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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/8/12 ‘Project Participation Survey’

Opening into our new blossoming reality, we are poised to begin the commencement of many of the projects and programs we have discussed with you throughout the past months. What we see for you and your people is an entirely new approach to your everyday tasks, chores and problems. We offer you solutions in the way of advanced technologies and sounder reasoning when it comes to planning and implementing these new systems.

Many of your current systems are archaic, and some of them should not have been implemented in the ways they were in the first place. What we, the Galactic Federation of Light, would like to do is tear down some of these systems and start over completely from scratch. Naturally, this will be a great endeavor and will take many hands and many minds to see a successful accomplishment of this task. What we would like from you is a sign that you are dedicated and committed to making these wide ranging changes all across your planet. We would like to hear from you to learn how many of you would be interested in working hands-on on these many projects.

In some cases, there will be those of you who will be working directly with members of our organization. There will be others of you who work indirectly with us, but who will not meet us face-to-face and board our ships for any length of time. There are many reasons why some of you will be working with us while some of you will participate in some of these projects but not work directly with us. One way to see this is that a trust has needed to have been built throughout the past months and years since we have been communicating with you through our channels. We have monitored your online social networks, and we have devised at least some sort of list of who we feel have earned a right to work directly with us based on your work ethic, your commitment, your ability to work with others, and other factors that have weighed in our decision-making.

Please do not feel you are being judged in any way, as this is certainly not the case. We do not judge any of you for anything, that is the bottom line. What we would prefer is to simply work with those of you who we feel we could trust even though we have never worked with you before, or that we feel would be a compliment to our team. There are also those of you who have worked with us before, and as we have said, there are those of you who are, beyond this illusion, members already of the Galactic Federation of Light and, of course, in such cases we look forward to our reunion with you and working again much closer than we are at this time.

There are many projects, programs and tasks needed to be accomplished here to right this ship that is listing in her waters, and there will always be many opportunities for many of you to earn a spot on our roster and begin to work personally with us or even one day become a member in full honor and standing with our organization. At this time, we only wish to get the ball rolling and begin some of the more pressing projects we feel are important to get underway. Some of these projects will take many years to accomplish and some even decades. There are some smaller tasks that we, together with you, should be able to accomplish far sooner. It is some of these tasks that we will also begin in the days ahead, and we look forward to begin to splash a few of these dominoes down.

Your journey has been a long one, and through much of it we have seen the best in you shine, and at times, the worst that humanity can offer come to the surface. We see today and the days before you as an opportunity for you to let the best of what each and every one of you are shine brightly for the entire universe to see like a burning torch leading the way of your people through the cold dark night of your isolation, an isolation that is about to end once and for all and forever. You have been quarantined, as it is said here in your world, for many long years. Throughout this isolation, you have been left to find solutions to your problems on your own. The problems that have needed solutions were created by you, and therefore, we felt it was important for you yourselves to find the solutions to your own creations.

In some areas you have done very well for yourselves, and in some areas great problems have arisen from your failure to adequately derive solutions to the problems that have been mounting for many years now since your Industrial Revolution period in your history. In the great scheme of things, this period in your history is very minute, yet it has left indelible footprints in the path of your journey. Some of these footprints are deep and have caused great problems for you. We have been monitoring your progress and also closely monitoring the problems that have arisen from some poor planning and implementation, and from what we see, mostly due to greed on the parts of your industrial barons who only saw profit, power and control as a means for their motivation.

What we would like to do is remove these barons from power by removing the necessity for the utilities and the systems that they control. This is one of the larger projects on our ‘To- Do’ list, and this is one of the projects that will take the longest time to fully complete. Some of these systems are so deep rooted into your society that only a complete overhaul of your systems, and in some cases your society, will be the cure for these ailments. This is where we need your full cooperation and as many of you as possible who are willing to participate in these projects. What we are talking about is your transportation systems, your waste disposal systems, your water treatment systems, your food production systems, your healthcare systems, your systems of safety and well-being, and your systems of problem control which would entail natural, as well as even some man-made problems in your world.

Taking a look at this list we are confident you will immediately see how great a task some or even all of these initial projects are. There are many other tasks as well that demand attention immediately, and we are also confident you can understand why we feel it is needed that we begin to make contact with many of you and enlist the help of many others to begin at least some of the initial phases of some of these projects. What we would like to do is just get an idea of how many of you would be willing to participate in these projects. We ask you at this time to leave us your comments under this message just to give us some idea of how many of you can be counted on to take on these tasks with us in the days ahead. As we have said, we are fully monitoring your online social networks and we have teams that are making lists and compiling data on your responses to our offers and to the information that we are sharing with you through our channels. (You may leave a comment under this message throughout the Internet, or if no comment field is provided, beneath this message on my blog @ . Please do not send me a private message, as the GFL will not read our private mail as they respect and honor our privacy at all times.)

At this time, this is the only way we can communicate with you. In the days ahead this will change, you can be assured of this, as a more direct line of communication will be opened. We will not discuss with you at this time what this will entail, but we will say that there will be little question as to the authenticity or accuracy of these messages any longer, as all will know that indeed it is we, the Galactic Federation of Light, that is speaking to you. For today, it is your choice whether you choose to believe these words you are reading or not. This is one of the choices that are all yours to make and we honor and respect each and every choice you make as always.

We feel a lot of the difficulties that are being experienced at this time could be alleviated if more of you could simply find a way to better trust the information that is being provided to you. We see so many of you questioning the integrity or the abilities of our channels, and we ask you at this time to try to find a way to suspend your systems of disbelief, distrust and suspicion, and instead just try to focus on the possibility that these messages are genuine and look at them with an open mind and heart, and just try to feel that someone is trying to get through to you and share something with you.

In the end, there will be no question as to our existence and that we have indeed been communicating with you for some time now through channels that we have selected based on their abilities and their track records to get jobs done that needed to be completed. This is why these channels have been chosen, there is no other reason, and there is no ulterior motive to why these individuals were selected to carry forth our messages. There is no secret or mystery to this, it is very simple. We needed to get our messages to you and we found a few individuals that we felt we could count on, that is all. Try to see this and understand this and take less shots and make less attacks on our channels, as what they are doing is providing you a service for an avenue of information that comes from us and has been written for you, nothing more nothing less, and in the days ahead the identities of our channels will be made clear to you and you will know that the words you have been reading are genuine communications from us of the higher dimensions.

Thank you for your time today, and we look forward to reading your responses to our offers to participate in some of the large projects we have discussed with you at this time. We will be compiling lists of those of you who have shown a willingness to participate in these initial projects, and we look forward to working either directly or indirectly with many of you.

We have to put aside our differences and rest our squabbling and debating with each other, as these forms of communication are proving pointless and without merit and reward. What we would like to see more of you doing is communicating openly without fear of reprisals in the form of unwelcoming comments and insults. We would like to see more of you participating in these discussions pertaining to our presence here in your world and of the many projects we will be undertaking with your assistance. This is the matter at hand at this time, there is no other matter as pressing or important, as much rides on these many projects and they necessitate our introductions and our assistance that can only be lent you through a working partnership with us.

Please allow all others to express their opinions and points of view without censorship or reprisal, and allow others to express whatever it is they would like to without your criticism of their beliefs or viewpoints. If you could all do this it would make our job much easier amassing the data that will lead to conclusions as to whether the time is now right to make our move and begin on these many projects with you. This is what we ask you at this time. We would like to see more peaceful and constructive conversations amongst you instead of harsh words and criticism sent back and forth. This will help us, and in the long run help you, as nothing can be resolved through bickering and argumentation. Nothing ever gets resolved that way, and that is one of the lessons you have come here to learn.

We see many of you have learned this lesson and do try your best to conduct amicable conversations with others even in the face of ridicule and insult to your character and your beliefs. We thank all of you who have been making a sincerest effort to better communicate and convey your ideas and thoughts to each other with respect for one another and each of your points of view, and tell you that this is the way to effectively communicate that will lead to getting things done here in your world.

Nothing can be accomplished until you learn to get along with each other. This is the starting point, the cornerstone of the foundation that your new world will be built upon. We do not wish to come in here and help you build a new world upon a faulty foundation that has been built upon argument, dissension, hatred, and attacks on one another. We wish instead to help you construct your new paradise on a firm foundation built on respect and honor for one another’s beliefs and points of view and upon lines of communication that are open, free of censorship, ridicule, judgment, personal attacks and mockery. This is a foundation we will not help you build upon, and we ask you to firm up your foundation now before we together begin building your new world upon it.

Thank you for your efforts in this area, and we assure you that given the right amount of effort you will see rewards, as so much can be gained and accomplished through open, free, and friendly lines of communication. We look to see improvements in this area, and we will again be monitoring your online social networks and look forward to seeing how well you can communicate with each other and to us, as we do take note of many comments directed towards us and our reasons for being here.

We say to you again that our reason for being here is to assist your world make the many changes necessary that will see you advance to the level of a galactic, rather than a planetary, society. There comes a time in each and every planet’s journey throughout this universe when a point is reached of rising to the next stage of evolution, and it is now your turn, the people of the planet you call Earth, to take center stage and rise to the next level of accomplishment and reward. It is your turn, this is your opportunity, and we suggest to you to do what you can to take full advantage of this opportunity and all that is possible for you from it, as these stages of a planet’s evolutionary path are very far between and take many eons of time and much effort on the part of its people to reach.

All of you together have ridden your planet around its track through this galaxy and your galaxy’s track through this universe, and all of you deserve credit and the reward for such effort and hard fought accomplishment. Your reward for such trial is now at hand, and we say to you the hard times, the difficult times, the struggle and hardship through lack, through poverty, through hunger, through war, through violence, through dirt and pollution is now on the verge of becoming a relic of your past experience that has made you the tried-and-true being of immense knowledge, wisdom and power that you are today. This day is yours, and nothing would make us happier than to see each and every one of you enjoy it to its fullest. You have earned it, and all the prize that comes with it.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles.

