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Wisdom (27)


All people as spirits in the pre-mortal world took part in the creation of the Earth. We were thrilled to be part of it. We were with God, and we knew that he created us, that we were his very own children. He was pleased with our development and was filled with absolute love for each one of us. Also, Jesus Christ was there. I understood, to my surprise, that Jesus was a separate being from God, with his own divine purpose, and I knew that God was our mutual Father. My Protestant upbringing had taught me that God the Father and Jesus Christ were one being. As we all assembled, the Father explained that coming to Earth for a time would further our spiritual growth. Each spirit who was to come to Earth assisted in planning the conditions on Earth, including the laws of mortality which would govern us. These included the laws of physics as we know them, the limitations of our bodies, and spiritual powers that we would be able to access. We assisted God in the development of plants and animal life that would be here. Everything was created of spirit matter before it was created physically - solar systems, suns, moons, stars, planets, life upon the planets, mountains, rivers, seas, etc. I saw this process, and then, to further understand it, I was told by the savior that the spirit creation could be compared to one of our photographic prints; the spirit creation would be like a sharp, brilliant print, and the Earth would be like its dark negative. This Earth is only a shadow of the beauty and glory of its spirit creation, but it is what we needed for our growth. It was important that I understand that we all assisted in creating our conditions here.

Many times the creative thoughts we have in this life are the result of unseen inspiration. Many of our important inventions and even technological developments were first created in the spirit by spirit prodigies. Then individuals on Earth received the inspiration to create these inventions here. I understood that there is a vital, dynamic link between the spirit world and mortality, and that we need the spirits on the other side for our progression. I also saw that they are very happy to assist us in any way they can.

I saw that in the pre-mortal world we knew about and even chose our missions in life. I understood that our stations in life are based upon the objectives of those missions. Through divine knowledge we knew what many of our tests and experiences would be, and we prepared accordingly. We bonded with others - family members and friends - to help us complete our missions. We needed their help. We came as volunteers, each eager to learn and experience all that God had created for us. I knew that each of us who made the decision to come here was here was a valiant spirit. Even the least developed among us here was strong and valiant there. We were given agency to act for ourselves here. Our own actions determine the course of our lives, and we can alter or redirect our lives at any time. I understood that this was crucial; God made the promise that he wouldn't intervene in our lives unless we asked him. And then through his omniscient knowledge he would help us attain our righteous desires. We were grateful for this ability to express our free will and to exercise its power. This would allow each of us to obtain great joy or to choose that which will bring us sadness. The choice would be ours through our decisions.

I was actually relieved to find that the Earth is not our natural home, that we did not originate here. I was gratified to see that the Earth is only a temporary place for our schooling and that sin is not our true nature. Spiritually, we are at various degrees of light - which is knowledge - and because of our divine, spiritual nature we are filled with the desire to do good.

Our earthly selves, however, are constantly in opposition to our spirits. I saw how weak the flesh is. But it is persistent. Although our spirit bodies are full of light, truth, and love, they must battle constantly to overcome the flesh, and this strengthens them. Those who are truly developed will find a perfect harmony between their flesh and spirits, a harmony that will bless them with peace and give them the ability to help others.

As we learn to abide by the laws of this creation, we learn how to use those laws to our own good. We learn how to live in harmony with the creative powers around us. God has given us individual talents, some more and some less according to our needs. As we use these talents, we learn how to work with and eventually understand, the laws and overcome the limitations of this life. By understanding these laws we are better able to serve those around us. Whatever we become here in mortality is meaningless unless it is done for the benefit of others. Our gifts and talents are given to us to help us serve. And in serving others we grow spiritually.

