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Orb Conference - Glastonbury, England


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Orb Conference - Glastonbury, England

Below are a few snipets from the July, 2008 Orb Conference presented by "The Prophet's Conference". Complete books, CDs and DVDs can be purchased through the following website, along with a schedule of upcoming conferences. Since The Prophets Conferences are held in many different countries, it is highly recommended to try to attend at least one in the area of your interests.


Below you will find a short biography of the educated and visionaries dealing in the world of spirituality and physics, bridging the gap that has existed far too long between them.


To read the feedback and see more photographs from the attendees of the Orb Conference:


One definite thing I did walk away with is that I am more convinced then ever that my crazy little experiments seem to be consistent with the beliefs and experiments of those that are much more educated, are much more renound in their specialty fields, and have the opportunity to do their experiments in the strictest of laboratories instead of my little house.


The Prophets Conference also offers free lectures on spiritual/scientific topics by renound experts in their field, as listed below:

• New Science & Metaphysics
• Interdimensional Realms
• Mind-Body Healing
• Heart & Soul
• Indigenous Wisdom/Samanism
• Purpose & Livelihood


No matter how strong our beliefs are, for those fleeting moments when doubts enter the physical brain, there is nothing better then hearing or seeing validation of the truth that is out there, by experts who have experienced, researched, and proven that we and all things are connected, and that our consciousness and intent change not only ourselves but everything else. In our humble and feeble attempt to base this site on what we personally have experienced and researched, attending this conference has only furthered our resolve to keep on learning and sharing that information to all readers. I debated and debated on how to present this special opportunity I was privilleged to go to, and decided not be arrogant enough to try to interpret and pass on their words, but to list their sites so they could share their knowledge and experience to you, the reader, in their own way.


• The orb phenomenon is not caused by camera malfunction, dust, pollen, moisture. Explanations can be found in further detail on the various sites listed by these experts in their fields.


• Hundreds of thousands of orb pictures are now showing up all over the planet due to the digital camera which is more sensitive to higher (I have to also add lower here) spectrum frequencies.


• Experiment after experiment shows orbs like to interact with humans, probably based on certain frequency ranges resonating with our own at certain times of meditation or higher frequency states.


• Is geometry filling in the gaps of our present day known technology and physics? Read what the experts say.


• I was so impressed by the number of attendees that can see the sparkling lights that I speak about on the site, as well as visually seeing orbs - this is possible!


• Is there a parallel between Orbs and Crop Circles or is it collective consciousness that is doing it instead of UFOs? I've seen so many pictures who insist they are certain UFO pictures but when I look at them, to me they are identical to orbs, with the same attributes: both are silent, both are seen as a light, both can interfere with electronic equipment, both have been shown a larger sphere sending out smaller spheres, both seem to float in/out of another dimension or frequency range, both are able tomove at extremely fast speeds, changing color and size, etc. This is not to say that UFOs do not exist, but I think in a lot of cases, they are honest mistakes in distinqishing between the two different phenomenon. Some of these speakers have the answers to these questions.


Link to the Blog and Videos:



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A 75 minute lecture by international best-selling author/researcher Freddy Silva on the origin of orbs, and their relationship to genuine crop circles and sacred sites. Full DVD at



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25 Reasons to Embrace Criticism

25 Reasons to Embrace Criticism
by Lori Deschene, Original Story, Jun 17, 2011


“Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” ~Aristotle

At the end of the day, when I feel completely exhausted, oftentimes it has nothing to do with all the things I’ve done.


It’s not a consequence of juggling multiple responsibilities and projects. It’s not my body’s way of punishing me for becoming a late-life jogger after a period of cardiovascular laziness. It’s not even about getting too little sleep.


When I’m exhausted, you can be sure I’ve bent over backwards trying to win everyone’s approval.


I’ve obsessed over what people think of me, I’ve assigned speculative and usually inaccurate meanings to feedback I’ve received, and I’ve lost myself in negative thoughts about criticism and its merit.


I work at minimizing this type of behavior—and I’ve had success for the most part—but admittedly it’s not easy.


I remember back in college, taking a summer acting class, when I actually made the people around me uncomfortable with my defensiveness. This one time, the teacher was giving me feedback after a scene in front of the whole class. She couldn’t get through a single sentence without me offering some type of argument.


After a couple minutes of verbal sparring, one of my peers actually said, “Stop talking. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

Looking back, I cut myself a little slack. You’re vulnerable in the spotlight and the student’s reaction was kind of harsh. But I know I needed to hear it. Because I was desperately afraid of being judged, I took everything, from everyone as condemnation.


I realize criticism doesn’t always come gently from someone legitimately trying to help. A lot of the feedback we receive is unsolicited and doesn’t come from teachers—or maybe all of it does.
We can’t control what other people will say to us, whether they’ll approve or form opinions and share them. But we can control how we internalize it, respond to it, and learn from it, and when we release it and move on.


If you’ve been having a hard time dealing with criticism lately, it may help to remember the following:

The Benefits of Criticism:

Personal Growth

1. Looking for seeds of truth in criticism encourages humility. It’s not easy to take an honest look at yourself and your weaknesses, but you can only grow if you’re willing to try.

2. Learning from criticism allows you to improve. Almost every critique gives you a tool to more effectively create the tomorrow you visualize.

3. Criticism opens you up to new perspectives and new ideas you may not have considered. Whenever someone challenges you, they help expand your thinking.

4. Your critics give you an opportunity to practice active listening. This means you resist the urge to analyze in your head, planning your rebuttal, and simply consider what the other person is saying.

5. You have the chance to practice forgiveness when you come up against harsh critics. Most of us carry around stress and frustration that we unintentionally misdirect from time to time.
Emotional Benefits

6. It’s helpful to learn how to sit with the discomfort of an initial emotional reaction instead of immediately acting or retaliating. All too often we want to do something with our feelings—generally not a great idea!

7. Criticism gives you the chance to foster problem solving skills, which isn’t always easy when you’re feeling sensitive, self-critical, or annoyed with your critic.

8. Receiving criticism that hits a sensitive spot helps you explore unresolved issues. Maybe you’re sensitive about your intelligence because you’re holding onto something someone said to you years ago—something you need to release.

9. Interpreting someone else’s feedback is an opportunity for rational thinking—sometimes, despite a negative tone, criticism is incredibly useful.

10. Criticism encourages you to question your instinctive associations and feelings; praise is good, criticism is bad. If we recondition ourselves to see things in less black and white terms, there’s no stop to how far we can go!



Improved Relationships

11. Criticism presents an opportunity to choose peace over conflict. Oftentimes, when criticized our instinct is to fight, creating unnecessary drama. The people around us generally want to help us, not judge us.

12. Fielding criticism well helps you mitigate the need to be right. Nothing closes an open mind like ego—bad for your personal growth, and damaging for relationships.

13. Your critics give you an opportunity to challenge any people-pleasing tendencies. Relationships based on a constant need for approval can be draining for everyone involved. It’s liberating to let people think whatever they want—they’re going to do it anyway.

14. Criticism gives you the chance to teach people how to treat you. If someone delivers it poorly, you can take this opportunity to tell them, “I think you make some valid points, but I would receive them better if you didn’t raise your voice.”

15. Certain pieces of criticism teach you not to sweat the small stuff. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter that your boyfriend thinks you load the dishwasher “wrong.”



Time Efficiency

16. The more time you spend dwelling about what someone said, the less time you have to do something with it.

17. If you improve how you operate after receiving criticism, this will save time and energy in the future. When you think about it from that perspective—criticism as a time saver—it’s hard not to appreciate it!

18. Fostering the ability to let go of your feelings and thoughts about being critiqued can help you let go in other areas of your life. Letting go of worries, regrets, stresses, fears, and even positive feelings helps you root yourself in the present moment. Mindfulness is always the most efficient use of time.

19. Criticism reinforces the power of personal space. Taking 10 minutes to process your emotions, perhaps by writing in a journal, will ensure you respond well. And responding well the first time prevents one critical comment from dominating your day.

20. In some cases, criticism teaches you how to interact with a person, if they’re negative or hostile, for example. Knowing this can save you a lot of time and stress in the future.
Self Confidence

21. Learning to receive false criticism—feedback that has no constructive value—without losing your confidence is a must if you want to do big things in life. The more attention your work receives, the more criticism you’ll have to field.

22. When someone criticizes you, it shines a light on your own insecurities. E.G.,if you secretly agree that you’re lazy, you should get to the root of that. Why do you believe that—and what can you do about it?

23. Learning to move forward after criticism, even if you don’t feel incredibly confident, ensures no isolated comment prevents you from seizing your dreams.Think of it as separating the wheat from the chaff; takes what’s useful, leave the rest, and keep going!

24. When someone else appraises you harshly, you have an opportunity to monitor your internal self-talk. Research indicates up to 80% of our thoughts are negative. Take this opportunity to monitor and change your thought processes so you don’t drain and sabotage yourself!

25. Receiving feedback well reminds you it’s OK to have flaws—imperfection is part of being human.


If you can admit weakness and work on them without getting down on yourself, you’ll experience far more happiness, peace, enjoyment, and success.


We are all perfectly imperfect, and other people may notice that from time to time. We may even notice in it each other.

Somehow accepting that is a huge weight off my mind.

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Blissing Out: 10 Relaxation Techniques To Reduce Stress On-the-Spot

If your hectic lifestyle has got you down, experts say relaxation techniques can bring you back into balance -- some in five minutes or less.


By Jenny Stamos Kovacs
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD


The kids need a ride to school, your husband can't find his shorts, your boss has just scheduled an online meeting, and your best friend desperately needs your help -- all at the same time.


Is it any wonder that you can't find a minute for relaxation? In fact, if you're like most women, you may have even forgotten how to relax.


And while experts say that some stress is good for you -- it can sharpen your senses and your mind -- too much stress is bad for your mental and physical health. At the same time, relaxation can do wonders to restore balance in your life -- and may even reduce some of the health risks associated with stress.


WebMD talked to the experts to learn more about relaxation -- and how to attain it. What follows are 10 on-the-spot techniques you can use -- any time and almost anywhere -- to reduce the tension in your life.