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Getting into the Game (Searching for your Assignment)

The Galactic Federation of Light has shared with us their views that the time has come for all of us to be fully engaged in the tasks that will see to the successful conclusion of our overall mission, as the time for 3rd dimensional distractions has come to pass. There are those at this time who have expressed that they are not yet sure what their individual assignment or assignments are at this time, so let us discuss briefly what some of these assignments may be, keeping in mind there are no wrong choices. Whatever it is you feel you resonate with is always an excellent choice.

To find which assignment may be the one for you, you may ask yourself “What is it I’m good at? What is it that seems to draw me to it like a magnet? What is it I have learned? What is it that interests me? What are some of the jobs I’ve had in this lifetime? Could they have something to do with my assignment at this time? What are some of the professions of my friends? Could this also be a clue? When I am surfing the Internet I seem to keep running across topics with related themes. Perhaps this is a sign and this is my true calling?”

The Galactic Federation of Light has made it clear that they will not contact us in any way to tell us what our individual assignments are, as we are not only here to see to the successful conclusion of our shared mission, but we are also here on personal journeys as well and part of this journey is to find our own way.

Our overall mission here that we, the Lightworkers, are involved in is service to this planet and her people. As part of our duties towards this service, we are to assist the people of this world understand what is transpiring here, what their options are, and support them in what may be a challenging period for many. Many at this time seek answers to their many questions. This is one assignment that is available for you to become involved in. Those of us who have reached an understanding of the events transpiring at this time are asked to be a fountain of information for any and all that seek a higher understanding of what is transpiring around them.

All the tools that you will ever need for this assignment are at your fingertips. The Internet and the social networks are all you need to reach thousands, even millions of those who seek knowledge that is not available through mainstream media. (*At this time, the Galactic Federation of Light asks of us to focus on one matter, and that is their existence, who they are to us, their presence here in our world, and of their honorable intentions to assist us make this transition as smooth as possible and advance our world to where it is we rightfully belong.*)

Do not wait for someone to ask you a question directly. If someone leaves a comment under a post stating that they are confused or they do not understand what is going on, this is a call for your services and it is your task to respond.

Another very important area of our mission is to help calm the fears of others. Again, the Internet is your office. Do not wait for someone to come to you and say “I am scared”, as this will rarely be the case. All you have to do is read the comments under messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, ascension or UFOs in general, and it will be clear to those of you who have the talent to identify when another is showing signs of fear. Look for the telltale signs. When someone begins to lash out at a post about ascension or the GFL, or shows signs of denial, what they are really saying is “I’m scared”, and these are the bells above the door to your shop letting you know a client has just walked in. It is the task of those who have trained in this area to respond with soothing vibrations of love, light (which is information), trust, security, reassurance and reason. If this sounds like something you can do, then perhaps this is your assignment. There are no penalties for trying one assignment, not resonating with it and trying another. You will always be doing our mission a great service by simply participating.

Another area that you may participate in is the healing fields. Is this something that you have taken the time to learn about? Have you learned about healing frequencies, color therapy, aromatherapy, sound healing, crystals and stones? If you have answered yes to any of these, perhaps this is your area of expertise. Your clinic is the Internet and your waiting room is full, as each and every day I read posts and comments of those that are suffering ailments, illnesses and ascension symptoms. Again, do not wait for someone to ask you how they may treat their ailments. Volunteer your wisdom, your knowledge and your experience, and allow each person to choose if they wish to accept your gift.

There are many at this time that are very interested in learning how to more effectively communicate with their guides, their star family, and members of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command. If this is an area you have familiarized yourself with, could you share some pointers in this field or direct someone to sources of information that discuss these techniques?

Another area that requires personnel we shall refer to as ‘navigators’. There are so many awakening at this time, and each and every day sees new faces that really do not know where to turn, where to look for information, and don’t even know what information they’re looking for. Could you be a navigator and direct these newly awakened souls to communities that may assist them on their journey? Communities such as Facebook, Youtube, and online spiritual communities, extraterrestrial communities, and sources of ascension or extraterrestrial knowledge?

Here’s an assignment that I am sure many would be very gifted at. How often do we see online bullying, flame throwing, and hostile bickering back and forth through our online social networks that have been designed to be avenues of love, light, higher vibrations and as safe haven for all those seeking greater understandings? Are you gifted at keeping the peace, calming both sides of a confrontation and expressing and sharing your ideas of how we can better communicate together and how each other’s views and opinions should be respected and honored at all times? If this is something that you feel is right up your alley, then you have found your assignment.

I have noticed a large divide being dug between those who follow a spiritualistic discipline and those who resonate more with an extraterrestrial theme. In reality, we are all playing for the same team, there is no divide or different schools in this universe, but I have noticed many of one of these disciplines challenging the other quite often. Are there those of you out there who can bridge this gap and reconnect those who are experiencing this disconnection? You may refer to yourselves as ‘bridge builders’, for indeed, you will be building an important bridge between these two concepts that are only separated through the distortion of our 3rdd dimensional illusion.

Are there those of you out there who have learned holistic medicine? How about those of you who have become very knowledgeable in the field of nutrition, diet and exercise? These are very important disciplines at this time, and you are asked not to be bashful, but share your wisdom with all those who may benefit from it.

At this time, the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light have stated that they are stepping up their program to allow more sightings and much better quality sightings of their ships to better prepare humanity for their introductions. These galactic commands have lived up to their end of the bargain, though we are not living up to our end of the deal and sharing these amazing videos nearly enough to make an inpact. Are there those of you out there who can surf Facebook, especially Facebook groups, Youtube, and other ‘UFO’ related websites, collect these videos and share them throughout the online social networks? If you could, you would be doing our mission a great service.

These are just a few examples of the tasks that are needed to be accomplished here at this time. There are others, and in the days ahead after the completion of these assignments there will be new assignments entrusted of us, and the galactic commands have suggested that these assignments may be very exciting and enjoyable for us. I hope this gives you some idea of what our tasks are at this time. Remember, it is more important that you get into the game, rather than spend time worrying about where you will stand on the field. All are welcomed and encouraged to participate, and your efforts are greatly appreciated and well needed at this time. See you on the field!


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We come to guide and support as the energies once more heighten and the human race
begins to move into clarity of vision and honing of hearing. Much will change over the
coming days, the ability to see the bigger picture and to disconnect from that which is
taught to you as the “way to BE” will increase. Already the ability to discern negative from
positive for many has increased beyond measure and the ability to discern that which
resonates and that which does not has increased.
As this increases across the planet the ability of the teachings of distortion to replant the
seeds of fear and anxiety will lessen as those with clarity of vision will detach automatically
from the lessons that are being taught. We guide for ALL to be aware of this and to process
this within.
Clues that you have reached this stage in your unfolding of the new will be when your
desires and your preferences begin to show as different to YOU. It may be that you have
watched the same television programmes, listened to the same music for years and
thought that you enjoyed this way of BEing, now after the anchoring of the new energies
these ways of BEing do not resonate with you. We guide for all to become aware of that
which they interact with and the feelings that arise as part of this. Anything that leaves a
feeling of discord will be detached from as you realise that your vibration is altering and
becoming more harmonious with the planet and all that reside on the planet.
The ability to discern the pain that another human BEing is experiencing will also heighten
for many. This is compassion, whilst this has been in operation across the planet earth it
has never been anchored to the levels it is being at the moment. The ability to not only
imagine the distress the fellow human BEing is experiencing but to actually FEEL this is the
difference. We ask for all to have LOVE and compassion for all during this process of
harmony and integration.
It may be that negative emotions have clouded your vision as you start this process, have
FAITH and TRUST that these emotions will begin to clear and to dissolve as you begin to
breathe in the new energies and allow them to flow around you and through you. We ask
for YOU to clear your energy signature often and to allow the negative emotions and
energies to be released from your BEing.
We guide that the foodstuffs that are consumed and the fluid that is consumed may now
start to be shown for the distortion that they are in TRUTH. As the changes begin to form
within you and around you it is vital that you find balance to enable these changes to flow.
Holding on stubbornly will cause a fluctuation in energy signature and give rise to many
symptoms that may be described as unpleasant. Know that the clearing and cleansing
process is underway and that you are in control of it at all times.
Responsibility is something that has been taken away from YOU by the teachings of
distortion and something that you may need to anchor deeply within your BEing. It is not
possible to create within the new without taking full responsibility for that which you create.
The ability to move away from responsibility is high in those who follow the teachings of
distortion for you are taught to distrust SELF. TRUST and FAITH of SELF are vital in the
new energies. That which you create is created at all times by SELF. The creation of
something that no longer resonates with SELF is a walk in a teaching that is looking to be
released. By allowing the teaching to be shown to you and by then taking steps to dissolve
it and to come back into balance and harmony you move in vibration and understanding of
the new. To blindly hold on where there is discord is to hold tightly onto the old energies.
We guide strongly and firmly that the old energies of the 3D earth are no longer supported
by the energies of the new earth. The balance is not achieved by holding on and
expectation. Expectation is a tool of the old earth and is used to control and to contain,
expectations of the new earth will work against YOUr BEing, for it is to contain and define,
you are a VAST BEing of light that cannot be defined. We guide for you to look closely at
this TRUTH and to process and absorb this.
Be guided dear ones at all times by how YOU FEEL, this is your gauge on the world, the
freedom that is your birthright has to be claimed, it is claimed by the movement that you
choose in the new world, by making choices based on how you FEEL and not what you are
taught, is how to FEEL the unfolding and how to create from the HEART. That which is
inside of YOU is YOUr guide in this time of vast acceleration and change on and within
planet earth. You are a child of mother earth and the changes happening to your mother
are changes that are reflected inside of YOU.
Only by embracing mother earth will you begin to harmonise and find balance WITH mother
earth. Much of the discord on planet earth stems from a race that is out of sync with the
planet they live on. ALL is energy, ALL is vibration and ALL is movement. To be in harmony
with mother earth is to KNOW that YOU are safe, protected and in balance. Only by
synching with mother earth will you be able to find the security that you strive for. This
security is not in the places that you have been taught. The procurement of physical items
does not provide security for the energy system that YOU are is not in sync with the energy
system of mother earth. Do you resonate with our words dear ones?
As the energies begin to heighten once more this may cause chaos to unfold in your
waking your world as the urge to feel security will heighten. That which has been in
operation within your waking life has been a containment, even although this will now begin
to dissolve there will be those who try to hold on through the containment of “same”. This
is where a “better the devil you know” scenario starts to be fed by those who are in the
lower vibrational energies of planet earth. The ability for fear to begin to grow is high in
those who are unaware of what is happening within and on planet earth. This is where we
ask for compassion and the LOVE that IS to be shone brightly from within, for in LIVING
your TRUTH you will show a new way of BEing and a strength that is borne from the
KNOWING that is the DIVINE part of SELF.
We will guide more in due course but we guide firmly that the new energies are now only
beginning to heighten, many are reacting to the chaos and the drama without a second
thought and then find themselves “out of control”. At all times the control is within, it is not
from some external source. The deep part of SELF, the SOUL is in control of this
experience at all times. The information and the confirmation that you seek is within and not
found outside of SELF.
This will be a challenging time for many but we guide for you to have FAITH and TRUST in
SELF. YOU incarnated in this timeline and dimension for a reason. Allow these reasons to
be shown to YOU, allow your inner strength and KNOWING to be revealed. Let go of that
which no longer resonates and walk in the FAITH that is SELF. For this is a process that is
undergone to regain your TRUE FREEDOM. Living through others in your human life is not
supported in the new energies, to put your FAITH in others whilst you have none is SELF is
a venture into chaos for the need to control the other person will be high.
The human race has been cut off from TRUTH and deep emotion for aeons, this is
returning to YOU NOW. We guide for all to move into the NOW, to embrace the changes
and to relax for ALL is perfect. Chaos is merely the clue to that which goes on beneath the
Our channel is fond of the phrase “you cannot change that which you cannot see”. We
concur with this phrase and we go further to guide that clarity of vision will be returned to
the human race in depth. To allow this clarity of vision you must embrace responsibility for
in being responsible you are able to see that which you do and then change that which you
do. Walking on the new earth dear ones is not repeating the phrases that sound good to
those around you, it is embracing the new and anchoring it. It is having the strength and the
vision to move out of old patterns and ways of BEing to step into TRUTH.
The TRUTH is YOU, the LOVE that IS is YOU, we ask for you to blend both and to become
who YOU TRULY ARE. For you walk the earth in a human body but YOU are a VAST
BEing of light. Allow the light to illuminate the shadows that have been created FOR YOU
and begin to live the life that YOU CREATE from WITHIN YOU.
We are the Shimmering Ones and we guide to support and to illuminate. We guide that
YOU may connect to our energies at will for we come to the call of all who can see us and
hear us at this time. We reach out from our hearts to your hearts to help you move out of
the transformation process and into the new. We send the LOVE that IS to wrap around
you for it is YOU.

