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Blessings from the Zadkiel,
The Archangel of the Violet Ray of Transmutation

I AM Zadkiel Archangel of the Violet Ray. I come into your awareness to remind you that we, the members of Celestial Service who are aligned with the frequency of transmutation, are here to assist our human brothers and sister serving on the body of Gaia. All of you have prepared for myriad earthly incarnations to perform the role that you are to play in the ensuing process of planetary ascension.

We, the Angels of the Violet Fire, have been assisting Ascending Ones since before time. In fact, we are the first Greeters for those who have returned to the fifth resonance and beyond. Because our Essence flows with the frequency of transmutation, our Celestial Service is to serve as Portals through which the Violet Fire can flow into that which is completed and ready to transmute into its higher frequency of expression.

As with all light, the energies of the Seven Comic Rays flow in circles. Once we of the Seventh Ray of Transmutation assist you with your moment of return to a higher expression of reality, you will Flow into the Blue Ray of Beginnings. Thus, that which has been transmuted into a higher frequency moves instantly into a new experience of reality. There is no "death" as energy cannot die. It can only change frequency. Up until this time of planetary ascension your transmutation into a higher reality at your time of "death" was forgotten when you re-incarnated on your third dimensional Earth, and the completed cycle was archived so that it would not interfere with your new reality. However, once you return to your Multidimensional SELF, you can experience all your multiple realities within the NOW of the ONE.

Dear human angels, we wish to tell you that the time of remembering is NOW. It is important that all of you remain conscious of your ascension experience so that you can help others. Our Violet Angels currently serving Earth by carrying the illusion of a human body share your longing for the return of unconditional love and camaraderie with Source. Experiencing a reality based on separation is especially difficult for the members of the Angelic Kingdom, as we normally live in the Unity Consciousness of the ONE.

Our "grounded Angels" shall be among the first to Ascend so that they can assist others in the fashion that has always been their Joy. ALL of you are ONE with ALL life. Hence, ALL of you have a higher expression in our Angelic Kingdom. Therefore, feel your wings, dear human angels, as they tickle your back and open your High Heart. Our wings are not made of feathers, but of Light, and symbolize the Flow of unconditional love from the ONE that enters our Hearts and expands in all directions as it courses through us. Allow the Flow of unconditional love to sweep up the longing for your Return and use it to open your Portal for Ascension.

Embrace our unconditional love as it enters your heart. Feel how it Flows through you and fans out in all directions to create your "Wings." These "Wings" will support your every movement and guide you through your journey Home. We, the Angels of the Violet Fire, live within your heart and are available to you within every moment of the NOW. We welcome your return and are waiting to greet you as our Violet Fire brings you across the threshold of your new Life.


We, the Angels of the Violet Fire will now assist you in transmuting your physical earth vessel into its true form of a Two-way Inter-dimensional Portal. Your Third Eye opens when your Pineal Gland (Crown Chakra) merges with your Pituitary Gland (Brow Chakra) in the Sacred Temple of the third ventricle of your human brain. (See below links) Your opened Third Eye then creates a light pathway downward through the Thyroid Gland (Throat Chakra) and into the Thymus Gland of your High Heart (just above the Heart Chakra).

This pathway of light connecting your High Heart to your Third Eye initiates the opening of the Inflow component of your Inter-dimensional Portal. The DMT of your Pineal Gland collects the light/love (for light and love are synonymous) streaming from the Galactic Center and shares it with your entire body via cerebral spinal fluid, your blood and the Endocrine System of your body.

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The outflow portion of your Portal allows you to travel inter-dimensionally into higher worlds. Through the combined energies of your Opened Third Eye and High Heart you can communicate with the Galactics, Ascended Masters, Elohim, Archangels, and higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Many of these Beings serve as members of the Inter-Galactic Fleet that is assisting Gaia. When your Pineal Gland merges with the collective of chakras one through six, as well as with the body of Gaia, your two-way Portal fully opens, and your inter-dimensional communications increase exponentially.

