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Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul give a synopsis of the current moon energies within the context of ascension mastery.

As we enter another period of full moon activity, we are also experiencing a Lunar Eclipse. All of this occurs on February 10, 2017, 4:32 PM Pacific, 7:32 PM Eastern, and 12:32 GMT February 11, 2017.

As the moon is in Leo, it represents the creative process of the Feminine Divine, while the Sun in Aquarius brings forth the act of dependence and mental pursuits of the Masculine Divine. These energies can be at a crossroads.

Which way will we turn is the question we need to ask ourselves.

With the Eclipse energies it brings into it a whole new dynamics to the situation. Usually eclipses represent relationships, either the severing or the healing within both parties. The dynamics that this eclipse is bringing to us is the ability to step into the power of healing by letting go of the elements that no longer serve our purpose. It does not mean that anything has to end but it needs to be changed.

If we look at this arrangement within the heavens in the context of the Masculine vs the Feminine Divine, we can see that it is time that the Yang essence needs to let go of some of the confines that it has placed upon us as an individual to allow the Yin to show her worth through the arts, through a creative process and allow this energetic exchange to become one within balance. The Masculine Self gives to each of us a foundation but it has to be shifted into allowing the Heart Essence to be part of the process.

It is a very magical time in which the parts we have been striving to change can be assisted by the planetary changes that are occurring.

We have to refer to the past month in which the New Moon went into Aquarius and how that has affected each of us to think differently so that change can be a reality. We now take that energy as our foundation of the Masculine Self and allow the moon essence of Leo to show its creative process within heart-based ideals within our lives.

In addition the planetary alignment for the past month fully went into a balanced state. What we may not realize is that was an initiation for us to step into this process of accepting our Divine Self as the ruler within our consciousness. It is a matter of the Mental and Emotional Bodies to co-exist as the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

As each of us is a responsible partner in the healing of the Earth, then it seems only fitting that we should allow this exchange of energy to help us acknowledge elements within ourselves that need to be adjusted in order for the both parties to come to a harmonious conclusion.

When we learn to heal inner self, then the outer self will act accordingly.

There are many other aspects that are represented within this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse that come from a scientific basis through the Art of Astrology. For more information on this understanding, please check out Astrology King, Lunar Eclipse February 10, 2017-Practical Magic in which he gives a very powerful understanding of what is occurring presently.

From a spiritual viewpoint, this moon and eclipse is an open doorway to allow the old demons to be removed so that we, as individuals, can truly find our highest spiritual self to assist us in making those changes. If we use the energies of the Moon of Leo with passion and heart centeredness to illicit the power to ignite the changes, then the Sun of Aquarius will help us to make it more grounded.

The new essence that we are trying to integrate is within our grasp with these elements coming into place. The Lunar Eclipse allows for the union of the Masculine (Aquarius) with the Feminine (Leo) to step into a new world that will support the unity that all of us are desiring to achieve.

As this happens for every soul upon the earth, then GAIA feels the effect of the transformative energies so that all of humanity can be affected in the same way.

The most important element through this process is not to let the Lower Ego become inflamed, but yet allowing the Higher Ego (Spiritual Self) to be the ruling energy. I believe that if every person realized the power that they have during this cycle they would see the true potential that they are.

It is now being revealed for all of us to see.

The Keynote from Master Djwhal Khul:


Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul ready to assist in understanding the true depth of light that is occurring presently.

The most important element you must understand that every soul upon this planet is going through this transition. What needs to be realized is that the elements that have been in place in the past few months created a surge of light to help you understand within your own consciousness what this cycle may mean for you.

As I always try to help initiates to grasp the idea that their own well-being is the first component to heal this earth. Many may think that is being in a manner of selfishness, but let’s understand this process so that you can fully grasp what is occurring presently in your world.

This moon and lunar eclipse brings to light all of the darkness that you have been feeling. It is a climatic time of arrival for each of you. As you learn more about your true inner self (the emotional body), you realize that the potential you have for healing is to remove those aspects from its existence. We know this is easier said than done, but doing it is absolutely essential.

The gateway of opportunity in this moon cycle is to help each soul to realize what is it within them they do not like, address how to remove those elements, and allow their true heart essence of the Higher Self to assist them to make the necessary adjustment within their full body system. But if you as an individual, continually fall back upon the masculine self to render change, then that will backfire on you. The power of this alignment of the moon and eclipse is to bring all things into Light.

As you allow yourself to go through this process, you are then emitting the balance of the Yin and Yang right within your system. There is no separation, only unity to be felt within you and around you. Others will feel it from you. Gaia will accept the transition in a much easier level than anyone could have imagined.

This movement then takes us into bringing all things into balance. First, it occurs by accepting the Love that you are from your Divine Self, then it allows your physical self to walk through the Open Gateway of Transformation. Then, others will also feel it and it will filter through all of the Earth, through humanity and back to you once again.

This is the power of being Selfless to others after the initial stage of understanding your own self.

The power of this pathway is a grand opportunity for every soul to step into the world of knowing thyself, then accepting that their Feminine Heart Essence has the gift of giving it to the Masculine Strength so that they can walk together. It is the first stage of stepping into Oneness and it must be achieved in unison. Otherwise, there is separation of the Heart and the Mind which means you will continue to experience life the same way you always have.

