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Consciousness (15)

Lord Melchizedek ~ The Christed Self within the Cosmic Three-Fold Flame   Leave a comment

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Transcription Dated ~ March 18th, 2013


I Am Lord Melchizedek and it is my Divine pleasure to be this spoke-being for this evening.  I believe that what Divine Mother and Father God has given us is an essence of their communication with each other.  This is something that has never been shared to anyone else within this vibrancy.  It is my pleasure as the over-lighting energy this evening to share with you exactly what it does mean for each of you at this time.

Patience is the virtue that we see in each of you that is growing deeply as it is also continuing from the ability to accept the Divinity of your existence.  As I represent many Light Workers of the Melchizedek Priesthood, I stand here in this moment as a very proud father in what you are achieving upon this Earth.  I share through Meleriessee who has walked with me in her consciousness for many, many years that she has brought many to my doorways or they become aware of their existence in my world.  It is not that they were not part of my world but on a conscious level just as each of you represent that priesthood you could not be here today if you did not accept that fact.

What does this mean for each of you to allow yourself to stand in the Presence of God’s Will, God’s Power, God’s Love, and God’s Wisdom? It means that your totality as a human being is non-existent without the Three Fold Flame; it means in order to have Will, in order to have any of these aspects you must have God’s Will first within your Heart and with everything that you aspire to be.  It takes great challenges to get to this point in time.  And I am happy to stand here with each of you and to look at my students of many souls upon souls that truly are here to bring forth the acceptance of their own Will, of their ability to make a pathway that will change other peoples lives by doing it themselves first.

I commend you, I commend you for being here in this moment.  I commend you for being upon this Earth.  I commend you for holding the Light as deeply as you can, but I deeply commend you even more for the challenges and there will be more.  What we truly want to bring forth in these moments is to accept as much of the Three-Fold Flame that your body can handle.  So how do you know how much you can handle?  It is not your decision; it is from your Higher Self.  So I ask each of you right now to call upon your Higher Self and to allow Him/Hher to be fully activated within you by taking a deep breath as the waves of Light that are filtering in through the Temple is representive of what each of you will feel during the Equinox.

It is a time of complete balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine allowing the God Essence of the Christ that you are to be enfolding within you  Each of you have been working diligently on your own issues to allow the enfolding of your Masculine and Feminine .  What this does is give you a point of awareness of your thought and your feelings so that they can be molded into the integration of the Three Fold Flame.  I ask each of you in this moment to fully feel the Masculine energies blending with the Feminine energies within your existence.

The Masculine essence resides on the right side of your body with the Feminine on your left side.  The Masculine will bring in the Will.  What is your Will in this moment of God’s Will? What is it that you see within yourself that needs to be created to create a lifestyle that does represent the Three-Fold Flame or just to accept it as it is unfolding within you.  Feel your Masculine self activating the energy.  Imagine feeling a spiraling Blue Light fully activated within the right side of your body centering within your Heart Center.  At this point, the Heart Center is the Solar Plexus and the Thymus chakras so it represents one flame.  Feel that Blue flame being fully activated within you.  Breath in deeply and allow this essence to share within your Lower Self as it blends together.


Now feel this essence moving into the essence of the left side of your body as the Feminine fully accepts the Creation of the will and allowing the Feminine Divine of Divine Mother be activated.  We are now being attuned from Mother/Father God of what they have given us in the previous moments.  It represents his Will and her Love of now fully coming entering within you.  Now feel her accepting this as the Pink flame which ignites on the left side of the body.  It moves towards the right side blending with the Masculine Divine.  Feel the flames coming together with the Pink and the Blue.  As we look within the Temple, the same is happening in the Circle of Light as the Pink and Blue fold within the stage and entire circumference of the room.  It is igniting with the activation of the Feminine and Masculine ~ allow her essence to just surrender and accept.


Breathe in deeply; feel your lower self as your Higher self, feel your super conscious the sub conscious feel that essence as the communication will come from your Heart not your head allow the integration, the activation, the actualizations of the Christ that you are to be fully be embodied.  Let us all just take a deep breath and just infuse this flame within us during this meditation you will probably feel the extreme conditioning of this acceptance after the meditation it may slip away a little bit but it will come back and you can tap into it again.  We ask that the Three-Fold Flame to be fully embodied within every person that is listening at this time or any other time.

Feel the acceptance of your Higher Self and your I AM Presence of your Soul family being fully ignited fully within your essence, within your being of Light as it becomes One.  Allow the Three-Fold Flame to go to any areas by extending the it within your physical body, feel it going into the structure, allow it to ignite the spinal column, igniting the essence that everything is fluid and moving with no constrictions anywhere ~ allowing the Cosmic Three Fold Flame to be you.  I ask you now to take any thoughts that you have been having into the Three Fold Flame and feel them being ignited.  I ask you to take any emotions into the Three Fold Flame.  Allow them to be ignited to only receive the highest available integration that you can handle.  Now call upon ~ ask ~ talk to your Higher Self and ask Him/Her what is the percentage that you can handle through this process of the Equinox.  Let us take a deep breath while you receive.

Now allow that percentage to go into any areas that are weaker than what you are feeling in this moment.  Because as you see, as an initiate of this pathway of the Melchizedek Priesthood of being a Christ Conscious Being of Light allowing your Christed Self to be your God, your body needs to receive.  It is just not your mind, not just your emotions.  As the Masculine and Feminine Divine hold within that Heart area, it will assist you in allowing the higher vibration element that is coming to you from your Higher Self and I AM Presence to go to all areas that are necessary.  It is the same process with Gaia as the Three-Fold Flame becomes more fully activated within the planet.  It will assist her to allow her ascension process to continue.

Let us take a moment and fell this Three-Fold Flame to be embodied within Gaia in this moment.


Gaia Receive  ~ Gaia Receive ~ Gaia Receive ~ Gaia Receive your Three Fold Flame

Each of you now do the same.

