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Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. I am with you. Through the barriers of space and time, I stand next to you; feel me in your heart. I am so familiar with being human – the heights and the depths. I have explored the whole area of human feelings, and inside that world of extremes, I eventually found a way out; a passage to a different way of looking at things, through which the whole experience of being human presents itself in a different light – a way that creates tranquility and peace in your heart.

It is about this way out, this passage, that I would like to speak to you today. Many of you find yourselves in a dilemma; a struggle you have with yourself. There is an idea alive in your mind that you should be better, and other than what you are now. That you should be more highly developed, holier, better able to follow certain rules, a higher ideal you have for yourself – but this is a false ideal. All this working on yourself is based on the idea that you are not good as you are; that there is something else; that you have the power to change yourself; that you have control over the fact that you are a human. This is an old idea, and one you fully experienced in a very old era.

This idea existed, in part, in Atlantis, where you developed the third eye, and where you experienced it as the center of observation in your head. From that third eye you could perceive, and from there, also, you wanted to intervene, to mold life to your wishes. There was a certain tendency toward domination in you, but this tendency was also inspired by your concept of truth. You had the idea that you acted on the basis of higher principles, so that what you did was “good” – and so it always goes. Power is always veiled by ideas that are thought to be good. A whole ideology is then built around such an idea, making it a worldview that appears as striving for what is good, while in essence, you are trying to control life – both in yourself and in others.

Power corrupts – it alienates you from the natural flow of life that is present in every human being. Power gives you a concept of malleability that, in fact, is based on illusion. Life, as you know it, is not pliable in that way, and is not determined by reason, or by the will, or from the third eye. Life does not fit into a worldview or a system, and it can not be organized on the basis of mental processes.

For a long time, you entered into a battle with your humanity – the human condition. Lots of spiritual paths are based on the idea that you must work on yourself, that you have to elevate yourself, and that you have to impose on yourself a planned path of action that will lead you into an ideal situation. But this idea creates much inner struggle. If you start with the idea of a required ideal, you impose standards upon yourself you very well know inside you do not or can not meet – so you fail from the outset.

Feel, now, the energy of this way of thinking: what you are doing to yourself, what energy comes from the need to impose, from the quest to improve yourself, and from the desire to organize life, your emotions, and your thoughts. Feel the energy of wanting to control things. Is that a loving energy? Often, that energy poses as love, as the good and the true, but power always conceals itself in this way so it is easier for people to accept. Power does not show its face openly; power seduces through thought. That is why it is better to not think about, but to feel what the desire to control life is doing to you. Look at yourself in your daily life, in the present, in your life now. How often do you still do battle with yourself, do you condemn what rises up in you, what naturally springs up in you and wants to flow? In this state of judgement sits a criticizing energy, a coldness: “this should not be, this is wrong, this needs to go away”. Feel this energy – does it help you?

I want to now take you to a different way of looking at yourself; a place where change can occur, but without fighting, without a heavy-handed tackling of yourself. To make this clear, let me give you an example. Imagine something happens in your life that calls up a feeling of anger or irritation in you – whatever you want to name it. Now, you can react to that anger in different ways. If you are not used to reflecting on your emotions, and your reactions are very primary, then there is nothing there but anger – you are angry, period. You are engulfed in it, and you identify with the anger. Often, it then happens that you put the cause of your anger outside yourself – you project the blame onto someone else. Someone else did something wrong and it is his or her fault that you feel angry. This is the most primary reaction – you are identified with your anger, you are angry.

Another possibility is what I call the second way to react. You are angry and there is immediately a voice in your head that says, “this should not happen; this is wrong; it is not good that I became angry; I must suppress this.” It might be that suppressing your anger has been taught to you through your religious upbringing or from a societal perspective. For example: it is better, nicer, more morally upright not to show your anger to others. It certainly applies to women that it is not fitting to express anger openly – that it is not feminine.

There are all sorts of ideas you have been talked into, causing you to judge anger in yourself. Then what happens? There is anger in you, and immediately there wells up an opinion over it: “this is not allowed, this is wrong.” Your anger then becomes your shadow side because, literally, it may not come into the Light – it should not be seen. What happens to the anger if it is suppressed in this way? It does not disappear, it goes behind your back to affect you in other ways; it may cause you to be scared and anxious. You can not utilize the power that resides in the anger, because you do not allow yourself to use it. You may show your sweet, nice, helpful side, but not that passionate, angry side – the rebellious side of yourself. So the anger becomes locked in, and you think you are different from other people because you have these feelings, so you might even start to distance yourself from others. In any case, this creates a bitter conflict inside yourself, and seemingly between two selves, a Light self and a Dark self. Meanwhile, you are caught in this painful game, and it hurts inside, because you can not express yourself. It is this judgement that limits you.

Do you really become a better person because of this reaction? Is suppressing your own emotions going to lead you to the ideal of a peaceful, loving human being? If I describe all this to you, you can see very clearly that this type of reaction does not work – it does not lead to real peace, to real inner balance. Yet you do all this to yourself. Very often, you silence your emotions, because they are not good according to the morals you hold, and you do not reflect on these morals – where they come from, and by whom or by what have they been fed to you. So this is what I recommend you do: to not think about it, but to feel it. Feel that energy that resides in the judgments you fire toward yourself, with your images of what is ideal and what you “should do”, which sometimes comes out of seemingly very high motives – let that be. You do not become enlightened by reining in your emotions and by systematically suppressing them.

There is a third way – a third way to experience your own human emotions. The first way was to totally identify with your anger, as in the previous example. The second way was to crowd it out, to suppress it and to condemn it. The third way is to allow it – to let it be and to transcend it. That is what consciousness does. The consciousness of which I speak does not judge – it is a state of being. It is a way of observation that is at the same time creative. Now, many spiritual traditions have said: be aware of yourself, that is sufficient. But then you wonder: how can that be? How can the mere awareness of myself bring about change in the flow of my emotions? You have to realize that consciousness is something very powerful. It is much more than a passive registering of an emotion – consciousness is an intense creative force.

Now imagine again that something in the outside world evokes a powerful emotion in you – for example, anger. When you deal with it consciously, you observe it fully in yourself. You do nothing about it, while at the same time you keep observing and watching. You no longer identify with the anger, you do not lose yourself in it, you just allow the anger to be what it is. This is a state of detachment, but a detachment that takes great strength, because everything you have learned seduces you into being drawn into your moods, inside the emotion of anger or fear. And to make it more complicated, you also get drawn into judgment about that anger or fear. So you are being drawn in two ways and pulled away from consciousness, the exit I talked about in the beginning: the exit that is the road to inner peace. Your usual ways of dealing with emotions draw you away from that center point, as it were, away from that consciousness, and yet this is the only way out. Only by silently observing the full extent of the emotion, you do not become unconscious, you remain entirely present. You do not let yourself be drawn in – neither by the emotion, nor by the judgment about the emotion. You look at it in full consciousness and with a feeling of softness: ”this is the way it is in me”.

“I see anger arise in me; I feel it course through my body”. “My stomach reacts, or my heart; my thoughts are racing to justify reasons for my emotion”. “My thoughts tell me I am right and not the other person.” All this you can see happen as you observe yourself, but you do not go along with it. You do not drown in it; you do not go under. That is consciousness – this is clarity of mind. And in this way you bring to rest the demons in your life: the fear, the anger, the mistrust. You give them strength when you identify with them, or if you fight them with judgement – either way, you nurture them. The only way to transcend them is to rise above them, as it were, with your consciousness – not to fight them, but simply to let them be.

What then happens to you? Consciousness is not something static; things do not remain as they are. You will notice that if you do not nourish the energy of the emotion or of your judgment about it, they will gradually dissipate. In other words, your equilibrium becomes stronger; your basic feeling becomes more one of peace and joy. Because if there is no longer a battle in your heart and in your soul, the joy comes bubbling upward. You see life with a milder eye. You see the movement of emotions in your body and you observe them. You also observe the thoughts that start to race through your head, with a look that is soft and mild. Know that the ability to observe, and to not be swallowed up, is something very powerful and strong. This is what it is all about: this is the exit!

I want to ask you now, in this moment, to experience the power of your own consciousness – the pure being – and the liberation by way of it that allows you to feel there is nothing you need to change in yourself. Feel the tranquility and the clarity of this consciousness: that is who you really are. Put away the false judgments. Let the emotions flow and do not suppress them – they are part of you and some of them have a message. Ask yourself if you have an emotion that you fear, one that is bothering you, one you fight? Maybe one that has become taboo for you? Allow it now to come forward in the form of a child or an animal – to present itself; to show itself. That child might express itself completely, or it might even misbehave. Whatever happens, it must be allowed to do everything it wants to do, and to tell you what it feels. You are the awareness that looks and says, “Yes, I want to see you; I want to hear your story, express it”. “Tell me your story, because it is your truth; it might not be the Truth, but I want to hear your story.” Experience your emotions that way and do not condemn them. Let them come to speak with you. Treat them with the mildness of a wise old person, and observe what that child or animal brings. There is often hidden in a negative emotion a pure life force that wants to emerge, one that has been choked to death by all the prejudices of judgement. Let the child or animal come skipping toward you. Maybe it changes its appearance now – receive it with loving openness.

Awareness transforms – it is the major instrument for change, yet at the same time, it wants to change nothing. Awareness says, “Yes – yes to what is!” It is receptive and accepting of all that is there, and this changes everything, because it sets you free. You are now free – no longer at the mercy of your emotions or your judgment of them. By letting them be, they lose their control over you. Of course, it still happens occasionally that you are overcome by your emotions and your prejudice – this is to be human. Try not to get stuck there and do not punish yourself for it: “gosh, I have not attained Clear Consciousness – I must be doing something wrong.” If you do this, you start the ball of judgement rolling again. You can always return to the exit, back to the peace, by not fighting with yourself. Observe what is there, and make no mistake: not to be drawn in is a great strength. That is the power of true spirituality. True spirituality is not morality – it is a way of being.
Copyright © Pamela Kribbe - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL

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Welcome! Welcome! Welcome My Beautiful Beings of Light. You are ever flowing and constantly evolving.

My Beloveds what you were yesterday does not match what you are today and neither will tomorrow resemble what you sense you are now. My Divine Beings of Light you are like the mythical butterfly constantly metamorphosing into higher and higher conscious awareness and remembrance.

My Divine Beings of Grace you are learning and remembering in each moment. This evolutionary process brings with it a need to daily clear and release all of the old programing along with the belief systems that no longer apply to or support your highest good.

Your Angels and Spirit Guides will be delighted to assist you in daily clearing and re-qualifying all this energy debris. Simply ask your Angels and Spirit Guides to assist you in clearing each day by saying something like this “Please Clear Me NOW, thank you, and so it is”. After they have assisted in the clearing and releasing ask them to re-qualify that energy debris back into Divine Love and Light.

