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The Awakening - Max Igan - Full Length Documentary (2011)
From the Author Max Igan:

In this film I have attempted to explain to you, the real structure of this reality, the nature of energy and of the light and sound that make up this entire universe and everyone and everything contained within it. I have attempted to show you that this understanding is supported both by ancient traditions and also by modern science.

I will say to you again now that all that actually exists within this or any other reality is pure conscious energy. That is truly all there is and the stuff this energy is made from is pure unconditional love.

I bring this message to you now because it is important that you receive it. The Earth and all that live upon it are about to undergo some very significant changes but these changes are nothing to be feared for once you have gained a clear understanding of what this reality truly is; once you have gained knowledge of how the true stuff of the universe actually works; Once you have realized your connection to all people and to all things and follow the path of the one universal law, then what is there to fear? What is there to hate? What is there to judge?

Understand that the life we are experiencing within this reality is a game of free will being played out by a single consciousness of which we are all merely frequencies.

Tune into that space behind your eyes.

Realize that to make it through the coming changes, all you really need do is to move into your heart; to realize that all that actually exists within this reality is energy consisting of nothing more than pure and unconditional love. Embrace it, become it, for it is what you are made of.

Visit his website for downloads and additional information:

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The Book That Can't Be Read
Published on 14 Jun 2012 by themaskedpinapple

I do not claim any copyright! All copyright goes to National Geographic and/or any possible 3rd party copyright holders. This video was uploaded for Research and Educational purposes, and I gain no profit from this video so it falls under "Fair Use" guidelines:

National Geographic doesn't have this documentary available for retail as far as I know. If you have a link where people can purchase this documentary feel free to message it to me and I'll post it here.

For more information on the Voynich Manuscript see the following article and the available sources:

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National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 1 of 4 – Invaders

Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 1 of 4 – Invaders

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth -Part 2of4- One Degree Factor

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth - Part 3 of 4 - Predator

National Geographic - Strange Days on Planet Earth -Part 4 of 4- Troubled Waters

Around the globe, scientists are racing to solve a series of mysteries. Unsettling transformations are sweeping across the planet, and clue by clue, investigators around the world are assembling a new picture of Earth, discovering ways that seemingly disparate events are connected. Crumbling houses in New Orleans are linked to voracious creatures from southern China. Vanishing forests in Yellowstone are linked to the disappearance of wolves. An asthma epidemic in the Caribbean is linked to dust storms in Africa. Scientists suspect we have entered a time of global change swifter than any human being has ever witnessed. Where are we headed? What can we do to alter this course of events?

National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth, premiering in Spring 2005 on PBS, explores these questions. Drawing upon research being generated by a new discipline, Earth System Science (ESS), the series aims to create an innovative type of environmental awareness. By revealing a cause and effect relationship between what we as humans do to the Earth and what that in turn does to our environment and ecosystems, the series creates a new sense of environmental urgency. Award-winning actor, writer and director Edward Norton (Primal Fear, American History X, Italian Job) hosts the series. A dedicated environmental activist, Norton has a special interest in providing solar energy to low income families. Each of the four one-hour episodes is constructed as a high-tech detective story, with the fate of the planet at stake.

National Geographic

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5 Common Triggers of Brain Lapse

5 Common Triggers of Brain Lapse

Why are we capable of complex thinking one minute, and the next, our minds are thrown for a loop by the simplest of things?

Our brains balk at the thought of four-dimensional hypercubes, quantum mechanics or an infinite universe, and understandably so. But our gray matter is generally adept at processing sensory data from the mundane objects and experiences of daily life. However, there are a few glaring exceptions.

Here are five common things that unexpectedly throw our brains for a loop, revealing some of the bizarre quirks in their structure and function that usually manage to slip under the radar.



Do you ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind — to get something, perhaps? — only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.

Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an "event boundary" in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next, just as exiting through a doorway signals the end of a scene in a movie. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room, and prepares a blank slate for the new locale. Mental event boundaries usually help us organize our thoughts and memories as we move through the continuous and dynamic world, but when we're trying to remember that thing we came in here to do… or get… or maybe find… they can be frustrating indeed.



Which bugs you more: the whine of a digital alarm clock, the sound of a truck backing up, or the shrill reminders that your smoke detector is running out of batteries? Fine, they're all terrible. Beeps are practically the soundtrack of the modern world, but they're extremely irritating because each one induces a tiny brain fart.

We didn't evolve hearing beeps, so we struggle to grasp them. Natural sounds are created from a transfer of energy, often from one object striking another, such as a stick hitting a drum. In that case, energy is transferred into the drum and then gradually dissipates, causing the sound to decay over time. Our perceptual system has evolved to use that decay to understand the event — to figure out what made the sound, and where it came from. Beep sounds, on the other hand, are like cars driving at 60 mph then suddenly hitting a wall, as opposed to gradually slowing to a stop. The sound doesn't change over time, and it doesn't fade away, so our brains are baffled about what they are and where they're coming from.



Just as we didn't evolve hearing beeps, we also didn't evolve seeing photographs. Like your grandmother learning to use the Internet but never developing an intuitive feel for it, we consciously "get" photographs, but our subconscious brains can't quite separate them from the objects or people pictured.


Case in point: Studies show that people are much less accurate when throwing darts at pictures of JFK, babies, or people they like than when throwing darts at Hitler or their worst enemy. Another study found that people start to sweat profusely when asked to cut up photographs of their cherished childhood possessions.


Lacking millions of years of practice, our brains fail when it comes to separating appearance from reality.



Do you ever feel your phone vibrating in your pocket or purse, only to retrieve it and be met by eerie, black-screened lifelessness? If, like most people, you occasionally experience these "phantom vibrations," it turns out it's because your brain is jumping to wrong conclusions in an attempt to make sense of the chaos that is your life.


Brains are bombarded with sensory data; they must filter out the useless noise, and pick up on the important signals. In prehistoric times we would have constantly misinterpreted curvy sticks in the corner of our vision for snakes. Today, most of us are techno-centric, and so our brains misinterpret everything from the rustle of clothing to the growling of a stomach, jumping to the conclusion that we're getting a call or text, and actually causing us to hallucinate a full-on phone vibration.




Ever noticed how car wheels can look like they're spinning backwards in the movies? This is because movie cameras capture still images of a scene at a finite rate, and the brain fills in the gaps between these images by creating the illusion of continuous motion between the similar frames. If the wheel rotates most of the way around between one frame and the next, the most obvious direction of motion for the brain to pick up on is backwards, since this direction suggests the minimal difference between the two frames.


However, wheels can also appear to spin backwards in real life, too, which is weirder. The leading theory to explain the "continuous wagon wheel illusion," as it is known, holds that the brain's motion perception system samples its input as a series of discrete snapshots, much like a movie camera. So our brains are effectively filming their own movies of the external world, but not always at a fast enough frame rate to perceive the wheels in the scene spinning the right way.



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Hey Sohini,

It's November 26th--just 26 days till the end of a grand galactic cycle/Shift of the Ages/timeline shift. Where is our focus? Are we clearing our emotional junk? These are the questions that cross my mind almost every day (that urgent message from the Nibiruans to focus on clearing has stayed with me). So here I am writing about it--again.

From the many emails I've received, it appears that these messages are being heard. Guess I'm not the only one who recognizes that this timeline shift is real. Yet, numerous emails are from people who are concerned about clearing. Two of the frequent questions are:

1. How do I begin clearing?

2. What if I have nothing to clear?

Allow me answer both.

How do I begin clearing?

This answer is the same as I've been giving for almost 20 years. First, ask your guides for help. Ask them to show you what is most important to clear during this limited timeline. They will answer! I asked this question and had it answered less than 24 hours later. Two issues were brought to my attention with two hours of each other. One was something I was aware of. Opportunites that I thought would not occur manifested for me to speak with both individuals. One issue has been cleared to the point that I am much more at peace with it. The other is still in process.

The second thing you can do is a liver cleanse. When a person cleanses the liver, they physically release the anger that is held there. Once physically cleared, the emotional field dumps the equivalent. The goal is to override the normal stuffing and coping mechanisms of the Inner Child so that you can get to any repressed anger.

The Nibiruans brought me to the items for a liver cleanse as part of my initial training and in preparation for DNA Recoding. I developed a kit that you can find at the following link.

What if I have nothing to clear?

As I understand it, no one has come to this time without enough emotional bagggage left to be able to ascend. That's because we have all lived many lives and have carried a bag full of pain, anger and other emotions forward. Remember that we are souls learning how to integrate the Light and Dark in all its aspects. We learn and grow by creating life blueprints filled with challenging events. Working through them requires creating events and then transforming the pain into compassion. Compassion is what we experience when we take responsibility for co creating the events and situations that caused us to feel the pain. We take responsibility by using being able to see those events from the perspective of a creator god/goddess who created them for growth opportunities. We don't create growth opportunities by being perfect.

So with all that said, even if you don't recall any anger, you aren't without it. You still have plenty and just have to acess it. Ask your guides to give you access and do a liver cleanse if necessary. Working with the Inner Child to make him/her feel okay with releasing the anger may also be needed. (See The Divine Partnership, the 3rd Key of Compassion for info.)

More Peace or more Baggage?

I'll discuss what 12/21 will look like in next week's message but let me say this for now. December 22nd will dawn like any other but what we expereince in the following 90 days will be determined by what we still held within us on December 21st. If we have more unresolved conflict (baggage) than we have peace, we will manifest it rather quickly. If we have more peace, we will manifest that. The power to create is in our hands. The world we create if the first 90 days will be in our hands.

In closing, what are you focusing on? If Christmas and buying gifts more important? Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas; I'm just not allowing it to become a distraction. Got my shopping done in one day online. Yep, it's a sacrifice to not get into all the holiday fun, but we don't cross a galactic equator or end million years cycles every day. For me, I'll do a big Christmas next year.

Until next week....

Jelaila Starr

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Releasing an aspect of fear

Today I lost my wallet.
My passport was inside it.
(For some reason I feel like I should carry it with me, and so I do.)

It is amazing how quickly my mind started to run away with me.
It went into the what if? programming of fear.

What if the person who found it decided to go on a Christmas shopping spree?
What if my passport made it into the wrong hands?
What if they stole my money?
What if I didn't get it back?
What if they stole my identity?

Fear very quickly reared its ugly head from deep within me.
I felt it building , like a coiled snake about to strike.
I started to plan my day tomorrow, full of hassle.
Go to the bank.
Call passport office...etc,etc...
My mind was racing!

It amazes me now looking back upon it, how quickly I became a victim in my mind.

And then I stopped myself.
All of the sudden I became aware of what was happening and I stopped my descent.
The clarity of the awareness is really surprising.
Like I took control of myself.
It isn't like my higher self stepped in, it is like it blossomed within me.
Like it is now within me, hanging around in there waiting to remind me of "things".

This is something new.

Immediately I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and imagined my heart.
I told myself I would find my wallet.
But if I didn't then it was for a reason.
Either way, the experience was set up by me to test myself somehow...
For a reason.
I accepted the situation and stayed in my heart, out of fear.

