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Watch the interview with Wayne Dyer and Oprah in an all new "Super Soul Sunday" airing March 25 at 11 am ET/PT on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network.

Meeting the most influential woman of the 20th century has been a dream of mine since I first started watching her show in my early teens. This past February, as I pulled up to Oprah Winfrey's home on Maui so she could film a show with my dad, I realized I was about to have one of my long term "wishes fulfilled."

I love Oprah because she is the whole package: she looks for the good in everyone she meets; she has used The Oprah Winfrey Show to teach the world about spirituality; she has earned incredible wealth and genuinely enjoys sharing it and giving it all away; but most of all, just by being herself and allowing her true magnificence to shine, she has become a beacon of light for all of humanity. Oprah Winfrey lives her dharma and in doing so, she allows her true nature to shine. What a joy it is to watch and learn from someone who loves doing what they do!

One of the biggest lessons I have learned from Oprah Winfrey is that of setting your intentions, becoming what it is you want to attract (not just asking for it), and then most important, letting go.

I have learned from both my dad, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Oprah that you don’t get what you want, you get what you are. I decided to apply this philosophy to my life and to become a person who is focused on serving others and not so focused on what’s in it for me. It was really challenging for me to blindly trust that things would work out, that money I needed would show up at the right time, and that I didn’t have to strive to arrive. There were times when I felt that I wanted to be like the rest of my friends and make a set salary, to have a position in a company that told me what to do and paid me for it. At the same time, though, I knew those things weren’t me so I decided to simply trust that if I served others, I wouldn’t be left behind. I started my own foundation that focuses on raising awareness about child trafficking in the United States. I became a Guardian-ad-litem, which is a volunteer advocate for abused or neglected children, and I spent a year working for free to raise money for a documentary film whose cause I believe in.

I always knew I wanted to work for myself, but I was so afraid that I would fail or that I wouldn’t be able to get anything done if left to myself that I held myself back. However, when I started to focus on other people and how I could help them, I realized that the universe was clamoring to help me achieve what it was that I wanted to do. Having this knowing that things really do work out, that I can truly just let go and be at peace and everything will handle itself is a really freeing lesson to learn. I used to feel so stuck in my career and my life, and I had this belief that I had to push and push to get everything done. Now, I have learned to set my intention, become what it is that I want to attract and then let go. In the past, when I had something that I wanted to attract in my life, I would call everyone I know and talk about it. I would listen to their opinions on it and then start to doubt it or feel unworthy of it. Now, when I have something I would like to attract in my life, I offer myself up to the universe to become it for others first, and I don’t talk about it with other people. When I am lacking peace in my life, I don’t ask God to please send me some peace. I ask God to please “make me an instrument of thy peace.” When I wanted a loving relationship, I asked God to please teach me how to first truly love myself so that I could then offer that love to someone else. Then, I assumed how it felt to really love myself, to really feel deeply loved by someone else and I concentrated on that feeling.

In 2008, I decided to make a vision board so that I could have a visual reminder of the type of person I had set my intentions on being. I wasn’t sure what type of career I wanted so instead of putting a specific job on the vision board I put words that represented feelings I would have if I was doing my dream job. I also put on my vision board words representing the man I would like to attract into my life rather than images of a really hot guy. I also cut out photos of other people doing activities I wanted to do, like meeting children in Africa, driving an old car down the coast of Italy and going wine tasting in an exotic location. I actually glued my face over the other people’s faces so I could see myself doing these things and not just imagine them! I cut out images of a big yacht, a silver Mercedes, some nice jewelry, and I put the word “travel” all over that thing just in case the universe was being extra generous!

I also put on my vision board images of Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres with myself right next to them and can you believe it? I had the opportunity to meet Ellen in 2009 and this past February, as Oprah put her arms around me and gave me a big hug, I was experiencing one of my long term wishes being fulfilled!

Pretty much everything on my vision board has come true. I went wine tasting in Sonoma this past September. I drove in a vintage Aston Martin in Sardinia in 2010 and that big yacht and silver Mercedes? Well, it turns out that my dream man has both of those, and we just celebrated our 3 year anniversary together. My career is heading in a direction I feel proud of and I have had the opportunity to take so many trips in the past 4 years that my friends jokingly call me “the world traveler.” So many of the material things and experiences I desired happened to show up in my life in ways that I can't even explain or make sense of, but the truth is, that isn't even the coolest part.

The really neat thing for me is that these material things are not the best part of this experience. The best part has been really learning to become like Oprah. I find myself wanting to share everything I get, wanting to look for the good in everyone, and most important, more than anything else I want to serve others in the way that Oprah has so graciously demonstrated for me. Learning to serve others without asking "what's in it for me" has given me a sense of peace and purpose that feels better than any jewelry or vacation ever could!

I believe that I learned how to align myself with the power of intention by offering to others what it was that I was seeking. In doing so, I became what it was that I wanted to attract. Then, as I learned from Ms. Oprah, I let go and I let God.

Serena Dyer is a student and human rights activist whose mission is to eradicate child trafficking through advocacy, education and research for the Stop Child Trafficking Coalition. Serena is currently co-writing a book with her dad, renowned author and speaker Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. The book, Don’t Die with Your Music Still In You is scheduled to release in Summer 2013.

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There is a miracle taking place right now. We have said three little words, Greetings from Home. It took that amount of time for you to fully integrate our energy. We tell you that this process is speeding up. The larger vision of humanity on planet Earth is starting to change in many different ways. Therefore, we wish to take you through some of the changes that are ahead of you today. At the same time, we will also give you the larger picture as to why these changes are happening and why they are needed at this moment. Let us explain.
A Finite Being Dancing in Density

Everything on your side of the veil is what you call finite. In other words, it exists within a field of polarity and the illusion of time and space. Therefore, everything must have a beginning, including the planet itself. When you first incarnated on planet Earth, you did not have the physical bodies. Nevertheless, you were with her from the very beginning of her birth. Many of you had non-physical body similar to what you would consider angels or beings with ethereal bodies. Afterwards you developed these denser bodies because the Earth was cooling and gaining density at that time. In order for you to maintain your connections, you began to dance in density and to gain new physical bodies, which have gone through many evolutionary steps in the short time that you have been here. Your medical sciences currently do not think that the human animal is evolving. However, we ask you: Whatever made you think it stopped? It has been evolving since the very moment it was on the planet. You will see that these evolutions happen more on a physical level for the planet was finite. In other words, there was a moment that you called the big bang, which marked the beginning of this direction of time. and there would be a time between the years 2000 and 2012 in which the end of planet Earth was scheduled . It would have taken roughly 12 years to totally dismantle this planet , as was originally the plan.
Changes from a Shifting Vibration

Now you have shifted it all by deciding that you are staying. You began at the 11th hour to awaken from the dream, to open your eyes and take your power back. We were so incredibly amazed; so incredibly, wonderfully amazed. Now you are using that power on a collective basis to change your environment, to change your reality, to raise what you are calling vibration on planet Earth. As you do, you are being successful. It has happened. You look around your world, at your systems and you see them starting to crumble. You see some of the challenges in your economic systems, you notice the difficulties that some of your religious systems and other organizations are starting to have due to the change in vibration. If there is disharmony in anything and you raise vibration, this disharmony comes right to the surface and right to the front. So, much of the shifts and changes that you are seeing on your planet are a natural reaction to what you have created here on planet Earth.
Duality to Triality in a Physical Body

We wish to speak about the physical human body. It was developed for you within a field of polarity. Many of your organs are polarized in some way throughout your physical being. Even more so, its polarity has a negative and a positive side that opposes each other, which created what you call a field of duality in which to live. Humans have been very successful in this field. Now, this is changing and your own evolution is taking you into what we call a field of triality. A way for you to understand this is to simply imagine that you have two arms that you have used to balance your life with as you walk through it Now, what would happen if you had a third arm? How out of balance would you be immediately if you did not have everything in place to carry that third arm? It would take major adjustments. No, that is not one of the physical changes that is taking place. We know some of you have jumped ahead and started writing it down. No, no, no. We mentioned it by of illustration.
The Next Step in Evolution

Let us tell you about the physical changes that are taking place. Much of the brain is starting to work differently, which is something that medical sciences will actually be seeing in the beginning. Humanity is at the very cusp of an evolutionary process that will take you roughly 210 years to complete. From the larger perspective of the timeline of humanity, you could say that this is evolution in the blink of an eye. However, for you who are going through it, it will be challenging at best because you cannot see an end to it. The year 2222 will be a magical time for it will mark the completion of a huge evolutionary cycle that will take much of your energy in the meantime.

What does that mean exactly? Are your bodies going to grow a third arm? Are you going to look different? Well, it is very difficult for us to predict where you are going to end up because all of it is contained within your heart. Ahh, you were expecting us to point to the head. Let us explain. You will find a balance between the head and the heart that will let you walk comfortably into this evolutionary process. This balance allows you to grow in the body and to find the new parts of it before they have even fully developed. Your own concepts and your own heart energy are starting to create and open doors before you walk in. It will affect the outcome of the phone call you were going to make, even before you pick up the phone. You will now become consciously aware of the fact that your heart energy precedes you in everything you do it. We will explain how you will deal with energy because your spirit has been using a physical body. A beautiful blend of spirit, being and physicality enables you to pretend to be a human. You are doing a very wonderful job at it.
Stepping into the New World

Now that this change is starting to take place, you will see shifts within your own emotional body first. There was a wave of energy coming through planet Earth changing everything, which as we have mentioned before, you have helped to create. You have celebrated all these magical dates that are now culminating in the 12-12-12. You have literally helped to set your own changes into motion as well as create a new world around you. Now your next move is simply to step into this new world, to claim it as your own, to make it your own and to make it your expression of Light. We tell you that there will be certain challenges with it for you have become sensitive to different energy levels to which you are unfamiliar. This is the reason why we have asked you to be cautious in your exposure to the sun during this summer. The X Class solar flares that are now coming in have the potential to overload your systems. Normally you simply have your own magnetic field with which you fend off the harmful pieces.

Because of the physical and energetic changes that are going on, some of those defenses have been removed. Therefore, we ask you to simply use common sense in your exposure to the sun during this summer. Next summer, it will not be a problem but right now, with all the magnetic energy coming in from the sun, there are potentials to experience things that you do not wish to experience.
The Larger Picture

What about the larger picture? What about ways to comfortably make some of these physical changes? How do you encourage the body to go through these shifts? Well, it is happening already. Many of you have not equated what is happening to you as a physical change in your body. Let us explain. Much of the energy has come through in a wave. The easiest way to consider the wave is to see it as a big ripple caused by picking up the carpet throwing every chair off the side all the way to the back of the room. As the ripple works its way to the back of the room, it rearranges the furniture as it goes. This is what is happening to many of you emotionally.

The outer shield has been changing already and as a result, a huge wave of energy is going through all of humanity altering everything. Many of you are wonderful teachers, healers and channels of Light who have been helping this planet to evolve, have felt disconnected over the last six months. Some have hidden this feeling from view because you do not wish to speak of your disconnections for it feels like you may somehow have lost your magic. Nevertheless, it is a common occurrence throughout the entire planet. What took place was that a wave of energy came in so strong that it partially removed some of the veil, which you have learned to use to find your place, to have your sense of self. As the veil is starting to move, you are losing a little bit of your own identity. However, at the same time you are gaining the harmonic connection with all the other beings around you. That is the biggest part that you will experience as you evolve, even physically, for the new physicality will let you see and consciously use your connection to other people. There are on planet Earth that cover these events every day now.

Why do you think that is? It is one of our ways of planting seeds on planet Earth to let you know that everything is possible here if you only take charge of it.

This feeling of disconnection, which could be called a second dark night of the soul, is the final piece for many teachers and healers. It happened on a global basis. The interesting part is that in this process everything has been reconnected in a new, stronger way. As this second dark night of the soul happens to each of you, you will tend to think that there is a failure or that something missing because the inner peace, the inner sense of self that each of you carried with you, loses a little bit of its credibility. If you start to learn to perceive yourself through the eyes of those around you, you lose nothing.

Dear ones, you have a smile on your face when you feel happy. Have you ever thought of distributing that smile energetically to everyone you know? Have you ever thought about holding the joy and your passion of whatever it is that makes you smile, and dared to focus your entire life on that heart energy rather than on what you think you are supposed to be doing? That is what is taking place. You are moving from the head to the heart and you are learning to readjust your lives in many different ways. There will be a big celebration in the year 2222. What you do not know, is that many of you may be there.

There are many advances and understandings now anchoring in the area of medical sciences and your physiology. You know you are only using small parts of your potential. That is changing. Your systems will be on full charge very soon if you ask for it. It is not something that is going to come to you. It is not something that is going to overload you without your asking for it. Know that once you start this process, you are moving into the age of empowerment for you are no longer in a field of duality where you can measure things in right or wrong, good and bad, black and white, love and fear. A new balance of the higher self will allow you to start seeing things differently. You are starting to connect to all of your dimensions and to be a single ray of Light again. It is not an easy transition and we ask you to help each other make that process work, for the magic is on planet Earth. You have come with the magic. You have held it all your lives. Now use it. Play with it every day. There is nothing to wait for. The time is now.