However, your Inter-dimensional Portal is not fully opened until it is grounded into the core of Gaia. Without this degree of grounding, the higher light entering your Portal could be damaging to your earth vessel. Furthermore, by grounding your inflow message into Gaia, you share your message with Her. This sharing allows your consciousness to encompass the Planetary Consciousness of Earth. Also, the outflow energies of your Portal will then include messages from all the human and non-human members of Gaia.

Once you send your personal and/or collective outflow message through your Portal into the higher worlds, you will receive the return message via your inflow component of your Inter-dimensional Portal. These messages come in the form of Light Language, which is embedded in the multidimensional light and unconditional love emanating from the Galactic Center. Your Pineal Portal receives the Light Language, which is recognizable to your Third Eye. However, the message must be sent to your High Heart for translation.

Your High Heart contains your Three Fold Flame, as well as your ATMA. Your Three Fold Flame contains all the Wisdom, Power and Love that you have learned in all your inter-dimensional realities, and the ATMA carries your first eight cells that contain the Mission, which you volunteered to complete to assist Gaia with Her ascension process. It is for these reasons that your High Heart is the translator of Light Language. Also, only the unconditional love can open a Light Language file.

When you integrate the multidimensional light and unconditional love of Light Language into your consciousness, doors that have long been closed in your heart and mind will begin to open. Your perceptions and your experience of life will expand, and the multidimensional reality that was formerly hidden in your unconscious will gradually become a part of your everyday reality.
Opening Your Third Eye
click here for more information on

Opening The High Heart
click here for more information on

Light Language
click here for more information on

Integrating Light & Love
click here for more information on


Each of your personal chakras are also third/fourth dimensional "Planetary Portals," and each has a Three Fold Flame containing all the Wisdom, Power and Love that you have gained in your myriad incarnations into physical form. Once opened, these Planetary Portals, also, become two-way portals through which you can perceive your planetary reality (outflow) and receive energy (inflow) from your physical world. The opener of each Planetary Portal is the endocrine gland for that chakra. As you merge your Planetary Portals with Gaia, you connect your personal experiences of earthly incarnation with all Gaia's planetary experiences of incarnation. In this manner, person and planet become ONE.

Integration with your Planetary SELF
click here for more information on

The Endocrine Glands for each chakra/Portal are:
• Pineal Gland of Seventh Chakra/Inter-dimensional Portal
(which works in partnership with the Pituitary Gland)
• Pituitary glands of Sixth Chakra/Planetary Portal
(which is the Master Gland for the other glands)
• Thyroid Glands of Fifth Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Thymus Glands of Fourth Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Pancreas of Third Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Sexual glands of Second Chakra/Planetary Portal
• Adrenal glands of First Chakra/Planetary Portal
You fully ground your Two-way Inter-dimensional Pineal Portal by connecting it to all your Planetary Portals, as well as the body of Gaia. To begin this connection:

Visualize yourself as a speck of light within the core of your brain.

Look up to see your Pineal Portal just above you...
Can you see the multidimensional light and feel the unconditional love as it enters your portal?

Now, look forward the see through your Opened Third Eye...
How does your world appear when you see it through your Third Eye?

As you look down you see the long corridor of your spinal cord.
Allow yourself to float into this Corridor...

Pause for a moment to look at the world through your Throat Portal...
How does your world look through your this portal?

Continue your journey down into your High Heart and Heart Portal?
How does your world appear through your High Heart Portal?
Does you world look different through your Heart Portal?

Float down into your Solar Plexus Portal.
How does your reality appear through this frequency of reality?

Continue into your Navel Portal.
How do you perceive your world through this Portal?

Upon entering your Root Portal, you see Gaia's land.
How grounded in Gaia are you at this moment?

To fully ground yourself into YOUR planetary body, think of your favorite place in Nature and see yourself surrounded by that area. It is from this location that you will journey down into the Core of Gaia's form. Move through Her Crust, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core and deep into Her Inner Core.

Take the Core of your Essence and wrap it around Gaia's Inner Core. Feel how you, people and planet, are ONE Being. You are ready to begin your return journey back into your Inter-dimensional Pineal Portal.

