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enlightenment (11)

Meditation and Enlightenment

Is meditation necessary for enlightenment? ~ Reposted from the internet (Enlightenment comes from Divine Grace, which is attracted to Love and the human seeking Spirit)

“A day will come when you will laugh at your previous efforts. What you realize on the day you laugh is also available now.” - Sri Ramana Maharshi

Many enlightened people spent years doing spiritual practices prior to attaining Self-Realization. Almost to a person, they claim their spiritual practices had nothing to do with it. Sudden, total enlightenment regularly strikes people who have no interest in spirituality, like alien abductions of the heart.

What are we to make of this? I think it’s like falling in love.

Someone strikes your fancy and you want to get to know them. Your heart is in your throat when you send that first, unnerving text.

There are mishaps and misadventures, as in any good love story.

At the same time, you get the strangest feeling that your love is in the stars. You tell your friends your partner is your soulmate and your destiny.

This isn’t like you. You’re a hard-nosed, “show me” realist, and now you’re going around like a half-cracked mystic.

But you’re right. You’re not pursuing a relationship - the eternal Relationship is pursuing you on the apparent, temporal plane.

It’s the same with meditation.

You think you’re meditating to attain enlightenment, but you’re meditating because enlightenment has already claimed you.

You think you’re setting out at dawn to find your quarry, but the “hound of heaven” has pursued you this whole time.

There are no “selves” trying to reach enlightenment or God-Consciousness - there is only God playing the eternal game of hide-and-seek.

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Kundalini and Enlightenment

Kundalini awakening is the liberation of one’s life-energy from the narrow confines imposed by human fear and conditioning. It heals and enlivens the whole body with glowing vitality. It elevates one to a higher level of functioning and flow, in harmony with the universe.

Enlightenment is the liberation of one’s consciousness from the narrow confines of the human mind and ego. It replaces mundane misunderstandings and false beliefs with pure awareness and true insight. It awakens one to the knowing of absolute truth, understanding the essence of all being.

They are not exactly the same, but more like the yin and yang aspects of awakening — the explosive creative power of kundalini and the silent inner knowing of enlightenment. The awakening of one definitely increases the possibility/probability of awakening the other.



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The Power Of Equanimity

By Ruth King

At this momentous time in our nation’s history, “equanimity” probably does not describe what most of us are striving for right now. On the contrary, many of us are striving for justice, for healing—some of us, for survival. Is the peace and balance of meditation taking us in the wrong direction?

Not in my understanding. In my experience, equanimity has great power—especially at times like these.

When I reflect on the power of equanimity, I think of those times when we see beyond judgment and self-interest and realize that we are choosing instead of reacting; those times when the pain of injustice is held in our hearts, while the mind is still, steady, and clear; those times when we make small choices that show great care and influence social balance. This is the power of equanimity.

We might begin to understand this power using nature as a metaphor. For example, equanimity can feel internally like a great mountain, with the mind solid and stable, undisturbed by the changing seasons. Or it can be like the ocean, with the mind vast, deep, and immeasurable, undisturbed by whatever swims, floats, or is housed in its waters. Equanimity can be like a strong fire — roaring, engulfing, and transmuting, undisturbed by whatever is thrown into it. Or like immense space — open, allowing, and receiving, undisturbed by the objects that arise and pass away.

As we walk through the coming week, we may want to call on the strength of these elemental inner resources for balance and equipoise. For example, there are times when we will need to stand our ground, strong like a mountain, and observe what emerges, or we may need to add a spark of fiery truth to a situation. Other times, we may need to open and allow more space around the tightness of our worries, or let go and be held by an ocean of love.

In all of these forms, equanimity is awareness so spacious that whatever arises in our mind and heart, whether agreeable or disagreeable, is small and incidental compared to awareness itself. In other words, when we are equanimous, nothing is left out of heart’s view.

