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Archangeloi of the Elohim ~ via Karen Doonan

Archangeloi of the Elohim ~ via Karen Doonan
Posted: 03 Aug 2013 10:45 PM PDT


Beloved ones we come to guide and to support as you now begin to manifest in TRUTH and allow for the lower dimensional frequencies that have hidden deep within your BEing to be revealed in order to dissolve them fully. The movement of many of you now into the spaces in which you are able to FEEL and to heal to greater and greater depths is NOW. We guide for ALL to understand that the world is now a different vibrational frequency and that ALL has changed from the cellular level of your BEing outwards. No longer constrained by the old earth frequences, the human race is now able to move into place and join its brothers and sisters in the LIGHT of TRUTH in the UNIVERSE of 3.

We are here to explain in human terms that which is now unfolding across and within planet earth at this time, for there are a great many changes that will now unfold at human level within human society as a result of the increase in frequency and expansion of said frequency of mother earth in the UNIVERSE of 3. Expansion is the key to this process, we ask for you to allow for expansion in all areas and all aspects of this your very human life experience in the NOW. Expansion was the frequency that you were prevented from fully accessing under the old earth, this was done deliberately to keep you linked into the old earth and all its creations, for the creations of the old earth were a direct result of the vibrational space in which mother earth was kept by those who sought to contain and suppress her energy signature.

In many aspects the human race and all that they have endured is a direct result of the plundering of mother earth and her frequencies and not the other way around. Again the 3d earth trying to teach that the planet you have incarnated into and upon is a reflection of humanity, the smoke and mirrors trying to teach that you harm your mother directly when in TRUTH the harm to mother earth was always the goal. Those who sought to contain and suppress using the energy signatures of mother earth's children to further the lowering of mother earth herself. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones, do you see how the smoke and the mirrors work to convince you that YOU are the perpetrator against your mother when in TRUTH ALL are the result of the vibrational space in which planet earth was KEPT.

Now that the lower dimensional frequencies are dissolving and the LOVE that IS begins to anchor within and around planet earth then mother earth can find her balance and she can begin her expansion in TRUTH. We guide for you to connect to mother earth frequently for she is finding balance at all times, her energy signature fluctuating and moving until she regains her balance and can begin the process of expansion. Expansion is the creation of the LOVE that IS in TRUTH merged with the ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH. The expansion process one of bliss, harmony, creativity and LOVE. For many of you this may be a time of tentative steps where you try out the ground beneath your feet. Much like spending most of your time on quick sand and having to be careful where you step, now many of you are realising how solid the ground is beneath your feet. From this realisation comes the confidence that has been stripped from your BEing. The confidence to allow the manifestation of your dreams, for that is why you came to this planet in this form, to dream your dreams into reality in your human form. This has never been achieved before as mother earth did not sit within the UNIVERSE of 3 and the expansion that is asked by your SOUL was not available.

ALL knew that this moment would occur for this moment was always to occur and hence you incarnated into this dimensional timeline in order to birth the dreams that sit within the heart space. We call out to ALL at this time and ask that you begin to focus once more on these dreams. For many of you the old earth may have tried to convince you that the dreams were outwith your reach, we are here to guide you that this is but the smoke and the mirrors of a dying frequency. Dreams are ignited when you pour the LOVE that IS through and within the heart space, the dream being placed within the heart prior to incarnation in order to protect the dream. For ALL were aware that the heart space was the only vibrational space that the old earth frequencies could not penetrate under the old earth energy signature. Here your dreams have been kept safe and nurtured, all the while nudging you and helping you to remember who you are in TRUTH.

NOW is the time to dust down these dreams and to pour life through them, the new earth now in a vibrational space that allows for the rapid manifestation of the dream in TRUTH. Each step that you now take is allowing for your expansion and we walk with you as you now remember how to walk and to play in the energies of the planet earth. ALL refer to you as "children" of mother earth for a reason beloved ones and we are here to help you remember the childlike qualities that will allow for rapid expansion at this time. Many of you have never had a "childhood" in the very human form that you take now upon this planet. The old earth teaching that to be "childlike" was to be ignorant of the ways of the world. Again the teachings springing forth to try to convince you that life on this planet is harsh and has to be endured. Beloved ones why would you incarnate into a form to "endure" when the very fabric of the universe is LOVE and the manifestation of dreams comes from the frequency of the LOVE that IS?

We appreciate and acknowledge that the lifetimes spent on this planet are convincing but we guide clearly for you to see beyond the smoke and the mirrors and to view the old earth as the "bully in the playground". The old earth knew no other way to exist and we ask for you at this time to continue to pour the LOVE that IS through your very BEing and out into the universe. LOVE is the highest frequency that exists in the universe, it is the very FABRIC of the universe and it will now work to show you TRUTH to new levels. Do not despise the old earth for in TRUTH that will continue to feed a dying vibration, we ask for you to have LOVE and compassion for a race that knew no other way and to understand that they too are on a path to ascension, as are ALL. Pour the LOVE that IS through ALL in your waking human life and work to find balance in these new higher frequencies and then allow the miracles to unfold around you, through you and within you, for in TRUTH ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS.

We are the Archangeloi of the Elohim and we will continue to guide and to support as you now begin to find your feet and create within the new playground that is mother earth in the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated as above. No permission is given to alter or to quote from this article in any way and article must remain in its original written format. Freedom is your birthright and this article must remain free to access at all times.

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Peek through the Window ~ via Bella Capozzi

Peek through the Window ~ via Bella Capozzi
Posted: 04 Sep 2013 09:33 PM PDT

~ If your life is anything like mine, September is already shaping up to be pretty busy month. Characteristically, September is always a month of transition. It heralds the end of summer and the onset of fall. It’s back-to-school time for the kids, creating a shift in our perspectives and in our daily schedules. And really, the Holiday decorations are showing up in the stores earlier and earlier every year – the craft stores have been filled with Christmas decorations since August! (More on that topic later). And so it begins…

~ While I definitely have my fellow Moms in mind as I write this post, I believe the general theme is applicable to everyone. It’s becoming increasingly challenging to balance our spirituality with the demands of daily life, at least right now, as we teeter precariously upon the balancing beam between the old world and the new. It requires us to be in both places at once; to remain centered and in the stillpoint, all the while keeping up with the responsibilities of work, home, and caring for the loved ones who depend on us. We can often get caught with all the “busy-stuff”, and the lovely 5D life we’re endeavoring to manifest in our meditations gets involuntarily put on the back-burner.

Perfectly naturally to us. It doesn’t have to take up a lot of time and energy, and it can be done at any time and while we are engaged in any activity. It only requires us to hold the vision – a picture and a feeling of your ideal outcome. The more you focus on this, and train yourself to hold the emotion of how you would feel as you live this life, the stronger and more real it becomes. Our card today is from the Indigo Angel Oracle Card deck, and it is entitled “Look Through The Situation.” This card depicts a pretty Angel, and on her back is a basket. She is picking Lavender, and gathering it. I see this as symbolic of us, selecting and harvesting the specific facets of how we want our lives to be. We put them in a safe place and hold them close to our hearts.

~ This card encourages us to peek through the window. What do you see? It tells us to release the minute details of our manifestations, to God and our Teams. They will take care of the little things, while we keep our eyes on the ultimate prize. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Try to see past the turbulent events happening all around us, and focus on what lay beyond. Feel the relief, the freedom, the sense of peace. Hold onto those sensations for as long as you can – even if it only lasts for the span of time you’re meditating. As you do this, you’re training yourself to remain centered and still, and the more you do it the more automatic this reaction will become. In turn, you’ll become stronger and be in a place where you can teach this skill to others. You’ll be more effective, also, as you join your energy with others in order to effect Global change. Go forward knowing that you are Divinely protected and assisted, always. The Angels want us to only to experience abundance and to feel joy in the Human experience.

Have a wonderful day! ~ Bella

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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Endings and Beginnings ~ Jeshua via Judith Coates

Endings and Beginnings ~ Jeshua via Judith Coates
Posted: 04 Sep 2013 09:33 PM PDT

Beloved one, now that you are halfway through this year, you will have experienced some of what we have spoken of previously: that this is a year of change. This year is going to be a year where you are going to hold onto the reins and ride all of the changes at top speed sometimes; other times at more of a slow pace. But for the most part, it is going to be a year when you are going to bless everything with your Light and with your knowing that everything is changing because you have decreed that you want to know heaven on Earth. You want to know Oneness with the brothers and sisters, and you want for them to know Oneness.