Above all, I was shown that love is supreme. I saw that truly without love we are nothing. We are here to help each other, to care for each other, to understand, forgive, and serve one another. We are here to have love for every person born on Earth. Their earthly form might be black, yellow, brown, handsome, ugly, thin, fat, wealthy, poor, intelligent, or ignorant, but we are not to judge by these appearances. Each spirit has the capacity to be filled with love and eternal energy. At the beginning, each possesses some degree of light and truth that can be more fully developed. We cannot measure these things. Only God knows the heart of man, and only God can judge perfectly. He knows our spirits; we see only temporary strengths and weaknesses. Because of our own limitations, we can seldom look into the heart of man.

I knew that anything we do to show love is worthwhile: a smile, a word of encouragement, a small act of sacrifice. We grow by these actions. Not all people are lovable, but when we find someone difficult for us to love, it is often because they remind us of something within ourselves that we don't like. I learned that we must love our enemies - let go of anger, hate, envy, bitterness, and the refusal to forgive. These things destroy the spirit. We will have to account for how we treat others.

(Betty Eadie)


There is power in our thoughts. We create our own surroundings by the thoughts we think. Physically, this may take a period of time, but spiritually it is instantaneous. If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. (Betty Eadie)


During my experience, I learned that there are two parts to every person. They can be described in various ways: male and female, intellectual and emotional, protective and nurturing, right brain and left brain. Often we go through life being one way or the other, but we can learn to balance both parts. Being off balance, too far one way or the other, keeps the spirit away from where it needs to be to achieve its greatest growth. 

(Betty Eadie)


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Radiance of the Self Kuthumi DK

The 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom is divinely beautiful to embellish upon our essence.  In the Cosmic level we feel this expression of the color of Golden Yellow to incorporate within our Crown Chakra.  It is only activated in this way on the higher dimensional frequency as it first is expressed within the Heart Center.  It moves upward from a Light Blue within the Heart Center into the Golden Yellow as our chakra system learns to express the essence of Radiance of the Self by expanding beyond what the Lower Mind can experience.  The vision is now through the beauty of our Divine Self.

Master Kuthumi is the Ray Chohan for this amazing Ray of Light.  He is assisted by Master Djwhal Khul which is a perfect partnership as their work goes beyond space and time working hand-in-hand with each other through the ages.  Take a moment and feel their beautiful essences embrace you with the Golden Yellow flame that they both embody in this moment.

It is our Divine Pleasure to speak with you through the essence of Love and Wisdom.  We are Master Kuthumi and Djwhal Khul at your service.  We would like to speak in unison about the essence of this ray, but we also want to share a part of our personal essence with each of you which we will do very shortly.

 First, let us embark upon the conditioning process that occurs within the lower mind.  Until an individual realizes the depth of their conditioning process within themselves, they cannot fully grasp the ideas that are enfolding within them from their Higher Mind.  Utilizing the Ray of Love and Wisdom will allow you to accomplish this task as it cannot come from concentrating deeply but truly allowing the flow of light to become One within their essence.  You see, the Love and Wisdom, does center within the Heart first within the color of Blue.  It must help an individual to receive the light fluctuations that are occurring within their Higher Mind so the light fractions are filtered within the Heart center to help open and expand the ability to receive their Wisdom of Creation through their Being.

This is what makes a Human become a Master.  Working within the Ray of Love and Wisdom will change the composition within an individual to accept their Divine Right as a powerful and enlightened Being.  Love and Wisdom creates leaders that are Heart focused and guided through the Will of God.

Until an initiate is fully ready to accept their totality of existence, the essence of Love and Wisdom flows through the Heart but then will actually change course and move into a higher essence.  This occurs by allowing the Higher Mind to be fully actualized within the Crown Chakra.  It is at this stage that a person will start to delve into deep spiritual study especially on the same wavelength as learning the whys and wherefores of Ascension and what it may mean for them in the physical body.  At times, during the transition this ray will be activated within the Planetary level of the Blue essence centering within the Heart to fully help an initiate to realize their full potential.  As we know, the Crown is the Spiritual Center of the Chakra Grid System so it makes perfect sense that once a person is ready to actualize their spirituality through the effect of the Crown, then the Ray of Golden Yellow will be activated.  It may take some time for certain individuals that have a tendency to be indifferent to others especially concerning spirituality and not allowing for the expansion to occur learning that there is a vast Universe that is part of the essence of God and not just one religious practice.

djwhal-khul-222x300I, as Master Djwhal Khul, say to you, the reader, that acceptance of the Golden Yellow Ray allows for the balance of the Mind through the acceptance of the Heart.  Many leaders do not employ this ray personally within their Being which is the cause of much dysfunction in your society today. 