Just like your physical body that needs to be cleaned and maintained daily, so too, does your energetic body require daily maintenance.

When you think about your energetic body My Beloveds, visualize it, if you like, as a large invisible egg shaped energy mass extending out from your physical bodies in all directions about nine feet for most humans and some highly evolved Beings extends into Infinity. Also picture this egg shaped energy mass with many many colored bands all representing your history and lineage.

Realizing that your energy fields are that large, you can then better understand in a visual perception sense, how each thing that you interact with or pass by will connect with your energies as everything is energy based. Everything that your energy field touches communicates with the other’s energy field and will leave debris that doesn’t belong to you or vice versa.

This debris from others can simply be cleared in the same way, or perhaps you would like to visualize your Angels and Spirit Guides using a giant vacuum cleaner to vacuum up the debris from others, as well as any of your own thought forms that have not manifested. You may not grasp that un-manifested thought forms are floating out in your energy fields as well. So there is lots of debris that requires removal to deactivate it.

This cleaning process is one of the ways you can assist yourselves in staying centered and balanced. Part of your remembrance is understanding that this debris is constantly communicating within your energy fields, regardless of whose debris it is. One of the symptoms that you might be able to recognize in this debris process is that you may feel tired and exhausted all the time. Try clearing that debris stuff and see if that doesn’t perk you up a bit.

Perhaps you haven’t remembered yet, My Beloveds, that you are known in the Higher Ethers by your energy footprint, if you will. Each has their own special energy pattern. This is your signature and identification system and it proceeds the body and expands as it merges back with the You That You Really after your physical transition into your Life Between Lives or HOME Energy Presence.

Remember that you are like a River, you are ever flowing and constantly “becoming” so much grander than you can ever imagine. Moment by moment you are changing and growing My Beloveds. There are no words on the Earth Plane that can convey your brilliance and mastery. The Heavenly Light Beings marvel at your courage and salute your devotion. YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE, JOB WELL DONE, THANK YOU.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey to practice and remember.

Sit in a chair or lie down so that you are comfortable. Uncross your arms and legs, as this blocks the flow of energy. If you chill easily cover up with a light blanket. It’s time to be comfortable and undisturbed for a while as you journey within yourself through meditation.

Close your eyes and take a few comfortable deep breaths in and out. Visualize with each in breath, you are breathing in love and renewal. With each out breath, you are breathing out pain, fear, frustration and doubts. With your final exhale let it all go with a sigh as you are breathing out all frustrations of the day.

Feel your total body relaxing and give yourself permission to feel the calm and peace.

My Beloveds ask your ego self to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is not to participate. If it helps you to visualize your ego self by identifying it as a symbol or as an object please do so.

My Beautiful Beings of Light, in your imagination ask through prayer for The Creator to send you a protective Ray of White Light, by mentally praying something like this “My Creator, I AM asking please for a protective Ray of White Light to enfold me in love and lift me up, so that I am experiencing the very highest of vibrations during this journey into my inner most depths of understanding and Being. My Creator I am protecting myself on this journey from anything that is not for my highest good. I am thanking you My Creator for this Ray. I am visualizing the ray in my imagination now coming down through the corner of the area where I am meditating. I am sensing it entering into my physical form, permeating all that is within my I AM presence.”

My Beloveds, The Creator has responded to your prayer and has gifted you with an Pearlescent White Ray plus a Soft Golden Ray and One Emerald Green Fluid Ray for this journey. The Rays are entering into your body through the soles of your feet and moving up through your physical vessel; permeating throughout all of your etheric energy fields, along with your physical vessel and into all corners of the actual area where you are. The gifted rays are exiting through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are returning to The Creator and cycling back down through you again, and back to The Creator in a continuous circular loop while you are in meditation.

You are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your permission.

My Divine Beings of Grace, you are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling so secure and safe, so at peace

Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and sense the lighter relaxed feelings of being divinely protected & guided into this meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the Pulse of The Creator.

Breathe in deeply allowing, seeing and sensing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as they join you now. The Angels take your Spiritual etheric essence hands and guide you out of your physical body. The Angels then direct you into your Etheric Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel is staying with your physical essence until you return from your meditation journey.

My Beloveds, You are visualizing, seeing, feeling and sensing this within your imagination, Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited guests are with you now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra. Your Angels and Guides are helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My Highest Guidance Within”. In your imagination you have located the Golden Door and now you turn the etheric spiritual door knob, opening the door as you cross over the threshold knowing that you are on a spiritual growth adventure.

You find yourself in a White Marble Corridor. You follow your Angels and Spirit Guides down the hall to the eighth door to your left. The door label says “Debris Removal”. You open the door and find you are outside in a meadow. You see a large wheelbarrow to your right. Your Angels ask you to have a seat in the wheel barrow.

Hum! You say to yourself, you’ve never ridden in wheelbarrow before this might be fun. You have a seat in the wheelbarrow and it takes four Angels to pick up the handles to roll you down the path. The Angels explain that your energy fields are so loaded with debris that you are not able to fit in a standard Light vehicle.

You roll for a ways in the wheelbarrow and see that there is some type of open air stations that your Angels are taking you to. It is always fun to see what the Angels have for you as their imaginations are never limited to Earth Plane realms, or structures or equipment.

You arrive at what is labeled a Wayside Clearing Station. Here you see your Angels do something quite amazing. They actually disconnect you from your energy fields and have you stand about 10 feet away. It feels kind of like taking of a coat if you will.

As you stand there watching what is about to be a huge cleaning process you realize from this distance, how large and expansive your own energy field really is. You also notice a lot of black, gray and discolored stuff scattered about the various colored bands. Your Angels explain that you can distinguish the difference between the types of debris by looking at the colors. For instance they point out that what has mingled from someone else’s energy fields is black. The thoughts not materialized are dark gray. The outdated belief systems and out dated programming are greenish gray.

The cleaning process begins first with the Angels taking a large vacuum cleaner and suctioning out what they can. The next tool looks like a steam cleaning wand and what the vacuum couldn’t remove the steam cleaner works toward. For that hard to remove and caked on debris the Angels then take a giant toothbrush and finish up the cleaning job. The Angels sprinkle on a color enhancer and take a tuning fork to rebalance all the tones. The Angels take a Heavenly color chart and tweak the colors back to their brilliance and finish the job off with a quick blow dry, fluffing your energy fields all back up.

Standing and looking at your energy fields all cleaned an attuned you can really tell the difference in the colors. The Angels direct you back over to your energy fields and they reattach you to them. They use a scanner and do some last minute aligning so that all is back in perfection.

The first thing you notice is your tiredness is diminishing. The next thing is you feel more centered and peaceful. You can tell the difference right away. The only thing that they have not worked with yet, are the various cords that need to be cut, these are also buried amongst the fields and within the human Chakra system. These cords are from judgments that others have made about you, as well as any psychic attacks that might have been directed towards you for whatever reason. The Angels hand you a special mirror and as you look you see the cords that are anchored into the fields with their hooks. The Angels ask you if you want to cut the cords, or if you prefer that they cut them. You ask the Angels to cut the cords and you point them out to the Angels as you see them in the mirror.

As the cords are cut you begin feeling even more energy returning back into your energy fields. You can tell the difference because your mind is now clearing.

The last cord has been cut and the Angels once again use their scanner and check your energy fields. This time you are given a clean bill of energetic health.

You are smiling and feel so much better, it is amazing how much these unseen disturbances effect you. You thank the Angels profusely and tell them how very much you appreciate their assistance in this clearing.

You notice this large over stuffed trash dumpster over to the side and ask the Angels to now re-qualify all that unbalanced negative debris so that it can be converted back into pure Divine Love and Divine Light. With a single tap of an Angelic hand the trash dumpster is cleared and vaporized.

You feel at peace and ready to return. The Angels have called in your need for a ride back to where you started. In the blink of an eye, a White Rolls Royce Limousine pulls up. The Angels open the door for you and you hop inside. You tell the Angels that you are riding in style now as you all laugh and enjoy the luxury of this beautiful vehicle. The Angels point to the Chauffeur and you recognize it instantly as The Creator Its Self. You smile and know instantaneously that you are now on the right path.

The Creator turns to greet you and you reconnect. You hear your very own song playing on the radio, the song that was created just for you when you were birthed into the Ominverse. That song takes you back to the source of that overwhelming LOVE, that only The Creator can provide. You are in bliss, in perfect balance an harmony. You are loved beyond measure and you will never forget that feeling again.

The Creator drives you back to your starting point. Another LOVE wave surrounds you as you exit the car. The Creator reiterates that you are every flowing and growing, remember The Creator tells you remember. You thank The Creator for the LOVE and the ride.

You quickly find yourself back in the White Marble Corridor.

You catch a glimpse of your glowing Essence in the mirror. You smile because this has been an extraordinary journey. Your Angels lead you back across the threshold of the Golden Door Within, back into your Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they assist the return of your Spiritual Essence back into your physical form.

Take a deep breath to help you reorient as you wiggle your fingers and toes. When you are ready open your eyes. Go about your day remembering that your Inner Higher Wisdom and Angelic support staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your highest most appropriate potential. Listen for those first thoughts that pop into your awareness and know without a shadow of a doubt that you are receiving daily spiritual guidance.

Beloveds you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure, more than any Earth Plane language can ever express.

I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

This Message was Transmitted Through & Transcribed by Carolyn Ann O’Riley.

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The heart of this article is by Sue Martin, and more info on the group activity involving the Olympics & connected to this post can be found by clicking on:

Just  over 24 hours to go before 4.5 billion people will be focused around the world on the Olympic Ceremony creating a massive unified ocean of consciousness.  

It is within this consciousness field that we will align our intent to ground this Stellar Gateway for the continuing evolution of planet Earth and humanity.

On each of the Fibonacci Days, which are the focal points on the spiral, 144, 89, 55, 34, 21, 13, 8, 5, 3, and 2 we have connected together as a group through these postings, as we have counted down to Day Zero. 

Today we arrive at the point on the Fibonacci spiral that marks one day before Day Zero and the start of the Olympic Ceremony.  The resonance of 1 is doubled in the Fibonacci sequence which indicates an amplification of the qualities and attributes of the day.

Today 26th July is the essence of 12 Eb.   The resonance of 12 is the Ray of complex stability – stability in expansion – no matter what your experience, there is a complex stability in the larger pattern that invites you to feel stable as you expand and evolve. 

Eb links to the chalice, to emptiness and to receptivity – so how fitting that the day before the activation we are being reminded, once again,  to become  the Chalice of Receptivity, so that tomorrow, on 27th July when the Earth and all upon her are to receive such a transmission of Light,  we are open and ready to be the  stabilizers and anchors for this Cosmic event. 


‘I Am Eb – Lift your empty cup

for your circuits are being prepared for transformation

through the activation of the gifts of Spirit. 

