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The 12:12:12 celebration is linked to Alchemy Consciousness, as well as the Alchemy of
Consciousness. The days of “blindly” living your life have long ago ceased. You are living in a state
of higher awareness within a world embodying great potential. I, Kuthumi, stand in front of you
today, my energy graces the presence of your planet and I challenge you to stand up and say “no”
to the old ways of reacting to life and the old ways of creating the limitations of your past.
The 12:12 vibration is one of the most powerful in existence relating specifically to human

The reason why I say this is because on the 12 th of December every year the
attention of the entire universe is turned to Mother Earth, it is the Universal Solstice; the
celebration of the light soul that exists within every soul currently inhabiting earth.

You inhabit earth for a purpose. The purpose is not to be, or remain inhibited. The lessons that
have presented themselves to you on your earth journey have inhibited certain aspects of yourself.
That time of inhibition is now ending. You have entered a world where you have to truly
understand what it means for light to reflect light. If you have been one of those who have bought
into the idea that light and dark need to stand in equal amounts in order for one to truly learn and
master the lessons of light and balance, then I must ask you now to immediately erase that from
your consciousness. The choices that you have made are presenting you with this opportunity; the
opportunity to live your life expressing and reflecting light, and in so doing, attracting every aspect
of light that exists within you into your physical reality, and having it reflected back at you. This
may challenge many of your belief systems, especially when there are so many people out there
telling you that if you do not experience darkness you cannot continue to grow. Although that has
been the case in the past, it is now changing. Now you are facing the pain and suffering of YOUR
PAST so that you can live within the realms of light NOW, without having to constantly create
drama and suffering in order to feel you have earned your right to experience peace and

More in the meditation By Dear Lord Kuthumi


Be Blessed all

We are all one

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Montague Keen

All that was hidden is being revealed. We encourage you to share your findings with each other. You will not see mention of this on mainstream television as yet. The media is not allowed to give you the full picture of what is actually happening. Those with eyes to see, can see for themselves that the Cabal is in trouble. They are in shock; they cannot believe that their plans for 2012 will not now be realised. Greater forces than theirs are preventing them from starting World War 3. They are having to accept the fact that they are not invincible, after all. To save face, they now want you to believe that they have changed their plans, that they now plan to attack Iran in the Spring. Well . . . we shall see what transpires in the Spring, shall we? They failed to recognise that when intelligent people wake up and see clearly what is being done to them, they come together and call for help. Their request has been heeded and help has been forthcoming from all directions. Just because you do not see it on your TVs, does not mean that you are not being rescued from the terrible fate that the Cabal had planned for you.

There is no honour among the Cabal. They turn on each other, every day now, thus exposing more and more of the corruption in which they are involved. April will prove to be an interesting month. The floodgates are opening. You will have to deal with the real truth. The first reaction of the general public will be to become angry. I ask that you rise above it as anger will only delay matters. You will have to face some terrible truths about what has been done to mankind; to your DNA, to your brain, etc. All this will be put right. You will be fully restored. What you had accepted as reality will change completely. The time has come for the suffering to stop and for peace to reign once more. There are groups of people all over your world, ready and equipped to take over from the corrupt. It has taken some years to put everything in place. The evil perpetrated on the human race will shock those who are not yet awake.

The Intensive Course on Sacred Geometry which you did last week, was most beneficial, as well as enjoyable. As more people link with their true identity, through Sacred Geometry, etc., they will free themselves from the tyranny of the Cabal. I know that you want to quote from the book WORLDBRIDGER, so please do so, my dear.

"Humanity is a genetic experiment, an immortal race trapped in a mortal paradigm, a solar race locked in a lunar reality, a stolen race on a stolen planet. The corruption lies in the mutant matrix, in the systemic failure of Earth's governing functions and the loss of evolutionary symbiosis that occurred when this parasitic species electromagnetically disconnected humanity and its mother planet from the divine immortal continuum, setting Earth on a course of terminal decline. THERE WAS NO "FALL" WE WERE PUSHED.


