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Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It seems like only a moment ago that I told you there would be changes in the room, and I can feel them. The attribute of those from the other side of the veil is compassion. There are always questions, however. Some ask, "How do I know who is visiting me? I'm afraid of this or that and when I channel and I open my mouth, I don't know what's going to happen. Do I allow any energy in the universe to pop in?" And we say to you, oh, how 3D of you to think that the angels standing around you would ever let that happen! If it's compassionate energy, it is from God. If it is not, it is from you. It's that simple. Do not envision in your mind a plethora of dark energies waiting to pounce upon you, for this is a man-made suggestion. You've humanized God so much that you're not even sure when Spirit takes your hand.

Let tonight change that. Know that wherever you go, you could call it what you wish, but there is an entourage with you. It's so difficult for me to explain soul fragmentation, for it sounds like a negative thing, but it's beautiful. There's always three of you all the time, wherever you go. Oh, there are actually more, but three represents the main group. One of them is the Higher-Self, which is your core. How can I explain the Higher-Self? It is the core, you. It is the part of you that vibrates higher. It is not above you, but rather it is in you, and this higher vibrating "you" opens a portal that is literally a connection and a handshake to Spirit. And that's you. So that's number one.

Then there's the conscious mind that represents the biological you. Now there are two parts. How many do you need for a group? You see? There are things about the quantum you that you have barely, barely got into, including the field around you eight meters wide. The Human Being is amazing.

The other major part is the part of you that remains on my side of the veil that you totally deny. You see it as a guide or helper that you are very attached to. Instead, it is the constant that connects you to God - always, wherever you are.

I want to talk about what is currently happening on the planet and I would like to give you, in this, the first full channelling of 2012, what I would call the attributes about the energy visiting you now. This energy is changing. Those who are in the seats in this particular room, and will be in the seats in the room tomorrow [speaking of those in the Okanagan Valley], will receive the same message. This represents one of the few times that I will repeat a message in the same language. It needs to be repeated. Transcriptions will be taken and many will hear it.

After my explanation, old souls will know more about the experiences that they are having and will understand more about what is causing them. This is given in love and there's no fearful thing here. You sit in a safe place.

The energy that is being visited upon this earth has been expected. The Ancients predicted it and we have given you recent channellings, even the channeling given in that country which you would call Peru, about the shift of what we would call the movement of the feathered serpent [first presented in Kryon, Book 8 in 2000]. There's an actual polarity shift happening between the male and female energy of the planet. The Northern Hemisphere, which has always been masculine-heavy, is changing. The Southern Hemisphere, which has not been biased in that way, is changing. The wisdom of the Ancients in the Southern Hemisphere is beginning to replace the wisdom of the Ancients in the North. And you're starting to see a softer Human Being.

Spiritually, the old souls are alerted to this shift first and are beginning to receive biological changes. You expected it and it's here. This process is one that is felt by the entire planet. Those disruptions you see in countries right now, which have not had disruptions for hundreds of years, are a result of this change - for this is what takes place when humanity begins to have more compassion, when they wish to unify more than separate, and new thoughts and wisdom start to occur.
New Invention

This new consciousness creates new inventions - higher science, higher thinking and solutions to those things that you have called basic Human issues. Population explosion, food, water, power generation - all of these things are going to change. There will be new thinking, new thought and new revelation in the next two generations, even some of it in the next 18 years. But a shift is occurring and I want to tell you who's going to feel it first. It's those in the chairs, listening to my voice and reading this, who have been on this planet so many times that they are used to the old energy. Old soul, you're starting to remember. You're starting to remember what it used to be like and what it can be like again. Old soul, you are beginning to recalibrate and this is cellular change in 3D.

These energy shifts we speak of are not going to be some kind of New Age esoteric magic. Instead, you're going to see it clearly grounded in governments and in science. You're going to see it all over the planet as energy begins to shift away from what anyone expected. Slowly. I've said it before. Slowly, there'll be countries that have been in isolation for years that will open their gates. You better take some pictures now, because things will never be the same. Slowly, they will join the rest of you, and their children will meet your children and you'll realize you have things in common and not the low energy attributes that you have been told.
The Recalibration of Biology

The recalibration of the old soul is the subject of this and tomorrow's channel. So the channels will be similar and not a continuation. You don't need Part A and Part B. I'll give you everything today and everything tomorrow. I want you to know what you can expect and what some of you are already working with: Recalibration. Your biology has to shift. It has to absorb and work with, and be part of, a softer energy. If it's going to do that, there has to be a recalibration of the core, or the center of the energy.

Those who have studied the lattice, representing the patterned energies around you, know of calibration. You know of the energies of balance that are required for a Human to start changing themselves. You know about that which is body rejuvenation, mentioned even this day about how cells divide and how every single kind of cell in your body, including brain and heart and skin, regenerate. They are designed to regenerate and if they're lost, they're designed to regenerate, and if they're damaged, they're designed to regenerate. Oh, I say it again, Human, don't you find it odd that the starfish can grow back a limb and you can't? Don't you think that's odd? This will change.

Well, if everything rejuvenates, don't you find it odd that a disease can start to change how a Human thinks, and the scientist will tell you that their brain cells are starting to die or move or change or be poisoned, and the Human even loses the memory of love? Where is the rejuvenation? Where is the repair? That's not how DNA is designed, dear ones. Cells are designed to go back to the blueprint and create a new, fresh cell. That's how it's designed! Your science is going to see that and your spiritual bodies are going to see that, and the ones who sit in the chair have got to recalibrate to work with it.

The recalibration is automatic. You don't have to ask for it. Let me repeat that. It's going to happen because you're an old soul, and that's why you're here. You don't have to ask for it. But the recalibration is what you expected and what you're remembering. But perhaps it's not what you expect, exactly?

It's uncomfortable! Now some of you will know where this message is going when we start giving you the attributes that I would say are less than positive, which some of you will experience in the recalibration process. Now, this is some of you, not all. Every single Human Being has their own unique path, so they will experience these things in their own way. So this is not a generic list of what is going to happen to all old souls. These are, instead, potentials given of many symptoms of recalibration that old souls may experience, and who are here and ready to move forward on this planet.
The List

Some of you will have dizziness. It's an attribute of recalibration. That's all it is and it will pass. But it's worrisome, for those who will become dizzy will also become disoriented and that might even cause a fall. So what do you do with this new knowledge? Number one - know you're not catching a horrible brain disease. Number two - walk more carefully! Does that make sense to you?

There are other things. You're going to have trouble sleeping - more trouble than normal. You're not going to have one awakening, but rather two or more. So already some of you, who have been feeling these things, know what's going on. It's recalibration.

The first question the Human asks is, "How long will this occur?" The answer is, as long as it takes, oh dense one. [Kryon smile] I think you get the idea. The recalibration will take place as long as it takes, and if you fight it, it will take longer. Worse yet, if you drug yourself against it, it's just going to keep happening. Celebrate it and move forward with it. Tell your cellular structure you understand and move with it, not against it. This will quicken it and it will pass even sooner.

Every single biology [Human] in the room is different, and now we bring up something that we have not brought up for some time, but you need to hear it. What works for you in health is based almost completely and totally upon your Akashic inheritance. Where did you spent the most lifetimes? Perhaps it was in Asia? Perhaps India or Tibet? Perhaps it was in the Southern Hemisphere? Each of those places and cultures will have had different food, which worked to keep you balanced and healthy. Yet, here you are in the Northern Hemisphere, in this lifetime. What I want you to know is that you are significantly influenced by the kind of diet that you used to have [in your past lives].

Perhaps you were vegan. Perhaps you ate only grains. Therefore, your cells will crave that diet to feel balanced. Do you understand? There are others who come mainly from North America, from Europe, and who never had those kinds of diets from Asia or the south. Therefore, they won't have any trouble at all with the food of the land. Listen: There is no one, generic answer to the question: "What should I eat for Spiritual health?" There are no "shoulds." Instead, there are good signals from "innate" inside you, which gives insight as to the most healthy things for your own body. In other words, listen to your cells!

Now, why do I mention this? Because you're going to get advice from people on what to eat to correct what's wrong with you as you recalibrate. So I'm going to tell you right now, ignore them. Instead, go inside and let your own Akashic Record tell you what is going to work for you. Don't be surprised if some of you come up allergic to some things you've always eaten. I will tell you: Your biology is recalibrating. This attribute will be necessary for you to move forward, for you to shift to the place where you can be balanced with the most wisdom.

Many of you might not like some processed food, because you're not used to it in your Akash. Do you see what I'm saying? If you're going to pull the Shamanic energy up from the depths of the wisdom that you have learned and walked through over and over through past history, some things are going to come with it - like your balanced diet, for instance - and you're going to have to deal with it. Don't fight it.

Expect these things. They're there for you to see and feel. See them for what they are: recalibration. "Dear Spirit," you might say, "thank you for this recalibration, for caring enough about me to know that this is where I want to go and what I want to do." Human Being, how you recalibrate now will determine how you will come back in the next life. You won't have to go through this again - ever. Akashic inheritance is far more than the genealogy of those Human Beings you came from [parents]. You know this. An inherited Akash represents those things that you've experienced in all the lifetimes, regardless of your parents' genes. Sometimes, these are the most predominant and heaviest things that you have to deal with. The ones in the chairs listening to my voice are beginning to deal with these things. So that is the other thing: Expect these past things to come forward for clearing.
Clearing the Past

Maybe you haven't done very well with the life lessons in the last few lives, and this one you felt you would do better? You will, because the earth needs you. And it doesn't need you encumbered with fear. Instead, it needs you to say to yourselves, "I accept this recalibration. No matter what is in my body at this moment, it can be gone. If it's inappropriate, it can be gone. I stand as a piece of divinity on this planet - wise, appropriate, and I belong here. This is my time. Cellular structure, listen: If there's anything inappropriate, let it be gone. Let it wash away with the waste. Let it go out because it is not seen as appropriate, it is not commensurate to the energy of the love of God. Let only compassionate things enter my consciousness." This may be hard for some of you to say.
The Good News

So now, let us look at those things that you can expect physically, which will not be as hard.

Number one: You are going to be able to deal with even the worst habits that you've ever had in your life, and get rid of them very quickly. It is a new energy of cooperation with the energy of the Lightworker. Did you get that? Oh, let us pause, please, and take just a moment for a deep breath, for I am dealing with those listening to my voice and reading this who have gone through thousands of years of persecution, suffering and torture. There are those who have been burned at the stake. This is because the energy you brought into the earth was not a match at all for what the earth was experiencing. Holy men and women would be asked to heal somebody one moment, and then to go to the edge of the village and jump off a cliff the next. Fear is that way. And you're here. I know you. You've come back. However, now, this planet is starting to move so that all of the things that you have brought to this planet with your Akashic experience will begin to cooperate with the new energy.

Oh, take a deep breath, for enhanced manifestation begins - not immediately; not today; not this hour; but ever so slowly. This quantum clock starts to move in your direction. The earth is receiving a more gentle, passionate energy. That is what you were born with. That's the tool that you have. In the past, this has been seen as odd and strange and representing weakness. You've been ostracized. Some of you have been cast out of your family. I know who's here. I'm telling you that in this new energy, even they may look at you differently and see how you've started to become softer, not even knowing it's them who have changed.

Things are going to work that didn't before. Do you have a habit you'd like to break? Is it the way you think or the way you eat? Is it what you put into your body? Is it what you smoke? Is it killing you and you know it? You know who I'm talking to, dear one. Would you like to change it? So I'm telling you that what you do in this energy is going to respond in your body very differently, even if you tried it before.

Listen: Not one of you is allowed to say, old soul, wise one, you're not allowed to say, "I tried that and it didn't work." If you do, it will be as a child talking who doesn't know how things work. Instead, you're going to say, "This time I know better. I will manifest it because the body is listening. It's my time."
Cooperative Energy and How to Use It

So that's what the new energy brings: Cooperation. Things are going to go better and flow better. They're going to move forward instead of back. When you put out the word of what you wish to have in your life and the process begins, many of you are going to start seeing a positive return right away. Synchronicity is the key. Put yourself in places to have those things take place. Do not try to manifest something and then go into the closet and wait for it. Instead, put yourself in places where you would expect it to manifest. Do you understand? That is where the answers will be because there are others walking around with your solution! They're looking for you, as you look for them. Don't sequester yourself. In a recalibration mode, there's a tendency to sequester, because you don't feel quite right.
The Common Cold

You're going to catch more colds. Why would that be? But then you're going to heal them quicker - and why would that be? The Human cold has always been a recalibration of the biological process. To catch a cold is needed, and that is why you cannot "cure" it. You must go through it. The common cold is a cyclical opportunity for the immune system to correct itself. Perhaps you didn't know that? That's why you're not going to receive the chemistry to cure the common cold. It's a recalibrating device within you. It builds up the system in a certain way that helps you, and it must be reoccurring. Don't be shocked when you catch one, and say, "Well, I didn't think that would happen because I just got through with the other one." It's recalibration.

These are the kinds of things we wanted to bring to you, so that you will know what is taking place and not fear it. There are many positive things representing a truly positive energy that is occurring on the planet and turning the corner of opportunity for humanity. This is an energy that supports the Lightworker. There's no more upstream swim, dear ones.

Now, all of you are different, and I know who you are. Commitment is the key. You cannot do any of these things casually, but you knew that, didn't you? When you commit to the manifestation of what you need in your life, the Universe is listening. When you receive messages from my side of the veil, I will tell you something that you already may know. We do not have a clock. So I speak to you in the now.

I see the energy in the room, and I see who is here. I see the old soul. I speak to you in the now. So it's up to you what your clock does and how long it takes in your reality. In my reality, it's already done... already accomplished, for the strongest potentials become manifested reality. Can you see that way? Can you walk out of here with it already done in your mind? There's energy in this room that is infusing itself right now into the places it needs to go.
What to Expect Spiritually

Spiritually, what can you expect? This recalibration is about being able to stay on this planet in health and in happiness without drama or fear. That is what the old soul remembers is the potential of this time.


My partner mentioned earlier in his communications [the lecture] that one of the greatest mysteries to him is why old souls have such profound self-worth issues. In his ignorance, he stands there and says he has no idea why this would be with old souls. I'll tell you why: It's because for hundreds of years, you've been beat up! Every time you move two steps forward, you're beat back one - sometimes five. Then you come into this life expecting what? Very little. For some of you to even start a project, you have the little voice inside that says, "Oh, I knew that would happen." You don't expect much, do you? That's because in an older energy, everything you did was met with resistance. Everything. Every time you wanted to make a positive suggestion about something that might help, you are told to get lost. Every time you saw spiritual wisdom in a complicated problem, nobody else saw it. They weren't interested. You were isolated over and over. When things got hot, you called for a solution. Most others called for the sword. Now we are saying that this is changing.

So, spiritually, you are going to have to love yourself more, and now is your opportunity to do so because there is a Universe inside of you called cellular structure with trillions of pieces of DNA. These pieces are starting to react and are becoming ready for your instruction sets to be given. The hand is out, you might say, of your cellular structure, and the cells are saying, "Ok, you're the boss. What are we going to do?"
The Key to Self-worth

Self-worth is a program. It's a program! It's information developed from experience, and it's something that is learned. You can un-program it! All you have to do is tell yourself what you want. "Dear cellular structure," you might say, "I deserve to be here. This is my time. I have things that others want. This is my time. I'm important in the scheme of the earth. I have earned my stripes. This is my time. Dear cellular structure, get rid of inappropriate, emotional issues that keep me from moving forward into my beauty and power. The power that I speak of is that ability to create compassion and light everywhere I go."

Your cellular structure will smile, give you the hand that has been waiting, and say, "We are your partner in this co-creation. Let's get going."

Recalibration. It's going to have attributes that are challenging and that are beautiful. What's it going to feel like to you, to suddenly become more enlightened and have more information? You will feel you're much more part of God - with a cold. [Kryon smile] Falling over sometimes, and you have to laugh. Biology is this way. It takes a while for the shift, months, perhaps more.

So while you deal with the issues of recalibration and discomfort, know why they are here. Then at the same time, celebrate that which is in you, which is more compassion and which starts to work in your life. Things are going to work better.
Free Will and the Whole Picture

Now, all this is assuming that you get this message and you relate to it and manifest it. That is to say, your free will choice is what's going to happen. If you ignore the message, very little will happen. You're still an old soul and you have free choice.

Finally, I give you one of the common questions about this recalibration: "Kryon, you say the Earth energy is shifting. That means all humanity is going to feel it. Right?" Yes. All humanity will feel it. You're going to see it in the way governments are eliminated and are re-formed. You're going to see it in ways of different thinking. You're going to see it in the ways my partner has told you are possible, which I have channelled in the past, thinking differently.