Ready yourself to be quickened with this Vortex of

Father/Mother/God/s Love/Light & Empowerment.

You are being activated, cleared, tuned, & empowered

to become a fully ascended  human being.

You are like a Pure & Divine Chalice... an open vessel to receive

the unlimited resonance of the Expanded Self & unlimited Divine Blessings from Father/Mother/God.

 Embrace the mystery that the Chalice of your human form

is actually the Chalice of the Spiraling Galaxies,

the Chalice of our group "I Am Avatar Christ Self.’

 ( Am the Divine Oneness of my Soul

I Am the complete integration of my Monad

I Am the Loving vibration of the Creator

I am the Keys Patterns and Codes of the Creator's Love

I Am Love and I magnify the Love of the Earth


On the Eve of the Olympics we send all Love Light and Joy

Sue and Peter

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Mother Goddess Creator Intention Weaving by Mother Mary

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 23-07-12

'I am the love and magic of Mother Mary,'

This is an affirmation which I share with you now as I channel my energy, awareness and enlightenment to you. This affirmation is born from the purest place in my heart and soul, it is not to praise me in anyway but to honour the love you hold within your being, realising with the presence of love your reality becomes magic or magical. Every experience brings joy, bliss and greater creativity into your reality allowing for you to be a source of magic upon the Earth for your reality and the realities of others. In the affirmation you are also recognising the energies, qualities and vibration that I represent; the Great Mother Goddess Creator energy. To acknowledge the Creator Mother aspect of your being is to accept your feminine goddess energy with the power, love and magic or manifestation that you hold. Now is a time on the Earth where humanity needs to bring forth their Goddess energies, understanding that each person's and soul's goddess energies are diverse with numerous sacred qualities. The presence of the goddess energy will allow for the necessary shifts and balancing of energies to take place, especially between the masculine and feminine. There is a greater need for each person to adopt the Mother Goddess Creator energies which are qualities of compassion, caring, creative power, the ability to protect and nurture. These qualities if radiated from each person will allow for a new perspective of the Earth to dawn, a time when compassion is given to another person rather than judgement, where each person is willing to be kind, to protect and nurture others as well as themselves at all times. And most importantly, a time when the creative energy which is guided by the divine mind and soul of your being is able to rise allowing for miraculous manifestations of magical circumstances. Through my affirmation and my presence with you today allow me to encourage you to accept your Creator Mother self, applying these energies and qualities however you wish to understand and interpret them, filling your being and reality completely.

The love of your being when allowed to flow creatively does actually create magic, this is something I wish for you to explore and experience in meditation. Please, if you wish, use my affirmation, repeating it in your mind as you meditate allowing for the energy of the affirmation to activate the same within your being, rising to be expressed and experienced.

It is my belief that your intentions at this moment of ascension could be focused upon love and magic or magical experiences. When I speak of magic I am speaking of a reality and perspective free from boundaries. With the flow of the Creator's energy as it bubbles as love from your being you can experience the manifestation of anything you wish to. The energy of love and excitement about your present and future is of importance at this time, as you begin to place intentions into your reality which are completely free from fear, becoming creative manifestations. At this moment the Mother Goddess Creator is weaving intentions of love and bliss for humanity, of perfection and truth. Anyone who wishes to connect with the Mother Goddess Creator energy can do so with a simple request asking for these creative intentions to flow into your being and reality. The Mother Goddess Creator is the highest feminine vibration of the Creator; the intentions created by such a divine force of light have the potential to be truly magical when experienced energetically but especially physically. This simply requires you to allow the energies to flow through your being into the Earth and your Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet. The Mother Goddess Creator energies are so sacred that the masters and archangels are pausing to simply receive. So I encourage you also to pause, openly and consciously receiving the sacred intention of the Mother Goddess Creator for all. Let this energy fill your entire being, you may find it beneficial to achieve this after practicing my affirmation.

I have an additional purpose of sharing this sacred information with you; I wish to encourage you to weave your own divine light force of intentions for your reality and the Earth.

You exist in such energetic times, everything you think and every action you take is being magnified and energised already. You are being supported immensely and are being given wonderful opportunities of being the leader of your spiritual growth upon the Earth. Now is the time to follow the example of the divine Mother Goddess Creator energies, weaving a light source of intentions for yourself and by doing so you will reclaim your own inner power, your ability to manifest as well as your ability to create magic and magical experience in your reality. So many shifts are occurring that there is a need for you to create flexible intentions for yourself and your reality. There are many stages of growth and transitions which are major in your reality and your united reality with the world. If you begin to create intentions for yourself and the world you will ensure everything flows with the divine perfection of the Creator. Remember nothing can truly occur or be given life without an intention first being created. If your greatest dream is to experience peace on the Earth then weave a light from your being holding your intention for peace.

Many chakras of the Earth are activating and awakening, including the Earth Star Chakra in London, it is important that intentions of perfect and protected light activations are created at this time to support the activations of the Earth Star Chakra and other chakras. The Olympics held in London UK is assisting with the activation of the Earth Star Chakra which will allow for the kundalini energy of the Earth to flow into and magnify each chakra therefore creating a deep awakening for all. So many other major situation and synchronicities are occurring from now until the New Year, each requires your intentions, your support and love.

The Mother Goddess Creator energy realises through a simply intention or thought fuelled with light that creation of the intention occurs. The Mother Goddess Creator holds complete faith in her ability to manifest and make a difference on the Earth and entire universe of the Creator. This belief gives extreme emphasis and purpose to each intention, this is something I wish deep within my soul for you to experience and know. The truth is your thoughts truly can make a different in your reality and the ascension process of the Earth.

In order to weave a divine intention there is a need to exist within the highest vibration of Creator essence and truth you are able to recognise at this moment. So through meditation and focus upon your breathing let yourself access or focus upon the divine within you allowing it to emanate as you exhale.

Then you may wish to call upon the energy of the Mother Goddess Creator and the vibration of the Creator to flow through your being, accepting this energy completely in any way that feels appropriate for you. Let yourself embody the vibration, light and consciousness of the Goddess and Creator energies, experiencing divine bliss and energetic freedom.

Take the attention of your mind to your heart and allow for a source of divine light to build in this area. As you exhale imagine a strong but beautiful thread of light is being expressed from your heart with every breath you exhale. This thread continues to flow from your heart, realise this is the thread of creation for you.

Allow intentions to emerge from your soul attaching themselves to the thread to be expressed from your heart as a thread of light entering into your reality.

You can achieve this for as long as you wish. This is the process of weaving intentions. You are uniting thoughts or inspirational ideas from your soul with pure light therefore allowing them to manifest and flow to where they are needed. With practice you can begin to weave intention of light wherever you are and whatever you are doing. This will be a great service to yourself and humanity, as well as allowing you to take a greater responsibility for your spiritual growth upon the Earth.

I am here to guide you, let the Mother Goddess Creator guide you in becoming a caring and creativity loving existence on the Earth as well as weaving intentions of love, excitement and magic with each moment of your reality.

With Mother Goddess Creator love,

Mother Mary

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In Sanskrit, the word Veda means life. The Vedic tradition of knowledge, which is often referred to as Vedanta, deals with the meaning of life, the purpose of life, and the place of life in the universe as a whole. According to Vedanta, there are two symptoms of enlightenment. They are indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher level of consciousness.

The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things do not bother you anymore. You become lighthearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities -- and this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. A miracle is just a synchronistic event in which the time span between the intention of an event and the manifestation of the event is dramatically shortened. That is what synchronicity is all about, and that is what spirituality is about, too. Whatever spiritual tradition you study anywhere in the world, you also hear about miracles. So losing your worries is one symptom of enlightenment and increased synchronicity is the second one. And that is it. Those are the only two symptoms of enlightenment.

Whether you are a vegetarian or not, it really does not matter. Whether you believe in the peace movement or not, it does not matter. After all, there are a lot of people who believe in lots of things; but they are full of worries and they cannot sleep at night. They have a big burden on their shoulders. A person might have been in a monastery for thirty years, but it does not matter. They are not moving in the right direction. Because according to Vedanta there are only two symptoms that indicate that we are becoming intimate with the spirit.

What Is Synchrodestiny ?

So you can see why I consider this program on synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, to be a very important one. It is especially important because, in my opinion, synchronicity is not something that just happens by itself -- just as spiritual development does not happen by itself. We can foster synchronicity by introducing attention; and we can use synchronicity by introducing intention. When those two elements--attention and intention -- are linked to the phenomenon of meaningful coincidence, synchronicity is transformed into SynchroDestiny, and our lives are transformed into something that is truly magical.

The purpose of this program is to show what that means, and to explain in detail exactly how you can make it happen. The first time I heard about synchronicity was for me a synchronistic event. I was reading about Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, on a plane flight from New Delhi to London and then from London to New York. Jung was an early colleague of Freud, but they eventually had some fundamental disagreements. Freud believed that altered states of consciousness were essentially forms of psychosis -- forms of insanity; but Jung thought of altered states as the capacity to be in touch with a hidden reality. One of Jung's most important books is called "Dreams, Premonitions, and Wishes."

As I was reading this book on the plane from India to England, Jung was discussing about a patient who had described a dream. In this dream there was a very large beetle, a scarab beetle, and it was trying to break through the patient's window into his bedroom. As the patient was describing this dream to Carl Jung, they heard a rattle, and Jung looked around and saw that a beetle was trying to break in through the windowpane. So this was a synchronistic event. The fellow was describing his dream, and then that very thing happened in real life, just at the moment that he was describing it. So I was reading about this on the airplane. Then a few pages later the book said that because of their great differences, Jung and Freud finally parted ways, and Jung established a practice in Lucerne, Switzerland. Just at the moment that I read that sentence, the pilot announced that if you look out your window on the right side of the plane, we are flying over Lucerne, Switzerland. So immediately I was convinced that there was some message here for me, that I was going to pursue this topic of synchronicity I have been thinking about that topic ever since, and out of it has evolved this new concept of SynchroDestiny. In your own life, the more you become aware of these events, the more they will happen.

The more attention you put on synchronicity the more frequently you will encounter it. Because there is a very important principle that says whatever you put your attention on becomes stronger. If you withdraw your attention from something, it becomes weaker. So one of the first things I would like to suggest, on a practical level, is that you start paying attention to the synchronistic events that happen in your life. The more alert you are to them, the more they will happen. And then when you introduce intention, your intentions will be expressed and manifested through these events. So to sum this up for a moment, synchronicity is always a coming together of seemingly unlikely events. On the surface it seems like pure coincidence. But in reality there is much more to it than that. So right now at the outset, let me suggest something very practical that you should begin to do. Start putting attention on the synchronistic events that happen in your life -- and also introduce the intention that you will experience at least one synchronistic event each day. Then later, have the intention of experiencing at least two synchronistic events. Gradually you will see these things begin to accelerate in your life, because attention and intention makes any phenomenon grow stronger.

