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Cities of Light

by Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), along with various psychics, prophets, channels and seers, foretold (and still foretell) of potential EARTH CHANGES that are directly related to the coming of a NEW AGE upon Mother Earth. A researcher of the information forecasted by these many sources will quickly find various scenarios and happenings spanning varying degrees of land mass alterations, changes and/or catastrophes, much of which is contradictory between sources.

The existence of such contradictions does not mean the information is false, nor does focusing on any one source mean it is true. The discrepancies exist for many reasons. The primary reason is we are a mass consciousness of humanity that has freedom of will. Little changes within our conscious energy field can have massive positive results, or alternatively, if we collectively are failing to make much change within ourselves, we are passively acknowledging that we are in acceptance of whatever needs to occur on the physical plane to force us to change.

Cayce himself had said we always have the power to avoid earth catastrophes of any level. In those days he referred to it as the power of prayer, of tapping into that connection to God. In our work, we refer to it as our core essence as Divine Eternal Beings who ARE ONE with the GOD FORCE through the Journey of the Soul into Full Remembrance, which is the deepest form of prayer one can accomplish.

The NEW EARTH is indeed going to have GOLDEN ETHERIC CITIES OF LIGHT. These cities have been referred to 2000 years ago in Biblical terms as “the Land of Milk and Honey”, which was a reference to vast abundance of two items that were considered delicacies in those times. In our modern days of 1989, the I AM AMERICA organization foresaw 5 of these cities within North America.
Well known channel Ronna Herman who works with Archangel Michael’s messages said in 2010 that “You [humanity] have opened the pathways to the Cities of Light so that you can gradually incorporate higher and more refined frequencies of Light.

Another popular channel Michael Quinsey has said: “The Cities of Light of which you are now becoming aware, will give you a sample of what it is like in the higher dimensions. Yet they are more in the nature of Healing Centres specifically prepared to help you raise your consciousness levels. You will take the fast track to remove all the vestiges of your present dimension that have kept you within it.” (Sept. 2, 2011.) A year later he had this to add: “There will be ample facilities, including the Cities of Light, where you can be healed as you are to be fully restored to a prime condition. Eventually you will also be able to reverse the aging process and return to a youthful appearance, and so it will go on until you become a Galactic Being. All of these changes await you and they are not too far in the future. Think positively about them and you will be helping to manifest them much sooner than we have allowed for.” (Sept. 19, 2012).

As Quinsey noted, these Golden Etheric Cities are “healing centers for your consciousness”. Basically what the information is telling us is an emphasis on “consciousness”. Many people simply hear such words and take away the “healing” part and do not consider what the “consciousness” part means, instead feeling it will be something like a free healing clinic. This is not correct.

Louise L. Hay has written and spoken for many years on the topic of dis-ease in the body being directly related to our state of being stating, “I wish the children could be taught early on that our thinking creates our experience.” This is the higher dimensional pathway for healing, and is what Quinsey meant. The Etheric Golden Cities will be centers for learning how to heal all parts of ourselves, not just the physical.

We accomplish this by doing the inner work of self-awareness in our ‘consciousness’ to remove elements within us that have, over eons of time, kept our existence in states of dis-ease or dis-harmony. In short, it is purely about doing inner work just as all the great spiritual Masters have been telling us for those same eons of time.

What form does that INNER WORK take to create this healing? In our Academy teachings, we have spent the last four years tapping directly into exactly what the NEW AGE of the NEW EARTH is all about so that you don’t need to sort through the varied sources out there and patch together an understanding. We have done that for you. We actually visit these cities in our conscious awareness so that we can receive the healing we need. As AA Michael, in speaking about the New Earth, has stated through channel Linda Dillon, “That is a very concrete reality and there are many of you out there who are very conscientiously building and working daily with the Cities of Light. Do not think this is simply a pipe dream, it is not and you are seeing the fruits of this.” (Sept. 8, 2012).