 As each of you stand within the pathway of Mastery, take some moments to fully reflect within yourself how you exhibit your ability to express your views to others.  The most important element to acquire within your studies of spirituality and how it relates to mastery is to understand the concept of in-depth knowledge while applying it to the outside world.  It takes a great leader to first acknowledge their own ability to accept challenges that they may be encountering while sustaining a balance of equilibrium.  This takes great patience to endure adversity but all the while accessing their sense of insight and intuition. 

 This is the balance of the Heart and Mind within the Ray of Love and Wisdom.  These are traits that may take some time to fully acknowledge as the lower mind is very strong especially if the heart is weak.  The roles must become balanced by embracing the changes that need to be made through the process.

 kuthumi-letterGreetings of love and deep compassion to each of you trying to incorporate the best that You Are into the best that You Can Be.  This is truly the expression of Love and Wisdom in a short statement.  I Am Master Kuthumi, and I stand amongst many men and women of this world to assist in bringing peace and enlightenment into the hearts of the many.  How can I express to you the deep importance of allowing your inner wisdom to shine through your Heart essence?  It must be done personally, within yourself, and as the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom, it is my divine honor and duty to uphold within each of you the ability to incorporate this ray with the utmost ability to understand within yourself what it is to be You. 

 Expression to others of this nature is not an easy task especially for those individuals that have not had the understanding of what this ray may mean in their life, or do not hold this ray in any of their aspects of the four-body system.  It is very easy though to just stand within your power as it as it from your Crown within your chakra system.  As it moves through the Heart Center, then the essence will be ignited within you if you allow it to be.  Express your Will through the Heart and then speak the words that are necessary.  You will be more eloquent than you could ever imagine.  The essence that you express through yourself will be the Radiation of the Self.  Allow it to move through you and feel it deeply.  It cannot be denied as you fully accept the Wisdom of God within you.

 It is our Divine Pleasure to walk with you through Love and Wisdom as Master Djwhal Khul and Master Kuthumi. 

Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge which will fully assist you in the pathway of Mastery with ease and grace.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

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We hear a lot about the concept of ascension at this time, and although many people know exactly what this means, it sometimes helps to read a bit more about it. It has disturbed me to hear a couple of people doubting that this potential for human ascension exists at this time. Osiris is the ancient teacher of ascension, and he communicates his teachings via Jacqui Gilbert. These communications form the basis of some published books, along with discussions. So, here is some discussed information from Book One: The Upliftment of Consciousness, for anybody who is interested:

"Currently, because the bulk of both humanity and the Earth have made progress from the lowly levels of the 3rd dimension, we are resident in the 4th dimension of pure physicality. Nevertheless, we still feel separated from the Godhead, because living in the 4th dimension means that the divide between the physical dimensions and the spiritual, 5th dimension is still so vast that we feel our connection to the unconditional love of the Godhead is severed.

Experiencing the physical, overly dominant 3rd or 4th dimension consciousness as we do, our lives remain distinctly spiritually unbalanced. Shifting our physical lifetime experiences higher into the spiritualised physical reality state of the 5th dimension is the challenge of living ascension. Generally, the unconscious desire of the soul presence within humanity is to reconnect to the state of being of the Godhead and to communicate within the higher dimensions properly again. But, not many people want to die in the process in order to do this. To this end we seek physical and spiritual balance in our lives and call it the search for meaning. Until we find out how to achieve this state of spiritualised physicality in our human lifetimes we will continue to go around and around on the revolving wheel of reincarnation, or Wheel of Karma, as the Light Beings call it, interminably discontented.