Enjoy this journey, dear ones, and know that we are behind you every way possible. Not to help you make the right turn, not to teach which way is best, but to simply love you for who you are. You are bringing the Light from Home and shining it through your eyes. You are changing this planet to create heaven on Earth and it is working.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and hold the door open every chance you get for this is a very different game you are stepping into. Please re-member to play well together.


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Blessings from the Zadkiel,
The Archangel of the Violet Ray of Transmutation

I AM Zadkiel Archangel of the Violet Ray. I come into your awareness to remind you that we, the members of Celestial Service who are aligned with the frequency of transmutation, are here to assist our human brothers and sister serving on the body of Gaia. All of you have prepared for myriad earthly incarnations to perform the role that you are to play in the ensuing process of planetary ascension.

We, the Angels of the Violet Fire, have been assisting Ascending Ones since before time. In fact, we are the first Greeters for those who have returned to the fifth resonance and beyond. Because our Essence flows with the frequency of transmutation, our Celestial Service is to serve as Portals through which the Violet Fire can flow into that which is completed and ready to transmute into its higher frequency of expression.

As with all light, the energies of the Seven Comic Rays flow in circles. Once we of the Seventh Ray of Transmutation assist you with your moment of return to a higher expression of reality, you will Flow into the Blue Ray of Beginnings. Thus, that which has been transmuted into a higher frequency moves instantly into a new experience of reality. There is no "death" as energy cannot die. It can only change frequency. Up until this time of planetary ascension your transmutation into a higher reality at your time of "death" was forgotten when you re-incarnated on your third dimensional Earth, and the completed cycle was archived so that it would not interfere with your new reality. However, once you return to your Multidimensional SELF, you can experience all your multiple realities within the NOW of the ONE.

Dear human angels, we wish to tell you that the time of remembering is NOW. It is important that all of you remain conscious of your ascension experience so that you can help others. Our Violet Angels currently serving Earth by carrying the illusion of a human body share your longing for the return of unconditional love and camaraderie with Source. Experiencing a reality based on separation is especially difficult for the members of the Angelic Kingdom, as we normally live in the Unity Consciousness of the ONE.

Our "grounded Angels" shall be among the first to Ascend so that they can assist others in the fashion that has always been their Joy. ALL of you are ONE with ALL life. Hence, ALL of you have a higher expression in our Angelic Kingdom. Therefore, feel your wings, dear human angels, as they tickle your back and open your High Heart. Our wings are not made of feathers, but of Light, and symbolize the Flow of unconditional love from the ONE that enters our Hearts and expands in all directions as it courses through us. Allow the Flow of unconditional love to sweep up the longing for your Return and use it to open your Portal for Ascension.

Embrace our unconditional love as it enters your heart. Feel how it Flows through you and fans out in all directions to create your "Wings." These "Wings" will support your every movement and guide you through your journey Home. We, the Angels of the Violet Fire, live within your heart and are available to you within every moment of the NOW. We welcome your return and are waiting to greet you as our Violet Fire brings you across the threshold of your new Life.


We, the Angels of the Violet Fire will now assist you in transmuting your physical earth vessel into its true form of a Two-way Inter-dimensional Portal. Your Third Eye opens when your Pineal Gland (Crown Chakra) merges with your Pituitary Gland (Brow Chakra) in the Sacred Temple of the third ventricle of your human brain. (See below links) Your opened Third Eye then creates a light pathway downward through the Thyroid Gland (Throat Chakra) and into the Thymus Gland of your High Heart (just above the Heart Chakra).

This pathway of light connecting your High Heart to your Third Eye initiates the opening of the Inflow component of your Inter-dimensional Portal. The DMT of your Pineal Gland collects the light/love (for light and love are synonymous) streaming from the Galactic Center and shares it with your entire body via cerebral spinal fluid, your blood and the Endocrine System of your body.

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The outflow portion of your Portal allows you to travel inter-dimensionally into higher worlds. Through the combined energies of your Opened Third Eye and High Heart you can communicate with the Galactics, Ascended Masters, Elohim, Archangels, and higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Many of these Beings serve as members of the Inter-Galactic Fleet that is assisting Gaia. When your Pineal Gland merges with the collective of chakras one through six, as well as with the body of Gaia, your two-way Portal fully opens, and your inter-dimensional communications increase exponentially.

However, your Inter-dimensional Portal is not fully opened until it is grounded into the core of Gaia. Without this degree of grounding, the higher light entering your Portal could be damaging to your earth vessel. Furthermore, by grounding your inflow message into Gaia, you share your message with Her. This sharing allows your consciousness to encompass the Planetary Consciousness of Earth. Also, the outflow energies of your Portal will then include messages from all the human and non-human members of Gaia.

Once you send your personal and/or collective outflow message through your Portal into the higher worlds, you will receive the return message via your inflow component of your Inter-dimensional Portal. These messages come in the form of Light Language, which is embedded in the multidimensional light and unconditional love emanating from the Galactic Center. Your Pineal Portal receives the Light Language, which is recognizable to your Third Eye. However, the message must be sent to your High Heart for translation.

Your High Heart contains your Three Fold Flame, as well as your ATMA. Your Three Fold Flame contains all the Wisdom, Power and Love that you have learned in all your inter-dimensional realities, and the ATMA carries your first eight cells that contain the Mission, which you volunteered to complete to assist Gaia with Her ascension process. It is for these reasons that your High Heart is the translator of Light Language. Also, only the unconditional love can open a Light Language file.

When you integrate the multidimensional light and unconditional love of Light Language into your consciousness, doors that have long been closed in your heart and mind will begin to open. Your perceptions and your experience of life will expand, and the multidimensional reality that was formerly hidden in your unconscious will gradually become a part of your everyday reality.
Opening Your Third Eye
click here for more information on

Opening The High Heart
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Light Language
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Integrating Light & Love
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Each of your personal chakras are also third/fourth dimensional "Planetary Portals," and each has a Three Fold Flame containing all the Wisdom, Power and Love that you have gained in your myriad incarnations into physical form. Once opened, these Planetary Portals, also, become two-way portals through which you can perceive your planetary reality (outflow) and receive energy (inflow) from your physical world. The opener of each Planetary Portal is the endocrine gland for that chakra. As you merge your Planetary Portals with Gaia, you connect your personal experiences of earthly incarnation with all Gaia's planetary experiences of incarnation. In this manner, person and planet become ONE.

Integration with your Planetary SELF
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The Endocrine Glands for each chakra/Portal are:
• Pineal Gland of Seventh Chakra/Inter-dimensional Portal
(which works in partnership with the Pituitary Gland)
• Pituitary glands of Sixth Chakra/Planetary Portal
(which is the Master Gland for the other glands)
• Thyroid Glands of Fifth Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Thymus Glands of Fourth Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Pancreas of Third Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Sexual glands of Second Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Adrenal glands of First Chakra/Planetary Portal
You fully ground your Two-way Inter-dimensional Pineal Portal by connecting it to all your Planetary Portals, as well as the body of Gaia. To begin this connection:

Visualize yourself as a speck of light within the core of your brain.

Look up to see your Pineal Portal just above you...
Can you see the multidimensional light and feel the unconditional love as it enters your portal?

Now, look forward the see through your Opened Third Eye...
How does your world appear when you see it through your Third Eye?

As you look down you see the long corridor of your spinal cord.
Allow yourself to float into this Corridor...

Pause for a moment to look at the world through your Throat Portal...
How does your world look through your this portal?

Continue your journey down into your High Heart and Heart Portal?
How does your world appear through your High Heart Portal?
Does you world look different through your Heart Portal?

Float down into your Solar Plexus Portal.
How does your reality appear through this frequency of reality?

Continue into your Navel Portal.
How do you perceive your world through this Portal?

Upon entering your Root Portal, you see Gaia's land.
How grounded in Gaia are you at this moment?

To fully ground yourself into YOUR planetary body, think of your favorite place in Nature and see yourself surrounded by that area. It is from this location that you will journey down into the Core of Gaia's form. Move through Her Crust, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core and deep into Her Inner Core.

Take the Core of your Essence and wrap it around Gaia's Inner Core. Feel how you, people and planet, are ONE Being. You are ready to begin your return journey back into your Inter-dimensional Pineal Portal.

As you merge Gaia with your Root Portal, Gaia's fourth dimensional Elementals of Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders, and Undines intermingle with the third dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water to calm your adrenal glands and assist you to remain within your own center core.

Fourth Dimensional Elementals
click to

Gaia then brings great empowerment into the reproductive glands of your Navel Portal to bring vitality and youthfulness into your earth vessel. Thus, you can combine your calm power with your ever-expanding creativity.

You now enter your Solar Plexus Portal to bring Gaia's promise of new life into your form. Then you can command your power to remain balanced, and your pancreas can begin its adaptation to accepting light as food.

As you enter your Heart Portal you can better integrate your new creations into your daily life to expand your love for All That Is upon Gaia's body. Your creative abilities greatly expand as they enter the Portal of your High Heart where your unconditional love for yourself creates a deep healing of your wounded ego. With this healing, you can better serve to assist in healing Gaia's many wounded areas, as well.

As you enter your Throat Portal, the love for all your creations, and your Multidimensional SELF who brought you into this reality, encourages you to share your experiences with others and to stretch you imagination far beyond its former limitations.

As you enter your Brow Portal, you begin to remember your "reason for embodiment" in greater detail. Hence, you can better fulfill your promise to contribute to planetary ascension. Your higher perceptions also come online so that you can more easily perceive and interact with your ever-expanding, multidimensional reality.

As you re-enter your Inter-dimensional Pineal Portal, it is fully grounded and completely opened. Hence, you can easily communicate with your Higher Expressions of SELF and serve as a fully awakened member of Gaia's ascending Earth. You also realize that YOU are the "High Ones" with whom you have been communing. Furthermore, the connection between your Planetary Self and your Multidimensional SELF has pushed away the final veils of illusion to reveal the Truth that you have always sought.

Your Inter-dimensional and Planetary Portals are fully opened. Hence, the multidimensional energies entering your opened Pineal Gland can course into your Pituitary Master Gland to be shared with the entire third/fourth dimensional body via your endocrine system and the body of Gaia. The opened Pineal Portal then tells the Master, Pituitary Gland to activate its Planetary Portals. Thus all the Three Fold Flames within your Planetary (chakra) Portals become activated and burst into a Golden Flame with a Platinum Glow.


As each endocrine gland opens its portal, your perceptual field expands to interact with the multidimensional stimuli that are now coursing through your body. Your earth vessel then becomes a pyramid with the light entering the Capstone to be grounded at the base via the Root Portal's connection to Earth. The predominant inter-dimensional message at this time is "Begin your return to SELF." Your ascension has begun. However, you are not leaving Earth. You are taking Her with you, AND She is taking you with Her!


At this time, your Throat Chakra, which connects the Opened Third Eye with the Opened High Heart, becomes increasingly active. This connection often takes 7 days and 7 nights in which your throat chakra goes into the depths of transformation. We say all of these times with a smile, as from our frequency there is no time. In fact, since there is no time in the higher frequencies, you can go back in "time" to change causal situations, which bound you, humanity, as well as Gaia, to third dimensional illusions. Therefore, many of the Guides that you have experienced are higher frequency expressions of your SELF that came from your future, which is his/her present, to change your past. In this manner, your present is instantly transmuted into a higher expression. Thus, as you merge with the higher expression of your SELF, who resonates beyond time, you transmute your past and FREE yourself of the final illusion: The Illusion of TIME.

Nonetheless, we have given you time frames to assist you to be patient. Remember, as long as you have a clay vessel, there will be the concept of time for that is the operating system of that vessel. As your body undergoes its transmutation, you may feel as though you are "sick." Part of the reason why you may feel sick is because illness forces you to stay still, rest, sleep and focus all your attention on yourself. If you feel healthy, you may not be still enough to allow your body to undergo its metamorphosis.

During your "sickness" your higher expression of SELF will encourage you to release your attraction to third dimensional, time-bound thinking and all the emotional aspects of separation and limitation. Then, you can begin to fully embrace multidimensional thinking because your current neural network will updated to expand its frequency range into the fifth dimension and beyond. Eventually, your "world" encompasses your Oversoul (Seventh Dimension) and all the way down the dimensional scale into your Quantum Realty (beyond the first dimension). This spectrum is the range for your Multidimensional Operating System. Beyond this range are the 8th through 12th dimensions where no operating system is needed, as there is no form to contain it.

Your Lightbody has a neural network much like your earth vessel, but it is crystalline based instead of carbon based. Just as a diamond is made of the raw material of carbon, your Lightbody is made created from your carbon based earth vessel. The final part of the activation of your 97% DNA and your Multidimensional Operating System is very important. Consequently, it is necessary for you to stay still and surrender to the NOW of the process.

