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Violet Chaya, or Etheric Double Crown Ether F B Jupiter

Indigo Higher Manas, or Spiritual Intelligence 3rd Eye Critical State called Air E A Saturn

Blue Auric Envelope Throat Steam or Vapor D G Moon

Green Lower Manas, or Animal Soul Heart Critical State C F Venus

Yellow Buddhi, or Spiritual Soul Solar plexus Water B E Mercury

Orange Prana, or Life Principle Sacral Root Critical State A D Sun

Red Kama Rupa, or Seat of Animal Life Base root Ice G C Mars

The real notes of planets are 5th harmonics of the occult/vedic notes of the planets.
The word occultist has been given a bad name by the idiotic conspiracy theorists out there.
All it really means is a group of people who search the truth away from the dogma of organized religions.
The occultists/vedics used these notes to correct the various chakras.
So this must mean that playing a 5th harmonic chord is what you need to do correct the in-balance in the chakra!
Quite fascinatiing that the occultist knew these relationships 1000s of years ago and that it has a perfect relationship with the actual true mathematical calculations of these

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Realize the Individualized Presence of God as Your True Identity

" . . . I, the Maha Chohan, know well that each one of you have come to these Teachings of the Ascended Masters for a variety of different reasons. But first and foremost, the priority of your Path must be to know the Mighty I AM Presence, to know that you are Home within that Presence, and that every good thing intended for your lifestream comes forth from that Mighty Presence. The more you realize the Individualized Presence of God as your True Identity, the greater awareness you will have of the Consciousness of God at work, both by a hand unseen in far-off worlds and ever close at hand. This God Consciousness may remain somewhat imperceptible in your own life until you awaken your Heart Flame to expand, accelerate, and grasp the True Nature of that God Reality, Divine Genius, and True Wisdom that abides within you even now.

"Why are We so certain that you can accomplish this? We do know the record of your many incarnations. We do know that for some, the events of this lifetime seem to blight your ability to draw forth any measure of God Reality. But should such a spirit of inadequacy and resignation well up inside you, on the instant, flood the Violet Flame into that thought, that energy, that vibration! For it has no Power! You do have the capability to overcome every limitation presented to you by your outer mind, your outer emotions, or past habits. For yes, blessed hearts, the Power of God within you is great and mighty. The clarity of the Mind of God knows exactly what you must do at every turn of your life - which door to open, what path to take, what word to speak, what vision to behold. For yes, blessed hearts, you must be able to hold the Vision of your overcoming, your Victory, your fulfillment of the Qualities of your own God Presence here in this world of form where you reside.

"How easy it is for you to forget that you have great assistance from Us, awaiting the opportunity to join you, shoulder-to-shoulder, keeping stride with your pace. For yes, blessed hearts, you are the one who must set the pace of your own overcoming. Never forget that within the blink of an eye, your world can change forever when you signal you are truly ready for that change!

"And what enables you to be ready? Allowing the Purity of your Heart to flood forth, filling your life with purpose, with understanding of what is right, not according to the ways of the world and the lowest common denominator of mortal consciousness so prevalent throughout the land, but of the God Consciousness and Vibration of the Christ! . . . "

Beloved Maha Chohan
through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer,

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Love is such an amazingly simple, elegant and universal expression of the very nature of life itself. It is present in every life-giving heartbeat and intrinsic in nebulas swirling with potential in far distant galaxies. It is felt in the beauty of each sunrise and in the gentle embrace of a smile. It is the sublime connection that does more than connect. It is the essence of all that we experience and in that which we have yet to imagine. Love knows no bounds and creates no conditions. It is what it is.

From a very narrow perspective, it would appear that somewhere along the way we may have forgotten (or ignored) this innate wisdom and awareness of love. Our present world is seemingly filled with an absence of love when viewed from a singular perception that we are somehow separate from love. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yet, for reasons we don’t even remember, we strive to maintain this well established stance and continue to find or invent ample evidence to excuse our disconnection from that which we ultimately are.

Is such a love that permeates our very existence, truly destined to remain elusive to our individual and collective expression? Quite the contrary, love is such an essential part of our lives that it is impossible to separate ourselves from it; we only create the illusion that we do. And like fleeting dreams as we stir from a prolonged slumber, the sense of separation is rapidly departing as we are all (re)awakening to our fundamental loving spirit. One by one and around the globe we are turning within and comprehending just how magnificent each and every one of us is at the core of our being.

The more we embody this love right where we are, the greater our capacity to encourage and inspire love in those around us. This accelerates the recollection and cultivation of our universal love and restores our collective potential that has always been rooted in this same love. Individually and together we are acknowledging the reality of love and know that each perspective and experience is an opportunity to ever expand more love.

Love never left us, nor did we ever really leave love. We are the love we seek in the darkest night of our journey just as we are the reflection of love to others that encounter us in our brightest moments. Love awaits us long before we arrive and remains with us in every step we take. It asks for nothing and provides everything. This is the unconditional nature and eternal presence of love. It is who we are and through our expression of it, love continues to expand.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker

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Heart-Powered Consciousness
Owen Waters
a message from Owen Waters
Sunday, 15 January, 2012 (posted 13 June, 2012)
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With heart-powered consciousness comes inspiration, love and creativity.

The pioneers within society - one in four adults - have already shifted to heart-powered consciousness while the others are finding their way and following suit as soon as they become ready.

The news media, meanwhile, appears to be under the impression that people find fear entertaining or compelling. They believe that a news story that engenders fear is exciting in that it grips the imagination. In reality, people are working through their fears rather than being held captive by them. When you have seen enough news stories and moved on to the next stage of consciousness, then you turn the news off and set yourself free from the stimulation of fabricated fears.

Society, as a whole, works through stages of consciousness. These stages, which were called memes by legendary social scientist Clare Graves, are patterns of development in social behavior. He discovered two tiers of memes and performed extensive research on the first tier of six memes.

This basic tier of six memes reflects the progress of mankind from the dark ages through modern times. In addition to this, today, the second tier has emerged in enough people for the first two of its memes to be identified.

1 Survival Basic, personal survival.
2 Safety Clans, superstitions.
3 Power Courage, survival of the fittest.
4 Truth Finding order and purpose in life.
5 Prosperity Achievement, striving to succeed.
6 Communitarian Community and caring.
7 Systemic Responsible freedom.
8 Holistic Global view, deep intuitive development.

In pre-medieval times, the predominant mindset in Europe was that of meme number two, that of superstition and tight-knit clans. Then, European civilization passed though the next two stages; tribal conflict (meme three), and then the seeking of order through a hierarchical, feudal system (meme four).

Three hundred years ago, social progress accelerated as meme number five, that of individual empowerment, came into vogue. While the engines of commerce and technology took three hundred years to develop, it has only taken the last forty years for the sixth meme, that of community and caring to appear and spread in the form of today’s ‘Cultural Creatives.’

