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Prayers for the Planet

Prayers relating to giving thanks to our Great Mother Earth.

Prayer To the Directions

Ho Father Sun, power of the East, power of illumination.

Thank you for shining today, for giving away your light and your love bringing the life force to Mother Earth. Thank your for your teaching reminder of my true nature, and for your power to cut through darkness. I get stuck in my darkness so easily and you help me to cut through it and remember your light and love and to extend it to my family and all who cross my path today.

Thank you Holy Father.

Ho Power of the South, power of faith and trust. Power of innocence. Please help me, for I am weak and nothing without you. Help me to surrender to your loving presence as the newly born infant trusts it will be taken care of by its parents. Help me to shed the old trusting that new growth is already on its way. I give thanks to you and pray for strengthening of my faith in your always present, presence.

Ho power of the West, gifts to be found at the center of my being. Thank you the gifts of inner peace, light and love, courage and compassion, healing and forgiveness. Give me the strength to overcome my weakness and to honor the medicine powers I have been given to carry in this life bringing them out successfully in the world for the healing of the Sacred Hoop. Thank you for the power of introspection, of going within to mine the riches you Great Spirit have placed there for us all.

Ho Power of the North, power of Wisdom. Thank you wisdom elders of all faiths and traditions throughout time. You who know Great Spirit's presence working for the greatest good in everyone, everything, everywhere and all the time. Thank you for your wisdom guidance when ever I turn to you with an open and humble heart. Help me to see Spirit working for good in all the challenges of my life. Help me to walk the Good Red Road, from the south surrendering with faith and trust, to the north, knowing your presence always--knowing you , loving you, and serving you.

Ho Mother Earth, thank you for all the gifts of your creation. You open your body and give us the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the shelter of our homes. You give us teachings of how to walk upon you with harmony and balance. You give us medicine when we are out of balance. Thank you for your mysterious, beautiful, growth power healing energy. I pray for your health and healing and that your sacred waters, body, air and spirit be clean and fresh, pure and strong. Help me to open my heart to feel your heartbeat so I walk a healing path in harmony and balance with all of creation.

Ho Sky Father, You who are above, Father Sun and Grandmother Moon, star people, rainbow bridge spirits. Thank you for your light and your love, your company through day and night.

Cloud people, thunder spirits, thank you for the gifts of rain that come to quench our Mother's thirst. Help me to open myself to your medicine teachings of balanced masculine and feminine energies. I give thanks to all you who are Above and thank you for your gifts of vision.

Ho Great Mystery, Creator, Source of All. You have been always and you will be always. You birth me and receive me when my life path is over as you have done for all the ancestors who have come before. You are here now in my center and the center of all. Thank you for this day and the opportunity to know you and to serve you. Thank you for my family, friends, teachers, and loved ones. Thank you for the work you give me to do in this life. I pray for strength, Great Spirit, please help me to do the best I can do, to honor what I have seen to be true.

Use me as a channel for your healing ways to help the people and the healing of our Mother Earth and the relationships of all the lived. Thank you Great Spirit for you, thank you for holy right now and thank you for the gift of the greatest prosperity of all, knowing your presence always.

Ho. May it be so.


Prayer of Mr. Emoto

Right now, most of us have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while certainly we are justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms, if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr Emoto, himself, has proposed.

I am passing this request to people who I believe might be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.

We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily....can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.

We don't have to know how......we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any power active in the Universe today.

Please join me in oft repeating this healing prayer of Dr. Emoto's. And feel free to copy and paste this to send it around the planet. Let's take charge, and do our own clean up!

"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons,corals, algae and all living creatures.....I am sorry. Please forgive me.

Thank you. I love you."

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Vow to the Creator

I have decided to take an even narrower path, or focus of consciousness:

Last night I made a vow to the Creator that I would stay in service to others despite the catalyst.

A re-affirming of focus and creation.

This vow is a personal vow to the Creator. It comes from your heart. All I ask is that each of you (due to free will), when the time is right and when you wish, also make personal vows to the Creator to be of service to others despite the catalyst (a catalyst may be generally summarized as a testing of your devotion to the Law of One)

Remember this quote as you encounter situations in life that test you- "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." ~Albert Einstein

Our future appears to me from my perspective as a forming of groups on the physical plane merging with the counterparts of the astral/inner planes and forming an alliance expressing the Law of One through all space and time and time and space. The unification of the whole.

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DailyOm – Lessons of Reflection

DailyOm – Lessons of Reflection
July 19, 2010

Lessons of Reflection


Each of us is on our own path and we all learn differently. Because of this it is important to not interfere with another’s path of growth.

When we care about people, we want to save them from pain by offering them the benefit of our experience. Sometimes we feel like we know what is best for them. Sometimes, like when their safety is involved, we need to step in, but those times are rare. More often we find ourselves becoming frustrated when our close friends or family members do not use our relationship insights or follow our dietary advice, and this is where we find our challenge.

We may even find ourselves becoming angry when they choose another path. This strength of feeling is usually a sign that our motivations go beyond merely helping another to indicate that there is a lesson there for us.

First, we need to keep in mind that each of us is on our own path and that we all learn differently. When we trust the universe, we know that there is a higher power at work that knows what is best for our loved one. Since we do not want to deny them experiences of deep feeling that are essential steps in the growth of their spirit, we can instead offer them our counsel. After we have given our gift, it is time to release it, along with our expectations of them and their choices, with love.

Once that is done, we can remind ourselves that our relationships are mirrors that allow us to see ourselves more clearly in the reflection. That is why it is easier for us to see solutions to other people’s problems than to see answers for our own. We can also learn from these experiences when we ask ourselves if we ever do the same thing. Maybe we do not share experiences with relationships, but we do with our finances or our food choices. In being willing to look at ourselves and see why we are being irritated by what other people choose to do with their lives, we can be like an oyster and make irritations into pearls. With these pearls of wisdom, we learn to release the desire for control over others and instead enrich their lives as we enrich our own.

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DailyOM – A Refuge of Your Own

DailyOM – A Refuge of Your Own
June 16, 2010

A Refuge of Your Own

Creating a Garden Sanctuary

Think about creating a garden sanctuary to reconnect with nature and honor yourself and mother earth.

Each of us has been blessed with an innate need to celebrate and glorify life. At a most basic level, we honor the forces that came together to bring us into being by caring for our bodies and our souls. To truly rejoice in existence, we must also learn to cultivate loveliness in those special places that replenish the soul. When we create a garden sanctuary, we are reminded that we are a part of both nature's essence and something more. An outdoor retreat is a place we can surround ourselves in nature, beauty, and the life force. It is not difficult to create a sanctuary—we should endeavor, however, to create sanctuaries that speak to us as individuals.

Whether we have a yard, a grassy corner, a patio, or a porch at our disposal, our creative potential is infinite. Any of these spaces can become a magnificent garden. When we feel drawn to specific themes such as Zen, angels, paradise, or the ethereal, we should explore them. Décor and furniture crafted from natural materials like wood and stone blend seamlessly into nature. Yet we can also augment the natural world by filling our garden sanctuaries with statues, bells or gongs, or colorful flags. Running water, like that in a created stream or fountain, helps energy flow smoothly.

If space is a concern, crystals and mirrors can fulfill the same function. Hidden features like concealed swings and reflecting pools veiled in shadow can surprise and delight. As your garden sanctuary evolves, remember to invite the elemental spirits of nature to assist you in your efforts to create a small pocket of harmony, beauty, and peace in your own backyard. If you have not already felt th! eir presence, sit quietly in your garden and reach out to them. You will feel these earthly guides at your side as you continue to develop your sanctuary.

In the refuge of brilliant color, sweet scents, and stillness you create in your garden, the burdens imposed upon you by a sometimes hectic world will melt away. The splendor and tranquility of what you have brought into being will entrance you, allowing you to forget the constraints of time and space. No matter how large or small your garden sanctuary, the time you spend reveling in its pleasures will refresh your spirit and provide you with innumerable opportunities to celebrate life.

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A father writes of a special relationship with his daughter who was born blind and at age sixteen was given the gift of sight.Blue©Brian A. HaycockShe was born pink and soft with all of her toesShe had my eyes and her mothers noseShe cried for a moment and then settled downThe angel of my life with hair of brownMonths went by and we watched her growSomething was wrong and we had to knowThe doctor called with concern on his mindAnd told me my angel had been born blindI cried for a while and then I got madThis was not my idea of being a dadSo from that day forward I started a plightTo be her eyes in life and her heart of sightAs the years passed by she started to growInto a beautiful child with a need to knowEach day was spent teaching all that I knewUntil one day when she asked about blueI tried to define it but my efforts were in vainOnly sighted descriptions were the way to explainShe had no way of knowing what I was trying to sayAnd for the very first time I failed her that dayLife went on and as she grewShe formed her thoughts on what is blueWanting to know just what others could seeInside her mind it became realityOn her sixteenth birthday our lives got betterWe received good new from a doctor's letterHe said he could help and that this just mightGive the eyes of my angel the gift of sightI will never forget what she asked to seeWhen she opened her eyes and first saw meShe looked at me with her eyes of newAnd asked me to show her the color of blueI said, Look at my eyes, for they are blueThe day you were born they watched over youAll through the years they never looked awayThey will always be with you and will never strayShe smiled at me and said that she always knewAbout what the meaning was of the color blueThrough out her life she could always seeWith the eyes of her heart instilled from meTo her the color had a meaning more than just sightBlue had a feeling that gave her an insightThrough out the years as both our hearts grewShe told me that Love was the color Blue
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Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico in maps and graphics

A massive operation is under way in and around the Gulf of Mexico to halt a leak from a blown-out oil well and prevent the spread of the slick.

The graphic above shows the scene 1,524m (5,000 feet) beneath the waves where oil is leaking out of the damaged remnants of the oil well apparatus.

Below we explain the various attempts to stem the leak from the damaged oil lines on the sea bed.
Underwater efforts to cap oil leak

Initially, BP tried to lower a 125-tonne, 18-metre (59 feet) high container dome over the main leak on the sea floor. However, this failed when gas leaking from the pipe mixed with water to form hydrates, ice-like crystals, that blocked up the steel canopy.

Meanwhile, four robotic submersibles have been trying to activate the blow-out preventer, a set of huge valves designed to seal the well.

Experts believe the blow-out preventer (BOP) must have partially triggered otherwise the flow of oil to the surface would be more extreme than it is.

In an unusual move, BP, the British oil giant which contracted another company to drill the well, has also started using dispersant chemicals down at the leak site as well as on the surface.

A long-term solution is also in progress - drilling a relief well which can tap into the leaking well and take the pressure off the broken well. However, it could be three months before this is operational.

Up to five thousand barrels a day are thought to be leaking from the site of the Deepwater Horizon rig which sank on 22 April after an explosion in which 11 workers lost their lives.

The delicate eco-system of the gulf coastline is rich in wildlife including the brown pelican, many species of duck, turtles, and whales.

There are fears that the disaster could reach the scale of the 11m gallon Exxon Valdez spill off Alaska in 1989.

How the oil has spread

Approximate oil locations 22 April - 15 May


Emergency teams are using several methods in attempts to deal with the oil at the surface, which has created a slick covering about 2,000 sq miles (5,200 sq km).

More than 275 vessels, including skimmers, tugs, barges and recovery vessels, are being used.

Skimmers, which skate over the water, brushing up the oil are also being employed and more than 90,000 barrels of oil-water mix have been removed.

Around 190 miles of floating boom are being used as part of the efforts to stop oil reaching the coast. A US charity is even making booms out of nylon tights, animal fur and human hair. Hair donations have been sent from around the world to help make the special booms, which will be laid on beaches to soak up any oil that washes ashore.

Dispersant chemicals, rather like soap, are being sprayed from ships and aircraft in an effort to help break down the oil - which is also degraded by wind and waves.

Burning is another method used to tackle oil spills - although it can be tricky to carry out and has associated environmental risks such as toxic smoke.

So far emergency crews have had little success in containing the spill using those methods.
New underwater technology aimed at stopping crude oil rising to the surface at the site of the leak has had some success.

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The Extraordinary Eclipses of the Grand Cross

Channeler: James Tyberonn Special Metatronic Channel

The Extraordinary Eclipses of the Grand Cross

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I greet you all in Unconditional Love, indeed a love that you will need over the next few weeks!

You are entering of one of the most powerful and intense energy crucibles experienced on the planet in many millennia, and the relative 'temperature' is about to drastically increase. It is the Diamond Triad, and is the purpose behind the encouraging 'OM Wave' that the Cosmic Council of Light have graced you with.

There are three very significant astro9logical occurrences over the next five weeks (June 26-August 4). These are:

• The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse -June 26
• The Solar Eclipse of July 11
• The 5 Planet Alignment of July - The Grand Cross

The June 26 eclipse of the full moon is extraordinarily powerful and will set the stage. Indeed this full moon eclipse is a double edged sword and can be the impetus of great change to the positive, if correctly understood and utilized accordingly. Or its intensity can rupture your auric field and set you in a downward spiral. It is up to you, depending on if you react in impatience and emotion or if you wisely utilize this resonance for creativity and inward cleanse.

As is the case of all crucibles, it will use intense heat to purify.

We tell you that the recent solstice and the impending Diamond Triad of the Grand Cross are among the most powerful energies felt on the planet for millennia, and many of your savant astrologers have recognized this....and so must the wise among humanity. Indeed the 5 planet configuration and associated angles represent an extremely rare and extraordinarily unique frequency that can offer a template of magnanimous change, yet within a resonance that can also be quite chaotic.

It is well during this time to carefully consider your actions. Be cautious in your demeanor, and take extra efforts to maintain the integrity of your auric field. Think before you speak, and do not allow untoward emotion; that of anger, envy, depression, guilt or doubt to invade your energy. It will be easy to mismanage both communications and emotions in this crucible, and the results could be quite detrimental to relationships and state of mind. Better to use this cutting energy to go inward, and review for hidden habitudes and obstacles that may yet lurk within.

There is no better time to release these. And Dear Ones, almost all of you still have cleansings yet to perform. More often than not in duality, those that do not recognize the tarrying residues of negative traits are the ones most needful of the search, including those of you on the spiritual path. Spiritual ego can especially be cleansed, if dutifully examined, in this crucible.

You see, the obstacles that were easily seen, for most of you seekers, have been dealt with. What now remains are the residual ones your ego's have quietly swept under the carpet, and hidden in the darkness in deeply imbedded boxes.

But do not be discouraged, and do not feel we are judging you, for all of you will indeed Ascend, sooner or later. But there is a grand opportunity within this crucible to find what is hidden, and perform the needful purge. That that is in shadow will be revealed in this time, and that which could not easily be seen in other sojourns, in other phases of the 'present' lifetime, will be visible if such self- search is truly desired and diligently executed. And Masters, while such an examination will require courage and humility, the rewards are great. For indeed the eclipses and Grand Cross affords you the opportunity to pass through an important doorway, into a higher and more pristine version of true self.

So we urge you to seek the hidden obstacles and confront and release them on the lunar eclipse. We further and emphatically recommend you to meditate intensely on the attributes you desire to achieve on the solar eclipse., for indeed the ability to be creative in the phase of the solar eclipse is amplified as well. A perfect time for resolve and surprisingly for artistic expression, or manifestation of desire.

Utilize the interim phase between the eclipses then to decide who you truly are. What are you here to do, what will you do with the years of this sojourn you have remaining. You see Masters, the energy of the period you are entering, offers you the ability to enter a state of profound 'Beingness'. A state beyond the mind, an energy beyond that you term thought. And for many of you, Beingness is a state that you have not truly engaged; such is the control you have given the inner narrator.