As each initiate starts to understand this process, the energetic exchange will ripple through the dimensional frequencies so that others will also start to open their heart and minds up to a new way of understanding within their physical self. It will continue the journey into the ones that are trying to be in control; it will affect your governments and the way that you see the world around you.

You just have to let it happen but first allowing the Light That You Are to be fully integrated within you. As the Lightworker, the Starseed, the Awakened One, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself first and then the rest will follow. Your Higher Self knows exactly what you need to do to create these elements to come to fruition. You just must trust explicitly within the process by releasing the control of your physical self.

I do suggest creating a ceremony at this time. The full moon cycle continues into the New Moon but the first three days are very crucial. Set up a sacred space, light a candle that represents your Divine Self and the Source of Light; utilize your protection protocols, call upon your Higher Self through your breath, and all of the Seven Rays of God to assist you to come into balance: Blue of Will and Power, Golden Yellow of Love and Wisdom, Pink of Creative and Active Intelligence, Crystalline of Harmony and Balance, Green/Gold/White of Science of God representing Inner Truth, Ruby Red/Gold of Inner Devotion, and Violet/Purple of Ceremonial Magic-Creating Your Foundation.

Feel your Heart; express your woes. Allow them to be released into the fire of transmutation so you can fully allow your Heart and your Mind of your Higher Self to be One.

It is my pleasure to walk with you and guide you each moment into the New Earth.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a Full Moon Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul, Festival of Lights on Saturday, February 11th, 2017, 10 AM Pacific. To participate in this Free Call (Donations Appreciated), please use this link:  Festival of Lights-Full Moon Ceremony.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).


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We are now in preparation for a very powerful full moon of Aries with Scorpio on April 21st, 2016 at 10:24 PM Pacific, April 22nd at 1:24 AM Eastern, and 05:24 GMT.

This moon is termed a “Pink Moon” by the Farmer’s Almanac representing the Spring essence of sprouting beautiful flowers. It is a time of re-creation and allowing the seeds to be planted of what we desire to experience in the months ahead.

This also represents the spiritual work that we have been undergoing to prepare for the new essence of our Self to be initiated within our lives. The previous moon cycle took us through a journey of “resurrecting the old self in order to prepare for the new.”

The moon being in Scorpio gives us the energy of being the “Spiritual Warrior” and can cause conflicting energies to result within our consciousness. As we are preparing for the New Earth, the archetype of the Warrior needs to be addressed in a different way than in previous timelines. Yes, we have been preparing ourselves to experience life in a new and different way, and part of that represents the warriorship attitude. It must come from the inner essence and not the outer or else this moon can have us fighting in ways that we have done before.

As Lightworkers upon this earth, it is our responsibility to fully command who we are and that changes through each moment. It is not easy to throw down the swords and not fight for what you believe in; but it is about using that energy in a completely different way than it has been done in our existence.

This is why this moon is so very important. The fact that it is also theWesak Moon is very appropriate but it also represents the energy that is occurring on the planet presently. People are within the warrior attitude of wanting to fight for what they believe in. Change is happening everywhere we look but yet there is the old element of still being persecuted for not adhering to the ways that society has put upon us for centuries. These type of people are finally waking up.

Can you recall a time when you first realized there was more that could be part of this life experience?

You probably wanted to fight society in a certain way to show your view and let others know what it meant. It is all part of the duality of life – individuals waking up into a society that has been oppressed.

This moon cycle brings these energies into focus so that it is in our face. It can disrupt our lives as the world around us is very angry. I believe that this moon is teaching us a lesson. Which path do you want to take? The high road or the low road, as stepping into the anger of the consciousness will only bring more of the same thus repeating the old cycles.

Being on the Mastery Pathway brings all the elements into focus, but then there has to come a time when deep self-revelation occurs and the true reality is shown within our focus. This all represents the initiations and the Ascended Mastery Pathway. This moon represents these energies as it brings elements to the forefront that need to be addressed, and we have to make a decision in how we are going to achieve the most positive results for humanity.

This is why the Ascended Beings of Light are expressing in all of our teachings that this Wesak Moon is very important for this planet. We are coming into a time of change and how we change is going to be very important.

The only way that we can address the issues is to look within ourselves and see where we need to change. Do we want these energies to take us into more of a warrior-ship attitude as we have done in past incarnations, or are you ready to stand as an Initiate of Ascension Mastery and take responsibility for your actions?

These are all very important considerations during this full moon cycle because elements are going to arise in each of us that need to be healed so that we don’t follow the crowd but stand tall among each other to command our Light to be the way of the creation for the New Earth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of Master Djwhal Khul, Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom, says this about the Wesak Festival of Light:

“We are at a crossroads within this planet.buddha_800_500 Elements must change. The initiates of student mastery understand the process much easier than the unawakened souls. So there is a deep responsibility within the souls of the planet that want to uphold the light within them. Allow the Violet-Purple Flame (which is being infused into the Earth during this Wesak Moon) to bring forth the transformation within your foundation so you can realize the potential that is inside of you.

The Light must win this battle, and it is with your initiative and concentration of your desires that you shall be challenged to uphold your end of responsibility. It must come from within yourself first and foremost. All that you have been in all the timelines must be healed to hold the Light within you. It is the same for humanity.

Changes will come but it is how you incorporate those changes that will be the cornerstone of your reality.”


This means that when you deeply go within and look at all that You Are, then you are able to see your Truth which is the good and not so good that you have been. Your eyes are open to all that you have ever been, and you become the Light.