I Receive

I Receive

I Receive my Three-Fold Flame of Love, Power, and Wisdom


I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM One

I AM Light

Let us take a deep breath and feel all these beautiful Three-Fold Flames as we all gather together in this beautiful Temple of Oneness, communing with the Unified Whole, the ones that have already done the Three-Fold Flame.  Allow these essences to be in Oneness as we are all parts the Three-Fold Flame of Gaia coming together.

I AM Lord Melchizedek.  I reach out my arms to each of you ~ I reach my Three Fold Flame into each of you for you to acknowledge the Three Fold Flame within you through this process.

Just receive it, just feel the essence coming within you, and allow it to go anywhere it needs to be.  Say I need it to go now to my joints, or I need it to go into my internal organs, or I need it go into my Mental Mind.  Just receive your Higher Self as it is designating where it needs to be right now as we are speaking one last, one last minute.


I receive all of I AM,

I receive all I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM,


OHM that I AM

I AM all that I AM

That all that you have to do.  It is my Divine Pleasure as Lord Melchizedek to be here with each of you right now.  I feel the difference within the Temple ~ I feel the difference in each of your energies as we receive together.  It is my blessing to see each of you enfold within this essence upon this Earth and to share all that you are.

So Mote It Be ~ In The Light Of The Christ ~ In The Oneness That We Are.

I bless you deeply.

The recordings to these transcriptions are part of our Membership Program.   This call is excerpted from the Clarion Temple of Oneness, which is held every Monday evening.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page,

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The Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves."

~ Bill Hicks

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We are in an age when many of us are stepping out of the 3rd dimensional arena to walk into our existence of Divine Beings upon this planet learning how to create and prosper in a completely different way of existence.  This takes great courage and patience upon the Mental and Emotional levels to stay strong when we are consistently hit with old programming that arises into our consciousness.

We are now in the midst of the third month of the first trimester in 2013 which is a challenge within itself.  The energies are very dualistic which represents the 4th dimension.  We constantly have to strive to reach the higher energies in order to have balance within our lives.  This is true for everyone on this planet as it becomes a challenge to stay above the old thoughts and feelings that previously were our “way of being”.  That is no longer the case.

I do not care if you are very abundant in one phase of your life at this time; we are all being asked to become more of “who we are” in each moment.  So an individual that has a lifestyle that creates funds for themselves and their family may not even realize that they are being challenged, but believe me, they are.  Where are they in their relationships of the self and their family?  Do they feel secure within themselves about every thought that they have?  I guarantee you that they do not.  They are probably living in the 3rd dimensional world of working within the many corporations or doing ‘what they think is right’ and are being gifted with having a paycheck each week that says, ‘you did a great job’.  But the truth of the matter is that these individuals have not had the chance to connect within their own soul’s essence and find the beauty that is within them.  We’ve all been there.  Some of us have stepped out of that world and found their true passion in life.

We are in a time when every individual on this planet will be looking at themselves and asking ‘what else can I do to feel better or live in a more beautiful way’.  It cannot be helped.  So what happens in living abundantly?  There are many categories that are within the word ‘abundant’.  It represents how we feel about our lives, our joy, our living arrangements, our ability to travel with monies and not be worried, to know that the bills are paid each month, and to share with others when our Heart desires it to be.  Abundance represents these aspects and many more elements depending upon each person’s reality of life.

When you walk out of the 3rd dimensional arena into a world that you desire, sometimes the energies need to catch up to where you exist in your conscious reality.  There have been many individuals that feel in order to be prosperous you have to be buying items that are highly priced and paying for services that show “I AM ABUNDANT AND I CAN PAY FOR THIS SERVICE”.  Then there are those that have a hard time paying their bills and just living from day-to-day.  There has also been criticism towards individuals in the healing modalities that they should not charge or they do not charge enough.  Our society has been based on the value of the dollar and not the service.  We have strayed away from Universal Laws of  Balance within the Cause and Effect that in order to receive, we must give.  Some individuals take too much and others give too much.  How to we create the equilibrium between both?

I pose these questions because each of us is being challenged to create that balance within our lives.  We are moving into the 5th dimensional level of consciousness but we still have some time to acquire that experience in our lives upon the planet.  Many of us stepping into the unknown world from the 3rd dimension are experiencing it greatly.  We are the ones that are working on our Emotional and Mental attitudes; and sharing with others how to do the same.  It takes time to transition from one world into the other and that is what each of us is experiencing presently.

We know that the Poverty Consciousness has been part of our past timelines.  The individuals that are flowing with their funds presently have created this experience for themselves.  Many times it is because they are doing “what they love” and the Universe is supporting them.  What about other aspects in their lives?  Then there are individuals that are truly hurting financially and then those, like us at Walking Terra Christa, have a tendency to create what we need right in the 11th hour.  Shouldn’t we have abundance in all area of our lives and co-create with each other?

Yes, Yes, Yes…It is time to understand why we have this innate ability to want to suffer.  It is not because we truly desire it, but it has been within us for eons of time.  That is what the old timelines are representing to each of us.  What are you experiencing at this time?  Look at all levels within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.  Make a choice to be abundant in all levels so that you can be whole and balanced as it is intended to be.

Join us for a special weekly meditation and connection with others:


This is our prosperity circle in which we will travel to the 144th dimension to connect with our Higher Self, I AM Presence, and guidance that is assisting us.  We will utilize ascension prayers, a Huna Prayer to attract money and funds, a special decree for activating our I AM Presence along with a guided meditation receiving a special blessing from one of the Ascended Beings of Light.

We will be meeting Saturday’s at 10 AM Pacific, 6 PM GMT for 30 minutes of powerful affirmation of our Light within ourselves.  Isn’t it time that we all flourish together in all phases of our lives?  The power of group consciousness is now available for each of us.

This is a Service of Light provided by Mel and Mike of Walking Terra Christa – All that is required is that you join us.  We need your Light!

For more details of how to join this weekly call, please see Prosperity Circle at Walking Terra Christa.