This message comes to you via the Namaste mailing list, hosted by Deepak Chopra and The Chopra Center for Well Being.


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Balance, the Power of Intention and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
by DL Zeta

“Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid”

–Basil King

The above quote is quite true in that there are great forces in the universe that seem to either work on our behalf or work against us. These same forces bring us greater access to timelines aligned with our highest visions or they dump us onto reality threads where we experience many obstacles and roadblocks.

We choose our Relationship with Natural Laws

While it may seem at times that we are at the mercy of these forces, we are actually the ones who determine our relationship with them. It is our choice whether we work with the forces of natural, universal laws or against them. And the good news is if we have been in an antagonistic relationship with the forces of nature, we can change this in the blink of an eye and shift our destiny to a fifth-dimensional timeline.

Natural laws bring divine order to the workings of our world. As we align more fully with these laws, we're able to lead a kinder, gentler existence free of the suffering and drama triggered when we swim against the flow through resistance.

When we work with natural laws, we live in harmony and balance both in our inner and outer worlds. With harmony and balance, our actions are disciplined in accordance with our spiritual purpose. Through our highest intentions, we naturally flow along timelines where life unfolds easily and effortlessly. We are not as susceptible to the sudden downturns and unexpected shortfalls that are hallmarks of a life spent in disharmony with natural law.

The Law of Balance seeks Proper Perspective and Inner Calm

One of the most important natural laws is the Law of Balance. We fall out of balance when lose our higher perspective and lapse into negative habits and limiting behaviors. Criticism, judgment, exaggeration, dependency relationships, unrealistic expectations (of ourselves and others), contempt, vanity, comparing one’s self to others, aversion, jealousy, guilt, regret, greed, obsessive behaviors, addiction, narcissism -- all of these hold the power to pull us out of balance and set us squarely onto timelines of suffering and struggle. Whenever we allow anything or anyone to pull us out of our calm, clear center, we open ourselves to suffering in all its many forms.

Struggle Manifests the Opposite of what we choose

When we criticize something, we fight against it and, in doing so, we pull it more deeply into our reality. If we try to manipulate and force a manifestation, it is pretty certain we will not realize our desire. If we judge others, we may soon be experiencing a similar reality so we can gain needed understandings. All lower motivations are driven by the desire to build one’s self up. This says to the universe you do not like who you are and you aren’t worthy of what you seek to manifest. It says you know deep down you aren’t living in harmony with your higher purpose and you know the natural laws will not assist you so you must win by lower means. This is when the Law of Balance steps in to bring you what you truly feel you deserve, which is usually just the opposite of what you seek.

The workings we describe are very obvious with relationships. You fall out of balance when you seek to possess the object of your affection. When you seek to love for the sake of loving and without expectation of being loved in return, you live in a state of love that is in harmony with the Law of Balance. When you seek to be loved and possess that which you love, you create a vacuum that tends to repel those things you desire.

When you take advantage of others, when you abuse those who are helpless, when you abuse animals and damage the environment, you create imbalances that trigger the balancing actions of natural laws. By contrast, when you move through life with the intention to harm none – when you move through life with love and compassion in your heart, blessing all you see, you are transparent to triggers for balancing forces within the universe.

The Power of Intention and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

At the root of what we describe is a denial of the true nature of your being. You are an infinite and divine being that needs no build up. You already contain everything you might seek so there is no need for striving. When you exist on the frequency of unconditional love, others are naturally drawn to you so there is no need to pursue or possess others.

When you are in harmony with natural laws, the forces of nature work with you. Synchronicity greets you at every turn.

To exist in a state of love, balance and harmony, simply set your intention to do so. Your intentions act as powerful filters determining your realities and the course of your destiny.

If you feel yourself lapse into old ways of being and discover barriers in your path, simply stop, slow down and align yourself with the natural forces of the universe. With intention and awareness, these great forces will carry you with ease and grace into the next dimension.

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With The Immortals, Goddess Isis,
Ascended Masters of the Great White Brother/Sisterhood of the North
and the Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays of the South with Aluna Joy
Philae, Egypt - March 20th 2012 - Message #8

The following is the eighth message that we received in Egypt this past March 2012 over Equinox. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Atlantean/Egyptian Masters and the Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

Our group entered the Temple of Isis at Philae before dawn and went directly to the center of the temple . . . the Holy of Holies. We begin at the center and worked our way out of the temple because that is how the temples were built. Working our way from the center outward, we bring back into the world the energy, frequencies, and pure wisdom that are the core intent of each temple.

(With your permission, we offer the following activation of unity and claiming of our divinity and divine purposes.)

We would like to invite all the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brother/Sisterhood of the North and the Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays of the South to join us now. We would like to invite all the Archangels, as well, to join us in this Holy of Holies. We ask that you infuse this temple with your light and presence. We are now standing in a perfect bubble of light. The Guardians of this temple have already felt honored by our offerings and gifts of our hearts. But they said that we are in charge now, not them. A baton has been passed to us, and because of this we are the ones that now call in the Masters from the North and the South, the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, St. Germain and the Great White Brotherhood, Archangel Michael, and all of the seven Archangels. Goddess Isis and the beings called "the Immortals" that dwell in this temple, we invite you to be with us, see our searching hearts, and help us claim our new position and live our destiny.

We ask that the cup (chalice) within us that has been emptied at Kom Ombo - the chalice that held the misqualified energy of this passing age, which we released from our bodies and from the past and the present - be refilled now with pure creative force from the great central sun and core of our universe. We ask that our "child within" be filled with pure creative energy that we may use in the coming days, now and into the future.

We ask that this pure energy be offered to all those around the world who are also working today with the equinox energies; to all those who have also come here at this time as an act of service to this present age to be bridges for all life into the new world; and to all those on the other side who are helping form other dimensions to help rebuild the new world (and to those reading this).

All three states of awareness that we bridge - past, present, and future - exist simultaneously now. Past, present, and future merge; time, space, and dimensions become one. Body, mind, and spirit are once again unified, as the world of duality dissolves in front of our eyes and our hearts. All our natural, God-given talents, which for a time felt supernatural to us, have now become natural and normal. These talents are the instant manifestation of all our highest aspirations. What we focus upon we can manifest. We are the "I Am That I Am That I Am." We ask that this unification be anchored into all light-searching hearts.

When we walked into the Temple of Isis, we could feel the positive energy following us through the doorways, and now I am feeling light from above coming down onto the altar, the Holy of Holies. This light from above will activate the altar stone, which is also connected to a grid work of altars all across the world - some of these are known, some are yet to be discovered. We (and those reading this) have done many years of work in preparation to activate this net of light around the planet. And today, as the Masters step back and let us step into our own divinity and mastery, we are the ones now activating this grid. We are doing so with guidance but without their assistance anymore, because the Masters say we no longer need their help. We are now stepping into their shoes - the shoes that they had filled in this present age. We will be the torch carriers, the light carriers, for the next age. All the beings across the planet that are also celebrating this time are our brothers and sisters. They are now the Masters of the East, the South, the North and the West, the center, the above and the below.

It appears that the Masters we have invited in, are bringing in all the pieces from our past, present, and future; body, mind, and spirit; time, space, and dimensions. They are bringing all of this into the center of our hearts. We have emptied out, cleared out and prepared, our chalice within as a seed, or an egg, that is being activated in order to bring us all back to the Source within. So inside this chalice (the center of our hearts) is nothing but perfection: divine perfection, perfectly clear, creative energy - pure potential in its rawest form. This energy is our tool for building a new world.

The Immortals understood the creative force of the universe - the light energy - so they knew how to use it to create with sound. The Immortals understood a world beyond duality, or actually before duality even existed, and they are giving this understanding to us now (and to those reading this). They are happy for us because we have remembered the world beyond duality, and they are happy that we have come back home. So they want to welcome us home, not just to this temple, but to the home within, inside, ourselves. Sekhmet said come back, and we have come back - not only to places we have been or where we have learned - but we also have come back to ourselves.

Now Archangel Michael, the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brother/Sisterhood of the North, and the Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays of the South are moving around our circle; and with your permission, they would like to seal this energy within us so that the outer world can't touch it for a few days, until it has time to anchor within us. They want to seal this light, energy, frequency, and wisdom that we are collecting here within our hearts. We will learn how to use it bit by bit. They also say we will realize more about this energy and its use when we are in the Kings Chamber.

So let's take a moment of silence in gratitude and thanks to Archangel Michael, the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brother/Sisterhood of the North, the Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays of the South, and the ever-present Immortals for the blessings that they have given us. It is a blessing that we have been called to be part of the shift and transition of ages.

ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak) Clairvoyant, or seer of living energy. Those who know Aluna, call her a modern mystic and/or a psycho-geographical healer. Aluna simply considers herself a Spiritual Archaeologist using her Clairvoyant/Clairsentient gifts to read ancient history of sacred sites.
Copyright © 2012 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA
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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/23/12
'New Financial System’
through Greg Giles 23rd July 2012Picture

No, there have not been large-scale changes to your financial system as of yet that will at least affect the man and woman on the street. Much is still transpiring behind the scenes and moves are being made, but these moves are large and they are slow due to their enormous weight of the effects that they will have on your world. What we see for your people is an entirely new banking, financial and monetary system. We see a new system based on fairness, equality and true earnings for work related duties which include services offered to your communities through your working cooperation with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. What we see is a world where funds that are readily available are transferred from their current states of holding back to the people of your world who are its rightful owners and have always been its rightful owners, as money is not created by Gods, or by rich men of affluence, or by governments, or by banking institutions. Money is created by you, the people of your world who have broken your backs working so hard building roads and schools and dams and office buildings and factories and warehouses and your industrial infrastructure of your entire planet. Money is not created in a laboratory and its science is not difficult to understand once the proper and truthful information is shared with the people, and we intend to do just that.

We wish at this time to explain to you how money is created. Money is created when a being chooses to lift even one finger and create something that is to be shared with another being. That is all it takes to create some kind of finance, some kind of collateral, some kind of financial backing, some kind of currency. That's it, that's all it takes and money is created. The actual printing of the form of currency a world will use is a different matter, as whether a society uses bills, or coins, or cards, or another form of currency, it does not affect the methods of how the money is created in the first place, and the money that is created in the first place is created by you, the people, and your willingness to give effort in the creation of something that can be shared with another individual, thus creating an economic flow of wealth, that is all.

In your world since the beginning of what you now understand as your recorded history, there have been pilferers, thieves, siphoners, bloodsuckers of your funds. They have waited in hiding behind the scenes, and they have amassed enormous amounts of your hard-earned money for themselves without lifting one finger to create something that is meant to be shared with another. This is not how an economy effectively operates, this is how an economy effectively crashes and burns, as sooner or later this siphoning, this pilfering, this purging of funds will catch up to its society, put a stranglehold on it and kill it. That is what is happening today in your world, as your eyes must see that your banking and financial institutions are crashing all around you, taking with them human wreckage in the form of individuals, entire countries and even continents as well.