And just because I didn't understand it, didn't mean I wouldn't.
I just needed to not get caught up in worry.

So I kept doing what I was doing.
I went to the movies with my daughter.
She payed since I had no money...
Had a great time.
Driving home I relaxed.

And all of a sudden in my mind I saw it in the drawer back home.
And I remembered how it got there.
I called home and sure enough there it was.
In a place where I rarely would put my wallet.
But yesterday while rushing I did.
And then forgot.

Being in fear today made me forget.
Until this new me from within reminded me how to remember.
After all I lived it, I should remember right?
It is my life.
It is like my brain forgot what I did yesterday,(must mean I am doing a good job of staying in the now...), but the clarity within
me helped me to access a memory backup system of sorts.
Or my own akashic record...
This is a new skill I think.

Anyways, this "voice of reason" that took control today was very secure and peaceful and centered.
A new more centered me.
Maybe this experience happened so that I could experience this new me...

Either way if this is the results of my last download, that blahness and fog I was in was worth every penny.
Because it did not feel like my HS "stepped in", like other times before.
Maybe the vibration of my body is getting closer to the vibration of my HS and therefore the jump between myselves is not as much.
Not as drastic, therefore it doesn't feel like I am standing beside myself.
It is within me, more anchored somehow.
Meeting more in the middle.

It feels like it was within me and just blossomed.
Like the light dimmer was calibrated up or something.
Much smoother transition.
Very peaceful.

It did surprise me how quickly I became a victim in my mind though.
Thank goodness that it happened.
That fear was in there lurking, glad I could experience it so I could release it.

I feel I am getting a better understanding of my world now and how to go about in it.
Does that make sense?
Like I might be able to function better in this world that I thought I would.
Afterall these last three years have made me into quite the hermit...the last year especially.

Yesterday a solution to a problem came to me without me knowing how.
Like an encyclopedia inside my head opened to the right page and I just knew what to do.
I know others have experienced the same in the last couple of days.
We must have also had an encyclopedia!

So next time I find myself in fear I will take a deep breath.
Close my eyes and connect to my heart.
There is no fear in there at all.
Just love.
And it feels so good to love and be loved, does it not?
And I much rather feel love than fear anyday.
So I am hanging out in my heart.
Best place to be.

Thank you my Light family.
You are all so beautiful to me.
My love to all.
In Light and Love
: )

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Beloved Ones,

It is the time of aligning within your own true selves, a time to spend in contemplation and meditation of what it is that you are to bring into the World, your gifts, your Light, to shine brightly without hiding any longer. It is most appropriate to allow yourselves as much introspective moments as is possible in the next weeks. There are still many layers of cleansing yet remaining, however, this will not be as intense to those who have been steadily and methodically doing the work of facing their dualistic nature, recognizing those traits within themselves, and releasing their limiting influence in their daily lives.

Try to tune into an underlying new vibration that is now ready to be discerned and assimilated into your consciousness. This requires becoming aware in each moment and observing the synchronicities that surround you. Each moment is a treasure, a gift waiting to be opened, explored and enjoyed. Learn to follow your intuitive promptings, for this is the influence of your Higher Self who is desiring to guide you further into position as we come closer to the shifting of the ages, a tremendous opportunity to reconnect with the higher aspects of yourselves and to allow the Love that you embody to surface and blossom into the truth of your Being.

Stand in this awareness as often as you can until it is a certain knowing that can never again be taken from you. The Earth, her kingdoms and all her inhabitants are being readied for graduation into higher levels of consciousness, learning and progression and soon, the grand ceremony will take place. This will be felt within each Soul and will be unique to each. The awareness that you are much more than you have ever dreamt will dawn with each breath that you inhale and joy will flow from within. As this feeling of joy increases in intensity, it will begin to unfold the secrets of your true nature.

For each of you are unique and the gifts that you bring will come into greater expression. These gifts will attract to you those who resonate in alignment with them and there will be more seekers than ever before in Earth’s long history, seekers of knowledge, seekers of solace, seekers of healing, seekers who thirst to know more about their true nature and the that of the World in which they live. You have prepared the way for these beloved souls and they will find the gifts that you offer to help them in their unfolding. The feelings of Oneness will be the prevailing knowingness amongst all of Humanity and all will know that they are loved.

For the new consciousness that even now is shining with greater intensity upon your World is that of Love and this powerful force will bring with it Divine order. Harmony will be restored in all the many facets of existence in the functioning of your World. There will come a time upon your Planet when peace will prevail. There can be no other outcome than the highest one and that is an alignment with the Source of All That Is.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

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Once again we send our heartiest congratulations for a job well done. Your many group meditations at the opening of the eleven-twenty-two, while passing through the window or gate, whichever term you prefer, have been amazingly successful. The influx of further energies has taken another great jump.

Your current state of consciousness and intent have , of course, determined exactly what you are experiencing and how it is manifesting for you, but that is exactly as it should be.

We see also that you have given yourselves another boost of the rate in which you are absorbing the changes, in order to be ready for the final developments which are approaching. Please relax into this. We assure you once again that you are more than on schedule and nothing may now deter your further awakening.

Your intent, past experience, your life agreements, which some call contracts, and your highest Selves will determine the course of your development. And each of you has set an agenda which will best be of benefit to self and the All.

Be at peace and in greatest joy and gratitude. Your highest versions of yourselves are about to introduce themselves to you. The exact timing of this, and the rapidity with which it occurs, will be determined by your highest Selves and your guides. No matter how ready you may think you are for this experience, we assure you that a full scale and immediate onset of this could quite easily “blow your minds”. Allow it to occur in the highest and best way. You know what is best for you, and the you that we speak of is about to be experienced in ways you may not even have imagined yet.

What we wish to impart today is that it will all be you. It will take many more such ‘ascensions’ before you truly, truly grasp that in all of its possibilities, but it will feel as if at last you will have made this first great leap. And if you are inquisitive to know now what we are meaning, realize that it has already begun. Feel your way into this. Drop your walls. Expand your feeling, your sensing, your knowing, and grow with it as it moves you, as you move you, to the balance point and beyond. We, of course, urge you, guide you, and protect you throughout. May the peace and joy of your true being be yours from this day forward.

As we have already said through other channels, “Expect miracles. You are one.” I, Michael, and all of my legion, walk with you now, as we have throughout your journey, and ask you to request our help whenever you feel the need.

We will speak further. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Acknowledge yourself

I have observed a lot of human nature while practicing the art of utilizing skills to help others. In that service work, I have noticed that some people are brought to tears with one simple energy directed at them. Most are moved when it comes to the simple act of acknowledgment.
We live in a world that is full of stimulation with a focus toward attaining reaching more than what we have. Contentment is a vanishing human commodity in a modern society, but we might reach a point where the highest level of an experience has been reached (tee hee)? I believe that is why so many people are on a spiritual quest to discover what brings satisfaction and contentment.
When another human can express that the spirit world sees the truth about who you are, that solicits a heartfelt response from a soul level that says you have been acknowledged. The depth of that energy seems to carry weight far beyond the moment.
Acknowledgment is defined as acceptance of the truth or existence of something. Let's take a moment to acknowledge the beings of light with a whisper from spirit on the subject of acknowledgment:

Energy is generated in different parts of the system from an area dedicated to that focus. Pathways that connect the head to the heart intersect to form a Cosmic combination of streaming emotions. Humans are unlimited beings when it comes to combining energies of the heart and discoveries on the mental planes.

These streaming energies provide an undercurrent of support emotions that rise to the surface for experience and expressions. Beneath the energy of acknowledgment lies the supporting energies of love, gratitude, and ceremonious aspects linked to expressions. Like a gold-winning athlete, each person will stand on the podium of acknowledgment for being who they are.

Simply listening to another person...hearing their words....feeling the emotion...noticing their tone and body language are exercises evoking all the senses. The receptive state attained through such exercise allows the energy of acknowledgment to flow, regardless of alignment, agreement, or judgment. Every human needs this from the spirit world and the self-world, as well as from the physical and material world.

Take a moment to acknowledge yourself, your purpose, the position you hold, the light of truth you stand in, and all the positive attributes that make up your current incarnation. Think of it like a gratitude list and feel the supporting energies that surround you. You are never alone in this journey, so don't isolate yourself through accepting a void of acknowledgment. Stream love and then immerse yourself in the flow of energy.

"Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to committ more. " Mark Twain
IEL Level I Angel Whispers (Intuitve Communication) and Level II Class~Mediumship (Advanced Intuitive Communication Certification) is forming in Austin for January. Drop me a note and let me know if you want your name added to the list. Call Russell at 512.916.0847

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What are we waiting for? No really… why are we waiting? We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!
I for one, am not going to sit around and wait. And who can with all that is happening around us?

We’ve come so far, we’ve “hung in there” for so long. Now is the time for action!

To borrow some great words from my beloved friend Cobra:

“The eleventh gate activation is approaching fast. Let’s do this! Let’s open the doorway into Oneness wide open!

At the exact moment of the activation, miniature prismatic stargates will anchor themselves within the cracks of the Matrix around the surface of our planet on physical and non-physical planes and will stay there forever. All fifth- to seventh- dimensional aspects of the Calabi-Yau manifolds will unfold themself into perfect spheres, into perfect bubbles. This will be the anchoring of the eighth dimension. This will be the revealing of the Diamond of the Unseen.”

I would like to share with you what has been manifesting. The Fix the World Project is a smashing success! You poured your hearts out on paper and your voices were heard. Not only by myself and our team of 20 volunteers, but by the Universe itself. Your call was sounded from the rooftops. It was exactly what needed to be said at the exact right time.

And I’m proud to report, IT WORKED.

Think of the world as a fine restaurant. Those in positions to make great change are the chef’s. You just put in your order, and now your meal is being prepared for you. You can smell it, you can hear the sounds of the food cooking, your plate is about to be placed in front of you containing the best meal you ever had in your life!

People are waking up and paying attention. They are all coming out of the woodwork and ending up in my inbox. I’ve been speaking with free energy inventors, major industry leaders, movie producers, and so many more over the last couple of weeks. The ideas and contacts are pouring in faster than we can process them. We have decided to do the next logical thing. We’re starting an official organization.

This is so exciting! We are using all of the ideas and concepts in the Fix the World Project to create what we are calling “The New Paradigm Business Model”. We are creating the workspace for all of you to develop your passions and turn your ideas into funded projects. To help explain it please be sure to watch our 8 minute promo video here.


The pieces are all falling into place. It’s quite the challenge to build the bridge to the Golden Age, but we are all doing it together! Part of this is anchoring in the energies of the Divine into our 3D reality. Do you know how exhilarating it is to write up a business plan and a budget based on truth, freedom and abundance for all human kind? We took your typical old paradigm business nonsense and threw it out the window! We said “We’re going to do this the right way this time around!” and incorporated everything the people told us they wanted in their Fix the World Essays.

If you feel moved in your heart to make a donation to help us get going please do so! We know that there are so many of you out there that want to get something like this started as much as we do. This is for all of us! No amount is to great or to small. (But we do love those synchronicity figures like $111, $55, $333) We’ve set up a link here for an easy way to make a donation:

Below is an excerpt from the Fix The World Project.