As physical human beings, we need to, once again, learn to resonate with the higher frequency states of Bliss. We call this new, balanced, blended experience of life in which neither physicality nor spirituality is sacrificed, living ascension. The living ascension process is the natural result of increased resonance and expanded awareness, and this awareness is a consequence of the upliftment of consciousness.

The reason that our dissatisfaction is virtually guaranteed in any purely physical dimension is very simple: we are looking for both meaning and how to reconnect and communicate with the consciousness of the Godhead predominantly in the wrong place. This is because we are disconnected from Divine Truth. Firstly, we are looking for answers 'out there' in the external world of our lives and secondly, we have been grossly misinformed for centuries by those power mongers who want to maintain their material power base on Earth. As a result of this toxic combination we have drunk many a putrid cup of concocted 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' and swallowed many a bitter pill of pain and suffering. The net result is that we have achieved passage to lifetime after lifetime of seemingly worthless lives along the reincarnation pathway on Earth."

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Paljain jaloin

"It was good for the skin to touch the earth, and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth... The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing, and healing."


--Chief Luther Standing Bear, TETON SIOUX

Touching the earth - getting grounded, centered. There is magic in touching the earth and feeling her healing power. This is especially healthy to do during a troubling time when our minds are racing or can't stop thinking or are locked onto fear or resentment. When I need to feel free I can go to the Mother Earth. The Mother Earth is full of life and love. She always gives her powers to those who come to her. The Mother Earth is alive.

Today, my Great Spirit, let me remember to touch the earth. Let me slow down and live just for today. Let me be gentle, patient and kind.


What should I pray for?


"That spiritual power I wear is much more beautiful and much greater. We call it wisdom, knowledge, power and gift, or love. There are these four parts to that spiritual power. So I wear those. When you wear that power it will beautify your mind and spirit. You become beautiful. Everything that Tunkashila creates is beautiful."


--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA

When I was young, I asked my grandfather, "What should I pray for?" He thought for a long time and then he said, "Pray only for wisdom and for the knowledge of love." This makes a lot of sense. No matter what happens I ask the Creator to show me the lessons I should be learning. I pray for Him to help me learn the lessons. By doing this everyday we become beautiful human beings.


Listen to Your Elders, today

"Men and women have an equal responsibility to restore the strength of the family,
which is the foundation of all cultures."

--Haida Gwaii Traditional Circle of Elders The family is the heartbeat of strength of the culture. The grandfathers and grandmothers taught their children; they in turn had children who taught their children. If the family isn't taught the culture, then the children become adults, and the adults become the grandfathers and grandmothers, and the result is the culture becomes lost. This is how language is lost; this is how dances are lost; this is how knowledge is lost. We need to listen to our Elders, today, before it's too late.

Chief Seattle


Chief Seattle was an ancestral leader of the Suquamish Tribe born in 1786 at the Old-Man-House village in Suquamish. His father was Schweabe, a Suquamish Chief, and his was mother Scholitza, a Duwamish from a village near present Kent. Seattle was a six years old when Captain George Vancouver anchored in Suquamish waters off Bainbridge Island in 1792.


Seattle achieved his status as chief of the Suquamish and a confederation of Duwamish bands after he planned and executed an attack strategy that saved the Central Puget Sound people from a sneak attack from upriver tribal forces from present King County. Seattle, who was in his early twenties at the time, devised a plan calling for falling trees across the White (now Green) River above Renton that would capsize and disorient the raiding party allowing for Seattle’s forces to attack and capture them.


The plan worked and the people were so impressed that he was promoted to Chief and the former leaders became his sub-chiefs.