Channel: Karen Doonan

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Prepare for the Next Wave of Energy

Selacia's Council of 12 Message

The times you have long prepared for have arrived. Do you know what this means?

Right now you are in one of the calmer transitions, preparing for the next big wave of energy. It's like you have a few moments to catch your breath and reflect. As you do, it's quickly apparent how much is changing all around you. Your own changes are at warp speed, too.

The part of you that's conditioned by limited thinking may be feeling nervous, not seeing the other multidimensional parts of reality now on the drawing board. Just because you can't see them, of course, doesn't mean they aren't there!

Divine Changemakers and Multidimensional Reality

Adding to your uncertainty, without your knowing it, is an inner conflict between the linear conventional life approach you learned and the multidimensional approach that comes naturally to you on an inner level.

As a divine changemaker, you are learning to apply the multidimensional approach more and more of the time.

As part of your spiritual growth process, you are embracing new-paradigm thinking with multidimensional approaches. The more that you apply these in your life, the more expanded your potentials become.

You see more of the subtle realms and grasp more of the deeper concepts. This adds richness to your life experience, allowing you to perceive beyond ordinary parameters.

As you learn to live in the multidimensional reality, a whole new range of options becomes available. Your path literally expands, right before your eyes. Instead of seeing your choices as this or that, you begin to realize it can be this and that.

When you approach calmer moments with a multidimensional or quantum perspective, you know to look beyond the obvious. On a surface level, for example, it may seem as though your forward movement is blocked.

How to Discover Subtle Factors

If you want a new job and none are materializing, look at subtle factors. These could be within you or they could be external.

Inner blocks, often subconscious, are more difficult to detect. Examples include self-doubt, anger, blame, insufficient passion, and resistance.

External blocks, often beyond your control, include personal issues of other people and chaos within organizations.

If you find yourself blocked, therefore, invite your higher wisdom to reveal how much of the obstruction is coming from within you and how much is related to external factors.

Next you inquire about the underlying causes of the block. When you are doing this inquiry, be sure to allow enough quiet time for reflection. Don't assume that the first answer you receive is the whole picture; go deeper for clarification.

It's ideal to bring the issue into your dream state for a night or two as well, inviting spirit to give you a higher perspective.

A Simple Question

Remember that you are moving through unprecedented amounts of change. Go gently with yourself. You won't have answers all of the time. You won't feel comfortable all of the time. You won't always know what to ask, either.

The next time you feel blocked on your path, become still and ask this simple question: "What am I not seeing?" The answer to that question can open your mind to a larger picture. You may also be pleasantly surprised to learn that there's nothing further to do right now, except to be patient as your accumulated efforts begin to materialize. Go enjoy your day then, knowing all is well!

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia -

(Note: you are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia - Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May you walk your path with love and blessings!)

Beautiful Ocean and Sand

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Directed, Unitive Will: Love


                                                       INNER WORK

                                             Directed, Unitive Will: Love

                                   Compassion, Acceptance, Connectedness

We are. We are not alone. Even the proverbial mountain hermit, with no human contact, is not alone. This intuition underpins much of our life, much of what we feel and what we do. Though there clearly exist good evolutionary reasons for a group-oriented mentality (the group protects and feeds us and helps us survive), love goes beyond the need to survive. Love does not come to us as an inherited, genetic trait implanted by the struggle to survive. Rather, survival is a side benefit of love, because our inherent unity allows group cohesion. That fundamental unity transcends everything and ties it all together, forming the core quality of the unitive energy, which we know as love.

When will works through the unitive energy, it does not split apart. Although will is always one, indivisible, its surface manifestation through the lower energies appears fractured. Your will, your individuality seems separate from mine. My own will harbors conflicting desires; I am at odds with myself. These splits grow worse as the quality or level of energy descends. But at the heights of the unitive energy, will can retain its wholeness even in action. The result: love. We experience our deepest unity: unity of will.

Love transcends our similarities of body, which lead to cooperation. It transcends our sameness of consciousness, which gives us the kindred feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood. And it transcends our creative freedom and individual uniqueness, which arouse mutual respect. At the level of love, the One and only Actor acts through us all. This is the source of the unreasonable power of communal action; when we align our will with others, the combination stands closer to the power of the One Will. Acting in concert with other people, aligned in purpose and in action, raises us into a wholeness much greater than the sum of its human participants. We see this in team sports, in communal worship, in group meditation, in political movements, in choreographed dance troupes, and in many other forms of coherent group action.

Although the deepest unity of love seems beyond our usual experience, it touches us nevertheless, as compassion, acceptance, and connectedness.

One form of actively directed will working with the unitive energy is compassion. We see another person or an animal suffering and we suffer with them, as if it were our own. We feel compassion. With the unitive energy, their suffering is our own. One natural response is the wish never to cause harm, because harming someone else feels like harming ourselves. That harmlessness radiates and elicits the same in others. When you meet someone whom you immediately sense as harmless, you more easily feel your natural kinship, your shared humanity. Harmlessness feeds back to compassion, because seeing another person’s suffering affronts your attitude of non-harming and invokes your compassionate response.

Harmlessness and compassion are already there in us, in our core. All our inner work combines to remove the layers veiling those qualities. We can, though, directly practice them by acts of courtesy and kindness, by being aware of people as people, their situation and what’s needed, possible, and appropriate. And then we act. Every courtesy and every kindness spread a beneficial influence on our world and on us.

One form of receptive, but directed will with the unitive energy is acceptance, of ourselves and of others. Directing our will toward ourselves, being receptive to ourselves, with love, leads us to accept ourselves completely as we are. Such radical acceptance heals our inner wounds, some carried since childhood. Acceptance turns our inner critic into our inner coach. Rather than berate ourselves for our shortcomings, we see and know and allow ourselves to be as we are. Only from this utter self-acceptance can we find true inner peace and the possibility of real growth. After all, our self-judge, our superego, is part of our ego, part of our illusion of separateness, part of the non-entity that we build and defend and substitute for our self. Letting that go unburdens and frees us to get on with our life and our inner work. To let go of that acid self-critic is to love and respect our self.

Self-acceptance opens the door to accepting others unreservedly. Aware of own inner challenges and struggles, we see the same in others. Aware of our own desires for meaning, fulfillment, service, peace, love, and fun, we see the same in others. We intuit that we are not as different as we appear. If I can accept my own challenges, limitations, and motivations, then I may be able to accept that in my neighbor. If I can accept who I am, then maybe I can accept my neighbors for who they are. Then acceptance can reach such a state that it disappears. The question of whether or not to accept vanishes. We just are, as we are: my humanity, your humanity, our humanity.