In Expression of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

5th Dimensional Mastery

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It is Love's movement that is Light and becomes what we name consciousness. But it is the experience of Love that co-creates and then informs the consciousness, not the other way around. You already know that life is a dance of energy. In truth, it is one blossom of life, one movement, one explosion of Love and its accordance in the vibrational field -- the response of the particles of Light to the movement of the waves of Love. All is happening in an instant.

                                                               -Circle of

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frequency_update-qpr.jpgPlanetary Level:

We start the week off, Monday, with a New Moon in Libra, 8:03 AM EDT which will represent balance in our relationships.  It is also a very good time for creating new projects as the energies are presenting this facet in our earth energies.  The buzz words are to create the NEW but within the Balance of the Self.  This not only represents our relationships but our environment while allowing our new creative Self to be born.  This week will truly help us to embrace the elements that have been purging in the past frequencies recently.  So take time to fully understand what is in balance and what is not aligned in your True Self.

In reference to Solar Flares it looks like this week is also going to be in balance.  There was an ignition of Auroras from a G-1 magnetic storm this past weekend that lasted 15 hours which caused some pretty amazing graphics, see

Cosmic Level:

The frequency of Light this week is going to be one that will assist you as long as you keep the elements in perspective.  Remember that we are preparing for a very important time within two months with the energies of 12-12 and 12-21, 2012.  Each of you is being prepared in ways that your Higher Self is deeming it appropriate for your present circumstances.

You can no longer accept your life in the way that has always been done.  The world is changing into the higher frequencies.  Some are living in the 3rd, some in the 4th, and very few in the 5th.  But each of us aspires to that point of creation within the 5th dimensional frequency.  So each of you must be prepared to step into this doorway of your awakening.

We are not talking about new awakenings as in asleep consciousness-minded individuals which there are many of on this planet. We are talking about YOU ~ the one that is reading this text because your life is going to change dramatically in ways behind your conscious reality.  This is what we are preparing for in each week and different stages of growth.

You may already understand the transition that you are going through but you cannot know, until it arrives, how deeply it will change you.  We explain these parts so that you can fully understand the process of each moment you are living within your experiences.

This week will help in creating new definitions of the Self within you to fully accept the potentiality that YOU ARE.  As we draw closer to these important events, then the understanding will go deeper within you.  So this week will help you to realize more of yourself.

It is time to fully acknowledge the parts within you that do not fit and allow them to be removed which is not part of the higher aspect of your reality.  If you continue to allow yourself to be in the old spaces of existence, then this transition will become ever increasingly difficult for you to handle.  It is when you fully allow your physical body to accept the higher frequency that is also YOU, to be within your Being, then you accept the full potential that you are.  And that potential will change with each increasing moment of acceptance.

Take some moments this week to reflect fully on the inner parts of yourself that need to be adjusted and this may include family and friends that have been dear to your Heart.  As you get closer to the inner reality that is you, then you see the perspective changes that need to be made.  This is not easy at all but this New Moon represents Balance in all aspects of living and Being.  You must be very TRUE to YOURSELF, and in order to do so, you must understand what does not fit your present purpose of existence.

We did not say this was easy at all; but each of you that are reading this material, are aligned with a higher consciousness.  It depends upon what you do with it and how you allow it to blend within yourself.  Please know that awakening of the Soul within the Physical existence is not an easy process as you have been asleep a very long time.  You must also know that very careful steps must be taken in order not to perceive yourself as something you are not.  This is the paradigm of the New World that will take effect upon everyone’s existence within them and around their environment.  It is an essential part of allowing the elements to fully grow within you, adjust the changes that are necessary, and full align with the NEW YOU.

So take your time this week in allowing these energies of the New Moon to support your in your own endeavors of creation.  It is a very powerful time, and we must not resist what needs to change, walk into new doorways of Light, and accept that you will be supported, loved, and accepted in so many ways.

It is our Divine Pleasure to walk with you during this phase and moving into the New Earth of Unified Consciousness.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

Walking in Oneness with you,

So Mote It Be In that Light That We ARE

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

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Think From a New Perspective So As To Evolve

With the shifted dimension of Living Ascension in mind, and knowing who we are and where we come from - as per the background information in the preceding post - we shift our focus so as to look at what causes stress in our world. With the Light Intent of the God Beings in mind, when they created human life forms on Earth, and considering that the Earth is the consciousness and the property of the GODHEAD, it makes absolutely no sense to support any system which operates from the basis of greed or power over others.

I was listening to a radio talk show yesterday, in which the guest was prattling on about theft issues in the mining industry. He was righteously stating that nobody has a right to go into dormant or active mine areas and illegally take what does not belong to them, any more than we have the right to walk into a shop and take a loaf of bread without paying for it. On the face of it there is nothing wrong with this statement, and most of us would agree with it. 

However, digging just a little deeper into the concept of the ownership of the mineral wealth of the planet makes me reconsider my sympathies with mine owners. If all human beings were created on the Earth to live here in order to further the experience of the human, physical life form, as parts of Divine Consciousness, then how is it even vaguely conceivable that any one of us can or should take power over another or take ownership of what belongs to the collective of living beings which inhabit the planet? From this perspective, any form of mine or mineral rights ownership is ludicrous to say the least. 

How is it that we have managed to shift our consciousness to such a degree that we tolerate the individual ownership of what are actually mutually owned resources in the manner we do? Who gave any single person, company or consortium the right to own what belongs to all people? 

Going back in time, the ancient and indigenous peoples of any land knew that the resources of the land belonged to all. While it is certainly possible to have one’s own piece of land to live and farm upon, the greed which has developed, and the level to which our behaviour has degenerated cannot possible be in keeping with the intention of the GODHEAD when physical life on our planet was first created. 

Although I am fully aware that this blog post only scratches at the surface of what amount to a myriad of societal ills, we can use this single example to reconsider how the discontent of miners is so easily fanned into a raging fire of emotion – and at this time most especially in South Africa at the this time of killing and protest – as well as the plight of those so-called illegal miners who are maimed and/or killed on a daily basis. 