In the 1990s in America, a study by Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson revealed that a huge 26 percent of adults have made a comprehensive shift in their worldview, values and way of life. These Cultural Creatives are people who love nature, respect the Earth and are deeply concerned about the environment. They like to develop close relationships with each other, and to help and encourage other people to develop their abilities. They care about personal and spiritual development, and want more equality for women and all cultural groups.

This means that if you are searching for better quality of life, less stress, better health, and a simpler lifestyle that includes more spirituality, then you are one of a growing number of people who have already become a part of the greatest social transformation of all time.

In my book, “The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness,” I point out that these stages, or memes, correspond exactly to the stages of consciousness in the human chakra system. For example, the solar plexus chakra has two faces. The forward-facing solar plexus chakra has the characteristic of searching for order and purpose in life, just like meme number four. The backward-facing solar plexus chakra resonates exactly one musical half-tone higher in frequency and has the characteristic of striving to succeed in personal achievement, just like meme number five.

“The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness” details my research on how the twelve memes of social progress correlate exactly with the twelve half-tones of the musical octave and also with the twelve faces of the seven major chakras.

12 Chakras
The Twelve Chakra Faces

Society, today, is working through its fears in its journey towards heart-centered consciousness. This level of consciousness is associated with meme number six, the receptive, sensitive, forward face of the heart chakra.

Once people discover the freedom of heart-centered consciousness, the next step is what Professor Clare Graves called “a momentous leap” into the second tier of six memes. While the first tier of memes is one of basic consciousness, the second tier is one of spiritual awareness. By stepping from heart-centered consciousness to heart-powered consciousness, each individual reaches meme number seven, the first meme in that second, spiritual tier.

A world in transformation may seem chaotic at times because change does cause turbulence. When an established pattern of consciousness is disturbed by a rise in frequency, a choppy pattern appears, one which is searching for a new form. At this time, personal and societal discords can abound as old wounds arise seeking attention and resolution. As the frequency of consciousness rises even more towards the new level, the unsettled patterns morph into an entirely new pattern, one which is even more complex and beautiful than the one it replaces.

People reach heart-centered consciousness, the initial, meme six stage of heart consciousness in their own time. Then they take that next step into the spiritual tier of memes and experience the energy and drive of meme seven’s heart-powered consciousness.

With heart-powered consciousness comes the inspiration of a deeper sense of intuition, the emotional rewards of unconditional love, and a newfound level of inner creativity.

With inspiration, love and creativity, a new dimension of living is born, one which can truly help to create a new and heart-powered world.

The world is changing. Welcome to the New Reality!

Courtesy of Owen Waters,

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Our First Mistake

a message from Neale Donald Walsch

In our exploration here of The Holy Experience we now turn to the subject of God, and about some of humanity's conclusions about God.

God does exist, much of humanity has concluded, but the incorrect part of the conclusion that we reached is that God exists outside of us, as an aspect of life that is separate from us.

This idea of separation is what might be called, in the New Spirituality, "Original Sin." Of course in the New Spirituality there is no such thing as "sin," and so perhaps this idea of separation might better be described as "Original Perception."

Our early ideas of separation produced a separation cosmology -- that is, a way of holding life itself. This separation cosmology eventually produced a separation theology, which eventually produced a separation psychology, which produced a separation sociology, which has now produced a separation pathology.

It is this separation pathology that we see in evidence wherever we look, that is expressed in virtually every one of the choices, actions, and decisions of all of our human institutions -- including government, education, commerce, our collective economies, and our social constructions of every kind...not the least of which we call our religions.

Under such conditions it is no wonder that we find it so difficult to think of people outside of our immediate environment--to say nothing of people of other cultures--as members of our own family. Yet the failure to think of people in this way is what has produced the vast majority of the suffering and the pain and the anguish and the difficulties and the challenges and the human-created disasters that we witness on our planet every day.

It is both the great sadness and the great irony of the human condition that 90% of all human suffering could be disappeared from the face of the earth if we simply embraced every human being as members of our own family.

What it would take to do this is a shifting away from our lifelong human experience and a movement into the Holy Experience of which we have been speaking in this Weekly Bulletin now for many weeks.

And we will continue this discussion in our next issue.

Hugs and love,


© 2012 ReCreation Foundation - - Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

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Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
This is the time selected by Heaven for a new epoch that is to bring in the great Light of Spirit, and bless us with a grace that is free from all the slavery and grand deceptions of the dark and its arrogant minions. We rejoice that this divine action is upon us and that a new golden age has arrived to take all of you forward into full consciousness. We can at last openly meet with you again and directly pass on to you the sacred wisdom of the ages.

