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karma (6)

Instant Karma

Karma, in the popular view, is often perceived as the bogeyman of Eastern philosophy, as the stick that punishes you for doing the wrong thing. In reality it is much simpler than that, and it carries no judgmental overtone at all.

Karma is simply reflectance. Reflectance is a property of the universe. Therefore, life reflects what you project. This principle of reflectance or karma states that life reflects your beliefs, emotions and actions. The stronger these are, the more apparent it becomes that life is a mirror of whatever you project.

Whenever you change the way you view life, the universe, just like a mirror, reflects your new view of reality. This may not occur instantaneously as, often, circumstances do not allow the new reflection to immediately manifest. In this case, the new reality is held, like a pressure within the aura of your body's subtle magnetic field. You then walk around in life, surrounded by this magnetic potential, your "karmic pattern," as it influences your circumstances to adapt into a form where the new reality will be able to manifest and operate.

Reflectance, sooner or later, produces manifestation. Therefore, if you don't like something in your life, the most powerful way to change it is to discover how, consciously or subconsciously, you have generated that reflection. Then change your point of view - the beliefs, viewpoints and energies that you put into your life - so that the reflection is changed.

It's just like the law in physics: "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." This law goes much deeper than just a law of mechanical motion. It is how the universe is designed at all levels.

Reflectance is entirely automatic. There is no judge. No one looms over you, threatening retribution for imaginary sins. However, because this law of life is automatic, you have to be the one to initiate change. It will not come to you until you take the initiative, until you create the action so that there can be a reaction.

If you seek more happiness from life, the mirror of life will shine more happiness back upon you, just as soon as you decide, within yourself, to become a happier person. Then it will reflect your new reality.

Your power lies in how you respond to the circumstances which have been created in your life. Circumstances, within themselves, are inherently neutral. It is human judgment that assigns positive and negative values to those circumstances. It is a paradox of life that the challenges of difficult times can produce the most happiness in the end.

Remember that if "bad" circumstances are affecting you, it is often not because of some "bad" way that you thought or behaved in the past, but it may be because you planned your life so that it would present certain challenges. How you respond to those challenges is the whole point of the exercise. The strongest steel is that which is quenched from great heat and the most compassionate heart is one which has seen great suffering in the world.

Your viewpoint is your response to the picture that life presents, and it is totally under your control. Your viewpoint determines what energies you will put into life and therefore what the mirror of life will reflect back.

Life is a mirror. Smile, and it will immediately smile back at you!

by Owen K Waters

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2013 is promising to be more powerful that 2012, but it depends on who you are and what your pathway means.  To a person that does not understand about Universal Consciousness, they would probably perceive this time in our Earth’s history to be very difficult and problems may seem insurmountable.  But it is just the opposite feeling for individuals that are awakened into the world of Spirit, their Higher Self.

If we look back to when January started, the Earth’s energies have changed drastically to the unseen energies.  But yet, individuals everywhere on the planet are being affected by the changes within them and around them.  In January the New Moon brought forth the Angelic Activations that will continue through the year.  At the Full Moon the Rainbow of Lights (video to be forthcoming) from the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace were activated and will continue to grow through each New Moon and Full Moon occurrence.

What Do These Activations Mean? 

The Angelic Activations represent our angelic self coming into our physical body to create the process of the multi-dimensional self.  It is the part of us that will assist each person deeply to know they are more than a human being.  The Rainbow of Lights is activated through the Elders to bring forth the 12 Rays of God to assist humanity.  The colors will be exhibited through the Spectrum of Light of colors-within-colors during each full moon and new moon energy.  To the unawakened human they will be seen as an actual rainbow.  To the intuitive person it can be seen through the Third Eye through meditation or within an awakening state.  They also will show themselves within the photographs being taken presently in which many colors of orbs will show up in the pictures.  The Rays of God are a needed component in order to fully activate the 5th dimensional Light body and the Elders represent these frequencies of light.  They are a direct manifestation from the God Force.

That was just in January.  February proved to be even more powerful.  The energies came in very smoothly but then this week, as of February 17th,we were gifted by the Great Central Suns of the Solar-Galactic-Universal-MultiUniversal-Cosmic forces to join together to create massive electrons of light to come into Gaia which would help to ignite individuals into activating their timelines of past lives.  This is the year that we are bringing together our gifts and allowing the old elements to be released through the activations of the timeline.  This week, especially is making individuals to reveal themselves in a completely and different manner.  It may happen suddenly and then the energy has shifted.  Sometimes it is not pleasant to experience as we have been everything in our past history.  So what needs to be removed will be remembered in order to allow the Higher Essence of our Light Body to be activated.

