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Energy (38)


Wake up Call: Altros, May 10, 13
I am here today in the company of Lord Ashtar and Mushaba. We are on the Nexus and we are seeing the creation of the Santa Fe Command Center as I speak. We are seeing the energy morph from here and there as the energies change in the thoughts and feelings of humanity on earth, and especially in the Santa Fe area. It is a vacuuming out of the old and the replacement with the new.

It is a valuable sight to behold, for it is showing us the progress that you are making at this time of much confusion and upheaval in so many of you on earth. We are seeing what a shift is coming about through the abilities that so many of you have to recognize that what you are feeling and experiencing is the result of your intention and allowance to clean out all of the debris that has settled within you throughout this duality experience.

As this happens you are giving of yourselves to the coming of the new world that earth and all of you are destined for. You are preparing the groundwork for the new Galactic Centers to come into being on your earth and within your outer vision. You will be aware of them, and at the same time you will realize the part you had in the creation of them. You will know that they have your energy of intent and Love within every particle of Light Love as you walk through them and partake of their wondrous destiny in your new life experience.

One thing that you will be aware of within the time that you await the appearance of them in your reality is that there is a new feeling in the areas on the planet on which the centers will be seen and brought into your lives as you integrate yourselves with what they represent. It is a matter of feeling the newness and allowing those energies to speak to you of the coming times. In this way you will feel that you are a part of the creation of them, and that with your part in it the centers will bear your inscriptions, and will be ready to welcome you to the knowingness that they will represent in how to go forth in the purpose for them being a part of Gaia and yourselves.

We realize that many of you have been wondering how you will contribute to the creation of these centers, and what to do in the meantime concerning them. We tell you now that it is a matter of seeing them in your dreamtime, in your meditations, and in the walking through, when possible, of the areas that you are led to that will be home to the centers on Gaia. You will contribute greatly by extending your welcome and connection to them and to bring their wholeness into being in your heart as well as in the potential that they represent at this moment. As the energies rise, and all of earth and humanity increase the vibratory equation of oneness, then all that is in the ethers for your coming experience and expression will be manifest in your lives.
We now speak our loving wishes for you to go forth into this day and to enjoy yourselves in the ways that you create and express, knowing that you are contributing your Loving energies to the coming into your lives of the centers that are already experiencing the process of creation that you are gifting them with. It is a time of great joy and effortless creation for all of us in conjunction with all of you, even those of you who are not aware of your part in it. It is the love in which you carry yourselves through your days that brings about the beauty that we see surrounding your planet and each and every one of you. It is a sight to be seen, and we love it and you tremendously. Blessings to you all!

Thank you dear Altros, Ashtar and Mushaba,
Love, Nancy Tate 

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The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can never be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another.


All matter and energy are regarded as equivalent. Therefore all matter cannot be destroyed only transitioned to another form.


All energy is in constant motion, therefore constantly changing. Change is the law of nature. This law of change was wonderfully described by William W. Atkinson in 1911 in the “The Mastery of Being” .He wrote:


“All nature and all the universe is in a constant state of flux. Everything changing its shape, form or activities from the moment of its creation. Everything is in constant motion from the atoms to suns, from universe to electrons. Nothing remains the same for two consecutive moments . . . nothing stands still.”


This endless eternal transformation of energy is happening all around and within you. Mentally and physically you are constantly changing. You are, in fact, a creative process.


This constant change provides endless potential for beneficial change. Each and every moment is an infinite possibility that you may evolve into the finite realities of your desires.


This creative process of change is ordered by our intention. Intention brings change. Imagination brings change. Thoughts become actions.


Reiki is a good example of the many intentional healing modalities. The effectiveness of Reiki and other similar practices depend upon the intention of the practitioner.


Maintain a focus and intention of wellness, of wholeness, of healing, and change occurs.


Reiki is growing in use at many hospitals and clinics in the USA. Healing Today Reiki classes are very practcal and affordable and are designed to help one with self healing. This Reiki training  also prepares health care professionals to offer Reiki to others. The Reiki workshops are presented in Chicago, Tampa, Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte, and other cities around the USA.

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May 2013: Passage to Expansive Freedom

Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the Pleaidian Emissaries of Light and we speak to you through an expanded corridor of connection which was established almost a year ago, during the Eclipse Cycle of May 2012. Since that time so much has transpired in your world and in your lives. Know that the themes you are experiencing are also felt within larger spheres of organization, the fields of light and energy you think of as the galaxy and even the Universe.

More and more you are realizing the true nature of your being.

In this realization you open more fully to all that you are and you, yourself expand. It is increasingly possible that you are becoming way-station managers and flow-ers (smile), of energy. Isn't it wonderful that the idea of being one who flows, is so like the word for flowers? that endlessly open and gracefully unfold in your lives? You are becoming increasingly the means by which the higher and lower levels of creation are integrated. This leading edge is what you hoped to achieve in coming here to participate in planetary ascension. It is that which you are instinctively creating when you begin to orient to your heart. As you discover your ability to ground more energy and manifest, then you embrace the flow between the upper and lower levels of your being. As you begin to relate to yourself in self-love then you begin to see that there is only beauty in all aspects of your experience -- that which you create directly and that which mirrors your vibration to you. In this fuller relationship to life you become more whole.

Each of you carries within you profoundly useful codes for relating to life and in particular for relating to physical reality. The Earth has been informed by many different species of creatures, intelligent life and sentience in all of them, and so there are many patterns of creation embedded within your lineage, regardless of the variety and diversity of your origins as a collective.

As you become more keenly focused on opening to all that you are, the fullness of you being begins to operate in an integrated fashion. This requires you to shift from your local identity into your spiritual identity, into your identity residing in your knowing of yourself as a divine multidimensional being.

As you make this shift and sustain this and living from it --not from the local goals and aspirations--but opening to all that you are, you change the game you are playing and you alter the game itself. You begin to live from an expanded knowing. This is the practice of what you think of as remembering. Many of you expected remembering to look and feel more like expanded informational access, rather then expanded knowing. You expected remembering to be more like cellular memory, soul memories or molecular memory. Cellular memory are patterns within your energy system that arise in familiarity because you are still actively involved with them. In the way in which they arise it is often like feeling or being in a movie watching yourself in another reality or experiencing an explicit knowing of parts of that system. This is not the same thing as living from an integrated expanded knowing informed by the fullness of your being.

One of the main shifts that you will be encountering soon, is the realization that information is over-rated in it's value.

Knowing is what it's all for and what is of value. Information is only valuable when it serves living and being as knowing. And as you are discovering at times it takes you a while to realize and trust that you do actually know things. You know things without even knowing how you know them. Doesn't this help you see that this might expand? So doesn't it make sense that you might eventually evolve in such ways that you directly know in the moment how to proceed, informed from an an increasingly full presence and that this knowing will feel like you just being more clear, more confident, more present and more harmoniously aligned? This dear ones is what it is going to feel like to be in full remembering. It's not that you will suddenly have access to billions of details which arise specifically within your inner sight visually, for example, no, that is more like cellular memories from past lives arising. Or deja vu' occurring.

What remembering feels like is coherence, clarity, effortless presence, embodied flow, openness and harmony, love and fullness and creativity and joy. 

In human life the ability to recite loads of information, to know facts, to carry around endless details has had a certain weight and value in your world. Yet in practicality it is the ability to chose well and in the moment and do so with alignment and confidence and joy and neutrality as love, that is truly what is known as happiness. 

And so today we wish to tell you that you are in a very important passage. It has been called a "wormhole" by some Cosmic Astrologers, and this is apt, in that it will usher you from where you have been into something entirely new. Depending on where you began this passage and how your opening unfolds, the distance you will travel could be startling with its significance.

Do you sense, or realize the spaciousness of the freedom that those of you on the leading edge are moving into? Do you feel the liberation that is taking place, the feel of life beyond the familiarity of karmic threads, cellular memory, duality patterns, beliefs or habits shaping your reality? The potential for living this way has been here, but more and more of you are actually claiming it by letting go of these familiar modes of being. You have come to the end of these pathways, you are bored and ready for more. Well that is a good sign. Be encouraged by this.

Can you feel the incredibly unknown spaciousness of that degree of freedom? That is what is arising in your experience. This total focus in the present with integrated openness and availability to what is presented, this is the zero point presence of an embodied divine being that you are creating

We are thrilled to be part of this passage with you, knowing that Eclipses significantly support you shifting off of one time-line, or pathway which is finished and complete, or which you are no longer interested in and stepping onto a rising tide of newness and opening to your identity revealing itself to you as the Cosmic Being you truly are.

It is a wildly open landscape you are living in cowboy! And we know you were made to ride this range.

Forgive us for being playful and silly, but that is, indeed the taste and feel of this new world.

We love you immensely and we too, are riding into the sunset of the old and awakening to the new.

It is happening everywhere and to every aspect of Creation, for indeed what is opened to by any one of us, ripples within All That Is.

Blessings of joy and amazingly beautiful vistas on your new dawns Light Beings of Love.

We are mirrors of so many of you and you, of so many of us.

We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light

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Hi! I miss talking with you dear Council of Angels.. Have been busy working..

Distressing things are happening in the outside world… Boston
I want to get away from it all.

Do you have any messages for us?

(Channel meditates on feeling of “How am I going to transcend and reach the Fifth Dimension?”)

In answer to your question “How do I get to the 5th dimensional New Earth/planet A?”:

You already have a life there, you just have to continue to raise your frequency to transcend time and 3D/4D and then you will be able to access it…

To raise your frequency…well, you are already on that path! You are already beginning to transcend time and the lower frequencies. Frequency=Consciousness=Higher Mind. This is why you came to this planet, to experience this transcendence. To participate in this experiment. To be a receiver and transmitter of higher frequency communications during this great transition of lower to higher consciousness… It is more of a journey than a destination and you are already on this journey.. All is proceeding as planned by Source..

The entire omniverse is raising in frequency, or “upgrading”… Earth is part of this upgrade… Simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival… Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness…there is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven.. The darker threads are separating out into their own “pile”, the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer , light-filled fabric…

There are also higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish. The way to do this is to simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more. (note from Goldenlight: turn off your tv and mainstream media!) The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power. These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.

All is being created now with thought and intention… A beautiful, higher dimensional realm is being co-created by the Company of Heaven including Source, Archangels, Angels, higher minds of humans, higher minds of galactic brethren, ascended masters, and many beings of light are all lovingly birthing this new reality… The cities of light are coalescing their manifestationary light into being… they are love-filled, joy-filled, highly evolved spiritual worlds of light joy laughter harmony and peace.. Such sacred spaces now being formed so that all may step into these higher creationary manifestations…See these cities now in your minds eye… they are filled with a beautiful golden light .. The light and love of Source Creator sprinkled with the soft light and love of the angelic realm.. Rest your weary bodies and minds beside the healing waters and let the love of Source cradle you in the softest of love and light.. A healing balm for all souls who enter these cities of light.. Healing, love, caring and soft light pervade these beautiful spaces.. You will all be able to joyously partake in these beautiful higher dimensional Cities of Light and Love where all beings coexist harmoniously joyfully and lovingly.

