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Beyond the veil

Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil, beyond the confines of quarantine Earth, there is a totally different reality, a totally different universe.

If you climb above the tachyonic membrane that exists 8.6 miles above the surface of this planet, you enter a universe of Love.

The experience on this planet has taught you that life can be mean and cruel. Most of us have accepted this as an underlying basis of our reality, learning not to trust other beings but fear them instead.

This premise is the basis that the Cabal is operating from. It is the glue that keeps their reality together and keeps us enslaved into it.

But we have our Souls. They exist on the plane of the fifth dimension and have direct connection to the universe beyond the Veil.

Whenever we connect with our Soul, we enter a reality

where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks.

Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil,

the same thing happens.

So we connect vertically and horizontally. This is the key to our individual liberation. It is also part of the key

for the liberation of the planet.

Beyond the Veil, universe is full of Love. Every atom, every molecule, every subatomic particle beyond the Veil is vibrating with that Love. All beings in this universe except most beings on planet Earth are now operating from that Love. Whatever they do is an act of Love. Their every thought and every emotion expresses that Love.

And that Love will soon overflow our planet and set it free.

Be aware of that fact when you make your decisions.

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Some Food Facts

Some Food Facts.

1. Pineapple is a natural painkiller. The fruit contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that bring pain relief from conditions such as arthritis, according to a study at Reading University.
2. Pomegranate juice could prevent a heart attack. This wonder juice is believed to improve blood flow to the heart and lower blood pressure.
3. Onions are natural antibiotics. They might make your breath pong but onions contain allicin, a powerful antibiotic that also protects the circulatory system.
4. Mushrooms can ward off colds. They contain more of an immune-boosting antioxidant called ergothioneine than any other food, say researchers at Pennsylvania State University.
5. Blueberries can boost memory. A study at Tufts University in Boston showed eating half a cup of this fruit regularly could delay age-related deterioration in co-ordination and short-term memory.
6. Eat chocolate, live longer. Hurray! Harvard University scientists say that eating a couple of chocolate bars a week could extend your life by almost a year.
7. Grape fruit juice can stop medicine working. If you're taking medication, avoid washing it down with grape fruit juice as there is evidence that it prevents some drugs being broken down.
8. You should never drink tea or coffee with meals. Tannins in tea and coffee prevent absorption of certain nutrients. A cup of tea with a meal will halve the iron you get from it, whereas a glass of orange juice will double it.
9. Cherries can cure gout. Cherries contain compounds that significantly reduce the chemicals in the body which cause joint inflammation.
10. Eating curry could help prevent Alzheimer's. According to a report in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, a yellow pigment used in curry, cur cumin, can stop amyloid plaques in the brain that cause the condition.
11. Sniffing a lemon could help you beat asthma. The UK's 5.1 million asthmatics could find lemons ease their symptoms. Studies in rats found that breathing improved after they inhaled limonene, the chemical that gives lemons their smell.
12. Kiwi fruit can improve your eyesight. This fuzzy fruit is a surprisingly good source of lutein, an antioxidant that protects your vision.
13. Garlic can cure mouth ulcers and verruca. Here's an old wives' tale that works: half a clove of garlic, squeeze, and apply a drop of the juice to the offending growth at bedtime.
14. You can have too little salt. Too much salt isn't good for us but not getting enough can trigger low blood pressure in those susceptible. Consult your GP before making any major diet changes.
15. Figs can delay brittle bone disease. Good news for the three million osteoporosis sufferers in the UK - it is possible to slow its progress by eating calcium-packed figs.
16. Soya can mimic breast cancer drugs. A team of Cambridge researchers discovered that a diet high in soya can have a similar effect to anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen.
17. Barbecued-food can cause cancer. Eating meat that's char grilled or burnt could lead to stomach, pancreatic, colon and breast cancer because it creates high levels of carcinogenic compounds.
18. Cinnamon can help diabetics. Just half a teaspoon a day of this spice can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, says US research.
19. Chillies can help you breath more easily. Capsaicin, which occurs in chilies, shrinks the mucous membranes which can ease blocked noses and sinuses.
20. Watermelon is good for the prostate. Men will be glad to know that the red flesh contains the antioxidant Lycopene, which helps keep the prostate gland healthy.
21. Coriander can lower your cholesterol levels. This aromatic herb can reduce cholesterol levels and prevent heart problems.
22. Nibbling nuts can prevent blood clots. Nuts boost nitric oxide, a compound that relaxes blood vessels and eases blood flow.
23. Banish bad breath with natural yoghurt. A few spoonful of natural yoghurt can neutralize halitosis, according to Japanese researchers.


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The Power of Mother Nature

The Power of Mother Nature

A fantastic video with symphonic music and scenes of unleashed powers of the elements – earth, water, fire, air – awe-inspiring. Have a look into the centre of a hurricane!


Power of Mother Nature 1080p HD

1. Immediate - Trailerhead - "Prelude to Paradise"
2. 2 Steps from Hell - Invincible - "Black Blade"
3. 2 Steps from Hell - Invincible - "Heart of Courage"


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Fossil find breakthrough hailed

Fossil find breakthrough hailed


• The skull of the long-faced human whose fossils were found near Lake Turkana in Kenya …


At least three species from the human family Homo may have lived together in Africa almost two million years ago, new research has suggested.



One of them, Homo erectus, is thought to be the most likely direct ancestor of people living today.
The others most probably came to an evolutionary dead end, experts believe.
Between 2007 and 2009, three new fossils were unearthed from a site near Lake Turkana in Kenya - known as the "cradle of mankind". They included a face, a near-complete lower jaw, and part of a second lower jaw.
Combined with a mysterious fossil known as "1470" found nearby four decades ago, they confirm the existence of a human species with a large brain case and long, flat face.
The fossils appear to be distinct both from Homo erectus and Homo habilis, another primitive species from the same era.
Before the new discoveries, experts had tentatively named the 1470 species Homo rudolfensis.
Dr Meave Leakey, co-leader of the Koobi Fora Research Project (KFRP) in Kenya, one of the scientists whose findings are published in the journal Nature, said: "For the past 40 years we have looked long and hard in the vast expanse of sediments around Lake Turkana for fossils that confirm the unique features of 1470's face and show us what its teeth and lower jaw would have looked like.

"At last we have some answers."
Co-author Professor Fred Spoor, from University College London, said: "Combined, the three new fossils give a much clearer picture of what 1470 looked like. As a result, it is now clear that two species of early Homo lived alongside Homo erectus. The new fossils will greatly help in unravelling how our branch of human evolution first emerged and flourished almost two million years ago."


