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May 20, 2012


I am Mytria, Keeper of the Violet Flame on Alycone, Pleiades,
and I am Mytre, Commander in the Ashtar Commander.

I am Mytria, Keeper of the Violet Flame on Alycone, Pleiades, and I am Mytre, Commander in the Ashtar Commander.

We are Divine Complements and are one of the higher expressions of this writer. We come to you as ONE being to speak with you of the joining of many Divine Complements as our beloved Earth comes into Her fifth dimensional expression. As you all know, Gaia and all Her inhabitants, is expanding Her frequency back into the fifth dimension and beyond. Hence, you, the ascending ones of Earth, will be re-connecting with the completeness of your male and female expressions by reuniting with your Divine Complements.

When you first entered the third dimension, you had to choose a gender, for Earth was a polarized reality. Therefore, it was necessary for your innate androgynous expression to choose a form of gender. Then, as you continued your many incarnations of physical Earth, you expressed yourself as either a man or a woman. Your Divine Complement has gone through the same process. Hence, both of you have had myriad incarnations of both male and female earth vessels. However, as you ascend into the fifth dimension, your polarity of form will no longer be necessary. Therefore, you can, if you choose, unite with the completeness of your androgynous, Multidimensional SELF.

In order for you to fully understand what we are about to say we ask that you read with your multidimensional thinking. We introduced our SELF as our two extremes of feminine and masculine expression. It is true that you have perceived higher dimensional beings in male or female forms, as some of us, especially Pleiadians, still enjoy holding a masculine or feminine form. However, we are always intimately connected with our Divine Complement. Since time and space do not exist in the fifth dimension in the same manner as in the physical world, one of us can be on our Homeworld and the other in a Starship traveling the Universe without feeling any sense of separation.

We can do so because we returned to our true, multidimensional nature when we ascended back to the fifth dimension. Thus, we can experience two or more realities within the same moment of the NOW. In other words, we experience our life as ONE being who is experiencing two, in fact many more than two, realities at once. It is because of this last sentence that we asked you to think multidimensionally. In fact, we have come to you at this time to assist you in thinking multidimensionally so that you can more easily understand and fully participate in your ever-ascending reality.

We will BE telling you some of our experiences of ascension when we Pleiadians returned to our fifth dimensional expression. Unlike our dear friends the Arcturians, we are a civilization that very much enjoys the expression of a form. The Arcturians ascended long before us, but we remained in continual contact, as our civilizations have been inter-twined for longer than your time could count. In fact, many of our ascending ones on Earth have higher expressions, and ongoing lives/experiences, in both the Pleiadian and Arcturian worlds.

The concepts of life and expression have the same meaning to a multidimensional being, as we do not need to "be born" and "die," as you do on a physical reality. Instead, we choose to engage in a certain form/reality until we feel complete with that experience. Then, we merely exit that reality, but remember every experience of every reality in which we have participated. We know that this extent of memory seems impossible to your third dimensional thinking, but we assure you that is consistent with all life forms of the fifth dimension and beyond.

Those of you who are awakening to your higher expressions, which are only "higher" to the perception of your earth vessel, understand what we are saying. For those who have not-yet-had that experience, what we are saying likely seems impossible. However, we want to encourage you to release the concept of "impossible" from your thinking patterns, as you are about to enter into a new life in which impossible is probable. For example, many of you are meeting a grounded one, or a higher dimensional one, whom you believe to be your Divine Complement or Twin Flame.

In some cases, you are realizing that your Divine Complement is one whom you have been close to for many years. In other cases, you may have a chance meeting with some one that you know within your heart is you Complement. Sometimes you are able to enter into an intimate and lasting relationship with that person, but sometimes that person must leave your life for a reason that is difficult for you to accept. If the second example is the case, it is often because it is important that both of continue your Reason for Incarnation alone.

In this case, you are both creating a pyramid of ascension by maintaining your physical connection via your consciousness while you both focus on your already united SELF in the fifth dimension. If this is the case, it is because you both made that choice before you took your present form. From your timeless state in the fifth dimension, a mere lifetime of separation was insignificant in comparison to the contribution that you would give to Gaia by anchoring your joint consciousness with each other and with your fifth dimensional unified expressions.

In fact, most of the sacrifices that our ascending ones have had to make were chosen before birth to either awaken you to your SELF and/or to assist with Planetary Ascension. As you continue to return to your timeless, multidimensional thinking, the hardships of your life so far will be erased from your memory. Only that which you have learned from these hardships is of importance to your ascension process. Hence, as a benefit of participating in Gaia's ascension, you will find that fear-based experiences will begin to disappear from your memory.

These fear-based experiences will become similar to a bad tasting medicine you had to take. You did not enjoy the medicine, but you are happy that it made you well. In the same manner, your past hardships where chosen by your Multidimensional SELF to assure that unfinished business that had lowered your consciousness for myriad lifetimes, be resolved and released. Now that you have become the Victor of many of your past experiences of victimization, you can understand what we are saying.

To become trapped in the past is to become trapped in time. And, to become trapped in time is to become trapped in the third/fourth dimension. Therefore, you have chosen to write in some unpleasant experiences into your Birth Contract to force yourself to forget the pain and suffering and move on to create a new, better life. You see, dear ascending ones, what you are doing within your personal release of time and all its problems, is vital to assist Gaia to free Her from Her myriad fear-based experiences of "raising" humanity.

Of all Her children, humanity was the most challenging. Her plants and animals never forgot that they were a component of Her form. However, humanity was so intent on gaining power-over others that they even chose to conquer the very form which allowed them to experience incarnation. We wish to tell you that Gaia is so happy that so many of Her humans have found their power-within and no longer need to experience power-over. In fact, as the darkness/fear is being released by Humanity, Her frequency is rising beyond the resonance of a fear-based realty.

We, along with Gaia, remind you again that the most important contribution you can give to Planetary Ascension is to REFUSE to participate in any form of fear. This includes all forms of anger and sorrow. This request is one that we could not ask of our ascending ones until your moment of the NOW. With the Eclipse, the return of dear Venus to our Pleiades, Venus's journey between Sun and Earth and the myriad other Solar and Universal energy patterns entering Earth, our ascending ones MUST release that which is over in order to embrace that which is commencing.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, are HERE to assist your NOW!
Blessings from,

Mytria/Mytre of the Pleiades







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On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
..that life is meant to happy.

I know this is sometimes hard to believe, and I
know that on many days it simply is not your
experience, but it is true. You have all the tools
right now to make this day, this moment, happy.

The best of these tools is love. Just love everything
that Life has to offer today. And of course, love
every person. Then watch the whole experience

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that your trust has not been misplaced.
Listen to your Self today. You have been telling
yourself something very important for days now.

Today, listen more closely. And heed.

Trust the still small voice within. Your soul is
gently leading you to your next step.

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, Melodie, I believe God wants you to know...
...that fairness is not obvious in every case.
Look, we all want life to be fair, right? But
sometimes it just isn't. True? No. False. Life
is always fair -- it sometimes just does not
look that way.