Your news media is very, very good at giving you the progress report of how divisive all the brothers and sisters can be with each other. But beyond that, there are many prayers that are being offered up, many prayers that ones are living within that seek peace and put out the intention for peace.

So when you listen to your news media, you can say, “Yes, that is the appearance, but I know that there’s more than that that is happening. I know that this has divine purpose,” because it does, even if it does not appear to have. Your news media loves to play up the drama. It is what they receive the golden coins for, and more important to them than the golden coins is the fact that they feel powerful because they are the ones deciding what they are going to put in front of you. So you look at it. You do not deny appearances.

I told this to my disciples when they asked about how to do healing. I said, “First of all, you acknowledge the appearance. Then you look beyond what seemingly is unhealed or unholy and you see the person (or situation) in holiness.”

You allow yourself to be aware. Do not go through life with the blinders on and say, “I am only going to look at that which is good, because I’m really not strong enough to look at the rest of it and I don’t want that in my world.” Well, of course, you do not want that in your world. Do not deny that it is happening, but do not abide with it either.

Allow yourself to choose, as we have spoken in other times: you have the power of choice; to choose to see peace instead of this; to see purpose even in what appears to be disaster and divisiveness. So do not do as some of your brothers and sisters do and say, “I am going to shut myself off from the world because I don’t want it in my world. I don’t want to experience it.”
You are very, very strong, and you have it in your power to look at the appearance and then to expand upon that appearance to send your intention of peace and wholeness to whatever is being presented to you.
You are no longer needing to live in the cave and deny the world. Some of the brothers and sisters remember the lifetimes in the cave and they say, “I don’t want to know what’s going on. It’s too ugly.” Well, yes, it does appear that way, but how is it going to change if you do not acknowledge it and then see beyond it? Bring your power to it.

This year is going to be a roller coaster, I guess is a good way to put it. You are going to have the ups and you are going to have the downs; at least that is the way it is going to appear. But the other part of the roller coaster is the fun of it. Why do you go to an amusement park and pay golden coins in order to get onto the roller coaster if it is not for the fun of it? Like, “Wow, oh, my God, oh! But I love it. and I’m going to go back on it again!”

I have heard you and the brothers and sisters say that. “Wow! That was really great. I didn’t know if I’d really get through it. I’m going to go back on it again.” And, in essence, that is what you do from time to time with the experiences of the world.

This is going to be a good year for finding your center, for finding your peaceful place amidst all of the changes that are happening. Call everything good. Know that everything that is presented to you has a purpose — and the purpose is not to upset you. Now, I know that is the first reaction that oftentimes comes along.

“How could this happen? Why did I bring this to myself?” You brought it because you want to know how strong you are. You want to know how your intention can come to bear upon what seems to be manure, and how you can grow the most lovely garden out of that manure. So count it all as good.
Two thousand years ago there was much of strife, much of divisiveness, much of ones seeking to have power over other ones; similar to today. And I came and I spoke the truth of your being, and that truly this was happening, yes; I did not deny appearances. But I said, “You are more than that. You are greatly loved by your Father, Abba—Father/Mother/God/All That Is. You are greatly loved and you are always taken care of. You are always taken care of. You are always guided and taken care of.”

Hear that well.

Rest in the knowing that no matter how you see something happening, it is there for a purpose and it is there for a good purpose. Look beyond the appearances and trust the strength of yourself within.
Now, you have been practicing coming through all kinds of challenges. You have been bringing up challenges for yourself. You have come through them and you have come to the place where you have said, “Wow! I didn’t know I could do that. I thought maybe I had to throw in the towel and be finished. But hey, I’m still here, and I’m even enjoying all of the challenges.”

When you get to the point where you can acknowledge the master that you are, when you can come to the place where you look upon all of the choices, all of the challenges and you can be joyful about them and know that truly they are just passing and temporary—which they are—resting in your divine Self, then you recognize and know, truly know, the master that you are.

This is going to be a year of endings—endings of some things that you have thought would be there for much longer, maybe forever—and a year of beginnings, a year when you are going to be finishing old issues; you are going to be completing with things that you have wanted to know intimately and wondering if you could know intimately and still survive, and yes, you can, and yes, you will.

And it is going to be a year of beginnings as well, because once you come through the challenges that seem to be ending everything that you have trusted and relied upon, you are going to know that you have moved into a new space—sometimes on the physical level, but more than that, on the emotional level.

The emotions are very strong. They do propel you in the choices that you make. Emotions are there to allow you to know the energy that you are. Emotions are energy in motion—e-motion. They can be very, very strong and they can bring up old fears, which is what truly you are asking them to do so that you can look upon those old fears and say, “But that was just the belief that I had. I thought that it had power over me, but I choose anew. I choose to know that everything works for good,” and it does.

Everything works together to bring about the realization of Oneness, of the Awakening, as it has been called; awakening to your Oneness and the power of that Oneness. So trust. Trust the endings. Trust the beginnings. Allow yourself to know that that which seems to be ending is truly on a rubber band and it stretches. And that which you have felt perhaps you would be losing, you do not lose. You allow it to expand on the rubber band, and it is there to call it back if you want to.

Nothing is ever lost. Everything you have ever experienced in any lifetime is within your soul. The soul is the repository of all of the experiences of all of the lifetimes that you have ever had. And the soul is very, very rich because this is not your first lifetime. You have remembrances that come to you and you question, “Where did that come from? How do I know certain things before they occur or as they occur?” Because you have already lived those experiences.

This is not your first lifetime, and it is probably not the last incarnation; in fact, it is not your last incarnation. However, the next incarnation may not be on holy Mother Earth. You may choose an incarnation in another dimension, another reality; you will make for yourself another hologram to play with.

It may not be an incarnation with a human form. It may be an incarnation as liquid crystal Light. Anything that you can imagine, you can experience and make manifest. You are very creative, so you will incarnate perhaps with a form or you will come to experience just as the Light and the Beingness that you are.

There is no one who is going to deny you your power to express in any form, the same as when you were before this incarnation and you looked at what could be and you made choice as to when you would come and what culture you would come into and what your purpose would be.

Now, your universal purpose is to be the creative Energy that you are; that is the bottom line foundation: to express the creative Energy. But how you do that is most wonderful, because it is open, completely open to whatever you want it to be. You made a new beginning when you decided that you would be born into this culture, or if not born into this culture, then to make trek to place yourself later into certain geographical location.

Perhaps you were not born in the same geographical location, but there was a knowing that you would come and you would be with others of like mind, even if it took some searching to find them, but you would find them. And you knew that there would be soul purpose on the individual level, things that you wanted to know intimately and to complete with, and also on the collective level, that you would work with the collective in order to open some doors and windows for the collective, which you have been doing, because from time to time you have spoken of new ideas.

Maybe ones have accepted those ideas and maybe they have not. Maybe they have said, “There goes that old fool again, thinking such and such. Or there is that young fool who believes that she can…etc.” But you have opened some doors and windows, and if ones have not walked through the doors, that is their choice. At least you have pointed out that there is a door and there may be a new way of looking at something.

And they might not have even thought of it unless you had said, “Well, you know, this is what I believe. It may seem sort of far out.” A lot of the brothers and sisters two thousand years ago thought that what I spoke of was far out, blasphemy. It was not what was taught in the temple. How could I speak intimately of the Father’s love? How could I speak that everyone was loved and that you did not have to kill an animal in order to be holy. Even in this day and time that belief is still held by some: that there must be sacrifice either of an animal or of something dear to you.

So I spoke ideas that were rather radical at that time and are still radical if ones actually understand what I was saying. But it allows you to walk through a door into another reality; maybe a reality that you did not know was there or you have been afraid of walking through. At least you have the knowing that the door is there, and it will keep nagging at you until you do walk through it.

I have seen you. I know the feeling of saying, “Okay, well, maybe tomorrow. I’ll play with that idea, but I’m not sure I’m going to actually put it into practice. It’s kind of an intriguing idea, but I want to do some more mental work with it before I actually agree to doing it.”