In a true sense the Diamond Triad offers those of you who can silence the mind, the opportunity to more easily enter the solemn vibration of still wisdom, of 'mindless' Beingness, and truly Masters, it is a state far higher in frequency that that of mindfulness. Does that confuse you? We tell you that there is an identity of your Divinity that is above the mind, and it is an aspect of your soul, and is far closer to your true Beingness.

Indeed mind is simply a companion of your Beingness relative to the 3rd dimension, and we beckon you to explore this aspect more deeply in the following 4-5 weeks, for many doorways are opening. You are capable of investing your Beingness in a higher level of engagement during this time, and while this may surprise you, your mind invites this opportunity, in all its aspects of creativity, for it knows that there is a level above it that is quite necessary for your evolvement into higher dimension.

The Diamond Triad, the Grand Cross and Eclipses are the pathway to the 10-10-10 in this your year of 2010, use this time well, and you will make a quantum leap.

As we have said, what lies before you is a difficult energy for you to master, but it can indeed be experienced and great gain is possible. The Cosmic Council of Light has sent a wave of energy over the past days, that has been termed the 'OM Wave'. Tap into this energy, and it will serve you well as you navigate the next 5 weeks.

Dear ones, keep ever in mind, this energy is extremely intense, and is quite capable of throwing you off center, if you do not maintain your guard. It is the Diamond Triad, and can serve you well and offer a quantum leap if you consciously utilize this energy and retain Auric Integrity.

Be calm, be patient, be creative , be wise, and nurture yourselves and one another.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.

And so it is....

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DailyOM – Echoes of Power

DailyOM – Echoes of Power
June 29, 2010

Echoes of Power

Sacred Vows

When we make a promise, a subtle yet powerful shift takes place in our souls where intentions are housed.

Speech is a vehicle for vows, but the sacred vows we speak are more than just words. When we make a promise, a subtle yet powerful shift takes place in our souls where intentions are housed. A vow is both a tool we employ in order to facilitate transformation within ourselves and an expression of will. Thus, to make an oath is to communicate to the universe and our deeper selves our commitment to the principles most important to us. Fulfilling a sacred vow—whether it is as complex as "'till death do us part" or as simple as "I promise"—challenges us, exercising our willpower and aiding personal growth.

When we speak a sacred vow out loud rather than reciting it in our minds or recording it on paper, our voices project our promises into the deepest reaches of the universe. It is important that we remember that a vow made with the sincerest of intentions has the power to carry on past our earthly lifetimes. A well-chosen vow encourages commitment and dedication. The presence or approval of a spiritual teacher is not necessary to success, as true oaths are a product of the heart.

A sacred vow, once spoken, becomes a part of your existence forevermore. Your view of the world around you may change, and your predominant thoughts and feelings will no doubt evolve with time, but the spirit in which your oaths were spoken will remain unaffected. It is up to you to determine how you will stay true to your vows while your inner- and outer-world existence is transformed. Your strength and character will inevitably be tested as circumstances make keeping promises increasingly challenging, but after you have shown yourself steadfast many times, your appreciation of the sanctity of vows will be cemented in your mind and soul.

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The Legend of the Wissahickon – Posted by Carlton Newman

The original author and publisher are unknown.
Taken from the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.,
by Guy W. Ballard in the early 1930's.

Near Philadelphia, on the banks of the lovely Wissahikon River, there was once a Protestant monastery where lived a brotherhood of noble men who had left Europe and sought a home in the wilderness where they might worship God in their own way, far from the courts of kings. They were known as Fanatics.

About one mile from the old monastery, there lived a man who was of the brotherhood in belief, but not with them because he had brought with him to the new world his young son and baby daughter. He was a nobleman of wealth and position, whose religious beliefs were tolerated neither by Protestants nor Catholics. He had lived patiently and quietly in the Old World doing his best and faithfully serving his king, until his beloved wife died. Then he had given up his castle, his lands, his title and most of his great possessions, and fled across the sea with his young son and baby daughter, to make a home in an old time blockhouse of the Wissahikon wilderness. There he lived and studied the book of Revelations for seventeen years. Meantime his little son became a noble youth who shared in his father's every hope and conviction; his baby daughter became a fair maiden, lovely beyond words; with gold hair which fell not in ringlets nor curls, but in soft, wavy profusion to her shoulders.

We are told that when the shadows were beginning to lengthen on the last day of 1773, the little family might have been seen walking arm in arm along the banks of the Wissahikon, beneath trees bending under their weight of snow. The father, who was then known and loved far and near as the Priest of the Wissahikon, wore a velvet cloak with a silver cross suspended by a cord around his neck. The girl, with a look of adoration upon her face, listened without questioning to the conversation between father and brother in whose eyes shone the light of immortality. For seventeen years the old man had studied Revelations and again he repeated what he had affirmed so many times before, as the result of these years of study.

"The Old World," said he, "is sunk in all manner of crime, as was the Antediluvian World; the New World is given to man as a refuge, even as the ark was given to Noah and his children.

"The New World is the last altar of human freedom left on the surface of the globe. Never shall the footsteps of Kings pollute its soil. It is the last hope of man. God has spoken and it is so. Amen."

It was the girl who urged a return to the house, and it was she who sought its warmth and shelter for the sake of her loved ones, and drew the curtains at the windows of the living room to shut out the gloomy forest and coming night. It was the girl who tried to bring cleer to the little group and to lighten the sadness of her father and brother; to distract them from their somber thought and study. That night she tried in vain; she knew that passing hunters again would hear the voice of prayer late into the night, and see the chapel lights streaming across the snow until the dawn.

The hour of separation came when father and son bade the maiden good night and together sought the chapel where two tall candles were already burning on the white altar. It was a circular chamber with oak panels. Between the candles on the altar was a slender silver flagon, a wreath of laurel, freshly gathered from the Wissahikon hills, and a velvet bound Bible with clasps of gold. Behind the altar was an iron cross. The Priest of the Wissahikon was the first to break the silence.

Said he: "At the third hour after midnight, the Deliverer will come!"

Said he: "At the third hour after midnight, the Deliverer will come!"

Then as the young man stood pondering, the father responded, "Tonight he will come. At the third hour after midnight he will come through yonder door and take upon himself his great mission to free the New World from the yoke of the Tyrants. All is ready for his coming. Behold the crown, the flagon of anointing oil, the Bible and the Cross!"

Hours passed. The lad knelt in prayer; but the father paced up and down the chapel waiting until the clock of the great hall struck twelve and the New Year dawned. Then the lad arose and gently tried to prepare his father for disappointment. Perhaps they were mistaken; perhaps they were not right in believing that the time for the deliverer was at hand.

"At the third hour after midnight the Deliverer will cone!" was the father's answer.

The lad returned to his prayers and the Priest of the Wissahikon continued his lonely watch while the clock struck one, two, three. Then there came footsteps in the hall, and a tall stranger of commanding presence entered the door of the chapel and spoke these words:

"Friends, I have lost my way in the forest. Can you direct me to the right Way?"

Answered the Priest of the Wissahikon, "Thou hast found the way to usefulness and immortal renown!"

Wondering, the stranger came a step nearer to see if he were being mocked; hut the Priest of the Wissahikon rapidly questioned him. Did he come from the city? Yes. What was the burden upon his heart; was it not his country's welfare? Yes. Was he not troubled about the right of a subject to raise his hand against his King? Yes! Then said the Priest of the Wissahikon to the amazed stranger:

"Thou art called to a great work Kneel before this altar and here, in the silence of the night, amid the depths of these wild woods, will I anoint Thee, Deliverer of this great land!"

Immediately this peerless stranger before whom ten thousand might bow their heads, knelt before the white altar in the old blockhouse and placed his hands on the Bible.

Then, says the legend, these words fell from the lips of the Priest of the Wissahikon:

"Then art called to the great work of a Champion and Deliverer! Soon thou wilt ride to the battle at the head of legions - soon thou wilt lead a people on to Freedom - soon thy sword will glean like a meteor over the ranks of war!"

The candle light cast weird shadows on the wall, the silver cross of the Priest shone, the white altar cloth waved in the wind from the open outer door, the trees moaned outside, while the Priest, so the story goes, continued thus:

"Dost thou promise that when the appointed time arrives, thou wilt be found ready, sword in hand, to fight for thy Country and thy God?"

Solemnly came the answer, "I do!"

"Dost thou promise in the hour of thy glory, when a nation shall bow before thee, as in the fierce moment when thou shalt behold thy soldiers starving for want of bread, to remember the great truth written in these Words, 'I am but the minister of God in this great work of a Nation's freedom'?"

Clearly, firmly, came the answer, "I do promise!"

"Then in His name who gave the New World to millions of the human race, as the last altar of their rights, I do consecrate thee its Deliverer!"

The Priest of the Wissahikon dipped his fingers in the anointing oil and described the outlines of a cross upon the stranger's forehead and was about to place the laurel wreath upon his head after saying: "When the time comes, go forth to victory. On thy brow no conqueror's blood-red wreath, but this crown of fadeless laurel," when the girl appeared, took the wreath and crowned the stranger.

Unable to sleep, she had hastily donned a white robe, and putting a dark cloak around her, had gone down to the chapel and had witnessed the scene unnoticed until she had seized the laurel crown from her father's hands. Fearing she had been presumptuous, the girl bowed her head; but the father smiled.

"It is well," said he, "from whom should the Deliverer of a Nation receive his crown of laurel, but from the hands of a stainless woman."

Then spoke the lad: "Rise, the Champion Leader of a People. Rise, sir, and take this hand which never yet was given to man. I know not thy name, yet on this Book I swear to be faithful to thee even to the death." Then Paul, for that was his name, buckled a sword to the Stranger's side.

When the ceremony was over, the stranger stood in the chapel in towering strength and majesty and said these final words:

"From you, old man, I take the vow. From you, fair girl, the laurel. From you, brave friend, the sword. On this Book I swear to be faithful unto all!"

A moment later the stranger vanished into the outer wilderness of the Wissahikon and the sound of his retreating footsteps mingled with the moaning of the wind. That was New Year's Night of the year 1774. In the darkest hour of the American Revolution; the blockhouse was burned; and while smoke still rose from the ruined home, three were sleeping in their graves by the Wissahikon; one was an aged nobleman; one was a fearless lad; and the other, a fair girl with a wealth of golden hair.

Years later, when America was a nation, and George Washington was her President, again came the stranger of noble presence to the banks of the Wissahikon, seeking the blockhouse and the three who sent him on his mission that New Year's Eve of 1774. He found the ruined blockhouse and the graves. That night, at a party in the bright city of Philadelphia there were many who wondered why, at a time when a nation bowed before him, the Father of our Country was sad and thoughtful, and bowed his head as if in memory of grief when a fair maid, with a wealth of golden hair, sang a song of the Wissahikon.

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DailyOM – Layers of Feeling

DailyOM – Layers of Feeling
July 8, 2010

Layers of Feeling

Coping with Passive Aggression

Those who cannot express negative emotions may engage in passive-aggressive behaviors that provide a means of redirecting their feelings.

Many people are taught from a young age to suppress feelings commonly regarded as negative, such as anger, resentment, fear, and sorrow. Those who cannot or will not express these emotions tend to engage in passive-aggressive behaviors that provide them with a means of redirecting their feelings. Passive aggression can take many forms: People who feel guilty saying “no” may continually break their promises because they couldn’t say no when they meant it. Others will substitute snide praise for a slur to distance themselves from the intense emotions they feel. More often than not, such behavior is a cry for help uttered by those in need of compassion and gentle guidance.

When we recognize passive-aggressive patterns in the behavior of others, we should never allow ourselves to be drawn into a struggle for power. Passive aggression is most often wielded by those who feel powerless in the face of what they perceive as negative emotions because they hope to avoid confronting their true feelings. They feel they are in control because they do not display overt emotion and often cannot understand how they have alienated their peers.

If someone close to us shows signs of frustration or annoyance but claims nothing is amiss, we can point out that their tone of voice or gestures are communicating a different message and invite them to confide in us. When we feel slighted by a backhanded compliment, it is important that we calmly explain how the jibe made us feel and why. And when an individual continually breaks their promises, we can help them understand that they are free to say no if they are unwilling to be of service.

As you learn to detect passive aggression, you may be surprised to see a hint of it in yourself. Coping with the natural human tendency to veil intense emotions can be as simple as reminding yourself that expressing your true feelings is healthy. The emotions typically regarded as negative will frequently be those that inspire you to change yourself and your life for the better, whereas passive-aggressive behavior is a means of avoiding change. When you deal constructively with your feelings, you can put them behind you and move forward unencumbered by unexplored emotion.

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The Story of a Mail Man

The Story of a Mail Man

A postman like him may have educated you to a good life.

Here is the story of a school and a college which rose from the dust because of the dreams of a mailman in India.

In 1938, a school was running in a little shanty room with a total strength of 11 boys, one teacher and bank balance of Rs.11 (about 22 cents). The salary of the teacher was only Rs.12 per month (about 24 cents); but the school was on the verge of closing down. Then the miracle happens! A postman takes over its management and by 1944, the school has a fund of a few hundred rupees. The school is well-established with students four-fold and more class rooms. In 1946, the postman's 'Deewali baksheesh' (the tips received during the festival of Diwali) of Rs.4500 and funds collected by staging a play brings the total to Rs.12,000. And the postman and his wards go from strength to strength. Let us view this drama as it unfolded.

A corporal from World War I:

Way back in 1938, the Hindi School at Ghatkopar was one of the only two of their kind in Bombay [now Mumbai] in India. It was in doldrums when a young postman Nandkishor Singh Thakur, pledged to give his spare time to the school. Well, if Hindi School was an unimportant, unknown school in a suburb of Bombay, Nandkishor himself was an uninfluential person. Born in 1897 in a village in UP, his own education was two years of study in the primary school. But he had seen the world in the first World War - in the Middle East as a Corporal in the Infantry. Five years of stay in Turkey as a part of the British Army had made Nandkishor a changed man.

In 1926, he joined the Post and Telegraphs department as a Postman in Ghatkopar. But his dreams were bigger. He wanted to have a more purposeful existence. And he found an outlet. The combination of this humble, unassuming, simple postman and his little-known one room institution in one of the suburbs of Bombay has now become an epic story to remember.

What is it that drew this short, bald man with a walrus moustache to this school? What was it that made him put [--does so even today] all that he had and 'a little more' to make things better than before? Perhaps, he himself has no answer.

Collection drive:

Hindi School was in a very bad shape when Nandkishor took it over. He didn't know how he was going to add to the bank balance of Rs.11 that was all in the name of the school. But he knew that he had access to all and sundry in that locality as a postman. He made use of his contacts. He carried along with his postbag a small box in which people could drop anything upward from a paisa [1/64th of a rupee, 1/32 of a $]. It was a paltry sum to begin with but the school survived. More than that, people came to know of the school and its humble organizer.

The school received its first large sum in 1946. Nandkishor declared that whatever 'Deewali baksheesh' he would get from the people would be added to the school fund. People gave generously. He collected about Rs.4,500 that way. In a play staged in the same year, another sum of Rs.7,500 was collected, bringing the total to Rs.12,000. The school had come a long way from the days of Rs.11-reserve-fund.

A plot of land [3,300 sq. yds in area] near the Ghatkopar Railway Station was bought for the sum, with the help of a Government grant. Again the bank balance went to zero. No one was willing to lay the foundation stone for such an institute. 'Jai Ramji' [as Nandkishor was popularly known, for his usual greeting to all] himself was asked to do that: and in the name of God he did that.

He was again went on a fund collecting spree. This time he gathered seven donors, each committing Rs.3,000 [-- amount required for one class room], and the ground floor was ready. The then Chief Minister of Bombay Shri. B G Kher declared open the building and the first batch batch of 80 students moved into the new school by September of 1947.

