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Laarkmaa, a group of Pleiadians, have a powerful Heart Meditation. 

It is found in appendix C of the book below


The book is on Kindle for $6.99. Click on the cover image above to go to the book.

I can't share the Meditation here because it is copyrighted, but definitely check it out.

It is kind of like the Unified Chakra Meditation or White Light Empowerment. 

You draw in Light to yourself then you send it to the world. 


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Containing Etheric Body

Etheric body must have puzzling properties. First, of course it better not knock the visible objects around. So for that purpose, it must not interact with the visible objects. However, it must also, follow the visible body. This, amongst other things, mean it must interact with visible objects!

But suppose we drop away the common 'spirit-matter' dilema? Then we can solve the above puzzle in elegant way. (When soul is incarnate in the 'seen' body, it is part of the 'seen' and not the 'unseen'). The 'spiritualness' need not be seen as a fixed artribute of a thing. Rather, it is what a thing can become or cease to be!In the case of etheric body, the 'spiritualness' of the portion of body is corelated to its distance away from the seen body. Specifically, the farther away from the body, the more spiritual. At the point of contact with the seen body, it is fully 'physical'. Then the physical turns to spirit at the moment of leaving the body!
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Living during this cycle of history comes with a unique set of challenges no previous generation faced. This is true in general, and it's even more applicable during the amplified energetic cycles of 2012.

The cycle that started last weekend - with a three-week Mercury retrograde and other discordant planetary aspects - is adding intensity to your interactions and activities. If you have felt more stress than normal, these erratic energetic cycles could be one factor. Mercury retrogrades happen every year, of course, but this year they are joined by a plethora of milestone energies that are catalyzing revolutionary changes across the planet and within each person. As you may have noticed, almost as soon as you assimilate one energetic level, the next one arrives!
Tips for Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape

Be mindful as you go about making plans, interacting with people, and starting new projects. Take extra care, as many things may not go according to plan. You don't need to understand astrology to be impacted by cycles of harsh or erratic planetary aspects. Knowing a bit about energy shifts like those occurring now, however, helps you to be better prepared. With more awareness of cycles, you can more skillfully respond to the ups-and-downs of your own moods, other people's erratic behavior, and the chaos that comes with sudden shifting and unknowns.

Monitor your thoughts, catching yourself if you succumb to negative thinking and worry about what might happen next. Make the effort to stay positive. Remind yourself that you are experiencing a temporary fluctuation, and that the sun indeed shines just beyond the gloom-and-doom picture now appearing to be real.

Develop more patience. Whatever level of patience you have developed to date is likely to be tested more now. Even if you are the most patient person on your block, you will have moments of angst when the world around you seems turned upside down. Some challenges you recently viewed as relatively minor, or at least manageable, may feel like a big deal now. They aren't - not really - so remember to apply patience and a higher perspective.

Everyone is impacted in your interconnected world. Discordant planetary aspects of this cycle are impacting humanity at large. This includes you and everyone you meet. You may be having a wonderful day, feeling inspired and confident about whatever is on your plate to handle. Other people, however, may be having a much different kind of day. An encounter with a stressed customer service representative can leave you out of sorts, unless you stay mindful of the bigger picture. Remember that not everyone is consciously awake. Also, even people with an awakened consciousness can have a bad day. Therefore, make the effort to be kind and allowing, teaching others through your own kindness a more gentle way to be.

Know yourself, know the territory. To successfully navigate the current radical cycles of energy affecting humanity, it's helpful to understand how those cycles impact you personally. Having an awareness of your own planetary influences will help you know what times are likely to be challenging, why, and what remedies you can apply to smooth the ride. When you can apply antidotes in the moment when you are challenged, your life becomes more manageable. After all, you are a divine changemaker, learning to move into your true power to create. You are not a victim of circumstances - planetary or otherwise.

Self-inquiry during stressful moments is a powerful remedy. When you feel anxious, angry, or fearful, the first place you want to go is within. When others around you seem stressed, the first place you want to go is within. The answers you want are there, but they don't come automatically - you must inquire. Only by cultivating your inner resource of wisdom can you respond in the highest way. When you access your inner wisdom, you save yourself needless heartache and missed opportunities. The more you cultivate this priceless tool, the more benefits you will receive - including a more peaceful way to respond to all kinds of situations.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved *

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Most of you have been walking between the limited 3rd and 4th dimensions, yet you are now in a cycle that is accelerating your awakening to such an extent that many of you are shifting more of your consciousness into alignment with the unlimited domains of your God Presence. This then shifts all of the energy that your mind has been using to support you living in limitation and separation to now support you creating a stronger foundation in Unity or Christ Consciousness on the 5th dimension. This expansion of your focus will allow you to remain attuned to your life on Earth without being empathetically bound into the pain and confusion that is still playing itself out on the 3rd dimension. You are divinely designed to be omnipresent and to live within a unified field of consciousness where there is no need to be anywhere other than where you are. This is what will make your ascension into the unlimited 5th dimension possible in this lifetime.
~ Ascended Masters Jeshua and Mary Magdalene
Shifting Realities ~~ Part 1
To sustain the 5th dimensional ascension frequencies that are waiting to unfold within your heart, mind and body, be willing to live each moment as though it has never happened before, for indeed that is the truth. Today is never yesterday and tomorrow never happens, so each moment is golden and it will never take place again. When you live in this kind of awareness and gratitude for each precious moment, life will take on new meaning and you will be able to stay connected with your Presence much more easily. In fact, it is only in being present that you are truly in oneness with your Presence!
As you continue to shift your attention into the mind and heart of your Presence, you may find yourself seeing and feeling everything within and around you with a renewed sense of joy in just being alive during these magnificent times. The air may feel as though it is lovingly caressing your body, the ground may feel more precious to your feet, and the exchanges you have with others, even strangers, may feel more loving and supportive.
Any dramas that are still being acted out in the world based on the illusionary fears of the ego will continue to wind down until they are no more. It is now vital to keep your attention on living as your Presence so its consciousness may unite with every cell and atom of your being. Your Presence is seeking to be fully embodied so you can ascend into the freedom of a new Golden Age.
Your Presence uses the etheric substances within your body to connect its consciousness with your mind, your heart and even into the most miniscule parts of your body. As this relationship becomes a more conscious part of your reality, you will be creating a much greater access to your creative potential to assist humanity in moving into a new Golden Age and you will be helping the Earth to move deeper into her paradise vibration.
We would suggest that you take some time in your meditations to align with your etheric energy body of light that is always around you. This is your bridge into the multidimensional consciousness of your Presence. Your etheric body is presently in the process of magnetizing and accumulating more light, mostly from the solar and photon energy that is now being released to assist you in moving into a greater alignment with the expanded energy field of your Omnipresent Self.
This increase in Light is also helping to shift the majority of humanity’s consciousness out of the 3rd and even out of the 4th dimensions which have been holding your Earth within the veils of illusion. Your 3rd dimension will soon exist solely within the paradise vibration that is still sustaining the natural world all around you. As your ascension progresses, your ego will no longer have control over your mind, your feeling nature, or your body. Ascending beyond the fear/duality matrix of consciousness ~ this shift in realities ~ is what the Great Shift of the Ages is really all about.
You are truly living in not only the opportunity of a lifetime, yet rather the opportunity of many lifetimes! As the memories held within the cells of your physical and etheric bodies move into greater harmonic resonance with your Presence, you will be given access to your higher dimensional capacities to create a next Golden Age.
This pivotal year of 2012 will continue to offer you opportunities that support your personal and planetary ascension. The internal confusion that has come from living in duality consciousness will be replaced with the clarity and joy of living in Unity Consciousness. Now is the time to step fully into your true unlimited Self, the Presence of the Divine that you truly are.
Founders of Ascended Masters Mystery School:
Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose

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There is a saying “I can see right through you” and that has never been more applicable than now. It feels like everyone around us, including us, is becoming more and more transparent, as all of who they/we are – and who they/we are not – is laid bare. This transparency is happening whether we like it or not – it is not as if everyone is suddenly feeling urged to be totally upfront and honest with each other. It is more like a curtain that was once dense is now becoming sheer, and so there is nowhere to hide.

As this process happens, we may not always like what we see. We may have preferred the illusion of what someone or something was, more than we like the reality. Even if we had a fairly good idea of what someone or something was, the in-your-face transparency occurring right now is like someone turning the dimmer light switch up from medium to high. We may have thought we were seeing clearly a year ago or even a month ago, but it’s becoming a whole new ball game now.

The degree to which you are still attached to any specific illusion as opposed to its truth reality, (be it a person, relationship, cultural or religious belief), the greater the emotional trigger as the veil collapses. As something is revealed to you, in some cases for the first time in other cases for the hundredth time, you will feel anything from deep grief or intense anger on the ‘still attached’ end of the spectrum to mildly amused or barely interested observer on the ‘detached’ end of the spectrum.

If you are being triggered, it will be helpful to realise that the ‘truth’ you are seeing is actually serving you in being revealed to you. Your emotional reaction is simply the ego thrashing about, still wanting to be engaged in an old story or drama. However, if you stop for a moment and get back into your centre you can emotionally disengage for long enough to ask yourself a good question: “Is this truth I am seeing really bothering me, or is it actually quite liberating to finally see this?” If you are angry because certain people are acting a certain way, ask yourself: “Do I really want them to act the way I am saying I want? Or am I being given a gift here? If this is a gift, what is the gift?”

Our freedom lies in realising we don’t have to react, or at least we can consciously choose how or even if we want to respond. Our old karmic ties are ending and so we are not karmically obligated to continue playing out old roles or patterns, or engaging in old relationships and dynamics that are no longer serving us. If someone ‘makes’ you feel not good enough, or ashamed, or judged, know that it is you who is still choosing to stay plugged in to an old story. There is no value in choosing to stay plugged in anymore. It is time to consciously remember that others do not define us.