With active compassion, we feel another’s suffering as our own. Because suffering can be so obvious and acute, it can connect us to complete strangers. In the case of someone we know well, we may be able to generalize beyond compassion to feel not only their suffering, but much more of their inner world, their emotions and desires, as if they were our own. Couple that with receptive acceptance of that person and a third factor opens our heart: the unitive synergy of connectedness, commonly known as love. The synergic willingness actively to be one with another person and receptively to accept that person as they are, opens us, in the case of a husband and wife, to true marriage. In other cases, such as a parent and child, this is love: inwardly embracing the other to the point of no separation. What they want for themselves, you want for them also. This love, this non-separation, this connectedness between husband and wife, between parent and child, between mentor and student, and between friends raises the whole tenor of our life. Love toward one leads to love toward others. Accepting and connecting with one person, makes it possible to accept and connect with others.

Of course, life confronts us with issues and apparent exceptions. A child wants something unhealthy or damaging, while the parent wants only what is best for the child. A friend imposes too much, setting love and respect for your friend against love and respect for yourself. Anger, resentment, jealousy and other destructive emotions distract us from the reality of love.

But we can face these and similar situations, difficult on their surface, by allowing love as our motivation. If we do not react, if we stay in peace within, we may hear the sound of oneness that is love. Love is not beyond us, nor foreign to us, nor distant from us; it touches us all through the unified will at our very core. Love is a more fundamental driver of our attitudes and actions than is self-centered egoism. When we do not dwell in separateness, love dissolves our egoism. Yet we do not lose ourselves in love; we are fully ourselves and fully connected.

For this week, practice love as compassion, courtesy and kindness, acceptance and connection. And notice what keeps you from love.

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Love and Compassion

The sacred energy of love and compassion, the Great Heart of the World, embraces us all, without condition, unifying all of life, unifying the whole creation within the warm spirit of kindness, appreciation and concern. With good fortune, we may meet people in whom this unfettered love shines strongly, allowing all around to bask in its light. The great saints and bodhisattvas, utterly emptied of themselves, transmit such love and compassion. In some instances of communal worship, the substance of this boundless ocean of love may envelop the whole assembly. It may enter a true marriage and may inform the bonds between parents and children. Whenever we look into another person’s eyes and recognize the sameness, that that person and I are the same, not really separate, this is love.

Despite appearances to the contrary, Divine love and compassion suffuse every corner of the world, even our own. Divine love stands before the awesome contradictions in our lives: our God-given freedom that offers the promise of profound joy as well as the suffering attendant on living. The Divine heart of compassion celebrates the beauty of the freedom within each person, a celebration made bittersweet by the price of freedom: inevitable suffering.

When we hear of or see another person’s misfortune, and we feel the pang of their suffering, and are moved to extend the help that lies within our power, this is compassion. For this we need strength, because suffering lies all around us. The daily news’ litany of catastrophes and evil deeds, large and small, could devastate us, were we awake to the whole of it and lacked the strength to bear it. But awakening through spiritual practice brings its own strength. And the suffering we see is more than balanced by the joy that flows to us along with love, protecting the compassionate from being overwhelmed by the force of suffering.

Universal love lies far beyond its pale imitation in the lower energies, where emotional attachment turns from “love” to hate, jealousy, or despair. Nevertheless, the world is so constructed that it remains within our possibilities to participate in love knowingly. But that can only happen to the degree we empty ourselves of ourselves.

Self-referential motives, self-centeredness, attachment, expectation of something in return, grasping, setting of conditions, partial-heartedness - none of these have any place in love and, in practice, completely block the action of love. Placing ourselves first and at the center forecloses the possibility of love. Yet moments do come even to us, perhaps with our family or our pets or unexpectedly with a stranger, when we are briefly free of egocentric attachment and the true heart of objective love opens within us. In unguarded moments, our natural response to people is friendship, one of the faces of love. To be able to love is a goal lofty and worthy enough to sustain our long journey along the path, drawing us ever forward.

Our common mother, the Earth, also loves, loves each one of us and all life in her biosphere. Like a self-centered and petulant child, we only too rarely return this love. And like a child, we so take for granted the love of our mother Earth, that we do not even recognize it. Yet her love is there for us individually, in nature and in the city, if we can but open to it. One simple expression of it manifests as the beauty with which nature adorns herself. And there are other more direct expressions we may perceive, including a reservoir of spiritual energies within the Earth that we can draw upon. But as a species, we need to mature and not expect the Earth to continue indefinitely absorbing every insult and injury we pile upon her. We push these limits at the Earth’s, and our own, peril. The Earth gives and gives and gives, perhaps more than she can afford. But because our collective strength now exceeds our collective wisdom, the Earth needs us to find a place in our hearts for her. By our inner work, by opening to higher energies, by purifying our will and intentions, we help cleanse our collective will, raise our collective level of being, and give back to the Earth and to human society. And we do this for love.

Love manifests in many forms, but always serves to unify. Love’s unmistakable hallmark dissolves our veils of isolation and separation, allowing us to become more fully ourselves within the sweet scent of merging. Out of love we are born, and into love we depart. In between, we seek love and love seeks us.

The world of universal love, a world beyond all forms, even beyond the world of light, corresponds to the worlds known as Atzilut (Emanation) in Kabbalah and Lahut (Boundless) in the Sufi cosmology.


Love, Peace and Blessings to All who are living in extremely violent conditions,
let us all find a place in our hearts for them. Tara *~~

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A Vision for Wellness


A Vision for Wellness

We see a world where wellness is the watchword of the day; where humanity has realized, oh-so-clearly, that we are wise to hold a vision of ourselves and others in the highest light - happy, healthy, vibrant, joyous, creative, and living our calling to the fullest.

We see a world where supporting sickness in others, having a vested interest in illnesses of any kind, naming, creating, advertising, and reinforcing diseases, being sympathetic instead of empathetic, being dependent on big pharmaceutical companies who have profit as their first priority, believing things are contagious, experimenting with vaccines, and so forth have gone by the wayside because we have begun to use light, to bring Spirit/Source into the picture, and to use positive envisioning and love to heal one another.

Can you imagine a world like this? It is a world where we are all living in peak health because that is all we are putting our attention on.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.

Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

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Homemade Natural Insect Repellent Spray

Homemade Natural Insect Repellent Spray

If you are heading outside for picnics, sporting events, yard work, or relaxing on the patio, chances are you’ve seen a bug or two already. While covering up is the best option for decreasing bug bites, it’s not always realistic. After all… summer can be HOT!

In the past I have reached for cans of commercial bug spray lying around during cookouts and camping excursions… I figured it was better than dancing around like a wild turkey, slapping myself, and shouting at bugs while friends shot strange looks at me. However, I never felt quite right about it.

Matt has boycotted poisonous DEET solutions for years in favor of essential oil solutions, with great success.


Consider This…

The more I educate myself about DEET and other chemicals, the more I’m convinced I have to be proactive about finding better alternatives. (If you’re new to the DEET issue, you might be interested in reading this…) I try to treat my skin with the respect it deserves as it performs the difficult job of protecting my insides. Thank goodness I have discovered the power of essential oils and their ability to deter bugs!

Before you get desperate and spray on commercial bug sprays (that may contain some nasty chemicals), take some time to consider the better alternative; a natural bug repellent that smells wonderful, is effective, and takes only minutes to whip up.


Different oils repel different bugs, so it’s best to use a combination of essential oils to ward off several types of biters.

Don’t let a fear of being eaten alive keep you inside this season. Instead, invest in a few hard-hitting essential oils and test out this natural alternative to chemical sprays.



Natural Insect Repellent


• 2 tablespoons of one or a combination of the following: witch hazel or grain alcohol
• 2 tablespoons of one or a combination of the following: grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, olive oil, or neem oil (which contains natural insecticidal compounds)
• ½ teaspoon grain alcohol as preservative (if not already using)
• 100-110 drops essential oils

Sample Bug-Repelling Essential Oil Blend:

• 55 drops lemon eucalyptus (reported by the CDC to be a good natural substitution for DEET in repelling insects, but not recommended for use on children under 3 yrs.)
• 15 drops cedarwood
• 15 drops lavender
• 15 drops rosemary



Add carrier liquids to small spray bottle (3 or 4 oz. works well so there is room for shaking). Add essential oils. Shake well before each use. Natural bug repellent will need to be reapplied every few hours for maximum effectiveness.


Other Bug-Repelling Essential Oils:• citronella

• eucalyptus
• tea tree
• peppermint
• cypress
• rose geranium
• bergamot
• lemon


Additional Tips and Warnings:

• As always with essential oils, women who are pregnant or nursing should consult a health practitioner before using.
• Extreme caution should be used when using essential oils on young children.
• Always perform a patch test to check for an allergic reaction before using an essential oil for the first time.
• Always label homemade products well.
• Dark-colored bottles work best for products containing essential oils. Store in a cool, dark place when not using.


Note: This natural homemade insect repellent is great for mosquitos, flies, and other annoying warm season bugs. Tweak to your liking and apply with confidence.


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Ear Candles and the Great Disappointment

Ear Candles and the Great Disappointment

I will humbly share a funny story with you today. If you promise not to laugh. Promise? PROMISE?
We took someone else’s word for it. This always gets us in trouble.
Matt and I were in the health food store standing over a display of ear candles. You know the ones? People talk about all the disgusting junk that comes out of their ears, how clean their ears feel afterward, and how well they can hear. We had heard all of this, but never did any research on the benefits or tried them ourselves


We laugh all the time about feeling like an old 80-something year old couple who can’t hear each other. “What’s that?” “Come again?” “Huh?” It’s frustrating and funny at the same time… and we stood there wondering if the ear candles would finally deliver us from the “feeling-much-older-than-we-actually-are” syndrome we’ve been suffering from for several years.

Low and behold, an unsuspecting shopper… minding her own business. As she grabbed for a few packages of the candles – yup, we thought we had found our potential “expert testimonial” for the product and we fired away with an arsenal of questions.

We were convinced to purchase after she told us how long she had been using them, how well they cleaned her ears out, and how safe they were. (And really, I just wanted to see what repulsive goo would remain in my candle after the treatment. I’m gross like that.)