These truths will bring forth the Transformation of this Earth but only with the help of humanity to do so. I hope you will join us in bringing forth your own truth of the self so that others can do the same.

So how do we prepare for this moon experience?

The most important element is to use your Spiritual Tools to go deeper within yourself to remove the elements that may be impeding your progress of ascension. We must remember that the dark side wants people to fight with each other as it will keep this planet in duality. So as students of Ascension Mastery it is our responsibility to uphold the light deeper and stronger than we ever have before. We are the pioneers of light to extend the Divine Essence of the ChristConsciousness to be instrumental in healing this planet and all of humanity.

Take time for the Wesak moon to commune with the energies, join with others if you can as Wesak represents the Spirit of Cooperation.

The most important purpose of Wesak is to stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood and Goodwill within each soul to bring forth a responsive and integrative whole along with walking as One with all the Spiritual Masters of Full Consciousness within the Unified Whole energies of the 144th dimension representing that Oneness.

Wesak has several functions:

◊  To Substantiate the Christ Consciousness to become grounded within this Earth.◊  To Physically Prove Solidarity of All Races to come together in Unison.◊  To Form a Rallying Point or meeting place for all souls to come together annually in the cooperation to represent Universal Consciousness to become focused within all souls of the Earth.◊  To Demonstrate the Nature of the Christ Consciousnesswithin each soul upon this earth, so that we work cohesively in Oneness accepting all viewpoints and thoughts of creation which will originate from the Creative Source of Light, the 144thDimension, or the Unified Whole Command.

At this Wesak Moon, the planet will be infused with the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure that comes from the cosmic level within the colors of the Violet infused with Deep Purple. This is going to assist humanity in going through a complete transformation and help to ground the higher energies within the planet. But its success is only possible with all of our assistance that understand these frequencies of Light.

This is why this Wesak is so very important for Gaia and for Humanity. It is considered to be a gateway into the higher realms to be realized within the planet, as the order of what has been will go through a huge transmutation. It is a moment in time in which theViolet Fire is going to wipe away the elements that do not belong within that transformative energy surge so that the Feminine Divine of the Deeper Purple can be fully realized. It is the best of the best to have full realizations of this light formation to assist in the foundation of this planet.

This is a huge new beginning to allow our foundations to be transformed from our Etheric Self that has held the energies from so many lifetimes, good and bad just as Gaia is going through her healing process.

To learn more about what this Full Moon represents, please see our website, Wesak Events page. We are transmitting our annul Global Teleconference Gathering of Light on April 23rd at 9:00 AM PDT to celebrate the Wesak Moon event experience with the Ascended Beings of Light. In addition we are providing a full day worldwide distance learning Wesak Workshop on Friday, April 22nd to experience the highest level of acceptance of Light for Wesak.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

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10900627669?profile=originalOn March 20th, 2015 we are going to experience a powerful intersection of energies coming into the planet with the New Moon, a Solar Eclipse, and the Equinox all within the same day. This truly will be a very powerful exchange of light that is assisting Gaia and each of us at this time.

The New Moon which is still in Pisces (on the cusp of Aires) occurs at 2:36 AM Pacific, 5:36 AM Eastern, 9:36 UTC with the Solar Eclipse.

This moon brings represents new beginnings, taking a leap of faith, acceptance of the lower energies, and having a great imagination in creating ideas to flow. The Solar Eclipse is like a burst of energy that is turbo charged to bring forth change in our lives.

As you can see, the Piscean energies of this new moon is more flowing and filled with balance of emotions; the eclipse breaks up those energies to make us to step out of the old world of silence to allow for new ideas to come to us. This could be quite a challenge for many individuals.

Those of us in the Winter months have been isolated from the world with extreme weather conditions; it truly has been very intense for the past three-to-four months. We have had to make many changes within our own consciousness and lives. The shifting of our world is happening each moment.

Then, we experience, the Equinox at 3:45 PM Pacific, 6:45 PM Eastern, and 22:45 UTC time zones.

This is when we step into a new season; Spring for the Northern Hemisphere and Fall for the Southern Hemisphere. It is a time when the light and dark is the same on the planet ~ they are equal elements of the Earth. Whether you experience the Spring or the Fall, the energies will be the same at that moment in time. It is a time of renewal and growth; the Spring representing planting new seeds to grow and the Fall representing the harvest and reaping rewards that are due. It is a time of growth and renewal for the entire planet.

All of these energies together are being considered a Super Moon. Usually a Super Moon can be seen, but since it is a New Moon it will not be visible. It does not mean that it isn’t there as it will be felt by humanity. It is very uncommon for each of these transitions of light within the planet to occur at the same time so it brings with it moments of great change for everyone.

We thought February and then March was intense, so now we go through yet another transition within the planet. It is like we do not have time to breathe in order for the next shift to happen in our existence. That is the way this year is going to occur, as the changes must happen, in order for humanity to wake up. The Universal structure is truly assisting us in stepping into our new existence within each moment and through each month.

So How Do We Get Through the Next Phase with Ease and Grace?

The only way that each of us can feel the joy at this time is to realize the changes we have made from the past three months. As we go from season to season, it is important to always reflect upon our progress as without that guidepost, we can simply get lost in the process.