Now came the period of risk. He went ahead with the construction of first floor without any capital -- purely on faith. The debit note rose to Rs.22,000. Again fate intervened. He collected a larger sum of Rs.31,000 from staging the famous play 'Deewar', presented by that kind hearted, popular actor Shri. Prithviraj Kapoor. Came Rs.44,000 from an unknown donor and the building had its second floor completed, barely within four years from the time the foundation stone was laid with no bank balance.

Here is a living example of that 'karmayogi' of the Gita -- a man who believes in doing his duty, leaving the rest to God. And God has never failed him. Yes, at times He severely tested this disciple of his but in the end He stood by him.

College takes shape:

Building of a school was not all that Jai Ramji had as mission in his life. No time for complacency. Like rare old men, his active life started after his retirement. On the mortgage of the school, he bought an adjoining plot costing Rs.64,000 for a college building. Bank balance?: a repetition of the past! But now he had the students and the teachers of the school to help him collect the funds. Rs.18,000 collected thus was enough to start the work. Slabs of all the three floors were ready. But there was no money for the walls and finishing. The test this time was the severest. Jai Ramji was mocked by street urchins. Construction work was at a standstill for almost two years.

But again in 1959, he started a one-rupee collection drive and gathered Rs.7,000. The school committee looking at his unswerving zeal, offered a loan of Rs.100,000 collected from amongst its members. The college was ready. It needed funds to be fit for affiliation to Bombay University. Even this dream materialised. In 1963, Shri R R Jhunjhunwala gave Rs.200,000 and the college starting functioning in that year.

A school of 1938 with 11 boys in a bare little room stands --after three decades -- as a towering witness to a humble man's dreams. It teaches 2,200 students in school and 2,700 in the college, from the primary to the post-graduate.

School in home town:

He now diverted his attention to his home town of Rampur Manjha in UP. It had no school. Work with Jai ramji has always been brisk and speedy. The foundation stone of this school was laid in 1964; it started functioning as Middle School in the same year and as High School by the end of 1965. It is the only High School for the surrounding villages. He wants a college there by 1970. He needs Rs.35,000 for that and is today busy collecting that.

All these institutions --the Hindi High School, the Jhunjhunwalla College and the High School in UP are the embodiments of people. The humblest of people have put their efforts to bring up these institutions, donating from a paisa upward. This reminds one of a legend from Ramayana, from whose lands Jai Ramji hails. While Lord Rama was constructing the bridge between India and Lanka, along with the monkeys came the squirrels to put in their efforts

Jai Ramji is 72 today. Even at this age, his energy is unflagging, his cheerfulness is contagious and his faith boundless. Faith, both in God and the goodwill of his fellowmen. Nor has his capacity to dream diminished. Above all, is his ability to fulfill those dreams. His dream at present is a Hindi University. And he has confidence he will live a hundred years to complete his mission.

He toils still:

One question remains. What does he do for his own living and that of his family? He married at the age of ten. His life has not been a bed of roses. He lost two of his sons, one of them leaving behind a wife and a son. As a postman of 32 years service, he never had an occasion to give an explanation for a lapse on his part. After retirement, he went into the manufacture and sale of phenyle, often pulling a wheel cart himself through the streets of Ghatkopar along with his son, making door to door calls. He is also an LIC agent, selling life insurance. His only surviving son is married and settled. Himself, his wife, his daughter-in-law and grandson are together in the house. In these days of graft and corruption, the example of Jai Ramji stands out -- a rare apostle of determination and faith in modern age.

Source: April 2003 Originally published in Feb, 1969 in 'Excellence' credited to Daktar Postal News.

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Messages from The Council of 12

Messages from The Council of 12 Transmitted through Selacia -- December 2009 Choices During Humanity's 11th Hour As you move through your ascension process you will naturally make different choices than before. These will be higher consciousness choices that come from holding more light. These new choices will often nullify earlier choices you made. This is appropriate because you are now wiser. The key here is to continually update your view of who you think you are, and your view of what you think "should' happen next. This is vital to your being able to make the highest choices in the present. Oftentimes people feel like they have no choice in what happens. This of course is an illusion for you are always at choice at some level. The challenge is the ego and subconscious mind. You could consciously say to yourself that you will do something, or that you want something. Yet another part of you -- the subconscious really running the show -- is choosing something else! This is quite a dilemma. The key is to work with your DNA and subconscious so that your mind works for you, not against you. Did you know that there's no such thing as being lucky? You can feel lucky of course. But luck is not the word to describe the outcomes of conscious creation! There really are no random events, no accidental meetings, no chance encounters. You are a master creator in each moment and the energies you created yesterday (including past lives!) will set in motion what happens next. Feel grateful for the good. On some days you may feel lucky. On other days you may feel unlucky. Learn to have a larger view of these opposites. Discover how to find a balance and a neutral view of what is happening. When you get into the habit of labeling happenstance as good or bad, you are always at the mercy of your last label. During the 2012 window changes your key to sanity and finding peace within is to grow out of your conditioned need for the drama often associated with good and bad. When you can learn to become comfortable with what is and really accept it at that moment, you will have more positive energy to create "good" moments and be less likely to create "bad" ones. You live during the 11th hour of Earth's massive changes. Remember that you are an integral part of the changes. They are not something happening to you, but something that you and others create over time. For a long time, even before you were born, you were preparing to inhabit a brand new Earth. In this life, you are beginning to have a conscious vision of what that world will be. Learning to create through conscious choice is vital now. You really know how to do it. The ability is encoded within your DNA. Remember this as you move through the final days of this year and prepare for expanded energies in 2010. The energies you have been used to in the recent past are changing even now. Another phase of the acceleration is underway and much is going on behind the scenes. You are changing within these accelerated energies. Your shifting is occurring even during times when you feel like you are standing still! Do you oftentimes feel like you're in waiting mode? Do you feel like "something" is about to happen, but you don't know what? Do you feel like you are waiting for whatever that is? Do not wait. Be your light now. Remember that you create what happens next. Make that creation something you will be proud of 300 years from now. Know that the great shift of these times is different than any other shift you have been through on Earth. Most likely, you have been here for other ones. Atlantis could be one of them. Don't focus on the past and worry that you will repeat past mistakes. Simply focus on the now and the light-filled future you want to create with the rest of humanity! Know that you are loved. You will succeed. As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12. Copyright 2009 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12, * All Rights Reserved *
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The Price (and Rewards) of Having Children.

Great story about raising children with a different perspective. Normally, you only see the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this piece provides the rewards too.

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle income family.

Talk about sticker shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition. But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:

• $8,896.66 a year,

• $741.3 month, or * $171.08 a week.

• That's a mere $24.24 a day!

• Just over a dollar an hour.

Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be "rich." Actually, it is just the opposite.

What do you get for your $160,140?

• Naming rights. First, middle, and last!

• Glimpses of God every day.

• Giggles under the covers every night.

• More love than your heart can hold.

• Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.

• Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.

• A hand to hold, usually covered with jelly or chocolate.

• A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites

• Someone to laugh yourself silly with, no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.

For $160,140, you never have to grow up. You get to:

• finger-paint,
• carve pumpkins,
• play hide-and-seek,
• catch lightning bugs, and
• never stop believing in Santa Claus. You have an excuse to:
• keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,
• watching Saturday morning cartoons,
• going to Disney movies, and
• wishing on stars.
• You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for Father's Day.

For $160,140, there is no greater bang for your buck. You get to be a hero just for:

• retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof,
• taking the training wheels off a bike,
• removing a splinter,
• filling a wading pool,
• coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

You get a front row seat to history to witness the:

• first step,
• first word,
• first bra,
• first date, and
• first time behind the wheel.

You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren. You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.

In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God. You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits.

So . . one day they will like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!

Love & enjoy your children & grandchildren!!!!!!!

Inspiration by God Newsletter, &

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The Council of Elders

You Are Being Called Into A Point Of Light That Is Excited About You Being There as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan for Sedona Journal Welcome. We are the Pleiadian energies. On this day we come forth into your being, energy field and heart. We bring forth the essence of truth undiluted, untainted, raw truth. Truth is what you all seek and truth is what will be issued to you as you walk into more of your true essence. For many years you have hidden from yourself. You stand behind the door looking through the crack at your life, being afraid to fully immerse yourself into life. You do not come here to sit on the sideline, to stand in the bleachers, to hide behind doors. you come into this life to experience it 100%, to open up every inch of you that has been closed, to feel into the fullness of time, to let the raw passions, the juices of life flow through you. You are afraid of what your heart and your soul asks you to do. Your humanness says to walk up to that person and say hello yet your knees shake, as fear becomes your new best friend. Why are you so afraid to walk forward and introduce yourself to the very love of your life? the very vibration of the word AFRAID is a 10/10/10 energy a #30 in fullness.Afraid asks to be cleared in the year 2010 (#30) Using the vibration of conversion which is an expression of the energy of the #10 send love into all you fear, all you are afraid of, what goes bump in the night in your soul. Dilute the fear fields with the soft rains of love. If you feel fear in any thought/ from walking in the snow/ice/ to living or dying/ stop, take a deep breath and send love into that fear. Everything in you screams that you hate your life, your job, your relationship, and yet you do not take one step toward changing your experience? It is a time of loving where you are planted. From that point of loving, from that center of your universe, move forth fully into what your heart desires. Otherwise you will be stuck in a sea of mud with the very energy of hate keeping you bound to the person place or thing. Life is not your jailer. Earth is not a prison. It is but a grand amusement park and you are afraid to ride the rides so you stay in the shallow end of the park. Most times you are afraid to ingest the sweetness life has to offer. Afraid of what is good, waiting on the other shoe to drop. You stand still, paralyzed with fear like a deer in the headlights, afraid to move forward, afraid to move backward. Your life shows that. It is time for all of you to hold your arms open wide and embrace what is yet to come. For your days of time have shortened. You no longer have the gift of time in the package of 24. Time shortens. Your life quickens, your heart quickens, your pulse quickens, and your passion awakens from a long sleep. You need to get back in the saddle again. As humans you are Gods in disguise. You are blinded by your own light. You wait for the writing on the walls to explain the next step of the journey. But the next step of the journey is described and decreed by your own motions and emotions. When you deny your emotions, there is no motion in your life. Your car stands still. Your body stands still. Your paychecks stand still. Your very dreams stand still. Open up to explore the New World of you. You have come to the edge of your world. You have come to the edge of your expectations. Will you fall off? Immerse yourself in this next leg of your journey. For what abounds before you is beyond your conceptual understanding of time and space. Every cell of your body bursts forth as it remembers its stellar origin. You are off the maps. You are off the screens and the satellites cannot find you. You are expanding faster than the speed of light, if you choose. The more that you hold tight to a state of motionlessness, the more your life will scream at you. Your life screams for its life. You are the Apex of Creation the favorite horse in the cosmic race. The entire universe has bet on you. Everything awaits your choices. Earth is not meant to be hard. Humanness is a divine point of origin. Life is a gift. Flesh is a gift. Air is a gift. You are a gift. Love what you have created and let it love you. Honor what you have created. Honor whoever is in your heart, whoever is in your household, and whoever is in your life. You so often want to scrape your life off of your shoes as if it is something dirty. Love this point of creation that you are that you will be, and that you are becoming. The future is up to you. You hold not just the future of your own minimal existence but you hold the future of the entire universe that bets you are a good choice for running the long race. Time waits for no man but Time waits for all of mankind. Each step you take into your fearlessness, each thing that you do in love -- no matter how small, ripples out and touches the universe. A great applause is heard throughout the heavens. You took one-step forward into fear, into love, into the future. You stepped away fearlessly. You stepped off the mountaintop knowing you could fly without fear. Your life beckons you. You are being called into a Point of Light that is excited about you being there. What we come to say to you, in a rather serious tone, is that we need you to be in love. Not just with a person, or a body, or a new car but with your every experience. We need you to like what you do first, to like whom you live with, and to like your family. And then eventually when you are brave enough to venture down the corridors of love. We need you to like yourself, because without liking yourself first, you can never get to the point of loving yourself. You are divinely proportionate with what your experience is. You create the ratio of light to dark. Open up your heart to this next level of your experience. The entire Universe needs you. We are the Pleiadians. Whatever you yearn for become it. Whatever you wish for let it be your experience. Stop wishing for it live it. Allow life to come into you and you to come into life, without regrets, without angers. You are vast beings that we salute. You are braver than we -- as you incarnated at this time of transition and ascension. We hold the porch light on for you as you find your way home. We leave.
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12 Vows of Medicine Buddha

12 Vows of Medicine Buddha

1. I vow that my body shall shine as beams of brilliant light on this infinite and boundless world, showering on all beings, getting rid of their ignorance and worries with my teachings.

May all beings be like me, with a perfect status and character, upright mind and soul, and finally attaining enlightenment like the Buddha.

2. I vow that my body be like crystal, pure and flawless, radiating rays of splendid light to every corner, brightening up and enlightening all beings with wisdom. With the blessings of compassion, may all beings strengthen their spiritual power and physical energy, so that they could fulfil their dreams in the right track.

3. I vow that I shall grant by means of boundless wisdom, all beings with the inexhaustible things that they require, and relieving them from all pains and guilt resulting from materialistic desires. Although clothing, food, accommodation and transport are essentials, it should be utilised wisely as well. Besides self-consumption, the remaining should be generously shared with the community so that all could live harmoniously together.

4. I vow to lead those who have gone astray back to the path of righteousness. Let them be corrected and returned to the Buddha way for enlightenment.

5. I vow that I shall enable all sentient beings to observe precepts for spiritual purity and moral conduct. Should there be any relapse or violation, they shall be guided for repentance. Provided they truly regret their wrong-doings, and vow for a change with constant prayers and strong faith in the Buddha, they could receive the rays of forgiveness, recover their lost moral and purity.

6. I vow that all beings who are physically disabled or sick in all aspects be blessed with good health, both physically and mentally. All who pays homage to Buddha faithfully will be blessed.

7. I vow to relieve all pain and poverty of the very sick and poor. The sick be cured, the helpless be helped, the poor be assisted.

8. I vow to help women who are undergoing sufferings and tortures and seeking for transformation into men. By hearing my name, paying homage and praying, their wishes would be granted and ultimately attain Buddhahood.

9. I vow to free all beings from evil thoughts and its control. I shall lead them onto the path of light through inculcating them with righteousness and honour so that they will walk the Buddha way.

10. I vow to save prisoners who have genuinely repented and victims of natural disasters. Those who are sincere will be blessed by my supreme powers and be freed from sufferings.

11. I vow to save those who suffer from starvation and those who committed crime to obtain food. If they hear my name and faithfully cherish it, I shall lead them to the advantages of Dharma and favour them with best food and eventually lead a tranquil and happy life.

12. I vow to save those who suffer from poverty, tormented by mosquitoes and wasps day and night. If they come across my name, cherish it with sincerity and practise dharma to strengthen their merits, they will be able to achieve their wishes.

Extracted from The Sutra of the Master of Healing.