Our first ear candling experience

We set up a small station, watched the YouTube instructional video to make sure we didn’t burn the house down, and got out the camera. (Yes, I had intended to write a super serious piece on ear health and the superhuman hearing abilities I would have after ear candling–complete with pictures.)



"Yay! I'm going to hear better after this, right?"


After getting over the fear that my candle was going to burn too quickly and catch my hair on fire if Matt took his eyes off me, I was able to relax. The candle created a warm feeling in my ear. The slight crackle almost sounded like a cozy fireplace. I almost dozed off. With a small torch burning over my head. (Probably the exact reason the instructions strongly suggest using TWO people for this.)
We had a nice relaxing Saturday afternoon as we lit small fires on our couch, just above our very flammable hair, and awaited the promised results.

We couldn’t WAIT to cut open the remaining portion of the burned candles. We hovered over the hollow candle as it was exposed… a powdery, yellowish, laced-with-dark-clumps-of-something, waxy inner residue. We sounded like 3rd graders as we admired the atrocious gunk that had appeared. We weren’t so easily convinced though. It was almost too much. Matt said he wanted to do an experiment during which he would burn a candle outside of his ear to see if this same residue accumulated. Unfortunately, we had used up all of our candles.



"Matt! Don't you ever use the Q-tips I put in the bathroom?"

You should have heard our deep discussion afterward, acting all science-y, like we knew exactly how the candles worked.

“I suppose I’m not surprised the candle drew so much out of my ear. The Eustachian tube is long and curving, like our intestines, so there was obviously just a lot of wax buildup in there.”

“Well, when the candle is lit, it must produce a vacuum of sorts – pulling stuff out of the ear canal.”
False, and false some more. Good thing neither of us is a doctor or scientist.

In the days that followed, we continued our same communication patterns…


“What did you say?”

“Those candles didn’t work, did they?”

“I don’t feel any different.”

What I later learned about ear candling

As I prepared to write an article on our disappointing (yet relaxing) experience with ear candles, I found some very interesting information. I dug and dug and dug because I still didn’t know what legitimate reasons the manufacturers had for selling this product.

For starters, I found out today the Eustachian tube is only about 1.3 inches long. (Not long and winding like our intestines.) Ooops.

Then I went to the Harmony’s Candles website to find more information about the candles we used. One of the first things I read:

“NO! Ear Candles are not medical devices, therefore, they can not remove objects, including wax, yeast/candida, bacteria and/or fungus from the ear. Ear Candles do NOT create a vacuum. They create a vortex which is a big difference. A simple test proves this: Close the tip of an Ear Candle, burn it down while holding it outside of anyone’s ear – now look and see what is inside. Or you can take another Ear Candle and hold it over salt or sand … there will be NO upward movement.”

Ooops again. Thanks a lot, lady in the health food store! (Yes, I’m totally blaming it on her.)
So Matt was onto something; we would have found the same unpleasant waxy buildup in a candle burned outside of our ear.

I read on and found more interesting dirt on Harmony’s Candles. Apparently, they are designed as a holistic wellness treatment, meant to be “natural and relaxing,” and in some cases healing. The site stresses the importance of correctly using a candle that is made of quality materials (food-grade wax and unbleached muslin), and making an educated decision about whether candling is right for you.

This specific company actually appears to be working hard to debunk any myths and misinformation that may be circulating about ear candles. I respect that. (Apparently there are companies making false claims about the health benefits of using ear candles. This has the FDA up in arms about the product, which is not a medical device.)

(Here is more information from the maker of Harmony’s Candles if you’re interested in learning more.)
The great disappointment

We didn’t get exactly what we hoped for when using the ear candles, but it was a fun little experiment. I learned a lot about the ancient practice, and we may even give them another shot (with new, more enlightened expectations) at some point.

So we don’t have clean ears after all. We can’t hear each other any better. And we will continue to “What?” and “Huh?” each other to death.


Oh well, it provided for a nice little photo shoot and an almost-nap. Next time I’ll smile at the lady in the grocery store and say, “Oh really?” about any product she endorses. Then I’ll quickly come home and Google it.

The upside? You get to learn from our experience.


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A Cab Ride I'll Never Forget

A Cab Ride I'll Never Forget
posted by Terry on Mar 28, 2008


Twenty years ago, I drove a cab for a living. One night I took a fare at 2:30 AM, when I arrived to collect, the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk once.

But I had seen too many impoverished people who depended on taxis as their only means of transportation. Unless a situation smelled of danger, I always went to the door. This passenger might be someone who needs my assistance, I reasoned to myself.

So I walked to the door and knocked. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor.

After a long pause, the door opened.

A small woman in her 80's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940s movie.

By her side was a small nylon suitcase The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets.

There were no clocks on the walls, no knick-knacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.

"Would you carry my bag out to the car?" she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman.

She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. "It's nothing", I told her. "I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated."

"Oh, you're such a good man," she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address, and then asked, "Could you drive through downtown?"

"It's not the shortest way," I answered quickly.

"Oh, I don't mind," she said "I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice."

I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. "I don't have any family left," she continued. "The doctor says I don't have very long." I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.

"What route would you like me to take?" I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator.

We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, "I'm tired. Let's go now."

We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico. Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move. They must have been expecting her.

I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

"How much do I owe you?" she asked, reaching into her purse. "Nothing," I said.

"You have to make a living," she answered. "Oh, there are other passengers," I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly. Our hug ended with her remark, "You gave an old woman a little moment of joy." After a slight pause, she added, "Thank you."

I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life.

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away? On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life.

We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware, beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

[ Original Story by Kent Nerburn ]

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Household hints – Very Clever Ideas

Household hints

Use a (clean) dustpan to fill a container that doesn’t fit in the sink

Place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on, and keep paint off the side of the can

Use a staple remover to save your fingernails when trying to add things to your key ring!

Put wooden spoon across boiling pot of water to keep from boiling over.

Use bread clips to save flip-flops with split holes.

How to put shoes in the dryer

Use sunglasses or a small convex mirror to avoid people sneaking up on you while wearing headphones at work

How to keep the straw from rising out of your soda can

Use a microfiber cloth to prevent frost from forming on the windshield.

Use a Comb to Keep a Nail Steady for Hammering

Use a post it note to catch drilling debris.

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Forcast by Mahala.....June 2012.....

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Greetings to everyone-hope all is well in your world. With everything that
is going on in the world it is definitely time to find peace within. It's
time to stop looking outside yourself for answers and find your Christ
within. Christ consciousness was activated with this past solar eclipse,
along with our heart chakras. We can now think with our hearts and create
peace within us. Have any of you had heart problems in the past month
because of this energy?

In my last couple of articles I talked about how the Vatican bank is the top
controlling bank in the world. The fact that the president of this bank was
fired last week is very big news. The Pope is also in big trouble and will
soon resign. The resignation of this Pope is one of the last prophecies to
be fulfilled and it is in the process of working out right now. The Catholic
Church has controlled people longer than any organization in history. The
black pope, the one connected with the Vatican bank, controls everything in
the world. He is the one in charge of the Jesuits. There have been more
people killed in the name of religion than for any other reason. Isn't it
time for all that violence to stop? For more information check out

We have been in a 25,920 year cycle of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn the
controller. It was a cycle of materialism and working for the almighty
dollar. Look what we did to Christmas, which is celebrated in the sign of
Capricorn. We took the spiritual meaning out of it and it became material.
This cycle has now come to an end and we will soon have the freedom of being
in the sign of Aquarius. There are cycles within cycles occurring all at
once. I have heard there are three cycles coming to an end all around the
same time. The largest one being a cycle that started when this Universe was
created. On May 20, 2012 this cycle ended and a new one started.

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn was known as Satan, the devil, to some
people. This was something we created to experience so we could see what it
was like to be controlled. There is no evil-all is Good (God). There is no
good or bad there are just experiences. We have been in a cycle of
experiencing the negative side of life. This is the reason all the scandals
and corruption had to come out into the open so we could see what has been
going on in the world so we can say no more, enough is enough.

Many people had to wake up so all of us together could work for change.
Saturn turns direct on June 25, 2012 and will then become the planet that
brings rewards. We are now in the cycle of Unity (Aquarius) and that is what
will soon manifest as more of us move into higher consciousness.

The full moon will be on June 4, 2012 at 4:12 AM PDT. The Sun will be on 14
degrees Gemini. This degree means 'The capacity to transcend the limitations
of bodily existence'. The moon will be on 14 degrees Sagittarius which is
the degree of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Will there be some kind of
activations in Egypt?

The Mayan glyph for the full moon is the Blue Hand and is ruled by Mercury.
The energy from this glyph loves freedom to roam and to be itself but it
also has a strong desire towards community and family. This energy has the
ability to see the beauty within and in all things. This glyph will require
us to bring in our full power and to speak up for what we feel is right. On
June 4, 2012 Neptune the Galactic Goddess turns retrograde. A planet is very
powerful when it is retrograde; especially when it is stationary retrograde.

The Venus eclipse coming up on June 5, 2012 at 6:05 PM PDT will bring lots
of changes to Earth. The last Venus eclipse was on June 8, 2004. This
ushered in an eight year time period of going within to release our fears
and to find the love that lives in our hearts. Do you feel like you were
battered and bruised during that eight year cycle? It was very hard to
release all the painful memories and suffering we experienced in the past.
We do not want to carry this painful energy into the new cycle. Our pain and
suffering had to be released so we can now experience happiness. We are
great creator Gods who are creating the new Earth that we will soon be
living on all the time.

Venus creates a heart and a pentagram as it moves around our solar system.
The five pointed star represents the Goddess, and the eight year cycle from
2004 to 2012 represents the number of God (8). The soul number of God (o) is
15 which is the tone of love or 528 hertz. The number five and eight equals
thirteen which is the number of Christ. It is also the most dominant number
of the Mayan Calendar. On June 5, 2012 the Dreamspell glyph is the Star,
which is ruled by Venus and is also the glyph of the Goddess. It rules our
solar plexus which is our seat of power. This means it is time to start
manifesting our power which is love based energy. Love is soft and gentle.