There are no weapons in this higher dimensional plane.. No violence… No wars… All beings treat each other with compassion, love and respect.. For All realize they are a part of the Whole..all have awareness of the Oneness of All and the Allness of One. The Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is followed …

Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life.

Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.. There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication..

Free energy propels all.

Pollution is a thing of the past.

Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.

Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se dont exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.

Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.

Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.

“Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self.

Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.

School curriculum consists of:

- Ethics of Telepathy
- The Golden Rule
- Teleportation
- Yoga
- Organic Gardening
- Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
- Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
- Bathing in Source Light
- Caring For Your Temple of Light
- Intergalactic History
- Interacting With Star Nations
- Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
- Holographic Art and Music
- The Connection of All to Source
- Crystal Geomancy
- Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
- Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
- Sacred Earth Journeys
- Earth Council Service and Equanimity
- Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
- Higher Dimensional Exploration
- Levitation
- The Essence of the Angelic Realms
- The Ascended Masters
- The 12 Dimensions of Creation
- Shapeshifting
- Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting

These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools.

Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul … And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.)

May all beings be at peace.
May all things be peaceful.

Namaste and we send you our softest light and unconditional love, bathing your entire being in a bubble of golden, Divine Love and Light.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit without alteration when re-posting this message.
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Hi! I miss talking with you dear Council of Angels.. Have been busy working..

Distressing things are happening in the outside world… Boston
I want to get away from it all.

Do you have any messages for us?

(Channel meditates on feeling of “How am I going to transcend and reach the Fifth Dimension?”)

In answer to your question “How do I get to the 5th dimensional New Earth/planet A?”:

You already have a life there, you just have to continue to raise your frequency to transcend time and 3D/4D and then you will be able to access it…

To raise your frequency…well, you are already on that path! You are already beginning to transcend time and the lower frequencies. Frequency=Consciousness=Higher Mind. This is why you came to this planet, to experience this transcendence. To participate in this experiment. To be a receiver and transmitter of higher frequency communications during this great transition of lower to higher consciousness… It is more of a journey than a destination and you are already on this journey.. All is proceeding as planned by Source..

The entire omniverse is raising in frequency, or “upgrading”… Earth is part of this upgrade… Simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival… Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness…there is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven.. The darker threads are separating out into their own “pile”, the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer , light-filled fabric…

There are also higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish. The way to do this is to simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more. (note from Goldenlight: turn off your tv and mainstream media!) The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power. These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.

All is being created now with thought and intention… A beautiful, higher dimensional realm is being co-created by the Company of Heaven including Source, Archangels, Angels, higher minds of humans, higher minds of galactic brethren, ascended masters, and many beings of light are all lovingly birthing this new reality… The cities of light are coalescing their manifestationary light into being… they are love-filled, joy-filled, highly evolved spiritual worlds of light joy laughter harmony and peace.. Such sacred spaces now being formed so that all may step into these higher creationary manifestations…See these cities now in your minds eye… they are filled with a beautiful golden light .. The light and love of Source Creator sprinkled with the soft light and love of the angelic realm.. Rest your weary bodies and minds beside the healing waters and let the love of Source cradle you in the softest of love and light.. A healing balm for all souls who enter these cities of light.. Healing, love, caring and soft light pervade these beautiful spaces.. You will all be able to joyously partake in these beautiful higher dimensional Cities of Light and Love where all beings coexist harmoniously joyfully and lovingly.

There are no weapons in this higher dimensional plane.. No violence… No wars… All beings treat each other with compassion, love and respect.. For All realize they are a part of the Whole..all have awareness of the Oneness of All and the Allness of One. The Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is followed …

Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life.

Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.. There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication..

Free energy propels all.

Pollution is a thing of the past.

Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.

Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se dont exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.

Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.

Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.

“Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self.

Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.

School curriculum consists of:

- Ethics of Telepathy
- The Golden Rule
- Teleportation
- Yoga
- Organic Gardening
- Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
- Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
- Bathing in Source Light
- Caring For Your Temple of Light
- Intergalactic History
- Interacting With Star Nations
- Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
- Holographic Art and Music
- The Connection of All to Source
- Crystal Geomancy
- Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
- Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
- Sacred Earth Journeys
- Earth Council Service and Equanimity
- Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
- Higher Dimensional Exploration
- Levitation
- The Essence of the Angelic Realms
- The Ascended Masters
- The 12 Dimensions of Creation
- Shapeshifting
- Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting

These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools.

Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul … And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.)

May all beings be at peace.
May all things be peaceful.

Namaste and we send you our softest light and unconditional love, bathing your entire being in a bubble of golden, Divine Love and Light.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit without alteration when re-posting this message.
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My Dear Children, this is Prime Creator.

It is your first chance, now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies.  You have been a race of beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. You look down at your watches, you search in the dirt under your feet for buried treasure.  You long for riches to appear in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, where it touches the ground.  

Your spoken words are filled with downward meanings;  You are down when you feel sad.  You are down-trodden when you give away your own freedom; you are under the weather when you are ill, and you find yourselves in the dumps when things go against you.  When life deals you a disappointment, it’s all downhill; your intemperate ways put you into a hole, and when you have more than one challenge you think you are going down the drain.  Down, may I remind you, is the opposite of Up.

I am going to tell you why it has taken so long for you to be introduced to your brothers and sisters from the skies.  It is because it has been over your heads to acknowledge that you are not the only fish in the sea, the only planet in the Universe which could sustain life.

You have clung so tightly to the precious idea that you are alone in the Universe, the Supreme intelligence of your planet, and the Masters of all you possess, and you think you possess everything you behold.  You go about your lives as if you created your own planet out of nothing, achieved what you have by the sheer force of your will, and no one else could have accomplished such a marvelous feat, ever.

This is what you would call a syndrome – an ego problem.  It makes you ego-tistical and myopic, although you are also charming in your self-glorifying ways, as a toddler who squeals when it manages to clap its two hands together, and when three consecutive steps brings a sense of triumph beyond words.

Yes, you are adorable, as you are abominable.  You love your own kind – however you define that – and you vilify and abuse others.  You rape and pillage your Mother Earth even as you glorify and celebrate her beauty in photographs and paintings, as you have done with your own human females.

You are a paradox, a noisy, squabbling, pushing and shoving gaggle of wondrously imaginative, emotionally sensitive and cleverly creative children, and you are so easily offended and so intolerant of children yourselves that you probably think I am insulting you.  I am not.

I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices.  You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so.  You must admit, you love blowing things up.  You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy.

Now, that is only the darker side of humankind.  You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love.  Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence.

Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information.

You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care – your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves.  In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law.

All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your clever slangsters called “a hot mess.”

And now, young gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the exquisitely ordered and peaceful pleasures of higher dimensional life.  In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3 dimensional human bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes.

Your souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving.  You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of humankind.  You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire.  Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of human being-ness.

What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will.  You are the hearts of my heart, the dreamers of my dream, and you are your magnificent unique selves.  You begin each incarnation as calm and resolute souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow.  Now you plead your case before the Councils to grant you graduation to higher levels.  Your Mother planet has been elevated and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it.

I will grant you your fervent prayers, not because of their intensity alone but because they are now so generous of spirit.  You pray not for yourselves but for your civilization, for peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies.  It is you who will lead in the building of a new civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic family.

First, you will be tested.  The ships of the Ashtar Command will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the planet.  The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era.  Are you ready for that?  Will you each sustain your Faith and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do?

It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age.  You have earned the opportunity to try for the highest timeline you can reach for.

I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph.

Prime Creator

Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am.

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This channel really brought up some amazing energies!!  I know the intention I have and that the Goddess, Angels, Guides all share with me is about focusing on what you DO want and the vibration of positive intention.  During this channel, the Goddess created a space where she invited people to really explore their fears, angers, frustrations etc.  We could see how these energies that were denied or ignored were getting bigger and bigger.  I think sometimes when things don’t happen as we anticipate they will, it’s because of these unacknowledged emotions and energies. 

Perhaps ask yourself as you say “I am open to receive the abundance that is all around me!”  If you say it, but it doesn’t resonate or it’s not ‘real’ to you then each time you say that or something like it, you are emphasizing the lack because you say the words, but you send a vibration of the opposite. 

Sometimes it’s the unacknowledged energies that are stronger than the acknowledged!

She then spoke of compassion.  When there is resistance in our lives and we don’t want to focus upon it, then instead focus upon compassion.  Allowing compassion into our lives will transition ANYTHING that is going on with you.  It will neutralize energies that are out of balance. It will create a better feeling within you.  It’s also a way to shift the energies around you if you’re stuck with people who are focusing on fear or other lower vibrational energies.

Once that had shifted a great deal of what people were experiencing, there was a sense of a group of ET’s coming in.  There were some from the Galactic Federation, Pleiades, Lightbody and more.  They spoke of the transition taking place, stating that when there’s a lot of fear, it’s an opportunity to create transition.  You can do so by infusing compassion.  They spoke of their desire to assist in our transition. 

They even acknowledged the fear that some people have, that the ET’s will take over.  I almost laughed out loud!!! They said, we are here in a space of limitlessness, we know our divine selves, why would we want to take over people who are experiencing limitation?  Makes sense to me!!

Through this channel you can get in touch with resistance you have within you and then shift it through compassion.  You can also create an alliance with the ET’s and receive their message.  I invite you to be open to compassion in all parts of your life! 


Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family. I reach out to each one of you. I invite you to come with me, to join with me, to allow yourself to feel not only my presence in alignment with you, but to feel your own divinity as you allow that to be expressed through you the person you are in this lifetime.

As you are breathing gently and easily be very conscious that every breath you take in, allows you to have the intention of focusing inside of yourself. Every breath that you release allows you to let go stress, let go anything at all that is no longer serving you, so that each breath, each awareness, allows you to be focused within, to be focused upon all that you do seek to have within your life.

There are many, many changes and transitions taking place around the world. Every place within the world is shifting into a different vibration, a different state of consciousness, a different awareness. Because of that, it upsets the flow of energy and therefore creates changes sometimes that people are not expecting or that people are not ready for.

Now, when I say ready for change there is always a vibration or an energy within every single person that is in alignment to the change taking place. Therefore, if someone is not consciously open, consciously aware in their minds, they may not consider themselves ready for the change, but ultimately it’s going to continue to move on; is going to continue to happen, is going to continue creating the awareness, creating the concept or the experience for humanity.

I know that this channel will reach out and connect with many, many people all around the world. I know people find themselves in very different experiences because of the energies of what took place in the United States this past week. It’s a reflection of things that are happening not only in the states but in many different places around the world. And what I speak of is the violence.

Now, my intention is not to let that be the focus of the meditation tonight. But I do understand how it creates a sense of fear and how it creates many different underlying vibrations within a community.