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Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The meetings with Humans who show up in anticipation of my visit mostly contain old souls. This was foreseen. Over two decades ago, when my partner began, the meetings contained curious souls. So it has evolved. It is the seriousness of the old soul that brings them to a room like this or to a place like this where they can listen or read. Spirit responds to potentials on my side of the veil, and again I say that we have no clock. We see the reader in the same way we see the one in the chair today. We see potentials as reality. That reality we now see brought you to be reading this on paper or on an electronic device. All this seems to us as within the same time frame as a few of you are experiencing in this meeting as you listen. So your future is our now.

We do not see empirical rules in our reality, but instead we see potentialities of existence. That is to say that we know who you are - listening, reading, or here in the chair. You think you know how many are here, but you don't know really what here means, for there are far more than you think. Does your here include the future? Does your here include generations to come? You see, anyone who ever listens or reads these words, no matter when, is a potential that exists in our now.

We wish to continue that which we told you this morning we would do [within the seminar], a continuation of the message of the new energy on the planet. You are half-way through the 36-year alignment window that is what we would call the Galactic Alignment. This year, 2012, is therefore the middle of this alignment and is the year where the energy starts to shift and the energetic seeds begin to be planted that will change this planet from here forth.

This is the way of it, that it would be slower than you like. The slowness of change is due to generations of Human Beings inheriting what you might say is new consciousness. It also allows for those who have been born in an old energy to exhaust that old energy in what you would call an incarnation or an expression [one lifetime on Earth]. To us, death, therefore, is simply rejuvenation into life. If this doesn't make any sense to you, I will then tell you what my partner says should have been said all along: The old energy dies hard!

There are a lot of humans who will have to go through death in order to be reborn into a new energy, to accomplish the things they came for. Now, the old soul is prepared and ready for a consciousness shift in the body through death - far more than any other Human Being on the planet. This simply means that time must go by in order for you to see the things that we talk about, and old souls have been through this more than any other Human. But as these generational shifts occur, you will start to see that even before they occur, the seeds of change are starting to happen faster than one lifetime. So that is what we discuss today, and we're going to call this the Recalibration of Free Choice.

We pause for a moment. There's a dispensation at this moment, no matter what the teaching is, no matter what the words are. Listen, reader: I know who you are. There's a dispensation right here for you. Before you get up out of the chair where you are, you can be different. It's because you will receive an energy that is being broadcast by us no matter what time you think it is or where you are - into the very quantum information of your DNA, the patterning of your soul. The very Akash of your Higher-Self and your soul energy is involved. It's an awakening that will last for the rest of your lifetimes, because you make a decision today. This is how profound free choice is for a Human.

The Human can turn on a dime. Oh, look at your history! Look what you've done in these last years. Governments fall that are inappropriate; financial institutions fall that are inappropriate. However, you ask, "Where is the change?" It's all around you, dear one, but it's slow and didn't happen in the last weeks. So be patient and allow the wheels of shift to turn at their own pace.
Free Choice Isn't That Simple

ree choice would seem to be a simple aspect. Free choice to a Human Being means that you have free will to choose anything you want. But it isn't that way at all. You can only choose things you can conceive of or that you think you can change. You cannot choose things that do not appear to you to be choosable. For instance, rats in a maze have free choice. They can go anywhere they want to. But one of the choices that never occurs to a rat is to remove the matrix. It's not in their consciousness or their reality because they have solid walls before them that represent the maze. So they simply try to choose a direction within the walls and the puzzle in front of them.

Humans live in a perception of a dimensionality, much like an example of living in black and white instead of color. You might say humans have always had free choice in black and white, yet they're not aware of color. So if you don't have color, you are not going to choose red or blue or green. Understand? Now, imagine for a moment that those colors were a multidimensional reality. Therefore, the Human Being (although he has free choice) can't even conceive of the things that he cannot conceive of. So he doesn't choose a color, because he doesn't know it exists. So that, dear ones, is what is changing. You're going to start to see concepts that never were concepts! Prepare for color!

I'm going to give you a little list of what to expect, and some of you will see these things quickly and some not for a while. I will give you an overview with no clock. So when you say, "Well, dear Kryon, when are these things going to happen?" I'll say, "Yes." Oh dear one, they're going to happen, for we see the potentials of all of them happening, which means we see your manifestation already there.

Number one: Spirituality. The systems of spiritual design on your planet are starting to change. This is not telling you that certain ones are going to go away. They're simply going to change. Some of the largest spiritual systems, which you would call organized religion on the planet, are shifting. They're going to shift away from that which is authority on the outside to authority on the inside. It will eventually be a different way of worship, slowly changing the rules while keeping the basic doctrine the same.

The doctrine of the Christ has always been to find the God inside. The teachings were clear. The examples of the miracles were given as an example of what humans could do, not to set a man up for worship as a God. So when that has been absorbed, the teaching of the Christ can remain the teaching of the Christ. It simply changes the interpretation.

The teachings of the great prophets of the Middle East (all related to each other) are about unity and love. So once the holy words are redefined with new wisdom, the Human changes, not the words of the prophets. In fact, the prophets become even more divinely inspired and their wisdom becomes even more profound.

You're going to lose a pope soon. I have no clock. Soon to us can mean anything to you. The one who replaces him may surprise you, for his particular organization will be in survival mode at that point in time. That is to say that fewer and fewer are interested in starting the priesthood. Fewer and fewer young people are interested in the organization, and the new pope must make changes to keep his church alive. That means that his organization will remain, but with a more modern look at what truly is before all of you in a new energy. It is not the fall of the church. It is instead the recalibration of the divinity inside that would match the worship that goes on. It's a win-win situation. The new pope will have a difficult time, since the old guard will still be there. There could even be an assassination attempt, such is the way the old energy dies hard. That is number one. Watch for it. It's a change in the way spiritual systems work. It's a realignment of spiritual systems that resound to a stronger truth that is Human driven, rather than prophet driven.

Number two: Against everything you think is Human nature, Human Beings are going to start to react differently to drama. At the moment, drama is attractive. You're seeing your media on its last gasp of reality, giving you reality programs so you can watch drama, as though you didn't have enough of it at home. I want you to watch for this shift, because it's going to tell you that there is a shift taking place in basic Human nature. Eventually, these current things are not going to be attractive at all. Not at all. There'll come a time when you look backwards in time and you will see when you watched those particular kinds of entertainment and say, "How barbaric that was!" It's going to change.

This means a shift in what Human Beings want to see as their entertainment is at hand. It's a shift in what they want to experience in their lives and in their free time. There will be more of a motivation to the things that soothe their souls, instead of the drama that mixes them up. They will not be fed anymore by what used to feed them in an old energy. If you turn on a television show that was produced in the '50s, how do you like it? Does it seem trite and laughable in its innocence? It does, and that's due to a shift of your reality today. So, coming will be an actual shift of how Human Beings react to drama.