Proposal for Investors

If you have the ability and want to make an investment in something that can truly change our world for the better, end global suffering and help humanity usher in the Golden Age, please consider helping us fix the world together. Below is an outline to propose what we have to offer and what we need to make it happen.


We posed specific questions to harvest solutions for the real problems in our world. Nearly 300 people from 37 countries responded and contributed their knowledge, ideas

and opinions.

From this great work we have accumulated the following valuable resources:

• A wide range of solutions that can be implemented on both local and global levels.

• A way to gauge the wisdom of the crowd to help bridge the disconnect between the people and their leaders

• A platform for people to engage in critical and creative thinking to come up with solutions to our problems

• A way to identify the resources/project/individuals that have the talents, knowledge and skills, and are ready and available to execute these much needed changes

• A way to prioritize the immediate actions necessary to stop the destruction of our world and society

This world changing data was collected, analyzed, categorized, processed and presented in a reader friendly format with the intention of making the plan easy for those in positions of power to fix our world quickly. This work was done by 20 very special volunteers, with a combined effort of hundreds if not thousands of man hours over the course of 3 months from start to finish. The tools we used were; the internet, Skype, email, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, NVIVO9 software, $70 in office supplies, Windows Movie Maker, free stock footage, our brains and our loving hearts. Everything has been donated for the cause; we’ve accomplished all of this with no budget.

What we have learned

We all want the same thing: peace, abundance, change, happiness and freedom from oppression.

• There are scientists and inventors that have technologies that can change everything. This is already available NOW.

• There are doctors and healers that can cure all disease NOW.

• There are leaders and educators that can improve the system NOW.

• There are financial professionals who know how to fix the banking system and the world economy that have all the answers.

• There are ways to completely clean up our environment within 5-10 years available NOW.

• There are ways provide enough food for everyone NOW.

• There are many ways to provide free energy NOW.

• There are technologies and professionals that can fix our infrastructure NOW.

• There are established models of how to run society available NOW.

• There are professionals well trained in common law to help fix the legal system available NOW.

• There are professionals who understand currencies and trade available NOW.

• There are spiritual leaders to help develop spirituality to bring humanity to the next level of evolution available NOW.

• There are countless organizations that can deliver the necessary goods to all those in need and end homelessness and hunger available NOW.

• There are architects who can build cities with new clean technology NOW.

• There are people who specialize in refurbishing factories and businesses ready to work NOW.

• There is a lot of work to do and more than enough highly qualified people who are unemployed and would love to do it.

The only things that have prevented all of this from becoming a part of our day to day reality are; lack of funding, oppression, old paradigm mindset, lack of understanding or communication, over complication, and dishonesty. Everything has been suppressed. But it is all available NOW and has already been developed. All of this needs to be implemented and it needs to be organized in a transparent manner.

How can we do it?

We wish to create an organizational system to strengthen this network, recruit those that have the answers and organize projects to manifest these changes in our reality.

This organizational system is simply an administrative arm to serve as a network of networks for many organizations and individuals around the globe with the professional skills to deliver these projects. We are offering to provide the administrative support needed to organize this global endeavor.

Through this project we have established a strong network of working relationships with the following game changers:

• Well known Hollywood producers, celebrities and musicians, all enlightened and in alignment with the truth and the coming changes of humankind. They are ready and eager to do this work for the betterment of humanity.

• A wide variety of well-known alternative radio, television, and internet leaders.

• Alternative Doctors from a variety of healing modalities with labs and research that can cure every disease. They have been suppressed and threatened by the modern medical and pharmaceutical industries.

• Planet changing science and technology organizations

• A wide array of back yard inventors

• Global and community leaders that are ready to lead and organize these efforts on a local level

• Industrial experts to build new cities and improve transportation

• Environmental experts that are ready to clean up pollution

• Database and Software industry leaders that want to create systems for the new paradigm

• Trusted liaisons of particular members of G20 country leadership and non-Illuminati Royal Families.

• Common Law specialists

• Public Policy specialists

• Political reform specialists

• Spiritual leaders from many different backgrounds and cultures

• Experts in extraterrestrial disclosure and research

• Hundreds of hard-working, awake and enlightened individuals with proven skills and talents who are eager to get to work to fix this world on all levels.

These connections are just the beginning. There are many more that are about to come forward. Many of these projects are already planned and staffed, they just need funding. Many projects have funding; they just need to be staffed with the right people. We envision projects where entire hospitals are refurbished with alternative healing modalities. Cities in impoverished areas are completely rebuilt with new technology, new transportation and new sanitation systems. Massive educational media campaigns are launched to bring truth and enlightenment to the people and to help them heal. Our oceans, air and land are restored to their natural balance. New local alternative currencies and systems of trade are created and implemented. All abandoned factories are reopened and refurbished to manufacture the new technologies that will soon fill our world. And this is just the beginning.

These projects will not be completed by one company alone. This organizational system is simply an administrative arm to serve as a network of networks for many

organizations and individuals around the globe with the professional skills to deliver these projects. This is intended to act on both a local and global scale, but it is not “globalization” and it is not part of the New World Order.

Many individuals are awake to the fact that there is a lot of hidden wealth in this world that is about to be released. When this wealth is released it will be released into a new system where greed and corruption will not be allowed to take over. This wealth is intended to restore our planet and our society to a rightful balance and a thousand years of peace. Money isn’t going to just fall out of the sky and magically turn into a new public transportation system or water supply system for a village. This work needs to be organized and carried out by the people. We are offering to provide the administrative support needed to organize this global endeavor.


We wish to create an online matchmaking database system to strengthen the network and build teams of professionals and organizations, both new and already established, to complete planet changing projects.

This data base will:

Collect and Identify specific local and Global needs

Collect and Identify skilled professionals and organizations

Collect and Identify projects which are planned and ready to implement
Match Projects to Local and Global needs

Match skilled professionals and organizations to Projects

Match skilled professionals and organizations to each other for unification

Match Investors to specific projects and organizations

Act as a recruiting tool

Act as a resource to direct individuals and organization to the information they need Act as a tool for projects to be planned and created so that they are ready to implement

In addition we would also like to establish a hotline for those who wish to come forward with their suppressed inventions and knowledge, or for other forms of important communication that cannot be entered into the database website.

Funding is needed to pay for the creation of the database, administrative staffing needs to process all information and run the hotline, and any necessary travel expenses. A transparent detailed budget with more specifics along with Curriculum Vitae will be made available to serious investors.

The individuals behind the creation of this administrative project are highly educated, well experienced, globally oriented and fully capable professionals. We have a proven track record and ability to deliver and execute this plan at the highest levels.

If you are interested in investing in this project, please contact Hope Moore at

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Dear Friends,
Now the Time 21st Dec. coming near and so many have fear in their Mind ....But when so many Light workers and Ambassadors of Love like you are becoming ready to face the situation.....there is and there should not have any fear ....and just try to be Pure in your heart, take care of your Holy Mind and should keep it as pure and clear as a Crystal.....Please do not think much but try to be with your inner Joy and help each other, if it is necessary send healing who so ever  need it.....Your purity will draw so much of Love, Light and Life ...or the pure Prana and when you have realized your self or the Soul you can attract other souls towards you which will give more strength and Unity Consciousness will help in Ascension of Our Consciousness in Mass.....along with the Ascension of our Mother Earth...Our Planet.....Because all changes are due to the Ascension of our Planet in 5th Dimension....So when you will have purity then and then your frequency of Vibrations will be that of 5th Dimension, Synchronizing with the Vibrations of the Planet Mother earth of 5th Dimension.....
So just Be ready and take your Divine Friends along with you....Because with out Being God or Goddess like will not have good vibrations of the Higher realms.....Actually we will have to go more beyond 5th Dimension means our Frequencies should have been up to 7th Dimension for easy and Sure Ascension along with our Mother Planet earth....
The Energies of Love, Light, Wisdom, Harmony, Joy and bring that Balance in your Life  which can  give you long lasting Peace.....
Just Live in the Present moment and always think positive all the Time .....This is must......
Spread and Radiate Love, Light and Peace where ever you bring Balance in lives of others also.....
Love is a very strong and magnetic type of Energy so Your Light of knowledge and Wisdom will help you here to bring long lasting Peace.......Your presence should have very good Vibrations which has the capacity to change the whole atmosphere ......A Sacred place should be created by your Name and your Presence.......
So Be A Holy Person having most of the categories of our Masters.....who are constantly giving us Guidance ......and caring for us.....Remember their Efforts what they are constantly sharing their Views with us with lots of Love & Compassion.....
We should not make them disappointed......and give favor to their labor and constant guidance to awaken our Souls.....
So Be Awakened Souls and Remain Awakened with Full Of Purity , Truth and Very Clean Crystal Clear Life........
Our All the Masters Angels and Archangels, Mahatmas and Chohans, Mother Gaia, Mother Isis and Osiris, Mother Quanin with her absolute Compassion.All Stars and Star Seeds...All our Spiritual Guides, Father and Mother God, Great and Greater Sun...Our Master Ashtar Command,, Sananda, Saint Germain,along with Lady Nada Our Master A.A Michael who is with us only removing all our negative Energies from our Cells and Energy centers including our Auras... of the Body.........Our Planetary Logo Sanat Kumar, Galactic Logo Melchior, and Universal Logo Master Melchizedek.....all the 1,44000 Masters giving their messages from their Golden Seat, All the Light workers of the Universe, and all the Ambassadors of Love, Light and Peace,..Our Brothers and Sisters of White Brotherhood,  All are with us showing the way since years to gather.....and they all are taking care of us perfect guidance ...but Our Path we have to select and Go with Courage.....We are not Alone......But have to go our own Path ....up to certain level we are To gether But at the last point we have to select our way with our intuition......and with the help of our sixth Sense.....
On taking help from so many Masters if we are afraid and fearful with worries then what's the use of all help what we are receiving at each moment of our present......
Have faith in your Pure Heart and in your inner self & your destiny .... that nothing will happen if You are ready.......
Just Wait & Watch.....Give your hand who needs your support with Love and Radiate your Light and Be Compassionate ......
If there is no compassion then you will not be saved....also.....


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You find yourselves today one month of time, as you have constructed it, prior to the day to which you have chosen to attach a supreme importance. And because you have done this, this date will have focused upon it the energies of vast changes which are congruent with the passing from this age into the next. Your focus and your intention are drawing to you infinite energy, light, love, and the power of Creation.

To the extent which you will have transcended time on that date, your perception of the world in which you live will take a quantum leap forward. To the extent which you hold on to your past comfortable and safe ways of seeing, nothing may appear to change. There is nothing wrong with that. All is your choice. There are, after all, billions of you yet, who have no idea, consciously, that your world has changed.

And it has changed, make no mistake. As much as human kind would love for change to remain in its future, change never ceases. Your world has changed. What remains is for your perception of it to change, as well. This will happen. It will happen because of the vast amounts of love in which you have become immersed. It will happen because of the work that is being done with you by your guides and angels. But mostly it will happen because you have decided that it will happen.

