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magic (7)


10900622664?profile=originalI love autumn
I love the warm and beautiful red, yellow and golden colors,
the wonderful smell of the fallen down leaves and all the different
sorts of mushrooms.
Everywhere outside there are the most beautiful spider webs,
covered with millions of dewdrops that glisten like little crystals
when touched by the sun.
Each morning the land is covered with
a beautiful mysterious veil of mist
that slowly withdraws when the sun rises
in the pale early morning sky
and slowly the beauty of the world around me reveals itself.
The rays of sun that fall through the leaves and the branches give
the forest that special touch of magic.
The birds sing the most beautiful songs,
a roe deer watches me from between the trees
and slowly walks away not feeling endangered by my presence.
The wind softly whispers through the leaves
telling me the stories and secrets of long ago.
The almost forgotten stories and secrets only to be heard
by those who still believe in miracles and who still see
magic everywhere around them.


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A field filled with flowers

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I'm waking up in a field filled with flowers.
The sunlight caresses my face, tickles my nose.
I breathe in the wonderful fragrances of the flowers
that surround me.
Their beautiful colors make me believe I'm in heaven
In a magical world called paradise
I watch the butterflies dance through the field
Dancing through the air from flower to flower
They dance their colorful ballet for me
Inviting them to dance and feel free
And I feel happy and alive
Almost drunk with happiness
I wished I could stay in my field filled with flowers
Filled with colors of happiness
And dance through the air from flower to flower
Just like my friends the butterflies.

©Aysha Kleywegt


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Princess Destiny


Princess Destiny
what will be your future
will you make your dreams come true
Or will it be your destiny
to do what others expect you to
I hope that you will find a way
to be yourself and live the life
that you once dared to dream
A life so full of hopes and desires
miracles and magic
Don't ever give up on your dreams
sweet princess just believe
and never give up faith
that by dreaming your dreams
one day all your dreams will come true

©Aysha Kleywegt

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In my dreams there is a worldwhere only magic exists.

Where the sun always shines

and the moon gently smiles

Where miracles happen and every child

laughs and plays

without fear, pain or hunger.

Where people are friendly

without prejudice and lust for power

and the wind sings a gentle song

through the leaves on every tree

and everything and everybody

lives together in perfect harmony.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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I sometimes wish I could be a butterfly
Beautiful and full of magic
I would be able to dance through the air
and go from flower to flower
Life would be an everlasting dance
without the cobwebs and all the sorrow
but it would be
filled with beauty, magic and color.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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World of Dreams

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At night as I walk down the hidden path into
the labyrinth of my subconscious,
I enter the magic world of dreams and mysteries.
A world where everything is possible,
where everything exists,
where all my hidden feelings and fears are struggling to come out
to reach the surface.

©Aysha Kleywegt

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Manifestation IS Magic!

Understanding that all aspects of manifestation are nothing less than the art of magic, helps us to understand a little bit more about both subjects.Modern man has become highly skeptical of anything related to magic or that which is called magical. This fear was created to ensure that people were turned off the idea of creating the life they truly desired or healing themselves, and rather developed a reliance upon man-made institutions which laid claim to being able to cure all of our spiritual, emotional, mental, physical or financial ills. Hence we accept that other people can be responsible for miracles, rather than developing and working on the  understanding of the real magic of creation that lies within each and every one of us.The fear that surrounds magic may also be because many people alive today have had past lifetimes which involved severe persecution, and have been tortured, maimed or killed - such as occurred during the long years of the Inquisitions. Dissenters against the dominant authority of that time, were usually people who lived an alternative lifestyle and/or didn't kow-tow to the imposed rules and regulations and enslavement of the mind. These people were powerful in their own right, and practiced alternative healing methods, which included energy healing, visualisations and rituals.Rituals abound in all of our societies and are used to invoke memories of similar past occasions, such as when singing a birthday song and blowing out birthday candles. Rituals are no more scary when used for manifestation purposes than for birthday well wishes!All of this aside, there are some fundamental principles which form the basis of all magic/miracles/manifestation/creation. These are as follows:1. Be in a raised resonance state. a). We easily begin to raise our resonance by raising the energy of the chakras with kundalini energy. We  energise the chakras from the Base Chakra, moving upwards through all of them, towards the Crown Chakra.b). In addition to this, chanting power words such as OM, or Love, or the name of a known magic-maker, such as Isis, further raises our resonance. Resonance is the key to rapid manifestation of all kinds.2. Set your intention. a). It is imperative that the intention is as clear and as detailed as possible, and is concentrated on one particular item or theme.b). Intentions must be for your own life, and must not interfere with the life of any other person. Failure to observe this most basic responsibility of manifestation magic means that great karma may be incurred. We remain accountable to ourselves in this way.c). Write the intention down on a piece of paper so as to begin the process of taking information out of the nebulous and non-material state of the mind, and placing it onto the paper of physical reality.3. Create your own ritual around the process if so desired, and repeat this ritual each time you work your magic.4. Detach from the outcome of the manifestation.a). This step, aside from being in a raised resonance state, is the most important step of the entire magical manifestation process. This is simply because worrying about the outcome of an intention is tantamount to creating a lowered resonance energy. Low frequency vibrations are part of any form of doubt, worry, fear, desire, need and any other ego issue, including thinking obsessively about your desired intention and outcome.b). With a little bit of practice, simple things like manifesting what food you want to eat becomes commonplace. An example of this is going to the fridge to get the last piece of delicious chocolate cake, only to find it has disappeared. The intention to eat that piece of cake was strong as the idea formed in your mind, and grew as you headed towards the kitchen. The images in your mind and the salivatory response as you imagined the taste, added to the intensity of this intention. Opening the fridge reveals that there is no more chocolate cake, and it is at this point that your next thought creates or destroys in an instant. The key to magical manifestation is to instantly shift your attention to an alternative and satisfying option, while thinking and stating this option to yourself. It may be something along the lines of, "That's OK, I'll have a piece of cheesecake instead," while genuinely feeling entirely comfortable with this option. At this point in the process, everything hinges upon discipline of the mind and of the emotions. Once this is understood and done, the most interesting thing is that when you look back to the previously vacated place of the chocolate cake, you will be enormously surprised to see that it is actually right there in front of you: exactly as you initially imagined it to be! You will reason that you must have missed it before, because the manifestation is so beautifully effortless. This principle applies to absolutely everything you might choose to manifest, and there are no limitations to its application.This simple form of manifestation magic is not fanciful imagining, and it really and truly works. Try it and see. Create your own magic. Learn to trust your manifestation abilities. Take back your power. Never relinquish your power again, ever. Know that you can, and do, create your world in every single moment, in every thought and with every emotion. Be conscious of what you are creating by being conscious of your thoughts and emotions. Choose your thoughts. Choose your emotions. Choose your reality experience. Choose your world.
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