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Lord Kuthumi Accelerated Past Life Clearing


I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring unto each of you the blessings of harmony, the blessings of grace and miracles and love. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.


So let us begin  beloved ones, please close your eyes and make yourself comfortable on your chair begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose exhaling through your mouth. Take another deep breath in and as you exhale release all anxiety and tension from your day and allow yourself to settle comfortably in your chair. Another deep breath in and as you relax ask your body to surrender to the presence of Light, tell your body it is safe for you to let go of limiting attachments on conscious levels, subconscious and unconscious levels.

In your mind call upon all your personal Guides even if you are not sure what their name is, just call upon your Guides. Call upon all the Lords of time and welcome Prince Damien into this space. Call upon your Fully Mastered Christed self of the Light. Now set the intension that you be supported in travelling through all the Parallel Realities, the Alternate Realities and Multidimensional Realities that you are currently attached to. Ask that you be supported in releasing these attachments gracefully and harmoniously. Ask that your healing and cellular release manifest in accordance with the highest will of your soul. The twelve Ascended Masters of the Light are present with you as well; these beings are I Kuthumi, Lord El Morya, Master Dwal Kuhl, Master Serapis Bey, Master Hilarion, Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain and Lady Nada, Mother Mary and one that you may not all be familiar with being by the name of Paul Venetian. The presence of these Ascended Masters are here for the purpose of guiding the programme you have chosen to manifest and initiate. They will guide the release because it is also impacting on the global body that you are a microcosm of.

Take another deep breath in through your nose now and as you exhale through your mouth imagine yourself out in the vast open space of your Solar System. Visualise stars and the planets around you. Look around to find planet Earth and remind yourself that you are still connected to Earth. By floating out in space in the Solar System, you are to remind yourself that even space is part of the body, for space is the energy between every atom of energy inside of you and inside of the body that makes up your Galaxy, and the Universe, and everything experienced on a planet within the Solar System, within the Galaxy, within the Universe which is experienced by every living being within it regardless of its size or its form. Just think for a moment how connected you are to life, and how the planets in your Solar System reflect the chakric system of your Galaxy. As more planets are discovered, it simply confirms that you are also a greater being expanding with many more chakras coming to life. Connect with the fact that you are living in a spiral Galaxy and that energy is always spiralling within you and around you, it either spirals downward in a negative vortex or upwards in a positive vortex.

Now that you have familiarised yourself with the environment of space and reminded yourself of the power you are one with on your planet and beyond your planet, you can begin now to connect with the fact that you are existing in more than one place, more than one time and more than one body. The way energy works in the quantum field determines this, whatever one imagines becomes a reality, if that reality is not supportive of what you are doing, what you are living and experiencing, it then becomes an alternate reality and a part of you will live it out. Your past lives are infact parallel lives, ones that you are experiencing now, this is why you are affected by so called past lives. Time is linear only in your world, and you will all begin to move more and more out of linear time. As your consciousness expands more you will see more clearly how infact everything is happening all at once. People have memories and visions of the future, the reason for this is because there is a parallel reality considered the future. Because you project energy into the future you create the experience. The Quantum Field makes sure the experience comes into reality. When you focus on negativity, magnetically and quantumly you manifest it, if you focus on positivity, magnetically and quantumly you manifest it. All we are doing with you now is connecting your conscious current consciousness with parallel and alternate realities, where different levels of your consciousness are living out an experience. Because we have now raised your level of energy into the quantum field you have the power to change the effects of those experiences, which is why you will release it cellularly and no longer have to carry it with you. Your conditioning will undergo dramatic shifts and you will become lighter and experience deeper senses of inner clarity and revelation.

With the support of the Master’s of the light, and with your permission and with your will, we take you through all the dimensions of time where aspects of you are currently playing out an experience that no longer supports your personal transformation, empowerment and transformation as a spiritual and divine being of the light. As more of this quantum energy is brought into your energy field beloved ones tell yourself now, you are ready to remember any aspect of time, any experience within that aspect of time, and on whichever level of consciousness it exists that is currently influencing your life in a limiting or negative way. It doesn’t matter if you do not have any visions or conscious memory, what is important is that you allow the energy to be released. It is important that on a conscious level you are allowing yourselves to open and let go.