And so you have played and you have said “Well, I don’t have to do it this lifetime. I can do it another lifetime.” But you know, once an idea has come to you, it stays with you. And no matter how you want to run away from it or deny it, it will not leave you alone. You may put it in the knapsack on the back and carry it with you for lifetimes, but that idea is still there.

The same thing with fears from other lifetimes; you carry them on the back in the knapsack and you say, “Oh, this is so heavy. I don’t know if I can keep on carrying this.” And then when you get the courage to say, “Okay, let’s get the knapsack out here and look at what’s in the knapsack,” it is seen to be a no-thing, a nothing, and it disappears. It dissolves into the nothingness that it has always been.

But until you get to that point, it is a really a big fear and it is heavy, and you carry it from lifetime to lifetime until finally you say, “Enough already. I’m going to look at it. And maybe it is hell itself. I’ve been told that that’s a really bad place to go.” And then you open up the knapsack and you take out what has been termed “hell” and you find out that it is nothing more than a belief, something that has been taught to you from someone else, passed down generation to generation.

The only hell is the hell that you make for yourself in the present moment of fearing something, and oftentimes you have lived with that hell a whole lifetime. Then there has come a lifetime where you have said or someone has said to you, “Hey, you know, let’s look at this idea.” And you bring it out into the open. “Let’s look at this fear. What is it that you really, really feel that’s making the body tremble?”

You know that feeling, where the body just collapses in on itself and you feel so sick. And then you get to the heart of the matter and you say, “This does not have power over me. I’m the one creating it; therefore, I’m going to un-create it.” You look at it and you can look right through it. But until you get to that place, it is agony.

You know what I am speaking of. It may come to you in the middle of the night, and it will feel even darker in the middle of the night. But as you breathe, as you trust, as you call out to your angels, guides, teachers—and we are always around you—we will be with you—we cannot be anywhere else, truly, since there is no separation, and you are the Light, the same as we are, except that you put on the sunshades and everything seems to be dark.

In the darkest moments we are with you. In your lightest moments we are with you. When you decease the body, which is a great fear because the body says to you that it wants to keep on keeping on and so there is great fear…but when you decease the body, you go to your own Light. There is a brilliance of Light. Even your researchers have spoken of this.

There is energy that has been measured from the living body and compared to the body which has allowed the soul to leave it. It can be weighed and measured. The Light that you go to is so brilliant that you think that it must be someone has turned on a thousand million light bulbs. And all of the ones you have ever loved are there. If they have laid down the body, they are there to welcome you, and it is great joy and rejoicing and great love. It is Home.

It is what you are seeking even as you are incarnate. You are seeking the new beginning of knowing Home and love that is unlimited. So do not fear releasing the body. Now, I am not saying to you that you need to rush forward into deceasing the body, but allow yourself to be at peace, knowing that truly you are going to live your purpose.

And when your purpose has been fulfilled, there is going to be great rejoicing, a brilliance of Light—as we have said many times—brought by such a miracle that you have contained that energy around you and contained it into the physicality, and when you are finished with the physicality and you are ending that part of experience and beginning a new beginning, you will see your own Light and it will be overwhelming in its Love.

So I want you to take that with you in this time: how loved you are and how you are surrounded by Love. Even though you do not see the loved ones who have gone on before, they are with you. Some of you are open to knowing the presence of loved ones around you, because they are around you all the time, speaking to you, bringing you up, if you will let them, to a place where there is only love and encouragement, allowing you to know the greatness of the Light that you are and the miracle of choosing to live a hologram that says that there can be other than Light, other than joy and rejoicing.
Every day, every moment of every day is a celebration of life, if you will see it thus. Yes, I know that there are messages of the world, messages of the mind that sometimes question, but at the heart of everything is the truth that you are always taken care of and that you are always in love. It cannot be otherwise.

So even when the darkest of dark comes knocking at your door in the middle of the night, allow yourself, if you want to, to get up and to switch on the light on the desk or the overhead light and to say, “Nothing can penetrate the Light that I am—which is true—I go forward in that Light, trusting that always I am guided, loved, and taken care of. What is there to fear?”

One of your wise men once said, “There is nothing to fear except fear itself.” I know that it can be very strong and put a stranglehold on you for a moment or so, but it is not real. Only love is Real—capital “R”—only love, and how loved you are.

So if something comes to you in the middle of the night and it feels like the end of everything, get up, put on the light, put on your own Light, turn it on, and know that truly it is the beginning of your Awakening. And know that I meet you in Light.

So be it.

- Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2013 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address

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~ via Suzanne Lie
Posted: 04 Jun 2013 09:20 PM PDT

