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“The waiting is over!

Conscious breathing offers a new freedom, a new love for self! Every four seconds, 1000 kisses from Spirit descend into your life. Every minute, another 15,000 kisses await you and yet standing boldly in front of you is your human pride. It believes you must do this alone. In the name of pride, you have attempted to tame the currents of life, control its impact and manage its love for you. Such folly will not be able to withstand the love you have invited in this now moment. Every hour, another 900,000 kisses! The floodgates are open, abundance becomes realized and a new passion for living stirs the heart of the awakened human being. A new day begins, another 21,600,000 kisses await you; cascading over your body, mind and soul. You thought this was going to be difficult? Now would be a very good time to let Spirit love you back!!” Michael

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I’ve said over the last year or so that we might want to begin to pay attention to changes in global warming and world economics. What I’m about to tell you is not about fear; it is about information. If you can receive it as information, you are going to find an extraordinary opportunity right before you.

Human activity plays a part in global warming, but as mentioned earlier, global warming is, in fact, happening from the inside of the Earth out. As the liquid core of the Earth heats up, it is heating everything from the core to the Earth’s surface. Scientists have now determined that the polar ice caps are melting faster from underneath than from above. The ice caps of the two arctic poles carry enormous weight. As all this ice melts, the weight shifts from just two locations to a liquid distribution throughout the world. In other words, the oceans are rising. You will not see this occur in the next few years, but you will most likely see it occur by the year 2020.

In the year 2003, there was a chunk of ice in the Antarctic called Larson B that broke off the polar ice mass. It was about the size of the state of Rhode Island—approximately a hundred miles long, fifty miles wide, very deep and very high. Scientists said it would take years to melt as it entered the flow of the oceans. It melted in three months.

A few years back, Scientific American magazine published a study suggesting the Earth’s poles are very susceptible to this global warming. It calculated that if the ice of Greenland, Antarctic East, and Antarctic West all melted, it would raise the ocean levels by 179 feet. Eighty percent of the world’s population now lives at sea level. Can the seas rise so dramatically? Such events are not unprecedented.

The great flood of Noah’s Ark is now very definable and well understood in scientific terms. It happened during a period in which a warming cycle ended a cold cycle. The cycle of ice-water-ice-water is a regular rhythm of the Earth. It is not new. We have just not been around long enough to remember.

But what happened in the Noah’s Ark event was a 40-day weather pattern of such intense heat that it melted the ice of the Himalayan Mountains and other major mountain ranges of the world.

The story of this great flood exists within the myths of all ancient indigenous peoples. But specifically, within the unwritten myths of the Indus River civilizations, repeated in oral traditions over the past 15,000 years, there is a story of a great golden city built on the edge of the ocean. The city has existed in the minds of these people all these years, but until a recent advance in technology there was no way to substantiate its existence in any physical way.

There is now a satellite system that produces an x-ray image of the Earth. The rays penetrate six feet into the Earth’s surface. Scientists exploring the Indus flood story considered that if this golden city ever existed, it might still exist under the ocean. So they mapped with x-rays the existing Indus River, and discovered its old river bed still imprinted on the ocean floor, tracing it another 150 feet into the ocean. When they explored that place off the coast they found an enormous city in two sections, perfectly intact, built of rock, 400 feet below the ocean. When the Noah’s Ark flood occurred, it occurred in such a way that it raised the level of the oceans 400 feet.

But this kind of quick, catastrophic flooding has also occurred in this decade. In the year 2000, on December 31 and January 1, a weather pattern swept through California, and melted 10-12 feet of the entire Sierra Nevada snow pack, creating a 500-year flood in just one day.

As global weather patterns continue to shift, we are going to see many abrupt environmental changes occurring on the planet.

As I mentioned earlier, polar ice is going to melt over the coming years, and the tremendous water weight will disperse around the planet. Combined with the loosening of the Earth’s crust from solar radiation, this water weight is going to create cracks and pressure on the Earth’s surface. To put it simply, the Earth is birthing itself into a new Earth.

The oil volcano earlier this year in the Gulf of Mexico was a planned aspect of this birthing process.

Have you ever been around a woman in childbirth who is afraid? The flailing around that occurs is unnecessary, but very real. The Earth is not in fear, but the Earth is subject to a set of patterns that you and I have a lot to do with.

Stored within the Earth’s emotional body, stored within the lower fourth dimension, and stored within our unconsciousness, are all the lesser thoughts ever thought by humanity. All of this lesser energy must be released and cleared for the shift in consciousness to take place.

As the Earth goes through its birthing process, it is being as kind, as generous, and as loving as possible to humanity. It has accommodated humanity from the beginning. It moves around our weaknesses. It moves around our irrationality. It moves around our hate and anger and resentments and our fears, and yet it holds all of these vibrations. These vibrations are now in the process of being purged.

Part of the Earth’s intention in the Gulf was to get the conscious attention of humanity focused on the Earth. The rupture was resolved, but have you noticed its most lasting impact? It has solidified a level of consciousness, an awareness of abuse of power, of greed, and of human stupidity. It has focused our attention at a level of consciousness that is absolutely necessary to maintain in order to go through this Shift with a greater level of stability.

The Gulf “disaster” was part of the Earth’s doing, but the level of human consciousness that perpetuates such events is not something that the Earth will tolerate for a long period of time.