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The Laws of Karma

“ The Laws of Karma” from Soul Psychology By Dr. Joshua David Stone The Laws of Karma "For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, 'till all be fulfilled." THE BIBLE - MATTHEW V:18 "And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail." THE BIBLE - LUKE XVI:17 The basic law of karma states that as you sow, you reap, what you put out comes back to you. This is the law of cause and effect. There are a lot of people who think that many people living in this world get away with a lot. I am here to tell you that no one gets away with anything. As Edgar Cayce said, "Every jot and tittle of the law is fulfilled." The interesting thing about this law of karma is that it extends over past lives. Even if it appears that someone has unfairly taken advantage of another and appears to have escaped unscathed, it is really not so. The continuity of the soul continues even if you have reincarnated into another physical body. Later on in this chapter I will give many examples that I have researched from the Edgar Cayce files. Jesus gave an excellent understanding of the law of karma when He said, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." This is more literal than people realize. There are different levels of karma. What I have been speaking of so far is what I would call one's personal karma. In other words, what we personally have set into motion with the power of our consciousness and mind. A second type of karma would be group karma. When we incarnate into this world we are born into a group and join groups. We are born into a group in respect to our skin color, our religious affiliation, and so on. When a person is born into a black body in the United States they have to deal with racism and prejudice. Not because a black body is less than or more than a white body, but because of the low level of spiritual consciousness of so many souls on this plane. A person in a black body or any minority, takes on karmic lessons of that group. Another type of karma might be national karma. We are born into a certain country, and then indoctrinated through school with its egotistical identifications. If, for example, there was a nuclear war between communist China and the United States, we would get caught up in this national karmic lesson. No person is an island unto themselves. Then there is planetary karma. This particular school called earth has certain unique lessons that are quite different than other planets in this galaxy or universe. We must deal with the planetary karma and the phase of history we are born into. It could also be said that all karma is personal in that we, as souls, choose our skin color, our families, what religion, what country we are going to grow up in before incarnating, so in that sense, one could say that all karma is personal karma because we chose it. The word karma has often been associated with "bad karma". In other words, when we have karma we are experiencing some form of suffering from a lesson not learned. This is opposed to the state of grace. The reading of this book and applying its principles allows a person to avoid suffering, for what is stated in this book is in harmony with God's laws. Everything in this universe is governed by laws. There are physical laws, emotional laws, mental laws, and spiritual laws. When a person gets out of harmony with these laws they suffer. Karma, hence, is not a punishment but a gift, a signal and sign that we are out of balance. The proper attitude towards everything that happens in life is the statement, "Not my will but thine. Thank you for the lesson." In Buddhism they talk about this as non-resistance. In psychology it is talked about as acceptance. Instead of fighting the universe, the idea is to work with the universe and learn from the universe. This does not mean to give up our power. Just the opposite. It means to own our power and to see what has happened as a teaching, lesson, challenge and opportunity to grow. The idea is to look at the karma as a stepping stone for soul growth. There is no need to suffer. Suffering is not God's design, it is our own. It is a sign that we are letting our negative ego or separated fear based self be our guide, not the soul or spirit. It is important to understand that there is no such thing as sin. A sin is like some unshakable stain on our character that cannot be removed. Sin is an egotistical concept, not a spiritual one. There are no sins, only mistakes. The true meaning of sin means, "missing the mark". Mistakes are, in actuality, positive not negative. The idea is to not go out of our way to make them, but when they do happen to learn from them and most of all forgive ourselves, for they are positive. Perfection is not never making a mistake. True perfection is the state of always forgiving oneself for one's mistakes and then trying to learn from that experience. Another very important point in respect to karma is that all lessons are learned within self. In other words, if you are having a vicious fight with a former friend, if you choose to forgive and hence, unconditionally love that person and let go of your animosity, you are freed from the karma, even if the other person chooses to hold onto a grudge for the rest of the incarnation. This is a very freeing understanding, and is confused by many people. Karma comes back to us on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. How we take care of our physical body in this lifetime will determine how healthy a physical body we have in the next lifetime if we are destined to return. If you master your emotions in this lifetime and become peaceful, calm, joyous, and happy, then when you incarnate again next lifetime, as a baby you will be a peaceful, calm, joyous, and happy baby. Some people believe in this idea of the "tabuleau rasa", or blank slate philosophy. this is obviously absurd. We are not blank slates when we are born. As a matter of fact, there are really no such things as children. There are only adult souls living in babies bodies. The average person has 200 to 250 past lives. The soul with all its twelve soul extensions has an average of 2,000 to 2,500 past lives. Another very interesting point in respect to karma is the understanding that there really no so such thing as linear time in the spiritual world. Time is simultaneous. So your past and future incarnations are really happening now. For the now is really all that exists. It is also possible to have karmic bleed through from one of your eleven other soul extensions who are still in incarnation. This bleed through can come from the past or the future. I realize that this is a very difficult concept to understand on this plane. I have difficulty understanding it fully myself. This is a concept to try and grasp with your right brain rather than your left brain. The karmic bleed through can manifest as, let's say, physical symptoms you are experiencing that aren't in reality your own. Let's say one of your fellow soul extensions is close to death in his or her incarnation. You may be experiencing this or running some of their karma through your physical body. If you want to do this for one or many of your soul extensions you can, however, I wouldn't recommend doing it too much unless you receive clear guidance to do so. As I mentioned in an earlier chapter, a co-dependency can take place with them relying on you too much which is not good. In another experience I, personally, had with Djwhal Khul one day, he said that there was cigarette smoke in my field. I said, "cigarette smoke, that's impossible for I have never smoked cigarettes." I asked Him if He was sure it wasn't incense, which I sometimes light. He said, "no, it was cigarette smoke." He searched more deeply into the cause and he found it was coming from one of my soul extensions. To understand this concept of soul extensions being guided by the soul or over soul, I would recommend reading one of the Seth books, called "The Education of Oversoul Seven". This will help to give you a better understanding of this concept of simultaneous time, and the concept of soul extensions being guided by the soul. Later in this book I will talk more about the three permanent atoms, which are recording devices for our personal karma, in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. The three permanent atoms record all of our good and bad karma, like our own personal akashic records. These permanent atoms are also dispensers of karma. They dispense karmic pictures into our blood stream which has an enormous affect on our glandular system. This is part of God's system for implementing the law of karma fairly. Another important point in respect to karma is that you are only given as much as you can handle. This is controlled by your soul and monad. If all one's karma was dumped upon a person all at once, no one could obviously handle it. It is possible to slow down the karma coming your way if you are feeling overwhelmed, and it is also possible to speed up your karmic lessons if you want to grow faster. This is achieved by just praying for this to your soul and monad and/or God. It is their joy to work with you in any way that you feel most comfortable. As mentioned in the chapter on initiation, all our good karma from all our past lives and this one is stored in our casual body, or soul body. The building of this causal body is one of the main requirements for achieving liberation from the wheel of rebirth. It is also important to realize that to achieve ascension one needs to balance only 51% of the karma of all their past lives. This is one's personal past lives, not the karma of your eleven other soul extensions. Much of the karma we experience in our lives is not necessarily from past lives. Much of it we have created in this life. For example, let's say someone falls asleep at the wheel while driving and gets into a serious car accident. The lesson may be as simple as being foolish enough to drive when one is over tired. The important lesson here is that all karma from past lives is basically just programming in your subconscious mind and in your three permanent atoms. This can all be transformed in this life by learning to be the master of your three lower vehicles, the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, in service of spirit, and unconditional love. It is possible to completely clear your subconscious mind and three permanent atoms of all negative programming and to replace them with positive programming. The laws of karma even extend to the type of soul you attract during intercourse and conception. The kind of soul that is attracted is greatly determined by the quality of feeling and love that is shared and being made manifest during the love making experience. Another very interesting point in respect to karma is how it relates to blood transfusions, organ transplants and animal organ transplants. Djwhal Khul has said that all three are highly not recommended if at all possible. Take, for example the blood transfusion. Let's say that you are a third degree initiate and have just taken your soul merge initiation. Then you go into a hospital and get a blood transfusion from the blood from a street person who hasn't stepped onto their spiritual path yet. The blood physically and spiritually speaking, would be totally dissonant to your vibration. You are, in essence, running their karma through your blood stream. The example of an organ transplant would be even worse. Even worse yet would be putting a pig’s liver into a human body which they are actually doing now. This really blows my mind! The basic law of the universe is that it is our thoughts that create our reality. All karma has its antecedent in some ancient thought, that led to a feeling or action. It is sometimes helpful to do hypnotic regression work to release karmic blocks from past lives or early childhood. Under hypnosis one can re-experience a past trauma that can help give insight as to the true catalyst and cause, and can very often help to release that program from the subconscious mind. I will give many other tools later on in this book. One last interesting understanding in relationship to karma has to do with a master taking on the karma of one of its disciples. Sai Baba, the great Master from India has done this frequently with devotees. In one instance he took on a heart attack, a stroke, and ruptured appendix of a devotee who would have died for sure. Sai Baba became deathly ill for ten days. Over twenty five of the finest doctors in India were at His bedside on the tenth day. He had turned completely black and the consensus of the twenty five doctors was that He had only ten minutes to live. Sai Baba would not take medication and said, “At four o'clock today I will be giving a lecture.” The doctors thought He was crazy. At the appointed hour he apparently sprinkled some water on Himself and instantly cured Himself and was fine. The twenty five doctors began praying to Sai Baba for help before treating any patient from that moment forward. Examples of Karma as it Extends Over Past Lives and/or Future Lives In my research I have extensively studied the Edgar Cayce files and come up with some fascinating cases showing how the law of karma extends over past or future lives. The first example is that of a man who lived in Rome in a past life. He was a very handsome man, and he used to go around criticizing other people for being fat and not handsome like himself. In his present life he had an under-active pituitary and was obese. I had mentioned earlier in this book how the three permanent atoms often release karma into the bloodstream which adversely affects the glandular system. This is one very good example of this process. In another reading of Cayce a man had knifed and killed someone in a past life. In this life he was suffering from leukemia. In another similar type of reading a man had killed someone and this life he was shedding his own blood with anemia. The parents of a young eight year old boy took him to see Edgar Cayce for a chronic bed wetting problem. It turned out that the bed wetting was a karmic lesson from a past life in Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials. He had been one of the men who was responsible for dunking the witches under water and torturing them for their metaphysical beliefs. The eight year old boy was suffering from a deep seated guilt for having mistreated his fellow man which was being manifest as bed wetting. The cause of epilepsy in two different readings was caused by a misuse of psychic powers in a past life, and in another reading by overindulgence in sexuality. A black couple went to see Cayce and asked why it was they were black in this racist society. It turns out in their last previous past life they were white plantation owners in the South and had mistreated blacks. This reminds me of Jesus' statement to "do unto others as you would have others do unto you", for that is exactly how the law works. A friend of mine had a fear of swimming in the water. Two different psychics separately told her that she had died in the sinking of the Titanic. This same friend's three main interests in this life have been art, music, and the American Indians. The same psychic, without knowing this, told her that her last three past lives had been as a famous artist, musician, and as an American Indian. A woman's fear of knives had to do with a life in Persia where she was attacked by invading forces who killed her with a knife. In another reading a man had a very painful hip condition which the doctors said was cancer of the bone. Cayce said that it was a karmic situation from a past life in Rome where this person was in the Coliseum arena. This person was apparently laughing at the suffering of one of the people in combat. In another reading a man was suffering from severe congenital cataracts. Cayce said it was from a past life in Persia where this person was in a tribe of barbarians who blinded other tribesmen with hot irons. Cayce has said that hives are caused by animosities, holding grudges, and unkindly thoughts. Cayce also said that no one can hate his neighbor and not have stomach and liver problems. In another reading a child was suffering from infantile paralysis at one year of age. Both legs were crippled and both feet stunted in their growth. Cayce said that this was from an Atlantean incarnation where she used drugs and hypnosis to make people weak in limb and body so they would have to follow her orders. Another fascinating Cayce reading tells of a man who hated blacks. He was a Nazi and member of the Ku Klux Klan. He said that blacks were like animals. This man obviously would not come for a reading, but someone who did asked how anyone could be filled with so much hate. It turned out that this soul, in a past life, was a Phoenician around, I think it was 500 BC. Apparently there was a war between the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians and he was captured and made a slave in one of the ships. The ships were like the ones depicted in the movie Ben Hur, when they were chained to their seats down below deck and made to row the oars. A black man would beat the drum and all the slaves would have to row to the beat of the drum. Another black man would beat the slaves that didn't keep up to the proper rowing beat. This man apparently lived for thirty years being transferred from ship to ship, being made to row and constantly beaten. In this life this is a good example of karmic bleed through. He built up so much hate in that lifetime that when he incarnated again it came right out. In another reading a man was born in a deformed physical body. People always wonder why one person seems blessed and another cursed. It turns out that in a past life this soul was the Roman emperor who fiddled while Rome burned. This deluded soul built up so much bad karma in that life he chose to balance it out in one fell swoop by having a deformed body. In another reading a woman had an overpowering fear of animals. This fear came from an experience in Rome when this entity's husband had been made to fight wild beasts in one of the arenas. Another woman had been married for nine years and had a very sweet and loving husband. The woman was still afraid to get involved sexually. It turns out that in a past life during the Crusades he had restrained her with a chastity belt which caused her to hate him. This karmic lesson still obviously hadn't been worked out. A woman came to see Edgar Cayce who had glandular disturbances that caused an excessive menstrual flow which made it impossible for her to attend school and led to extreme depression and a nervous breakdown. Cayce said in a past life she had been a nun in a French convent at the time of Louis the XIV. She had been very stern, cold, and intolerant of human weakness. Her understanding of scripture was purely literal. She acted superior and very intolerant of others. In another reading a woman couldn't commit to marriage. Cayce told her that her wariness sprang from a life during the Crusades where her husband deserted her. Another woman had an abnormal shyness and inability to make friends. It stemmed from a life in France when she had much talent and beauty, but her husband's jealousy caused him to suppress her every natural impulse with cold and merciless tyranny. He even went so far as to beat her with a whip at times. In another reading a doctor had a marked uncommunicative nature. Cayce said it stemmed from a past life of practicing silence as a Quaker. Another person was deaf. This stemmed from closing the ears to the suffering of others in a past life. Another person had digestive problems. this was caused by a past life of gluttony. A motion picture producer had polio. This came from a life in Rome, again, where he jeered and mocked others for not resisting death in the combats at the Coliseum in Rome. In another reading a man was a homosexual who wanted to become a priest. This was a source of great confusion and conflict for him. In a past life he was apparently a satirist and gossip monger in the French court who took particular delight in exposing homosexual scandals of the court with his cartoon skill. I have given a lot of examples of bad karma, carrying over to this life. Karma can also be of a positive nature. For example, how did Mozart create piano concerto's at five years old? He had four or five lifetimes as famous musicians previous to this life. How did each of you reading this book receive a healthy body and grow up in the United States? You could have been a starving Somalian, or you could have grown up in Communist China or a thousand other places that wouldn't have allowed you the freedoms and opportunities you have here. Djwhal Khul on the Law of Karma and Rebirth I would like to end this chapter with a series of 13 statements by Djwhal Khul in the Alice Bailey book called, "The Reappearance of the Christ". These 13 statements by Djwhal provide a good summation of the entire process. 1. The Law of Rebirth is a great natural law upon our planet. 2. It is a process, instituted and carried forward under the Law of Evolution. 3. It is closely related to and conditioned by the Law of Cause and Effect. 4. It is a process of progressive development, enabling men to move forward from the grossest forms of unthinking materialism to a spiritual perfection and an intelligent perception which will enable a man to become a member of the Kingdom of God. 5. It accounts for the differences among men and - in connection with the Law of Cause and Effect (called the Law of Karma in the East) - it accounts for differences in circumstances and attitudes to life. 6. It is the expression of the will aspect of the soul and is not the result of any form decision; it is the soul in all forms which reincarnates, choosing and building suitable physical, emotional and mental vehicles through which to learn the next needed lessons. 7. The Law of Rebirth (as far as humanity is concerned) comes into activity upon the soul plane. Incarnation is motivated and directed from the soul level, upon the mental plane. 8. Souls incarnate in groups, cyclically, under law and in order to achieve right relations with God and with their fellowmen. 9. Progressive unfoldment, under the Law of Rebirth, is largely conditioned by the mental principle for "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." These few brief words need most careful consideration. 10. Under the Law of Rebirth, man slowly develops mind, then mind begins to control the feeling, emotional nature, and finally reveals the soul and its nature and environment to man. 11. At that point in his development, the man begins to tread the Path of Return, and orients himself gradually (after many lives) to the Kingdom of God. 12. When - through a developed mentality, wisdom, practical service and understanding - a man has learned to ask nothing for the separated self, he then renounces desire for life in the three worlds and is freed from the Law of Rebirth. 13. He is now group conscious, is aware of his soul group and of the soul in all forms and has attained - as Christ had requested - a stage of Christ like perfection reaching unto the "Measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ. Copyright © 2004 Dr Joshua David Stone. All Rights Reserved. MEDITATION FOR THIS WEEK IS: 50 Point Cosmic Clearing and Cleansing Meditation Close eyes, let us begin by all taking a deep breath - exhale. We call forth the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, for help in implementing this meditation for the entire group. We call forth a Planetary and Cosmic axiatonal alignment. The meditation we are about to do is extremely in-depth, and will foster enormous ascension acceleration, so I want you all to just completely relax and be like a sponge, and let the Masters do their Divine handy work. We call forth Lord Michael, to establish a golden dome of protection for all in attendance. We call forth Vywamus and the Archangels, to bring forth their golden hands as a Net, to cleanse any and all negative energies in the field of each person individually, and in the collective group body. We call forth from Melchizedek, the Mahatma and Metatron, for the anchoring of the Platinum Net, to cleanse the energy fields of each person in attendance in even a deeper fashion now. We now call forth to the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, for the anchoring of the "prana wind clearing device" individually, and in our collective group body. See this prana wind clearing device, as a type of fan that is anchored into the solar plexus, and blows and clears all unwanted energies out of the etheric body system. Feel the prana wind clearing device, now being lifted out of your field, by the Lord of Arcturus and the Beloved Arcturians. We now call forth from Djwhal Khul, the Seven Chohans, Lord Maitreya, Allah Gobi, Lord Buddha, and the Cosmic Masters, for the anchoring of the core fear matrix removal program. See this as a lattice work of light that is anchored into the four body system, and hence highlights any negative energies or blockages in your energy fields. We begin by calling forth the removal of all fear programming and blocks, to every person in this room achieving their ascension at the highest possible level. See this fear programming as black roots intertwined in your energy fields, now being pulled out like a vacuum cleaner through your crown chakra, by the Masters. Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, please now remove all separative thinking from the four-body system. Please also now remove all judgmental programming from the four-body system. Please remove all lack of forgiveness from the four-body system. Feel these negative aspects again being pulled out of your energy fields, through the crown chakra like unwanted weeds being removed from a beautiful garden. Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, please remove all impatience and negative anger. Please remove all negative selfishness, self-centeredness and narcissism. Please remove any negative thoughtforms, negative feelings and emotions, and or imbalanced archetypes from the four- body system. Please remove all superiority and inferiority thinking created by the negative ego. Please remove all aspects of guilt and shame consciousness created by the negative ego. Please remove all negative ego and fear based programming in a generalized sense. Please cleanse and remove all extraterrestrial implants and negative elementals. We call forth the cleansing and removal of all unwanted astral entities. We call to Melchizedek, the Mahatma and Metatron, for the Cosmic viral vacuum, to remove and pull out any clinical or subclinical viruses currently existing in any of our energy fields. Please also remove and pull out all negative bacteria with the Cosmic bacterial vacuum program. We call to the Archangels and the Elohim, to remove all disease energy from the physical, etheric, astral and mental vehicles. We call forth each person’s personal Inner Plane Healing Angels, to now heal, repair, and sew up any irritations, spots, and or leaks in the aura. We call forth to Melchizedek, the Mahatma, Metatron, Archangel Michael and the Archangels, for the removal of all improper soul fragments. We also ask for the retrieval of all the soul fragments from the universe, that belong to us in Divine order. We call forth each person’s etheric healing team, and now request that the etheric body be repaired and brought back to its perfect blue print now. We call forth the anchoring now of each persons perfect Divine Monadic blue print body, and/or Mayavarupa body, to use from this moment forward, to accelerate healing and spiritual growth on all levels the rest of this lifetime. We call forth a complete cleansing and clearing of our genetic line and ancestral lineage. We call forth the Lord of Arcturus, to now bring forth the Golden cylinder to remove and vacuum up any and all remaining negative energy in our collective energy fields. We call forth a clearing and cleansing of all past lives and future lives. We call forth now the integration and cleansing of our 144 soul extensions, from our Monad and Mighty I Am Presence. We now call forth a clearing and cleansing of all karma. As you all know, one needs to balance 51% of their karma to take the beginning phase of their Planetary ascension. We ask for the greatest possible cleansing of our karma now. We call forth from Melchizedek, Mahatma and Metatron, for the anchoring of a match stick worth of the Cosmic Fire, to very gently burn away all astral, mental and etheric dross and gray clouds, from our fields. We now request a complete clearing and cleansing of our entire Monad and Mighty I Am Presence itself. We now call forth the greatest cleansing process this world has ever known, from Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron, Lord Michael, the Archangels, the Elohim Councils and from GOD. We now call forth the Ultimate Cosmic Cleansing and Clearing, back to our original covenant with GOD, upon our “Original spiritual creation”....... We will take a few extra moments of silence to receive this Blessing and Grace. We now call forth from all the Cosmic and Planetary Masters gathered here, a downpouring and light shower of "core love", and the “Christ/Buddha/Melchizedek attributes”, to replace all that has been removed and cleansed, by the grace of GOD and the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy. We call forth Archangel Sandalphon, Pan and the Earth Mother, to help us now become properly integrated and grounded back into our physical bodies. We call forth our personal Inner Plane Healing Angels to now perfectly balance our chakras and four body system. When you are ready, open your eyes, and enjoy the tremendous sense of well being and crystal clear clarity in your energy fields.
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The 7 Planetary Initiations- The Path to Ascension