Equanimity enables us to know the energetic movements of mind without reactivity. It is an experience of grounded presence in the midst of extremes, when the mind is steady and responsive, and when we can say to ourselves, “This moment is like this, and it doesn’t have to be different right now. I can allow what is here and offer what is needed.”

Imagine the power of this inner resource as we engage with the messy world in which we live.

And yet, equanimity is not something we can force. It’s an experience we come to recognize and nurture through mindfulness practice. Fortunately, even outside of formal meditation, you can orient the heart toward that experience simply by bringing to mind intentions of equanimity. I will give several examples here. My invitation to you is to find two or three that resonate with you, and try them at different times in your day. As you say them to yourself, take time to relax and linger in the goodwill motivating these phrases:

May I bear witness to things just as they are.

May I remain peaceful and let go of fixation.

May I offer care without hesitation, knowing I may be met with gratitude, anger, or resistance.

May I offer care, knowing I don’t control the course of life, suffering, or death.

May I find the inner resources to genuinely contribute where needed.

May I see my limits with compassion, just as I see the limits of others.

I care about the pain of others, yet I cannot control it.

I care for all beings, but my way is not the only way. All beings have their own journey, and I have mine.

May I be free from preference and prejudice.

May I see the world with quiet eyes.

Ruth King is the Founder of Mindful of Race Institute, LLC, and is a celebrated author, educator, and meditation teacher. Formally an organizational development consultant to Intel and Levi Strauss. King now teaches the Mindful of Race Training Program to leaders, teams, and organizations, weaving mindfulness-based principles with an exploration of our racial conditioning, its impact, and our potential. She has an M.A. in Clinical Psychology and is the author of Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism From The Inside Out.


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"Trust in the many invisible arms that hold each one of you, that carry and comfort you, and know that not ever do you walk alone, for we are All One, and we are with you always, in all ways. And may all that your heart and soul desire and require to manifest a fulfilling life for you – one that is in perfect alignment with the higher plan of your soul and that of Mother Earth – manifest under grace, in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. And may this manifest through the abundant sources through which Mother/Father God provide. May all always be well in your world."

~ The Ascended Masters

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Higher Bodies of Consciousness

From the website

There exists 3 levels of Consciousness (Buddhic, Atmic, Monadic) that bridge the Individual with the Collective Whole.

A description of them is at the link below. ~ Divine Love/Unity (The Baptism Initiation is the first experience of the Buddhic Plane, see Gene Key 22.)


As One reaches the Buddhic plane of Consciousness, Oneness is Experienced 

"As a being, standing in the sun, suffused with its light, and pouring it forth, would feel no difference between ray and ray, but would pour forth along one as readily and easily as along another, so does one on the buddhic plane feel brotherhood (or sisterhood) and pours themself into any one who needs their help. One sees all beings as themself, and feels that all one has is another's as much as one's: in many cases, more another's than one's, because their need is greater, their strength being less."

~ Arthur E. Powell ~ Divine Wisdom/Mind/Christ Consciousness ~ Divine Will/Oversoul

Also a description of Major Chakras and minor Chakras:

These Chakra areas are where you might feel Light Activations...

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Who AM I?

I AM Life being lived, I go with the flow, I stay in the moment and filter my thoughts and feelings through my heart as I commit to loving action in service to others, I AM worthy, I give and receive love as the moment presents itself, I AM gratitude for all blessings, I accept all challenges as opportunities to grow, I send impersonal love to all beings recognizing all deserve love, I AM love in alignment with free will, I detach from outcomes and know God's Will is done. I AM an instrument of God's Will. A cup of love that flows over.

I bow to the Love and Light in all of you. We are All One. 