But let me add another piece to this ever-expanding story.

In addition to global warming, I’ve suggested you also pay attention to changes in world economics.

The particular ’Grand Cross’ alignment of the planets that we are experiencing this year is rare, although it has occurred a number of times in our past. It occurred in 1837 and in 1873, and again in October, 1929. Each time it has occurred, it was followed by significant economic upheaval and change, lasting from 6 to 10 years.

Now many have been praying, asking, and meditating for a level of consciousness to come onto the planet that is fair, that is not abusive of power, and that does not take advantage of one another. We are now in the process of witnessing what has been prayed for come into reality. But if you hear that as fear, you’re not hearing the message. The message is that the Shift is unstoppably unfolding, and it will touch each of us profoundly, but each of us absolutely has the capacity to move within, through, and around it, as well as to influence it.

The Earth is birthing, and the Earth will accommodate humanity, but the Earth is also asking humanity to accommodate itself. No one can handle this Shift from a third dimensional pattern of consciousness, hoping or praying for a change. Fortunately, it is absolutely within the reach of each of us to step into a higher fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness at this moment— fully conscious, intentional, and focused. From this vibrational platform we can begin to use light, colors, geometries, and sound frequencies to alter the dynamics of this dramatic, unprecedented shift into higher consciousness. But time is running out. The old game is over. That’s not a problem, but the Shift is now accelerating dramatically, and each of us is being asked to step up. Each of us is being asked to perceive the events of this Shift from a place that allows us to choose and influence. From this higher fifth dimensional space, the ability to alter where the hurricanes are going to be, where the earthquakes are going to occur, and the severity of the volcanoes, is now within our grasp.

This is an exciting time. The Shift is an exciting story. So let me repeat the punch line: What you think and how you choose to hold and direct your emotions, can and will alter how the Earth will change.

Every single one of us has the capacity to begin to redirect the contractions of the Earth’s birth process. As her contractions quicken and intensify, the ability to walk through them and influence them becomes very important— and it is a very real opportunity.

So the story of the Shift unfolds every day now, and we can choose to participate, not from a fearful place, but from a foundation of knowledge, expectation, and even excitement. Each of us is a significant player in this story, with an essential role to play. So the only question to ask yourself is: how do I choose to play?

***If you would like to know more, there is a set of tools, and a pathway, that the Archangels have set up to assist us in engaging and directing this Shift. All are available right now (many of them free of charge) on the Mastering Alchemy website.
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The peeling away of the layers of the subconscious patterns that have been carried within you are now beginning to be dissolved and dissipated. All that disempowered you before is now leaving your auric field and is being replaced by more Light which in turn brings up more layers that have been deeply hidden within you. This is the way that the Light works its magic, Dear Ones, and being willing to experience the uncomfortable feelings and pain involved in this process says much about your inner strength and resolve to see this process through to the victory celebration that comes when entering the higher dimensions of thinking and doing. The layers are now very thin and are easily dissipated with the tools that you have learnt work best for you.

The days ahead require your persistence and perseverance in the holding of your vision of what you want to see manifest in your World. There are the visions for your personal life and then there are the greater visions of the World you want your children and grandchildren to enjoy and embrace. You are each making the Ascension of the Earth and all upon, within, around and above Her happen. Each day as you persist in your daily disciplines of anchoring the Light within the crystalline diamond core of Earth, you add more Light to the entire crystalline grid that is growing ever more powerful in its activation. It has been many ages since this grid has been at full operating capacity and so there is a joyful tone that emanates from the grid in anticipation of the full restoration of its power.

Life as you have known it and perceived it is rapidly falling away and being replaced with ways that are better and which ensure the good of all, not just the few. As the grid gathers more energy and power it is distributed across the Planet in a way that stabilizes the energies emanating from the Cosmos so that greater harmony and balance is maintained. Those who work with the Light are adding to and connecting to, the knowledge that resonates from the great crystals in the depths of the planet. As this occurs, a shifting takes place within your forms and within all forms including the Earth. Each change creates the opening for more change and this will continue until a total transformation happens. Those of you who have been the vanguard of this movement have now entered a state of Being where your efforts are being supported by these new energies and you will find that it becomes a joyful service rather than a necessary chore.

This is the joy of creation of the new. This is alchemy at its finest and most powerful, for all that you have learned and all the tools that you gained are now a part of your new Template and you are focusing upon your own form and bringing healing within and without. As you do this, you discover the methods that worked for your unique situation and this is a valuable tool to offer others so that their path to a higher consciousness and knowledge can be accomplished with considerably more ease than what you endured. This is your great gift to Humanity, each inroad that has been successfully traversed becomes a shining path for others to follow. So we say to you, Beloved Ones, your individual experiences and stories are so very important for they create markers for others to emulate, ways that were learnt by you through great effort, will and endurance which has created a Lighted path for more people to walk on.

Keep your focus on cleansing your body, mind and feelings of all that does not resonate with the higher aspects of your Being. Stay attuned to your heart and to the heart of Mother Earth, hear Her song, her guidance, her wisdom. She has much to teach you if you are willing to listen. She knows the entire history of the evolving cycles of life within Her domain. She will help you to remember. Honor the Earth and become One with Her in loving and symbiotic relationship. Your acknowledgement brings joy and gladness to Her great Being. She is so very ready to work in unison with you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion.

