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Vibration (2)


It is Love's movement that is Light and becomes what we name consciousness. But it is the experience of Love that co-creates and then informs the consciousness, not the other way around. You already know that life is a dance of energy. In truth, it is one blossom of life, one movement, one explosion of Love and its accordance in the vibrational field -- the response of the particles of Light to the movement of the waves of Love. All is happening in an instant.

                                                               -Circle of

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There is a flood of information pouring in about our collective paths and how we can move from 4th dimension (lower) to 5th dimension (higher) energy. Consciously or not we are trying to move into higher and higher energies. Energies such as love, joy, happiness, unity, and creation are all examples of that higher vibration. They quite literally have a higher resonance, a higher vibration.


Various Master Teachers like Buddha, the Dalai Lama, the core teachings of Jesus – heck, even Oprah – have been speaking about this for a long time; the importance of centering yourself in love, joy and peace. You know when you’ve had a great day you feel light, you glow, you radiate — all terms & feelings associated with this vibration. You literally ARE lighter vibrationally.


Low vibration is that heaviness we feel in our hearts and stomachs (and sometimes head) – sadness, despair, grief, frustration, anger, victim, regret, and so on. It quite literally “gets you down”. In esoteric terms, this is 4th dimension energy/vibration. 


[Quick Note: While I received this information as 4th vs 5th dimensions, I have since seen other people make this comparison as 3rd dimension vs 4th dimension, instead of 4th vs 5th. I believe it to be the same, or at least the concept is the same and the key point remains that there is a desire to move from a lower frequency to higher frequency. ]


There is a lot of information you can Google online, but part of the massive Earth changes occurring right now are about waking up and moving from the heavier dimension energies into the higher dimension vibrations. These higher vibrations move us into an awakened state of pure love and pure Creation. During this change, all sorts of chaos ensues as people struggle to let go of lower vibration energies (power, control, abuse, ego, victim, fear, etc) and consciously move into higher vibration energies (love, unity, service, manifestation, etc). Power structures built on these lower vibrations, like we’ve been doing for centuries, are falling into chaos as they’re quite literally not structured to work within this higher vibration. If you’re not awake to it, it’s a roller coaster of a ride.


 So how does this apply day-to-day?


 Looking through Facebook I realized that when I post a petition or some other sad news about mistreatment of animals, human rights issues, crazy politics, or mass pollution of Earth, I find myself getting sad, mad, or frustrated. Usually the responses I get from people are the same – disgusted, disheartened, angry, and sad. 


 What I was shown so clearly is that this only furthers our cycle of staying in the Lower Vibrations. It’s actually hurting, not helping, our collective evolution when we stay in the fear or sadness or anger.

As a planet and as part of the shifts towards 2012 – Ascension – the goal is to increase both our own personal and our planet’s vibration. That is what it’s trying to do right now: move into 5th dimension energy and the higher resonance of love and unity consciousness. Why? So we can move into our being as pure Creation, where our ability to manifest becomes potent and we can dream the new world into being as one based on higher vibration principles of love and unity.If you held the power of pure creation (potent manifestation) – where your thoughts and feelings truly came to be – what type of world would you be creating when your thoughts constantly revolved around fear, sadness, wounding, and frustration? That’s certainly not how I want my new world to be.


So should you just walk around happy all the time and blissfully ignorant of all the chaos and sadness in the world? Well in a word: YES.


But let me explain:We tend to have guilt (also low vibration) if we don’t get sad or frustrated around world news. Our culture has shaped us into auto-responses of fear and sadness. When was the last time you turned on the news and stayed happy? I remember when I told a friend I didn’t have a TV and they said “but you won’t know what’s going on in the world!”. I remember thinking “Good! I can be happy then!”. 


That does not mean ignoring what’s going on in the world, but it’s about holding a different energy for what is occurring.


Should you be conscious of the massive imbalances humanity has and is causing Earth? YES.

Should you educate yourself on these imbalances and what’s being done? YES

Should you donate your money/help/energy to causes you believe in? ABSOLUTELY.

Should you see a post, email or news piece and fall into frustration or sadness? NO.

Should you hold anger or judgement as a means to take action? NO.


 In your day-to-day life it’s important to focus on the BIGGER VISION for Earth, coming from a place of high vibration – love, compassion, and what’s POSSIBLE for your life, and for Earth. If what’s possible fo Earth is too big to hold for you right now, that’s ok. Just start with your own life. But don’t get stuck in anger, sadness or fear of what’s currently taking place. Staying focused on the abuses and madness of humankind (or within your own life) only keeps you stuck in lower vibration, and works against what’s trying to happen right now on the planet: raising the vibration. As a result it will throw you even more out-of-whack when you hold on to the lower energy. Essentially, the tug of war gets worse (as an example just take a look at American politics, or other countries with political upheaval, and see how polarizing the tug of war is becoming).


So how do you move into 5th vibration?


Step 1: DON’T feel guilty if you don’t respond or react to every trauma occurring in the world that gets emailed to you or that you see on TV. There are hundreds of thousands of causes, each worthy, but this is increasing in nature as entire systems and ways of being collapse. Same with your own life, you don’t have to engage in every drama but rather see it from an outside perspective of shadows coming up to heal and be raised to a higher vibration.


Step 2: DO support causes you believe in, but in your HEART move the anger or sadness you may feel for the situation in to a place of love, compassion, and vision for what you DO want. Don’t stay focused on what’s WRONG, focus on what’s POSSIBLE, even if it seems remote and out-of-reach right now.


Step 3: Stay focused on the VISION of what you are choosing. Animals being hurt? Hold a vision for animals always being honored and loved and send that out to the world / Universe / God / Goddess (in whichever manner you choose). Politics getting you down? Hold a vision for harmony between belief systems and send that out from your heart. A co-worker making you mad? Hold a vision for your boundaries always being honored, and for harmony within both of your lives. Say a prayer, light a candle, or even easier — quietly go into your Heart space and anchor the NEW vision, then send it out like a big ray encompassing the world. Quick, simple and immensely powerful as a vibration that is absolutely joining others doing the same. 


(If you really want to know more about the power of intent and thought, Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work on water and prayer is but one great example).I made a commitment to not lower myself into lower vibrations anytime I post a “oh my god look what they’re doing!?” petition or article. If I do share a cause I believe in, I commit to always back it up with a prayer for love and light and compassion for the change to occur at the highest levels of vibration. I commit to balancing the news with what my VISION is for a better future.  That is, the 5th dimension energy I wish to associate with what is currently happening in order to raise it from the lower 4th vibration it’s being held in. Which one will you choose?


 In love & light… and a vision of a beautiful world filled with love, compassion, harmony, and united consciousness



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