“What you think of me is none of my business.” – Terry Cole-Whittaker

In the old cycle we needed others to trigger us into remembering who we are, often by others treating us less than. We remembered via overcoming pain, suffering, repression and other difficulties. We had our heads turned from who we are, from source energy, from the fullness of our light, and so we bought into stories around lack, limitation, restriction and disconnection. In the new cycle we are becoming the ‘living awake’ humans. Our heads are being turned forward toward the fullness of our light once again. Image a hose that was twisted and the water couldn’t get through, but now it is becoming untwisted and so the water can flow freely once again. That is what’s happening to us in this Shift. We are stepping into and embodying our divine identity, power and abilities. Our upside down world is becoming right side up again, and just like those snow shaker things the flipping process makes everything look chaotic for a while, but know that things are becoming right way up.

Some of us are grieving the loss or death of people in our lives who never really existed. Of course, the physical being that they are existed and is still alive, but the projection we cast onto them, the identity that we gave them, did not exist. We are seeing that now, and it might be hard to feel and face.

You might be feeling like every day is an exercise in your buttons being pushed, and you are really over it. The only way to be done with this, is to finally actually get over it. Get over needing someone to be what they are never going to be, or not going to be yet, or don’t even want to be. Get over acting like you are responsible for other people’s actions and emotions. Get over feeling like others are responsible for your actions and emotions. It is time to take full responsibility for who we are and how we are, and unplug from the cords we have stuck into others and had others stick into us. It is time to unplug from the projections we have thrown onto others, and had thrown onto us.

One of the biggest projections occurring right now is the one we have collectively thrown over this year 2012. Many either believe it’s the end of the world, or the year that our star family finally come to save us. Both these beliefs deny any sense of self-responsibility or collective responsibility for the world we have created and are yet to create. As we cross the threshold of Dec 21, 2012 it will be a pivotal, empowering moment for humanity because finally we can be free of prophecies and the incorrect interpretations of them. Finally we can wake up from the illusion that it doesn’t really matter what we do because the world is either going to end or we’ll be ‘saved’.

“Midnight will come, nothing will happen except some softly falling snow, and people will awake the next morning to a planet that needs to be taken care of. The clearing of apocalyptical belief systems will be exceedingly painful because caring more about beliefs than about the planet must cease.”- Barbara Hand Clow, The Pleiadian Agenda

Barbara Hand Clow was referring to the start of the new millennium, but these words can apply to the end of this year also. There will be grief as the veil is finally and fully lifted, and people realise that no-one is coming to save us. Those Hopi’s were smart cookies when they said “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Our star families are watching us, they are close by, and I’m sure they will come and visit. However to ‘save us’ is to defy the whole point of our evolutionary intention: to awaken, to remember, and to realise that we know how to save ourselves.

To the dismay of the doomsdayers, the only waves that are going to wash over the planet are high vibration energetic ones. These waves are impulsing us to awaken, to remember who we are, to remember our power and to remember our true, divine, galactic origins and identities. These waves are cleansing our energy bodies, bringing to the surface anything remaining of the old vibration. These waves are clearing our hearts, our minds and our eyes, making us see and hear and feel more clearly. The waves are not like a magic wand, cleansing and clearing regardless of your own personal participation. They are simply ‘truth-revealers’ – what we each do with our own truth, and how we each respond to the increasing truth we see, is up to us.

For some, this time of ‘revelations’ will feel like a nightmare. For others it will be bountiful bliss. This is why it has been so important to get as conscious as possible by 2012 – the more willing you are to face all this ‘truth in your face’ the easier the ride can be. It can still be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be painful or scary. If you are feeling pain or fear, ask yourself: What am I resisting? What am I not wanting to face? What am I scared of? Don’t judge or be afraid for people who don’t seem like they are on a ‘conscious’ path. There are lots of spiritual seekers who don’t want to look at their shadow, and so still have a bunch of truth to face, meanwhile there are folks who’ve never picked up a self-help book in their life who couldn’t be more ‘tell it like it is’, know exactly who they are and can see through anyone a mile away.

There will be celebration as the veil is finally and fully lifted, because all those who are ready and willing to take part in the building of a new earth will roll up their sleeves and start (or continue) doing something to make that happen.

“Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” – Zen proverb

There are a lot of emotions, and there’s lot of energy, flying around the place right now, and it will become increasingly important to not get hooked in or distracted by that which doesn’t belong to you, or by that which isn’t even real (ie old projections or illusions). Remember that as we move into higher frequency energy, that which is not in alignment with the higher vibration has to come up for clearing so it will be more visible, it will be more in your face. This will make it seem like things are getting worse, but know that these are the very signs telling us that things are on their way to getting a whole lot better. We can’t know how to make things right, unless we become totally aware of where we’ve gone wrong. We can’t step fully into our power, unless we become fully aware of exactly how and where we have been disempowered.

On the topic of illusions and projections, there has been a long time rumour that the old powers that were will try to create a false flag event using hologram technology making it seem like we are being attacked by an ‘alien’ race or they’ll project faces of religious figures in the sky just to get some end of the world zeal happening. We know that they have this technology, we know that they aren’t beyond creating events to trigger fear and assume even more control, so this really isn’t that far-fetched. However, old reality intentions and energy are having a harder and harder time existing with each passing day in the higher energies so I’m not sure they could pull this off anymore. That said, it’s good to be aware that intentions like that exist so that IF something happens you can be prepared.