Elsewhere in the world you are feeling the same thing. You are having a similar experience; sometimes on an ongoing basis, sometimes very randomly or for you it may be that you have fear in your life on a one-to-one basis, every day. You may have fear of creating change in your life, perhaps changing your job, perhaps changing a relationship. There’s always that fear of the unknown.

I speak of this while everyone is still grounded, because as we move through the journey we are going to take more and more time and energies to move beyond a place of fear, to move into the light, to move into the consciousness and the experience of living your life to the fullest.

You may wonder; are these things that create fear in your life going to overcome everything else? The answer is, ultimately no. The short answer is that you may have experiences on a day-to-day, minute by minute where that is your entire focus and therefore it gets bigger, bigger, bigger. Ultimately any time that you bring a light into the room the darkness goes away.

There is so much light upon the earth. Indeed, one hears so much about the darkness, if you want to give it a name perhaps that is so as to allow a greater amount of light to come in, in a very conscious fashion. Every one of you are a light, billions of children are billions of light, adults, all ages. There is way more light than there is darkness. Trust in that, believe in that. You yourself are a part of that, all of you through your very conscious intention, through your conscious choice.

I embrace, I support and I acknowledge all that each one of you are doing. Therefore, if it feels as if there is fear in your life or darkness or anything at all that that you feel keeps nudging you out of the pathway that you are choosing for yourself then remember that that expression, that experience of you expressing your divinity is once more reconnecting you as the light that you are.

And with that, I invite each one of you to once more take a deep breath in, where you breathe down within yourself sending that breath of light down into the earth. As you send it into the earth let yourself align with Gaia. Let yourself align with these energies of these vibrations, allowing all of that to flow up within you anchoring you within this space and from there you let go. You allow your consciousness to expand; you allow your consciousness to shift. It streams out from you and you find yourself within the space of your higher self. As you look around this space, take note of everything that you keep here, everything that you have at your fingertips as a means of assisting you in your daily life.

You move within this space each time that you seek to have information about something happening within your life. You move within this space when you reach out to your angels and guides. You move within this space when you reach out to communicate with others, therefore it can be very active with an immense flow of energy moving through.

From here, I invite you to release these energies. Allow your consciousness as if to expand into the space of the soul plane. You find yourself moving within these energies. Here within the soul plane you find your I Am presence. It may be as if it is a ball of light, it may be as if you recognize the essence or the energy of who you are. This is you in your entirety; this is you as the amazing soul essence that manifests on so many different levels.

I the Goddess moves in and amongst each one of you. As I do so, I reach out to embrace. I reach out and allow my love, my awareness, my energy for you to amplify all of who you are. As we merge it automatically shifts you into the energies of the All That Is.

Look around; see what is here for you. Allow yourself to just let the joy bubble up. Let yourself feel the pure conscious energy that is you.

It is as if there is still some of that energy of the celebration that was going on at the end of our last teleconference. It’s still here, you may tap into it if you so choose. Perhaps that’s what is creating all the smile and all this energy of joy.

Life is about experiences, life is about emotions, life is aligned by the thoughts that you have, but ultimately, with everything that you do, I invite you to choose love, choose joy, choose the easy movement in your pathway.

I invite you to consider your life. I tapped into it a little bit at the very beginning about things that may create fear within you. Without letting the entire focus be upon fear I invite you to instead consider the things in your life that are resistance. And by resistance, are there certain things that you have been seeking to manifest that as yet have not manifested? Are there certain deadlines that are hanging over you? Are there certain responsibilities that cause more pressure than joy? I could go on and on with the list of these things.

In essence if it creates a sense of anxiety, fear, resistance, pressure anything at all like that within you then I would like to go a little bit deeper into whatever that is. Consider the first thing that you bring up in this regard. For everybody it’s different. I’m hearing relationships, I’m hearing work, I’m hearing abundance, I’m hearing physical safety, I’m hearing a list that goes on and on.

Give yourself this moment to consider whatever that may be because sometimes when you are seeking to have thoughts that are on the positive outcome or you are thinking in a particular way with the intention that that’s what your vibration emanates what you adversely do is, you have a place inside of you, that is in such opposition to what you are seeking to say or change that is emanating a stronger vibration than the words that you are speaking. In other words, if you speak the words; “I am in the flow of abundance and I see it every day around me” and yet in your solar plexus or in your heart you are feeling; “Oh my gosh I don’t see any abundance” or you’re feeling “that maybe true for them but not for me, but I want it for me so I’m trying to get there”.

There may be various scenarios that go unspoken or unacknowledged within you in certain situations. This is your opportunity to peel away the layers to allow yourself to really truly acknowledge what that resistance is. We are not going to stay there, we are not going to remain in this energy for any period of time but for many of you it does need to be acknowledged. It does need to be something that you recognize as having an impact upon you. Let yourself bring that up at this time. If you have a fear, what is the worst case scenario? What is the very worst thing that can happen if it manifested that way?

As you take a step back from that, you turn as if in another direction and you ask yourself. If I really did let go of this fear what would be my best possible outcome?

Most likely, the experience that you will have will be something in the middle of that. If indeed it does turn out to be your worst case scenario then look around you. Look at all of your divinity that is here for you. Look at all of the angels. Look at all of the guides. You are not alone. If at times you feel that you are or if at times you feel as if you were doing this all completely on your own, let it go. Embrace the love and the support that is here for you.

Let’s go to the next thing on your list. As you consider something you’ve been seeking to manifest but have not as yet occurred for you; consider what it is you do want, consider where you are right now. Do you feel frustration, anger, irritation? I can hear some of you yelling and screaming in your minds. Go for it.  Let it go, let it go, let it go.

If you ignore these emotions or these energies and they get bigger and bigger and bigger it becomes that elephant sitting on your shoulder that everybody else is aware of, but you are ignoring and that ignoring of the elephant is what distances you from your divinity. Here within the space of the All That Is acknowledge it. Again, what is the worst-case scenario, the very worst that could happen to you? And you look around considering what that is.

If you can let go that anger, that frustration and you look to the other side and you ask yourself. “Can I really let this go? If I do, what will happen? How would that look? Can I really step up and accept myself and accept this potential?” For those that feel the anger and the rage, let it go. Recognize that again you are not alone.

What is something else in your life? I just heard judgment. How many people have judgment within their lives? Some of you may feel judged by other people. Some of you in seeking to create change for yourself may reach out to other energies or to other, other people, but then think they have this issue, they have that issue. Sure it might be nice in this time, but I don’t want to be around and you can fill in the blank.

One thing we have heard again and again is people saying they would like friends, they would like to meet people that are open to this new energy, to this new way of living their lives and as they meet new people the perception is, but they don’t do this, they don’t think that, they don’t understand this and as if in their face are the differences instead of the similarities.

Perhaps you are not aware that judgment is having an effect upon you. So, whether it is something that you are consciously aware of or not, I invite you at this time to take a deep breath in as if you breath down into your heart centers, if you breathe into your solar plexus as if you breath down inside of you and then bring up anything to do with judgment, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up ~~Whew~~ and let it go. That was a big shift with that.

Some if not all of the fear and the problems that have recently been experienced are founded in judgment. In people judging that some else is different from them therefore they should be eliminated. There are wars fought over this. People judging that they are right, the other is wrong and then fighting regarding that.

As you let go of judgment from within you, from within your heart, from within your center, open to feeling compassion. Compassion is any emotion, compassion is an energy that will instead not only fill you up allowing you to feel really good within yourself but then as that flows out to everybody else it creates a sense of acceptance, a sense of acknowledgment or awareness. Within that compassion it flows aligning everything else within you. Go back to what we first began speaking of, be it fear, rage, irritation, and most recently judgment. Indeed anything within your life that creates a sense of resistance or creates a sense of being disconnected, unhappy, has the ability to be transformed with compassion.

Take a breath in feeling up every part of you with compassion. You need not analyze, you need not focus upon anything except that vibration and that energy to create amazing changes within your life. Here within the All That Is, give yourself that moment. Allow yourself to acknowledge, whatever it is that you feel needs to be acknowledged. But when you let it go, really, truly, let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go.

As you find an opportunity to incorporate compassion within your life you may find that your focus shifts in ways that you did not anticipate. As you consider feeling compassionate not only about yourself but do so, say perhaps about the people that you work with. When you hear the arguing, when you hear the fear, the frustration, when you hear people talking about those things that keep them separated inside of themselves breathe in compassion ~~Whew~~ and let it flow out towards them.

You cannot change what anybody else thinks or feels. You can, transition its effect upon you through compassion. You are driving in rush hour traffic and all the people around you are focused and intent upon getting where they want to, breathe in a deep breath with the intention of bringing in compassion and send it out to everyone around you. You may find that there’s an ease in the flow of traffic. You may find that suddenly you are getting places a little quicker. We could go on and on about the many, many ways in which you could work with the energies of compassion.

We invite you to have a sense of looking to the side. There is an emissary, if you wish to call it that, of not only the light body energies, but the intergalactic brotherhood, the Pleiadians. There is quite a group that seems to be coming in. We thought it was going to be one or two but now there is a sense of 10 to 15.

I am going to shift the energies over and allow them to speak to you, because they all have messages. You’ve met them before. They were here as a part of this group several weeks ago and they wanted to come back and speak again.

Greetings earth energies, greetings humanity, greetings beloved brothers and sisters as we link with you in this manner. When we spoke with you the last time it was at a time of shifting energies that was opening up a vortex to the earth allowing greater amounts of light and energy into the earth. For the last two weeks maybe 10 days there’s been a deep integration taking place with these energies. Some of you may have found yourself disoriented, some may have found yourself walking between dimensions in a conscious way, others of you have been simply feeling out of sorts and out of balance and much more so affected by the people around them than they would normally be.

Every time there is a transition of energies, it creates an imbalance until it is integrated. This year 2013, as you call it, is a year of very large transitions taking place upon the earth. Underlying much of that is a steady stream of the rising consciousness. Intermixed with that, are large downloads of energy. That steady stream creates a foundation and a balance. Those larger influxes of energy then need to be integrated within that, which indeed takes time.

You will hear about things taking place on a global level that sometimes may push you into fear. These are people acting out for what they know not. They think , they know they have their agenda, but indeed, what is ultimately taking place is they are expressing the polar opposites of the energies that are coming in and as that comes out to be put in the bright lights, so to speak or to be brought into everyone’s consciousness. It then allows the energy of light, the energy of balance, to blend with that, neutralize it and create a shift that allows for everything to be left afterwards in a space of a higher lighter vibration. Some people may say; it’s an awkward way to go about doing this or horrible or they may completely disagree with us. It is all, but each individual’s perception or opportunity to recognize what is your truth.

The crystalline energies are becoming more and more anchored within and upon your earth with each one of these experiences. The time will come when there will be much greater solidity and balance of energies. Be at peace and entrust that ultimately the earth itself is going to survive, is going to prosper, is going to expand.

