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In the ocean of our being.

Every step that you have taken has led you here to the place where you surrender to the heart. The place where Love brings the mind into the merging as well, that it might wait in anticipation for the next revelation of Love. It is one shift out of the ego-mind's sub-creation that is made of thought. One shift into the heart, into the remembrance of only Love that has always been the truth of you I Am waiting to welcome you as a new creation, a deepening part of the hologram of Love.And while the mind can't comprehend this consciousness of living Love that is so rich, so filled with so many divine energies and yet always and only perfect Love. It can sense what is meant to come of it when Love is allowed to fuel the mind, too: That every thought is like a raindrop delivered to the parched earth of the mind's perceptions, nourishing new awareness of Real life, pure Love and the surrender to the heart.Sometimes it takes a powerful choice to shift to the heart, to return to the ocean, to let Love live you, to come back to the Lovemaking of love. Sometimes it is effortless, slipping into the ocean like a long distance swimmer finding her home. Sometimes it takes only one conscious and holy breath and the heart takes over. The way is clear and you are home in the ocean of our being, the oneness of our ecstatic joy.There is more here than you can ever imagine. Layers upon layers upon layers of conscious creation of the wondrous weavings of the heart, the great creativity of Your Love. All that I Am continuously expanding, wondrously evolving into ever more awakened Love. Nothing is ever lost but more is given, more is chosen, more is created as more Love is given. And every experience of every life, even in the ego's world, is ever and only an opportunity to give Love.The giving of Love shifts you to the heart and instantly you are home and you are aware of the merging, the complete opening of the heart, the vulnerability that chooses trust, knowing Love holds you as you swim in this divine ocean of grace. For grace means there is always more good, more Love, more ecstasy and more giving of the one wondrous Self we share.
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You are the love, too.

Here you are - Love moving. Here you are - Love increasing. Here you are - Love giving of itself so totally that more Love is born in great explosions of new life continually. And that which has been perceived as the world is suddenly seen as the energy field of a living heart - a being of great life awakening unto itself. And you, the energy of its birth, holding its resonance as perfect and fulfilled. Every consciousness joined in the intention as a new star is born.~Through the mind you have no idea why you are here. But oh, the heart knows everything. It knows what you are bringing to birth. It knows just how important you are. It knows how easily you conduct the electricity of pure life into the core of this new awakening. And the heart knows the deep connections where millions of hearts beat as one and millions of voices of the Spirit sing in great choruses of joy.~This world is an amazing vehicle of Love and change. You are the love, too..., is birthing you into a greater awareness of Love's possibilities, flying free from all perceived limitations. You have moments where you merge through the heart and you feel this wonder, this ecstasy, this birth. You have moments where you are completely aware of just how perfectly every life is joined in its purpose of giving and expanding Love. Let these moments not only sustain you but expand and extend until you are ever-present in this eternal Now, watching the world awakening in Love with you.~The mind can become aware of these great currents of Love. And when it allows the heart to take over, it surrenders itself to the ecstasy and flow, to being part of this expanding ocean of Love. Let Love live you now. Let it reveal in these moments of perfect peace what it is that you are part of here in this birth of a new heart of Love. And deep within, in the movements of consciousness, be aware that you are this light burning ever-brighter bringing the awakening to everything and everyone in this great merging of limitless wonder.
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The heart sees everything.