The so-called mine owners make a point of making an example of the ‘thieves’ they catch. They chop off their limbs and otherwise maim or kill them so as to send a clear message to others who might be considering the same ‘illegal’ activity. We would be naïve to consider that there are only some isolated incidents of this nature. 

DUMUZI gave us some powerful information about these practices, telling us that they rife the world over, and are related to all types of mining operations. This sort of cruelty in the name of the protection of property must stop, immediately. We need to re-look at what ownership really amounts to in terms of Earth’s mineral resources and ask ourselves how it is that we have lost our way to such a significant extent that we tolerate any of this. 

No matter whether they emerge as youth riots, uprisings against dictators, political agitations, information leaks, anti-whaling protests or anything of a similar nature, as we see outbursts of anger the world over we consider what it is that we need to do personally to shift the collective consciousness of humanity, from the personal perspective. 

Each one of us can do the simple exercise of clearing out any unsupportive thoughts, feelings and behaviours from our own lives. In so doing, we create a positive raised resonance knock-on effect throughout the whole system of human consciousness. This exposes us all to a wash of energy which is of a higher frequency nature than anything that has been available to us previously. This new energy impacts each one of us, from deep within, and it changes us at the level of our DNA. 

With this higher state of energy in place, consciousness shifts more easily and people less readily tolerate what has been a blind state of victim consciousness that has enslaved them to the systems of others for so long. New Light shining on the situations of humanity means that perpetrators are more likely to re-think their behaviour than they would otherwise have been. 

With just the smallest , thought, feeling or action of change from within us, we begin to see the way ahead, clear and shining with Light. This is how we birth the Golden Age on Earth.

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Evolution Means Becoming Who We Really Are

Knowing that all physical life forms in the Universe were created for the purpose of furthering the experiences of the state of being of the GODHEAD, we might consider the manner in which we live our lives. In order to do this, it helps to know a little more about the basic origin of physical life forms.


The consciousness we call Divine, or Source, exists in a state of non-material Bliss. We would know this state of consciousness as forms of Colour, Sound and Light. Source Consciousness – which speaks to us as AN - extended Its Divine Sound outwards in order to develop another type of experience for consciousness. This Sound projection is responsible for the creation of material life forms.


The first generation of physical beings which emanated out from the GODHEAD in this manner were tasked with furthering physical life on the various planets. This has happened for all time, and we have no way of truly understanding just how old life forms are, as we cannot conceptual what is referred to as the No Time of the GODHEAD and of the Universes.


One of the most powerful Light Beings who is a first generation emanation from the GODHEAD is SAN AT AN. This Being is also referred to as SANAT KUMARA. Another first generation God Being was known as ANU on Nibiru, and as AMUN RA on Earth. Other God Beings emanated out from these Light Being in ways we would refer to as cloning brothers or sisters.


The great Light Being who speaks to us as SAN AT AN, was originally tasked with the development of life on the planet Venus. It was from this place of physical existence that various other planets were populated and worked upon, by the Beings of the GODHEAD Light. Among these planets were ancient Tiamat (a remainder of which is now called Earth), Nibiru and Mars.


Physical life forms are always created life forms, and the style of that life form is determined both by the available planetary building blocks, such as Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen on Earth, and by consciousness. Consciousness of a physical life form will determine the physical life experience of reality, or what we refer to as the dimensional experience of existence.


No matter what type of physical life form a planet can support, once in manifest existence those life forms become responsible for their own progress. This occurs regardless of the fact that all life was originally created as Divine physical life forms by the Light Beings of the GODHEAD. It is for this reason of Free Will that souls choose to have when they come into existence, that there are now varying degrees of Light in the physical dimensions of reality. The ability to choose means that all possibilities exist.


All beings, including human beings, choose how to live their lives. Consequently, we note the life experiences of the Arcturiuns is a particularly pleasant dimensional experience, because they live the Oneness of 8th dimensional reality. The Martians devolved their dimensional experience to the point of the 3rd dimension and destroyed their planet in the process. Earthlings, as you and I, are in the process of advancing our consciousness to an Ascended state in the 5th dimension of reality.


We were certainly supposed to know all about this, because the awareness of who we, where we come from, and what we are doing was part of our original creation, as a life form. It was, therefore, supposed to be up to each one of us to make life choices to continue to live under the auspices of Light. However, this has not always been the case on Earth.


It will always be the case that any form of physical existence on a planet brings with it all potentials of existence, including the possibility of lowering the dimensional experience. This became the case with ENLIL, when he chose to fall from his Archangelic Light and interfere in the Hu-man creation of the other God Beings on Earth. With the ill-considered actions of a single individual we, as the human species, lost our conscious connection to the Light and have stumbled around in the dark for many long centuries.


Now, however, as the outer planetary alignments shift and change once more, we are in the most auspicious time of our development on Earth. We have the stellar opportunity to utilise the high frequency energy which is beaming towards Earth at this time. Situated all over the globe, the Light Portals receive this outer-planetary high frequency Light energy and channel it into the Earth. All who live upon her are influenced by this resonance raising energy.


Even ENLIL’S redemption into the Light at this time has been stimulated by the outer-planetary alignments. In turn, ENLIL’S rapidly developing Light no longer shores up the darkness of old, and people are forced to face the fact that they have to make a choice to shift into greater states of Light, or continue on another long cycle of time on the Wheel of Karma.


We, as individuals, can choose to utilise this raised energy of the Earth to raise our own resonance towards higher states of Light. In so doing, we re-activate our long-dormant DNA and awaken our consciousness. With this we recover our understanding of who we are and what we are doing on Earth.


As our DNA re-activates we remember everything and we resonate with the truth that we hear and see around us. With this we reject anything of a low resonance nature and simply pay no attention to it. Our thoughts, feelings and behaviours develop so as to be in line with this. Thus, we are stimulated to clear and release our past low energy experiences, and strive to work from the heart. The more we do this, the more we become heart centred and live that reality.


From a heart-centred human perspective we change our life experiences in leaps and bounds. This state of consciousness then becomes the consciousness of the collective and all human experience on Earth resonates with a higher dimension of reality, because higher dimensions operate from the basis of love. It is this which creates the Golden Age on Earth, which is the shifted dimensional experience.