Take a deep breath in, allow your body to go soft and just relax into this energy. Be aware of your thoughts and your feelings, if you have any discomfort in your body simply just observe it, observe any names or faces, times or places that come into your memory or your mind, just observe don’t hold onto anything. Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale deeply allowing the oxygen to help your body release. Now take your concentration to the nape of your neck and imagine an energy chakra opening up and releasing energy, visualise this release, feel it if you can or just imagine how it would feel for energy to be released through this portal at the back of your neck. These are also linked to your 7 cervical vertebrae. These vertebrae hold all the imprints and memory of the first twelve years of your life in this lifetime, and what you have come to know as past lifetimes. Your personal Guides and the Ascended Masters are now using crystals and drawing personal symbols on each of the seven vertebrae to accelerate the release of present and past timelines, negative conditioning and programming. It doesn’t matter if you cannot retain the picture of all the symbols, just take note if there is one that stands out and hold it in your third eye's vision. Now move your neck sideways to the right, pushing your ear down toward your shoulder, gently lift it up, move it toward the left, stretching your neck and moving your ear to your left shoulder. Gently lift your head, drop your chin to your chest and as you do this visualise the release of energy increasing in velocity, hold it there and continue to breathe.

Archangels Michael, Zadkiel and Jophiel now place Quartz crystals in your 7 cervical vertebrae. These crystals will help you receive higher vibrational consciousness for the purpose of reconditioning the programmes, the attitudes and belief systems concerning your life at this current time. With these crystals in place you will be able to transmit high vibrational energy into the ethos and to those whom you come into contact with.

Keep your neck down, breathe in deeply. Now become conscious of your solar plexus chakra. Visualise your solar plexus beginning to respond to this energy and see it open like a window and a powerful velocity of energy being released form it. Archangel Michael gathers this energy as you release it. He manifests a bonbfire of light in the centre of your group and dumps the energy in the centre of the fire. Now very gently begin to lift your chin off your chest, slowly raise your head, slowly, if you move it too fast you will feel dizzy, gently bend it back, imagine yourself looking up into the sun. Archangels Uriel and Ariel now place twelve Aquamarine crystals in front of your throat chakra. Your Healing Angel projects high vibrational frequencies of sound to dismantle any energy attachments in your throat chakra that prevent you from fully voicing your personal truth. Breathe in deeply, exhale, and once again very gently move your head up, very slowly and very gently turn your face to look over your right shoulder, do it slowly. Look back as far as you can, hold it there. Archangel Michael now places in your left ear an Amethyst crystal. Gently begin to move your head back to face forward and slowly turn your head to look over your left shoulder as far back as you can. Archangel Michael now places an Amethyst crystal in your right ear. Turn your head gently face forward keeping your eyes closed, take a deep breath in and exhale through your mouth. Now as your physical and your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and all your parallel, alternate and multi dimensional bodies respond to the energy given to you through the crystals, you begin to drop more energy through the systems of your chakras and the cells in your body are able to release a lot faster.

Now imagine rain falling from the heavens penetrating your body and imagine this rain washing through every cell in your body. As the water flows through the cells, your emotional body can now release all the past life imprints and implants of negative or destructive conditioning that limit your current experience. Again just observe and be aware of what you are feeling and thinking, observe any memories that come to mind, the names or faces, people or places and just let it pass through your mind. Imagine your emotional body being a replica of you made up of water, imagine all of the past timeline imprints simply flowing right through it and moving into the bonfire Archangel Michael has created and just drop it.

Now gently draw your shoulders back, pull them back as far as you can. Tense all the muscles in your back, take a deep breath in and as you exhale allow your shoulders to drop and relax, now rotate your shoulders forward by hunching your back, lift your shoulders up to your ears do this slowly and take deep breathes in while you do this, gently begin to roll your shoulders backward pushing your chest out drawing your shoulder blades together tensing all the muscles, give a deep breath out and relax your shoulders. Repeat this one more time, rotate your shoulders forward by hunching your back gently lift them to your ears roll them backward pushing your chest forward, tense your muscles in your back as you draw your shoulder blades together, take a deep breath in, exhale deeply and drop and relax your shoulders. This allows the energy to flow through your heart chakra; it strengthens your thyroid and your thalamus creating a bridge of free flowing energy between your throat and heart chakras. These two chakras are the main areas for past life release. Some of you may find the muscles in your neck, your shoulders and your back feeling stiff and tight, this is due to your bodies cellular release. It impacts on the muscles because the muscles represent the support systems in your life, whenever you release on a cellular level you manifest a new level of support in your life. This new level of support is there to assist you to move forward. Your time of constantly recreating your limiting history is complete and now you step into the cosmic wheel of co-creation with Mother-Father God and you reclaim your divine right to be your complete authentic self.