Channel: Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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Greetings Human Angels ! I Am That I Am. I Am the Keeper of the Violet Flame. I, Sainte Germaine greet you warmly !

It is my grand pleasure and honour to be with you this moment of our 2012. I acknowledge the great presence of Lord Metatron within this field, and offer my deepest gratitude for this invitation to speak with you. For I along with the Family of the Beloved Ascended Masters of the Crystalline Light Council are anxiously awaiting the OM-Wave. It will be directed from our Mt Shasta retreat on June 25th. We encourage and invite all of you, wherever you are to tune in, for it is a gifted celebration of LOVE ! It is a re-charging and re-balancing. For indeed the very tone of OM creates a coded sound that balances every nunace of your Beingness. Reforms every atom of your physical body and every unit of your consciousness field.

Such excitement , we are packing our etheric bags, and will soon be boarding the Train of Love ! So much to share. Joy is in the air !

The Eyes of Wisdom are yours Dear Friends, and in this amazing time, wisdom is received, for it has been you. You have come so far, and the lights of your true home are shining.

What follows is a message from Lord Metatron and I, a melange of beautiful and meaningful information we wish to share....
A Magnificent Year is unfolding ! So many wonderful occurrences are sparking in radiance ! You are now ready for the Ascension... and Human Angels, you will see many changes from within and without! Clarity is the prize. Sure it has taken effort, but what a noble aspiration you have achieved.

2012 will begin to pull the rug out from under those hidden & rigid beliefs have been the most cumbersome to release, and difficult to discover. Obstruction knows no prejudice, it moves across all divides. Humanity will soon begin to rediscover its clarity as a prerequisite to full consciousness before it can begin to remove fear and cynicism. Be willing to travel through the places in your interior belief-scape that are strewn with the debris of old energies and tired obstacles that no longer serve you. This year of 2012 is designed for such release, for some reservoirs are dug deeper than others and you will need to stretch a bit further to get to the clear waters of true wisdom.
In 2012 the inner self releases into the New Mer-Ka-Na by moving through intensities. Each coronal mass ejection, solar wind and astrological gravity opens up a new pulsation fervency. These extremes within the potent crysto-electrical field in 2012 may feel like taking one step backward before taking two steps forward. But understand that there is great purpose in these difficult phases of resonate up-shift. Within these are unique apertures to discover & recreate the New Human on the New Earth. That in shadow will be revealed and afforded release. The energy Triad facilitates such lucidities of clarity on the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse and June Solstice.

The Om Wave

The OM Wave brings the Pleiadean Opening, and the opening of enlightenment. Dimensionality will shift. The end of ignorance and innocence will mark the beginning of the end of the third dimension, but only in terms of the third dimension being the exterior boundary of dimensional access on the New Earth. The first three dimensions will not disappear, how could they? Rather they will be reformatted as the base of the new dimensions 4-12.