The last light codes of your Multidimensional Operating System download slower because they are the "instruction manual" for use the new system. Hence, they are vital to the entire download. You need to continue to be still during this download because portions of the old system need to be shut down in order to download and turn on this final segment of data. Starting this April of 2012 the full download and integration of your Multidimensional Operating System will have nine months to fully prepare you for the flash of Light that will be released as the Sun rises on the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012.

Once you have downloaded and fully integrating your Multidimensional Operating System, which is based on Light Language, your throat chakra becomes the Communication Center for your Two-way Inter-dimensional Portal. Your Pineal and Pituitary Glands, work as one unit, your Heart and High Heart work as one unit, and your ATMA, first 8 cells, and Three Fold Flame work as one unit. Furthermore, all these units work as ONE unit with your personal body and with Gaia's planetary body. In fact, your personal/planetary bodies work as one unit with ALL your inter-dimensional personal/planetary portals.

Sharing the Violet Fire
With your Inter-dimensional Portal fully opened, we, the Guardians of the Seventh Ray, can send our Violet Light through the Inter-dimensional Portal of your Pineal Gland (crown), where it is shared with your Pituitary Gland (brow) to distribute the power of transmutations throughout your entire body via the Endocrine System. Therefore:
• Our Violet Fire transmutes the perceptions of your Third Eye to perceive even higher frequencies
• Transmutes your mundane communications and creations into creative expressions of your Higher Expression of SELF
• Transmutes all your thoughts, emotions and communications to integrate your higher perceptions of reality into your daily life
• As our Violet Fire enters your Thymus Gland (heart) it transmutes your blood and breath (heart and lungs) so that you can better circulate the higher light throughout your body and into your atmosphere via your breath
• As our Violet Fire enters your Three Fold Flame, your multidimensional Wisdom, Power and Love is remembered, which transmutes your mundane communications into your innate Light Language.
As you share our Violet Fire with Gaia and with ALL the members of Her planet, you become a "Pyramid of Transmutation."


After the shift, reality will be changing so quickly that you will feel like you are in a different world, which in fact, you will be. At first, things may not feel too different because the light of the fifth dimensional earth will take a while to be perceived by your new Multidimensional Operating System. In fact, some of you will never perceive a difference in your environment, as you will continue to match the rising frequency of Gaia. In other words, because you will be transmuting at the same rate as Gaia, you will be constantly calibrated to Gaia's rising resonance. Furthermore, there are many who may be "unconscious" to the Truth of their situation. They will realize the their environment is much more loving, clean and safe, but they may not be able to realize that the changes are due to a change in frequency of reality.

There will also be those who will only be experiencing a lower frequency of reality because they have not-yet-expanded their consciousness to perceive the higher worlds. There is no problem since each of you will consciously or unconsciously choose the reality to which you resonate. Some may need to lag behind in lower frequency realities until they can expand their consciousness, expectations and perceptions to encompass higher frequencies of life. On the other hand, those of you who have calibrated your consciousness the higher frequencies of light, will see a new kind of reality revealing itself.
Some of you will instantly embrace that reality and others will have a hard time releasing that which is familiar in order to embrace that, which is new. Hence, each person will move up the multidimensional stairway at his or her own pace. Each one's pace will depend greatly on his or her ability to believe that that an expanded and entirely different reality is actually appearing before you?

Can YOU release that which is known in order to begin a new adventure? This adventure is one of consistently releasing all third dimensional habits of perception and behavior in order to perceive and behave in an increasingly expansive way. We use the word expansive because the third dimension is so filled with restrictions and limitations.

There was a lion who lived in a small, local zoo. His cage was so small that all he could do was walk back and forth and back and forth. The citizens of the town felt sorry for the lion and decided to raise enough money to create a huge, environmental area in which the lion could roam. On the day that the lion's new home was ready, everyone celebrated with a picnic and games to be followed by allowing the lion to enter his new home.

The entire town surrounded the lion's large, "environmentally safe" area and watched expectantly when he slowly entered his new home. With much coaxing, the lion finally moved away from the entrance and moved to a small corner of his expansive home. He took one look at all the people around him and began to walk back and forth and back and forth.

Will you all be able to release your addiction to the small cage that has been your only reality for myriad life times in order to enter a reality that appears to only be a possibility? This new reality is a possibility because you are creating it with your every thought and emotion. Whenever your thoughts and/or emotions are fear-filled, you sink onto a lower rung of your reality. However, once you remember to remember that YOU already exist on the higher stairs, you replenish your courage to move onto the unknown that is actually the known to your higher expressions of SELF. In other words, you are not going into the unknown. You are in the process of returning to the Multidimensional Being, who you have always been, but forgot.

As this process continues, you may experience a sense of "physical Illness' because the 97% Lightbody DNA is beginning to become dominant over the 3% human genome DNA. In other word, you are beginning to ascend. But what will you ascend from and/or into. That, of course, is a third dimensional question because the fifth dimension and beyond there is not time or space. Hence, the Ascending Ones sense of time, space, separation and even limitations are beginning to shift. The illusion of the third dimension becomes increasingly intolerable in comparison to the Truth that is being perceived via your Third Eye, Throat Chakra and High Heart inter-dimensional communication portal.

As more and more of our ascending ones see through the third dimensional illusions, only the truth can prevail. And, the Truth is that you are all ONE. With no separation, individually becomes a different term. There is still a core of individuality but without the third dimensional ego to pull you into polarized thinking and fearful emotions. As you begin to free yourself from the many lies and limitations that have haunted you for myriad lifetimes, a deep joy and gratitude fills your consciousness.

Your consciousness can then embrace your multidimensional perceptions as higher frequencies of reality. Furthermore, your opened High Heart serves as a beacon, a living invitation, to invite all life to share your experience of a reality filled with multidimensional light and unconditional love. Your opened Third Eye shares your myriad thoughts of Universal Unity, which invites myriad multidimensional realities to enter your dreaming and waking life via the homing beam that keeps your Pineal Portal open.

Meanwhile, back on 3D Earth...

Life seems like "business as usual" while your entire inner life is transmuting with your every breath. More and more, you hunger for an unknown that you have always known? Then you get ready for work, just like you always did, but now that reality is the illusion and your Multidimensional World is REAL!


Blessings, it is I, Archangel Zadkiel, speaking again to conclude this transmission. I wish to tell you how Angels use the Violet Fire. Our angels are often called to heal a situation, but often, those who call do not know that healing is actually a transmutation from that which is ending to that which is beginning. Many of you are calling now because you are at that point of transition, and your body must alter in way that causes many symptoms of illness. Injury can also occur during this transition, as you are having difficulty paying close attention to your physical surroundings.

It is during this transition that the Violet Fire can effectively be used to raise the frequency of any area of your body, your entire body and/or your consciousness. The Violet Fire will transmute (raise the resonance of) any area of your body so that it can more easily heal. Your "immune system" is actually the system through which your higher frequency of Spirit can interface with your earth vessel. Hence, once you raise the resonance of your earth vessel you develop a stronger immune system and greater powers of "healing." These healing powers can be used for yourself, others and for your dear planet, Gaia.

Those who are still bound to third-dimensional thinking tend to believe that a disease is beyond their control and something that they "caught." They also think that an injury, or even death, is beyond their control. However, once the higher frequency reason (karmic initiation) for the injury or illness is revealed, the wounding can be transmuted. Conversely, once any person, place or situation is transmuted into its higher frequency of expression, the wounding begins to clear.

We tell you of these powers to remind you again that YOU are the creator of your reality. Furthermore, YOU are your multidimensional consciousness. Your earth vessel is only a temporary container. Once your consciousness has returned to its true multidimensionality, you will KNOW that you are the creator of your life.

However, there is an exception to this paradigm that is unique to your NOW because you are transmuting your carbon-based personal and planetary vessels into their innate crystalline form. Therefore, there will be disruption to the normal functioning of these bodies during this alteration. Fortunately, the Violet Fire can be of great assistance.

As your Two-Way Inter-dimensional Portal remains opened, you will consciously, as well as through your dreams and meditations, be open to receiving information about how NOTHING is beyond your control. This realization creates a great responsibility for our Human Angels to transmute all that resonances to fear or darkness into love and light.

Fortunately, this transmutation will come quite easily because you are connected to the healing force of unconditional love constantly flowing from the higher frequencies of reality, as well as to the great healing and regenerative force of Gaia. Also, you have established an opened Portal through which we, the Angles of the Violet Ray, can blaze our Violet Fire. Through the Portals that you have opened, Gaia and ALL Her human and non-human inhabitants can more easily receive our gift, as it will automatically be grounded in and integrated throughout the entire planet.

Furthermore, as you learn to perceive reality through the Inter-dimensional and Planetary Portals of your ascending earth vessel, there will not be much that you will miss. At first, you may be overwhelmed, but that will cease as you learn to use the new programs of your Multidimensional Operating System. You will then have access to "whole brain thinking," which instantly presents the cause and effect of every situation. You will also be constantly connected to your Higher Expressions of SELF, who will assist you in learning and acclimating to your new multidimensional perceptions.

With the constant flow of our Violet Fire through your fully opened and grounded Portals you can release the need to call for our force of transmutation because our Angelic Kingdom "has your back" at all "times." FEEL our Violet Fire within the Core of your Body. SEE our Violet Fire as it embraces and transmutes your reality. HEAR the tone of our Violet Fire and carry it in your inner ears. TOUCH the Violet Fire, which ALWAYS surrounds and encompasses you.

Whenever, the stress of your daily life lowers your consciousness and you can no longer maintain these sensations, call us. We are ONE with you.

Before closing our message, I Zadkiel, wish to share with you how angels use the Violet Fire:

First we hold the intention to call upon the Fire...

Then we share that Violet Fire with our High Heart to imbue it with our unconditional love...

Then we direct the Fire out through our right hand and
Blaze the Violet Fire

We point our finger or hold our "hands" open. In this manner, we can either create a laser effect that can transmute an ant or broadcast enough Violet Fire to transmute a city. Practice this use of the Violet Fire and Know that YOU have the innate ability to transmute ALL fear and shadow into unconditional love and multidimensional light.

We light you return with Violet Light,
Archangel of the Violet Fire


I blaze the light into my Soul
To make me Free,
To make me Whole

How can I SEE
Just who to BE
If I don't feel FREE
To just be ME?

Alone at night
Or in a busy day
I must still know
How to light my Way

My Way was once hid by the dark
I could not tell how to make my mark

I wanted so-a life worth living
And I knew, somehow, that came from giving

But, if my SELF, I did not know
How could I let my true light glow?

Then I found my SELF
It was always there
It loved me first, so I could share

I've shared my SELF with many here
And I'm ready now to leave all fear
I feel my Home so very near
It fills my Soul with Love and Cheer

So now do I just turn my back
On all of those who live in lack?

Or can I somehow find the way
To guide them to a better day?

I know inside, we all must BE
The person that we wish to SEE
If I could give them all the KEY
Then they could learn how to be FREE

But each of us, and all together
Must find our Sun in stormy weather

Hence, all that we can truly BE
Is a beacon of light in a stormy SEA


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Water Dragons Channel: Karen Doonan