Lady Nada now comes to stand in the centre of your group. She projects a Magenta Ray of energy to each one of you, which touches your heart chakra. The magenta ray of unconditional love creates a blanket of comforting and nurturing energy within and around your heart chakra, reaffirming to you, your inner child, and adolescent selves that it is completely safe for you to let go of the conditionings that have manifested as limitation, pain or suffering. This magenta ray will continue to affirm that you are truly ready to embrace unconditional love and trust the new system you are creating which represents and reflects all aspects of abundant living. Lady Nada will facilitate the remainder of your release process, (End of Side A) ....and continuously affirm to you on a sub-conscious level that you are ready to integrate the life you deserve. She will assist you to recondition your belief systems regarding deservability, therefore changing the template of poverty consciousness to one of prosperity consciousness inside of you. Breathe the magenta energy into your body and allow it to begin moving through your veins with your blood until you can imagine your blood a magenta colour. Take a deep breath in, as you do this affirm to yourself that you are consciously willing to release all past and current timeline influences that no longer serve your divine plan. Take a deep breath in and exhale. Affirm to yourself that it is your divine right to experience the abundance of the universe in your every day life in all its facets. Take a deep breath in and exhale. Now very gently begin to arch your back in the small of your back, pushing your belly forward. Some of you may feel discomfort in your lower back, this is because the energy is moving through your entire spine, for it is that your spine and the rest of the bones of your body hold your past life memories. It is imprinted in the bone marrow and in the structure of the bones. Continue to push your belly forward and breathe, very gently begin to push your behind into the chair and as you draw your belly in begin to straighten your spine. Now imagine the energy flowing freely down your spine exiting through your coccyx and penetrating the earth beneath your feet.

On your next in breath visualise a powerful energy coming to you from the Cosmos moving into your spine and all the way down, and out through the tip of your coccyx and into the earth beneath your feet. Continue to breathe deeply in and out, as this flow of energy increases, affirm that the flow is gentle and comfortable. Beloved ones your spinal fluid is now going to be flushed, some of you may experience tingling sensations along your back, some of you may even be experiencing a tightness in your neck or other areas along your spine, just breathe into it and trust that you are safe. Master Jesus now steps forward and activates a Universal flow of divine love which will flush through your cerabral spinal fluid. This will run in a downward motion. See it being flushed out through the tip of your coccyx and falling into the earth beneath your feet. Breathe while this happens, relax the muscles in your back and along your spine and place both of your feet squarely on the earth and breathe. The spinal flush removes the imprints of the past timelines that have scrambled your personal blue print for this current timeline. Breathe deeply in and out, as your breath will support the accelerated flow of energy in and out of your body. The more you breathe the faster you release. When you hold your breath you stop the process from happening and you freeze yourself in time and space.

Beloved ones, now the accelerated release increases and you are currently on your fifty-Eighth timeline release, and as a group you are clearing 78 timelines of past influence and conditioning. Continue to breathe I will tell you when it is complete. Just imagine the energy flowing straight through you and out into the earth. You are now at timeline release number 63, continue to breathe, the energy moves faster, timeline 68, 71, 75, deep breath in and as you exhale timeline 78 is released. The energy will now begin to ease along your spine, and your spinal flush is now coming to a close. Master Jesus now asks for you to focus your concentration on Mother Earth and to give thanks to her for absorbing the energy you have released. She has willingly taken this energy on to transmute and she will release it into the ethos where you will integrate the transcended light of your new levels of consciousness. As you integrate higher wisdom and knowledge she asks that in return for her support you share the wisdom and power of the love and knowledge and the co-creative spirit of Mother-Father God with the rest of humanity. She asks you to remember your truth and to constantly affirm your authentic desire to move up the spiral of ascension and into higher consciousness, and in so doing raising the consciousness of humanity for the purpose of creating awareness which will support her. As humanity's awareness expands, so the acknowledgement of her life force becomes a concrete reality, and then Heaven on Earth will manifest and man, animal, plant, mineral and earth will continue to ascend the stairway to higher levels of Heaven.