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Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path

The eight Buddhist practices in the Noble Eightfold Path are:

  1. Right View: our actions have consequences, death is not the end, and our actions and beliefs have consequences after death. The Buddha followed and taught a successful path out of this world and the other world (heaven and underworld/hell). Later on, right view came to explicitly include karma and rebirth, and the importance of the Four Noble Truths, when "insight" became central to Buddhist soteriology.
  2. Right Resolve or Intention: the giving up of home and adopting the life of a religious mendicant in order to follow the path; this concept aims at peaceful renunciation, into an environment of non-sensuality, non-ill-will (to loving kindness), away from cruelty (to compassion).[25] Such an environment aids contemplation of impermanence, suffering, and non-Self.[25]
  3. Right Speech: no lying, no rude speech, no telling one person what another says about him to cause discord or harm their relationship.[26]
  4. Right Conduct or Action: no killing or injuring, no taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, no material desires.
  5. Right Livelihood: no trading in weapons, living beings, meat, liquor, and poisons.
  6. Right Effort: preventing the arising of unwholesome states, and generating wholesome states, the bojjhagā (Seven Factors of Awakening). This includes indriya-samvara, "guarding the sense-doors", restraint of the sense faculties.[27][25]
  7. Right Mindfulness (sati; Satipatthana; Sampajañña): a quality that guards or watches over the mind;[28] the stronger it becomes, the weaker unwholesome states of mind become, weakening their power "to take over and dominate thought, word and deed."[29][note 2] In the vipassana movement, sati is interpreted as "bare attention": never be absent minded, being conscious of what one is doing; this encourages the awareness of the impermanence of body, feeling and mind, as well as to experience the five aggregates (skandhas), the five hindrances, the four True Realities and seven factors of awakening.[25]
  8. Right samadhi (passaddhi; ekaggata; sampasadana): practicing four stages of dhyāna ("meditation"), which includes samadhi proper in the second stage, and reinforces the development of the bojjhagā, culminating into upekkha (equanimity) and mindfulness.[31] In the Theravada tradition and the vipassana movement, this is interpreted as ekaggata, concentration or one-pointedness of the mind, and supplemented with vipassana meditation, which aims at insight.


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Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


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Universal Love

Follow the middle way and there you will find enlightenment. Be universal love--radiating towards no one object or person in particular but, like the sun, shining on everything in its path.

- Buddha

Remember this quote as we help everyone get through the virus pandemic. Love to all beings. Namaste. 

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Simple Enlightenment

This is something I found in my email inbox this morning. It is a re-write of an old story, which I think is great :).
A wise master and his student. The student lives far away and writes monthly updates on his progress towards enlightenment.
The first letter: "I see visions of heaven. I'm lifted by angels, I feel light like I can fly. I can see the whole world."

The master grumbles and rips up the letter.
The next letter a month later. "I've seen all the universes. I've created worlds. I've seen the inside of myself."
The master grumbles and rips the letter into even tinier shreds.
The next letter from the student: "I've sat in meditation for one month straight without eating. My mind is an empty sea. I can see everyone's aura. I see the whole past and the whole future in this single instant."
The master says to nobody in particular, "this is shit." And puts the letter in his paper shredder. The master gets lots of letters from students.
Six months go by and no letter from the student. Finally the master, curious about an update, writes the student and asks what's going on.
The student writes back a letter: "Who cares!?"
Finally, the master smiles.
That's enlightenment.

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God's Instrument



Greetings in the Love and Light of our Creator. Peace and Love to all of you.

Today's lesson is on The Path of Surrender. My goal is to be of Service to the Whole. To be Love in Alignment with Free Will. If this lesson resonates with you then great, if not then let it fall away. This is my perspective. We are all slices of the same truth, so I am open to your perspectives as well. Only when all sense of self is merged into the whole can we realize the truth. My name is Chris or Christopher, which means the Christ Bearer so this lesson for you is part of my purpose.

Please like this video and subscribe to this channel. Share this video with others to help them understand their own process. We are all equal Sparks on the path to the Creator so let us lift each other up.