We come to guide and support as the new is ever anchored deeper and deeper. The rains that
are sweeping the human energy system working to clear and cleanse the traumas and
nightmares of aeons. We ask for you to work with the rain, to allow the rainclouds to burst and
to pour the healing energies around you and through you, for through the rain is the new and
all that we ask is that you allow SELF to cleanse.
We are the dragon realms and we work closely with the element of water. The water a long
ago myth for all humans, we watch as the human race recoils in fear of water and ask ALL to
remember a time when they flowed with the water, when they danced in the water and when
they allowed the cleansing and clearing to take place.
That which is for YOU dear ones will come to you, the worry, the anxiety all working to try to
convince YOU that YOU are not the powerful BEing of light that YOU ARE. We work between
dimensions freeing the parts of SELF encased in shadow and we ask that you begin to learn to
swim, for the tides are turning and the onslaught of emotion is but an ocean to sail. We ask All
to realise that they CAN swim, that drowning is not an option and that swimming to the depths
will reveal treasure that cannot be seen from above the ocean.
We ask for you to swim the tides with us, know that YOU are safe and protected at all times
and all that is cleansed is that which no longer serves. It is not possible to walk in a newly
cleansed world with the energies of the old pouring around you and through you. The muddy
footprints would leave the scars on the earth that are once more beginning to heal. We ask for
you to see your role in the cleansing of mother earth and we ask that you leave clear footprints
of LOVE upon mother earth.
YOUr mother hears YOU, she feels your pain yet she knows that the pain will be soothed by
the cleansing clearing waters that are now pouring through your BEing, for in the waterfall of
LOVE that is now cleansing you will find SELF. A SELF long forgotten but always on the edge
of your vision. We ask for those who are now walking through the cleansing rains to reach out
and to show those who dare not enter the cleansing process the joy of release. For it is only in
releasing that you can remember and can embrace. It is not possible to fill an already full
vessel with LOVE, we ask you allow the rains of the cleansing to pour through you to empty
the you that you have been taught you are to allow the remembering of the YOU that YOU
ARE. Do you understand our guidance and our words?
We are the water dragons, we work with human emotions and we now swim with all who are
now allowing SELF to be revealed. The water dragons work with the rainbow dragons for once
the rain has been and cleansed the rainbows appear. There are rainbows walking the planet
earth and we guide for you to look with eyes that are clear to see the rainbows. They are the
stardust that has fallen from the heavens and they work to move the human race into the new
for the new is unfolding yet many are holding on, too afraid to let go, to BE and to surrender.
For only in the surrendering to human emotion can you navigate the oceans of emotion. For
too long those who sought to contain and suppress have kept you imprisoned within your
emotions. The road to freedom is the shoreline that stands in front of you. It is the emotions
that lap gently at your feet calling you to remember. Do you remember how to swim children of
the earth?
The cleansing and clearing process is the journey to SELF, it is voyage taken alone yet with
ALL, do you understand our guidance and our words? For in the swimming is the
strengthening, too long the human race taught it is weak and it is lacking, TRUTH will show
you the splendour of your BEing, the swim revealing the strength of SELF that lives within. We
ask you to step out from the shore and swim with us, through the dimensional portals of SELF
to the realms and the dimensions and timelines where you have stored parts of SELF, for the
journey to wholeness is the collecting and embracing of SELF. Do you understand our
guidance and our words?
We ask that you now attempt to swim in a ocean that looks deep yet sparkles, for beneath the
waves live the realms that are waiting to show you the joy that YOU ARE. We ask for you to
breathe deeply and to plunge into the depths for there YOU reside, for YOU are ALL and ALL
are YOU.
The ocean glistens and sparkles and we ask that you swim in FAITH and TRUST of SELF, the
magic is within, will you let it out to play? We walk with you always for we are in your heart, for
we are YOU and YOU are we. We are the water dragons and we invite you into the depths of
SELF to reveal TRUTH. Simply call to us from the shoreline and we will escort you to the
depths below, we will sparkle and show YOU the magic that is YOU.

Channel: Karen Doonan

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Installing Love

Installing Love

Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.
Can you guide me through the process?
Tech Support:
Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?

Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?

Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?

Tech Support: What programs are running?

Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.

Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer Disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can you turn those off?

Customer: I don't Know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.

Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?

Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.

Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error - Program not running on internal components." What should I do?

Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.

Customer: So, what should I do?

Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.

Customer: Okay, done.

Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.

Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?

Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running. One more thing before We hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.

Customer: Thank you, God.

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“The God Light” Christina Lunden

As we ascend into the higher dimensions, we are moving closer to our remembrance of who we are as a piece of God. We start raising our consciousness to be more God-like in our daily lives. In our special Universe, we can understand that we are to allow the free-will choices of anything living, like God has done for us. Non-judgment, compassion and a higher love for ourselves and others play a major role in our 5th Dimensional experience. They are not easy concepts to incorporate into our lives after thousands and thousands of years of seeing life through the ego’s eyes but it is something that our souls are ready to do.

The way to Ascension is through the light. To reach the collective ascension energy, Lightworkers need to be stable in their thoughts, energy and lives. Those souls that are light-filled will ascend to a new experience in these bodies we have now. We will then experience our new lives leaving the ego behind in this dimension.

Our beloved Mother Earth has a natural cycle of renewal yet this is different because we have spiritual changes going on at the same time. This time we are conscious enough of our spiritual connections that we are Mother Earth’s birthing partners. As partners, instead of holding her invisible hand, we allow the flow of light through ourselves which will provide her with anything that she needs. Mother Earth’s contractions are coming closer and closer together now with more intensity. Recently, in a two day period (April 11-12) there were six earthquakes ranging between 6.0 – 8.6 magnitudes. These shifts are affecting people all over the world.

The Angels want to remind us that being the birthing partner does not mean that we are the one that has to feel the pain. The Lightworkers job is to be the support. The partner reminds her to breathe, that she is doing well, that this will all be over soon and that something beautiful and wonderful will be the result. And most of all, the support job is for us to be the light, so when Mother Earth needs some energy, she can use it. She has a right to go through this birthing process and we are here to support her.

If you still feel the effects of these Earth changes, no matter where they occur in the world, you don’t have to. When we were in the 3rd Dimension (until 2003) we had no choice. If we wanted to serve spiritually, this meant the energy flowed through our bodies and auras and then went out into spirit. However now that we are in the 4th Dimensional energy, we do have a choice. The energy that we channel doesn’t come into our bodies or aura, it stays outside of us. The only thing that flows through us is the pure essence of light, which the Angels are calling the God-light. This one change allows us to be more of service for all in this Universe as we are not choosing from our limited knowledge and understanding who needs what, where and when. We just are the light. When we are light filled, the light is shared with all with no judgment of who gets it, when or how much. Anyone can have the light as it is not “ours.” If another person/soul needs the light, they take it. If Mother Earth needs the light, she takes it. They are far better served by having us channel the pure essence of light through our lives, allowing them to take the light as they deem necessary; for only they know what they need.

This God-light is a much more pure light than we have ever been able to access before. Since this is no longer a light limited by our physical expression, there are no more ups and downs for the healer when we do healing sessions. When we healed before, the light we shared went through us physically and therefore could weaken the energy. Now this light energy remains its pure essence before, during and after healings. When flowing this non-judgmental God-light, there are no more emotional or physical feelings for the empathic person / Lightworker / Lightbearer when Earth changes occur. We still receive the spiritual insight that something is going to happen or just happened somewhere, however we are not physically or emotionally affected by it. This allows the Lightworkers to stay balanced in their daily lives while serving at a higher level than ever before.

This message is coming at this time because some of the Lightworkers and the 144,000 need healing in the physical bodies and stability in their emotional bodies. This is hard to have when constantly shifting because of people around us or by Mother Earth’s changes. Being tasked with bringing forth the light for the Ascension of this world into the physical 5th Dimension is not easy. But it is something we are capable of doing. Truly accepting the concepts that come with that dimension into our lives now will bring the healings and stability that we need in order to create the Ascension for everyone. Remember that is what this Ascension is all about; a gift of a new higher life for every soul who wants it. Pray about these concepts and see if it is time to make a change honoring all soul decisions as God does for us. We are ready for this next level of understanding and living. We are ready to have the strong, pure light flowing through us.

Blessings of the God-light,


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You are now in the midst of the greatest awakening of the largest number of souls in the history of humankind. Within that awakening, all the thoughts and feelings that have been stored within the collective consciousness of humanity are now rising to the surface to be transformed so they can be realigned with the higher dimensional frequencies of Source Love and Light. As part of the Creator, you have always had access to the creative energies of Source, only now it is time to use those energies to create an entirely new way of living and loving in your world founded in the freedom, peace, harmony and joy that is your natural estate of your Presence.

~ The Councils of Shamballa

This is a year to remember who you are, why you are here and what you have come to create during these extraordinary times of opportunity—times that may not come again for thousands of years. That is how long it has taken humanity to recover from having fallen out of the last Golden Age and now is your opportunity to create a new one!
The expanded Source energies of Love and Light that are being offered to you at this time have not been available in the way that they are now since the fall of Atlantis. It is a time for both deep reflection and action so the thoughts in the mind and the feelings in the heart can work together as one indivisible unit of consciousness. It is an extraordinary time for everyone to tap into what they feel passionate about and then to look at how they want to bring what they are envisioning into manifestation.
This is the year to go into your heart and to choose what it is you would like to manifest as your part in co-creating the new Golden Age.
As the great shift of the Ages continues, you are being called to focus on how you can assist yourself and others in moving completely out of the old 3rd dimensional matrix that was founded in fear, separation and duality. Many lessons have been learned and much mastery has been gleaned over many thousands of years of living in the limitations created by the ego mind, yet the time has now come to live as your Presence and to create using the Source energies that have always been part of your spiritual inheritance. The Elohim who are the great builders of the form worlds are here to assure you that these creative energies are available to you now more than ever.
You can consciously re-create your world and assist others in doing the same using all the lessons you have learned from living in the 3rd dimension. You can even use the very substance that is released whenever you transform limited thoughts, feelings and beliefs to create whatever you would like to bring into your life. In other words, everything can be transformed; nothing is ever wasted in the cosmos and you are indivisibly connected to the cosmos. Its abundant energies are there so you have all the Great Love and Light of Source that you need to create your life and your world anew.
You are entering a new cycle of co-creation that will be centered around everyone working together in harmony, joy, peace, equality and gratitude. You are being invited to help in establishing these new foundations so everyone can begin seeing the possibility of living in Unity or Golden Age Consciousness and living as their Presence or Master Self on Earth.
Most of humanity is still in the midst of shifting their consciousness out of the fear and control structures that eventually became the foundations of your 3rd dimensional matrix. Many of you who are on the planet at this time are the strongest of the strong and you know within the depths of your being that you are fully capable of moving your consciousness into the freedom and abundance of the 5th dimension.
It is a great joy to assist others in realizing who they are so no one is being pulled unnecessarily back into the thought and feeling structures that have created the illusions that abound on the 3rd and 4th dimensions. During this accelerated cycle of awakening, you will actually be able to use the limited energies that are being released by humanity once they have been transformed through Divine Grace and thereby literally consumed back into the great Light of Source. These processes are taught in our Golden Age Courses and Teacher Trainings.
The beauty of the whole ascension process is that all energies that have been transformed back into the Love and Light of Source can then be used to create the foundations of a new Golden Age. No energy ever needs to be left in limitation as all energy is simply waiting to be lifted back into unlimited Source Love and Light.
It is time to establish a lens on your inner eye and to expand your capacity to listen with your inner ear so these two senses are both in sync with the original Source energies that are encoded within your heart. You can adjust your focus like you would the lens on a camera so your heart and your mind are both working together as one indivisible force aimed at what you have come to create as your part in the new Golden Age.

To assist you in manifesting from unlimited Source Love and Light, Consciously Create 2012 & Beyond in Unlimitedness & Joy Part 2 has been created so you can be part of using these pivotal times to create the foundations that will establish a new Golden Age ~ an Age of lasting freedom and abundance based on the heart’s natural desire to love unconditionally and to create in unlimitedness and joy.


Consciously Create 2012 & Beyond in Unlimitedness & Joy Part 2 will be presented Live in Maui by Telecast/Skype/Webcast May 4, 5 & 6

Consciously Create a Golden Age Teachers Certification Training will be held in Maui June 2-5 ~ the only time this year!

To learn more about the Golden Age Courses and Golden Age Teachers Trainings created by the Masters, go to: and click on the Menu:

*Consciously Create 2012 in Unlimitedness & Joy Part 1 (now an online course)
*Co-Creating a New Golden Age Course (now an online course)
*Golden Age Man & Woman Course (now an online course)
*Golden Age Man & Woman Teachers Certification Training (soon online)
*Golden Age Children Course for Parents & Teachers (now an online course)
*Golden Age Children Teachers Certification Training (now available online)
*Walk the Earth as a Living Master is now an online course. To learn how you can work personally with the Masters to achieve your own mastery, go to: and click on Mastery I from the menu.

The Courses at have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance.

The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master are offered by the Ascended Masters Mystery School, created by the Masters to assist humanity in living their mastery. The receivers of the Masters’ transmissions, facilitators of the Courses and coordinators of the school are Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose. Kamala is the author of “Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension” and has been receiving transmissions from the Masters for over 35 years. Sharon has been in communication with the Masters for over 30 years, past Director of The School for Self-Mastery and Center for Esoteric Studies and has written more than a dozen spiritual books.

Copyright © 2012 Diamond Light Foundation. Copy freely and share. However, we ask that you share this newsletter in its entirety, including the copyright.

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Mandala of Unity

Burst into singing all ye lands,

for the time of awakening is here.

Julie Redstone

The blood of the Earth is not only shed when trees are cut down or forests are burned or the air is contaminated by fossil fuels, preventing plants and animals from breathing and developing normally. The blood of the Earth is also shed when human blood is spilled upon her sacred ground. For each living body that exists upon the Earth is part of her Body; each is part of the living Whole.

The blood of the Earth weeps with tears of pain as if to say: “How can this be done to me? How can this be done to each other? How can the life that is One and that is whole be mutilated and destroyed in this fashion?

The Earth cries out when blood is spilled. She weeps with the pain of her children and seeks to uphold those who are suffering as a result of that pain. She is the Mother to all who are part of her, who are her children in truth, in body as well as in spirit. For the atoms of the flesh are part of her atoms, and the life of the cells are part of her life. The Earth recognizes this oneness, even while it remains unknown, still, to most of her inhabitants.