The best way to be prepared is to be familiar with your own true feelings, and this is yet another reason it’s important to unplug from constantly reacting to what other people are and aren’t doing. When you hear from one person ‘get on the spaceships if they come’ and you hear from another person ‘don’t get on’, what do you do? Listen to your own heart in that moment. You know who feels good and who doesn’t in your home or at a party or in the shopping mall, and the same applies here. There is not one type of star race, there is not one type of star ship, there is not one common intention among any visitors who may come. If they come and it all feels a bit controlling or patronising, you probably don’t want to join their party. If you cry joyful tears because you feel like you are being reunited with family, hug away! Listen to your own inner counsel and trust yourself.

As you witness that which you don’t like being revealed, use it as a catalyst for reminding you what it is you would like, what it is you would prefer. Find some small way to move toward that preference be it changing the way you think or act. Every single thing that we each do or don’t do right now will determine the kind of world we create with this ‘once in many lifetimes’ opportunity to create a very new reality. We are each one part of a huge 7 billion piece jigsaw puzzle. Your piece counts. Your piece matters. The question now is not: What kind of world are we going to have beyond 2012? It is: What kind of world do you want beyond 2012, and what are you doing with your piece of the puzzle to make it so?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2012. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included.

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Cosmic Weather Report:

Cosmic Weather Report:

Evolve or Perish

Mark Borax - May 2012



Westmisnter West, Vermont



Since 1987 people have been looking toward the year we're now living in as a crossroads
in human development. Many people are finding increasing signs and portents pointing
toward the end of the world. Others see a golden ray of light breaking through the
darkness of recent times. The Information Highway is surging with auguries of doom
and utopia. Because I published a book on 2012 a few years ago, talk-show hosts,
reporters, listeners and readers have been asking me what's going to happen by the
end of this year.


2012 []



On June 24 the giant planet Uranus (Revolution) will square tiny Pluto (Hell), marking
a ninety-degree angle that is the next step in the story of these planets since
they first came together in 1966. I see this square as a Gateway in Consciousness,
which our species is being swept toward with immense force. To transform the living
hell of our species we must overthrow systems of false power. This revelation is
nothing new - Shakespeare spoke of the same thing. But what makes our time unique
is that we have new technology that spreads the news of change instantaneously around
the world. This single development has the power to teach people how our commonality
outweighs our differences, and how we're all looking for the same thing.


Powerful subterranean forces of change, that have been increasing force since the
Sixties revolution went underground in the 1970s, are erupting back onto the surface
again. This will happen even more in the coming summer. There is no prophecy written
in stone that is forcing our species to a predetermined outcome, but a great mandate
is being imposed on us, and the way we respond to it will determine the fate of
our time: Evolve or Perish.


There's a way to talk about these things and a way to live them. As a soul level
astrologer and author my job is to translate the mysteries. For decades I've wrestled
with the task of bringing the stars down to earth, making the mysteries real. At
such a historical turning point as 2012 this task becomes more crucial, as a wave
of intensity sweeps across the world.


This wave is not going to lessen but increase its force in the coming decade, as
the Age of Pisces gives way to the Age of Aquarius. Even people who know nothing
about these matters are feeling the intensification of our time. Corporate media
responds one way; visionaries, artists and children respond another, as both hope
and paranoia increase. To follow the false marching orders of a dying civilization
is to perish. To drop deep down into the truth bubbling in your heart and soul is
to evolve.


The times we're living in require faith and fearlessness, to dare yourself to believe
the future can be better than the past. You can't take your cues from the entrenched
power structure that runs most media and education. You have to open your mind to
the premise of something different. Right now, all over the world, the choice is
being offered to the human race: Evolve or Perish.


We saw this choice in the 1960s, when an earlier Tsunami of Change swept through
the world, and people awakened to the fact that our society was heading for a fall.
Many of us took that wake-up call to heart and changed the direction of our lives.
But now the stakes are higher. We're not just trying to end a war in southeast Asia,
but stop the War of Deceit that occurs every day in the name of Normalcy.


Even if you can't yet see your part in this changing of the guard you can feel it.
Even if you haven't learned to read a birth chart you can read the faces all around
you - faces searching for something real to replace the Machine World, somebody
human to replace the false leaders, something good and fine and natural to the soul
to be the vote you cast.


People ask me if I vote. The answer is, yes, locally. I refuse to take part in the
presidential hoax. It's a sham, because by the time someone is bred to enter federal
politics they have been trained in the art of acting. They say exactly what their
handlers tell them to. They respond to polls. National politics has become soulless
and holds little hope of making any real change. Thankfully, however, national politics
is only one of the forces that govern our fate. I take my cue for activism from
Mark Twain, who said, "I believe in my country always, I believe in my government
when it deserves it."


Both the politics and the astrology of our time indicate the same thing: the times
we're living in are the make-it-or-break-it point of human history on Planet Earth.
As many things darken on the world stage it constellates the light buried deeply
in human beings. An unfortunate quirk of human nature is that we rarely make huge
strides in evolution until we are forced to.


Here, now, the pressure is on.
Upon what you choose to do with it rests the fate of the world.


Who Are You Really? What Are You Here For?


How Much Longer Are You Going To Wait?


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This weekend’s full moon marks a turning point. Spiritual energies flowing through the lunar gateways in April and May culminate in a series of breathtaking planetary alignments in June.