Breathe beloved ones, the 78 timelines you have released are linked to belief systems, attitudes and thought processes that stifle your personal growth and belief in your ability to manifest an abundant life. The abundance I refer to is the abundance in all its facets, on all levels, and in any manner it can take manifestation. You will determine what kind of abundance it will be, and we trust it will be an abundance of the light levelled nature. Be conscious of the fact that you can manifest an abundance of negativity, so always be clear regarding your intentions. You have integrated a template of prosperity which shall be imprinted upon the Earth with every step you take. Your DNA is vibrating on a different level now, and you are no longer bound by the density of those past 78 influences. You have shed 78 skins of the past, therefore it is necessary that you give all your bodies time to integrate the new energy. Over the next 48 hours you have the opportunity to consciously set intensions with spirit regarding the quality of new energy you wish to integrate which shall become your new beliefs, attitudes, and thought processes. We trust you will choose with wisdom!

Archangel Michael will now open a vortex in the centre of this group, which will work specifically in taking the 78 timelines from each of you. These shall be drawn into the Earth beneath your feet where it shall be transmuted by the love and light of Goddess Gaia, therefore take your concentration now to the centre of this room. As the vortex opens, it draws the bonbfire into its centre and the 78 timelines from each of you spills forth out of your heart chakra and into the vortex. Simply breathe as it releases. Archangel’s Zadkiel and Michael now toss 78 Amethyst crystals into the centre of this vortex, these shall assist Goddess Gaia in the transmutation of these timelines and in so doing releasing you of any karmic ties to her linked through those 78 cycles. This liberates you to merge more with your cosmic life and the cosmic plan of your Earth, your Solar System and your Universe. Now imagine the vortex beginning to close. Archangel Michael places an etheric Amethyst crystal in the centre of this room sealing the vortex and ensuring the energy will be transmuted into Light. This light feeds you, it feeds Mother Earth’s body and the light will continue to expand and feed the consciousness of humanity. Take another deep breath in and begin to draw your attention to your physical body in the room you currently occupy. Continue to breathe in deeply and exhale fully, and as you do this we begin to draw your energy through the past timelines of parallel and alternate realities, and the portals of time are closed behind you as you draw your focus back to your current incarnation, your current timeline experience and present level of consciousness. Now imagine roots of energy sprouting forth from your feet into the Earth beneath you and grounding you. Visualise energy moving from the top of your head all the way down your body, down your legs and into your feet, through your feet and into the Earth beneath it grounding you yet again. Now imagine a Platinum cord extending from the centre of the Universe penetrating your Crown chakra and moving all the way down your spine and out through your coccyx and into Mother Earth. This is a grounding cord that grounds you with spirit and earth. Take another deep breath in exhaling through your mouth, gently open your eyes, stretch your legs and your arms, feel yourself back in your body take a look around you and acknowledge where you are, I trust you are all back? Yes? Yes.



Channelled through Michelle Eloff (c)

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 27 July 2005

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Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you breathe in, breathe in the Light of God and as you breathe out, breathe out all that is not of the Divine.

In your mind’s eye, see yourself now in a magnificent room with crystal floors and iridescent walls. You are lying on a crystalline bed that is soft to the touch and you feel so relaxed.

You are aware that you are in this room to receive physical rejuvenation and healing from the inner planes provided by Dr. Lorphan, the Galactic Healers, the Ascended Masters, the Arcturians and the Angels


As you lie quietly, call first to Melchizedek, the Mahatma and Lord Metatron to anchor the Platinum Net to clear away any imbalanced or negative energy.

Call now to Djwhal Khul and the Galactic Healers to bring forth the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and to pull out of your subconscious mind all thought forms, images and negative feelings connected with poor health.

Relax while you feel these fears being pulled out through your crown and then request that the Ascended Masters place into your subconscious mind thought forms, feelings, images and attributes of perfect health.

Now call to Dr. Lorphan and the healing group to clear from your four-body-system all etheric disease, astral disease, mental disease, Spiritual disease and physical disease.

Call on the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians to now balance your meridians and feel the rush of energy. For help in repairing your etheric vehicle, call on the etheric healers and then ask the Ascended Masters to permanently anchor your Monadic Blueprint Body, as well as your Mayavarupa Body which will greatly accelerate any physical healing.

Call now for the Arcturians to give you a 100 percent light quotient increase and a complete revitalization of your physical body; and finally call to Dr. Lorphan, his entire healing team, Lord Arcturus and the Arcturians and the Angels for a down pouring shower of core love.