As you merge Gaia with your Root Portal, Gaia's fourth dimensional Elementals of Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders, and Undines intermingle with the third dimensional elements of earth, air, fire and water to calm your adrenal glands and assist you to remain within your own center core.

Fourth Dimensional Elementals
click to

Gaia then brings great empowerment into the reproductive glands of your Navel Portal to bring vitality and youthfulness into your earth vessel. Thus, you can combine your calm power with your ever-expanding creativity.

You now enter your Solar Plexus Portal to bring Gaia's promise of new life into your form. Then you can command your power to remain balanced, and your pancreas can begin its adaptation to accepting light as food.

As you enter your Heart Portal you can better integrate your new creations into your daily life to expand your love for All That Is upon Gaia's body. Your creative abilities greatly expand as they enter the Portal of your High Heart where your unconditional love for yourself creates a deep healing of your wounded ego. With this healing, you can better serve to assist in healing Gaia's many wounded areas, as well.

As you enter your Throat Portal, the love for all your creations, and your Multidimensional SELF who brought you into this reality, encourages you to share your experiences with others and to stretch you imagination far beyond its former limitations.

As you enter your Brow Portal, you begin to remember your "reason for embodiment" in greater detail. Hence, you can better fulfill your promise to contribute to planetary ascension. Your higher perceptions also come online so that you can more easily perceive and interact with your ever-expanding, multidimensional reality.

As you re-enter your Inter-dimensional Pineal Portal, it is fully grounded and completely opened. Hence, you can easily communicate with your Higher Expressions of SELF and serve as a fully awakened member of Gaia's ascending Earth. You also realize that YOU are the "High Ones" with whom you have been communing. Furthermore, the connection between your Planetary Self and your Multidimensional SELF has pushed away the final veils of illusion to reveal the Truth that you have always sought.

Your Inter-dimensional and Planetary Portals are fully opened. Hence, the multidimensional energies entering your opened Pineal Gland can course into your Pituitary Master Gland to be shared with the entire third/fourth dimensional body via your endocrine system and the body of Gaia. The opened Pineal Portal then tells the Master, Pituitary Gland to activate its Planetary Portals. Thus all the Three Fold Flames within your Planetary (chakra) Portals become activated and burst into a Golden Flame with a Platinum Glow.


As each endocrine gland opens its portal, your perceptual field expands to interact with the multidimensional stimuli that are now coursing through your body. Your earth vessel then becomes a pyramid with the light entering the Capstone to be grounded at the base via the Root Portal's connection to Earth. The predominant inter-dimensional message at this time is "Begin your return to SELF." Your ascension has begun. However, you are not leaving Earth. You are taking Her with you, AND She is taking you with Her!


At this time, your Throat Chakra, which connects the Opened Third Eye with the Opened High Heart, becomes increasingly active. This connection often takes 7 days and 7 nights in which your throat chakra goes into the depths of transformation. We say all of these times with a smile, as from our frequency there is no time. In fact, since there is no time in the higher frequencies, you can go back in "time" to change causal situations, which bound you, humanity, as well as Gaia, to third dimensional illusions. Therefore, many of the Guides that you have experienced are higher frequency expressions of your SELF that came from your future, which is his/her present, to change your past. In this manner, your present is instantly transmuted into a higher expression. Thus, as you merge with the higher expression of your SELF, who resonates beyond time, you transmute your past and FREE yourself of the final illusion: The Illusion of TIME.

Nonetheless, we have given you time frames to assist you to be patient. Remember, as long as you have a clay vessel, there will be the concept of time for that is the operating system of that vessel. As your body undergoes its transmutation, you may feel as though you are "sick." Part of the reason why you may feel sick is because illness forces you to stay still, rest, sleep and focus all your attention on yourself. If you feel healthy, you may not be still enough to allow your body to undergo its metamorphosis.