Along the way, we’ll enjoy three consecutive supermoons that coincide with the three major festivals of esoteric tradition. These are the Festival of the Christ (April 6), Festival of the Buddha (May 5) and Festival of Humanity (June 4). The religious holy days of Easter, Passover and Wesak are connected with these lunar festivals.

This year, the lunar alignments are “supermoons,” meaning the Moon is at or near perigee (its closest approach to Earth). The proximity of the Moon increases the spiritual energy flowing through the portal formed by the alignment of Sun, Moon and Earth.

The third full moon in the series – the Festival of Humanity (or Goodwill) – is a partial full moon lunar eclipse that forms a grand cross in mutable signs with Mars and Chiron. The next day, Venus will visibly transit the face of the Sun, an event that won’t happen again until 2117.

Later in June, the Cancer Solstice is followed by the first of seven exact squares between planetary heavyweights Uranus and Pluto that continue through 2015.

Throughout this time, magic, opportunity and creativity are interwoven with apparent crisis and chaos.

With this line-up, a complete turnaround is possible – the kind of transformation that happens through the process of death and rebirth.

Who are you becoming?
Lunar Festivals

Through the spring lunar festivals, the energy swells like a wave in the distance, gathering momentum before crashing to shore in June.

The full moons are points of initiation and illumination, opportunities for greater mastery, enlightenment, healing and service.

The process involves purification of the ego to allow for a fuller embodiment of the soul. Depending on how entrenched the ego is, this process may be extremely uncomfortable in the moment but leads to new levels of bliss as the soul is liberated.
Shamanic Venus

The current Venus cycle began November 5, 2010, in Scorpio and completes after a brief underworld journey in early June this year. Venus will disappear from our view on May 30, transit the face of the Sun on June 5/6 and return triumphantly as morning star in the east on June 12 when she begins a new cycle in Gemini.

As an expression of the goddess, Venus’ passage since early November guides us to embody and honor the feminine. The most shamanic sequence of Venus’ long astrological dance, the Scorpio phase speaks to issues of raw, vital, sacred feminine power, the essence of femininity as mystical, creative and sexual. This is the primal, tantric essence of Shakti.

Venus has to do with love, beauty, money, relationships and values. How have you shifted in these areas since November 2010? How has the world changed?
Uranus-Pluto Factor

Uranus-Pluto is the wild card in the current astrological progression. They meet in exact square seven times from June 2012 through 2015. This is a continuation of their long cycle that began with a conjunction in the 1960s. Themes of individual empowerment and revolution are rekindled throughout this period.

Pluto’s transit of Capricorn heralds the reconfiguration of society at the level of institutions, economies, politics and social systems. We’ve already witnessed many examples of this shift around the world.

Uranus in Aries ignites the passions of the warrior. The tension of the square is combative and deeply transformational. As individuals, we must each stand in our truth and find our place within a changing world according to our unique talents and purpose.

Unpredictable Uranus is the driving force behind this year’s transition, so predictions about exactly how things will play out are futile. By July, we’ll have a sense of what the ongoing square will bring.
How This Feels

While the global drama of the major transits plays out publicly and involves many lives, the individual experience varies. How specific transits and alignments relate to your natal chart tells us which areas of your life will be most affected in coming months and years.

Some common experiences I’ve been hearing about from people around the world include:

Sudden and sometimes unexpected changes in jobs, housing, family and relationships

Major career and financial shifts, including unforeseen new opportunities

Depression, grief and anxiety

Feelings of isolation, helplessness, chaos

An undeniable sense that change is coming, but uncertainty about the details or how to move forward

Deeply spiritual phenomena, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, startling visions and precognitive dreams

It’s a Love Thing

Whether we label our experiences as esoteric, shamanic, religious or otherwise, this passage is awakening us to deeper love. Love of self, love of humanity and the Earth, the cosmos, this creation. All that is.

Mastery begins with self-love. We learn to love and honor sacred other through relationships. Relationships are the building blocks of community. As we experience accelerated evolution through 2012 and beyond, it’s wise to connect with others based on shared values – what we cherish and hold dear – and allow other relationships to dissolve if they don’t match.

The 2012 passage signals the birthing of a new consciousness through the reconfiguration of our lives and our world. The new paradigm is deeply rooted in love.

Here’s the line-up for this segment of the journey:

April 6 – Full Moon in Libra/Aries (supermoon) – Festival of the Christ

April 20/21 – Taurus New Moon

May 1-5 – Beltane/Samhain cross-quarter gateway

May 5/6 – Full Moon in Scorpio/Taurus – Festival of the Buddha/Wesak (supermoon)

May 20 – Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse (annular)

May 30 – Venus enters the Underworld

June 4 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (partial) in Sagittarius/Gemini (supermoon + mutable grand cross) – Festival of Humanity

June 5/6 – Transit of Venus

June 12/13 – Venus helical rise in Gemini

June 16-18 – Pre-dawn alignment of Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Aldebaran

June 19 – Gemini New Moon

June 20/21 – Cancer Solstice

June 23/24 – Uranus square Pluto (first of seven exact from 2012-2015)

As I write this, the (super)moon is rising, and my heart is filled with hope and gratitude. The moon leans in so close I can nearly touch her. I whisper a prayer for the Earth and all beings on this sacred night.