Look at your spiritual tools and see if they have helped you, as you would have like them to do. Make changes where they need to be, as we don’t always need to do things the same exact way as we did before. This is because we change with the process, and we become more aware of elements than the previous cycle due to our inner growth. Acknowledge those parts of yourself that have been challenged, what you did to get through those doorways, and celebrate the “New You”. Create a ceremony of realizing the obstacles that you stepped through and seeing your achievement within how you feel and think about yourself. Also look at the parts that you don’t always want to acknowledge as it is a scary place to go, but being prepared at this time will assist in your transition through this cycle of change.

The more grounded we are within the process, the easier it will be when the shift occurs. This energy is going to hit us pretty hard so it is important to have a strong foundation within your Earth Star so that when the turbulent energies come, you will be totally prepared as You Will Know Who You Are. Yes, we will all be challenged, but the stronger our basis of existence, we will not be thrown down to the ground (so to speak).

It is a very powerful time and one that we need to embrace as Lord Adama always shares to us that when you embrace something you are unsure of, it is easier to walk through that next doorway of Light.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special ceremony for these energies on Saturday, March 21st at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern, and 5:00 PM UTC. This is a free open teleconference call; details to join are available on Featured Classes & Events.

Lord Metatron will be speaking at our ceremony; he also has asked to share his message on the TRINITY OF LIGHT. Please click the link to read the article.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Trinity of Light ~ Lord Metatron


Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to walk with you during this time and all times of creation of the New Earth.

We are entering into another Portal Of Light that has not been felt upon this planet previously. On March 20th with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse, and the Eqinox all showing their beautiful energies as an extremely entryway of light into GAIA, I believe it will be a welcome entryway into the next phase of growth for Gaia and each of you. But I assure you, that preparations must be made within yourself to accept these energies on a much deeper level within your core essence.

I know that many of you are doing fabulous work but in truth, we must go deeper. The effects of the changes within Gaia are so strong that each of you needs to step up to the next level of your responsibility. Otherwise, you will be taken into a completely different direction than you truly thought you were going.

This is not because you are not doing as well as you would like to be. In fact, it is because the light infractions are so strong that each individual within the planet must go further into their soul’s existence. It is a time of great renewal, which takes us into a completely different paradigm of light and existence than has ever been felt before.

The power can only be as great as One that Can Hold That Power.

This Trinity of Light represents light coding that is being implanted within the earth through the effect of the Sun and the Moon, but with the entire existence of the Earth. It is a cataclysm event in proportions of the light infractions. It is something that none of us could ever imagine would occur, but yet we are here experiencing it together.

This focus of light is the start of many elements upon the planet. It is an entryway for more of the Christed Light frequencies to be implanted within the earth as we come upon the Festivals of Ascension with the Christ (April), Wesak (May), and Humanity (June) through the next season. It is an opportunity for each individual person to see what is within him or her so that they can achieve the highest possible reflection of the Wesak energies.

As initiates, each of you are standing in a place of renewal; that process of regeneration is only possible when an individual understands deeply what keeps them from the full potential.

The pathway of Mastery is not just about being an Ascended Master to achieve great things; the first component is the pathway of the Self as the energies assist in removing all particles that have kept that soul from achieving these things in previous timelines. Each of you is being gifted to go further than you have ever done before and being grounded within a physical body. That is a huge achievement in itself.

The next element is that this Portal Of Light is going to assist the Earth to awaken in different ways than it did before. So there could be quite a bit of turmoil in places around the world. In order to allow the shift to occur into a higher frequency, the areas that don’t hold that light element within itself must be changed. This is where it becomes very difficult, as the changes occurring within and around the world could be quite monumental.

The other side of this event is the beauty that the Light and the Dark are standing in equal parts of each other. It is a time for Gaia to fully move into more Light and allow the Dark not to take precedence over elements.

Each of you, as the initiates upon the earth, then are able to see a difference within yourself. The infractions of the light and dark can be shifted dramatically if you allow it to be. This is why this energy is so very powerful. Great change can happen to everyone but only if they are willing to step into the next doorway of opportunity.

So as this event occurs, it will give each Initiate, each Ascended Being, each Angelic Being, and Inner Earth Being to take on a huge responsibility.  It is time for each of you that are on the planet to hold the light you receive to take it into Gaia so that her foundation will be illuminated by the Light you are receiving.  This will assist in the process of the future months to be more grounding for the planet and all of humanity.

This will also assist each of you on a personal level.  The more light infraction that you can hold within yourself, the easier your transition will be for the New Earth.  The energies of Wesak represent moving into a higher level of the initiation process so having this Portal of Light at this time to be activated within you is a gift in itself.

This is when each of us together with the God Force and the Source of Oneness with each of you upon the Earth unite with one another to create a force of Light that is beyond your wildest dreams. It is a place of great renewal but not without removing the old elements that have been in place for eons of time. This includes your timelines, Earth’s timelines, and all of ours. We all must step into wholeness for this project of the New Earth to be created.

The Trinity of Light with the Super Moon energies is our doorway into a new world.

I extend my hand to each of you, helping you to aspire to the greatness that you are so that we can do this job together.

It is our Opportunity of Light, Love, and Freedom Within to be Fully Acknowledged.

It is my Divine Purpose to stand with you as we unite as One.

I Am Lord Metatron at your service.