Spend a few moments absorbing this beautiful energy and when you are ready, open your eyes and enjoy your day.

Written by Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias

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What Happens To People Who Don't Have Self Love?

If you don't have unconditional self love within yourself, then automatically you end up seeking it outside of self. Love is a survival need. Children have actually been known to die in institutions from lack of love.

The ideal is to give love to yourself and to allow yourself to receive God's unchanging unconditional love. If you don't do this then you end up seeking love, approval, acceptance from other people. This puts you in a compromised position. Other people become your computer programmers and the cause of your reality. Your worth is in their hands and control. Do you really want other people to hold this power and control over you? Not having self love puts a hole in your protective bubble so that when people criticize you, you can't protect yourself.

The ideal is to give yourself so much love, and to allow yourself to feel God's full Love, that you go into life feeling totally powerful and totally loved before you meet another human being. You are ideally feeling full, whole and complete within yourself, and feeling your oneness with God.

You are so filled with love that you can give love to others even if they don't love you. In essence, you want love; you don't need love. You prefer love; you are not attached and addicted to getting love. The attitude of a more self actualized person is to form a right relationship to yourself and a right relationship to God first.

These are the two most important relationships in your life. You then can move into life as a whole, causal, masterful, independent person; A person who is in the world to give rather than needing to get, to fill an empty void within the self. This is the work of the spiritual path.

We actually have it all right now. The only problem is that we think we don't. We live in the nightmare of self inflicted limitations that isn't even real. We can get rid of these limitations any time we want by owning our power and taking command over our minds by the denial and affirming process.

What Do You Do When You Make Big Mistakes?

When you do make big mistakes, keep the critical parent out. It is okay to make observations about yourself or others. This is also called spiritual discernment or discrimination. It is called this because it is done in unconditional love.

Whatever the mistake is, gain the golden nugget of wisdom from the experience and it then becomes a positive experience. If you truly learn from this "mistake" you will never have to go through a similar suffering ever again. Tell yourself that you are worthy and lovable even though you made a mistake or error in judgment. Tell yourself that mistakes are positive and unavoidable. Pick yourself up and get on with it.

A crucial part of self love is forgiveness. You have a choice whether to subscribe to a philosophy of forgiveness or holding grudges. This applies to yourself also. Remember if you hold grudges, you are holding it against the inner child. Would you hold the same kind of grudge against your real child when he was little? If you want to be forgiven by God, don't you think it is necessary to give the same energy back in return to your self and others?

Self Love Affirmations
The following are self love affirmations for reprogramming your conscious and subconscious thinking:

l. I love and forgive myself totally for all my mistakes, for I now recognize that mistakes are positive, not negative.

2. I now fully recognize that I have worth because God created me, and I do not have to do anything to have it.

3. I now recognize that I am a diamond, not the mud on the diamond.

4. My worth is unchangingly positive because it is a spiritual inheritance. It is not increased by my success nor decreased by my mistakes.

5. I realize now that I have total worth and value as a person whether I learn my lessons in life or not.

6. I now recognize that everything that has ever happened in my life has been positive, because it all contained lessons I needed to learn.

7. I choose to live in the "now" and not hold the past against myself.

8. I hereby choose to approve of myself, so I do not have to go around seeking approval from others.

9. I deserve love because God created me, and my mistakes are not held against me.

l0. I realize that everything that happens in life is a teaching, a lesson, a challenge, and an opportunity to grow.

11. I now realize that I am the "I" person, chooser, consciousness, and spiritual being and that this part of me deserves unconditional love at all times.

12. I am the light and not the lamp shade over the light.

13. I deserve love because my true identity is not what I do in life. I am the "chooser" of what I do.

14. I now understand that I am here to learn lessons and grow in life, but if I make mistakes I am still totally lovable and unchangingly worthy.

15. I hereby choose the attitude of being very firm with myself and unconditionally loving.

16. I am the master of my life and I choose to be my own best friend instead of my own worst enemy.

17. I choose to love me as God loves me unconditionally.

18. I now choose truly to understand that I want to be perfect, with the understanding that the mistakes are positive and part and parcel of the growing process.

l9. I now realize on the level of my true identity being the "I", the chooser, the person, the spiritual being, the soul. I am a perfect equal with every other person in the world.

20. I now choose to awaken and recognize that it was only the faulty thinking of my ego that has caused me not to love myself.

