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Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations
by Mary Writer on Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

We all know that light travels – we measure distance in space by “light years”. Just as fascinating, sound travels as well via sound waves or “vibration”.

In Genesis 1:3 God said, “Let there be light and there was light.” We can imagine the enormous vibration of God’s Word that continues to this very day.

In this video, we see how vibration is a part of us and what we give our attention to echoes within our bodies.

We can choose to hold onto anger, resentment (even illness) or we can choose to harbor forgiveness and love and well being.

The next time you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, stop and change them to something positive and you will change yourself from the inside out with “Good Vibrations“!


In The Beginning Was The Word and The Word Was Sound

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Transform Your Uncertainty into Certainty & Thrive!

In just 15 minutes feel calmer, clearer, and less uncertain about whether you can navigate all the unpredictable changes in business, leadership and life. Without leaving your desk, experience an energizing shift in your mindset and surroundings. Virtual Vacations spontaneously transport you to sacred destinations. learn the timeless wisdom practices of leaders from different cultures, continents and centuries. These guided-audio armchair adventures connect you with a deeper, richer sense of yourself. A-ha breakthroughs ignite your inner knowing—leading you to innovative ideas, wiser decisions, and inspired action.

With grace and ease, you experience the satisfying and fulfilling difference your unique gifts contribute to the world.

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Michael channeled by Ron Head

Once again this day we greet you with news of great change. Many of you are wondering what is happening. Please maintain your centers and we will explain.

You have been told of the nine days of vastly increased energies, and you know of the alignment of the planets which has occurred. Now it may seem at first as if everything is falling apart for you. Actually what is happening is that the things which still need to be cleared for you are surfacing from their hidden corners of your beings. We have told you of the possibility of this, as well. Do not become involved with these things. Hold your centers and observe, yes. And then release them from your attention and allow them to go on their way. Send them back to Creator. You have no need of them any longer. Replace them with all of the unconditional love you can breathe into yourselves.

This is the beginning of a huge step forward for you. Allow the new self which you have carefully crafted to handle it and you will step past it quite well. We see many of you doing just so, and are once again smiling as we see your surprise with yourselves.

Allow this time to go by. It will be a bit unsettling, perhaps, for some. But the person you will find yourself to be at the end of this period will be worth the slight troubles you will encounter. If some of the things you are experiencing seem more troublesome, then realize that time is short now and you have much to accomplish.

We tell you once more that the real focus during this time is your own ascension. Were everyone attending to this, all of the outside circus that tries to draw your attention away would soon disappear. It will be dealt with. You need not give it more than the attention it deserves, which is not much, unless it comes directly to your door, and that happens to very few.

Realize now that your reactions to what is occurring in your own life are the most important thing for you at this time. In most cases, no reaction beyond release may be the best. In others, you may find acceptance and gratitude appropriate as newfound qualities are discovered.

We will see you through and help you as you request, as we always have done. We wish nothing other than to be of help. Feel our nearness to you now. Good day.

Channel: Ronald Head.

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Fernando Doylet Auson originally shared this post:
"In ICELAND ► the people has made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution. And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current global crisis. This is why there hasn’t been any publicity during the last two years: What would happen if the rest of the EU citizens took this as an example? What would happen if the US citizens took this as an example." Source
More photos from Fernando Doylet Auson


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One of the matters that confuses people from time to time is the question of what is ascending. Is it only the Earth or are more areas of the galaxy and universe involved?

SaLuSa tells us that Ascension “applies to the whole Universe.” (1)  The changes, he says, “are affecting … not just your solar system, but Universe and Galaxy.” (2)  On another occasion, he says, “the whole Universe … is being lifted up into the higher realms.”  (3) Like us, he says, the galactics are “part of the Great Plan…. All is uplifting into the higher vibrations, and it is a magnificent event and occasion for great celebrations.” (4)

Ascension, he says, “is to be an enormous event that happens very rarely.” (5)   The opportunity to ascend “is the natural conclusion of this cycle,” he informs us. (6)  Atmos agrees that “the plan for your Ascension is contained within the many cycles that are part of the orderly function of the Universe.” (7)

SaLuSa describes the lofty beings who are guiding and directing these events:

“[Ascension] is a tremendous change of scope beyond your imagination, and involves Beings of unlimited power and love. They carry out the Will of God and in that lies your assurance that all will proceed according to the Divine Plan.” (8)

Individual Ascensions are always taking place, as Ashtar discussed in An Hour with an Angel on Aug. 13, 2012. (9)  But this Ascension will be a mass event, as Archangel Michael tells us through Ronna Herman:

“In past ages, the ascension process was available only to those who incarnated as initiates firmly on the path, and as disciples whose mission was to anchor as much Divine Light and to bring forth as much cosmic wisdom as possible. That time is past. It is a time of mass ascension, for all the planets, solar systems and galaxies within this universe are actively involved in an ascension process.” (10)

On occasion in the past, SaLuSa reveals, an Ascension has been planned and has not taken place. But “although you have missed out on earlier occasions, this time if you are ready you are absolutely certain to ascend.” (11) To be ready means to agree to ascend and to have assimilated sufficient light or love (they are the same) to endure the higher vibrations of the Fifth Dimension.

Ascension is divinely decreed, he reminds us, and “mere mortals cannot stop what has been divinely decreed.”  (12) The dark ones, the Hathors tell us, cannot impede Ascension.

“Regardless of their source, the days, so to speak, for those who are trying to control your destiny for their own selfish ends are numbered. The shift from 4th dimensional consciousness to 5th dimensional consciousness cannot be stopped any more than the dawn of a new day can be avoided. The evolution of consciousness on your Earth and of Earth, herself, is in the midst of a dynamic shift and you are a vital part of it.” (12)

They have fought to the end, SaLuSa tells us, and have failed.

“You have had immense help and the plan to awaken you has been successful beyond expectations. As you are finding out, the dark Ones fight to the end but whatever they do it will not alter the outcome. The die has been [cast] and Ascension will come with all of its glory and majesty. It truly is a great occasion that has stirred the interest of life throughout the Universe, who watch on to be part of the inevitable and welcome celebrations”. (13)

Atmos also assures that, because it is “happening by divine decree, … we can confidently assure you that it will not be delayed. Why otherwise would we of the Galactic Federation be encircling your Earth, with millions of craft in readiness for First Contact and the restoration of Mother Earth.” (14)

So this Ascension, which we already know is special in that it will be accomplished with us taking our physical forms with us, is also special in that it involves not just one planet as, say, with Halion or Venus, but the whole universe. It cannot be delayed and, as Archangel Michael said back in May, we’ve already passed the tipping point, the point before which not enough people had qualified for Ascension, and the boulder now rolling downhill to its inevitable conclusion.  (15) Ascension, identified as coming on Dec. 21, 2012 or before, cannot now be stopped in this locale.


(1) SaLuSa, May 14, 2012, at

(2) SaLuSa, April 13, 2012.

(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 8, 2008.

(4) SaLuSa, April 13, 2011.

(5) SaLuSa, March 21, 2011.

(6) SaLuSa, May 14, 2012.

(7) Atmos, Jan. 28, 2009, at

(8) SaLuSa, April 13, 2012.

(9) Ashtar on An Hour with an Angel, Aug. 13, 2012, at

(10) Archangel Michael, “A Clarion Call for World Servers,” May 2010, through Ronna Herman, at

(11) SaLuSa, May 14, 2012.

(12) The Hathors, “Transcend and Transform Your World,” Nov. 14, 2007, through Tom Kenyon, at

(13) SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2012.

(14) Atmos, Jan. 28, 2009.

(15) Archangel Michael: “And yes, the curve of Ascension is very steep at the moment. And as I have said to you, though, you have been climbing and climbing and climbing the hill, and you have been pushing that boulder upwards for a long time — well, might we suggest, perhaps for eons?

“Yes, we know for some of you it has been a long life, and in many ways a difficult one, one that has been filled with challenges. But you have reached the top of the hill. And that boulder that you have been pushing is picking up speed going downhill.” (“Archangel Michael on the Transition’s Impact on Us and World Leaders,” at


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Beloved Family of Light, in this year of 2012 you have just passed a Singular Time Marker...the Lion's Gate of 8 : 8, the 8th of August 2012. This marks the beginning of the Planetary New Year and the New Cycle of Energies leading into 2013 and the Manifestation of the Multi-Dimensional New Earth into your Reality.