You're not going to be as interested in things that are dramatic, but rather you're going to be more interested in things that are informative and heartwarming. That's coming. I know, some of you will say, "I doubt it, because Humans are Humans." Some will even argue and they'll say, "Well, Kryon, most of humanity, you have said, are not old souls. So, therefore, they won't shift along with us. So how can most of humanity shift?" I'll tell you this - there are some things that will be worldwide and there are going to be some things that are only old-soul wide. You'll see. But the seeds are planted first with you. So what you feel and what you do will eventually be seen in the general population. How do you feel right now about what is on television, old soul? You're already objecting! You're already seeing the barbarism. You're already seeing those who have no integrity in their journalism and wish to scare you instead of inform you. That is going to shift. You will demand it.

Think of it this way: The old souls are the seeds who plant an energy that grows and allows new seeds to be made. Eventually, even the young souls will have an allowance for this seed inheritance, which the new energy of the earth is providing. That was number two.
Longer Life is Going to Happen, But…

Here is one that is a review. We keep bringing it up because Humans don't believe it. If you're going to start living longer, there are those who are frightened that there will be overpopulation. You've seen the way it is so far, and the geometric progression of mathematics is absolute and you cannot change it. So if you look at the population of the earth and how much it has shifted in the last two decades, it's frightening to you. What would change that progression?

The answer is simple, but requires a change in thinking. The answer is a civilization on the planet who understands a new survival scenario. Instead of a basic population who has been told to have a lot of children to enhance the race [old survival], they begin to understand the logic of a new scenario. The Akashic wisdom of the ages will start to creep in with a basic survival scenario shift. Not every single woman will look at herself and say, "The clock is ticking," but instead can say, "I have been a mother 14 times in a row. I'm going to sit this one out." It's a woman who understands that there is no loss or guilt in this, and actually feels that the new survival attribute is to keep the family small or not at all! Also, as we have said before, even those who are currently ignorant of population control will figure out what is causing babies to be born [Kryon joke].

Part of the new Africa will be education and healing, and eventually a zero population growth, just like some of the first-world nations currently have. Those who are currently tied to a spiritual doctrine will actually have that doctrine changed (watch for it) regarding Human birth. Then they will be able to make free choice that is appropriate even within the establishment of organized religion. You see, things are going to change where common sense will say, "Perhaps it would help the planet if I didn't have children or perhaps just one child." Then the obvious, "Perhaps I can exist economically better and be wiser with just one. It will help the one!" Watch for these changes. For those of you who are steeped in the tradition of the doctrines and would say that sounds outrageously impossible, I give you the new coming pope [Kryon smile]. For those of you who feel that uncontrolled procreation is inevitable, I encourage you to see statistics you haven't seen or didn't care to look at yet about what first-world countries have already accomplished on their own, without any mandates. It's already happening. That was number three.
Energy (again)

The natural resources of the planet are finite and will not support the continuation of what you've been doing. We've been saying this for a decade. Watch for increased science and increased funding for alternate ways of creating electricity (finally). Watch for the very companies who have the most to lose being the ones who fund it. It is the beginning of a full realization that a change of thinking is at hand. You can take things from Gaia that are energy, instead of physical resources. We speak yet again about geothermal, about tidal, about wind. Again, we plead with you not to over-engineer this. For one of the things that Human Beings do in a technological age is to over-engineer simple things. Look at nuclear - the most over-engineered and expensive steam engine in existence!

Your current ideas of capturing energy from tidal and wave motion don't have to be technical marvels. Think paddle wheel on a pier with waves, which will create energy in both directions [waves coming and going] tied to a generator that can power dozens of neighborhoods, not full cities. Think simple and decentralize the idea of utilities. The same goes for wind and geothermal. Think of utilities for groups of homes in a cluster. You won't have a grid failure if there is no grid. This is the way of the future, and you'll be more inclined to have it sooner than later if you do this, and it won't cost as much.

We've told you that one of the greatest natural resources of the planet, which is going to shift and change and be mysterious to you, is fresh water. It's going to be the next gold, dear ones. So, we have also given you some hints and examples and again we plead: Even before the potentials of running out of it, learn how to desalinate water in real time without heat. It's there, it's doable, and some already have it in the lab. This will create inexpensive fresh water for the planet.

There is a change of attitude that is starting to occur. Slowly you're starting to see it and the only thing getting in the way of it are those companies with the big money who currently have the old system. That's starting to change as well. For the big money always wants to invest in what it knows is coming next, but it wants to create what is coming next within the framework of what it has "on the shelf." What is on the shelf is oil, coal, dams, and non-renewable resource usage. It hasn't changed much in the last 100 years, has it? Now you will see a change of free choice. You're going to see decisions made in the boardrooms that would have curled the toes of those two generations ago. Now "the worst thing they could do" might become "the best thing they could do." That, dear ones, is a change of free choice concept. When the thinkers of tomorrow see options that were never options before, that is a shift. That was number four.
Integrity That May Surprise…

Number five: There will be those who think it impossible to have a search for integrity and fairness in all things. In other words, Human Beings will not simply go with what they are told is the status quo. They will look at it and they will say, "Well, I think it could be better. I'm going to look around for something that has more integrity and fairness." Yes, there will be those who tell you, "Look, the institutions hold all the cards and you have to do it their way. If you want health insurance or you want loans from the banks for your home, you better do it their way." I have news for you. Even this is going to change.

"What are you going to do?" the Human asks. "They hold all the power!" In the past, there was nothing you could do. Now I'll tell you what the potentials are. You're going to pull out the puzzle and look past the walls of the maze. You're going to say, "Well, then I'll start my own institution." And some will. The new institutions, based on integrity, will sweep right past an old energy. In other words, there will be those who are young today who are going to start a new way of banking, a new way of health care, and a new way of insurance. And when you see these plans, you'll say, "Why didn't we think of that?"

Have you seen innovation and invention in the past decade that required thinking out of the box of an old reality? Indeed, you have. I can't tell you what's coming, because you haven't thought of it yet! But the potentials of it are looming large. Let me give you an example, Let us say that 20 years ago, you predicted that there would be something called the Internet on a device you don't really have yet using technology that you can't imagine. You will have full libraries, buildings filled with books, in your hand - a worldwide encyclopedia of everything knowable, with the ability to look it up instantly! Not only that, but that look-up service isn't going to cost a penny! You can call friends and see them on a video screen, and it won't cost a penny! No matter how long you use this service and to what depth you use it, the service itself will be free.