Let us speak of the crystalline energies or the light body energies for a moment. The crystalline vibration is comprised of many, many things. One of which are sounds and tones. It creates a harmony; it creates a vibration that is a response to tones. You will find that as you listen to music you hear the various layers and levels that are being conveyed. Music upon the earth is going to change in such a way that there are some, what you might call background tones or background sounds, that when you close your eyes, you shut off all the sound around you. You allow yourself to be very quiet and you listen. There is a tone or a vibration that you may be able to hear. This is your vibration. When you then invite that, to be in alignment with whatever it is that you seek, you may hear a shifting or a changing in the tones.

Our friends, the Dolphins and the Whales speak through tones. They create harmonic convergences that allow for transitions of thoughts, potentials, ideals. As you continue to integrate more and more of these crystalline light body vibrations, you are creating those changes in your DNA. your body takes on the energies and the vibration of these crystals.

If you find yourself moving, as it continuously off balanced or off-center, indeed grounding yourself is one way to assist with this. But we would also say to you expand inviting your light body of your divine essence to integrate more fully within you. That is what this is about. The expansion of the crystalline bodies or the light bodies into human reality is taking place through every person, it’s taking place through the animals, it’s taking place through the general atmosphere around you. You may find yourself making choices of certain things that will ultimately assist you in your life.

There will be many, many opportunities for us to sit and chat with you. There’s so much talk lately about the ET’s making themselves known, about the ET’s walking upon the earth as humans do, about the ET’s manifested into human bodies, about the ET’s taking over again. You can feel that fear. We have no desire to take over the earth. We live in the vast universe. We move within the galaxies. We communicate with limitless potentials. We know who we are and we understand how limitless we are. That is why we are here as humanity is going through this transition and beginning to step into that potential and that awareness of its own limitlessness.

Many of you are a part of this group. You have aspects of yourself from your divinity that are working as some of these intergalactic ET’s. Indeed, some of you that find yourself so very drawing and inviting in these energies is because it is either you or a very close soul family that you are seeking to align with.

The time is drawing closer and closer that will allow for this greater ease. There are still those that wish to keep us out, those are of course those people of control and manipulation. The more that each one of you focus upon your balance with your divinity, empowering yourself within that, sending it down into the earth, remaining in the space of compassion you create a stronger energy than any control and manipulation.

To some of us it is as if the changes on Earth take place in quicksand, it is so slow, but we understand, we are here in support. We love you dearly. We invite you to accept our embrace and to join with us whenever you so choose.


It is I the Goddess back once more. I so love to look out at all of you, especially after a group such as this has been speaking with you, because each one of you have shifted. You’ve raised your consciousness. You have stepped into a place of joy and excitement. You are looking for tangible ways to manifest or to see all of this happening within your life or in society. Open up to whatever that may be. Experience; experience yourself, experience yourself as the human being that you are. Experience yourself as your crystalline light body energy. Experience yourself as your divinity. That is exquisite. You are filled with compassion. You are filled with your divine energies. You manifested with greater and greater ease. It fills me up as I connect with each one of you and I thank you for that.

Beloved family I invite you to gather back together. As you do, so, you reach out, inviting that hologram of the earth to come up within you. The Galactic Federation, the light body emissaries, all of you and many, many more create a flow and that hologram of the earth comes up within. As it does so, it becomes infused with light. It becomes infused with energy and I invite everyone of you to infuse consciously compassion, acceptance, allowing into this space. As you do so, become aware of how the hologram itself begins to actually send out a vibration or send out the sparkles or send out these waves of energy and as it does so you let it go.

It moves down, as it comes into the crystalline grid work, it merges with that moving throughout the whole entire earth. It moves blending into the new earth, which are those higher dimensions now aligned. It moves into the core center of the earth itself.

As it links with the crystals within the earth it sets up a vibrational awareness. As that happens, it comes out from there, it moves upward, it comes up, up, up, up, up, and you may feel it coming up within your physical body. It comes up in and around your human cells, moving through all your energy bodies and creating a space that clears out everything you cleared out in the All That Is and instead it amplifies and it anchors the energies of who you are; you as the place of compassion, you as the place of balanced energies, you with the integration of your divine essence. You send that out from you. It also comes up through the grass, the trees, the water, and you send forth the intention that there is a vibrational alignment that moves out linking you and anyone else you come into contact with, so that there can be an easier flow and an easier balance. Feel that and allow it to come within.

From there, you shift your consciousness once more back up within the All That Is. You let go this space, you let go this energy. As you do so, you find yourself moving through. You pause for a moment within the soul plane, feeling the energies of the soul plane, your divinity. You may have a better perception of some of the other aspects of you and what you are doing right now. From there, you flow back through your higher self. You find yourself coming back down. This time, you are bringing your consciousness with you as you stream down through the energies; through the energies of you, yourself, anchoring them within you, perhaps sending it all the way down into the earth so that you may anchor yourself as you come back into this moment.

Take a deep breath in, breathing in gently and easily, breathing in compassion, breathing in your awareness of the light body and the ET energies, breathing in your conscious choice of how you wish to live your life. Bring it up within you now, creating the thoughts, the ideas, the potential, ~~Whew~~ and send it out so that as you move through your days you find yourself encountering what you seek to have. You find things unfolding with ease. Open up and allow that potential to be at the forefront of your reality.

And so with that we will bring this evening to a close. As you are moving through your days, as you live your life, I invite you to consider compassion any time that you find yourself shifting into a space of either resistance or something that feels less than good or less than joy or less than happiness.

If you hear things upon the news, if it’s on your computer, if it’s spoken of by the people around you, I invite you to again breathe in compassion and let it flow out to all involved or into any situation. Allow your focus to always be upon that which helps you to feel better and let go anything outside of that.

So, beloved family know that I am ever with you and within you.


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Dear Ones,

Perhaps you started your New Age/new earth journey filled with blissful innocence. You expected your transition to be completed with ease in a few days or months.

Instead, it is a process consuming more time and energy than you thought possible when you first decided to transition from fear to love. “How difficult can it be?” Indeed.

You are now bemoaning your advancement or lack thereof. At this stage of completion, neither seems exciting.

An apt analogy is that you are a World War I soldier in the trenches of France and your unit has claimed a few feet of mud – at the cost of friends and your peace of mind. Fighting for your country seemed exciting before you arrived. Now you cannot wait until the war is over. The ups and downs, the physical discomfort, and the lack of anything you wish to talk about merely test your soul. You no longer care who wins as long as you can go home.

Such is not true for all of you in the transition ‘trenches,’ but it is true for enough to provide this overview – and a bit of hope.  Know that millions have joined you in your movement to joy.

Many of you can now only see a short distance in front of you. You have no idea how many, if any, are behind you.

As of last week, the numbers transitioning into the New Age/new earth expanded by millions. You are no longer alone or one of the few. Will you sense these new ‘troops’ immediately? No – you are so battle weary that you merely put one foot in front of the other. Perhaps our thoughts are too dramatic for your current reality.

What we are speaking of is similar to a commander receiving new, untested troops for a military drive and deciding to use battle weary troops instead. It is possible – but why?

Why would a commander force exhausted, but trained troops to continue when there are millions waiting impatiently for their turn to glorify themselves and their country? The battle weary troops know there is little glorification in the process – merely one step in front of the other until the end/ light is visible.

You are the battle weary troops. You have fought, yes fought to find your place in this wondrous New Age transition. Even though you had no idea where you would end up other than a vague promise of joy, you gathered your courage and continued to move forward despite questions, concerns and yes, fears. You felt isolated, sometimes odd and yet slugged through many physical or emotional traumas.

All of this sounds quite depressing, does it not? But that has been your reality for some time. You moved forward with the promise of joy and an inner sense that you must.

This, in your earth historical perspective, is not much different from enlisting in the military believing that your country is worth the effort and the pain.

Perhaps you are horrified that we use a military analogy to describe your New Age/new earth transition. You have joined this transition movement to find peace and love. Is that thought any different that than that of soldiers who fought for the same when earth was in 3D realms? You have ‘fought’ many similar battles in the past, merely in the physical realms.

It is time for you to give up your military analogies. This transition is no longer a group activity. It is a solitary movement into what feels best for you. You are not needed to train new troops or to fight their battles. Your only role is to continue to move into joy and love.

We have made dramatic statements because many are now joining the Lightworker ‘bandwagon’. And they fully expect you to care for them during their traumas, fears and yes, battles. For you are the ‘good guys’ who will take their hand and lead them through the worst – at your exhausted expense.

You do not have the energy to care take. Nor do you have the need to be a victim. Stopping your nearly complete transition to help those along the way sounds noble, but you do not have the energy to do so. Nor do those who follow need someone to rescue them from themselves. For that is what you would be doing. They need to discover their own beings. That is not your role. Of equal importance, you do not have the energy to train or care take anyone now.

You advance Lightworkers are exhausted. You need to experience joy – not the pains of others as they evolve through their deepest fears.

Some of you may wish to train or teach newly minted Lightworkers. If it feels joyful to do so, by all means do it.

The majority of you have other pieces you wish to explore. You have no need to further explore your own pain, fear, anger – or that of someone you love. You are tired. And rightly so. You have moved through your fears and you need a rest before you decide to move to your next realm of exploration. Such does not include moving to the back of the line as friends and loved ones beg for your assistance so they do not have experience all that you did.

They will not move into the New Age/new earth until they explore their fears, but you know that. They fully expect you to give them the shortcut – to care take them.

Your role as an advance Lightworker is to move ever forward – perhaps leaving a trail of wisdom and energy in your wake, but certainly not to return to the front to fight the new Lightworkers’ battles for them.

Your trail of wisdom and light might include written materials or just allowing others to be in fear as they move through their ‘dark night of the soul’. You cannot do it for anyone – anymore than you can learn to read for someone.

It is time for you to move into joy without concern that your brother, mother, friend or lover will not make it through their transition. That is their concern – not yours.

We will close for now with words of love and healing for you Lightworkers who have fought the brave fight. Allow yourself to rest knowing that those who follow have a great deal more information – and yes, many more role models than you did. Rest a bit before your next big adventure knowing that you do not need to return to the trenches ever. So be it. Amen.

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Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Dear ones, you are moving through a shift that was only a potential and that now begins to be real. With these things, we beg for circumspection and for patience.

There are some who would say it would be better if you didn't tell the Humans they were succeeding, for they would try harder if they were afraid. Let me ask you something, dear ones: For those of you who have children who are learning the steps of life, would there ever come a time where you would make them afraid so they would do better? The answer is no. Neither does the love of God. This is not false congratulatory energy, but rather congratulations for what you have accomplished, and you can see it all around you. But be circumspect, for these things happen so slowly that you often take two steps backwards and then one forward. The result is that your awareness of growth is limited in perspective.