In the face of the killing now taking place in many parts of the globe, the heart of the Earth weeps, and holds with all who suffer, everywhere, that there shall come a time when suffering shall be no more, when the pain of wanton destruction shall be no more, for each shall know themselves to be part of the other, and each shall hold that other to be part of the sacred self. This time has not yet arrived, and till it does, the blood of the Earth is continuing to be spilled, day by day, moment by moment, in the careless disregard for life that is part of the destruction of life wherever it takes place, whenever it takes place.

Oh, you who would change the conditions by which mankind lives, know that the blood of the Earth is the real life-force that carries life to all who are part of her one Body. It is the real current of life that is being spilled and as it is spilled, it affects the life of every other living being on the planet. Know this, then, that those who lead mankind to keeping their promises to God and to each other, must take responsibility for ending the shedding of the blood of the Earth. They must take responsibility for protecting the sacredness of life everywhere, for only in this way can the life of the Earth be preserved in its beauty and wholeness, and only in this way can the future of mankind in its promise, and in its potential for peace and abundance, be insured.

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Entering the Solar Storms

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

Note:This message deals with the KA body (a term from ancient Egyptian Alchemy), and discusses how you can utilize this unique energy-body to draw to yourself ascension-energies from increased solar activity. For those unfamiliar with the KA—your KA body is an “invisible” second body that is the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body both envelops the physical body and interpenetrates it. This body is sometimes referred to as the etheric double or spiritual twin. The KA shares similarities with what is called the Chi body in some traditions (Taoism) and with the pranic body or etheric body in certain yogic traditions. By its nature, the KA can draw to itself and then into the physical body, highly benevolent energies that accelerate one’s spiritual evolution.

As we indicated in an earlier message on January 3, 2011, you have been entering a period of increased solar activity for some time. We strongly urge that you read that message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, in order to understand the deeper levels of what we will be discussing.

You are now entering a more heightened period of solar and galactic activity in which the magnetosphere of your Earth is being struck by erratic and increasingly strong streams of solar energy.

You will be seeing an ever-increasing number of solar flares and fluctuations that are highly unusual. These fluctuations in the sun are being driven by internal forces, as well as by streams of energy from the central sun of your galaxy. Adding to this complexity of interactions are high intensity streams of energy from deep space. The magnetic field of your sun is being affected, and in point of fact, it is being twisted, contorted, and all of this is having an effect upon the magnetic field of your Earth and the magnetic fields of your bodies. With increased solar activity of this type, you will see an ever-increasing intensity of weather anomalies, as well as increased earthquake and volcanic activity.

The focus of our message here is not on the physical aspects but the emotional and spiritual aspects of this solar activity. As we said in our message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, these types of solar fluctuations increase emotional volatility and irrational behavior. Many of you are, no doubt, finding yourselves irritable for no particular reason. Sleep disturbances are also a common aspect of this change in solar activity.

As you enter this heightened solar storm phase we have two suggestions that will allow you to navigate through these increased levels of energy. The first is the simplest and is thoroughly discussed in our message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, so we will not discuss it here. A second method allows you to soothe your physical body through the water element. We are referring here to another previous message, called Medicines of Light. In this method you charge water with intentionality from your BA or Celestial Soul. The original message dealt with protecting yourself from viruses, bacteria, and radioactivity. We would refer you to that message so you understand the method clearly.

In this use of the Medicine of Light, you will charge the water with the intention of soothing your physical body, so that it is able to adjust to the erratic nature of the solar energies more efficiently and with greater grace. An ideal time to create this type of Medicine of Light is just before going to sleep. Then the Medicine of Light, through the water element, will communicate with the intracellular and intercellular fluids of your body, which will impart a calming and balancing effect.

Introducing this Medicine of Light before your rest cycle will have a very beneficial affect upon you while resting and during the next cycle of activity. We are saying “rest cycle” rather than sleep because for many of you, sleep is a highly questionable activity, as it is increasingly disturbed or disrupted. We suggest during these resting cycles you let go of your attachment to sleep as you have known it. As you become more at peace with the situation, you will find that you can regenerate yourself in shorter periods of deep relaxation.

When you awaken at night, or whenever you are resting, we suggest you use the method we suggested in Partaking from the Solar Winds to charge your KA body. Since you are awake you might as well take this opportunity to charge your KA.

As you work with this you will find that you can regenerate and re-energize yourself in shorter periods of time than you have been able to in the past.

There is a third method we would like to offer those of you who have an advanced understanding of your KA.


Your KA body interpenetrates your physical body and is the same shape and size as your physical form. There is no part of your physical body that is outside of your KA, and by its very nature when you charge your KA body with energy, the overflow of excess energy goes into the organs of your physical body, which increases your health and vitality.

Your KA body is composed of innumerable particles of etheric light, and within this body of light there are nexus points. These nexus points within your KA link to the mitochondria of your cells. Mitochondria are the energy producers, the power plants in the nuclei of your cells. The only cells that do not have a nucleus are your red blood cells. It has been estimated that you have more than one trillion cells in your body, thus there are over a trillion mitochondria. These mitochondria are linked to your KA through a multitude of micro-wormholes.

It is possible to bring your awareness into this level of your body so that you are aware of your mitochondria and can sense the wormholes into your KA. These wormholes are intracellular portals into the higher vibratory nature and reality of your KA. By opening these portals through intention you can greatly affect the flow of excess energy from your KA into your physical body.

This allows your physical body to more easily attune itself to the more rapid vibratory reality of your KA. It is through your KA that you ascend into higher vibratory realities. Through the portals of your mitochondria you can assist your physical body to adapt more easily to this rapid acceleration.

We now wish to turn our attention to the emotional quandary of your situation. By its very nature, both the acceleration of time and the increase of vibratory realities purge your unconscious mind.

As we said previously, you will note a general increase in emotional volatility and impulsive irrational behavior. If you are not experiencing these effects yourself, you have, no doubt, noted this occurring among your fellow humans.

You are living in a paradoxical duality. As the old energetic realities fall apart, new energetic realities are being birthed. But it is human nature for people to be attached to the way things used to be, to the ways they expect. Yet much of the way things have been is coming to an end. The world as you have known it, is ending. And a new world is being birthed.

The Quandary of the Human Heart

One of the greatest casualties in this process is the human heart. We recognize and sense a deep sadness and despair in the collective human heart. Part of this is due to the disintegration of realities and your attachments to them. After all, what do you build your dreams on when the foundations of your world are crumbling?

Another aspect of this difficulty in the heart has to do with the toxic nature of your planet’s emotional atmosphere. As the solar energies increase, the tensions between polarities become ever more apparent. The polarization of human consciousness between those who would imprison and those who would free the human spirit are becoming clearer and clearer.

We would offer two suggestions as a means to deal with these challenges to your heart.

It is through your heart that new realities are birthed—by this, we mean realities worth living. Our first suggestion may seem overly simplistic, and yet as is often the case, the simplest things are frequently the most powerful. However you do this is not important. What is important is that you create an emotional antidote in yourself to the toxic poisoning of your planet’s emotional atmosphere.

As hatred and intolerance increase, you must find a passage through this darkness. The simplest and most efficient way we know is for you to find the smallest things in your life that you appreciate, and to take a few moments to dwell on these feelings of appreciation throughout your day. It does not matter how small these feelings of appreciation may be. From the tiniest seeds of appreciation great things can arise. The vibratory state of appreciation, or gratitude, is an extraordinary antidote to emotional poisoning. We strongly suggest you cultivate this ally as you move through this next cycle of solar storms.

Finally, we are offering a sound meditation based on the heart chakra. This is from a previous Hathor Intensive. The first phase of this sound meditation rotates and activates energies within the heart chakra for the purpose of clearing. The second phase of the meditation is calming and nurturing. We believe you will find this sound meditation to be another helpful ally.

As you enter this new phase of solar storms understand that they are extraordinary opportunities for evolutionary advancement. They are also, paradoxically, fraught with dangers for devolution due to their intense nature. If you resist the energies of acceleration, you will experience great difficulties in this passage. If you embrace these energies and master them—finding a way to navigate through them with appreciation and a good dose of humor—you will find greater freedom. This freedom of which we speak is a freedom of the human spirit, mind and heart. It resides in a level of consciousness untouched by the dualities of your earthly existence.

The Hathors
April 1, 2012

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The world that you have known, for better and worse, now prepares to yield to the next as the spacetime boundaries of this world are near bursting. The horizon that you see or imagine is flexible and can easily bend, much as you imagine light can bend and reshape itself as it is cast as a singular beam or dispersed as a wide spectrum. The reshaping of light creates an event horizon, which is simply the point of no return; the tipping point at which mass consciousness yields and makes the impossible possible. Currently, humanity is on the observer’s side of the horizon so it cannot see itself traveling at light speed as it prepares to intercept the event, or next horizon. In other words, light cannot watch itself travel at light speed without slowing down to do so. However, as time continues to both accelerate and elapse, it will pass through the horizon itself, creating an event and a new reality all at once!

This is the way of nature, and every season and sentient thing inevitably responds to that which has sacrificed itself in service to nature. True sacrifice is not an expression of martyrdom and does not imply death or loss. Sacrifice, in its most sacred sense, implies the desire and experience to forgo something of great value in favor of something that is even grander. It is to bequeath a treasure unto the hands of fate and to trust that fate is both kind and just. Would you place the keys to a one-of-a-kind racecar in the hands of an infant? Most likely not, yet that is exactly what the earth does at the beginning of every age, and then it [Gaia] trusts and waits to see what and who returns at the end of that age, and what experiences were gathered in the process.

In this message I will outline a few key points for you to consider, adding the details that are deemed helpful. Know that the details will never seem to be enough. From your vantage point you cannot see far enough down the road. You are hungry and thirsty for new experiences and dry and parched from exerting yourselves these last few years. I will speak to this and more. Be patient and willing to learn. Open your hearts and minds even more than you already have, know peace within even when unrest rules without.
New endings, new beginnings

Look around you. What do you see? Endings and beginnings? Transformation and transition? Do you feel itchy and scratchy all over as you wonder what will happen next? Good! This means that you are alive, awake and in no immediate danger of falling asleep! Sleep is a great temptation for many now. These are challenging times and they require your complete attention. The tendency at this point is to think about how far you have come, and a further risk is to compare yourself to others. The temptation is to wait for your friends and family to ‘get with it’ and your foes to ‘get it’. In the meantime, ‘it’ will dissolve before your very eyes. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? It is most appropriate now.

Remain vigilant in the expression of your truth and humble in your walk. Be open in your stance, and true to your heart, as every moment matters. As you continue onward you will want to access past experiences and life lessons, as well as every bit of knowledge gained thus far; begin to remember all things earned and learned. Set aside the things and thoughts that weigh upon your ability to take a step forward. Be on the lookout for errant thoughts that suggest or deny your right to be whom and what you are. Remember those things that you have studied, particularly the ones that have been validated by your personal experience. Be willing to administer an antidote to apathy when and if needed, regardless of what that antidote may be. Open your mind and heart to what you know is true and possible versus what you have believed under the suggestive influence of others. These words are designed to get your attention and to keep it.

Have you read the headlines in the morning papers or on your computer or your television? Where do your thoughts go when you follow them? How easily and quickly can you retrieve (or extract) your own thoughts when they seem to get away from you? Imagine for a moment that the front page of a newspaper or website is divided into a grid, much like a chessboard with light and dark squares. Given this scenario, there should be an equal number of dark and light squares for your eyes or imagination to “land” on. Why then, is it so rare for you to actually land on a lighter piece of news? Allow me to suggest that what you call news is actually coated with a filter that prevents you from seeing its lighter side, forcing you to navigate the grid at a pace and direction that has already been plotted for you. In other words, you cannot help but land on a dark square. Unconsciously you follow a course that borders on light, thinking you are moving in that direction yet unable to complete the maneuver. The lighter squares are there and are in fact equal to dark, but you cannot see them because they are transparent and therefore unavailable to you.

The newspaper example is an illustration of the reality that you share with others now. This has little to do with how intelligent, creative or gifted you are, how long you have been upon the planet, how many lifetimes you have had, how intuitive you may or whether or not you are an old soul. It is an optical illusion, caused by the distortion of light as it is applied to alternate layers and dimensions. Optical illusions affect more than your eyesight, they cause some things to appear to be real and others to be a figment of your imagination. This is a phenomenon of your time. Your eyes cannot help but deceive you, and the deception is both deep and intrusive. Does this mean that you should avoid newspapers, websites and other media? No, not at all – but notice how easily paralysis of the senses sets in so that you can organize an internal schematic by which you can free yourself from the mirage of unconsciousness.
The creative process

When a cell separates or divides it creates two identical sets of information, and each receives roughly the same (but not equal) share of material. The sequence is divided into stages and defined by specific activities. The process itself is fast, complex and beautiful to behold. Worlds are created in much the same way. For instance, each world might receive an identical set of information arranged in a different way. Within each world realities (much like cells) appear and almost immediately begin the process of dividing and creating. Most of the time this process is perfect and flawless, however errors can occur, and when they do mutations can arise. Mutations where worlds and realities are concerned are associated with anomalies and warps in how light and time are expressed. In their own way they are perfect and useful. Consider, for instance, how a flat tire may delay you from arriving in time to board a plane that is destined for engine trouble.