What a Joy, Beloved Family, to welcome this Blessed time and the Transformations of the Earth to her Higher Reality and her New Destiny. Yes, your Earth is in the process of ascending into her new role as a Member of the Galactic Council, and into a time when the Planet/Star will be guided in her further Evolution by her own Councils of Light.

The Lion's Gate was always a particular celebration of the Sirius energy in collaboration with the Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Keepers. At this time, your Sirian Light Family celebrate your "graduation" to independent status as the Wisdom Keepers and Earth Keepers of the New Earth.

Many of You who are ready are now activating your Solar and Galactic Light Bodies and moving into Multi-Dimensional Consciousness. You are taking great strides forward as you prepare yourselves for your work as Earth Keepers and Navigators of "Spaceship Earth"as she transits the 2012 portals into the New Earth Frequencies of Light. As you enter into this New Work, you will feel Joy, Strength, Purpose and a sense of Achievement as you move through this Transit without disaster or catastrophe, just as we assured you for many years!

Beloveds, this will be a confusing time for many around you. There will be a final "lifting" or clearing of the long held "Atlantis Syndrome" of fear, when the fear of global catastrophe and punishment will be released from the Collective Consciousness, and the Planet will move forward without any of the old belief systems that caused fear, lack and suffering. As this process occurs, many will feel confused and lost, as if without a center, as the Collective Consciousness begins to formulate a New Perspective on Life and on Social Evolution. This will be most evident in your political and economic systems and in the great changes that will be made in the next five years.

This is the "moment" for the Indigo Beings, those who were Children in the 1970s and 80s and who are now emerging into their adult years, ready to begin their mission in weaving or manifesting the Multi-Dimensional New Earth Society. Together with the Magnificent Crystal Children, this is their Spiritual Soul Task. They know, deep within themselves, how the Energy of the New Earth will Emerge and Manifest in the time after December 2012.
The New Earth Councils of Light

The Multi-Dimensional New Earth will be guided by her Higher Dimensional "Councils of Light". These are the "Council of Elders", the "Earth Keeper Council" and the newly established "Council of Children". These Higher Dimensional Councils, working together with the Solar Council and the Galactic Council, will be tasked with guiding the New Earth into its Multi-Dimensional Future of Peace and Abundance.

The Major Decisions about the Earth's Future Developments and its Relationship with its Solar and Galactic neighbours will be made in the Council of Elders in conjunction with the Solar and Galactic Councils. The Major Decisions concerning the Earth and the well-being and sustainability of the Planet will be made in the Earth Keeper Council.

All members of the Council of Elders will also be Members of the Earth Keeper Council, and these two bodies will work closely together.

Newly formed also, is the Council of Children, which will manage the affairs of the New Souls and the New Waves of Crystal Children that arrive on the New Earth. The Council will be dedicated to ensuring their well being on the Planet and that all are welcomed and cared for as they deserve.

Beloved Family of Light, as you begin to work with these Councils, you will begin to understand the true power of Higher Consciousness and your ability to Manifest a Peaceful and Abundant future for yourselves and the Planet as a whole.
Activating the Solar and Galactic Light Bodies

Beloved Family of Light, as many of you are aware, as you begin this transit of the 2012 portals, you will be exposed to many powerful incoming Cosmic Frequencies and Light Codes. But know, that as your Consciousness expands into Multi-Dimensional frequencies, your Light Body will activate the Solar and Galactic levels that will balance out these frequencies and absorb them at the proper levels so that the Physical Body is not overtaxed or damaged.

The Solar Light Body is your connection to Solaris, or the Sun. This Body consists of Golden Light, and it easily absorbs the enegy of the Solar Flares and Magnetic Radiation from the Sun. When this Body is activated, you will cease to be adversely affected by the Solar activity and radiation of the Sun. The Solar Light Body easily absorbs and conducts this energy so that it may be used in effective ways to energize the entire Light Body/Physical Body System with the incoming energy patterns and information delivered via the Solar Council Transmissions.

Likewise, the Galactic Body, when activated, is able to absorb and manage Galactic Transmissions on the Diamond Light Frequency, so that these are not disruptive of the Life Force Energy of the Being on the lower dimensions of experience. The Galactic Body is the Diamond Light Body, and it connects to the Galactic Center and the Galactic Council of Light. When these two Light Bodies are activated, the Solar and Galactic Bodies, the Being is fully activated to what we would call the Ninth Dimensional level, and is ready to accept responsibility as a member or co-worker with the New Earth Councils of Light.

Beloveds, you will recognize those who have ascended into Multi-Dimensional Consciousness. They will have a Strength and a Light in their Being, they will Radiate this Light from Within! They will be Empowered and Direct in their manner, while at the same time being Compassionate and Loving. They will be Joyful and Happy, living in the Present Moment without fear or resentment. They will be fully "human" in their ability to live life in all its aspects, while also able to experience the Divine and Infinite that is their Essence. They will be Spiritual Warriors, Leaders, Mothers and Fathers, Wise Men and Women and Elders.

It is indeed a time of Great Celebration, of Change, of Beauty and Joy! It is the moment that you came to experience and the time that you have worked towards for many lifetimes! What a Joy that Earth is ascending into Multi-Dimensional Frequencies of Love, and is unfolding as a Magnificent Flower of Light in the Galaxy. As this occurs, Beloved Family of Light, know that you too, each One of You, is a Magnificent Multi-Dimensional Being of Light, a Cosmic Jewel, a Star in the Heavens, a Spark of Divine Light!

Beloveds......we celebrate You at this Time!

We wish you Joy in your Ascension Journey through the 2012 Portals of Light into the Multi-Dimensional New Earth Reality!

It has Begun!

© 2006-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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The Threefold Flame

The Threefold FlameThe Threefold Flame of the Holy Christ Presence is the Flame of Life anchored in the secret chamber of the Heart in the Sons and Daughters of God and the children of God. The Sacred Trinity of Power, Wisdom, and Love, that is the Manifestation of the Sacred Fire, is only one-sixteenth of an inch high within the average human heart. It is made up of a Blue Plume, a Yellow Plume and a Pink Plume of Radiant God-Charged Electronic Light. Each Plume is a manifest Focus of God Qualities. The Blue Plume of Spiritual Power relates to Faith, Good Will and the Divine Intent. The Yellow Plume of Divine Wisdom relates to Illumination, to the right use of Knowledge, and to the expansion of the Intelligence of the Godhead into the chalice of the heart and mind. The Pink Plume of Divine Love provides the Qualities of Mercy, Compassion, Justice, and Creativity. The Threefold Flame is the Sun Center and Source of Life to the physical body. The expansion of a person's Threefold Flame brings him closer to his own eternal Freedom in the Ascension. When we speak of the Presence of God "within" each one, we are refering to the Glorious Victorious Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within.

Your Holy Christ Presence maintains a direct outpost of its own Consciousness within your Heart in the form of this Threefold Flame, expressing there the Love, Wisdom, and Power of your Mighty I AM Presence. The anchoring of this Threefold Flame of God's very own Heart within your physical form is evidence of your Divine Sonship and explains how human beings are constantly qualifying God's creative energy in the form of good or bad karma. You are directly connected to the Heart of your God Presence via the Crystal Cord of Liquid Light and Life, descending as a vertical axis of White Light from the Heart of your Presence, through the Heart of your Christ Presence, and flowing forth as the creative energies of your Heart Flame.

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10900558065?profile=original">Your vibration is your personal energy frequency. It is a culmination of every life you have ever lived, every thought you have ever had and every action you have ever performed. It is the energy that surrounds and permeates every cell in your body. Your vibration is your divine signature, your soul essence, and it is special only to you. Just as there are no two snowflakes alike, no two souls in the entire universe have the same name or "soul signature". That’s how incredibly unique and special you are. Your vibration is a direct reflection of your inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choice of words, how well you take care of yourself, the Earth and others. The higher your vibration the more light you hold, the faster your light particles vibrate, the higher your consciousness and the stronger you are connected to your soul and God self.

When your vibration is low, your light particles are vibrating slowly and become condensed. Your energy literally feels heavy because you are not in alignment with your soul or divine self and are mostly operating from your lower self or ego. Distorted beliefs, fear, anger, resentment, blame, guilt, jealousy, judgment, shame, addiction, unforgiveness, conditional love, lack of self worth, greed, separation consciousness and poor health keep you in very dense low vibrating energy. When you are a high vibrational being you recognize your divinity and the divinity within others. You are in alignment with your soul, which is nourished by spirit, you are vibrantly healthy and your life flows with ease and grace.