You will see how 'fair' life is if you will give
it a chance to play itself out. Wait. See.

Your Higher Self, which always wants the
best for you, is in charge here. Believe it.

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
..that you have something important to contribute

to your world today.

Every day God sends you one person for whom
you hold a gift in your hand. You will not know
what it is until that person greets you, but you
will then know it immediately.

The only questions remaining will be: Will you give
your gift? Right then and there? Fully and completely?

By the end of this day you will know why you
received this message just now.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
..that you have something important to contribute to your world today.
Every day God sends you one person for whom
you hold a gift in your hand. You will not know
what it is until that person greets you, but you
will then know it immediately.

The only questions remaining will be: Will you give
your gift? Right then and there? Fully and completely?
By the end of this day you will know why you
received this message just now.

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
..that you cannot make a mistake, you can only
make a decision that will be your next best step.
There is no reason to hesitate when you know
that you have nothing to lose. And losing is not
an act of God, it is a thought in the mind of

Get rid of the thought and you get rid of doubt.
Ride your Wisdom to Victory.
You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend

On this day of your life, Melodie, I believe God wants you to know...
....that the biggest commitment you must keep is your
commitment to yourself.

Betrayal of yourself
In order not to betray another
Is betrayal nonetheless.

It is the highest betrayal.

This is not a call for willy-nilly abandonment of a job
or a person or a situation. But it is your notice from
the Universe that it is all right for you to take care
of yourself also.

You will not have to think very hard to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
....that perfection is not required of you
-- only perfect_effort.

Not to even try because you don't think you can would
be terribly sad. You'll be amazed at what you can do if
you simply step into it.

Life awaits you on the other side of Risk. What can you
lose? Face? Dignity? Who cares about those when
greatness is possible? Who cares about those when
fairy tales are at hand?

Love, Your Friend..

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that everything is falling together perfectly, even
though it looks as if some things are falling apart.

Trust in the process you are now experiencing. Life
is on your side. It is showing that to you now, though
you may not be able to see it clearly at this time.

You have made your wishes and dreams known to
God. Now comes the time for faith. Faith that all
is right, right now. Tomorrow will reveal itself exactly
as it should.

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you can remain in your present idea about yourself,
or you can choose again. I like the idea of choosing again.

Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you
were yesterday, and dream of who you can be tomorrow.

You will not have to think for more than a second to
know exactly why you just read this...

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the yearning for love in your life is about to end
in the most wonderful way.

It is impossible to yearn for that which you already have,
and you are about to see and realize that all the love
you could ever want is coming to you now.

Open your heart and you will see it right in front of you.

I am glad that you read this today. Add so is God.

Love, Your Friend....

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that there is no challenge you cannot meet -- and that
includes the present one.

I know that on some days it doesn't feel like you want
to continue the struggle anymore. But I promise you, it
is going to be worth it.

What is happening now is part of a larger process
leading to your own self-realization. Please believe me,
and sleep well in the truth of that. Your soul will rejoice
again--more than it ever did before.

Love, Your Friend...

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that hope has always been your greatest strength, and
it continues to be today.

When others are about to give up and give in, you've
been the one to stand firm and strong. Good for
you--and good for everyone else around you!

Why am I telling you this? Because someone near
you needs a bit of hope today. You won't be able to
miss who this is. So thanks, ahead of time, for helping
that soul...

Love, Your Friend....

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End of the World - Lahkota Medicine Man Prophecy Pt 2


Lahkota Medicine Man, talks about his visions of the end of the world. Man has lived on this earth for thousands of years, but in the last 100 years, man has been a parasite that takes and takes without giving back and finally the host, Mother Earth, fights back killing many. But those that survive become holistic and learn to live in balance and harmony with each other and Mother Earth and give back what they take.

Soldiers are being trained to kill and not disaster recovery search and rescue. Our armies are in other countries and should be at home.

Floyd Looks For Buffalo Hand, Medicine Man, Treaty Delegate, Author


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Hilarious Former Miss North Carolina Jeanne Robertson
by Mary Writer on Thursday, May 3rd, 2012


In this hilarious video, former Miss North Carolina (who was named Miss Congeniality in the Miss America Pageant) shares one of her life stories as only she can.


Jeanne is 6’2″ and credits her year long reign as giving her the opportunity to hone her speaking ability. She has been a humorist and speaker for the last 48 years!


Her message is that a sense of humor is an attitude that helps you when working with others and that it is something that can be developed and improved.


This video is so funny you will surely want to share it! (She lovingly refers to her husband as “Left Brain”).


Jeanne Robertson "Men don't know the style in NYC!" (Pashmina Toss Flip story)


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A "supermassive" black hole in the process of devouring a star.


For the first time, astronomers have captured a "supermassive" black hole in the process of devouring a star. This computer-simulated image shows gas from a tidally shredded star in a galaxy 2.7 billion light-years away being swallowed up by a black hole. Using ground- and space-based telescopes, a team of astronomers led by Suvi Gezari of Johns Hopkins University has identified the victim as a star rich in helium gas.


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Before 9 / 11 and 7 / 7 there were clues in card games, comics, film and TV programmes, of the events that would later take place.

Similarly, the BBC has broadcasted a series imagining a nuclear explosion at the London Olympics.

The series includes several clues that suggest that the 'illuminati' are behind the making of the series and that therefore the events that the series imagines, are being planned to take place in the real world.

There are also clues that suggest the 'illuminati' are plotting an attack on the London Underground.



Please press the link at the end of the film TO SHOW YOU THESE THINGS HAVE BEEN DONE BEFORE!! =
Just like 9/11 where the American Air Defence was having a "Terror Rehearsal" on the same day as the tragic catastrophe..Guess what happened to the people who was suppose to be defending London from Terror Attacks ON THE SAME DAY?? Oh yes you've got it-THEY WERE HAVING A "Terror Rehearsal"-If you really do believe Peter Power you honestly need to be shot!

Live ITV News interview with Peter Power, the Managing Director of Crisis Management firm Visor Consultants who was 'actually running an exercise... based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations that happened'.
Recorded at 8:20pm on the evening of the London Bombings.

Broadcast on May 16th 2004, this show features a fiction terrorist attack very similar to the real attack of 7/7 a year later. The show's panel of experts included Peter Power, the former anti-terrorism police officer who was running a training exercise on the day of 7/7. 100,000 Die at the London Olympics 2012 ?

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“Flying Mystics”

I came across the beautiful video “Mount Kailash” from the CD “Begin Within” of a group called “Flying Mystics“. It says: “Flying Mystics creates music that takes one on a journey that is at once esoteric and visionary while remaining sensually intense and spiritually powerful. The group is composed of Zepi Morelli on the guitar, Flournoy Holmes playing flutes and percussion and Todd Roderick on drums and percussion. Wether playing temples, festivals or yoga studios Flying Mystics appeal to the spiritual roots of the world, creating music that reminds us of our mystical origins.”