Now, anyone listening to you back then would perhaps have said, "Even if we can believe the technological part, which we think is impossible, everything costs something. There has to be a charge for it! Otherwise, how would they stay in business?" The answer is this: With new invention comes new paradigms of business. You don't know what you don't know, so don't decide in advance what you think is coming based on an old energy world.
The Unthinkable… Politics, A Review

Humans will begin to search for integrity and fairness and it's going to happen in the places you never expect. I said this last week, so this is a review. There'll come a time when you will demand this of your politics - fairness and integrity. So when the candidates start calling each other names, you will turn your back on them and they won't get any votes. They're going to get the point real fast, don't you think? How about that?

Let me give you another potential. This country that I sit in right now [USA] will set the mold for that particular attribute. I have no clock. Watch for the youngsters to set this in motion, and they will, for they are the voters of tomorrow and they do not want the energy of today. To some of them, it's so abominable they won't even register to vote in this energy. You're going to see this soon. That was number five.
The News

Number six. I'll be brief. Watch for your news to change. It has to. When the media realizes that Human Beings are changing their watching habits, they're going to start changing what they produce for you to watch. Eventually, there's going to be something called "The Good News Channel," and it will be very attractive indeed. For it will be real and offset the drama of what is today's attraction. This is what families at night, sitting around the table, will wish to watch. They'll have something where the whole picture of a situation is shown and not just the dramatic parts. You will hear about what's happening on the planet that no one is telling you now, and when that occurs [we have no clock, dear one], it's going to compete strongly with the drama. I keep telling you this. Human nature itself is starting to be in color instead of black and white. Watch for it. And that was number six.

There are two more. Very recently we gave you a prophecy of prediction. We reiterate it now. Right now on the planet there's something in the works that is going to bring big pharma to its knees. Much like what happened to the tobacco industry, where there was a realization of a lack of integrity, there was alarm and outrage. You saw an industry that knowingly addicted the young and caused death, and this was revealed. And it didn't take that long, did it? And we said this not too long ago, and I repeat: When you see an entire industry that, for monetary reasons, is willing to keep people sick for profit, it's going to fall over. Sooner than later. You're going to see the rumblings of it very soon.

You're going to start to see Human Beings look at their health in a different way. Do you know what the real answer to long-term health care is? Not only in this country, but the earth? I will give you a hint. Don't get sick! And that, dear Human Being, is what I'm going to tell you is at hand. Coming is an understanding of the body in a way you have not understood it before. Your DNA is built to regenerate and last for hundreds of years. Right now, you're here for a moment and you die. The research is there. The beginning of extended life is there. Human Beings are going to search for things that are natural and processes that have always existed, and that will have an avenue of opening because of the demise of big pharma. And you'll wonder why you didn't know it before and you will look back and cringe, like you do today with the ads of the '50s with the doctor smiling, recommending a certain kind of tobacco.

I don't have a clock, dear one. I cannot tell you when. I can only guarantee you it is going to happen. It has to. You cannot have systems that are that large that have no integrity existing in the new energy. Do you understand? Then there are those who will say, "I hope it happens while I'm here." Oh, it will. Maybe you won't be who you are today, but you'll be here to see it, old soul. [Kryon smile] And that was number seven.
The End of War

The last one is the best. For thousands of years on this planet, Human Beings have warred with each other. If you take a look at the reasons they warred with each other, you will quickly see there aren't any good ones - land, resources, greed. Those are not reasons. That is a description of old energy. Those are not reasons. Reasons would be perhaps defense against an aggressor. But what if there is no longer the consciousness of the aggressor?

When I appeared in my partner's life more than 20 years ago, I said to him privately that the first messages we're going to give will be unbelievable. There would be laughter. We told him that Human nature and consciousness itself would change, and that the seeds of peace would be planted and there would come a time where there is no more war. Indeed, the laughter was great because humans look at history and they see patterns based on an absolute energy called Human Nature. "Impossible! There always has to be war. There always has been. Therefore, there always will be." This is you, in a box, in a black and white potential, where you can only see the black and white of what is and the black and white of what has been. You have no idea the shades of color that are there in your consciousness and the beauty of the love of God.

North Korea is on the edge of change, as we told you it might be. What did this require? The death of the old energy, and I want you to watch this take place. The advisors of the young leader are going to do their best to pull him back into an old energy. This free choice of his will be far different than his father, for he sees some color. Watch for these things. They'll take longer than you want, but it is the beginning of the beginning.

You'll see a fresh unification of South America sooner than not, for what is going to take place potentially this year in Venezuela. You'll see Iran changing. We have no clock. These are the potentials. These can change with free choice. These are not prophecies. This is a reality shift, dear ones, so number eight becomes the propensity not to war again. This is what Humans are going to want. This is what governments are going to want. There is a wisdom factor that will begin to happen on the planet that is grander than what you think is possible. For when you look at government, what do you think about? You see dysfunction, and there is an axiom that says the more people that try to do something together, the worse it gets. It all settles to the lowest common denominator. I'm telling you even those things are going to become old energy concepts. Instead, you're going to watch wisdom become the top potential.

I have no clock. I cannot tell you when. I can just tell you it is in the works, and there will be the seeds of it for you to observe soon - right now, in every single of the eight categories I showed you.

There are those who will say, "Well, Kryon, you're doing a lot more predictions than you used to." I want to tell you what's going on, dear one. I am not predicting anything. I am just telling you what's already there in the potential soup of your reality. That's what Humans are doing on this planet, and for those who believe this communication, you should breathe a sigh of relief and say, "It's about time."

I'm about to leave yet again, but not before this admonition. Seed planters, you have 18 years to plant these new seeds. They will grow faster if you do it now rather than later. Your part to play is to have a higher consciousness in these areas at home and at work, and to show those around you what you know through your wisdom. Show them the love of God in your life by treating them as you would yourself - to be slow to anger and quick to forgive. Create solace around you, a bubble of peace around you that is so desirable that people will want to be with you. Be non-judgmental.

These are the seeds that will change the Crystalline Grid of this planet, and your children and their children are the ones who will inherit what you do today. This shift is about consciousness change; it's why you're here.

This is the truth of this day, and again, I say it: All things may pull backwards a bit before they move forward, but this is the way of things and always has been. If you look at the last 50 years, you will see a tremendous change in Human nature. However, it's nothing compared to what you're going to see.

I am Kryon. Twenty-two years ago, my partner let me into his life. I knew it would take four more years for him to get going, and it did. Eighteen years ago was when the alignment started, and that's when the work began. I am here because of what humanity did. Kryon has always been on the planet, but only in the last 18 years were the messages profound about the shift. The grid alignment group arrived in 1989 and left in 2002 and the magnetics were set. Then Human consciousness began to shift as we said it would.

This is our message for today. Leave differently than you came.

And so it is.