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EARTH: Property of the GODHEAD

"...... Earth is the consciousness and the property of the Godhead."


channelled by Jacqui Gilbert

Reading this short quote from the ancient Being known as DUMUZI, we are given more than just these words to consider. We have heard so many times, from the Light Beings of the GODHEAD, that Earth is so much more important than we could imagine. In addition to this, the work we do on ourselves - individually and as a collective consciousness - has such far reaching consequences that it impacts way beyond Earth.

DUMUZI is the beloved of INANNA, who gave up his GOD BEING state and took on physicality. He did this in order to support humanity to find their way back to the Light and out of the lowered dimensional experience of reality. As such, he has been a valuable wayfarer for all of us, waiting until this time of humanity's awakening consciousness to begin communicating with us again. Without his sacrifice we might have remained in a difficult state of blinded consciousness for far longer than we have done already.

By meditating on Dumuzi's quote we begin to glean the depths of what he has said to us. Some of this is as follows:

  • Nobody owns Earth.
  • Nobody owns the resources of Earth.
  • Collectively, as creations of the GODHEAD ourselves, we may participate and partake of the riches of Earth.

In discussion on this topic, DUMUZI commented that, while it is perfectly acceptable to own a patch of land upon the Earth, it is not reasonable to suggest that the riches within the Earth belong to any one country, or any one person. Earth's resources are for the use of all the Beings of the GODHEAD and their creations. It was never intended that any one person, or corporation, or nation, enrich themselves at the expense of any others by mining or otherwise extracting the riches from the Earth.

If we had to bear this in mind, these simple facts would make nonsense of the so-called reasons for war on our planet.

Were all of humanity to act as ONE, in the collective, we would happily spread the riches around. We would do this in order to advance the whole species which is human, alive on Earth now and forevermore. By holding onto the riches of the Earth, we simply perpetuate the concept of separation and all the greed and power control issues which go along with it. Behaviours of this nature are not tenable if we want to birth the Golden Age on Earth, and live in Bliss.

Let us reclaim our birthright as creations - Hu-man - creations of the GODHEAD, and live together in peace, love and harmony. ONENESS is the only way forward.

With this in mind, we easily see others around us in peace, and forgive them because they are not only our friends, but part of ourselves. From this we develop volumes of love within our hearts and easily love ourselves as we love others. Unconditional love is a short step from this, as is the Ascended state of living in a higher dimension of reality.

So, in conclusion, let each one of us visualise people all over the world smiling at each other with joy, love and tolerance in their hearts. Let us see the global 'V' symbol of peace being waved around, and hearts glowing with the Light of love. Most especially, let us all concentrate these visuals on the people and the leaders of Middle East at this time, so that we may tilt the delicately balanced energy of that area in the direction of Light and love. Let us all participate in manifesting the world we want, with love. Let us do this immediately and each day onwards, until we create what we want. And, after that, we simply create more!

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Emotions, Resonance and Living Ascension

Ideas about the lofty heights of Ascension are bandied around fairly easily in the various literature, blogs, seminars and websites. However, as much as we might know that humanity and Earth are moving forwards at a rapid rate and developing an awakened state of consciousness, many of our human issues still remain to plague us. The balancing act, therefore, revolves around managing the human emotional state and the ability to continue to work our way upwards in consciousness. Negative emotions, such as anger or fear, are defined as being fallen states, and so the existence of a negative emotion is clearly contrary to the Ascension process.

Understanding that Ascension means that we live our lives at the higher level – or heart-centred – of functioning, supports us to find tools to work out how to deal with negative emotions when they arise. This is important, because it is the lower types of emotion which create a lowered resonance state within us. Anything which is of a low resonance is, by definition, contrary to the raised resonance state of Ascension.

Ascension is defined as a shift into an alternative, higher and/or more expanded state of reality. When in this state of consciousness all of our abilities are enhanced. It is because of this that we become perceptually more competent so as to be referred to as psychic, and easily relate to each other telepathically. Ascension amounts to a dimensional shift, which we are able to do at this time while remaining physically alive on the planet. The big deal about the end of this Great Cycle of Time that is coming to an end on 21 December 2012, and which is detailed by the Mayan Calendar, is that we have the stellar opportunity to shift consciousness to such an significant extent that our experience of reality literally changes.

Achieving a dimension shift while alive on Earth, or Living in Ascension, is essentially related to raising our resonance. The ways that different people choose to do this are many and varied, but always revolve around a few essentials:

  • Healing ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally to release whatever no longer serves us on our pathway forwards.
  • Re-programming ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally so as to ensure we consciously decide what we want and how we feel and react.

Without the two aforementioned aspects of growth, we are unlikely to make the rapid progress that is required at this time in order to resonate with a higher dimension of reality, in Ascension. If we do choose to go through what are often the arduous processes of detoxification - which involve acknowledging our issues, feeling them and then releasing them - we progress in the following ways:

  • The ability to forgive the self and others. It is impossible to forgive any other person until such time as we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of self love. It is impossible to love the self until we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of unconditional love for all in existence. This is a natural extension from forgiveness and self love.

In conjunction with these processes which help us to develop the ability for unconditional love, any positive shift within will create a shift in resonance, and this is what affects our DNA. Human beings all have dormant DNA. Although these parts of the DNA was de-activated so long ago, it still has the capacity to respond to the higher frequency vibrations which are responsible for raising resonance. Therefore, we re-activate our DNA by raising our resonance. Re-activated DNA results in an expanded, awakened and shifted state of consciousness.

Each and every single one of us is able to progressively enLighten ourselves and move towards the ultimate state of the expansion of consciousness, which is Omnipresence. Although we can certainly acknowledge that most people are a fairly long way off from being All-aware of All That Is, we are nevertheless genetically engineered to be able to be in this state, because Divinity resides within our DNA. Omnipresence is the consciousness of Bliss which is called Oneness. The most natural of all human drives supports progression is in this direction of expansion, and this is the reason why so many people seek the truth, yearn for meaning as to their Soul Purpose, and choose to develop themselves spiritually. We hanker after that which we know we lack, and that is the feeling and the experience of the state of Oneness.