Old energy regimes will not renew themselves, but decide to change. Societies that have lasted 1,000 years a certain way will decide to suddenly change. Cooperation and unity over the next two generations will start to become the norm. Someday there will come a time where you will look back on today and say, "We were barbarians." That's a change.
Timing and the Future

I am on my side of the veil in the now. I have no clock to give you here. I am just telling you that this is what I see. I see a healed planet, eventually, with new science. I see a planet where there is no permanent disease and where clean water is never an issue. Never! I see a time where all Humans have electricity and it's easy to get and it's inexpensive, where you can heat your homes easily and well. These are all of the things that are in the strongest potentials in the quantum soup of manifestation. But I cannot give you a clock.

What I can tell you is that Earth recalibrates itself and there are going to be issues. Some of them will be political, and some will get worse in the recalibration attributes, and the earth will feel it. Will everyone become enlightened? No. You represent less than one-half of one percent of the Human population, old soul, and you are going to strike that match in the dark. We've told you this before: You've become the match bearer in the dark when a few lights allow all to see better. That's your job, only the work just got easier.

I speak in the now. I cannot give you a clock. Please understand the wisdom of this as you leave the room. See the potentials, not the daily news, and if things don't happen tomorrow, Human Being, in your quick turn-around consciousness, don't be angry. God has patience; you have patience. Isn't it worth it, having lived all these lives, to now come and give this one a chance?

There are those in this room who wonder how long they're going to live, because of what's going on right now. You know who I'm talking to. So I will tell you the potential that I see is a very long life. There are still those who might say to me, "Yeah but, yeah but, yeah but..." No matter what I tell you, some will have an excuse why it can't work. That is the old energy speaking to you. Recalibrate! Start seeing what is possible and make it what IS.
The Quantum Factor

Finally, this: The more science takes a look at atomic structure in the very small and then looks at the Universe in the very large, they will begin to see a commonality. Your science is starting to see that there's no randomness in what looks to be random in 3D. Instead, they're looking at intelligent design. This means that in those attributes you call creation, the way things came together were biased for life, biased for compassion. What you see is the handiwork of God. It can no longer be denied that there is a creator.

As you turn inward and start to deal with yourselves, I want you to see the same thing within you. It's about time you understand that you are not random. Your life is not random. Things don't happen to you randomly. They happen to you in a way that you create. There is a system here, and it can be directed and programmed and re-programmed. This is manifestation.

This is the lesson of all humanity eventually - to create a healed earth; to create a peaceful one; to go places you never dreamed you would go in invention and health. This is the beginning. I have no clock. But I have the strongest potentials to see, and that is what I give you today as my partner sits in the chair in front of you. The potentials that we see are grander than they were last year. If the Lightworkers will recalibrate easily, they can speed the process. Don't fight it.

So, as you leave this place and life returns to normal, and the routine is the routine, you might look back upon these few minutes we've had together and say, "I wish I could do those things." You tend to fall into the old energy so easily, not realizing who you are. This is why recalibration is needed, so you will not think that way. What happens in a multidimensional state has to do with consciousness out of time and space. Just walking on this planet, holding the light, creates energy that you did not know you had. That's why we want you to stay in health, without drama or fear. Those who feel they are not doing anything for the planet are in a black and white world as they spread color all around.

So assign a goal, if you wish, because Humans love to do that. But let me tell you this: There are many of you already achieving change just by being alive and having compassion for others around you. Some of you in the room are teachers; some are channellers, and some are healers. Some are not interested, and I know who they are as well, for this message is not for all. You stand on a precipice of potential that I came here for. That's why Kryon is here - to help you across this bridge. Congratulations for making it this far.

The old energy will fight back, dear ones. Expect it, but this time expect to win. And you will. For now, in 2012, is the beginning of Lightworkers having the upper hand. That is to say, light is being seen and the seeds that were planted so long ago are beginning to be harvested.

And so it is.


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Lee Carroll

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Your Life is a Spiritual Experience


        We see ourselves as flesh and blood but, in fact, human beings are consciousness that has sought a way to express itself in this material world by taking on a physical form.   Underneath all the physical and mental construction of daily life on this planet lies a pure and open spiritual consciousness.   This is a natural state of mind that is always there within every person, entwined in the fabric of our lives.

        This duality can create chaos and suffering.  Illness is often brought about by our minds, emotions and habits getting in the way of the pure consciousness at our core.   But our innate spirituality can also create order and beauty.

        Realizing that each of us has this infinite potential is at the heart of Tibetan spiritual teaching.  It exists in everyone and everything.  At this very moment, you are the great symbol of our own potential enlightenment.

        The purpose of any spiritual practice, ethical framework or religious belief should be to help us enjoy the life that we have.  What's important is to avoid getting caught up with the future, because the future  -  and the past  -  are only creations of our imagination.  To be happy we need first to allow ourselves to be so  -  now.  So forget thoughts like 'I will be happy if only that would happen.......' and, 'I was so happy when things were different......'   All you have is now.   so accept yourself as you are without embellishment or regret.

        Start by aiming to experience everyday life in as open and direct a manner as possible.  From the moment you wake to the moment you sleep, allow every experience to come to you without judgement.  The key is acceptance.

        Accepting whatever happens is a hard place to be at first.   Like everyone, you will feel fear at the very idea, but gradually, as you cut through the barriers developed by years of habit, you will start to become less reactive to the world around you.   We often live our whole lives in a state of reaction to experiences.   If we are caused pain, we become angry, we hurt, we cry, we fear for our existence.   These reactive responses continue the subtle links of our own suffering.   Whether they are big events in our lives or small ones, the end result is the same.   

        Acceptance takes the sting out of reactivity and creates for us insight into the way we make our lives happen.   An experience of great simplicity will emerge from your consciousness as you allow acceptance to filter into all your mental and physical actions.   It will make you feel naked and exposed at first but, as you stay with this, you will learn that truth needs no clothing.

       As you follow the path to your inner morality, many confused emotions may come to the surface of your everyday mind, causing you self-doubt and fear.   You may feel worry that you are inferior to your colleagues and peers.   Remember: you are not bad.   You are essentially good, and intrinsically enlightened.   You lack nothing.  If you can accept this, the path will start to reveal itself.

        Simply look at the natural world.   Bees and flowers, clouds and rain, sun and moon, light and dark, birth and death, all of these are part of the continual cycle of truth.   See how ants and birds work together, each giving support to their own kind.   Human beings often fail to do so.   The seeds within the fruit only know one thing: that they must grow, blossom and bear fruit.   Essentially, we human beings must do the same, but some of us have forgotten.  The truth is everywhere, in all things, in all situations and is behind the beginning and completion of everything.   It can lead you to your spiritual potential and, most of all, it can reveal to you how to live your own life.

        Remember, living in a way that is as true to yourself as you can be is not always an easy path.  Do not climb spiritual mountains just because they are there, or seek the meaning of life because you feel you should.  Life has only the meaning you give it.   The truth reveals life as it is.

                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   o  O  o   ~~~~~~~~~~~~


The Tibetan Art of Living  -

Christopher Hansard  ~

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Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in a field of unconditional love.

Much has been written about the 'Law of Attraction'. We will address this topic herewith, but our sharing separates the Law of Attraction from the Law of Conscious Creation. Indeed there is a great need to understand the difference.

An essential truth of the Law of Attraction applies to thought. Accordingly it is imperative that you realize each thought you have has a magnetic frequency. That resonant 'thought-frequency' will attract similar thoughts of like Vibration. The more energy, attention & focus you give that thought, the more powerful it becomes. If you have a fear or worry and dwell on it, a snowball effect can occur, in which one fear, one worry draws in another. Likewise if you think on the positive, those thoughts attract more benevolent vibrations to you. Thoughts evoke feelings of a similar nature. Your auric field will vibrate according to your thoughts.

You attract to yourself that you fear, and that you love. You must then become the dutiful gatekeeper of thought. Each of you must discern & govern where you place your focus.
This is the Law of Attraction. But it is not the end product that allows conscious creation. You are here to learn how to consciously create, but there is much more to the process.
And so we discuss herewith the Law of Attraction, how it works, and why it sometimes does not . For it is imperative to understand that there is a difference between unconscious attraction and conscious attraction. There are exceptions, in a manner of speaking, to 'ask and it shall be given'. First there must be belief followed by action. Then a harmony of multidimensional 'You'.
Each of you are Multidimensional Beings. In truth you operate Cosmically & Terrestrially in many different formats of reality within the eternal 'Now'. Time is a purposed illusion. All of your 'lifetimes' not only occur simultaneously, there is also a constant subconscious communication between your multi-selves. Each lifetime is cocooned in a hologram of the Omni-Earth. Each succinct hologram is a dynamic of chosen realities among infinite probabilities. And accordingly each 'lifetime' effects the other, and this is an aspect of the Law of Attraction that will be reviewed in this discussion.

We begin this assay.

The Law of Attraction & Conscious Creation

Dear Ones, you create your reality, and there is no other rule. You are here in the University of Duality, to learn how to responsibly create. Now, there are many texts that speak about the concept of how human beings create their perspective realities.
We offer this caveat: it is not thought that on its own is optimally creative, rather it is BELIEF .... belief expressed in thought through conscious 'clear' mind, followed by action.
So to clarify syntax, let us say that in the Law of Attraction, it is wise to substitute the word Believe "for "Think", because while positive thought can encourage new belief, until you believe what you think you are not generating new reality. Belief generates reality. This is logical.
So understand, beyond the syntax, that thinking positive thoughts can only manifest if they are in sync with your beliefs. For example, if at your core, you BELIEVE you are unworthy of abundance, or in your core mind, believe that the accumulation of abundance is materialistic and therefore wrong, you will not manifest abundance by merely thinking about it. If you believe money is the root of all evil, the LAW of Attraction will not work for you until you change that core belief.
If you believe that you are poor and will always be scraping to make ends meet, then your very belief will create that experience. No matter if you work 2 or 3 jobs, your core belief is generated, projected into dimensionality and indeed will be manifested. You will struggle economically.
If you believe you are not 'very smart' , your brain will take on that belief and you will be limited. If you believe you are not attractive, you will project that image to all around you telepathically.
You constantly project your beliefs, and their manifestations constantly "meet you in the face" when you view the world around you. They form the reflective mirrored- image of your realized beliefs. You cannot escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience.
In kind, if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well, and will treat you kindly, they will. And, if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And, if you believe that your body will age and begin to weaken at age 40 , then it will. Do you catch our 'drift' ?
You are in physical existence to learn and understand that your beliefs, energetically translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, cause all experience. Period. Now your experience can change your beliefs, and at any time you are in control of what you choose to believe. The key is to form BELIEF through 'over-soul' Mer-Ka-Na aspectual conscious choice and not by unconscious programming.
Now, let's take this concept into multi dimensionality.
Imagine that you have a number of lifetimes as a monk or priest where you have taken strict poverty vows. You have shunned the 'material' and adhere strongly to the BELIEF that money is 'the root of all evil'.
All lifetimes are simultaneous in the eternal now. In the present lifetime there is the focus on creating your reality. You have need for abundance. You realize money is not evil, it is simply energy, and that it can be used for many positive things.
You have read all the books, read all the articles on how positive thinking triggers the 'Law of Attraction', yet you are still not bringing in abundance.
Could it be that you are multi dimensionally 'outnumbered'.
If you have a dozen ongoing lifetimes in their NOW moment simultaneously shunning, rejecting what they BELIEVE to be 'material things' and one lifetime trying to create abundance, which effort contains the most energy projection ?
You have the ability in NOW mind in Mer-Ka-Na to change the seeming past and create a unified harmonic of that which you desire and believe. And Dear Ones, money is not evil ! It is energy and in the new paradigm you are required to learn to create in responsible loving manner. You CAN have what you want, what you need, but the Belief must be harmonic in multi dimensionality.
It is not as simple as "Ask and it shall be given". It must be projected in clear harmonic mind. And mind is above brain. Mind is multi dimensional.
Part 2
The Law of Attraction - Part Two

Multi-Dimension Influx
Now, the multi-dimensional aspect of human experience is quintessential to your understanding of the mechanics of the 'Law of Attraction'.
A key part of understanding your multi-dimensionality is that your higher self , the part of you above physicality, scripted certain of your 'life growth challenges'. ...and that these cannot be avoided or wished away. Rather they are 'required' courses in the curriculum of the 'University of Earth' that you yourself have chosen to complete for higher good. And you can't skip the classes.
They will come to you because you enrolled, they are a part of the 'Law of Attraction' from higher mind, and cannot be repelled.
This then is an area in which duality thinking, of trying to wish away a seeming obstacle, seems to defy the 'Law of Attraction'. You may find yourself in an uncomfortable scenario at work, find that all the 'positive thinking' applications seem to fall flat. That is because there is a lesson here that must be faced, and until it is faced it will repeat over and over again, until it is completed...because you have attracted it to you from higher mind, and duality -aspect brain is unable to avoid it. It is only completed when you master it.
Accepting the Challenge
While it is true that your thoughts and beliefs create the reality you experience in duality, you in higher aspect thoughtfully and carefully compose and create the challenges that you face. These have great purpose. Whether you truly believe it or not, you write your own tests. So while 'positive thinking' is a key frequency, positive thinking is meant to help you approach your life lessons and does not circumvent the learning process itself. You cannot just ignore or wish away the growth lessons you script for yourself in order to expand. That is because your chosen set ups are in most cases outside, beyond the ability of the duality aspect of ego-brain to remove or will away. You will face them, because you have in divine self, willed it from higher perspective. In higher mind you have scripted your challenges.
We assure you that there is nothing more stimulating, more worthy of actualization, than your manifested desire to evolve, to change for the better. That is indeed each of your lifetime missions. It is not enough to meditate, or to visualize the desired goal being accomplished if you do not act upon the inner voice , the drive from which your meditations and visualizations arise.
Intent, focus and meditation must absolutely be teamed with action. Becoming impeccable, and eventually achieving your enlightenment does not mean, as some religions indirectly imply, that you are suddenly in a blissful state of oblivion, or in some distant state of nirvana. Masters, we tell you that you are as much a part of a nirvana now as you ever will be, you simply need to discover it within you.
There will indeed be cycles within your emotional state; that is part of being human. There will be times in which you feel apathetic and depressed. Not only the problems you face, but even certain astronomical gravities can be the source of such despair, on their own. All of these must be faced, and can be surmounted.
So be aware that 'Nirvana', in your vernacular, is achieved attitudinally, and not through avoidance, ignorance or escape, but through impeccable confrontation of the reality projection that surrounds you.
Earth experience, duality mastery is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths of duality, and one commonly misunderstood. The study and mastery of life requires work. You can't simply put the text book under your pillow and sleep on it, it must be read and understood a page at a time. Moment by moment.
So then your full understanding and accepting that your life is a construction of 'set ups' that you planned in order to enable your spiritual growth is an even greater truth. You see when you accept this noble truth, you have the opportunity to transcend it.
That which you term 'destiny' is in truth the situations you preplanned for your life lesson. And Dears Ones, that very self scripted 'destiny', in your terms, will assist you to both face your challenges and then manifest your desires, but not because you protest what you do not like. In order to experience the light of your desire, you must ignite the passion that will free it from the stronghold where it has been closely guarded. The greatest path is to accept the challenge of self purification by being a living example of your own light rather than protesting the darkness that still exists within the world in 3d, or choosing to insulate yourself from it.
Masters, by accepting that you are here to face challenges, then you can more robustly create the energy needed to face them. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life can be difficult no longer scares you, rather it motivates the spiritual warrior into resolve.
The greatest issue you have in accepting ultimate ownership and responsibility for your actions lies in the core desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior. But we tell you that it is the confrontational courage of impeccably solving problems that provides and indeed nurtures meaningful growth in your life.
Facing your problems is the serendipitous cutting edge that distinguishes between success and failure, or better said, between growth and stagnation. Problems call forth your best effort to resolve and refine courage and wisdom within the impeccable seeker.
It is categorically because of stressful predicaments and obstructions that you grow mentally and spiritually. It is through the pain of confronting and resolving life-puzzles and 'set-ups' that you learn the greater meaning of the science of love. Dear Hearts, the candid fact is that some of your most poignant accomplishments and indeed greatest growths are spawned when you are placed in the troubling crossroads of conundrum.
Your greatest trials and revelations take place in times when you are outside of your 'comfort zone', feeling bewildered, unfulfilled, or even in a state of agonizing despair. For it is in such moments, propelled by your discomfort, that you are compelled to burst out of the confining cages and seek a better, more spiritually satisfying way of life.
Impeccability - The State of Grace