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Lee Carroll

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...Time and probability are a beautiful illusionary paradox....And this is why we tell you that the Golden Age of Atlantis is actually an event horizon from your future, that you pulled into your 'seeming' past!
The Crystals of Arkansas
And so now we skip forward 12,500 years, and we look at the role of the Atlantean colony you now call Arkansas.
Arkansas was specifically chosen to house three major mega crystals for several reasons.
1) It was already in use as a crystal mining and harvest area. As a result one of the primary interdimensional tunnels from Poseida was already established and transport complexes were available to transport the crystals to the area. The Atlanteans had developed techniques that allowed for highly accelerated growth of crystals and pre existing deep caverns existed that would be quite out of the reach of mining concerns.
2) It was understood that the vortex in place in the area of Arkansas would play a major role in the 2012 planetary Ascension.
3) Arkansas's unique geology of quartz, diamonds, radium waters, magnetic lodestone, iron, limestone, and massive caverns made it the perfect incubator for the crystalline plantations. Crystals had been planted and grown in Arkansas for thousand of years before the deluge. The presence of magnetic metals in the crystal beds made it easier for the majestic Atlantean crystals to be placed in a dormant state within pre existing facilities.
4) A very benevolent colony of the blue-skinned LeMurians exist underground in Arkansas, as well as an underground base of Sirians. The two were in agreement to be caretakers for the sleeping crystals.
Now, the three crystals placed in Arkansas are attuned to a system that includes the remaining five master crystals placed in Brazil, Shasta, and the two Arcturian crystals placed under LakeTiticaca.
All but the Tuaoi (Fire Crystal near Bimini) were Temple Crystals. These are specialized Healing, Wisdom, Energy and Transport Crystals , used in the Temple of Healing, The Temple of Sound and Light, The Temple of Knowledge, The Temple of One, The Temple of Thoth , The Ruby Temple of Fire and the Temple of Regeneration.
The crystals were specifically placed in areas of supreme importance for the new earth emerging in the 2012 Ascension. Areas that were easily accessed though the Atlantean interdimensional tunnel system. The are defined and placed as follows:
Arkansas :
1. Blue Crystal of Knowledge (Interface)8-8-8
2. Emerald Crystal of Healing 9-9-9
3. Platinum Crystal of Communication (Bio Plasmic Interface) 11-11-11

Bimini Bank:
1. The Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy 12-12-12
1. Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration 9-9-9 - Minas Gerais- Sao Tomas des Letres
2. Violet Crystal of Sound 10-10-10 -Bahia - Diamante Crystal Area
Mount Shasta:
1.The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface 9-9-9
Tiajuanaco-Lake Titicaca, Bolivia:
1. Sun-Moon Crystal of Light 9-9-9
2. Crystal of Thoth 12-12-12

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Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !
Every life is a sacred opportunity to explore and discover what dwells within. Upon the earth, the expanded dimensional overlays of the Crystalline Transition fulfills this promise by the hallowed movement into Mer-Ka-Na.
Awareness evolves therein into wisdom, and wisdom into Conscious Mastery....and beckons the return home into the honored crystalline light of Divinity.
And so we speak of the Crystalline Transition and its anchoring in the Crystalline Vortex of the sacred ARK. It involves so many of you from the Golden Age of harmonic, peaceful Atlantis, the era of the forgotten 'Law of One'.

Reemergence of The Golden Law of One
Many do not realize that within a Golden Phase that endured over 20,000 years, Atlantis was a highly spiritual matriarchal society that existed in beautiful harmony.
This advanced, peaceful society was termed the 'The Law of One'. Edgar Cayce readings referred many times to the beauty and benevolence of this 'Law of One' society in what he termed the Golden-Age of Atlantis.
The Atlanteans of the Law of One were extremely tall, often exceeding 12 feet in stature. There skin was a translucent golden bronze color. They were of Pleiadean Star-Seed with full 12-strand DNA and extremely high levels of consciousness, exuding pure love. Their physical form was very light, at times they pulsed a very visible aura of yellow gold that extended over 20 meters from their 12 chakra system.
This Golden Law of One society in Atlantis represented what humanity will in time regain. The Golden Era of Atlantis in the society of the Law of One was the most evolved, the highest frequency ever achieved by humanity in duality, more elevated in spirituality than LeMuria.
Many of you were part of the Law of One. Your hearts were broken when the greedy militaristic Aryian faction cunningly took over Atlantis , misused the crystals and led to the sad demise.
But the Law of One are now re-emerging, and it begins with the promise that will indeed be kept. The Temple Crystals will never again be misused.
They are reawakening in Arkansas and Brazil. The Crystal Vortex of Arkansas completes on the 12-12-12. It is why many of you are drawn to this energy, for it is a long awaited, deeply cherished completion.

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This is a Cosmic Moment in the evolution of this planet, and all of us who are on Earth at this time have been preparing for lifetimes to assist in this vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.

The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that, through the collective consciousness of Humanity, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will enable us to utilize the celestial alignments and the solar flares that have taken place this momentous year of 2012 to cocreate A Renaissance of Love on Planet Earth. Together we are changing the course of history.

Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because the sacred knowledge you possess and the gifts of Light you are adding to the world are necessary for us to succeed God Victoriously.

A plan has been set into motion that will draw the focus of Humanity’s attention which will in turn create a collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness. This will open a tremendous portal of Light through which the Light of God will flow to Birth a New Renaissance of Divine Love for Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. The vehicle that will be used for this global activity of Light is the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place during the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence August 11-16, 2012, on the sacred isle of Kauai, in Hawaii. This is a global event and we will all be in our right and perfect place on the planet to fulfill our individual missions for this event.


During that sacred week, people in attendance will join in consciousness with Lightworkers tuning in from around the world, and together we will form a Chalice of Light that will envelop the entire Planet Earth. The collective cup of our consciousness will form the Open Door through which powerful 5th-Dimensional Frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light from our Father-Mother God will flow to Birth a Renaissance of Divine Love. This influx of Light will lift the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every person on Earth. This will move Humanity a quantum leap toward the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life which is our Divine Destiny as Sons and Daughters of God. This event is a critical step of preparation before the unprecedented influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the December 21, 2012 Solstice.

As the World Congress On Illumination unfolds each day, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth will guide us step by step through the various facets of the Divine Plan. For this reason, we do not have a lot of information about the specific Divine Ceremonies in advance.

The important thing for you to understand is that we have ALL been preparing for lifetimes to fulfill our unique facet of this Divine Plan. Ask your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven for guidance, then listen to your heart. KNOW that the Beings of Light will be guiding you also. Respond to your inner guidance and you will unerringly weave your magnificent Light into this wondrous event.

We will work in THE ETERNAL MOMENT OF NOW throughout the week, so whenever you are able to join in consciousness with us will be right and perfect. It does not matter if you are joining with us at the exact same time. When we are focused in the Eternal Moment of Now, we are ONE in perfect synchronicity.