Flying Mystics – Mount Kailash

Next to this film there was the following ashonishing video of a real flying mystic: Magician Dan White meets up with a Buddhist monk, in Nepal, who has the power of levitation. For years in the 70ies I had been with the Maharishi who claimed to teach levitation – I had seen thousands of people trying, but none really doing it. Though it is reported from many saints and sages, this is the first video document I see about it. – I know that levitation is a side-issue on the spiritual path, but nevertheless a clear demonstration of spirit ruling over matter.

Man Levitates

Floating Buddhist Monk - woman

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Chilling leads to enlightenment.

Welcome Everyone,


It seems like everyone here is looking for enlightenment, I have seen word ascension used a lot here. As if it is something, that everyone is striving towards; by using this attunement or that one. However, there is a missing ingredient. That is we are already "ascended" It is our egos and the limits of physical reality that cloud are ability to truly see the magnificence of existence. The other day I was watching show on supernovas, how a giant star collapse into itself and then explodes into the universe creating the dense atoms that are the building blocks for life. The atoms and matter that originate from a supernova are the same ones that make up our human bodies. Then we can take it further and when we look at matter itself, there is really nothing there, and what we perceive is directly effective by the perceiver’s consciousness. There is no separation between the universe and us. There is no separation between thought and matter. This not theory or religion, these are facts. We are already absolute, just blind to it. A great Indian master used to say, “You cannot see your own eyeballs”

What I do honestly agree with is the power of intention. Intention directs our consciousness towards a specific outcome. Intention has the power to change our realities into whatever we desire it to be. Intention is the most powerful aspect of being human, we are the Masters of Reality. (Master of Reality is my favorite Sabbath Album)

What does all this have to do with ascension? I do not believe we are rising up a spiritual ladder, what we need to do is clear the way so light can enter us. There are thousands of method that have been developed over eons. All of them are valid. Personally I prefer meditation, letting go of all my pre conceived ideas and judgments; learning how to see perfection in everything just as it is in this moment. We have the gift of awareness. When we stop viewing the world and ourselves from a dualistic perspective, everything is equal there is no good vs evil, no light and darkness, no having and not having; only pure spotless, clear, loving awareness.




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A Message from SanandasEagles......

We Will Be Blessed by an Amazing Event!!!

This Sunday, May 20, at 4:24 PM, PDT, there will be a Solar Eclipse that
happens only once every 25,920 years!!! It will last just over two hours.
On the West Coast of the United States it will be from 4:24-6:42 PM, PDT and
will be at its peak at 4:47 PM, PDT.

Your location will determine how much of the eclipse you will see. The full
eclipse will be visible from parts of China, on across much of the Pacific,
to the West Cost of the United States and across the Southwest United
States. Then the sun will set and the eclipse will no longer be visible.

Even if you can't see the eclipse, the wonderful energy will still reach you
wherever you may live!

If you want to see the eclipse, do not look directly at the sun during the
eclipse without proper protection. Sunglasses are not enough! The intense
light can still quickly and permanently damage your vision. Only use
special solar glass filters or solar glasses designed for solar viewing or
welders glass.

There is an easy and safe way to watch the sun as it moves through the
eclipse. You can simply stand under a tree and look at the pattern of the
shadow of leaves on the ground as the light filters through them. Their
shadow will be the shape of the eclipse of the sun. Or you can spread your
fingers apart and lay them on top of each other in a waffle pattern. The
light that goes through your fingers onto the ground will also be the shape
of the eclipse and will change as the eclipse progresses.

This Solar Eclipse is created by an alignment of our Earth, Moon and our
Sun. However, the amazing energy of this very rare event is created by the
simultaneous alignment of our Earth, Moon and Sun with the Central Sun of
our Milky Way Galaxy located in the Pleiades. This Central Sun is named

This is the alignment that only happens every 25,920 years!!!

For the Earth to move into this alignment with our galactic Central Sun, we
must pass into a powerful Photon Belt. Our planet moves through this photon
belt only once in our 26,000 year orbit around the Central Sun of our
galaxy. The photons have a very powerful affect on our consciousness and all
life on Earth and in our solar system! They are essential to our life,
health and functioning! The huge influx of photons create and end of one
age and the shift into the next.

We are shifting now into The Golden Age!!!

Photons are very high frequencies of light, which also have the capacity to
change to matter and then back to Light again! Our bodies absorb the
photons from our Sun when they touch our skin. Einstein discovered the
speed of the vibration of the photon as it moves around the nucleus of a
cell reduces the effects of gravity.

Photon speed is what produces levitation in very Light filled Beings!!

Our solar system is moving into this photon belt right now! The photons are
filling our Earth, our bodies and our consciousness. This huge influx of
light is affecting our body, our mind and our emotions. We are absorbing
more and more Light which is increasing our vibration and changing our
perspective about all of life! We are all in the process of

The old ways are leaving, our body is being cleansed, our sleep patterns are
shifting, our old emotional "baggage" is being cleared out, our mind is
unable to function in its old ways, outdated beliefs and habits becomes
glaringly obvious, our relationships are changing and our life is moving
into the chaos of change and on into transformation.

Perhaps you have been experiencing some of these things!

With so much change going on inside of us right now, this is the perfect
time to draw in and focus the full amplification offered by the photon
energy. We can use this energy to create a more graceful and comfortable
passage through the changes and into Awakening!

To refocus this energy and assist our Being during this challenging time,
The Marriage of The Pineal and Pituitary is being offered this Thursday
night! This Initiation will assist during this accelerated time of rapid
growth and change.

The Marriage of the Pineal and Pituitary blends the energy the Heavens which
enter our Pineal Gland with the energies of the Pituitary governing our
human functioning. When they are joined in this Sacred Union, we can
progress more quickly and smoothly through the chaos process of change and
transformation and into our full Divinity.10900552296?profile=original

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Eclipses and Energy Shifts

Eclipses and Energy Shifts

Since the dawn of time, there are few astronomical phenomena that are as exciting to the human mind as an eclipse. In Karmic astrology, the lunar nodes are seen as the connections or invisible threads between the Soul and its numerous past lives.

In working with the energies surges of an Eclipse, some caution should be observed. Keep in mind that an eclipse is always a planetary cleansing process on a major scale, as well as an opportunity for a heavy duty Karma clearance on a personal level.

Humanity Healing is offering a free e-book on working with the energies of an eclipse:


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The Age of Our Discontent by Tara Mary


This is defintiely the age of our discontent, dear friends, and I feel it too, and I can also feel
the suffering and the struggles that are gripping people in their every day lives.
It does not matter what stage of spiritual awareness One is at, just being on Earth in a physical
body that is changing to accomodate a totally different energetic makeup is enough to cause
innumerable feelings, symptoms, confusion, and anger in varying degrees caused by our
rising frequency.

There is a struggle going on within the core of our being. It is caused by the complete change
of living circumstances, within. We can feel a move toward being more spiritual within ourselves,
but wait............there is still a physical world out there with responsibilities that need to be met in
a physical way. Then we remember the spirituality within ourselves and the ever changing
concepts and outlooks that are birthed within our consciousness each moment, or each day.
We are remembering.............but Hey! this is a totally different world so how do we be who we
want or deeply desire to be while integrating within this troubled society?