21. I now choose to undo all the faulty thinking society has programmed into me and replace it with self love.

22. I choose to recognize that I deserve love and so do other people.

23. I choose to recognize that I am guiltless and sinless, because all mistakes are just lessons and opportunities to grow. Mistakes, in reality, are golden nuggets of wisdom and are positive.

24. I now realize that God does not hold my misuse of free choice against me, so why should I?

25. I love me. I forgive me. I approve of me, and I commit myself from this moment onward to treating myself in a spiritual manner rather than in an egotistical manner. I now fully realize that the way in which I think is the reality in which I live. I have been living in my own self created hell of faulty thinking. I now choose to and will live in my self created heavenly state of consciousness. It is really that simple.

26. I unconditionally love me because I am a son/daughter of God, and my misuse of free choice or faulty thinking is not held against me.

27. Could what God created not be lovable and worthy?

28. I love me because I am innocent and not guilty.

29. The only thing in this infinite universe that says I do not deserve love is my "ego". I hereby reject my ego and its false attitude and get back in tune with my true spiritual attitude and self.

30. I now, once and for all, release the ego's game of "having to do" in order to deserve love and worth. I now fully recognize I have always been lovable and worthy and will always be so.

Personal Power, Emotional Invulnerability and Self Love Visualizations

Self Love Visualization:

Begin by imagining a beautiful nature scene. Visualize and imagine yourself as smiling, happy, joyous, loving and at peace with yourself and the world. Look around your nature scene and enjoy the colors, smells, sounds and feeling of being in harmony with nature.

Next, imagine one of your favorite pets being with you in your nature scene. See the pet come up to you and give you love and affection. Then imagine that your best friend is walking toward you from the distance and is carrying a 6 month old infant. See yourself greeting your friend and giving him a hug and talking a little bit.

Your friend asks you to baby sit this infant for a couple of hours. He carefully and gently hands you the infant. See your friend leaving and promising to return within two hours. See yourself holding, rocking and giving love to this beautiful baby.

Next, realize that this infant is really the inner child within you. You have a choice as to how you are going to parent this child within. You not only have a child within you, but also a parent within. You are that parent now who has a choice as to how you are going to raise this infant, that is you. The ideal is to give firmness and unconditional love. Firmness and love create a well adjusted inner child.
The other options are to be the critical or overly firm parent or the permissive spoiling parent to yourself. If you are too critical with this inner child, grow up feeling unworthy, incapable and unloved. If you are too permissive this child will grow up spoiled and inflated. The key question is: How do you want "you" to grow up? Make this choice now and give this firmness and unconditional love to this infant that is you as a baby.

Now imagine that five years have gone by and this little child that is you is playing in your nature scene. Again practice being this ideal parent to yourself. Talk to the child and tell it how you feel about it. Now imagine that ten more years have passed and this child that is you is an adolescent of fifteen. Be the parent you want to be to this teenager.

Now imagine that this adolescent has now grown to your present age. See yourself as you look and are now. Recognize that you are still parenting this adult person within you. Now that this child has grown to be the adult you, have you thrown unconditional love and firmness out the window?
Make a choice right now to communicate with yourself to get back to the right relationship to yourself. Go up to yourself and give yourself a big hug, recognizing that this is, in truth, your best friend. Apologize to yourself for being so hard on yourself in the past. Forgive your parental self for its mistakes and forgive the adult child self for its mistakes.

Tell yourself what kind of relationship you want to have from now on. Make a choice to love in the now and get a fresh start from this moment forward. Make a choice to look at the past as positive experiences because you now choose to look at everything that happened as opportunities to grow.
Give yourself approval and acceptance because you now recognize that mistakes are positive, not negative. Tell your child/adult self that you love him unconditionally from now on instead of conditionally. Tell him that you are not going to base your love on what he does but rather on the fact that he was created by God, so of course he has value and worth regardless of mistakes or successes.

See the consciousness, the "I," the person, the spiritual being now, as differentiated from behavior, mistakes, successes, personality, physical body, thoughts, feelings, emotions, or content of consciousness. Make a commitment to yourself from this moment forward to form this right relationship to yourself.

Take time now to have a heart to heart talk with yourself to come to a place of treating yourself spiritually and with love. Take the time now to talk out all unfinished business, unclarity, faulty thinking or incompleteness, so that when this meditation is over, there is a fresh start and rebirth in your relationship to yourself.