Because of the importance of this work, we are releasing a pre-release set of audio teachings from our conscious meditative journey visits to the GOLDEN ETHERIC NEW EARTH CITIES. What occurs in these teachings is rather profound. We are given a vision of what the CITIES look like currently (as they are also in a process of being built and expanded). We then hear from a Being that has a major stake in having the upper earth citizens raise their consciousness (Lord Adama of Telos, capitol city High Priest of the Inner Earth Agartha Network of Cities), so that the Inner Earth citizens can once again walk on the upper earth with their brother and sisters of GAIA. Next the Spiritual Masters and Light Beings, such as AA Michael, instruct us regarding how we can learn to assist ourselves within these cities. Finally, in each teaching journey throughout the transmission, we always receive the higher frequencies that have our Light Bodies learn to shift and accept higher dimensional energies within our full body system (of the physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies) so that it is not just about an informational teaching.

Originally the information received by the I AM AMERICA organization related five (5) cities, their approximate etheric location above the surface of the earth, and the qualities that city would assist us in achieving. They stated the Five Golden City Vortices of The United States are: 1.) Gobean: Arizona and New Mexico; Qualities: Transformation, Harmony, and Peace. 2.) Malton: Illinois and Indiana; Qualities: Fruition (fructification), Attainment 3.) Wahanee: Georgia and South Carolina; Qualities: Justice, Liberty, and Freedom 4.) Shalahah: Montana and Idaho; Qualities: Abundance, Prosperity, Healing. And 5.) Klehma: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska; Qualities: Continuity, Balance, and Harmony.

We now know that there are 22 GOLDEN ETHERIC CITIES that have many more qualities than first understood. These cities of Light in fact each relate specifically to the 22 RAYS OF GOD, as each city is organized to bring forth the entirety of healing from a specific Ray (or Flame). Light, as we know, is a vibrational frequency, and each of the 22 Rays is given from the God Force to assist us in balancing and elevating our full consciousness in specific areas of our existence, in short: raising our frequency.

. . . From the Etheric City that I AM presently serving in with certain Members of the Great White Brotherhood, We are releasing specialized Rays of Comfort, Peace and Healing for the wounds of this dear planet and her evolutions. It is such a Joyous Experience to be able to see, as the result of your Decrees, the instantaneous Manifestations of Perfection brought about by the Light Rays We send forth to do your and Our bidding, knowing that that Light of God cannot fail! – 1959; Godfrey Ray King/Guy Ballard (author of the I AM DISCOURSES) through messenger Mark Prophet.

We have also learned that the names of the Cities are also more complex than first thought. For example Gobean, the earthly term for the first city, is known spiritually as Goloneiah. It is the City of the Blue Ray and is not just overlighted by AA Michael, but his counterpart, AA Faith; as well as the Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia. Most importantly one of the main teachers of this city is Ascended Master El Morya, the current Ray Chohan of the Blue Flame. His role is to assist us to fully understand the WILL TO DO which is the main quality of the Blue Ray that is required in order to bring about changes within us.

To learn how to access the pre-set recordings, please view our link on the Cities of Light.

Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Rev Christie Meleriessee and Rev Michael Hayden

*References or quotes from non-WTC sources does not imply endorsement of any information not specifically referenced.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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2013 is promising to be more powerful that 2012, but it depends on who you are and what your pathway means.  To a person that does not understand about Universal Consciousness, they would probably perceive this time in our Earth’s history to be very difficult and problems may seem insurmountable.  But it is just the opposite feeling for individuals that are awakened into the world of Spirit, their Higher Self.

If we look back to when January started, the Earth’s energies have changed drastically to the unseen energies.  But yet, individuals everywhere on the planet are being affected by the changes within them and around them.  In January the New Moon brought forth the Angelic Activations that will continue through the year.  At the Full Moon the Rainbow of Lights (video to be forthcoming) from the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace were activated and will continue to grow through each New Moon and Full Moon occurrence.

What Do These Activations Mean? 