1. Meditate

If you're thinking meditation means twisting your body into an uncomfortable position and uttering "oohs" and "omms" for an hour, guess again. Any repetitive action can be a source of meditation, says Herbert Benson, MD, author of The Relaxation Response anddirector emeritus, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. This includes walking, swimming, painting, knitting -- any activity that helps keep your attention calmly in the present moment.

When you catch yourself thinking about your job, your relationship or your lifelong to-do list, experts say to simply let the thought escape, and bring your mind back the repetition of the activity. Try it for just 5 to 10 minutes a day and watch stress levels drop.



2. Picture Yourself Relaxed

Is your mind too talkative to meditate? Try creating a peaceful visualization, or "dreamscape." To start, simply visualize anything that keeps your thoughts away from current tensions. It could be a favorite vacation spot, a fantasy island, that penthouse in New York City -- or something "touchable," like the feel of your favorite silk robe or cozy sweater.

The idea is to take your mind off your stress, and replace it with an image that evokes a sense of calm. The more realistic your daydream -- in terms of colors, sights, sounds; even touch and feel -- the more relaxation you'll experience.



3. Breathe Deeply

Feeling stressed evokes tense, shallow breathing, while calm is associated with relaxed breathing, says Michael Lee, author of Turn Stress into Bliss and founder of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy in Bristol, Vermont. So to turn tension into relaxation, he says, change the way you breathe.

Try this: Let out a big sigh, dropping your chest, and exhaling through gently pursed lips, says Joan Borysenko, PhD, director of Harvard's Mind-Body Clinical Programs. Now imagine your low belly, or center, as a deep, powerful place. Feel your breath coming and going as your mind stays focused there. Inhale, feeling your entire belly, sides and lower back expand. Exhale, sighing again as you drop your chest, and feeling your belly, back and sides contract. Repeat 10 times, relaxing more fully each time.



4. Look Around You

"Mindfulness is the here-and-now approach to living that makes daily life richer and more meaningful," says Claire Michaels Wheeler, MD, PhD, author of 10 Simple Solutions to Stress. It's approaching life like a child, without passing judgment on what occurs. Mindfulness means focusing on one activity at a time, so forget multi-tasking! Staying in the present-tense can help promote relaxation and provide a buffer against anxiety and depression.

Practice it by focusing on your immediate surroundings. If you're outdoors, enjoy the shape and colors of flowers, hear a bird's call or consider a tree. In the mall, look at the details of a dress in the window, examine a piece of jewelry and focus on how it's made, or window-shop for furniture, checking out every detail of pattern and style. As long as you can keep your mind focused on something in the present, stress will take a back seat.



5. Drink Hot Tea

If you're a coffee-guzzler, consider going green. Coffee raises levels of the notorious stress hormone, cortisol, while green tea offers health and beauty, says Nicholas Perricone, MD, author of 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, and Longevity.

Chamomile tea is a traditional favorite for calming the mind and reducing stress. And black tea may be a stress-fighter, too, researchers from University College London report. Participants who drank regular black tea displayed lower levels of cortisol, and reported feeling calmer during six weeks of stressful situations than those who drank a placebo with the same amount of caffeine.



6. Show Some Love

Induce the relaxation response by cuddling your pet, giving an unexpected hug to a friend or family member, snuggling with your spouse, or talking to a friend about the good things in your lives, says psychologist Deborah Rozman, PhD, co-author of Transforming Stress. When you do, you'll be reducing your stress levels.

Why? Experts say social interaction helps your brain think better, encouraging you to see new solutions to situations that once seemed impossible, she says. Studies have also shown that physical contact -- like petting your dog or cat -- may actually help lower blood pressure and decrease stress hormones.



7. Try Self-Massage

When your muscles are tense and you've no time to visit a pro, try this simple self-massage technique from Darrin Zeer, author of Lover's Massage and Office Yoga. Relax, and travel straight to Zen-land.
• Place both hands on your shoulders and neck.
• Squeeze with your fingers and palms.
• Rub vigorously, keeping shoulders relaxed.
• Wrap one hand around the other forearm.
• Squeeze the muscles with thumb and fingers.
• Move up and down from your elbow to fingertips and back again.
• Repeat with other arm.



8. Take a Time-Out

Adults need time-outs, too. So when you sense your temper is about to erupt, Jeff Brantley, MD, author of Five Good Minutes In the Evening, suggests finding a quiet place to sit or lie down and put the stressful situation on hold. Take a few deep breaths and concentrate on releasing tension and calming your heartbeat. Quiet your mind and remember: Time is always on your side, so relax. The stress can wait.



9. Try a Musical Detour

Music can calm the heartbeat and soothe the soul, the experts say. So, when the going gets rough, take a musical stress detour by aligning your heartbeat with the slow tempo of a relaxing song. And you might want to make that a classical tune. Research shows that listening to 30 minutes of classical music may produce calming effects equivalent to taking 10 mg of Valium.



10. Take an Attitude Break

Thirty seconds is enough time to shift your heart's rhythm from stressed to relaxed, Rozman says. The way to do that: Engage your heart and your mind in positive thinking. Start by envisioning anything that triggers a positive feeling -- a vision of your child or spouse, the image of your pet, that great piece of jewelry you're saving up to buy, a memento from a vacation -- whatever it is, conjuring up the thought will help slow breathing, relax tense muscles and put a smile on your face. Rozman says that creating a positive emotional attitude can also calm and steady your heart rhythm, contributing to feelings of relaxation and peace.

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I firmly believe what Romans 8:17 says...being fellow "heirs" with Christ, we have the authority to make demands on our Father's heavenly resources...


But it also means we have to share in his pain, forgiveness, sacrifices, gifts and offerings to further his kingdom...
Answered prayers come from obedience to God's commands...


No matter how low you get , there is always a way up.





This is a story written by a doctor who worked in Africa .
One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but in spite of all we could do, she died, leaving us with a tiny, premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive; as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator).


We also had no special feeding facilities.


Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts. One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in.


Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst (rubber perishes easily in tropical climates)..


'And it is our last hot water bottle!' she exclaimed. As in the West, it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa
it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles.


They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways.


'All right,' I said, 'put the baby as near the fire as you safely can, and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts Your job is to keep the baby warm.'


The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough,mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died.


During prayer time, one ten -year-old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. 'Please, God' she prayed, 'Send us a hot water bottle today It'll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon.'


While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added, 'And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she'll know You really love her?'


As often with children's prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say 'Amen?' I just did not believe that God could do this.


Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything; the Bible says so. But there are limits, aren't there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from the homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever, received a parcel from home.


Anyway, if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator!


Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses' training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there on the verandah was a large 22-pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children.. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly-colored, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored.. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas - that would make a batch of buns for the weekend.


Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the.....could it really be?


I grasped it and pulled it out. Yes, a brand new, rubber hot water bottle. I cried.


I had not asked God to send it; I had not truly believed that He could.


Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, 'If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly, too!'


Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully-dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted!


Looking up at me, she asked, 'Can I go over with you and give this dolly to that little girl, so she'll know that Jesus really loves her?'


'Of course,' I replied!


That parcel had been on the way for five whole months, packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God's prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator.


And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child - five months before, in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it 'that afternoon.'


'Before they call, I will answer.' (Isaiah 65:24)


When you receive this, say the prayer. That's all I ask. No strings attached. Just send it on to whomever you want - but do send it on.


Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost, but a lot of rewards. Let's continue praying for one another.


This awesome prayer takes less than a minute.


Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless my friends reading this. I ask You to minister to their spirit. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self doubting, release a renewed confidence to work through them Where there is tiredness or exhaustion, I ask You to give them understanding, guidance, and strength. Where there is fear, reveal our love and release to them Your courage.. Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders and friends to support and encourage them. I ask You to do these things in Jesus' name. Amen


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Stunning Nasa video shows how the Moon evolved from a flaming ball of fire

The evolution of the Moon from a ball of fire 4.5 billion years ago into the satellite we see at night has been turned into a video by Nasa.

The video was created at its Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and shows in 2.41min the changes from its early molten beginnings to the rugged silver-grey piece of rock that Neil Armstrong first set foot on in 1969.

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UFO or an elaborate hoax? Flying saucer-like object filmed from plane causes stir on Web

A video showing what appears to be a UFO whizzing past a commercial jet has been creating a stir on the Web.


Footage captured by a startled-sounding passenger seemingly shows a white bowl-shaped object flying over Seoul, South Korea, at high speed.


At first the object keeps pace with the aeroplane, before suddenly disappearing out of shot as the passenger tries to zoom in for a closer look.


Later in the video the mysterious shape is magnified and slowed down.


But is the UFO sighting authentic or just a computer-generated hoax?


Whatever the explanation, the video - which has racked up almost a million views since it was posted three days ago - has divided viewers. The owner of the video has speculated that it could be a military drone.


Others humorously suggest that it is a giant frisbee or flying Mentos.


Watch the video and decide for yourself.


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Mass arrests are beginning of the illuminati… more Ashtar Command spaceship sightings around the world… mother earth continues to have major earthquakes with some in unexpected places… major ET visitation near our sun continues to go unreported by mainstream… nuclear radiation continues to spread to Northern Hemisphere… earthlings continue to merge with Project Transition Earth with Sananda as the Supreme Commander… united states gov continues to be at war with the people (ruled by army of bankers, satanists, zionists, and clones)… the masses are using social internet networks to take back our world… human prepare for the biggest events in our entire history…
spiritual awakening of planet earth gathers momentum… world mainstream media losing power…

CNN does a Larry King Live special asking if Aliens have shut down US nuclear missiles (now rendered non-operable by Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light… a new world financial system based in Switzerland may be introduced headed by the ‘White hats’… friendly extraterrrestrials now in control of world planetary affairs: preventing pole shift with ET technologies, stopping nuclear war, neutralizing most damaging effects of chemtrails… the role of each human is to seek to know Self, and to align in service with the Divine Plan… ask for heaven, and we shall receive. How are you doing through all of this, are you a spirit that wanted the adventure of all prior incarnations? Oh yes you are! Nobody came to earth to have a boring time, or to be a slave forever… seek the joy in your life’s path, as a light that will guide you back home…. We are here together as spiritual beings having a physical experience… we are holding light in our circle of unity, forever until the end of linear time… Your brother, Dieter (Indian in the machine)


Mezmorphia (Native Flute And Singing Bowls)

The beautiful sounds of native flute, and tibetan singing bowls… gently trance yourself out… and become apart of the soft dreamy soundscape.