Our loving request to you is, please do not fall into doubt or fear if you find that some instant transformation has not occurred for you personally. To the extent, as we say, that you are holding on to your past beliefs and perceptions, it will take time for these things to manifest for you. As you allow time to slip away, you will find that they already are part of your reality. What you have determined to have as your reality already is reality, my dearest friends. Begin to let go of all the reasons why it is not yet yours, because it is.

Each tiny glimpse of your dreams will cause you to open just that much more to full awareness. Soon you will be helping others to see what you do, just as we are doing now. Start your holiday shopping early. Begin now to let all of the limitations fall away. Breathe into your every cell the infinite love of your Creator. Remember who you are, where you have come from, and what you are here for. Be the one of your intent and imagination. Allow yourself to be worthy, to deserve, and to be able to be that one.

It is time. Your work is done. Now it is time to get to work. Lest this seem daunting, we promise you that this work will soon transform itself into joyful play.

We step ever closer to you now. You cannot and will not misstep. Remain in your heart center and allow this last few weeks to pass in gratitude and anticipation.

We will continue to speak with you. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Message from SaLuSa for 23 November 2012

To launch world peace all warring has to stop, and if necessary we have the means to ensure that it does. There is absolutely no place for such low vibrations in the New Age. It is in fact somewhat easier to achieve success now, as the rising levels of consciousness are resulting in more souls rejecting anything to do with war. Even some of those hardened veterans are ready to change track and see the virtues of working for peace. They are beginning to see that their calling to protect their homeland, has been insidiously used for ulterior motives. When such people start to awaken to the truth, you know that the Illuminati is rapidly losing its power and control over the armed forces. They are indeed a spent force to what they were, and will not be allowed back.

In your immediate future you will not in fact need armed forces at all, but will have systems of protection to keep away unwanted intruders from your Earth. There is also our Galactic Federation of Light that acts as the policeman of the Universe. Our technologies are such we can easily detect craft entering the space of another planet. If the need arises we can move around faster than the speed of Light, and have our responsibilities for different sectors of the Universe. There is also the Ashtar Command that also works very much like we do, and have their own particular responsibilities. All in all every planet is well protected and their people can live in freedom and peace. Your old Earth has also been protected against interference, so as to allow your free choice evolution. However, with such low vibrations we had to allow similar civilizations to contact you.

When you have passed through the coming point of Ascension you will also be open to visitors of a similar vibration of Love and Light. As such you will be able to trust them, and enjoy learning of how other civilizations live. You will have great experiences visiting other planets, that are of a mixture of sizes and sometimes larger than your present Sun. Most advanced civilizations find it more acceptable to live inside their planets, and most are hollowed out for that reason. As with your Inner Earth Beings, they have their own Sun and you would not necessarily know you were underground. They are more evolved than you are will very soon choose the right time to make themselves known to you. They are your ancestors who escaped to the Inner Earth with the demise of Lemuria. Some of your own people have visited them in comparatively recent times, and their stories are still able to be found.

There is so much knowledge that has been deliberately held back from you, and you have a lot of catching up to do after Ascension. No longer shall you be kept in the dark and told falsehoods, and as you often say, “the truth shall set you free”. The time warp you have been kept in is breaking open, and we shall help you identify what is truth or otherwise. If some people are sceptical we have the means to prove what is given to you as the truth. We do not impose it upon you, and some will still hold fast to their false beliefs. That does not matter, as in time only the truth will be able to exist. You have your own Hall of Records and that covers all of your lives, so there cannot be any dispute where they are concerned. They are used when you have your life review after each incarnation, which is a sobering thought for some people.

Believe us Dear Ones when we say that we are not so serious about life that we cannot joke and have fun. We live our lives in joy and our bonding becomes closer when we can share humour. Of course we do not have your worries or concerns, but you can lighten up your day and that of others by having a good laugh together. Laughter is Universal and all souls have the inner understanding to appreciate a funny situation or comment. Laughter is so uplifting and raises the spirit and the vibrations. However, good fun does not gain laughs by ridiculing someone. At heart you are all still children but you acquire a measure of aloofness, as you grow up because you consider yourself beyond what you call childish fun. Let yourselves go and become that child again, and see the funny side of life.

You are so near to seeing the first signs of big changes to come, and our allies are working hard to create the opportunity we seek to join them. They know what their responsibilities are, and are dedicated to serving you to enable the final push towards Ascension. It will of course happen anyway even if it means that some events are put off for a while. However, certain changes carry more importance than others, and we are seeking the first indications of Disclosure being announced. In one sense as it is generally known that we exist and are with you now, you may not see any urgency involved. Yet we need that acknowledgement from your authorities, so that we can at last come into the open.

We still have the option of forcing the issue but that would be our last course of action. In all respects we would rather that you were the ones who brought about Disclosure through your own efforts. To be fair you have pleaded and petitioned your leaders so many times to go ahead, but so far none have had the temerity to do so. We appreciate a cautious approach, but now is the time to throw caution to the wind and announce what a large section of the public already know. Regardless of what happens we are still making ourselves seen more often, and are pleased that we are accepted without the fear that once existed. We feel that you are ready to greet us, and that is speeding up our response.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bring the wishes of the Galactic Federation of Light, that you should all spread your love throughout the world. There can never be too much, and you will help it grow exponentially at a time when you are almost ready to ascend. The Earth is presenting a wonderful display of Light that is coming from you all, and it shows how well you have responded to the call to prepare for Ascension. You have had much help and it was never intended that you should face the challenges alone, and so it shall be as you make your way through to the higher dimensions.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Saul channeled through John Smallman

We have often talked about Love — capital L — and yet the meaning of that word is really not only very difficult for you to understand, it is quite impossible for you to understand. We have said that It is the life-force, the divine creative intent, the field in which all of creation has its existence, and to attempt to speak of any of those concepts is to immediately put a limit on That which is utterly limitless.
When you awaken, you will understand. But until then you might find it helpful to think of Love as the space in which all the galaxies that you might refer to as the “known universe” have their existence, along with all that is invisible and immeasurable at your present level of spiritual and scientific awareness. And that idea only makes it possible for you to think that you have a handle on It, when in fact It is beyond comprehension. Here in the spiritual realms we have a better notion or perception of It, but even our understanding of Love, of God, of our Father, is nowhere near complete because it is impossible to understand the ineffable, the limitlessness that is God.
He shows us constantly that we are loved, cherished, and of inestimable value, because we are constantly enveloped in and embraced by His energy field, His Love, where we want for nothing, and anything that we can conceive of is instantly present. It is a state of sublime joy and happiness which can only be experienced. It is beyond comprehension, except by Itself — God, the Source of all being — because of Its nature which has always been. As the Bible states, “Before Abraham was, I am . . .” There was no beginning, there is no end, God Is.
With humanity’s love of puzzles, and its delight in solving them and in working things out by reason and logic, many have spent lifetimes attempting to understand and explain God instead of just sinking into the warmth of His loving embrace. Working things out and attempting to understand them is part of the game of separation that has enthralled and mystified you for so long. But it has also constantly set you against one another in your endless struggles to be right, to be first, to be best.
Now that is all changing as you allow Love entry into your hearts, bringing with It increasing awareness that the way you have been living and relating to one another (or not) throughout your known history — and way before that — is and has always been a recipe for disaster, which is why humanity has experienced so many of them. And while this new awareness, this new way of perceiving, is causing you pain and anguish as you look around and see so much of humanity suffering horrendously in its never-ending struggle for survival, your awareness is what is enabling you to change your intent, your collective intent, and bring all this insanity to an end.
Increasing awareness indicates the initial stages of awakening, and for that be glad. You are changing yourselves and the world, and you are, therefore, bringing in the new age for which all have been longing. You are not alone as you each work your way through this process of increasing awareness, heart-opening, and, finally, awakening, because you have abundant assistance available to you on every step of the path you have each individually chosen to follow on your way Home.
True, there is only one path, but to each one of you it appears in a different form that is tailored to your individual needs and choices, and for that it is totally appropriate. As I have mentioned before, your path is your path, and either to envy another’s or to gloat over the apparent pain that another’s is causing him is not only unloving, it is a time-wasting distraction that seriously delays your own spiritual evolution.
Within the illusion you can, and many have, spent lifetimes doing just that. However, at this moment in humanity’s history there is a “heaven-sent” opportunity to short-circuit the wheel of karma, to obliterate it from your lives, and, by embracing loving attitudes and behaviors, awaken once more into your natural state as a divine being ablaze with the Light of God. That Light desires only to shine forth through you, as you and your Father have always intended, bringing sublime peace and happiness to all who experience Its loving warmth, which of course includes you!
Your task remains one of discarding old attitudes, behaviors, and excess emotional baggage as you open your awareness to the true meaning and purpose of human life — which is to awaken into the Love that surrounds you, waiting for you to accept Its loving embrace. The way to acceptance of what is constantly divinely offered to you is by relaxing into a prayerful or meditative state, even if only for a moment, frequently during the day. It is your assured path to your awakening.
With so very much love, Saul.

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As channeled through Bella Capozi

★ Beloved Ones, we wish to make you aware-if you are not already-that you have shifted into an era of instantaneous manifestation and answered prayer. The linear time frame between the setting of intent and materialization is scant now. This window of time becomes smaller and smaller with every passing day, and with the raising of your frequency and the honing of your skills you are now able to bring forth into your physical reality the essential tools you require for survival in these tumultuous times. Your prayers and requests for assistance never fall upon deaf ears, but we choose to remind you it is through your own power and trust in God, that you bring your deepest desires to fruition. With the 8-8 came a freeing up of much of that which lay fallow behind the veil. Memories, stunning realizations and yes, your long-buried manifestational skills are now yours for the taking. You need only to believe and trust in what your heart and inner voice are telling you.

★ While these abilities are inborn and, by rights, yours to do with as you will, we caution you that they have long lay dormant. In many of you, for thousands of lifetimes they went unnoticed and untapped. As you rediscover your infinite power, do begin slowly to integrate them into your life. You shall require practice, and you must become aquainted once again with the correct ways to use them. With this new unearthing comes a glorious freedom, allowing you to put your house into some semblance of order and bring into your lives all you need to thrive and to live peacefully in these last days of the old paradigm. Make the choice to exist in a state of total detachment. Please seek to remain untethered to the drama which surrounds you, harbor and express few opinions and avoid engaging in conflict of any sort. Stay as an observer, as though you are watching a play unfold upon a stage. You may find it entertaining and somewhat shocking, but be of the knowledge that it has nothing to do with you, this other story. None of it is happening on your chosen timeline, and thereby none of it is actually occurring in your own life. The casual observer has the ability to remain neutral and centered, his energy free-flowing, clear and unblocked. There are no obstructions to the alchemical abilities of the neutral ones. Abundance flows freely.