Although we identify ourselves with our physical body we are actually energy or light beings. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Every thought, word, feeling and thing is energy - everything! Things that appear to be solid are actually very tightly compacted energy particles creating a shape, form or physical matter. Our physical body, that part of us that is not eternal, is surrounded by our eternal divine essence consisting of our emotional, mental and spiritual energetic layers. We are much more than our physical body; we are actually multidimensional, energetic, spiritual beings having a physical human experience. It is important for us to bring into our awareness the many layers of our energetic body. This is the key to our self-empowerment. When it is brought into our awareness, our soul will begin to integrate all of the layers of ourselves bringing us into a state of wholeness. Each of us needs to become aware of who we really are and reclaim all of our energy.10900558454?profile=original


When we become aware of our energetic bodies and set our intention to heal, balance and activate them, we have the potential to raise our vibration to such a point that each layer of our energetic body will unify and activate the creation of our "light body". When this occurs we have reached a very high vibrational state where our spiritual self or God self is able to merge with our physical body. This cannot occur until we have raised our vibration high enough for divine union to occur. This is the moment of en-lighten-ment and the return to one’s true spiritual essence and identity. Once this occurs, we will never be the same and we will be propelled forward beginning a new more evolved journey into self-mastery and the development of our Christ Consciousness. This is the true meaning of being "reborn". We reincarnate ourselves while in a physical body. Being reborn is a physical, energetic, blissful experience. Being reborn is not a mental concept, a belief or a desire to be a better person. It is an incredible experience where every cell in our body is flooded with light, all of our energetic fields and chakras are cleared, energetic blocks and karma is released, dormant strands of DNA are activated, our spiritual gifts are returned and our consciousness is expanded. Being reborn is when our divine essence or God self merges with our physical body and we experience complete oneness with God and all beings. We experience our true nature, the truth of our being, which will catapult us into a new journey of self-transcendence. This is divine plan for everyone to eventually reach this state of divine union helping us to bring Heaven (Spirit) here down on Earth (Matter).

We are in the process of planetary ascension and everyone choosing to stay on this planet will raise their vibration high enough to anchor in their Spiritual self or God self. Each of us are being asked to surrender to this process allowing ourselves to be "reborn" shedding the illusions of the ego and shining light on our shadow consciousness so we can bring all of our disowned rejected parts of ourselves into wholeness. Although our spiritual self is never separated from us it does reside in a higher vibrating dimension, several feet above our head, called the spiritual realm. The Creator has given us free will and it must be our choice to choose to climb the mountain of self in order to access and activate our divine birthright of God realization. This is divine plan and bringing our higher vibrating, loving, true selves down into our physical body is how we will heal the planet. Expecting someone or something outside of ourselves to save us is disempowering and will not get us anywhere. No one is going to save us; we have to save ourselves. We have to heal ourselves and we have to heal the planet. We have to take personal responsibility for our own vibration and salvation. We cannot give our power away anymore to the churches, the governments, the healthcare system or the financial system. Your power to change resides in yourself. You must commit to your own soul growth and spiritual development and shift your focus from trying to accomplish "things" to devotion and connection with your God self.

The mass consciousness of the planet is being bathed in high vibrational photon energy emitted from the galactic center, sun and stars. This energy is shaking our foundation, penetrating every cell in our bodies and triggering our DNA codes awakening us to our true magnificence. This very high vibrational light energy is a gift from God encouraging us to transform our denseness. Unfortunately, many people are so engulfed in the physical illusion and are vibrating at such a low rate; they are having a hard time adjusting to these higher vibrational frequencies. They are unaware of what is happening and are resisting the process of transformation and change doing everything they can to avoid the inner work necessary to raise their vibration. Anxiety, chaos, drama, war, confusion, anger, stress, rage and erratic behavior are all symptomatic of humanity’s resistance to receiving this divine light. The chaos of the world is a reflection of our own inner chaos. It’s not that we have more darkness on the planet, it’s that we have more light permeating the planet forcing the darkness within each of us to rise to the surface to be healed, transmuted and released. Each of us are going through a period of spiritual detox and investing in our spiritual self and making a conscious decision to actively participate in the raising of our own personal vibration will assist us in moving through this time period with ease and grace. Where we focus our energy is precious! If we focus our energy on spiritual development and emotional clearing we will rise in vibration and expand our consciousness. After all, it is our state of consciousness that creates our world. Expanding our consciousness goes hand and hand with raising our vibration and it needs to be our top priority if we want to enter into the Golden Age. There are many ways to raise our vibration. The most important thing we can do right now is state our intention.

How to Raise Your Vibration

Sabrina Reber


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NVITATION TO JOIN IN: SPECIAL POWERFUL CRYSTALLINE GROUP SKYPE SESSION IN THE FLOW OF NEW MOON – (HARMONIC CONVERGENCE) THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2012 AT 10 P.M. or 22.00 hours AMSTERDAM TIME Please relate to if you wish to participate in this session. This session will be lead by Zeljko Vedris, Carla Harren and the Group Introduction: This session will be the defragmentation of the Soul and Activation of the 5D Merkaba (the 7th Key of the Master Yoga). This is a session for those that are good at heart and search for the Light but are not active or fully aware of their Light Body yet. For those that are already active they will become stronger.

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The Light Bringer:

The Light Bringer:


Through the many aeons of time, there have been many Light Bringers, those whose light ensured others were inspired and guided, even if at times unbeknown to themselves.

The Light Bringer I am drawn to here is Melchisadek The Light Bringer, going back to Atlantis – that golden age, but when darkness had set in amongst certain children who once were of the light, indeed they were born of the light, but envy and jealousy and the wish for power had overtaken their Godlike qualities and attributes, to such an extent, The Father King of the Dhuman Adamic Race, Adam El Daoud, had called out in despair to God-The-Father, to send him someone he could trust completely of the light.

El Daoud was thrilled and delighted when God-The-Father sent to him Melchisadek;  at last El Daoud had another light bringer he could trust, and he felt his burden of responsibility was lifted greatly knowing he had someone to help eradicate the darkness which had taken hold of that once glorious and wonderful homeland of Atlantis.

Melchisadek, since those early days of long ago, has been a beacon of light, forever shining in the dark, but amongst the light too, his Great Light has encouraged, strengthened and given hope and inspiration to others less so, thereby others having met Melchisadek, they too, grew and became stronger themselves, giving off that light, reflected off of and from him.

So, you can see through the ages, yes, there have been many light bringers, but Melchisadek was one of those first few – whose pathway has been somewhat different to the usual Divine Plan.

Through the many centuries, wherever Melchisadek has been, that light of the Creator has been more evident – the time and people blessed with the beauty of his presence;  a light almost unequalled through the aeons of time.

Today, many people tune into Melchisadek’s great light – he is there for all who aspire and have those highest qualities necessary to be a servant of the light, a light bringer, although none of them are quite as Melchisadek, the Light Bringer, one of those very early bringers of Divine Light, the quality of which, so many of us today are striving to find, remember and enlighten not only ourselves but others, as we all take those steps back home to The Father-Mother-God, Adam El Daoud/Daouda, and back home to those glorious days of Atlantis, when we lived as one light, breathed as one, loved and glorified The Creator, who walked amongst us.

Those times are being remembered, those inner memories have awakened as one by one those veils are removed and that panorama of what once was – takes as always, our breath away, just as it has done, through the aeons of time.

Where is Melchisadek now – he is everywhere.  The light of his presence permeates and surrounds us all, even for those who feel no hope at all.

Call upon him to uplift and sustain you, and light as a feather, his presence will be there, in tune with The Father, His Angelic Helpers, and all those Beings who we knew and loved, through time.

They are all there, Light Bringers united, with one communal aim, to uplift and sustain God’s children, whilst far away from their homeland, but which day by day those veils are removed, hidden memories are pushed to the surface.

It is no coincidence how great is the light today amongst the darkness, for there are more and more light bringers each day, searching for that Golden Ray, The Holy Grail beckons and is like a magnet, that pull of home is irresistible, and step by step upward, initiations are undertaken and experienced, and in so doing, the earth world becomes purer and lighter as the effect of so many light bringers aim for the stars.

Every time we touch something or say words when we are full of light, it resonates and remains there on the ether for the next person, people, to be influenced, albeit often unknown, by that light and energy left upon the ether by those of the light – who have left their mark and vibration where they walk – talk.