This is a crash that will not be preempted, for this is a crash that must happen to allow your new financial system to take root in the fertile soils of the disintegrating system of old. We are here to assist you in many areas and your financial system is one of the most important systems that we are here to assist you with. We will not stand by and watch your societies crumble because of the irresponsible actions of a few individuals at the tops of these deep wells of pyramidal structure. We have methods that we have utilized in many worlds to stave off financial ruin and destitution and all of the problems that naturally will follow and follow quickly when one financial system fails and a new one is born in its place. We will assist you create a system based on abundance, on equality, on fairness, on safety and security for you and your families and each and every being that calls your planet home.

How this new system will be instituted in the early stages is through a system of barter and exchange that will continue, but continue using a different currency than the currencies that are currently being used throughout your nations. Your new currency will be a currency free from the clutches of these dark and greedy ones, as they have not been given the permission, the opportunity or the luxury of printing these new bills. These new bills have been printed by those of the light, as you say, those of honesty, of integrity, those men and women of your human race that care about others, that are willing to share the wealth with others and who do not have a plan to siphon any part of this wealth from their brothers and sisters.

This we promise to you; we, the Galactic Federation of Light, will oversee your new financial system and we will make sure it runs and is operated smoothly and efficiently, fairly and honestly, quickly and completely, and we will make sure your new system remains a system of fairness, equality and abundance, or we will step in and shut down whoever or whatever it is that is in any way negatively affecting the system or siphoning any amount of funds unfairly or unjustly from this, your new system. This we promise to you, our brothers and sisters.

You can expect your new financial system to take root in the months ahead. We understand that we talk very much about the months ahead and many of you want changes and you want them today, but we tell you that nothing can get underway until the men and women of your criminal cabal have been rounded up, for they are one of the obstacles that are preventing all these changes and your new systems to begin. We see these members of your cabal are being rounded up and we see they are being removed from your society and they are being expunged from your systems of wealth, finance and banking, and this is a beautiful sight to behold. We say to you that when sufficient numbers of these individuals are safely removed from your society we will, with the assistance of our Earth allies who have worked so hard on your new system, begin its birth into your world like a newborn child that you all must learn to nurture, to raise and to grow as if this child is your very own, for this newborn is your very own and it is the responsibility of each and every one of you to act as its mother, to act as its father, to be its surrogate, for indeed, each of you are.

We will, in the days ahead, speak more about your new system, but for now just know that there is a new system waiting for the playing field to be cleared, and it is a system that will bring all joy, all prosperity, all financial independence, for your new system is something that none of you have ever experienced throughout any of your physical incarnations. Your new system is a blessing, it is a privilege, it is a right, it is a wonderful opportunity for each and every one of you to be able to do whatever it is you wish for a living as long as it in some way makes another happy, makes another joyful, warms another, cools another, feeds another, makes another smile or assists another on their journey in any way, shape or form. This is your new system, and we feel so many of you will be so very excited and enjoyed when it is brought out of the maternity ward for you to see for the first time with your proud eyes, for each and every one of you are a parent of your new system, for it was your hopes, your dreams and your hard work that has co-created your new child.

We will talk more about this in the days ahead, until tomorrow; we are your fathers and your mothers, your brothers and your sisters and your friends of the Galactic Federation of Light.

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Meditation With Masters.....


Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels

Lay down comfortably (or sit if you prefer), Repeat the following Invocation for each Archangel at a time out loud. Then
close your eyes and Visualize/Imagine the things you requested happening, and
see what messages the Archangel has for you
(you can also ask for a message)

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Michael to stand at my right hand side. I ask
him to pour courage and strength into me and bring about positive results to my
endeavors. I now request that he cut all my negative cords and attachments with
his sword. I ask that the deep blue cloak of protection be placed over me so
that only that which is of the highest and purest light may enter my aura. Pause
for a moment so that Archangel Michael can complete this work and communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Gabriel to stand at my left-hand side in his
pure white ray. I ask that he pours his pure white energy into my aura and
brings me guidance about my next step or my pathway. I ask that the symbols of
my life’s mission be illuminated and activated now. Please bring joy, grace,
clarity, understanding, generosity and order into my life. Pause for a moment
so that Archangel Gabriel can complete this work and communicate anything he
wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Uriel to stand in front of me and fill my
aura with his purple and gold ray of wisdom and peace. Help me to soothe all
conflict in my life and replace it with serenity, brotherhood and sisterhood. Please
break my mental and emotional chains and free me from all my fears. Pause for a
moment so that Archangel Uriel can complete this work and communicate anything
he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Raphael of the emerald ray to stand behind
me. I ask that he pour healing and abundance into me. I ask for protection on
my journeys and that I be impressed with justice, truth and vision. Pause for a
moment so that Archangel Raphael can complete this work and can communicate
anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Chamuel of the pink ray to expand the flame
of love in my heart. Please help me to find compassion and forgiveness for
myself and for everyone I have ever harmed knowingly or unknowingly. I ask that
my heart be opened at a personal and cosmic level. Pause for a moment so that
Archangel Chamuel can complete this work and can communicate anything he wishes

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Jophiel to pour the golden light of wisdom
and illumination onto me through my crown centre. I ask that his wisdom light
up and inspire my mind, helping me to learn and teach at the highest level. I
ask that the symbols of wisdom I have accumulated throughout my lifetimes be
lit up and activated now.Pause for a moment so that Archangel Jophiel can
complete this work and can communicate with you if he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Zadkiel of the violet ray of mercy, joy and
transmutation to pour the violet flame into my aura. I ask for all my
negativity to be released and dissolved and replaced with joy, diplomacy and
tolerance. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Zadkiel can complete this work
and can communicate with you if he wishes to.

Your aura is now filled with the energy of the Archangels and you are connected
to your
Mighty I AM presence. You are blessed.




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Wake up Call: Hatonn, July 24, 12

I am here today to make an announcement. I am Hatonn and I am welcoming you all to the news of the day. There is to come a need for laughter and joy, for with this will be the overriding of what may in some cases be considered a dark day on earth.

What in reality it will be, is an overriding of the destruction of the planet and it will result in just a few minor occurrences that may seem to be serious in some ways, but that will be not only a wonderful thing for earth but for all who live on it, as well as within it’s beautiful body. As the circumstances come to fruition by those who wish to see a reoccurrence of what happened to Maldek, we are seeing to it that not only will their plans not be carried out, but instead they will be removed from the planet and from this solar system. They will be taken to a place that is out of the influence of anything on earth and they will be worked with for them to be able to return to their original sources of Light and Love. From that point on for them, they will be given the opportunity to express in that energy and to evolve their way back through the process of ascension in another timetable of existence.

What I speak of in the manner of occurrences on earth is the evolutionary process of Gaia being able to not only sustain her well-being, but to also allow her family of earth beings to grow and evolve along with her. She will see to it that there are no destructive forces that can harm any form of life on earth. She will evolve with all of you, all of life in any form, in the beauty and love expression that you all will be realizing in your lives. It will be in the form of some changes to the surface and these changes will be in harmony with what is to come for the expression of life not only on the surface, but within as well.

All those who have been residing within the earth will find that their evolutionary status will take a jump as well as those who reside on the surface. It will be a matter of being able to form the changes and the ability to create what it is that expresses the love, joy and peace that will be prevalent for all of you. As this evolutionary process takes place, it will be a matter of being able to see and feel within yourselves what it is that you desire, and then in the next instant to experience its manifestation.

This is already beginning for many of you. You have been seeing how quickly you have been able to bring something to you that improves your lives. You have seen how instantly your concerns have been answered, and have brought a smile to your face, and warm gratitude to your hearts and souls. This is but the beginning for you. Be aware of what it takes to bring your lives into the perfection, and then follow it, build on it, for it is your natural state of being.

As you are acclimating yourselves to this way of being, many of you are finding that your bodies are reacting in ways that may be a bit disconcerting. That is a temporary condition of the evolutionary process of changing your denseness to a crystalline state. It will be a short time in the whole picture of your evolution and as it comes to the state of perfection you will find less and less of the disturbances in your field, until at some point you will find no disturbances at all. All will be in perfect harmony.

So, for now dear ones, we are doing what we can to assist you to this perfection. We take care of the things that are within our reach to work on. It is through our agreement that we have set these boundaries in the working business with those who have being working in the darker energies. It is because of those energies that the boundaries have had to be set, for that is the energy of the darkness. That too is changing. As the status of all of you lift and become more crystalline, so too do the boundaries melt away. It is a matter of what can survive in the energies of complete Love, and what naturally melts away in the purity of Love.

I feel that I have said enough today in this message. This one, who is ready to go on with her mission in her new home, will be receiving information that she will relay to you in the times to come. In the meantime she and Bob will be carrying out a series of examples that will be conveyed through the Family Gathering Teleconferences that will resume in the next month. There is much to come in the next few months that will be examples of what I have told you in this message.

Remember that there will be only that which is in favor for the evolutionary process of all of you and Gaia as the steps are taken for the harmonic convergence of all of existence in this grand universe. It is all in the harmony of total and complete Love and Light forevermore.

Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate

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The Lightness of Being By Sue Martin

Here we are, 25th July, just two days away from the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games, London. More info on the group activity involving the Olympics & connected to this post can be found by clicking on:

Ascended master Chuen speaks to us of innocence, spontaneity, transparency, humor and the inner child. Just like the image of the two platinum/golden dolphins (below) that have appeared to Ken in his meditation over the last few days, we are being reminded to embody the joy and playfulness of these creatures – for  it is within this balanced,heart centered Divine Presence that we may enter into other Dimensional Fields.
 Sometimes we lose sight of our ‘inner child’ so it is good to remember that en-lighten-ment, rather than being difficult can be de-light-ful. 

It is within the ease grace joy and trust of the moment that we create most constructively!!

 Hi – I Am Chuen

I Am the crystallization of sunlight in laughter

I Am an innocent, open-hearted, transparent, Divine Child

Extract from Mayan Oracle

11 strips away all that is no longer required – quietening the logical egoic mind -  letting go and moving into simplicity.      The resonance of 11 is the self combined with the Essence of the Higher Self catalyzed by the point of Unity.   

So in these next hours before the Ceremony begins, let’s remember to embrace openness, to laugh and be joyful and light.


