Visualise the body as a whole with your heart at the centre. Imagine the field of your body's subtle energy surrounding you like a cocoon of yellow-orange light. Don't worry about whether this is 'true' or not. Suspend your disbelief if you have problems believing in this kind of 'subtle energy'. Now imagine that as your awareness rests on your physical and subtle bodies, so healing takes place. Your energies become more integrated: you feel good! As you explore these positive, energetic feelings for a little while, every now and again you say to yourself 'may I be well, may I be happy, may I be free from suffering', and each time you say this the light of the subtle energy surrounding you grows brighter and stronger.

[Technique 3:] What is it that other people like about you? What do you think you are good at? What achievements are you particularly pleased with? Hold these good qualities in your mind for a little while, and feel good about yourself. Every now and again repeat to yourself 'may I be well, may I be happy, may I be free from suffering'.

Try and really tune into each part of the repeating phrase, so that when you say 'may I be well' and 'may I be happy' and 'may I be free from suffering' to yourself you are receptive to any effect the words may be having. Be calm and be respectful towards yourself: listen to what's going on in there. Be your own friend, be your own healer. Accept yourself fully.

The second stage is about cultivating metta towards a friend.

There are a few 'rules of thumb' about who to pick that it may be useful to bear in mind at first: it may be best to choose someone who is alive, whose age is within a few years of your own, to whom you feel friendship rather than physical attraction.

The aim here is to strengthen the metta that we already have for our friend. We already feel considerate towards them, we already care about their wellbeing, we already want them to be happy.

Tune in to those feelings and if possible let them become deeper, stronger, but please don't use too much force!. You might not feel much at all at this moment. You might even have some negative feelings towards your friend. If so, don't worry about it. Be gentle with yourself, be kind, and allow new feelings to grow at their own pace.

[Technique 1:] Picture this friend in your mind's eye and imagine that they are happy: imagine them smiling, imagine them laughing. Say 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering' to them, or simply wish them well in your thoughts.

[Technique 2:] Imagine your friend's body of subtle energy surrounding them like a cocoon of yellow-orange light. Imagine that this web of prana or life-force is centred around your friend's heart, and that as you say 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering', so healing takes place: the energy surrounding them becomes brighter in terms of colour and stronger in terms of energy. It also becomes more integrated in terms of the balance between different parts. If you get a strong feeling that you shouldn't be attempting this, then don't do it. Choose another of the methods described here with which you feel comfortable.

[Technique 3:] What is it that you like about your friend? What do you think they are good at in particular? What do you think they should be most pleased with? Hold these good qualities in your mind for a little while, and feel good about your friend. Every now and again in your mind's eye say to them 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering'.

Again try and tune in to each part of the phrase 'may you be well', 'may you be happy' and 'may you be free from suffering', with a calm and respectful towards your friend. You want to be aware of their needs, and you want to be able to do the right thing to help them.

Stage three is about developing metta for a 'neutral' person, that is, a person for whom you have no particular strong feelings in either direction.

Focussing on some kind of 'acquaintance' that you hardly know is probably best. Try not to choose a complete stranger.

Why do we want to try and extend metta to a 'neutral' person? So that we can remind ourselves that we all want to be happy and avoid suffering: These predilections are shared by pretty much everyone. This is true of the people we hardly know, just as it is true of complete strangers.

We don't have the energy to really take on board the sufferings of every person on the planet, but at least we can try to push back the envelope of our indifference a little here by choosing to concentrate on one person that we don't usually think about. Let's try and care about this one person that we barely know for a change.

Most of us have a 'shell' of indifference toward people we hardly know, in some ways because this can make life 'easier' for us: but too often acting from the shell becomes a habit, where we shut off from our fellow-travellers, even when it's not a necessity for us to do this. Sometimes the self-protective shell that we develop can cause us to be rude to strangers, and sometimes it can make us numb to the extreme forms of suffering that people we come into contact with may be experiencing.

We are not going to attempt to fully empathise with everyone right now. We are going to try and extend loving kindness to one person that we do not usually have any kind of feeling for.

Ask yourself what motivates this person. What kind of food do they like, do you think? What kind of films, or books, or TV programmes? Do you think they have friends and family living nearby that they can look to for support when times are hard?

Try and break out of the indifference that you felt before: in your mind's eye at least, try and connect with the person you have chosen, and share their humanity.