The momentum of Light will build from the Opening Ceremonies on August 11th through the Closing Ceremonies on August 16th. Your Divine Intention is what matters. Know that if you intend to be the most powerful force of Light you are capable of being during this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan, you will be. Trust yourself!

Thank you for your heartfelt desire to assist Humanity and this precious planet. Your Light and Love are needed and gratefully accepted by Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her. I truly appreciate you and the Light you are adding to the world.


In order to fully understand the magnitude of what Birthing a New Renaissance of Divine Love will mean for Humanity and all Life on Earth, the Company of Heaven wants us to remember how the first Renaissance transformed this planet. The first Renaissance originated a little over 500 years ago in Florence, Italy. It was part of a master plan to accelerate the return of the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Divine Feminine, which we have always known as the Holy Spirit. The Divine Intent of the first Renaissance was to awaken Humanity’s creative right-brain hemispheres which had been almost dormant since our fall from Grace aeons ago.

In the middle of the 14th century we were living in the Dark Ages and our affinity for culture and the arts was practically nonexistent. In order to stimulate our creative right brains, the Company of Heaven projected the wisdom of the arts into the mental and emotional stratum of Earth. As this sacred knowledge filtered into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds, art, music, dance, literature, and every other creative facet of the Renaissance elevated people to a level of culture and civility that we had not experienced since our fall from Grace. The Renaissance inspired civil liberty and a new internal order of culture and political development. It was the beginning of Humanity’s awakening and a crucial stage in the process of liberating the human mind from our fear-based, fragmented human ego’s paralyzing grip of fear and misinformation. In the midst of unrivaled, barbaric darkness, the Renaissance birthed a civilization of a higher order. The most amazing part of all of this is the fact that this transformation was accomplished in the middle of the Dark Ages during a time when the masses of Humanity were truly asleep.

Now everything has changed. Even though there are still people on this planet acting as though they live in the Dark Ages, the vast majority of Humanity does not. During the past 25 years miraculous Activities of Light have been successfully accomplished by Lightworkers around the world and unprecedented Divine Intervention has taken place. As a result, Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness that has ever occurred in any system of worlds. The Beings of Light said it is impossible for Humanity to fathom what will be accomplished with the Birth of a New Renaissance of Divine Love, but they said it will be GLORIOUS beyond our wildest dreams!

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Edgar Cayce's Visions of Atlantis

Edgar Cayce remains perhaps the most credible and genuine 'channelers' of the past 150 years. His medical readings and past life, past civilization readings are acclaimed and studied by millions at his institute, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The executive director for the A.R.E is the esteemed John Van Auken. He has written over 25 books on Edgar Cayce's readings, and was involved in the Atlantis Research project. He will be one of the featured speakers at the 12-12-12 and will speak on 'Edgar Cayce's Atlantis'.

According to Edgar Evans Cayce, the son of Edgar Cayce, over 700 of Cayce's 2500+ life readings refer to Atlantean incarnations. Cayce said the Golden Age of Atlantis was led by a very spiritual society called the 'Law of One'. The Law of One was primarily based in the Atlantean region called Poseida. The Law of One, as stated in the Cayce readings, held the highest standards of consciousness ever achieved on the Earth. The 'Law of One' were able to continue vibrating at the very highest level of light and energy, and remained very close and true to the one Creator/God, even as the other groups on Atlantis began to fall into the throes of downward spiral through seeking power and material gain over love.

Cayce speaks of an Atlantis which was extremely advanced scientifically with very complex, highly developed technology which allowed them to have aircraft, very unique air-balloons, submarines, elevators, a broadcasting system similar to television, and even computers! Crystal technology was used to power everything. Some crystals had industrial and energy generation purpose and others were Temple Crystals used for creating energy fields of high resonance, calibrating chakric systems, healing, cosmic travel, education and even rejuvenation.

The industrial crystals were used for power source generation, energy field projection, creating optical agricultural conditions, creating hyper-dimensional tunnels, powering movement of physical matter, excavation of inner earth tunnels thru vaporation, and creating 'tractor beams'.

In what was termed the 'Golden Age' many souls on the planet were not yet in 'human bodies'. Many extra terrestrials manifested in light form, especially the Sirians, Pleiadeans and Arcturians. Those in physical bodies were able to live extremely long life times, some as long as 10,000 years through the rejuvenation processes.

After the 2nd breakup of Atlantis, the continent broke into 5 islands, 3 primary ones called Aryan (the largest), Og and Poseida. Much of the cohesiveness was lost, and the people of Aryan fell under the spell of a militaristic, corporate driven leadership. The Aryans cleverly and deceitfully gained control of the technologies.

According to Cayce, Atlantis was destroyed by massive 'mega-explosions'. The final destruction came from the misuse of their advanced technology by the Aryan Group, in stark opposition to the 'Law of One' group of Poseida.

The final destruction lasted over a period of months ... not just days or weeks, but months. The final end came around 10,500 BC.

All the readings indicated that ample warnings were given and than many Atlanteans were, in fact, able to escape prior to the final 'sinking'. Some sought safety by going to Europe and Africa whilst some found refuge in North & South America.

Although many of the life-readings given by Cayce were expressed in 'biblical' terminology that was often quite difficult to understand at first sight, by studying the texts very carefully and piecing many of them together as one would a jig-saw, we are able to obtain something of a general 'over-view' of the History of Atlantis according to Cayce's prolific information.

The earliest Atlanteans are described by Cayce as being light-thought projections and having a semi-physical form in which both sexes, male and female, were present in the same 'body'. These Atlantean thought-form 'beings' - projecting 'vibrations' of pure white light and energy - gradually began to take on a more material shape and density and began to engage upon acts of sheer self-indulgence. These physically-encased thought-form projections, through the passage of time, began to separate into two groups; those who followed the Laws of One and those that chose to follow the Sons of Belial based on the island of Aryan.

The Law of One still maintained the highest standards of consciousness and were able to continue vibrating at the 'very highest' level of light and energy; and still remained very close and true to the one Creator/God. They were a benevolent loving society, with matriarchal, peaceful & nurturing characteristics and aspects.

The Law of One were completely peaceful, absolutely non-violent and were as a society somewhat vulnerable to the cunning and cloaked political intrigues of the Aryan Group. To an extent the non-aggressive, focus on peace and honesty that was held by the Law of One, became the tools used by the Aryans to set up a complex and cunning deception that enabled them to take control of the crystals. The Aryans became involved in the accumulation of power and used the advanced technology, including the genetic engineering capacities and crystal energy for untoward goals of world control. The developed a race of genetically engineered 'slave workers'. The Aryan faction began to use the technology to dominate the world. The Tuaoi crystal was used to create earthquakes in other areas, and used as a death ray. This destructive use imbalanced the system and led to the destruction of the crystal satellite motherboard. Its crash and explosion created a series of earthquakes and explosions throughout the energy system.