According to Richard Rudd's book The Gene Keys Embracing Your Higher Purpose, Gene Key 43 explains the Ascension or Awakening process eloquently. The Process is Survival then Service then Surrender. Let's estimate that each phase of life is 30 years, but it is unique to each person. So approximately 30 years spent in Survival followed by 30 years spent in Service followed by 30 years spent in Surrender. Only God knows how long each process takes or where you are at but this is a general guideline to paint a picture for you. Honestly I'm starting to believe that younger generations take less time in each phase, as the Planet's vibration lifts more into Love as we move closer to the Great Central Sun in the Universe. An example of a younger generation would be the Crystal children.

So let's talk about the Survival phase. Survival is full 3D.  3D is designed to allow us to make free will choices for polarity. At first your purpose is Survival. The Survival phase in living in the shadows as discussed in Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. Survival phase examples are "How do I get enough to eat/drink, where is my shelter, will I have enough money?" etc. etc. The vast majority of humanity is in this phase, but changes are happening behind the scenes lifting humanity to the next phase. During this phase of Survival humanity indulges in physical, emotional and mental addictions. It is the avoidance of pain and the acceptance of pleasure. This phase has the ego in full bloom. The Survival phase is fear based. The survival phase is absorbed in negativity. The Survival phase is also all about the Selfish "I". In my survival phase I enjoyed the pleasures of the senses, which led to more suffering. I ended up nearly dying 3 times. During the survival phase, spirit is not understood. The losses and pain were wake up calls to enter the next phase. There had to be more to life than just suffering. That is when ignorance is removed, and awareness begins. In the next phase spirit starts being understood.

The next phase of Awakening is Service. Service is 4D and 5D. Many Lightworkers are in this phase. The Service phase leads to the Gifts as discussed in Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. Service is embracing the shadows, taking responsibility for your actions and unlocking the Gifts. The Service phase starts when you Open your Heart then re-connect with your Soul, and you ask "What is my Purpose? My Purpose must be more than chasing money and basic needs." Your Soul will resonate back to you and guide you to your Purpose. Once we enter into the service phase we begin to choose jobs and volunteer work that aligns with our purpose. Also, there are many techniques to connect to your Soul. It is my perspective that Reiki Healing and other types of energy healing, Mantras and prayers, as well as Silent Meditation, connect you to your Soul. Simply being in Service to Others to make Others happy will reconnect you to your Soul. You may get more psychic and start reading thoughts and feelings. You are more intuitive following intuition over what the mind thinks. You start to learn what you do to others is done to you, that the inner and outer are connected. You also start to learn that others are connected to you. The Service phase is the movement from Service to Self to Service to Others. The negative polarity never enters the Service to Others phase because it involves the opening of the Heart.

In the Service phase, humanity is tired of indulgence and selfishness and finds satisfaction in love to others. Service is work that feels good to the person, but there is still some separation between service and God in the person's consciousness. The Service phase is the gradual merging of the human personality with the Soul. The Involution of God's Grace meets resonance with the evolution of Humanity searching for freedom. The Service phase begins the Path of Initiation. Richard Rudd talks about the initiations in Gene Key 22. Also Charles Leadbetter talks about it in the Masters and the Path. The Path is also found in Initiation - The Perfecting of Man by Annie Besant. You can read about the initiations at