But to go back to Melchisadek, one of those very early light bringers, known as The Light Bringer, is one of the greatest joys of all.

His essence is there, it is everywhere.  He guides us through time and space and what bliss to see his face. His presence sustains and uplifts, brings joy and laughter, why can’t we all be as he, tomorrow.

So, let us remember dear ones, when we use that word the Light Bringer, just how powerful and meaningful it is.  The sound upon the ether reverberates with that deep love and affinity, as one by one, we all want to be as Melchisadek, The Light Bringer.





21 July, 2012.

Pat Grabham



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Here are some perspectives… in a nut shell… while emerging out of the nut house!

The Shift of the Ages, a.k.a. Ascension, is all about letting go of outdated life patterns, past wounds, karma, and obsolete programing. It also about uploading new, advanced, higher frequency and programs, all the while remaining in the same physical body. This is what ascension is. It is a tricky process because this has never been done before, and our body memory is very entrenched in our DNA and is very stubborn. Some of us were not too happy about this realization, as we wanted to be rescued, or just get out of here in any way possible. Let us face it… life has been a bit NUTS! But like it or not, at some point you and I decided to BE HERE NOW and bring in this ascension . . . and with it the advanced higher frequencies to the physical plane. Many feel this ascension will be complete at the end of 2012. But we will actually finish this passage completely and move out of the Milky Way's dark riff by 2016. This passage began in 1980. The ancient Maya understood this passage as a place of great challenges and re-birth.

Ascension symptoms in any form, from pain to bliss, are a cellular DNA reaction as we shift to the next dimension, frequency and bandwidth that is in alignment with the current energies. These energies and frequencies that emanate from the great central sun, to our sun and then to us, are changing daily! So this shift is a daily process as we evolve into a new paradigm. Our pain is where we are letting go, and our bliss is where we are surrendering and allowing. There is no right or wrong in this process . . . you are going to feel both pain and bliss. So no matter what you experience, it is not for you to judge or to judge others in their process. This unique process is to be supported in everyone as each goes through wave after wave of ascending energies. Be as a little child. A child does not judge itself when it cries after having skinned its knee or when it gets uncontrollable giggles. A child is just in each moment. Be this way with yourselves and with all your relations.

Get support for Ascension Symptoms in this online group ...

Some notes from "The Astrology of 2012: Balancing the Masculine and Feminine"
by Marcus Mason

"In 1980 we began to enter into the galactic equator / the womb of creation. By 1999, the sun entered the deepest part, center point, of the galactic equator. Now in 2012, at winter solstice, the sun is re-emerging from out of the womb of creation. The 2012 winter solstice, in the northern hemisphere, is a time of spiritual rebirth. It is a time of rebirth in relation to our connection with the Earth and the cosmos. This is a time of renewal. This is a time of radically changing our understanding of where we fit into this vast scheme of things. By 2016, the sun has completely emerged from out of the galactic equator. The sun is fully re-born. The period from 2012 until 2016 has all sorts of most amazing astrological, astronomical alignments of new gifts that are coming to us; new gifts that are being offered to us once we get through this turning point; the 2012 solstice is the turning point where we have reached the lowest part of the whole cosmic cycle, and we begin to move upwards. We begin to move back collectively into the light. So don't be surprised if this year feels tough, because it is the last bit of the hard work. Then after that, the spiritual rewards begin to come, the emotional rewards, the psychological rewards, the sense of feeling and being much more easily able to get in touch with our sense of oneness with all of life."

(This and much more can be viewed on Marcus' CD presentation titled "Astrology of 2012: Balancing the Masculine and Feminine." For an even more in depth view of the Astrology of 2012, please check out Marcus' book. Both are available for purchase here:

From the Chilam Balam of Chumayel
The Prophecy of Transition into a New Age. "Then creation dawned upon the world. During the creation thirteen infinite series (Steps) added to seven was the count of the creation of the world. Then a new world dawned."

Paraphrased from The Mayan Prophecies for 2012
by Gerald Benedict

The Mayan fifth world / age is drawing to a close, and the sixth world will begin in 2012. This marks the start of a great new cycle of time and the resetting of the clock of the procession of the equinoxes. We are between ages and in a period known as the "apocalypse". This means a TIME of REVELATION that speaks of the recovery of ancient wisdom, the assimilation of NEW TRUTHS, and the opportunity that humanity will have to work out its problems and responsibilities, by the choices it makes. Paraphrased from The Mayan Prophecies for 2012 by Gerald Benedict

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Resistance by Russel Forsyth

Humans are programmed for survival, which creates an endless search for safety. Finding safety within relationships, environments and within one's self creates the need to rest or pause while standing on common ground. In today's world, the landscape moves so quickly it brings comfort to stay in one place while the world revolves around you. At the same time, each soul is pursuing freedom from the past and the creation of new paradigms.

With so many warrior spirits on the planet, the energy of a collective consciousness is driving people well outside their comfort zones. Daredevils are everywhere! Leaders are emerging to forge a new path well outside the old framework, regardless of feeling safe. This momentum is drawing most people into their spiritual bodies to ask questions and to seek answers.

Such movement ushers in resistance. Change equals risk, not safety. But with risk comes rewards and with stagnation comes an unsettled feeling. Peace is available, and resistance to change is met with resistance to keeping things the same, so the vortex remains constant and always within one's reach. The population is uneasy with such a dramatic shift and so many opportunities to take a flying leap into the unknown.

Spiritual cleansing is challenging work, and once you surrender, the darkest part of your essence becomes illuminated. No one is eager to see what darkness lies in the mirror, for transformation is not easy. But if the rewards of the effort were clear, resistance would lessen and the energy would flow. Willingness to seek out and understand those rewards is the ultimate goal, not perfection. Resist love and you resist life.

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This is the 3rd meditation in a series of 7 "Transformational Meditation Videos", a Divine gift from the Galactic Federation. An easy way to access all 3 videos is to visit my upload page on YouTube: . You may even want to make a playlist on YouTube with all of the videos so you can meditate with one or more of them at one time - which I think you will find is fun & immensely rewarding. Here's a glimpse into the Consciousness embodied in this 3rd video with this intro:

In this journey, we will be traveling into the mind of God, expanding our consciousness in graduated stages to begin to encompass more & more of the universe & a vast array of Divine Energies - this expands you & harmonizes you with the universe - & it allows you to know more about your path & life's purpose...... We continue to merge with our Soul... to merge more fully with the Divine Essence of our Being... to merge more fully with the Divine Light that we are - our Divine Essence beyond Form. And now we Soul travel to merge with the Great Being we call Gaia - our Mother Earth. We let the Divine Essence of Gaia merge with our Being... and our whole Being is filled with Gaia's Love & Light & Beauty. We let ourself visualize & experience our beautiful planet thru the mind of Gaia... we let ourselves see & feel the Divine Perfection that Gaia has created in the mountains, the forests, the plains, the oceans, the animals, the plants... and as Gaia - we are the Divine Essence of all life on Gaia, & we let ourselves see & feel everything on earth in a way we have never experienced before. And now we let ourself perceive our Sun as a living Being, & we let our minds merge with the Soul of our Sun. We let ourselves see & feel our Sun's nurturing & warming & empowering Divine Love & Light, & how we are helping nurturing with our Radiance all other life in our Solar system...& as our Sun we easily sense the Presence of all of the other Suns in the universe... And then we Soul travel to the Divine Source of all Suns & of all life in the universe.....

Love & Divine Blessings To All,

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Posted by Stephen Cook

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Steve: I’m so glad that Stephen has shared his first “message” publicly. I hope that people keep prodding and pushing him to share more.

I’ve certainly benefitted from his experiences and knowledge and it’s time now for others to benefit as well. Something about hiding lights under bushels. No longer a good policy. All lights now must be placed on hilltops, I think the master said!

December 21 and Ascension: Definitions, Visions and Meanings…

By Stephen Cook – July 21, 2012

OK, I finally feel confident – and the timing seems right, with today being exactly five months to go before December 21 – to share some information I have received.

And I mean ‘received’ as it has come from my guides; among whom is Archangel Michael. There are others. Some are Celestial; some are Galactic; but at this point in time I do not know all their names. But I ‘know’ them – and they know me.

I should say beforehand,  I have ‘received’ messages all my life. Sometimes they feel like simple intuition.