Spirit of the Buffalo

…..Be like the Eagle and soar high so that you can see what is happening, be like the buffalo, your home is where you roam….featuring the voice of Harmonica Donna Lucien.



A Bar Party Goes Tribal

This song will transport you from a regular bar scene, into a tribal paradise… and it really happened… I added some keyboards, but the rest of this recording is live from party @ Lydia’s with Purple Pixie, Cheryle, PPixie, Bernard, and others…



The Galactic Federation Of Light






To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium we placed a big red push button on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text "Push to add drama" invited people to use the button. And then we waited... Discover here what happened or visit for more info.


TNT. We know drama.



British firm unveils “Carkoon” – the cocoon baby seat

British firm unveils “Carkoon” – the cocoon baby seat

A revolutionary baby seat that deploys a protective cocoon in collisions has been unveiled by a British firm.



The Carkoon is a rear-facing baby seat that features a sliding protective shell made from Kevlar and fireproof Nomex, which is capable of keeping a child safe for up to 18 minutes in the event of a blaze. The Carkoon also contains a transmitter that alerts emergency services with the exact GPS location of the child – giving vital extra information for any rescue effort.


Added to the design is a rotating base and “quick release” handle that saves messing about with seatbelts for rapid ejection. The cocoon shell is also highly resistant to collisions and will only deploy in extreme circumstances thanks to an embedded gyroscopic magnitude sensor that detects when a vehicle is tipped back or forward.

Carkoon Product Animation Scenario

“Initially we tried to think of a way to create a car seat that got around the many ways cars seats are attached and create uniformity manufacturers could adhere to,” Carkoon’s inventor Jullian Preston-Powers told Yahoo! Cars. “We realised that adults are protected by airbags but babies don’t have any protection from the same technology.”


The Carkoon’s air shield does not come into contact with the baby in the event of a collision and also protects them from objects in the car that turn into potentially fatal projectiles at high speeds. Despite these added benefits, the original idea for the product was to protect a baby from flames and came about after a Sussex fireman told the Brighton-based Cool Technologies about an unsuccessful attempt to save a baby from a burning car.


“We thought to ourselves; what if there isn’t a firefighter there at all? There must be a way to protect the child from fire,” said Mr Preston-Powers. “Smoke is difficult thing to deal with as well but the car seat does cocoon around the child so it prevents smoke it seeping in.


“There is nothing like anything this on the market, it is a big game-changer,” he added. “Moving to the next generation was very easy, as car seats are all the same. They are getting cheaper, made of poor quality plastic so this will change things.”


The Carkoon is currently only works with cars fitted with the Isofix safety seat system, which was made mandatory in the UK on new cars from this year onwards. The model will be priced at around £499 and is expected to hit shelves by spring 2013.


Lady Master Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray

Lady Master Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray



Ascended Lady Master Nada is Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the purple and gold ray, of peace, service and brotherhood. She tutors souls in mastering these qualities in the solar-plexus chakra, and helps them prepare to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. In addition, she is known as the unifier of families and twin flames. The word Nada means the voice of the silence, and also a receding of the personality into the nothingness, giving way to the Christ Self. Nada is a Messenger of the Lord Meru and received training in His retreat. She is of the Third Ray. Nada has a certain cosmic authority for the incoming age. Healing is one of Her actions or services to mankind. She is one Who directs healing to the mankind of Earth. She uses a Pink Flame for some of Her work. Nada is a member of the Karmic Board and represents the Third Ray in that body. She has recently assumed the Chohanship for the Sixth Ray for the time being. Her symbol is a pink rose.




Nada also serves on the Karmic Board—a group of eight ascended masters and cosmic beings who dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgment on behalf of every soul. Through both these offices in the Great White Brotherhood (chohan and member of the Karmic Board), she teaches the path of personal Christhood by expressing love through ministration and service to life. She assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional people, public servants in government as well as those devoted to serving the needs of people in every branch of human and health services. You will also find her at the side of businessmen and -women, blue-collar, skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of freedom and revolutionaries of love in every field.

On Atlantis Nada served as a priestess in the Temple of Love. In other embodiments, she was a lawyer and expert in the defense of oppressed souls. In her final incarnation 2,700 years ago, Nada was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children. Archangel Charity appeared to her at an early age and taught her how to draw God's love from the flame in her heart and to radiate it into the nature kingdom for the blessing of all life. He also taught her to radiate it into the chakras of her brothers and sisters, so that by a heightened inner awareness they might bless others and uplift earth’s culture through the arts.


Lady Master Nada’s etheric retreat is located over Saudi Arabia.

Assisting Saint Germain in his "great gathering of the elect" who will serve with him in the cause of world freedom is beloved Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray. This Ascended Lady Master also serves on the Karmic Board as the representative of the Third Ray. Through both offices she teaches Jesus' path of personal Christhood through ministration and service to life.

On Atlantis Nada served as a priestess in the Temple of Love. The etheric counterpart of this temple, which is designed after the pattern of a rose, is centered above New Bedford, Massachusetts. Each petal is a room, and in the center there burns the flame of Divine Love--tended by brothers and sisters of the Third Ray for the healing of earth's evolutions by love, which Jesus says is the fulfilling of the law of karma.


Final incarnation

In other embodiments, Nada took up the avocation of law and became an expert in the defense of souls oppressed by the spoilers in the earth. During her meditations upon the Law of God and in the course of her ministrations in the temple, she perceived the Law "as the certain defense which the Mother must use to protect her children from the wiles of this world, from the fallen ones who seek also to use the Law to their unjust purposes." In her final incarnation 2,700 years ago, Nada was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children. The beloved angel Charity appeared to her at a very early age and taught her how to draw God's love from the flame in her heart and to radiate it into the Nature kingdom for the blessing of life.

The Archeia of the Third Ray also taught Nada to expand her threefold flame for the quickening of the chakras of her brothers and sisters, that by a heightened inner awareness they might bless the people and uplift the culture of the Divine Mother on earth through the arts.


In a dictation given August 28, 1982, Nada told her story:

"As I was embodied in a large family of many brothers and sisters of great talent, I saw how each one in pursuing his career needed love and ministration and the keeping of the flame of the sacred fire in order to be successful, "And thus, although the choice was given to me to pursue my own career, unbeknownst to my brothers and sisters I quietly kept the flame in deep meditation and prayer as well as outer helpfulness, in [by way of] contacting the great spheres [causal body] of their divine plan, and in accelerating through the mighty Archangels Chamuel and Charity in the understanding that the adversaries of love are many, and that love is the full power of creativity, and that the success of the career son or daughter of God depends upon the defeat of love's adversary, point counterpoint.

"And therefore, in the course of defending the Christhood of my brothers and sisters, I had to advance in my own self-mastery to confront the fallen ones who attempted to thwart them in their most magnificent lifestreams and their offering to the world.

Thus I understood love as the consuming fire of the Holy Spirit that does indeed challenge and bind the wicked in the way!...

"I can assure you that at the conclusion of my incarnation when I saw the victory of each one of my brothers and sisters, the fullness of my joy was in a heart of love expanded, keeping the flame--keeping the flame and knowing that I was needed, that I was essential to their victory....

"It seemed to the world, and perhaps even to my own, that I had not accomplished much. But I took my leave into the higher octaves thoroughly understanding the meaning of the self-mastery of the pink flame. Thus it was from the point of the Third Ray that I entered into the heart of Christ and saw the application [on the Sixth Ray] as ministration and service."


The Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service

As Lord of the Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service, the Ascended Lady Master Nada assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional people, public servants in government as well as those devoted to serving the needs of God's children in every branch of human and health services.

You will also find her at the side of businessmen and -women, blue-collar, skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of Freedom and revolutionaries of love in every field.

Of course, Nada loves them all because she teaches the principle and practice of the sacred labor as the effective means to achieve the goal of the ascension. Fittingly, the mottos of her disciples are "I serve," "The servant is not greater than his Lord," and "I am my brother's keeper.


Nada tells us of the initiations and joy of selfless service:

"Understand this formula of selflessness: To know when you have become selfless is to not be aware of the choice of selflessness. By this I mean that the natural course of your life is always the preferring of the love of God, the service of that God incarnate. To be aware of self, its pleasures, its privileges, its preferences, and then to make a choice to forgo that self is a step on the path of selflessness which must indeed be taken....

"But once you have reached that center, you are no longer aware of choosing between the Self--the Real Self--and the not-self. For you have become that living Self and you identify with all preferences to be that Self, to be immersed in that Self, to be the hands, the heart, the head of the Lord wherever you are needed, wherever it is required, filling in for God, supplying every need and therefore supplying each aspect of the Christ which someone may lack fulfillment in for the mastery of the threefold flame.

"Your preference is then in supplying the tenderness and compassion, perceiving the need because your sensitivity to God has been refined not only by the All-Seeing Eye, but by the exercise of the secret rays, letting those rays flow through you and fearing not the pain of the crucifixion, but altogether transforming that pain into the bliss of communion."


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The gifts of the Holy Spirit which Nada administers are those of diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. These gifts involve the mastery of nuances of vibration in the five secret rays and their almost infinite combinations with the elements of the seven rays as the qualities of the Word are released through the petals of the chakras.

As pertains to human, divine, and angelic tongues, these gifts involve the mastery of speech, communication and the delivery of the Word. They range from the mastery of earth's languages for the transmission of the Word universally to all to proficiency in the tongues of angels as spoken by angelic messengers through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Such releases given from an enraptured, exalted, or altered state are dictations (sometimes ex cathedra) for the initiation of souls and the transfer of the sacred fires from the altars of heaven. These fires, grounded through the anointed, are surely for the blessing of the saints who labor in love under the weight of planetary karma they bear, or for the binding, surely, of the embodied seed of the fallen angels whose hour for the final judgment has come.

The gifts of tongues also facilitate understanding between peoples and figure in the art of diplomacy and just plain getting along with your neighbor--the soft answer that turneth away wrath, the bridling of the tongue that James admonished--comforting a child or the wounded soul or dealing in the power of the Lord's Spirit with the Devil's railings and possessing demons.