Expect the unexpected, because the old energy on this planet dies hard. Watch for those who will try to pull the energy backwards and also try to include you in their plans. Your news will report these things and it will look dramatic and you will say, "This is not the new age at all! This is the old age. Nothing has changed!" Indeed, it may feel that way. But if you believe the paradigm that you are simply going to repeat the past, then where is your light? The old energy cannot survive. It won't. The catalyst of the shift has already passed the point of no return, and what that truly means is that the old energy is going to try harder. Survival is what you're going to see because the old energy will do anything to continue frightening you.

The Recalibration of Everything

This particular message is entitled The Recalibration of Awareness. It is presented in a series of recalibration-themed channellings given all over the earth. We are explaining that all things are recalibrating, even light and dark. Gaia itself is recalibrating, and so is Human consciousness and awareness. So let us start at the beginning.

How did you feel about God? How did your ancestors feel about God? There is an awareness shift about the intuitiveness of the creator. In an old energy, humanity would arrive knowing full well that "something is out there." They had no idea what it was, but they knew whatever it was, it was part of them.

Eighty percent of humanity, right now, believes in the afterlife. They believe that when they die, they're going somewhere else. This is an acknowledgement of the soul and of a Creator energy - 80 percent. The rest of humanity (the other 20 percent) simply intellectualize God out of the picture. But the overwhelming majority of humanity accepts it as truth. It's intuitive, and that is the way it has always been.

It is the reason that the spiritual systems on the planet have billions involved. As soon as Humans have any awareness, they look for the Creator. But in the past, this awareness has been limited intuitive knowledge that there must be something out there, but what? This led Human Beings to turn to others who seemed to be more informed to ask them what it might be. Eventually, this led civilization into a place where it trusted others to give information about spiritual things. Organized spiritual thinking began and a hierarchy of "who knew what" about God began. This is now shifting.

Hearing the Whole Song

I wish to give you a metaphor. Consider there's a broadcast station that you wish to tune into on your radio to hear a song that is playing. However, your antennas are very short. The signal comes and goes, and you don't really get to hear the full tune. Instead, you get snippets, just enough to know there is something there, and it's a song. Because of this incomplete message, you feel the need to trust others to tell you what the snippets mean and interpret the song. Now, in this metaphor, the antennas are the sensors picking up awareness of spiritual truth, a higher consciousness and the way things work.

Suddenly, you are aware that in this new energy, your antennas are getting longer, and you are beginning to hear much more of the entire signal. You no longer have snippets, but instead you are hearing the whole song! You now hear the entire thing, including the lyrics. But it's difficult to then turn to a Human Being who has interpreted the snippets in the past and tell them the song is different from the one they have been reporting on for ages.

This new awareness is starting to change the entire planet, and some of the changes are not all spiritual. Even though the antennas are about awareness, it becomes awareness of many principles, not just the ones about the attributes of God. This awareness shift will even change an atheist who would never believe in God. So let me itemize for you some of the changes that are potentially in store for you. For, as spiritual awareness starts to shift on the planet, systems awareness will also shift. More than systems, but the actual ways of creating systems and the reasons you used to create them will shift. Awareness changes everything.

If you can hear the song and you know what it tells you through the lyrics, then you are complete. It explains why today there are those in the chairs [seminar attendees] who don't need a building and don't need a leader or an organization. Although this is a metaphor, I'll tell you, dear ones, that all over the world you're singing the same tune and you don't need anybody to tell you what it sounds like or what the lyrics are. The song is beautiful and it is sung about the love of God, respect for humanity and the potential for peace on Earth.

Spiritual Systems

Let's speak about spiritual systems. I will report on what we have said in the past and what may very well be in store for you in the future. There are many spiritual systems on the planet, but the one that we wish to speak of is the one right now that has approximately one billion followers, for this is one we have spoken of before and it's the one that's going to change the most. It's old, and the leader is currently called the Pope.

Now, if you want some information about what's going on in his church, find out how many are signing up to be priests and nuns. In most parts of the world, it's very few. Certain countries have sustained the numbers, but most of them are finding the numbers reduced greatly. Without interest from younger people, this whole spiritual breed is dying. The organization is losing its younger leader pool, and it has been noticed by the church.

Now, here's what I'd like to tell you, dear ones: The potentials are that this church is going to survive, as well it should. Know this: There is nothing occurring now that will create a full earth that will be metaphysical, esoterically minded or New Age. That is not going to happen. It doesn't have to happen and it shouldn't happen, for it doesn't respect the elders of those who have different systems, but who also have healings and the love of God in their systems. Instead, these systems are going to see themselves recalibrate - that is, adjust and correct.

Blessed are the Human Beings who find God in their own way. Old souls will awaken to a truth that new souls are still working on. This explains the various levels of worship on this planet and the reason for very diverse spiritual systems. Many Human Beings who do not have the advantage of your old soul wisdom will motivate towards systems you may feel are too simple, and even mythological. But these systems are often the beginnings of understanding God. There is a place for it all. So let us speak about the Catholic Church.

I gave you a channelling years ago when Pope John Paul was alive. John Paul loved Mary, the mother. Had John Paul survived another 10 years, he would have done what the next Pope [The one after the current one, Benedict XVI] will do, and that is to bring women into the Church. This Pope you have now [Benedict XVI] won't be here long.* The next Pope will be the one who has to change the rules, should he survive. If he doesn't, it will be the one after that.

There it a large struggle within the Church, even right now, and great dissention, for it knows that it is not giving what humanity wants. The doctrine is not current to the puzzles of life. The answer will be to create a better balance between the feminine and masculine, and the new Pope, or the one after that, will try to allow women to be in the higher echelon of the Church structure to assist the priests.

It will be suggested to let women participate in services, doing things women did not do before. This graduates them within church law to an equality with priests, but doesn't actually let them become priests just yet. However, don't be surprised if this begins in another way, and instead gives priests the ability to marry. This will bring the feminine into the church in other ways. It will eventually happen and has to happen. If it does not, it will be the end of the Catholic Church, for humanity will not sustain a spiritual belief system that is out of balance with the love of God and also out of balance with intuitive Human awareness.

New Tolerance

Look for a softening of finger pointing and an awakening of new tolerance. There will remain many systems for different cultures, as traditions and history are important to sustaining the integrity of culture. So there are many in the Middle East who would follow the prophet and they will continue, but with an increase of awareness. It will be the increase of awareness of what the prophet really wanted all along - unity and tolerance. The angel in the cave instructed him to "unify the tribes and give them the God of Israel." You're going to start seeing a softening of intolerance and the beginning of a new way of being.

Eventually, this will create an acknowledgement that says, "You may not believe the way we believe, but we honor you and your God. We honor our prophet and we will love you according to his teachings. We don't have to agree in order to love." How would you like that? The earth is not going to turn into one belief system. It never will, for Humans don't do that. There must be variety, and there must be the beauty of cultural differences. But the systems will slowly update themselves with increased awareness of the truth of a new kind of balance. So that's the first thing. Watch for these changes, dear ones.


Let us speak of government. We're not speaking of your government, but of any government - the way it works, how it survives, how it has survived, the way it campaigns, and how it elects leaders. It's going to change.

Years ago, I told you, "When everybody can talk to everybody, there can be no secrets." Up to this point on this planet, government has counted on one thing - that the people can't easily talk to each other on a global scale. They have to get their information through government or official channels. Even mass media isn't always free enough, for it reports that which the government reports. Even a free society tends to bias itself according to the bias of the times. However, when you can have Human Beings talking to each other all at once, all over the planet without government control, it all changes, for there is open revelation of truth.

Democracy itself will change and you're going to see it soon. The hold-outs, the few countries I have mentioned in the past, are doomed unless they recalibrate. They're doomed to be the same as they have been and won't be able to exist as they are now with everyone changing around them.

I mentioned North Korea in the past. Give it time. Right now, the young man is under the control of his father's advisors. But when they're gone, you will see something different, should he survive. Don't judge him yet, for he is being controlled.

In government, if you're entire voting base has the ability to talk to itself without restriction and comes up with opinions by itself without restriction, it behooves a politician to be aware and listen to them. This will change what politicians will do. It will change the way things work in government. Don't be surprised when some day a whole nation can vote all at once in a very unusual way. Gone will be the old systems where you used to count on horseback riders to report in from faraway places. Some of you know what I am talking about. Government will change. The systems around you, both dark and light, will change. You're going to start seeing something else, too, so let's change the subject and turn the page.

The Shift in Human Nature

You're starting to see integrity change. Awareness recalibrates integrity, and the Human Being who would sit there and take advantage of another Human Being in an old energy would never do it in a new energy. The reason? It will become intuitive, so this is a shift in Human Nature as well, for in the past you have assumed that people take advantage of people first and integrity comes later. That's just ordinary Human nature.

In the past, Human nature expressed within governments worked like this: If you were stronger than the other one, you simply conquered them. If you were strong, it was an invitation to conquer. If you were weak, it was an invitation to be conquered. No one even thought about it. It was the way of things. The bigger you could have your armies, the better they would do when you sent them out to conquer. That's not how you think today. Did you notice?

Any country that thinks this way today will not survive, for humanity has discovered that the world goes far better by putting things together instead of tearing them apart. The new energy puts the weak and strong together in ways that make sense and that have integrity. Take a look at what happened to some of the businesses in this great land (USA). Up to 30 years ago, when you started realizing some of them didn't have integrity, you eliminated them. What happened to the tobacco companies when you realized they were knowingly addicting your children? Today, they still sell their products to less-aware countries, but that will also change.

What did you do a few years ago when you realized that your bankers were actually selling you homes that they knew you couldn't pay for later? They were walking away, smiling greedily, not thinking about the heartbreak that was to follow when a life's dream would be lost. Dear American, you are in a recession. However, this is like when you prune a tree and cut back the branches. When the tree grows back, you've got control and the branches will grow bigger and stronger than they were before, without the greed factor. Then, if you don't like the way it grows back, you'll prune it again! I tell you this because awareness is now in control of big money. It's right before your eyes, what you're doing. But fear often rules.

The Next Ones to Fall

There's something potentially coming that you should know about, and I've reported it before two other times. But I want you to hear it again. What other very large industries don't have integrity, but also have a great deal of money? Prepare for the crumbling of big pharma in America. It is starting now and when the reports happen and the movie is created [smile], Americans will wake up to the fact that they have an enormously wealthy industry that keeps people sick for money.

You're not going to like it and you're not going to tolerate it. Watch. What I say today is not fortune telling, dear ones. I am reporting the potentials of Human nature before me. I'm reporting that awareness is starting to grab that which is inappropriate on this planet, what you call old energy, and slowly is beginning to move it to a place you never thought it would go. It's a place of integrity that your parents told you was impossible for large institutions, but here you are living it. Along with this also will be changes in the very large business of insurance, as we told you before.