What then is impeccability? We are not understating the base premise, when we define impeccability simply as ' always trying your best'. To remain impeccable requires more effort as the scope of your gained wisdom and consciousness expands. The greater your consciousness, the more you 'know' . The more you know, the greater the responsibility to live accordingly.
You are in the process of expanding your vibratory awareness, of becoming a conscious participant with the soul. You are becoming what your soul is, discovering your greater identity.
Dear Ones, when you grow spiritually, it is because you have opened to seek growth and are taking action, working to achieve it.
Impeccability involves the deliberate extension of your Beingness into evolution.
Impeccability puts you in the state of grace. Impeccability does not infer that you have achieved enlightenment or have learned all you need to learn. Rather it means you are on the only track, the right pathway to get there.
So we will define Impeccability in two layers, two phase formats:
1) Conditional Impeccability: This is when the entity is not highly advanced, yet working toward mastery . Doing one's best. Utilizing knowledge to the best of one's ability to do the right thing, even when there may be ignorance and innocent misconceptions. By that we mean you truly believe what you are doing is the right course, even if it is not the full or expansive truth . All of you go through such phases. In this phase if you make a mistake, it is an honest mistake, in which you genuinely believed you were doing what you felt is right.
2) Mastery Impeccability: This is the phase of the soul in human existence that is on the cusp of Mastery. One highly advanced, and walking the talk. Having no inner conflict between what one believes to be the right path, and what one actuates.
Both phases activate what you may term as an accelerated state of grace. Grace is assistance from the Divine Self to help the outcome of situations when one is trying their best. It may be thought of as the 'Guardian Angel', because in many cases that is exactly what a Guardian Angel is, your Divine Self serendipitously intervening in situations to assist you on your path.
If we were to redefine what your religious texts consider as sin, it would not be in terms of the commandments, rather it would be: "knowledge not utilized". Taking actions you know to be incorrect, actions in conflict to your highest beliefs.
Wisdom Is Within
All of you desire wisdom greater than your own. Seek and you will find, and Masters you can find it 'hidden' inside you. And sadly that is often the last place you look. It takes work. You see the divine interface between God and man is within what your academics term as the subconscious.
Even your religious texts tell you that God is within you, that you are a spark of the Divine. The subconscious mind, or 'back brain' in your terms, is the part of you that is God. The portion of your greater self that contains the knowledge of 'All That Is', the part of you that contains the Akashic Records, the soul memory of everything.
Since the subconscious is the Divine Mind within you, the goal of spiritual growth is achieved by entering into that sacred 'Garden of Wisdom'. It is entered by quieting the ego mind. Meditation has ever been the gateway. It is the key to quieting the personality-ego narration and allowing the 'Voice of the Divine Soul' to be heard. We say again, effort is required. There are no short cuts.
The re-attainment of God-ness is the purpose of your individual existence on the polarity plane. You are born that you might become, as a conscious individual, a physical expression of God. A divine expression in Being-ness.
The challenge is your soul quest, your true purpose, and in physical sojourns, the clock is ever ticking. Obtaining Godhood in physicality is achieved on time-release, through immaculate desire that is actuated in the physical realm by merging with the wisdom of the non physical. Time matters.
In polarity the current shifting of paradigms and energies can throw you off center rather easily in these quickening times. Your true purpose is often difficult to subjectively define and your understanding and ballast lies juxtaposed between illusion and perceived reality. You may feel you are living in a distortion and that nothing is exactly as it seems. In the process you can become confused and complacent. You can lose track of time.
Dear Ones, your lives, each moment of your physical life is precious, far more so than some of you realize. Far more than most of you utilize. Time is a precious commodity, and it is finite within your duality. Each of you reading these words will at some point in the future transition out of the physical. In your vernacular, you will experience death, you will die. This is a condition of physicality as you know it. Yet so many of you act as though you will live forever. Indeed the soul is eternal, but you will not ever be the same person, the same personality or expression that you are now, in any lifetime or in any other aspect of your 'Beingness'.

You are here to learn Dear Ones, you are here to learn the expressions of your own Godliness within duality and indeed duality is a gift. Life is a gift. You are here to learn how to co create, for indeed you are co creators of the Universe, of the Cosmos. You are here to achieve Mastery, and so many of you are very close, very near that achievement.
Seize the Day
Masters, until you truly value yourself, you will not be in the grace of impeccability and thus not be motivated to truly value and optimize your time. Unless you place great value on your allotted time, you will not do your 'best' with it. "Carpe Diem", is translated as "Seize the Day", and this is so appropriate.
You must seize each moment! So many of you, despite your good intentions, allow yourselves to be tranquilized into complacency at certain phases or within certain conditions of your chosen sojourns. Many of you waste time; misuse time and lifetime after lifetime can be squandered. What you do not face, what you do not resolve in any one moment or lifetime, will resurface. You will repeat the set up until you successfully solve it, and that is indeed a great truth.

Masters, utilizing your time in duality is quintessential, and that is a complex undertaking for it necessitates that you seek impeccability. It requisites love of self, for until you genuinely value yourself, you truly do not value your life and time. And until you value your time, you will not be compelled to maximize how you spend it.
It is natural Discipline that is the basic set of tools to solve life problems. Without discipline it is difficult for you to have the driver required to focus on the work of solving your problems. Simply stated, you can become immobilized...apathetic, complacent or lazy. On the 'Ladder of Ascension', you are moving up, sitting still or moving down.
In third dimensional physics there is a law that states that energy that is highly organized will naturally degrade when not in dynamic state. It is easier by natural law to be in a state of complacency in the physical plane, than to be in an upwardly mobile condition. That is clearly logical. It is the Law of Love that motivates all souls into greater consciousness, and that requires! Laziness is in a real sense one of your biggest obstacles, because work means swimming against the tide. Seize the Day!
Perfect Order

Some of you say and feel that "Everything works out as it should, all is in perfect order". But Masters, that concept is something of a paradox, and like a face card it is upside down either way you look at it. Do you understand?
From the higher perspective all is in perfect order, but from the perspective of humankind within duality, it is not! If it were there would be no need for
lessons, no need for what you term reincarnation.
One need but take a look around and know that the plight of humankind on the planet Earth is far from being perfect. Indeed it will NOT work out as it should, until you make it so!

Part 3 - The Law of Conscious Creation

Unresolved Energy Blockage
Masters, on the final walk of Mastery, most of your major issues have been dealt with, and we honor you for that. What remains may however be elusive to confront. And it is important to confront any and all unresolved issues and energies.

We say this without judgment. We point this out in order to assist you. For in time all must be dealt with. The more advanced you become, the more difficult it can be to sweep up the last remaining bits of unresolved issues, because they are often well hidden. The unresolved energy, the final issues can become polarized and repelled outside your mental field, forgotten in the residues of many lifetimes. Dear Hearts, take time to self review in multidimensional, Mer-Ka-Na aspect. Please determine what is left to be worked on.
Polarity Physics - The 'Law of Opposite Attraction'

Masters, the closer you get to light, the stronger you attract the dark. Light attracts bugs ! The more you advance, the more criticism you will draw, and that requires wisdom to deal with.
The polarity aspect of the 'Law of Opposite Attraction' herewith comes into play. From a state of detachment what takes place is electromagnetics. Pure positive energy has the greatest 'magnetic' attraction to negative energy. So as your light shines brighter, the magnetic to polar opposite increases. It can be managed, but you must have the light, humility, the strength and discipline to deflect it.
So dealing with affronts, the hard energy of jealousy, hatred and anger are an important piece of the puzzle in achieving the Master level of Impeccability.
How do you deal with this? Don't take anything personally is perhaps easier said than done, but it is quite true. Your bible talks of turning the other cheek. But this doesn't mean you apologize when someone steps on your foot. Part of the paradox is indeed standing up for your truth. But it does mean you don't step on the feet of others, intentionally or otherwise. Do you understand?
Standing in your truth is peaceful action. It is a benevolent expression of aggression that allows grace and dignity to be retained on both sides of any conflict or attack. It sends the attacking energy back to its source, but without malice and with love.

Each of you has an opportunity to stand in impeccability within any conflict. You can deal with conflict, without engaging it. Do you understand? Deal with, face it from a stance of emotional detachment, as the observer, and that is not easy, yet it is the way of the Master. It is how you 'Don't take anything
personally', you detach from the emotional reaction.

Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you encompass Mastery level Impeccability, and indeed it is a journey. Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you encompass integrity.

The divine mind is only achieved, only accessed through crystalline Mer-Ka-Na resonance, within crystalline thought waves. Crystalline thought is above emotion, above petty feelings. It is achieved in detachment. It is the crystalline lake of Shamballa, of true Nirvana, as smooth as glass, no waves distorting its mirrored visage.

Greetings Masters !
Dear Ones, there is the science behind the Law of Attraction, and that science is the Law of Belief. The Law of Belief governs what you create in your lives. Within the Law of Belief are the addendums of the life 'set ups' you plan and contract to yourself for growth. But the lessons you arrange are met through your confrontation and disciplined effort.
It is therefore essential that you fully realize that you are never at the mercy of events, you are not helplessly fated to face the unexplainable like a ship lost at sea. Masters, neither psychological events nor physical events have control over you.
When you humans fully comprehend the vast capacity of your brain to hold a diversity of conclusive beliefs associated with your experiences, you will see that you have an infinite array of choices.
But for those of you stuck in old patterns and limiting beliefs, you are mired in a repetitive cycle of predetermined responses, including the propensity to block new solutions through denial of better thinking. In that sense if you do not learn from past errors, you are self- fated to repeat them. Indeed you will repeat the cycle until you learn how the process of achieving Divine Mind functions. That is true for all humans.
You must challenge yourself to break free.
Three Laws
There are three separately governed processes under the Law of Attraction. The three have succinctly different criteria for achievement. Let us define the primary aspect of each Law:
** The Law of Attraction - Thoughts have a frequency and attract like frequencies
** The Law of Belief : Knowing beyond doubt. You can only manifest what you believe is possible
** The Law of Conscious Creation: The conscious ability to focally manifest objectives & events via Mer-multidimensional mind in Mer-Ka-Na.

Soul Contract Set-Ups
And so we again stress emphatically that it is your beliefs that are projected to form your individual and group reality.
As we have discussed in the previous messages on this topic, there are scenarios planned by your higher self, your Divine Mind aspect, that may be termed 'set-ups' or soul-contracts that you yourself have chosen as growth lessons to assist you in moving into greater wisdom.
With that reminder in hand, we also tell you that 'karma' in your terms, is not a debt owed to one from another, in the higher sense. Rather it is ever to the Self, it is balancing the Divine Self.
Let us also assert that if you have a goal or objective in 3d that would conflict with higher self, it will not in most cases be manifest, unless it is chosen as a growth lesson. For example if a human desires wealth, and that wealth would either be misused or stop the growth process, the higher self may reject such a desire from manifesting. In some cases, humans who have all of their 3d material 'needs' met, are less compelled to search for expansion.
Dear Ones, when you find yourself in the confines of any experience that is uncomfortable or not to your liking, you must understand that YOU created that seeming conundrum. Within this axiom, there are indeed, within duality, scenarios in linear time that you must face. Whether one accepts it or not, every circumstance and every resulting action, however dire, was absolutely self created.
If, for example, in an extreme circumstance a crime is actually committed, and an individual is duly sentenced to prison, those actions will be faced and experienced. The sentenced prisoner cannot, in most duality circumstances, simply wish it away. Rather they must face the duality they have themselves created in linear time. There are Laws of Cause and Effect in 3d that will play themselves out.
Responsibility for not only your actions, but indeed for your beliefs is a key part of your growing process on the planet of lesson. Owning both is essential. But by facing them, you can change the landscape around you.
Dear Human, you must understand whenever you seek to avoid the responsibility for your own actions, you generally do so by attempting to give that responsibility, the 'blame', to some other individual, group or cause. But in that process of shifting blame, you unconsciously give away your power, and take away the ownership that allows you to 're-create'.
In kind, as we have already explained in the second segment of this discussion, the difficulty most of you have in accepting self responsibility for your behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain and guilt of the consequences of the very actions that resulted. You don't like to admit your errors.
But in less obvious circumstances of abundance lack and untoward relationships, you must not only change the nature of your conscious thoughts, but also the belief in those very expectations....and then act on those beliefs.
Unconscious Programming
You create our own reality from what you choose to believe about yourselves, and the world around you. Period. If you do not deliberately & consciously choose your own beliefs, you are unconsciously programmed. You will mindlessly absorb them from your 3d culture, schooling and surroundings. If you are accountableand responsible for your actions, how can you afford NOT to question your beliefs? How you define yourself, and the world around you, forms your belief, which, in turn, forms your reality.
Once you fully comprehend that your beliefs form reality, then and only then are you no longer a captive of the events you experience. You simply have to learn the mechanics & methods.
It is only when you believe, and program that belief to fully override and replace previous erroneous beliefs, that the integral field of the triad of the 3 step function of own, change, action is completed.
In the process, thoughts must harmonize with beliefs and be followed by ACTION !
So we devote the remainder of this discourse to conscious creation. Keeping in mind that you are advanced on the path in order to consciously create.
You Are Not at the Mercy of Circumstance
You are NOT at the mercy of your circumstances, but that belief is, interestingly, the reason you erroneously think you are. Take a moment to consider that. It is the Law of Belief.
If you believe that circumstances have you trapped, then they do, and will until you change that core belief. You are creators learning how to co-create. You are here to learn that you can and do create. One of your key reasons for being in duality Earth is to learn how to create responsibly, and consciously. The principle professor is often Dr.Cause & Effect, and this doctor makes house calls!
You reap what you sow and however uncomfortable, the untoward harvest is the very means for consideration of what got you there.
To break out of circumstances that are caused by our psychology, requires conscious disciplined effort for change to occur.
The key again is your belief. There is little difference if you believe that your present life is caused by incidents in your early childhood or by past lives over which you equally feel you have no control. Your events, your lives, your experiences, are caused by your present beliefs. Change the present beliefs and your life changes, not only in the present, but in the past and future in kind. That is the creative power of belief.
Masters, regardless of your level of Light Quotient, whether you are unconsciously creating or consciously manifesting, you cannot escape your beliefs. They are the enzymes through which you create your experience.

Processes of Brain and Mind
Masters, the reason that most of the books and commercialized teachings on manifestation do not work, is because they do not have the understanding of deeper mind versus 3d brain. Most are about manifesting monetary wealth, and in most cases the only one truly manifesting is the publisher from book sales.
There are many nuances, many aspects unexplained in the texts. Even when you expand the mind, you must optimize and balance the auric field for the Crystalline aspect that allows creation to function.
The Key Evolvement Principles for Accessing the Law of Creation are:
1) Expanded Programming of the Brain - Knowledge into Belief
2) Release of Ego-Personality Control to Divine-Mind Aspect of Higher Consciousness
3) Maintain EMF Balance
4) Activate the Mer-Ka-Na Crystalline aspect of Pituitary, Pineal, & Thymus
5) Maintain Balance & Clarity
It is essential that you understand that the 3d brain, the ego-personality aspect incorporated in your physical 3d biology is programmed for 'survival' in a primary coding. It is the 'survival' code that brings in the warning signals that involve cautions often experienced as fear and doubt. The frontal mind, the ego-personality aspect, is engineered to dominate your 3d consciousness, in order to allow linear time flow and survival within the physical plane. The challenge is that to arise above 3d consciousness you must rise out of ego consciousness and flow into Divine Mind within the Seat of the Soul, the gateway into Divine Mind.
The brain is in 3d, the mind is of higher dimension, and within higher mind is your Divinity. The brain operates in 3d and in a manner of speaking, its 3d programming is somewhat dominant in the field of duality.
It operates in a more confined paradigm, and to expand into mind, you must operate 'outside the box' to engage your true creativity.
Clarity in Your Objectives
The importance of defined clarity is important in creation. You humans only partially engage your wishes through 'Someday I will ' dreamscapes. That is like partially programming a computer program. Is it any surprise that it doesn't happen?
Someday I will travel, One day I will be rich, some day I will realize my dreams... these then become merely 'maybes', spaced in a distance. So what you are attempting to create always stays at the distance, the someday you programmed. You did not put it in the present. Yes, the dream is the first part, but it must be clear, concise and followed by definite actions.
Your brain has two hemispheres, one dealing with intellect, one with feeling. The brain works through bio chemical activations and stimulus. The intensity & clarity of a thought program is extremely important for it to become a belief.
You see your brain is a 3d living computer. It must be dealt with in defined terms. It will not work with 'maybe' or 'can I?'
For example, if one were taken into a deep hypnotic state, and asked , "Can the mind heal the dis-ease in this body?" the answer would be "Yes". But it is the empirical answer to whether it is possible for the mind to heal the body. It is not the healing.