Sometimes, they have led me to specific moments or incidents which then came true. There have been many of these throughout my life.

I have also channelled, but I would never call myself a channeller. For me, it’s more that I just tend to receive ‘stuff’. Or I just ‘pick it up’.

Often, I ‘know” something as soon as I see it and I have a very clear understanding of the reason for it. More so, lately, I can read the “truth’ in someone or something or some happening in the world in an instant.

Yet I have never ‘gone public’ with my messages. Up until now, I have only shared with family and friends  – and not always with the anticipated reception, if you get my drift…

So, having said all that,  please be gentle with me and take only from this what resonates with you, personally…

In the past few months, my messages have been coming in loud – and I mean loud – and clear.

Words, visions, concepts. And they really, really resonate with me…inside I ‘know’ them to be my truth.

Just last week, on my way to Bliss and back, I received three very clear elements or concepts – a definition, a vision and a meaning – about what lies ahead. I should add that this was not a dream. I was wide awake. But it was multi-dimensional.

And so, after much thinking about it and confirmation that now was the right time, I would like to share what ‘ they’ have shared with me – and which I am being told may be of benefit to some of you.

OK… so here goes…(deep breath)…


The first involves the definition of  the wording “around December 21′, which has been used by some of our sources.

Some of us have been annoyed at the lack of clear dates; others are not sure if everything happens on that one day or not.

Here’s what I received. And I hope I explain this properly.

And please remember, as with everything, many of us are still looking at these concepts through our limited three-dimensional filter (or eyes that can only see in or of  the third dimension) and we are still attaching 3D meanings to concepts and words that only come from our limited current three-dimensional knowledge.

In many cases, we place our 3D limitations on words used by the Galactics or the Celestials because we only give a particular word, whatever it may be, the meaning we can find in our current (heavily-edited and ever-changing) dictionaries!

And we all know how the meanings of words can change over time and from generation to generation- even in a year or two. An example here is the word gay. It used to mean happy. Now it means same-sex love. It has certainly changed its context within a matter of a few years…

Historical texts have also changed their meanings. The Bible has been revised, reworked – and possible key and integral meanings within it have been altered or have evolved over the years…

So I’d like to start with a ‘definition’ I received. Or a defining, or re-defining, if you like, of  ‘around December 21′.

In the current concept of days and dates on this planet right now, some of us can be a day ‘ahead’ of others due to the various time zones. Some of us can be ‘behind’.

I was ‘told’ that this is what is meant by ‘around December 21′.

For example, as Australia begins its journey through December 21, it will still be late afternoon on December 20 in the US. Part of the late evening of December 21 in Australia will overlap with it being the early morning of December 21 in the US. Later that same day, when it is almost the end of December 21 in the US, it will be already be the late afternoon of December 22 in Australia.

So, we have a period of three calendar days – December 20, 21 and 22 where it is actually December 21 – somewhere. This was repeated to me as being why some sources say ‘around December 21′.

It may also be where the three days of darkness comes from because somewhere during that magical moment in time; it will be night time. So while some places may be in daylight on December 22, others may still be in darkness on December 21….and so on.

This is a good analogy when trying to define anything that the Galactics and Celestials are telling us: think outside – or beyond – the 3D square.


Almost at the same time, I was given a very clear image of the Earth from way out in space. It was not a Google-type image with green land masses and blue oceans and white clouds.

It was a vision of the earth as a holder of light. And so it was a glowing, solid and yet completely transparent ball of light; yellowish white. Like an energy orb – which it is.

Then I was shown this brilliant white, white beam. Intense white light. Whiter than you could ever, ever imagine. Pure. Purifying.

It was coming from the Central Sun (not our solar sun, mind you, but the Central Sun of all the Multi-Universes) and it moved very, very, very quickly; swiftly piercing the Earth – not violently – but suddenly. Probably more like instantaneously ‘entering’. It immediately made its way right into what science has told us to believe is the Earth’s core. Wherever and whatever that is, in this vision, it was the exact, precise central point in the glowing energy sphere that I knew was Earth. And this ‘touch point’ was its definitive, central energetic heart.

As this incredible beam of light hit that imaginary central ‘dot’; the Earth immediately expanded and kept expanding; double, threefold, four, five… even 10 times its glowing size. Size and perspective was difficult to decipher as I had and still have nothing to relate it to. It just blossomed.

It was by then that this huge, constantly and ever-expanding glowing ball of beautiful, happy, blissful energy (yes, I could ‘feel’ it) got brighter and brighter. It was as if it had instantly – and I mean instantly! – shifted dimensions.

The Earth was even less solid in appearance than it was before and the ‘atmosphere’ was reaching out and was full of what seemed to be millions and millions of tiny orbs of light that were so happy as they radiated out from that central “hit” point. Bursting with joy, happiness, bliss. bouncing around, lighting up “the world”, the Galaxy, the Universe, the Multi-Universes.


As the same time as I saw this vision, it was made very clear to me that this is what happens ‘around December 21′ (yes, the definition as given above).

I was told that this will be “instant” – and then I heard two familiar phrases I have heard others say over and over – even I myself have used, most naturally, in certain stories I have written: “in the blink of an eye” and ”in the twinkling of an eye”.

When I asked: ” what kind of instant, immediate, blink of  an eye do you mean?” I was told loudly: “Cataclysm”.

“Eh?” I asked, surprised and slightly taken aback.

“Yes, cataclysm” – and before I could ask anything else, I was told “but NOT as you all understand this word to mean today”.

(Now, I ask you to remove any previous meaning of this word from your mind right now; as, like “gay”, it has changed its meaning over the years. In this case, it has been hijacked and twisted, possibly to create fear. Which is why, when this word is uttered, written or read, it often generates fear and thus fulfills the underlying aim and plan of the dark…)

So, I immediately “got” what I was being told. And for that I must look to the etymology of the word – the origins of this word.

I came back from my guides and I rushed to the computer and started typing in “cataclysm.” I ended up on the Wikipedia page – which, yes, I know, is prone to being ‘incorrect”, but I was told to continue.

I found that the term cataclysm comes from the Greek word: kataklysmos / kataklusmos / kataklusos / katakluzein – all of which are derivations of the same base word.

They all mean to “wash down” or “wash over”.

(Now, again,  don’t go to fear here, bear with me…)

So I kept on reading and I found two more key meanings or associations. One is ” Deluge (mythology)” and the other is “a hypothetical Doomsday event”…yep, well I expected that!

When I clicked on Deluge (Mythology) it said the following – and please read this with the same soothing feeling you may have as you step into a warm shower or slip into a nice hot bath at the end of a long, tiring hard day.

“A flood myth or deluge myth is a symbolic narrative in which a great flood is sent by a deity, or deities, to destroy

(and I heard: “read the word ‘destroy’ as ‘de-stroy, ‘de-construct’, as in the Russian ‘Perestroika’.” So I looked that up and discover it means: “overcoming the stagnation process, breaking down the braking mechanism, creating a dependable and effective mechanism for acceleration of social and economic progress and giving it greater dynamism”. Then I read on…)

a civilization in an act of divine retribution

(and I heard: “read the word  ‘retribution’ as ‘Divine gift’, for there is no ‘retribution’ from an all-loving Creator” – and so I continued…)

It is a theme widespread among many cultures, but is perhaps best known in modern times from the following examples: The biblical and Quranic account of Noah’s Ark; the foundational myths of the Quiché and Mayas; Deucalion in Greek mythology; the story of Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh; and the Hindu puranic story of Manu. Parallels are often drawn between the flood waters of these myths and the primeval waters found in certain creation myths, as the flood waters are described as a measure for the cleansing of humanity, in preparation for rebirth

(and again I was told: “re-read, reinforce and remember this line: for the cleansing of humanity, in preparation for re-birth. It is important.”)

Most flood myths also contain a culture hero, who strives to ensure this rebirth.

(and I heard: “Creator or Source is the hero”).

And, suddenly, it all became incredibly clear to me…

We will be “hit”, “flooded”, “deluged” “washed down”, “washed over” with light as we are re-born as a civilisation by an instantaneous beam of powerful, energetic white light that reaches the inner most heart of this planet from the Central Sun and Creator, ‘around December 21′.

This will ‘wash’ us all down with love and light and we will be re-born. We will be happy, blissful and jumping for joy. Together with our planet, we will have expanded; be lighter and enlightened…

“Yes”, I was told. “Let it sit with you… then, you may share”.

