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Inner self-image


When we take a look inside ourselves, at our inner self-image, we see a mirror of our past experiences and insights. Insight is a path which frees us from all of our old beliefs and helps us experience a better future.

When we open within ourselves, to our inner being, our outside appearance doesn’t matter that much anymore and things about ourselves don’t bother us as much as before. For example, if we haven’t been satisfied with our appearance, we realize that outward appearance is just a shell, and it is in fact our inwardness which makes us precious. Let us look inside ourselves, see our inner beauty and find within us everything we have been unsuccessfully looking for outside. Our awareness leads us to the highest discoveries about ourselves, to the self-recognition of our inner strength and the ability to change for the better in all areas where we want to change. When we close ourselves up and run away from problems, we are moving away from our essence, for helping those in need provides us with great inner strength and goodness. We shouldn’t force others to accept our help, because in that case they won’t appreciate us enough. We should try to be good when everybody leaves us, and believe in our self-recognition found in quietness and peace.

When we look inwards, into our inner being, we are getting close to the moment of our truth which has been haunting us for a long time, but we have suppressed it inside and haven’t let it out. Accepting ourselves is very difficult, yet it eliminates our arrogance and pride which are present when we don’t accept ourselves. Our inner image helps us create and fulfil all our hopes and expectations, for when we look inside and find within our inner strength, things happen smoothly. This is because we have attracted attention into our world that opens all the doors which have been closed up until now due to our self-distrust. When we decide to fulfill all our desires, our inner strength, which is part of our self-confidence, will enable us to meet people who will help us gain new insights about ourselves and find the path to inner balance. When we don’t accept ourselves in our inner self-image and don’t recognize it as our essence and core, we don’t like our outer image either.

Let us feel comfortable in our body, which is the only one we have. We should try to enable our bodies to function optimally. Our inner strength makes us realize how to act optimally in every situation. Our bodies let us know in countless ways what burdens them, but we don’t listen to these messages until we turn inwards. Our thoughts and fears burden our bodies also if they don’t come from our heart, from the essence of our core. Our core changes every day if we don’t follow the right path, the path of inner strength and self-recognition of our core, our essence, which is the purpose we live for and open ourselves up to the inner beauty of life. Life itself puts us on the path of change and opens new doors, as long as we don’t hinder our progress in a conservative way of accepting ourselves as separate from the whole. The essence lies in cooperation, not in manipulation and inner restlessness.

Let us transform in our inner image, which enriches us on the path within and gives us the strength to resist everyday temptations that test our self-confidence. Let us open up to love which is rooted within us and let’s not suffocate it, but rather accept it as something good which removes old rubbish inside ourselves that has covered up our core. Our core is the essence of life which opens our inner potentials given to us by God to accept ourselves. Everybody opens their own doors of inner courage and inner strength, which free us from everything we don’t want to be anymore.

To be or not to be who we truly are isn’t only a philosophical question. Love for ourselves sets us off on the path of becoming who we are and deciding that we never want to go back. Old things draw us back onto the old path, but inner love helps us open the door to what we want in our hearts, and find within us the path of inner reason and inner courage which enrich us day by day. Don’t look back, because there you will find experiences of the past which we have already accepted. Instead, open up to new experiences and tests that will enrich our inner peace and free us from the past. The past can only live in our memory when that is necessary so we don’t repeat our mistakes which pull us back onto the old path or the old way of living which we have already outgrown with our new inner self-image.


Sandi Dolinar

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