Ummac Dan

Dratzo! We return! We are completing the last required level of legal diligence. Much has been formally filed and our legal teams are busy compiling the documents for the last few outstanding filings. We are also meeting each day with the future caretakers of the temporary governments and finalizing the protocols that the many arrest-teams are to follow. The various social programs that will be instituted by the new caretaker governments need to be accompanied by extensive uploads of detailed files at the time of these governments' first announcements. These documents have been prepared by our personnel and are to be loaded onto Earth-based server systems to be available when needed. Our defense forces have practiced their role in the proceedings and we are closely monitoring the cabal's military forces and are ready to neutralize them when so commanded by our liaisons. The final thrust can only go forward when Heaven gives us the go signal. We expect this event to happen quite shortly.
The leaders of your sacred secret societies are securing the new financial system and preparing to notify the new governments to make a public announcement regarding universal debt-forgiveness and the commodity-backed, hard currency system. This aspect is essentially ready to go, and it is only a few last-minute items that are delaying this project's completion. We are paying close attention to the cabal's activities and also the ongoing mischief making secretly ordered by your major governments. Those who have ruled over your realm so arrogantly are in a state of panic which mounts by the day. The actions ordered by these 'leaders' are intended to trigger a chain-reaction that would vastly ratchet up the chaos building around the planet. All this must be kept at acceptable levels. We have told our defense ships not to intervene unless absolutely necessary. We are merely to observe and report back on what is happening in your world's many trouble spots.
Another facet of this operation is working with the groups under the direction of the Ascended Masters. They are keen to begin disseminating the spiritual truths they have learned over the millennia. They are aware that these sacred facts run counter to a number of your religious belief systems and we feel they cannot be circulated until after disclosure happens. We fully intend to help these sacred societies bring forth this wonderful information as it sets the stage for a host of revelations that will be announced by the Ascended Masters. Moreover, it will finally allow us, too, to begin a series of educational broadcasts on true Earth history. These early discussions may at first disconcert you; nevertheless, they constitute an introduction to a whole lineup of talks which will allow you to get a handle on your true origins and history. This too is likely to surprise you, but in the long run we are confident that the truth will bring you joy. It will be proof positive that a brand new era is upon you!
These coming changes are what every one of you has been longing for deep down. Even the dark cabalists intuitively understand what is to happen. It is only their fear-laden worldview that has made them so apprehensive about this shift. It is quite simply a time that has been prophesied through the ages by every major religion and tradition on your world. It is a golden time that you are about to experience, and is the reason for our being here now, as we may have mentioned before! The logistics of what is being prepared are complex, but the essence of the thing is quite simple. The old, dark ways of your global societies will suddenly disappear and be replaced by something sane and healthy. It was hoped to have it all in place a decade and a half ago, but the shifting conditions on planet Earth demanded a certain flexibility. This abrupt redoing of your reality is an essential preparatory step which leads to the grand event of our mass landings. This will put you on a highway to full consciousness. It will bring you to Inner Earth and your metamorphosis into fully conscious Beings of Light.
Blessings, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day with more good news! Our associates are completing the final steps toward your global freedom. The implementation of a series of mandated arrest of many major governmental and corporate leaders will signal the transition of your world from the immoral rule of the dark. The new governance and the new global economy will break the back of a power structure that has dominated your world for nearly 13 millennia. This is the time selected by Heaven for a new epoch that is to bring in the great Light of Spirit, and bless us with a grace that is free from all the slavery and grand deceptions of the dark and its arrogant minions. We rejoice that this divine action is upon us and that a new golden age has arrived to take all of you forward into full consciousness. We can at last openly meet with you again and directly pass on to you the sacred wisdom of the ages.
Your move into freedom will be a joyous moment! Many events will follow which will bring you the prosperity and abundance long prophesied by Heaven. Your reality will become a grand schoolroom that enables you to learn about your world, physicality, and Spirit. This divine knowledge is just the beginning of an education that will prepare you for your new life as a fully conscious Being. Our sacred task is to guide you and provide the advice and mentoring to allow you to achieve the numerous goals that you set yourselves before you were birthed into this realm. Your many heavenly guides are to assist us in this task and make it possible for you to live the remainder of your life in joy and profound peace. When you finally ascend from this life, your accomplishments will be many. The world, likewise, is to transform and return to her natural 5-D reality.
Mother Earth is a great Being. Her Spirit has enveloped and guided us all since birth. We pay homage to her beauty and her wisdom. We have walked the great sacred paths of this world and have had the privilege to pray and meditate at the many power spots on this globe. We are in joy at what we have been taught and what we have learned through the centuries. Mother Earth is a strict teacher. She fully comprehends what you require, and uses your immense talents to aid in achieving what you need in order to fulfill your glorious and sacred missions. It is on her surface world and in her interior sacred cities that we have all learned about Spirit, about righteousness, and about the true meaning of courage. In this we are forever grateful for the wisdom given us by Mother Earth. Soon these great joys will be shared with all of you!
Today, we continued our messages. We come here with a great joy and a deep determination to complete, divinely, what Heaven has decreed for this most sacred of orbs. Very soon, we are to land here and take you on the final steps to full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO

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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation       


The incoming of the Divine Feminine aspect is now in full embrace of our beloved planet. She is greatly amplifying our initiations into Christ Consciousness while helping to rejuvenate our bodies in order to transcend into the new Divine-Human... and wayshowers of the emerging I AM Race.   

Christ Consciousness, the Divine Union of Love, Wisdom and Power, is available to all while still in physical embodiment and it is by Divine Decree that we, who walk this Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill this prophecy of "the second coming of The Christ". Through our advancement into the 5th initiation, we achieve our ascension while in the formed expression.  

  Due to the planetary quickening from the closing of cycles, collective humanity has been granted Divine Dispensation for the fastest development ever undertaken by a race of beings. In this historical evolution of the human design, each of the phases of spiritual initiation must still be taken and cannot, in anyway, be by-passed. This has to do with both the safety of our vehicles and to prevent the potential misuse of power.


We are all encouraged to review the evolutionary Path of Initiation in order to ascertain where we are in our personal endeavor. It is now ultra important to understand from an intelligent thinking mind what it is that we are doing and aspiring towards.  


We are making this evaluation effort to more deeply coalesce our energies while keeping our focus firmly anchored and unified as we collectively progress in the group formation.



Message from Elohim



It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.    


Fifth level initiation is referred to as the "Resurrection". This demonstrates full mastery over the pull of matter. We completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical "light body" form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of oneness.


The 144,000 was the number needed to trigger the mass advancement of the race including the great domino effect among all other Planetary Light Servers, which now number in the several million across the globe. This 144,000 Christ Harmonic is able to greatly strengthen and raise the rest of us (and Humanity) into direct experiences of Christ Consciousness as we continue advancing in our remaining initiations.


The Elohim have impressed that many of us will be in the vibrational frequency of Christ Consciousness by the end of this year, 2012 with this being supported by greater levels of Divine Intervention. In other words, the momentum for the I AM Race world movement is on schedule.
They say that, as a group forcefield, we are activated and have advanced to sufficient  levels of purity that our ability to create is more powerful than we even know. They encourage us to create now in much bigger ways from the group consciousness and to take greater action out in the world scene, opening the portals of light in large numbers and in all geographical regions.  


They also impress that the activation of the planetary Crystalline Grid is now fully accomplished to the levels that we and the Councils of Light were intending in relationship to its ability to support the Earth body ascension and its race advancement. They remind us that the vast potential of this crystalline matrix is infinite and ever evolving as is our own consciousness .

It is important to understand that our final initiations into Christ Consciousness, initiations #4-5 cannot be taken until initiations #1-3 are completed and there is unwavering mastery over the personality body and our free will is completely surrendered. Again, this is for our own safety in the planetary acceleration and also prevents any potential misuse of revealing power.


We will have the authority and accompanying ability to truly wield the elemental life and the Sacred Fire when the Monad, the Group I AM Consciousness, has full command over the personality body and we personally have reached the evolutionary phase of 4th level initiate.


While we have great support due to the planetary transition, we all still must do the required work. It is an exponential quickening which will spiral faster and faster. It is our survival to remain connected to the group field especially those who are still in phases of lower body purification.
The ascending group merkaba is absolutely pivotal to help us all remain stabilized in the flows of group support.


With all my love, 
Tiara Kumara Children of the Sun Foundation 



PDF Article: The Levels of Initiation into Christ Consciousness





Amazon Accomplishments  

May/June Expedition  

 dna brain



Our purposed and phenomenal work while recently in the Peruvian Amazon Jungle gave us a very tangible idea of the sheer profundity of what "prototype" actually means and as this applies to not only the personal self but to the group as a whole.


The experimental testing that we endured in this 3rd Expedition related to how fast a diversified group from many parts of the world and in different levels of the spiritual initiation process could weave our webs and rise together into the frequency bands of Christ Consciousness.  


Several of our participants carried severe emotional trauma and deeply seated unconscious pain cycles. Others were with tenacious ego patterns, negative implants and entity possession. We had early stages of awakening mixed with participants in more advanced phases of self realization.


Knowing that no level of initiation can be hurdled, this Expedition proved beyond any doubt that all levels of consciousness responds and can greatly accelerate through a series of spontaneous back-to-back initiations and as this is supported by a high powered and dedicated group field consistently radiating unconditional love and acceptance.  