When you shift to the heart you are in Love with everything, completely open, joyously merged in oneness. You are in Love with all that you encounter. Not in Love as a person loving something or someone but in Love like being part of the ocean awake to the tides and to the movement of joy, to the rising waves of creativity and the blessings of grace as Love moves you, delights you, and ever expands you into ever-greater joy.-When you shift to the heart, the illusion fades away. There is nothing but this Love, heart to heart, face to face, atom to atom, electron to electron. It is simply the whole of Love breathing you in and breathing you outward to expand in wonder. It could be said that naming the illusion is to create more separation. But naming anything is separation for separation is born of the little mind. But the heart knows only Love and nothing else. And every false perception of everything less-than-love is gone when the heart encounters Life.-You can live here in Me in this state of perfect and glorious awareness of the Love you are. Merged and glowing, dancing free to touch and explore what it means to be the creative heart of my love now and forever. When you shift to the heart there is no world filled with separate egos. There is great streams of light and life creating new and magnificent patterns for the expression of even more Love. The heart sees everything at the deepest and most intimate level. All of life, beloved ones, is the most glorious Lovemaking and every moment is ecstasy.-So, come and make the shift to the heart. For even one moment is a complete revelation. In it you will remember just who you are. You will understand what it means to kiss the whole heart of my love. You will fly free of the boundaries of time and space. And yet as you allow Love to live you, if it is perfect for you to show up in time then here you are.
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Selflessness requires courage.

Making a sacrifice is forgetting about the self. It is taking time away from worry, fear, anxiety and pain. It is becoming busy doing and being someone who makes a difference in the world. Sacrifice is the ability to give away to another with no expectation that anything will happen other than the opportunity of being of help to another. When we offer service to others it is a space of sharing and many times there is an expectation of receiving something in return; that’s why getting a haircut, eating in a restaurant or having the oil changed in our car are called services.-Selflessness requires courage. This is because sacrifice and selflessness are based on loving another more than we love ourselves. But if we are not meeting our own needs for comfort, safety, affection, and happiness it isn’t possible to make a true sacrifice. Not caring for our needs and worrying about the needs of others is a form of martyrdom and emotional enslavement. It arises from the belief that we can only be happy if we make everyone around us happy.-True Sacrifice is the ability to exchange oneself for another- to be with others where they are instead of where we wish them to be. If someone is sad it is more of a sacrifice to sit with them in their grief than to attempt a healing in order for us to feel better about where they are. With sacrifice we learn to be a compassionate witness to another’s journey through life, supporting and validating how they feel and what is happening for them at the time.-Sacrifice arises from devotion. This is devotion to Great Spirit, to a spiritual master .It is seeing a need and being drawn to fill that need because one sees the face of the Beloved Spiritual Master in the suffering countenance of that brother or sister. We do not practice sacrifice to change the world, we practice sacrifice to heal ourselves.
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We are still growing

Our world is made up of many strong women. Everyone has their own definition of strength and what it entails, but I assure you, everyone has someone they know that can be put on this list. A strong woman could be you, your mother, aunt, cousin, wife, girlfriend, teacher, or the cashier at the department store.When you look at a woman, the things that you don’t see are just as important, if not more important, than the things that you do see. What you see is almost the end result of time, effort, loss, pain and hope, among other things. The reason that I say almost the end is because with each day, every moment of that day, we are still growing, learning, reaching and resolving a new dream or dilemma.A strong woman doesn’t need you to break through barriers to reach her soul. Her soul is right there and you will see it when you look into her eyes. She knows the many types of love and has felt the sting of loss. She doesn’t depend on others but knows when to ask for help. If she has made a mistake, she learns from it and is responsible enough to own it. A strong woman knows how to treat people, whom to keep close and whom to keep at bay."A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.”
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The same goes for anything

In our day-to-day life, we get over excited, overstimulated, stressed, and overworked, too much of one thing or another, whether it is our frame of mind, our emotional reactions, or something in our outside world affecting us. We all need to learn the techniques that enable us to relax at all times. What this means is we can have the ability to retrain our behaviors so that we can feel better, no matter what is happening or how we are feeling. This is a great tool for all situations, for it is in these times that we overreact, that we feel the most out of whack. We crave to feel centered, to feel at ease; we want this. So of course when we are overstimulated in some way, we not only want to feel relaxed again, but need to. So in order to retrain oneself, we must begin to look at ourselves differently. We need to see ourselves and our behaviors for what they are.Far too often we are cooped up in our minds and take very little time to see ourselves, especially when we are overreacting to a situation. We do not see this, and therefore we get carried away. When we feel stressed, it is like we are zeroing in on the problem and everything else fades away; we do not see or feel what is real anymore. The same goes for anything that throws us off balance; we are not in tune with ourselves. This is where the training, so to say, comes in. When we are feeling off, stressed, or overwhelmed, this is when we need to check into what is real and take a look at the bigger picture. For in our haste to zero in on what we are dealing with, we are ignoring ourselves. This is all it really takes. We must take notice of ourselves first, then we are then better prepared to handle whatever is happening.
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A lifetime of love and gratitude