★ The Lion’s Gate energies favor the success of most any ventures you may choose to undertake at this time, provided that they are aligned with your own Divine truth and contractual obligations. When something fails to work out, repeatedly, this is most often a sign that you are attempting to force something which is in opposition to your life’s purpose. It might very well take you down a road along which you should not go. When what you seek to manifest is in sync with your own life plan, these new energies will assist in it’s quite rapid materialization, almost right before your eyes. Have you experienced this occurring at all in your lives of late? It begins in subtle, small ways, especially in areas of financial concern. An example might be; your automobile breaks down and you do not have the funds to repair it. A kind soul offers you a discounted price to get it done-for no other reason than his heart has guided him to do so. He knows what he does is right, and even though he is unaware on a conscious level of the Ascension process itself, he cannot help but be affected by The Light and be changed by it’s increasing presence on the planet. Keep your eyes open for seemingly insignificant events like these, for they are anything but that! Often without knowing, you are sending out the intent to receive a solution, and it is being brought to you immediately. It is because your hearts are open and your energy centers clear, that the energy streams through unobstructed. Be observant of this and give thanks.

★ This is also a fortuitous time for those who wish to be of service to the collective. With the energy of the 8-8 also comes a greater awareness of your connection to All That Is, and you may find yourselves more able to feel the truth of this and what it actually means to you. More than ever, you wish to be of help to others and to play an active part in the unfoldment of events. What is it you desire to do, Beloveds? Do you wish to begin a healing practice? Do you see yourself writing or teaching? The list is endless when it comes to the ways of service. Think about it. Where do your talents lie? What makes your spirits soar? You may love caring for children or animals, and wish to offer your services in these areas. Perchance you are a culinary artist, a crafter, or you make beautiful garments. All of these, and so much more, serve to bring joy to the hearts of their recipients, and joy is one of the crucial, initial stages of enlightenment and spiritual awakening. Set your intentions, then give them over to God. Envision your intents in colorful detail, then see and feel them materialize into being. The Lion’s Gate has been thrown wide open, and the shade of the energy spilling forth is of a molten gold. Gold. The color of power, abundance and miracles. Gold is the color of the Unified Heart of the Mother and Father.

★ Faith. Trust. Gratitude. Intention. Remember well these four words. The days of having to squeeze blood out of a stone are ending now. The old ways are dying and before you know it they will have quickly faded off from your memory. What’s coming shortly are the Golden Days, and it is time now to seize your birthrights and put into practice all that you have learned. Accept that you deserve to be happy and at peace, and you are worthy of all the Universe has to offer. Intend that you will receive it. Release it then to God, and allow the freeflow of abundance to come into your life. And never, ever waver in your faith, as faith is the fuel that drives your personal vehicle to reach stellar heights, once unimaginable. Believe. Trust that all is in Divine Order. Envision only positive outcomes, and never wish harm upon another. Remember that the laws of alchemy swing in both directions, and in this time of rapid manifestation you must take care what it is you choose to create. Then lastly and most importantly, remain in a state of gratitude, always. Be as we are, ever grateful to have the opportunity to stand by your side at this unprecedented time. Thanks be to God, for we are abundant in love, and so eternally blessed.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copy right notice.

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LORD KUTHUMI Opening To 2013

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark
Sunday, 12 August, 2012  (posted 14 August, 2012)

I Kuthumi  step forward once more today to speak with you and I bring you reassurance. We here have observed how many of you feel alone, even though you may have what you think is an accelerated lifestyle brimming with work mates, associates and daily work. We observe through your struggles the over focus on these matters with the result of often feeling alone in the few moments you allow yourself to simply be. When will you say, “Enough.”

We are waiting for you. While we wait we see many caught up in self created dreams of not enough money, not enough time, not enough recognition for your efforts. All needless, wasted energy my friends. So, today I come with reassurance.

You see your conscious mind prefers repetition – habits. This may be your time allocation as an example. You get up in the morning, shower, eat in a rushed manner, not really thinking about or really enjoying what you are eating. It is simply a habit you perform in the daily ritual of your life. You rush into a stream of metal frustration with others also trying to gain an ever diminishing flow of travel on your roads and freeways.

Finally you arrive and for the next eight hours push yourself to achieve more than the month before. My friend, I could go on and on with the activities we see too many of you struggling with each day. Your world of creation is stifling your soul. Many are struggling to keep up, becoming more and more weary of the struggle on the physical and mental levels. Yes, I have spoken of this before. Whilst we understand many have obligations of home and financial commitments, it is time to look closely at what you have created. Understand you are facing great choices this year. This is a turn-a-round year for mankind in every area of your world. Yes, I tell you truth my friends. My reassurance is that we are with you, waiting so desperately for you to awaken fully to your soul.

Mankind is facing choices with every environment of every country on Earth. The devastation of the land must cease! The land is your survival along with your air and water ways. Three key areas which must be preserved.

Awareness Of Survival

I tell you your resources of survival are at stake in many countries. Be assured your strength is in togetherness. It is time to join together to preserve your natural resources. The tampering with your food must cease! We see many are coming home with distortion of organs through cancerous growths created by additives in the food chain by man.

This year is your turn-a-round year. We urge you to stop and look around you. Look to simplify your lives in all areas. Grow your own food. Purchase a cheaper home or join with others in a community of like minded souls. Not those who would seek to control, no, those ones content to live in togetherness. My friend there is so much I could tell you of this. However I tell you, indeed ask you, to pause in your life. To sit quietly. Though to achieve quietness within may be difficult for many who are so engrossed in a busy, competitive lifestyle. Yet I ask especially these ones to try. To quieten your minds, your body. Ask yourself how would you like your life to be if you could choose? What would you enjoy which could be reasonably achieved? Would you wish for health for your physical and mental body perhaps? Take your time. Dream. Visualize.

You Are Creating A New Future

From your dreams of creation see what you would create now in your life. You may decide you want more ‘down time.’ Time to relax, to enjoy simply living. Some of you need to begin with small steps, others will choose a complete change. There is no right or wrong here for each of you are indeed beginning to create a new way, a new lifestyle. You are choosing.


Choices are energy. Energy is multiplied by many others. Like attracts like. Therefore like energy seeks similar thought energy. Do you see? Do you understand change need not be so difficult? Yet it is imperative you begin now. 2012 is a year of transformation. Much has been written and spoken about regarding the transition to soul awareness. Many read. Many understand, yet do nothing! Transformation requires action – from you. You cannot expect an expansive transformation into soul Light if you are still struggling with office and financial traumas. No. These issues are like a sand paper to your soul. Your soul withdraws and you find yourself alone with your thought worries. The physical body then retreats into stress mode.

Accompaniment Of Heaven

We try to come around you. Try to wake you from this bed of self creation. Yet my friend it is you who must open the door to let us in. We are there around you on a higher dimension, suspended, waiting. Waiting to heal you, waiting to help you, to guide you forward.

Bliss is there for you. It is. Yet often your very vibrational energy is out of soul flow so it is difficult for you to connect to your higher self, to your soul. Therefore in these situations you must enter a process which I will give to this one to bring you back to a soul flow. Here you can release the jagged energies of business, of trauma, of pain, of worry. The energy of soul can give you the most wonderful healing on your emotional, mental and physical bodies. The energy brings you back to a level of soul peace you see. This is very necessary this year. You may need to bring yourself back to this state often as you transgress old life styles.

Opening To 2013

Your new year holds much promise, like sunshine after a storm where order is restored and life becomes balanced once more. This is before you. However it is a future each of you must create. It is time now to say, “Enough”. To put up your hand to say, “No more.” It is a time to come back to a basic life style and to honour your soul. Further, understand not everyone will join in, in creating a new lifestyle and on to creating a new Earth. Understand also it is their choice and they will reap the harvest of what they choose to sow in the latter months of 2012.

I tell you do not waste energy in trying to change those whose mindset and intent is set to do nothing. Leave them. It is their choice and their learning. Understand you cannot force another to ‘see’. This must occur when they choose, when they feel ready. Be compassionate, understand. But do not dwell on those who turn away. Rather, use your powerful energies wisely.


Unite with the wisdom of your soul. It will always guide you – if you listen. 2012 has proved to be challenging on many levels. The difficulties will be determined by how much soul Light you have allowed into your daily awareness. You see all must become aware of soul, of soul Light and soul flow. All paths lead to the Creator. What you choose to call it does not matter. All roads lead to the same point. The stories of creation, of highly developed souls seeking to awaken the masses in your various languages and history books, all lead to the same Creator God.

So I ask, why do you argue that your belief is superior to another? Why? I tell you as your Linear time grows shorter and you enter a new year, each of you will face new challenges of Earth herself. What will you choose? How have you prepared? Are you listening?

As Above So Below

This is what this channel named this year of 2012. We of the Council Of Light, the Great White Brotherhood agree. It is time to align with the higher vibration of your soul and the knowledge contained there. The soul is pure, yet also contains all. All knowledge, all experience. Your soul remembers you see. All of your past experiences of various lifetimes.

My friend I tell you truth when I tell you, you have experienced the ego self in many forms. It is now time to open your eyes completely. Your etheric eyes. It is time to overcome your ego self. To understand it, to see it. We see your ego’s still playing out on so many levels of your lives. Perhaps I will speak of this another time for you to gain a further understanding in order for you to overcome and rise to your complete glory.

We are with you always.

I am Kuthumi.

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Channelled through Pat Grabham.


Today was my 16th birthday and it should have been a time of rejoicing but suddenly I felt no different to normal, for the years seemed to merge into each other, just as the days and nights - without any noticeable difference or alteration; so I somehow had no feelings about yet another year - I just knew that this restless feeling would go on finding no outlet it seemed with no other emotions than "there should be more to life".


My name was Elizabeth and I had lived in "this plane" in the lower astral realms for what seemed a very long time and I was beginning to feel the odd one out - for what seemed like ages everyone had got on my nerves, their pleasures were not mine any more and I could not help but shudder at all the goings on which was making me feel more and more afraid and lonely with the thought that somehow I had no friends, I felt so utterly alone inside me, there seemed no privacy - peace or beauty in anything and I've started to withdraw more and more into myself just thinking of a world as I would choose it - it was as if some far distant part of my memory came back to me with other things than just the physical lust between man/woman, whose ages seemed to be getting younger and younger.


As I looked at the squaller, the state of my surroundings, I felt tears of despair come to my eyes - was this all? My mother called out loudly - "Elizabeth, where are you? This has to be done and then that, hurry up - there's no time or purpose in day-dreaming."  Reluctantly I got up from the ground I was sitting on to what I knew was yet another thankless, meaningless day ahead. There seemed a never ending stream of abuse, degradation, a sense of futility about this place - I felt I wanted to run away but had nowhere to go and indeed, where would I go, no doubt all places were the same anyway.

Little did I know that today was going to change my life and indeed lives - a surprise was in store for me.

As I started the never ending chores, I let my mind dwell over these years made especially worse since my dad had gone - mum had changed so much, grown even more hard and bitter, taking out her annoyance and aggravation it seemed on me.

How I loathed this coldness which left no warmth inside me, the dust which seemed to get everywhere, a never ending greyness, physical abuse and pain, where I was forever trying to evade this man or that boy's lecherous arms and so often failing. Sometimes my body was covered with bruises.

I felt so claustrophobic, unable it seemed to breathe, when I just wanted to be alone, safe and free.