The Noble Path
Every thought produces a bio-chemical enzyme. That enzyme works with the physical and nonphysical, in sync with the programming. One of the exceptions to the concept of 'Ask and it Shall be given', is that unless the asking is channeled from within, in sync with higher mind, it may have little effect.
So a human on the path, in a relatively advanced state of consciousness, may well neutralize from a higher stance desires that would impede progress. There is then, a natural filtering for those in a state of grace. Goals must be worthy.
The most noble goal is to learn the mysteries of life. To gain wisdom and Mastery. But to achieve these goals you will have to take on certain pressures and stresses that are taxing. It requires discipline and will.
If you are lazy, you will not get there. You must take on the task to achieve it. So attempts to create a challenge free life may be in stark conflict with a life intent on learning. Goals have challenges. Masters do not plan challenge free lifetimes.
Mind is the Builder
Mind is the builder, and focused will-power is the activator. The more responsibility you appropriately take on, the more your frequency will increase.
Learning to program the brain is essential. The brain is a biological computer with 3d filters and 3d programs that are ingrained from birth. Unless you were born in a Tibetan Monastery, your programming has come from what we will term socio-cultural indoctrinations. Most social programming teaches you to accept a very limited view of human existence, and human ability.
You are taught to believe only what you can sensually detect through sight, hearing, taste, smell or touch.
Dear Ones, know that the physical world of matter you see around you is imagery that you sensually interpret and project. It is received in the eye, transferred via the optic nerve to the brain. What is received stimulates neurons, and a response occurs through a bio chemical reaction that is thermal in nature.
Because you generally believe what you see, smell , taste or hear you accept it, you believe it as real. You then decide if it is pleasing or not. The brain then releases neurons based on like or dislike. This is how your reality and attraction works. You are initially attracted to people who are attractive, have a melodious voice and smell good ! Your physical sensual body says yes or no.
In kind, the brain takes ideas and either accepts them or deflects them, according to program parameters. In truth the brain is unable to differentiate between an actual event or a psychological one, such as a dream. In multidimensional mind the two are the same.
And although the human brain is capable of receiving information and frequencies from well above 3d, most humans program it to reject anything above 3d frequencies of sensory conformity. The brain computer thus receives only what you allow it to receive.
In such limiting paradigmic programming, the only parts of your brain that are activated are the right and left hemispheres of the upper cerebrum and portions of the lower cerebellum, composing and imposing an activity level of only about 10-12 percent of the brain. The brain activity and processes in the neocortex of the cerebral hemispheres conduct the primary activity in the physical realm.
The 90% majority of your brain remains unused, un-activated, programmed into dormancy.
That is because any thought that does not fit in with the limited thinking programs of your cultural programming or dogma, you auto-deflect.

Expanding Your Belief Horizons
Herein is one of the great reasons the 'Law of Attraction' does not work for you: limited belief from limited thinking programs. To be so narrow-minded is to be closed to the grand possibility of anything existing beyond the small band of frequency that can be perceived through the five senses of your physical 3d body.
So how do you expand the brain. How do you open to mind? How do you reprogram the computer?
The answer is simple but seemingly a difficult hurdle for many of you to accomplish. It is by doing. It is by examination and study, and willing self to open.
Accordingly the very desire to expand attracts powerful thought frequencies that will allow for expansion. And then every Occasion in which you openly accept an idea that is beyond your accepted parameters, that idea activates yet another part of your brain into purposeful use.
Each time you do that, the expansive idea will offer itself as a carrier to expand your field of belief, and allow greater Cosmic reasoning. That process, sincerely repeated,will attract new ideas with study and meditation. In kind, this cycle will activate other portions of your brain for more expansion, new programming and new reception, by accepting in clear mind Mer-Ka-Na.

When you have no doubt, when you know and it is is Belief. It is through expanded mind that you begin the steps of creating your destiny.
How do you functionally expand the brain and open the doors to Divine Mind ?
It is not done in one illuminating flash realization. It is not a one step Divine Anointing. The sacred pathway to what you may term 'Enlightenment ' is achieved in deliberate steps.
There are many in metaphysics that want to open the book of knowledge and skip over to the final chapter. It doesn't work that way.
It begins by self exploration. By carefully auditing what works and does not work for you. In this method you allow fresh and expansive ideas to enter the brain from the Divine Mind as high frequency thought. Then you process and contemplate it, experience the new concept by embracing it. Acting it out. Evolve it and drive it with emotion , and live the new information into knowledge and wisdom.
The Static in the Field
The issue most humans have in not changing their beliefs is blind acceptance of mental 3d programming. You can think positive thoughts, think positive change, but if in your deeper mind you doubt they will occur, then they will not.
.Doubt is one blockage that prevents manifestation of your desires. If you doubt, you do not believe. Doubt in the brain creates a bio-chemical reaction. It activates a neuron carrier in the brain that flows from the Pituitary gland to the Pineal and blocks the 'gateway' from opening. The doubt is there because you do not believe.
As we have mentioned, the survival aspect programming of the Personality Ego brain utilizes 'fear' in duality as a warning system. However, the duality aspect, the double edge of that sword, is that fear out of context can reach into many negative emotions including depression,doubt, hatred, jealousy and self contempt. These are at their root, negative aspects of fear, and fear creates static in the auric field, and can lead to auric bleeding. As taught in the Metatronic Keys, the human Aura must be integral to amplify into Mer-Ka-Na. A fissured or disrupted energy field is unable to optimally operate in the Law of Creation.

Bio-Chemical Process
The belief thought-images that surround you are co-created in mass fields by all of humanity in agreement in the macro. Individually they are projected according to your light quotient. These manifest into physical reality.
This involves a physical process. Thought frequencies are digitally received and are immediately propelled bio-chemically within the brain.

Mental enzymes are connected with the pineal gland. The Pineal gland receives them as geo-coded transmissions. Each image, each thought, being interpreted and sorted according to its energetic signature. They must pass through the program parameter of belief after reception at the pineal. Your brain screens what is determined as real or unreal. Believable or unbelievable according to the light quotient programmed into the brain. The bio-chemicals produced are produced with acceptance ingredient or rejection ingredient. These are allowed to open or close the gate to higher mind accordingly.
These bio chemicals are sent as coded neurons, and are the delivery mechanism of this thought-energy, containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality, or not.
Thoughts that are congruent with belief move to reproduce the inner image within the brain and through each nerve fiber of the body physical. These then are the initial fires of gestation for forming the new reality.
The next step is through clear mind intent, the force of will, will driven by the acceleration of emotion and feeling.
This done, the physical body releases the objective in a digital code to the sublime body, the intact Auric Field in a semi solid, congealed light code, projected and accelerated from the chakric system.
The Aura must be intact, and optimal in 13-20-33 cycle and reach. It then passes through the Mer-Ki-Va to Mer-Ka-Va to Mer-Ka-Na field. All propelled by will. The clarity and intensity you insert behind the thought-desire or goal determines to a great degree the immediacy of its materialization. Once you learn the mechanics of conscious creation it is essential then to utilize the engine of genuine desire with image visualization and emotion to complete the process of physical manifestation..
The Law of Conscious Creation
There is no physical object about you, nor any experience in your life that you have not created. This includes your physical form, your body . Masters, there is nothing about your own physical image that you have not made. In fact if you were able to view self in other life sojourns, you would be surprised at how many similar physical characteristics you create in what would be termed sequential lifetimes.

When you have Divine Wisdom, you can create kingdoms unlimited. When you have knowledge, there is nothing to fear, for then there is no thing, no element, no principality, no understanding that can ever threaten or enslave or intimidate you. When fear is given knowledge, it is called enlightenment.
You have a natural rhythm of existing in the physical and non physical. It is your waking and sleep state. Dreams are one of your greatest natural therapies and assets as connectors between the interior and exterior realities and universes.
Your normal consciousness benefits by excursions and rest in those other fields of nonphysical actuality that are entered when you sleep, and the so-called sleeping consciousness will also benefit by frequent excursions into the physical matter waking state.
But let us tell you that the imagery you see in both is at its base, mental interpretations of digital frequential fields of core consciousness units. The frequency that your brain receives is actually a digital code, a crystalline pattern of symbols ( akin to what you may term as X's and O's), that you interpret and translate into images and feelings.
It is not so difficult for you to accept that you create your dreams, as it is to accept that you also create your physical reality, but you do both. You also determine if both or either are real...or not.

Re-Emphasizing the Blockage of Doubt
The issue most humans have in not changing their beliefs is blind acceptance of mental 3d programming. You can think positive thoughts, think positive change, but if in your deeper mind you doubt they will occur, then they will not.
So we return to programming and its effect on manifestation within the Law of Attraction. Doubt is one blockage that prevents manifestation of your desires. If you doubt, you do not believe. Doubt in the brain creates a bio-chemical reaction. It activates a neuron carrier in the brain that flows from the Pituitary gland to the Pineal and blocks the 'gateway' from opening. The doubt is there because you do not believe.
The Pineal
Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the 'Seat of the Soul'.
The pineal is the agent of advancing knowing into reality manifestation. The pineal works with the pituitary to open the bridge, the gateway between the physical and nonphysical, between brain and mind. Whatever knowledge you allow yourself to believe can only become a reality by the pineal first opening the gate to the Divine. It does this by interpreting the frequency of thought into a thermal bio chemical electrical current throughout your body and opening to mind.
Your human brain transforms the thoughts you generate into thousands of bio-chemicals every second. Not every thought of the ordinary brain reaches into Higher Mind, as we have explained..
Divine Mind
Divine Wisdom comes from Divine Mind, and when you allow mind to take the reins over ego personality you achieve the wisdom of Divine Creativity. It is this wisdom distilled from knowledge that gives you the ability to enter the Law of Creation. Once entered, then know what you want to create and take action toward it.
The human body is an instrument that can be used to access the amazing and extraordinary energies of the Divine. But there are dedicated principles for accessing the Divine. When the body is fine tuned, wisdom is achieved, the aura is maintained in balance to achieve Mer-Ka-Na, and the doors to the Law of Creation through the Law of Belief and Attraction are opened.
For that to occur, all systems must work in balanced synchronicity. If you use your body for physical gratification rather than as an instrument to achieve the will reap what you sow.
You are ever the Master of each experience. Even in your most abandoned states of seeming helplessness, you are the scripter of each iota of that experience.
Yet if you will utilize determination and wisdom by owning the responsibility to reflect upon your situation, and to search diligently for the Law upon which being is established, you then become the wise master, directing your energies with intelligence, and fashioning thoughts to worthy focus and realization.
One thought attracts another. Positive energy attracts more positive energy. One intelligent thought attracts another. Likewise when you dwell in self pity, depression and issues of poor self esteem, you draw more of these to you. That is the Law of Attraction.
Such is the conscious human, the Master, and you can only thus evolve by discovering within Self the Laws of Conscious Creating ; the discovery of which is totally a regulated science. It is a matter of application, self-analysis, and experience.
Masters, as has been said, you are powerful spiritual beings having a human experience. You are truly magnificent Beings of Power, Intelligence, and Love. When you discover that, you become the manager of your own thoughts and you thus have the key to every situation. In Mer-Ka-Na, you are optimizing the Law of Attraction, Law of Belief and Law of Creation, which are the abilities of the Divine, within each of YOU, the transforming and regenerative agencies by which you may make what you will.
You can indeed intentionally manifest your world, and in doing so experience what is termed the Kingdom of Heaven. Conscious Creation is your destiny, and you can all make your lives the golden experience you responsibly desire.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And so it is...And it is So...

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Greetings Masters! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace you in this moment. With me are the energies and presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light, and those benevolent Beings of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. We welcome you, each of you here, in a 'Now' moment of unconditional love.
Dear Ones, with the understanding that you are here for learning, we tell you that the 'University of Polarity Earth' is specifically designed for the evolution of the human soul.
The curriculum and venue of Polarity Earth, the educational process, is in fact a version of the Omni-Earth that is created and co created in Divine Intelligence. It is a purposed illusion, it is created by purposed thought, and cannot be destroyed. Consider that. That does not mean you do not have responsibilities in the care of Earth and its supporting Kingdoms, for indeed that is part of the learning process.
The purpose of the EarthPlane is your soul evolution. The Earth supports that mission, by Divine plan, by agreement, and all of the Kingdoms of Earth are part of that. Accordingly we tell you that there are versions of other Beings that are of Divine Intelligence that are here to support you in your purpose here.
These include Master Beings from many realms. Some make visitations here to support you, and some chosen of these come in full avatar consciousness. But be aware that there are versions of benevolent Master Beings that have by agreement chosen to manifest in various step-down forms to support humanity.
Those of the Animal Kingdom on the Earth are here to support you. Part of that process involves their expression on the EarthPlane in 'Group' Consciousness. The deepest dimensions of the animal self exist not at the level of the individual but of the entire species, and that highest level is not enrolled in the duality lesson, per se.
And so we speak this gathering of the Sacred Felidae of Sirius A.
The Sacred Felidae and Canidae are incredible Beings that bring tremendous support to the Humanity.
The Felidae are Divine Intelligence, fully evolved, magnificently conscious in crystalline expression. They are members of both the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, and of what may be termed the Niburian Mastery Council. Both of whom are benevolently involved in the up shift of the consciousness evolution of planets and planetary races who are prepared to graduate into the next level in their Ascension.
The Felidae
The Felidae, are a Feline species who originate on Sirius A. These are Beings that have entered the Earthplane since ancient times in specific roles and formats. The versions currently in physical form on the Earth-Plane are in what may be termed the Feline and Canine family. These physical formats on the EarthPlane are here to support you, and in their physical matrix are but a portion of the consciousness of their Sirian nature.
That is because the Felidae expression on the earth are in group soul format, and are not here to evolve as a species, but rather to support the earth and assist humanity in evolution. The greater part of their consciousness is above the level of the EarthPlane. The feline operate vastly in the ethereal or stealth antimatter realm.
Their full consciousness existed and manifested in LeMurian, Atlantean and early Egyptian eras.
The Masters of the Sacred Felidae were involved in the genetic engineering in the Temple of Purification (on Poseida) in Atlantis during the Golden Age of the Law of One. This was done in a very positive and benevolent manner, prior to such technology being tragically misused by the Aryan Sons of Belial in the sad demise of the final era of Atlantis.
The Felidae of Sirius A and Cetacean Sirian-B Masters are skilled at integrating spirit into physical matter. This in not only giving life-force to a physical form, but also in integrating higher chakric levels of consciousness within the physical matrix in Mer-Ka-Na level multi-dimensionality.
This ability to work with humanity in energetic terms involves activating higher chakras and higher crysto-light bodies. This higher level of consciousness is the Crystos Consciousness, and the Cetaceans are Crystalline Masters. Their renewed role on the earth includes assisting the shift-transition from the declining magnetic polarity grid to the evolving Crystalline Grid.
Question to Metatron: So are the Beings from Sirius B primarily aquatic, and the Beings from Sirius A Feline ?
Metatron Response: The habited realm circulating Sirius B is primarily aquatic and the Cetaceans, the Dolphin and Whale are aquatic. Yet also of a high enough consciousness to manifest form that can equally habituate within both aqueous realms and what would be termed land.
The life forms , of the sister star, Sirius A are different expressions than the Cetaceans. Sirius A enlivens Humanoid Life (Starseed) ), as well as the Sacred Starseed Felidae. These are all Beings of Divine Intelligence, that all have varied expressions supporting the Earthplane .
These all interact with your planet on many levels in myriad forms.
Question to Metatron: You have mentioned that only humans are in soul evolution on planet earth. Aren't the dolphins and whales also in a high state of consciousness and evolution?
Metatron Response: The Sacred Cetaceans are indeed in a high state of evolution. But they are not on the earth to evolve. They are already evolved. So understand they are here on the earth to support the earth and assist mankind in so doing. The Cetacean are physically here to anchor the energy in the aquatic portions of the earth to enable the planetary balance and facilitate the shift from magnetic to crystalline.
The etheric, nonphysical, return of the 'Golden Dolphin' are the Sacred Cetaceans in full avatar Mastery directly assisting humanity to evolve into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na field.
The Felidae are assisting humanity in physical manifestation, but have also assisted in etheric Mastery particularly in Atlantis, Central America and Egypt. But in the stepped down form, assist you in emotional and mental fields, and this is the primary topic of today's discourse, that of the Felidae in expression of Feline and Canine.
Question to Metatron: I am intrigued by the information on the Felidae and Canidae. of Sirius- A. Are you speaking of cats and dogs? Can you expand on this?
Metatron Response: Certain breeds of what may be termed house cats and dogs, are indeed uniquely designed derivations of the Starseed Felidae. They perform specific roles in assisting humans. The 'house' versions of cats & domestic dogs are genetically engineered from the Golden Age of Atlantis.
The genetic engineering was benevolently done by the Sirian -Pleiadean Alliance and is an extremely helpful action, as stated to assist humanity as they became more densely ingrained in the Earth-Plane.
Now, what you term as canine and feline are of the same source, both are derivations of the Starseed Felidae. Cats and dogs are different physical forms of the same source.
The Felidae of Sirius A are a fully conscious crystalline being. They have melded into a group unity consciousness, yet still retain aspectual individual identities with the greater harmonic field. The Group Field chooses to assist humanity in your Universe and others.
Cats & Dogs
Both cats and dogs in this derivation are serving as benevolent energy giving assistants to humans, to their caretakers. Both have the capacity to meld their energy fields with the human and are uniquely capable of becoming personality fragments of their human caretakers. That is why certain of these can often begin to display the physical characteristics of their 'owners', although this particular aspect occurs more commonly with the canine.
The canine exudes an extreme loyalty and unconditional love. A dedication that energetically is received by the human, and can assist in many ways. The dogs ( and cats) become both companions , healers and protectors. The feline, the cat, is much more in the ethereal (antimatter) realm in its conscious field. That is why many past societies worshiped the Feline forms of Jaguar, Lion , Tiger and Puma.
These beings are extremely aware of thought forms of ethereal realms and offer a stealth strength and protection. The house cat is capable of tremendous protection for their caretakers from untoward thought forms and negative energies. Certain breeds of dogs have this ability as well, but it is expressed and enacted differently.
Vibrational Healing
The purring of a cat is very beneficial in healing, repairing and protecting the human aura. The mystical aspect of cats has long been recognized, and 'Temple Cats' were used in many ancient societies as well as companions and allies of the shaman.
The Lupus, and other canine species such as the wolf have this ability as well. Both cats and dogs have capacity to sense and see in far greater dimensionality than the human eye. The therapy and service of cats and dogs in working with abused children, terminally ill patients, the depressed and elderly in nursing homes are examples of significant pet therapy healing being more and more recognized. This will be expanded even further in the future.
Cats see above visible light, and can actually see the human auric field, the Human EMF, and all manner of energy emanations invisible to the human eye. The wide spectrum that cats perceive in light fields is quite amazing. Cats see in fields of both non physical matter and non matter .