Consider these words a gentle nudge from Spirit. Look deeply within and without, and permit this loving reminder a place in your thoughts and heart. Reflect upon the compassion and comprehension within your life, and measure how far it reaches. Do you find that you have traveled so very far, tried so very hard only to find yourself in the same place from whence you started?
Ascension Symptoms
The energy as we have said of 2012 is extremely intense. Every week, every month between now and the 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 is engineered with such up-shifts that you can become overwhelmed. 2012 is exponentially more so than 2011. For what is happening on the 2012 Triad is a great and greater influx of non-physical awareness, awareness in the full 33 Chakra Mer-Ka-Na. Remaining grounded , with an intact Aura is essential, but you have the knowledge of how to manage the new frequencies. The old-energy myth that all perception and knowledge must come to you through your physical senses is well past, now you must coordinate the full 33 chakra influx...and you can.
As such, your creatorship is going into high gear. The manifestation of your beliefs will be exponentially amplified. That is why the remaining time before the 12-12-12 is especially geared for yourself examination and programming. The old adage of "be careful what you wish for is going into over-drive. As we have told you before, you are given the gifts of gods. Your beliefs become reality. What you believe becomes real in your experience. There is no area in your life to which this does not apply, especially in 33 chakra field of 2012! Thus the obstacle course before you in the months ahead. The 'Ascension Symptoms' are there for you to polish the preparation and are the final exam.
The intensities of 2012 are real, but these pressures are benevolent in purpose. Do not be discouraged, the Ascension is at hand.
Dear Human Angel, you need NOT be mired or discouraged in these energies, in fact the opposite will occur in the OM Wave. Yu can indeed receive an influx support, of renewed charging, courage and resolve. If you remove your human mask within this moment of clarity termed the Ring of Fire and OM Wave. you will sense a new light, a light of crystalline clarity is touching you, re-energizing you in preparation for the remainder of 2012. It is final transformation, for you have indeed come far! We honor you and say well done, we encourage you to keep moving ahead. You are closer to a quantum leap, a magnificent Transformation than you may realize. Far closer.
Belief Changes the Paradigm
Masters, the work of transformation springs from a commitment to a particular context of belief, this kind of belief allows for well-being, and well being opens the door to happiness.
The astrological pattern of 2012 is designed to allow you final releases. The easier changes have been made, what remains requires a deeper dig.
What you think upon, what you believe is projected more powerfully in 2012. Therefore in this year, you will find that all untoward beliefs will bubble to the top for you to deal with.
This is why we are dedicating the remainder of this channel to the importance of self examination, and the importance of being the Master of your thoughts. Many of you, in the intensities of 2012 may experience emotional despair, worry and depression. This can be dealt with, and in fact is being shown to you in order to let it go.
We tell you that your human emotions are to a large degree directed by your personal beliefs. By being fully aware of your fundamental life beliefs, and recognizing that you are ever at the effect of core belief you can and will form a new world. And that is exactly what you are here to do.
At this Triad conjunction, you must consciously and intentionally, select the direction and purpose for your lives. If you mundanely extend your¬selves from the past, from what you unconsciously accept through default, there is no trans¬formation, only more of the same. You see, not everyone will choose to Ascend. But those of you that are the Pathfinders must shine the light. Do not become discouraged or mired in the intensities of 2012.
Reminders of Requisite Understandings
Let us tap your shoulder, in the weeks before the Triad, and remind you of certain requisite understandings.
Many of you humans have based your happiness on achieving a certain goal, on having certain things. Yet in such objective orientated achievement, you often find a time line in which you discover happiness that comes from these things is only temporary, and soon fades....and you still sense something is lacking, something is missing. You are not experiencing joy.
Many of you humans feel that life is successful only when you get what you want. But many of your life set-ups deliberately place you outside your 'comfort zone' in order for you to grow.
Such 'life-contract challenges' or ' set ups' are chosen by the higher self and cannot be wished away or ignored. That is why it is important to face your circumstances as a selected set up, and take responsibility for it. Then and only then can you transcend it. There is no situation you are in that you have not created, have not chosen. To deny that truth does not serve you. In saying that, we are not saying you surrender to them, rather that you face them.
The Happiness Paradox
So here is the happiness paradox. Do you live without joy until you meet the challenge?
Masters, there is joy in being 'fully present and fully engaged in the present and fully accepting the challenges before you in the 'Now'. That is a great truth.
Happiness, in wide terms, can be understood in 3 aspects. : pleasure, engagement, and meaning. Pleasure is the "feel good" part of happiness. Engagement refers to living a "good life" of interactive harmonics, in balancing work, family, friends, and hobbies. Meaning refers to using our strengths to contribute to a larger spiritual or philanthropic purpose. And keep in mind, that of the three, engagement and meaning make the most difference to living a happy life. We will also add that many who chose lives of service and focal spiritual development do achieve happiness, in the sense of this vernacular and aspect, in lives solely devoted to achieving Mastery.

Genuine happiness is a decision. A state of mind that is earned by living a spiritual harmonic life. It is not the satisfaction of irrational wishes for pleasure. True happiness is a state of non-contradictory joy, a joy without penalty or guilt that is experienced in well being, in peace, in understanding.

Very often the inability of advanced Souls to sense the well-being & experience happiness, even when living in impeccability is because of past life over-bleeds. Not loving the self due to lifetimes of being programmed with erroneous concepts of 'Original Sin'. These can be dealt with, must be dealt with by, 'changing the past' in Mer-Ka-Na (as taught in the Metatronic Keys). At the core of this is usually a feeling of low self worth, an inability to love Self.

The Happiness Exercise

When these feeling come in, work on changing them. One exercise is to shift the perspective from living your life to being an actor playing the lead role in a play called your life. A role in in which you are confident, happy and able to give, receive and love the Divinity within you. By 'acting out these attributes, you can learn to pull in these frequencies. It works much in the same way, as replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. One frequency of happiness, of positive energy, will attract in the next. But you must in the process of this exercise, genuinely learn to love self and such an exercise will assist in re-programming the removal of erroneous belief from past life (or present) life. Do you understand?