Chief Seattle witnessed the transition of his people from their ancient aboriginal life ways to a new one brought by the arrival on non-natives and imposed on them by the United States Government. The Suquamish had to adapt their culture based on fishing, hunting, berry and root gathering and traveling by canoe to accept a new economy and lifestyle forced upon them by religious, social and political institutions. Missionaries, fur traders and finally, permanent settlers brought new technology, a currency system, disease and the concept of private property to the Puget Sound.


The change was destructive and disruptive. The United States had already freed land up for settlers by allowing non-natives to claim Indian lands under the Donation Land Claim Act, angering many of the Tribes. The United States wanted to clear the land of Indian title to allow for settlement via a new transcontinental railroad. The federal government accomplished this by signing Treaties with the Indian tribes. Fearing a military conflict that could not be won in the long term, Chief Seattle signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott with the U.S., agreeing to live on the Port Madison Indian Reservation and give up title to the remainder of Suquamish lands. The U.S., led by Governor Isaac Stevens, agreed to provide health care, education and recognize fishing and hunting rights.


Some of the Tribes, such as the Puyallup and Muckleshoot who signed the Treaty of Medicine Creek, were angered by the Treaty and their reservations, and took up arms against the settlers and the military. The Indian forces eventually attacked the settlement on Elliott Bay. Chief Seattle kept his forces out of the battle and remained at Suquamish. For this action, other acts of kindness and long friendships with early Seattle residents, the founders of the city named the settlement after Chief Seattle.


Seattle remained on the reservation but continued to travel to the City he was named for intertribal meetings and other business. It was in Seattle that he had his only known picture taken and he gave his famous speech. Chief Seattle died in 1866 in Suquamish.


Seattle died before the federal government enacted “Americanization” policies intended to assimilate the Suquamish into the larger society and eliminate tribal governance thereby relieving the U.S. of their treaty committments. These policies included:


1)allotment of Indian reservationi lands to individual families to scatter the Tribe away from their concentrated winter villages

2) forced attendance of Suquamish children at off-reservation boarding schools where use of tribal language and culture was prohibited and punished and

3) the federally sponsored sale of reservation lands to non-natives that has resulted in the loss of 14 miles of reservation waterfront and over 5,000 acres of Suquamish landholdings. The assimilation policy failed and Chief Seattle’s people, the Suquamish Tribe, continue to persevere by honoring their ancestral ways and preserving their culture.


A group of Seattle pioneers placed a marble headstone on his grave in 1890 in recognition of his legacy. The headstone has both of the popular spellings of Chief Seattle’s names; Seattle and Sealth. Sealth is an approximation of the native pronunciation of the Chief’s name.


The Treaty of Point Elliott, recorded 35 years earlier, shows his name as Seattle. The Suquamish Tribe does not object to the use of either name.

Leo Rojas.wmv

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The mystery of the descent or "fall" to Earth of the rebellious angels—the
solar angels or agnishwattas—is said to be the mystery hinted at in the
Scriptures, and "the secret of the ages" (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 93). Thus
it is not surprising that there is so much confusion and misunderstanding
concerning the "fallen angels" of which Lucifer is the best known

The secret of the "fallen angels" is essentially the mystery which lies
behind the very Plan of evolution, for the solar angels' willingness to "fall",
to sacrifice themselves in order to bring the light of the principle of mind to
what was then animal man, marked the coming into action of the great Law of
Duality by which matter, form—negative and passive—could be quickened by spirit.
This act of sacrifice at the dawn of human history is a thread woven throughout
the great scriptures and mythologies of the world, including the myth of
Prometheus who stole fire (mind) for man, and the biblical story of the Prodigal
Son, who left the Father’s home to embark upon the path of experience in the
life of form and the senses—the journey to "the far country".