Most of the surviving 'Law of One' migrated to Egypt, Bolivia, Yucatan and Arkansas. For a few generations some areas retained higher educational status, and sustained technology. But with the land masses gone, in time the areas fell into disconnectivity and disarray. Atlantis was gone.

Once the end came, there was a 'too-late' recognition on the part of the 'Law of One' that the utopia was lost. But they vowed to return one day, and never again be naive, or duped. The return is happening in 2012. Were you part of the Law of One. Do you feel the clarion call of the Return?

Before Atlantis was taken over by the Aryians in its final destructive stage, a beautiful, peaceful and highly spiritual matriarchal society called the 'Law of One' presided in extraordinary harmony for over 20,000 years in what Edgar Cayce termed the 'Golden Age of Atlantis'. The era of the Law of One Golden-Age of Poseida achieved the highest frequency of Love ever actualized on planet Earth. They are now re-emerging.

Edgar Cayce prophesized the benevolent & loving group of Atlanteans from the group he called the 'Law of One' would one day return.

The 12-12-12 is that 'Sacred Return'
Are you among the Law of One?

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Ashtar's Water
Sterling Water
EBB Water
Unity Water
Brotherhood Water
Freedom Water
Humility Water
Joy Water
Trust Water
Clarity Water
Ascension Water
Divine Flow Water
Making the Waters
Ordering Information


Many years ago there was a channeling from Sananda in which he said the day was coming when we would be able to heal ourselves with just water… a concept which our 3D minds couldn't conceive of at that time. It appears that that day has arrived.

There are many 'types' of water being brought to mankind's attention. They each have their own 'specific' job. What one does, the others may not do... and so forth. Each one, however, is to aid in the creation and anchoring of our Light bodies, as well as the cleansing and healing of our physical, emotional and mental bodies.

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The Golden Reed Pipe - A Yao Folktale

The Golden Reed Pipe
A Yao Folktale

Once upon a time there lived in the mountains a woman and her daughter. The daughter liked to dress in red. Hence her name, Little Red.
One day they were plowing and sowing in the fields. All of a sudden, a gale blew up and in the sky there appeared an evil dragon who stretched down his claws, caught Little Red in a tight grip and flew off with her towards the west. Her mother vaguely heard daughter's words carried on the wind:
Oh mother, oh mother, as dear as can be!
My brother, my brother will rescue me!
Wiping away her tears, her mother gazed into the sky and said, "But I only have a daughter. Who can this brother be?"
She staggered home and had got halfway there when her white hair was caught up in the branches of a bayberry tree growing by the roadside. While she was disentangling her hair, she spotted a red, red berry dangling from a twig. She picked it and swallowed it without thinking.
When she arrived home, the woman gave birth to a boy with a round head and red cheeks. She named the boy Little Bayberry.
Bayberry grew up very quickly and in a few days he was a young lad of fourteen or fifteen.
His mother wanted to ask Bayberry to rescue his sister but couldn't bring herself to inflict such a dangerous task on him. All she could do was weep to herself in secret.
One day a crow alighted on the eaves of her house and cried:
Your sister's suffering out there, out there!
She's weeping in the evil dragon's lair!
Bloodstains on her back,
She's digging rocks with hands so bare!
Upon hearing this, Bayberry asked his mother, "Do I have a sister?"
Tears streaming down her cheeks, his mother replied, "Yes, my boy, you do.

Because she loved to dress in red, she was called Little Red. That evil dragon who has killed so many people came and took her away."
Bayberry picked up a big stick and said, "I'm going to rescue Little Red and kill that evil dragon. Then he can't do any more harm!"
His mother leaned against the doorframe and through misty eyes watched her son march away.
Bayberry walked for miles and miles. On a mountain road he saw ahead of him, blocking the way, a large rock. It was pointed and rubbed smooth by all the travelers who had had to climb it. One wrong step would mean a nasty fall.
Bayberry said, "This is my first obstacle! If I don't remove it now, it will be the undoing of many more people." He thrust his stick under the rock and heaved with all his might. There was a great "crack!" and the stick broke in two. Then he put both his hands under the rock and tried to shift it with all the strength. The rock rolled down into the valley.
Just at that moment, a shining golden reed pipe appeared in the pit where the rock had been. Bayberry picked it up and blew on it. It gave out a resonant sound.
Suddenly, all the earthworms, frogs and lizards by the roadside began to dance.


The quicker the tune the faster the creatures danced. As soon as the music stopped, they ceased dancing. Bayberry had an idea: "Ah! Now I can deal with the evil dragon."
He strode away, the golden reed pipe in hand. He climbed a huge rocky mountain and saw a ferocious-looking dragon coiled at the entrance to a cave. Piles of human bones lay all around him. He also saw a girl in red chiseling away at the cave. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. The evil dragon whipped the girl on the back with his tail and shouted vilely at her:
Most ungrateful loathsome Mistress Red!
Since with me you would not wed,
Day by day,
Rock by rock,
Hew me out a handsome cave,
Or I'll send you to your grave!
Bayberry realized that the girl was none other than his sister. He shouted:
Wicked monster! Evil fiend!
To torment my sister so!
Till your wretched life shall end
On this pipe I'll blow and blow!
Bayberry began to blow on his golden reed pipe. The music set the evil dragon dancing despite himself. Little Red downed her chisel and emerged from the cave to watch.
Bayberry blew on the pipe. The evil dragon continued to dance, squirming and writhing. The quicker the tune, the faster the evil dragon moved.
Little Red came over and wanted to speak to her brother. With a gesture of his hand, Bayberry showed her that he could not stop playing the pipe. If he did, the evil dragon would eat them both up.
Bayberry kept blowing for all he was worth, and the evil dragon stretched his long waist and kept writhing around in time to the music.
Fire came from his eyes, steam from his nostrils, and panting breath from his mouth. The evil dragon pleaded:
Ho-ho-ho! Brother you're the stronger!
Blow no more! Torture me no longer!
I'll send her home,
If you leave me alone!
Bayberry had no intention of stopping. As he blew, he walked towards a big pond. The evil dragon followed him to the bank of the pond, squirming and dancing all the way. With a great splash the evil dragon fell into the pond and the water rose several feet. The evil dragon was utterly exhausted. Fire came from his eyes, steam from his nostrils and panting breath from his mouth. He entreated again in a hoarse voice:
Ho-ho-ho! Brother you're the stronger!
Let me alone and I'll stay in this pond
And torture folk no longer!
Bayberry replied:
Wicked fiend!
This is my bargain:
Stay at the bottom of this pond,
And never do harm again.
The evil dragon kept nodding his head. As soon as the golden reed pipe stopped blowing, he sank to the bottom of the pond.
Bayberry took hold of his sister's hand and walked happily away.
Not long after they set off, they heard the sound of water splashing in the pond.

