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poetry (21)

Poetry of light.

Light, as in, physical light, is a magnificent thing. Without it, none of us could exist!

But light isn't just what gets you up in the morning, it's something fundamentally complex, something that our understanding of has been given to us by Science! 

Light, is powerful, it has the ability to create life by sparking chemical reactions. It can form a planet, or it can destroy it.

Light exists because of Einsteins most famous formula, E= MC2, where the Energy of a substance is proportionate to it's mass times the speed of light squared. That means that within a single atom, you have enough energy to produce an atomic bomb, the explosion of which is released as light!

An awful lot of light exists within every single cell, every single particle of your body!

Science has given us an awfully empowering thing, just to see that we truly are, energy based beings, for without energy, we wouldn't even have physical bodies!

But light isn't just the rainbow we see! The human eye is not advanced enough to detect all lightwaves. We see just a fraction of the spectrum. Ultra violet, infrared and beyond exist at the ends of the spectrum we see. These other lightwaves, whilst not visible to us, have very different properties to the visible spectrum. Some can pass through walls, allowing your radio or television to receive information from space! All of this light dancing around, that we can't see, and yet, it's there!

But invisible light can be picked up by cameras, a television remote glows brightly when you press a button, if you look at it through a camera or computer webcam!

Sometimes, light is not just empowering and life-giving, but can also be the most powerful crusader. 

Light, as explained by E=MC2, is energy, and therefore has to carry a bit of mass. This mass is incalculably small, but it DOES mean, that it can be effected by physical conditions. Glass and water can cause drag, electromagnetic fields and gravity can bend it, it's the universes fastest travelling putty!

But along wit hit, comes a great burden. One of the most dangerous types of light, emanates from a black hole. As a black hole consumes a star, it can become over-fed, too much is entering the black hole for it to condense at once, and so it 'belches' some into space. These are powerful radiation surges, some of which we cannot even detect. Cosmic blades cutting through space at the speed of light, destroying everything in their path. What a remarkable power, and we can't even see them with our bare eyes! They could wipe our solar system to dust in less then a second, and leave next to no visible evidence they exist!

Light, as well as existing in invisible forms, can sometimes be dangerous when it isn't present. Black holes are so dense, that they can suck light in with their gravitational wells, and this means that any light travelling to them, cannot bounce back for us to see. Instead of bouncing back, it goes there and gets consumed. We simply cannot see a black hole, even a camera would be torn to shreds before it got close enough to give any sensible information! In this way, light has been beaten, and it has left us 'in the dark' on a pressing region of our universe, that we simply cannot understand in full!

The last thing I wish to say about light, is it's ancient story. Light, from the beginning of the big bang, has been travelling all over our universe. Bouncing back and forth, these giant beams are billions of years old. When you see the light of a star that is 140 million light-years away, it has taken that light 140 million years to get here! That light is telling you the story of what that star was like all that time ago. That star might not even exist now, but the light has taken a long time to get here, so it's an old story! In the same way, as we peer into the nights sky. All of this light, comes together collectively from the ancient galaxies, and they piece together for us, the story, of the universe. A light show of pure splendor!

Thank you for reading.

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Spirit Rising


Spirit rising
High up in the sky
The entire world looks different
everything is so small
but yet so beautiful
I feel my spirit rising
higher and higher in the sky
It feels like I was given wings
strong and powerful
to take me up high
towards the sun

©Aysha Kleywegt

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Heart Prints


Whatever our hands touch - We leave fingerprints! On walls, on furniture On doorknobs, dishes, books. There's no escape. As we touch we leave our identity.

Wherever I go today Help me leave heart prints! Heart prints of compassion Of understanding and love.

Heart prints of kindness And genuine concern. May my heart touch a lonely neighbor Or a runaway daughter Or an anxious mother Or perhaps an aged grandfather.

Send me out today To leave heart prints. And if someone should say, "I felt your touch," May they also sense the love that is deep within my heart.

Author Unknown

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Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.


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I love the sound of water falling down
I love to sit down beside a waterfall
and enjoy the beauty of all the water
coming down with such force.
The powerful noise of the water falling down
makes me dream of faraway places
beautiful and mysterious
wild and untamed.
It makes me feel calm and peaceful
and it captivates me to know that
even though I'm just nothing and only very small
I'm still a part of something big
and that is the most beautiful miracle of it all.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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I'll Paint You A Rainbow

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I'll paint you a rainbow to hang on the wall,
to brighten your heart when the gray shadows fall.
On a canvas of joy outlasting the years,
with a soft brush of sweetness to dry all your tears.
I'll paint you a rainbow with colors of smiles
That glow with sincerity over the miles.
On a palette of words I will tenderly blend
Tones into treasures of sunlight and wind.
I'll paint you a rainbow that reaches so wide,
Your sights and your sorrows will vanish inside,
And deep in the center of each different hue,
A memory fashioned especially for you.
So lift up your eyes, for suspended above,
A rainbow designed by the fingers of love...
Grace E. Easley
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It's Better to Light Candles

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It is better to light candles
than to curse the darkness.
It is better to plant seeds
than to accuse the earth.
The world needs all of our power
and love and energy,
and each of us has something that we can give.
The trick is to find it and use it,
to find it and give it away.
So there will always be more.
We can be lights for each other,
and through each other's illumination
we will see the way.
Each of us is a seed,
a silent promise,
and it is always spring.