During the Service phase the person moves into refining purity in the thoughts, feelings and body. Service is when the individual begins forgiving. The individual asks for forgiveness. Service is when gratitude is embraced. Gratitude leads to Satisfaction which leads to Peace. Service is the movement of the person's entire being into Service of the Whole. The questions at this phase are "Why does evil exist? Why is there so much suffering? What is God? What is Spirit? What is my purpose?" As refinement and connection to love gradually happens, then love filters through the person's being. That love vibration allows the higher Buddhic, Atmic, and Monadic bodies to descend and merge with the human personality. The Buddhic body (Divine Heart) is the body of Oneness/Love/Compassionate action, the Atmic body (Divine mind) is the body of Christ Consciousness, and the Monadic Body is The Oversoul/Group Soul and the body of Divine Will. The Monadic body is Oneness with God. At this point in the phase, the person begins to release the 10 Fetters as talked about in Buddhism and follows Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path. The person lives and breathes Spirit in daily life. Spirit overtakes the person's life. The connection with God and the Ascended Masters, Angels and other beings is stronger. The person begins absorbing spiritual wisdom at a rapid pace. I will leave some wisdom books for recommended reading down below. As a result of all of the work in the Service stage, Oneness is experienced. Oneness is a result of God's Grace. Duality is removed, the tree of knowledge of good and evil (duality) is uprooted, and the tree of life appears. Good and Evil are seen as expressions, sides of the same coin, as well as pleasure and pain. They are choices that show contrast to each other. They are God's Will and part of the 3rd density we live in, which has the purpose for us to choose our polarity. Eventually Service work and worship/devotion to God become one in the same. All life's experiences are seen as opportunities and then are seen as sacred. Doing good works on Earth are all that matter in the Service and Surrender phases. During these phases all individual needs are surrendered for the needs of the whole. The person still has self-worth and keeps healthy boundaries but endeavors to be love in all actions. Empathy and compassion improves at this stage. This phase leads to becoming like a child, in awe of God's Grace and Beauty.

The Service Stage leads to the Surrender Stage. Surrender is 5D and 6D. Surrender is the oneness with Spirit. Surrender is the Oneness with God. In this stage, only God exists and all is God. There is nothing else. Only God. The grip of the mind on the human is released at this stage. Past and Future are released, and only Mindfulness- Being in the present happens. Only working from the heart exists. There is no judgment anymore or negative thoughts or feelings. The Surrender stage leads to the Siddhi's as discussed in Richard Rudd's The Gene Keys. The Surrender stage starts with total Oneness with all of Creation. Unconditional Love for all beings. Love in alignment with the free will of each. This stage is the Surrender of the individual self for the Greater self. The merger of the human personality with the Higher Greater Self. The surrender of the Soul (which was the bridge of the human to God), and to merge completely with God. There is no individual "I" anymore. Everything in life is done for the Greater Good. Everything is done to please God. Have no desire but the Desire for God. You can desire to make others happy, for that in the end God is pleased, since we are all one. If you want an example of the surrender stage, I invite you to read the book Mother Teresa, Come be My Light, the Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta. In her prayers and letters you can feel the surrender. Another book about Surrender is St. Francis of Assisi's biography. Or simply read all 64 Gene Keys in the Gene Keys Embracing your higher purpose by Richard Rudd. In the final act of surrender of all individual needs, desires and wants, the vessel becomes emptied. The surrender of the individual self. It involves complete humility, complete loss of the self. In a paradox, the vessel then becomes filled with God's presence. The buddhic, atmic, and monad bodies combine fully with the human, but the human personality is driven to follow only God's Will. Remember The Buddhic body (Divine Heart) is the body of Oneness/Love/Compassionate action, the Atmic body (Divine mind) is the body of Christ Consciousness, and the Monadic Body is The Oversoul/Group Soul and the body of Divine Will. In the stage of surrender the human becomes Divine. If there is no human left in the vessel, only Divinity exists. Only God is this instrument and this instrument is only God. At this point all existence, all creation is realized to be part of the body of God. Creation is cells in the body of God. Therefore, literally what you do to another is done to yourself because all of Creation is seen as connected with God's Love and Light. The human personality has become the Adam Kadmon, the perfected human. The Divine human now sees with God's eyes, hears with God's ears, talks with God's voice,thinks with God's consciousness, and uses God's hands. The human vessel is now God's Instrument. Only God is present, as the human mind, emotions and body were sacrificed and surrendered in favor of God. All of life is seen as connected with a stream of Eternal Light. All creation is seen as sparks of God. Serving another spark of God, is serving God because you are a spark of God. That's why Mother Teresa says, I am only the Instrument, all Glory be to God. This is in fact truth at the surrender stage. Not my will but Thy Will. God's Will be done. The surrender phase is the dawning of the Christ in each of us. The Christ Consciousness. Jesus said I AM THE WAY, I AM THE LIFE. This is because God was working through Jesus and God IS THE WAY AND GOD IS THE LIFE. Once the surrender phase is completed the Ascension process on Earth is completed. This would be the Communion or 6th stage of Ascension. The surrender phase is freedom of the Law of Karma as the individual was sacrificed for the Greater Glory of God. God has no karma so former being is replaced with a Divine being free of karma. The soul is absorbed into the Monad or Oversoul. At the conclusion of the surrender phase, the being is harvested as the Law of One discusses, which is that the being has achieved Greater than 50% Service to Others to be harvested into Eternal Life.