The Sun and Venus will be conjunct on 15 degrees Gemini. This degree means
'A Woman Activist in an Emotional Speech dramatizes her Cause'. This just
happened a few days ago when Maria Shriver gave a commencement speech at the
University of Southern California about a new look at success and what
success really means. No more working for the reason of simply attaining
money and the material things it brings. It's time for a new way of life.

I know there is chaos occurring on the lower dimension earth. Don't you
think it's about time to move through that chaos and find out who you really
are? Isn't it time to stop trying to get back at people who have harmed you
in any way? Isn't it time to get out of the conspiracy theories? They served
their purpose and woke us up to reality but it's time to move on unless you
want to stay in that lower reality. What we focus on is what we create.

Do you choose to hide from the changes and store your money in case of a
financial meltdown? Haven't we been in a depression since 2008 when the
first major event happened? I have never believed there will be a total
collapse of the financial system. I believe there will be a transformation
of it and I think the new system is about to become a reality. The head of
the Vatican bank was just fired. Doesn't that mean we are headed for a new
financial system?

The Sun has completed her pole shift and now has four poles instead of two.
As above, so below. There was a 6.2 quake on the Norwegian Sea floor on May
24 that caused an unexpected and rapid shifting of the magnetic north pole.
The pole moved 621 miles. The last major pole movement was on December 21,
2010 when the poles shifted to Surgut, Siberia. A plane crashed that day in
Surgut because the magnetic anomaly caused the planes mechanical parts to
fail. How far does the North Pole have to move to complete its pole shift?
Maybe we are at the end of the shift and don't even know it. The North Pole
has been moving since 1998 when the Earth first went to zero magnetics.

Planet X is also here and visible in our heavens. The magnetic Photon Belt
(interstellar cloud) is also in our solar system. This is quite a
combination of events. This energy has, and will continue to cause more
quakes, fires, volcanic eruptions, storms, floods, political changes, and
financial changes. If you have love in your heart you will be fine as we
continue to go through these changes. You will be in the right place at the
right time for whatever you choose to experience. Don't worry, express love
and think with your heart. So Be It!

Written in love and light from my heart to your heart.

Mahala Gayle

I would like to thank the people who have donated money to my work, it is
greatly appreciated. If anyone has an abundance of money right now and they
would like to share some, you can send it my way. I will consider it a gift
from God. Bless you! I will put it towards the book I am now writing.
You can go into Paypal and look for or you can send a check, money order or cash to:

Mahala 5028S.179thPl SeaTac,WA 98188

Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!


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Greetings, It is my divine pleasure to be here with you in this moment of creation ~ and what moments we are going to be experiencing for all to see.
First of all, I want to say to each of you that you have blessed yourselves beyond what you can imagine, and this is what true mastery entails. It is a wonderful time upon Earth and every individual that is awakening in these moments are part of this creative process.
We are coming into a juncture of time beyond space and our innermost feelings. All timelines are coming into creation ~ especially the ones that have been lost through the ages. But yet they have not really been lost but just tucked away until they were ready to be revealed once again. Yes, my friends, the Light of your Soul is now ready to shine ever so deeply than it has before. It is our time of renewal, of rebirth, but truly the acceptance of the old and new coming together in unison.
The events that have led up to this momentous event has prepared each of us to move into a process of continuation that we have been waiting for to happen for eons and eons of time. The frequencies of Resurrection, Acceptance, Regeneration (Festivals of Christ, Wesak, and Humanity) and then integration of the Venusian energies upon the planet along with the powerful eclipses. These elements that have been occurring have been preparing you for the next movement of frequencies within each of you and within Gaia. Otherwise, you would not feel the effects of these activations as deeply as you are doing presently.
In order for something to feel their Divine Balance of the Yin and Yang they must first move along the pathway of lessons. These lessons teach us what fits within our present circumstances and what needs to be removed. It was essential to also allow your Soul’s Essence to command the energies through the pathway that you have created. Yes, my friends…these are the elements that each of you are experiencing through the challenges and changes of the old self. You are becoming RENEWED and REFRESHED by the pure design of being here at this time of awakening.
Take some moments in the next couple of weeks to fully ground what you are feeling as it is brand new within your physical self. There is no frame of reference at this time; there is only the moment to feel the essence and that may change as your perspective changes. The one thing that we can all relate to is that 2012 is the YEAR OF CHANGE. So in these moments after the Venus Transit essence allow yourself to fully incorporate these elements of change. Your cellular structure is changing greatly in each moment, activation, and each breath that you take. Why? Because the breath that you took an hour ago no longer fits within the capacity of your Higher Heart and Mind, and respectfully, the breath in this moment will be different than the future ones. This is how we teach ourselves to be fully within the moment. The breath of life is coming from your I AM Presence, and it changes quickly with the passage of time, energies, and expressing who YOU ARE onto YOURSELF.
So reflect in each moment as much as you can. Breathe deeply and feel the essence from your I AM Presence to fully infiltrate within your physical self to prepare you for the next step. Without doing these processes, you will not be able to achieve the highest results possible; they will be lost in the process as each moment passes ever so quickly. SO GROUNDING RIGHT NOW IS ESSENTIAL. Go into nature, feel your essence and share with the beauty of the world and with Gaia. She is ready for your embrace as you extend these parts of yourself that have been lost through the process of not remembering.




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OM Wave Crystal Activation


As we now are aware, 2012 is a very crucial year in our opportunity to advance our Light Quotient significantly.  We offer another great tool to specifically utilize the transformation within the Summer Solstice. 

The Solstice will be a grand affair of Light as the energies of Atlantis and Lemuria will merge as the Eternal Essence of OM.  This radiant OM Wave will cascade from within Mt. Shasta itself via the enormous central power crystal that is housed inside the Lemurian capital city of Telos.  This wave will extend across the globe and merge with the energies of the other geographically important central crystals, delivering a new level of light consciousness of compassion and love to all of humanity.  It is the return of the full blending of the masculine elements of our heritage of Atlantis, into the feminine energies that is our heritage of Lemuria. For those that are fully ready to advance into your next level of responsibility as a torch bearer and lightworker, we are celebrating this event in a very special way.

The "Heart of Mt. Shasta" that will attune your crystal.

We are making available high frequency Lemurian crystals that will be physically charged by the mountain of Shasta for a period of three days during the Solstice. You may now purchase one that will be an individually attenuated crystal specifically for you based on a questionnaire you will fill out with your exact intentions.  We will attune the crystal and ship it to you after the Solstice along with a new special visualization from Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos, whose main role is the teaching and advancement of all initiates that desire to accelerate into the 5th Dimensional frequencies.  This new meditation enhances and grounds your full chakra system and light body by utilizing the power of an individually attuned crystal  combined with the personal activation meditation, and the power of the OM Wave activation.

This is a rare opportunity as Lemurian crystals such as those in the image above are not in excessive supply.  We will accept orders on a first come first served basis and do our best to accommodate everyone  but be aware that, as we are not in the crystal trade ourselves, supply will be limited.  The closing date to have your order submitted to us is June 15th, 2012, at which time this offer will be ended – or prior to that date if supplies run out. (The above image of the crystals has a United Stated quarter dollar shown for size comparison).   We will do a full shamanic clearing of each crystal, attune them and ship each crystal in a protective pouch.  It will be lovingly packed and insured.  Cost of each crystal includes the cost of the download MP3 activation meditation from Lord Adama as well as shipping and insurance.  International orders will need to be charged an additional shipping fee once we ship it.

Some of you may also want an additional individual session with Lord Adama himself to assist you in discerning the specific issues or areas in your own life that you want to work on using this powerful tool once you have it in your possession.  (This is what we ourselves had done for us). We are therefore offering two pricing structures:

OM WAVE Crystal Activation without a personal session from Lord Adama: $77

OM WAVE Crystal Activation including the Lord Adama session: $154

To order please click the link to

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Vibratory Masters of Ascension for the New Earth

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Can Positive Thoughts Help Heal Another Person?
by Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Fourth of a five-part series
May 21, 2009

Ninety percent of Americans say they pray — for their health, or their love life or their final exams. But does prayer do any good?


For decades, scientists have tried to test the power of prayer and positive thinking, with mixed results. Now some scientists are fording new — and controversial — territory.


Sheri Kaplan tested positive for HIV more than 15 years ago. Kaplan has never taken medicine, yet the disease has not progressed to AIDS. She prays and meditates every day and believes God is keeping the virus at bay.


Barbara Bradley Hagerty/NPR



Sheri Kaplan tested positive for HIV more than 15 years ago. Kaplan has never taken medicine, yet the disease has not progressed to AIDS. She prays and meditates every day and believes God is keeping the virus at bay.


Mind Over Body

When I first meet Sheri Kaplan, she is perched on a plastic chair at a Miami clinic, holding out her arm as a researcher draws several vials of blood.

"I'm quite excited about my blood work this time," she says. "I've got no stress and I'm proud of it."
Kaplan is tanned and freckled, with wavy red hair and a cocky laugh. She is defiantly healthy for a person who has lived with HIV for the past 15 years.

"God didn't want me to die or even get sick," she asserts. "I've never had any opportunistic infections, because I had no time to be down."

Explore Research Into The Science Of Spiritual Encounters

Kaplan's faith is unorthodox, but it's central to her life. She was raised Jewish, and although she claims no formal religion now, she prays and meditates every day. She believes God is keeping the virus at bay and that her faith is the reason she's alive today.


"Everything starts from a thought, and then the thought creates a reaction," she says. "And I have the power to control my mind, before it gets to a physical level or an emotional level."


For the past decade, Kaplan has been coming every few months to see Gail Ironson, a professor at the University of Miami. Ironson, an AIDS researcher, runs down a battery of questions.


"During this time have you had any HIV- or AIDS-related symptoms?" Ironson asks.

"Nope," Kaplan says. "Nothing."