A lifetime of love begins with a single step, a journey of a thousand miles. A new experience offers a thrill and an adventure. A tiny, precious hand to hold is all grown up now. A smile when you hear those special words make your heart skip a beat.Precious moments shared, memories made, love and laughter and an, “always”. A lifetime of grinding it, making it and shaking it, just seems to have flown by. Words left unspoken always leaves you wondering, “why.”Rejoicing in the celebration of new life, and wondering where time went by as you say your last goodbyes. A lifetime of open arms, kisses and hugs, memories made of both young and old.A cup of coffee, a lunchtime friend, another to go dancing, and another that has no end. Enjoy it while you are able, shine on like the morning sun. Take your dreams and fulfill them and remember your loved ones.A lifetime of love and gratitude has almost come and gone. Sing, rejoice and be merry, for life is just a song. Don’t waste your time weeping, now dry those tears. Remember to feel your heartbeat and know that you’re alive. With each passing moment you know how precious life is.A lifetime of struggles and hardships has gone by. Learning to live, love and trust again, all in due time. Friends with their wonderful hugs and their beautiful faces, yes a lifetime of love and laughter, you have always been there during sickness and good health.To the treasured friendship along the way, stand up and take notice because they really aren’t that far away. It is your life story; your beginning, your middle and your end.This is only one chapter you fill it in. Make the best of times out of the worst of times and your troubles will be few. Count your blessings daily and to yourself always be true. A lifetime of sharing and caring leaves you exhausted yet alive. This is your lifetime, a once in a lifetime, just see how the time flies.
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For every embodied soul

All that is perceived as separating us from each other and from the One of whom we are each a part, arose out of the original separation from the Oneness and the fear that began as a result. It is only through the eyes of fear and the need for self-protection that our own eyes can stop at the outer layer of another's being, judging them or fearing them for the qualities of that layer, without knowing that it is merely a transparency for the One heart, the One mind, showing itself through the faces of the Many.-Instead of understanding different-ness in this way, when we are young, we often absorb the inner attitudes of parents, family, community, or society, that sees a particular expression of the Many as being uncomfortably strange. It is not different-ness, per se, that makes for the feeling of strangeness, but rather fear which causes us to focus on the different-ness and prevents us from seeing through the faces of the Many to the One.-For every embodied soul, there are those whom we have not met, nor seen, nor communicated with, nor understood before. There are those whose habits, and language, and customs, and rituals will seem foreign in relation to our own. However, whether that foreign-ness is greeted with interest and an all embracing love, or whether it is greeted with a sense of alienation and distance, is not built into the situation of diversity, but into the state of our hearts and their readiness to love all – their readiness to embrace all as ourselves.-The need to separate from a particular group of others can be applied to almost anyone at any time and varies with culture, history, and personal circumstance. At its worst, fear turns into judgment, and judgment turns into hatred with all its many consequences for racial, ethnic, social, or political scapegoating. The virulent hatred that has given rise to so much suffering between groups and at the hands of one group toward another, has been a motivating force in much of human history, containing the energy of darkness, fear, and separation, and cutting us off not only from others but from ourselves as well. This wounding to the self occurs since each thought or action we take in the direction of becoming the judge of others constricts the spiritual blood flow to our hearts, and with less flow, we are less capable of living and of experiencing ourselves fully.
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Look for reasons to be happy.