Your True Self: The Causal Consciousness Self

Recognize that you have both a child and a parent self within you. It is important to realize, however, that even though everyone has to deal with these psychological dynamics, the real you is neither the parent nor the child. The real you is "consciousness" or "I" that is choosing what kind of parent and what kind of child dynamic you are creating within yourself.

The real you is the observer self, who is the controller, director, chooser and causer. The key to being the causer is the understanding of the need to be disidentified from the content of consciousness. You are not your thoughts, feelings, emotions, body, behavior, actions, personality, mistakes, successes, abilities, past, future, beliefs nor any of the content of consciousness.

You are the essence and not the form. You are the consciousness, not the creation. You can direct and control only that from which you are disidentified. That with which you, as the consciousness or "I" are identified, will be your master. In living in this world we must deal with form. This is why it is essential that you choose and cause the form of what kind of parent you are going to be to yourself.

Do a visualization, putting all the things you have thought were you (the content of consciousness) into a big metal pot that is now in the middle of your nature scene. Put everything in it until you are naked of all mental, emotional or physical form. All that is left is a center of pure awareness with nothing in it.

Practice taking qualities, attitudes, feelings, beliefs, abilities, and non abilities and trying them on and then throwing them back in the pot. Practice identifying, then disidentifying. Practice being the controller, causer and creator of your life, like you would in a play or theater. Always remember what your real Self is and who and what you are.

by Joshua David Stone

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Clearing Vows and Contracts from the Akashic Records


All of our soul experiences – from every lifetime and in every dimension – reside in the Akashic records. Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means “essence”, and the Akashic records hold the essence of our souls because the records contain every experience we have ever had. We are the cumulative expression of the contents of these records.

Sometimes, the Akashic records contain information in the form of vows that were initially useful to our soul growth but are no longer pertinent. We have gotten the gist of the lesson, and we do not need to continue to live with the vows in place. I call this a regurgitation of soul experiences because the agreement is more detrimental than helpful, yet we continue to create the same occurrences over and over again as we subconsciously tap the Akashic records for information on our commitments.

For example, we may have led a hedonistic lifestyle in order to experience carefree frivolity in a particular past lifetime. We might choose to enter a subsequent life as a nun in a convent to experience chastity and ensure we pay attention to aspects far removed from hedonism, perhaps demureness and modesty. That vow of chastity was very helpful in our lifetime devoted to being innocent, but it may not be too useful our modern male or female lifestyle in the 21st century.

The Akashic records also contain vows we have made to collectives or cults. We live on a planet of polarity so it is part of our soul growth to experience duality. We may live a life as a perpetrator in one lifetime, perhaps a Ku Klux Klan member, and a life as a victim in another lifetime, perhaps a person of color in the deep south in the 1950’s. The richness of each extreme on the duality spectrum enables us to experience each aspect of light and dark. After living the extremes, we are able to find the middle ground, the place of neutrality where judgment and lack of balance is no longer a factor. We have played both perpetrator and victim. We have experienced both sides of the coin, and we can now identify the mid-point which is our responsible use of power. Yet, during lifetimes of playing a perpetrator, we may have made agreements with dark entities who fuel our negativity. It is best to break those ties if we wish to be free of any potential dark influence. Entities who operate in darkness sometimes call upon us if we hold past unbroken vows in the Akashic records. They cannot do so if the agreements no longer exist.

We may also have made planetary commitments that seemed like a good idea at the time. We might have decided to enslave an emerging race of beings for our benefit. We certainly are capable of this act, as past lifetimes as slave owners in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, or even America would indicate. However, at this stage of our spiritual development, the enslavement of a planetary population might not be in our highest good. The guilt or shame that accompanies past actions still resides in the soul memory system, accompanied by vows or agreements that still remain in the Akashic records.

Sometimes, we are fearful, and we make vows in order to gain protection. For example, we may fear for our sustenance as a tidal wave or earthquake devastates our village, and we may proclaim with great emotional fervor to be loyal to anyone who will save our family. However, there is a law of attraction under which we operate, and like attracts like. When we make vows based on fear, those vows are sometimes accepted by entities who profess goodness but do not deliver it. We may have unwittingly made a vow with a negative entity that initially pretends to help us, but life becomes harder and harder. These entities may even follow us from incarnation to incarnation, unintentionally hired by us until we “discover” them and break the vows in the Akashic records.