What happens to the people that have no clue what this is all about?  More destruction will occur, unfortunately.  The timeline activation has no preference of who it is going to assist as it is occurring for every individual at this time.  The difference is that individuals that have no sense of a spiritual occurrence happening in their life will find that their dark days will get darker.  This is due to the duality occurring and the Light and Dark are separating.  So if a person is having a very difficult time in their life, those energies will get stronger unless they find a part of themselves through a spiritual connection.  This can be through many avenues of earth energies, angelic communication, praying to God, and asking for help.  The lightworkers are truly working hard to change themselves and that is just what they do, “WORK WITH THE LIGHT” to assist Gaia and all her inhabitants.

This means that each of us that are working doubly hard to heal within and become the multi-dimensional self, we are doing it for others in Oneness.  This is why GAIA is healing as she is, and why the planet is making a turn-around towards the Light.  But we have a long journey through this process.

What Is A Timeline?

spiritual_bodyA timeline is a remembrance or a seed of information that is lodged within the Etheric body. They can be positive or negative timelines but the Etheric body remembers everything that has ever occurred to us in any lifetime.  For eons of time they have been lodged away and had no purpose except to ignite through the physical a remembrance that would react as a karmic debit, either good or bad.

At this time, the timelines are being reactivated to help each of us to remember and accept our role upon humanity.  These timelines come from all of our lifetimes which can be anywhere from 150 to 1,000 depending upon the soul’s pathway.  Many individuals who are Starseeds and Angelic Beings have only arrived for the first time.  But that does not mean they don’t have timelines to work through.  It just means they are probably from another planetary existence or within the Innerplane of principalities.  We also have timelines that become ignited from this lifetime in which experiences happened through our existence.  They are usually lodged into the Etheric body when something occurred and the soul could not work out the issue.  So it was put in a hiding space and never healed or removed.  It can also represent surgeries that occurred any lifetime.  Those organs stay in the Etheric body and can be ignited within the Light Body if the soul so wishes for that to happen.

Many times we, as the human, have no recollection of these timelines until we walk into the world of Soul Healing.  Previously it only occurred during intense healing, meditations, and shamanic journeys.  That is no longer the case.

2013 promises to be the year of synchronization; in order for the flowing energies to occur within each of us the timelines have to be cleared.  The Great Central Suns of the Cosmic forces are assisting us to do so.  The remembrances at this time, can be very powerful and will come to an individual easily and effortlessly.  Now all of this is engineered by our Higher Self so that our lives can become easier with divine energies flowing into our bodies as we create the multi-dimensional self to be ignited.  It depends upon each person’s particular pathway and where their Higher Self wants to guide them.  Individuals not on a spiritual pathway will be effected but in a much lesser degree.  It will be up to them to make changes within their lives through spiritual accessibility and the one’s that feel it the worst, are meant to wake up into a new world awaiting their consciousness.

To continue reading about Timelines and How to Heal through this process, please see Part 2 of 2, The Igniting Timelines ~ How Can We Work Through Them?

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page.

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We hear a lot about the concept of ascension at this time, and although many people know exactly what this means, it sometimes helps to read a bit more about it. It has disturbed me to hear a couple of people doubting that this potential for human ascension exists at this time. Osiris is the ancient teacher of ascension, and he communicates his teachings via Jacqui Gilbert. These communications form the basis of some published books, along with discussions. So, here is some discussed information from Book One: The Upliftment of Consciousness, for anybody who is interested:

"Currently, because the bulk of both humanity and the Earth have made progress from the lowly levels of the 3rd dimension, we are resident in the 4th dimension of pure physicality. Nevertheless, we still feel separated from the Godhead, because living in the 4th dimension means that the divide between the physical dimensions and the spiritual, 5th dimension is still so vast that we feel our connection to the unconditional love of the Godhead is severed.

Experiencing the physical, overly dominant 3rd or 4th dimension consciousness as we do, our lives remain distinctly spiritually unbalanced. Shifting our physical lifetime experiences higher into the spiritualised physical reality state of the 5th dimension is the challenge of living ascension. Generally, the unconscious desire of the soul presence within humanity is to reconnect to the state of being of the Godhead and to communicate within the higher dimensions properly again. But, not many people want to die in the process in order to do this. To this end we seek physical and spiritual balance in our lives and call it the search for meaning. Until we find out how to achieve this state of spiritualised physicality in our human lifetimes we will continue to go around and around on the revolving wheel of reincarnation, or Wheel of Karma, as the Light Beings call it, interminably discontented.

As physical human beings, we need to, once again, learn to resonate with the higher frequency states of Bliss. We call this new, balanced, blended experience of life in which neither physicality nor spirituality is sacrificed, living ascension. The living ascension process is the natural result of increased resonance and expanded awareness, and this awareness is a consequence of the upliftment of consciousness.