Thus the science of the spoken Word in all of its very human and divine ramifications is Nada's forte, which she conveys with the gifts of tongues and the interpretation thereof. So, too, it must be borne in mind that once the Word is spoken, instantaneously it becomes the manifest Work of the Lord through his mediators on earth.


Chohan of the Sixth Ray

Following in Jesus' footsteps, beloved Nada had assumed the full Chohanship of the Sixth Ray by December 31, 1959. Nada serves in Jesus' retreat in the etheric octave over Saudi Arabia, where many disciples of the Lord have received their training directly from his Sacred Heart, face to face, during the Saviour's two-thousand-year occupancy of that office.

Here in the home of the Prince of Peace Nada instructs and gives exercises in the God-mastery of the emotions and the quieting of the inordinate passions of the desire body. Using Jesus' mantra "Peace be still!" she demonstrates the use of the solar plexus for the release of the power of peace through the seven sacred centers. Here, too, she unveils the mystery of Jesus' saying "He that believeth on me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. " As Nada directs disciples in the application of the radiant purple-and-gold flame of the Sixth Ray--a key step in the nine steps of precipitation taught by the Master Alchemist Saint Germain and the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek (as well as by the Seven Mighty Elohim and the elemental builders of form) she stresses the path of devotion (bhakti yoga) through the reestablishment of a personal heart-tie to Jesus. This lovetie, she says, is the key to "believing on him." And in this case, believing is seeing--seeing just how to put on his consciousness, to assimilate his Body and his Blood, and to internalize his Word.

Oneness with the Christ of Jesus, chakra by chakra, reinforced through the individual Christ Self, is the open door to the disciple's instrumentation of that flow of Light from the Great Central Sun by which sons and daughters of God hold the balance for earth and her evolutions. The flow of Light out of "the belly," which means through the solar plexus, or place of the Sun, is of spiritual significance:

Here the belly refers to the womb as the matrix, or place prepared, for the soul's alchemy of bringing forth the Divine Manchild--the Christ consciousness of the universal age. This realization of the self as the instrument of the Greater Self with its attendant putting on of the Light of the, Great Central Sun (the Son of God) leads to the God Self-realization of the Mother seen as the soul who is Woman, "clothed with the 'Sun.'" By this Sixth Ray alchemy of Christ's love combined with the Ruby Ray action of the Third Ray--present in the Manchild who has the gifts of the Holy Ghost while he is yet in his mother's womb--Nada, assisted by her angels and devotees, contributes to the mitigation of world tension and the astral weight of the mass consciousness. Thus, this path of practicing the presence of the Lord-pursued by his own who abide in his heart as he abides in theirs--is the Sixth Ray aspect and action of the transmutation of personal and planetary karma.

Nada tells us of a beautiful ritual whereby through a simple call we can help alleviate the stress and strain weighing not only upon our brothers and sisters but upon our own body temple:

"God in man is yours to commend into the arms of the Holy Spirit. Thus I commend you each one. Will you commend one another into the arms of the Holy Spirit and understand that that Holy Spirit is the immaculate image of Father/Mother God?

"And when you commend yourself ere you fall asleep at night, ere you walk the pathway and the ways of the world, when you commend one another into the arms of the Holy Spirit, you are sealing each one in that certain matrix of perfection that is a shield and a guard through all testing, through all trial, through all tribulation.

"Thus did the Lord Christ proclaim upon the cross, 'Into thy hands I commend my Spirit, O God.' Thus, you see, he sealed his soul in the perfection and the protection of the Holy Spirit. This you must do each day for the selfhood of each one entrusted to your care, for all mankind, for the planetary body, for elementals and each blossom rare that my angels now place within the crystal chalice of your hearts."

In an age of Aquarian freedom the demands upon those who would tame its soul fires are great. True love for the brethren in Christ engenders a desire for self-mastery and self-control in the timing and teamwork of the Lord's Word and Work--in order that the achievements of Community might reflect the Christhood of initiates who have translated the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit into the nine steps of alchemy for the building of the temple of God and man.



Nada offers this sound advice for our soul's mastery of alchemy in this age:

"The vortex of every endeavor must contain an intense will. When balanced with Alpha and Omega in the individual or twin flames or friends, the increase of the periphery is as great as the fire of the center. Let the central flame therefore reveal all ingredients of the goal, for the very alchemy itself depends upon the formula. If the formula does not contain the capacity to bless life, to heal life, to increase wisdom, it will be a selflimiting one.

"Therefore, in business, in service, in any activity, consider: How far will the light travel? How far will the effort expended reach? Will all the earth be blessed because I have lived this hour and striven for the highest? Or will only those in my immediate circle, find temporal comfort?

"It is so true, beloved hearts, that mastery, as a quality, of itself has many dimensions. And the wisdom and intelligence of the mind that guides and directs an effort, that sets forth the goal and the means to achieve it, are principally to be considered as the most important ingredients. Combined with the love, then the power, the intelligence and the planning (the understanding of all phases of a project or design) will mean that you have discovered a limitless formula that will multiply and multiply itself long after you have walked the earth or that will rise and fall again.

"Thus, neither the soul nor the goal itself can rise any higher than its own matrix. Rather than pursuing many little endeavors, concentrate, then on that which will reach the star of your I AM Presence--Let your Christ Self calculate the mathematical formula: How much effort and planning, how much involvement will it take for the rocket of the soul to mount and accelerate to the vibration of the I AM Presence?"


Family planning

This self-assessment of resources, will, and goals is nowhere more vital than in family planning.

The Goddess of Liberty has stated the position of the Karmic Board that parents ought not to bring forth more children than "you are able to care for and for whom you may adequately express your love." Nevertheless, abortion as a means to birth control is deemed a violation of the sacred flame of Life which every Keeper of the Flame has vowed to keep. Therefore, other means to predetermining the family circle must be intelligently studied and applied, for when life, sacred life, is at stake, one does not act haphazardly as though the bearing and rearing of children were a matter to be left to the fates or the gods.

The worth of the individual as the potential to be God in manifestation is incalculable. Its violation at any level is fraught with far-reaching karmic consequences, as Jesus warned, to any who offend even one of these little ones.

Thus, tenderly Nada sponsors the world's children, individual by individual, often in answer to their prayers, or cries of anguish in abandonment. And she has legions of angels who personally attend the little ones and the youth.

It must be remembered, however, that unless the child is taught to pray and does pray daily, or someone does pray for him daily in his stead, the angels are not permitted to overstep their bounds to intrude or intercede in his life. By the justice of this Cosmic Law, which often seems unjust, accidents and calamities do happen.

As you say, "There are no free lunches," so the Ascended Masters say, "There are no favorite sons." God is no respecter of persons but does respect his covenanted free will vouchsafed to all equally who abide in the Matter spheres.

The decision to have or not to have the intercession of angelic hosts and Ascended Masters in the life of the family and the children and between husband and wife is a daily one which can only be made by you. It involves communion with the I AM Presence and a conscious desire expressed in prayer for the will of God to take command in every situation.

When wrestling with possessing demons of addiction and terminal diseases on behalf of loved ones, there is simply no replacement for a strong and dynamic decree momentum which can be acquired quite rapidly by fervent hearts who will study and apply the teachings recorded in our book on The Science of the Spoken Word. Those facing family difficulties of any kind should include in their list of options for the resolution of crisis the daily, concerted application of this unfailing Law and Light.

Decrees work if you work.


Nada answers one child's prayer

Nada tells us of her answer to one child's prayer. Know, O blessed reader, that she will answer your heart's call just as simply and beautifully as she did this little girl's. If you are burdened, do not give up, but take this moment to implore her immediate help in Jesus' name.

"I remember many years ago when a little girl who did not even know of the existence of the Masters of Wisdom prayed to God and said, 'O Father, if thou hast any servant upon this earth or anywhere in the universe that will love me and help me, thou dost not need to come thyself, but send them and I will receive them as thyself.'

"And when she prayed thusly, I was sent. And I appeared to her at first only as in a dream. She saw me surrounded with roses, and having a parochial background she fancied that I was Mother Mary. And so, in one of her dreams Mother Mary came also with me, and then she was confused and said, 'Oh, you have a sister.' "


"Do you understand the sweetness and simplicity of the child mind!?"

"And so eventually she found two spiritual friends who guided her destiny and assisted her through the entire school system. Upon her graduation, she became an artist of most ethereal pictures and followed the course of art all the days of her life.

"I want you to understand that within that artist there were many beautiful pictures unborn, paintings that never graced the canvases of the world. And if these could have been seen by humanity, they would, I tell you, have paid all that they had just to prize one of them."

Nada is especially concerned that incoming souls receive the necessary spiritual, practical and academic education and that parents understand the need to give their children loving but firm and creative discipline as a prelude to their discipleship under the Cosmic Christ.


Sponsor of twin flames and the family

Consequently, Nada is very much involved in the initiation and sponsorship of twin flames and the Aquarian-age family. And she draws her circle of love around homes of Light where father and mother set the example of the Path and children are tutored in the Law from birth by right standard and right action.


Regarding the problems of crime and the burdens of drugs upon our children, Nada has said:

"The love that must be instilled, beginning with yourself, is a love so tangible for God in the person of one another, for God in the person of his saints, his angels, the Masters, Nature, and the simplicity of life itself, that in the presence of such love the abrogation of the laws of God is altogether unthinkable."

Her sponsorship of the brothers and sisters of the Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare is uniquely toward self-mastery of the sacred fire on the path of the Divine Mother that their service might suffice unto the calling of "kings and priests unto God." Such attainment may also be the lot of householders during and after the childbearing years, if they so choose to consecrate their marriage. For great is our God and great are his dispensations to those who espouse the highest path of the initiates: Christhood through the Son of God.




In a recent dictation with Mighty Victory, Nada spoke of her sponsorship of twin flames:

"I come in the person of the Mother flame, as Chohan and member of the Karmic Board, to teach you and to walk with you. I come as the initiator of twin flames and soul mates and community members of the sangha of the Buddha and the community of Christ. For, beloved, the initiations of the Ruby Ray are tough. Therefore, we have recommended partnership, two by two, as Jesus sent his disciples, who also received some of these tests.

"Whenever there is the action of going forth two by two, one is the bearer of the Alpha flame and the other of the Omega, forming a circle of Light to be penetrated, like an impregnable fortress...