May all be blessed.

Allison Rae explores eco-spiritual dimensions of consciousness evolution through 2012 and beyond. A passionate teacher and author of several books, Allison offers individual consultations by phone, and leads workshops, retreats and sacred sites journeys with groups. Please visit her website for more information:

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/
All rights reserved.

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A Whole World Full of Light,

HEAVEN #4088

 A Whole World Full of Light ,

February 3, 2012

God said:

The world, as you know it, is changing, for you are growing. And so, the world as you know it, changes before your very eyes. The world is a reflection of you. As you change and grow, so goes the world. The world is of your making, and the world is of your perception of it.

As you see a beautiful world, the world becomes more beautiful. And so do you. You become more beautiful to yourself and to others. You have always been beautiful to Me. My perception doesn't change. My perception has ever been true. I see. I have never not seen. Wherever I look, I see beauty. I have heard that beauty is in the Beholder. That saying holds Great Truth.

It is also true that how the Beholder sees rubs off on the Beheld. The more beauty you see in others, the more beautiful they will actually become.

You have seen this. When people feel loved or are in love, they light up, and they are beautiful. It is beautiful to see, and you have seen it. Be beautiful, and you will have a glow. See beauty, and what you see will have a glow about it. This is how you light up the world!

What is glow but light? And what are you but light? Light is spreading across the land. Beauty is becoming more beautiful. Beauty is infinite, and infinite means always more. There is no going back, beloveds. You can no longer hide your light in corners. No longer can you be shy or reticent to shine your light. You came here to Earth to shine your light, and shine your light you will. It is ordained, beloveds, it is ordained that you will come out of the shadows of your own perception. How about now? What is there to wait for? What are you waiting for? Come out from the shadows now.

Simply step out from the shadows of your past thinking. You, yes, you. You are a most beautiful being. Any lack you may have is lack of true perception of yourself, life, and others. You notice I say that it is your perception that is lacking. That is all that can be lacking. I created you as beauty. My perception is accurate. You are the non-believer. You are a non-believer in yourself.

You can't make yourself believe. You believe what you believe. Yet what you believe can be changed. You can raise a lesser belief to a higher belief. You do this by noticing. Any little bit of beauty you notice anywhere becomes you, and it becomes part of you. Start noticing beauty in yourself and others, and pat yourself on the back. Be pleased. You saw beauty. You noticed it. You became it. This is worth celebrating. Celebrate now. It's fine to celebrate even ahead of time.

Once you make the decision to see beauty, you will see it. You will notice it even in dark places. Even in the dark, there is some light. See the beauty in yourself. See the beauty in others. The truth is that all beauty is yours. It is all yours.

In this moment, the supposed you and the supposed I, are beautiful together. We make beautiful music, for you see, We love, and what is love but seeing the beautiful wherever it is, however it is housed. Every single person has a spark of light, and now We are going to make this spark become a huge bonfire of light, a mountain of light, a whole world full of light, thanks to you.

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How long is it going to take? 

How much longer? Is it really going to happen?

Many on earth are wondering about awakening: “How much longer?  Is it really going to happen?  Are we deluding ourselves?  Surely we can’t be?  This isGod’s Will for us – endless talk, uplifting and inspiring though it is, but when will it happen?  We have been holding the Light for a long time, listening to encouraging channeled information telling us “soon,” and still we wait.  At times it can be most disheartening.”

Dear ones, your prayers and hopes are all held lovingly in the bosom of God in every moment.  You are not forgotten.  All is going as divinely ordained.  Hold strongly to the Light burning inextinguishably within each one of you, and to the inner knowing that holds it there.  Do not be misled by the naysayers and doubters who would attempt to persuade you that your hopes and beliefs are psychological defenses against the inevitability of death and the nonexistence it presages.  All this is your collective ego fighting for its survival – when the illusion dissolves so does the ego.

Remember, God’s Love for you is infinite, and beyond anything that you can possibly imagine while you remain experiencing limited consciousness in the egoic illusion which, while you are experiencing it, appears so real to you.  It is very difficult for you in this state not to identify yourselves with your bodies, because it is they that do the experiencing.  But, of course, you are infinitely more than your bodies; they are merely the vehicles that you chose to inhabit for your excursion into the illusion, and, as you are very well aware, because you experience them in every moment, they limit you severely – your intellectual abilities are inadequate, your physical abilities are inadequate, your psychic abilities are inadequate, and your ability to know your Creator is practically nonexistent.

In spite of this you do know that you are all spiritual beings of infinite value undergoing an Earthly experience.  That knowing is mostly deeply hidden within as you respond to the daily, hourly, and momentary stimuli that you encounter, demanding your almost instant attention, and which seemingly confirm for you that you are indeed simply bodies that can reason.

To reach this knowing, you need to take time out from the rush of worldly events regularly each day, relax, and let go of your almost incessant thought patterns. You very likely cannot stop them, but you can be aware of them without engaging with them.  This brings you to a peaceful state where you can be aware that you are not your thoughts, and perceive that they are just a passing flow of ideas, worries, shoulds, hopes, and expectations that you can choose whether to attend to or not.