With this in mind, we consider that the processes which are involved in continuously working on ourselves make perfect sense, because it is only by clearing and releasing our issues that we are able to find the peace, forgiveness and love within ourselves that enable us to live in Ascension. In turn, clearing and releasing our issues reduces the chances of falling into the low energy fields of negative emotional states. After working extensively on ourselves so as to raise our resonance, it becomes eminently easier to recover our position should we fall into feeling negative emotions, and/or acting out the associated behaviours. This is very different to what happens when living the reality experiences of a lower resonance. In lower dimensional states we tend to get stuck in the issues which are governed by emotions, and endlessly justify our behaviour in terms of the way other situations or people ‘make’ us feel.

We cannot ignore the fact that we, as human beings, remain susceptible to all sorts of emotions, regardless of our state of consciousness. However, when in a raised state of resonance we recover from them far quicker and, with continued practice, we may even avoid slipping into them for longer than a split instant. It is important to bear in mind that we cannot develop raised resonance, which is necessary prerequisite for the heart-centred Ascension experience of reality, if we continue to either suppress our issues or allow them to persist within us. Therefore, healing of all kinds should be attended to with the utmost urgency, if we want to continue to live on Earth in the future, in a higher dimension of reality.

Knowing that raising resonance is the key progress into the new and more pleasant realities of alternative dimensions, we more readily accept the fact that we are individually responsible for birthing the Golden Age on Earth, simply by doing whatever it takes to raise our resonance.

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There is a lot of activity on this site and similar ones, relating to many questions and interest about spirituality. I include here an excerpt from Book One: The Upliftment of Consciousness, in order to help clarify what we are all doing on this side of the globe. Perhaps it will ring true for more people than just me. This wisdom is from a discussion which is linked to recorded communications from the Light Being Osiris (who is channelled by Jacqui Gilbert).

“Many people search on the fringes of conventional belief systems in order to expand their spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Behind this seeking is always the desire for a stronger and more direct route to what we call God, or Divine Source. Generally, this book refers to Divine Source, or God, as the state of Being of the consciousness of the Godhead, the collective state of Bliss, or the state of Oneness. Whatever this God-being or God-state is understood or named as by different cultures, religions or peoples, the search for Bliss by each individual amounts to the same thing: we are all seeking enLightenment which amounts to the re-integration with Oneness within that Bliss-state we call Heaven, or Nirvana.

One way or another, we hunt not just for more meaning in our own personal lives, but for the meaning of life here on Earth – individually and as the collective group of humanity. There is a reason for this life and that meaning has been written about, preached about, set forth and hinted at, ever since man has been on Earth. Since time immemorial, governments and social institutions on Earth that offer spiritual teachings have gone to war to ensure that the power base of their own theories and structures are upheld.

The main aim behind these ideological-based wars is to control humanity. In this manner more and more believers have been hustled into the fold and riches gathered to maintain the system. Divine Truth and the pursuit of the genuine spirituality of the Universe have frequently fallen by the wayside in the process. Ideological-based wars are neither a dead practice of the ancients, nor a mythical fantasy story of by-gone eras. Rather, they are as current as our modern lives.

All the wars on Earth which are currently being fought have been brought about various fanatics. These actions amount to intolerance and result in people being killed in the name of God. Any disagreement, including modern war, which is based on the idea of upholding or imposing a belief system may be regarded as religious in one way or another. This is the antithesis of what religion professes to be about: God. This is the case, no matter how disagreements or war are presented in the media, nor which government is involved.

Clearly, the stakes of war are high and it is essential to those in power that they protect their ideology at all costs, even if it is based on false pretexts. Human beings pay the price both physically and spiritually on a massive, global scale for the power pursuits of their leaders. Nevertheless, no matter which story of religion, government or industry we subscribe to, the fact that there are those who are still searching for truth, meaning and enLightenment is a clear indication that we have paid dearly for our lifestyle.

We have sacrificed truth and knowledge within ourselves for other external, man-made and blind-faith based belief systems. Until we acknowledge that we have effectively been stripped of our personal power as individuals, we will continue to struggle to fully grasp the significance of life – globally and Universally. It is this meaning which, once known, could truly satisfy us deep within the inner reaches of our being. Until then we are destined to continue to tread the path of seemingly endless incarnations on Earth, leading lives of varying degrees of difficulty in the process and using each other to try and work our way through the chaos.

This is in direct contrast to what was intended for us from the beginning of Creation. We are supposed to be seeking ever-advancing, further enLightenment within a state of far greater Illumination than the state we are currently in. Unfortunately, events in our long-past history on Earth changed humanity’s direction on the pathway of enLightenment and we have to find the right direction in order to go forwards again. We find our way on this pathway of truth both by understanding the past and by learning how to negotiate our daily lives from a different perspective. We are assisted by the Light Beings to go in the direction of the Godhead on the pathway of enLightenment, by virtue of the expanding wisdom and knowledge base of all human beings – in a state of unconditional love.”

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We hear a lot about the concept of ascension at this time, and although many people know exactly what this means, it sometimes helps to read a bit more about it. It has disturbed me to hear a couple of people doubting that this potential for human ascension exists at this time. Osiris is the ancient teacher of ascension, and he communicates his teachings via Jacqui Gilbert. These communications form the basis of some published books, along with discussions. So, here is some discussed information from Book One: The Upliftment of Consciousness, for anybody who is interested:

"Currently, because the bulk of both humanity and the Earth have made progress from the lowly levels of the 3rd dimension, we are resident in the 4th dimension of pure physicality. Nevertheless, we still feel separated from the Godhead, because living in the 4th dimension means that the divide between the physical dimensions and the spiritual, 5th dimension is still so vast that we feel our connection to the unconditional love of the Godhead is severed.