That is my understanding of the 3 phases that culminate in enlightenment. Today's lesson was about The Path of Surrender. My goal is to be of Service to the Whole. To be Love in Alignment with Free Will. If this lesson resonated with you then great, if not then let it fall away.  

Please like this video and subscribe to this channel. Share this video with others to help them understand their own process. We are all equal Sparks on the path to the Creator so let us lift each other up.

This instrument of God, which expresses as Chris, honors the Divine in you. Peace and love to all of you. From my heart to yours, I love you all. With deepest eternal gratitude to all of you for listening to these words. I am the way, I am the light, I am the path that leads to Eternal Life. As Buddha says, I am the raft that leads to the shore. Do not mistake the raft for the shore. Go onwards my brothers and sisters to the shore. God is the shore. God is All That Is. Who has ears, let them hear. The Divine in me honors the Divine in you. Shine on my brothers and sisters. Wishing God's Grace upon all of you. God's Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Praise the Lord our God on High! Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth! God bless you. Namaste my brothers and sisters.




Service Phase Book Reading (Not an all-inclusive list; find what resonates with you):

The Complete Ascension Manual by Dr. Joshua David Stone;

Beyond Ascension by Dr. Joshua David Stone;

The Law of One 101- The Choice by Carla Ruckert;

Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch by Dr. JJ Hurtak;

Bhagavad Gita;

Pistis Sophia, translated by G.R.S. Mead;

The Goal of Life, by Hiram Butler;

The Causal Body and the Ego, by Arthur E. Powell;

Initiation, Human and Solar, by Alice A. Bailey;

The Masters and the Path, by C.W. Leadbeater;

108 Lectures of Wisdom at ;

21 Essential Lessons (Vol. 1 and 2) by AMTF;

Gene Keys: Unlocking The Higher Purpose, by Richard Rudd; Also check out

The Voice of the Silence, by Helena Blavatsky;

The Corpus Christi - Science of the Rainbow Body, by Richard Rudd; Also check out


Surrender Phase Book Reading (Not an all-inclusive list; find what resonates with you):

Mother Teresa, Come be my Light: The Private Writing of the Saint of Culcutta

St. Francis of Assisi, A Biography by Omer Englebert

The Corpus Christi - Science of the Rainbow Body, by Richard Rudd; Also check out

Gene Keys: Unlocking The Higher Purpose, by Richard Rudd; Also check out


"As a being, standing in the sun, suffused with its light, and pouring it forth, would feel no difference between ray and ray, but would pour forth along one as readily and easily as along another, so does one on the buddhic plane feel brotherhood (or sisterhood) and pours themself into any one who needs their help. One sees all beings as themself, and feels that all one has is another's as much as one's: in many cases, more another's than one's, because their need is greater, their strength being less." ~ Arthur E. Powell


"Think, not what you want to do, but what you can do that will help someone else; forget about yourself, and consider others. A pupil must be consistently kind, obliging, helpful—not now and then, but all the time." (The Masters and the Path, p. 80) ~ The Master Kuthumi


More of God's Wisdom in the book The Path of Oneness available via the links at


Feel free to comment below. Would love to hear your perspectives or questions. We are all equal sparks of God, slices of the same Divine truth. God bless you all my brothers and sisters. Shine on!

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