Mum wanted me to take some things to a lady over the other side to us and telling me not to be long, I set off on the long journey with my load. This lady lived in a little better area, not that it was much different really, but there was more space and room, and so I actually started to relax a little and I wondered what she would be like, this lady called Martha.

Fifty minutes later, I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. "Hello Elizabeth she said, how kind of you to bring these things over - won't you have a cup of tea, as I want to talk to you." Martha had white hair in a bun and was quite old but quite unlined and there was an air of something different about her. "If you will just be patient, there is someone I want you to meet, a very nice person, so nothing to worry about."

Suddenly there was another knock on the door and Martha jumped up to answer it and she seemed to be excited about something.  Looking expectantly towards the door, I saw a tall man dressed in a dark robe and with his head covered by the hood; coming into the room, he welcomed Martha as it seemed a very good friend and said "Hello Elizabeth - I know all about you". "My name is ........." He threw back his hood and smiled at me looking quite unlike anyone I had seen before - I think it was in his eyes really, they were so gentle and kind and seemed to understand everything abut me, and there was a quality of such peace and love coming forth from him, I was at a loss for words. He seemed to understand and said - "Elizabeth, I want to tell you a story and this concerns you yourself, so listen and tell me at the end what you think."

The three of us sat by the coal fire, me on the floor looking up at that face and Martha quietly in the background. While "He" talked, tears came to my eyes and rolled down my cheeks and I wept tears of pain - heartache and anguish until the tears stopped - "His voice still speaking, telling me about strange things no one here talked about and mentioning to me that the time had come when it was felt that I should move, get away from here and go to another, better place.

You see Elizabeth, he said, Martha does not live here at all, she is just using this place so that we can have our talk, and she will look after you in your next place, that is if you will let her". "He started then to tell me about all the different places which one day I would go to and all the nice people I would meet and how I would go to sleep and wake up somewhere else, just as my dad had."

I looked quickly at Martha and she gave me a gentle smile and I said, "yes - please, could I leave but what about my mum"? "He said, we will let her know where you have gone but whether she will believe is doubtful."

"What we will do now, is to take a walk - if you will hold my hand and Martha will be on your other side and we will begin our journey". We walked a short while but suddenly it seemed I was so tired, my eyes fell asleep and unbeknown to me, my journey into another plane of existence had begun.




(Elizabeth, now living a life as Candia)

High above the town amongst the rolling hills, Candia, stared far into the distance but also nothing, aware of the beauty and magnitude of her surroundings - the utter peace and tranquility, the birds making their beautiful sounds, the song in the air, the purity of the breeze, and she felt "sad" for she was back for it seemed in another time and place when she was "Elizabeth", for memories are not forgotten, everything is to hand, depending on the growth of the soul, and she was well aware of that part of her past, just as she was of other earthly and spiritual realms and though she had "everything" she felt incomplete.

How could she be happy knowing people existed in such places, remembering how great was her despair, sense of isolation and loss, just to exist in that awful place and to think "life carried on there still" broke her heart and just to remember brought tears to her eyes and though she had seemingly achieved much in this beautiful land, the memory of that earlier time would not let her rest and she knew she had to do something to help, just as help was given to her.

Martha, that lovely woman had lovingly looked after her just as she did to so many for during her childhood, Candia and her friends had had such fun, laughing - running, learning so many wondrous things, surrounded by so much love in those Nurseries of Heaven, where everything was small in size to fit their needs. She could see now those fruit trees, especially those bright red apples just outside their house which was all shining and white - with those pretty paths and flowers and behind in the distance those far off mountains, forests and streams where they loved to paddle in and which played beautiful music and talked to them in a language they seemed to understand. Those grown ups so warm and kind, jolly and wise and she knew that those "new youngsters" would get the same love and attention as she and her friends did. But why was it so often, her thoughts went back more and more to that place long it seemed ago, where just to remember, could make her shudder.

She was now a young lady although time was irrelevant, for she had been here for much longer than just a few mere years. She had soaked in and absorbed so much for there was always a willing person to talk to and learn from but she knew she wanted to do more for though she could stay here in this lovely land - that inner voice was telling her more and more of late, to take another step on the road of evolution and progression, in other words, listen more within to what her soul so often it seemed cried out to do. She loved to sketch, draw, and was very good, and indeed she had lately found herself sketching "that Face" she had not seen for so long, for "He" had not returned.


Indeed many "people" came down to their realm from high it seemed in the spiritual heavens, those celestial regions far above it seemed, but which she knew with progression and advancement would come attainment.


Sometimes she knew Martha gave her a knowing look as if she knew she was sad inside but she never spoke about those things for which Candia was somehow grateful. Those "persons" who visited them brought great delight and joy to all and sometimes one or two had spoken to her and had made an indefinable impression it seemed on her soul, but "He" had not returned and Candia wondered quite where "He" was.


Her knowledge of the spiritual laws of the Cosmos had grown so much and she knew everything was the effect of an earlier cause, the seeds sown had borne beautiful fruit or were barren in that hard earth of materialism - lust or greed.


Suddenly she knew it was time to return and she decided there and then to see what next she could do, waiting for a reply to her most ernest wish and so having put those thoughts into the ether, she retraced her steps and walked back Home - somehow strangely lighter in her heart than she had been of late.

A couple of days passed and then "Martha said she had been asked to take Candia to see "someone" who would have a proposition to put to her." Nervously but excitedly, Candia set off with Martha and they walked towards the outskirts of their town and here suddenly there appeared "a Man" Candia had never seen before and He was dressed in a strange green robe, beautiful and light, luminous too, and His face and skin was quite dark, dark were His eyes, deep His voice, and how wise were those eyes, they seemed to touch Candia's soul and strike a cord deep within. "His name He told her, Egyptian was His origin, when last long ago encased in a physical body. Welcome to my Home He said - we will be there in but a moment - take my hand and Martha's, close your eyes."


The next thing Candia was in a place quite unlike any she had ever seen before; etheric, shimmering with light, beautiful fascinating colours - tones and sounds emanated from this Land high in the Spiritual Realms. "My dear child He said, it has not gone un-noticed that need of yours, let me show you something just so that you can know without doubt, all, everything has its path - evolution and place in the grand scheme of the Cosmos."

"When I touch your forehead, you will go back in time to that place where you were once known as Elizabeth, for that is the root of the matter, the missing piece of your jigsaw puzzle. Look at it objectively, and tell me afterwards what you actually saw." Candia looked deeply and intently at herself and those around her, in those lower astral realms, doing her best to be objective.

She noticed now that she looked that overall there were several "people" who stood out to her spiritually accustomed eyes, there was about them something "different" - a light in their souls it seemed unlike the others. "Those illumined ones my dear her Host said, are from our Realms, who continuously journey to those lower astral planes of existence, taking in "everything" and who constantly try to give to others a little of the light which they have. But you know, they have to tone down their brightness, dress in drab clothes, hood themselves and be inconspicuous, for otherwise they would create unease not being as the rest."

"It is these truly great ones who labour and journey into the places where the spiritual kingdoms fear to tread and my dear, many have been helped, just as you were, although progress cannot be counted in time, for Eternity has no time, it is forever."

"There are many avenues open to you my child, many and varied, for you to help and in so doing evolve to yet new and greater heights. But this one we know is of great importance to you and thus you had to see with your own eyes a little of the work which is being constantly done."  "Go back with Martha and think what you really want to do, knowing that at any time you can stop and change course so to speak, free-will is yours."

"Meanwhile, let me show you a little more of my Home." The panorama of views took Candia's breath away, those etheric beautiful mountains. the like of which she had never seen before; the numerous waterfalls, lakes and streams, the bird life, and then she saw the most beautiful House she had ever seen - away into the distance which seemed to beckon and draw her to it, holding out its arms as if to welcome her. Her Host laughed gently, "yes, that is "The Masters House". who I am proud to love and serve, just as you will yourself be one day in ages ahead."

"I can see it seems an Angel each side of the House I said, is that right"? "You can see everything and nothing her Host said, it depends upon the individual". "But you are doing well, progressing all the time."


"It is now time for me to take you back otherwise the difference of air, vibration and energy would wear you out, so remember, what you have seen and I will myself take you to where you have decided your work rests."

"Au revoir Candia, till we meet again and may I say how privileged it has been to let you share for a brief time my Home."

In no time it seemed Candia and Martha were back home and how much they had to talk about.

The day came when Candia had her decision made which was not long in the making and "He" this time came to them. "He smiled and led Candia to who He said would be her Guide to help her in her chosen work," and her Guide was a lovely man, round in the face with bright blue eyes, an air of light existed around and within Him. "Together Candia he said, will we travel, you watching and learning by how I am so that one day you won't actually need me but can in your turn take someone, but that is a long way off yet." He was so lovely and they straight away struck up a warm bond of love and friendship which Candia knew would never be broken. "Call me Chris he said, and I will call you Candy, for I have watched you grow up from it seems now so long ago, and one day I will tell you about that too."

Many earth years had passed and still Candia and Chris went, helping to raise other less evolved souls to new and purer aspirations but they travelled too, far and wide and indeed on to more than one "Planet" did they go - at times just so that she could absorb all the advancements made in the evolution of humanity.

The time came when Candia knew it was time to evolve to yet another new plane of existence and with no fear, she held Chris's hand and went back to sleep again.


(Elizabeth, now living a life as Patrick)



Many cycles of humanity had evolved and come and gone and "Patrick" as he was now, had progressed far along his personal path. He had travelled far and wide to all the corners of the Universe it seemed, and at the same time, was a guide to many back upon the earth plane; his vibrations were so quickened and attuned, he could inspire his loved ones way back on the earth to ever greater heights and this was a constant delight - helping others to see greater light.

By now he had resided in the spirit realms for a great deal of time, re-incarnating now and then to achieve yet another facet and depth to his being. The time came when once again, a new journey was necessary and another facet of his soul took over emerging as yet another female, for truly, male/female are but the left and right of each other, depending upon what is the most necessary for the development of the soul.

(Elizabeth, now living a life as Lucy)


"Lucy" had once more got to be quite a mature woman and her life was very fulfilled in the spiritual realms. She had many facets to her being and she could seemingly "tune in" to the earth world and its vibration at any time. She taught many youngsters how to sketch, draw, and her musical ability was a joy to all. But even more than that, she felt "whole" and somehow "complete" as if she was finally Home.

Many times did she wander off to quiet beautiful celestial places and contemplated the Great Spirit and His Supreme Laws feeling nothing but a sense of wonder "that all this" had been planned for man and woman to inherit as gradually more and more were as the materialism and greed faded ever more to have no place in an evolved soul.


Sometimes Lucy would look back through all her lives, knowing each was necessary, both the good, sad, bad and joyful - sorrowful too, and that it had all been part of God's Divine Plan.

The time eventually came when Lucy knew she must retreat more and meditate and contemplate in greater depth, and so she would have to leave loved ones behind and climb yet another stepping stone - cross through yet another barrier for the furtherance of The Father's Work.