Merle Shain

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Sometimes sadness picks me up
and sweeps me of my feet.
I fight the silent tears
the demons in my head.
I'm searching for a
glimpse of light
to help me escape.
Escape from all
the turmoil in my head
the pain inside my heart
and bring me back
the simple joy
of life I always had.


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Pain hidden deep within
Pain that nobody knows about
I carry it with me as a heavy load
A load I would love to cast away
But it's impossible
It seems like we're inseparable
Like Siamese twins
It's just like we're connected
By invisible spun threads
Unbreakable, indestructible
But hopefully one day
I'll conquer all my pain
And I'll be able to walk on
With my shoulders straight
And my head up high.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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10900622664?profile=originalI love autumn
I love the warm and beautiful red, yellow and golden colors,
the wonderful smell of the fallen down leaves and all the different
sorts of mushrooms.
Everywhere outside there are the most beautiful spider webs,
covered with millions of dewdrops that glisten like little crystals
when touched by the sun.
Each morning the land is covered with
a beautiful mysterious veil of mist
that slowly withdraws when the sun rises
in the pale early morning sky
and slowly the beauty of the world around me reveals itself.
The rays of sun that fall through the leaves and the branches give
the forest that special touch of magic.
The birds sing the most beautiful songs,
a roe deer watches me from between the trees
and slowly walks away not feeling endangered by my presence.
The wind softly whispers through the leaves
telling me the stories and secrets of long ago.
The almost forgotten stories and secrets only to be heard
by those who still believe in miracles and who still see
magic everywhere around them.


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A field filled with flowers

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I'm waking up in a field filled with flowers.
The sunlight caresses my face, tickles my nose.
I breathe in the wonderful fragrances of the flowers
that surround me.
Their beautiful colors make me believe I'm in heaven
In a magical world called paradise
I watch the butterflies dance through the field
Dancing through the air from flower to flower
They dance their colorful ballet for me
Inviting them to dance and feel free
And I feel happy and alive
Almost drunk with happiness
I wished I could stay in my field filled with flowers
Filled with colors of happiness
And dance through the air from flower to flower
Just like my friends the butterflies.

©Aysha Kleywegt


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Princess Destiny


Princess Destiny
what will be your future
will you make your dreams come true
Or will it be your destiny
to do what others expect you to
I hope that you will find a way
to be yourself and live the life
that you once dared to dream
A life so full of hopes and desires
miracles and magic
Don't ever give up on your dreams
sweet princess just believe
and never give up faith
that by dreaming your dreams
one day all your dreams will come true

©Aysha Kleywegt

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In my dreams there is a worldwhere only magic exists.

Where the sun always shines

and the moon gently smiles

Where miracles happen and every child

laughs and plays

without fear, pain or hunger.

Where people are friendly

without prejudice and lust for power

and the wind sings a gentle song

through the leaves on every tree

and everything and everybody

lives together in perfect harmony.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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What's love?

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Love is the beauty of a rose
waiting for the sun to open her heart
for the unconditional love she wishes
to spread out into this world.
Love is the wonderful fragrance of a flower
that will bring warmth into your soul
and that makes you grow
and walk with your head up high
making you see all the beauty
everywhere around you.
Love is like that soft gentle breeze
that softly caresses your skin
and that makes you feel wanted,
needed and safe
Love is like the rising of the sun
bringing light into your life
giving you the strength to carry on
and face the world
full of hope and expectations.
Love is the most beautiful gift
that we can give
that we can share
that we can accept.
Without love we lose ourselves
in lonely emptiness
which slowly eats us up inside
and leaves us no more place to hide
then between the dark walls
that we have build around us.
©Aysha Kleywegt
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Silent Sadness


Silent sadness
Silent tears
Pain kept inside
hiding all my inner fears
from the outside world
Nobody knows
Nobody sees
what 's going on inside
It's well hidden
safely put away.
Only for me to feel
for me to know
and for me
to try and chase.


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I sometimes wish I could be a butterfly
Beautiful and full of magic
I would be able to dance through the air
and go from flower to flower
Life would be an everlasting dance
without the cobwebs and all the sorrow
but it would be
filled with beauty, magic and color.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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Road Demons


On our journey through life
we will encounter so many things
Things that make us happy
simple things
beautiful things
We will meet friends on our path
miracles and beauty
But every now and then
we will meet with the road demons
who will bring us sadness and pain
but who also teach us everything about
true happiness.


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World of Dreams

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At night as I walk down the hidden path into
the labyrinth of my subconscious,
I enter the magic world of dreams and mysteries.
A world where everything is possible,
where everything exists,
where all my hidden feelings and fears are struggling to come out
to reach the surface.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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Slowly the day ends and the sun kisses her goodbye.
The evening mist covers the land with its mysterious veil of secrecy.
Dreamtime is coming.
Slowly she calls me,
Singing me sweet lullabies,
Making my eyes heavy,
Making me long for her stories and fantasies.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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