The reason that our dissatisfaction is virtually guaranteed in any purely physical dimension is very simple: we are looking for both meaning and how to reconnect and communicate with the consciousness of the Godhead predominantly in the wrong place. This is because we are disconnected from Divine Truth. Firstly, we are looking for answers 'out there' in the external world of our lives and secondly, we have been grossly misinformed for centuries by those power mongers who want to maintain their material power base on Earth. As a result of this toxic combination we have drunk many a putrid cup of concocted 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' and swallowed many a bitter pill of pain and suffering. The net result is that we have achieved passage to lifetime after lifetime of seemingly worthless lives along the reincarnation pathway on Earth."

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It is my pleasure to take a moment with each of you and share some thoughts of expression.  I Am the Great Divine Director.  I have been asked to speak today about the deepness of creation that is being accessed in this specific timeline of 2012.
Many of you have worked with me in many timelines through eons and eons of the Cosmic levels.  I have assisted the many along with other members of the Karmic Board to move through the karmic debris that has kept many souls stuck in their thoughts and life paths in the many lifetimes they have created.  My message today is not about specifics of what you have done and how you can change your pathway, but truly allowing the essence of whom you are to shine through your physical existence.
We are at a very important juncture of time as the frequencies of Light are becoming stronger and the elements of darkness are fully dissipating as there can be no other way.  We, as the full spectrum of Creation, are now coming into balance with the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  This causes old elements to be fully regenerated into the stages of growth that each individual as a Soul’s Essence has fully commanded to occur in the human form.  Each of us on the Innerplane levels are also experiencing these moments of change in our frequencies.  This is why I have been asked to share some thoughts to you in these moments of transformation.
Yes, transformation is the word I want to express.  Let us take a look back and see how far we have come as a unit of expression.  If you take each of us and each of you as we were in the beginning of time as one nucleus of Light within the Source that We Are and see each of those cells being expressed in their individuality, then you have each of us together.  You see, those of us on the Innerplane levels and the Spiritual Hierarchy do not see any of you any different than us.  Some of us came into mastership in our bodies eons ago and took that role into the expression that we are now.  But that does not make you any less or better than any of us.  We are the same, you know.  And that excites each of us deeply.
You have come to a time in which you are fully ready to accept this role into your physical world.  You have traveled far and wide to receive the expression that your Soul wants to share within you and around you.  As a spokes-being of the Karmic Board, I say to you, “LET IT ALL GO”.  It is time to fully see Who you Truly ARE and not what society says you should be.  You have awakened unto yourself and now is the time of your REBIRTH.
This Wesak is going to be a moment in time like none-other.  The frequency of light coming down from the Source of Creation has deemed it to be the Golden Year for not only Earth but all of creation.  It is very important that each of you fully express within yourself the highest frequency that your body can handle.  It is time to call upon the expression of your Higher Mind through your Soul’s Essence and say, “Show me the way of my eternal Being of Light ~ I Am ready to walk the pathway that you have deemed appropriate for me.”  As you do this, the outpouring of Light will run through you and into Gaia’s Heart of Creation.  It will move through the frequencies of the Earth to every living Being of Creation.  This is turn will flow into the lands and the seas as there will be a vibrational frequency that will settle into every living cell and organism upon this planet.
That is just the beginning.  As you do this, your karma is being transcended.  There has been a special dispensation written from the Source of Light into the Divine Mother and Father God that every individual that truly accepts this frequency into their physical existence for this Wesak through prayer and joining of other like-minded souls that their karmic debts that have not been rectified will be transcended by the Light of the All.  This means that any doorways that have still be open from karmic elements that you have not fully transcended will be transformed by the Light of the Violet Flame as it moves into the Golden Flame of the Christ Within.
This dispensation has been granted to every living being upon Planet Earth which will then be directed into all inter-planetary existence in your Universe and all Universes as we will be able to fully accelerate our existence through the 144 levels of dimensions as never before acquired in the history of our Creation.  Now I ask of you not to figure how this is going to be done through your lower mind but to accept your Higher Mind and surrender into these moments of creation.  It is an event like none other and will set the course of history in a completely different paradigm than ever before.
I say these words with the deepness of my Heart as we all walk together.  My role will be changing with each of you and within me.  Oh, we will still have the Karmic Board for those souls that will not be ready to stand within this Light at this time.  That is also part of creation.  I ask each of you to accept this role as it will transcend all time and space known as Planet Earth as we move into the higher realms of Creation.
It is very exciting and enthralling for not only me but all of the Spiritual Masters to stand with each of you as we walk together hand-in-hand unto the New Earth.  This is our birthing together, and I am deeply honored to share these words and energies into each of your Beings.  Congratulations for the hard work that you have done.  You deserve it deeply.
In the Creation of Oneness That We Are,
I AM the Great Divine Director At Your Service.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Vibratory Master of the New Earth