"What percent of your well-being do you think is due to your own attitudes and behaviors versus medical care?" Ironson continues.

Kaplan laughs: "110 percent."



Read An Excerpt From 'Fingerprints Of God'

Laughing Back To Health

Kaplan has never taken medicine, yet the disease has not progressed to AIDS (and she is not part of the population that has a mutation in the CCR5 gene that prevents progression of HIV to AIDS). In the mid-1990s, when having HIV was akin to a death sentence, Ironson noticed that a number of patients like Kaplan never got sick. Ironson wanted to know why. And she found something surprising.

"If you ask people what's kept you going so long, what keeps you healthy, often people would say spirituality," she says. "It was something that just kept coming up in the interviews, and that's why I decided to look at it."



Spirituality And Health
Ironson began to zero in on a patient's relationship with God in an attempt to predict how fast the disease would progress.


More In This Series

The God Chemical: Brain Chemistry And MysticismMay 18, 2009
Are Spiritual Encounters All In Your Head?May 19, 2009
Prayer May Reshape Your Brain ... And Your RealityMay 20, 2009
Decoding The Mystery Of Near-Death ExperiencesMay 22, 2009


She focused on two key indicators. She measured viral load, which tells how much of the virus is present in a person's body, and immune cells called CD-4 cells, which help fight off the AIDS virus.
Ironson says over time, those who turned to God after their diagnosis had a much lower viral load and maintained those powerful immune cells at a much higher rate than those who turned away from God.

"In fact, people who felt abandoned by God and who decreased in spirituality lost their CD4 cells 4.5 times faster than people who increased in spirituality," Ironson says. "That was actually our most powerful psychological predictor to date."


"Just so I understand it," I confirm, "if someone weren't taking their meds and were depressed, they would still fare better if they increased in spirituality?"


"Yes," she says. "Now, I'm not in any way suggesting that people don't take their meds," she adds quickly, laughing. "This is really an important point. However, the effects of spirituality are over and above."


Can My Prayers Affect Your Body?

Ironson calls the finding extraordinary. She was one of the first researchers to connect a patient's approach to God to specific chemical changes in the body.

Of course, mind-body medicine — the idea that my thoughts and emotions can affect my own health — has been standard teaching at many medical schools for years. But does that mean my thoughts can affect another person's body?

"The answer is pretty unequivocally no," says Richard Sloan, professor of Behavioral Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center.

Sloan notes that studies in the 1980s and '90s seemed to show that praying for a patient in a hospital sped up his recovery. But he says those studies were flawed. More recent, more rigorous studies, he argues, showed prayer either had no effect, or the patients actually grew worse.

Sloan says science understands how a person's thoughts can influence his own body — for example, through chemical changes in the brain that affect the immune system.

"There are no plausible mechanisms that account for how somebody's thoughts or prayers can influence the health of another person," Sloan says. "None. We know of nothing."


A few renegade scientists aren't satisfied with that. For years, they say, no one knew how morphine or aspirin worked. They just knew it worked. These researchers say typical prayer studies, in which a stranger prays for a stranger from a script, miss the critical element: a personal connection. So they're asking a different sort of question. Can a husband's love for his wife affect her body?


Or, as Marilyn Schlitz puts it: "Does our consciousness have the capacity to reach out and connect to someone else in a way that's health-promoting?"


The Love Study

On a bright spring day, Schlitz is leading Teena and J.D. Miller down a path to the laboratory at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, north of San Francisco. Schlitz is the president of the institute, which conducts research on consciousness and spirituality. The Millers have been married a decade and their affection is palpable — making them perfect for the so-called Love Study.

Barbara Bradley Hagerty/NPR


J.D. and Teena Miller, who have been married for a decade, took part in the "Love Study" at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Schlitz takes Teena into an isolated room, where no sound can come in or go out. Teena settles into a deep armchair as Schlitz attaches electrodes to her right hand.

"This is measuring blood flow in your thumb, and this is your skin conductance activity," the researcher explains. "So basically both of these are measures of your unconscious nervous system."

Schlitz locks Teena into the electromagnetically shielded chamber, then ushers J.D. into another isolated room with a closed-circuit television. She explains that the screen will go on and off. And at random intervals, Teena's image will appear on the screen for 10 seconds.

"And so during the times when you see her," she instructs, "it's your opportunity to think about sending loving, compassionate intention."

As the session begins, Dean Radin, a senior scientist here, watches as a computer shows changes in J.D.'s blood pressure and perspiration. When J.D. sees the image of his wife, the steady lines suddenly jump and become ragged. The question is: Will Teena's nervous system follow suit?

"Notice how here ... see, there's a change in the blood volume," says Radin, pointing to a screen charting Teena's measurements. "A sudden change like that is sometimes associated with an orienting response. If you suddenly hear somebody whispering in your ear, and there's nobody around, you have this sense of what? What was that? That's more or less what we're seeing in the physiology."

An hour later, Radin displays Teena's graph, which shows a flat line during the times her husband was not staring at her image, but when her husband began to stare at her, she stopped relaxing and became "aroused" within about two seconds.

After running 36 couples through this test, the researchers found that when one person focused his thoughts on his partner, the partner's blood flow and perspiration dramatically changed within two seconds. The odds of this happening by chance were 1 in 11,000. Three dozen double blind, randomized studies by such institutions as the University of Washington and the University of Edinburgh have reported similar results.


The 'Quantum Entanglement' Of Love

So how do you explain this? No one really knows. But Radin and a few others think that a theory known as "quantum entanglement" may offer some clues.

Here's how it works. Once two particles have interacted, if you separate them, even by miles, they behave as if they're still connected. So far, this has only been demonstrated on the subatomic level.
But Radin wonders: Could people in close relationships — couples, siblings, parent and child — also be "entangled"? Not just emotionally, and psychologically — but also physically?

"If it is true that entanglement actually persists, by means of which we don't understand," he says, "if they are physically entangled, you should be able to separate them, poke one, and see the other one flinch."

This idea — that we may be connected at some molecular level — echoes the words of mystics down the ages. And it appeals to some scientists.

But it infuriates others — like Columbia University's Sloan. The underlying idea is wrong, he says. Entanglement just doesn't work this way.

"Physicists are very clear that the relationship is purely correlational and not causal," Sloan says. "There is nothing causal about quantum entanglement. It's good to be open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brains fall out."

Radin and others agree that that's what science says right now. But they say these findings eventually have to be explained somehow.

Part 5 of this series will explore whether people have souls that survive a brain's death.


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Govinda: Venus Transit

Govinda: Venus Transit
2012 May 19
Posted by Vina

Source:via Elevate page on Facebook

Venus passed between the Earth and our Sun on June 8th, 2004, and initiated an eight-year cycle known as the “Venus Transits”.

The Venus Transits cycle is a rare celestial event that occurs every 113 – 130 years, when Venus eclipses the Sun two times – at the beginning and at the end of an eight-year period.


The second Venus eclipse will occur on June 6th, 2012.

Astrologically, Venus represents our relationships with others. Communication is a major factor in all of our relationships. Whenever Venus eclipsed the Sun in past recorded history, there was a major breakthrough in communications.

For example, at the time of the last Venus eclipse in 1874, the Transatlantic Telegraph Cable was completed that created the first intercontinental communications by wire between the East and the West. In 1761, another year of a Venus eclipse, there was a collaboration of astronomers at 77 observation points from all over the world to determine the distance from Earth to the Sun.

Today, we have expanded global communications for the masses through the Internet and satellite systems. Our ability to communicate with each other worldwide is continually expanding. The questions now become: What are we communicating to our world – love or fear? and, How is our media (the Internet, computer games, the movie industry, cell phones, etc.), affecting society as a whole?

A successful relationship is created through good communication, mutual respect and consideration for one another. This happens best when we recognize and honor the Oneness in all of us. When we are able to do this, we will create peace between each other, our organizations, our governments and countries. A good way to resolve conflicts with others is to recognize how we are the same, not how we are different. This creates a foundation from which we can build a positive, peaceful relationship.

For example, when a mother loses a child in war, regardless of her color or faith, the pain is the same. When someone is shown respect and love, the joy is the same. If you realize that you and your perceived enemy both want peace so that suffering may end, then you can begin to talk from a place of mutual understanding, rather than from aggravation.


The Divine Feminine Awakens

Venus eclipsing the Sun represents an awakening of the Divine Feminine energies in our world. For thousands of years, the world has been ruled by patriarchal societies. These masculine rulers have created wars, power struggles, destruction, pollution, fear, pain, separation and famine. They have shown little or no respect for feminine wisdom or our Mother Earth.

The patriarchal organizations of the world have repressed most knowledge of women’s roles in world history. Recently, information has begun to be revealed that recognizes the truth of how women have affected our history. The books, The DiVinci Code, by Dan Brown and The Expected One, by Kathleen McGowan, both reveal the truth about Mary Magdalene and her relationship to Jesus, are good examples of such information. It is time for the pendulum to swing back towards the Divine Feminine and rest comfortably in the middle. To become whole, we need both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine energies, equally in our lives.

As the Divine Feminine energy interfaces with human consciousness, it awakens and expands compassion within our hearts, and emotional healing can occur for all of Humanity. Compassion awakens the ability to feel and express unconditional love. To be able to love without attachments or expectations is the highest form of love that a human being can express. This kind of love supports the healing of others and our personal evolution/ascension.


One of the keys to accessing Divine Feminine healing energy is through forgiveness.

Only when all is forgiven will total love be available to us. We must forgive others and ourselves for all of the perceived wrongs that have ever been done. We can heal ourselves if we are willing to feel and express all of our emotions, and then to forgive ourselves and others for all that we have perceived as wrong. This process will liberate us from the bondage of our emotional pain.

Forgiveness is the key to releasing ourselves from our past. When we are liberated from our past and live fully in the “now” our true happiness may be realized and our power to create is maximized.


A Question Of Balance

Venus is the planet of love. The world needs creative solutions, feminine guidance and love in order to heal. These energies will continue to increase during this period, in spite of the attempts of the fear tactics of male dominance.