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Planetary Level ~ Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since we have put out an update.  My personal role within the Planetary level is going to change.  I am being guided to share a small portion to create a foundation from the Unified Whole, and will be writing other material to speak about the shifting of consciousness that is occurring.  This is a direct result of the increased energies since we experienced Wesak in late May as there are always new directions to follow.

The Wesak energies for the planet and the entire spiritual hierarchy is bringing us closer together.  Wesak is always a powerful time as we arise to a new level of consciousness as we are working through the initiations.  This year it is happening on a global and cosmic level beyond proportions that may be challenging to understand within the physical mind.  We are still in the integration of the energies as we move towards the Festival of Humanity on the full moon occurring June 23rd, 2013.  We are learning to ground the energies of the Wesak which represented the Three-Fold Flame being activated within GAIA.  The Festival of Humanity is a celebration of our light together as we now take what we have learned and share it with others.  (If you would like to join us for a powerful ceremony on June 24th, please see our website,  This call is open to all individuals and should be very powerful.)

But the next most important date we are going to experience is the Solstice which is celebrated for summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).  There is a very special doorway opening to allow the energies of the Three-Fold Flame to be grounded more fully.  The Great Divine Director shared in our Monday evening meditation, “The Clarion Light Beings of Oneness,” about the new accessibility of the Three Minds of the Conscious, Sub-conscious, and Super-Conscious to now blend together within each individual and within humanity along with the entire God Force.  This is the first creation of Oneness to be felt that is coming from the Source of Oneness.  (Note, you may access the recordings of the Clarion Temple by registering on our website on a call-by-call basis or within our Membership Program,  We will also be having a special Solstice ceremony on Wednesday, June 19th in preparation for the event.  This can also be accessed via the link shown above, Tele-calls.  It is open for everyone to attend.)

I will write more about the details of how this is occurring but it is very exciting for everyone.  This is a doorway that will not close, and we now have the accessibility to be in full creation with the Source upon the planet as she changes her frequency into the higher levels of existence.  The Solstice of June will truly be a powerful celebration of this occurrence.


COSMIC Level ~ Unified Whole Command


It is with extreme pleasure that we speak to you on this day.  I am the Great Divine Director with Master Thoth and Master Einstein at your service.

The full integration of the higher realms is becoming closer as we move through the year of 2013.  The energies of the Wesak Moon in May of 2013 were not only a very powerful doorway for initiates to move through their physical conditions and accept their higher essence in the way that is designed through their Higher Self but it was so much more.

The veil between the spiritual dimensions and the earth dimensions are becoming very thin.  This has given is a very powerful opportunity to move through the creations of Light to work with each of you more personally.  It is also an opportunity for our essences to come together in unity not just as the Spiritual Hierarchy but as each of our essences come into wholeness so are yours.  This becomes a very powerful moment in history as it has never occurred before.

The realms of light came fully into wholeness during the December activations in 2012.  This has allowed us to speak to you from the frequency of the 144th dimension but also access all timelines that have kept us separated.  We arrived closer during the Spring Equinox when the phase of resurrection was very powerful to remove old aspects that did not fit our highest purpose.  Many of you have been challenged during this process in order to understand more from your Higher Self and Higher Mind.

It is also a time of great inter-galactic wars as the energies that are coming closer to you have caused the warriors of the darkness to be separating from your existence.  So there have been many battles ensuing around the planetary structure to try and keep you in bondage.  You may have noticed within yourself of having to be very diligent in your practices of higher frequency to maintain the equilibrium that you have experienced previously.  There is an active energy that is working doubly hard to stop you from fully experiencing the joy and light that is part of your heritage from the old worlds.  We share this knowledge not to create fear but to help you understand that there may be moments when you have had to fully utilize all of your tools to maintain your equilibrium.  We have been standing with you to help you through these processes as the time is coming when their attacks will become less and less.

The Solstice occurring on June 21st, 2013 is going to be such an event as we are coming more into Oneness with each of you.  This means that the individuals upon the Earthplane that are awakened will be asked to step forward and accept their role in the history of this planet of becoming more involved in light energies to occur.  We need each of you to find your place of happiness within your heart and hold onto it with a clear perception as there is a doorway that is being ignited on this date starting at sunrise, your local time zone and continuing through sunset.  This means that each of you will be able to accept your role in the history of this planet to be accelerated into more light particles.  As you become a conductor of this light frequency, the doorway will be expanded beyond your own fields of light to other fields around you.  It is like a domino effect that will be occurring.  As you are a conductor of the light incorporating within you, you can expand this frequency around you within the planetary system of the lands, waters, environmental structures that house the people, animals, minerals, and all living organisms of GAIA.  You don’t have to do anything but JUST BE.

We are calling this juncture of time as A Moment in Time.  This means that during this entryway the NO TIME ZONE is going to exist for every living being upon the Earth.  It is the reflection of the Higher Self to be acknowledged in all existence being ONE.  During this phase another doorway is being opened as the THREE MINDS will blend as ONE.  This means that the Super-Consciousness of the Higher Self will blend with the Sub-Consciousness to create the higher thoughts into the Conscious Mind.  The three circles will become one Unity of Light.  Now this entryway into the Three-Minds of Integration will be open continuously and will not close.  It is a window of opportunity to allow Oneness to merge within all three minds of creation.