During your "sickness" your higher expression of SELF will encourage you to release your attraction to third dimensional, time-bound thinking and all the emotional aspects of separation and limitation. Then, you can begin to fully embrace multidimensional thinking because your current neural network will updated to expand its frequency range into the fifth dimension and beyond. Eventually, your "world" encompasses your Oversoul (Seventh Dimension) and all the way down the dimensional scale into your Quantum Realty (beyond the first dimension). This spectrum is the range for your Multidimensional Operating System. Beyond this range are the 8th through 12th dimensions where no operating system is needed, as there is no form to contain it.

Your Lightbody has a neural network much like your earth vessel, but it is crystalline based instead of carbon based. Just as a diamond is made of the raw material of carbon, your Lightbody is made created from your carbon based earth vessel. The final part of the activation of your 97% DNA and your Multidimensional Operating System is very important. Consequently, it is necessary for you to stay still and surrender to the NOW of the process.

The last light codes of your Multidimensional Operating System download slower because they are the "instruction manual" for use the new system. Hence, they are vital to the entire download. You need to continue to be still during this download because portions of the old system need to be shut down in order to download and turn on this final segment of data. Starting this April of 2012 the full download and integration of your Multidimensional Operating System will have nine months to fully prepare you for the flash of Light that will be released as the Sun rises on the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012.

Once you have downloaded and fully integrating your Multidimensional Operating System, which is based on Light Language, your throat chakra becomes the Communication Center for your Two-way Inter-dimensional Portal. Your Pineal and Pituitary Glands, work as one unit, your Heart and High Heart work as one unit, and your ATMA, first 8 cells, and Three Fold Flame work as one unit. Furthermore, all these units work as ONE unit with your personal body and with Gaia's planetary body. In fact, your personal/planetary bodies work as one unit with ALL your inter-dimensional personal/planetary portals.

Sharing the Violet Fire
With your Inter-dimensional Portal fully opened, we, the Guardians of the Seventh Ray, can send our Violet Light through the Inter-dimensional Portal of your Pineal Gland (crown), where it is shared with your Pituitary Gland (brow) to distribute the power of transmutations throughout your entire body via the Endocrine System. Therefore:
• Our Violet Fire transmutes the perceptions of your Third Eye to perceive even higher frequencies
• Transmutes your mundane communications and creations into creative expressions of your Higher Expression of SELF
• Transmutes all your thoughts, emotions and communications to integrate your higher perceptions of reality into your daily life
• As our Violet Fire enters your Thymus Gland (heart) it transmutes your blood and breath (heart and lungs) so that you can better circulate the higher light throughout your body and into your atmosphere via your breath
• As our Violet Fire enters your Three Fold Flame, your multidimensional Wisdom, Power and Love is remembered, which transmutes your mundane communications into your innate Light Language.
As you share our Violet Fire with Gaia and with ALL the members of Her planet, you become a "Pyramid of Transmutation."


After the shift, reality will be changing so quickly that you will feel like you are in a different world, which in fact, you will be. At first, things may not feel too different because the light of the fifth dimensional earth will take a while to be perceived by your new Multidimensional Operating System. In fact, some of you will never perceive a difference in your environment, as you will continue to match the rising frequency of Gaia. In other words, because you will be transmuting at the same rate as Gaia, you will be constantly calibrated to Gaia's rising resonance. Furthermore, there are many who may be "unconscious" to the Truth of their situation. They will realize the their environment is much more loving, clean and safe, but they may not be able to realize that the changes are due to a change in frequency of reality.

There will also be those who will only be experiencing a lower frequency of reality because they have not-yet-expanded their consciousness to perceive the higher worlds. There is no problem since each of you will consciously or unconsciously choose the reality to which you resonate. Some may need to lag behind in lower frequency realities until they can expand their consciousness, expectations and perceptions to encompass higher frequencies of life. On the other hand, those of you who have calibrated your consciousness the higher frequencies of light, will see a new kind of reality revealing itself.
Some of you will instantly embrace that reality and others will have a hard time releasing that which is familiar in order to embrace that, which is new. Hence, each person will move up the multidimensional stairway at his or her own pace. Each one's pace will depend greatly on his or her ability to believe that that an expanded and entirely different reality is actually appearing before you?