Should you forget everything else, remember this: There is one earth, but more than one world dwells upon (and within) it and several realities share its resources. At unique and specific junctures in time, anomalies and mutations create favorable circumstances and possibilities for evolution to “jump” from one reality to another. Moments such as these are not unique and can happen more than once in any given age. This is offered in contrast to other messages and doctrines you have been exposed to. Do not limit ideas or exclude possibilities and your experiences will benefit.
The year of “Unmaking”

The kind of year you can expect in 2012 depends largely upon how attached you are to a life or lifestyle, a belief or a pattern, as well as to people, places and things. It is a year of ‘unmaking’ or ‘undoing’, but this cannot be imposed or foisted upon those who resist, as the law of free will is greater than the ability of a reality to unmake itself. In other words, if you strongly believe that you are made of solid or dense material, your thoughts will not unmake themselves simply because the year includes lighter energies and newer possibilities. Be flexible in all things and do not be as concerned with what will happen so much as with what is possible when light bends and realities shift.

The best way to do this is to imagine yourself becoming your thoughts. For instance, if your thoughts turn toward the idea of a new economy, you will become those thoughts and light will bend toward you rather than away from you. This is one of many examples. You are already familiar with the Law of Attraction but you have not seen it applied in its multiple and varied forms yet. It was introduced to you in a simplified version and now that its seed has been planted it can flourish, but you can help it to do so by exciting your thoughts so that they will vibrate at a higher rate.

Bear in mind that leaps in consciousness are sometimes accompanied by lapses in judgment, which can work for or against a moment. It is part of the process and it would be best to accept this in yourself and in others whenever possible, at least for the time being. Consistency in some or most areas of life should not be expected now, and you will have a better time attempting to tame chaos instead. This does not mean that you cannot think, imagine or dream about the things that will bring you happiness, as they are more accessible now than at any other time, but the path and the timing by which they might arrive may be altogether different than any plan that worked for you in the past.
A moment out of time

2012 does not belong to this world or to the next. To some extent the entire year will seem somewhat surreal, as if it is out of step with time, and you may feel this way too. There is no ‘normal’ this year, not even a ‘new normal’. Tempers will be short and will flare unexpectedly, for reasons both known and unknown. It would be best to remember this now, so that you will remember to forgive and forget easily. Do not begrudge others the consideration that you would like to receive when your next less than shining moment presents itself, ad undoubtedly it will. Why will tempers be short? Because a process that can best be described as the ‘unbuckling’ of your thought processes will be active for the majority of the year. Your mind believes that it is you and that it lives in the here and now, but in truth it does not live here or now, it exists as an idea or a concept in the foreground of a reality that you have chosen. You are now choosing a differently reality, albeit one that you have not seen and cannot describe yet. This means that to a large extent, your thoughts will be untethered and ungrounded this year. They belong to you, but which version of you is the thinker of the thoughts? The disparity between here and there and now and then will feel a little more pronounced. The effect of this will feel irritable to the older version of you, but exciting to your newer aspects. Be patient as these changes begin to take place.

You may wish to make duplicate and even triplicate copies of important documents and items this year, such as keys, as these may become misplaced and even lost, more than once. Why? When realities shift, the things and thoughts associated with them also shift, sometimes even before you do! This is especially true of things that open and close, first things and last thoughts, and even things that are yours by association, such as heirlooms. Questionable items, such as things that you share in common with others also fall into this category, as do items that you are not certain what to do with. The operating concept here is a little like a game you call Musical Chairs, where every time the music stops, a chair (or something else) is removed. In this example, things that are unnecessary or redundant may disappear or be relocated. The same is true of memories that remain unattached because you have not taken ownership of them. As was said earlier, this can also work in your favor. It is also worth noting that you may feel a sense of loneliness or loss at times of the year, as well as an increased vulnerability to changes in weather, specific sights and sounds, and other “trigger” sensations. This is due to anomalies in the electro-magnetic field that surrounds your body as compared with the earth. You may feel as if you have become separated from others, as if they have moved ahead of you, or beyond your ability to understand them.

Again, remember that these anomalies are an important part of the process and designed to lead you into and through one or more of dimensional doorways. The process is ageless and timeless. It is more pronounced when the variables of life appear to be unstable. Life has a certain “glue” that seems to hold things together and helps make sense of the reality you live in. This is most true when there is agreement and consistency for the thoughts and things that you can count on, such as knowing that the sky will more than likely be blue today, tomorrow, the next day and into the foreseeable future. When the future cannot accurately be foreseen, the glue, which is largely made up of filaments and particles of light, travels at different speeds, in different directions, and to new locations. As you are made of these light filaments it is appropriate to say that you will be doing the same.

You have been speeding faster and faster these last few years, and it is possible that you have felt out of control at least once. You do not see your physical bodies as racecars, but the metaphor is accurate, because your bodies are vehicles that are capable of accelerating to light speed as long as they are directed to do so by your soul’s awareness and your own capacity to expand quickly. The process will slow just a bit at the beginning of the year and only for a little while, just long enough for you to discover the signposts that will show you how and when to transition into the next age that already waits. The why, where and with whom, are what you must determine for yourselves, with guidance from within and beyond, as always. Each moment between now and then matters and is filled with vital information that you can use to determine what is right for you and next for you. As always, you can count on Gaia’s support, which includes the kingdoms and elements of the earth, their acumen of wisdom, and a future that is colorful and bright, and filled with intelligence, love and compassion.

©2010 Pepper Lewis and The Peaceful Planet.

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I was in the path of a solar eclipse when I was a young child . . . I remember it clearly. The sky slowly darkened. The birds sang their evening songs and then they all went still. I heard the crickets begin their chorus. That is when I looked up expecting clouds; instead I saw a shadow crossing the sun. I was alone out in nature, but I was not alone. I was one with the Earth and sky, and the distance between the two had just shrunk to the point that I felt one with everything. There was a deep stillness overlaying a potent raw power of the universe. I could clearly feel my place in the scheme of life. It was a powerful and life changing moment in time for me.

When I was visiting Mount Shasta in late June this year, the whole town was buzzing about the upcoming 2012 May 20th Eclipse. The excitement that it was arousing among my Shasta friends felt like the energy I experienced over the Harmonic Convergence way back in 1987. It was great to feel that frequency again. I was in Mount Shasta for the Harmonic Convergence only by luck, synchronicity or accident; but it changed my life radially. It was a huge turning point. It changed the course of my life and activated what I am doing to this very day! So the question was . . . Was I being called back to Mount Shasta for the May 20th eclipse? Well . . . what do you think? The answer is YES. I was not going to miss this solar event for anything.

I forgot about this eclipse for a while; but this eclipse did not forget about me. Soon it was coming back up on my radar. I called a Shasta friend Troika, and as we were talking, the eclipse came up again. She was already planning a weekend to celebrate the event. So we joined forces. Yet another great reason to go back to Mount Shasta. Now I get to celebrate this event with a nice group of like-minded friends!

Then I remembered an old English pal of mine, Marcus Mason, who is an eclipse astrologer and an expert on eclipse paths, sacred sites and the effect that eclipses have on those areas. So I wrote him to see if he wanted to join us. He was already into full gear placing himself right in the middle of the eclipse path in the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. The major stun factor hit Marcus when he discovered that the Aleutian Islands will be at the pivot point; exactly midway between Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Shasta. These are two locations where the Eclipse path crosses the Great Male Dragon energy. . . the planetary Plumed Serpent Line which goes on through Mexico, etc…. This is yet another reminder that 2012 is and will be a very powerful and life changing year; no matter if the predictions about the Maya calendars are right or not.

There are gatherings being held at all three locations during the eclipse time: Mount Shasta, the Aleutian Islands and Mount Fuji. Solar eclipses have great impact for those that are along its path for nearly a year. The eclipse will create doorway between where we were, and were we are going. The Sun will reboot and begin transmitting a new program to anchor our new base camp into a new world. I am expecting that this eclipse event and eclipse gatherings to have the same kind of life changing potential and powerful impact that the Harmonic Convergence had on us. If you missed out on the Harmonic Convergence, hold on to your yoga mats and crystals . . . this is going to be a breathtaking ride!

Excerpt from the article....
2012 - REBOOTING THE SYSTEM - The Star Elders with Aluna Joy
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The next large wave we see that you will experience profoundly is a total solar eclipse on May 20th. In the path of this total solar eclipse, your dimension will begin an entire reboot of its operating system on your Earth. As the sun is blocked so perfectly by your moon, in this very still, no-time place, a new operation system will be created and uploaded into your body as well as your world, solar system and universe. Remember that this is a universal shift and recalibration . . . not just a planetary one. We are shifting with you, as well as Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms. We are all transforming together as ONE in UNITY. If you are in the path of the shadow of this eclipse, the download will be quicker, more complete and graceful. You will become the living messengers for this new download for the rest of the world that did not have the luxury to travel into the eclipse path. This new operating system will begin to spread across the Earth over some time (a month or two). Again we strongly say, gather with fearless ones on the days surrounding this reboot. Gather with ones that come from the inner knowledge of Love, trust and truth that this transformation of our reality is already victorious.

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Let me tell you a story about the Shift that is upon us.

It is a story of science, astrology, astronomy, magnetism and gamma radiation… and by just saying that I may have already lost three quarters of you.

But I urge you to read on, because this story is vital to your well being at this moment. In fact, what this story describes is the most important consideration of your life right now, and of your lifetime. It affects everything about you, the planet, and everyone around you.

But before we begin the story, I am going to ask you to change how you hear information and allow it to come to you. This is actually a skill set. First, would you make a decision to be curious? Next, would you make a decision to be interested?

Even though you don’t know where this story is going, and it may not be to a place that many of you naturally go, maybe, just maybe, could you be interested and curious?

Let me stoke that curiosity and interest by telling you the conclusion of the story before we even begin it.

Here’s the punch line: What you think, and how you choose to hold and direct your emotions, can and will directly influence how the Earth will change during this Shift, and where it will change.

We cannot stop the Shift. It is fully in motion and cannot be stopped. But even the weakest among us, if there were such a one, has the capacity to influence everything that is about to unfold right before us.

Let’s begin the story at the Summer Solstice last June, when events in the solar system, on the planet, and in the Shift began to quite literally heat up.

The Summer Solstice triggered a cascade of intense cosmic and planetary events and phenomenon that will continue right on through the end of this year, and beyond.

In July and August, there was a lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse, and a rare planetary alignment called the Great Cross. And there were major trigger points on August 6, August 11, and August 31.

A very specific point of shift occurred on 10-10-2010, and more will occur on 11-11-2011, 12-12-2012, and 12-21-2012. There’s also a series of accelerations that will happen in every single one of the quarters between each solstice and each equinox right through 2012.

The events of the Shift are upon us. By the Winter Solstice, December 21, these events will have completely changed our perception of third dimensional reality, altered our economic system, and raised our consciousness in profound ways.

To simplify these events as much as possible, you could say there are two waves to this Shift. The first wave is passing through every one of us as well as every thing, and it is clearing away any part of you that you are not. It is simply eliminating any part of you that is less than Who You Really Are—as long as you do not argue or hold onto any of these lesser aspects.

As the first wave clears ‘What You Are Not,’ the second wave is bringing in higher, faster light frequencies, and levels of knowledge and information. It is rewiring ‘Who You Are’ as a multi-dimensional being.

In essence, both you and the cosmos are transforming yourselves from the caterpillar to the butterfly, and the change is accelerating very rapidly.

However, if you are still arguing for your limitations, these accelerated light waves will push through these resistance points -- and it will not be the comfortable, exciting experience you might hope for.

The Shift is very much your story, and one of your key collaborators is the Sun.

The Sun, as you know, is the center of the solar system. But the part you may not know is that the Sun is a fulcrum, the balance point of planetary alignment in the solar system. Whenever the planets are not balanced in some way as they spin around the Sun, it creates a tilt, and the Sun then shifts to bring the planets back into balance.

Throughout the summer of 2010, there was a rare planetary alignment astrologers have called the Grand Cross. Big planets were involved (Saturn and Jupiter), and smaller planets (Mercury and Mars and Pluto), each with their different powers, personalities, and assigned states of consciousness.

As in a family gathering, there has been a push and pull of personalities in this planetary alignment, and the ongoing imbalance has created a major new tilt in the Sun’s magnetic field—another planned, right-on-time, aspect of the Shift. The tilt has caused a change in the balance point in the Sun. Imagine the Sun’s energy is a liquid, like water. This particular tilt is causing more of the liquid energy to flow into one part of the Sun, into a new part of the Sun, and the old part is beginning to have less energy in it. As this occurs,it signals that we are beginning to enter into a new cycle of consciousness, as well as a new cycle of solar activity— solar storms and winds, solar flares, coronal mass ejections. This solar activity is going to continue, and to increase. With each burst of the Sun, there is a corresponding stepping up in knowledge, consciousness, and alignment on Earth.

