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prana (2)

Prana can be subdivided into smaller energetic parts called Vayus (winds). These five Vayus have very subtle yet distinct energetic qualities, including specific functions and directions of flow. These five currents of vital force are Prana-Vayu, Apana-Vayu, Samana-Vayu, Udana-Vayu, and Vyana-Vayu.

Kundalini is the dormant spiritual energy that is coiled at the base of the spine. Kundalini is a source of potential energy that only becomes activated with intense yogic practices. Kundalini is considered a type of shakti energy.

Shakti is a more dense form of universal energy and has a stronger effect on our physical body and environment. The complementary force to Shakti is Shiva, the energy of universal consciousness.

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• Present by light body is in a desperate state. It is weak, broken and polluted energies alien reptiles and others with whom we have close relationships. Suffers from a deplorable lack of energy. For this reason, I will now describe how energized by light body - feed THEM. This thing is essentially important. In the past they used a variety of techniques to increase the energy of light. body. Animals were sacrificed (energy taken from animals), and sacrificed humans (satanism, vampirism) in order to reach the strength and power to the rulers of the world are doing today. Were used and a variety of meditation, exercise, breathing ... effect was weak. All these aberrations to know what led.

And it is completely easy solution, but dark forces are not allowed to come to him because they would lose power over people. But the weather changed ...

So, if our body is made up by light from the light, which then feeds it?

Light of course. Specifically, it is supplied with light from two natural sources: the Sun and the Earth. It is composed of etheric vibrational energy of our star and our planet. And now that you know it, it's just to find out how to directly take energy from our father and mother and they want to give us free, can not wait to wake up and look.

I will now describe the exercise which I have named "Pyramid of the Sun."

So make fists pyramid.

Finger and thumb make up a triangle. Other fingers splayed. Spread your fingers until you felt mild tension in your hands. This will help to streamline the attention to the center of the palms. Next step is to activate the energy in his hands. Holding hands in this position, feel his breathing and his hands, his fingers and hands, pay attention to their interior and exterior ... Breathe aware of their hands and try to feel it in your breath flows through them. Breathe hands, breathe some air that flows through them. Soon you will feel the flow and the flow of energy in them. It can be a feeling of burning, warmth, something that flows ... It's your LIGHT BODY. Breathing is the key that opens the door to consciousness.

When you complete this task, and you feel the energy in your hands, pay attention to the triangle that you made with your fingers. It is an energy pyramid and the fingers on the side of the dish. Now, turn the pyramid of the sun and look briefly at the sun through it. Set up your hands so that the sun is in the center of the pyramid. Close your eyes and feel the sun power your palms, fingers, and energy pyramids, connect in this way with the energy of the sun. When you feel the sun that fills your pyramid and hands, breathe that energy right into your stomach in the landscape around the navel. You started to feed. Well, some laws are universal, such as physical food we enter into the bowels of the same so it is with food under light. Take care, breath of air power retractable and exhalation with the ejection. You pay attention only to the strong breath and exhalation should be neutral, release the body of a break, as we wishes, not controlled.

Be careful not to overstate. Solar energy is very intense so be cautious and moderate. As and when we eat physical food, if we overeat, being sick, hehe! At the beginning, you will hardly last more than two minutes ... Dizziness and drowsiness may be interrupted. It is interesting that after this exercise, people feel like drunk from alcohol and feel an indescribable joy. Haha, solar energy, all this, concentrated pure joy of existence. If you try this procedure'll understand what I mean.

Once again, I warn you not to overstate. Too much energy the sun can be very dangerous, be careful not to pass as Daedalus. Man that we found in the desert to die of thirst, we must not give it up now drink water because it will die. It should give him little by little until the body again adapt to a normal. So it is with on light fixture. But over time, your body will get used to a greater and greater amount of solar energy, while not shine the brightest! And then a dark programmers mind and consciousness of this world can only watch you and - to cry.

For, your minds will enter the frequency of the vibrations to which they may never to enter. In addition, solar energy will vremnom isceliti of all diseases and eliminate all negative energy.

good luck, this is a story of a man from Serbia who dont speak english and he has a 20 years of contats with extraterrestrials from pyramids in Serbia. I have tried an first day after a two minutes of eating my shutters have swollen, and the other day was great. Good luck


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