Can YOU release that which is known in order to begin a new adventure? This adventure is one of consistently releasing all third dimensional habits of perception and behavior in order to perceive and behave in an increasingly expansive way. We use the word expansive because the third dimension is so filled with restrictions and limitations.

There was a lion who lived in a small, local zoo. His cage was so small that all he could do was walk back and forth and back and forth. The citizens of the town felt sorry for the lion and decided to raise enough money to create a huge, environmental area in which the lion could roam. On the day that the lion's new home was ready, everyone celebrated with a picnic and games to be followed by allowing the lion to enter his new home.

The entire town surrounded the lion's large, "environmentally safe" area and watched expectantly when he slowly entered his new home. With much coaxing, the lion finally moved away from the entrance and moved to a small corner of his expansive home. He took one look at all the people around him and began to walk back and forth and back and forth.

Will you all be able to release your addiction to the small cage that has been your only reality for myriad life times in order to enter a reality that appears to only be a possibility? This new reality is a possibility because you are creating it with your every thought and emotion. Whenever your thoughts and/or emotions are fear-filled, you sink onto a lower rung of your reality. However, once you remember to remember that YOU already exist on the higher stairs, you replenish your courage to move onto the unknown that is actually the known to your higher expressions of SELF. In other words, you are not going into the unknown. You are in the process of returning to the Multidimensional Being, who you have always been, but forgot.

As this process continues, you may experience a sense of "physical Illness' because the 97% Lightbody DNA is beginning to become dominant over the 3% human genome DNA. In other word, you are beginning to ascend. But what will you ascend from and/or into. That, of course, is a third dimensional question because the fifth dimension and beyond there is not time or space. Hence, the Ascending Ones sense of time, space, separation and even limitations are beginning to shift. The illusion of the third dimension becomes increasingly intolerable in comparison to the Truth that is being perceived via your Third Eye, Throat Chakra and High Heart inter-dimensional communication portal.

As more and more of our ascending ones see through the third dimensional illusions, only the truth can prevail. And, the Truth is that you are all ONE. With no separation, individually becomes a different term. There is still a core of individuality but without the third dimensional ego to pull you into polarized thinking and fearful emotions. As you begin to free yourself from the many lies and limitations that have haunted you for myriad lifetimes, a deep joy and gratitude fills your consciousness.

Your consciousness can then embrace your multidimensional perceptions as higher frequencies of reality. Furthermore, your opened High Heart serves as a beacon, a living invitation, to invite all life to share your experience of a reality filled with multidimensional light and unconditional love. Your opened Third Eye shares your myriad thoughts of Universal Unity, which invites myriad multidimensional realities to enter your dreaming and waking life via the homing beam that keeps your Pineal Portal open.

Meanwhile, back on 3D Earth...

Life seems like "business as usual" while your entire inner life is transmuting with your every breath. More and more, you hunger for an unknown that you have always known? Then you get ready for work, just like you always did, but now that reality is the illusion and your Multidimensional World is REAL!


Blessings, it is I, Archangel Zadkiel, speaking again to conclude this transmission. I wish to tell you how Angels use the Violet Fire. Our angels are often called to heal a situation, but often, those who call do not know that healing is actually a transmutation from that which is ending to that which is beginning. Many of you are calling now because you are at that point of transition, and your body must alter in way that causes many symptoms of illness. Injury can also occur during this transition, as you are having difficulty paying close attention to your physical surroundings.

It is during this transition that the Violet Fire can effectively be used to raise the frequency of any area of your body, your entire body and/or your consciousness. The Violet Fire will transmute (raise the resonance of) any area of your body so that it can more easily heal. Your "immune system" is actually the system through which your higher frequency of Spirit can interface with your earth vessel. Hence, once you raise the resonance of your earth vessel you develop a stronger immune system and greater powers of "healing." These healing powers can be used for yourself, others and for your dear planet, Gaia.