The role of the solar angels and their sacrifice on behalf of humanity is
discussed at length in The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky. In fact, in 1887
the magazine of the Theosophical Society took "Lucifer" as its name in an effort
to bring clarity to what it regarded as an unfairly maligned sacrificing

The name "Lucifer" comes from the Latin words, Luxor Lucis (light) and ferry
(to bring); thus Lucifer literally means "light-bearer". It is linked with the
planet Venus in Revelations XXII: 16 when Christ says "I am the bright morning
star", which is Venus, heralding the coming into full light of the Sun—the Son,
the Christ. Interestingly the role of "light-bearer" is linked with Mercury, or
Hermes—the divine messenger for the Gods in Greek and Roman mythology. In
Christianity Mercury’s function is served by St. Michael, "the Angel Guardian"
of Christ, according to St. Thomas. The esoteric interrelationship of this Angel
Guardian and Christ is further illumined in the statement by the Tibetan teacher
with whom Alice Bailey collaborated to write a series of books on the Ageless
Wisdom, that "Mercury and the Sun are one".

Esoterically, the role of Guardian Angel was made possible by the sacrifice
of the solar angels in their preservation of the principle of mind or, occultly,
fire, through persistent repeated incarnations in form until animal man became
thinking man and, finally, began to awaken to his true spiritual heritage:
human/divine man. Thus the solar angel creates the form for the incarnating soul
principle—the causal body—and it also withdraws that body at the fourth
initiation, when the link between form and spirit has been permanently fused and
the causal body is shattered.

The notion of the "rebellious angel" seems to trace back to the poet John
Milton in Paradise Lost, which seemed to anchor in human consciousness the idea
of the descent of the solar angels as an act of rebellion and therefore a fall
from grace. ("To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell: Better to reign in
Hell than serve in Heaven.") Yet this spirit of rebellion and ensuing pain is
not found on Venus, we are told by the Tibetan. The rebellious spirit appears to
rest squarely on Earth, for the Tibetan suggests that this spirit of rebellion
qualified the attitude of our planetary Logos himself, the "Divine Rebel". The
Tibetan quotes the Old Commentary:

He entered into life and knew it to be death.

He took a form and grieved to find it dark.

He drove Himself forth from the secret place and sought the place of light,
and light revealed all that he sought the least.

He craved permission to return.

He sought the Throne on high and Him who sat thereon.

He said "I sought not this. I looked for peace, for light, for scope to
serve, to prove my love and to reveal my power. Light there is none. Peace is
not found. Let me return.

But He who sat upon the Throne turned not his head. He seemed not even to
listen nor to hear. But from the lower sphere of darkness and of pain a voice
came forth and cried: "We suffer here. We seek the light. We need the glory of
an entering God. [I can find no other words except these last two to express the
ancient symbol from which I am translating.] Lift us to Heaven. Enter, 0 Lord,
the tomb. Raise us into the light and make the sacrifice. Break down for us the
prison wall and enter into pain.

The lord of Life returned. He liked it not, and hence the pain.

(Esoteric Psychology II, p. 98)

Evil of Separatism

Yet sin and evil do exist on Earth. We are told by the Tibetan that the only
true evil is the sin of separatism. And in this sense we gain some understanding
of how Lucifer became identified with evil, for the awakening mind which
characterises the stage of advanced humanity today is, as we know all too well,
our means both of liberation and of further separation and imprisonment. The
mind, functioning and powerful but devoid of soul, can be the great
crystallising factor which builds powerful barriers of separation. "The mind is
the slayer of the Real. Slay thou the slayer", the disciple is commanded. In
this sense the mind in its concrete and analytical element becomes the refuge
(and the unrecognised prison) of the ideologue, and is indeed capable of the sin
of separatism through prejudice and hate and the willingness to accept the
distortions of half-truths.