Experiencing the physical, overly dominant 3rd or 4th dimension consciousness as we do, our lives remain distinctly spiritually unbalanced. Shifting our physical lifetime experiences higher into the spiritualised physical reality state of the 5th dimension is the challenge of living ascension. Generally, the unconscious desire of the soul presence within humanity is to reconnect to the state of being of the Godhead and to communicate within the higher dimensions properly again. But, not many people want to die in the process in order to do this. To this end we seek physical and spiritual balance in our lives and call it the search for meaning. Until we find out how to achieve this state of spiritualised physicality in our human lifetimes we will continue to go around and around on the revolving wheel of reincarnation, or Wheel of Karma, as the Light Beings call it, interminably discontented.

As physical human beings, we need to, once again, learn to resonate with the higher frequency states of Bliss. We call this new, balanced, blended experience of life in which neither physicality nor spirituality is sacrificed, living ascension. The living ascension process is the natural result of increased resonance and expanded awareness, and this awareness is a consequence of the upliftment of consciousness.

The reason that our dissatisfaction is virtually guaranteed in any purely physical dimension is very simple: we are looking for both meaning and how to reconnect and communicate with the consciousness of the Godhead predominantly in the wrong place. This is because we are disconnected from Divine Truth. Firstly, we are looking for answers 'out there' in the external world of our lives and secondly, we have been grossly misinformed for centuries by those power mongers who want to maintain their material power base on Earth. As a result of this toxic combination we have drunk many a putrid cup of concocted 'wisdom' and 'knowledge' and swallowed many a bitter pill of pain and suffering. The net result is that we have achieved passage to lifetime after lifetime of seemingly worthless lives along the reincarnation pathway on Earth."

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Owning Your Light = Peace Within

We heard some wise words from Osiris (through channel Jacqui Gilbert) relating to living our truth, owning our Light within and knowing the self. If we consider that the our primary objective, as a soul incarnate on Earth as a human being, is to live in accordance with our Soul Intent, we can acknowledge that this amounts to bringing the Divine Light of our Origins into our present lifetime. By doing this we automatically raise our resonance to the state of Divinity. With this comes tolerance, compassion, unconditional love andthe peace which are the prerequisites for being able to experience the reality of the Golden Age of Bliss on Earth.

Although we are all still learning these skills of raised consciousness, we begin with the intent to learn them. Once this intent is set – and it is always better to write intentions down so as to begin the manifestation process in earnest – we are able to start the process of living the Light. Even if we only manage to feel a raised resonance state of consciousness for one split instant at a time, this is sufficient to raise our overall resonance. Energy boosts of this nature exponentially improve our Light-holding capacity.

When living from the perspective our Divinity we would no more hurt anything or anybody else, or be angry with another, than we would hurt or be angry with ourselves. Our purpose, as Souls, is to experience the joy and abundance of physical life on Earth and, when our Light within encompasses our being it shines out from our hearts and illuminates all within existence. This state of consciousness is the state of Oneness. This state of Bliss is Omnipresence.

Omnipresence amounts to being in the all-knowing state. This includes living with, and accessing, our fully developed psychic abilities. This enables us with the ability to bring the entirety of the past, the present and the future into the non-linear experience of No-time. This is where all within existence is accessible by the self.

This apparently far-off state of beings begins with the simple fact of knowing the self in its entirety. We work our way towards this by:

1. Knowing where we come from, as Souls.

2. Knowing who we are, as Souls.

3. Knowing the full extent of the truth, including the correct and most basic history of Earth and our own human past.

Although reading the appropriate books, attending courses and pursuits of a similar nature are highly beneficial in finding our pathway forwards, we are all able to find the truth within the depths of the self. Once we do this, we can go beyond the limitations of the present dimension of existence and bring the Light of Divinity forward to ourselves. We do this from an altered state of consciousness, such as through the state of stillness while in meditation.

Once we own the truth and the Light, we are able to live this truth, from the basis of the Light within. The most important thing for us to do at this time on Earth is to not only work on ourselves and expand our knowledge, but to apply all that we have learnt and LIVE it. How do we know when we own our Light? We have peace within.