The planets are gathering, the Sun is re-balancing and activating, all with the planned outcome of changing everything about how we operate in a third dimensional reality.

Welcome to the Shift.

Historically, we have operated in lesser levels of consciousness on this planet, in abuse of the Earth, not paying attention, taking advantage of. That’s all about to change.

This next new cycle of solar activity (known as Cycle 24) is generating bigger solar flares than have been seen in previous cycles, shooting out from the Sun’s surface at a million miles per hour. These super flares contain x-rays and higher levels of infrared and microwave light frequencies, all designed to raise our consciousness. At the same time, the Earth’s magnetic field, which has had a very specific purpose in our third dimensional reality, has been deteriorating since the year 2000.

The magnetic field was like a template, or a container, that has allowed us to play in the third dimensional game as we have understood it in this lifetime and previous lifetimes. But this container no longer exists as it once did. Cosmic events are intentionally destabilizing it, clearing away the game that we have been playing.

We’ve all been extremely successful in playing this game but now it’s time to go home. That game really is over. It’s not a bad thing. It’s not an ending time. But the game of the third dimension is over.

Other solar light frequencies, especially x-rays and microwaves, are also intentionally altering the dynamics of the Earth, and all of us with it.

Medical x-rays pass through the skin, find the bones, and take a picture of the radiation imprint that is left in the skeletal structure of the physical body. The same thing is occurring in the Earth with new, highly-charged solar x-rays. They pass through the surface of the Earth, enter the crust, and are being stored there. If you put enough x-rays into a bone, the radiation of the x-rays accumulates and the bone will begin to deteriorate. In the same manner, solar x-rays stored in the crust of the Earth are beginning to deteriorate the crust.

In addition, solar microwaves are now passing right through what’s left of the Earth’s magnetic field, right through the surface of the Earth, and heating the core of the Earth from the inside out, just like a microwave oven.

The core of the Earth is made up of two aspects. One is solid, an iron magnesium core. The other is liquid crystal. As the liquid crystal is being heated up, it acts like boiling water. It moves faster, and expands. I’ll describe the consequences of this phenomenon in a moment.

Simply put, with all this new cosmic activity, the Sun is changing, the Earth is changing, and you are changing right along with them.

But there’s actually another player in this Shift story with even greater influence on all that is happening… the center of the galaxy itself.

The galaxy is creating cosmic radiation. Scientists have launched sophisticated satellites which are able to measure it. As these gamma rays move from the galactic center they are raising our consciousness at a very aggressive level, lining up for the event we know as 2012. One of these satellites, known as the Planck satellite, has now detected cosmic radiation coming from a part of the galaxy that is very fascinating.

Between two sets of constellations, one known as Hydra and one known as Centauri, they have found a wave of light, 2.5 billion light years away, which is directly in line with the Earth’s position in 2012. They just don’t know if what they are seeing is moving towards, or away from, the Earth. It is a magnetic level of light so dense that as we pass through it what we define as light will not be visible. It is very possible that this event of the Earth passing through a super-dense magnetic field in 2012 is what some people have historically called the “three days of darkness.”

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Neither. It is just an event that is sitting out in our future, pointing to our shared destiny.

Now let me bring this Shift story a little closer to home, to the immediate changes that are affecting every aspect of our way of life on Earth...

To be continued ...
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The next major milestone for Mass Arrests of the cabal has now arrived. Liens have now been filed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks. A Cease and Desist Order has also been filed -- to prevent the world's wealth from continuing to be stolen.


If you have been following this and certain other websites, then you have already heard the eyewitness testimony suggesting that thousands of conspirators in finance, media, defense, military, corporations and government are about to be arrested.

The mass resignations of CEOs, worldwide -- now numbering well over 450 in the last few months alone -- is a tangible sign that a major event is anticipated within the insider community.

Let's be clear, again, that this is NOT a coup, NOT martial law, and NOT a takeover of the government in any way.


Our financial system, media complex, defense industry, corporate world and government has already been taken over.

It is not being run for the people and by the people. It has been systematically manipulated by a secretive, occult Cabal.

We cannot sit back and wait for their next attempt to generate mass chaos and destruction, and say "let's just leave everything the way it is," simply because this group has been so circumspect in revealing its true intentions.

This system threatens the welfare of everyone on Earth. In their plan to secure global control, they have repeatedly attempted to create mass casualties -- by a variety of different means -- and significantly reduce population.

Many, if not most of these efforts have been thwarted. Much of this is thanks to the will of the people; great heroes who take a stand. This includes countless hundreds of millions of people doing their best to spread the word -- and inform others.

More recently there appears to be Divine Intervention, for lack of a better term -- which is utterly destroying the Cabal's ability to do any further harm on a mass level.

That does not, in any way, reduce or eliminate our need to act. For now, we focus on the practical, tangible, on-the-ground steps we must take to free our planet from Financial Tyranny -- within this very opportune set of circumstances.


The plan for mass arrests appears to have been in development since the 1960s, as my interview with a new insider named Drake revealed.

Drake was asked by the "good guys" in the Pentagon to provide a public voice for a plan that, up until then, had almost entirely been disclosed by Benjamin Fulford, since 2007, and myself since November 2011 -- when I was personally briefed on it.

This plan requires the will of the people to succeed. Otherwise, our supporters within the military and the justice system do not have the legal precedent to perform such actions.

After many years, the public outrage is now sufficiently high that the will of the people has become more than sufficient to take these steps. Elements within our civilian and military sectors alike have had enough -- and are taking a stand.

US marshals from the Department of Justice and peace officers will carry out the arrests, with the assistance of military personnel -- in the event of any unforeseen disturbances.

By assisting a legal civilian operation in this manner, the military personnel are following their Oath of Enlistment -- to protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


Again, to reiterate, the mass arrests will generate a situation from which there is no turning back for the Cabal.

Once the truth is exposed, there will be no further walls of secrecy for them to hide behind.

Every genuine fact you've ever read on the Internet about this problem will quickly become common knowledge. The "learning curve" is steep, but this is what everyone will be talking about.

The rules of logic are absolute in a case like this. Full disclosure of this group guarantees that no such actions will ever be tolerated again by the public. It is a full-stop Game Over for the cabal.

That is why they are so terrified right now.

There are plenty of headlines showing this -- such as Muppetgate, the public divorce of JP Morgan and the Vatican, the mass resignations of over 450 CEOs, and the passing of ridiculous and tyrannical executive orders.

This cannot and will not be a "cleaning out of middle management" only. The upper levels will be clearly exposed. These people's lives will never be the same. No one will tolerate the continuation of their plans.


Particularly since 9/11, an incredible amount of damning evidence has been quietly collected -- all for use in this single moment of Truth.

This evidence includes extensive video proof of how they talk, what they do and what they have planned -- in countless, allegedly secure locations.

Bohemian Grove is only one of many locations that have been thoroughly compromised by hidden surveillance.

Yes, it will be shocking. Very shocking. It will also be undeniable. This evidence has been rigorously collected since 9/11, and distilled down to its most powerful core elements.

There is so much evidence that any attempt to "debunk" it, or say it is the work of CG animation, et cetera, will completely fall apart.

All international air travel and all domestic borders will be closed, to prevent the conspirators from fleeing. Those who have already gone into hiding, internationally, will be located and brought to justice.

There will NOT be a mass power outage unless the negative groups try to do this. The lights will stay on and everyone should be OK during this process.


There may be local disruptions of Internet service and international phone calls for the initial three-day period. This is by necessity, to avoid trillions of dollars flying out of the economy and collapsing the nation -- as began occurring in the 2008 crash.

Had this massive hemorrhage not been quickly stopped in 2008, the economy could have been destroyed beyond any hope of repair.

Any outages of these critical services will be turned back on as soon as possible -- in no more than three days' time.

For the first five days after the arrests occur, every television station will have wall-to-wall coverage of information that makes our finest civilian investigations pale by comparison -- and leaves no margin of doubt.

Scores of DVDs' worth of documentaries -- some narrated by instantly-recognizable public figures -- will be airing, revealing the truth, with as much sensitivity as possible -- while also not pulling any punches.

I have been told that the most disturbing content will not be made available to minors. Anyone will be able to review it, but they will need to do so under supervision, such as via Skype.

Enough information will be released to make people aware of the exact nature of this disturbing content, however.


Once this information is released, there will be a mass grieving process that must occur, akin to the sudden death of a friend or loved one.

A good buddy of mine died this week. I got the call on Wednesday. I have been in shock ever since. I have broken down many times. Today (Friday) is when most of this article was written.

Four days before he died, he dropped off a package in my mailbox with two DVDs' worth of information in it -- information like we are discussing in this investigation.

His family has requested that all details remain confidential, for their own privacy and protection. I will honor that request. I am aware that people will accuse me of lying about this. I do not care. I wish it was not true, but it is.

Though it does not appear that foul play was involved in his death, it also cannot be completely ruled out. He died very close to where I live. This seems like it could not possibly have been a coincidence.

At first I thought the police were going to need me to ID the body, due to its level of distress. Thankfully I was spared from having to see that.

When someone you care about dies, that's it. There's no turning back. There is a body. You don't get to talk to that person anymore. That body is not alive anymore. Your life has changed... forever.


This event will have a similarly "defining" effect in creating a sudden grief process -- worldwide -- though very little, if any deaths should occur.

Many great illusions -- in which we, like children, wanted our "parents" to love, protect and support us -- will come crashing down.

In some ways it will be as if everyone is vomiting at once -- and this may be literal in certain cases. It is a typical reaction when the body goes into shock.

I have not thrown up, but I have body aches, difficulty sleeping and eating, and periodic waves of sorrow that overtake me.

Some levels of shock have already started happening with the pending mass arrests -- as our readers and listeners realize how absolutely serious this is, and that these arrests will be conducted regardless of whether we talk about it or not.

The reason why the public is being notified is only this: to reduce the likelihood of mass panic, rioting and chaos in the initial confusion and fear that will invariably result.


Some are expressing extreme fear, distrust and superstition in their comments. I understand that. And I respect you for that.

Without 20 years of experience capturing, analyzing and implementing dream guidance, and seeing the remarkable accuracy of the results, I would not have had sufficient criteria to trust what I was hearing either.

For eight years I processed a total of 500 clients for "dream readings." That means there are 500 witnesses to the process I perfected and offered through this website, beginning in 1998 and ending in 2005.

These witnesses could be subpoenaed and testify under oath of their experiences. Audiotape documentation of our sessions has been preserved in almost every case -- and could be released if the client's permission was obtained.

Other than the name, email address and the day we would speak on the phone, I knew nothing about my clients before these dreams came in.

Nonetheless, each client was given data that rigorously demonstrated full knowledge of their deepest issues. They were shown how to transform personal weaknesses into spiritual enlightenment, to become a more loving, forgiving and mature person.

The accuracy level was so high, so consistent and so insightful that it was quite common for the client to burst into tears.


It is a matter of public record that dreams have been posted on this website -- which later proved to be extremely accurate.

I do not consider myself special. We all have this ability. I merely listen to what I am getting and document it rigorously.

In my David's Blog entry entitled "Bouncing Back from Hack Attack," I posted a series of powerful dreams that led me to conclude "the next planetary disaster at the level of the BP oil spill" was imminent.

Three weeks later, we had the Fukushima disaster. In this follow-up article I clearly spelled out all the correlations with the dreams I had just posted.

I have had hundreds of dreams, for many years now, preparing me to see a massive, unprecedented exposure and arrest of this Cabal on a worldwide level.

Extensive amounts of data were published about this future scenario on this website -- particularly in 1999 -- as can be found in the Readings section of

Since my briefings on the plan for Mass Arrests, I have now gotten literally dozens of staggeringly intense dreams about it. The overall "data cluster" indicates this will indeed be of tremendous, unprecedented, positive benefit to humanity.


All that being said, no one will ever fully be able to prove anything until it happens. Intuitive data is still intuitive. It is not admissible in a court of law. It is speculative.

Therefore, I do understand that people's grievances are legitimate. Information is being given, but no absolute proof can be shared.

Some are inclined to distrust, and believe that any operation of this scope and magnitude must, by design, be an evil attempt to instill martial law.

This is one side-effect of mass, worldwide post-traumatic stress disorder -- PTSD -- from everyone having to knowingly live in a lie.

The lie has been that we live in a "basically good" world that is not being secretly run by psychopaths.

However, there is now far too much evidence for even the most stubborn folks to avoid.

Fear is the only reason why this hasn't already become a mass, public understanding. However, that "fear of Truth" is already just about broken.


The economic, political and social concerns we struggle with today are the result of a plan that was systematically put into practice as of 1776, with the founding of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria.

This group networked, infiltrated, consolidated and enacted plans that had been in place for much longer periods of time.