There are those who wish to enjoy the energy of conspiracies. They love the idea and hang on the drama of these dramatic scenarios. I will not name the conspiracies, for I do not wish to embarrass any Human Being. This is not what we do. Our love extends to all, no matter what they choose to think. I will just give advice to those who love conspiracies to be circumspect and begin to use your logic, no matter what you hear from those around you or what you think is the truth.

If you think there's a conspiracy afoot, one that requires hundreds if not thousands of Human Beings to all wink at each other and never speak a word, think of the illogicalness of that. There simply cannot be secrets today. Your government cannot keep them, businesses can't keep them, and individuals can't keep them. You can't have major conspiracies lasting decades when everybody's talking to everybody. When your Internet is allowing entire populations to openly report to each other, you can't have a "huge secret" that continues to loom over the planet that "only your group knows about."

Dear ones, conspiracies keep you away from your life's purpose - to find the love of God inside you and move on to help the planet become peaceful and balanced. There is no balance is promoting the fear of these things.

The Illuminati

One more. "Kryon, what about the Illuminati?" OK, I'll tell you, for these things are already known by many.

Everything you thought about the Illuminati of the past is correct. This was not conspiracy, but fact. However, in the light of what I just said above, it could not sustain itself in an energy where everyone talks to everyone, and has since gone dormant.

The Illuminati was based in Greece, and it started by controlling the most potent economic attribute that could manipulate the strings of commerce on the earth - shipping. Once they had control of shipping, what followed was financial markets. This, then, worked its way to insurance, world stock markets and banking. This was prevalent for decades, right up to the mid '80s.

I have a question for the elders in the room. Look back in your lifetime, dear ones. What was the stock market like when you were younger? If you remember, you will say it had incremental changes up and down, except for occasional major shifts - which, by the way, were also controlled. It was steady, up or down. It didn't vacillate wildly, with hundreds of point-shifts from month to month. It never did. That's what a controlled market looks like. Now take a look at your current stock market. Does it look controlled? It is not! It is free-wheeling and it can go wherever it is driven by normal financial activity.

This should tell you something, dear ones. The Illuminati is no longer in control. It lost in banking, in tobacco, and it's about to lose in big pharma and insurance because awareness lets people know what is controlled and what is not. Awareness of truth will trump any other energy, and integrity will win some major battles.

So, did the Illuminate die? No. They simply lost their method of control.

The Future of the Illuminati

Now, I want to tell you something that you didn't expect and something I've reported only one other time. What about all of the money that the Illuminati has? There are trillions and trillions of euro in banks, under their control, waiting. What are they going to do with it and where are they going to use it? It's still here. They're waiting.

This group is waiting for something to happen that they know is going to happen, for they see it coming as much as I do. However, I would like to tell you something that they don't expect. With awareness comes generational shift. Those in charge of this money will not always be elders. The indigos eventually will have it.

They are waiting for something to happen in Africa - the building of a new civilization, a continent that has nothing to unlearn. Once Africa is cured, once it's ready, a new civilization can be created from the ground up. Africans will be ready to learn everything about building a foundation for the most advanced civilization ever and will do it with the most modern and inventive systems available. Eventually, this new continent will even beat the economics of China.

This is the prediction and always has been, and the Illuminati's money will fund it. Did I say the Illuminati will fund it? [Kryon laugh]The Illuminati's money will fund it, but there is a difference from the past, dear ones. The ones who inherit the positions in the Illuminati will be a different consciousness. Listen, they are not suddenly going to be the ones who have the good of everyone in their hearts - hardly. They want to make money, but what they will see instead is a way to make a great deal of money through this investment. In the process, it will automatically help hundreds of thousands, and they will be at the beginning, the foundation, that builds the new Africa. The new African states of unification eventually will create a continent stronger than any of the others, and it will have one currency. The resources alone will dwarf anything in the world.

"Wow, Kryon, how long is that going to take?"

The Humans in the room control that and those listening later and reading. When you leave this room, what are you going to do? Go home, report this, rub your hands together, and wait for it to happen? It won't. For the Humans in the room and the old souls hearing and reading have got work to do, and I've told you this before. You've got work to do.

There's an alliance that you're going to have to create with one another and with another group - the young people of Earth. The youth of this earth are changing the way things work. Can you see it? You're not supposed to sit around and watch them either, because they need you, old soul.

It's time for you to align with the indigos and the concepts of the youth of the planet. Do not think for a moment that their age shows their wisdom. These two attributes are not commensurate with one another; they're not linear. These young people may be older souls than you are! Don't think that because they've got technology that you don't understand that you can't be one with them. Their technology is social networking, the very thing we are talking about, where everyone can talk to everyone. The new consciousness on the planet starts in two areas - the children and the old souls.


This is the message of the day. The recalibration of awareness is going to change systems, education, government and finance. Those who don't choose to be spiritual at all will still move with a new awareness, for they will be aware of something that they are not aware of now - a softer way of living.

We close with a trite statement that we've given before, but that many have stated in jest: "If women ran the world, they would never send their sons to be killed on a battlefield."

Many laugh. How trite, how simple minded. Indeed, there have been women leaders who have put wars together; they had to. They sent their sons, so that's not really a correct statement. However, it's more right than you may think, dear ones.

So now I will make the statement I have made over and over in these recalibrated channellings: "When recalibrated Humans run the world, there will come a day when they will never send their sons into the battlefield." You see, awareness will change all of that. They will eventually see the wisdom of unification, new ways to settle issues, and the intuitive attribute of putting things together instead of tearing them apart.

There will be a time when government armies will not need to be large, and weapons will not be as powerful. Slowly, government won't need them. Slowly, slower than you want, these things will happen as the old soul carries his light and looks at the masters of the planet and emulates them.

You've all heard it: There will come a time when the masters will come back to Earth, and there are many who are waiting for this. However, it has already happened! They couldn't come back until the alignment was right and now it is right. This is what you are feeling in 2012 and beyond. It's starting to happen, and they're back. But they're not back as corporeal Human Beings. They're back as the energy of recalibrating of the awareness of God.

I wouldn't say these things unless they were true. Watch for these things, dear ones. Remember where you heard them first and when some of them start to occur in your news. And when you see the earth working in this fashion, dear one, maybe you'll realize that what I have given today is real.

Be circumspect. There is no perfect timing. Humans will create all this at their own pace. Do not be in fear of the things that might follow, for I say it yet again that the old energy will show itself soon in survival mode and it won't be pretty.

In this beginning of new energy, stand tall and turn on your light. Darkness will shirk before you. That is the truth of the day.

I am Kryon, in love with humanity.

And so it is.


*This was channelled 10 months before Pope Benedict resigned.

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It is Love's movement that is Light and becomes what we name consciousness. But it is the experience of Love that co-creates and then informs the consciousness, not the other way around. You already know that life is a dance of energy. In truth, it is one blossom of life, one movement, one explosion of Love and its accordance in the vibrational field -- the response of the particles of Light to the movement of the waves of Love. All is happening in an instant.

                                                               -Circle of

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During times when you find yourself on hold in any part of your life, why not give up the idea of being "stuck"? An attitude that would serve your spirit better would be one of curiosity; a healthier questing thru that which is limiting instead of fitful fear that you will not get to your desired next expression. We are living in time streams that support the flow of sacred, energetic, magnificent Divine vibrations. You will never be stuck again, EVER! You might be on hold, but you will never be stuck. 
You are a fiery, brilliant Spark of Source Intelligence. When seeking and doing doesn't seem to pay off and you are feeling stuck, consider stopping and waiting in order that you see what might be seeking you. A balanced life involves both polarity expressions. Our hyper-masculine paradigm is so loaded with stimulation, action, and initiative that even females find themselves programmed with the urge to "go and do." The inflowing December energy is Peace, gentleness, opening, and allowing. Even the practice of nurturing is a masculine energy, is it not? If you go and do for others, you are still going and doing. How then, can anything manage to "do you" in return? 
Life is a process, not an achievement. The appearance of a finish line, in any respect, is a third dimensional construct, designed to promote the idea of "beginning-middle-end" for 3D experiences. And that is as it should be. Beyond the veil, however, everything that appears to finish really just continues on and on and on. Even these words that would imply to you that mankind has completed one level of training and has moved on to another is a necessary concession, in the process of communicating Eternal Truth within a temporal context. 
If what you are seeking eludes you . . . STOP. Running faster and longer will not avail you. Anything that doesn't come easily is not meant for realization in the present moment. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Everything exists, but not everything is perceived in a physical way. Our 3D construct was designed to be a close-up and personal examination of those elements in life that we have been RESISTING, see? They would have to be because in order to become solidified some part of reality would have to be slowed down through personal resistance. 
That which does not readily appear for you in the physical can be instantly available to you in the spirit. Only believe, and it is your for the taking. Close your eyes, visualize it and embrace what is yours. Only a doubting Thomas needs physical realization in order to believe and receive. Is that you? Oh well, all right . . . but life does not have to be hard unless you make it so. And if you do, then celebrate! Honor yourself for choosing a rigorous and challenging path. Always honor yourself where you are, whatever you are doing, right here and right now.  
For in other universes, you exist only as a symbol . . . part of the Soul that has been contracted there for teaching and assistance.     

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Planetary Level ~

This week brings us Mercury Retrograde on Tuesday and last through December 14th but it is supported with some very supportive and nurturing influences.  It is a time to look at our communication and how it fits into our present awareness; what needs to be addressed, removed, or accepted are the key points to this cycle.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, also feel that an individual should arise above some of these planetary influences as we are moving into a higher vibrational existence upon the Earth.  It will definitely make us more sensitive but in a very positive fashion by allowing us to see the parts that do not define our TRUE SELVES.  The other aspects involve being very nurturing and loving which means taking care of YOU.  Take time out to weed the old that happened from the Full Moon cycle to fully embrace the essence you have desired to achieve.

Presently there are no solar flares that are active.  There is a dark hole that has been detected within the Sun which is expected to hit the Earth by November 6th.  This causes the effect of Auroras within the Polar sky.

There are storm systems brewing on the Eastcoast once again.  It is imperative to try and hold the light frequencies as much as possible so others will feel it.  We must try and help individuals realize that fear or worry is not the answer and can make the storm systems create more havoc.



Cosmic Level ~


We have come to a new week that we feel is going to please each of you greatly.  Remember the challenges of last week and allowing the energies that you no longer needed to be removed from your four body system?  Well, this week it is more of the same. 

The process from this day of November 5th through the upcoming week is going to support the releasements and occurrences in your life to change.  Sometimes it can be an uphill battle of the frequencies changing within your physical reality but yet you still seem to push further beyond the confines of your reality.  Due to the influx of the energies presently, each individual will be able to assert themselves into a new way of Being by allowing themselves to fully accept the Divine Presence within their frequencies.

It is likened to being on a raft in very rough waters.  The raft moves across a huge rock and you are stuck there until you can find out the best way to get around the rock.  But that is the problem.  Getting around it does not make it go away; you may think so but it is not true.  You must learn to dissipate the energies of the rock so it is not sticking out of the water.  It is the same thing as seeing the Light Come On and then you are not in the darkness anymore.