Life flows more effectively when you decide to accept the challenge of what you have, because actually what you have is what you have chosen, what you created. To move on, choose it, and be at peace and find happiness in knowing you are facing what is presented to you in this 'Now'. This is a powerful transformational truth that allows you to learn what you scripted by transcending, by solving the puzzle.
Being a Master does not mean you do not face challenges, it simply means you have the resolve and wisdom to resolve them. That does not mean it is easy. And this process continues beyond the Earth experience, albeit in different formats. Such is the expansion of life, of consciousness.
Dear Ones, LOVE is a frequency, a beautiful science, a divine context, a is an aperture that allows for LIFE, for Supreme Consciousness in Cosmic Gestalt.
Living in the NOW Moment
Now, the truth itself is not found in a different set of circumstances, avoidance or a new environment. The truth is only found in the 'now' circumstance you are in.
There are of course certain scenarios when you are in conflict with the self, in which happiness cannot truly occur. Your life will work to the degree in which you know your mind, find wisdom and walk your talk in impeccability and grace. Make agreements and keep them.
This is a distinct way of being with life. Transformation does not merely change our actions, does not merely give you new options from which to consciously choose. Rather it uncovers the structural mechanics of being and interpretation on which you are grounded, even if you at times unaware of your purposed grounding within them.
The New Earth Begins with the New You
The nuances of transition, of scripting your life, does involve discovering your core belief - struggling to figure out "who you are" , and in transformation, you transcend and bring forth the endless potential of creating yourselves, so that life is a creative and meaningful expression of you in fulfillment.
But recognize the correct attitude is a journey and not a destination. Take time in 2012 to gather in group and solitary retreats for re-calibration, receiving downloads of the new codes and grounding.
In the moment of transformation, there is the presence of choice, as the phenomenon of creating new discerned possibilities. The actual choosing remains of your own making within wisdom. Yet, in the recognition and ownership of the choice appears true freedom of action - an action born solely of the courage to be, and the will to create. And 2012 is such a time.
Listen closely, for although we have shared this before, it is important to be reminded at this time, for you are on the cusp of Creating a New Earth. The new Earthy begins with the new you.
Dear Ones - YOU, Humanity in mass have created the Ascension. So often you do not credit yourself for that. So we reinforce that important Truth to you now. And we remind you there is much yet to be done. For your wisdom & creatorship is needed now more than ever.
Avoiding Depression
Dear Human, keep moving forward, do not slow down, and do not be discouraged. When emotions seem to overwhelm you without cause, or sweep over you without reason it is because you have not listened to the very feelings that upset you.
The core cause, speaking in broad terms, of depression and self pity is the base belief that you are powerless to change your circumstances or unable to face overwhelming emotional waves coming from deep within. This requires focus and effort. But by facing any challenge, and not avoiding it, you have the tools to transcend any situation, and by changing the attitudinal aspect, you fall into the law grace. True self-knowledge is indispensable. The recognition of the truth about the self simply means that you must first discover what you think about yourself, subconsciously.
Attitudinal Calibration
As we have said repeatedly, when you dwell on any negative thought, it magnetically attracts like thoughts. Negative attitudes expand.
That is the Law of Attraction. We tell you this indelible Truth. Your attitudes are self created, and you cannot escape them. You cannot move to avoid them, because attitudes create the nature of what you see. But you can, and eventually will, sooner or later, change them. In the Earth experience, you see what you create, there is no other rule. And you are here to learn how to Master creation responsibly. Your experiential landscape, your emotional horizons are the manifestations of belief projected... emotional attitudes materialized into physicality.
Masters, the thoughts you dwell on have a frequency. Those thought resonances that you habitually think are absorbed into the subconscious mind. The subconscious is the generator of your reality. It creates what you feed it. Period. The subconscious mind is the seat of the emotions and is a creative computer program. When subconscious is programmed with an idea, it becomes a belief, and it will without fail begins to generate it, execute it into manifestation. That is how it works.
Whatever you feel & truly beleive to be true is true, your subconscious will accept and bring forth into experience.
Accordingly, negative attitudes impede your path to Mastery. There are processes for you to protect yourself from your own negative errors and thoughts and those of others.
You must learn to erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite. Then consciously remove what does not serve you. So when you feel the rise of negative feelings, thoughts and untoward emotions, make a concerted effort to identify their source. The answers that will be discovered will be given to you far easier than you may think. Make the effort. Take responsibility to own such feelings and try to understand where they are coming from. Then and only then remove them and replace them with better frequencies.
We tell you that the power of your subconscious is enormous. It is a universal truth that whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of time & space as condition, experience and event. Thought is incipient action. The reaction is a response from your subconscious mind which corresponds with the nature of your thought. As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.

Masters the time of the Guru has passed. You must discern your truth and follow it. Ye are Gods. Do not give your power away, do not choose to channel your power through another person, channel, teacher or Guide.
Use self discernment with our words, if they do not resonate with you, do not accept them.
No human can be greater than or wiser than their experience, for wisdom is only achieved through experience, it cannot be short cut or bought. Experiential wisdom does not, cannot leap-frog from novice to mastery in one leap. And indeed what has been learned in one sojourn must be recaptured, re-earned in the NOW. Edgar Cayce, who had experienced Ascended Mastery in ancient Egypt as the great Ra-Ta, shared that in his lifetime just before that of the prophet Edgar Cayce, he had a misguided sojourn as a rogue and gambler in the American West.
It takes effort and wisdom in each 'Now'. Did not the Master Jesua ben Josef spend years of devoted study and preparation? It is so.
The world has never had a shortage of prophets. True teachers are few and far between, there is no deficiency of charlatans making grandiose claims. The onset of what you call the New Age brought its own share of teachers and teachings. Many purchase pseudo credentials and make grandiose claims of wisdom that has not been earned . Some who claim to be teachers have not done the requisite groundwork. They seek guruship for gain, claiming the work of others as their own, feeding off the energy of followers. Integrity is essential. It has always been so. Wisdom and Virtue are not begat in illusion, delusion, ego imbalance or self aggrandizement. Masters, use discernment.
Laughter & Joy

Dear Friends, before we close, please allow me to remind you to balance the incredible work you are doing, with laughter, with joy. Take time to smell the flowers, and acknowledge the beauty around you.

Reminder the I Am Energy is warm and nurturing, it is unconditional Love, and it is the Eye of Wisdom.

I thank you for your time, and Lord Metatron for the field that has been so generously and powerfully opened herein. We of the Ascended Masters and Crystalline Council are ever with you. We enter your plane even more closely in the coming Celebration of the OM-Wave. It is a time of joy.