Cats also are uniquely able to assist humans in not only better understanding their dreams and dream world interludes...but also capable of assisting you in more lucid awareness while in an ongoing dream, in other words greater conscious clarity during dream-states.
Dogs are more in the field of matter, and sense or feel these auric field and indeed are extremely capable of understanding the direct resonance of the human emotional field.

Additionally Felidae 'canine' , dogs assist in helping humans better understand their feelings and emotional blockages, and help humans work through them into a better state of balance. We will speak more on these attributes further into this discussion.

The service of 'Seeing-Eye' dogs with the blind is another area of service in which great bonds are created. Dogs are able to 'feel' and indeed smell dis-ease within the human body. they will often lay their own bodies in the area of the human malady and transfer energy to assist in re-balancing the area of imbalance. They will also mentally project awareness to the human of the malady in direct telepathic communication.

Cats will provide a similar service, but there sense of the human imbalance is visually observed. A cat sees the human auric field in great clarity, in vivid color and detail. Areas of malady will appear discolored to the feline. The cat will often lay on the area and purr, or exude a balancing frequency or color to assist the re-balance.
Unique Melding With Human Consciousness
The version of Felidae and Canidae that are cats and dogs are but a fragment of the full consciousness and energy spectrum of their Sirian aspects.
Yet this expression is specifically and purposefully designed to be so, for these beings can become so bonded with the humans they serve, that a unique third consciousness can succinctly evolve between the human and the 'pet', that is extremely beneficial to the evolvement of the human caretaker.
The earthen consciousness of the dogs and cats operates more on thought patterns with powerful instinctual triggers. Their designed (benevolent), divinely agreed DNA engineering is such that they have a unique and divinely purposed ability to become allied, programmed in a partnership with the human they are working with.
When this partnership occurs these beings are able to telepathically receive thought images sent by their caretaker. Just as human thought can program a living crystal, the same occurs, albeit in a different format, with dogs and cats. It may be termed as the formation of a personality aspect of the human within the cat or dog. The 'pet' then is capable of assisting the human in both physical and emotional ways. Providing comfort, energy, healing, companionship, detecting illness, sealing auric ruptures, and providing protection in physical and etheric realms.
Many humans have household pets in cats and dogs that help them work through blockages. One of the most common occurrences is that these Beings help you awaken your ability to express love. It is very easy to express and give affection to the household animal , and for many this is far easier than expressing love and kindness to other humans. Depending on the individual this blockage can occur for many reasons.
Very often as humans grow older, children move away and a spouse passes over, a seeming natural period of lonely isolation sets in. The interaction with the pet can awaken the flow of love through fond endearment. This interaction awakens the very life force in the isolated caretaker, and an interplay that is very therapeutic occurs.
We tell you that there is far more design and intelligence in the willing participation of the Felidae and Canidae than is recognized.
The Third Field Between Humans and Pets
When this third consciousness through interaction is formed, it expands the field of both parties. It awakens within it characteristics that neither of the parties involved had prior. In other words, it expands, it stretches the emotional field awareness and indeed the third meld consciousness, and this reaches back into and changes the individual awareness of both. The pet opens up your ability to remain 'positive' in allowing you to express love, and you 'teach' it , in a manner of speaking, to channel the greater part of its divine Sirian consciousness in doing so.
Your willingness for the interaction allows it to achieve its specific purpose, and there is an important growth on both sides unique to the field created between the two of you. The 'pet' operated in group consciousness prior to the 'melding blend with the human, and the individuality of it was formed in the bond with the human. Do you understand?
Question to Metatron: Are you saying that animals are not individual unless they blend with the human to form the 'consciousness meld' with humans?
AA-Metatron: In a manner of speaking, yes, that is what we are saying. But to be clear, we are not saying that animals do not have individual aspects before the meld. Each are incarnate in physical bodies, and are indeed subject to the gravitational characteristics, to some degree, that occur in the astrological influences in all life on the earth. But they operate fully and only in 'group soul' awareness, until the meld with humans(s) uniquely occurs. That interaction is succinct and builds a personal fragment capable of growing. But we are not saying that animals do not have a 'group' purpose without the meld.
The group purpose is transformed into a singular 'service' in the expanded field by means of the human interaction with the 'group' soul of the household pet as expressed in the individual cat or dog. It is therefore the human interaction that creates the individual field within the pet. So in a manner of speaking the animal has agreed to be benevolently 'programmed in blend ' with the mental field, emotional field & personality of the human caretaker for higher purpose.
This is how the third field is created, and that third field is a fragment of the human consciousness that benefits both you see. Yet the primary purpose is to benefit the human, a service provided by the Felidae. But there is a choice to accept the human on the part of the Felidae, and when that is mutually accepted, the greater role of the Group Soul can be fed into the meld, and wisdom, protection and healing can be given from the 'pet' to the human. So understand this third meld is a conduit that is very far reaching, but occurs by agreement. .
The Atlanteans, LeMurians and Egyptians in particular, interacted with the Felidae in roles of guardianship and wisdom transfer. The Egyptian Temples contain many hieroglyphs depicting the Felidae, as having Feline heads and human torsos and limbs, complete with the 'Solar Disc' of enlightenment. The Sphinx is the reverse, the human head with the Feline body.
Question to Metatron: How exactly do 'cats and dogs' offer protection to humans? Is this by their greater awareness of other dimensions?
AA-Metatron: Yes, by specifically being much more in-tuned to other realms that are, as we have explained, somewhat invisible to human physical senses.
The guardianship in the specific forms as described in 'household or human interface versions' of the Sirian Beings is performed in a beautiful manner, and that is through not only the detection of what may be termed 'negative energies' but by neutralizing those very untoward energies by powerful projections of benevolent loving energy vibrations that are orchestrated through the Sirian Felidae to the human. The Sirian being diagnoses exactly what is needed and channels the necessary vibration to assist the caretaker.
You do not always recognize that you induce auric fracturing when you become depressed or highly upset. These states form negative fields that open you to untoward auric attachments that are energetically draining.
When a cat 'purrs' the vibration is of a deep contentment, and the frequency within that vibration is very healing, capable of evaporating negative fields by neutralizing them. Likewise when dogs playfully jump and run, often in joyous spins, they are, like the dolphin, forming energy vortexes capable of cleansing the energies, and offering a 'channeled' frequency that is extremely beneficial to the environ, not only removing negative vibrations but creating a shield to eliminate their re-entry.
When cats seem to 'patrol' the perimeter of a room, house or yard, they are also exuding an immense protective field.
We will tell you that the Felidae and the Canidae, the Feline and Canine, are from the same root source of Sirius A, although their expressions on Sirius A are fully evolved. As we have told you the household versions of these Beings are in fact physical formats, genetically engineered by the Sirians to assist humanity in the ways we are herewith discussing.
Question to Metatron : To be clear, are you saying that cats and dogs are from the same Sirian source?
AA-Metatron: In the higher original source, yes. Both of the one crystalline fully Evolved Mastery of Sirius A, the Felidae. Cats and dogs are from the same source. On Sirius they are now Crystalline Light Beings, nonphysical from your perspective, appearing in Crystalline Light forms.
As we mentioned the Felidae have manifested in full Avatar Mastery at various times on your planet to assist you. The Felidae are masters of incorporating spirit into physicality and assisted in the original engineering of full strand DNA for mankind. Indeed the races of humanity contain Sirian Felidae aspects in their DNA, some more than others. The very athleticism and agility prevalent in some humans draws on this, to give one of many aspectual examples.
Question to Metatron : As an item of curiosity, if they are of the same Sirian source, why do dogs chase cats?
AA-Metatron: Dogs only chase cats until they catch them. At that point the tables usually turn, and quite quickly ! (Laughter).
The short answer is that dogs work in the physical realm, and cats more in the in matter/non-matter. Both completing the opposing sides of the 'torus', one inward, one outward.
We will say that in a real sense, dogs and cats are inverses of the same frequency when expressed on the Earthplane. That is why cats generally sleep 16 hours and are active 8 hours, and the reverse schedule is true for dogs. Generally speaking the Feline, the domesticated cats tend to be more introverted and the Canine , dogs, more external, or extroverted. Their frequencies are then inward in the former, outward in the latter, and naturally attract one another....not repulse. You will find that dogs and cats raised or living in the same household develop special loving bonds. This particularly occurs in an enhanced manner when the animals have had past sojourns in which the fragment of personalities with the humans form. As an example, the channel now houses 2 cats and 2 dogs. They work together and share a deep bond, and all 4 are aspects of the two human caretakers. We will also add that one of the dogs, the female, has been Feline in the past more often than Canine.
The Sacred Felidae in their Earth-Plane manifestation have retained the unique ability to operate simultaneously in inner and outer world projections much more than humans. At any one time in which you observe the physical material manifestation of a Felidae, they are equally conscious of being fully manifested simultaneously in other dimensional planes. Quite often they interact within the other realms, while present physically in this one.
Linear Filters of Consciousness
Although humans also simultaneously exist in other levels, humans in 3d cannot interpret the frequencies of the other realms in consistency or lucid clarity through the physical brain alone. The mind, which is the inner counterpart of the brain, can at times perceive the far greater dimensions of any given event through a crysto-electric burst of sudden intuition or comprehension that cannot be adequately described on a verbal level. The crystalline electrical impulses that are perceivable within your 3d system is merely a tiny fraction of the vast crysto-electrical system in the Cosmos.
A human's physical brain is, on its own, quite incapable of accurate perception or deciphering the frequencies above polarity. It is impossible in the physical brain alone to even grasp the myriad complexity and dimension of the crysto-electrical potential and actuality as it exists. And although these are quite accessible in Mer-Ka-Na , via higher mind, non physical levels, are not accessed by the brain alone in the human, rather they must be developed in Mer-Ka-Na through mind.
So we tell you to keep in mind, pun intended, that the true origin, the eternal source and power of your Divine Intelligence and consciousness has never been rooted in the physical. Each and every human exists in other worlds, different realities and other dimensions, and the self that you call yourself is but a small portion of your entire identity. Because of the filters inherent to the physical brain, you are capable of focusing on the physical world around you, and it is that focus that enables you to eventually master the physical plane. We assure you that there is purpose in the filtering, for If the physical brain, with the ego personality were unscreened , and thus fully aware of the vast and constant barrage of telepathic communications that do impinge upon it, it would have a most difficult time retaining a sense of identity in linear perception.
It is because of the ego consciousness that you have a powerful identity awareness of the physical realm, for you are in physical with specific purpose. But we say again, it is not your true identity in the Cosmic over view.
While in physicality the human brain is simply not equipped in linear mode to be able to make sense of the signals coming in from higher dimensions. Your standard brain can't read them. To the brain these impulses appear to be a chaotic mélange of disconnected flash images. The ego-personality brain based in linear time cannot perceive data that is not based upon sequential continuity of moments.
Interestingly, certain of the Animal Kingdom, particularly the Felidae, can.
So with this axiom that Felidae and certain Canidae do operate more effectively in other coinciding planes, we tell you that is precisely why these Beings were recognized by more aware societies as guardians. It is why a dog will bark, or a household cat will move in quick reaction to energies unseen by the human eye.
Your academics understand that there are spectrums of light. You also understand that the 'average' human is only capable of physical vision in the narrow spectrum termed 'visible light'. The Felidae and certain Canidae are capable of seeing (and sensing) in a much wider sensory range. We tell you that physical matter also occurs in spectrum waves. So are there varying spectrums of matter.
Your system of physical reality on the Earth-Plane is not nearly as wide-reaching or complex in relative comparison with many others. The dimensions given to the narrow spectrum of physical matter barely hint at the prolific varieties of higher nonphysical dimensions.. You do not recognize as yet the nature of the nonphysical in your own Galaxy, much less the Cosmos. We tell you that Universes can exist within a molecule, and other versions of Earth validly coexist where you now sit to read these words.
The Animal Kingdom : Forgotten Teachers
These beings that in current terms would be considered of the 'Animal Kingdom' have taught humans far more than you presently recognize.
The Beings that you term Animals operate in great and greater intelligence, albeit it in a thought pattern matrix uniquely formatted to the natural aspect of the Earth-Plane.
On an aspectual and level far more comprehensive than you currently grasp, the Animal Kingdom are here by agreement to support humanity on many levels. Their understanding of the Earth-Plane as a University of Development for humanity is extended from and back to their Mastery Source.
Their mental format pattern in the earthly expression is such that humans are held somewhat blameless. Although humanity does have a huge responsibility to treat the Animal Kingdom with respect, the Animal Kingdom do not place guilt on humans. Their chosen mental format upon the Earth is formatted in such a manner that guilt is not an expression contained within it. Rather it is a pattern of instinct and benevolently capable of unconditional support.
One of the differences between the cat and dog expressions of the Felidae, are that dogs are more in the physical realm than cats. From and overview cats are far more etheric within the antimatter field, while dogs much more in matter. Dogs react more to the direct frequency of your emotions, whereas cats react more to vibration and light emanations. Dogs will feel and react to anger and guilt in a more tangible way than cats. Cats cannot experience guilt, and that detachment from direct human emotional waves is why cats may seem aloof.
Animal Totems
The Animal Kingdom have a more full, vast understanding and awareness of the other conscious kingdoms of the Earth, and have always had the ability to teach that to mankind. You have in current times largely forgotten, quite unfortunately, how much you learned from all of the Beings of the Animal-Kingdom. Humanity in campestral societies and cultures learned a great deal of medicine, of nutrition from watching animal behavior in interaction with the plant kingdom. Humanity observed carefully what plants to avoid, and which to cultivate. You learned survival techniques, and indeed social behavior by not only watching the animals, but by directly communicating telepathically with them.
In earlier sojourns and formative epochs, mankind far more closely identified with and understood the intelligence and wisdom offered by the natural instinctual patterns of the Animal Kingdom, and recognized them as wise teachers. And as a result they identified with humanity, and indeed interacted with humanity to a truly remarkable degree.
The Animal Spirits or Totems recognized and honored as wisdom carriers by the Native Americans are examples of the higher group collective of their higher, off-planet consciousness etherically manifesting to assist mankind.
The knowledge and intuitive communication of the Animal Kingdom with the Elemental and Devic consciousness of the Living Earth, the Mineral, Fire and Air is a precise understanding that could be of great assistance, affording forward signals to humanity in this time of Earth changes.