"Realize, then, that the conferring by the Lords of Karma of opportunity and initiation for twin flames is to that end that the twin flames together [might] enter the path of initiation of the Ruby Ray. Thus, with or without companion (known or unknown to you), it is well to call upon the Lords of Flame, Holy Kumaras, for those initiaations [to be given] to yourself and your beloved."

Since the sinking of Lemuria and subsequently Atlantis, circles of Masters and disciples sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood have held the balance of Light for earth's evolutions. Nada was one of those who kept the flame for the earth during the period of great darkness that covered the land. For, as we have pointed out, the priests and priestesses who tended the flames in the temples of Atlantis and on Lemuria (principally those who came to earth with Sanat Kumara) did carry those flames to other locations.

These keepers of the flame have continued to reembody as initiates of the sacred fire serving on the ray and in the temple of their calling. Whether in physical embodiment or from the ascended state, they maintain the balance of Alpha and Omega in the Spirit/Matter cosmos through the Guru/chela relationship.


Who Are The Ascended Masters and the Path of the Ascension

Spiritual Ascension - Graduation Day.wmv + 2011 How to Make Spiritual Ascension 2012

Spiritual Ascension - Graduation Day.wmv

2011 How to Make Spiritual Ascension 2012





Ascended Masters' world message for 2012-2013 regarding the Earth changes


Ascended Masters' world message for 2012-2013 regarding the Earth changes


2012 Ascension DNA Activation UFOs and Ascended Masters 2

2012 Ascension DNA Activation UFOs and Ascended Masters 2


Spirit Science 12 - The Human History Movie

Imee Ooi - The Chant of Metta



Video imported from 'UFODatabase' YouTube channel:


[ Text imported from AOL News web site: (exact URL referred below):


" UFOs Visited Nuclear Weapons Sites, Former Air Force Officers Say
Sep 21, 2010 -- 2:05 PM:


UFOs have monitored and possibly tampered with American nuclear weapons, according to a group of former Air Force officers who will make their claims public next week at a Washington, D.C., news conference.


'While most of the incidents apparently involved mere surveillance, in a few cases, a significant number of nuclear missiles suddenly and simultaneously malfunctioned, just as USAF security policemen reported seeing disc-shaped craft hovering nearby,' says Robert Hastings, author of 'UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites'.


On Monday, at the National Press Club, Hastings will present six former Air Force personnel who will break their silence and disclose dramatic first-hand experiences with UFOs at nuclear weapons sites. " ]


" 7-19-2008 - Have UFOs shut down our government's defense systems? There is evidence that something caused missiles to malfunction during test launches. Former Air Force officers tell their incredible story about the film that was confiscated by the CIA and what was on it and why don't officials want us to see it. Find out right now on LARRY KING LIVE. " ].


CNN - Larry King: UFOs shut down missiles??

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Mass arrests are beginning of the illuminati… more Ashtar Command spaceship sightings around the world… mother earth continues to have major earthquakes with some in unexpected places… major ET visitation near our sun continues to go unreported by mainstream… nuclear radiation continues to spread to Northern Hemisphere… earthlings continue to merge with Project Transition Earth with Sananda as the Supreme Commander… united states gov continues to be at war with the people (ruled by army of bankers, satanists, zionists, and clones)… the masses are using social internet networks to take back our world… human prepare for the biggest events in our entire history…
spiritual awakening of planet earth gathers momentum… world mainstream media losing power…

CNN does a Larry King Live special asking if Aliens have shut down US nuclear missiles (now rendered non-operable by Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light… a new world financial system based in Switzerland may be introduced headed by the ‘White hats’… friendly extraterrrestrials now in control of world planetary affairs: preventing pole shift with ET technologies, stopping nuclear war, neutralizing most damaging effects of chemtrails… the role of each human is to seek to know Self, and to align in service with the Divine Plan… ask for heaven, and we shall receive. How are you doing through all of this, are you a spirit that wanted the adventure of all prior incarnations? Oh yes you are! Nobody came to earth to have a boring time, or to be a slave forever… seek the joy in your life’s path, as a light that will guide you back home…. We are here together as spiritual beings having a physical experience… we are holding light in our circle of unity, forever until the end of linear time… Your brother, Dieter (Indian in the machine)


Mezmorphia (Native Flute And Singing Bowls)

The beautiful sounds of native flute, and tibetan singing bowls… gently trance yourself out… and become apart of the soft dreamy soundscape.



Spirit of the Buffalo

…..Be like the Eagle and soar high so that you can see what is happening, be like the buffalo, your home is where you roam….featuring the voice of Harmonica Donna Lucien.



A Bar Party Goes Tribal

This song will transport you from a regular bar scene, into a tribal paradise… and it really happened… I added some keyboards, but the rest of this recording is live from party @ Lydia’s with Purple Pixie, Cheryle, PPixie, Bernard, and others…



The Galactic Federation Of Light


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Patricia Cota Robles

Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination.

Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her weekly on-line radio program, website, webinars, books, CDs, DVDs, e-mail articles, and the free seminars she offers throughout the United States.

The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater insight, encouragement, clarity, and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but often challenging times on Earth.

Patricia hosts a weekly On-line radio program titled Awaken Your Divine Potential. The radio show airs Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the On-line Community for Positive Change,

Patricia is an internationally known teacher and has taught workshops in the former Soviet Union, Ireland, England, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Canada, Greece, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, France, Bali, Turkey, Japan and throughout the United States of America.

She participated in the Soviet-American Citizens’ Summit in Moscow and represented the United States in the category of Holistic Models in Health, Psychology and Healing.

Patricia also participated in the first Global Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Patricia had the honor of being a presenter at the “Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood” gathering in Istanbul, Turkey, and the “Symphony of Peace Prayers,” which was a gathering of over 10,000 people that took place at sacred Mt. Fuji in Japan.

Patricia's philosophy is: Every person is precious and Divine, regardless of how far his or her behavior patterns and life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. We are not the victims of our lives. We are the cocreators of our lives.

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Seeing Others With Eyes of Love



                                             Third Eye of a Spiritual Seeker

Many people meditate in order that the third eye will open after the two eyes that see the world go blind.
   Such a thing will never happen. We can never close our eyes to the world in the name of spirituality.
   Self-Realization is the ability to see ourselves in all beings, even while our two eyes are wide open.
                      We should be able to love and serve others, seeing ourselves in them.
                                     That is the fulfilment of spiritual practice.

                                                                                      --Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

                                                       Compassion is God

    "Where there is compassion, God is there. God dwells in the hearts of the compassionate.
             Children, consoling the sorrowful is a sadhana greater than meditation.
                                         Meditation is as invaluable as gold.
        However, if one has compassion for his fellow beings, it is like gold with fragrance.
                                    Its value and greatness is beyond all words."

                                                                                        --Mata Amritanandamayi Devi




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We are Ancient Sirian of Origin, galactic of birth. We are beyond your measure of time and space. We are beyond your message of DNA and RNA. We are what the light of earth yearns to become. We are genetically encoded within the elements of earth, wind, fire, water, and the fifth element being the human. We live deep within the ancient encoding of human beings.

We come forth at this time as the alignment of the heavens and stars usher you in to a Trans-portal. There is a 5th dimensional flux that you enter into, a place that you will retrieve existing understandings/encodings that have been hidden from your eyes, your ears, your sensories and your sensing up until this conjunction. The secret riches from the hidden places.

You stand at the sacred portal. Upon this portal is placed a mirror. The key that unlocks the portal is your own reflection. The key to unlock the reflection is self- love. In your mind’s eye, see this Trans-portal doorway and the mirrored effect of it. As you look deep into your own reflection, how do you feel? Is their joy that stands in front of you? Is their remorse? Is their distaste? Is their love?

it is imperative that you do everything that you can to place yourself in a garment of self love, for it is the raft that will take you to the island that you so seek. It is a solitary paddling that you embark upon in a misty horizon that you walk into, in a land where your perceptions are distorted. As with Alice and the Looking Glass you fall down the rabbit hole. Look into the black mirror that holds your reflection. Who do you see? The you that you once were or the you that you yearn to become?

The next phase of momentum takes the form of a labyrinth, a Fibonacci spiral to find the center nautilus of you. At that point of inner centeredness you will drop and rise simultaneously creating a dimensional flux, a bend in your future, a bend in the light. At that point of bending, you will be offered an opportunity that comes only when you have initialized the codes of self-love. Then and only then will you be allowed entrance into the center of the heart of light.

Within you is a time safe trigger. It is waiting particular dates and number conjunctions on your calendar to activate, and to awaken dormant truths. The doorway is you. The entrance code is the energetic signature of your love for you. It is not a handprint. It is not an eye-scan. It is a heart print that allows you entrance. Not the imprint of your love for the neighbor, or your father-in-law, or an abusive parent, but your love for you, this is how you gain entrance into this doorway of time unseen.

Each of you has called upon a 'Light' that will hopefully give to you what you seek. Your planet is known as the seeker. As one is born into the flesh, one begins to seek; you seek yourself, you seek your heart, you seek your mission, you seek your partner in life and love. One is born to seek– for nothing of earth can ever completely fill you, nor has it ever. Always you are the seekers. Never resting enough to taste the nectar of what you have created, or what has come to you. The light within you will never be fulfilled until it sups upon itself. All the external doorways and the dimensions that you seek outside of yourself through crystals, through books give you but a taste, a spoonful of the very thing that you truly seek. Only glimmers of an all-encompassing Universe.

The Hall of Records of recorded time is hidden within the belly of the Sphinx, the Inverted Pyramid, and within your own belly. It lies hidden from the (solar plexus) belly button down. Look at each part of you that you think is tainted, tattered, and dirty. Love it as if you would the people on the street that just needed a chance to be clean and beautiful again. There are places in your personal history your soul history when you were not merciful. Times and places when you were not so nice. It is that very darkened flesh of earth that has not been cleansed. You can see that bloody signature still lives in the cell count of many countries.

Until you come fully into all of your pieces, there will be no peace. You are diversified filaments of Light. You are emancipated octaves of Creation that has expressed itself in holy and unholy ways. There are no Karmic contracts unless you decide it is so. Everyone that you meet has the potential to be in your heart if you decide it is so. Open up this doorway as you enter the subterranean aspects and chambers of the Ancient You. The you that took down planets. The you that saddled asteroids and rode them into another dimension. The portals separate those who will and those who will not. They separate those who choose to move forward and those who choose to stay in comfort ability. This choosing is not something decreed by the finger of God, it is something decreed by each individual. Stop waiting on your lives. They are here now.