There is an underlying discontent that resurfaces within all of us at different times. It can cause
confusion within us, making us wonder "why do I feel so awful today when yesterday or last week
I reached deep peace within?" A roller-coaster ride of emotions............why do we reach a level
of 'knowing' then go back into feeling depressed, confused, full of headaches and body aches?

I can feel it too, and it is an internal struggle, a wanting to just get there.........and remain peaceful
and be looked after so that we don't have to worry anymore about..........................!
The spiritual within and the physical life we have made for ourselves are having a subtle war,
so to speak. The spiritual will ultimately win, but the pull towards the physical pleasures is
always there. We are moving towards a life where the pleasures in our life are permanent,
and not sourced from physical means. We won't need to go out and see a movie or indulge in
rich foods to feel happiness, as this is only temporary happiness and ceases as soon as the
enjoyment of the food is finished. That is what causes overeating and binge-eating.............
trying to bring happiness to our lives by the many flavours and 'uppers' of some favourite foods.


Being aware of the struggle between the physical and the spiritual way of life could make things
a little easier. Each time a higher vibration hits Earth, more anger and hostility and even more
crimes are committed. In my State of Qld. alone, the rise in crime and murders is unprecedented.
Seemingly normal and happy couples are being torn apart when one partner suddenly turns violent
and murders his or her partner. This is happening on a regular basis here now, and also the
number of violent crimes involving guns and random shootings. Children and babies have also
been victims more frequently now than ever. Some people cannot handle the higher vibrations
and the rage within surfaces to a deadly degree.

I have no advice for anyone on how to handle their individual inner struggles. I have been bamboozled
myself lately as to what this disturbing feeling within was, but this morning brings very clear insight.
It is personal responsibility for our own choices, and having this wonderful venue to air our feelings,
we can always ask for support. And don't forget, the Angels are always with you.

Love and Blessings to you All ~ let's all have a giant cyber-hug as we progress each day on our path
to total enlightenment, however long or short that takes!!

Tara Mary  ~  With Love


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It feels SO GOOD to be back, but even more exciting to finally be here and now. Before I get you all caught up, I first want to take this opportunity to share my gratitude for the time/space I was provided with and personally needed over the last four months to tend to my own transformation and needs. I know first hand how difficult the first quarter of this year has been for many, and for that reason alone I am so appreciative of the sacred space that I could feel being held for me during a time when I desperately needed to put myself first.

So for that and for each of you, thank you for being beautiful!


The transition from TWYH dot NET to dot COM symbolizes so many new beginnings on so many levels…many of which I am still unaware of…but the most obvious to me so far is in the timing of it all. I really wanted dot com when I originally began writing online in 2007, but (ironically) it did not become available to purchase until exactly the end of 2011, right when I was completing my first level mission of service for phase I of ascension.

From where we are now (on the cusp of phase II) it’s more obvious to me that DOT NET was specifically for the journey out of the old world and ways, whereas DOT COM will be for the exciting expedition into the new world and new (5D) ways. But like most of the last decade, I had very little idea where I was headed… and tho I still have no real idea where I am going, I finally know that I AM. Luckily, that’s all we need for this next voyage.

Then to Now

Since my last energy update at the beginning of January, and directly following the completion of my new e-program, Cell Speak™, I went into what felt like an even more extreme version of transformation hibernation…if that’s even possible. Like many of you, I spent the bulk of the last 4 months prone immersed so deeply within myself…enduring the ongoing pains of (re)birth, completely focused on clearing all remaining falsities and core-level (e)goo. If I thought I was disconnected from the outside world during the last 7 years on this journey to finding my authentic self, I would now consider those years “social” in comparison to 2012 so far. Personally, I have found this last jaunt, the total realignment of the most dense aspects of ourselves (emotional and physical bodies), to be THE most challenging to date…and that’s putting it mildly.

Not that it’s over yet, but for those in the throes of their own rebirth, it’s pretty easy to discern that we are full-on in the contractions of physical labor…with all the emotions (& pain!) to boot. It’s like we are first time mothers with no idea what to expect during and after the actual birth and we are both giddy with anticipation, and jittery with anxiety about the unknown. And from what I am hearing, the next four weeks are going to be solidly packed with even more internal and external changes as the mutation process intensifies…which is why the Seven Sisters are kindly stepping up as our destiny doulas, wanting to offer some pointers to help keep us focused and breathing as they guide us thru the complete emergence of our 5D self.

5D Life, 3D World

The birth of this website signifies a major shift…both in our lives, and in the world at large. That difference exists between 3D and 5D… BEcoming to BEing…and what that will mean to a growing number of people. From what I can tell so far, and with the invisibles input, we are preparing to set sail on some brand new waters, with a brand new vessel, and even a brand new compass. We are literally emerging as a new-humanity, in a new-world, with a whole new perspective (“whole” being the operative word here)…but while simultaneously coexisting in the old world and dismantling structures to serve the purpose of bridging realities. Oh yea, and with no map.

BTW, if you are beginning to feel like a (new)human experiment, join the club. This next phase feels very Truman-show-esque to me. In fact, this is why DOT COM was created….as a gathering place to stay connected with those of like-heart, mostly to check-in with “reality” now and again as we explore, discover and ultimately (co)create the new world. Of which, there will be a tremendous learning curve, based on my recent conversations with the sisters. The bottom line is that we have no idea how/what we are supposed to be doing in this new space, and that’s kinda the point…that we are not supposed to do anything anymore…we only need to do what’s in our hearts, what inspires us, what we are drawn to do, what brings us true creative passion and boundless joy. Obligation is so 2011. Empowered choice is the new black.

Not only that, but we are fixin’ to bring these brand new perspectives to the world at large, in a very real & practical way..upholding our expanded, 5th dimensional presence while maintaining our physical existence (& livelihood) in the 3d dimensional (modern) world. From the Pleiadian point of view, this has never been done before in this way, and so we have some figuring out to do. Things like…how do we relate to the outside world now that know, in a visceral way, that the whole world is within us? Or how do we maintain an unfiltered connection with Source while buying corn at the Piggly Wiggly? How do we co-exist between worlds, relate to others, find our community, manage our relationships & boundaries, stay grounded & clear in disharmonious environments, operate and upkeep our new biology suits, etc, etc.? We have so much experiencing to do!

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That’s what the next leg of this journey is for…to figure out how to literally and physically exist in a world we’ve been creating in our heads for so long. We’ve come full circle and so we gotta get back to basics again and learn how to live a new-earth life in a new-human body…but with a galactic-human perspective. Most of us on this journey feel as tho we have been dropped off on the wrong planet, so you may agree that getting in a physical body (and staying in there…willingly) while learning how to sustain ourselves in the physical world (biologically/financially) is the true sorcery.

We all know that this embodiment business is for the birds, it’s the hardest work we will ever do in a lifetime…which is exactly why so many people prefer to pretend it’s not necessary and displace their power onto external sources to save/support/sustain them. And I can’t say I blame them…taking our power back and grounding our authentic selves into the earth is excruciating work.