So, I have sat with it for over a week now and it has become even clearer – and have now shared, as I have been told to do.

Nerves are now gone. It is done. That’s my first ‘public’ message that I have ‘received’ and shared – ever. It’s out.

If it helps you,  great. That’s why I was told to share it.

If you don’t agree, as I said, be gentle with me – and just take it as yet another perspective on what may lie ahead. Which is exactly what it is.

And finally, as we all know – “we don’t know what we don’t know”… and I may never do this again.

For me, however, what I have written and shared above, this is what I ‘know’ right now…

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By Ari

Photo from NASA and ancient Maya artefact showing the portal. Hold your fingers like a triangle over your 3 rd eye to open the portal when the sun comes up. Jorge Luis Delgado teaches this. 


The Sun as a Fuelling Station:

Giant UFO enters then exits the Sun

Huge Sphere in Sun's Corona!

post from:


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In This message Please Go with the Given Link.....for Shamballa Master Codes....

My Personal Message for You:

You are exactly in the right place at the right time, Sohini
So Am I!

-Your Higher Self-

Hope you feel well and happy :)

Here is the latest and very powerful series
which strengthen Your Light Within!!!

How do we strengthen our INNER LIGHT?

We live in a very challenging time period!!!

In this time of accelerated change and planetary
ascension, it is important to stay as grounded
as possible and as connected to nature as we can be.

When we feel off energetically or down that is
always a signal that we need to take a time out
and look at what is going on energetically and
work on healing and clearing it as soon as possible
before it becomes a larger imbalance.

In these times nothing is more important, than
to strengthen the diamond in us:


Start with forgiving yourself and others
so that you can clear, heal, transmute and
dissolve the emotional wounding, trauma,
harm and damage that closes your heart.

Secondly anchor the Shamballa Master Codes
which strengthen your Inner Light and
the further divine blessings listed below...


Also, please SHARE:)

Important Note: If you know from your heart, that we going
through great and important changes in perception of life
and also toward a wonderful alignment to who we really are,
please share this newsletter with all those you love, know and
care about - it could well make all the difference both to them
and to you:

"I AM filled with Light. So be it."

Note: To create a powerful life you need to align
your subconscious mind to the state of 'Being Light'.

Find out more here>>

Keep in mind. You create your reality by your thoughts, emotions
and conscious awareness. So, transform negativity into positive
pattern of consciousness and monitor your self-talk.