We Arcturians have often spoken of the Heart/Mind in which the heart, your High Heart and the mind, along with your multidimensional consciousness, are merged into ONE. This joining creates a liaison that initiates a quantum shift of both your thinking, which becomes multidimensional in nature, and your emotions ability to receive, contain and disburse unconditional love.
Since unconditional love is the bonding force of the multiverse, once you allow it into your multidimensional consciousness it bonds unconditional love into your vessel. At the same time, your multidimensional consciousness guides you to perceive and accept unconditional love. The ability to think multidimensionally and to receive and use unconditional love is the key to the transmutation of your earth vessel.
As the multidimensional consciousness and unconditional love becomes blended into your Heart/Mind, the Three Fold Flame within your High Heart becomes activated to initiate the return of your innate power within, infinite wisdom and unconditional love into your daily life. These attributes actually serve you as a "virus protector" by emanating a multidimensional energy field around your physical body.
This energy field creates a “lens” which expands your perspective beyond the limitations of your physical reality so that you can place your attention onto the higher frequencies of reality. Where your attention is, there you are also. Hence, as your multidimensional consciousness chooses to attend to a higher frequency of reality, your unconditional love can bond with that higher expression of Earth. In this manner, you will create your energetic pathway into fifth-dimensional New Earth.
Free of many third dimensional illusions and limitations your earth vessel begins to resonate to the power of multidimensional thinking, the wisdom of the higher dimensions and the ability to live within the constant feedback of unconditional love. Unconditional love is much like a mirror. When your aura resonates to unconditional love you consciously perceive and experience every energy pattern that you transmit into your reality.
Thus you have instant feedback of any energy that you send into your world. This component of unconditional love is what prepares you for life in the fifth dimension where there is no time. Within the NOW of the fifth dimension you every thought and emotion is instantly manifested.
However, if you hold any fear-based thoughts or emotions, you create a thought form that can only manifest in a reality in which there is fear. Since there is no fear in the fifth dimension and beyond, your consciousness is instantly pulled into a lower frequency of the fourth dimension where that thought form can be, and is, manifested.
In other words, the frequency of your thoughts dictates the level of reality in which the thought-forms are manifested. Further, that manifestation pulls your consciousness into the frequency/dimension of reality in which your thought form manifested.
Therefore, whenever your thought form is created by a love-based thought, and you fuel that thought with unconditional love it is manifested in a reality that resonates to the frequency of unconditional love. Hence, your consciousness is instantly pulled into the higher resonance of reality in which that thought form manifested. It is in this manner that you will begin to create an energetic pathway to New Earth.
New Earth is not at place. New Earth is a higher frequency of the exact Earth on which you hold a physical form. Hence, you can maintain that physical form while you visit New Earth. Thus, just as you would leave your car in the airport parking lot when you fly to another location, you can leave your physical body on physical Earth while you travel inter-dimensionally.
However, just as you may not want to leave your cherished car in a field, you may not want to leave your earth vessel in an insecure location while you transport your consciousness into a higher reality of Earth. Therefore, it is important to make sure your physical vehicle is in a safe place while you take your inter-dimensional "flights" to New Earth.
Fortunately, New Earth does not resonant to time. Hence, you can leave your earth vessel, which exists within time, and return to it just a millisecond after you left it. In fact, you may be having many visits to New Earth of which your physical body and 3D consciousness is unaware. However, your cellular consciousness is aware of these visits, as it was protecting your physical form while you were "gone" into no-time.
Fortunately, there is a bonding frequency that adheres your earth vessel to the frequency of your third/fourth dimensional reality. You cellular consciousness is aware of this frequency and emits it from your physical body while you are on a multidimensional journey. Your multidimensional consciousness perceives this emanation and uses this energetic beacon to “light its way” back into your physical form.
Many of you are feeling great fatigue because it is increasingly difficult for you to maintain the lower dimensional consciousness of your physical form. In fact, it is work to have your consciousness limited to such a low frequency when your Heart/Mind wants to soar into the higher worlds.
Your third dimensional thinking is addicted to the frequency of operation that it has maintained for myriad incarnations. Therefore, the higher light that is activating your Heart/Mind is creating an inter-dimensional tug-of-war. One component of your consciousness seeks to remain in the familiar operating frequency that binds you to the third/fourth dimension while another component of your consciousness is pulling you away from that density of reality.
Hence, you may feel like an airplane that is trying to take off while still tethered to the landing strip. This tug-of-war creates great fatigue in your physical form. When you fight this fatigue you are functioning via your third dimensional operating system. On the other hand, when you surrender to the fatigue, you are operating from a fifth dimensional state of consciousness.
Since your state of consciousness adheres you to a reality of the same resonance, the third dimensional consciousness/behavior of fighting for what you want adheres you to the physical world. Conversely, the fifth dimensional consciousness/behavior of surrendering to the moment adheres you to a fifth dimensional reality.
In your long journey through third dimensional life, you have learned that you must fight the constant illusion that you are not good enough to get what you want. Now you must release that third dimensional behavior of fighting for so that you can embrace the fifth dimensional behavior of surrendering into the NOW of each moment.
The many illusions of time and space have created the belief that you must fight your way through the myriad 3D barriers that lie between you and your goal. In the fifth dimension, your goal is to BE your Multidimensional SELF. Hence, when you surrender into your goal, you surrender into your Multidimensional SELF. When you fully surrender into your Multidimensional SELF you ARE fifth dimensional. Thus, when you surrender into the process of transmuting your 3D earth vessel into a 5D Lightbody, you greatly facilitate this process.
This transmutation begins by allowing your fifth dimensional consciousness to merge with your third dimensional body, which is already connected with the cells and DNA of your earth vessel. Your cellular consciousness is already multidimensional. Your cells are made up of molecules. These molecules are multidimensional in that they extend into the subatomic levels in which the templates are formed for your body. Your cellular consciousness is also connected to your DNA.
Therefore, as your DNA continues to expand from just the 3% third dimensional DNA into the 97% multidimensional DNA, your consciousness expands from your physical reality into your multidimensional expressions of self. Furthermore, while you are shifting at the level of your DNA, you are also shifting at the level of your daily state of consciousness.
Your cellular and DNA consciousness are best identified as your “super-subconscious.” This super-subconscious, subatomic consciousness is the quantum level in which the 97% DNA functions as a two-way portal of light. These myriad light portals are two-way in that this DNA serves as a portal that is able to receive the higher frequencies of light into your earth vessel, while it also projects that light into your daily life.
When you are editing a paper that you are writing, you may “save a copy” of the original so that you have an unaltered version to consult while you are editing the new version. However, in this case you are in the process of using the original version of your earth vessel. Thus, the “copy” of your transmuting vessel is the one saved being saved to your fourth dimensional “computer files.”
In this manner, you can still function on physical Earth while you are simultaneously altering your body at a cellular level. Hence, you have two versions of earth vessels. You have the original version that can only function on the physical plane, as well as the multidimensional Lightbody version that can function on any frequency of reality. We hear your question of,
"Why don't we just keep the transmuting vessel?"
This is a good question, which we will now answer. There are two reasons why you want to keep your original vessel.
First, the transmuting vessel is still “under construction” and can only be operated by your higher states of consciousness. Since you are transmuting your body while you are still holding many third dimensional obligations, it is often difficult to maintain a constant connection to your multidimensional consciousness. Thus you still need to “drive” your physical vessel when your consciousness is attached to your physical consciousness.
The second reason is because you are in partnership with Gaia. Therefore, you have volunteered to align your personal consciousness with the planetary consciousness. Thus, as your personal consciousness expands, so does the planetary consciousness. Likewise, as the planetary consciousness expands, so does your personal consciousness. Also, since many of Her inhabitants, mostly human, need more “time to transmute their personal earth vessels, Gaia is keeping Her planetary earth vessel. In the same manner, you are maintaining your physical vessel so that you can assist others.
Many of you are feeling as though you are two persons. In fact, that is exactly what is happening. People and planet are maintaining a physical "original" while they experiment with the new concept of ascension without destruction. Furthermore, you may find that some of the alterations that you have made to your copied file do not work. Fortunately, you still have your original to consult.
For example, you may find that you have taken in more Light than your transmuting version of SELF can easily contain. Therefore, that vessel is temporarily out of order until you have adapted to the new, higher frequency operating system. In this case, you can return to the 3D version of your vessel while your transmuting “copy” is grounding the higher light within the core of the planet and within the core of each cell of your physical vessel.
What would happen if you turned on a huge generator and did not ground it? It would short circuit. Your 3D vessel is your grounding cord, while your "copy" is your transmuting vessel is accepting higher and higher frequencies of light. In this manner, there is no destruction of your physical form.
Hence, you do not need to "die" when you ascend. In the same manner, Gaia has maintained Her original version of a 3D planet while Her "copy" is being transmuted. Then, She too has the physical Earth to ground the higher light that She is also downloading. Thus, just as you do not destroy your physical personal vessel, she is not destroying Her physical planetary vessel.
You are not transmuting your form while in a Temple at the peak of an isolated mountain. No one is caring for your earthy needs or your physical form but you. Furthermore, many of you plan to maintain your original earth vessel so that you can assist others who are ascending at different speeds and in different manners. Keeping an operational version of your earth vessel guarantees that there are physical humans on the physical planet while other beings are adapting to the higher frequencies of light.
Your physical earth vessel serves as an inter-dimensional landing pad for the increasing inter-dimensional experiences of your multidimensional consciousness. Also, once your personal adaptations are complete, your fourth dimensional expression will transmute into your multidimensional Lightbody, while you still maintain a physical earth vessel. Then, your Lightbody will travel the Cosmos via its Merkaba/Starship, and “land” in your earth vessel to share your experiences with others.
We will return soon to share how the higher light transmutes each chakra. We ask that you take this message into your meditations so that your Heart/Mind can assist you to access your innate infinite wisdom, power within, unconditional love and multidimensional thinking to deeply embrace these multidimensional concepts.

If you call upon us, we will assist you.

The Arcturians


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The Sphinx Speaks ~ Mother & Father ~ via Petra Margolis
Posted: 12 Jul 2013 06:19 PM PDT

There will always be misconceptions about this subject of having a mother and father.

The representation of having a mother and father on earth is not related to having a father and mother in spirit.

When you consider yourself a source being, do you consider source a father or a mother, or both, or maybe none of those two.

As a human on earth you have both, some see the birthing through the mother as the most important function and relate this back within their spiritual belief systems.

The function of the father is in many ways not related to as to being a part of your presence upon earth.

Yet throughout nature you see the process of having a mother and father with animals and even plants rely upon a certain form of mother and father at times.

There are two energies coming together to shape the physical into a human form.

You have chosen to do this upon earth, yet, there are many other planets within your universe and beyond your universe that have similar processes.

This is related to you by the many galactic beings you consider to be mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.

They might have a different way of bringing together two energies to create a physical or even energetic being, but they use two, the mother and the father.

The earth is in no way involved in this process; in fact you being able to live upon earth is more related to what is around the earth, the oxygen levels and more, than the earth itself.

The dinosaurs disappeared as there was a change in the surrounding of the earth, there was less oxygen to support these large beings, yet these beings had a mother and father, just like you.

Earth was there to feed them, but to be more precise, there were many other energy forms, like plants and other animals that were more involved in the survival process of these animals at that time.

Just like many of you would not be able to survive without plants and in many cases animals that have chosen to represent themselves upon the earth.

It is a combination of many factors that makes it possible for you to attain a physical body upon earth, and many forget this part as they go through their spiritual process of learning about who they are and where they came from.

You have never been birthed by the earth or any other being, unless you consider that you were being birthed through source.

The birthing process you relate to is an alchemical process of creating a specific from of life to experience and express yourself as either a human or other life form.

There are many types of consciousness experiences and actually many different types of energies that experience and represent themselves in different ways.