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The Law of Karma in action

Today, as I prepared to send out some gifts for the holidays, an interesting experience occurred. We ran out of ink and I wanted to get a cartridge for my photo printer to replicate some pictures. On the way to the store, I stopped by the post office to check the shipping times and postal rates. After checking with the post office for what I needed to do, on the way out the door I saw money on the floor. Thirteen dollars on the floor (someone who became the 13th disciple cast out of the original 12- Judas* from the Bible…hmm?). So instead of picking it up, I notified the post office staff and they would hold it until the person who lost it would come and claim it. I think it was a test of my purity of character. A person who took the money, knowing it wrongfully was not theirs to have would be following the Judas mentality and not the Christ way. Taking the money would have inconvenienced the person who lost the money and went to find it and would have cause undo harm to the individual. So the law of do unto others as they would do to you (karma) was in full effect. So I left the post office and went to buy the photo paper and printer cartridge at the store. The photo paper/cartridge was listed for $19.95. As I went to check out the woman said the bill was $8.87 for three items purchased ($2 tape, $2.00 card, and a $19.95 photo paper/cartridge). I said she forgot to ring up the photo paper/cartridge. She rang it up and it was $4.87, although listed for $19.95. I saved $15.08! I could not believe it, I received back more than the $13 that I found. It literally pays to obey the law of Karma. P.S. If you know anything about the meaning of numbers, there are hidden numbers and clues through my experience. Check out my blog- life and all those numbers. *I grew up a Christian but have since transformed into something spiritual or buddhist. Judas background story doesn't matter so much as the choice of selfless love over selfishness does.
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Past Life Healing

I have found this technique useful for healing past life situations (if this is the cause of your current life path). This works to heal your soul (the separation between this incarnation and your soul).


1. You have grounded yourself and cleared the room with the four basic usui reiki symbols (each corner of the room contiains the 4 symbols as well as over your heart area). You have asked for a golden or white light from Source to clear all that is not for your highest good. You have visualized the light clear the room. You are now sitting in a quiet, peaceful place where you will be undisturbed, ask your Source, Higher Self, Guides, Guardian Angels, etc, for guidance during the session. Ask that you are protected for your highest and greatest good from all harm and ill will.

2. Draw and activate the power symbol (cho-ku-rei) in front of the sixth chakra (third eye), then visualize it going into this chakra (activate means saying the name of the symbol three times after drawing it)

3. Next, draw and activate the mental/emotional symbol (se-he-ki) in front of the fourth chakra (heart) then visualize it going into this chakra

4. Silently state the intention and purpose for the past life session in your own words. For example, "I want to discover the Root Event in my past life for my stomach pains and release the negative emotional charge linked to it."

5. Start the relaxation technique of your choice. (I find one of the easiest relaxation techniques is to breathe for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and breathe out for 4 seconds, and do it over an over until you reach the meditative state)

6. After you are completely relaxed, visualize an almost blinding white or golden light filling the room from ceiling to floor, slowly spinning, and forming the shape of a Vortex. Take a few moments to view this Vortex.

7. Draw and activate the long distance symbol (hon-sha-ze-sho-nen), then visualize it going into the Vortex.

8. Draw and activate the master symbol (dai-ko-myo), then visualize it going into the vortex.

9. Next visualize getting up and walking into the middle of this vortex.

10. In a few seconds you exit on the other side, and into the Akashic Plane. And in front of you is a glowing grey wall with a porthole (the veil with a small hole)

11. Take a moment and walk up to the porthole and look in. Looking into the porthole you recognize yourself as a soldier getting shot in the stomach during a battle. You see the shock and fear on the soldier's face as he falls backward. Very quickly you understand the soldier has created an emotional charge from this event which has carried over to your present life. With this insight, instantly the emotional charge connected to the root event is released in the memory, and will cease to impact your present life.

12. Once gaining this insight, visualize and activate the reiki mental/emotional symbol and embed it into the heart chakra of the soldier from your past life.

13. Now turn around, facing the vortex from which you entered, and rapidly walk back into it.

14. In a few seconds, you will feel a sudden pull and instantly you will be back in your physical body sitting in the chair. Now take a few deep breaths and when you feel ready, open your eyes and gradually become aware of the room. The session is complete.

15. Destroy the released Psychic Debris from the session by visualizing a white or golden light again clearing the room.
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