Worldbridger. Juliet and Jiva Carter, Sowelu Publishing (2007).

I wanted to share these words with everyone.

This is what you have returned to Earth to bring about. You will succeed; never again will humanity be allowed to be reduced to this level of existence. Never again will human beings be hungry or homeless or live in squalor. All men will be equal, as they are before God. All this will be achieved peacefully and with as much dignity as is possible. Never stoop to the level of the Cabal, it is not necessary.

Do not doubt for one moment your ability to restore humanity and planet Earth. It is just a matter of everything falling into place when the timing is right. 2012 was the year chosen for all to be put in place, then man will learn who he is and what he is capable of. All the information is readily available, it's up to each of you to prepare for this great transition.

The energy of your world is re-awakening. It is releasing pure energy once more. Believe only those you trust. Go with your gut instincts. The Cabal will try to use natural changes to cause fear. Remember that fear is the oxygen of life to them. They need you to be in fear.

They are to be pitied. 2000 years in the planning and now they see it falling apart and they are powerless to change it. They will have to answer for the human suffering they have caused in that time. Humanity will be their judge. Sadly, humanity fell into the traps which were cleverly set by the Cabal, all those years ago. Man has since learned some hard lessons. Now that people are becoming more aware every day, they want an end to the rule of the Cabal. The time has come for the 99% to step forward and reclaim what is rightfully theirs. The plans of the Cabal are so EVIL - way beyond anything humanity could imagine. It will be difficult when all this comes to light. It will cause distress to all those who had trusted and revered them.

Look forward to peace and to learning your real history. You will learn the truth about your world. You will learn when and how it was led astray and the evil intent of those who set their plans in motion. You live on a prison planet. Look with love in your hearts to a life of freedom, the like of which you have never known.

There is nothing to fear as the battle is won. Together, we will shine the bright light of love on your Earth. Talk to each other. Share your thoughts, you hopes and your dreams, and soon they will become reality.

I remain your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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Sourcing the New World From Within
Yael and Doug Powell
a message from God channeled by Yael and Doug Powell
Tuesday, 24 January, 2012 (posted 29 February, 2012)
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Beloved ones, in these important times I must urge you to remember that your life flows forth from Me. You live from the Spirit outward. Your heart is the entry point for every increment of energy that then becomes your life and everything that you see in it.

Therefore, I ask you to return, daily and even hourly, to that feeling place of perfect faith where you feel the astounding power of this Love -- where you recognize that I Am your daily bread, that I Am your food. First is the spiritual and then it becomes physical. It becomes the symbols of the world.

As your heart opens and your vibration soars, you will find your life coming more into accord with that which your heart knows as the truth. But, dearest ones, don’t stop there, and don’t be fooled into looking outside of yourself for that which brings you what you need.

Remember that it comes as Love. It comes from Me. The more that you feel and believe this, the more will manifest as a world of beauty, as Heaven on Earth. As you see your life change, and you feel Love urging you to take this action, or that one…please, go ahead. Act on the urgings of the Spirit of Love.

Listen when you hear My guidance. But always be sure to stop for a moment and to be aware from whence your blessings come. Connect to the vibration of Love. Re-establish the continuity, the flow, until every atom of your being remembers that I Am the Source and I Am Love and you are this very energy.

You are My heart. You are My Light, and this communion is the spiritual soil from which every symbol springs, every experience of your life. Especially when you feel powerfully guided to take action, to serve, to embrace a certain path, to imbibe a certain food that speaks to you of vibrant health, remember that it comes from this communion and is made manifest always through your heart.

The human perspective has always been to look outside of yourself and to believe that nourishment comes as food and abundance comes as money. But in the truth of the heart it is cleare that the Source is the Moment of Creation. It is the energy of life. It is the power of living Love that is then made manifest to reflect to you the space in which you live, the level of our communion, the blessings of your deep connection to the endless life I Am.

Beloved ones, we are making a shift in this world that means everything. It is the shift to Love. It is the awareness of God. It is the truth of the unity of one life breathing you and living in exuberance here and now.