All, I wanted to share this great information with you. Courtesy of Initiations ----------- Initiations are path how you get closer to God, how you grow your person and how to rise consciusness permanetly. They are spiritual path to God from planetary system to highest level, Paradise. When you pass the sixth initiation, there is no turning back. You cannot fall because you are perfect and not be able to do conscious mistakes. Ascension does not stop after completing planetary ascension. I think that there are 343 levels what we have to evolve and 441 initiations what we have to pass. First is planetary ascension, then comes solar ascension, then comes galactic ascension, then comes universal ascension, then comes super universal ascension and finally Paradise ascension. There are more initiations than levels what we have to evolve. There are 7 subplanes in every cosmic and universal plane, but there are 9 dimensions in every larger plane. Initiations and dimensions are together, it makes 441 initiations. Moving from cosmic physical level to cosmic astral level takes 9 initiations. Completing planetary ascension is just 1/47 of whole ascension. Every main initiation is split in 7 subinitiations or sections.There are no separate dimensions for the subinitiations. There are 3087 subinitations in whole ascension from planetary "birthing place" to Father. In physical world, the 7 first initiations are most important. You concentrate on them. You get more and more truthful information and understanding in every initiation. The undestanding you get is not just related to initiations but also about undestanding of your abilities and how to use your higher bodies and chakras. Usually, when someone passes initiation it's informed with inner guidance. Universal (ascended) Master - the 441st initiation Cosmic (ascended) master - the 63th initiation Ascended master - 6th initiation Adept - the 5th initition Arhat - the 4th initiation Initiate - the 3th initiation Disciple - the 1st and the 2nd initiation Spiritual Aspirant - Path of probation Human who is unaware of his or hers connection to own soul - not stepped on the initiation path yet Path of Probation - Spiritual aspirant -------------------------------------- Path of Probation is before path of initiation and it is important time in life when spiritual aspirant sets him or herself to side of constructive and developing forces. Spiritual aspirant does serve good not bad. He or she does become to develop spiritually. Spiritual aspirant is teached to know own self and to get rid of weaknesses. The basics about wisdom are teached. Spiritual aspirant goes to higher levels at night to receive teaching. The person who is stepped to spiritual path gets much teaching, but he or she doesn't may not notice that. The spiritual aspirants intellectual activity is increased and he's or her's capacity to understand purpose of hierarchy and higher plan grows. Required for passing this inititation: * Will to get rid of weaknesses * Setting yourself to side of good First initiation - Disciple --------------------------- The key teaching in the first initiation is mastery over physical body. The body should be in the service of the soul. Control over the physical body should have reached very high level. Drugs or alcohol should not control the person who is in spiritual path. Basics to the right kind of an living, thinking and self control are reachedin this initiation. Some basic principles of God consciousness also starts to rule the disciple. The 1st initiation shows that the seed of the soul life is planted and grows. Throat chakra is stimulated in 1st initiation. Required for passing this initiation: * Self control (mastery of physical body) Second initiation - Disciple ---------------------------- The key teaching in the second initiation mastery over the astral body. This is often most difficult initiation to pass ja sometimes takes many incarnations. However, it's not so hard to pass for those who are willing to become masters and are serious about spiritual path. Those people will pass the 2nd initiation more quickly. 2nd initiation is related to sacrifice and death of negative desire. The lower nature is being controlled. Astral body becomes pure and serene. Required for passing this initiation: * Self control (mastery of emotional body) * Willing and taking action to get rid of negativity * Willing and taking action to get rid of negative desire Third initiation - Initiate --------------------------- The third initiation is mastery over mental body. Initiate´s consciousness does rise to mental plane and he or she learns much about priciples of god consciousness. Bodies of person becomes very enlightened and he or she is not controlled by lower nature or negative desire anymore. The soul becomes dominant. Mind is very responsive to ideas, intuitions and impulses coming from soul and the initiate also becames to receive direct guidance from the monad. Accumulation of right information is fast.z Light level required for 3th initiation is 56%. Third eye is stimulated in this initiation. Required for passing this initiation: * Light level 56% * Self control (mastery of mental body) * No judging anyone * Accepting all beings The Fourth initiation - Arhat ----------------------------- The fourth initiation is mastery over buddhic body. Arhat does serve God, monads and good of the whole. He or she does destroy negative selfishness. God and monad are teachers of arhat. The fourth initiation is liberation from rebirth. In this initiation soul becomes unneeded. You become your monad, your higher self, but you dont't fusiate completely yet. Monad does connect to your heart chakra. In the heart chakra, you feel oneness with your monad. In the fourth initiation you get god consciousness, the consciousness of the monad which is huge step. In the fourth initiation, the level of the consciousness does rise to atmic plane. To pass this initiation you can't think bad. Total freedom from all bad is required, you have to be perfectly good. The fourth initiation is total surrender to will of God and monad. Arhat is the master of the wisdom and lord of compassion. Required for passing this initiation: * Light level 62% * Free from all hate * No thinking bad at all ever * Love, "I am love" * Receiving eternal life * Surrender to God's and monad's will The fifth initiation - Adept ---------------------------- The fifth initiation is fusiating with your eternal self, monad and mastery over atmic body. You think, visualize and feel that you are your monad and god. In the fifth initiation you reach atmic level. In the fifth initiation you get whole feeling level and and consciousness of your monad. It is big step in your evolution! Your consciousness does rise to monadic level. You don't think negative thoughts. You have freedom from blindness. You believe in God perfectly and you don't have doubts about right path. Your will does merge with your monads will for eternal times. You do what God and your monad want you to do. Required to pass the 5th initiation: * Light level 75%. * Total surrender to God and to your monad * Agreement that "Yes what my monad does want" * Willingness to serve good of wholeness and the highest purpose The Sixth initiation - Ascended master -------------------------------------- The sixth initiation is mastery over monadic body. In this initiation you will become officially an ascended master. Master is free from law of karma. Master can't think imperfect on purpose. Consciousness of master is perfect joy, love and happiness. You are perfect. You are god and you understand that we all are gods. Person who passes the seventh initiation is teacher, but everyone does not have to be teacher in visible way. You can attain physical immortality if you want. * Light level required to pass the 6th initiation is 80% * No imperfect thoughts The Seventh initiation ---------------------- The seventh initiation is highest initiation can be taken in this physical level and mastery over logoic body. Master controls all seven rays. Consciousness rises to logoic plane. Crown chackra is stimulated in this initiation. Many seventh level initiates does become teachers in visible way. You get teaching about your god abilities in the seventh initiation. Making miracles becomes reality for master if it is his or hers path. Learning about god abilities was theme in my seventh initiation. The seventh initiation is commitment to service work what God and your monad wants. *Light level required to pass the 7th initiation is 92% ----------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities begin with 5th, 6th and 7th initiations: God abilities ------------ Your monad does have god abilities. You have the same abilities! Learn to use them. Ability to remove negative bacteria from physical body. Ability to remove negative energies from personality, bodies and from planet. Ability to remove black lights from bodies and from planet. Ability to remove wrong electrons from physical body and from place. Ability to remove bad, negative, unwise and stupid things from person, from mind and from feeling level Ability to remove sad, hate, unsane and negative fear things from person, from mind and from feeling level Ability to remove glamour Ability to remove negative separation Ability to remove negative karma Ability to rejuvenate physical cells. Ability to clear person from bad, negative, unwise, stupid talking Ability to clear person from all negative fearing Ability to heal person Ability to heal personality Ability to heal bodies Ability to heal mind Ability to balance bodies Ability to convert energies to perfect Ability to transform bodies to their highest form Ability to give perfect energies to bodies and to world Ability to give perfect lights to bodies, to mind and to world Ability to balance weather Ability to bless food Ability to increase size of too small body part Ability to decrease size of to too big body part
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Melchizedek Ambassador's Training Program