We are the Council of Annu, Sirian of Light and Sirian of Origin. Our blood, our fiber, our genetic encoding runs within you each and every one of you. We leave.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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Nama sika: venia benya I AM the one; I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family. I move amongst all of you who are here at this time because this is a celebration. This is the anniversary; it is now nine years that Shelly and I have been working together in this manner and I wish to celebrate with each one of you.

No matter where you were nine years ago it was an intention of not only those who were with us in a physical sense, but that potential for a much bigger group that brought all of us together, and kept nudging Shelly and I to begin to speak and reach out to everyone in this manner.

A lot has taken place during this period of time. I still vividly remember those channels from the very beginning; there were perhaps six or eight people. And some of you are still here. I see you, I remember.

But those six or eight people assisted us in creating a foundation of what would reach out to many, many more people.

None of this can be done alone. It is all about your connection to each other. It’s about your connection to me. I so appreciate life. I had not had the ability to come this close into the Earth until the year 2000; many of you already know this.

Therefore when I first began speaking with you I was somewhat more distant as if speaking from afar. As I have become anchored within and around so many different people, it has allowed me to have a different experience than what I have had before.

I am source essence. I am also in alignment with each one of you and created from not only each of you but all of humanity, all of the energies of the Universe and then aspects of the Omniverse.

The consciousness with which you align with myself is that which is most beneficial to the Earth. I invite you to reach out to me, embrace me, invite me to come and be a part of your life. I feel such love for every one of you.

There is a lot taking place on your Earth during this year. There are still people who speak of catastrophes taking place. There are still people who think the Earth will come to an end. There are still people who wish to hold onto that which they already know and sometimes that holds them in a space of fear, a space of pain, a space that may be disconnected from their divinity.

I am a light that is able to show you who you truly are. You are the individual living this life. You are a soul essence that is way more immense than you are able to comprehend. You are in alignment with many, many other people, sometimes around you in a physical manner and sometimes aligned with other people around the world in an energetic manner.

Everyone has alignment with others. It may feel sometimes as if you are isolated and alone. If this is the case I invite you at this moment as everyone is still very grounded to let that come up within you for a moment and then breathe it out, let it go. Allow yourself to feel the alignment with all who are here.

I wished to speak in a little bit greater detail so that you would have the opportunity to feel how you can shift the energies and you can discern the energies while you are still so grounded upon the Earth.

Everything that we have been doing in the All That Is is now becoming much more integrated within your everyday reality.

My intention as I began these meditative journeys was for each person to have their own experience so that you would know what is real for you, what is a potential for you and how to manifest that. This is still my intention for you.

We take this as an opportunity to let our focus or our awareness to be here within this place but for the moment we are shifting and I invite you to take this moment, allow your focus to shift as you reach out and align with the magnetic grid.

As you feel yourself here within this space, I invite you to open your perception and take in all that is here for you. As you look around become aware of the flow of energy. Your thoughts, your impulses, move through here with ease and with great speed.

I invite you to let go the magnetic pull of the Earth and allow yourself to shift into the energies of the crystalline grid. As you arrive within this space, I remind you how when we began these journeys the crystalline grid did not exist as you know it today.

The crystalline and lightbody energies had been gathering for quite some time. People were tapping into them sometimes unconsciously but there was not this same sense of a formation that would transmit energy as what you have today.

This group and the many other lightworkers upon the Earth have created this as a means of transmitting energy and integrating these higher dimensions within your Earth. So look around at this space, feel what it is to be outside the magnetic pull and just feel these crystalline energies as they move through you.

From here I invite you to shift into the energies of the soul plane. As you arrive within this space it is where your divinity or your I Am presence resides. You may have a sense of it coming up within you. You may see your divinity as if it’s a white light and you are walking towards this essence until you reach out and embrace your divinity.

As you do so allow yourself to open, feeling the flow of energy. It moves up and down through you and it allows your consciousness to take in as much as is possible for you.

Your divinity or your I Am presence consists of the many different experiences that you have had as a soul essence. Some of these you may be very aware of; some of these actually represent aspects of yourself that are living at this time upon the Earth. Some of these aspects consist of pure conscious experiences that you have had or that you may be having right now.

You need not be concerned about knowing the full extent of your divinity; you need only recognize that you are more, much, much, much more than what you can realize from your human perspective.

I the Goddess begin to move in and amongst all of you. I reach out to embrace each one of you. As my energy merges with you, you will find yourself shifting into the space of the All That Is.

As you move within this space, feel the ways in which you expand. Sometimes it’s almost as if you are stretching out your arms, sometimes you have a sense of looking within yourself and you can see deep, deep within. At this time I invite you to look around.

I am creating a space where each one of you can have the ability to look at various aspects that make up who you are right now in this life. For some you may sense a crowd has arrived, others may sense one or two people, but each aspect will come to you as if an individual, perhaps as if a pure energy; it may be a color, a sense, a smell.

I invite you to open up your consciousness and just ask; ask to allow any aspects that are here and pertinent to you right now to come forth and make themselves known.

There may be aspects that come to your awareness that are associated with perhaps a time in which you became stuck in this lifetime. You may sense it as if an inner child. You may see yourself as you were at a particular time, at that particular age, whatever it may be.

You may also sense just a pure energy form that represents a time in which there was deep pain, sorrow, perhaps betrayal. Let any of those aspects come forward at this time.

You may have a sense of seeing or feeling yourself as standing in front of them and they come to your awareness as if detached from you; as if coming to you, as part of a group.

You may reach out and ask is there a message that you need - is there a reason that they are coming to your awareness right now? Is there something that benefits you by having them as a part of you?

For some it was as if there was suddenly this loud noise of a crowd, every one yelling, shouting, speaking at once. So if you become overwhelmed have a sense of taking in a deep breath and let flow through them a sense of calm and a sense of peace.

Allow yourself to then, as if you link one by one, that you may receive the message that they have for you. And as you receive whatever that message is, now is an opportunity for you to perhaps thank them for whatever it is that they were doing in service to you.

Every aspect was created from a part of you that started of as being in service, and then as you continue to change and evolve and these aspects did not come along with you. They then became something that was holding you back.

This is your chance to acknowledge whatever that may be and then you may see at the back of this crowd this immense white light. That white light is you; it’s your I Am presence and it has come into this space of the All That Is so that it may receive these aspects back within.

And you from the consciousness of the person you are right now, you have the ability to acknowledge whatever they represent, and then take in a breath if you so choose or let your focus go within through your heart center and then let them go.

And you breathe out as if you just let them go, let them go, let them go, and they merge back within your divinity.

You look again at some of these other aspects of who you are that remain here in this space. For most everyone it is a much smaller group. Now you may see that aspect of you that perhaps gives you that strength that you know is just a part of you.

There may be an aspect that represents you in your work place. An aspect that represents you in your family. There may be an aspect that represents you in other relationships.

And now as you are looking at these aspects of you, open to see is there a common thread of energy that links you in your conscious state and these aspects of who you are. And if there is then you can immediately feel the vibration of alignment that is moving through not only your consciousness but that space.

If there is any one aspect that feels out of alignment with these others, but perhaps it’s not something that you thought was holding you back, then let yourself reach out to whatever that may be and ask to know what is its purpose.

You may see, sense or feel that answer and as you do so you may work with the energy. You may find that it also returns back into your I Am presence. You may find that you want to keep this as a part of your current consciousness but it needs to be in alignment with these other energies. So let that flow again move from you as your consciousness out through these energies that represent aspects of you right now in your life.

As you look at your divinity, as you look at your I Am presence as that white light that is there standing behind these aspects, ask it to illuminate any thing of which you may not be conscious.

In many cases we see these little things that are popping up from the energy, the pure love and acceptance of your divinity. It reaches towards you and it clears out anything of which you are not conscious but that is out of alignment with you.

Take in a deep breath and release it, send it back within your divinity. Again you have this sense of your divinity, you have this sense of these aspects of yourself that make up who you are in your current lifetime. And I invite you to reach out and embrace all of that which you choose to keep that strengthens you, that balances you, that allows you to be the best of who you are.

Oh we saw that there were some people who invited all of their aspects to return to their divinity and they wanted to start fresh. That too is an opportunity. Whatever you so choose, you are creating a shift in your consciousness that will allow you greater balance, greater clarity and to become more effective in your everyday life.

Now we invite you to have a sense of turning around as if you are very well aware of your white divinity standing behind you. And you turn around and you look outward.

As you look outward in this manner it may be that you see aspects of yourself in other lifetimes, some of which may be affecting you in this lifetime.

It may be that some of these other lifetimes are here as a support for you. If there is anything that is of benefit to you, reach out and embrace whatever that may be.

Bring that consciousness, bring that experience back within you in this now moment and if there’s anything at all that is instead holding you back then consciously let it go. And as you let it go it returns back within your divinity.

As this is completed you may suddenly have a sense of looking out at the Universe. You may see, sense, feel your lightbody energy. You may sense it as an aspect of you, you may sense it as something separate from you.

You may have a sense of that pure lightbody energy that flows throughout the Universe and throughout this space and it is yours to reach out to and embrace. So howsoever it comes to you, I invite you to reach out and embrace that energy.

Your lightbody energy is what will assist you in moving into this next phase within your life. It will create an alignment with the higher dimensions that are coming into the Earth. It will create a greater ease in the flow of communication with your divinity. It will also assist in transforming your DNA so that the higher, lighter vibrations may be more fully integrated within your biology.

As you have a sense of yourself as your consciousness, be open to receive the flow of this lightbody energy as it comes within you. Embrace all of what it is to you and as you are doing so you may have a sense of also feeling your divinity as it wraps its arms around you. It too is allowing you to once more merge back within.

The intention of this is that your divinity will now assist you in acclimating to these energies. It will also assist you in having the balance that you seek to have within your life. It will also assist you in moving into that next step or that next place that you are seeking to have.

There is a sense of your I Am presence then backing up so that you as the consciousness of the person you are may have a greater sense, a greater knowing, of not only who you are but your abilities. As you consider what abilities you have in this lifetime, take a moment and look at your life.