It is from this place that the New World springs into being, the world that your heart is creating, the vision that has been before you for the whole of your life. It is the conviction within that peace can reign, that equality and abundance is for everyone and that Love is the only truth.

It is now time for these things to be actualized, to be made manifest, to be lived and rejoiced in. But the only way this can be done is if each of you, beloved ones, deeply remembers the Source. You must remember the flow, that all life is sourced through the heart from the glorious explosion of God I Am awakening as Love.

You are an integral part of this by re-establishing your true faith in the source of your life, in the feeling level of the heart and our communion and then, holding this as your truth until it is clear that the life that you live in the world is a result of your heart’s attunement.

Look to Me as your bread, your water, as the food by which you truly live and the abundance which supports you…even if at first it feels and seems impossible and flies in the face of everything you have experienced through the mind as your human expression. As you listen, as you pause, as you make the choice to remember to attune to the source of life, to remember first and foremost that it is this place of communion, this trust in our Love, this connection to the circle of life, of Love, of giving that then becomes your world in this moment that you take to remember -- before reaching for the food on your plate, before using that money for a purchase, before making your choices of what needs to be part of your life.

When you hold this vibration of trust in Me, when you look upward for your spiritual sustenance, it brings you into the vibration of the New World, the world that is truly Heaven, the world that is Love made manifest. In every area this is the truth, every area…in areas you have never even paused to consider.

In the area of Love relationships, of course…but in the areas that are seemingly sourced from outside of you such as the garden, the growing of food, the choices of what to eat…even the belief that you must take care of the body in certain ways…all of this I simply ask that you remember to take one moment and to pause, to open your heart, to re-establish the remembrance, the connection to the real flow of life and to send forth a prayer of gratitude that I Am your Source -- for example, that I Am your food, that I Am your energy, that I Am your warmth, your ability to take care of the circle of your life, of your environment.

All of this comes from within, bursting through the heart as the energies of Love, and the results of our communion are then made manifest in the symbols of the world and the life that you are living here.

In these times of powerful change, the greatest shift of all is this remembrance that you can look to Me for everything. The Love that you are sustains you.

The more deeply that you feel this and that you believe on the feeling level, on the level of resonance that life comes forth from Me…that you are fully created in limitless glory in the eternal Now Moment, that you can embrace this perfection, say “Yes” to it, say “Yes” to life in ways the mind cannot imagine…then, trust your heart to make manifest this Love, this life force, this joy in the experience of living, as every moment of your experience in the world.

As you connect to Me as the Source of everything, you are more easily freed from the consensual dream of life outside of you. This doesn’t mean there is no call to action or that you don’t need or want to eat food...although this can change.

It means that when you make the choice, there is a moment of remembrance before you move that re-establishes the actual flow of Real life, of its establishment as the beautiful expression of God you are, here and now. And then, once you feel this remembrance and once there is a song within your heart that knows you are perfectly supported, then make your move. Buy your food. Make your juice. Imbibe in the symbols of Creation as they show up as your world.

If, as yet, some of those symbols are imperfect and are still holding the resonance of duality, first allow the living Spirit to inform you of the gift of service in the experience you are living. Then, re-affirm this life and your connection to Me as the Source, your ability to be this explosion of Love.

Feel your heart as this magnificent sun that pulses forth the energies of God I Am which you live and name and make yours. Hold that feeling state of divine communion as you go forth, and through the heart, connect with everything -- establishing Real communication with the energies of Love that become your world as you keep looking upward and raising your vibration until that which you see is the truth of who you are.

So, beloved ones, at this moment it is like strata. The energies of the New World are high and clear. The energies of the old world are more muddied, confused. They are still tied to the old way of seeing things. Your work if you will is to keep holding to a world of Love that is sourced from God and flows forth through your heart to be made manifest as a world of life and health and abundance of body, of Love, of relationship, joy…abundance work, service, all of it.

It is first brought forth in you, manifested in the symbols of your changing world and then, honored, beloved ones, and this is so important … honored as the expression of the Love you are, embraced in communion by your heart and celebrated.