Reconnect to your Divine Self in the Order of Melchizedek (special thanks to Yamile Jana (a Melchizedek high priestess) for originally finding this) Program by Anrita Melchizedek-Choun 01a_mat.mp3
Working From Shamballa.mp3
Love & Light, Chris / Qan Melchizedek 1A – Overview of The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) Introduction by the Mahatma Welcome, Master Beings of Love and Light. As we share in this world play that unfolds for Humanity as collectively you enter into a new Golden Age, we bring to your attention the need to focus on the Divinity of yourselves and the Divine Equality of all Life. For all Life is created equal in magnificence through the Illumination of Source Light and, simply, the Cosmic Consciousness awareness, and the recognition of one’s Divinity to the Source of All That Is, is the only thing that differs. The energy of the first ray of Will and Power through the focused intent of the third ray of Divine Intelligence is the all embracing energy of your Planet and that of Divine Equality; and the energy which will allow you to shift into Solar Christ Consciousness andthe second ray of Love-Wisdom. Although your Sun and Solar System holds the Monadic focus of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, all rays are imbued with the second ray qualities of Love and Wisdom and we, the Mahatma, are the Director of the tenth ray of Divinity for this Cosmic day, as well as embodying all 352 levels back to the Source of All That Is for this Cosmic day. The tenth ray of Divinity, one of the twelve that are stepped down in frequency to your Earth plane, embodies the qualities of the first, second and third rays – of Power, Love and Wisdom, with one of the Highest Quotients of Source Light possible to experience within this Cosmic day. The energy of the twelve rays is an incredible blessing from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God to lift all Life into Multi-Universal Melchizedek Consciousness and the place of your individualized birth. The MAT Program, which has been developed with the co-creative levels of Creation is a way for you to again experience the essence of your individualized birth whilst in physical embodiment on this Earth plane. For this system of energy will take you through all dimensional levels available to you through the Cosmic physical and Cosmic astral planes, until you again come into ninth dimensional Melchizedek Consciousness and the Divine Unfolding Love of Mother/Father God on a Multi-Universal level. The essence of truly coming home will initially be done through the spiritualization of matter, which is a new concept to this Earth plane. For previously, in becoming the integrated aspect of your Christed Overself of the Light or mighty I Am Presence, which is the completion of your sixth initiation, you either ascended in your physical body, in which your physical body became a garment of white Light; or more often than not, you left the physical body behind. If you ascended in your physical body, your blood changed to liquid golden Light, and your chakras blended in one unified chakra column of Light, referred to as the “Ascension Flame”, or “Cosmic Fire”. Now, in The MAT Program, you will raise the atomic vibratory level of the physical body in order to create a radiant, etheric electronic body of Light, which will be called your physical ascension, and commences from the sixth initiation. And following this, you will have the ability to take your perfected physical body with you as you potentially travel in your activated Light Body beyond the common light barrier for your Cosmic initiations, and this is what will be referred to as your Spiritual ascension. Most of you will choose to remain in form on this Earth plane following your physical ascension as Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light, and as such, your training will continue you are undergo the start of your Cosmic initiations into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek. Once this fourth dimensional system of energy is complete, you will have the opportunity to choose one of the Seven Paths to Higher Evolution. And, we are hoping that through this training, you will do so in your physical body. We have further reviewed the initiations of Humanity as they have been taken prior to this time in order to create levels of integration that all Humanity can undergo. In the Alice Bailey teachings, co-created by Djwhal Khul, and later expanded upon by Dr. Joshua David Stone, most of the Masters who ascended to the inner planes had not moved much beyond the fourth to sixth initiations. Now, by the year 2012, every man, women and child who has chosen to become their Higher Light on this Earth plane, will collectively undergo their sixth and then seventh initiation respectively, due to the first seven initiations being represented as a third dimensional system of energy. The mass consciousness of Humanity, and over half the population, will collectively merge with their Christed Overselves of the Light, or mighty I Am Presence, as they exist on the ninth dimension, as well as become Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light to the Order of Melchizedek. Of course, in essence, each atom and molecule in this Universe, one of the 43 Christed Universes within this Cosmic day, is a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. What this means is that all Life holds the Divine original eight-cell blueprint with these encodings of their own wonderful Higher Light as co-creators to the Company of Heaven. However, you lost the essence of this Divinity through your Fall from Grace many millions of years ago. You gave your power away at that time, worshipping those you considered greater than yourselves through lack of wisdom and lack of mental illumination, and thus it came to pass that you took on the cosmic karmic patterns of that reality and the earthly ego allurements of Humanity. Now, how can it be that one Being is greater than another if YOU are the Source of All Creation, just experiencing different co-creative aspects of your multidimensional Selves. The sense of duality, which has taken you down the path of separation, was an experiment of the past created at an atomic level of consciousness – so you could truly come to reclaim your personal power, and come into reverence for all Life in Divine Equality and through Service in Love. However, cosmic evil, who until August 21, 1996, were very much part of your playgroup if you were still choosing to experience the aspects of who you were not, were influencing you to experience illusionary aspects of this Creation. The victim and persecutor role has been perfected, and the martyrs are not the energy we wish to embrace in this new Golden Age. What we are saying is this: cosmic evil no longer exists, you have moved off the Wheel of Karma onto the Spiral of Forward Evolution, and as Mother/Father God forgave the world their sins on September 22, 1996, you are karma free from this point. You have already come into ONE UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, and the martyr aspects of yourselves that are still tuning into the old false beliefs such as the need to experience pain and fear in order to experience courage, compassion, Love, and so on, are no longer appropriate. Your present reality is based on your future and not your past, and only your sub-conscious mind and negative ego is struggling with this concept. Do not go down the broken heart based spirals of fear and pain, chaos and confusion, but rather recognize the Light and magnificence and preciousness of your Beingness at this now moment in time. You are an incredible magical Master Being and Melchizedek Ambassador of Light and through your Light upon this Earth plane you will lead the way for all Humanity to become their Higher Light on this Earth plane and experience the wonder of their true nature as Master Beings of Love and Light and Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light. For as you undergo the Planetary and Cosmic initiations as physical vessels of Light, all Humanity will potentially become their Higher Light on this Earth plane, as their Higher Selves of the Light and their Christed Overselves of the Light. By the Grace of God, and the unparalleled, unprecedented activities of Light taking place on your Earth plane, Humanity collectively undertook their third initiation on August 11, 1999, during the Solar Eclipse over Northern America and Europe, in which your mental bodies were further cleared of the earthly ego allurements and cosmic karmic patterns and the Soul merge occurred with your Primal Souls of the Light. These individualized Soul rays contain aspects of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and exist in the Solar Core of your Sun under the directorship of Helios and Vesta, your Solar Logoi. Furthermore, on June 21, 2001, during the Solar Eclipse over Southern Africa, Humanity collectively underwent their fourth initiation, choosing to become the integrated aspects of their Higher Selves of the Light, as they exist in the etheric of Sirius. This has been made possible through our energy, which first spiraled onto this Earth plane at the first Harmonic Convergence on August 15-17, 1987. At the Harmonic Convergence, the six Cosmic rays were able to come into this quadrant of the Galaxy, bringing in the highest Quotient of Source Light ever to be experienced by Humanity at this time. However, this energy was only partially anchored, and this anchoring was completed on April 23, 1994, through a powerful Galactic alignment of Light between Sirius and your Earth. At this time, on April 23, 1994, Humanity shifted to the third level of Christ Consciousness – and this activity of Light was the initial energy that allowed the third and fourth initiations of Humanity to be undertaken. In addition, through the complete anchoring of the Cosmic rays, your Immortal genes, two additional chromosomes, were etherically reactivated. This means that you now have 46 chromosomes plus two additional etheric chromosomes, which are waiting to be physically activated.Also, at the time of the first Harmonic Convergence, through our energy, an additional five Ashrams housing the five higher rays were activated, which served in no small part for the Cosmic rays to be partially anchored. These Cosmic rays are in fact higher aspects of these twelve rays, with a focus on different rays. They will be activated and available for Humanity to use from December 21, 2012, as you collectively undergo the seventh initiation at this time, as well as shift through the null zone and into the Photon Band at 22:22, the sacred numbers reflecting Solar Christ Consciousness. At this time, you will activate your Light Body and the Light Body of Mother Earth to a fourth dimensional frequency, and enter into the Golden Age of Aquarius and Solar Christ Consciousness. No pole shift will occur, and huge parts of your world will not disappear before or at this time. The understanding of dimensions is something that we would like to be clear on. There is no fifth dimension Humanity is entering into, and you will spend much time in fourth dimensional existence before shifting to the fifth dimension. Now, the first levels of this fourth dimensional plane are already being experienced by you as you have completed many of your initiations and are anchoring more this Higher Light on the Earth plane, which is then magnified a thousand fold, a thousand times, creating” pockets” of this energy in and around your Planet. The first level of fourth dimensional consciousness was collectively experienced by Humanity on January 26, 1991, when the circuitry of the five higher earthly rays was activated. However, to a lesser degree, the consciousness of the third dimensional existence still exists on this Earth plane and will do so until all Humanity, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will, collectively becomes their Higher Light on this Earth plane and shifts into One Unity Consciousness and reverence for all Life. And this decision is set to occur in the year 2012. Once this is complete, and from this time, it will be possible to experience your higher initiations along a fourth dimensional system of energy. Although many of you, as high level initiates, are already experiencing this! Now, for the sake of energy systems, let us say that the first seven initiations relate to a third dimensional system of energy which are undertaken on the Cosmic physical plane, and that initiations eight to fourteen relate to a fourth dimensional system of energy, undertaken on the Cosmic astral plane, which may give you a perspective on how to view these concepts – which can only be viewed and implemented from a linear perspective. Of these fourteen initiations, we can say that at this stage, it is possible you may not be able to get much beyond the ninth initiation – that of Solar Christ Consciousness. This is due to the ring-passeth-nots existing around each dimension, and the fact that these dimensional vibrations lock you into a particular dimension until the Monadic Consciousness of each dimension or your own Monadic levels, shift to a higher dimensional frequency. However, when you are ready to travel to these higher dimensions, which you will potentially undertake in your activated Light Body, we will present you with certain codes and fibonacci sequences, which may allow you to travel interdimensionally through portals of Divine Light, or Stralim radiation, in your activated Light Bodies, for brief periods of time. Prior to this though, you will undergo your training as a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek through Soul traveling to the Halls of Amenti in your Divine body of Light, and particularly from the third to the ninth dimensions, within this curved space and smaller dimensional pockets of space existing within your hollow Earth and found near the center of your Earth. The key of course will be getting into the Halls of Amenti! Think of this Priesthood training as the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation, which will be undertaken through the Order of Melchizedek. Can you imagine the incredible experiences that initiates underwent in ancient Egypt. For example, after twenty-four years of training they were placed in the King’s sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid of Giza. If they could access these dimensions through their related interdimensional portals, they Soul traveled through the Halls of Amenti as well as beyond the vibration of Earth. In fact, in ancient Egypt in 1500 B.C., the personality aspect of us was King Akhenaten! We so enjoyed these Mystery School teachings that we were to have 27 lifetimes there! The ancient Mystery School teachings which are Overlighted by Lord Melchizedek are the teachings that are coming back to Humanity so you too can experience these higher initiations again – for you have done this previously in ancient Egypt, and certainly in the Golden Ages of Atlantis and possibly even Lemuria. The Halls of Amenti contain within them frequencies of Cosmic Consciousness not unlike the frequencies accessed through your dimensional portals and all nine dimensional levels available to you. As you undergo the seven levels of your training to the Priesthood, you will build what we will call multidimensional bodies of Light, which are directly related to the Halls of Amenti, as well as the twelve earthly rays, the six Cosmic rays, and your interdimensional portals from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively. These multidimensional bodies of Light and vibrational frequencies must be created if you wish to become a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek, and further, if you wish to experience the possibility of activating your Light Body from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, in order to experience the start of your Cosmic initiations. In fact this was a regular part of your adept training until the loss of the five higher earthly rays, which occurred in approximately 1500 B.C., ending our seventeen and a half year reign as the first Pharaoh of Egypt. Due to this and the undue influence of cosmic evil, most of these multidimensional memories pertaining to your Highest Potential were lost until the last thirty years or so of your Earth time, until the initial reanchoring of the five higher earthly rays on August 7,1972. Let us consider for a moment the concept of the Light Body or Merkaba, which is an interesting one – Mer, means counter-rotating, Ka, spirit and Ba, body or reality. The counter rotating fields of light of the Merkaba create this Vehicle of Light, which when fully activated, extends 54 feet in diameter around you, with an inner energy field extending 27 feet in diameter around you. The activation of your Light Body will assist you to experience aspects of the five levels of Christ Consciousness - of which the first three levels are currently being experienced on this Earth plane - as well as the vibration of Melchizedek Consciousness. The field extending 54 feet in diameter around you relates to your ninth dimension portal, and Melchizedek Consciousness, a vibration beyond Christ Consciousness 1. The inner sphere of your Light Body, existing 10.5 feet above and below your body, or 27 feet in diameter around you, connects you to the first level of Melchizedek Consciousness 2. The Light Body activation is created through using the sacred geometry of three superimposing star tetrahedrons at the third level of Christ Consciousness, various fibonacci spirals and spinning of the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons at certain fibonacci sequences whilst the etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary over the body. Drunvalo Melchizedek has shared amazing information on your Planet through an understanding of the ancient wisdom of all Life through sacred geometry, and Mystery School teachings focused on Atlantis and Egypt. Now you again have the opportunity to experience these Mystery School teachings Overlighted by your own wonderful Higher Light, the Order of Melchizedek and all these different and most incredible Beings of Light who have been involved in the Forward Evolution of Humanity for a very, very long time. For these higher initiations, eight to fourteen, you have the potential to travel faster than the speed of common light through wormholes or light cones energized by grids of Stralim radiation in your own activated Light Bodies from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, as you work with the Cosmic rays, and experience the Monadic merging of the appropriate Soul rays at each dimensional level. For most of you, it will not be likely that you can activate your Light Bodies much beyond the fourth dimension until you enter Solar Christ Consciousness on December 21, 2012. It is also possible that you may not experience this gift; these Light Body activations to the higher dimensions that can loosely be described as hyperspace travel in your physical body beyond the speed of common light. However, you will still experience these Cosmic energies, either in your physical body, or through Soul travel to these higher dimensions. And you have previously traveled in this way, in which you do literally and physically disappear from this dimension – and since June 21, 2001, you have been able to activate your Light Bodies to the frequency of the fourth dimension without disappearing. This came about through working with the Bermuda Triangle and the unveiling of the Etheric Records of Atlantis – and the main reason we can bring you these teachings, and take you through the Halls of Amenti. The dimensional levels pertaining to these first seven of your Cosmic initiations and undertaken on the Cosmic astral plane are Overlighted by: Lord Buddha and Shamballa, Helios and Vesta, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light under Lord Melchizedek, and Mother/Father God, at a Multi-Universal level of Melchizedek Consciousness. The fourth to the eight dimensional levels of Consciousness further Overlight the five levels of Christ Consciousness, and as we have mentioned, the ninth dimension takes you into Melchizedek Consciousness. This ninth dimension is also the dimension on which we exist, as one of the Twelve Directors of this Cosmic day. Beyond this dimension is God; the undifferentiated Source of All Creation, Who has Created an infinite number of Cosmic days and an infinite number of co-creative Councils of Twelve for an infinite number of Universes, Galaxies, and Solar Systems. Each Cosmic day as you may well know is 4.3 billion years, and you have currently 1.3 billion years to go in this Cosmic day, which will then be followed by a Cosmic night. The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) follows on from The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program. In The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program, you work with specific Ascension Coning Members to clear your judgments and issues; and to become your Higher Light on this Earth plane through the merging and integration of your Higher Self of the Light, and your Christed Overself of the Light. These Ascension Coning Members are the Christed One, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Brotherhood of the Light, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan and your Higher Light. They are the same Ascension Coning Members you will work with in The MAT Program, along with the Arcturian Emissaries of Light and the Mahatma. In The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program, you are further guided to assist in the ascension process of this Earth plane into the Golden Age of Aquarius. Working with the star tetrahedron in specific breathing patterns, you are given techniques to activate your own Light Body to the speed of light, to the frequency of the fourth dimension, and to assist the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy in activating the Light Body of Mother Earth to this same frequency. The first nine of these eighteen breaths that will assist in activating your Light Body to the speed of light, work with breathing through a fluorescent tube of Light, and connecting interdimensionally with the frequencies of these different dimensions, from the first to the ninth dimensions respectively. The next five breaths work with the star tetrahedronal shape and the last four breaths that will activate your Light Body to the speed of light, work with creating counter rotating fields of light using this star tetrahedronal shape. Each of these dimensions holds a specific frequency and allows you to connect to your Higher Light on these different dimensions, as well as to the frequency of the different Beings of Light you work with. The first dimensional portal connects you