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elders (1)

The Council of Elders

You Are Being Called Into A Point Of Light That Is Excited About You Being There as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan for Sedona Journal Welcome. We are the Pleiadian energies. On this day we come forth into your being, energy field and heart. We bring forth the essence of truth undiluted, untainted, raw truth. Truth is what you all seek and truth is what will be issued to you as you walk into more of your true essence. For many years you have hidden from yourself. You stand behind the door looking through the crack at your life, being afraid to fully immerse yourself into life. You do not come here to sit on the sideline, to stand in the bleachers, to hide behind doors. you come into this life to experience it 100%, to open up every inch of you that has been closed, to feel into the fullness of time, to let the raw passions, the juices of life flow through you. You are afraid of what your heart and your soul asks you to do. Your humanness says to walk up to that person and say hello yet your knees shake, as fear becomes your new best friend. Why are you so afraid to walk forward and introduce yourself to the very love of your life? the very vibration of the word AFRAID is a 10/10/10 energy a #30 in fullness.Afraid asks to be cleared in the year 2010 (#30) Using the vibration of conversion which is an expression of the energy of the #10 send love into all you fear, all you are afraid of, what goes bump in the night in your soul. Dilute the fear fields with the soft rains of love. If you feel fear in any thought/ from walking in the snow/ice/ to living or dying/ stop, take a deep breath and send love into that fear. Everything in you screams that you hate your life, your job, your relationship, and yet you do not take one step toward changing your experience? It is a time of loving where you are planted. From that point of loving, from that center of your universe, move forth fully into what your heart desires. Otherwise you will be stuck in a sea of mud with the very energy of hate keeping you bound to the person place or thing. Life is not your jailer. Earth is not a prison. It is but a grand amusement park and you are afraid to ride the rides so you stay in the shallow end of the park. Most times you are afraid to ingest the sweetness life has to offer. Afraid of what is good, waiting on the other shoe to drop. You stand still, paralyzed with fear like a deer in the headlights, afraid to move forward, afraid to move backward. Your life shows that. It is time for all of you to hold your arms open wide and embrace what is yet to come. For your days of time have shortened. You no longer have the gift of time in the package of 24. Time shortens. Your life quickens, your heart quickens, your pulse quickens, and your passion awakens from a long sleep. You need to get back in the saddle again. As humans you are Gods in disguise. You are blinded by your own light. You wait for the writing on the walls to explain the next step of the journey. But the next step of the journey is described and decreed by your own motions and emotions. When you deny your emotions, there is no motion in your life. Your car stands still. Your body stands still. Your paychecks stand still. Your very dreams stand still. Open up to explore the New World of you. You have come to the edge of your world. You have come to the edge of your expectations. Will you fall off? Immerse yourself in this next leg of your journey. For what abounds before you is beyond your conceptual understanding of time and space. Every cell of your body bursts forth as it remembers its stellar origin. You are off the maps. You are off the screens and the satellites cannot find you. You are expanding faster than the speed of light, if you choose. The more that you hold tight to a state of motionlessness, the more your life will scream at you. Your life screams for its life. You are the Apex of Creation the favorite horse in the cosmic race. The entire universe has bet on you. Everything awaits your choices. Earth is not meant to be hard. Humanness is a divine point of origin. Life is a gift. Flesh is a gift. Air is a gift. You are a gift. Love what you have created and let it love you. Honor what you have created. Honor whoever is in your heart, whoever is in your household, and whoever is in your life. You so often want to scrape your life off of your shoes as if it is something dirty. Love this point of creation that you are that you will be, and that you are becoming. The future is up to you. You hold not just the future of your own minimal existence but you hold the future of the entire universe that bets you are a good choice for running the long race. Time waits for no man but Time waits for all of mankind. Each step you take into your fearlessness, each thing that you do in love -- no matter how small, ripples out and touches the universe. A great applause is heard throughout the heavens. You took one-step forward into fear, into love, into the future. You stepped away fearlessly. You stepped off the mountaintop knowing you could fly without fear. Your life beckons you. You are being called into a Point of Light that is excited about you being there. What we come to say to you, in a rather serious tone, is that we need you to be in love. Not just with a person, or a body, or a new car but with your every experience. We need you to like what you do first, to like whom you live with, and to like your family. And then eventually when you are brave enough to venture down the corridors of love. We need you to like yourself, because without liking yourself first, you can never get to the point of loving yourself. You are divinely proportionate with what your experience is. You create the ratio of light to dark. Open up your heart to this next level of your experience. The entire Universe needs you. We are the Pleiadians. Whatever you yearn for become it. Whatever you wish for let it be your experience. Stop wishing for it live it. Allow life to come into you and you to come into life, without regrets, without angers. You are vast beings that we salute. You are braver than we -- as you incarnated at this time of transition and ascension. We hold the porch light on for you as you find your way home. We leave.
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