Venus represents the heart and the feminine side of our being.

The Sun represents our individuality and the masculine side of our being. Venus aligning with the Sun is symbolic of our Feminine (Anima) and Masculine (Animus) energies coming into unity and balance. Venus eclipsing (in front of) the Sun symbolizes our need to consider the feminine expression first, before the masculine, and to allow the feminine energies to guide and balance masculine expression.


Creativity Awakens!

Venus also represents the creative and artistic sides of our natures. The Venus Transit will catalyze previously hidden, latent, artistic talent and creative abilities. People who have never expressed an art form before will awaken their hidden talents. Artists will discover new modalities through which they can express themselves more deeply. For example, many people who have never played a musical instrument will suddenly feel a desire to learn and express themselves through music. Some will want to join the local acting clubs, and so on.


Uncovering Secrets In Relationships

Again, communication is a key factor in all of our personal, business and international relationships. This Venus Transit is calling for a deeper honesty in relationships. Since the Venus transit from 2004 – 2012 coincides with the Uranus in Pisces cycle, communications between humans will develop on intuitive levels. The combined energies of these two cycles will catalyze heightened intuitive awareness of our hidden emotions and desires, as well as awareness of our partners’ hidden emotions and desires. Eventually, we will no longer be able to, or need to, hide our true feelings from each other. In time, we will develop total trust and love for each other.


Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

The world needs a higher, altruistic, spiritual love to manifest and prevail over the lower, more selfish emotions. A world where unconditional, spiritual love prevails is our potential as human beings.

Conscious and unconscious fear-based emotions are obstacles to this higher love. To discover and express this kind of love, Humanity must first expose and purge the fear-based emotions in our collective consciousness.

From an astrological perspective, Venus represents the emotional energies in our relationships with others. When Venus eclipsed the Sun, it blocked some of the Sun’s light and exposed the dark side of Venus, which represents the shadow side of our emotional natures. This began an eight-year process of uncovering the shadows in our emotional relationships. These shadows are the unresolved, repressed, fear-based psychological energies that unconsciously cause dysfunctionality and unhappiness in our relationships. They cause us to behave in ways that undermine our relationships, block intimacy, and cause breakdowns in communications. Essentially, these shadows block our ability to truly love another person. These repressed emotions usually begin during our early childhoods and/or may be carried over from past lives.

We must take responsibility for how we show up in our relationships with others. It is important to observe our feelings and our behavior with the important people in our lives, and to come to terms with our dysfunctional emotional patterns. It may be helpful and revealing for each of us to ask these questions: “Where am I not able to be truly open, honest and real in my relationships with others?”, “At what point do I shut down emotionally?”, “Where are my boundaries?” and “Are these boundaries healthy or are they blocking my intimacy?”

It is up to each of us to allow intimacy into our heart to expand our relationship with others.
Intimacy can only happen when we allow others to “Into me see.” This develops when we let down our barriers and allow others to see into our hearts. To the best of our abilities, we must be honest with ourselves. We must allow ourselves to be vulnerable and expose our true feelings (even if they are negative emotions) to those whom we are in relationships with. This will endear ourselves to others and deepen our intimacy with them.


Expanding Love

Another result of the Venus Transit is an increase of our capacity to love others more completely, deeply and intensely. This will include heightened feelings of love and appreciation for our partners and other people in our lives. Our emotional natures are melding with our spiritual natures, which is expanding our capacity for unconditional love.


The opposite will also be true.

We will become more clear and sensitive to the truth about all of our relationships. If a person is not in alignment with our higher good, we will become increasingly disillusioned with this person. Our dysfunctional relationships will become increasingly apparent, and we may feel a need to change the structure or boundaries of these relationships. We may need to end some of our relationships that are no longer serving our personal evolution.


What you Appreciate, Appreciates

In our relationships with others, it is good to let them know how much we appreciate their being in our lives. Let’s be thankful for all of the qualities that we enjoy in others and let them know how much we appreciate them. Remember that what we appreciate, appreciates.

The most effective way to accomplish self-understanding and personal mastery is through our relationships. We can monitor our process of personal mastery of our egos by observing our interrelations with others – are we experiencing conditional or unconditional love?

Compassion opens the door to unconditional love. Unconditional love is supported by seeing the Divine in others and acting in integrity with love. Our relationships with others are our greatest gifts, and integrity is vital for each relationship to work. Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. It helps to ask, “What is the highest good for all concerned?” The higher good for all can be perceived in your heart from a feeling of love.

No Man is an Island

We should never underestimate our power to influence the evolution of the world. Each of us is an integral part of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. When one person evolves spiritually, the Collective Consciousness evolves as well. Whenever even one person increases compassion and opens their heart to unconditional love, he/she raises the vibrational frequency of the World. As the Collective Consciousness evolves, so too shall each individual. A quote from Bette Reese says it all: “If you think you’re too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.”


Integrating Sacred Love

By the time of the second eclipse of the Sun by Venus, on June 6, 2012, Humanity will have evolved to a place of greater readiness for a higher love. Hopefully, after eight years of processing the shadows of our emotions, awakening intuition and developing compassion, we will have cleared the psychological obstacles to unconditional love.


Then, Peace on Earth, and Goodwill towards all people will be possible.

Sacred love expands when the Divine in one person appreciates and honors the Divine in another. Thus, the sacred wheel of love is created and Heaven on Earth will manifest for those individuals. As this happens for everyone, Peace on Earth will become a reality.


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John Glenn's true hero

John Glenn's true hero

For half a century, the world has applauded John Glenn as a heart-stirring American hero. He lifted the nation's spirits when, as one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts, he was blasted alone into orbit around the Earth; the enduring affection for him is so powerful that even now people find themselves misting up at the sight of his face or the sound of his voice.


But for all these years, Glenn has had a hero of his own, someone who he has seen display endless courage of a different kind:


Annie Glenn.

They have been married for 68 years.

He is 90; she turned 92 on Friday.

This weekend there has been news coverage of the 50th anniversary of Glenn's flight into orbit. We are being reminded that, half a century down the line, he remains America's unforgettable hero.


He has never really bought that.

Because the heroism he most cherishes is of a sort that is seldom cheered. It belongs to the person he has known longer than he has known anyone else in the world.


John Glenn and Annie Castor first knew each other when -- literally -- they shared a playpen.

In New Concord, Ohio, his parents and hers were friends. When the families got together, their children played.

John -- the future Marine fighter pilot, the future test-pilot ace, the future astronaut -- was pure gold from the start. He would end up having what it took to rise to the absolute pinnacle of American regard during the space race; imagine what it meant to be the young John Glenn in the small confines of New Concord.


Three-sport varsity athlete, most admired boy in town, Mr. Everything.


Annie Castor was bright, was caring, was talented, was generous of spirit. But she could talk only with the most excruciating of difficulty. It haunted her.


Her stuttering was so severe that it was categorized as an "85%" disability -- 85% of the time, she could not manage to make words come out.


When she tried to recite a poem in elementary school, she was laughed at. She was not able to speak on the telephone. She could not have a regular conversation with a friend.


And John Glenn loved her.

Even as a boy he was wise enough to understand that people who could not see past her stutter were missing out on knowing a rare and wonderful girl.


They married on April 6, 1943. As a military wife, she found that life as she and John moved around the country could be quite hurtful. She has written: "I can remember some very painful experiences -- especially the ridicule."


In department stores, she would wander unfamiliar aisles trying to find the right section, embarrassed to attempt to ask the salesclerks for help. In taxis, she would have to write requests to the driver, because she couldn't speak the destination out loud. In restaurants, she would point to the items on the menu.


A fine musician, Annie, in every community where she and John moved, would play the organ in church as a way to make new friends. She and John had two children; she has written: "Can you imagine living in the modern world and being afraid to use the telephone? 'Hello' used to be so hard for me to say. I worried that my children would be injured and need a doctor. Could I somehow find the words to get the information across on the phone?"


John, as a Marine aviator, flew 59 combat missions in World War II and 90 during the Korean War. Every time he was deployed, he and Annie said goodbye the same way. His last words to her before leaving were:


"I'm just going down to the corner store to get a pack of gum."

And, with just the two of them there, she was able to always reply:

"Don't be long."


On that February day in 1962 when the world held its breath and the Atlas rocket was about to propel him toward space, those were their words, once again. And in 1998, when, at 77, he went back to space aboard the shuttle Discovery, it was an understandably tense time for them. What if something happened to end their life together?


She knew what he would say to her before boarding the shuttle. He did -- and this time he gave her a present to hold onto:


A pack of gum.

She carried it in a pocket next to her heart until he was safely home.

Many times in her life she attempted various treatments to cure her stutter. None worked.


But in 1973, she found a doctor in Virginia who ran an intensive program she and John hoped would help her. She traveled there to enroll and to give it her best effort. The miracle she and John had always waited for at last, as miracles will do, arrived. At age 53, she was able to talk fluidly, and not in brief, anxiety-ridden, agonizing bursts.


John has said that on the first day he heard her speak to him with confidence and clarity, he dropped to his knees to offer a prayer of gratitude.


He has written: "I saw Annie's perseverance and strength through the years and it just made me admire her and love her even more." He has heard roaring ovations in countries around the globe for his own valor, but his awe is reserved for Annie, and what she accomplished: "I don't know if I would have had the courage."


Her voice is so clear and steady now that she regularly gives public talks. If you are lucky enough to know the Glenns, the sight and sound of them bantering and joking with each other and playfully finishing each others' sentences is something that warms you and makes you thankful just to be in the same room.


Monday will be the anniversary of the Mercury space shot, and once again people will remember, and will speak of the heroism of Glenn the astronaut.


But if you ever find yourself at an event where the Glenns are appearing, and you want to see someone so brimming with pride and love that you may feel your own tears start to well up, wait until the moment that Annie stands to say a few words to the audience.


And as she begins, take a look at her husband's eyes.


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