Further clarification of the role of the solar angels is found in a
consideration of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth Ray of
Knowledge, and the planets Mercury and Venus, through which they respectively
channel their energies. For Mercury is the "Messenger of the Gods" and the
fourth ray is the fluid principle which links the Plan and Purpose of divinity,
known on the level of buddhi or intuition, which is ruled by Mercury, with the
mind or menes, ruled by Venus and the fifth ray. "Venus was the custodian of
what we call the principle of Mind and brought it as a pure gift to embryonic
humanity", we are told in The Rays and the Initiations. Or as the Buddha said,
"Love is the deliverance of mind". And the fifth ray, channelled by Venus and
mental in expression, "operates in connection with the Law of Cleavages", and
"is also responsible for the rapid formation of great conditioning ideologies"
(Ibid., p. 602). In this we are reminded that the solar angels who chose to
descend to Earth submitted to the Law of Duality so that the evolution of the
human being could be dependent upon the development of mental discrimination and
free will, and thus upon the capacity to make choices and to choose the higher
way. There is always a choice of two paths, and it is a choice which must, for
the human being, be guided by free will.

The substance of the mental plane is fifth ray, channelled through Venus, and
because the angel kingdom works with substance—with the form aspect—so the solar
angels brought the substance of mentality to man by establishing the link of the
causal body of the soul on the mental plane—a link preserved until the fourth
initiation which shatters the no longer needed form of the causal body. Some
idea of the magnitude of this act of the solar angels is suggested in the
realisation that the fifth Ray of Knowledge "is the energy which admits humanity
(and particularly the trained disciple or initiate) into the mysteries of the
Mind of God Himself. It is the 'Substantial' key to the Universal Mind" (Ibid.,
p. 591).

Further, the link of the fifth Ray of Knowledge and the second Ray of
Love-Wisdom is said to be exceedingly close, because the second ray rules this
present solar system, and in the sacrifice of the "Light Bearing" solar angels
on behalf of animal man, the second ray aspect of wisdom was awakened, for
"wisdom is knowledge gained by experience [the journey of the Prodigal Son] and
implemented by love". Thus the descent of the solar angels into substance
brought the legacy of experience to the unfoldment of the divine Plan.

So, returning to the story of the Prodigal Son, to understand the deeper
implications of the Prodigal Son’s experience, it is important to note that,
upon his return to the Father’s home, the Father joyously rushed out to embrace
him, leaving the elder son who had remained at home feeling jealous and
unappreciated. That such a journey to "a far country" is part of God"s Plan
seems to be verified by the following passage from the Tibetan:

This urge to sacrifice, to relinquish this for that, to choose one way or
line of conduct and thus sacrifice another way, to lose in order eventually to
gain—such is the underlying story of evolution. This needs psychological
understanding. It is a governing principle of life itself, and runs like a
golden pattern of beauty through the dark materials of which human history is
constructed. When this urge to sacrifice in order to win, gain or salvage that
which is deemed desirable is understood, then the whole clue to man’s unfoldment
will stand revealed. This tendency or urge is something different to desire, as
desire is academically understood and studied today. What it really connotes is
the emergence of that which is most divine in man. It is an aspect of desire,
but it is the dynamic, active side and not the feeling, sensuous side. It is the
predominant characteristic of Deity.

(Esoteric Psychology II, p. 97)

Through the energy of the fifth ray, which is "essentially a light-bearer",
the evolution of humanity is hastened, bringing about the descent of the Kingdom
of God to Earth as a result of the ascent of so many taking initiation in this
age. The fact that The Secret Doctrine equates Venus with Gaia (Earth), and the
awakening consciousness of the Gaia theory recognises that Earth is a living and
unified organism, suggests that humanity may now be beginning to awaken and
cooperate somewhat with the reason for which the angels descended into matter:
for the salvaging of substance and the awakening of mind in form so that the
Purpose of Deity could be registered and expressed in substance. The solar
angels "fell" as an act of choice and of supreme sacrifice on behalf of
humanity. Those "Lords of Knowledge and Compassion and of ceaseless persevering
Devotion" are ourselves, and we in turn must consciously choose to take control
of our incarnation in form, seeking Purpose and thereby rendering life on Earth
a gift of sacrifice to the lesser lives dependent on our care.