You have traveled far and wide to arrive at your destination presently.  There should not be any blockages this week as long as you continue the same process from last week.  The energies are shifting into a softer and warmer essence to fully embrace you for the changes that you need to make.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges.  They are an extension of elements that you have been working with as you are giving additional time to experience the new part of your experience.

To continue reading this article, please see Frequency Update, Walking Terra Christa.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

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Planetary Level ~

This week we are transitioning the Sun Signs from Libra to Scorpio.  Within Libra there is balance or at least we try to create balance in our relationships, environments both personal and work related, and all interactions with others.  Moving into Scorpio is the essence of “I Want” which means that we are no longer ready to sit back and accept things for the sake of balance and harmony.  This also creates individuals to look more deeply within and get to the ‘heart’ of matters.  This can be a very intense time as we switch energies.  Let’s look at it as we take the balance of Libra and blend it with the intensity of Scorpio to be the peace-maker but yet not allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of in any situation.

We are also preparing for the Full Moon energies on October 29th which is right at the end of this cycle we are speaking about which will be in the sign of Taurus representing “taking care of ourselves”.  Take time this week in preparation for this moon cycle as we always have a tendency to feel the energies before each cycle begins.  We will be facilitating a Full Moon Ceremony on Walking Terra Christa on Monday evening, 5 PM Pacific.

Solar Flare Alert ~ The Earth is being hit with an X-Flare starting on October 23rd which is expected to be felt in Asia and Australia although it may be the result of more solar flares coming which has been the norm in the past few days.  So if you are feeling tired, dizzy, irritable, and not just YOU, then you know you are changing through this process of renewal.  Take time to rest, take cleansing baths and showers, meditate, and connect with your Highest Presence to assist in the process.

Cosmic Level ~

The energies this week encompass all that has been written and so much more.  Each passing week gives each initiate a perspective of a deeper reality that is currently being presented to them, and we ask you to look at your thoughts and feelings this week.  It will serve you on a higher purpose to acknowledge what needs to be looked at to clear and what elements need to be embraced for your higher pathways about to enfold.

Each passing moment of this year that is remaining is truly that statement “passing moments”.  They are moving quickly with the pace of the clock ticking in the background as each of you are preparing through your Higher Self’s and your physical bodies to be in full alignment.  Each moment is crucial to these elements that will occur within your reality.

We say these words with great conviction because we want each of you to understand the process of continuance that you are going through to support these moments of change.  It is no mistake that you are having fears arise or feelings that you did not think you still had.  They are a pure reflection of your energies shifting into the higher essence that you are incorporating within your full body system.  We urge you to take these moments and go deeper with each reflection.  If something comes up that makes your feel uneasy within yourself, then that is a reflection that you must take time to understand.  It is arising for a reason within your consciousness to prepare you for the next step of your evolution.

Please know that everything you say and do, how you act, what you are feeling, and experiencing within your life are the mere reflections of what needs to be accepted or removed.  You, the maker of your destiny, must make these decisions within yourself in preparation for the next phases that are occurring.

In essence this is exactly what you are going through with changes, fluctuations, and energy shifts either through your own inner work or with the assistance of the activations that are occurring within the Earth.  Many new individuals are awakening unto these energies which are going to make them feel very uncomfortable within their physical bodies.  This past week with 10-21-12 was an Activation Day to assist individuals who need to be awakened more to the reflections within themselves.  Many senior members of initiation are beyond these frequencies as they are holding the Light to pass through them unto the Ones that need to accelerate themselves in a new and different way so each of these smaller activations are assisting in the Planetary Awareness of seeing the world in a new and different way.

To continue reading this article, see Walking Terra Christa.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

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This post is about our emotions and thoughts enslaving our lives to the point that they cloud the light of Our Divine Nature ...

It is about Self-observation and Being in the Moment,

freeing the energy that is being used for negative emotions

to return it to the I AM and its fulfillment.

This post is for who feels the Beauty and Sacredness of their Soul,

and yet feels in a maze as far as overcoming one of the most, IF NOT THE MOST, important requirement in the Stairway to Heaven, or Ascension as you may like to call it ....

the Control over our Thoughts and Emotions .... without this control Initiations cannot take place, and it may take more than a physical life to be able to master them.

With Love and Reverence for you All,


Once you realized

you are in prison,

then and only then

you can design your escape.


Downloadable pdf and at the end of the post downloadable FILM (A MUST SEE !!!): 
Italiano - Clicca qui- formato PDF
English - Click here- PDF format

It takes courage, a lot of courage,

to get begin deliberately eliminating beliefs

that make us suffer.

Maybe you don’t believe

you have the power

to create your own reality,

but if you accept this premise

you can truly create a different reality from the one that you’re suffering.



Everything starts with a thought that appears within our Field of Consciousness.
Initially, this thought is essentially an image, a vivid flash, which is not accompanied by any words, because it comes from a place where words do not have any importance. It's a thought/image that has enormous power, because it is the initiation of a creation: a thought that outlines a possible reality, that we might choose to create or not, knowing that we have the possibility to choose. What we do, however, as the result of little or no knowledge of the phenomenon, is to comply instantly with it like conditioned androids.
Until we intervene to shine a light with our Consciousness, these powerful thoughts/images are generated involuntarily, unconsciously and focused on repetition and the rooting of experiences to which it’s generating, or has already triggered, a strong emotional attachment. These experiences will become habits, and habits will become emotional addiction, that is the primary support of the Opponent, and one of the primary means of our energetic and vital disempowerment.

So we can say that until we intervene to shine a light with our Consciousness, almost all of what we call free actions and creations are under the control of the Opponent.

Your anxiety is nothing but the anxiety of the Volador; always fearful that his stratagem is discovered and his food denied.Through the mind that, after all, is their,the Voladores instill in the lives of human beings what suits them best;guaranteeing a certain level of security that will calm their fear.


A Warrior has control.Not on other human beings,but on his own emotions.He does not repress them,he expresses them,fearless,but only at the right time.


An emotion usually represents

a pattern of thought amplified and loaded of energy.

It wants to control you,

and usually succeeds,

if you get drawn into an

unaware identification

with the emotion

for lack of Presence.




Concealment is the passive phase of the Opponent, in which it momentarily moves back, and uses the advantage unconsciously acquired on us to keep us in a low energy state and out of balance, so as not being able to cope a later attack with Energy and Consciousness. How does it succeed in all this? Through over-feeding the Surface Mind, with a useless tangle of thoughts that will produce low energy emotions and moods, such as anger, jealousy, envy, resentment, concern, and similar ... all shades of the same emotion: Fear.

Which is ultimately the Opponent's fear of being discovered.

Thoughts that are facing automatically, changeable, erratic, contradictory, which trap us in a very simple way: they think theirselves with the 'I' pronoun. 'I think'. 'I feel'. 'To me, what he did is bad'. 'Did you see what she did to me'. etc.. etc..
But who is this 'I'? How many 'I' are in your head? Is it possible that this 'I' wants one thing, and five minutes later wants another, sometimes very against the first one?

It is not possible answering these questions without Consciousness.


All it takes is a choice,a simple decision:

whatever happens,I will not create pain for myself anymore.

Although it is a simple choice,it is also very radical.

You won't make this choice unless you are really tired of suffering,

if you did not really have enough.


As we have seen, the Disempowering Spiral is triggered by a thought/image generated by The Opponent in our Surface Mind; thus, before going back to the source, in the meanwhile we can act into our inner selves to reduce at the minimum possible the energy losses caused by the Disempowering Spiral.
To counter this loss, there are two powerful disciplines:
•The non-expression of negative emotions
•The resurfacing of the Deep Mind
One of the Opponent's primary goals is generating negative emotional energy, capable of paralyzing our good intentions, making us prey of any kind of emotional addiction and transform our lives into a hell totally powered by unreal illusions. However, this outcome may effectively achieved if and only if this emotional energy is expressed in an action that manifest it. If internally we perceive an emotion of anger, and we transform this emotion in action venting it against something or someone, we have taken the final step in the energy support of the Opponent because, we could say, the Opponent is greedy of the emotional short circuit generated by actions that manifest negative emotions.

Do not express negative emotions, and therefore do not transform them into action, means introducing an element of detachment between our perception and the action. The negative emotion continues to exist, but we do not express it, basically because it was generated by a force that we are not, through tools that have been, let's say, usurped from us without us noticing it.

But beware! Not expressing a negative emotion does not mean denying it, or pushing it in deep, because this would introduce an additional element of suffering in our Field of Consciousness. Not expressing a negative emotion means accepting it totally within us, letting it be everything it has to be and burning it in the fire of our Total Attention. Means being totally present in front of it without any backward step, but without turning it into action. Means observing what we perceive and realizing that our Surface Mind is interpreting an unpleasant bodily sensation, such as tingling or tightness in certain parts of the body, and is giving it a name associated with a series of actions, or rather, reactions, to turn it off or push it back or in deep.


Not expressing a negative emotion requires much, much energy, because normally what we do as unconscious human beings is exactly the opposite. It seems paradoxical, but human beings typically do not exhibit positive emotions and turn into action the negatives. It seems paradoxical, but it is not because it's a precise tactic result.
Yet, emotions are very, very important: all traditions of inner research show us tools aimed to develop and express them at their best. For example, in Kabbalistic language, emotions are called measures, since it is right through them that humans can measure theirselves to realize how much they have really progressed on the path of the growth of Consciousness. In the normal state, however, human beings come to produce emotions by the misuse of the 

Surface Mind for the only benefit of perpetuating the presence of the Opponent within their Field of Consciousness.
Do not express negative emotions, can and must begin with small steps. There are big demons handled by the Opponent within us, and it is crazy beginning the reconquest passing through them. Something simple enters our Field of Consciousness, shaking our views on the World, and generates a negative emotion: anger, contempt, depression. Face the emotion that occurs; see how this emotion springs from a thought automatically generated by the Surface Mind; look at the nature of this emotion, its taste, the purely physical sensations produced in the body. Look, let the emotion be, but don't manifest it in action. Do not vent the anger or contempt we feel, against us or something else. Do not express our depression in actions that confirm it. Observe emotions, but do not express them, because none of all this is us. 

If you can remain vigilant and present

watching everything perceived internally without being overwhelmed,

you'll be given the opportunity for the most powerful spiritual practice

and a rapid transformation of all the past pain will become possible.


A negative emotion, intended as an emotion that dissipates energy, which is unbendingly observed without being fought, without being denied, without being expressed in a reactive manner, passes quickly and starts almost immediately to decrease in intensity. Then, with our inner being so cleaned up, if it will necessary an action to ensure that all of the excitement passes away entirely, we will act, but our action will be clean, creative and not reactive. All qualities that will make the situation functional and in support of our Field of Consciousness, rather than a new, umpteenth and unaware energy supply paid to the Opponent.

Do not believe yourself.