to Mother Earth and the first dimension. The second dimensional portal connects you to the second dimension and the realm of nature spirit intelligence. The third dimensional portal connects you to the third dimension, to Earth, Overlighted by Sanat Kumara, the bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos, and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy in Shamballa under Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ. The fourth dimensional portal connects you to the frequency of the fourth dimension, to your Primal Soul of the Light, the Sun, and Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logoi. The fifth dimensional portal connects you to the fifth dimension, the Pleiades and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. The sixth dimensional portal connects you to the sixth dimension, your Higher Self of the Light, to Sirius, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, and Brotherhood of the Light members working from the Great White Lodge, as well as Melchior the Galactic Logos. The seventh dimensional portal connects you to the seventh dimension, to Andromeda, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. The eighth dimensional portal connects you to the eighth dimension, to Orion, Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, and the Universal Ashram of the Brotherhood of the Light and the Order of Melchizedek. The ninth dimensional portal connects you to the ninth dimension through a Spiritual portal in Omega Orion to your Christed Overself of the Light, or mighty I Am Presence, Mahatma, and to Mother/Father God. In The MAT Program, you initially work with the first seven initiations, and the first seven rays, before moving onto your Priesthood training and then Cosmic initiations eight to fourteen. The first initiation takes place in the Ascension Seat in Mt. Shasta, California, occurring on the physical/etheric plane, and relates to the Chohans St. Germain and Lady Portia. Overlighted by Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, and Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, St. Germain and Lady Portia will bring through the ray of Ceremonial Magic, with the seventh ray qualities of ritual and magic, diplomacy, freedom, strength, courtesy and self-reliance, and anchor these qualities in a violet color through your sacral center, which is the energy center related to the seventh ray. You will also work with the etheric body star tetrahedron, and the etheric body Healing Coning Members prior to this, in order to master this first initiation; control over the physical body. The second initiation occurs on the emotional/astral plane and relates to mastery over the emotional body. For this initiation, you will travel to the Ascension Seat in Telos, the underground city two miles beneath Mt. Shasta, where you will work with the qualities of the sixth ray under the guidance of Sananda (Jesus the Christ) and Lady Nada. Overlighted by Archangel Uriel and Aurora, and Elohim Peace and Aloha, Sananda and Lady Nada will bring through the ray of Devotion and Idealism with the qualities of devotion, idealism, reverence, tenderness, intuition and loyalty, and anchor these qualities in an indigo color in your solar plexus center, the energy center related to these ray qualities. You will further work with the emotional body star tetrahedron, and the emotional body Healing Coning Members, in order to master this second initiation; the sacrifice and death of desire. For your third initiation, which occurs on the mental plane of consciousness, you will travel to the Ascension Seat in Table Mountain, Wyoming, USA, called The Atomic Accelerator, and work with the mastery of the mental body in order to undergo the Soul merge with your Primal Soul of the Light. The Chohan Hilarion oversees this initiation. Overlighted by Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia, Hilarion will bring through the fifth ray qualities of keen intellect, attention to detail, independence, common sense and truth, and anchor this ray of Concrete Knowledge in an orange color through the third eye. For the completion of this initiation, you will merge with and integrate your Primal Soul of the Light, your individualized Soul ray holding aspects of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint and the down stepped vibration of your Higher Self of the Light, as you exist in the Solar Core Overlighted by Helios and Vesta. You will also work with the mental body star tetrahedron, and the mental body Healing Coning Members. For your fourth initiation, which is undertaken on the Buddhic plane of consciousness, you will experience the qualities of the fourth ray as it is brought through under the Chohan Paul the Venetian, Overlighted by Archangel Gabriel and Hope, and Elohim Purity and Astrea. Paul the Venetian will bring in the ray of Harmony through Conflict with the qualities of physical courage, quickness of intellect and perception, purity, beauty, generosity, strong affections, and devotion, and will anchor these qualities in an emerald green color through your base chakra. This initiation will take place in the Great Pyramid of Giza, and you will travel to the Ascension Seat in the Great Pyramid of Giza, to the King’s Chamber, and merge with the eleven Soul ray extensions, that with you, make up your Higher Self of the Light, as you exist on Sirius. You will then merge with, and integrate this aspect of your Soul level, your Higher Self of the Light. For your fifth initiation, which takes place on the Atmic plane of consciousness, you will travel to the Ascension Seat of Shamballa, situated etherically in the region of the Gobi Desert, and work with the first ray qualities of will and power under the Chohan El Morya. Overlighted by Archangel Michael and Faith, and Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, El Morya will bring through the ray of Will and Power with the qualities of will-to-good, individuality, vitality, singleness of purpose and clear vision, and anchor these qualities in a red color through your crown chakra, as this energy center relates to the first ray qualities. Following this, as your Higher Self of the Light, you work on strengthening your connection to your Christed Overself of the Light, your mighty I Am Presence, and come into a better understanding of Service in Love by working in Shamballa. For the sixth initiation, which takes place on the Monadic plane of consciousness, you will travel to the Ascension Seat in Serapis Bey’s Ascension Retreat in Luxor, Egypt, and work with the third ray qualities. Serapis Bey is the Chohan of this ray and Overlighted by Archangel Chamuel and Charity, and Elohim Heros and Amora, Serapis Bey will bring in the ray of Divine Intelligence through the qualities of mental illumination, capacity for concentration on philosophical studies, clear mindedness, sincerity of purpose, and patience and anchor these qualities in a beautiful yellow color through your throat center, the energy center related to these third ray qualities. You will then merge with the 143 Soul ray extensions that with yourself make up the 144 Soul ray extensions of your Christed Overself of the Light, your mighty I Am Presence. You will then integrate this Monadic level of your Higher Light, your Christed Overself of the Light. At this point, you will have achieved physical ascension and the ability to create an etheric electronic body of Light through the Monadic imprinting of your Higher Light. You will have truly become an Ascended Master on the Earth plane 3. For your seventh initiation, which occurs on the Logoic or Divine plane, you will travel to Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber Ascension Seat near the center of the middle Earth, and work with the ray of Love-Wisdom under the Chohan Kuthumi. Overlighted by Archangel Jophiel and Christine - known as Constance, and Elohim Apollo and Lumina, Kuthumi will bring through the second ray qualities of strength, patience, endurance, intuition, clear intelligence, radiance and faithfulness, and anchor these qualities in a blue color through your heart center, the energy center related to these second ray qualities and the seventh initiation. At this point, you will be initiated into the Order of Melchizedek as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. Following this, you will activate your Light Body or Merkaba and the Light Body of Mother Earth, to assist in the physical Planetary ascension of Mother Earth, and every atom and molecule on this Earth plane into the fourth dimensional Solar Christ Consciousness and Golden Age of Aquarius. This work is incredibly important to raise the Light Quotient of Humanity as they enter through the null zone and into the Photon Band to experience the second-ray of Love-Wisdom through the embrace of Helios and Vesta and further Overlighted by the Company of Heaven. Once the mass Consciousness of Humanity has shifted to this level of Light, between a 92 – 99% Planetary Light Quotient, set for the year 2012, at this time, or perhaps before, you will be ready to experience a fourth dimensional energy system which will allow you the possibility of completing the start of your higher initiations back to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God whilst still in physical embodiment. To do so, you must first become a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek. This entails building your multidimensional bodies of Light, through a Monadic focus and integration of the twelve rays according to Jacob’s ladder and their specific dimensional frequencies, as you Soul travel in your Divine body of Light through the Halls of Amenti from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively - considered as an energy system, the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation. These initiations further form part of the Cosmic physical plane in which you have the ability to anchor up to a 10% Cosmic Light Quotient. The Halls of Amenti, built by 32 Children of Light after the original Fall from Grace, is a curved time space outside of your time space, found near the center of your Earth and beneath the Bermuda Triangle. These Children of Light warped space and as they bound it to Earth, formed the Halls of Amenti. It was further divided into nine smaller spaces, and within each exists a Cosmic Consciousness directly related to the nine dimensional levels available to all Life on this Earth plane. The multidimensional bodies of Light you are building as you undergo your training to the Priesthood are directly related to these dimensions, these pockets of space found in the Halls of Amenti, as well as the twelve earthly rays, the six Cosmic rays, and your interdimensional portals from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively. These multidimensional bodies of Light are your Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal bodies respectively, and extend around you in diameter at the point of connection relative to your interdimensional portals. This first step to Priesthood and the building of your multidimensional bodies of Light requires anchoring your first 50 chakras, seven at a time, as well as creating the appropriate Cosmic energy fields and sacred geometries around the body relating to the twelve rays through an understanding of the Kabbalah and the Halls of Amenti. To anchor these 50 chakras, you will work with a fourth dimensional energy system, although still on the Cosmic physical plane, which is based on the understanding that these interdimensional portals, from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, each hold the Monadic vibration of specific rays at each dimensional level, and are further related to the seven main chakras in the body. The base chakra relates to the frequency of the third dimension and the Monadic focus of the first and third rays of Will and Power and Divine Intelligence 4 respectively. The sacral chakra relates to the frequency of the fourth dimension and the Monadic focus of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. The solar plexus center relates to the frequency of the fifth dimension and the Monadic focus of the eighth ray of Transcendence. The heart center relates to the frequency of the sixth dimension and the Monadic focus of the ninth ray of Highest Potentials. The throat center relates to the frequency of the seventh dimension and the Monadic focus of the tenth ray of Divinity. The third eye relates to the frequency of the eighth dimension and the Monadic focus of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth, and the crown chakra relates to the frequency of the ninth dimension and the Monadic focus of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. The Cosmic rays, which we will shortly discuss, hold the focus of these Monadic rays, although the Cosmic rays embody all twelve rays with this Monadic focus; and in building your multidimensional bodies of Light, you are focusing solely on the collective Source Light vibration of the prominent ray or rays found on these respective dimensions. For the complete training to the Priesthood, you will activate your Light Body to the speed of common light and then consciously Soul travel through the appropriate interdimensional portals to the Halls of Amenti. Furthermore, for the final initiation as The High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek, you will have the experience of bathing in the cold flames of the eternal Flower of Life found within the ninth dimension of Amenti in which the Immortal aspects of your Christed nature will again be activated. One of the keys to experiencing the training to the Priesthood is that you need to be able to access the Halls of Amenti, and pass beyond the three gatekeepers guarding each dimensional level. There are many entrances to the Halls of Amenti, such as Mt. Shasta, California, Shamballa, Tibet, the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, the Black Forest in Germany and the Atlas Mountains in Africa, to name a few; although you will access the Halls of Amenti through Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber Ascension Seat Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek. For, sweet Melchizedek Ambassadors, the knowledge we share with you is ancient, and not for the uninitiated. To this end, the Order of Melchizedek has responded, and will ensure only the Children of the Light find their way into the Halls of Amenti. Once you have successfully passed beyond the gatekeepers, you will initially enter the blue-lighted Temple, which is the Great Hall of Amenti within which the seven Cosmic Lords of the seven dimensions, from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, reside. These Great Cosmic Immortal and Eternal Beings – where Life and Death is not known, reside within this space while connected to the appropriate Cosmic frequencies from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively. They vibrate to the levels of Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal Cosmic Consciousness frequencies respectively and are able to transmit these frequencies to the appropriate co-creative Councils of Twelve. When you are ready to undergo your Priesthood training through the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation, these Great Lords will Overlight your journey through the appropriate dimensional pockets of space. At this point we digress slightly, in order to give you a better understanding of the five higher earthly rays, as many of you are familiar with the first seven, but not the five higher earthly rays, or the six Cosmic rays, which are in fact, higher expressions of the twelve earthly rays incorporating all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on different rays. To clarify a particular point, the twelve rays are not earthly rays, as they come from the Source of All Creation for this Cosmic day. However, as the Light Quotient building relative to Source Light is different at each dimensional level, we make this distinction. The five higher earthly rays, rays eight to twelve, carry a higher vibration than the seven rays with a Higher Quotient of Source Light. They do not have the dualities that exist within the first seven rays, and are affecting the seven rays through their Higher Light Quotient. In doing so, these five higher rays are not only shifting the consciousness of Humanity into One Unity Consciousness, but the higher attributes of the first seven rays are now being anchored within your first seven bodies, in addition to the five higher earthly rays. The five higher rays were re-anchored onto your Earth plane on August 7, 1972, although the circuitry for these rays to be activated was only completed on January 26, 1991. The actualization of these five higher rays will take place on December 21, 2012, or through your first eight initiations. These five higher rays are having an amazing influence on the anchoring and activating of your own wonderful Higher Light and in the actualization of your true nature as Master Beings of Love and Light and Christ Conscious Beings of Light. The eighth ray of Transcendence is a beautiful expansive ray in a luminescent seafoam green and violet, and is composed of the fourth ray, the fifth ray and the seventh ray, combined with a Higher Quotient of Source Light. The word “transcend” is described as extending beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge, and sweet Melchizedek Ambassadors, this is a good word to describe the qualities of the eighth ray of Transcendence. Under the directorship of Lady Nada, this ray brings with it the qualities of courage, justice, integrity, wisdom, stability, equilibrium, unconditional Love, understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness. This ray will assist you as you move beyond the limitations imposed by your negative ego aspects, your three lower bodies, and in particular your sub-conscious mind. In so doing, you may transcend your dualities through the “sacred flame of transcendence” and furthermore, come into the One Unity Consciousness of all Life. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the octahedron and the Flower of Life. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the third level of your Priesthood training. The ninth ray of Highest Potentials is related to the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life and the star tetrahedron, also called the Star of Melchizedek, and is one of the prominent rays you work with, to reclaim your birthright as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light, and to activate your Light Body. In the process of Forward Evolution, the probability of achieving your Highest Potential as your Higher Self of the Light and your Christed Overself of the Light is focused more intently through this ray than any other. Through Potentiality, you have the ability to come into existence, and develop or perfectly create your own reality with the One Reality of All That Is. Thus this ray has the most influence on your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and your etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Under the directorship of Mother Mary, this ray brings with it the qualities of unity, justice, peace, order, wisdom, creativity, joy, mercy, unconditional Love, splendor, compassion and Divine guidance. This ray vibrates to a blue-green color and is composed of the first ray, the second ray and a Higher Quotient of Source Light. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the fourth level of your Priesthood training. The tenth ray of Divinity will assist you through the perfect balance of Power, Love and Wisdom to become the Divine, Holy Light of God that you truly are. The Mahatma is the Director of the tenth ray of Divinity at a Multi-Universal level, and through this ray, all Life is spiritualizing matter, and shifting into the state of being Divine. This ray activates the Spiritual Microtron, with the focus on Spiritual ascension, ascension in the physical body. Under the directorship of the Mahachohan of the first ray, Allah Gobi, this ray brings with it the qualities of balance and equilibrium, justice, Love, power, infinite wisdom, detachment, attainment, responsibility, Mastery, and transcendence. It is a combination of the first, second and third rays mixed with a Higher Quotient of Source Light and vibrates to a pearlescent color. It is related to the sacred geometry of the icosahedron and the Flower of Life.This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the fifth level of your Priesthood training. The eleventh ray of Illumined Truth assists in connecting you to the realms of Illumined Truth through sincerity in action and utterance of one’s Spiritual reality.Under the guardianship of Quan Yin, this ray brings with it the qualities of understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization, and discernment. It further brings you into the experience of the Divine expression of Love/Wisdom and Higher Truth, and is very useful at the moment in the anchoring of the Christed frequencies and teachings of the Order of Melchizedek for the Golden Age of Aquarius. This ray is a combination of the first ray, the second ray and the fifth ray, with a Higher Quotient of Source Light, and vibrates to a pink-orange color. It is related to the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron and the Flower of Life. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the sixth level of your Priesthood training. The twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness, or Planetary Christ Consciousness, is the golden ray of the Age of Aquarius. Under the Chohan Pallas Athena, this ray brings with it the qualities of wisdom, devotion, illuminating intelligence, enlightenment, Love, power, harmony, peace, equilibrium, creativity, inspiration, magnetism and One Unity Consciousness. The twelfth ray holds the highest vibration of Christed Light of all twelve earthly rays, and is a combination of all the earthly rays with a Higher Quotient of Source Light. It is related to the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the seventh level of your Priesthood training. We would also like you to understand the six Cosmic rays, which were re-anchored onto your Earth plane during the first Harmonic Convergence on August 15-17, 1987, and will be available to use by sixth level initiates from June 21, 2001. This Harmonic Convergence was your springboard, so to speak, into the lower octaves of the fourth dimension, which occurred on January 26, 1991. Also at the time of the first Harmonic Convergence, five Ashrams housing the five higher earthly rays were built through the energy of the Mahatma. Equally important, a Galactic portal through this quadrant of the Galaxy was reopened, which allowed the six Cosmic rays to come pouring forth onto your Earth plane. The Planetary circuitry for the six Cosmic rays will be activated by December 21, 2012, as you enter into Solar Christ Consciousness and the Golden Age of Aquarius. At this time, the Cosmic rays will be available for all Humanity as they begin their Cosmic ascension journey into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and will be actualized through initiations nine to fourteen. The six Cosmic rays, which were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, are Service rays; and were not completely anchored onto your Earth until April 23, 1994. As we have explained, and just to be clear, these rays follow the process of anchoring, activating and actualizing. They were partially anchored on August 15-17, 1987. This anchoring was completed on April 23, 1994. These Cosmic rays will be activated by December 21, 2012, and will be available for the mass consciousness of Humanity at this time. However, these Cosmic rays are available for sixth level initiates from June 21, 2001. They can be activated through building your multidimensional bodies of Light and actualized as the Cosmic initiations are undertaken. It is an amazing blessing to have these rays here at this time, as without them, it would not be possible for you to start your Cosmic ascension and higher initiations back to Mother/Father God whilst in physical embodiment on this Earth plane. These rays take you beyond Lord Buddha and your Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy in Shamballa, and into the Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy, under the main influence of your Mother/Father God on a Multi-Universal level, the Source of All That Is for this Cosmic day, and further Overlighted by the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. Through this Overlighting, each one of you has the ability to experience these six Cosmic rays, and the start of your Cosmic initiations into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. However, instead of leaving this Earth plane, which is what you usually did on the completion of your sixth initiation, you will assist in the creation of the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy on your Earth plane through Service in Love and Divine Equality, whilst in physical embodiment on your Earth plane. In other words, you will physically ascend, through the stepped down vibration of your Higher Light and the twelve rays; and for your Cosmic initiations, we will show you how you can Spiritually ascend through your Light Body activations and the focus of the six Cosmic rays - taking your physical body with you to the higher dimensions until you choose to no longer come back to this Earth plane. The six Cosmic rays, rays thirteen to eighteen are each represented by specific Chohans: Helios and Vesta, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, and your Mother/Father God of this Cosmic day, and emanate from the Sun, the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion and a Spiritual portal through Omega Orion respectively. Now, back to your Priesthood training. In completing the first level of your training to the Priesthood, known as The Gardener, you will build your Planetary body of Light, which extends around you in a gold sphere the size of your body, approximately six feet in diameter. To do so, you will re-anchor the first seven chakras from the crown chakra to the base chakra in a red and yellow color, with the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members through the Monadic focus of the first and third rays respectively. To complete this circuitry, you will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel in your Divine body of Light through your third dimensional portal to the third dimensional pocket of space found within the Halls of Amenti. Working with the Chohans El Morya and Serapis Bey, and Overlighted by Lord Untanas, the Cosmic Master of this dimension, as well as the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy, you will enter into The Temple of Goodwill and Divine Intelligence. To complete the second level of your Priesthood training, known as The Steward, you will anchor the circuitry for your fourth dimensional body of Light, your Solar body. Your Solar body extends 6.04 5 feet in diameter around you in a copper-gold bubble, and you will anchor the next seven chakras (8 -14), in descending order from chakra fourteen, from the fourth dimensional portal as it is found 0.02 feet above the crown chakra, to the sacral center in a beautiful blue color through the Monadic focus of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and then consciously Soul travel through your fourth dimensional portal to the related fourth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Kuthumi, and Overlighted by Lord Quertas, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Solar Spiritual Hierarchy, you will travel to The Temple of the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom to complete this training. To complete the third level of your Priesthood training, known as The Warden, you will anchor the circuitry for your fifth dimensional body of Light, your Interstellar body, which extends 7.2 feet in diameter around you in a silver bubble of Light. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members, you will anchor the next seven chakras (15-21), from the fifth dimensional portal found 0.6 feet above the crown chakra, to the solar plexus center in a beautiful luminescent seafoam green and violet color through the Monadic focus of the eighth ray of Transcendence. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your fifth dimensional portal to the related fifth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Lady Nada and Overlighted by Lord Chietal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Eighth Ray of Transcendence. To complete the fourth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Servant, you will anchor the circuitry for your sixth dimensional body of Light, your Galactic body, which extends 10.8 feet in diameter around you in a silver-gold color. To do so, you will anchor the next seven chakras (22-28) from the sixth dimensional portal, 2.4 feet above the head, to the heart center in a luminescent blue-green color, through the Monadic focus on the ninth ray of Highest Potentials. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your sixth dimensional portal to the related sixth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Mother Mary and Overlighted by Lord Goyana, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials to complete this training. To complete the fifth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Lesser Priest, you will anchorthe circuitry for your seventh dimensional body of Light, your Intergalactic body, which extends 12 feet in diameter around you in a golden color. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members, you will anchor the next seven chakras (29-35), from the seventh dimensional portal, 3 feet above the head, to the throat chakra in a beautiful pearlescent color through the Monadic focus of the tenth ray of Divinity. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your seventh dimensional portal to the related seventh dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Allah Gobi and Overlighted by Lord Huertal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Tenth Ray of Divinity to complete this training. To complete the sixth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Priest, you will anchor the circuitry for your eighth dimensional body of Light, your Universal body, which extends 16.8 feet in diameter around you in a platinum color. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members you will anchor the next seven chakras (36-42), from the eighth dimensional portal, as it is found 5.4 feet above the head, to the third eye in a beautiful pink-orange color through the Monadic focus of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your eighth dimensional portal to the related eighth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Quan Yin and Overlighted by Lord Semveta, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Brotherhood of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth to complete this training. To complete the seventh level of your Priesthood training, known as The High Priest, you will anchor the circuitry for your ninth dimensional body of Light, your Multi-Universal body, which extends 54 feet in diameter around you in a shimmering diamond ray of Light. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members, you will anchor the last seven chakras (43-49), from the ninth dimensional portal, as it is found 24 feet above the head, to the crown chakra in a beautiful golden color through the Monadic focus of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and then consciously Soul travel through your ninth dimensional portal to the ninth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Pallas Athena and Overlighted by Lord Ardal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Mahatma and Mother/Father God, you will enter into The Temple of the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness to complete this training. On the completion of your Priesthood training, the fiftieth chakra will be anchored through your crown chakra, creating a unified column of Light through all forty-nine chakras, and signifying the completion of this training, the activation of your Immortal chromosomes and your entry into Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Once you have completed your training as a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek, you are ready to travel in your own activated Light Body from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively in order to experience Cosmic initiations eight to fourteen. Now, we point out that this has never been attempted in quite this way before, and even in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis, most of you who were able to activate your Light Bodies to the higher dimensions generally did not pass beyond this quadrant of the Galaxy. However, due to the energy of the Mahatma and the anchoring of the Spiritual Microtron, it is possible that you could complete these new levels of integration and initiations into Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal levels.Please understand though, as we explain these higher initiations that it may not be possible for many of you at this stage to shift beyond a Solar Vibration – which is the completion of your ninth initiation. As we have explained, a particular time space vibration encapsulates each dimensional level, and until the Monadic Consciousness of your Solar System expands to the next level of dimensional consciousness or your own multidimensional Selves at each dimensional level expand to the next dimensional level, you are unable to move beyond these ring-passeth-nots. However, it may be possible for you to experience these higher dimensions in your activated Light Body for short periods of time – and this is what you shall attempt to do. For we shall present you with a particular word at each dimensional level along with the appropriate fibonacci sequences and sacred numbers, which may allow you to shift beyond these dimensional barriers. Furthermore, at each dimensional level or higher initiation, you will merge with the appropriate Cosmic rays and Soul rays, your Multidimensional Selves, which once integrated, may allow you to shift to the next sequential dimension. We will now explain through a more detailed understanding of the six Cosmic rays and the higher initiations how you can achieve this unprecedented mission, which will pave the way for a Higher Consciousness to be experienced by all Humanity and set a precedence for the Forward Evolution of Humanity. The six Cosmic rays hold the Highest Quotient of Source Light, and are a combination of all twelve rays through the appropriate co-creative Councils of Twelve, with an additional focus of one of these rays, brought about through the appropriate Monadic modules at each level. In order to experience these Cosmic rays in their full magnificence, you will need to undergo initiations eight to fourteen. The eighth initiation is related to the Earth plane, or Planetary Christ Consciousness, and to “pass” this initiation which is undertaken in Lord Buddha’s Ascension Seat in Shamballa, you are needing to activate your Light Body to the frequency of the fifth dimension, and then step down your vibration to nine-tenths the speed of light, and work with the actualization of all twelve earthly rays in a beautiful gold shimmering color, which has a Monadic focus on the first ray of Will and Power through the intent of the third ray of Divine Intelligence. You will then anchor the next seven chakras, chakras 51-57, and merge with your three-dimensional Selves. This initiation further completes the actualization of the twelve rays and the physical reactivation of the first two strand DNA. You are then ready to work with the first Comic ray, the thirteenth ray of Solar Service, or Solar Christ Consciousness, which will assist you to complete your ninth initiation. This ray, under Helios and Vesta, is a combination of all twelve rays, with a Monadic focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom. To experience this ray, which is brought in, in a beautiful copper-gold color, you will activate your Light Body to a fifth dimensional frequency and then step down your vibration to the speed of light. If you are successful in moving beyond the Keepers of the fourth dimension into the Ascension Seat of Helios and Vesta in the Solar Core, surrounded by the Solar Council of Twelve, you will undergo your ninth initiation, as you anchor chakras 58-64 and merge with your fourth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of stability, perfection, power, equilibrium, manifestation, wisdom, Love, sacred sexuality, purification, Solar Service, abundance, joy, the experience of group collective Solar Christ Consciousness and the re-union with Helios and Vesta. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your third and fourth strand DNA. The second Cosmic ray, or fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service is a beautiful silver color brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Interstellar Council of Twelve, and represents all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the eighth ray of Transcendence.In order to completely integrate this ray into your energy field and fourteen-body system, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the fifth dimension, and should you successfully move beyond the Keepers of the fifth dimension, you will enter into Interstellar Christ Consciousness and the Ascension Seat of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, where through the appropriate Interstellar Council of Twelve, you will experience your tenth initiation. This occurs through the anchoring of chakras 65-71 as well as the merger of your fifth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of realization, illumination, knowledge, power, Love, strength, equilibrium, abundance, purification, sacred sexuality, harmony, insightfulness, Interstellar Service, justice, wisdom, the experience of group collective Interstellar Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your fifth and sixth strand DNA. The third Comic ray, or fifteenth ray of Galactic Service, is brought in by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light in a beautiful silver-gold color. To experience your eleventh initiation and Galactic Christ Consciousness through the fifteenth ray, which represents all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the ninth ray of Highest Potentials, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the sixth dimension, and moving beyond the Keepers of the sixth dimension, you will enter into the Ascension Seat of Sirius. Through the appropriate Galactic Council of Twelve, you will undertake your eleventh initiation by anchoring chakras 72-78 and merging with your sixth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of splendor, truthfulness, unity, power, discipline, unlimited potential, equilibrium, loving kindness, compassion, courage, wisdom, manifestation, direction, organization, Galactic Service, the experience of group collective Galactic Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life.At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your seventh and eighth strand DNA. The fourth Cosmic ray, or sixteenth ray of Inter-Galactic Service is under the directorship of the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. To experience this refined golden color ray, which is a combination of all twelve rays with the Monadic focus on the tenth ray of Divinity, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the seventh dimension, and if successfully passing beyond the Keepers of this dimension, you will enter into the Ascension Seat of Andromeda, and through the Intergalactic Council of Twelve you will experience this ray frequency.To complete your twelfth initiation, you will anchor chakras 79-85 as well as merge with your seventh dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of beauty, magnetism, devotion, power, wisdom, illumination, sacred sexuality, valor, peace, Love, Divinity, balance, harmony, inspiration, Intergalactic Service, justice, the experience of group collective Intergalactic Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your ninth and tenth strand DNA. To experience the fifth Cosmic ray, or seventeenth ray of Universal Service, which is under the directorship of the Brotherhood of the Light and the Universal Council of Twelve, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the eighth dimension, and if successfully passing beyond the Keepers of this dimension, you will experience your thirteenth initiation through the frequencies of Universal Christ Consciousness brought in by the seventeenth ray representing the twelve rays, with a Monadic focus on the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth. To complete your thirteenth initiation, the Brotherhood of the Light, the Universal Council of Twelve and Lord Melchizedek will bring through a beautiful platinum color as you anchor chakras 86-92 as well as merge with your eighth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of harmony, insightfulness, joy, balance, loving kindness, detachment, illumined truth, Love, great wisdom, Universal Service, devotion to great work, and the manifestation of that which was previously unmanifest. This ray further brings with it the experience of group collective Universal Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Brotherhood of the Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life.At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your eleventh and twelfth strand DNA. The sixth Cosmic ray, or eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service is under the directorship of Mother/Father God for this Cosmic day, and the Multi-Universal Council of Twelve, and is the Highest Source Light possible to experience from a fourth dimensional perspective on all the rays. To experience the eighteenth ray, which has a Monadic focus of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the ninth dimension, and surrounded by Mother/Father God, and the Multi-Universal Council of Twelve, you will experience the eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service in a beautiful diamond color as you anchor chakras 93-99 as well as merge with your ninth dimensional Selves, experiencing Multi-Universal Melchizedek Consciousness, a vibration beyond Christ Consciousness. Your one hundredth chakra will then be anchored within your ninth dimensional portal, completing the actualization of the Cosmic rays as well as the actualization of your Immortal genes. This ray brings with it the qualities of transcendence, unlimited potentiality, illumined truth, divinity, pure Beingness, Melchizedek Consciousness, the infinite Now, formlessness, timelessness, completion of great work, unconditional Love, infinite expansiveness and wisdom, Multi-Universal Service, and the experience of truly becoming the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. This ray is further experienced through the union of Mother/Father God, and is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. Beyond this dimension is God, the undifferentiated Source of All Creation, Who has Created an infinite number of Cosmic days and an infinite number of co-creative Councils of Twelve for an infinite number of Universes, Galaxies, and Solar Systems. We are truly so excited to be sharing this energy system with you, and look forward to this most heavenly inspired co-creative Cosmic ascension journey in Divine Equality and Service in Love. With this, we bid you a most magical day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 This is experienced through an almost perfect 72x92 phi-ratio. In other words, where the perimeter of the thirty-sixth square equals or approximates the circumference of the forty-sixth circle. The perimeter at this level of Melchizedek Consciousness is 288, and the circumference is 288.88. There is a difference of 0.88, giving an almost perfect phi-ratio. 2 This connects you to the first level of Melchizedek Consciousness through a 36 x 46 phi-ratio, where the perimeter of the eighteenth square equals or approximates the circumference of the twenty-third circle. The perimeter at this first level of Melchizedek Consciousness is 144, and the circumference is 144.44. There is a difference of 0.44, giving an almost perfect phi-ratio. 3 Although your Planet holds the Monadic focus of the third ray of Divine Intelligence, this energy is being focused through the first ray of Will and Power in order to create Universal Peace and Abundance through Divine Equality. 4 The merger with your Christed Overself of the Light or mighty I Am Presence commences from the fifth initiation, and although the primary focus of this merger occurs at the sixth initiation, this merger is only complete following the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation. 5 Your fourth dimensional sphere is technically the same size as your third dimensional sphere, 6 feet in diameter around you. This is due to the third and fourth dimensions merging into one dimension. However, to create this linear system of energy, and to differentiate between the third and fourth dimensional portals and their respective spheres, we will say that the fourth dimensional portal exists 0.02 feet above the crown chakra, and thus the fourth dimensional sphere exists 6.04 feet in diameter around the body. Copyright@2005 Anrita Melchizedek-Choun. Web Address Email
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