That you might now become a conscious participant in life is the goal. This now is the vision that resonates within you. Trusting this life, this Love I Am, as sufficient for your every need will bring to you your ability to live as the heart of God, open, available and infinitely free…right here, while expressing as a human being.

As your heart opens, the world changes. Relating to this world consciously is important. This means relating to your own heart, that you might stop and remember and honor life and all of its gifts, that Love may be made manifest as the world. The world of Love is brought forth right now through this moment of remembrance and communion, through seeing the Source within your heart and clinging to it, allowing Me to keep feeding you freedom.

In this time you are powerful creators. In this time your heart’s beliefs will be made manifest, consciously ameliorated by Love, as long as you acknowledge your heart and live from the inside outward.

Now I have said to you that everything you see is simply a veneer painted on the world of Love – the reflection of the heart’s beliefs in separation from your whole and perfect good. This is the truth and the circle does go both ways. You can make this connection with the truth of life, with the Source of Love by moving through the illusion, by taking what you see as the world and not believing it and using your heart to see the truth and to move right through the illusion. This brings you, beloved ones, to the same place.

But because we are healing duality, because it is time to end the belief in separation from Me, from Love, from the glory of the life you are, it is important to now recognize the Source within you and your open heart as the powerful conduit for releasing into the world the true activity of Love, vibrant, alive, full of joy. This will allow you to focus your world, to be the acknowledgement that the Love within you becomes the world you see and that I Am always supporting you.

I Am the fulfillment of your every need. The more that you feel this, the more amazing your life will be, with things that you need showing up in an instant in absolutely amazing ways.

So look to Me when you open your eyes in the morning before you think about what must be done for the day. Before you think about the weather or what you shall be wearing, return to your heart and bathe in Me until you remember that every good and all that you need is supplied, and through your heart, even the weather changes and abundance will seem to drop from the sky or show up in ways you can’t foresee.

Even in the simple things, remember that your life comes forth from Me. As the Moment of Creation births anew the wholeness of Love as the hologram, feel the resonance of this truth. Then step forth and let your day begin, and don’t be surprised at the way that Love comes before you and brings you new ways to celebrate this wholeness and to remember that I Am your supply and that your heart is the conduit for your world.

Thus what you are guided to do will be supported from the highest resonance and what you feel will be the communion of Love on every level, in every area of your life, until every breath is a celebration and acknowledgement and every moment is a prayer of gratitude when the New World shows up unimpeded and you live every moment through your heart.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell

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Gratitude for Lessons

I'm grateful for the lessons on Earth. Many of my lessons in life were valuable because they opened me to other perspectives. In 2009 I learned the lesson of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, as my first girlfriend who cheated on me died in a horrible car accident leaving her only son. It also taught me to pray for the betterment of others on the other side. Also going through a divorce in 2014 from my first wife taught me the lesson of self-compassion and self-empathy, as well as the result of going through a 10 years long abusive marriage. In 2021, due to a business dispute, I learned the lesson of free will and empathy toward others as well as self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others.

I am starting to see life on Earth as sacred, because there is gratitude for all of the growth as a result of lessons. Recently, I found a subconscious fear within me preventing deep empathy and compassion, as I retreated into the mind for safety trying to find logic when emotions were to be applied (empathy and compassion). I am hoping to resolve the catalyst of the lesson by apologizing to another for miscommunication and lack of understanding/empathy. I am still learning but my hope in writing this (and sharing everything here) is to pass the torch to inspire others to light up themselves, light up others, light up communities and therefore light up the world.