They created the hidden infrastructure, secrecy, membership, documentation and blueprints necessary to effectuate what they had hoped would be a global takeover -- in the hopes of declaring a New World Order.

A very important part of this plan, laid out in Adam Smith's 1776 treatise, "The Wealth of Nations", called for the systematic confiscation of the world's gold -- to prevent any competition against a worldwide system of fake, fiat "bubble money."

If they could gain complete control of the money system, they could decide who lived and who died. Who ate and who starved. Who won and who lost.

In addition, this New World Order had a key religious and spiritual component. Quite literally, it would be an attempt to convert everyone in the world, either willingly or by force, to a philosophy known as Luciferianism.

It was believed that the Church would collapse, along with the general social order -- by design -- and in its place, people would accept Lucifer as the unsung hero in this grand cosmic drama.

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April 13, 2012
Keeping Things in Perspective

From the top of a mountain, we are able to witness life from a different perspective bringing us a new awareness.

Mountains have always captured our imaginations, calling us to scale their heights, to circle and worship at their feet, and to pay homage to their greatness. Mountains can be seen from thousands of miles away, and if we are lucky enough to be on top of one, we can see great stretches of the surrounding earth. As a result, mountains symbolize vision, the ability to rise above the adjacent lowlands and see beyond our immediate vicinity. From the top of the mountain, we are able to witness life from a new perspective—cities and towns that seem so large when we are in them look tiny. We can take the whole thing in with a single glance, regaining our composure and our sense of proportion as we realize how much bigger this world is than we sometimes remember it to be.

Mountains are almost always considered holy and spiritual places, and the energy at the top of a mountain is undeniably unique. When we are on top of a mountain, it is as if we have ascended to an alternate realm, one in which the air is purer and the energy lighter. Many a human being has climbed to the top of a mountain in order to connect with a higher source of understanding, and many have come back down feeling stronger and wiser. Whenever we are feeling trapped or limited in our vision, a trip to our nearest mountain may be just the cure we need.

There’s a reason that mountain views are so highly prized in this world, and it is because, even from a distance, mountains remind us of how small we are, which often comes as a wonderful relief. In addition, they illustrate our ability to connect with higher energy. As they rise up from the earth, sometimes disappearing in the clouds that gather around them, they are a visual symbol of earth reaching up into the heavens. Whether we have a mountain view out of our window or just a photograph of a mountain where we see it every day, we can rely on these earthly giants to provide inspiration, vision, and a daily reminder of our humble place in the grand scheme of life.


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Every Generous Moment Heals the Heart


by Sonia Choquette, Ph.D.

"The truth is spiritual healing comes naturally to all of us and is achieved every time we open our hearts fully,

speak our truth, see the beauty in all things and desire to share this flowing and joyful energy with those

around us." ~Sonia Choquette

The crown chakra serves to unite us with Source or Divine Spirit. We become psychically injured when we

become separated from our connection to God. Spiritual healing is the act of reconnecting to our Source once

again and feeling our personal connection to the flow of Universal life force and the Divine plan. When the

crown chakra opens that healing begins as it allows our spirit to receive the full support of the Universe.

When we connect to this Universal life force, we not only heal but our very presence also becomes healing to

others. I witnessed a perfect example of this quite spontaneously the other day while waiting in the airport

to pick up a friend. The plane was delayed, the airport was extremely crowded and everyone was feeling

stressed, anxious and out of control. You could tell that everyone was clearly cut off from Source by their

grim faces, their rude intolerance of one another and their angry conversations. All that is except a

two-year-old baby boy who was traveling with his mother. He was oblivious to the fact that a problem was

happening and having a perfectly delightful time watching all the people in the waiting area. A friendly

comedic kid who must be a very old soul, he walked from person to person as far as his mother would let him

wander, catching everyone’s eye and then making the silliest face he could until each one laughed.

There was nothing shy or reserved about this kid or his intentions. One by one, he’d pick his target, get

right up close and begin his antics, not budging until he got a laugh. Just a smile wouldn’t do. He went for

the guffaw! After a few successes, he began to gain an audience, and pretty soon he was getting applause

for his efforts. It was absolutely hilarious. The most wonderful part was that he was intentionally cheering

up this crowd, even though he was only a baby. And he succeeded. His energy was so alive, so vibrant,

and so unabashedly unselfconscious that pretty soon the whole area seemed to take on a new tone.

Every one lit up. Dark looks disappeared, tight lips eased and the general aura of the place improved

significantly. It would be absolutely accurate to say that baby healed the entire room that night. It was

amazing and humbling to watch.

To many people, spiritual healing sounds rather exotic, something only very holy or evolved people can do.

The truth is spiritual healing comes naturally to all of us, and is achieved every time we open our hearts fully,

speak our truth, see the beauty in all things and desire to share this flowing and joyful energy with those

around us. One needn’t take any specific training in order to be a healing force in this world. It only takes a

generous heart and a willingness to share it with others. It doesn’t take power or money or even time to be a

generous and loving force in the world. It just takes the desire to make the world a little brighter with your


One of the most touching and healing moments of my life occurred spontaneously and continues to have a

lasting effect on my heart to this day. I had just finished teaching a workshop in Athens where I had

addressed the most open hearted and appreciative audience I believe I’ve ever had. After the talk, I

was saying goodbye to the people one at a time when a very beautiful young woman came up to me. She said,

"Thank you so much for sharing your heart with me. I love you so much for your inspiring words. I very much

want to give you something to take into your heart, but I am not able to offer you a worthy present. Would

you mind if I sang you an old Greek love ballad as an act of appreciation?"

Of course I said I would love it. Completely taken by her clear and pure intention, I sat and listened as she

sang me a soulful song in the most beautiful voice I could ever imagine. The entire experience gave me

goose bumps and made me cry. Her tones touched the core of my spirit and healed all the rough edges and

fragile places in my heart in an instant. It was like salve on wounds I didn’t even know I had.

The combination of her voice, her open heart, and her intention to heal me affected me profoundly.

To this day I am certain that Heaven sent an angel to sing to me. It warms me all over again just to

remember it.

No matter who is doing the healing, whether it is a master Reiki master, a Greek angel, or a two-year-old

baby, the essence that heals is the same. The healing force is love, offered from the highest intention,

and founded on the truth that under it all, as spiritual beings, we are all one at heart. Knowing this you

too can become a healer and may have already served God as an agent of healing energy. You’ve done this

every time you laughed something off instead of going ballistic. You’ve done it when you’ve shared what

you love most with others, you’ve done this when you’ve offered a kind word or given freely of yourself when

it was difficult to do. You’ve healed when you’ve restored the confidence of others, believed in their worth

even when he they doubted themselves, and kept your intention to care for them steady and strong. I believe

we all have a lot more "heal" in us than we do "heel." I believe our crown chakras are more expansive than

we recognize. I believe pain is so familiar that when we slip out of it, we have a feeling of fear and unease

just because peace is so unfamiliar. But if we would only trust our magnificence when our crown chakra does

shine, it would shine even brighter in our lives.


©Copyright Sonia Choquette, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved. Excerpted from "True Balance: A Commonsense Guide to Renewing Your Spirit" by Sonia Choquette Ph. D. Published by Three Rivers Press.

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You are putting yourself at risk for spreading viruses & causing virtual dis-ease
Something we all needs to know about Net-Edicate called Neticate. When
you send & receive forwards to large numbers of people, you are
putting yourself at risk for spreading viruses & causing virtual

We should ALL be sending the BCC mail - without everyone else's info
being visible in the email.

Do you wonder why you get viruses or junk mail?

Do you hate it?

Every time you forward an e-mail there is information left over from
the people who got the message before you, namely their e-mail
addresses & names.

As the messages get forwarded along, the list of addresses builds, and
builds, and builds, and all it takes is for some poor sap to get a
virus, and his or her computer can send that virus to every E-mail
address that has come across his computer.

Or, someone can take all of those addresses and sell them or send junk
mail to them in the hopes that you will go to the site and he will
make five cents for each hit.

That's right, all of that inconvenience over a nickel! How do you stop it?
Well, there are several easy steps:

(1) When you forward an e-mail, DELETE all of the other addresses that
appear in the body of the message (at the top).

That's right, DELETE them. Highlight them and delete them, backspace
them, cut them, whatever it is you know how to do.

You MUST click the "Forward" button first and then you will have full
editing capabilities against the body and headers of the message. If
you don't click on"Forward" first, you won't be able to edit the
message at all.

(2) Whenever you send an e-mail to more than one person, do NOT use
the To: or CC: fields for adding e-mail addresses.

Always use the BCC:(blind carbon copy) field for listing the e-mail addresses.

This is the way the people you send to will only see their own e-mail
address. If you don't see your BCC: option click on where it says To:
and your address list will appear. Highlight the address and choose
BCC: and that's it, it's that easy. When you send to BCC: your message
will automatically say "Undisclosed Recipients in the "TO:" field of
the people who receive

(3) Remove any "FW :" in the subject line. You Can re-name the subject
if you wish or even fix spelling.

(4) ALWAYS hit your Forward button from the actual e-mail (page) you
are reading. Ever get those e-mails that you have to open 10 pages to
read the one page with the information on it? By Forwarding from he
actual page you wish someone to view, you stop them from having to
open many e-mails just to see what you sent. Unless you use AOL. If
you do get another ISP.

(5) Have you ever gotten an email that is a petition? It states a
position and asks you to add your name and address and to forward it
to 10 or 15 people or your entire address book. The email can
beforwarded on and on and can collect thousands of names and email

A FACT: The completed petition is actually worth a couple of bucks to
a professional spammer because of the wealth of valid names and email
addresses contained therein. If you want to support the petition, send
it as your own personal letter to the intended recipient.

Your position may carry more weight as a personal letter than a
laundry list of names and email address on a petition. (Actually, if
you think about it, who's supposed to send the petition in to whatever
cause it supports? And don't believe the ones that say that the email
is being traced, it just ain't so!

"Send this email to 10 people and you'll see something great run
across your screen." AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!

So please, in the future, let's stop the the viruses causing dis-ease.

Finally, here's an idea! Let's send this to everyone we know (but
please delete my address). This is something that SHOULD be forwarded.

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Everything Is a Present

Everything Is a Present

At age 108, Holocaust survivor Alice Herz Sommer still practices piano for 3 hours every day. At age 104, she had a book written about her life: "A Garden Of Eden In Hell." At age 83, she had cancer. Alice survived the concentration camps through her music, her optimism and her gratitude for the small things that came her way - a smile, a kind word, the sun. When asked about the secret of her longevity, Alice says: "I look where it is good."

See Video:


Be The Change

Learn more about the incredible life of Alice Herz Sommer, the oldest living Holocaust survivor


Alice Herz-Sommer

For the pacifist who immolated herself, see Alice Herz.

Alice Herz-Sommer, also known as Alice Sommer-Hertz and Alice Sommer, (born 26 November 1903) is a Czech pianist, music teacher and survivor of the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Herz-Sommer has lived in North London, United Kingdom since 1986, and is the world’s oldest known Holocaust survivor.



Herz-Sommer was born in Prague, Austria-Hungary, along with her twin sister Mariana, to Friedrich and Sofie Herz; he was a merchant and her mother was highly educated and moved in circles of well-known writers. Herz-Sommer's older sister Irma taught her how to play piano, which she studied diligently. She also studied under Vaclav Stepan, and at the Prague German Conservatory of Music. She had begun giving concerts and making a name for herself before the Germans took over her city.

She married businessman and amateur musician Leopold Sommer in 1931 and they had a son, Raphael ("Rafi") (1937-2001).[2] After the invasion of Czechoslovakia, most of her family and friends emigrated to Palestine via Romania, including Max Brod and brother-in-law Felix Weltsch, but Herz-Sommer stayed in Prague to care for her ill mother, who was one of the first to be sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp.

In July 1943, Herz-Sommer, her husband Leopold, and their six-year-old son were sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp. Herz-Sommer played at over 100 concerts in the camp along with other musicians. Leopold was later sent to Auschwitz and though he survived the camp, died at Dachau in 1944. After the Soviet liberation of Theresienstadt in 1945, Herz-Sommer and Rafi returned to Prague and in March 1949 emigrated to Israel to be reunited with her family. She lived in Israel and worked as a music teacher in Jerusalem until emigrating to London, United Kingdom with her son, an accomplished cellist, in 1986.

Herz-Sommer was the subject of a bestselling book A Garden of Eden in Hell recalling the events of the concentration camps. In 2010, a television programme was aired on BBC4 to recognise her life story. Herz-Sommer attributes her longevity to her optimism. "A Century of Wisdom: Lessons from the Life of Alice Herz-Sommer, the World's Oldest Living Holocaust Survivor" by Caroline Stoessinger, was published March 2012. The book has a foreword by Vaclav Havel, Czech's first free president and a friend of both the author and Herz-Sommer.


I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.

- Anne Frank –

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