Christ said, "I am the bright morning star". His promise, and the legacy of
the presence on Earth of all such "light bearers", may best be summarised in the
following words: H. P. Blavatsky wrote that "in all the ancient cosmogonies
light comes from darkness". And Alice Bailey expressed a similar recognition in
the following words: "The Master M. . . adds darkness unto light so that the
stars appear, for in the light the stars shine not, but in the darkness light
diffused is not, but only focussed points of radiance." (The Rays and the
Initiations, p. 170)

Read more… There is a prelude in the video that last 3.2 minutes prior to the start of the invocation. This is very powerful and drinking lots of water is recommended as always ; )Invocation to the Universal Underworld ~ Day 1I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Ray Councils and Brotherhood of the Light,and all other Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,as I align with my I Am Presence, and ground myself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.I now ask to be taken into the Crystalline City of Light above Table Mountain in South Africa,so I may undergo my initiation of Light to serve with empowerment, strength and wisdom,as a Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the doorway of this beautiful Crystal Temple of Light, where I am greeted by three High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek,and request permission to enter into this Crystalline City of Light.I am a seeker of Light, I seek the secrets of the Universe, the keys of enlightenment,I am in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life,and request permission to enter into this Crystal Temple of Light,so I may take on the keycodes of Light that will assist me to come into a deeper level of empowerment, Love and wisdom,so I may transmute all that is not of the Light,so I may take my Service work to another level of Light.The doors are now opened as I enter into this Temple of Light,walking up a beautiful crystal staircase into an Initiation Chamber of Light.I am greeted by my family and friends of the Light,by the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's and Brotherhood of the Light,welcomed and embraced as a seeker of Light.I am now guided into an Ascension Flame of Light,where I will experience this initiation of empowerment and wisdom,Overlighted by the Ray Councils of Light, my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High.I am now surrounded in a beautiful red flame of Light,through the first ray of will and power, and through this initiation of Light, I now recite the following:I take back the power I may have given to others and to my sub-conscious mind,releasing any issues of abuse and misuse of power,releasing any addictions or frequencies that hold me back from truly experiencing my Higher Light, as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.As I take on this mantle of leadership, I step into a deeper level of my own power, trusting and surrendering to the Divine,and being guided by my I Am Presence and the Company of Heaven.And now, I am surrounded in a beautiful yellow flame of Light,through the third ray of Divine Intelligence.Through this flame of Light, I expand my consciousness to receive the teachings of Light from On High,letting go of "lesser than and better than" consciousness issues,so I may receive the wisdom of Mother/Father God,so I may remember my initiations of Light,so I may assist in co-creating this Golden Age of Light.I now experience the parallel mergers of my Highest Potential through the streams of consciousness of the various times lines, merging into this Now, I now unlock the codes as this first wave human Soul in embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint, coming into full remembrance of my preciousness, uniqueness and individual puzzle piece.I now merge with my I Am Presence and the 144 Soul rays of which I am one,amplifying myself in this energy of Light,receiving these downloads of Light, activating the dormant DNA and aligning me to my sacred contact in this Now.I now receive the appropriate key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries through my body, energy field and hologram.I now direct these higher frequencies of empowerment and wisdom through the Unity Grid of Light for all Life to experience these ray frequencies of Light.I now link through my heart to the Sun,and now to the Central Sun on Alcyone and to the Great Central Sun on Sirius, and from here, take on all the encodings of Light I need as this initiate of Light in this Golden Age of Light.I now find myself back in my sacred space,surrounded in beautiful red and yellow flames of Light,honoring my Self as this magical Master Being of Love and Light.Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.netCo-created by Adi'El ‪‬Music by Mike Hammer ‪‬To advertise your Light events, go to ‪‬For 11:11:11 Light events, go to ‪
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