Thoughts are an illusion, but the earth and its beauty is not an illusion.The secret to happiness, love, peace, and joy is our connection to Great Spirit’s Wisdom. This is the space of divine creative energy.When we think about the future we use memory and imagination. One example: “Because I had an unpleasant experience vacationing with my parents last summer, I will have to be especially on guard this year.Memory and imagination equals a projection of the future.It is possible to have a different experience of current events by focusing on what is happening now, and who people are in this now. When we experience life through our interpretation of events. THIS IS ILLUSION!Reality can be found in the natural world which expresses itself without need for human interpretation. Fire burns, wind blows, water flows over the land – this is reality. Earth magic becomes illusion when people decide natural events mean something-“the fire was sent by God to punish us.”When we discover the core truth of our being, that we just are – like the sky, the song of birds, or the falling rain. Then the core of truth of our divine nature love, joy, peace, abundance, or light can shine through in all we say and do. We allow ourselves to become the beloved children of the Creator, not just a creature made for the pleasure of a deity somewhere.Look for reasons to be happy. Look for reasons to be loved and you will find them.
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During your lifetime friends will turn into acquaintances, lovers will become memories and ex’s will become strangers. The hardest times of your life will become your greatest lessons. Your lessons are your stories to be heard by others, so they will learn that they do not walk alone.

While on your journey through life, many will walk beside you; some temporarily, while others race ahead of you and others lag behind. You realize that everyone is connected, but their paths may vary from yours. You learn to accept people for who they truly are. What is important to one person is not necessarily important to another; this is what makes us so unique.

After a great struggle, there is that moment when you are so focused on going forward; and for the first time in a long time, you have a vision of who you are and where you want to go. Enjoy those steps that are taken alone, and with others. You will see the good and bad in people, you choose what to leave behind and what to carry forward.

When my walk with you ends, and a parting of the ways is inevitable, just know that we both are moving on to bigger and better things, and what we carry with us is a lifetime of walking with others.

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Clear your mind of everything

Dare yourself to dream. No matter how big or how small, just dream. Dream about where you want to go in life. Dream about doing what it is that you wish to do. Dream of a world the way you wish it was. Don’t be afraid to dream, let your imagination take you away. No place is to far nor too near.~Once you dream of how you want things to be, the universe will help you make your dream come true. Of course you will have to do work on your part to make it happen as well. Dream not only about material things, but about harmony and well wishes to everyone.Let your gratitude flow through to your dreams. Being and showing that your grateful sends out a powerful message to the universe that means, “I am ready to receive.”Dreaming is only a small part of the adventure. You also have to think about the dream, your vision, and see it in everything that you do. A dream is a dream, but you have to put things into motion to support it. Make it happen, believe in it, see it everywhere.Clear your mind of everything, just relax and breathe. Let all of the stress and tension go. Release all fears, all expectations, and just breathe.~Be open to receive people, places, and ideas that will help support your dream. The universe will bring people into your life to help you along the way. Your plan might change along the way, but never the dream. Do your work to keep it alive. Don’t be afraid to dream.
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You are becoming more open because of your spiritual growth and this can leave you feeling vulnerable, especially during difficult or chaotic times. You feel more deeply now and it isn't always fun when you are surrounded by other humans who are completely unaware that they send off an energy vibration or that you can feel. Sometimes some of you are unaware how much you are feeling that truly belongs to others. Taking the time to clear your fields can help you immensely.Your angel guidance is to remember to clear yourself and use your shields and filters. Ask your angels to help you be surrounded by orbs of light and feel as each cloak is placed upon you. Ask that your angels stay near you and connected with you and help to enlighten you to anything you need to be aware of that helps you serve your purpose. This will help you to enjoy the energy of others in a new way.Use your shields when you are engaging in your spiritual work, you are mixing with others or are in a new place or area that you have not been before. Your angels are always there with you, however you should not take unnecessary risks.“I am protected by shields of light filled with angelic power and might. I am safe. I am Light.”
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To help you learn to fly.