As you let them pass without attending to them the rate of flow will slow down, and you will find yourselves in that place of inner peace where you can realize that the world does not in fact revolve around you and all your concerns – your normal illusory experience.  That those concerns are solely concepts that you use to control the way you live from day to day.  No two people’s concerns are identical, no two people’s way of experiencing existence in the illusion are the same.  But, Reality, God, All That Is, is totally consistent for everyone.

Reality is indiscriminate acceptance of all, each of whom are inseparable parts of God and of one another.  And in that place of inner peace, that you make a habit of establishing regularly, you can get a sense of Reality, a knowing that you are not alone, abandoned, and desperately seeking safety and protection, but that you are an essential part of something infinitely greater.  Many call It God.  God is not concerned with the concept or word you choose to use, but only for you to know that you are eternally loved and cherished, embraced by the Love that is All That Is.

Your awakening is, as you have been told many times, absolutely guaranteed, because it is God’s Will and yours that it should happen, and He has promised that all will awaken.  God does not renege on promises because His Will is constant and unchanging.  Focus on making contact with your deep inner knowing of your oneness with Him by opening your hearts in love and acceptance of everyone, not least of all yourselves.  You are divine beings, temporarily confused and frightened by your illusory environment.  Let go of your fear of and belief in the illusion, and allow Love, the eternal life force that maintains your existence, to permeate your awareness and uncover for you the divine Flame constantly burning within you.  Then you will encounter the peace that will provide you with constant comfort and surety as you wait expectantly and enthusiastically for the grand moment of your awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Our True Worth and Value Come from Being Created by GodOctober 13th, 2011Unfortunately the greater part of humanity has neither self-love nor self-worth. And those who actually have self-worth mostly base it on their accomplishments or outer success, whereas in truth our worth and value comes from within!Our self-worth does not come from what we do; it comes from who we are! Every human being is infinitely worthy and valuable because everyone in the world is a Son and/or Daughter of God. Can what God created be unworthy? Self-worth is our divine inheritance as a Child of God. It can be neither increased by our successes nor decreased by our mistakes. It is eternally unchangeable.The Integrated Ascended Master realizes his infinite worth and eternal value as a Creation of God and thus has full self-love and self-worth.So let it be written, So let it be done.© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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Heavenletters ##3549

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3549 Reveal the Glory of God, August 13, 2010

God said:

I sanctioned you, and I sanctioned your entrance into the world. I okayed you. I made you holy, for I made you of Myself. And, so, you are My holy child, but holy unbeknownst to yourself. You may even think you are unholy. In that case, you have veered off from the truth of you. You have adapted a false identity, and you have come to believe your own misguidance. Unless you accept Our connection, unless you value yourself highly, unless you love yourself and the humanity on Earth, you are a fraud.

It is not your intention to perpetrate a fraud, and yet your self-appraisal falls far from the mark.
Here you are a child of God, and you have strayed from awareness of yourself. You entered a forest, and you can’t see yourself in the dark, and so you conclude that you are not lighted. You tell yourself that if you were lighted, you would be able to see beyond your nose. And so you rationalize that you are less than I made you. At every little scrimmage, you think you lose another yard, until you conclude that you are nothing. You may conclude that everything is nothing.

In one sense, you are correct. All the relative world is a simulation, a decoy, as it were. Life in the world seems to be a campaign to detract you from all that is true. There are layers of deceivership. And yet no longer are you to accept false images of yourself. I am not false, and you were made in My image. Image means likeness.

You may try to escape all the good that you are, yet, try as you may, you cannot. You can never escape from your merit, your value to the world, yourself and Me. Oh, yes, you can waste time, yet time is a non-reality, an accepted non-reality. The real reality is you and how you serve My vision of you, and, therefore, yourself.

The closer you are to My vision of you, the closer you are to your Self. The closer you are to your Self, the closer you are to My version of you, for you are My vision, not your flailing discounting of your True Self.

You can’t believe you are holy. You are certain that I make mistakes and perhaps My eyesight is failing. But, no, it is you with the eyes that cannot see, and the ears that cannot hear. My vision is true.

You will know this again. When you depart Earth, you will become familiar once again with your blessed lighted Self, yet you can do it now. You can go down the straight road without detours. Why delay what you are going to come to anyway? Why defray your Self-recognition? You are a beauty, and you hang back, and you say, “No, I am not beautiful at all.”

Of course, you are what I say you are. You are not what you say you are.

You are a mighty Being swimming in an ocean of life, and you believe you are mired on shore.
If one of Us, of one of this seeming two, is mistaken, who is it? Is it you or I? I bet you anything that it is you. But, of course, I do not bet. I know. Cast your bets on the water, and dive deep into My heart. Dive deep into your own heart. Give up your fallacies.

What I say is so, and now I ask you to cast off your disguises, and reveal to yourself who you are and what you are here for and reveal the glory of God to all on Earth.

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DailyOM - Exploring an Alternate Universe

June 7, 2010

Exploring an Alternate Universe

What Makes People Tick?

All people have their own way of being in the world, what works for you may not work for everybody.