But without it…without bringing every aspect of ourselves to THIS physical life, in THIS physical body, in THIS every moment, we have absolutely no chance of sustaining ourselves in THIS physical world…which is why we are right now being stripped of every last illusion, delusion or escapism that threatens to keep us from claiming our power as the true creators of our reality. And this no picnic…there are some uncomfortable revelations surfacing, and will continue to surface, in an attempt to expose the truth in every way, shape and form.

We all know, on a mental level, that there is no one “out there” to save us from anything…never has been. But integrating that knowing on a body-based level is where all the real work is/has been. The new world is here, but it exists within each of us, and it is 100% up to us to step into it. It is not a physical space by which we inhabit (yet), it’s a realm of consciousness by which we embody. It is/will be a world created by the direction and intelligence of (universal) LOVE, by those who have achieved the full radiance of (universal) LOVE…an amalgamation of those who have crossed over, and those preparing to cross over.

(re crossing over…the sisters quickly throw in that for the next decade or so, some of us will be maintaining space where the old and new converge (both in the physical and online world). These convergences are where those new humans with contracts to serve as bridgers (teachers/guides/healers,etc.) will have the opportunity to escort new peeps over to the new world. This group is/has been diligently setting up shop to bring forward their new level gifts of service for those who are in need, or in preparation to make the transition.)

The ascension journey has literally taken us all the way to the cosmos and back, and yet we never had to go anywhere to find that the universe was inside us all along. And now it’s time for each of us to apply our inner-universe to the outer world…to effectively use every part of ourselves in our everyday lives…to be who we really authentically are, at all times…to practice what we metaphorically preach and to live by true example.

It’s easy as pie to exist in “love and light” in our heads and with our words, but bringing that energy into our heart, home & environment…body, mind & cells…work & purpose, and all our relationships (including and especially our relationship with self), is a whole other animal. For that reason it took the fiercest of warriors to go first… those with the purest, most unencumbered hearts and the clearest visions of what’s actually possible beyond that elusive veil of separation.

The second half of this year, we will all come to understand exactly how successful we’ve been in truly allowing “love & light” into every aspect of our body & lives. The proof of which is already steadily arriving as all our hard work is finally beginning to pay off.

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The Portal

From May 20th to June 20th, we have a very special opportunity to leave the world of (ego-dominated) duality behind….for good. May 20th heralds a rare solar eclipse alignment between the earth, moon, sun, the galactic core and our central Sun, Alcyone (one of the Seven Sisters of Pleiades!). The sisters consider this alignment to be the actual beginning of what they call “the one world being”.

[Section protected for Paid members only] I am hearing that the last several days we were being offered a bit of a breather…a chance to center ourselves, regain our fortitude, and take a very deep breath before we jump, heart first, into the unknown. I imagine this will be like that final push in labor when we are so exhausted that something deep within us must surface to take over, but by the time we reemerge on the other side, the sisters say that we will literally be taking our first breath as re-borns…as our true, authentic, new-human selves.

Physical Recalibration

Much of our focus so far this year has been on the physical…our bodies, our health, our new-level purpose & projects, our homes, environment, etc. All of those external things in our lives that are in need of final preparations have been consuming, but all of this restructuring is required to bring every aspect of our self and lives into alignment with the 5D experience…to align our inner-universe with our outer world. We are birthing both our physical selves and our new world simultaneously, and it is both liberating and startling.

The physicalization of our new, true lives is well underway, it has been since the March equinox period and will continue well beyond the solstice. We are only just beginning to witness the miraculous changes that will appear after the dust of this transition settles. The body, mind and soul must come into complete alignment which means those recent bouts of dizziness, FATIGUE, apathy, depression, body aches & pains, etc. can be attributed to this necessary biological recalibration.

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As always, the only thing required to do is BE. Allow, allow, allow… cuz ready or not here we go!

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The Toltec Recapitulation practice

The Toltec art of recapitulation is an ancient technique used by the Toltecs for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years, according to modern Toltec authors such as Carlos Castaneda, Victor Sanchez, don Miguel Ruiz, and others.

The purpose of recapitulation is to take back your personal power that was lost during unpleasant or traumatic events in your life. This strengthens your energy body and clarifies and releases old events that have caused you emotional pain.

Here are the basic steps:

I. The Inventory

Start a notebook dedicated to listing all of the current beliefs that you hold about your life and your relationships with others. This notebook is called the Inventory. While this is the traditional first step, you can begin recapitulating your daily life right away, using the Sweeping Breath technique given below. But, it is very important to work on your past issues as well, in order to reclaim the bulk of your lost personal power.)

You will want to have a journal that is dedicated only to this work. You might want to begin by dividing the notebook into sections for "Lovers", "Family Members", "Friends & Acquaintances", "Personal Beliefs", etc. Other sections may come to you as you do the work.

Many Toltec teachers recommend beginning with your lovers, since that tends to be where we lose the most energy. Start by listing all of the lovers who pop into your mind, with a brief note about your feelings and beliefs about each one, along with memories of that person that cause you grief, shame, anger or other unpleasant emotions. These so-called "negative" emotions indicate that you lost power during one or more interactions with the person.

When your list of lovers is complete, you will want to move on to the next list, perhaps for Family & Friends, etc. It is not necessary to do one list at a time, but it does make this process easier for some people.

II. The Sweeping Breath
1. Find a private space where you can work without interruption. Make sure that you won't be disturbed by family members, ringing phones, or other distractions.
2. Remove your shoes. This is important so that the energetic connection between your body and the Earth will be stronger.
3. Sit in a comfortable upright position, either in a straight-backed chair or, if you have more flexibility, using the Lotus position on the floor. If your body is flexible enough, you might want to try the traditional "Toltec Dreamer" position, where you sit on the floor and hug your knees to your chest, allowing your head to rest on your knees.
4. Choose one incident from your Inventory to work on. In your mind, bring back that incident to memory with as much detail as possible. See the decorations in the room or the scenery outdoors, hear any sounds, smell any smells - allow all of your senses to participate, until it feels like you are back in that incident.
5. Allow any emotions to arise naturally, without restraint or judgment. As much as possible, become the detached Witness, observing the emotions and events without letting them overwhelm you.
6. When you feel fully present in this event, begin pulling your power back by using the Sweeping Breath:

- Feel, and if possible see, the energy strands or "fibers" that connect your solar plexus to the memory.

- Turn your head to the right, keeping your mind fully focused on the memory.

- Turning your head slowly from right to left, inhale deeply through your nostrils. This breath is pulling back your energy that was lost during the incident. At the same time, feel your energy fibers pulling your personal power back into your solar plexus.

- Next, turn your head slowly from left to right, blowing out through your mouth any energy that isn't yours (i.e. emotions or words from other people, anything that isn't your personal power).

- Continue doing the sweeping breath until the memory feels "neutral", i.e. no more emotion of any kind.

- At this point, you will want to sever your connection with that memory. Without breathing, turn your head quickly from right to left and back again. This acts as a "scissors" to cut the energetic cords that attach you to the memory.