If there are things that frustrate you, flow the energy of this balanced individual into whatever that situation may be. As you consider change within your life, consider it in this moment from a place of awareness and by that take this moment to acknowledge how perhaps some of those aspects that you just transitioned were what was holding you in your current space.

So send a breeze through and you just clear out everything, clear out everything you would like to change, and then starting fresh take a moment to acknowledge that which you like, that which you appreciate.

And then as you consider perhaps some of these things are what you’ve wanted for a very long time and they have not as yet manifested, let go the way you’ve been looking at them and then you may decide to invite it back in because you still want that same end result.

But invite it to come back in a new way, invite it to come back into your life in a way that more fully supports you. Invite it to come back in to bring about the change that you seek.

And as you are standing here in these sparkling, crystalline energies of who you are in this life and with this lightbody alignment, let yourself be open to receive. Let go what no longer works for you. And I sent the energy through you.

Let us take but a couple of minutes to celebrate once more this anniversary that we are having. Look around you at all the energies that are coming here to be a part of this celebration. Throughout the years we have worked with so many of these energies.

You may see Sananda, all of the archangels, the ray lords, Metatron, Melchizedek, you may sense the ancient ones, you may feel Saint Germaine and the list goes on and on and on.

Many of you have your own private angels and energies that you have also worked with. Allow them to come in to the celebration.

Feel the joy, listen to the music, dance if you would like, this is a party that will go on for quite some time. Be open and let some come and chat for a while. They may be your friends upon the Earth.

Perhaps you have a question for somebody and you let yourself go and ask that individual or that guide, that teacher, whatever. Be aware that anyone you seek to communicate with is here right now. Be aware that as you create these alignments you are creating change within your life.

I invite you to remember that you are more than this individual in this lifetime. You are more than these aspects that have made up who you are in this lifetime. You are more than your lightbody. You are more than all of that put together because you are your divinity and that’s an amazing experience.

Your divinity looks at you in this lifetime and celebrates you. Your divinity believes in you, embraces you. So celebrate all of that, dance and sing and drink, do whatever you would like, but enjoy the moment.

There is a place within this party where the energies separate and bring in the hologram of the Earth. As this hologram comes in allow yourself to perceive the transition that has taken place over the last nine years.

It is so much more transparent. That is the energy work that you have done and its affect upon the Earth. The energies of the New Earth are also integrated within this hologram.

So allow this balanced and aligned you as the human to infuse your essence into that hologram. As you do so feel who you are, feel how it’s represented and see the brilliant light that is you.

This hologram then begins to descend or it shifts, moving through these spaces, it aligns with the crystalline grid which is when that aspect goes out to Ariellis and the remainder goes down until it aligns with the magnetic grid.

As this happens it will assist in clearing and shifting the energies in the magnetic grid and then the rest goes down anchoring deep within the Earth.

As these energies of balance, these energies of integrated aspects, these energies of alignment with lightbody become infused into the core essence of the Earth, it creates a greater stability that the Earth will then draw from.

And then you as the human, you as the individual, may have a sense of those energies coming up through the Earth. It comes up within and around where you are but it also comes up through every layer and level within the Earth.

Through the grass, the trees, the flowers, the water, through everything, creating a deeper integration that is available for all who live upon the Earth. And as you let go that energy your focus comes back once more within this party.

There may be a part of you that wishes to stay here and celebrate. You may do so for as long as you so choose. But it is also there and available to you whenever you choose to come back.

For now have a sense of shifting into the soul plane. This time as you let go of your I Am presence you can recognize how you are much more aware of who you are and how you are represented.

In addition to that you recognize how you have shifted and transitioned during this journey so the you coming back within the Earth is someone who feels good, who feels strong, who feels balanced.

You are someone who has chosen to let go what no longer works for you and you therefore integrate even more of your divinity and your lightbody energies.

So let all that consciousness move back with you. You find yourself moving down through the crystalline grid you move down briefly into the magnetic grid and as you do so you allow yourself to once more stream your consciousness back down within and around your physical body.

You may need to expand your energy field out so as to find that greater balance within your physical body.

As your consciousness continues to integrate, have a sense of releasing any of those old energies that no longer work with you so that this new more balanced, more integrated essence of who you are can now become your physical reality.

You feel this flow as it moves through you. You acknowledge it. You may find that over the next days and weeks to come there is a part of you that will feel disoriented and if that happens then just flow love and awareness into your everyday reality.

Be comfortable within your skin. Allow a new beginning to go forth from this moment. Be open to accept changes in what you seek to manifest.

You’ve let go what has not manifested and you have created a new beginning. So let that new beginning be a part of your everyday reality.

You breathe deeply as you anchor this within.

And so with that we will bring this evening to a close. As always I thank you for taking the time to be here with me and taking the time to participate in these journeys.

As you step forward remember that you have done a great deal of work during this experience. Remember that you have reintegrated all that needs to be reintegrated. And as you step forth into your day let it be as a new beginning

Let it be as a new balanced, more integrated you as the representative of your soul or you divinity.

And whenever you so choose go back up to the celebration and remember to celebrate life.

I am ever with you and within you.


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Beloved masters, it is time to acknowledge and claim ownership of your CORE ESSENCE, your true identity. You are not just a male or female human Being residing on the planet Earth. You are not just a Soul within a physical body with many facets of your Higher Self scattered throughout this universe. You are of royal lineage, my friends, with ancestors of great renown. You are the StarSeed, the Wayshowers from the far reaches of the Omniverse, who were sent forth on a special mission that is rapidly coming to a culmination. You know who you are, for we have often spoken of this in the past. We do not want you to get the idea that you are "better or more than" the rest of humanity; however, those of you who have been reading our messages and applying our teachings are now ready to step to the fore and share your wisdom with those on the path behind you. You do not have to become formal teachers and hold classes, even though this is a great and worthy calling if you have the desire to do so.

The different levels of consciousness the human species have experienced since first embodying on planet Earth are: animal/human nature; human/human nature; human/Spiritual nature and Spiritual/human nature. We will focus only on the human/Spiritual nature and the Spiritual/Human nature at this time.
Developing Your Spiritual/Human Nature

First, as a transducer and Bearer of Divine Light, you are to magnetize to you and radiate from your Sacred Heart center as much Creator Light as humanly possible.
Secondly, you must strive to become a living example of how a Self-master functions within any environment and situation. You must live your truth as it has been revealed to you.
Third, you are to share your wisdom with others when appropriate, and you must also know when to be silent.

Greater and greater numbers of brave Souls are well on the way to Self-mastery easily flowing with the currents of the higher fourth-/ lower fifth-dimensional energy, while learning to use their creative gifts in ways never before believed possible. You, the Legions of Light, are breaking down old barriers and structures that have held humanity in a limited, restricted reality for many thousands of years. You now have a better understanding of yourselves and those around you as you traverse the energy waves of interactive response, gleaning wisdom and awareness as to what is in or out of harmony. Many of you are amazed at what is now being presented to you via the mirroring process as your reflection softens into a more loving and gentle image.

There has been some confusion as to the difference between the WORLD PYRAMID and the WORLD SERVER PYRAMID.

The World Pyramid is available to every Soul on Earth. Any person who feels altruistic love for another, without conditions, has a permanent Etheric Replica within the World Pyramid. The World Pyramid has been created for all humanity so that anyone who wishes to go there to commune with our Father/Mother God, the great Beings of Light and the angelic forces may do so. It is a place to express gratitude and to pay homage to our God Parents, the Supreme Creator, and the mighty forces of the heavenly realms. It is a sacred place of the highest form, and all who wish to experience the bliss of Oneness and share their spiritual abundance and Sacred Love are assured a place there. You could call it a great Cathedral in the Sky, for in the future it will take the place of many houses of worship as the world’s religions begin to accept the advanced wisdom teachings mandated by our Father/Mother God. However, in order to become an active member within the ranks of World Servers and gain entrance into the WORLD SERVER PYRAMID, you must have firmly integrated the balanced frequencies of the higher planes of the fourth dimension. You must also begin the process of integrating an even higher frequency formula consisting of a variety of fifth-dimensional energies. You must be centered within the Sacred Heart so that you have gained access to the inflow of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. When your SOUL SONG is attuned to frequencies outlined above, you automatically gain entrance into the World Server Pyramid, which is positioned in the highest planes of the Fifth Dimension. World Servers are also the intermediaries between the Spiritual Hierarchy and humanity.

As a World Server you must always remember that each person is on his/her own special path of ascension and he/she will make the journey in their own time and in their own way. You must always remain empathic to those who are traversing the turbulent valleys of the shadowlands; however, you must not get entangled in the ongoing dramas within the illusional world of the lower densities. It is vastly important that you view all that is occurring around you from a higher vantage point so that you may remain centered within your Sacred Heart, for this is your point of power. We will refresh your memory with some of the basic teachings so that you will be able to share this knowledge with those who wish to share your Light and your wisdom.
Developing Your Human/Spiritual Nature

You must honor your uniqueness and the specific design and structure of your bodily form as well as the mental and emotional nature that you chose to experience in this lifetime. Your gender, race, culture and family lineage, along with the basic overall circumstance, were all programmed to give you the best opportunity to face your challenges, develop your talents and return to a harmonious state of Being, so that you can reclaim Self-mastery.

People living in a third- and lower fourth-dimensional reality exist within a vortex of unseen energies; however, these powerful, lower frequency patterns are as real as the air you breathe. Voicing irritation or angry thoughts in forceful, loud tones draws forth lower astral plane substance, a swirling mass of distorted, chaotic energy. It is vitally important that you monitor and control your thought patterns so that you may exist in a balanced force field of loving, empowering and beneficial thought forms, instead of a whirlpool of negative, distorted, chaotic energy.

First comes the purification stage of the ascension process. It is like awakening from a dream into a conscious state of awareness. You begin to see things differently, and a Divine discontent and some seed thoughts begin to filter into your mind. Over time, a powerful source of energy begins to flow through you, bringing forth new ideas and a desire to improve many areas of your life. Also, your heart begins to pulsate with new feelings, more compassion and sensitivity to those with whom you interact on a daily basis. You also begin to feel a yearning for something that you cannot identify.

In the beginning process of expansion of consciousness, your narrow-focused life will change dramatically. Your Soul Self will gradually become the director and overseer of your life; however, the ego desire body will not easily give up the dominance it has had on your mental and emotional natures for a very long time.