Your fellow traveler,

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SB: Well, Lord, I thought what would be good today to look at, many people would like to know what’s going to be happening between now and Ascension on December 21st, or whenever it’s to be. What can we expect to be occurring in our bodies, in our emotions, in our experience of life?
AAM: A great deal is already underway. And that is particularly true for those who are listening to (***or reading) this program who have decided, on a soul level, long before they even incarnated, that they would undergo Ascension with and by Gaia, the galactics and inter-galactics, and the human collective, the kingdoms.
So do not, first of all, dismiss what has already taken place. Yes, there are many – we would say, in fact, probably what you would view as the majority – who are not consciously aware of many of the shifts that are taking places within their bodies, within their minds, within their beingness. But nevertheless, that does not mean that the shift is not already well underway.
You know that this is not a short process, and that it has begun. We have often referred to the process of 25 years that the human collective has been involved in this undertaking, but let’s be very clear: for each of you who have decided, consciously and within your very core of your being, that you are undergoing Ascension, and that you are welcoming it eagerly and profoundly into your life, into your consciousness, into your being, this process began even before you chose it in reincarnation. So it has been going on and building your entire life.
Now, have you been positioned? Because I will not use the word ‘stuck’. In fact, I will not use that word in reference to this process any longer. And I invite all of you to throw away this word and to correct me if I use it again! But you ask, what changes can we expect? And I ask each of you to look at your hearts and your bodies, your environments and your situations.
Your clearest indicator of what is taking place within this Ascension process is your heart. It is the core of your being, knowing and deciding that you are choosing love, that you are more joyful, less restless, less impatient, and yet at the same time more eager to embrace the new adventure and to let go of the old third reality of duality, of polarity, of all the false paradigms that have been created by the third.
In your physical form, begin to feel yourself be reconstructed, and we would suggest not only in the external but from the inside out, because much of this is occurring with the activation of parts of your brain, of your glands, of your organs, of your bone marrow, of your subatomic fibers, of your DNA, of the shift from carbon to crystalline-based. So pay attention to your physical form.
Now, there has been a lot said and a great deal of discussion about Ascension symptoms – cosmic flu, dizziness, depression troughs, crests of the wave – but it is also your body that is transforming, not only so that you can hold the higher frequencies, maintain the higher frequencies, but because you already are holding more energy, higher frequency, more love, more light than you ever have before.
Now, what does this mean in a physical way? First of all what it means is that if there are situations – mental, emotional, causal – on any level that are within your physical form – and they are – these will come to the surface for love, for release, for elimination. So do not be surprised if you think, “Well, I am doing my work, and I am being very diligent in my work, but this situation of asthma, of diabetes, seems to be in a flare-up phase, worse than ever.”
Or if you have an emotional difficulty or imbalance of depression or anxiety, that all of a sudden you are feeling more anxious than you have felt in years, this is because the situation, the imprint or the actual anchoring within your physicality, is coming to the surface.
Now, how is it coming to the surface, and how does this relate to Ascension? Well, I tell you, first of all the penetration of each of you during this time of transition by the Mother/Father/One, by your own guides, by your brothers and sisters of the stars, is not lessening, it is increasing, and it is increasing rapidly. So you are holding more energy. And as that is coming in, it is also acting as a cleanser, as a vacuum cleaner, as a slush for these things to come up and out.
But as this also occurs, as the healing takes place, what you are going to find is that you are going to feel more vibrant, younger – younger in the human sense of the word, for our sense of young and your sense is very different! But soon you will remember all of that.
You will look more vibrant, and therefore more youthful, can we say. You will feel that your body, your tissue, your skin, your bones, your flexibility, your organs, that all of you seems to be functioning more harmoniously, more effectively, more like who you really are. And so, pay attention to that. Pay attention to issues or qualities that you have been wanting to bring forth over a long period of time suddenly feeling like you are having a breakthrough.
I give you an example of weight. Many of you talk to me every day – you talk to all of us! – about losing a few pounds, or about gaining a few pounds. And what you will notice is the ease at which your body begins to adjust to what is the perfect construction for you, dear heart. So that is a physical situation that you can anticipate.
Now, the Ascension process is collective, and it is inclusive, and all are equally welcome. But because of where you are in the time-frame, some of you have jump-started; others of you are still in the resistant factor behind the fence, let alone not on the fence. So, of course, each of these processes – the mental, the physical, the emotional -will be progressing at the same time.
Now, let us talk about the mental. Another thing that you will notice, and that you can measure in yourself – because that is what you are really asking – each of your hearts, those of you who are listening, your hearts have been crying out and saying to me, “Lord, how do I know? How can I be sure?”
Another measure, my beloved ones, is to do with your mental acuity, including interest in things of the mental body (and, dear Steve, you have been experiencing this of late) memory, interest in mental maneuvers, and a dramatic jump – this is one of the quantum leaps that each of you will be taking – a quantum leap in what you would call mental acuity or sharpness.
So, let us talk first about the waning of interest. Now, you and the channel and your circle of my beloved InLight Radio have had some conversations that I share tonight with the listeners about not feeling as if you are being sent enough information, and then at other times feeling that you have no interest in consuming the volumes and volumes and volumes of information that is being fed to you.
You, collectively, are in a place, and have been all of this year and a good part of last year as well, and for some of you many years, where you are shifting from the electronic information age to the creator age. Now, this is not just a term for intellectual explanation, it is a term to identify the collective, and that includes each of you, sweet angels, of who you are.
So, what you are noticing in yourself, and how you can track your progress, is that your interest in information consumption is shifting. Now, that does not mean that you are not interested, curious and driven, to hear, to learn and to know the truth. In fact, this is becoming a burning passion. And that is why we begin each of our sessions together by igniting that flame and helping it burn more brightly until it truly is all consuming.
So you are becoming more discerning also in what you are wanting to consume as information, but your mental body also is rebalancing itself. Most of the human collective have lived, and do live, primarily in their mental quadrant, and they have done that for thousands of years. In your cultures – and it does not matter, east or west, north or south, unfortunately – the mind and the ego, the personality, have become paramount, king.
So, one of the things that is occurring is that your mental body is becoming more in harmony with who you really are. So, for those of you who have perhaps over-excited your mental body, you are finding that it is retreating somewhat and that your interest in things that your mental body was engaging in is taking not a full retirement, because that is not the purpose of this, but it is certainly taking a sabbatical.
And that will ebb and flow. It will ebb and flow like the tides, like the crests, like the troughs. And what is replacing that is that the rebalancing is taking place as you are tending to go not more into your emotional body – although some of you have need to rebalance that as well – but you are going more into your spiritual self, your beingness. And we ask you to allow that.
Now, part of that retreat sabbatical for your mental body is also what we would, in human language, call a dimming of some memories, or a dimming of your acuity. Some of you are feeling that you cannot retrieve information or memories – and they are related – as rapidly or as fluidly as you know you are capable of. And for some of you, dear hearts, it is causing a little bit of trepidation.
So, I am here this night to tell you, whatever you do, beloved ones, stop worrying. Give your fear to me, give it to your guides, give it to the universal Mother, but do not hang on to it. Some of your memories are being, can we say, dimmed, because they are of an emotional nature that no longer serves you. They don’t contribute to your wholeness, to the love, to your expansion; they are situations that you had obsessed about and picked at, like a scab on your skin, for years, and it is time to simply let go of.
But it is also to help you in this looking-forward and welcoming the new adventure. Now, after this little shift has taken place – and for some of you it is days, for some of you it is weeks, for some of you it is months – then what you are going to find is that you awaken one morning and you feel that bright mental clarity, brighter than you have ever felt before. As we say, the plan, the universal plan, the Mother’s plan, is not to eradicate the mental capacity. Quite the contrary, it is for you to be in complete harmony and balance with your spheres.
And so this will happen rather rapidly. You will feel like someone turned the light switch back on. But because you have gone through this period of reharmonization what you will find is that it is in balance, so you are not spending all your time in the mental body or in mental pursuits. What you are doing is then using it in harmony with your emotional sphere, your physical reality, not simply your body, but the reality of Gaia, to then begin to enter fully into your co-creative partnership with yourself, humanity, your star brothers and sisters, the kingdoms, and us.
So, it is emotional rebalancing, it is mental, it is physical. These are not happening independently, they are happening consecutively, but sometimes at the same time, simultaneously, as well. So it is not that you can say, “Now I am in the mental healing; now I am in the emotional; now I am physically regenerating.” So these are all interwoven, braided, and you will be experiencing this type even more than the Ascension symptoms, as you have been calling them. It is not that the Ascension symptoms are going away, it is simply that they are being overlaid by this larger process.
Now, you were asking me in terms of time-frames. When you know that that mental acuity has sharpened and your emotions feel more clear, more balanced, and your body is feeling vibrant and youthful, then you will also know you are at your point of full Ascension.
Now, we have said, some are going to come through that portal at the last minute, kicking and screaming. All are welcome. But there is a group of you who are already well underway, who have already been experiencing the very thing that I have been speaking of.
Now, before I open it to another question, I also want to say, you are still, some of you, experiencing the integration, and the intensity of that integration, of the love of the Mother/Father/One with the crests of great energy and clarity and the troughs. Now, go to the heart of One and that will help you even it out.
But do not think that that process is completed simply because we spoke about it earlier. This is a human misconception, and it is a misconception of your society. Because there is a belief system you are fed so quickly, and so much of the information, that you think, “Oh, I read that. Therefore it’s done.” That is not so. It is still underway. It is progressive. It is a process. It is not simply for you, who I am speaking to, just a moment in time.
Some of you have said to me, “Well, then, I am upset. Why have I decided that I have to go through this elongated process and experience when others will have the moment of simply turning the switch? I wish I had just chosen the moment of awakening.”
Dear hearts, this is your service. This is what you have said to the Mother/Father/One and to all – to the Council, to the Company of Heaven, to your star brothers and sisters: “I will go and I will prepare the way.” It is like planting the seed in the fields so that when springtime comes there is literally something to grow and thus to be harvested. It is what you do. And yes, it is because you are strong, you are leaders, you are showers of the way. But this has been your choice, not ours.
Does this answer your question, or even begin to answer your question, Steve?
SB: Oh, yes, it does, Lord. But I know that some people are wrestling with how to think about the whole question of Ascension, and I don’t just mean their own personal Ascension, but also the Ascension of Gaia. Some people think, I believe, that they’ll ascend, but they won’t move from this third-dimensional place. Some people think that they’ll – excuse me, I have to clear – that they’ll ascend and leave the third dimension altogether, just disappear from it, show up in the fifth. Some, of course you’ve said that some people will be coming back.
So, from the point of view of the observer, from the point of view of the people remaining in the third dimension, do the people who ascend early – presuming they don’t come back for a sec., just to talk about this, if we could – do they disappear from view in the third? And when Gaia herself ascends, does it disappear from view from the third? And if so, what happens to the people who were on the third and don’t go to the fifth?
Can you help us understand what would be seen in the process of Ascension, please?
AAM: The unusual and unique and beautiful qualities of this Ascension, of this wonderful unfoldment of the Ascension of Gaia and all upon her, is that you are maintaining a physical form. Now, that is why your physical bodies are changing, being adjusted – dare I say upgraded, or reclaimed? Because it is to have.. Gaia intends to still have a form of physicality.