Those who are still bound to third-dimensional thinking tend to believe that a disease is beyond their control and something that they "caught." They also think that an injury, or even death, is beyond their control. However, once the higher frequency reason (karmic initiation) for the injury or illness is revealed, the wounding can be transmuted. Conversely, once any person, place or situation is transmuted into its higher frequency of expression, the wounding begins to clear.

We tell you of these powers to remind you again that YOU are the creator of your reality. Furthermore, YOU are your multidimensional consciousness. Your earth vessel is only a temporary container. Once your consciousness has returned to its true multidimensionality, you will KNOW that you are the creator of your life.

However, there is an exception to this paradigm that is unique to your NOW because you are transmuting your carbon-based personal and planetary vessels into their innate crystalline form. Therefore, there will be disruption to the normal functioning of these bodies during this alteration. Fortunately, the Violet Fire can be of great assistance.

As your Two-Way Inter-dimensional Portal remains opened, you will consciously, as well as through your dreams and meditations, be open to receiving information about how NOTHING is beyond your control. This realization creates a great responsibility for our Human Angels to transmute all that resonances to fear or darkness into love and light.

Fortunately, this transmutation will come quite easily because you are connected to the healing force of unconditional love constantly flowing from the higher frequencies of reality, as well as to the great healing and regenerative force of Gaia. Also, you have established an opened Portal through which we, the Angles of the Violet Ray, can blaze our Violet Fire. Through the Portals that you have opened, Gaia and ALL Her human and non-human inhabitants can more easily receive our gift, as it will automatically be grounded in and integrated throughout the entire planet.

Furthermore, as you learn to perceive reality through the Inter-dimensional and Planetary Portals of your ascending earth vessel, there will not be much that you will miss. At first, you may be overwhelmed, but that will cease as you learn to use the new programs of your Multidimensional Operating System. You will then have access to "whole brain thinking," which instantly presents the cause and effect of every situation. You will also be constantly connected to your Higher Expressions of SELF, who will assist you in learning and acclimating to your new multidimensional perceptions.

With the constant flow of our Violet Fire through your fully opened and grounded Portals you can release the need to call for our force of transmutation because our Angelic Kingdom "has your back" at all "times." FEEL our Violet Fire within the Core of your Body. SEE our Violet Fire as it embraces and transmutes your reality. HEAR the tone of our Violet Fire and carry it in your inner ears. TOUCH the Violet Fire, which ALWAYS surrounds and encompasses you.

Whenever, the stress of your daily life lowers your consciousness and you can no longer maintain these sensations, call us. We are ONE with you.

Before closing our message, I Zadkiel, wish to share with you how angels use the Violet Fire:

First we hold the intention to call upon the Fire...

Then we share that Violet Fire with our High Heart to imbue it with our unconditional love...

Then we direct the Fire out through our right hand and
Blaze the Violet Fire

We point our finger or hold our "hands" open. In this manner, we can either create a laser effect that can transmute an ant or broadcast enough Violet Fire to transmute a city. Practice this use of the Violet Fire and Know that YOU have the innate ability to transmute ALL fear and shadow into unconditional love and multidimensional light.

We light you return with Violet Light,
Archangel of the Violet Fire


I blaze the light into my Soul
To make me Free,
To make me Whole

How can I SEE
Just who to BE
If I don't feel FREE
To just be ME?

Alone at night
Or in a busy day
I must still know
How to light my Way

My Way was once hid by the dark
I could not tell how to make my mark

I wanted so-a life worth living
And I knew, somehow, that came from giving

But, if my SELF, I did not know
How could I let my true light glow?

Then I found my SELF
It was always there
It loved me first, so I could share

I've shared my SELF with many here
And I'm ready now to leave all fear
I feel my Home so very near
It fills my Soul with Love and Cheer

So now do I just turn my back
On all of those who live in lack?

Or can I somehow find the way
To guide them to a better day?

I know inside, we all must BE
The person that we wish to SEE
If I could give them all the KEY
Then they could learn how to be FREE

But each of us, and all together
Must find our Sun in stormy weather

Hence, all that we can truly BE
Is a beacon of light in a stormy SEA


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