Do not believe all the lies you are telling about yourself.

Do not believe what you say when you affirm not to be enough of something.

Do not believe in your limits.

Do not believe all this,

because it is not true.


Enjoy the movie!

Lo Sfidante: download documentary movie
Part I: The Enslavement
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Audio: MP3
Size: 811.8 Megabytes
Part II: The Reconquest
Format: Xvid 640x480
Audio: MP3
Size: 631.3 Megabytes
Full movie
Format: Xvid 480x360
Audio: MP3
Size: 957.8 Megabytes
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Evolution Means Becoming Who We Really Are

Knowing that all physical life forms in the Universe were created for the purpose of furthering the experiences of the state of being of the GODHEAD, we might consider the manner in which we live our lives. In order to do this, it helps to know a little more about the basic origin of physical life forms.


The consciousness we call Divine, or Source, exists in a state of non-material Bliss. We would know this state of consciousness as forms of Colour, Sound and Light. Source Consciousness – which speaks to us as AN - extended Its Divine Sound outwards in order to develop another type of experience for consciousness. This Sound projection is responsible for the creation of material life forms.


The first generation of physical beings which emanated out from the GODHEAD in this manner were tasked with furthering physical life on the various planets. This has happened for all time, and we have no way of truly understanding just how old life forms are, as we cannot conceptual what is referred to as the No Time of the GODHEAD and of the Universes.


One of the most powerful Light Beings who is a first generation emanation from the GODHEAD is SAN AT AN. This Being is also referred to as SANAT KUMARA. Another first generation God Being was known as ANU on Nibiru, and as AMUN RA on Earth. Other God Beings emanated out from these Light Being in ways we would refer to as cloning brothers or sisters.


The great Light Being who speaks to us as SAN AT AN, was originally tasked with the development of life on the planet Venus. It was from this place of physical existence that various other planets were populated and worked upon, by the Beings of the GODHEAD Light. Among these planets were ancient Tiamat (a remainder of which is now called Earth), Nibiru and Mars.


Physical life forms are always created life forms, and the style of that life form is determined both by the available planetary building blocks, such as Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen on Earth, and by consciousness. Consciousness of a physical life form will determine the physical life experience of reality, or what we refer to as the dimensional experience of existence.


No matter what type of physical life form a planet can support, once in manifest existence those life forms become responsible for their own progress. This occurs regardless of the fact that all life was originally created as Divine physical life forms by the Light Beings of the GODHEAD. It is for this reason of Free Will that souls choose to have when they come into existence, that there are now varying degrees of Light in the physical dimensions of reality. The ability to choose means that all possibilities exist.


All beings, including human beings, choose how to live their lives. Consequently, we note the life experiences of the Arcturiuns is a particularly pleasant dimensional experience, because they live the Oneness of 8th dimensional reality. The Martians devolved their dimensional experience to the point of the 3rd dimension and destroyed their planet in the process. Earthlings, as you and I, are in the process of advancing our consciousness to an Ascended state in the 5th dimension of reality.


We were certainly supposed to know all about this, because the awareness of who we, where we come from, and what we are doing was part of our original creation, as a life form. It was, therefore, supposed to be up to each one of us to make life choices to continue to live under the auspices of Light. However, this has not always been the case on Earth.


It will always be the case that any form of physical existence on a planet brings with it all potentials of existence, including the possibility of lowering the dimensional experience. This became the case with ENLIL, when he chose to fall from his Archangelic Light and interfere in the Hu-man creation of the other God Beings on Earth. With the ill-considered actions of a single individual we, as the human species, lost our conscious connection to the Light and have stumbled around in the dark for many long centuries.


Now, however, as the outer planetary alignments shift and change once more, we are in the most auspicious time of our development on Earth. We have the stellar opportunity to utilise the high frequency energy which is beaming towards Earth at this time. Situated all over the globe, the Light Portals receive this outer-planetary high frequency Light energy and channel it into the Earth. All who live upon her are influenced by this resonance raising energy.


Even ENLIL’S redemption into the Light at this time has been stimulated by the outer-planetary alignments. In turn, ENLIL’S rapidly developing Light no longer shores up the darkness of old, and people are forced to face the fact that they have to make a choice to shift into greater states of Light, or continue on another long cycle of time on the Wheel of Karma.


We, as individuals, can choose to utilise this raised energy of the Earth to raise our own resonance towards higher states of Light. In so doing, we re-activate our long-dormant DNA and awaken our consciousness. With this we recover our understanding of who we are and what we are doing on Earth.


As our DNA re-activates we remember everything and we resonate with the truth that we hear and see around us. With this we reject anything of a low resonance nature and simply pay no attention to it. Our thoughts, feelings and behaviours develop so as to be in line with this. Thus, we are stimulated to clear and release our past low energy experiences, and strive to work from the heart. The more we do this, the more we become heart centred and live that reality.


From a heart-centred human perspective we change our life experiences in leaps and bounds. This state of consciousness then becomes the consciousness of the collective and all human experience on Earth resonates with a higher dimension of reality, because higher dimensions operate from the basis of love. It is this which creates the Golden Age on Earth, which is the shifted dimensional experience.

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The dark side of energy drinks - trading tomorrow's health for today's temporary stimulationby Tony Isaacs(The Best Years in Life) Energy drinks were first introduced over 20 years ago. Though their use grew slowly for the first several years, today they have become a modern day phenomenon with tens of millions now being consumed daily. Energy drinks are the number one growth market for beverages and annual sales are forecast to top $9 billion for 2011. Around one-third of teenagers and young adults report drinking one or more energy drink daily, and in many instances consumers drink several energy drinks each day.What's not to like about having more energy and alertness - particularly if it comes from beverages which often tout herbal and other "natural" ingredients as the secret to their success? As it turns out, there is a very great deal not to like – and many of the millions of energy drink consumers may find one day find that the temporary boost they are getting today comes at the expense of health problems tomorrow.Some of the more common unwelcome side effects reported for energy drinks include elevated heart rates, hypertension, anxiety, headaches and interrupted sleep patterns. Due to a combination of ingredients commonly found in energy drinks which cause elevated heart rate and blood pressure, energy drinks may end up putting added stress on the heart. Such stress may lead to hypertension and ultimately heart and other cardiovascular problems.It is also believed that the combination of ingredients in energy drinks, including sodium benzoate, may lead to extra risk of various forms of cancer. Some energy drinks may also contain ingredients which stress the pancreas and could lead to diabetes. The effects and side effects of energy drinks are elevated when combined with coffee and other caffeinated drinks and the combination of alcohol and energy drinks, a growing practice among younger drinkers, may be particularly dangerous.Until recently, energy drinks and their side effects have been lightly studied, as a report earlier this year in the medical journal Pediatrics noted when it described energy drinks as overused and understudied. After examining data from the government and interest groups, scientific literature, case reports and articles in popular and trade media, the reports authors warned against energy drinks and cited potential harms which included heart palpitations, seizures, strokes and even sudden death.Dr. Marcie Schneider, an adolescent medicine specialist in Greenwich, Connecticut, and member of the American Academy of Pediatrics nutrition committee, praised the recent report and stated that ""These drinks have no benefit, no place in the diet of kids."Late last year, poison control centers started tracking energy drink overdoses and side effects nationwide. 677 cases occurred from October through December. The chart's list of reported energy drink-related symptoms included seizures, hallucinations, rapid heart rate, chest pain, high blood pressure and irritability.Two of the most common ingredients found in energy drinks are sugar and caffeine, both of which provide temporary stimulation (as opposed to actual energy) and both of which may have serious side effects when regularly consumed in large amounts. Notably, both sugar and caffeine, as well as other ingredients in energy drinks, stress the adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue is considered to be the number one cause of lack of energy. Thus energy drinks create their own catch-22 of causing long term tiredness and lack of energy at the same time they give their temporary boosts.Just one of a huge number of health risks caused by processed sugar is the risk of diabetes – which has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. Very large amounts of sugar can ultimately overwhelm the pancreas, the organ which generates insulin to offset sugar intake. If your pancreas is "worn out" by being overworked from too much sugar, diabetes can begin.Some energy drinks containing up to 7 times the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. While small amounts of caffeine are not generally considered dangerous, too much caffeine can over stimulate the central nervous system and can dangerously elevate blood pressure and heart rate. Caffeine is also addictive and withdrawal symptoms include headaches and irritability. Caffeine also causes a loss in valuable B vitamins which are needed for "normal" energy creation.When sugar is not used, dangerous artificial sweeteners are employed. Perhaps the most dangerous is aspartame, though increasingly, the sugar substitute of choice has become sucralose. Sucralose is a chlorinated organic compound, a chemical group which includes several compounds known to be harmful to animals and plants and which has been linked to birth defects and other prenatal conditions. The body does not recognize artificial sweeteners like sucralose as food, but instead essentially processes them as toxins.Other potentially dangerous ingredients commonly found in energy drinks include:*Sodium benzoate. Sodium benzoate is widely used as a preservative in energy drinks as well as other beverages and foods. Last year a study conducted by an expert in molecular biology and biotechnology linked sodium benzoate to cell damage and an increase in the production of free radicals.Even more concerning is the fact that sodium benzoate in combination with vitamin C can result in the formation of the potent carcinogen benzene. Many energy drinks contain vitamin C, especially the fruity energy drinks.As noted health authority Chris Gupta reports, "This is not a small thing, although the so-called experts will try to tell you that there's no harm at these benzene levels. But there is no safe level of benzene. And no one is talking about how it reacts with other carcinogens in your body, which could be a serious problem. We already know it reacts with healthy substances like vitamin C.""There is a solution", Gupta added. "Eliminate all processed foods and unnatural drinks. All processed foods have chemicals in them for preservation. And many of these preservatives can damage your health."*Phenylalanine. Though an essential amino acid, phenylalanine is also a neurotoxin and is one of the three main ingredients which make up aspartame. Too much can excite the neurons in the brain to the point of cellular death.*Guarana. Guarana (or guaranine) comes from the seeds of the guarana plant, which contain up to 3 to 4 times the caffeine as coffee beans. Thus the amount of actual caffeine for many energy drinks which also contain guarana may be even more than is reported.*Ephedra. Ephedra has been described as a drug that increases heart rate and blood pressure at low doses and strokes, seizures, and possibly even death at high doses.Despite their potential dangers, energy drinks have become a very large part of today's beverage industry. As we have seen time and again, once any product or group of products and the ingredients they contain become hugely profitable and popular, it may take many years – if ever – before they are curtailed despite evidence of danger. Aspartame is a prime example and such may well end up being the case with the multi-billion dollar energy drink market.However, the good news is that there are far safer natural options for achieving greater energy than energy drinks - such as super foods powders, juiced vegetables and whole-foods derived multi-vitamin products for example. The very best long term option for achieving greater energy is an active lifestyle combined with adequate sleep, avoidance of energy robbing toxins and stress and a healthy nutrient-dense diet.Sources included:
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