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It is my pleasure to take a moment with each of you and share some thoughts of expression.  I Am the Great Divine Director.  I have been asked to speak today about the deepness of creation that is being accessed in this specific timeline of 2012.
Many of you have worked with me in many timelines through eons and eons of the Cosmic levels.  I have assisted the many along with other members of the Karmic Board to move through the karmic debris that has kept many souls stuck in their thoughts and life paths in the many lifetimes they have created.  My message today is not about specifics of what you have done and how you can change your pathway, but truly allowing the essence of whom you are to shine through your physical existence.
We are at a very important juncture of time as the frequencies of Light are becoming stronger and the elements of darkness are fully dissipating as there can be no other way.  We, as the full spectrum of Creation, are now coming into balance with the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  This causes old elements to be fully regenerated into the stages of growth that each individual as a Soul’s Essence has fully commanded to occur in the human form.  Each of us on the Innerplane levels are also experiencing these moments of change in our frequencies.  This is why I have been asked to share some thoughts to you in these moments of transformation.
Yes, transformation is the word I want to express.  Let us take a look back and see how far we have come as a unit of expression.  If you take each of us and each of you as we were in the beginning of time as one nucleus of Light within the Source that We Are and see each of those cells being expressed in their individuality, then you have each of us together.  You see, those of us on the Innerplane levels and the Spiritual Hierarchy do not see any of you any different than us.  Some of us came into mastership in our bodies eons ago and took that role into the expression that we are now.  But that does not make you any less or better than any of us.  We are the same, you know.  And that excites each of us deeply.
You have come to a time in which you are fully ready to accept this role into your physical world.  You have traveled far and wide to receive the expression that your Soul wants to share within you and around you.  As a spokes-being of the Karmic Board, I say to you, “LET IT ALL GO”.  It is time to fully see Who you Truly ARE and not what society says you should be.  You have awakened unto yourself and now is the time of your REBIRTH.
This Wesak is going to be a moment in time like none-other.  The frequency of light coming down from the Source of Creation has deemed it to be the Golden Year for not only Earth but all of creation.  It is very important that each of you fully express within yourself the highest frequency that your body can handle.  It is time to call upon the expression of your Higher Mind through your Soul’s Essence and say, “Show me the way of my eternal Being of Light ~ I Am ready to walk the pathway that you have deemed appropriate for me.”  As you do this, the outpouring of Light will run through you and into Gaia’s Heart of Creation.  It will move through the frequencies of the Earth to every living Being of Creation.  This is turn will flow into the lands and the seas as there will be a vibrational frequency that will settle into every living cell and organism upon this planet.
That is just the beginning.  As you do this, your karma is being transcended.  There has been a special dispensation written from the Source of Light into the Divine Mother and Father God that every individual that truly accepts this frequency into their physical existence for this Wesak through prayer and joining of other like-minded souls that their karmic debts that have not been rectified will be transcended by the Light of the All.  This means that any doorways that have still be open from karmic elements that you have not fully transcended will be transformed by the Light of the Violet Flame as it moves into the Golden Flame of the Christ Within.
This dispensation has been granted to every living being upon Planet Earth which will then be directed into all inter-planetary existence in your Universe and all Universes as we will be able to fully accelerate our existence through the 144 levels of dimensions as never before acquired in the history of our Creation.  Now I ask of you not to figure how this is going to be done through your lower mind but to accept your Higher Mind and surrender into these moments of creation.  It is an event like none other and will set the course of history in a completely different paradigm than ever before.
I say these words with the deepness of my Heart as we all walk together.  My role will be changing with each of you and within me.  Oh, we will still have the Karmic Board for those souls that will not be ready to stand within this Light at this time.  That is also part of creation.  I ask each of you to accept this role as it will transcend all time and space known as Planet Earth as we move into the higher realms of Creation.
It is very exciting and enthralling for not only me but all of the Spiritual Masters to stand with each of you as we walk together hand-in-hand unto the New Earth.  This is our birthing together, and I am deeply honored to share these words and energies into each of your Beings.  Congratulations for the hard work that you have done.  You deserve it deeply.
In the Creation of Oneness That We Are,
I AM the Great Divine Director At Your Service.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Vibratory Master of the New Earth

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5D Body High Vibration Protection Protocols 

Worldwide Tele-Class on how to use High Vibration Protection as we transition from 3rd to 5th dimensionality 

This is a package deal of several downloads that includes the Class Participation and Handout. Additionally, we are providing four (4) high vibrational meditations that will assist an individual to fully incorporate the techniques we discussed. 

COST: Download class MP3, handout and the MP3 meditations - $37.88 via PayPal 



Many Lightworkers, Starseeds and others of the Light, often say “thinking about the need for protection is silly and only serves to generate and experience more fear, after all, we are here to be in love and light, so that is what I focus on”. 

Let us be clear about our beliefs on this subject: 

We uphold and totally applaud all those who are into the “Love and the Light” and greatly honor your focusing on it. The Sun sets everyday however, and this is a reminder that you still live in a 3rd DIMENSIONAL WORLD of both DARK and LIGHT. As such, just as you need a roof over your head for better comfort in areas of harsher outdoor environments, you do need to diligently practice and be aware of what protects YOUR LIGHT. 

2012 is a VERY TRANSITIONAL and IMPORTANT year for all those of the DARK because it represents the OFFICIAL MASS CONSCIOUSNESS BEGINNING of the GOLDEN AGE of PLANET EARTH. If they can get you to ignore or resist that REALITY, then they can extend their foothold on humanity longer. THEY are very active in keeping this fact on the back burner and/or sidelining it from mass consciousness. When it does emerge, they ALSO want to make sure it is stated in context of THEIR ideas of it, not what is TRUE and VALID. 

THE DARK IS VERY ACTIVE IN ATTEMPTING TO CURTAIL ANYONE WHO HOLDS HIGHER LIGHT ENERGIES. And that includes is ALL Lightworkes, Starseeds, Wayshowers, Indigo and Crystals. 

Let us be clear as well: 

Yes, life in a 3rd Dimensional Reality is difficult, and if your life is not “all roses”, you may feel “that is just life…nothing or no one is doing that to me”…. We say to you – If you are a being of the light, at this POINT IN OUR COLLECTIVE TIMELINE…YOUR LIFE SHOULD BE IMPROVING due to the increased levels of light on the planet. If you have not seen any clear shifts over the past 3 to 4 months toward improvement, you ARE being dragged down or held back and would do well to BECOME AWARE THAT YOU CAN DO MORE TO ASSIST YOURSELF. (And If you have seen improvements, you could also still benefit greatly from this class).

So…here is a great way to know if you are being affected by LOWER VIBRATIONAL ENERGIES: 

1. You are often tired or keep getting ill. 

2. Your plans and projects for improving your life often get distracted or put off. 

3. Even when it seems you are doing well, you don’t feel you are. 

4. You often have thoughts of irritation, frustration and annoyance. 

5. Your life is not flowing as smoothly as you feel it should given your circumstances. 

6. You actively experience dark thinking and happenings. 



  • We will give an intro and overview of our personal path and how we have experienced these energies. 
  • We will introduce the Highest Frequency Vibration Tools available at this time for you to be in Full Protection and Awareness. 
  • We will introduce the SPIRITUAL HIERARCHIES that now can assist more fully in your support and the NEW ROLE we now play in asking for such assistance. 
  • There will also be an informational channel from MASTER THOTH, the original creator of the Third Dimensional Construct Reality we experience 
  • You will gain access to the top 3 most powerful HIGH FREQUENCY MEDITATIONS from our Library. These can be used every day (recommended). 

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden 
Keepers of the Shamanic Medicine and Vibratory Masters & Mentors of the New Earth, Terra Christa

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a post from Marlene Marion:

also check:

with a lot of information on the heart/emotional physiology/heart-brain interaction/intuition/emotional energetics

According to the Heartmath Institute the heart has neurons like the brain, see pictures below


thanks go to Luis Angel Diaz of Cellular Memory on his ning for this information


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