If you can, and without forcing it, feel 'solidarity' with them, knowing that most of the pains that they have suffered in the past, or are suffering now, are pains that you have experienced yourself. As you empathise with them, so let the good feelings that you have tapped in to already in this meditation, flow out to this 'nuetral' person. Say 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering', and as you say it, try and tune in to this other person, so that if your good intentions have any effect, try and be sensitive to that. If they seem to 'perk up' in any way, be happy for them.

If you don't feel much at all at this stage, don't worry about it. It may take time for you to be able to feel positive feelings for people with whom you have no kind of emotional bond. This is probably just 'how it is' for most of us unless we do a metta-bhavana-like practise perhaps for quite some time. But that's the point: to work at it.

The fourth stage of the metta bhavana practise is about cultivating metta towards someone that you find 'difficult'.

This may be someone whose behaviour you find mildly problematical, or they may be someone you consider to be a real enemy, who you feel does not have your best interests at heart. It's up to you. But, if you're new to the practise, and you are wondering wheteher to choose someone for this stage where there is real and intense conflict, then you may instead want to 'work up' gradually to being able to feel compassion for that person. Don't try and push yourself too hard. It's better that you're honest about how you feel and that you're not unrealistically ambitious for what you can achieve right now. If the potential person you're thinking of arouses very very strong feelings of anger or hostility in you then it may be a good idea to leave them out of stage four of the practise until such time as you can find a little more equanimity!

OK, you've chosen a person to focus on. If you feel anger, feel anger, or if you feel fear, feel fear, at least for a moment. If you want to argue with them, then be aware of that too, but don't indulge in any of these feelings. Watch as they rise up, and then let them go . Don't jump on every emotional train that comes along: this time let's choose to step back a little, not energising the parts of ourselves that would only deepen the conflict, in the way that probably we usually do.

Do you think that the extent to which they are 'difficult' comes from difficulties in their own life? If so, then be aware of that: feel for them.

Make a mental note that in future dealings with this person you do not get drawn any further into conflict with them, but instead find the most perfect Buddhist 'right means' in your actions in relation to this person.

[Technique 1:] Picture them in your mind's eye and imagine that they are happy: imagine them smiling, imagine them laughing. Say 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering' to them, or simply wish them well in your thoughts.

[Technique 2:] Think about what you have in common with this person. You share a common humanity, at the very least, with all of the 'thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to'. In your mind's eye say to them 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering'. Wish them well in your thoughts.

[Technique 3:] What good qualities does this person have? They must have some! What do you think they are good at in particular? What do you think they should be most pleased with about themselves? Assuming you can think of good qualities like this, then hold those things in your mind for a while, while trying to cultivate good feelings for the difficult person you have chosen. Every now and again in your mind's eye (even if you can't think of anything good to say about them) say 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering', and imagine that as you visualise in this way, so the conflict between you lessens.

Before we go on the fifth and final stage, come back to a simple awareness of your body and whatever emotions you can sense are active there. Allow yourself to be calm and relaxed.

In stage five we broaden the focus of our awareness, aiming to shine metta out toward many other sentient beings.

First of all we need to contact the really good feelings again. Tune back in if you can to the happiness that you felt earlier, in 'stage one' and remain with those feelings for a while.

Imagine those positive feelings manifesting as a sphere of orange-yellow 'light' surrounding you, with your heart at the centre. All sentient beings want to be happy. All sentient beings generally want to avoid suffering. And if it feels OK for you, right now you want all sentient beings to know something of the happiness that you have felt.

If it feels OK for you, you also want all beings that are capable of experiencing pleasure and pain to be released from suffering.

This well-wishing is metta. The sphere of light that surrounds you is metta. So, shining like a sun, you give out light in all directions, giving warmth, friendliness and support to everything that is touched by your light.

Extend that light to all corners of the earth, sending metta to all people on the earth. As you do this, say 'may you be well, may you be happy, may you be free from suffering'. Extend goodwill to all people on earth in your thoughts.

Then consider all of the animals on the earth.

Then all of the plants.

Then consider the earth as a whole, as an entity in itself.

If it feels good, then shine that metta out into the universe beyond the earth, to beings on other planetary systems, far out in space.

In two minutes we will start to bring things to a close.

When you are ready, slowly come back to earth. Come back to normal everyday consciousness and come out of the meditation in your own time.



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