(Elizabeth woke up funnily enough looking the same this time as when she fell asleep, from her life as Lucy)

But waking up to a world of silence - complete - first of all in its Greatness, but as she listened, she became aware of life all around and within, and what a Beautiful Place she was in - high amongst some etheric mountains, where there was no feeling except utter complete peace - impossible to describe, for its feeling was unique.  As she looked around she knew strangely that it was not until now that she was actually Home - in accord and complete harmony.


Time passed, the warmth of the air had a blessing unknown to her and she was happy just to look and look into it seemed the Whole Universe Itself, remembering events, scenes and places from a multitude of lives.

She closed her eyes and must have fallen asleep which was strange because there was no feeling of tiredness, for the next thing she knew, a voice spoke to her:

"Hello Elizabeth" in that deep, well loved tone, and her eyes flew open in joy and wonder, and she saw again that Beloved Face from so long back.

"I know you have wondered many times Elizabeth He said, why you did not meet me again, but the time was not right, for you had to progress without interference, but I have watched and indeed guided you through many a life since that time when I spoke to you with Martha, back down in the lower astral realms. But now I would like to show you my Home and introduce you to many loved ones, who also have loved and cared for you during the duration of your many lives, and though you still have things to do, my Home is open to you whenever you wish, just as I am with everyone, always."

And there, before "Elizabeth's" wondering eyes stood "The Master's House" and it was as if she had never been away; Past, Present and Future, all seemed to become one with neither Distance or End.

Tears of joy and love fell but "Elizabeth" knew yet more journeys would one day be taken, as she came ever closer to His Blessing.

"Hello Everyone" - Elizabeth said. ........

(Even as she said these words, she thought to herself, some of those lives lived and even her life as Elizabeth, seemed worth it, just to be here at this moment with him whom she had loved since her first life, aeons ago).


25th February, 1985.








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From Out Of The Void I Spoke, From Out Of Nothing I Came:

From Nowhere, To Everywhere, Thus Did I Emerge, And Eternal Life, So It Began:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

From Out Of The Void I Spoke, From Out Of Nothing I Came: From Nowhere, To Everywhere, Thus Did I Emerge, And Eternal Life, So It Began. For I Was The First Born – From My Tree Of Eternal Life; As I Am That Root, That Base, And All Other Life Are The Branches, And How My Beloved Ones, They Vary So.  Thick Branches Emerging, Containing Lighter, Thinner Branches, And So On And On, Till A Tiny Fragile Piece – From My Tree, So It Lies, For Within All These Branches Are Many And Varied Forms Of All Spirit Life.  Some Are Beautiful Beyond Compare, A Joy And A Delight To Behold, For They Are As Man, Woman, I Chose To Be, To Enable Them To Fulfil Their Destiny.

Others Are The Opposite, They Have Strayed Far From My Light, And How My Heart Aches With The Inner Pain, That I Know Will Come, Not Because I Wish It, But Because Their Soul Needs It, For Life And Love Must Come Full Circle, Before Any Blossoms Will Begin To Show, And That My Dear Friends Is Everything, That Those Branches One Day Are Beautiful Indeed, Full Of Blossom And A Delight To All, For Then And Only Then, Man, Woman, So They Are Free, Just As I Did Decree.

But You Know, Even Today, As I Look Around, My Tree Of Eternal Life Has Far To Go, For Those Blossoms Are Much Less Than The Bare Branches, So A Long Way Still, Must All Life Travel, But Being Forever Helped And Cared For, Guided Too, By My Beautiful Blooms In My Heavenly Worlds; For Spirits You Know, They See Others Blossoming, Indeed, In Full Bloom, And Thus Something Stirs Deep Within, For Man, Woman, Are At That Moment, In Tune With Me, And A Glimmer Of Light, So It Does Grow, And If Nurtured Lovingly, Will Forever Progress, Till One Day, In A World, And Later – Worlds, Far Away, Will Be A Tree On Its Own, With Blossoms All Therein.


So, A Day You See Comes, When There Is Only Beauty And Great Joy, For All Spirit It Looks Out, To A World In Full Bloom, Of Love, Concern, Devotion, Too, For All The World Has Been Born Anew, To What Once Was So, Many Cycles And Circles Ago, And The Pleasure You Know, Is Mine Indeed, To See Tree After Tree, In Perfect Bloom.

But I Worry Not, For I Know All Love Will Come Back, Faith And Care, So It Will Return, For Alas, Only In These Ways, Can Some Souls Learn, And Indeed Listen To What Their Inner Consciousness Yearns For. However, A Long Way Must A Lost  Spirit Travel, For I You Know, Am Only Found And Remembered, At A Certain Point On That Path Back Home, Towards The Sun, That Source Of All Life, Likewise Myself Too.

But Here Is Where Even More Tests, So They Come, For Just To Be There, Can Seem Quite Easy, For It Is The Staying, That Takes Constant Love And Devotion, For There Are Even More Temptations – Once Knowledge Begins To Be Gained, For Man, Woman, Are Tested To Use This Or That, For Their Own Purposes And To Forget The Past, And Oh, My Children, How Sad It Has Been, How So Many Have Failed; They Followed That Voice, But Time And Love, So It Heals All Wounds, As Always To All Life, So Our Love, It Is Shown.

To Be On That Path, Means A Man, Woman, Must Not Judge, Indeed They Dare Not, For They Know, Many Are The Unseen Ways, Not Known To Them; All They Need Concern Themselves With Is – ‘Have I Done My Best – To Help Another, To Become Even More Blessed’, For With My Example, Something Is Left Behind And That Bridge Of Love, Goes Ever On, Higher And Higher, In Ever Wonderful Glory, Till Our Two Spirits – They Are As One.


For That Is The Purpose Of Man And Woman’s Life Here, To Help God And To Serve All Humanity, All Spirits Too; The Poor And Weak, The Rich And Unkind, For All Are A Part Of God, For They Too, Came From God’s Seeds, And Will Be Reunited One Day, As They Are In Tune With The Creator, And Have Risen; Growing Ever More Devoted, In Life After Life, After Life.

Thus All God’s Tests Have Been Overcome, For The Two You See, So They Are As One, And Will Forever Be, For Whatever The Creator Asked, That Spirit Has Done, All The Good And Loving Actions, Undertaken, Through All The Spheres, Planes, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Which Have Existed, And Will Be, Through The Innumerable Ages Still To Come, And Then Further Onwards, Into Worlds Not Yet Known, But Which Are As A Thought Within The Divine Mind Of The Creator.

So It Is And Will Be. Amen.

From God And His Son.

Peace, Love, Happiness To All.

17 April, 1984.


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Posted: 20 Nov 2012 09:30 PM PST

As channeled through Bella Capozzi 11/20/12
★ Dear Ones, your hard work has paid off in ways which, at this juncture of time, you can scarcely imagine. And when time ceases to be no more, you shan’t need to imagine it, as you shall see it and know it without question. It is only through the diligence of your efforts, the Lightbearers, that all is on point and proceeding according to Divine Plan. So, what is the outcome of that plan, you may ask? Why it is changing every day! With the coming of each new morn, more and more of Humanity awakens, thereby shifting the details and the speed at which the transformations progress. Off to sleep they go, in a state of blissful – or often not so blissful – ignorance; only to arise the next day refreshed, renewed, and oddly more knowing then they were the evening before.
☽ The nightly hours are not simply a time of bodily rest. We mean this to be true not only for the Lightbearers, but for all lifeforms residing on planet Earth at this time. Your guard is down as you sleep, you are detached, open and impartial. The limitations of 3rd dimensional living no longer have a hold upon you, so you are free to travel Home. To learn and expand and grow. You work. You play. You revisit beloved friends and family. You cleanse the oceans and the lands for Gaia. You sweep away the decay and debris. Even the animal kingdom participates, and please be aware that the effects your precious pets are having upon the planet’s environment are not to be taken lightly. They are already far more advanced, and of a higher vibration than a great deal of the Human race. Have you not ever awakened to remember them traveling with you?
★ There are quite a few of you who, these days past, have been arising to feel exhausted, spent, and a bit anxious. You question why this might be so, when you normally expect to arise rejuvenated and relaxed. Please do not be alarmed, should this occur. Do not think that you are slipping back into a lower vibrational frequency or that you are somehow losing your foothold on the 5th dimensional Earth. No, we promise you, this is not so at all. What you are actually experiencing is the residual effects of your nighttime endeavors and experiences. Your work has stepped up significantly in it’s intensity, as has the seriousness of your missions. It has become more rigorous. Although you are still unable to recall specific details, you know that you have visited some denser places; that mayhap you have seen things that have caused you pain. And in the event that you do remember, that which you recall may seem somewhat disconcerting. In your rapidly expanding work as the caretakers and restorers of Gaia, you are now visiting harsher geographic locales and interacting with her sick and oppressed peoples. Tender souls that you are, it can be quite overwhelming. It shocks you. It hurts.
☽ Be advised that never before have your personal shielding and clearing rituals been more important. Now that your workload has increased, it is essential – no, make that imperative – that you thoroughly shield yourselves both before you go to sleep and upon arising the next morn. Invoke around yourself, your home and your loved ones a protective orb of the purest platinum light. Reinforce this protection often, throughout the day. Eat, sleep and breathe within this Holy Light. Call upon your brother, Michael, to assist you. He waits only for your invitation. Michael is strong, he is omnipresent. He has tasked himself to serve.
★ As Gaia’s caretakers, you are performing the work most crucial for lifting us all up to the next phase of your planet’s evolution. When we say “us”, we mean that word quite literally. For it is not until the last vestiges of dualistic thinking have been dispelled, that we may all openly join together as one family, unhindered by veils of secrecy. Despite your tendency to sell yourselves short, you have genuinely wrought miracles. You are an unstoppable force. Due to your efforts, we have long since passed the point of no return. There is no going backward now. So we instruct you to stretch your imagination beyond it’s limits, and to wonder; “How do I wish my New Earth to be?” Think on it, truly do. Attempt to see it, feel it, to be there. Enjoy the experience of creating your new life. Imagine it exactly as you wish it to be. Sink deeply into meditation and become absorbed into this magnificent world. As you merge with it, sense with relief the heaviness of the 3rd dimension slipping away. Own up to the fact that you are master-manifesters, and that your thoughts are your creations, and that they are incredibly powerful tools.
We are The Council of the Venus Ray, and we speak with you today in Unison. Hold fast to your dreams, Dear Ones. May God’s peace be with you.
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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New Message from Matthew 20 November 2012

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are physically and emotionally feeling the effects of energy surges more so than seeing their remarkable results. We are feeling and seeing the grand forward thrusts the surges have given the planet and most of its residents: Gaia, Earth’s soul, is joyous about her planetary body’s nearness to the threshold of fourth density; hope for better times is being restored within people whose living circumstances are desperate; and newly awakened souls are sparkling all over Earth.

A world full of other marvelous happenings is on the way, but in the days at hand, the in-pouring of high vibrations also is having some unwelcome effects, like the roiling intensity at the negative end of duality’s spectrum. Perhaps at this moment it is most noticeable in the tense Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. We hasten to assure you, the time for a full blown new war is past, today’s enemies will evolve into peaceful, cooperative relationships, and any country waging war against another will be unthinkable.