‘Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God’

Teilhard de Chardin

I Am the Divine Oneness of my Soul

I Am the complete integration of my Monad

I am the Loving vibration of the Creator

I Am the keys codes and patterns of the Creator's Love

I Am Love and I magnify the Love of the Earth

See you tomorrow

All love  laughter and joy

Sue and Peter

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 Everybody's talking about drastic changes at the end of this year, that will change humanity, but few people know how these changes will actually happen…

Let’s first take a look at how spiritual energy is coming to Earth. In spi...ritual world there are rules that don’t allow any exceptions. Each one of us has a guaranteed spiritual help at his/her own level. Let’s suppose that spiritual levels, in which earthly souls reside, are divided into many levels: the lowest level, which is defined by emotional patterns, is called the astral level; middle level, which is defined by mental patterns, is called the mental level; and the highest in this rank is the causal level, which is defined by spiritual aspects of our lives. Souls that incarnate into human bodies come from these levels.

Each individual has a spiritual help in the level, from which his/her soul originates or a little higher, and this spiritual help is also called a spiritual guidance. Our soul enables our thoughts to enter the spiritual world up to the highest spiritual energy of our spiritual help, which then organizes and directs spiritual help we need at that moment after we have asked for the spiritual help. Our soul accepts the help and lowers the vibration of this energy to such a level, that our physical body can receive. This is a process of an optimal spiritual help if our thoughts are directed to our spiritual guidance, because only in this case, spiritual energies, that are meant for us and we are meant for them, come to help us, and they are optimal to meet our needs at that moment. Many people send prayers for spiritual help inappropriately with mantras, invocations, names of various energies… We can’t receive an optimal spiritual help that way, because often we send our prayers for spiritual help to places, where our thoughts don’t reach or we don’t even know which energies respond to a specific mantra…

This is how things work now. On July 1st 2012, a first more important turning point will happen, concerning energetic activity. A Divine cosmic consciousness, an infinite energy of God’s love has been descending on the Earth for almost a year now with a purpose of raising vibration and consciousness of humanity. In this article, we’ll call it ‘energy of new age’. Access to this energy will be selective in the beginning. The spiritual guidance of a particular person, which can access the energy of new age, will transfer this help to the soul of this person and then the soul will lower this vibration to the earthly level. Therefore, new golden age is approaching us gradually, selectively. At this moment, the energy of the Divine cosmic consciousness, which is bringing us to the new age, is at the causal level, so the people, whose spiritual guidance’s energy has the access to the causal level, are already receiving higher vibration of energy, which enables them to change more quickly and to have more power. If we look at them, it seems as if the old apparatus has gotten new batteries.

With July 1st, intensity of this happening will increase, and later the Divine cosmic consciousness will descend to the mental spiritual level. After that, everybody, whose spiritual guidance’s energy has the access to the mental level, will receive the help of new age. Thus, the new age won’t be accessible to all the people at the same time; it just means the change of spiritual activity will take place. However, many people will see the concrete results of their work on self after many years, others after many months, but in the long run, everybody will change. But this help of new age won’t just reside on the Earth, as many people expect, but it’ll be mostly concentrated in the higher levels of the spiritual world, and the first ones who will experience its benefits will be those who have walked on the right path of their development due to their efforts in the past. This will mostly be the people who will have transformed their lower emotions into love. Therefore, when we replace our every reaction of anger, hatred and other lower emotions into reaction of love, then we are among the people, who already receive the energy of new age.
What we can do, is work on ourselves, change every day and that way we’ll receive greater spiritual help. For at this moment, it is possible to ascend spiritual hierarchic ladder very quickly, as long as we’re trying and developing in the right direction. Consequently, our spiritual guidance receives new energies which can access higher spiritual levels and in that way enables us to develop even faster. This is one side of the story.

On the other hand, we have to have an appropriate energy support to receive spiritual help from the spiritual world. Activity of spiritual beings on the Earth is very exhausting due to the gravity and the density of the Earth. Energy of our physical body in connection with our soul, which is tied in our physical body, centered in our heart chakra and flowing around our head, enables energy connection and support for optimal activity of spiritual energies, which can help us with all their might. When energy of new age will come through, it is important for us to get higher energy support, which is connected with our physical body and the energy of the Earth as a planet. Few years ago, energy of the Earth has been intensely cleansed. With the upcoming new age, vibration and energy will raise more, which will also affect our physical well-being, since raising the vibration of the Earth causes raising the vibration of our physical bodies as well – not as extensive as spiritual activity of new age raises it, but enough to receive larger support, which enables us to get optimal inflow of the energy of new age. Globally, the people who will be the first to receive this energy, will resemble little white lights, that will enlighten and raise collective consciousness of humanity, at first on their micro level and later also globally, when there will be more of those lights.


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You can manage that anger by…

You can manage that anger by…

• recognizing the difference between an annoyance or inconvenience and a bona fide reason to get mad - somebody hurting you, hurting somebody you care for or damaging your property are all good reasons to get mad; somebody “disrespecting” you, getting in your way, slowing you down, being luckier than you, or doing something better than you do it are not reasonable causes of anger,
• taking a deep breath, stepping away from the situation and asking yourself “Why am I really mad?”, often people misdirect anger caused by a valid yet bigger issue on to everyday annoyances and inconveniences,
• know your triggers, if there are certain things that you know bother you or that you can’t accept know what they are, take steps to avoid them, and play out an appropriate reaction in your head when you're feeling calm to train your mind to react that way when the problem arises in real life,
• plan your time wisely, one of the most common anger stressors is poor time management, when you’re in a rush and something slows you down even more you are very likely to react in anger, the simplest way to avoid this is to exercise effective time management,
• exercising regularly, it’s true that exercise is an excellent way to de-stress body and mind, people who exercise regularly are less likely to overreact to annoyances and inconveniences,
• talk it out, reacting in anger often causes the reasoning center of the brain to shut off for a time and the way you can turn it back on is to talk rather than act out when anger takes hold, it may sound crazy but taking a few minutes to gather your thoughts and speaking them out loud can do wonders to diffuse an angry situation.

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Anger Management for Teens

Anger Management for Teens

Now that you're a teen, you probably hear a lot about teen hormones, teen mood swings, and teen problems (as if you weren't living through them)! It's enough to make anyone mad, but here's the thing - teenage anger is a normal part of growing. Besides, anger is a normal emotion for everybody - little kids, teens, and adults. While anger often gets a bad rap, it isn't bad to get angry.

Anger is just another emotion like love, hate, joy, and sorrow. The trick to anger management, like any other emotion, is how you express it. If something makes you happy, depending on what it is and who did it, you might express your happiness with a smile, a hug, or a kiss. Expressing anger is the same. Anger works for you when you choose how to express it. Choosing how to express your anger is anger management.

Anger is a signal that something's not right. It actually can help you get through a dangerous situation or give you courage to stand up for your rights when you've been wronged. The problem with anger is that it's fueled with adrenaline and it's easy to let that rush take control, making you feel overwhelmed, powerless, and out of control.

Many things in life can stir up your anger. You can get angry over a lost game, a cancelled concert, or people (classmates, teachers, parents - even your best friend) may do things that don't "sit right" with you. At times, you've probably even been angry with yourself for wearing the wrong thing, saying the wrong thing, or doing the wrong thing. Even just growing can make you angry. ("I hate being so short, so fat so thin, so tall...!")


Temper Tools

Although anger is a normal, healthy emotion it's also a powerful emotion that can get in the way of what you want. Learning to channel your anger helps you to get from point "A" to point "B" without destroying everything in your path. It takes both time and practice to develop good anger management skills. By the time you're a teen, you have the tools you need to manage your anger. The challenge is learning how to use them to get the best results.

The most valuable tool you have for managing anger is self-control. Fortunately, it's a tool that you've been sharpening for years. Self-control keeps you from telling your Mom that her roast beef is crummy or your best friend that her new bedroom wallpaper looks stupid. It keeps you from cutting class just because you forgot about the test.

Luckily, when you begin to get angry, your body gives you physical signals. You begin to feel warm and flushed, your heart starts to pound, and your skin feels "tight" or tingly. It's time to step back, take a deep breath, and put the self-control in gear.

Using self-control when you're angry can keep you from saying or doing something that makes you look foolish. It can make the difference between stumbling over a chair, kicking it and really hurting your foot or just moving the chair out of your way. It can make the difference between saying or doing something now that you'll need to apologize for later or even worse, something that an apology won't fix.

One way to imprint the benefits of anger management is to look at the ways you react to anger. How do you feel after you've vented your anger? We rarely are rewarded for reacting to anger; instead, we usually end up paying the consequences.

Look at past situations and examine what you could have done differently to arrive at a better outcome. Would a better response to anger have earned you more respect from others or more self-respect? Did your actions result in positive change, negative change, or no change at all?
Managing Anger


1.Tune in to your feelings. Note what makes you angry and why. Don't settle for pat explanations like "It's not fair." Ask yourself why you feel it's not fair, what needs to be done to make it fair, and what the best way is to bring about that change.

2.Step back and think when you begin to feel angry. Turn on the self-control. Take a minute to define what's making you angry and what you can do to solve the problem.

3.Practice damage control. Choose the solution that gives you the most benefit with the least damage.

4.Although anger often makes mountains out of molehills, sometimes the mountains are really mountains. Some problems are just too big for anyone to handle alone. When that's the case, seek help from a parent, counselor, or other trusted adult to help you find the resolution to your anger.



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Just a few more days to go!

As July 24th dawns we will have united our energetic fields, over these last two days, at 9.30 pm London Time in the Olympic Stadium – and we still have another two such periods in which to unify, in readiness for our collective gathering at 20.12 pm on 27th July (London Time)

If you need more information about this do check on Peter's link

Proposal to Join Together within the

London Centre Stadium for the Activation

From 22nd to the 27th July! Day 5 through Day Zero.




As mentioned by Sue we now entering the final days before we all come together for the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London and the  Activation of the Cosmic Earth Star Portal of Love and Light that shall be anchored there.

From Day 5 – 22nd July to Day 1 – 26th July inclusive we now move closer into the  unification of our consciousness’ so that we may integrate our individual energies on a much deeper level than we have so far.

We are now requesting that everyone create the intention to come together for the next 4 days in real time as we will do on the Opening Night of the Event.

What Time And For How Long Over the 4 Days!

At  precisely 21.30 hours (9:30 pm) London BST for only 15 minutes or so on each night.  This will assist to align our personal energies with our intentions through our Unified Light Bodies and to allow our bodies, our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to make any final adjustments that may be required.

What Time And For How Long on the Night of the 27th July!

At precisely 20:00 hours (8:00 pm) London BST for the full duration of the Opening Ceremony of the Games.  The Games officially begins at 20:12 Hours (Funny That!)

Here is a link to find out what your local time will be. 

What to do in coming together in the Centre Stadium.

On each occasion we meet, you are asked to physically and consciousnessly make the connection with your own Light Body and request Him/Her to go to the Centre Stadium and sit in Circle around the grounds of the Stadium.  The circle formed shall be the maximum diameter that is practically possible.  Don’t worry about specifics, Our Higher Selves will do this automatically.  They are All already aware of our intentions, again so don’t worry about any of that!