This means that those that have not been working on their subconscious thoughts will have moments of reflection of their own light but it may cause some energies to arise.  There may be feelings of disbelieve and the old aspects can erupt during the process.  The individuals that hold a higher Light Quotient will be able to accept the merging of these essences much easier.  It will be a process for each individual to accept in their own pathway and life circumstance.

It is imperative at this time on the Solstice to be in a very high state of conditioning.  Utilize your meditative tools, high vibrational work, and if possible, gather together in groups to assist each other in the process while helping GAIA to accept these energies.  It is a day in which individuals can arise to their highest purpose but it will be felt within the physical body.  Just thinking about the beauty, joy, and bliss will not make it so.  This energy is going to assist individuals to heal their ill thoughts, dis-ease within the body, and to accept their role within their personal existence.

Those that are within their third dimensional self and very unaware will have the most challenging moments.  This energy is going to assist everyone to move into a higher state of existence so the ones that are following glamour in their lives, using individuals for their own gain, think only of monetary gain or self-gain in relation to others will be deeply challenged.  It is time for every individual to accept their role upon this Earth.  Every person has accepted this contract before entering the Earth but many have forgotten.

This event is going to be magnificent and it will continue through the summer months but at a lesser degree depending upon your intent to work or not work with it.  It will help to create the manifestation laws to become more existent and the Universal Laws to be fully actualized as Supreme Beings that you are.  It is a grand opportunity for many individuals to step into their desired awareness that will assist the process of their enfoldment that has been occurring.  Those that have been struggling can move their essence through this doorway as they will see that changes will result in a very positive manner.  Again, we stress, that you must work with the frequency of light as going against it will be a detriment to your reality.

Every person is being asked to step up and claim their Divine Right as Sovereign Beings to accept their role presently.  But it comes with great responsibility which first is within the Self.  The power of this energy will help you to move mountains in your life, find your love that has been lost, and help you to accept your present circumstances that need to be changed.  We must find wholeness within ourselves first and foremost.  This, then, creates Oneness within each other.

We honor every one of you for accepting this role.  This is a phase that we are happy to share with you.  Many times it is difficult expressing the changes that each of you are going to be experiencing.  This moment we can say “What you ask for, you will receive.”  It is time to accept the Golden Ring of opportunity that will take you on a journey of self discovery.  We have a long way until the Earth changes into this essence, but we are finally able to say, “Our journey together has begun.”

It is our pleasure to connect with each of you in Oneness as we fully accept our Light upon each other in the Source of Creation.

We are the Unified Whole Command at your service.

In the Name of Oneness, Unity is our expression of Light.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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We have undergone a tremendous upheaval in the last week.  We also have been preparing for it since 12-21-12.  That does not make it any easier to experience or go through the energies in any shape or form.  We did not post a Frequency Update last week for this exact same reason.  Each time I felt the need to sit and call upon the energies to write even the Planetary Level, I became overloaded with a heaviness within me.  I always know that in those circumstances it is not the right moment.  The part that I share comes directly through my Higher Self and I knew that I needed to step back from projecting any messages either from my Highest Presence or the Unified Whole Command.

This week presents to us great opportunities to be more deeply connected to our Highest Presence but yet, will cause great upheavals in our emotional and mental levels.  As of April 25th, 2013 we will be presented with a very powerful Full Moon, 3:58 PM, Eastern US, which resides in Scorpio in the Sun Sign of Taurus.  This is going to open up doorways for more understanding of our inner selves as it represents our outer existence.  With the Lunar Eclipse occurring at 1:58 pm, Eastern, this takes us into a deeper level of ourselves.  The eclipse represents our relationships and especially to our-self so it is another grand opportunity to look at the dark places in our soul that need the light to shine upon them.  It will also represent our role in mastery and we are given a perfect opportunity to connect with our ability to walk in Mastery in all levels of our life.  The ascended masters are awaiting our arrival to do so while they train us to be the Masters for the New Earth.

We also will be experiencing the first of the three festivals of Wesak, The Festival of the Christ.  This energy represents the Resurrection of the Self to prepare to go into a deeper level to prepare our physical bodies to incorporate more Light and Love Quotient during the Wesak moon.  We conducted a ceremony on April 24th to experience all of these events in the City of Telos with many masters which is available for download,  If you would like to read more information about the festivals, please see our blog, The Wesak Festivals Have Arrived ~ 2013, .

Expect the unexpected through these changes.  They are taking us into deeper levels so that we can now experience the magnificence of being on this pathway.  But know, the work must be done.  It is not going to happen automatically just by wishing it to occur.

The best advice I can give is to take these energies and ground them into the lower extremities of the body.  As we do so, the energies will go within Gaia and she will take what you cannot handle physically.  When we receive a higher light quotient, sometimes the body cannot hold onto it.  This is why we are experiencing the highs and lows within our physical structure.  So take time to send it to the Earth by walking on the ground, connecting with water, and eating properly so that the light-headedness does not become overwhelming.  If it does, then take short naps or meditate and you will find you will go into another reality for a short time.  These are the most powerful times of sleep when you acknowledge that you cannot stay awake, and then just sleep for short periods.  I have done this for several years and when it’s time to wake up, surprisingly, you feel refreshed.  It’s important to try and have a dialogue with your Higher Self as he/she is opening up the doorway for you to fully incorporate their energies.

We are coming into some very powerful months so it is important to sit and write down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences through the process.  Wesak represents moving up the initiation ladder another level so record your desires of what you would like to achieve.  After the three-month period you will definitely feel and see a change within your consciousness and possibly, your life.