Question to Metatron: You advised earlier that the Felidae Starseed are the consciousness source for both the earthen feline and canine species of animals. Do all animals on the EarthPlane originate from Sirius A, from the Starseed Felidae?
AA-Metatron: No. Sirius A is the source of humanoids and Felidae. Sirius B is the source of the Sacred Cetacean, dolphin and whale. Dolphin and whale are of the same source , the Cetacean, just as the feline and canine are of the same source, Starseed Felidae.
Sirius is not merely two binary stars in the Cosmos with circulating planets. It is a vibrational frequency of a realm that has achieved Crystalline Ascension. It is accordingly a sacred celestial resonance and way of being within a vastly expanded consciousness. Sirius is within all dimensions both physical and non-physical. The Stars of Sirius are portals or gateways to these other dimensions, and the Felidae, Hathor and Cetacean are here in varied matrixial expressions to assist humanity grow in awareness, to balance the Earth and find their way home. The Sirians are receivers and transmitters of this divine loving energy.
Other members of the Animal Kingdom in Earthen expression come from a multiplicity of sources. For example the horse is Arcturian in source.
The Animal-Kingdom have truly been your teachers, although they did not choose your 'human' evolution path. As we have said, the Animal Kingdoms are not on the Earth to evolve in soul expansion, but rather to support the soul expansion of humanity.
We assure you that mankind could not have moved forward as a species had it not been for the Beings of the Animal Kingdom. Indeed certain of the Animal Kingdom, such as the bovine and certain other species of the mammal and bird, are here by agreement to provide a food source for mankind. Does that surprise you that this occurs by agreement? And although it is not the topic at hand, the Plant Kingdom has also been a huge support to mankind.
Domesticated animals have benevolent purpose in choosing their earthen expressions. Those of the Feline and Canine have a unique role of interaction in the aspects of human companionship. This is by a higher sourced 'service' agreement .And we will add the enhanced ability to form the 'personality meld' in household pet derivations of the Felidae, is genetically enhanced.
Many humans find that they can interact more easily with 'pets' than they can with other humans. Pets don't talk back. The feline and canine are particularly committed to assist humans in dealing with blockage, in dealing with isolation, particularly as humans become older and alone.
Both cats and dogs oft teach humans to learn to love again and to open their hearts. Dogs are tied to the human emotional field, cats to the human psychic plane/ mental field. The two are very different expressions of the Felidae, but both are focused on your assistance, both are uniquely capable of forming a fragmentation aspect of the caretaker's personality.
When a human forms a personality fragmentation meld with a Felidae or Canidae, that succinct energy can uniquely evolve and often reincarnate, or re-attach within other lifetimes and within the same lifetime to continue to assist the owner. Thus a human may have the same energy essence of their cat or dog, over a span of 70 years, in several sequential cat or dog bodies.
For example, the two cats and one of the dogs that the channel is caretaker for in the present, were with him in different bodies as domesticated leopards in a past lifetime in Egypt.
Question to Metatron: Pets often become family members, like children to their caretakers. And when they pass-over, the caretakers are quite devastated. Can the same soul essence of the pet can reincarnate immediately, if the owner obtains a new pet?

AA-Metatron: The 'personality meld' of the pet is in essence a unique part of the human caretaker, a personality fragment. When a pet physically dies the meld-fragment consciousness will absolutely remain close-by in etheric planes to continue in connection to the human.

The human is often able to sense, even see or feel the essence of the pet after it passes over, or even if it runs away or is lost. The owner can communicate with the meld personality essence, and it will indeed 'reincarnate', re-enter the body of a new pet. This is best if the new pet is obtained within 2-3 weeks of the passing, and is the same breed as the previous pet. In a short time the distinct personality traits & characteristics of the previous pet will clearly re-emerge in the new body, and the relationship and support will continue.

In the event the new pet is a different breed and or a different astrological pattern, the similarities may not be as immediately apparent, but the meld-essence and support will be the same source. This is important to understand.
In current times, it is considered fashionable in certain circles, to see mankind as the greedy destroyer of the Earth and its kingdoms, especially Animal, Plant and Mineral.
It is likewise popular in some 'New Age' circles to see man as the arrogant taker who contaminates the earth, destroys the Natural Earth Kingdoms at the expense of future generations.
We insert here that a portion of this is true, and change is required. We do not condone humanity's untoward and irresponsible action in this issue.
The point is that some who wish for the better, feel all is hopelessly lost, that change for the better will not come.
While unified determination to make change for the better is essential, the focusing on hopelessness must stop. That is the wrong application in creating the 'New Earth'. Focusing on hopelessness & despair , creates hopeless despair.
So we offer you an insight of hope.

What we wish to point out is that the Earth is the dynamic manifestation, at any given time, of your thoughts. Humanity are ever the co creators of the Earth and Omni Earth in all of its probable realities.
We tell you, Dear Masters, the Earth is a magnificent & purposed illusion, that is absolutely created by thought.
Mankind en masse are, at the present time, unconscious of the fact that YOU are co creators of the Earth experience.
There are other versions of probable reality in holographic 'time programs' in which enlightened 'Ascended' humanity honor each other, the Earth and all of her kingdoms in beautiful harmony. Duality programming of the EarthPlane is intelligently and divinely planned. The 'Trial and Error' evolution of this experience takes into account the learning curve.
And that being said, we tell you that you cannot truly destroy the Earth.
You can and will create the Enlightened Earth by positive focus on its manifestation, not by focal despair that it has not yet occurred.
Nothing is taken from the Earth, or from any of the Earthen Kingdoms, Mineral, Plant and Animal, that is not fully agreed to, fully permitted in the linear reality drama hologram.
It rarely occurs to you that animal kingdom consciousness came into physicality and earthen form by choice, and that the consciousnesses of such animals had a willing choice in the agreement to support humanity, fully aware of the potentials of mans stages of ignorance as humanity evolves.
In the not too distant future, humanity will come to realize , and not only honor the Animal Kingdom, but equally honor, acknowledge & indeed LOVE one another, and the beautiful Earth that nurtures you. It will occur. Create it as so !!!
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And so it is []

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Welcome. I am angelic of origin. I am angelic of nature. I am angelic of light. I am the essence the vibration and the song that is known as Chamuel. I am angel of self-love and I come on this day to enfold you in that thought. Every measurement of time, every measurement of day and night reflects how much you do or do not love yourself. The earth was created from the deepest of heart longings of the Creator. Everything on this planet was created to love you. The dirt that you walk upon loves you. The wind loves to mess up your best hair day like a little brother. The trees smile at you from their great height, but they never look down on you, for they know that you are steward of this beautiful sphere.

When you are in a place of truly loving yourself, then everything that you desire to manifest and create – can, will, and must happen. For that is the way of the Universe. There are many days when there is not much that you like about yourself. On these days when your creative energies are dismal and have run a muck, your creations are like a highland bog.

Think about a time in your past when you were feeling so good and happy for no reason except being alive. Everything that you touched on that day turned into gold life smiled upon you with many miracles, people gave to you because they felt your love and joy and basked in it by being generous. Now think about the days that you did not want to get out of bed, you did not want to wake up to the world again. You got up dragging your feet and energy. Everything you touched that day deflated and drooped. You ran out of gas (of course), got a flat tire and every red light on the way to work. This is your life the good the bad the ugly always determined by how much you love who you are.

It is through you that everything happens. It can be no other way. For that is the destiny of this place that you reside upon that loves you more than most days you love yourself. Everything touches everything else And that is what you have forgotten. That is why I, Chamuel, angel of self-love, come to tell you that -- your moods affect all of life. A tree smiles when you are in a good mood. A tree looses leaves when you are in a bad mood. If you are attracting people that are negative and down in the mouth, then look at your own energy – for the vibration is similar of nature.

Stay in a place of joy, happy to be human, happy to be flesh and happy to be wherever you are at that moment of your experience. You are the center of your universe – every one of you. You are the center of your personal time/space continuum – all separate, but united – similar to the cells in your body. When your heart yearns for something so deep – it is your soul that is asking you to provide it. It could be a walk on the beach that your soul needs. It could be dancing in the rain. It could be traveling around the world or writing an old friend a letter. Who do you think points you in the direction of all of those heart longings?

The self is so caught up in the past injustices it does not look forward. There is always a hindsight that is wrapped around the self of the past. Your soul is where the longings of your heart come from. Look closely at what you long for. Look at what is speaking to your heart and then center your self with love and create it from a point of heart.

Most human beings do not feel love or feel loved. This feeling of not being loved may have come from your parents and family members but realize they too are learning how to love. You can access lifetimes – future, past, and simultaneous when your parents loved you very much. Ask for that. Maybe your husband or your wife does not show you much affection or maybe your life is empty of love. There have been plenty throughout time that have loved you.

The sun has set and risen on your every want and need. There were lifetimes when you were magical. You made gold out of straw more times then we care to count for you are all alchemists. You are angels and you are beautiful humans all wrapped up in one. If you are not getting what you desire at this moment in time, then you must access a place in space and time that you once received it -- and bring that feeling – (ask for that feeling to flood you)–into your auric field. From that point – create. From that point – love yourself a little more.

Humans are funny creatures the angelic realm does not understand you – but we always stand by you. You do not feel loved even when someone who loves stand face to face and proclaims their love. You do not feel fulfilled no matter how much is given to you. Humans – you do not understand how vast you are. But we do! In the meantime as you are trying so hard to remember, we hold the light for you. We sit at the fire. We talk about you and joke about you and we compare notes– we love you dearly. We need you to call upon us -- the angels. We cannot intervene unless it is an emergency – and sometimes your definition of an emergency varies greatly from our definition of an emergency. We are obedient to you as the Mother/Father God commanded. Time after time and life after life we grow to love you more. In order for us to serve you better, you must direct us into the affairs of your life. We will be there for you. No job is too small or too big. I am Chamuel. I am the angel of self-love and I hope you have a better understanding of what that really means.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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Expanding Love


                                                  ~  Meditate, dwell on and Feel This  ~

                 My kingdom of love shall expand.  I have loved my body more than anything else.  

                                               That is why I am identified with and limited by it.  

                   With the love that I have given to the body, I will love all those who love me.

                   With the expanded love of those who love me, I will love those who are mine.

              With the love for myself and the love for my own, I will love those who are strangers.

              I will use all my love to love those who do not love me, as well as those who love me.

                                                  I will bathe all souls in my unselfish love.

                               In the sea of my love, my family members, my countrymen,

                                                     all nations, and all beings will swim.

                                All creation, all the myriads of tiny living things, will dance

                                                            on the waves of my love.

                                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~   o  O  o   ~~~~~~~~~~~


by  Paramahansa Yogananda ~

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Many Worlds in One Garden



        Namaste dear friends.   Just think.......if we didn't have computers, television or radios in our life, perhaps we would be like the pioneers who spent their days in the outdoors growing their food, and also in their homes making bread and also tending to maintenance on homes, etc.   Life would be simple and the basic necessities of growing food would keep people a lot healthier.......and appreciative of Nature and all the different worlds that exist in one garden.    That is what I did today  -  up until now when I decided to share my day here.

        I went outside frequently today and looked around me with very opened eyes at the beauty of nature that surrounds my house.   It was one of the reasons I bought it over 4 years ago.......the many trees and the large yard for my dogs to run around, and next door is part acreage full of Australian native trees which feed an abundance of beautifully coloured parrots and other native birds.  The smiles on my dogs' faces as they roam around the yard tells me they feel the harmony of this place.  

        As I walked around, I saw so many different worlds in one garden.   Apart from the birds that come and go, there is also an abundance of ants building nests here and there.   I watch them whenever I go outside, as they carry their food or eggs from one place to another, usually across to the garden shed and up the palms around it.  A sure sign of rain coming is when they start to shift their eggs to higher places, like in the trees where leaf litter has gathered.   At the moment, there are thousands running along the pergola beams taking their eggs, etc., to the roof.  I always ponder on how they communicate to each other when they decide to move their home, and how the news spreads.......... amazing, isn't it?   Ants are very hard workers.

        I see another world when I walk under the pergola from the back garden and talk to my two budgies in their large tall cage.   I don't really like birds in cages but these colourful little mini-parrots are bred to be caged birds, and they would not survive long out in the wild.    So, seeing they need a home, I supply one!  Pete and Gracie like their cage to be just right....for them!   They have their own favourite swings and also other mirrored perches to sit on and preen themselves.  I pick the long grass and small branches from the native trees to put in their cage so that they also share in the nature around them.  They also love the grevillea flowers as they are sweet, so they get one most days.   Yes, life is good in their home.......not to mention all their friends who call out to them when they visit the trees for their meals.  

        We have had some windy days lately, and walking-stick insects get blown out of the trees and sometimes end up on the screen door......even sometimes inside the house.  I always try to rescue them before the dogs see them, their legs are extremely delicate and break off easily.  When I can get one to climb on a stick for me, I take it out to a bush and hope it stays there.   Other beautiful insects have found their way inside at times, so out they go to a bush to continue their day!   Insects have such short lives so I like to help them if I can.

          That is just a few of the worlds that live right outside my door.   So much activity and so much planning by our beautiful nature, it is nice to turn off everything and just soak it all up and appreciate the work that goes into survival, each day!    I hope you all had a lovely day.  Don't forget to commune with nature when you can, it is very beneficial for peace and harmony within as well.

Shared with Love ~

Tara Mary ~

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If you would accept that you are loved - if ten percent of the people on Earth would accept that they are loved -- all the troubles of the world would disappear in an instant. Nothing would be able to stand up against the power of such love. I can hear the hum of all that love now, and Earth would instantly rise to Heaven. Earth would be rocked to its very foundation, and rise like love. Love is the most powerful arrow you carry in your quiver. You have forgotten.

Notice that I said if you would accept that you are loved. I didn't say if you could accept. You do have a choice. It is your choice. It was your choice to adopt the idea that love is a rare quantity. It was your choice to accept that you had to fend for yourself in a world of woe, that you had to protect yourself, defend yourself, and so you built a moat around the castle of your heart, a moat of coolness, a moat of wariness.

And, like the world, you bantered about details, and put details and facts and laws and emotions before the Greatness of Love itself. Love often came last. Everything else had to be considered first. You forgot that love supersedes all the arguments you placed before it. You made love come last in the scheme of things and felt vindicated.

Let love come first. Let love beat all. Love will win any day. The one who gives love is the winner. He wins the day. He wins love. He steps out of the fray and gives love, and he comes to know love from the depth of his heart.

Love is the cushion of life. It is a cradle, and within that cradle, everyone is nourished. Within that cradle, love is not taken away. It is not denied. It is not scolded. Let love be for everyone, given and received. Let love be honored. And when you are honored and when you give honor, wherever you are becomes a Palace of Hearts.

What if teachers loved and made it easy for their classes to love? What if schools were schools for love? What if love were a daily occurrence at school? If everyone felt loved, love would be empowered, and everyone would give love. It would be easy to give love. There would be love of learning and love of giving, and all would be love.

Life can be like this in the world. It will be this. What is going to be will be, and, yet, why wait? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for someone else? Tarry no longer. The time for love is now. Love is dawning right now. Pull up the shades on the window of your heart and join in the march of love.

There are rays of love from Heaven. That is the golden ladder you climb. As you climb, you will see that the whole populace of the world is following you. Follow the leader. The leader in love is you. The leader in love is your heart. All depends upon your heart. I depend upon your heart to restore the world to its rightful place. I look to you. I look to you as the savior of your own heart.

There is no heart but Mine, and I have entrusted My heart to yours. Rally with Me, and We will walk down the lane of Heaven as One, surrounded by love and beauty, fostered by the love in beating hearts of all.

It is a little thing to love really. A big thing has been made of a little thing. A big thing has been made of it because reasons were given to withhold it. Reason has no reason. Love is the reason for everything. Love is all. When will this become common knowledge and become the lay of the land? I am asking you. I have been waiting for you. I think you have been waiting for Me. We do this together. Be My angels. Let Us be a band of angels. Let Us forfeit greed and suffering. Let Us give them up. Let Us choose love instead. There is no other choice really. This is so plain to see, and, yet, it has been ignored. A blind eye has been turned toward love as if everything else had to precede it, as though there were a law that required you to prove yourself worthy of love before you could give it or get it.

The world has been backward, and now, because of you, the world is righting itself.

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™

Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source!

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Miracles are happening as we embrace this Day of Love, which is celebrated in the outer-world as Valentine’s Day. The Beings of Light who are assisting us from On High have stated that the magnitude of what is occurring within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity is glorious beyond our comprehension. After the life-transforming events of 2011, Humanity entered the auspicious year of 2012 on a wave of unity consciousness beyond anything we had ever experienced. Now the Earth is receiving greatly amplified waves of Solar Light that are allowing our I AM Presences to activate our pineal glands and open our Crown Chakras of Enlightenment to new breadths. This is enabling people everywhere to hear the inner voice of their I AM Presence and the celestial guidance from the Company of Heaven in new and profound ways. This act of Divine Intervention is causing a powerful shift in the mass consciousness of Humanity. This miraculous event is reversing the adverse effects of our fall from Grace.

After the fall we fell into such dense frequencies of duality and separation that our Crown Chakras closed causing our spiritual brain centers to atrophy. That tragedy caused us to forget that we are supposed to consciously receive guidance from our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven as we sojourn through our Earthly experiences. Our descent into chaos also caused our 12 strands of DNA to short circuit into the double helix DNA that our scientists are exploring. At a cellular level the fragmented double helix of DNA provides barely enough information for the body to sustain brain consciousness.