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Don't Give Away Your Divine Power of Love & Joy
By Steven Hutchinson
Be joyful when you face trouble, be cheerful when you go through hard times.
That may not make any sense to you until you realize and experience that when you lose your joy - you lose your power. In those difficult moments, you need strength and power more than ever. Your divine love and joy is what will help you to continue believing and be strong.
The greatest power you have is the Divine Love & Joy you have within your heart. This is the Divine Blessings that God has given each of us, and there is no power greater than that Divine Love & Joy. It's only when you allow the events and circumstances of your life to overshadow and make you forget about that love and joy that you give your power away.
Negative thoughts and emotions are great energy consumers. Remember though, that no matter what you are thinking - you have the power to redirect your attention to something positive.
And no matter what you are feeling in any moment - you have the power to let that feeling come and go and not allow yourself to continue thinking about any negative emotion. Take courage and BELIEVE with all your being that you will emerge victorious by always bringing your attention back to the Divine Love & Joy within your heart.
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Interactive Online Angel Experience for all Starseeds, Earth Angels and Lightworkers!
This multi-level, exciting information packed course will be given on both the physical and ethereal levels.  Join us to discover your angelic lineage while expanding your knowledge & understanding of the angelic realms through music and beautiful visuals.  This class will stimulate and enhance your connection to all of the celestial phylums and  mighty legions of angels.  This fun, uplifting and expansive course provides new information, angelic activations, meditations, and angel templating processes to enhance your energy and life on Earth.  In addition, you will experience the Angel Tree and all of its magical powers and gifts.  This holiday course will be a great and wondrous journey for all in attendance!
Angel Academy: Session 2 - The Realms of Power & Light
Live! & Online International Angel Activation with Bryan  
January  27, 28, 29  -  $35


The Angel Academy session will be open Saturday, Sunday & Monday (January 27, 28 & 29) can access it whenever you wish during the 3-day period 24/7.    The seminar access information and link will be sent to you on Saturday morning.
An ‘Online’ seminar is unique set of exclusive web-pages with a wealth of information, music, images and special audio transmissions…all created by Bryan to enhance your metaphysical experience in a number of selected areas!  You will really enjoy the energy and instruction of these special web creations!  Once again, you will have the Angel Academy online seminar & Angel Tree replay for 3 you can proceed at your own pace through the online session.

Angel Academy: Session #1...

will also be available during the 3 days, if you would like to attend both sessions!

An Interactive Online Angel Experience for all Starseeds, Earth Angels and Lightworkers!


This multi-level, exciting information packed course will be given on both the physical and ethereal levels.  Join us to discover your angelic lineage while expanding your knowledge & understanding of the angelic realms through music and beautiful visuals.  This class will stimulate and enhance your connection to all of the celestial phylums and  mighty legions of angels.  This fun, uplifting and expansive course provides new information, angelic activations, meditations, and angel templating processes to enhance your energy and life on Earth.  In addition, you will experience the Angel Tree and all of its magical powers and gifts.  This holiday course will be a great and wondrous journey for all in attendance!
For more information please visit....
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Spiritquest Path of the Shaman


Take a Mystical Journey to Enlightenment!

Come take a exciting personal and collective journey that will strengthen and enhance your spirit-connection to everything and everyone around you.  This journey begins with a Live! tele-session that will guide us all through the accelerated enlightenment experience and will continue with an easy 5 step/5 day process that will include daily webpage updates with easy one hour activities incorporating a guided audio by Bryan, focusing techniques, dream programming, videos and imagery to assist in your great awakening & reconnection.  Join us as we all embark on this adventure together!
Also includes a 30-min LIVE! energy clearing will remove discordant energy, stress and any unwanted things that are around you or your home in all dimensions of time and space. This will be a fun, easy, follow-along interactive session where Bryan will be guiding the clearing, as well as connecting with your guides and angels to assist. The end result will leave you feeling lighter, happier and ready to go on your SpiritQuest!
Spiritquest & Shamanic Energy Cleansing - Live!/Replay & Online International Tele-Activation with Bryan
Saturday, September 2, 2023  9:00 AM (Pacific Time)  - $37 (both sessions)
The Shamanic Energy Cleansing/Intro to SpiritQuest Live!/Replay session will be will then continue with a link to the SpiritQuest go-at-your-own-pace online session!
An ‘Online’ seminar is unique set of exclusive web-pages with a wealth of information, music, images and special audio transmissions…all created by Bryan to enhance your metaphysical experience in a number of selected areas!  You will really enjoy the energy and instruction of these special web creations!  In addition, you will have the Spiritquest' online seminar for 5 you can proceed at your own pace through the online session.