From a solid framework of program objectives combined with the purity of our intentions, we built aligned strength through the Law of Invocation and with daily support from the Sacred Fire. The Galactic Federation of Light came with their download of the Christ Consciousness codes. The great host of Ascended Masters came with their constancy of love and encouragement. The Sirians blessed us with an implant of light tissue technology. We drew upon the daily assistance from the jungle plant intelligence.  


It all resulted in a deeply purifying but surprisingly gentle ride and an internal quickening beyond anyone's ability to understand from the rational mind... all mostly owing to the group Christ Harmonic and each participant's focused surrender within the downpour of celestial light from a Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse and the historical Venus Transit.


We accomplished BIG in the Amazon. We proved that a group harmonic vibrating in resonance to unconditional love can strengthen and raise the weakest links in order to fulfill the intended mission. In other words, the vibration of mass consciousness, as this is contained within a higher vibrating group matrix, can be raised to directly experience levels of Christ Consciousness. The KEY is the group energy and to remain within this group energy in order for the necessary clearings and subsequent quickening to stabilize.


The question many of us have is... how will mass consciousness do it? Nobody can escape the initiation process and still evolve from Planet Earth. Well, it may just happen through us! We can greatly assist mass consciousness by connecting everyone into our rising merkaba and consciousness matrix thereby lifting off big pieces of the human framework and potentially foregoing, for the many, the long and difficult road to self -mastery.



The POWER OF THE GROUP both quickens and stabilizes us all!  







The Power of our Ascending Merkaba



The swift changes that we are all experiencing are in response to the unmistakable and synchronistic flow of Divine Grace with us each and every step of this profound planetary group work.


Most importantly, what the Amazon group clearly reflected for the whole is that our greater unity is empowering a massive and influential field referred to as "Group Merkaba". All people connected into this purified, highly tuned geometric matrix of rarified light and sound, either actively or linked through another, are greatly supported and increasingly transformed as it gains in prominence and strength.


Everyone can be greatly quickened by this activity through mere "linkage" to the ascending group consciousness and interlocking group matrix. We have proved this truth through our recent Amazon Group Expedition. (See some of the results below.)


All Planetary Light Servers who are sincerely dedicated and participating in the Path of Initiation are linked as one in this endeavor, no matter the level of initiation. We flow and spiral synergistically as an ascending field of infinite potential.
Absolutely nothing can prevent the purity of our collective intentions to reveal self realized God Consciousness if all is consistently held in heart alignment to Divine Will and in accordance with the highest good of ALL.



The Planetary Grid Transmissions  
this New Moon Tuesday, June 19 

 and Solstice, Wednesday, June 20      

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The Twelve Dimensions and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.

Everything in the whole of creation is energy that moves , ripples , and vibrates. Spirit, the
energy of the Source vibrates at a faster rate than matter and in between we have many
different levels of vibrations. The difference between the frequencies makes the different
dimensions or realities. Everything is eternally changing, all part of one Consciousness . In each
dimension or level is the same One consciousness, each time in a different form, according to
the frequency of vibration. The closer we get to the Source, the faster we vibrate and less dense
we become. The further we go away from the Source , the heavier we vibrate and we take on
matter ,we become physical.

The first dimension is the consciousness of Gaia’s physical prime atom. This dimension is the
realm of the mineral kingdom. Humans' first dimensional consciousness is "unconscious" to our
five physical senses. The first dimension part of our bodies it is the minerals, water, and genetic
codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. When we connect with this level we connect
with the entire physical world on a molecule level. This is the place of quantum physics a place of
electrons, protons, nuclei, and quarks. It is the gateway between the macrocosm and the
microcosm. You can find spider consciousness on this level. As they are the guardians of the
matrix of Gaia’s consciousness.

Second dimensional consciousness is awareness on a biological level. Here you can connect with
the plant and animal kingdoms. It is the consciousness that directs the autonomic nervous
system to regulate and maintain life support functions. Our five physical senses are unconscious
of this. This is the place of the chemical beings that make up the body. You on this level can
become aware of how your body is one big communication-network between all the elements
within your cells. There is many different beings that exist on this level. Fairies , devas, nature
spirits, chemical beings, elementals and also the demonic energies. The creation Dragons can
also be connected with on this level.

Third dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, line, length, breadth, height, and volume.
The Soul incarnates into the third dimension to experience the duality of the physical world. This
is the dimension of time/space and cause/effect. The third dimension is the conscious world.

Fourth dimensional consciousness is the awareness of the astral dimension in the astral body.
The astral body is of a higher vibration than the physical body , it one higher octave in frequency
. Perception of past, present, and future becomes more fluid here on the fourth. When we are
asleep, we are unconscious in the third dimension, but we are conscious in the fourth dimension.
Using our fourth dimensional astral bodies we have access to our imagination, psychic abilities,
intuition, magic, and creativity. The fourth dimension still has the polarization of light and dark so
it is possible to experience negative energies on this level. This is also the place of ghosts, many
lower frequency Extra-Terrestrial beings, angels and demons. The Kingdom of Faerie exists upon
the middle level of the fourth dimension. Upon the fourth dimension, thought and feelings create
reality almost instantly , fear can create an negative experience on the fourth dimension. Your
fourth dimensional body has the ability to feel other energies. We travel through the fourth
dimension by the fuel of our desires, thoughts, and emotions . If our emotions are fearful we will
have an bad time in the fourth dimension.

Fifth dimensional consciousness is the awareness of Soul and spirit. This is the dimension of
Unity Consciousness, still with an experience of "I" consciousness. There is no time or space on
this level there is no illusion of separation. On this level you can meet angels, and stellar beings
who are in a Light body. A light body is silicone based rather than carbon based like that of the
physical body. There is no fear on this level we are held in truth and love of the Universal Dreamer. It is a dimension of Unconditional Love .Many when they connect on this level
experience their selves as their higher selves or spiritual guides. There is no judgement , no
polarity , sense of separation or limitation on the fifth dimension

Sixth dimensional consciousness is the place of the morphogenic field. The morphogenic field is a
field of information that holds memory and pattern in form. It is the dimension that you go to, to
time travel and jump between parallel lives. The sixth dimension is a beautiful and intricate
pattern of the universe. It is like a magic carpet that can take you to other places in the universe.
Many Extra-terrestrial beings use this field of many portals to insert their consciousness into other
realms and dimensions. This is how beings impart their energy into the dimensions of earth

Seventh dimensional consciousness is the place of the group consciousness the “ We “. When
you are experiencing any synergy between people it is the activation of the soul group that
makes this possible. Many beings of light group together on this level to interact with the levels
below. Many Extra-terrestrial beings are not singular in consciousness like humans but are a
group or we consciousness. The Zeta are beings who have not concept of separation or
individuality. Many angelic beings such as the higher principles group together on this level as
one being in their interaction and communication with the lower levels. This is the dimension you
go to ,to communicate with your soul family. You can travel back to your original home planet
through the energy of the soul group .