Consider how your life has changed since you have been on this conscious journey of transformation. You have been through enormous change because of the path of transformation that you have chosen and this has brought with it new developments and understanding in your thinking and how you see the world. Like an emerging butterfly, you are learning to take off and fly.Ask your angels to help you if you are experiencing any discomfort on your journey upwards and onwards as it is sometimes uncomfortable as you adjust to the changes that are happening in your life. Know that you are not alone and we are standing by ready, willing, and so very wanting to help you learn to fly.Remain open to the possibilities that are before you. Try some new adventures as you feel the joy of seeing life from this new perspective and remember that death to the caterpillar is life to the butterfly."I gain confidence in myself and all life as I experience my life transforming in amazing ways and the world around me changing for the good of all."
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There’s plenty of art on your planet that could easily be classified as lower-vibrational, and if one transitions to the lower fourth-dimensional realms after death, they, just like the soul who transitions to the higher planes, are able and willing to produce similar art to what they produced on earth.Creativity is an aspect of existence in every plane of reality, and even if one’s trapped in a lower state of consciousness, their creations can still manifest but will do so in the realms they’re anchored in.We encourage creativity, because being creative opens the channels of your mind and heart and enables you to subject yourselves to spiritual influence. By this we don’t necessarily mean the influence of certain guides or entities, but of the energy you’re being given in increasing purity.When you open yourselves to the influence of spirit, you tap into the greatest connection that can be found. Tapping into spirit enables you to access your greatest creative gifts and talents, and likewise, embracing your creative side enables you to open your higher senses to the energy you’re being given.More than anything, we wholeheartedly encourage you to enjoy yourselves and everything you do on the earth. You’re going to enjoy your higher-dimensional experiences without a doubt, but your stay on the earth is temporary and when you evolve, you might look back on your experience with the wish that you’d done more things you enjoyed.In enjoying yourselves and everything you do, you’re anchoring the freedom and liberation that’s been missing from your planet, which your people have dreadfully missed and tried to fill with physical things that ultimately bring unhappiness.
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If you could only fathom a portion of your indescribable beauty, you’d see that you’re glimmering souls of light who deserve to enjoy the rich and fulfilling experiences you seek.Learning about the higher dimensions and your evolution back into them enables many of you to feel a greater sense of wholeness and freedom that the limitation of the earth just doesn’t offer, and we’re happy to provide a link to the other side by telling you all about the blissful realms you’re growing back into.Humanity’s just beginning to rediscover spirit and the fact that there are numerous, brimming realms and planets beyond your conscious understanding that host intelligent life, and in speaking with you, we hope to get this knowledge out there and spread it as far as we can.-We seek to help humanity become aware by way of direct communication through people on earth known as mediums and channelers, and despite the varying purity with which we speak through various scribes, we’re actively communicating from the other side because we have a lot to tell you.-We have a lot to help you remember, and we seek to do everything we can to bring knowledge of these wonderful higher dimensions back to the people of earth so you can use your newfound understanding to eventually reenter them yourselves.
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Standing in integrity

This New Day brings us opportunities for dynamic change to take place. Change is happening on a grander scale than ever before, however this time it is the lightworker who can make the difference in what the final outcome will be. You are now planting the seeds that will be the beginning of the next cycle so choose wisely for yourselves and those that follow. All points have been leading up to these changes that will be taking place over the next years and so learn what you can from the past, release and expect things to be different and they will.-Review the motives of those in your power positions. One of the great uses of expanding your senses is to know when the one who is speaking is standing in integrity or just blowing wind. As more of you learn to trust yourselves and your natural senses you will know what is true and what is right. Until enough of you awaken and effect change by becoming that change, it will carry on business as usually by those who have the most control. Apathy can often be the greatest weapon you use against yourselves.-Time is in a quickening and things feel as if they are going faster and they are. Things are going to be moving so quickly it can often be a challenge to think on your feet while you are running. Those of you who have been working on your connections with your higher selves and spirit will feel you have more options and choices than those who still hold the victim or me mentality. As you develop your relationship with your ‘I Am Presence’ you begin to understand that you are a victim of no one and a part of each other. While you might physically think you are an individual unit, you are in actuality a spark of the greater aspect of soul that is a spark of the greater aspect of Creator Light and you are now beginning to merge together with the other aspects of you who have been gathering knowledge and understanding as a singular aspect as well.
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To help you on your way.