- At the same time, feel the cut energy fibers from your solar plexus being completely pulled back into your body. The other cut end, attached to the memory, withers and is grounded into the Earth.

7. Wearing a sash or belt during recapitulation. The belt stores your returning personal power, much like the belts used in martial arts. This belt becomes a power object that you can use when doing shamanic work or other healing work.

A good practice is recapitulating everyday annoyances at the end of the day, before you sleep. This allows you to take back any power lost in daily events, and frees you from connections with interpersonal drama.

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The Power of Us



                                                             Be true to yourself ~

                                                Check with your heart, it never lies ~

                                       You are as important as the Moon and the Stars ~

                                             Learn from this day to cherish your-self ~

                                         Life is a continuous cycle, but it never ends ~

                                    Greet each day with the wonderment of a newborn ~

                                  Take each day in the palm of your hand, and make it yours ~


                                          When you think all Hope is lost........stop thinking ~

                          If you are having a tough life, give thanks for the lessons you will gain ~

                                          We did not come to Earth to have an 'easy' life ~

                             We came to keep opening our Selves to the sacredness of Life It-Self ~

                                        A never-ending cycle of expansion and awareness ~

                       Thank-you Mother Earth for putting up with all of our misadventures ~

                                   We have come back to make things Right......for YOU !

                                                                 And for US !

                                          Then, and only then, will we awaken to

                                                            The Power of US ~

                                                              N A M A S T E ~


love and blessings to All,

Tara Mary *~~

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Greetings Masters !!
I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love.
In this gathering, we discuss a fine aspect of Conscious Creation, the Law and mechanics of manifestation. We speak of the Bio-Crystal Stargate computer: the Pineal.
The Pineal
Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the 'Seat of the Soul'. In a very real manner of speaking, the Pineal Gland is a 'Bio-Stargate'. It is a bridge from physical to non-physical, from duality to higher dimension. It is extremely complex, and is the screen from 3d brain to Infinite Mind.
The pineal is the agent of advancing knowing into reality manifestation. The pineal works with the pituitary to open the bridge, the gateway between the physical and nonphysical, between brain and mind. Whatever knowledge you allow yourself to believe can only become a reality by the pineal first opening the gate to the Divine. It does this by interpreting the frequency of thought into a thermal bio chemical electrical current throughout your body and opening to mind.
Your human brain transforms the thoughts you generate into thousands of bio-chemicals every second. Not every thought of the ordinary brain reaches into Higher Mind, as we have explained.
Crystalline Pineal Filter
The issue most humans have in not changing their beliefs is blind acceptance of mental 3d programming. You can think positive thoughts, think positive change, but if in your deeper mind you doubt they will occur, then they will not.
Every emotion you feel, very moment of joy and fear produces a chemical enzyme in your body. Some become springboards, others as obstructions. Each passes to the Pineal. The Pineal is a finely tuned calcitic crystal that is piezoelectric, somewhat in the manner of quartz. It is a frequency screen, a filter of sorts.
According to the frequency of a thought or emotion, the Pineal is the guardian of what goes into the creative portal of Divine Mind. This is in a very functional manner, a protection mechansim that prevents some negative thoughts from being manifested. But it also prevents any thought that has a negative field from entering. Negative thoughts including fear, doubt and the like. But understand it works both ways. Accordinglky any intent that you strongly or subtly doubt, cannot enter into beleif programming. Do you understand?
Doubt is one blockage that prevents manifestation of your desires. If you doubt, you do not believe. Doubt in the brain creates a bio-chemical reaction. It activates a neuron carrier in the brain that flows from the Pituitary gland to the Pineal and blocks the 'gateway' (Pineal entry) from opening. The doubt is there because you do not believe.
As we have mentioned, the survival aspect programming of the Personality Ego brain utilizes 'fear' in duality as a warning system. However, the duality aspect, the double edge of that sword, is that fear out of context can reach into many negative emotions including depression,doubt, hatred, jealousy and self contempt. These are at their root, negative aspects of fear, and fear creates static in the auric field, and can lead to auric bleeding. As taught in the Metatronic Keys, the human Aura must be integral to amplify into Mer-Ka-Na. A fissured or disrupted energy field is unable to optimally operate in the Law of Creation.

Bio-Chemical Process
The belief thought-images that surround you are co-created in mass fields by all of humanity in agreement in the macro. Individually they are projected according to your light quotient. These manifest into physical reality.
This involves a physical process. Thought frequencies are digitally received and are immediately propelled bio-chemically within the brain.

Mental enzymes are connected with the pineal gland. The Pineal gland receives them as geo-coded transmissions. Each image, each thought, being interpreted and sorted according to its energetic signature. They must pass through the program parameter of belief after reception at the pineal. Your brain screens what is determined as real or unreal. Believable or unbelievable according to the light quotient programmed into the brain. The bio-chemicals produced are produced with acceptance ingredient or rejection ingredient. These are allowed to open or close the gate to higher mind accordingly.
These bio chemicals are sent as coded neurons, and are the delivery mechanism of this thought-energy, containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality, or not.
Thoughts that are congruent with belief move to reproduce the inner image within the brain and through each nerve fiber of the body physical. These then are the initial fires of gestation for forming the new reality.
The next step is through clear mind intent, the force of will, will driven by the acceleration of emotion and feeling.
This done, the physical body releases the objective in a digital code to the sublime body, the intact Auric Field in a semi solid, congealed light code, projected and accelerated from the chakric system.
The Aura must be intact and optimal in 13-20-33 cycle and reach. It then passes through the Mer-Ki-Va to Mer-Ka-Va to Mer-Ka-Na field. All propelled by will. The clarity and intensity you insert behind the thought-desire or goal determines to a great degree the immediacy of its materialization. Once you learn the mechanics of conscious creation it is essential then to utilize the engine of genuine desire with image visualization and emotion to complete the process of physical manifestation.
The Law of Conscious Creation
There is no physical object about you, nor any experience in your life that you have not created. This includes your physical form, your body. Masters, there is nothing about your own physical image that you have not made. In fact if you were able to view self in other life sojourns, you would be surprised at how many similar physical characteristics you create in what would be termed sequential lifetimes.

When you have Divine Wisdom, you can create kingdoms unlimited. When you have knowledge, there is nothing to fear, for then there is no thing, no element, no principality, no understanding that can ever threaten or enslave or intimidate you. When fear is given knowledge, it is called enlightenment.
You have a natural rhythm of existing in the physical and non physical. It is your waking and sleep state. Dreams are one of your greatest natural therapies and assets as connectors between the interior and exterior realities and universes.
Your normal consciousness benefits by excursions and rest in those other fields of nonphysical actuality that are entered when you sleep, and the so-called sleeping consciousness will also benefit by frequent excursions into the physical matter waking state.
But let us tell you that the imagery you see in both is at its base, mental interpretations of digital frequential fields of core consciousness units. The frequency that your brain receives is actually a digital code, a crystalline pattern of symbols ( akin to what you may term as X's and O's), that you interpret and translate into images and feelings.
It is not so difficult for you to accept that you create your dreams, as it is to accept that you also create your physical reality, but you do both. You also determine if both or either are real...or not.
We say again...doubt and fear are two major blockage frequencies that prevent manifestation of your desires. In an very real sense, all negative emotions are at primaral core, fear based. Overcoming fear, and replacing it with LOVE, particualrly true acceptance and love of self, is a key frequency needed tyo Master duality. The Pineal is the system of entry into divine, and it is a completx crystalline computer that screens frequcenies. This is the forgotten information. It o9is time to rememeber, time to know. It ios 2012. Shadow is being removed.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And So it is...And it is So...