I Am that I Am. I embrace you in Violet ! I am Sainte Germaine.

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Presented LIVE in our Maui Temple and on Skype, Teleconference & Webcast.
May 4, 5, 6, 2012

3 pm Hawaii, 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern

(All 3 classes for $98)

In this pivotal year of unlimited possibilities, you are once again invited to learn from the Ascended Masters how to consciously create 2012 and beyond in the unlimited love, joy and abundance of your Presence.
You are living during the most pivotal times in all of recorded history. What you are creating in this year will attract into your life the foundation for your future. We in the Ascended Realms are here to work with you to create the results you truly want to see manifested now and in the days ahead.

It is time for immediate action, and we invite you to meet with us during the powerful time of the Wesak Festival and receive the Initiation given by Buddha and the Christ May 4, 5 and 6 to manifest the life you want.

~ Saint Germain & Lady Portia

You are invited to gather in Council with Buddha, Christ and the Masters to receive their Initiation and to open up the gates of your spiritual inheritance of unlimited abundance on every level. Your ability to access your Divine birthright of abundance is through your Presence. This is an invitation to expand your capacity to be a living demonstration of your own unlimited Presence.

In this Course: Consciously Create 2012 and Beyond in Unlimitedness and Joy Part II, the Masters will give you the tools to create your future as you would like to see it manifested without limits and in joy.

You will learn how to:

* Move your emotional and mental bodies out of any residual patterns of bondage to the limited 3rd dimensional matrix.

* Create above and outside the old paradigm perceptions that may still be controlling your life.

* Create your lives using the universal principles and the actual etheric substances that the Elohim use to create the form worlds.

* Establish Unity Consciousness and bring that consciousness into your daily life.

* Create 5th dimension relationship dynamics of unconditional love, harmony and cooperation as part of your life now.

* Close any gaps that may exist between you and your Presence or your Twin Ray.

* Discover how the last Golden Age in Atlantis was co-created.

* Explore how those in Atlantis sustained the 5th dimensional levels of their Golden Age Consciousness.

* Realize how those in Atlantis created their fall into the 4th and then into the 3rd dimension.

* Access the higher dimensional grids of both Lemuria and Atlantis—now being re-activated—in your own memories and crystalline DNA.

Your attachment to the limited 3rd dimension was created primarily to ensure the survival of your physical body, to protect your fabricated image, and to sustain your emotional attachment to the pleasure/pain cycle that eventually became part of the foundation of the duality matrix that presently defines life in the 3rd dimension.

All relationships eventually began circulating within a maze of misinformation until love was not even seen, known or felt for what it truly is. As you re-establish and deepen your relationship with your Presence and your Twin Ray, you will have access to your pre-separation memories and the ancient strands of crystalline DNA that are still holding the memories of how to come into union with the pure Love and Light of Source that is recorded within every heart.

It is from this Source Love and Light within you that your heartfelt desires will be created and it is only from that Love that you are able to ascend into Unity Consciousness. This is where your freedom lies and this is where you can thoroughly embrace your 2012 opportunities for redefining your world and the world around you so all of your creations can become a reflection of the Love and the Light of Source that you are here to be.

The higher dimensional grids of both Lemuria and Atlantis still exist in the living records that surround your Earth, and in them are also the memories that can now assist you in creating in unlimitedness and joy in these times! This will enable you to redefine your lives outside of the old limiting matrices that were all founded in limitation and fear. You are truly being invited to begin life anew on your glorious Earth.

You are invited to:
* Embody more of the unlimited capacities of your Presence so you can create what you want to see manifested during the rest of 2012 and beyond.
* Bring the cells of your body into a more conscious alignment with the crystalline light body that was used to create the last Golden Age in Atlantis.
* Feel into the higher states of the Golden Age memories in Atlantis so you can see how to bring the principles used there to create in unlimitedness and joy in 2012 and beyond.
* Open up the dormant strands of your crystalline DNA so your consciousness can expand into more of the unlimited frequencies and principles that exist on the 5th Dimension and beyond.

If you would like to be mentored by the great spiritual Masters to create an unlimited 2012 and beyond of love, joy and abundance, please go to: or click here (scroll down to the last item on the bottom of the page, #18) to register.

The cost for all three classes of Consciously Create 2012 and Beyond in Unlimitedness and Joy Part II is only $98. There is a discount for couples taking the Course together or $148.

If you would like to be part of Consciously Create 2012 and Beyond in Unlimitedness and Joy Part II being held LIVE in Maui and on Skype, teleconference and webcast May 4, 5 and 6, go to: or click here (scroll down to the last item on the bottom of the page, #18) to register.

As soon as you register, you will receive information of how to participate in this Live Course. If you cannot participate Live or in person, you can still ask questions as well as listen to the Class Replay, which is available immediately upon completion of each live class. Instructions will be given upon registration.

This Course is a pre-requisite for Consciously Create a Golden Age Teachers Certification Training June 2-5 in Maui, Hawaii. For more information and to register, go to:
If you have any questions, please email us at:

We look forward to hearing from you.