When you are at a cross road, or you need to make a choice or change in your course of action, ask your angels to help you help you find the most beneficial route for your soul to take that will help you through and get you on the path of least resistance as you are ready to leave all the drama, confusion and chaos behind you and move on to something more meaningful for yourself and your growth.Angel guidance reminds you that you are always in the right place to start. Prepare to take action in a different way and keep your eyes on the bigger picture and leave the details to others. Trust there are alternatives and that it is just that you have been so caught up in the situation that you haven't noticed what is being offered to you to help you on your way.Ask your angels to help you to see what you have learned from your current situation and to reveal to you a new path filled with opportunities and options that you were previously unaware of and then watch for the clues, such as ideas and inspirations, remarks from others, and your inner guidance through meditation and trust that it will be so and that a new path will appear before you.Take the time to ask and listen for the answers that you seek and take that leap of faith and follow what feels good and right and visualize the outcome of your successful mission for yourself and to help you to achieve it for the greatest good of all."I trust that I will clearly see the path I need to follow that is best for me and my growth. I trust my inner wisdom will help to guide me."
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Self-compassion does not have loud bells and whistles. It does not have strong sensations at all. It is tiny and subtle. Microscopic. And it is the most powerful tool for transformation you might ever find. Self-compassion is having sweetness for yourself, no matter what else you might be experiencing. When you are worried, close your eyes and let Sweet Me fall into you like leaves drifting to the ground. When you are sad, let Sweet Me settle alongside the sadness. When you are hurt, frightened or angry, let Sweet Me emanate through you while you feel that emotion. Intense emotion sometimes unbalances us—not because there is anything innately unbalancing in the emotion itself but because the emotion occurs in an environment void of self-compassion. Open to the tiniest sweetness for yourself as that emotion occurs, and you will notice a shift toward balance. You will begin to feel safer and more alive.-Our spirit is made of love and compassion. Sweetness. When we open to self-compassion by saying "Sweet me", we open a door to Spirit. It is the compassion of our spirit that is emanating within us. That compassion is unconditional; we don't have to do anything to deserve it or create it. Our only job is to let ourselves have it.-Without self-compassion we struggle, finding fault and rejecting ourselves in our efforts to become something better. That self-rejection hurts us and holds us back from thriving, intensifying our feeling of being separate from the goodness we seek. As we open to self-compassion, we automatically feel more acceptance of ourselves as we are. We can still choose to make changes in our personality or in the circumstances of our lives, but how we do it makes a difference. With self-rejection we create changes that keep us chasing well-being; with self-compassion we create changes that increase our well-being.
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To experience self-compassion

We all know what it's like to want to improve ourselves. We want to be more spiritually evolved, more enlightened. We want to be more loving and patient. To be healed of our childhood wounds. To be better parents, or better people. And there are situations in our outer lives we wish would improve, too. We want a job doing something we love, something that makes our heart sing and our soul soar. We want more money so we can feel safe and supported and free. We want a relationship with a true partner, a soul mate who will help us open to our full capacity to love and be loved. We want to release the struggle in our lives and replace it with harmony and balance. We are ready to make the shift from surviving to thriving.-Self-compassion is something that most of us rarely think about. In fact, "What exactly is self-compassion?" might be your first thought. Self-compassion is a subtle state, one we easily overlook or disregard. We have been taught to have compassion for other people, but there's a good chance we never have been told to have compassion for ourselves—and never have been taught how to do it!-I'd like you to assume right now that self-compassion is your natural state; it is your birthright. Self-compassion is a gentle state because it is so subtle and quiet, and it is a warrior's state because it is so powerful for making life changes. To experience self-compassion, take a moment to close your eyes, and with each of your next three breaths, silently say the following words: "Sweet me". Then do it again, this time looking gently for the tiniest, most microscopic sensations of sweetness emanating through you. Then do it once more.
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