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EARTH STAR – There are places you go…

LIVE! International Tele-session -  April 30, 2022

9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35  100 min

AC GLOBAL UPDATE & Bryan's 'Psychic' Celebrity Insights 2022 will receive Bryan's new 'Starpower Energizer' digital accelerator for free with your attendance!

There are some places you go where the energy spontaneously ‘opens’ for you to experience many things, including good luck, new ‘aha!’ ideas and connections with like-minded people or a sense of profound peace or excitement you are looking for.  This could be in a local coffee shop, a vacation spot, a supermarket, a park, a gym or even convenience store where things are ‘supernaturally shifted’ in your favor.  Similarly, you may encounter locations near you or distant locales where the energy is not in your favor and where things (and situations) seem tense, stressful or uncomfortable.  This interesting phenomenon happens everywhere all over this planet and is different for each person.  What causes this and is there something you can do about it?  Join Bryan and the Ashtar Command as they answer these questions and discuss this fascinating subject!


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Be universal Love. You are the river. You flow. Free will exists here and will always exist here as this is the nature of this density. Not everyone is ready to accept your love. These are the barriers, the rocks. The water simply flows where it is accepted. The love flows where it is accepted. The water flows around the rocks, the barriers people create. But what happens when rocks are near the river? They are carved slowly by the water. So just keep flowing your love. Being near your love will break the barriers in due time. Continue to flow your love like the water and you make a difference for the whole planet.

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Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


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FOR the past decade, at least, New Age spiritualists and channeled beings have talked about how Earth is transitioning or “ascending” from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th or 5th Dimension. Some said we are already there, but for most it was as if each year was “the year” that this ascension would happen.

But the “New Earth” that people envisioned never quite materialized as predicted — or at least it is hard for most of us to see.

The dramatic worldwide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic increased convictions for many that such a transition was taking place in 2020. A growing interest in spirituality shows they may be right.

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9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35  100 min



Since the pandemic ‘illusion’ began, the acceleration of time and the layers upon layers of strange multidimensional happenings, shocking sex scandals and often laughable political manipulation...all combined with and unbelievable amount of dark force activity is revealing many things that most humans living on this planet are barely able to keep up with and comprehend.  But, through all this, humanity is awakening at a rapid pace and we are setting ourselves free after a long, self-imposed slumber and state of denial.  During this session, Bryan and the Ashtar Command will reveal many strange and unusual facets of this awakening…including the levels of multidimensional infiltration, bizarre supernatural activity in specific areas of the planet and the demise of the infamous ‘Men in Black’…all this along with Bryan's personal insights of some odd and revealing activity and perceptions he is experiencing.  Also discussed will be a linking and awareness process you can use to investigate any odd activity you, yourself are experiencing. In addition, we will also be sending lots of healing energy and light around the planet to humanity and all life streams evolving here.  See you there!


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