In the Love of the One Heart we share,

Sharon Rose and Kamala Everett

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Angel Whisper~Revenge Russell Forsyth

Thanks to the readers who requested a whisper on Revenge, which is defined as a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived. It is also called payback, retribution, retaliation, or vengeance. Detractors argue that revenge is a simple fallacy of logic, of the same design as "two wrongs don't make a right." Some assert that the Bible's concept of reciprocal justice - "an eye for an eye" - validates the concept of proportionate revenge, in which there would be a simple equality of suffering. However, Rabbinic law states that this verse indicates a person should provide a monetary payment for the eye or tooth that was damaged.
Revenge plays a critical role in Shakespeare's Hamlet, where Hamlet and Laertes both seek revenge on each other for their fathers' deaths. If compared to the other characters and their subsequent vendettas, those who were indecisive (Hamlet) or used deceitful means to murder (Claudius, Laertes) faced death themselves. This could be suggesting that revenge is not a good thing to do and, if practiced, should be done with speed and openness (tee hee). With speed and openness, let's get a read on revenge from an angelic whisper:

At the soul level, there is an energy that feeds the act of revenge. Within the perception of being wronged or wounded, the human energy can be led down a path of committing acts of revenge. The purpose is to feel even, balanced, or at peace, which ultimately is based on illusions. The feeling of satisfaction that comes with your actions can be fueled in the moments surrounding a vengeful act, but if created at the expense of your personal integrity, there are consequences.

The acts of revenge directed at you require awareness, faith, and the ability to rise above the circumstances. The line of acceptance has to be drawn and, if crossed, action on your part may be needed. This is where balance and integrity of your spirit come in. An act of revenge that forces you to respond out of your character can hold many valuable lessons, including holding other people accountable for their actions. Reacting with a clear heart is the goal when faced with the irrational behaviors of others.

Stand your ground and make that ground the hallowed space of honor that venerates your actions. By operating from a light of consciousness, you grow the flame of integrity at the soul level, healing yourself and others from any action of wrongdoing. The warrior spirit becomes activated and, when evoked, needs to shine in the light of truth. This solicits the help of spirit instead of engaging in the energy of control.

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Message from the Angels through Ann Albers

Real Love comes from within....
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Today we wish to speak to you on the topic of relationships. All relationships whether the ones with your life, your home, your spouse, your children, or your pet, are teaching you about the relationship you have with yourself. The relationships with others show you very clearly what parts of yourself you are willing to bring to the surface in your life and what parts of yourself you are willing to let go. For in truth, dear ones, all energies exist within you and you choose which ones you want to experience.
Seldom in the human race is "falling in love" truly about loving another. Far more often you are falling in love with yourself in the presence of another. In the mirror of a kind soul who acknowledges you, pays attention to you, compliments you, and resonates with you on many levels, you feel good about yourselves! We celebrate when you feel this way! We love to see you acknowledge the truth of your being - that you are beautiful inside and out, worthy of all love and acknowledgment. But we also know, that if you perceive that this sensation comes from another, and "fall in love" with them for that sensation, then dear ones you can just as easily "fall out of love" when the other ceases to make you feel this way, and you can be tempted to try any number of human machinations to get the other to make you feel this way again.
Real love comes from a spring of well-being within you. Real love says, "I already know I am loved! I already feel good about myself. And from this full place, I have love to share. I see this person in front of me. They are worthy of love, respect, and acknowledgement. I want to share myself with them. I want to learn more about them. I want to uplift them. I want to support their goals and dreams. I want to take delight in their presence. I want to see how deeply we can share ourselves with one another. I want to see how we can grow together and experience and expand the love of God within ourselves." If you are not there yet, dear friends, don't despair. This type of love is rare upon your planet earth.
So how do you create truly loving relationships with all of life? You must, absolutely, start with yourself. If you take care of yourself, do kind things for yourself, create balance in your life, try to be honest and authentic in your expressions, and reach out for help and comfort when you are in need, you will find that you have created the relationship with yourself that you so desperately want with another. In this space, you are a beacon and a light in the world! You will attract those of like mind and heart, and you will find yourself drifting away from those who have other journeys. You will live a life centered in yourself, knowing that the true self within you is centered in God's love. You will have fallen in love with your true self! And in this space of truly embracing God's love and presence within you, you will find yourself falling in love with all of life, creating the magic that was intended to be a part of your daily lives, not just in a relationship with one human being, but in all your relationships. This, dear ones, is heaven on earth.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
--The Angels
Messages from the Angels through Ann Albers

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Receive Light.... Prayer


Father God, In the power of the Holy Spirit I ask that Your Light shine upon each of us. 

Shine Your glory on the shadows of the enemy and the shadows of fear and intimidation.

Father, Your light exposes the ugliness of his actions. 

You are our strength and the truth....darkness is broken and evil can not hide. 

I declare victory over indecision, strife, chaos and sickness. 

Tear down the wall of frustration and obstacles of confusion.
Father God, ask healing of our minds with new understanding, our hearts with restoration and love, our eyes with clarity and vision of truth, ears to hear Your still small voice and helps us to be steadfast for glory! 

We are nothing without You, we can not do it alone. 

Bring a presence of openness and peace.

Father, we receive You and give authority over our lives. 

I  His Holy name.....Amen!