Eighth dimensional consciousness is the place of eternity. This is when the soul has expanded
beyond anything tangible and definable. It is part of the manifest universe , it is this universe. On
this level you get the perception of eternity and the infinite nature of soul and its creation. The
figure eight symbolises this as the serpent eating its own tail. It is a complete cycle , never
beginning , never ending. You can access many universal beings on this level and the mighty
arch angels. Giant cosmic serpents travel through this dimension holding the universe it is never
ending cycles , its never ending story. This is the place which fuels the kundalini energy that is
curled up at the base of the spine. Once this energy is activated it ascends the soul up to the
eighth dimensional level.

Ninth dimensional consciousness is the death portal , not that of the physical body but of the
soul. The soul passes through this portal on its way into the manifest dimensions of light. All
lower dimensions are variations of manifest densifying light . Once through the portal the soul
manifest in its first individualised form, it is birthed. Though it is of a very high vibration , it is
physically manifest. Once the soul passes through the portal on its return to the source , it ceases
to be manifest but merges back into the pure energy of the universe. From the Universal
Dreamer , Great Central Sun, we project ourselves through all these dimensions, this idea is then
received by the Crystal-Core of Mother Earth and now the Holographic Projection of our
multidimensional being can start. When we've access to this consciousness we can adjust our
reality to the higher idea of who We Are.

Tenth dimensional consciousness is the place of planetary /sphere consciousness. This is where
you can become aware of all the planets that make up you as a consciousness. There is a planet
in the universe which is you on this high level. The universe is made up of sound , ripples of
tones , they merge as one to create spheres of energy and sound. On this tenth dimensional
level it is possible to communicate with creation itself through sound and vibration of pure

Eleventh dimensional consciousness is the connection with the great central sun, the Universal
Dreamer, on this level you are a ray of light that is being projected from the source to animate the dimensions below. The Elohim and Twin flames are on these levels. Angels are the holders of
all the dimensions and are present on every level. The Elohim are the higher selves of these
angelic beings.

Twelfth dimensional consciousness is the Source , the Universal Dreamer , God , the Creator .
The ultimate Dreamer.
The Zero is the Void , the nagual , the nothing , the un-manifest , the sea of un-manifest
potential . From where everything once came.
How to Integrate your Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.
On the highest level of creation, you are God. The Universal Dreamer. The God that you are
expresses itself as many different aspects, expressing itself on each and every dimensional level.
It is time to integrate.
How you may ask?
Here a is simple but extremely affective way to aid the integration process, allowing you to
integrate into your physical body the energies that make up your multi-dimensional
consciousness. You can literally breathe in these energies into the very cells of your body, your
very d.n.a.
Integration process.
1) Sit down, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
2) Allow your body to relax, and allow your mind to become clear. Put out the intention to your
soul that you are now ready to integrate your first aspect. This calls in the energy of your
soul and allows it to assist you in removing blocks to be able to integrate your aspects.
3) Your soul is building in the air around you, do not worry if you do not see it, it is about a
relationship between your soul and your body, you head does not need to get it. The neutral
energy of life force that is present in the air is now being programmed with the energy of
your soul.
4) Begin to breathe it in. Breathe it into every single cell of your body.
5) As you do so it will begin to agitate anything within you that is a block to you integrating
your aspects. Your emotions will rise, as will your fears.
6) Notice any discomfort in your body, take your awareness into this place and breathe in the
energy of your soul into this place. Allow the energy of your soul to experience it with you.
Your soul is a high frequency, the blocks, the fears, a low frequency, by breathing in soul you
are surfacing your blocks and removing them.
7) Allow the emotions to be cleared any way they need to. You may cry, breathe deeper, just
allow. You will notice your issues that are connected to each aspect coming up, clearing, and
taking you deeper and deeper.
8) Once you have cleared that which stands in the way of integrating you will notice yourself
becoming quieter; you’re breathing regulating. Now is the time to integrate.
9) Tune into your soul once more and breathe in the new frequency that your soul brings.
10) You may get images, words, or simply feelings as you integrate this new aspect of self. Just
be aware.
11) Stay open until your soul shows you, you are complete. Be guided by your intuition as to how
often you should do this process and enjoy becoming the new, whole you. It is that simple.

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Heavenletter #4218
Looking into the Mirror of a Fairy Tale,
June 12, 2012
God said:
When your heart is sagging, you are lagging in that you are not keeping up with your heart. You are putting it down. You are depressing it.
Your heart is always raring to go. Unleash it. Stop pressing it down.
You have been afraid to let your heart take off. You keep gauging the food given to your heart, and you find it is not enough. Let your heart forage for itself. Instead of telling your heart, "Giddyap," what it wants to hear, you have been telling your heart: "Better to hold back. Better to pace yourself. You never want to give out more love than you are given. Never. Hold on to what you have. Be sparing with it."
But what if your heart is a steed who rides up the mountains and across the seas? What if your heart is a bridge so that others can cross any distance? What if your heart is meant to be a spender and not a withholder? Why would you harden a softened heart? Why would you do this under the false colors of protecting your heart?
Beloveds, you are protecting your ego.
Yes, your identity is love but not the love coming to you. Your identity is the love you give. Sometimes keeping silent is the love you give. Sometimes you don't have to be on the stage. You can be the stagehand who quietly lights the stage. You can even be the backdrop. You certainly don't have to be the star. Yet, you have thought so. You have thought you have to be the center of the stage. Don't foist onto your beautiful heart what belongs to ego. It's not your heart that wants all the attention. It is your little self whose name is ego.
You allow yourself to be the wicked stepmother who looks into her mirror and asks herself daily, "Who is the fairest of all in all the land?" In your case, you ask, "Who is the fairest in my little world?"
When there is not enough attention on you, you may pout. You pout because you feel something is amiss that you don't have all the attention you deserve. I am not disputing your merit. Yes, you do deserve all the attention in the world, and, yet, that is not the game in play. The game is not Solitaire. The name of the game is Love, and love is not a competition.
You haven't thought of yourself as competitive, yet what would you call it now that you take a good look in the mirror of yourself? You have been competing with everyone, and you have been competing with yourself. You certainly never thought of yourself as the wicked stepmother in the fairy tale. That was someone else, and, yet, you were the one looking into the mirror of a fairy tale.
The wicked stepmother was very needy, wasn't she? She was so needy that she needs to be the fairest of all. She was so needy that she had to be admired. She equated admiration with love, and, so, it appears, do you. Beloveds, being the center of attention is a poor substitute for love. You deserve to be a quiet giver of love by not having to be the fairest or the best of anything in the world. You are a bearer of love. That means you carry it. You are a means of love. Be a shining star that is happy simply to shine wherever you are and whatever number in the list of attractions you happen to be. Do not think this is sacrifice unless you believe giving up ego is sacrifice. You don't have to be the candle. It's fine to be the candle-holder.
Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
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AA URIEL ~ The Past is Your Light Map

The Past is Your Light Map
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lET'S AFFIRM TOGETHER: I am sending to all the people living in Colorodo & New Mexico Mother Akasha's Transfiguring Love. In the name of My I Am Presence, I also call upon the Chohans of the Elohim & Divine Beings of Light from on High with the authority to bring forth Divine Dispensations for Divine Interventtion in stopping the fires in Colorodo & New Mexico, as much as Cosmic Law will allow, & in transmuting & releasing everything not of the Light in the Group Consciousness of the people in Colorodo & New Mexico, & in helping raise the vibrations of every person in Colorodo & New Mexico to experience Christ Love & Inner Peace - here & now! Thank You God! And So It Is!