Now, everything has changed! The transformation that has happened within the collective consciousness of Humanity during the past 25 years has provided us with a brand new opportunity. Our I AM Presence is at long last reclaiming dominion of our lives, and we are in the process of healing the fragmented circuitry of our original 12-strand DNA. Now we are ready for the next phase of the Divine Plan. This part of the plan will prepare every man, woman, and child for our Ascent into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of our New Solar Reality. It will move us a quantum leap forward in our transfiguration from carbon-based planetary Beings into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. A critical part of this Divine Alchemy consists of encoding the patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA that our I AM Presence is NOW activating within us.

With Humanity’s conscious participation in this process of Divine Alchemy, our I AM Presence can easily recalibrate and encode our DNA with our new planetary cause. These patterns of Divine Love reflect the Immaculate Concept of the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Solar Light that we are Ascending into.

Scientists used to believe that our DNA was stationary and stagnant. We now know that our DNA is a shimmering, waveform configuration that is being modified by Light, Solar radiation, magnetic fields, thoughtforms, and sonic impulses. When our I AM Presences collectively imprint the genetic codes for our 5th-Dimensional Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love onto our DNA, these patterns will ignite every cell in our bodies and be secured in the nucleus of every atomic and subatomic particle of Life on Earth. Once this is accomplished, suddenly and miraculously nothing will be the same.

The NEED OF THE HOUR is for all of us to join hearts and minds as we download the programs from the Causal Body of God that will encode our DNA with the patterns for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. Through the Grace of God, a powerful downloading process has been given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. By utilizing this Gift from On High, we will cocreate a living, ever-expanding Forcefield of Divine Love that will assist all of us to awaken, our families, our friends, and even the most recalcitrant people. The Company of Heaven said there is no better time to begin the process of encoding our DNA with the patterns of Divine Love than on this day dedicated to Love. Repeat this activity of Light daily for a while until you feel a sense of completion.

Downloading Programs for our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Through the Presence of God, I AM, I Invoke:

My omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great, Great Central Sun

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great Central Sun

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Central Sun

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the physical Sun

I Invoke my I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

I invoke the full-gathered momentum of our 5th-Dimensional Planetary Cause of Divine Love and the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.

I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to take command of this Activity of Light, which I AM Invoking on behalf of myself and every person on Earth. Beloved I AM Presence, download the following programs for each person in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the Highest Good for ALL concerned.

In perfect Divine Order encode within each One’s DNA these patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love.

And I begin...

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Flawless Form. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise, Work, Relaxation, and Recreation Habits, and Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Clear Perception and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Inspired Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for the physical manifestation of Heaven on Earth. (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded.

I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these Solar programs every single day and continually delete anything in my thoughts, words, feelings, or actions that may conflict with these programs or prevent them from manifesting as a tangible reality in my life.

These patterns which reflect the Earth’s New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love are now encoded within the Twelve Solar Strands of my 5th-Dimensional DNA and will manifest in my life creating the wonders of Divine Love and the Oneness of ALL Life.

In deep Humility, Divine Love, and Gratitude I Decree,

It is done. And so it is.
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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Evolution of Consciousness


                 ~*~   ASCENSION   ~   A Quantum Leap in the Evolution of Consciousness   ~*~

        I feel certain that the above line is more than an accurate description of the transformational event occurring on Earth now.  Very soon, in the not too distant future when time does not exist (we will be living in the Now), new words will be replacing our old vocabulary  -  far more accurate words when everyone's consciousness is expanded and awakened to their true divinity within.

        A person will no longer be called 'stupid' for their actions.....'unaware' is a better description, is just one example.  At present, the time-bound modes of consciousness in 3D, deeply embedded in the human psyche, are being transformed in the collective consciousness as people become more awakened.   This will take us into a new state of consciousness away from the idea of separation: from each other and from the Divine.

        The breaking up of old mind patterns or limited thinking, which have dictated our civilization over eons, will rid the earth of humankind's unimaginable suffering including constant wars.   Every soul's co-operation in breaking up these old mind-sets is imperative for the survival of the human race.   Focus on going forward and not looking back will set the momentum for permanent change.   

Namaste  ~  Love

Tara Mary  ~

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Channeling of Sanat Kumara Through Athene Raefiel August 2011


Dear precious beings of Light and Love. As you approach the ending to another year in 3D time you find that much unexpected adventures and also powerful initiations have filled your entire year up till now. There is more to come.

From the year 2008 earth time to the year 2013 the tumultuous planetary effects will continue to move the energies along. You have already discovered that you are reaching new heights in your meditations and consciousness. This time has been spoken of previously as the time of things never before seen or experienced by any on the planet.

Of course this is a bit embellished as there are always ascended ones in your presence and upon your planet who have attended and do attend all the Councils of Light, The Brotherhood of Light and all Galactic Councils.

To sum things up let us look at the progression of spiritual evolution now taking place in all dimensions. As many of you have heard before, it is imperative for one dimension to evolve in order for another to evolve. When you call upon our assistance and find your higher- self working with us you discover that you all are part of the great unique unit of life that continually expands and grows. For those of you who understand and use this concept as a way of life nothing under the sun is really new, simply different.

Our channel tells us that she is waking up in a different world of existence every day. Some nights she wishes not to sleep as she finds peace in the world and dimension of thought she discovered that very day. Holding the memory of one day versus another is currently near impossible. This is how quickly the Universe and Energies are currently shifting. Each day is filled with a vast array of energy transmissions and transitional forces that apply in all areas and lives. What could be created in a month or year or over a lifetime is now apparent in a matter of minutes.

Each of you working within creation to create anew is finding elements of life and self you never imagined. You are also finding that this great revolution in the timing of humankind is and can be vicious without the proper training of emotional and mental thought processes. So many days you wonder how one person can make a difference in all of the chaos surrounding them and the world today. Remember that one strong emanation of loving light and understanding is far greater than ten thousand who are not of such. Power is relative. What you understand to be powerful is often the illusion that life around you brings forward and enmeshes you within as a web catches a fly. Some of you tell us that it is harder and harder to stay centered and aligned. You tell us the energies are moving so rapidly that there is nothing to hold onto or maintain as a template for tomorrow or another time. All this is true, the ever-changing nature of the Universe and Life right now seem to be a bit unnerving to the observer. Rather than observing you must participate and hold the essence of truth and light already discovered as your template for success. Stop stressing over what you do not know and start taking stock of what you do.

All the exercises and tools that you have gathered over the course of time will take you to new heights in awareness and understanding just as they have always done. We are still here and part of your consciousness just as you are ours. This journey you call life is and always has been connected to us and all other life.

This essence, this energy of change and transition, is currently accelerated to a pace never before participated in by you. Simply because you do not remember it does not mean it is not known and real. Even though you have moved through great hardships and challenging times of survival still you fear the unknown? What of all the newness to be created by you in the months and years ahead?

Since the only constant in the Universe is change, life too must change every day. You can depend on it. Yet how often do you embrace change as a way of life and being? So many of you have prayed for the changes now occurring to implement themselves and change the structures of governments and men. Yet you find that these very changes have impacted your personal lives as well, and with that you are not necessarily pleased. How could any one major area of life and liberty change without it affecting the whole?

Yes there are powerful changes yet to come and it is not necessarily going to become easier to be living a human existence. Yet each day holds its own newness and rewards. Flowing with the times and the changes are mandatory to your survival issues. You are never too old or stuck to learn some new things and transition into areas of life that are productive, fulfilling and practical. There is no time to separate and disseminate yourself now from the cosmic flow of life that is transitioning through so many phases and stages. All is already ordered and you are required to re-wire yourself if you feel you are being left behind.

I cannot stress enough the importance of changing old programs and creating ones that are more aligned to your true inner beingness of love and understanding. Fear is an awesome creature that consumes and then belches out the smoke. Fear feeds on the unexpected in life like it is a disease, which it is not. Fear is the greatest illusion you currently face and it is currently on a feeding frenzy. What you fear, you already know and understand, you simply have not yet remembered this truth.

You must all begin to speak with yourselves asking what am I truly afraid of and why? Well to answer this question briefly, all fear is based on the experiences that bad things happen in life every day. So feeding strongly into this belief system and condition simply perpetuates its truth and makes it reality. Is that what you want to be your reality? You cannot claim to be an authentic being that lives in truth and awareness when you choose to feed the very animal that is destroying mankind and your planet.

Good that you were created in the Divine image, now just imagine the Holy of Holies feeding the very beast wanting to consume it for supper later. This would never occur. Where to begin to re-wire and structure your knowing and loving awareness is the key to surviving and ascending this round or incarnation known as the physical life.

You actually live in so many worlds of thought and consciousness that you are creating realities in many levels and dimensions of not only thought, emotion and body, but also the etheric, astral, casual and celestial. Focus your attention now on the fact that you are the creator of the Universe and Cosmos and tell us what you see the future hold for that. Yes it is true that we are here to assist you with the vision of truth and light but to believe that you can create a better life and future through fear is just dysfunctional imbalance. You have seen this done over and over again by governing bodies and peoples around you and the world, how is that to produce the new changes of loving light and awareness needed to bring back the balance of love and fear?

We say unto you; trust is the element in this lifetime that is missing. Trust has been demolished by powers of money, avarice and greed, and continues to overtake the good of the many for the sake of the few. And as the times get harder monetarily, more and more teachings of how to create money, wealth and success become the big sellers.

There is nothing wrong with abundance and growth, just as there is nothing wrong with discovering your true self and path of soul evolution. There is no judgment on our part, just simply dismay as we watch so many fall prey to a past reality that really never existed to begin with. Unfortunately in your 3d world seeing is believing and having the important creature comforts helps one to believe in the ultimate true realities while others struggle to climb the ladder of success.

There are always opportunities for transition and change, even in the 3D world. You may have to change your perception and re-educate yourselves, in the academics of life on your planet to take advantage of them, but what do you think all your spiritual training has been about? While you were changing yourselves on the inside the outside world took a curve and also changed. Would you deny this to be true? No of course not. So as the leaders of the New Age of Enlightenment why are you giving up and feeding the fear with all those who believe that the Universe is unsympathetic and does not care and provide. We cannot do it for you but we certainly will do it with you, while seeing you through this primary time of acceleration and change.

You are all awesome and so intelligent. Through self-discovery you know what your own talents and abilities are about and how they can bring relief to a world in pain and turmoil. Find a way to use your natural abilities. Discover placements in jobs and life that you may think yourself above and understand that what matters is that the entire job of transformation of planet and peoples continue. Get out of your own way by idealizing yourself to be greater than anything or anyone else. Nirvana is a state of consciousness not necessarily a current way of life on your planet.

You are the representatives of the Universal Laws, truths and awareness that are needed to uproot the very indigent weeds that have taken hold of nearly every element of life in the solid earth plane. To go off to the mountain tops and caves now to be solitary is not going to help the mass consciousness change its perception.

Many of you have been asking to move, or be moved, too much quieter and safer havens as the changes accelerate in the so called “everyday world’. So long as you understand that no matter where you go you are necessary part of the changes that will bring about the new perceptions that is fine. If you think you have moved beyond the need to be of service to the whole, please think again. No matter where you re-locate in this world your services will be needed and your path will still remain your path. Make yourselves happy.

There is but one truth in life. You are that truth, we are that truth and truth is that truth. Truth being ever expansive and ultimately the only serenity you have in life, would you not prefer that it be known by all, rather than the selective few? Yes it has been prophesied many times that a certain number of beings will ascend and find salvation with the divine in each incarnation, your soul group decided it could be done on a much larger scale. Now you must follow through and aid in the changes that have been brought forth to assist the many.

Your very thoughts and actions determine the path in the future for the many. If you give up on your vision in middle stream, simply because of survival stigmatisms, what are you teaching others? There is no giving up only surrender. Surrender is actually a form of integration that goes a long way towards healing the whole. When you understand that forgiveness and surrender are the most powerful tools in your toolbox you will utilize their exquisite powers more readily and often.

Look at the wars that have been fought with love and compassion, look at Gandhi and Tibet. What can you discover from such experiences? Because others were more vicious and unaware, have they truly succeeded in undoing the loving truths of goodness, compassion and diplomatic understanding? No, what has happened is the Spiritual warrior has become more aware but has still not lost its focus of love.

A Laureate of Peace the Dali Lama has had a great impact on the minds and feeling of the Human race as has the great Gandhi. Can one person make a difference? We think so, do you? Yes this is a time of war among the beings of your planet, but that does not mean the spiritual warrior has lost its power or place in the immediate whole of all that transpires. Your energies are needed more than ever before in this lifetime at least since 1969. When you decide that being a spiritual warrior is waste of time and that you give into the daily pain of the world you are leaving thousands of souls without the energy and hope that they need. Please think again. For each one of you are a power beyond explanation and needed very much for the continuing cycles of change to come.

Why me, why this lifetime, why is life so hard? What difference does it make? Life is what it is and the sooner you accept the reality of who and what you are the sooner you will get on with it. We are currently in a non-stop cycle. Dwelling in the past or vacillating on what will come is a waste of time and energy.

Open yourselves, create, explore and find the adventure in your life. Making everything work is a human condition... Do what you know needs to be done for the sake of doing it and understand that this is part of the plan and nature in the 3D? Yes everyone like you has moved to the Fourth Dimension or the Heart of understanding unconditional Love as well as balancing it with Conditional Love but if others cannot get there then what accomplishments will you herald at the time of your crossing wanting to ascend?

Yes being in the now is exquisite and beautiful but if you are not in good company who is there to share with? You know that within the Spiritual realms we all work together as brothers and sisters of Love and Light, yet you think there is some magic individualization that we have not told you about. This is not true. All things here are connected and work as one. This awareness and understanding is what makes the truth what it is. The whole is no greater than the sum of its parts. The “All” is the “Whole” but what makes it so is the parts. Play your part with honor and integrity. Honor your own intuition and open your heart to the new levels of awareness and understanding now presenting themselves. Do not let the threat of survival shut down anything or everything you have attained and worked for so many incarnations simply because it is an old genetic memory that you feel you cannot shake. That memory is a lie.

Quit perpetuating the lie and return to the pristine state of loving light and awareness you know to be truth. Time in your 3D world is of the essence. Great changes are in store for each of you and the Planet as a whole. Stay on board.


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Mother Earth

By Athene Raefiel


Mother Earth is trying to balance herself. She has and will always do what is necessary to harmonize the nature of the Planet. The news media portrays her to be cruel and violent when in reality she is simply doing what any other Mother would do to protect her abode and young life.
We are merely at the beginning of what will be world conflict brought about by natures need to harmonize and balance. Rather than us killing, torturing, creating wars and fighting for the greatest power and wealth we need to be unifying as a world in crisis to save ourselves and the planet. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this fact; it is plain as day.

The Andes Indians came down out of the mountains in about 1995 to tell us of the devastation humans were creating to nature and her cycle of life. Many did not even know these people existed or that they had been living in the mountains there in natural harmony with the Earth for thousands of years.

Landmasses started moving when the large underwater Earthquakes began setting off Tsunamis in between 2001 and 2004. Old Volcanoes coming back to life after lying dormant for thousands of years is going to continue as the water levels continue to rise and we are having more and more earthquakes world wide.

When Earthquakes occur on the Ocean Floors then the floors begin shifting. This sets off massive changes globally. It is a domino effect, a chain reaction of sorts. Since the Ocean floors make up two thirds of our Planet Earth they are sure to effect all and everything else on the planet.

Since species upon species of Aquatic Sea life has been becoming extinct, the oceans have created a momentum to save themselves. The waters have the greatest power known to this planet and all of its life. The oceans can supply us with all the power needed to heat homes, run vehicles, create electricity and feed us, yet we fill it debris trash, oil spills and over-fishing as well as over-hunting for hides and trinkets we do not need.

If there were a conspiracy theory, I think I would say that we are all living a lie perpetrated by great minds who see the developing world as an entity unto itself that can control not only nature itself but also the nature of life living upon it.

If the greatest wealth in the world is actually distributed between less than one percent of the population then for those few there would be little to gain if it were not for free trade, market and big oil.

The United States has all the resources it needs to take care of itself and yet we depend on other nations for almost all of our food, clothing and practical needs. Survival has become such a powerful entity in our life that we no longer have time to be with ourselves or by ourselves. We have no time to relax and enjoy family, to plant some vegetables and enjoy a sunrise or sunset. While in many third world countries people are being starved and tortured, babies thrown in boiling water and killed simply because others can do it to them without fear of reprimand.

We have lost our balance as a civilized world and we have lost our way as Divine Beings. Everyone has an agenda and almost all believe they are the only righteous ones in Gods eyes.

All wars continue to be about Religion, Resources or Simple insanity. War has no common sense value at all nor does it serve any true Divine Entity. It is always selfish and never selfless except for the warriors dying.

Where is the conscience of the world? When did we quit believing that each and every person has a responsibility to Mother Earth and Nature to honor the life within and upon it?