For more information please visit....

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(say aloud (or internally if not possible) with deep feeling – never whisper)
I call forth the most powerful Cosmic outpouring of the Ascended Masters
Divine Love into my calls to You, my Beloved Mighty “I AM” Presence - I
Thank, Love, and Bless Them for this!
Beloved “I AM” Presence and that of all humankind - silence the human
forever and hold it bound and in obedience to the Great Cosmic Law!
Consume all discord with Violet Fire and replace all with Ascended Master
Consciousness! We Thank You!
MEET! I Thank You for this blessed Service and that I am always ready and
worthy to receive this gift!
Beloved Mighty “I AM” Presence, see to it that I use Your gifts ONLY in
the service and expansion of Thy Mighty Light! I thank ALL the Great
Ascended Hosts for Their continuous Love and Guidance!


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"The bless the pregnant women for normal delivery and for good health of the baby in womb."

Also according to Brilliant Light By Madabusi Subramanium:

It is given in the third eye of husband and wife who are not getting children.

Seems like a great application with Tasman Flax Lily flower essence: "Treats polycystic ovarian disease, also good to take one month before conception to strengthen child, if taken in the last three months of pregnancy can allow child to be born with open third eye. Also gives clearer psychic visions during meditation" according to Heiko Lade (New Zealand)

Also known as Sisupa

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I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
God consumes my darkness,
Transmuting it into Light.
This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human thought and feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.
I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension;
I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying
The purpose of the kingdom of heaven.

Source: The Summit Lighthouse

Kuthumi, the master of the Golden Robe, trains students who are on the ray of wisdom in the art of meditation and the science of the Word so that they may become master psychologists of their own psyche, or soul.

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Affirmation: All Is The Presence of God !

Today I open my mind and heart to the birth of new ideas that inspire me and reveal to me my soul's purpose for me in my life.
I Am filled with Divine Joy and Gratitude as newness grows and expands my mind in creating and unfolding the magnificence of God's Love in my life.
Indeed the Presence of God's Love, Joy, and Abundance is revealed to me in everything I do and see.
My life is a celebration that is reflecting and unveiling of the inherent goodness and beauty in nature and the universe.
I know that all is well. All is good. All is God.
And So I Let it Be.
And So it Is !
Steve Hutchinson


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Unity Vow

Defenders of Truth, Sovereignty and Liberation. Guardian Families, serving the One.

From across all the Multiverses I call upon my Guardian families to join me now. My unification is demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - I sound my heart tone to you now. My energy template updated, renewed and forever perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. My Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and I endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Please sustain me in the Eternal Power of my Consecration.

I have asked for your Gatekeeping in order to hold my mission, my highest purpose in Service to the One Light, my Source, the Living Light Code. My Intention is Unification - the Cosmic Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, here and now.

I request the handshake to fortify my spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Trinity, and into the Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of my Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your living life codes into my created form. I set my intention now to be remembered to that which I AM, fully, completely and totally, God Sovereign Free!.

I state my mutual purpose as One, please resurrect all inorganic and artificial patterns to the Organic Living Light now. And to that I say, Thank God I AM the Living Eternal Light. And so it is lovingly decreed.


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By Ben Turner

The stunning experiment, which reconstructs the properties of entangled photons from a 2D interference pattern, could be used to design faster quantum computers.


Scientists have used a first-of-its-kind technique to visualize two entangled light particles in real time — making them appear as a stunning quantum "yin-yang" symbol.

The new method, called biphoton digital holography, uses an ultra high-precision camera and could be used to massively speed up future quantum measurements.


My notes: Science and Spirituality are begining to merge. =)

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The Goddess Circle


"I embrace my deepest truth. I open to the transformation needed for my desires to manifest. I follow my heart and honor my intuition. I am courageous and move in the direction of my dreams. I open to soul deep connections. I attract love that nourishes my body, mind, heart and soul. I am a magnet for abundance. Good things flow to me in every breath. I am supported fully by the Universe." ~Ara

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit

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