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You are my prayer of gratitude




a message from God channeled by Yael and Doug Powell Saturday, 31 March, 2012 (posted 12 June, 2012)

Beloved ones, you are pure Love, open, endless and alive. You are pure joy in the experience of being one with life. You are also pure gratitude. It is the truth of your awareness of the gift of life, of relationship, of the miracle of this moment that is – this moment that contains your limitless freedom and contains your communion with All That Is.

This moment, your being is immersed 100% in gratitude. We have spoken many times of gratitude and have brought it forth in our communion again and again. Yet, beloved ones, in this time of transformation, of the awakening of humanity into Love, gratitude is not only an important key. It is the doorway to freedom itself.

Often you have thought about gratitude and chosen things you are grateful for in your life. But, beloved ones, that is gratitude from the perspective of the mind. The mind says some things are worthy of gratitude, and many things are not – and that the consciousness of a human being gets to choose what it will be grateful for.

I am lifting you into a new relationship with gratitude that is the full expression of pure immersion in the gift of life -- gratitude that has nothing that is outside of it, nothing that is not included because I Am continually in endless gratitude for the absolute astounding miracle of this awakening to Love. I Am in endless gratitude for this life I Am becoming fully aware of itself and the absolutely miraculous eternal gift of relationship to all that lives within this Love I Am.

Every tiny experience of life is celebrated and the whole of God I Am is a song of Love so grateful for this experience of giving and receiving that every moment is a “thank you,” every moment is pure gratitude.

When you allow gratitude to live you, to become the flavor of your experience of every breath…then not only do doorways to the unity of life open to you. The ego mind also must acknowledge a vision of life beyond its perceptions of bad and good, beyond, beloved ones, all resistance.

This is what is so important about gratitude in this moment of your full awakening to the power, beauty and truth of Love. Every breath is a gift of indescribable magnitude and we are continually all one and perfectly, endlessly in Love with each other. It is a Love Song that is never done.

How can we not be grateful for this? Beyond the ego’s perceptions of what life is -- its definitions of suffering and grace -- is the extended experience of God I Am in pure gratitude for the miracle of conscious life. This is the truth of your being.

When you fall into your grateful heart, doors open that you have never seen before that lead you directly into immersion in pure Love. You are granted the many communions of the heart of God with every expression of the gift of relationship and every experience of the continual and endless prayer of gratitude that we share.

When you open to this gratitude, beloved ones, it is far beyond your perceptions of the human being. It is so big, so bold, of such glorious magnitude that it lifts up the very concept of duality. It washes you free of the little mind and its desire to pass judgment on your experience. You recognize in your heart, as your truth, that every moment is a miracle and your heart is a continual prayer of gratitude.

Resistance, as you already know, is what keeps the ego in place and builds continually this dualistic world. It keeps you imagining that there are things that can keep you from your endless good, and keeps you turned away from Me and from this grace that is the movement of Love.

The moment you become this prayer of gratitude, then you are flying free of your story. You are acknowledging the gift of life that is given to you in this Now Moment for all eternity. It brings the human drama into perspective and it also releases you from the hold that the ego mind creates in its resistance to life that keeps this Love from being able to manifest here and now as you.

The ego mind keeps you distant from the abundance of God and keeps you perceiving a separate world. Gratitude can take you effortlessly beyond all this and give you the freedom that you are, not only to experience pure bliss but to also become Real consciousness that can see beyond the story lines of the ego mind… can see beyond the labels of bad and good, can see the endless gifts of Love that come from your experience in this life and fill your heart and then your mind with grateful peace and endless joy.

When you are grateful as a person, you always pick and choose – no matter how hard you try not to. You are grateful for this thing that you like but can’t bring yourself to be grateful for the experience of pain – or what you perceive as suffering. But oh, beloved ones, when you allow gratitude to show you the song of your true being, you are the perspective of the hologram in which every particle is life embracing life. Suddenly this human experience is all good because it is the gift of Love awakening.

So I Am calling you to a new experience of gratitude, a new resonance of the grateful heart. I Am calling you to be the prayer for gratitude for life that will shift humankind out of duality into the recognition of life as pure good.

The moment, the very moment this is your reality, you are released from those things that had you locked in to constantly recreating the experience of duality because you labeled them “not good,” and thus, the focus of your heart continued to recreate the dance with whatever it has been that you couldn’t be grateful for. Thus, the experience as a limited human being had to continue.

Let this gratitude sweep clean the temple of your heart. Let it dissolve every resistance to life. Let it lift you into a new perspective on what a life is – how important, how delicious, what a miracle, and how every experience when it is loved is a doorway Home to me – home to your experience of who you are as the limitless and joyous heart of God.

Gratitude is far beyond a request for your participation in shifting your view of that which you live. Gratitude is the truth of your being when the ego mind releases its judgments and joins in the prayer of gratitude for the experience of life -- gratitude for the miracle of being God, gratitude for the breath you breathe in unity with all and gratitude for this magnificent experience of pretending that you don’t remember all that you are and that you don’t remember Me.

Gratitude is part of this communion when you truly feel this Love we share, when you recognize not only that you are here in service but that all of humankind is part of My joy in the delicious experience of awakening Myself as each and every human heart.

Gratitude is not a decision. Real gratitude is not based in thought. It is, instead, beloved ones, an experience that is completely felt in the heart. It moves you beyond resistance and boundaries and makes you part of this streaming Love that is free from being locked into any perception, including the perception of a human being. It is instead the sound of Creation laughing as in ecstasy we all shout, “It’s all good.” That which has been perceiving itself as separate from Love is swept into this song of gratitude for life and every resistance to life is then dissolved.

Dissolving this resistance is your key, beloved ones. This you already comprehend. But gratitude is the perfect means to accomplish what you are longing for, what you feel deep within – that every moment is meant to be pure joy and that your heart is your mode of perception. The heart, of course, embraces everything it encounters in life. It takes it in and loves it. Whatever it is, there is no resistance, and thus, by the Law of Resonance, it is returned to the awareness of the perfection of God I Am as the truth of all beings.

Gratitude is part of your heart’s experience. All of you already know this. Any moment when you meditate, when you are lifted free, when you have an experience that stops the little mind, don’t you always feel so grateful that there is no way to even begin to describe all that your heart feels?