Just imagine the earth is a culmination of many other planets, the earth was formed to what some call space dust but also great rocks and parts of other planets that at one point either encountered each other and had parts breaking off, or in fact stars that at one point imploded and their leftovers were and still are floating within your universe.

The earth has all of them within them, as do many other planets.

Depending upon the alchemical relation between all those energies coming together, the planet starts to form in a certain way.
Some like the earth have a specific band of energy, or substance that starts to take form; other might not have this and would seem more dead.

The connection between you and the earth is a mutual understanding, more than something you have a right to.

You chose the earth at this time and a long time ago as it was a planet that allowed for certain forms of physical existence.

Just like many other groups of consciousness have chosen the earth; animals, plants and more.

This created a type of balance that you are still using, a mutual understanding, an agreement you might say, to be on earth with all these other groups of consciousness and explore, learn and experience certain parts of your being.

The earth herself has her own consciousness as she is after all energy just like you, you yourself could have taken the place of earth, just like each person is allowed to experience what it is like to be a planet.

In this case the earth has just like the plant, animals and you a different type of consciousness. This type of consciousness is mostly found within planets as this type of consciousness has not experienced the physical human form, or any other physical form besides being a planet.

Many have and are still referring to the earth as the mother, this is a long integrated belief system that was used to explain in a way to humans their existence and ability to exist upon earth. As well as what many see as the support of the earth to survive within a physical body.

Like we already explained, your survival upon earth is more reliant upon the many other forms that are present upon the earth and around your earth.

Just imagine the earth with no animals, no water, no plants, you as a human would not be able to survive in the form you have at this moment.

If your surrounding would disappear, the oxygen and more, you would not be able to survive in the form you have at this moment, in fact many other types of consciousness, like the plants and animals would not be able to survive.

Over time your surroundings have changed, remember the dinosaurs, and this change will continue. Some is the result of the many humans present upon earth, but the overall change is just a natural process happening ever time.

Some adjustments will be made over time as to how the human form and other forms will survive within these changing surrounding circumstances. Yet, this is far away in the future and does not have an effect upon you as humans at this moment.

Do you have a right to be on earth?

In a way the answer would be no, in another way, yes because certain agreements were made with your surrounding environment.

Many times you speak of the abuse of the earth, abuse of what is happening to the earth, or what humans are doing to the earth.

There are many agreements between many different types of consciousness.

The plants and animals have their own agreements.

When you look at certain types of plants for example, they are grown by farmers, as a mutual agreement with the earth between the plants and humans.

Certain plants will take out all of what they can to grow, and the farmer will have to grow either a different plant or leave that part of the land alone to recuperate, as that part of the land with not have enough food for another round of growing.

Would you consider that abuse, by the plant, the farmer, or the human?

Circumstances have changed upon earth from the beginning of time, and in many ways the so called agreements have changed and been adjusted over time as well.

Is there abuse happening at times, you could say yes in a way, yet you are many times forgetting that everything is energy, this includes the earth and all other forms of life upon her.

It has an effect upon you as a human, but as far as the effect on the energy, that is completely different.

What does have an effect is how you connect and are many times told to use the energy of the earth to your own advancement.

This in a human way and spiritual way can be considered as abuse.

The earth is in no way responsible for your wellbeing in any shape or form.

You are using the earth however as a substitute for what you are looking for from a human way of believing and thinking.

As a human you have a mother and father to birth into a human form.

As a spiritual being, you were birthed through source.

The earth is not your mother; she is just like you, another being, experiencing, exploring and growing back to her own spiritual existence as a source being.

The consciousness or being that is within the earth took her place in the earth as the physical form was already there.

You in fact do the same as a spiritual being, the physical form is already created through your mother and father as you take your place within that physical form.

You become that physical form, just like the earth became her physical form in a way.

Much to think about as you think about who you are, where you came from and how to move further upon your spiritual path and human path.

Do not confuse the spiritual reality with the physical reality in a way that does not allow you to fully experience both.

Within the spiritual reality there are no rights, and you have all the rights.

Within the physical reality you have both as well, yet there are circumstances that are partly created by you and parts that are created by others that might seem to interfere with those rights, and in fact many times actually are interfering.

This is in a way unavoidable within the human form.

You can change this, but in a way that will really be a change. Not something that is just within your own mind, your way of thinking and believing, but is also represented in a physical way in your life and surroundings.

From one source to another
July 11, 2013

Petra Margolis

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Message from Mother Mary ~ via Jane Ribeiro

Message from Mother Mary ~ via Jane Ribeiro
Posted: 26 Jun 2013 07:58 PM PDT

Beloved Children,

May the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.
On this year of transition many changes will happen in your planet and in your lives.

Therefore open your minds, my beloved to recognize what needs to be changed on this moment of your evolutions, giving space to the new conscience that emerges from inner of your being, so that you can manifest a new reality on Mother Earth.

Your minds each more and more need to overcome your egos, generating a new state of being that needs to reflect in your daily actions.
The illusory reality that still is in your planet is a result of your wrong creations.
You have accepted pain and suffering as a natural component of your lives, and thereby you have created pain and suffering.

It is time to clean this fake reality, cleaning your thoughts, purifying your bodies, letting emerge all emotional charge that you carry as a result of your creations, reviewing everything that you always considerate as truth, questioning all of your prejudices, your values, your priorities.

It is time to put and final point to the ocean of illusions that support this reality.
Thereby your reality will transform, and you will be able to help your planet to release all garbage accumulated in your inner because of the thoughts and feelings of humanity, and just this way you will open the path to you reintegrate to everything that has life, walking and acting according the impulses of your hearts, giving your energies to co-create the true paradise on Mother Earth.

My beloved, let love flows from your hearts, so that your planet and its children be filled by this divine virtue, so that all minds awake from the deep sleep that just make you to force so many madness in your planet, that generated wars which fed illusions and give opportunity to manifest vanity, selfishness and indifference.

It is time for victory, it is time for redemption.

Your souls finally recover the holy space in your physical bodies, sanctuaries that just can shelter virtues of Father, Father create human beings, Father give the power of choice so that you can become reality the love manifested, love shared, love that reintegrates Children of Light in a unique body, cohesive, where each one of its part act always to common good.

The victory is assured for those that dare to use love as a mainspring of your realities, following ahead fed by certainty that life is a divine gift that needs to be lived in total fullness, so that the unity reign sovereign and peace be fed by lovely attitudes of all of you.

My beloved, may the infinite force and unlimited power of pray keep being the tool used by all of you, more and more intense, so that the energy of love and light generated feed your lovely planet and all of your inhabitants.

My beloved, I shall leave now, shedding onto all of you my blessings and bringing all of you under my protective veil, for I am Mary, Your Mother.

Dear brothers and sisters,
With Divine Mother’s blessings
Love and Light, Jane.

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Celestial White Beings ~ The Entrance of the White Whales and the White Elephants ~ Natalie Glasson

Posted: 07 Jul 2013 09:42 PM PDT

We bring the magnitude of the cosmic vibration of the Creator forward to you, bathing you in the light of your purest divinity and spiritual magnificence. We are the Celestial White Beings, part founders of the Earth and delivers of the ascension process of the Creator. Our energies are linked into all aspects of the universe and the Creator; we open our hearts so that we may support the expansion of the Creator, encouraging a deeper awakening from within each seed of the Creator. Let yourself bathe in the cosmic vibrations of the Creator allowing your divine being to unfold in new forms and directions than you have previously experienced. We are here to love you and support you with our energies so you may remember all aspects of the Creator that you have been inspired to be in your past and choose to be as in your present.

Our message today flows upon waves of joy and bliss into your reality and pathway, as a beautiful reconnection and integration has occurred between the inner planes and the Earth which further more builds the bridge of oneness between the Earth and the inner planes. Bliss is the vibration of our being, it is formed when all aspects of the Creator unite in divine balance existing in sacred unity, and at this point it is only bliss that can form as a sacred ecstatic celebration of the Creator.
The fact that our messages flows forth upon waves of bliss symbolises the high vibrational content of our message.

In further preparation for the manifestation of the era of love upon the Earth, within your soul and reality the consciousness of two energies have united and returned to the Earth from the celestial levels of the Creator’s universe. As you have entered into 2013 much of the old energies, perspectives and consciousness have fallen away allowing for new higher vibrational beings of light to come forward to support humanity. The vibration of the Earth has risen significantly allowing in the coming years many high vibrational energies and consciousness to return fully to the Earth. We will also see that some energies and consciousness of the Creator embodied within people but especially animals will reanchor in order to bring forth a complete aspect of the Creator within their form and a complete consciousness to support the powerful ascension process of this moment.