All people have their own way of being in the world. It is easiest to comprehend this basic yet profound fact when we consider that every human being on the planet occupies a distinct role in the universe. We grow up in different environments, affected by a unique range of influences. The preferences, values, and beliefs we embrace are frequently related intimately to our origins. And the need to individualize our experiences is instinctive, as doing so enables us to cope when we must face challenges on our own.

Consequently, each of us has developed a perspective that is uniquely ours. Interacting peacefully and constructively with people from all walks of life is a matter of first understanding where they are coming from. Then we can adjust our expectations so that we avoid making undue assumptions about what they are about.

In the face of emerging interpersonal conflict, it is easy to assume that others are being difficult, unreasonable, or stubborn. We are apt to grow frustrated when someone in our environment does not share our opinions or feel compelled to support us in our endeavors. It is likely that the individual or individuals before us may simply possess differing notions with regard to what is and what is not important in this life.

We can ease the tension that exists between us by reaffirming our belief in the fundamental right of all beings to determine their own destinies. To foster a harmonious relationship, we need to do our best to relate to the unique universes they inhabit. And as we discover what makes them tick, our ability to find a mode of interaction that is pleasing to both of us is enhanced.

When there are barriers keeping you from connecting with someone else, think of questions you can ask them to gain a more thorough understanding of their point of view. You may discover that in addition to the differences in perspective dividing you, they are subject to insecurities and other personal issues that influence their way of seeing the world. It is likely that you will never fully grasp the myriad complexities embodied by humanity, but you can go a long way toward encouraging mutually satisfying relations by reaching out to others in the spirit of sympathetic comprehension.

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Sweet Friends 6-18-10

Hello my beautiful friend, I wish you a wonderful weekend of love, laughter, peace and joy. Blessings & Pure Energy coming your way, Melodie


Here is a beautiful message that I am sure will touch your heart in some way.
I grew up in the fifties with a practical parent --

A mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it...

A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in one hand, dishtowel in the other. It was the time for fixing things -- a curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.

All that re-fixing, reheating, renewing, I wanted just once to be
wasteful! . Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more.

But then my mother died, and on that clear summer's night, in the
warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning
that sometimes there isn't any 'more.'

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes
away...never to return.

So...while we have's best we love it.....and care for it....and
fix it when it's broken.....and heal it when it's sick.

This is true.....for marriage.....and old cars.....and children with bad report cards.....and dogs with bad hips.....and aging parents.....and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.

Some things we keep.

Like a best friend that moved away -- or -- a classmate we grew up

There are just some things that make life important, like people we
know who are special.....and so, we keep them close!

Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you
know they are always there.

Gentle Rain,Soothing Sounds of Nature
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Divine Laws

Divine Laws:

#1 – The Law of Free Will (Free Will exists, and We all have Free Will that must be respected.....Also allows the Choice for positive or negative polarity.)
#2 – The Law of Cause and Effect (also known as Karma or the Law of Balance)
#3 – The Law of Divine Compensation (Good deeds will be rewarded, Be Open to Receive from all sources both seen and unseen, The Law of Attraction- Take action steps and then be open to receive)
#4 – The Law of Grace (You are graced with miracles beyond your imagination, Express gratitude for Grace)
#5 – The Law of Oneness (Everything and Everyone is connected. Everything we do has a ripple effect which affects the collective. Life is Many and the One, Life is Unity in Diversity. We are all One.)
#6 – The Law of Divine Intervention (Prayer and Forgiveness for Self and Others, the Divine is here to support you)
#7 – The Law of Correspondence (As Above, So Below)
#8 – The Law of Absolution (Life has lessons that are full of opportunities)
#9 – The Law of Infinite Possibilities (Be open to all possibilities for your highest and greatest good)
#10 – The Law of Guidance (There are Divine clues along the way)
#11 – The Law of Gender (Masculine and Feminine energies exist in all things, both are different sides of the same coin, equally important)
#12 – The Law of Rhythm (There is Movement and a Rest, Everything has cycles and rhythm, Example think of the seasons Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
#13 – The Law of Polarity (Everything has polarity- good and evil, hot and cold, love and fear, all are two sides of the same coin (degrees apart from each other)...contrast brings clarity)
#14 – The Law of Vibration (Everything vibrates at different levels, Everything is in constant motion, Vibrations can affect Vibrations.)

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A message from Maitreya

A message from one of the world Avatars today, Dharma Sangha, who I believe is an incarnation of Maitreya.

Main Teachings Link

A quote- "The way on the path of the True Dharma being followed, perfect enlightenment being accomplished, the understanding of world peace and the feeling of Maitri (Loving Kindness) being established, may the acquisition of the Dharma World be made manifest.

May all beings be happy. So be it." ~Dharma Sangha

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Prayer for Peace

Maria Bethencourt

My Beautiful Global Family,

I am sharing one of my most powerful prayers with all of you, as we move forward in these chaotic and EXTREME energetic times.

I say this every morning when I first wake up so I fully anchor and align to my divine purpose timeline.

I hope it helps and assists those whom it reaches.

By my Free Will I chose to Walk in Divine Will for the Greatest Good of All, In Love And In Light, In Peace and In Bliss, For Love and For Light, For Peace and For Bliss. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is.

All is well, more to come.

I send my love to All.
Thank you for your constant love and support.

In light and love and joyful service,




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