COSMIC LEVEL ~ Unified Whole Command of Many Masters of Light

Greetings Fellow Comrades of the Light,

Happy Full Moon ~ what a beautiful moon it is at this time.  Have you looked at it?  If you have not, we know you are feeling the intensity of the energies.  It is jam-packed with lots of goodies to help you experience your life in full acceleration of your desires.

But first, before you get to the point of accepting all that you have intended to happen, you must go through the Ring of Fire once again.  We know ~ you are tired of hearing about the challenges and the transition and want it to occur NOW.  Yes, we understand and we are not within your bodies so the compassion we have is not the same as someone speaking with you about how to experience these changes in a softer manner.  Unfortunately, these energies in the next few days are not going to be anything but soft.  They can be demanding and cause you to feel uncomfortable about being in your body.

This is because as your are becoming more multi-dimensional as there are other elements that need to be purged.  Each month of this year will take you deeper into these changes but what we want to concentrate on right now is the PRESENT.  Before we continue with this discussion, let’s chat about being in the Moment.  It is an essential component that is necessary in your existence as the energies are shifting into the higher frequencies.  Projecting through the year is only going to bring in anxiety of ‘what could be’ so we ask of you to concentrate on what is happening right now.

Experiencing a full moon with a Lunar Eclipse within Scorpio and Taurus ~ that is quite a bit to handle but then we add the Festival of the Christ.  First of all this full moon is going to make you look deeper within yourself of the ways that you think and act.  Then it will be time to take those energies and expand them outside of yourself.  At first, it may seem uncomfortable to do so as they will have a different reaction that the innerself energies.  But eventually it is going to change so that your inner being is the one that is guiding the outer form of living.  This is an imperative stage to concentrate on as it is going to assist you with the Festival of the Christ energies.

The Festival of the Christ is when each of us as masters within and without a body, full reflect on what needs to be purged in order to receive the next phase of our initiations.  It is a death experience that will occur through your four body system.  Each year at this time it is important to have the realizations of who you are, what you were before, and how to accomplish what you desire.  It is that simple in words but not in action.  As you fully allow your inner securities to arise and take the next steps into your new reality, you must walk off into the unknown energies of experience.  You may have an idea of what you are going through but do not know how to put it into practice.  This is a perfect example of the way that it occurs.  Mastery represents being in the NOW and if you project, then you are creating something to happen that is not focused upon your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It comes for the lower mind and can get you into a frustrated sense within your consciousness and life.

This is why it is so very important to take inventory at this time.  Reflect who you are, what you want, and then the ideas will come to create the new reality.  Without this, you will falter and feel as if you are pushing through doorways that are not opening.  You will not be able to acquire the movement of synchronization within your life.  The flow of your existence will become fully of unopened pathways.  It is when you push in this manner that the movement ceases to be in alignment of the Universal Consciousness of Oneness.  You are working within the confines of your third dimensional body and reality of the Lower Mind.

We share this just to explain what can happen in the process if you don’t allow the flow of ideas from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  In retrospect, what can happen on the opposite side of the energy is life is going to get better for you. You will find fluidness and the power of love and light to be your guide.  You will have to release or purge old thoughts that you experienced within your mental consciousness as they will not work any longer.  Ideas that you though you had will not work in this frame of reference but new ideas will appear like magic.

These energies are going to catapult you into new ways of existence that you would never have thought about previously.  The movement of your life will change within a moment’s notice so you must be prepared for the change.  Nothing stays the same in the higher realms of thought so you will start to experience this.  If you find that you had a project that you were working on and it did not flow, then you need to change something.  The project may be very good, but it is the timing and the precision in the way that it needs to be manifested.

You will be tested during this time to make sure you are very aware of your God consciousness within your life.  Each of these energies during the next few days will enable you to look deeper within yourself but you must not deny them as you may miss a great opportunity that is about to occur.  Know your inner self by meditating, breathing, connecting to your higher presence, and allowing the flow of energies of your masculine and feminine divine to become manifest in your world.

The resurrection process you are going through is going to prepare you for more elements to occur within your life.  Going through these doorways is never easy but so rewarding.  So if you feel ill, tired, and not yourself, take time away from your work, your computer, and your friends to just connect to yourself.  The flow that will come to you within this process will be the doorway that you have been waiting to open.

Take the new energies that you are incorporating and give them to GAIA.  Go to her waters, her lands, the mountains or outside your home.  Breathe deeply as you move the higher frequencies through your body into your Earth Star as you and GAIA meet up with one another.  This will help both of you; she will receive and you will be giving what you have received.

We walk with you during this special time.  The Wesak energies this year are going to be most powerful elements upon the planet and it will be up to each of you individually in how you experience them and put them to good use in your pathway.  This, in turn, is going to assist every one on the planet to receive the light you are allowing to incorporate within you.

Blessings and love in Oneness and the Creative Source that We Are Together.

The Unified Whole of Many Masters Walking with Each of You.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page, New Earth Frequency Update, Resurrecting to Receive More, 4-25-13.