The consciousness of the White Whales and the White Elephants has been seen by many upon the inner planes and the Earth returning to the Earth. They ride a wave of joy and bliss as if they are being magnetically drawn to become one with the Earth and consciousness of humanity. You may see in the future many animals being born upon the Earth with a pure white vibration even a pure white physical colour; they bring forth the Christ vibration of a purer vibration than has ever been experienced upon the Earth. It is extremely healing for the Christ consciousness to anchor with such tremendous intensity into aspects of the animal kingdom as it symbolises that the animal instincts of humanity are purifying as each person accepts their sacred self in manifestation. These beings bring forth powerful Christ and celestial encoding which are being anchored into the birthing consciousness of humanity to trigger divine energetic rebirth within all but also support the fine vibrational beings currently being born into physical or semi physical manifestation. As nothing is as physical as it once was upon the Earth.

While you see Whales and Elephants upon your land, the consciousness of the White Whales and White Elephants brings completion to their souls but also acts as a symbol of the strength of love that is now flowing forth from the celestial levels awakening new understandings of the cosmic creation and divine heart chakra energy of the Creator. The White Whales and White Elephants bring forth the codes of the universe, the instruments and tools to further decipher the universe of the Creator so that all may gain a greater sensitivity to that which is beyond the Earth. They also hold consciousness and understanding to aid the deliverance of healing for the Earth to break free from the patterns of suffering and pain that it is still focused within. These beings bring the opportunity, as will others of renewal, healing and further awakening for the Earth; Mother Earth and all inhabiting souls.

The White Whales and White Elephants symbolise divine love and supreme spiritual knowledge as they carry many energetic seeds from other stars, planets and civilisations to be sown into the energetic fabric of the Earth to bring further unity of the Earth with other civilisations of the Creator. They bring important messages to many who are open, receptive and willing to accept their consciousness, concerning the shifts within the inner planes and dimensions and how to bring healing to all aspects of the Earth.

As they ride the waves of joy and bliss, the White Whales moving through the waves with vigour, vitality and gentleness, the White Elephants stampeding through the waves in unison with the White Whales they demonstrate to you the power within your own being and the unity of love that can be formed. They symbolise that healing shall prevail within the water and upon the land of the Earth, as well as the water of your body and the consciousness of your physical form. Their energies will first integrate with the waters of the Earth as it is easier for integration to occur; this may be why many of you feel drawn at this time to be close to or to assist in purifying the water in order to bathe in this new consciousness , love and vibrations.

The White Whales and the White Elephants flowing almost as spirits or consciousness onto the Earth wish to bring healing and to return power to the Elephants and Whales of the Earth so that all past turmoil, grief and suffering may be dissolved, allowing respect for the sacred vibrations and Creator expressions of animals to emerge from the hearts of all upon the Earth.

In meditation as you breathe deeply, you may wish to call upon the White Whales and White Elephants anchoring upon a wave of joy and bliss to connect with your own energy so you may experience the light and wisdom they bring while experiencing their loving presence and support.
You may wish to use this invocation as you enter into a state of meditation,

‘My beloved guides, angels and light being who are lovingly supporting and protecting me in this journey, I call you forth to oversee my connection and to ensure my protection at all times.

Beloved Celestial White Beings I call you forth to assist and support me in experiencing and bathing in the light, love and consciousness of the White Whales and White Elephants of the Celestial level.
Please ensure that all needed wisdom and consciousness is imparted to me and guide me as to how I can be of service to these beautiful beings and creatures of the light.

As I exist in the light of my soul, connected and focused upon the love of my heart chakra I call forth the Celestial White Whales and White Elephants riding a wave of joy and bliss to draw forth into my awareness and to surround me in your sacred light. Let me experience and bathe in your sacred vibrations as you share with me the pure Christ consciousness that you carry. Assist in healing the remainder of my own animal instincts, anchoring any celestial encoding that is needed. Guide me in the role I may play in supporting the healing of the Earth, the waters, my own being, humanity and the Whales and Elephants of the Earth. Please bring to me your consciousness, love, inspired thoughts, healing, awakening and new encoding, I am ready to receive you all with the purest vibration of love within my heart. Thank you.’

Allow yourself to sit peacefully free from expectations as you focus upon breathing the energy that surrounds you into your entire being.

This is a most beautiful and sacred time for the Earth as the White Whales and White Elephants of the Celestial levels intertwine their energies with the energetic vibration of the Earth bringing forth divine transformation with your assistance.

In celestial light,

Celestial White Beings

The Entrance of the White Whales, White Elephants by the Celestial

Published on 9 Jul 2013
Natalie Glasson -- The Entrance Of The White Whales And The White Elephants By The Celestial White Beings -- 8 July 2013

Thankt to Méline Lafont and pleiadedolphininfos: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.c...

We bring the magnitude of the cosmic vibration of the Creator forward to you, bathing you in the light of your purest divinity and spiritual magnificence. We are the Celestial White Beings, part founders of the Earth and delivers of the ascension process of the Creator. Our energies are linked into all aspects of the universe and the Creator; we open our hearts so that we may support the expansion of the Creator, encouraging a deeper awakening from within each seed of the Creator. Let yourself bathe in the cosmic vibrations of the Creator allowing your divine being to unfold in new forms and directions than you have previously experienced. We are here to love you and support you with our energies so you may remember all aspects of the Creator that you have been inspired to be in your past and choose to be as in your present.

Our message today flows upon waves of joy and bliss into your reality and pathway, as a beautiful reconnection and integration has occurred between the inner planes and the Earth which further more builds the bridge of oneness between the Earth and the inner planes. Bliss is the vibration of our being, it is formed when all aspects of the Creator unite in divine balance existing in sacred unity, and at this point it is only bliss that can form as a sacred ecstatic celebration of the Creator. The fact that our messages flows forth upon waves of bliss symbolises the high vibrational content of our message.

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Hilarion Discusses the New Bitcoin Currency ~ via Jon Fox
Posted: 04 Jul 2013 08:45 PM PDT

A question has been posed about this new currency Bitcoin. Because it was created in such a way it can only expand and prosper and be that which might be accepted by all and that which can be improved upon so that no theft, no cheating, no subterfuge can take place with it; i.e. no counterfeiting and the way in which it can ultimately represent something beyond any single currency, the potential is there.

The opportunity and energy to work with it is of course up to each individual. For those who have not heard about it at least learn about it, investigate it, because it has the potential to take out of the picture the potentials of those in positions of power to do harm by economic manipulation. This is the larger perspective that is not well understood by those involved with it. It is that which can be of tremendous value as it is a currency that is not based upon any particular underlying mettle or physical standard and at the same time that which can transcend all divisions, be they class, or country, or economy, or currency.

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Archangel Indriel ~ The World Is A Stage ~ via Bella Capozzi

There is no problem so insurmountable that the loving hands of God cannot overcome. Too often you forget to call upon your Mother and your Father during times of crisis, and instead you choose to work alone.

Why do you do this, Dear Hearts? Why must you make things harder on yourselves than they need be? For nowhere was it ever decreed that when you breathe your first breath of life in Human form then you must sever all ties with Us.

It is part of the Human condition to forget and then, ideally, to remember once again. Through subtle reminders-and of late, not so subtle-we nudge at you to let you know that we are here. We are guiding you, protecting you and on occasion barraging you with ingenious ideas.

It is our job to speak and it is yours to listen and to act. Hear the voices of the Universe and heed the signs. They have been erected everywhere, to guide you in the proper direction. ?

This life, it’s an illusion. This world, a stage. It is a carefully constructed backdrop to a brilliantly written play. You are the performers in an epic tale of love triumphing over all adversity. This bodysuit you wear, it is a costume, and when the play is over you shall take it off and don a new one.

Or maybe not. The choice is yours. If you remember these things, then few circumstances that you encounter shall have the power to break you. Because a child of God cannot be broken, not ever. Your flame burns brightly in a world where there are far, far too many dark places.

