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You are now in the midst of the greatest awakening of the largest number of souls in the history of humankind. Within that awakening, all the thoughts and feelings that have been stored within the collective consciousness of humanity are now rising to the surface to be transformed so they can be realigned with the higher dimensional frequencies of Source Love and Light. As part of the Creator, you have always had access to the creative energies of Source, only now it is time to use those energies to create an entirely new way of living and loving in your world founded in the freedom, peace, harmony and joy that is your natural estate of your Presence.

~ The Councils of Shamballa

This is a year to remember who you are, why you are here and what you have come to create during these extraordinary times of opportunity—times that may not come again for thousands of years. That is how long it has taken humanity to recover from having fallen out of the last Golden Age and now is your opportunity to create a new one!
The expanded Source energies of Love and Light that are being offered to you at this time have not been available in the way that they are now since the fall of Atlantis. It is a time for both deep reflection and action so the thoughts in the mind and the feelings in the heart can work together as one indivisible unit of consciousness. It is an extraordinary time for everyone to tap into what they feel passionate about and then to look at how they want to bring what they are envisioning into manifestation.
This is the year to go into your heart and to choose what it is you would like to manifest as your part in co-creating the new Golden Age.
As the great shift of the Ages continues, you are being called to focus on how you can assist yourself and others in moving completely out of the old 3rd dimensional matrix that was founded in fear, separation and duality. Many lessons have been learned and much mastery has been gleaned over many thousands of years of living in the limitations created by the ego mind, yet the time has now come to live as your Presence and to create using the Source energies that have always been part of your spiritual inheritance. The Elohim who are the great builders of the form worlds are here to assure you that these creative energies are available to you now more than ever.
You can consciously re-create your world and assist others in doing the same using all the lessons you have learned from living in the 3rd dimension. You can even use the very substance that is released whenever you transform limited thoughts, feelings and beliefs to create whatever you would like to bring into your life. In other words, everything can be transformed; nothing is ever wasted in the cosmos and you are indivisibly connected to the cosmos. Its abundant energies are there so you have all the Great Love and Light of Source that you need to create your life and your world anew.
You are entering a new cycle of co-creation that will be centered around everyone working together in harmony, joy, peace, equality and gratitude. You are being invited to help in establishing these new foundations so everyone can begin seeing the possibility of living in Unity or Golden Age Consciousness and living as their Presence or Master Self on Earth.
Most of humanity is still in the midst of shifting their consciousness out of the fear and control structures that eventually became the foundations of your 3rd dimensional matrix. Many of you who are on the planet at this time are the strongest of the strong and you know within the depths of your being that you are fully capable of moving your consciousness into the freedom and abundance of the 5th dimension.
It is a great joy to assist others in realizing who they are so no one is being pulled unnecessarily back into the thought and feeling structures that have created the illusions that abound on the 3rd and 4th dimensions. During this accelerated cycle of awakening, you will actually be able to use the limited energies that are being released by humanity once they have been transformed through Divine Grace and thereby literally consumed back into the great Light of Source. These processes are taught in our Golden Age Courses and Teacher Trainings.
The beauty of the whole ascension process is that all energies that have been transformed back into the Love and Light of Source can then be used to create the foundations of a new Golden Age. No energy ever needs to be left in limitation as all energy is simply waiting to be lifted back into unlimited Source Love and Light.
It is time to establish a lens on your inner eye and to expand your capacity to listen with your inner ear so these two senses are both in sync with the original Source energies that are encoded within your heart. You can adjust your focus like you would the lens on a camera so your heart and your mind are both working together as one indivisible force aimed at what you have come to create as your part in the new Golden Age.

To assist you in manifesting from unlimited Source Love and Light, Consciously Create 2012 & Beyond in Unlimitedness & Joy Part 2 has been created so you can be part of using these pivotal times to create the foundations that will establish a new Golden Age ~ an Age of lasting freedom and abundance based on the heart’s natural desire to love unconditionally and to create in unlimitedness and joy.


Consciously Create 2012 & Beyond in Unlimitedness & Joy Part 2 will be presented Live in Maui by Telecast/Skype/Webcast May 4, 5 & 6

Consciously Create a Golden Age Teachers Certification Training will be held in Maui June 2-5 ~ the only time this year!

To learn more about the Golden Age Courses and Golden Age Teachers Trainings created by the Masters, go to: and click on the Menu:

*Consciously Create 2012 in Unlimitedness & Joy Part 1 (now an online course)
*Co-Creating a New Golden Age Course (now an online course)
*Golden Age Man & Woman Course (now an online course)
*Golden Age Man & Woman Teachers Certification Training (soon online)
*Golden Age Children Course for Parents & Teachers (now an online course)
*Golden Age Children Teachers Certification Training (now available online)
*Walk the Earth as a Living Master is now an online course. To learn how you can work personally with the Masters to achieve your own mastery, go to: and click on Mastery I from the menu.

The Courses at have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance.

The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master are offered by the Ascended Masters Mystery School, created by the Masters to assist humanity in living their mastery. The receivers of the Masters’ transmissions, facilitators of the Courses and coordinators of the school are Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose. Kamala is the author of “Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension” and has been receiving transmissions from the Masters for over 35 years. Sharon has been in communication with the Masters for over 30 years, past Director of The School for Self-Mastery and Center for Esoteric Studies and has written more than a dozen spiritual books.

Copyright © 2012 Diamond Light Foundation. Copy freely and share. However, we ask that you share this newsletter in its entirety, including the copyright.

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