The Angelic Activations represent our angelic self coming into our physical body to create the process of the multi-dimensional self.  It is the part of us that will assist each person deeply to know they are more than a human being.  The Rainbow of Lights is activated through the Elders to bring forth the 12 Rays of God to assist humanity.  The colors will be exhibited through the Spectrum of Light of colors-within-colors during each full moon and new moon energy.  To the unawakened human they will be seen as an actual rainbow.  To the intuitive person it can be seen through the Third Eye through meditation or within an awakening state.  They also will show themselves within the photographs being taken presently in which many colors of orbs will show up in the pictures.  The Rays of God are a needed component in order to fully activate the 5th dimensional Light body and the Elders represent these frequencies of light.  They are a direct manifestation from the God Force.

That was just in January.  February proved to be even more powerful.  The energies came in very smoothly but then this week, as of February 17th,we were gifted by the Great Central Suns of the Solar-Galactic-Universal-MultiUniversal-Cosmic forces to join together to create massive electrons of light to come into Gaia which would help to ignite individuals into activating their timelines of past lives.  This is the year that we are bringing together our gifts and allowing the old elements to be released through the activations of the timeline.  This week, especially is making individuals to reveal themselves in a completely and different manner.  It may happen suddenly and then the energy has shifted.  Sometimes it is not pleasant to experience as we have been everything in our past history.  So what needs to be removed will be remembered in order to allow the Higher Essence of our Light Body to be activated.

What happens to the people that have no clue what this is all about?  More destruction will occur, unfortunately.  The timeline activation has no preference of who it is going to assist as it is occurring for every individual at this time.  The difference is that individuals that have no sense of a spiritual occurrence happening in their life will find that their dark days will get darker.  This is due to the duality occurring and the Light and Dark are separating.  So if a person is having a very difficult time in their life, those energies will get stronger unless they find a part of themselves through a spiritual connection.  This can be through many avenues of earth energies, angelic communication, praying to God, and asking for help.  The lightworkers are truly working hard to change themselves and that is just what they do, “WORK WITH THE LIGHT” to assist Gaia and all her inhabitants.

This means that each of us that are working doubly hard to heal within and become the multi-dimensional self, we are doing it for others in Oneness.  This is why GAIA is healing as she is, and why the planet is making a turn-around towards the Light.  But we have a long journey through this process.

What Is A Timeline?

spiritual_bodyA timeline is a remembrance or a seed of information that is lodged within the Etheric body. They can be positive or negative timelines but the Etheric body remembers everything that has ever occurred to us in any lifetime.  For eons of time they have been lodged away and had no purpose except to ignite through the physical a remembrance that would react as a karmic debit, either good or bad.

At this time, the timelines are being reactivated to help each of us to remember and accept our role upon humanity.  These timelines come from all of our lifetimes which can be anywhere from 150 to 1,000 depending upon the soul’s pathway.  Many individuals who are Starseeds and Angelic Beings have only arrived for the first time.  But that does not mean they don’t have timelines to work through.  It just means they are probably from another planetary existence or within the Innerplane of principalities.  We also have timelines that become ignited from this lifetime in which experiences happened through our existence.  They are usually lodged into the Etheric body when something occurred and the soul could not work out the issue.  So it was put in a hiding space and never healed or removed.  It can also represent surgeries that occurred any lifetime.  Those organs stay in the Etheric body and can be ignited within the Light Body if the soul so wishes for that to happen.

Many times we, as the human, have no recollection of these timelines until we walk into the world of Soul Healing.  Previously it only occurred during intense healing, meditations, and shamanic journeys.  That is no longer the case.

2013 promises to be the year of synchronization; in order for the flowing energies to occur within each of us the timelines have to be cleared.  The Great Central Suns of the Cosmic forces are assisting us to do so.  The remembrances at this time, can be very powerful and will come to an individual easily and effortlessly.  Now all of this is engineered by our Higher Self so that our lives can become easier with divine energies flowing into our bodies as we create the multi-dimensional self to be ignited.  It depends upon each person’s particular pathway and where their Higher Self wants to guide them.  Individuals not on a spiritual pathway will be effected but in a much lesser degree.  It will be up to them to make changes within their lives through spiritual accessibility and the one’s that feel it the worst, are meant to wake up into a new world awaiting their consciousness.

To continue reading about Timelines and How to Heal through this process, please see Part 2 of 2, The Igniting Timelines ~ How Can We Work Through Them?

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page.

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