On a different front but also due to increasingly high vibrations, many are experiencing conditions such as weakness, disorientation, forgetfulness, fatigue, sudden mood swings and other uncustomary sensations. In healthy bodies that have absorbed light, the anomalies are few and brief as these bodies’ crystalline cells adjust more easily to energy fluctuations than can the carbon-based cells of bodies with less light.

Please do not use any of those symptoms as a barometer for assessing how much light is within you! Chronic maladies and forms of mental illness still affect bodies in Earth’s atmosphere, and souls who are radiant with light may continue to experience those discomforts until they’re well within fourth density’s strong healing vibrations.

To lessen the severity and duration of the temporary anomalies, get sufficient sleep, avoid stressful encounters, drink a lot of water, have solitary serene time as often as possible and eat wisely. Vegetables and fruits are especially beneficial and less meat, sugar, starchy foods and fats in the diet also will help to lift energy levels, reduce fatigue and stabilize a positive outlook.

We strongly suggest that you not resort to antidepressants or other prescription drugs or the many that are lining store shelves. Particularly in the prevailing energies, the chemicals in drugs can suppress or destroy bodies’ own healing mechanisms. If you are on a medically-prescribed regimen, consult with your healthcare giver about safely reducing dosage.

Another effect of Earth’s proximity to fourth density is that linear time is passing more and more swiftly. If you are reaching day’s end feeling frustrated because there was no time to handle all responsibilities, set your priorities and please don’t fret about foregoing what could not be fit in.

The prevailing vibratory levels contributed substantially to quite a different kind of matter, too. The Illuminati, who thought that not only could they cling to their remnants of control, but rebuild their former worldwide power base, now know that their situation is hopeless. They had pinned their hopes and put their money on Mr. Romney winning the US presidency.

That country’s people and the rest of the world see President Obama’s re-election as the voters’ choice. It was that indeed, but his victory is more than the vote count—it is a manifestation of science, a reflection of the energetic flow of the universe. The president’s vision of a peaceful world restored to its former health and beauty and his goals to achieve this are aligned with Earth’s vibratory field. The goals of Mr. Romney are to keep the world’s resources and vast fortunes in the same few hands, and this is not in alignment with Earth’s vibratory field.

Like all other sources of negativity, the low vibrations of greed and control are incompatible with the high vibrations of love that are flowing ever more abundantly throughout the world and bringing Earth back into a healthful state of balance. The energy within balance is love-light, and nothing with low vibrations can coexist with this most powerful of all energies in the universe.

The fact that the election outcome was in consonance with the universal flow, as the Golden Age master planners long ago knew it would be, did not diminish one iota the free will choices of the United States citizens. Each voted in accordance with his or her reaction to the energy emanating from the candidates.

Please understand that this is neither criticism nor judgment of the voters or the candidates—it is explaining the election result in the context of laws that govern life in this universe. The same holds true for the congressional elections in that country and all elections in every other country where the citizenry have a choice of candidates for leadership roles.

The laws are affecting not only national governments and governing bodies from village level on up—wherever negativity still has a foothold, high vibrations are causing shake-ups to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to say. This can be as close to home as family, neighbors and co-workers and as seemingly remote as multinational corporations, the United Nations, military forces, religions, education, law and justice systems, and information outlets around the globe.

High vibrations are overpowering the low vibrations of everything that has adversely affected life in your world. This had to happen so Earth could regain her balance after almost dying from long ages of imbalance due to humankind’s brutality to each other, animals and the planet itself. The massive infusion of light from far distant sources seventy-some years ago enabled Earth to embark upon a journey back to life-sustaining balance—you know this journey as ascension.

This is an appropriate place to address an email that recently was sent to my mother: “I just found your site but I’ve known about Disclosure for quite a while. What are we supposed to do until our ET family gets here, just continue to wait patiently and hope they really will come? Can they decide not to? If so, would that mean that it is our responsibility to end all wars and other violence, repair the environment and fix everything else that is wrong in the world? Doing that without any help from advanced civilizations seems like an impossibility.”

There is so much to say about this, it is hard to know where to begin.

Perhaps it is best to start with the universal law that no civilization has the responsibility—much less the right—to go into another world and make changes as they see fit even when it would immensely benefit that world’s inhabitants. Civilizations with a core of darkness have violated this law and destroyed other peoples and their homelands, but this never has happened to Earth and only lighted civilizations are anywhere near your solar system.

So yes, it is the responsibility of a civilization to right its own wrongs, but there is a loop hole there, you could say. Conditions in your world from severely damaged environment to the state of perpetual warring and unconscionably lopsided distribution of resources are products of your civilization’s successive generations’ bellicosity, brutality, greed, corruption, deception, negligence and abuse. Righting all of those wrongs is indeed a formidable undertaking, and to any third density civilization, it surely would seem an impossible task.

No doubt that is why God authorizes assistance to civilizations that request it. Gaia asked for help so her planetary body could survive, and the response was what we mentioned above, the infusion of lifesaving light from many civilizations. But it is not only by Gaia’s request that assistance is being lovingly given. The desire in your collective consciousness to live in a world at peace and in harmony with Nature is your request for help to accomplish this.

From the first moment of intensive light-beaming, many years ago, civilizations that the majority on Earth don’t know even exist have been helping Earth and you in numerous vital ways. Thus clearly their assistance is not dependent upon “Disclosure,” your governments’ public acknowledgement of extraterrestrial presence.

In accordance with universal laws and as part of the Golden Age master plan—prior to birth, everyone in your world knew the plan’s details and clamored to participate—all of our universal family who have been helping you are way-showers, not over-takers.

Many thousands are living right there with you, working alongside you. They have adapted an appearance that looks no different from you, and their superior intelligence and highly developed skills have given them entry into fields where darkness held sway.

Some work quietly researching and documenting the truth that the darkness has kept hidden from you, and others—you call them whistleblowers—tell the truth to the world.

Others are initiating or influencing reforms in such diverse areas as governing, economic and legal systems, energy, transportation, healthcare, sports, education, mining, logging, agriculture, computer technology, species preservation, the media, scientific research and metallurgy.

A few are in the entertainment field, and even though you regard them as such, their feats that amaze you stir thoughts about what underlies their extraordinary abilities. They exemplify what you, too, can do when you expand spiritual and conscious awareness.

Many brothers and sisters came from other worlds to befriend, enlighten, guide and inspire the individuals who share with them the same ancestry civilizations.

The protection of invisibility by “cloaking” or an impenetrable shield of Christed light is given to people whose lives are at risk at the hands of Illuminati henchmen.

None of the highly publicized “feared” pandemics occurred because family members working in your laboratories neutralized the toxins in vaccines that were designed to cause illness and death.

The damage that has been done to Earth is much too severe for you to manage yourselves. Even when technologies long-controlled by the Illuminati are released, they are not sufficient to speedily handle the extensive restorative aid the planet requires, and technologies in nearby spacecrafts, some of which is mind-powered, do have that capability.

While passengers and crews have been waiting to land and work with you on site, all along they have been helping from the skies. Foremost is preventing more than a dozen attempts by the Illuminati to use nuclear warheads in terrorist acts that would have caused more deaths and destruction than “9/11.”

Radioactive releases from Japan’s damaged nuclear facility would have killed or sickened millions if the crews had not dramatically reduced the lethal levels.

No marine life within miles of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico would have survived if the crews had not kept clearing away the gushing oil’s toxic components.

They also have been reducing the toxicity in weaponry, industrial waste, stored nuclear waste, chemtrails, and other pollutants in inland and ocean waters.

Crews far and near disintegrate or deflect the course of celestial bodies and manmade debris in space that could cause serious damage if they hit the planet.

By laying an electromagnetic grid above Earth, they reduce the effects of earthquakes insofar as death toll and destruction, yet permit the same amount of negativity release.

They steer severe storms away from land unless the target areas need the cleansing and purifying that water imparts.

And those vast, powerful, far distant civilizations will continue to direct intensive light to Earth until she is securely within fourth density.

Can you imagine the state of your world and all who live there if none of those measures had been undertaken by countless numbers within our universal community?

This brings us to a point we wish to emphasize about “just continue to wait patiently” for Disclosure. Beloved souls, you are not just waiting! Innately you know that the responsibility for cleaning up the mess is yours because it is your homeland, and in one way or another, all of you have contributed to its condition. That’s why many millions of you have been serving for years to bring about benevolent changes that are generating light and uplifting your world.

Let us give you some examples. Local and international rallies and meditation services for peace. Participation in a variety of environmental conservation measures. Monetary support to organizations that are providing life essentials to refugees and others in impoverished circumstances. Community and individual efforts to assist those who are most needy. Demands for justice and humane treatment where those are being denied. Efforts to preserve and uplift the lives of domestic and wild animals. Ingenuity, perseverance and cooperation to overcome financial adversity and other hardships.

And please do not overlook the power of your prayers! Prayer is not reciting familiar words in church or personal messages to God, by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe. Prayer is the energy sent forth by your every thought, feeling and deed, and you have been sending out “peace, prosperity, health and harmony” energy in great abundance!

We want to mention other factors that also pertain to “waiting patiently.” In previous messages we have explained what has prevented mass landings for the past decade or so, and it is most unfortunate that much confusion and disappointment has arisen due to blatantly false information given to some channels by dark entities that claimed to be well known respected sources. The dark ones do this specifically to cause negative reactions because they feed on the energy of negativity and to survive, they must keep creating it.

It didn’t help that the very few actual plans for a small number of ETs to make a public appearance had to be postponed—we assure you that the fleet commanders’ decisions were wisely made for your safety and theirs.

Because of that and the many instances of deliberate falsehoods about extraterrestrials’ arrival and intentions as well as claims of imminent planetary disasters, Hatonn has asked us to expound on his statement in a previous message: “If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.”

“We” refers to members of the off-planet contingent that has been negotiating with some of your government leaders and others in the vanguard of paving the way for the Golden Age. This visiting group would be introduced prior to the arrival of our family who will bring technologies and remain as long as you want and need them to work with you.

The decision about timing of that momentous day is the province of the highest universal council, and it acts upon God’s mandate. Only at that ultimate peak of awareness can soul contracts of everyone involved, individual and global karmic completion, and your population’s reactions be known.

There is still another aspect to the “waiting game,” if you will. Animals whose soul contracts provide sufficient longevity have a free ride into fourth density with the planet, but humankind does not—you have to earn your ticket, so to say. Whether your contract choice is to live in Earth’s Golden Age or to enjoy its full panorama from Nirvana, it is prudent to use this time to prepare spiritually. Live from your heart—love is the key!

Only in the United States is one day each year designated Thanksgiving Day. Should not every day be a time of thanks-giving throughout your world?

Thanks to our universal family who are in your midst or in your skies, and all who are beaming intense light from afar to you and your world.

Thanks to Gaia for crying out for help so her body and all of its resident life forms could survive.

Thanks to God for His unconditional love and for never judging what you do or don’t do.

And thanks to each other for providing the opportunities for experiences that you needed for spiritual and conscious growth.

Always and in all ways, the respect and love of lighted souls throughout this universe are with you, our dear Earth family.

Suzanne Ward

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