Nothing can extinguish your flame nor dim your light, so move to the head of the line with total confidence and show the others the way. Your light shall lead them home. ?

Do not fall victim to the temptation to give in or to quit. So many of you vacillate back and forth, as you hear voices in your head which tell you that it is too hard to continue on. But know this-in this case it is the ego speaking.

True Divine guidance is always encouraging and never discouraging, so use this as a simple guideline in determining the difference. Be of the knowing that sweeter times lie ahead for all of God’s mighty warriors. You are loved. ?

I am Indriel.
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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The Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves."

~ Bill Hicks

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The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Rafaelle ~ 2.10.13

Greetings dear ones. Again we come to encourage you in your journey of enlightenment and ascension into the new energies you are now receiving. We see many of you beginning to question the actions of local and world governments because you no longer resonate with much that heretofore was simply taken for granted. Your energy levels are becoming finer and more evolved causing you to be out of sync with energetically denser ideas of life and living. This is proof of your evolution dear ones and demonstrates that you are indeed waking up and seeing the bigger picture.

Take a stand in what ever small ways you can, not by making a power out of ideas representing beliefs of duality, but by gently planting seeds of truth without any expectations, where you can . You need not preach, but simply and silently hold the light of truth within dear ones, and be available for those who want more (truth).

Many awakening souls are afraid and need validation regarding new emotions and ideas they find themselves experiencing. When an individual's background has only been in and of the three dimensional belief system, a shift into perceiving the world in new and different ways can cause confusion,fear, worry, and alienation of friends and family. This is especially true for those in families or countries with strong traditional belief systems firmly in place.

Today we again wish to speak of love. Yes, we have spoken of love many times but we wish to speak of love to help you understand that what you have been taught about love is not always love. Too many still see love as an emotional connection between people, family, or possessions. LOVE IS THE ACTIVITY OF ONENESS. Love is the interconnectedness between all that is, but this truth is interpreted according to the level of awareness within each individual.

The powerful energy shift and ascension process taking place at this time is moving mankind more deeply into a realization of oneness. It is a shift from metaphysics (trying to change a bad picture into a good picture through various tools) into mysticism (the realization that within the ONE there can be nothing needing to be changed). In the absolute sense, everything is already whole and perfect because if Infinite Divine Consciousness is all there is, everything must be embodied within it. The attainment of this realization is the journey, is evolution, and is where all are slowly or quickly heading.

Meditation, crystals, oils, etc. are all tools to help you get to that place of Oneness that each and every soul unconsciously seeks and yearns for. In the third dimension this innate yearning for wholeness manifests in hundreds of ways--pharmaceuticals for every perceived need, attainment of more and more money, better sex, right foods, as well as the readily available advice of experts on any topic.

Corporations and businesses believe themselves to be making the world (usually themselves) "better" in some way, but often trample on the rights of other living things and even their own workers in order to do it. These human activities represent the un-awakened soul's concept of completeness but these creations can never satisfy a soul's yearning for that which he really is, for they are simply concepts of the spiritual reality he is seeking.

There must be an understanding of this as you move into the next stage of your journey. Too many are still stuck in the teachings of metaphysics believing it to be the fullness of spiritual truth. Metaphysics is a good place to start and has assisted almost every spiritual student in their shift from duality and separation into truth but there is much more--you are ready to go deeper. It is difficult to throw away the tools that have served you well in your journey, so we say keep them and love them, but understand that you do not NEED them.

You have learned that you are Divine beings who have chosen lifetimes of human experiences in order to experience evolutionary lessons and which have often been difficult and painful. In the past, new and higher ideas came to man through metaphysical teachings and teachers who understood deeper realities, however try not to become stuck at that level. Many of you were a part of the ancient mystery schools which taught new ideas on the use and manipulation of energy. This has evolved into current day metaphysical teachings and so for some of you, metaphysics feels very comfortable and familiar.

There were a few at that time who were not evolved enough to realize that this information was not a self serving toy and so through the selfish use of this knowledge began what is now called the "dark arts".

There were in ancient times and still are a few highly resonating temples of healing where evolved healers use energy, light, oils, color, and sound to bring into alignment individual energy fields that may be in discord. This is beautiful and sacred work done by aware and highly resonating beings for those seeking help in this way. Many are still doing this sacred work through old and new healing modalities which become energetically higher as the "healer" himself evolves.

The point we are making is that there comes a time in everyone's, (teacher and student), evolutionary journey when he shifts into a realization of oneness. This may come in an instant after lifetimes of spiritual seeking, or it may be a slow and gradual process. This is ascension, the attainment of that state of consciousness that realizes everything Real is perfect and held in place by Divine law and that ONE is ever manifesting ITSELF as... What you "see is what you get" as the saying goes... Your state of consciousness is interpreting for you, the divine ideas embodied within the One.

If the tools and books of metaphysics no longer resonate with you, trust that. It means that you are moving into a state of consciousness where you will be able to get your information, guidance, and direction from within instead of from people or the tools that have helped you in the past. Meditation is a tool that helps connect you to your higher self and would be worth keeping until you are fully experiencing the reality of yourselves. This is graduation dear ones. Trust, honor, and accept that as truth.

Letting go of obsolete tools can be a difficult step for those who may have an ego attachment to their use--those who have built their identity on teaching certain techniques or ideas but it is time for everyone take spiritual teachings to new and higher levels of interpretation which does not leave these individuals without purpose or activity, but manifests as new activities to teach and practice.

Move deeper into your awareness regarding the purpose of tools. The use of tools, including meditation instruction telling you that you must sit this way, chant, light a candle, spine straight, feet on the floor etc, were taught because they helped the student to shift into higher dimensional energy.

Most are now in that higher energy and no longer need the tools that assisted you when you were not.

Structures formed out of old beliefs are crumbling both within and without for the energy needed to sustain them is no longer present. Physically, emotionally, and mentally mankind's' "house of cards" is falling. Do not be afraid when this happens, dear ones for this is what you have asked for, yearned for, and waited for--lifetime after lifetime.

Trust, trust, trust your inner guidance. All is well and all is proceeding according to what is needed for each one even though it may not seem that way to the un-awakened eye.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/10/13

you are love, you are loved, and I love you

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Julie Miller

Sendo MENTE ful-é uma coisa bonita

Mensagem Semanal de Serapis Bey ~ August 31 - 07 de setembro de 2012

Canalizado por: Julie Miller 31 de agosto, 2012

Cada oportunidade de falar com cada um de vocês é uma bênção em si mesmo. À medida que começamos esta transcrição Fui esperando pacientemente para entregar, eu envolvo com a minha própria energia para elevá-lo e curá-lo através de qualquer discórdia ou a desarmonia que pode ter entrado no seu espírito. Que todos discórdia sair tão rapidamente como veio e em seu lugar continua a ser uma pessoa de profunda paz consigo mesmos e com o mundo. Um dos meus temas favoritos entes queridos "é auto-disciplina.

Transmissão de hoje é principalmente sobre esta área específica. Queridos para conseguir controlar sua mente, primeiro você é obrigado a compreender o que é a mente. Você já sabe que a mente é uma estrutura ampla e progressiva ativo que não está apenas ligado ao seu cérebro, mas para o resto do seu corpo. Esta forma de energia tem sido altamente talentosa criado por sua consciência, permitindo assim que você pensar e ver a si mesmo através da observação aguçada.

A mente é vasto e belo e parte de sua compreensão, sabendo de si e percepção de tudo o que você é. Ela tem um papel importante e que é para ajudar na sua capacidade de pensar de forma independente, para que você a ter e manter as características separadas e diferentes. Sociedade em geral queridos foi condicionado muito tempo a acreditar que a mente está localizado dentro do cérebro. Espiritualmente falando esse equívoco torna difícil para qualquer um entender o que a mente realmente é.

Sua mente queridos não se limita ao espaço confinado onde seu cérebro reside dentro de seu corpo. Mente, o corpo e o cérebro estão entrelaçados em um tal sistema de interacção magnífico unificado de um ao outro. Este trabalho de sua mente e seu corpo queridos é um método natural ativo, onde o seu verdadeiro pensamento realmente ocorre. Seu pensamento real e verdadeira não tem lugar dentro dos queridos cerebrais.