I believe it is a good idea to periodically clear past vows in the Akashic records. You can use the following prayer request to sweep the records clean of any agreements that are no longer in your highest good. Prior to reading the request, you will need to instruct your subconscious to create a “surcharge” of vital force (i.e., mana, prana, chi). Then breathe deeply six times using the following pattern: inhale slowly to the count of four, hold to the count of four, exhale slowly to the count of eight. This is an ancient Polynesian or Kahuna breathing pattern that generates a great deal of vital force. Please note that vital force is not the breath itself. It is the combustion of energy that occurs when oxygen enters the body and interacts with the stored fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in your cells.

Command your subconscious to send the vital force to your spiritual committee and High Self to be used to enact the following request in clearing your Akashic records.

Then, read the request aloud.

• Disavow any promises, contracts, vows, oaths, spells, pacts, bindings, or agreements that I have ever made that are conflicting with my highest good, including vows that are adversely affecting me presently or will not serve my highest good in the future and in all concepts of time on all dimensions, in this life or any other life. Please assist me in disavowing these vows and agreements so they are no longer a restricting device on me. I ask that all restrictions be lifted and eliminated so that I can expand and align with my higher path and purpose.

• Sever and make null and void at root cause any promises, contracts, vows, oaths, spells, pacts, bindings, or agreements between me and all entities causing interference. These include all that may be secret, hidden, invisible, covert, unseen, unheard, unknown, unacknowledged, and undisclosed. Remove all operating systems and instructions, including backup systems and copies. Retain all learning experiences free of trauma. Conduct a full binding on all negative entities.

• Sever all vows and contracts that I have made, either knowingly or unknowingly, that have interfered with Universal love, light, and truth for any planetary system. Include contracts that are perceived to be irrevocable. Release me from all judgments, pain, and guilt associated with creating or participating in these agreements, transmuting the discord to love before releasing it.

Over the ensuing months, pay attention to times when you feel freedom from any limitations or restrictions. Focus on the freedom because it is communicating the dissolution of the restricting elements of past vows. Encourage the freedom as a precursor to new ways of being rather than resorting to past habits based on limitations imposed by vows. Enjoy your new way of being!

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Use this angelic assisted technique for cutting cords from past
relationships that no longer serve you. During the process any negative
energies are transformed into positive.

1. Call on Archangel Michael to cut away any energy that does not serve your highest good.

2. Ask Archangel Raphael to then coat you with his green healing energy
where the cords had been.(This energy feels thick and cool to me. Very

3. Then ask St Germain to bring to you his violet flame of sacred
transformation and burn away from all your physical and spiritual bodies
all that does not belong and does not serve you or the Light. See a
beautiful violet flame surrounding you. This flame is cool and does not
burn but transmutes the negative energy into positive energy.

4. When you feel this is complete, ask St. Germain to either return the positive energy to you or gift it to Mother Earth.

5. Now call on Michael to vacuum and take away any residue energies and
to bring it to the 5th dimension to be transformed into Light.

6. Now call out to the Universe and ask that any energy you have given
to anyone, any thought or emotion or event from any time or any place be
sent back into your body. Have a sense of strong, positive energy
flowing back to you, into your auric field and into your personal power
center, which is below your heart and above your navel.

7. Thank Michael, Raphael and St. Germain.

The angels say when we continue to think about our past relationships
too much the cords we cut can re-attach. So when you catch yourself
thinking about them, stop yourself, say "Cancel and delete" and then
quickly replace the thought or image with something positive, like a
positive current or future relationship, or anything that feels good to

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Thank You My Friends

Hi My Dear FRiendsThank you for  all your blessings.  please remember me tomorrow.  I need your blessings specially tomorrow.  tomorrow 60th year is starting after coming to htis beautiful mother earrth. so please bless me.  Once again thank you very much for all your blessings. Join me for thanks giving  with source of energy and Mother Earth. Love You all 10900635083?profile=original

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Happy New Year

Hi Good Morning My Dear Friends. May Light always surround you; Hope kindle and rebound you. May your Hurts turn to Healing; Your Heart embrace Feeling. May Wounds become Wisdom; Every Kindness a Prism. May Laughter infect you; Your Passion resurrect you. May Goodness inspire your Deepest Desires. Through all that you Reach For, May your arms Never Tire. Wish you a Very Very Happy Blissful New Year to YOU with love & Light. Tercy10900633688?profile=original

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