So it is not that physicality is being abandoned. It is not. So, that is being maintained. It is not about one minute you are in your body and the next you have no body, that you are simply in a spiritual form. That is not it. Are you in a lighter form? Yes. But it is still a form of physicality.
SB: But it’s not on the third dimension, Lord, correct?
AAM: That is correct. You may think of Gaia as a very large body, as she is, but like you, she is also expanding and growing. And so for a brief period, the very edge of Gaia will brush the top of the third, which is an experience of physicality. Will it be anchored in the third realm, the third dimension? No.
But what you are doing – and I want to take time to explain this – is you are going to the higher realms, dimensions, but you are still remaining in the realm of the 12 dimensions and 12 planes within each of those dimensions. Now, by anchoring in the fifth through the seventh, what you have is the capacity to choose physicality, albeit it is not as dense as the old third reality, but it is not that the realm of what you think of as the physical simply disappears.
Now, does it alter? Yes, it does. Because in the fifth dimension there is no room for the qualities that the humans have developed and clung to. They simply don’t exist. So, what you are asking – and feel free to interrupt, dear heart, I will not take offense .
SB: Thank you.
AAM: . those who are in the third dimension right now can see you. It is almost like a mirroring effect: in the fifth dimension, you are able to reach down.. Think of it as if I operated right now in front of you. They see you, they experience you, but they are still having a third dimensional experience. But they will not be able to have that experience for much longer simply because Gaia is moving completely out of it. Therefore, to remain on Gaia, you are ascending, and you are ascending to a higher vibration. Yes, we know we often say different, but it is really a higher frequency, where you can access from that point the 12 realities.
Now, those who choose not to ascend, but they have made up a heart, mind, soul decision that they simply not even at the very last moment, that they do not choose to shift, then they will be in a different. they will be in a relocation package, let us put it that way, where they will continue to have a third dimensional experience, and to them it will feel as if nothing really changed.
Now, they will not be on Gaia, because Gaia is elsewhere, but they will be in a situation where they believe that they are on Gaia and that what they observe is still the same – until they work out what their choices are, or die. At which point they will return home. And in their review they will understand what happened, because there is no judgment of this. There is just the ardent offer and belief, because there is not a human being, or any creature, for that matter, who has incarnated at this time who did not do so with a conscious knowing of what was transpiring.
Now, have many forgotten? Yes. But they are being given – consciously, subconsciously, consciously, unconsciously – they are being given ample opportunity to remember, and if not remember, to simply say, “Well, this makes sense. I think I will do this. My heart, it calls to me.”
Now, the other piece of that, and this is where you who have done so much diligent and beautiful, beautiful preparation, you say, “Well, if they have not done any preparation and they are not conscious of what is taking place, then how are they prepared?” These changes are still happening, subtly, in the entire populace. The Mother and Father did not say, “We will simply beam to this sector of believers or conscious beings.” No, every being on the planet is being touched. The passport, the ticket, the entry point for Ascension is love. It always has been. That is what it is about. It is a return to love.
So, if a being, if a woman in the plains of Africa, who has never seen a TV or visited the 2012 Scenario, who has never heard of the Council of Love, who does not know the archangels but who carries love inside her core, who loves Gaia and her family, who treasures the sunset and who speaks to the ancient ones, who is the embodiment of love, of course she will ascend. Because the purity is there.
So, that is the true tipping point, not only collectively, but individually. It is the feeling and the embodiment, not just the words, the empty words that we hear so often, the empty promises. So many human beings have forgotten the deep, true meaning of promise or oath or commitment. But if you embody love, then you are ready to go.
Can I make it more simple than that?
SB: No, I don’t think you could. People are continuing to try to visualize what will happen with Ascension. And so one other area of discussion is, well, will I wake up on – so to speak – on December 22nd and find myself in my same apartment? And I can say for myself [laugh], I hope I get new digs! But will I wake up in the same apartment, in the same house? What will it look like? What will have changed? What will remain the same?
AAM: You will have changed. Your perception will have changed. Your heart and your ability to see and perceive will have changed. Your ability to finally accept yourself as full co-creator and creator will have changed.
So it is not that the Earth as you know it, be it your apartment or your home, has shifted, but your perception of it immediately has shifted. And as soon as you wake up, walk outside! Because you will have a perception of Gaia that is bright and clear and shiny and expansive beyond anything you can conceive of now.
Now, what will happen? Yes, you will get new digs, dear heart. And the reason being that you will look around and say, “This is not what I choose. This is not how I wish to live.” And so will, using the playfulness of the creation codes, you will immediately begin to align subatomic energy, molecular codes into something that is completely fitting.
The fifth reality is far more flexible. You think of the third dimension as very fixed, and it has been, because it became solidified because of the false beliefs. But it is not so elsewhere. And so you may create yourself a Taj Mahal on the 23rd of December, and January 1st you may say, “This is far too much. I’m lonely,” and rearrange the molecules to a house in the Cotswolds. But it will be in physicality.
And it will be in the unity with your brethren, with your brothers and sisters of the stars, humanity, to bring forward and create communities, not just structures, for that is almost secondary. But let us suggest, the structures that are going to be created are incredibly more beautiful than the mundane structures you have at the moment. Yes, there are some beautiful examples of fifth dimensional architecture already, cities of light already on your planet. But by and large it is very pedestrian.
So, we are not trying to create a situation where we are saying you will wake up and you will think that you are either psychotic, hallucinating or that you have lost everything you ever cared about. No, that is not the case. But you will wake up with a full awareness that it is a new day.
And it is blissful. It is joyful. For you who are the wayshowers, there is a feeling, and it is a feeling, a mental tug of war sometimes, that you are caught betwixt and between. This is not your imagination! You are.. You are leading the way. Because you are setting the matrix. You have yourself literally in various dimensions. And being born in a third dimensional reality, you are not used to it.
But I must say, by and large, you are doing spectacularly in adjusting. And your co-creation – and yes, let us also speak to that for one moment. Right now, dear wayshowers, your co-creations and your creations have been focused primarily on preparing the human collective for what lies ahead, for the shift, for Ascension, for the return of the Mother’s plan.
So your creations have been in writing, in blogging, in music, in building community, in healing, in teaching, in getting rid of the old ways of human behavior, in entering into new paradigms of communication and understanding, extending your heart, your physical self, your mental and emotional selves to each other in the sharing of information. Because I do not wish to say that information is not important. Truth is incredibly important. So your creations have been focused mostly on this band of helping adjust the vibrations, of helping the collective deal with this new frequency.
So when you turn to me and you say, “Michael, you say that I am in the fifth and I am anchoring in the new, but I am still having trouble with my health, with paying my bills, with my apartment,” I say to you, dear heart, yes. Because of the core of generosity in your hearts, that rather than tending to the physical needs, your creation is in tending to the collective, in breaking and releasing and eliminating with us – but in physical reality – the old paradigms.
And for this, our gratitude is enormous. And we want you to know of our deep appreciation and of our commitment to this partnership, because this is genuine. This is true partnership. You do not worry about hanging new drapes when your son is having a nervous breakdown, when your wife is having a heart attack. You attend to what is necessary and what is of greatest importance. And that, as wayshowers, is exactly what you are doing.
We know as human beings who have inhabited this plane of the third dimension that you cannot help but think in physical terms. And no matter how many times we say, “It will be all right, and release it,” we also know that those are your reference points. We understand that. And that is why in the mental phase of the clearing and harmonization is that some of those attachments are being dimmed, not eradicated, dimmed, rebalanced.
When you step outside and the trees start singing to you, you will understand.
SB: And the grass, and the water?
AAM: Yes! And when the water invites you to come, not just to have a swim or a dip, but to join with it in relationship, that you are adding your energy field to theirs, it is a completely different experience, not only of physicality, but of emotion, of connection, of being in community. That is the shift.
And to do, to have that experience, it is unbridled joy. That is why we keep harping on joy.
SB: I think people are not aware of that, Lord. I think what they miss in thinking about the fifth dimension is just the extent of the bliss and the way that that bliss makes everything better. It improves everything.
AAM: It is true, it does improve everything. But one of the key components of the improvement is the awakened awareness of the humans. Now, Gaia has moved substantially, and even before that movement the water talked to the trees and the sand. The flowers talked to the plants and the frogs. There has been far more harmony in nature, in the kingdoms and Gaia, than the humans have been fully aware of.
So, yes. Will it be easier? Yes. For example, you talk a great deal about financial stresses. When you are in your co-creation, when you can bring forth and remember how to weave molecules and codes, then the sense that became so dominant in your third dimensional reality of need, of course which related to greed and control and lack, that is gone.
Now it is hard for you to even conceive of need being gone, to simply eat because you feel like it, because you want to have the experience, because you are joined in nature so that there is an exchange, and so you are also more conscious about what you would eat, about what you would share and what you would take.
So, we understand that you all tend to think in terms of solid physicality, but dear hearts you have a saying, and it is of truth, the best is yet to come!
SB: All right, Lord. Perhaps let me intervene there. First of all I need to say, apologies to Ashtar, we’ll definitely have him on next week. And then let me list the questions I have left, Lord, and you can choose to answer them as you wish in the, I think, about four minutes that remain to us.
One is, I think people would like to be reassured about what will be seen to happen, and what will happen to their children and pets. Will they just automatically go with them? That’s the first question.
The second question is I think they want to know what an observer looking at Earth on December 21st would see. Would they see the Earth just disappear? Or will it explode into a million pieces? What will an observer see?
And the third question is, will our arrival in the fifth mean that we have all our powers instantaneously, or will there be a learning, a growing process that will take place?
And the last question is, will we arrive on the – and of course I guess it will differ for various people, but – will the mass of the population arrive on the lower fifth dimension, the first plane or sub-plane of the fifth dimension? And will their experience on that lower fifth dimensional plane be different from the experience of somebody on the higher fifth dimension?
And those are my questions, Lord.
AAM: I will answer your last question first, and the answer is yes. Of course there is an expansion process, and that will be an opening. But it – let me be clear: It is an opening, it is not a struggle. It is a flowering, and it is a joyous flowering.
Children and pets: Unless you have a pet that is absolutely determined to go with its owner and remain in the third, which is highly unlikely, all the animal kingdom is going.
Children are innocent and pure, even those who have been abused and hurt. There is a sweetness and a love. Children are going. So don’t worry about them.
SB: And with their parents, at the same time?
AAM: Yes, that is correct. This is an exercise of love. And you could not separate families, because it would be heart-breaking!
SB: . it’s not necessary for the mother to tuck her child into bed, or . they’ll just go when we all go, and there’s nothing that needs to be done. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: All right. Okay. What will we see – well, first of all, when we arrive on the lower fifth dimension, will we have all the powers that we need instantaneously, or will there be a learning process? And what would we see .
AAM: There will be a bit of a learning process, because you can think of it as an adjustment process. But it is not lengthy, it is not arduous, it is not hard. And the level of expansion that you will immediately experience is so tremendous that you won’t be saying, “Give me more, give me more!”
You will after a day or so. Well,, a day of what you think of now as your time or your days. But, so, do not worry about it. Yes, you will have an expansion of abilities. Because – do not forget what we tell you! – each of you, beloved listeners, brought all your abilities into this life. You didn’ t leave anything at home. So those will all be activated.
For some of you, all of a sudden you will be so creative in music and in arts. For others, finally, you will be explaining quantum physics of the stars. So it will be an opening. But is there room for growth? Dear heart, the universe is infinite, and so are you.

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