Seu cérebro não tem a habilidade de discernir o que é real ou não, e não pode dizer o que vê com o que pode ser lembrado. A informação armazenada dentro do cérebro como se sabe é comparado a um chip de computador. Você leva em informações, você processá-lo, e você decide consciente e sub-consciente, onde esta informação é para ir. Uma das diferenças quando comparado a um chip de computador queridos é que o seu cérebro processa a informação que você traz em um nível tão alto que acaba criando uma ilusão de que o cérebro é realmente pensa.

Eu lhe dei muito para pensar e vejo este navio levantar a sobrancelha. Tenho certeza que ela vai querer pesquisar mais tarde, o que eu falava quando estamos a fazer. Embora existam muitas almas avançadas em sua Terra que entendem o que quero dizer quando falo de disciplinar a mente, mas ainda existem algumas pessoas que já vivem em um estado de medo por tanto tempo por causa de uma circunstância ou outra, e por meio de condicionamento da sociedade educação, e escolhas. Uma maneira de saber se sua mente é disciplinada queridos é através de suas tentativas de meditação. Se você lutar constantemente com você mesmo para esvaziar seus pensamentos para ter calma então sua mente ainda não está disciplinado o suficiente.

É quando você finalmente terá uma mente quieta quando todos os seus encargos diários na corrida para a atenção e é então quando você está a empurrá-los para trás até que você está em paz a partir de dentro de si mesmo que o seu eu exterior imediatamente responde de uma forma calma. Você tem recebido informações antes de você nascer, queridos, e informação chega a você mesmo enquanto você dorme.Agora você tem crescido desde a fase de criança para o adulto e não há estímulos ainda mais distração que têm a oportunidade de entrar seus pensamentos a qualquer momento, e alguns deles têm influências negativas.

Todas as distrações estimulantes que você encontrar todos têm propósito queridos. Eles ajudá-lo a decisões e pode causar vários padrões de pensamento a surgir. Cabe a você, queridos, sobre como você é capaz de resistir às tentações que estão sempre ao seu redor. Algumas tentações poderia ser comida, compras excessivas, uso de drogas, promiscuidade, espalhar boatos, mentiras, etc

A lista de exemplos pode ser bastante extensa quando se fala do que pode tentá-lo. Cabe a você, queridos, a se afastar das distrações e optar por não ser comprados em manipulação. Suas escolhas têm grande efeito no resultado de cada e de todos. Exorto-vos através do meu coração puro e divino para sempre escolher para representar o seu eu-Deus em cada ação e reação. Aprender é para ser abraçado, independentemente de sua escolha e como a sua jornada se desenrola. Alegrai-vos, queridos na generosidade do conhecimento disponível para você e as grandes mudanças que você pode aplicar a sua mente, corpo, espírito e coração.

Você é um ser belo e criativo, que está sempre mudando e evoluindo. Onde vocês estão agora no caminho de sua viagem é incrível, ainda está longe de acabar. Muito ainda está esperando para se desdobrar apenas para você. É sempre possível libertar-se de qualquer e todas as distrações negativas simplesmente pelas escolhas que você faz através do mesmo através de dispositivos de mídia. Assista menos televisão; descobrir livros que são cerca de capacitar a mente eo espírito, investigar música diferente, música que é menos distração e mais bem-vindas por seu coração.

Como você tomar tempo para si mesmo, sua própria consciência vai aumentar grandemente para o ponto que você vai aprender a observar toda a energia negativa que se aproxima. Isso não significa que você tem que fazer amizade com todas as pessoas que você conhece. Isto significa que você vai estar mais consciente e você será capaz de tomar as precauções suficientes para proteger o seu coração e espírito através do uso de sua energia de luz e ainda amo pura e incondicionalmente, ao mesmo tempo. Há mensagens negativas ocultos, que são subliminar em muitas formas de mídia que você escolhe para assistir especialmente no cinema.

Não se mete em as energias negativas que cercam muitos filmes. Apreciar o filme sem absorver a energia negativa que se confunde dentro de um dos seus quadros. Sua mente consciente será inepta de dizer a diferença. Mas sua mente sub-consciente vontade. Você pode notar uma mudança de energia dentro de sua mente que pode induzir a uma reação compulsiva relacionada ao que você está assistindo. Isto é encontrado um normalmente nos meios de publicidade.

O que também tem sido muito notado que pode facilmente perturbar a pureza de sua mente, queridos, e que é todos os pensamentos que você tem que conter o medo. Existem muitos tipos de medos queridos. E hoje estamos mais conversando sobre medos emocionais e mentais. O medo é uma emoção enorme que tem um grande impacto em todo o seu ser.

O medo é facilmente descrito como sendo destrutiva. Quando o medo enche suas formas-pensamento que você tem uma interrupção na sua capacidade de trazer a paz ea calma em todo o seu ser. Medo em vez convida caos e discórdia. Eu vejo as pessoas temem muitas coisas, incluindo eles próprios. O medo vai impedir que o pensamento claro e muitas vezes o que ocorre quando as pessoas reagem por medo é que eles esquecem que podem combater todo o medo através do amor. O medo pode facilmente dar-lhe um estado vítima de sentimento. Em algumas circunstâncias, eu sei que são mais difíceis de se afastar do que outros, mas nada é impossível.

Queridos, se você se permitir ser cercado por muito muito medo, o que você está fazendo está alimentando o seu ego e é o ego que queremos equilibrar. Sim, queridos, o Ego é uma parte de você. Existem algumas almas preciosas que não nasceram com uma e há alguns que se encontraram com o abuso e violência suficiente que o ego não existe, mas também pode se tornar uma vítima do Ego dos outros. Cabe a você, queridos, para controlar o ego e para equilibrá-lo dentro de sua mente pensante. Quando o Ego está sob controle, você vai achar que é muito mais fácil de disciplinar sua mente e livre-se em um estado superior de consciência. Não haverá mais, "Eu acho que eu posso".

Haverá apenas: "Eu posso!" Toda vez que você usar as palavras, "eu acho", "eu não tenho certeza", "Hmm ... talvez" e outros que começam com uma nota negativa geralmente são sinais do Ego em trabalhar. Quando você criar, mover, agir, falar e ser positivo, você está confiante. Você não permitem adivinhar segundo, porque você tem desenvolvido um profundo conhecimento de si mesmo através reflexivo auto-descoberta do seu verdadeiro eu. Dispersar todo o medo, queridos com amor, que é puro e sem nuvens que se encontra dentro do seu precioso coração. Assim, muitos querem controlar seu ego e eles podem muito facilmente.

Você controla o seu ego quando você se torna e demonstrar a responsabilidade por suas ações. Quando você está sem a responsabilidade por suas ações e reações, o seu Ego torna-se no controle e enfraquece-lo. Se você lhe dar Ego suficiente de seu próprio poder pessoal, ele pode e vai influenciar muitas de suas decisões.Vejo muitos balançam a cabeça em compreensão. Eles estão sob a influência do Ego antes e eles também sentiram os Egos dos outros. Ele faz ter uma grande força interior e perseverança para conquistar o Ego, mas que vale a pena queridos.

Como você estará se sentindo mais leve e mais leve você se sente por dentro, mais amor você será capaz de dar e receber. E, queridos, cada um de vocês é um reflexo de Deus. E a palavra de Deus é o amor. Ainda mais motivos para fazer um ponto de controle do Ego problemático e fortalecer o seu eu profundo interior para chegar muito além de qualquer expectativa anterior para o seu crescimento pessoal e espiritual. O amor sempre será a sua solução. Acredite no seu poder incrível, deixe seu coração se abrir tão grande como você pode, dissolver esse medo e viver através dos seus corações amorosos.

Eu vejo o tempo certamente passou e eu não estava ciente de quanto tempo nós nos sentamos aqui conversando. Definitivamente eu gostava de conversa de hoje. Filhos lindos e doce de Deus, você é amado tão ricamente por mim e por Deus. Enquanto nós continuamos a fechar Eu encorajo qualquer um de vocês, todos vocês quando estiver pronto e em necessidade de minhas energias, por favor, não hesite em chamar a minha presença. Eu sou um professor severo, não há nenhuma coisa especial dallying comigo. Vou guiá-lo e amá-lo através da verdade e honestidade que está viva dentro de seus corações divinos.

EU SOU Ascensionado Mestre Serapis Bey através de Julie Miller

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