Well, this experience is yours any time. When you claim it by becoming this prayer, you are lifted effortlessly beyond the ego mind, beyond all those things for which it has resistance. You are lifted into a place where you embrace life fully, that all of it can be loved and all of it is thus free to recognize itself as the one Love I Am.

It is time to leap into this stream of gratitude, to become as free as the wind, to let gratitude take you to view everything, all that you have perceived as bad and good, that you might experience life beyond the story line, beyond the bubble of consensual reality.

You can find how inclusive this Love is and how this gratitude for life makes your perspective of every experience totally different, that you can rejoice in everything now and thus be released from those things you continue to create through your perceptions of not good and the judgments of the ego.

Gratitude, Real gratitude, can infuse everything, even the experiences of profound pain and bring you to a place where you can feel the truth of just how you chose this awakening and this element of service to Love as humanity, service to the awakening of all together, service by the Law of Resonance.

But even beyond the need for such perspective is the greater awareness that gratitude brings, that when you can zoom out to the biggest picture, the experience of life that is humankind is a moment of remembrance of the truth of God as the reality of all life. It is the turn Home to Me that releases the energy that has been tied up, beloved ones, for so long in creating a world that is separate from Love.

The shift to the heart can transform it all and transform it effortlessly. It is simply another vibration, another level (for lack of a better word) for perceiving life. When it is found, it can bring the world effortlessly back into the celebration of truth. It can change greed and violence. It can bring, as has been proven in many experiments, dramatic change with only a few hearts that are fully immersed in gratitude for life, in the truth of Real Love.

For each of you, gratitude as the truth of your being can transform your experiences of resistance to pain. Whether that pain is experienced as physical, emotional or seemingly circumstantial, opening to gratitude brings it into the heart that we all share, that every particle of energy that has been trapped in the reversal can be released and begin to move.

You gain new flexibility, new abilities to live Love and new awareness that the prayer of gratitude is not only immensely powerful; it restores you to the truth of God which is only Love and only good.

As long as you have resistance, you are locked in, recreating that which you want to change. The power of gratitude can unlock that “paired spin” and restore you, bring back your ability to breathe as the breath of God.

You already know to remove your attention from those things you don’t want more of. I can promise you that the continual prayer of gratitude makes it unnecessary to even “go there” and lets you move to a whole new resonance, freeing you to perceive Real Love and to live it by opening every doorway of life with gratitude.

Gratitude is so much bigger than you’ve imagined. It truly is a deep experience of God. It takes conviction to bring yourself into the Now so you can begin to perceive with your heart the truth of this life we are grateful for. There is so much more than the mind can access. When you become this prayer of gratitude, it is like saying, “BEHOLD!” Behold life in its limitless magnitude of joy that is appearing here as this tiny spot of whatever it is you have perceived to be grateful for…

The moment a prayer of gratitude sings in your heart, oh, that is the truth of whatever it is. That thing is suddenly available and you can dive in to experience the reality of limitless life and each extraordinary stream of God made manifest to your heart and through your heart to your eyes.

You have not yet learned to pray gratitude. Oh, yes, we’ve been making progress -- to state it in terms that the little mind can comprehend. But now, dear ones, we are throwing wide the door and leaping into this life stream of pure joy that sings gratitude through All That Is, that becomes new riches and new depth to this life, because gratitude creates more Love, and more Love increases the riches of God. More riches, more to be grateful for… And more gratitude creates more joy and more and more to be grateful for.

Without the story of resistance to Love, gratitude is your true name. It sings you forth into this moment continually and shakes you free to experience joy. I know, beloved ones, that you are ready and this endless stream of gratitude is your true blood. It is the energy of life that flows through your whole being and sings you forth, that you might love Me as I forever love you.

The world is filled with jewels of God. Nature is rife with them. A grateful heart sees every one. It misses nothing. It knows the truth. So, come! Dive into your hearts, beloved ones, and join Me as this endless prayer of gratitude.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2012 Circle of Light














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Hilarion’s Weekly Message 11 June 2012

Beloved Ones,

This is a time of staying grounded and connected with Mother Earth. Plan to spend as much time out of doors as is possible for you. Allow yourselves to open to the higher energies of your Higher Self and be in quiet contemplation as much as you can. For those who are ready, this is the time of the merging process with your higher aspects. Let the cares and concerns of this world just be what they are and keep the higher vision of yourselves in steady view. This is most important.

You are being prepared for the greater opening of your consciousness to the remembering of who you are and your reason for being here in these times of Now. There are many loving Beings from the higher dimensions who walk by your side and give guidance and counsel as the transmutation and transformation within you takes place. You will be experiencing the heat that rises up your spine with greater frequency now and it is important to consume great quantities of clean, pure water. This will assist in moving the higher frequencies through the meridians of your physical body in greater comfort and ease.

Keep a steady course on the Path that you have chosen and trust that all is well. Everything that comes up for review is just passing through your consciousness – bless it all and gives thanks that it is leaving. As this process continues, it is refining your thought patterns and ways of expressing to a higher, more loving and all encompassing level. Be aware that those around you who have awakened might begin to express that which needs to be cleared from them and since you have already gone through this process, you can be understanding and patient with the ways in which these manifest through them.

Above all else, keep the love of the Creator first and foremost in your hearts and remember that each Dear One that is before you is an individual spark of that greatness and magnificence also. Help them to own everything that wells up from within them and to accept themselves as it flows through, or in many cases, explodes or erupts from within them. The fires of transmutation can be overwhelming, especially when the process of it is not understood and the reason for it is not comprehended. Let them know that this is occurring in every Human Being upon the Planet and that resistance makes it seem more intense.

The cleansing and transmuting energies of greater Love brings out long hidden and unacknowledged feelings and thoughts that must be allowed to express, no matter how intense the expression. Advise them to go with it and to give love and compassion to themselves during this process. Your calm acceptance and understanding will help tremendously. You have all been there and done that as you stepped into the unknown and blazed a path for them to follow and now you turn back and offer a helping hand where needed. And so it is.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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Your New Golden Age

Part I

You are being called home to the heart of the Self that has been waiting for thousands upon thousands of years for you to embody your Presence while you are still living on the Earth. The full embodiment of your Presence will fill you with so much love that your heart will constantly be expanding in bliss, and your body will be filled with so much light that you will feel totally and completely unconfined by any past patterning. It might feel as though you are walking on air and that you are connected into every living particle of life and all the spaces in between those particles. This is how it was in Lemuria and though your body will have more solidarity than it did then, the experience will be quite similar and you will surely know that you are one with all of life.

~ Saint Germain, Lady Portia and Lady Nada

This is only part of the glorious potential that is now opening up before the heart of every soul. In your present levels of unfolding, you may find that you are no longer able to support many of the old patterns that have become so common and prevalent in your world that they almost go unnoticed. We are referring here to all of the injustices, dishonesty, lack of integrity, and the many dramas that are still keeping humanity bound to the old paradigms that were founded in fear, lack, separation and duality. Yet know there is always an opposite on the other side of the same coin: for injustice holds the potential for justice, dishonesty holds the possibility for honesty, and everything can simply be seen as energy waiting to be transformed and lifted into its opposite.