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Planetary Level ~

This week brings us Mercury Retrograde on Tuesday and last through December 14th but it is supported with some very supportive and nurturing influences.  It is a time to look at our communication and how it fits into our present awareness; what needs to be addressed, removed, or accepted are the key points to this cycle.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, also feel that an individual should arise above some of these planetary influences as we are moving into a higher vibrational existence upon the Earth.  It will definitely make us more sensitive but in a very positive fashion by allowing us to see the parts that do not define our TRUE SELVES.  The other aspects involve being very nurturing and loving which means taking care of YOU.  Take time out to weed the old that happened from the Full Moon cycle to fully embrace the essence you have desired to achieve.

Presently there are no solar flares that are active.  There is a dark hole that has been detected within the Sun which is expected to hit the Earth by November 6th.  This causes the effect of Auroras within the Polar sky.

There are storm systems brewing on the Eastcoast once again.  It is imperative to try and hold the light frequencies as much as possible so others will feel it.  We must try and help individuals realize that fear or worry is not the answer and can make the storm systems create more havoc.



Cosmic Level ~


We have come to a new week that we feel is going to please each of you greatly.  Remember the challenges of last week and allowing the energies that you no longer needed to be removed from your four body system?  Well, this week it is more of the same. 

The process from this day of November 5th through the upcoming week is going to support the releasements and occurrences in your life to change.  Sometimes it can be an uphill battle of the frequencies changing within your physical reality but yet you still seem to push further beyond the confines of your reality.  Due to the influx of the energies presently, each individual will be able to assert themselves into a new way of Being by allowing themselves to fully accept the Divine Presence within their frequencies.

It is likened to being on a raft in very rough waters.  The raft moves across a huge rock and you are stuck there until you can find out the best way to get around the rock.  But that is the problem.  Getting around it does not make it go away; you may think so but it is not true.  You must learn to dissipate the energies of the rock so it is not sticking out of the water.  It is the same thing as seeing the Light Come On and then you are not in the darkness anymore.

You have traveled far and wide to arrive at your destination presently.  There should not be any blockages this week as long as you continue the same process from last week.  The energies are shifting into a softer and warmer essence to fully embrace you for the changes that you need to make.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges.  They are an extension of elements that you have been working with as you are giving additional time to experience the new part of your experience.

To continue reading this article, please see Frequency Update, Walking Terra Christa.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

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Planetary Level ~

This week we are transitioning the Sun Signs from Libra to Scorpio.  Within Libra there is balance or at least we try to create balance in our relationships, environments both personal and work related, and all interactions with others.  Moving into Scorpio is the essence of “I Want” which means that we are no longer ready to sit back and accept things for the sake of balance and harmony.  This also creates individuals to look more deeply within and get to the ‘heart’ of matters.  This can be a very intense time as we switch energies.  Let’s look at it as we take the balance of Libra and blend it with the intensity of Scorpio to be the peace-maker but yet not allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of in any situation.

We are also preparing for the Full Moon energies on October 29th which is right at the end of this cycle we are speaking about which will be in the sign of Taurus representing “taking care of ourselves”.  Take time this week in preparation for this moon cycle as we always have a tendency to feel the energies before each cycle begins.  We will be facilitating a Full Moon Ceremony on Walking Terra Christa on Monday evening, 5 PM Pacific.

Solar Flare Alert ~ The Earth is being hit with an X-Flare starting on October 23rd which is expected to be felt in Asia and Australia although it may be the result of more solar flares coming which has been the norm in the past few days.  So if you are feeling tired, dizzy, irritable, and not just YOU, then you know you are changing through this process of renewal.  Take time to rest, take cleansing baths and showers, meditate, and connect with your Highest Presence to assist in the process.

Cosmic Level ~

The energies this week encompass all that has been written and so much more.  Each passing week gives each initiate a perspective of a deeper reality that is currently being presented to them, and we ask you to look at your thoughts and feelings this week.  It will serve you on a higher purpose to acknowledge what needs to be looked at to clear and what elements need to be embraced for your higher pathways about to enfold.

Each passing moment of this year that is remaining is truly that statement “passing moments”.  They are moving quickly with the pace of the clock ticking in the background as each of you are preparing through your Higher Self’s and your physical bodies to be in full alignment.  Each moment is crucial to these elements that will occur within your reality.

We say these words with great conviction because we want each of you to understand the process of continuance that you are going through to support these moments of change.  It is no mistake that you are having fears arise or feelings that you did not think you still had.  They are a pure reflection of your energies shifting into the higher essence that you are incorporating within your full body system.  We urge you to take these moments and go deeper with each reflection.  If something comes up that makes your feel uneasy within yourself, then that is a reflection that you must take time to understand.  It is arising for a reason within your consciousness to prepare you for the next step of your evolution.

Please know that everything you say and do, how you act, what you are feeling, and experiencing within your life are the mere reflections of what needs to be accepted or removed.  You, the maker of your destiny, must make these decisions within yourself in preparation for the next phases that are occurring.

In essence this is exactly what you are going through with changes, fluctuations, and energy shifts either through your own inner work or with the assistance of the activations that are occurring within the Earth.  Many new individuals are awakening unto these energies which are going to make them feel very uncomfortable within their physical bodies.  This past week with 10-21-12 was an Activation Day to assist individuals who need to be awakened more to the reflections within themselves.  Many senior members of initiation are beyond these frequencies as they are holding the Light to pass through them unto the Ones that need to accelerate themselves in a new and different way so each of these smaller activations are assisting in the Planetary Awareness of seeing the world in a new and different way.

To continue reading this article, see Walking Terra Christa.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

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