They looked over their shoulders and saw the evil dragon emerge from the water pond. He raised his head and flew in their direction, baring his fangs and clawing the air.
Little Red cried:
Go deep when digging a well;
Pull up the roots when hoeing a field.
While that dragon is still alive
To kindly ways he'll never yield.
Bayberry rushed back to the pond and began to blow on his pipe once more. The evil dragon fell back into the pond and began to dance again, squirming and writhing in the water.
Bayberry stood on the bank for seven days and nights, a fast tune blowing on his pipe. Finally, the evil dragon could move no longer and floated on the surface of the water. His days had come to an end.
Sister and brother joyfully returned home, dragging the body of the evil dragon along behind them. When their mother saw her two children coming home, her face lit up with happiness.
They peeled the dragon's skin to make a house, took out the dragon's bones to serve as pillars and beams and cut off the dragon's horn to make plowshares.

With the dragon's horn they plowed the fields quickly and had no need of oxen. In this way they plowed many fields, sowed much grain and enjoyed a life of plenty.



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Tikki Tikki Tembo - a chain tale from China

Tikki Tikki Tembo
a chain tale from China
recalled by: D. L. Ashliman

Once upon a time in faraway China there lived two brothers, one named Sam, and one named Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako.
Now one day the two brothers were playing near the well in their garden when Sam fell into the well, and Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako ran to his mother, shouting, "Quick, Sam has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"What?" cried the mother, "Sam has fallen into the well? Run and tell father!"
Together they ran to the father and cried, "Quick, Sam has fallen into the well.


What shall we do?"
"Sam has fallen into the well?" cried the father. "Run and tell the gardner!"
Then they all ran to the gardner and shouted, "Quick, Sam has fallen into the well.


What shall we do?"
"Sam has fallen into the well?" cried the gardner, and then he quickly fetched a ladder and pulled the poor boy from the well, who was wet and cold and frightened, and ever so happy to still be alive.
Some time afterward the two brothers were again playing near the well, and this time Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako fell into the well, and Sam ran to his mother, shouting, "Quick, Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"What?" cried the mother, "Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako has fallen into the well? Run and tell father!"
Together they ran to the father and cried, "Quick, Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako has fallen into the well?" cried the father. "Run and tell the gardner!"
Then they all ran to the gardner and shouted, "Quick, Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako has fallen into the well?" cried the gardner, and then he quickly fetched a ladder and pulled Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Hari Kari Bushkie Perry Pem Do Hai Kai Pom Pom Nikki No Meeno Dom Barako from the well, but the poor boy had been in the water so long that he had drowned.
And from that time forth, the Chinese have given their children short names.



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The Anywhere, Anytime Chill Guide to Insomnia
Ms. Mindbody Kate Hanley shares the breathing exercise that will calm you back to sleep.

BY: Kate Hanley



Mr. Sandman has lost your number and he’s left you crying for a little shut-eye. Insomnia takes different forms—either you can’t fall asleep to begin with, or you can fall asleep fine but you wake up in the middle of the night. This remedy can help with either type.


This simple breathing technique is particularly well-suited for helping you get back to sleep for three reasons: First of all, you can do it even when you’re lying in bed and exhausted, which is incredibly convenient. Second, taking a longer exhale requires a little act of surrender and helps you purge any tension you may be feeling.


And finally, counting the length of your inhale and exhale is just enough of a distraction to take your attention off your thoughts.


Taking a longer exhale . . . helps you purge any tension you may be feeling.



Extended Exhale Breathing



Two pillows-—one for under your head, one for under your knees

Time Needed: As much time as you like




Lie on your back. Place one pillow under your knees so that you feel extra comfortable and supported. This arrangement also encourages the muscles in your lower back and abdomen to release completely, which enables you to breathe more deeply. The other pillow goes under your head.


Rest your hands on your belly and spend a few breaths feeling your hands rise as you inhale and fall on the exhale.


Once this belly breathing has helped you calm down a little, begin counting the length of your inhales and exhales.


Inhale for a count of four, and exhale for a count of eight.


If this count causes you any stress or strain, modify it to a more appropriate length for you. The only parameter is that the exhale should be twice as long as the inhale.


Repeat until you feel yourself getting sleepy, verrrrry sleeeeeepyyyy...




If you’ve been at it for twenty minutes and you’re still not sleeping, get out of bed. On those long, dark nights when your mind won’t quiet down, get up, go in the other room, and write in your journal. It may not make any sense when you look at it by the light of day, but sitting and releasing all the thoughts that are swirling around eventually allows your natural urge for sleep to have its voice heard.





Soothes your nerves, which paves the way for the unrestricted breathing and total muscle relaxation that sleep brings gives you something to focus on besides your anxious thoughts and quiets your mind, making you more receptive to sleep’s gentle whispers




Other Remedies to Try:


Chamomile Tea • Open Your Inner Gate
Rescue Remedy • Supported Child’s Pose



Reprinted from The Anywhere, Anytime Chill Guide: 77 Simple Strategies for Serenity, by Kate Hanley. Published by skirt!, an imprint of Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT.



Learn more about Kate Hanley at her Web site


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The Celestine Prophecy - A Must Watch



The Celestine Prophecy - 9 Insights - The Meaning of Life - Why We Are Here



"The Celestine Prophecy" and its nine key insights predict a worldwide awakening, arising within all religious traditions, that moves humanity toward a deeper experience of spirituality. Based on James Redfield's worldwide best-selling novel, The Celestine Prophecy, is a spiritual adventure film chronicling the discovery of ancient scrolls in the rainforests of Peru.
(Warning: Video contains spoilers.)


Video presented by

Movie copyright 2006 Celestine Films LLC, all rights reserved.


"If we pay attention, we can find a greater life, no matter where we are, no matter who we are, no matter what our circumstances are. If you tune into the mysterious coincidences in your life, if you discover and then follow your intuitions, you will find that there's a door of opportunity for a greater life for you. You can't be a victim and do it, but if you go beyond that, if you find a way out of whatever circumstance you're in, whatever block you think you might face, what happens is that it works. It always works. The only thing that holds any of us back is not believing that it works."
-- James Redfield




The Celestine Prophecy part 1



The Celestine Prophecy part 2



The Celestine Prophecy part 3



Celestine Prophecy -Part Four



Celestine Prophecy -Part Five



The Celestine Prophecy part 6



The Celestine Prophecy - Giving Energy
The next step in Evolution



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Synchronicity Explained through film


Coincidences are more that mere accidents of little value, they are a deep spiritual undertow.



SYNCHRONICITIES, A Universal Experience Video.flv



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