Please feel free to invite any of your Higher Families of Light to join you in a welcoming Invocation in your own words.

While the connections are being made and the Light Bodies are doing Their Work, you, at home, will be asked to simply be mindful of your own energy field sitting in the circle in the stadium.  We are also going to ask that the Light Bodies actually sit with their legs embedded into the Earth as if They are sitting on a chair.  They are asked to face the centre of the cirlce.  We are asking this for a very specific reason -  for grounding this Energy linked directly to the physical.  It will help each of you personally stay grounded while the activation takes place.  So please be mindful of this at all times.

You are being asked to simply watch the Games on television in real time and at the same time see yourself sitting in Circle in the Stadium.  If it is not possible, due to time factors in your area, or you have other obligations, don’t worry.  Do what you have to do with integrity and simply be mindful that you are doing two things at once.

I do strongly advise that one does not drive or operate any mechanical devices during this time for safety reasons.

Be as still and silent as you can.


1) Connect to your heart in love and appreciation
2) Call forth your full alignment with your I AM Presence and Christ Self and call in any ascended masters or angels, Christed ET's or any other allies you work with.
3) Connect with the Great Central Sun. See a laser beam of Platinum Gold and Silver Cosmic Light descending through the Central Sun, our Sun, into your body and into the crystalline core of Mother Earth Lady Gaia.
4) Expand that crystalline light beam to be 44 feet in diameter
5) Call into the center of that beam the Rose Pink Flame of the Divine Mother and the Violet Flame of transmutation
6) Infuse this beam of light with the Love of your own heart and send it forth (as above) from your heart, third eye and hands to the Tor--see the Tor completely surrounded and infused with this Rose Pink Flame of the Mother and blazing with the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the gold and silver Platinum Cosmic Light
7) Then send it forth to greater London, all transportation systems and airports, all Olympic venues,(especially the opening venue and stage) and Big Ben. (as above)
8) Hold this focus for 3, 6 or 9 minutes or more visualizing complete harmony, peace, order, grace and ease and loving encounters for all in the true spirit of the Law of the One--brotherly love and Sacred Oneness.
9) Place golden 3 dimensional flower of life thought forms around all these areas and then spin them past the speed of light with sound.
10) Seal your visualizations and energies and ask that they might continue to flow as long as is necessary to complete the perfect work and thank all beings of the light who have assisted you!



After the Program

 When the Ceremony and Activation is complete simply see the Energies that have been created spread out around the world through the consciousness of all the people who have tuned in.  See all the Olympians and all those who support them being surrounded in the Love and Light of God.  See Planet Earth radiating with this New Energy and pulsating with it from that time forward.  Hold this vision as you go about your personal lives over the duration of the Games until the last day, 12th August, when we will join together again in the Closing Ceremony to Seal the Activation.


There are unlimited potentials for experience here and so it will be a time to enjoy the experiences and to make notes if you wish of any visions, feelings or other sensations that you may receive.  Remember this is not to be taken too seriously, it should be fun! So enjoy the games, cheer the team players on, one and all, give them all your Love and Support!

Important Note

Even though we may continue to go about our personal lives, we ask that the Higher Selves remain in Their positions for the duration of the Games.  Again this is important to maintain the stability, balance and cohesion throughout the whole event, all over the country, regardless of what may or may not transpire to initiate the changes coming!

We thank each of you so much for your Generosity and Love to create this event and indeed make it possible!

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Remember to share your experiences, it will be an amazing time!


As you know at the start of this 'Spiral of Consciousness'  back in March I was guided to connect the Fibonacci Days with the Mayan Day Count.  As it has unfolded, each Maya Day has been pertinent in marking the stages of our inner spiral towards Day Zero - focussing us on where, collectively, we are on the spiral.

So here we are, just 3 days away, so we are being given gentle Galacted Nudge from Being of Light to "hold No Doubts."

The 24th of July, from the Mayan Day Count, finds 10 Oc flowing through the Galaxy.

The energies of Oc speak of Group Commitment ~Souls who are  in the Service of Destiny ~ Companions of the Heart ~ those who share a Sacred Trust.

The resonance of 10 is the Ray of Manifestation.   

The key to manifestation in all Realms is through clear intention and the embodiment of Divine Essence.  When you are in resonance with the Universe, manifestation is a natural by-product.   Two Worlds combine.

                                                                                                      I Am Oc - Dream Weave
                                                   I weave together energies and dreams of like vibration

I embody the mythic recognition, joyfully bringing together

 those who share the same vision and purpose.

I Am the Sacred Trust realized in the words 

'This we shall do'

 I Am the Divine Oneness of my Soul

I Am the complete integration of my Monad

I Am the loving vibration of the Creator

I Am the keys codes and pattern of the Creator's Love

I Am Love and I magnify the Love of the Earth


All Love Blessings and Joy

Sue and Peter


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Watch these items that might  give you a clue as to what is happening and what wil possible happen...

According to Kabbalists, the nine day of the Moon of Leo, which they call Av, also clled as Tisha b'av, days where both the Temples were destroyed in Jerusalem and where the final solution was signed by Hitler in Germany and

all kind of calamities always occur...

And here is this explanation as to why we are all feeling so strange...

and this one

And finally, there is this long video that is also telling us what we can do, if we would...

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Duality and the Triune Force

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.
This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.
Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.
Our message deals with a strategy for navigating through the difficulties of increased polarization. Indeed you may have already discovered that in some of your social circles there is a type of hostility and polarized views of situations.
The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force.
It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.
The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them.  This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act.
You may encounter someone and feel drawn to him or her, and the depth or intensity of the attraction may cause you to delete other information about the person. Likewise as situations arise around you, whether they be social, political or religious, you may likewise find yourself drawn to these situations without other information that would be helpful in determining if a given situation was “right” for you or not.
The same holds true for repulsion. You may find yourself repulsed by someone, or a situation, and likewise, identify with the repulsion, thereby cutting yourself off from other information that might be helpful.
The Triune Force
If you were to imagine a triangle and on the left corner of the triangle was attraction and on the right side of the triangle was repulsion, then the point above these two extremes is the Triune Force.
It is a mental perspective that has spiritual attributes. It allows you to float above the situation and view it from multiple perspectives.
If, for instance, you are attracted to a person and surrender to that attraction without allowing access to signs and information about that person then you have put yourself in a precarious position.
But by not identifying with the attraction you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.
Likewise, if you are repulsed by a person or situation the Triune Force allows you to “float above” and dis-identify with the repulsion, and while you are in this dis-identification you are free to see other levels involved. It could be that this person or situation is toxic to you, or it could be that this person or situation is a mirror reflecting back to you something you do not like in yourself.
By momentarily suspending your identification with either attraction or repulsion you are able to see more clearly and access information about the person or situation from an expanded perspective.
Knowledge is power, and the Triune Force gives you access to the innate powers of clarity.  So our suggestion in this time of increased human polarization and Time Acceleration is to watch yourself. When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.
If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.
As you enter more deeply into the polarization phase of planetary assent, the Triune Force can greatly assist you as you pass through this difficult period of increased personal, interpersonal and collective conflict.
The Hathors
July 1, 2012

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Losing a Piece of the Self versus Wholeness

As we develop love within and learn the truly fine art of self forgiveness and self love, we glow with ever more Light. As our Light shines from within us, straight from the heart, we literally illuminate the space around us. On more subtle levels our high frequency vibrations extend their reach throughout the world, and out into the Universe. They affect, through resonance, all who encounter them. I am sure we would be truly astounded to learn just how far our personal reach of Light is.

With this in mind, it makes so perfect sense to embark on a personal healing pathway without delay, one which includes methods that support the release of our issues - no matter where or how deeply they are squirrelled away. It just makes absolutely no sense to hold onto anything which is of a lowered resonance, because this hampers our progress into other realms. Resonance with these realms allows us to have actual reality experiences, or lives, which are so much more pleasant than anything we have known, yet are everything we have ever dreamed about. 

In support of this process of healing, or maybe as a result of it, I would like to comment on something that made a profound impression on me. I (and others) heard some more truly amazing wisdom tonight - again - from ENKI. He discussed the concept of non-judgement (and other so-called negative tendencies such as anger and criticism) at length, and included in this discussion the reasons why it would be helpful for everybody to practice maintaining themselves in a state of balance, with love.

He basically reminded us that whenever we criticise, judge or get angry - and this includes directing these emotions, thoughts or behaviours towards ourselves - we lose a piece of ourself. When we stay balanced, we maintain our Wholeness.

Personally, that is enough to give me pause for thought.

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Perceiving the Higher Perspective of Every Situation

Dear Ascending Ones,

Please KNOW that there will be NO accidents from this point on. At this point in your ascension process everything that happens in your life is YOUR creation. Because your consciousness is now resonating to the threshold to the fifth dimension, every random thought and emotion will become manifest. Because you still hold a physical form, your manifestations will still appear to be bound by time. However, the energy patterns of your consciousness will serve to either connect you to New Earth (or beyond) or confine you to the third/fourth dimensional version of Earth.

Because we can observe your thoughts and emotions, we can see the shifting energy patterns of your auras as you shift in and out of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we wish to assist you in leaning to perceive, and attend to, the higher perspective of every situation. As you are well aware, fear-based emotions lower your energy field. In order to rise above the fear, it is best to refuse to participate in any thought, emotion or situation that lowers your consciousness to the third/fourth dimensional concept of fear.

From the perspective of the fifth dimension and beyond, third dimensional Earth is a holographic projection, a virtual reality game. However, the copies of your Multidimensional SELF that logged into the 3D Matrix to assist Gaia, have become trapped in the appearance of what they have learned to believe is real. Therefore, in order to log out of this Matrix, you will need to:

Realize that the third dimension is NOT real.
Remember your Multidimensional SELF.
Download your Multidimensional SELF into your earth vessel.
Allow the Galactic Light to activate
your Multidimensional Operating System.
Connect and integrate that multidimensional system
into your physical computer brain.
Allow your Multidimensional SELF to take control
of the helm of your earth vessel.

Your new "Captain," who is your SELF, is newly arrived from the higher frequencies of reality. Therefore, this YOU cannot be trapped by the 3D illusions because that YOU is not separated, limited or indoctrinations of myriad third dimensional incarnations. This expression of your SELF is new to the 3D Game. Therefore, ALL of your multidimensional abilities are 100% operational.

At first, the integration of the multidimensional light, unity consciousness and unconditional love into your 3D brain, which has been limping along at 3-5% efficiency, causes great fatigue and confusion. But gradually, or suddenly, you are a different person, with different desires, choices, thoughts and emotions. Of course, this integration has been going on for quite some "time" for our ascending ones. However, with the Eclipse, the Venus Transit, the many Solar Flares and the latest full moon, more and more of you are completing, or have completed, your integration process.