Depression, sadness and mental illness are becoming a way of life for massive amounts of people. Animals are losing their sense of direction and becoming more violent as humans lead the way. Some species even of insects have just decided to become extinct as they too no longer sense the beauty and love of nature necessary for them to survive.

We as lightworkers have nothing to work with but the Light and Love of the Divine. We are Spiritual warriors fighting always an uphill battle for a place at the table that will allow us to be heard amid the brain jamming devices as well as the brainwashing that accompanies the masses.

Yes we have Nobel Peace Laureates that we adore and appreciate, but by and of themselves, they too must continually battle energies that find them to be a threat to the very core of the negative power structure.

The poles are shifting ladies and gentlemen at an unprecedented rate, see ( ) just as the glaciers are melting., Here are a few other websites to tell you about Solar activity and other Earth Changes as well.

I share these things with you not to frighten you but to educate. Too many of my friends have already quit reading, National Geographic, watching the news or even reading a newspaper, because they feel they are better off just not knowing the truth of the 3D world around them. I do not believe the answers lie in burying my head in the sand.

Human consciousness is strong my friend and every one of us have the potential to change our own consciousness in order to effect the whole.

We must re-program our own thinking, feeling and believing in order to stay on track. There are many beings that have moved into the awareness that they're energetic beings of consciousness over this past century. Some have chosen to live lives as peaceful warriors away from the fray of the rest. I do not believe this an option for me this lifetime. I believe that we must educate and inspire more and more individuals to find consciousness and learn to use it to change the world happenings.

We as a unit within the Divine Light of Source and all of its Hierarchies and Galactic Brotherhoods have the power to shift the Earth and its inhabitants to a new evolutionary path. We may not be able to stop the devastation that will be wrought by Mother Earth to re-balance herself but we can help her as well all species of life still upon her but we must act daily.

Suggestions for Daily Living:

Teach and share only what you practice yourself.

Recycle and reuse at every opportunity, be the example.

Each day you go outside greet the sky the earth the trees the animals and pay honor to Earth, Air fire and Water, North, East South and West.

Avoid wastefulness.

Change your thoughts to positive thoughts if they tell you negative things.

Do affirmations for the beauty and love you want and need in your life.

Look through anothers eyes before you judge.

Take time to breathe and be with yourself.

Learn to like and love yourself.

Learn to Meditate and discover multi-dimentional thought and knowingness.

Anchor Light and Love each morning and night.

Sample of Affirmations:

I am, I am, I am, a child of the Divine Light
I am, I am, I am, special in my own right
I am, I am, I am, sacred as is all life.

I deserve to free to be me. I am worthy to feel joy and beauty.
I deserve to help others help themselves. I am worthy to love and be loved.
I am open to receive Divine Light and Love always.
I am a soul and spirit light.

I deserve to have abundance in my life on all levels.
I am open to receive.
I am riches and wealth.

I forgive myself for being simply human and recognize that to be human is a great gift and honor.
I appreciate the Divine Light that shines within all life and myself.
I trust in the power of my True Inner Light to guide and protect me.

I am the one true power of light that always resonates with truth.
I am free to be unlimited.
I am unlimited.



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Walking the Path to a Better World



        Our everyday life and activities are valuable tools for our spiritual growth when we become aware of the opportunities that present themselves every day.   Being aware of this is what I call skillful living.   The era we are presently in is going through a transformation never experienced on Earth before, so if one is serious about moving forward from the present way of life, then awareness of these opportunities for advancement is necessary.

        Every aspect of life will change when we move into a less dense existence.   Currently there are structures of society that are crumbling, making room for a fairer, more altruistic way of living.   We are spiritual beings who took on a physical body to experience hardship in a lower spiritual realm, but the times are changing and every soul on earth now who calls themselves a Lightworker or an aware soul needs to continue walking that path with strong faith and love as their sword for fighting off complacency and feelings of defeat or powerlessness.

        Each day presents itself with new challenges for each soul.   When one stops and thinks about it, it is almost like our higher-self has created scenarios for us to learn another lesson about an aspect of life.   When we have those days that we may call 'mundane', make the most of it, for they are rest days!   Sometimes we may feel as though we are repeating a lesson, or making the same mistakes.....yet again!   Being human, I am sure we can all relate to that one.   That is when these scenarios are presented time and again until the lesson or the deeper meaning of these experiences can be understood.   Afterall, this is the last time that we will experience life in a dense form in a third dimensional society, and whatever presents itself we should grab it and see what it holds for us to enable further spiritual growth.

        We raise our vibrations each time we clear away whatever is holding us back in life.   Many people choose to hang onto painful memories that happened a long time ago, but this is just holding them back.  Anything that happened in the past is old energy, and the event was experienced in that time.   Letting go is part of the ascension into a higher dimension  -  when one ascends into 5D one is living in the present moment, always.  Living in the Now is good practice, it also keeps your energies and your awareness in the moment.   That is how you expand your aura because as you learn to live in the Now, your energy expands in that space.   Try it and you will see just how much you can expand your light by living in the present moment.

         Spiritual transformation is  realizing the true self and experiencing self-awareness through meditation as well as utilizing every opportunity that presents itself to you in your daily life.   This involves being mindful of our words, actions and thoughts.   The more we turn inwards, the closer we get to our true selves.   There is another world that exists within every soul, and that IS the real world.   It contains everything we need to become self-contained and self-sufficient because we are all part of the Divine Source of Life.  The deeper we go within, the more we will discover that all the knowledge and energy we need is and has always been with us.   The outside world is created by man's mind, our inside world is pure Divinity!   This needs to be discovered before we can ascend to a higher dimension, because that means we have left behind the previous dimension by expanding our consciousness through self-realization and transcending the lower ego.   There is much work to do.

Namaste and Love  ~

Tara Mary.


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Just Soaking Up The Love!


                                      ~*~       Animals  are  my  favourite  people.       ~*~

                                                        So  full  of  love  .............

                           I have a bad cold today and a very sore throat, but, I am also feeling an

                              immense amount of Love within, and also a lot of blissful moments.

                              I know I am clearing out again today, and Sai Baba is right with me,

                               showing his face in my mind, and also seeing him right beside me.

                               I feel content and very assured about humanity's future even with

                                                all the turmoil happening on Earth right now.

                               It is like my cold, painful but necessary to clear something out that

                                      is no longer needed, to make room for something better!

                                     I hold that space of spiritual transformation for the planet

                                               and the people, and a better way of living!

                                                     Let that be our vision every-day !

                                                        ~  NAMASTE and Love to All  ~



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How Does Grace Appear?


        Sometimes grace does not appear in a form that we may recognize.  It may arrive unseen, like the sweet dew at dawn.  Grace may burst upon us like waves in a torrent of joy, or it may knock at our door wearing a disguise  -  a blessing hidden in the clothes of misfortune.

        Grace manifests in many ways.  Protection from accidents or disasters is one of the most startling ways in which it might appear.  But we may not always be aware when we have been saved from calamity.  We do not know what losses or injuries we might have suffered but for divine intervention.

        Through steady spiritual practice we may have earned unknown respite from at least some of the results of our past actions.  Many instances are recorded of devotees who have been saved from obvious and imminent disaster by Sathya Sai Baba.  Such is the power of the Lord's grace and the importance of following his precepts.  Baba protects and guides his devotees safely along the surest path.

                    " The most desirable form of wealth is the grace of God.  He will guard you, even

                       as the lids guard the eye.  Do not doubt this. "           ~ Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.190

        Many obstacles to our spiritual progress are better overcome than avoided.  Only when an obstacle is surmounted may we pass to the next test.  The course of events is best left to the Lord.  He knows the safest course for each aspirant.  If we rely on the Lord, we will come to no harm.

                    " Rely on the grace of God:  earn it and keep it.  Then whatever the strength of

                      the storm, you can survive it without harm. "            ~ Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.364



        Divine grace does not always appear when or as we might wish.  When we strive to advance spiritually, we must confront the obstacles which block our way.  The best course may be to experience the pain or suffering, which cleanses us.  The process may be painful, but sometimes pain benefits us the most.

                        " It is grace.  Those who suffer have my grace.  Only through suffering will they

                          be persuaded to turn inward and make the inquiry.  And without turning inward

                          and making inquiry, they can never escape misery. "      ~ Conversations, p.110

        When grace affords us an opportunity to atone for past actions, we may experience pain and loss.  However, the grace of God lessens the pain and reduces the loss.  The suffering may be essential for our growth and so we must experience it.  The Lord's grace reduces our burden.

                        " When a severe pain torments you, the doctor gives you a morphine injection

                           and you do not feel the pain, though it is there in the body.  Grace is like the

                           morphine: the pain is not felt, though you go through it!     Grace takes away

                           the malignity of the karma which you have to undergo....."  ~ Sathya Sai Speaks 4,p.154

        Although the burden of past actions may have to be endured, the grace of God minimizes the pain, or may even eliminate it.  Karma is not an insurmountable obstacle.  When we exert our best efforts, the Lord reduces the obstacle to a size that we can bear.

                          " You may say that the burden of past acts and their inevitable consequences

                            have to be borne, but the grace of the Lord can burn that burden in a flash....."

                                                                                                        ~  Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.356

        Grace may manifest in the devotee as noble or virtuous character.  Such character is the most important grace to obtain.  Without it all good fortune would yield little benefit.  The greatest grace is that which makes us virtuous  -  and selflessly loving.

                          " No more can any faculty of yours hinder your progress.  He will orient all of your

                            faculties towards the highest goal: the senses, the mind, the subconscious, the

                            unconscious, the intelligence  -  all.   Grace will confer all you need. "

                                                                                                          ~ Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.76


Taken from:

Pathways to God  ~

based on the Teachings of Sathya Sai Baba

Om Sai Ram  ~  Shared with Love

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Whitney Houston is dead - We will always Love you Whitney

Whitney Houston is dead - We will always Love you Whitney

Whitney Houston - I'm Every Woman Wanna Dance Step by Step

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston - It's Not Right But It's Okay

Whitney Houston - Run To You

Whitney Houston - My Love Is Your Love

Whitney Houston - So Emotional

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Healing Request

Due to the latest climate change from europe and not only, very cold temperatures and lots of snow, many poor people suffer. In my country there are villages barried in snow that reaches 5 to 7 meters. They are there from more than one week now because authorities don't do nothing. Some television caravans helped them with food and water but there are more things that they need. Probably this situation is in other countryes too.


This post is for helping all this people with what we can. We can send love and light and we can make a difference. Also we can send healing energies to Earth so that the climate chages will balance.


Thank you for helping!




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A Journey to Agartha...So Wonderful and Amazing

Video Message

The interior of the Earth is not a solid mass of molten rock as Earth scientists believe. It is hollow and resembles a tennis ball in structure with the crust being 300 miles thick on average. At the center of the Earth is a softly glowing Sun that provides a permanent twilight atmosphere and constant 78 degrees Fahrenheit for the many Christed advanced civilizations who have lived inside The Hollow Earth for many millenniums. Indeed, nearly all planetary races live "inside" their planet and not on the tumultuous surface as the fallen race of Earth does. The Hollow Earth permanently resembles a semi-tropical paradise at twilight. There is no night, no wind, no rain, no snow, no cold, and no desert. All water needs are met by the countless crystal clear rivers and lakes found throughout The Hollow Earth. Many "Surface Dwellers" have accidentally stumbled into The Hollow Earth and met the advanced beings living there, dined with them, witnessed and experienced their incredibly advanced technology first hand, and related their adventures upon returning to the surface of Earth. Not surprisingly, most Earthlings did not believe their stories. And in ALL military cases the individual was ordered to remain "silent" or else! (see Admiral Byrd).

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Paljain jaloin

"It was good for the skin to touch the earth, and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth... The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing, and healing."


--Chief Luther Standing Bear, TETON SIOUX

Touching the earth - getting grounded, centered. There is magic in touching the earth and feeling her healing power. This is especially healthy to do during a troubling time when our minds are racing or can't stop thinking or are locked onto fear or resentment. When I need to feel free I can go to the Mother Earth. The Mother Earth is full of life and love. She always gives her powers to those who come to her. The Mother Earth is alive.

Today, my Great Spirit, let me remember to touch the earth. Let me slow down and live just for today. Let me be gentle, patient and kind.


What should I pray for?


"That spiritual power I wear is much more beautiful and much greater. We call it wisdom, knowledge, power and gift, or love. There are these four parts to that spiritual power. So I wear those. When you wear that power it will beautify your mind and spirit. You become beautiful. Everything that Tunkashila creates is beautiful."


--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA

When I was young, I asked my grandfather, "What should I pray for?" He thought for a long time and then he said, "Pray only for wisdom and for the knowledge of love." This makes a lot of sense. No matter what happens I ask the Creator to show me the lessons I should be learning. I pray for Him to help me learn the lessons. By doing this everyday we become beautiful human beings.


Listen to Your Elders, today

"Men and women have an equal responsibility to restore the strength of the family,
which is the foundation of all cultures."

--Haida Gwaii Traditional Circle of Elders The family is the heartbeat of strength of the culture. The grandfathers and grandmothers taught their children; they in turn had children who taught their children. If the family isn't taught the culture, then the children become adults, and the adults become the grandfathers and grandmothers, and the result is the culture becomes lost. This is how language is lost; this is how dances are lost; this is how knowledge is lost. We need to listen to our Elders, today, before it's too late.

Chief Seattle


Chief Seattle was an ancestral leader of the Suquamish Tribe born in 1786 at the Old-Man-House village in Suquamish. His father was Schweabe, a Suquamish Chief, and his was mother Scholitza, a Duwamish from a village near present Kent. Seattle was a six years old when Captain George Vancouver anchored in Suquamish waters off Bainbridge Island in 1792.


Seattle achieved his status as chief of the Suquamish and a confederation of Duwamish bands after he planned and executed an attack strategy that saved the Central Puget Sound people from a sneak attack from upriver tribal forces from present King County. Seattle, who was in his early twenties at the time, devised a plan calling for falling trees across the White (now Green) River above Renton that would capsize and disorient the raiding party allowing for Seattle’s forces to attack and capture them.


The plan worked and the people were so impressed that he was promoted to Chief and the former leaders became his sub-chiefs.

Chief Seattle witnessed the transition of his people from their ancient aboriginal life ways to a new one brought by the arrival on non-natives and imposed on them by the United States Government. The Suquamish had to adapt their culture based on fishing, hunting, berry and root gathering and traveling by canoe to accept a new economy and lifestyle forced upon them by religious, social and political institutions. Missionaries, fur traders and finally, permanent settlers brought new technology, a currency system, disease and the concept of private property to the Puget Sound.


The change was destructive and disruptive. The United States had already freed land up for settlers by allowing non-natives to claim Indian lands under the Donation Land Claim Act, angering many of the Tribes. The United States wanted to clear the land of Indian title to allow for settlement via a new transcontinental railroad. The federal government accomplished this by signing Treaties with the Indian tribes. Fearing a military conflict that could not be won in the long term, Chief Seattle signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott with the U.S., agreeing to live on the Port Madison Indian Reservation and give up title to the remainder of Suquamish lands. The U.S., led by Governor Isaac Stevens, agreed to provide health care, education and recognize fishing and hunting rights.


Some of the Tribes, such as the Puyallup and Muckleshoot who signed the Treaty of Medicine Creek, were angered by the Treaty and their reservations, and took up arms against the settlers and the military. The Indian forces eventually attacked the settlement on Elliott Bay. Chief Seattle kept his forces out of the battle and remained at Suquamish. For this action, other acts of kindness and long friendships with early Seattle residents, the founders of the city named the settlement after Chief Seattle.


Seattle remained on the reservation but continued to travel to the City he was named for intertribal meetings and other business. It was in Seattle that he had his only known picture taken and he gave his famous speech. Chief Seattle died in 1866 in Suquamish.


Seattle died before the federal government enacted “Americanization” policies intended to assimilate the Suquamish into the larger society and eliminate tribal governance thereby relieving the U.S. of their treaty committments. These policies included:


1)allotment of Indian reservationi lands to individual families to scatter the Tribe away from their concentrated winter villages

2) forced attendance of Suquamish children at off-reservation boarding schools where use of tribal language and culture was prohibited and punished and

3) the federally sponsored sale of reservation lands to non-natives that has resulted in the loss of 14 miles of reservation waterfront and over 5,000 acres of Suquamish landholdings. The assimilation policy failed and Chief Seattle’s people, the Suquamish Tribe, continue to persevere by honoring their ancestral ways and preserving their culture.


A group of Seattle pioneers placed a marble headstone on his grave in 1890 in recognition of his legacy. The headstone has both of the popular spellings of Chief Seattle’s names; Seattle and Sealth. Sealth is an approximation of the native pronunciation of the Chief’s name.


The Treaty of Point Elliott, recorded 35 years earlier, shows his name as Seattle. The Suquamish Tribe does not object to the use of either name.

Leo Rojas.wmv

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