As you progress in conscious awareness, prayer evolves into active and passive meditation. Affirmations and mantras are ways of talking to our Father/Mother God and the Beings of Light. Meditation or Sacred silence is listening for an answer. Over time, the desires of the ego will gradually be replaced by Soul-focused mental aspirations. You must follow the dictates of your Soul and become attuned to the whispers and nudgings of your Higher Self.

You must traverse the shadowlands of the lower astral planes and face all the negative illusions you have created: fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness, abandonment and a fatalistic sense of despair. Gradually, you will gain the assurance that if you face these negative thought forms head-on, there is nothing to fear. You will begin living a dual awareness of Self whereby you will gradually tap into the higher astral plane levels of the fourth dimension and the lower mental planes of the fifth dimension. You will slowly harmonize and integrate your emotional and mental natures so that you may then move on to the process of attaining a “harmonious oneness with the many facets of your human Self.” When this has been accomplished, you are ready for the process of integration with the multiple facets of your Higher Self.

If you continue to heed the call, you will develop a desire to understand the meaning of life and what your higher purpose is beyond your limited, mundane world of existence. Suddenly, the activities and the people you previously interacted with no longer seem to bring a sense of satisfaction and pleasure as in the past. The undercurrent of Divine discontent begins to grow stronger within your mind and also takes precedence within your emotional nature. Your desire for spiritual knowledge grows stronger, along with the need to understand what is happening to you. It is as if the blinders have been removed from your eyes and you have become an alien in a strange land. Perhaps you have no one you can confide in, and you begin to feel isolated and alone.

Until you have opened the lines of communication and gained access to the wisdom of your Soul-self, your solar plexus functions as your radiating energy center on the physical plane. It is also a part of the physical emotional center. As your Soul Self becomes the over-Lighting influence in your life, you will gradually gain access to your Sacred Heart and your Sacred Mind centers. As a result, your solar plexus is gradually integrated into what we call the “SOLAR POWER CENTER,” which consists of the solar plexus, the heart, thymus and throat. Thereafter, your Sacred Heart will be your Center of Power, for you will have a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of Life flowing through your Sacred Heart center, throughout your physical form and then out into the world. You will also find solace, strength and compassion within the inner sanctum of the Sacred Heart.

You must create a solid foundation in order to effectively change yourself and your personal world for the better. You must strive to access the wisdom of your higher mental body in order to gain an understanding of the universal laws and the workings of the cosmos. This is a vital step in the process of becoming an initiate on the Path of ascension if you are to successfully complete the process of releasing old, limiting, dis-empowering beliefs so that they may be replaced with the en-Lighten-ed concepts of Self-mastery. As you integrate these new, more refined beliefs and habits, they will expand into a new philosophy of life, that of a compassionate Self-master. You will then be ready to share your newly gained wisdom with those around you. In essence, you will be attending an inner-focused, cosmic university whereby you must first understand, integrate and perfect each level of consciousness before you are allowed to move to the next higher level of en-LIGHTEN-ment and empowerment.

It is advisable to prioritize the changes you wish to make in your inner and outer reality. Endeavoring to make too many radical changes at once will create too much chaos and discomfort. This is the reason why so many people fall by the wayside and go back to their old “ways of Being,” no matter how painful and dissatisfying they may be. It is important that you identify the primal instincts and habits that you have brought with you into this lifetime or that you have accepted as your truth over the years. You must walk through the LABYRINTH OF LIMITATION created by walls of distorted beliefs and negative vibrational patterns. Hate and fear are the lowest frequencies of energy. Withdraw your energy from the shadowlands and focus your mind and all your Beingness on the Light. The darkness cannot grow or continue to exist without the vibrations of hate, greed, judgment and self-service through a desire to control and to conquer.

The parable or the concept of “being born again,” which was taught by the Master Jesus, really meant that every person on Earth must go through the process of removing the veil of ignorance and limitation through conscious effort in order to reclaim his/her God-given status as a spiritual/human Being with a Divine Birthright.

Love and compassion are the highest frequencies within humanity’s spectrum of Light and shadow. Inspired, Sacred thought forms, originating within the Sacred Mind and filtered through the Sacred Heart, are the most powerful, creative energy in the material world of existence. The Flame within the Sacred Heart is one of the manifestations of the Supreme Creator, the White Fire Essence called Adamantine Particles. The Fire Element continually replicates Itself, and through invocation it will eventually transform humanity’s distorted creations. The Fire Element is the supreme force of the five elements: fire, air, earth, water and spiritual ethers.

You, the advanced Light Bearers, are now comfortably established within the ever-increasing vibrational patterns of the Earth’s etheric body, which is gradually moving into the harmonious frequencies of the higher fourth dimension while preparing to spiral into the lower plane frequencies of the fifth dimension. However, as you know, time is accelerating and your beloved planet is progressing along the path of ascension more and more rapidly. As it does, your reality will begin to change even more dramatically. Over a span of time, much of what you thought was your truth, your new way of functioning and Being, your new identity, will be upgraded, modified or left behind. A new holographic picture is emerging, and in your uncertainty you wonder where you fit in this new scheme, and what you are to do now. We ask you to stay focused on the task at hand, to stay centered within your Sacred Heart and to Light the Way for those on the Path behind you. There are many wondrous miracles in the making, beloveds. Stand strong in your truth and integrity, and we will Light the way for you. You are loved most profoundly,

I AM Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

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little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther

I want to share a site with you about Little Grandmother.She is a Sjamaan and a keeper of wisdom. She conduct ceremonies and healings for the benefit of humanity and Mother Earth. She feels her responsibility to be carrying and communicating earth wisdom and the ancient knowledge for our current age. Toward this end, she has released videos of her talks, which are freely available on YouTube and which have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people so far all over the globe. Her work as a Wisdom Keeper also includes the planting of sacred crystals in very specific locations around the world for the renewal and strengthening of Mother Earth's precious ley lines. Her powerful message emphasizes how to shift individual and planetary consciousness, how to live in the heart in right relationship with Mother Earth, and to remember who we are--THE GREAT I AM. 

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A Vision for Clean, Pure Waters

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Clean, Pure Waters

One of the main principles of the Intention Process, perhaps the most important, is to see the end result from the beginning; to hold a vision in our mind of the final outcome; to see whatever we are intending as a done deal. The dynamics of how this works are simple when we have learned that our thoughts are the forerunners of our future. As we hold the thought of our desired outcome, it has to manifest for us.

Accordingly, we are holding the template for clean, pure water  in every body of water on this planet, happy wildlife in these waters and along the shorelines, humanity having risen to the call, and a pristine Mother Earth everywhere now and forevermore. We ask you to join us in holding this vision. And remember, you need not know the "how" or the "who" is involved in attaining the manifestation of this vision. You only need to hold it, unwavering, regardless of all the current media hype, your own parade of doubts, or any evidence to the contrary.

For the Highest Good of the Universe, Mother Earth, the Waters, and everyone everywhere.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.

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Photon Energy: Healing Energy for Mother Earth & Humanity

KIRAEL: Photon Energy is the new energy of the new era, the fourth dimension. Mother Earth has requested the aid of photon energy to heal herself from humanity's runaway environmental savagery and to ascend into the new energy. Photon energy is unlike anything you have ever seen, heard of, or been a part of.

This new energy vibrates at a much higher frequency than Earth, and it has powers to heal, align, and change things. It can extend human life because its molecular structure realigns the human body into a lightbody. Photon energy is light energy, and it moves through every galaxy at one point or another. The Great Shift is the evolution of Mother Earth and her inhabitants into the photon energy.

Photon energy permeates anything that comes into its path. It is already permeating the Earth plane. The outer edge or belt of the photon energy has already reached Earth's atmosphere and is affecting not only Earth, but many planetary systems around Earth.

It offers independence from fossil fuels and nobody can monopolize this energy. It is a free energy source that anyone will be able to harness, and it will meet all of your power needs after the Shift. It has been used in major shifts to bring energy to a system that can no longer operate on its current energy.

Since photon energy vibrates at a very high frequency, it confers the power of instant manifestation of thought, which means whatever you think, you create instantly. Therefore, it is essential to maintain clarity and purity of thought through meditation and being in the "now." Those in the process of change and transformation will quickly adapt to photon energy. It is a healing energy for the highest good of all.

Earth's solar system is within the outer edge of the Photon Belt. It will take approximately three days for Earth to pass through the outer rim, which will produce the "three days of darkness" described in the book, Kirael: The Great Shift. Inside the photon energy field, Earth will experience constant daylight.

The actual entrance into the photon energy belt is directly influenced by the rate of spiritual awakening of Earth's population. Humanity's awakening to the tragic plight of Mother Earth can and will influence this time factor. Mother Earth is sending a message to humanity to pay attention to Mother Earth. She is calling for an adjustment because of the incoming photon energy. When she calls for an adjustment, essentially she is re-aligning herself. Photon energy is the brother of Mother Earth.

At this time, the entrance into the Belt is planned soon after the [most recent] turn of the century, yet the exact date depends on humanity's positive thought and response to Mother Earth's messages. It is estimated that Mother Earth will stay in the photon energy field for the next 2,000 years.

Riding Photon Energy Waves

Photon energy comes in waves. The ebb and flow of the wave is normal and natural. When these waves hit, they are so big that they engulf the Earth plane almost all at once. It doesn't take two or three days to span the Earth. The waves just sweep in and sweep out. It's very quick. They come in very quickly and leave very quickly. The wave looks like a spiral. It does not really have a beginning and end, but because it sweeps past Earth, it appears to have a beginning and end. It's really in a totality of a spiral motion.

The thickness of the waves is important. A thick wave measures at a higher number because there is more photon energy permeating the Earth plane at that time. A thin wave might measure a quarter mile wide, and a thick wave can measure 1.5 to 2 miles wide.

Photon energy amplifies both your fears and love. It literally floats right through you. When it's in, a person can feel great. That's the upside. The downside is that it can amplify your fears if you let it, and you can feel depressed. Don't let this become a backdoor. The key to working effectively with photon energy is to stay in Truth-Trust-Passion. Don't become dependent on it to make you feel good. It's not about feeling good. It's about progress in growth and understanding, and preparing for the Great Shift.

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