With this process completed, your multidimensional consciousness will no longer accept the obvious lies and illusions that were "normal" for your third dimensional consciousness. You still have periods of falling into your 3D consciousness, which usually occur when your earth vessel has become fatigued. Fortunately, once the "habit" of being third dimensional is replaced by the habit of being multidimensional, the fatigue will greatly diminish.

When being multidimensional is normal, inter-dimensional communication is normal, inter-dimensional travel is normal and inter-dimensional thoughts and emotions are normal. Hence, perceiving reality from a higher perspective can become natural. One of the first things that occur when your multidimensional consciousness takes command is that you can instantly differentiate between fear-based and love-based energy patterns. These energy patterns can be within, or emanating from, yourself or others. You will, also, able to perceive the many energy patterns that are scattered about your reality.

The perception of these energy patterns will most likely be initially experienced via your clairsentience. Therefore, traveling through your world will be similar to swimming in the ocean or a lake, in that some areas will feel cold and uncomfortable and others will feel warm and cozy. At first, you may not be able to interact with or transmute these energy patterns. However, you will be conscious of these patterns, and very conscious of ALL your own thoughts and emotions. With your higher SELF in control, you can no longer hide in "its not my fault."

Of course, it is not your fault, as "fault" is a third dimensional concept. However, it is your choice. Hence, it is vital that you remember to love and forgive yourself unconditionally. You are making a huge perceptual shift within a very short amount of your "time." Never underestimate the power of habit. For myriad lifetimes you have judged and reprimanded yourself very harshly because that is what you learned from your family and your society.

It is very important that you are kind to your newly developing SELF. You are similar to a small chick just out of its shell. However, your "mother" is invisible to your 3D perceptions. Thus, the first part of your new SELF that you want to fully activate is your multidimensional perceptions:
With your clairaudience, you can easily hear your/our (we are all ONE) voice.
With your clairvoyance, you can see your/our multidimensional forms and worlds.
With your clairsentience, you sense when you are being over-lit and guided.
With your telekinesis you are learning to manipulate your reality with your mind.
With your telepathy, you are communicating with your thoughts and emotions.

You are, also, releasing your attachment to time and the separation/limitation that time creates. Hence, your higher senses are revealing the many possible and probable realities that float through your multidimensional world. Which of these realities will you choose to perceive? Would you like to choose the highest frequency of each possible reality? Or do you feel your Mission still lies with ascending Earth? In fact, because you are now multidimensional, you can do both.

You can actively participate in the ascension process, which feels much like "going to work," and go Home to the higher frequencies of reality when you are complete with that experience. In other words, you can serve the process of ascension and simultaneously BE ascended.

The problem that many of you are having is that you get stuck in the habit of third dimensional thought while you are choosing to participate in the physical, ascending reality. You are forgetting that you are no longer trapped in that world. You are not a victim to that world in any way, except habit. If you always put your left shoe on first, then suddenly had to put your right shoe on first, you would constantly start with your left foot, then have to change that habit.

For myriad incarnation you have been suffering what "they" did to you. You were correct, as they did do many horrible things. In fact, you all have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the myriad "past" life memories. Of course, these lives are only in the past in your time-bound third dimensional world. However, as time is collapsing into the NOW, all the many memories of being third dimensional are coming into this NOW. Fortunately, your higher expression of your SELF, who is now in charge of your life on planet Earth, is here to heal and release these old memories.

Also, since you are all just learning your new operating system, you may not yet be able to always be conscious of your every thought and emotion. However, once you have rested, eaten, meditated, exercised, seen a friend, and/or had some hugs and kisses to regenerate, you will be able to clearly understand why you were using your old 3D Operating System. Unfortunately, if your behavior stems from your unconscious, you cannot change it, as you don't know the source of that behavior.

On the other hand, your Multidimensional SELF is not fooled by the illusions and lies of the 3D Game. Once these illusions are lifted from your conscious and unconscious mind, you can decide to step out of the illusion and into the Truth. This is where your attachment to 3D dramas becomes apparent. Since you volunteered to stay with the Star Ship Earth as She takes Her maiden voyage to her fifth dimensional Home, you will remain in the world of illusions while they are transformed into Truths.

Fortunately, your SELF is guiding your way. Just as your multidimensional SELF can perceive the third dimensional reality through the perceptions of your earth vessel, you can perceive the third dimensional world through the perceptions of your Multidimensional SELF. It is through this higher perception that you become an Ascended Master visiting the reality that you have volunteered to assist with the process of Planetary Ascension. One of the ways that you will assist will be to refuse to feed the illusions and lies with your attention and, especially, with your fear.

Those who have ruled your world are not of our Ancestry. We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, have long ascended beyond the need to dominate others. However, the clones that are the Soul-less ones of those were created them, only have the power that you give them. They derive actual substance and sustenance from your fear and from all fear-based energy patterns. On the other hand, they starve under the power of your unconditional love. When you perceive the actions of these ones from the perspective of your physical self, it is almost impossible to not react in an angry, fearful or sorrowful manner.

However, when you perceive these ones as we see them, you see dark astral parasites that can only survive by the fear-based energy that you send them. We recommend that you only perceive them in this fashion from your fifth dimensional perspective, as their energy patterns are quite disruptive to your earth vessel. Therefore, please protect your earth vessel from this perception by engaging in this vision only from your higher perspective. Furthermore, your Multidimensional SELF holds no judgment or fear towards these lost ones. Also, they see them not as an enemy, but as an empty shell that is filled only by the fear of others.

Through the perspective of your SELF, you can think of your visit to this physical life as a final chapter in your journey into third/fourth dimensional form. Your thoughts are based, not on fear or being a victim, but on the multidimensional love that you have gained during your amazing experience of life on Earth. You are grateful for the many lessons you have learned and experiences you have had while you played this Game. When your thoughts are free of judgment towards yourself, others, or even the lost ones, your memory of your myriad multidimensional lives returns.

Then you will have dreams, visions and experiences of other lives on other frequencies of realities and other worlds. These experiences become stronger and stronger, as you become more and more emotionally content with your daily life. Eventually you begin to feel like you are living in two, or more, world within the NOW of your Being. At this point, an important choice must be made. If you engage too much of your attention on your Multidimensional SELF, you will lift off and ascend Home. In other words, you will log out of the 3D Game. Some of you will happily make this choice.

On the other hand, some of you want to remain on ascending Gaia for the photo finish. If you make that choice will have to carefully balance your multidimensional experiences/perceptions with your third dimensional experiences/perceptions, so that you do no lift-off and go Home-yet. Some of you want to assist Gaia in preparing for the "final act" of Planetary Ascension by raising your frequency and contributing that expansion of SELF to your Mother Earth. This is also a choice.

In fact, many of the grounded expressions of our Galactic and Celestial Family have made that choice. We, your Family, have chosen to inhabit an earth vessel specifically to help our dear sister Gaia "cross the finish line" with ALL of Her inhabitants. We see that She has long served many galactic civilizations that once came to Her schoolroom Earth. Now, we wish to serve Her in return. That is a choice too.

We, your Galactic and Celestial Families support you in whatever choice you make.

Lets work as ONE Being, Person and Planet,
To perceiver Gaia as fifth-dimensional New Earth!

Please enjoy our newest website addition

How can you assist Gaia with Her transition?
Be a part of Creating New Earth ...

Read about 4 For Gaia (click here) visioning.

Connect with others interested in working in teams
and doing 4 for Gaia work on our NEW Facebook

[Note: You will be required to sign into Facebook
in order to see the group. Once signed in, you may join the group; all ware welcomed.]

A postscript note from Suzan
Dear Internet friends.

I will be on retreat until the first week in August. I am going on a Quest, so to speak. We are going into the Lemurian lands from Mt Shasta and into Washington.

In the form of a true Quest, we have made no reservations and do no know exactly where we are going. In other words, we (my husband an myself) are going into Nature to BE with the Mother. We will simply BE where we ARE and follow the NOW of where we are going.

Much like our ascension process, we will only know what to do next by tuning in to what we are doing right NOW. We will only DO what we LOVE to DO and stay where it is beautiful and filled with love. At least that is our plan. As you all know by now, ascension is also filled with many surprises. We will meet those surprised within the NOW.

In closing my brief message (as you know, brief messages from me are very rare), I will now share a message I got from the Arcturians on 7-6-12:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Beloved Arcturians,

Thank you for assisting me. I am honored to be led by you, and at the same time, I am hearing that I am leading WITH you. Can you assist me to understand that message?

Dear Suzille,

We are here with "in" you NOW. We realize what a leap of faith it is for our ascending ones to believe that we are real. At the same time, we realize that many of you have ALWAYS known that we are real, but are comforted to find whatever serves you as proof.

Fortunately, now there are so many ascending ones receiving and sharing our messages that are saying similar things at the same "time." This, also, serves as proof. You all know that you got your information, not from another, but from within.

Furthermore, so many of you do no not know each other and have very little in common except that you are all receiving the same messages. This synchronicity is because you are all connection with the ONE. Therefore, the hearts of your messages are the same, but the manners in which the messages are presented have myriad versions.

Glorious Gaia has given refuge to many different signature frequencies of human expression. And, just as Gaia has many different expression of Nature on Her Earth body, humans have many different expressions of creativity within the ONE of humanity.

We congratulate our humans for finding and developing such a vast array of personal, familial, social and planetary creative expression.

As you continue to understand and express your creative force, you will connect with your Elohim Ancestry. Elohim are the builders and holders of form. As Elohim, such as we Arcturians are, you will manage the process of creating your new reality by the "chain of materialization" of:

Elohim - Deva-Elemental-Elements-Etheric Form-Thoughts/Emotions

The Elohim collects the Divine Ideal from the ONE
And sends it to a Deva who maintains the Divine Blueprint
For the Elementals to pass on to
The four elements to create the
Etheric Format upon which your
Thoughts and Emotions are adhered to
Create form within the reality of your choice

It does not matter what others know, say or teach. What is important is your own ability to go inside to hear and listen to the Voice of the ONE. This Voice is beyond words, tones or even sound. The Voice of the ONE is the pure potential that offers you the ability to open the 2-way Portal of communication with the ONE.

As you return into the higher expressions of your SELF, your Multidimensional SELF extends more and more of its beingness into the higher dimensions that were formerly lost to you in the illusions of time and space.

The time of your Return is NOW
The space from which you will Return is HERE

If you can calibrate your thoughts and emotions into the NOW...
If you can connect with the Earth HERE...
You will step out of time and into the NOW
where everything happens at ONCE
Without sequence
Without hierarchy
Without polarity
Without fear
This HERE and NOW is to be created in the light of day for all to see!

That, which is important is not ruled by "others" or even by your self.
Unconditional LOVE is that which is important and LOVE has NO ruler.

The Arcturians

I will post blogs and answer emails when I have Internet, and it is in the NOW!

Happy Ascension to you ALL,

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