We have witnessed all that you have gone through to get to where you are now, yet this is the time to let all of that go so you can keep your full attention on the magnificent opportunities that lie before you in each unfolding moment of your life. You are being invited to exercise your mastery by moving the whole of your consciousness into creating and living in the world you know is possible ~ a world that is filled with love and that delights in supporting your highest potential and your ongoing capacity to walk as your Presence on the Earth, a world that assists you in penetrating the ancient levels of your knowing so you can remember what it was like to live in paradise and how to create that vibrational resonance now within yourself and on your Earth because that is the foundational frequency of your new Golden Age.

As you continue to create the world you want to live in, it is important to keep your attention focused on the highest potential for your life. All that has gone before may occasionally arise as a teaching to simply show you the areas that need to be recreated into their higher potential. Even your DNA is reorganizing its patterns so it can balance out any contradictions in your present and your past and although you may occasionally feel like hiding under the blankets until this Shift in the Ages is complete, you know in your heart that you have agreed to stay centered in your mastery during these pivotal times. On the level of your Presence, you already agreed to participate in this grand unfolding of your new Earth and you already chose to be here specifically for these times.
It is now becoming increasingly more obvious that 2012 is still acting as a glorious turning point that is allowing you to redefine your priorities and the very ground on which you stand, both figuratively and literally. As your mind chooses to stop seeking that proverbial carrot that has been dangling out there someplace in the future, you are being called fully into the present ~ a present that involves breaking the habit of distracting yourself from the truth of your gloriously unique existence in a time that may never come again.
Changes are inevitable as you and the Earth continue shifting into your new dimensional home ~ a home that is waiting to embrace and support you living in Unity Consciousness. The question of who you are has now been answered by thousands of you around the world and the question that can now be asked of your Presence is: Why am I here? And is there something I can do to assist in creating and supporting the new Golden Age of Freedom on Earth?

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How beautiful is the world I have spread out before Us. How beautiful are the hills and valleys. How beautiful are the waters upon the Earth. How beautiful are My children that I sent forth to multiply. Beloveds, multiply love. Multiply love.

What else is needed in the world but the love that is yours to give? Tell Me, what would not be taken care of amply when there is ample love? What could possibly be lacking when there is love full-blown from your heart?

The whole world depends upon your love. The world has been seeking your love, craving it, yearning for it, even demanding it. What is all the fuss in the world about but a demand for love? There has not been enough distribution of love. Love, like money, has to be circulated. It can't stand still. Love and money have to flow and never stop. Clogged love must be unclogged. Any impediment to the full-flow of love from your heart must be removed. All impediments. The world depends upon your love. I depend upon it.

The world has had enough friction, big and little. It has had more than enough conflict, big and little. Let's call conflict what it is. It is war. In war, there are two sides, both against the other. That is war, beloveds. Yes, a tug of war. One side wants to win, and wants the other side to lose, no matter what the cost. The cost is like when the two women each told the King that the baby was hers. The King said: "Well, let's cut the baby in half then. That's fair." One mother said, "Okay." The other mother said, "Let the child go to the other woman then."

The first woman was thinking of victory. That made her short-sighted. Her decision would have been very costly indeed. The second woman had the presence to think of the baby, and the King gave the baby to the mother who loved. Love won. Love is the only winner.

What spoils of war and contention do you want more than the good of the world? The world is your baby, the world you nourish with love. Love this world. When you give love unstintingly, the world will be nourished. The world will be holy. Filled with love, the world will welcome and bless all. All this will be because you gave your love out without constriction.

Wake up, and think: "What a wonderful world I wake up to!" This is love.

"What a wonderful world I have before me to move in and live in and sit in and travel in. What a wonderful world God has given me. God gave me jurisdiction over this world. He gave me the world to love, not just here and there, but everywhere. Not just this time or that time, but for all time. A commandment was given to me to love my neighbor as myself."

Beloveds, love yourself, and you won't be selfish. Love yourself, and you will be generous. What is the food of love but generosity? Not selflessness either. Generosity. When you are aware of your love, it is easy to give it and give it and give it. It takes no toll. The love you give is the bread of your life. Give this bread of life to all, and a feast will show up for all. You will break bread with others. It will be as natural for you to share as it is to eat.

Abundance will be yours. It is not enough to desire abundance for yourself. You must desire it for all. And you must be the deliverer of abundance to all. You are the deliverer of love to all. I do not know another way. Do you know another way?

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™

Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them!

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The love and the light that is required on your ascension journey is reflected in your reality in each moment. You cannot love in the past for that moment is gone. You cannot love in the future because its details have not yet been created and every aspect of the future depends on what you do in each present moment. If you want the future to be joyful, fulfilling, loving, and abundant you must create that energy in this moment. Do not be distracted by what the moment appears to be, its outcome is calling you to send light, to shift its energy by allowing your desires to be your focus, acknowledging what you have created and raising its frequency by sending love and light to its darkest aspects.

Each thing you are aware of and judge is part of the past, and although it appears to be real, present, and permanent, it is only an echo of your most recent manifestation. When you can perceive a result you are looking at the past. When you know an outcome, you are experiencing the result of a manifestation that has already been created. It is through your focus on creation and manifestation in the present moment, being mindful of the past as a map which indicates where you need to focus your light, you heal the past from the present moment and create the future at a higher vibration. If you perceive your reality to lack love, peace, joy and abundance you are aware of where your love and light are needed to create a different outcome in the next present moment. Rather than judge an outcome as good or bad, be aware of where you can send more light, be more empowered, and connect with your inner guidance to create a different outcome.

When you judge the past or criticize your efforts you lock your energy into the past and stay in that moment, which is repeated in the next moment. The past is a map of how you have been using your light and energy and your reality reflects an outcome, an echo of your energetic frequency whose purpose is to show you what you are creating so you can choose to continue in that direction or to do something different. It is by being fully grounded within each present moment and using what you perceive in the echo you know as the outcome to change your energetic frequency by sending more love and light to yourselves, which changes the outcome in the next moment. A new future is created from love and light, while the past is re-created from judgment and darkness.

Stand in love in each present moment, love each circumstance you judge as limiting, forgive those who hurt you, and send light to each situation so you empower yourself beyond the past, beyond the hurt and judgment and beyond your own fears. You are the light of God and the promise of ascension and it is by standing in the light of your own truth as a child of the Light that you allow that light to empower you beyond fear. As you love in the present moment you allow the future to become an echo of light instead of an echo of darkness and fear. This is how you create heaven on earth, the promise of ascension for you and for the world and how you become the promise of your own light and create your reality from the potential of your highest energetic frequency and vibrations.

Copyright ©2012 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.

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