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This is an Annular Eclipse, which means that the Moon is positioned further away from the Earth than at a Total Eclipse, so it does not completely obscure the Sun, but leaves a ring (annulus) of sunlight visible around the Moon’s dark disk. According to NASA’s Fred Espenak, “annular eclipses have a special charm all their own. During an annular eclipse, sunbeams turn into little rings of light. The best place to see this is on the sun-dappled ground beneath a leafy tree. Hundreds of circular shadows can be found there.

It seems that Solar Eclipses have a profound effect on the Earth’s subtle energy grids and ley lines. All powerful events that occur on Earth leave energetic memory imprints in the Earth’s energy grids. These can become amplified and perpetuated by the energy flow through the grids, which is fed by the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets overhead. Powerful negative imprints, such as war, misuse of power or emotional trauma can block or damage the energy flow in a particular region of the planet, causing the energy to become distorted.

Eclipses provides opportunities to release This is a bit like deleting an old computer programme, loading a new one, and then re-booting the system. Annular Eclipses have a very subtle effect on the energy grids, releasing, transforming and healing the etheric energy ‘blueprint’ that can enable new spiritual archetypes to emerge into collective consciousness. these negative energy imprints and enable new, positive patterns to become encoded into the Earth grids. The path of the Annular Eclipse on 20th May will intersect the Plumed Serpent – Great Male Dragon line at two locations - Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Shasta in California. Adak Island is the pivotal point, lying almost exactly midway between these two sacred mountains, and is the nearest land to the point of maximum eclipse. The eclipse on 20th May is a South Node eclipse, which will release the energetic ‘thought-forms’ and patriarchal archetypes of at least the last 5,125¼ years, and probably the last 25,626 years of the Galactic Great Year. The Eclipse will release negative imprints left from the mis-aligned expression of male power in the Pacific Ocean grids, and along the entire length of the Plumed Serpent – Great Male Dragon line, as it encircles the Earth. So, it will affect the consciousness of the whole planet.

As the eclipse releases these old patterns, held within the grids, it will bring the possibility for seeding a new expression of male power that is fully aligned with the heart and the spiritual will, and so enable collective healing at a personal and global level. This marks the beginning of a whole new paradigm of consciousness.
The Pleiades – seeding the new consciousness

The significance of this Eclipse is further enhanced by the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon with the Pleiades. To the Maya, the Pleiades represent the handful of maize seeds from which the original humans were born. These seeds are symbolically re-planted in the Earth at the beginning of each new ‘Sun’ cycle of 5,125¼ years. (Five Sun cycles complete one full processional cycle of 25,626 years). While the old patriarchal patterns of the last 5125¼ years are being released by the Eclipse, hidden behind the eclipsing Sun, the Pleiades will be planting the seeds of the new consciousness that will begin to birth the new 5125¼ year cycle, that begins after 21st December 2012, as the Solstice Sun emerges from the centre of the Galactic Equator, which the Maya perceived as the ‘womb of Creation’.

This Eclipse marks the ‘point of no return’ on our journey towards the December Solstice 2012. The more we are each able to release emotional attachments, thoughts and ideologies that hold us back from experiencing full conscious awareness of our connection with the Oneness of all Life, the smoother the transition will be for us. The May Eclipse brings a golden opportunity to create Right Relations in all aspects of our lives and stand fully in the power of who we truly are and what we truly believe.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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On May 20, 2012, a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen between the Earth, the Sun and Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. According to myth, the hunter Orion was in love with the SEVEN SISTERS and pursued them until the gods took them to safety, transforming them first into doves, and then into stars. Maia, the eldest of the seven Pleiades, gave birth to Hermes (Thoth).

The Pleiades are a well-known sight in the Northern Hemisphere in winter and in the Southern Hemisphere in summer, and have been known since ancient times to cultures all around the world. Early Dakota stories speak of the ancestors as being the Pleiades. The Hopis called the Pleiadians the 'Chuhukon', meaning those who cling together. They considered themselves direct descendents of the Pleiadians.

Navajos named the Pleiades the 'Sparkling Suns', the home of the 'Black God'. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness. The Cree claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood. Some Native Americans believed that all tribes in North America came from the Pleiades. That they were actually descendents and had been given a task by the Pleiadians to keep the Earth safe.

Eclipses mean changes, good and everything in-between. Eclipses always escort in significant events-- They intensely magnify and are living parenthesis forcing us to look at what we have turned our heads away from. Solar eclipses mean new beginnings, (May 20, 2012) and lunar eclipses (June 4, 2012) represent finishing things. These are very powerful Eclipses each with there own gifts and own set of rules. As the Pleiadian stellar connection renews itself, new crystalline geometries will be birthed that compliment the existing light connection.

I am Pleiadian of origin. I am feminine of nature and I am love as are you. My energy, my light and my truth is needed at this time and at this place. You will feel my presence as I touch you for you all are contained within my heart as we speak light to light, heart to heart, and truth to truth. It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others.

The only way to claim your beauty, your wealth, your health, and your love is to see it in others. For the world mirrors your own reflection. If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection. It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning your lottery games. Congratulate them energetically and send them love as they have energetically earned this monetary gift. See your stock market balancing itself rising in value. See the true energetic value of your home and your car.

Do not focus on depreciation but instead focus on appreciation. Allow what you have ownership of to gain value through you. You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others. For their good fortune means that your good fortune is right around the next corner, the next thought. Every minute of every day you too shall be blessed if you quietly bless others.

The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own vibration and make some corrections. Change the way you see the world and you will change yourself. Compliment others on their beauty. The inhabitants of Earth have stopped complimenting each other, honoring each other and it shows in earth's aura. Gain entrance to the kingdom of light through valuing everything on earth. Value your light and your life and the monumental creation that you are. You are a singular creation of the house of light. The Creator has never created another species like you. That is why you are given charge over the angels, because you are grand in preparation. You are grand in thought and the heart’s desires of the Creator are placed within your body mind and spirit.

Everything the earth experiences, you experience as well. Your destiny is greater than any other creation upon earth. It is time to prepare your heart to receive more love. A love that is so deep and so big that the sky is jealous for it has never seen such vastness. The palpitations within your heart are the breaking down the walls as the light enters. I have gathered you into my heart and now we are one again. I am Pleiadian of origin.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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News Flash 17.5.12 Euro notes with mint sauce Part 6

The European Union has a population of some 504 million including 11 million Greek.

The EU has a labor force of some 230 million including 5 million Greek.

The EU has some 14,000 € billion debt including 300 € billion Greek debt.

Given those figures one should think that the 98% are always able to support the 2%.
One should assume that the collective consciousness of a decent and humane society such as the European society would express an unequivocal desire to help the 2% in need of help.

So why are these 2% in need of help?

Greece was governed by a military junta from 1967 to 1974, a junta by the grace of the US.
The US provided unlimited credit. Greece was a country of milk and honey for those who collaborated with the junta. The junta created highly paid jobs in public services. These salaries did not have to be paid from tax revenue as the US paid the bill, a minute fraction of the cost of war in Vietnam.

An oligarchy was generated and rewarded with business licenses, valuable licenses that established closed shop professions with high incomes. When Greece returned to democracy these licenses remained as the foundations of the economy. They can be inherited and traded. For example a taxi license can cost 100,000€ upwards and a truck license 250,000€. Some 140 industry sections are licensed, resulting in an economy that cannot compete and scares off any investor.

The oligarchy established two political parties whose interest was to maintain the status quo, the previously enjoyed privileges. A two party system reminiscent of the systems in all so-called democracies that embrace capitalism. The electorate chooses from two sides of the same coin, the coin is capitalism cloaked as democracy.

This system came to an end in Greece that literally wiped out the two established parties with the elections last week and will be reiterated in the elections in June. The then government will inherit a country with a work force of five million of which above one million is unemployed, above two million drawing public service salaries and less than two million whose tax burden is supposed to pay for all these. On top of all this these less than two million also need to pay close to three million pensions.

It goes without saying that the oligarchy does not pay taxes, this is no different to any other capitalistic country. If threatened by taxes the shipping companies would register under Liberian flags and the oligarchs change residency to offshore islands.

It is estimated that the Greek oligarchs have some 600€ billion of assets out of reach of the future Greek government, this amounts to twice the Greek debt. These billions are deposited with Goldman Sachs and other big banks which in turn buy Greek bonds which yield high interest rates. From an oligarch's point of view this makes more sense than paying taxes which eliminate the need for Greece to borrow. No government debt means nowhere to invest these tax free billions - governments are the only secure takers of these vast amounts.

Draining a country and enslaving it in debt by feeding the syphoned off capital back into it is a principle of capitalism.

About the principle of the so-called "bailout of Greece":

The EU pays off loans from banks that Greece is not able to service. This ensures that Greece does not go bankrupt and the banks don't loose out. The population of Greece does not see a penny of this.

In return for not seeing a penny the population guarantees to repay the remaining 200 € billion of debt. This is supposed to be achieved through "austerity".

When these conditions were agreed by all benefitting parties (IMF, banks and politicians) they were based on these figures for 2012:

Greece will have a trade deficit of around 30 € billion assuming 40€bn exports and 70€bn imports. About 80% of food is imported hence an appropriate credit line is imperative to prevent starvation.

The government can expect tax revenue of 90€bn at best and expenditure trimmed down to 110€bn or 120€bn if austerity measures are not implemented quick enough. The budget deficit of 20 to 30€bn to be financed through selling state assets estimated to be worth 50€bn. (Note: 1.6€bn have been sold in the past two years and the rest are non competitive entities that nobody has bid a penny for yet).

How Greece should be able to service 200€bn of debt based on those figures remains the secret of the "experts". These appear to favor shifting a million people from the account "public service salaries" to "unemployment benefits" - then reducing the latter. Populists are of the opinion that the public sector could be reduced by 90% as these are not doing any work anyway and obtained their positions as political favors. A voluntary euthanasia program for pensioners has not been suggested, yet.

No matter what ingenious account shifting you apply you do not change a society that cannot sustain itself to a sustainable one. Hence we go back to square one, what does it take for the affluent 98% to support the less fortunate 2%?

We may look at this issue from a more global perspective:

In 2011 the world economy amounted to $70 trillion, the proportion of the real economy producing goods and services that form the basis for taxation at an average rate of 40 to 50 percent.

The financial service industry amounted to $7,004 trillion (seven thousand and four), this is not taxed. A mathematical genious may be found who can work out what tax rate would be required to replace the taxes imposed on the real economy.

The paradigm of capitalism dictates that any such attempt is blasphemy, persued by those who do not love Israel, the US, EU, Goldman Sachs and all those righteous politicians that have the interests of the public at heart, persued by despicable creatures that need to be labelled "liberal, leftwing and radical" so that the public understands that these are terrorists, economic terrorists.

This paradigm is deeply enshrined in the consciousness of each and every individual creating a collective consciousness. We firmly believe that there is no alternative to taxing the individual who cannot avoid being taxed and letting the oligarch off the hook. We firmly believe that capitalism is a philosophy that complies with nature of man. We love to be capitalists. We love the energies derived from capitalism.

Collective consciousness is subject to change - or is it not?
When energies change consciousness changes.

Amma, the Hugging Saint (, once said "give me a thousand people and we'll change the collective consciousness of the world".

I quote from
"Elizabeth Joyce did not “invent nor create” the information contained within the IAVH teachings and books. The information is translated verbatim from its source, the Universal consciousness, and this energetic information was placed in her body by Ammachi, the Hugging Saint. Elizabeth publicly teaches precisely what she has been given and taught."

The next IAVH seminar with Elizabeth Joyce is in Doylestown, PA, June 16-17. Seminars in Europe will be held at Amma Centres in autum.

Greece is the cradle of democracy, true democracy, something that none of us has experienced, yet. Current events in Greece may well lead us to experience true democracy, some kind of divine providence seems to have chosen Greece.

In the meantime we have the pleasure to listen to Dave Cameron, prime minister of the UK by grace of the Great British Public, shouting "mint sauce" at Greece, the EU and the Euro. He would certainly benefit from Amma's energy.

You can read this online

Part 1 to 6 and "Dollar notes without ketchup Part 1 to 9" are posted here


Wilfrid Hartnagel

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Message from the Goddess for Friday, May 18, 2012
Speaking of the Wesak Festival and the star formed by: Jeshua, Krishna, Muhammed, Abraham and Buddha.

Now, I Sananda invite all who are here to have a sense of reaching out towards me and I invite you to send forth a flow that involves a balanced energy from who you are and as I receive this energy from all of you I send straight up over my head, out from my hands, and it creates a brilliant fountain of light. I am integrating all of these balanced energies from all the world religions, the major ones that are associated with me, I shall say, from those energies of the earth and the universe, from those energies of the collective consciousness and from all of you. It all comes together within me. I blended into a balance, and I send it out even more with this shower of light.
As that shower sends forth these brilliant vibrations of even more balanced and integrated energies, have a sense of standing there as if you are a bathe within these energies, feel them as they move through you and this time I invite you to send them into the earth. This is allowing you the opportunity to integrate these energies. It also is giving you the opportunity to cleanse your own energy bodies so that you may directly feel all of who you are.
--- The Goddess of Creation
Excerpt from: Sananda Star Energies Healing on Sunday May 15, 2011

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