2 Corinthians 4:6
 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
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Galactic Councils Channel: Karen Doonan

Greetings, we are the High Council of Orion, The Galactic Council of the Elders and the
Galactic Council of twelve, we come through our channel at this time to make our presence
known to you on planet earth. Our channel is able to hold the energies of all of these
councils as she has been briefed on the members of these councils and there role in the
shaping of the new earth. There is much information that we have to guide you at this time
and we are here to introduce our roles and our functions so that you may anchor this
information and remember us.
As the planet earth now begins to vibrationally take shape for the new to unfold it is now
our role to introduce the councils and how we will work with the human race. It will become
knowledge amongst those who are now able to detach from the teachings of distortion and
to go within and remember who we are. For many of you serve on these councils and in
effect we are asking yourselves to remember YOU. Such is the distortion on planet earth
that our words may trigger many who are not at a vibrationally level to accept their origins.
This will rapidly change as the new unfolds across planet earth and the new is accepted
and anchored within by those who have incarnated on planet earth to seed and grow the
new energies.
We ask at all times for you to process our words through the heart, for the heart KNOWS
TRUTH. Many are in chaos and unable to anchor the new for they are not detaching from
what is taught across planet earth. This is the challenge for many in this their human life
journey and we guide for all to be aware of this. The words that are shared on various
platforms are hollow for all unless you are able to go within and to FEEL our energies. The
time is now for the new to unfold and our channel is aware of this. The challenge for the
human race is to allow the new to unfold and to allow the energies to align them with the
new, for to stand in judgement of a race of BEings that are here to introduce themselves
sees you locked into the scripts and the teachings of a race that sought to contain and
alienate you.
The time for the movement into harmony and the work to begin to harmonise the races that
are all around you with the human race is now. Many are in the distortion of planet earth
being “taken over”, of races stepping in and bringing a new earth to planet earth. We guide
for you to look at this distortion and to accept the limitations that it would bring. We are not
here to “take over”, we are here to work closely with the human race to bring the human
race into line with all other races. There is much the human race is not able to digest and
we guide the time to address this is now. There are enough humans awake at a level to be
able to communicate with all realms and to anchor the new, therefore those who are now
fighting the chaos and logic within have choices to make. We are not here to make those
choices for you, that is your choice and yours alone. We are there to help those who now
ask for more evidence that the human race is not alone and we guide that the evidence for
want of a better word will begin to reveal itself to all who are able to understand the
energetic changes on planet earth.
For many the coming days and weeks will be challenging in the extreme as logic has no
part to play in a new way of BEing for a race that has been taught for all of its existence
that the universe is but a certain way. Akin to a child being shown that there is no santa but
that santa is their parents we guide that many will not be able to understand the changes
that are now appearing on planet earth. This is due to the holding on of the logical way of
dealing with information. Logic is your challenge at all times for your world is now no longer
based on the rules that were enforced by those who sought to contain and suppress you.
The rules have now been dissolved. Many are now in chaos for they are trying to live by the
rules that are no longer in operation. This is causing deep frustration to many and the way
out of this is to go within to the heart. There is a reason for your incarnation in this timeline,
dimension and planet and we guide that reason is within you. To look to others, to rely on
those around you for information that is entirely personal sees you look to give the power
that is YOU away. For too long human BEings have been kept vibrationally stunted in
growth, that growth for many of you is now to be rapid and expansive.
For those who challenge our words we ask for you to go within, we are not here to convince
for that is not our role. We will guide on the roles of the councils and we are here to ask
those who are awaiting our words to take their places. To attend councils we ask for you to
go into dreamtime and deep meditation and to ask to be shown. That is all that is needed
for access to our councils. What will keep you from accessing is the belief that you are
alone and that all is somehow a huge conspiracy. For those locked in conspiracy theories
we ask for you to look at this. Why would you conspire against yourself? You are the one
creating this life experience and we ask why you would have written this script within it?
There is much that will converge to allow the anchoring of the new energies and we guide
the release of what is taught to you as a race is the starting point. It is new clean sheet you
are offered, a new way of BEing, the choice of whether to step into that which you in
essence ARE is yours. We are asking for those humans who are now ready to move in
vibration to access that which was always theirs to BE.
The councils have decreed that the aligning of the human race be a joint effort between all
races and at the pace and level of the highest vibration carried within the human race. We
guide we have briefed those who carry this level of vibration and we ask they to take their
positions. For many the questions of how they know who these humans are is now
uppermost and we guide you to the knowledge of the rainbow warriors. The “legends” of
this soul group have been distorted within your history books and we guide that the rainbow
warriors are being briefed on the next level of energy that is being anchored on planet
earth. We are unable to guide in depth on this subject at this time for many of the rainbow
warriors are only now stirring. The cleansing and healing of the rainbow warriors is now
taking place, the swords replaced with the colours of the new rainbows to reflect the peace
that is now being anchored within planet earth.
These are a soul group who are here at this time and carry the blood of ALL races within
their veins. They are the new humans who are now appearing all over the planet earth. You
will find them by following their rainbows. For they space hold for the human race as the
human race now begin to remember who they are and why they are here.
The High Council of Orion now calls out to all members who share lifetimes on this
planetary system to remember and they send the symbol of the spider for those who are
now only beginning to awaken. This council will sit in session from now until the end of your
April to begin to discuss ways of holding the space and how their members can assist
those humans on earth who are aligned to this star system. We ask all members who are
incarnated in human form to heed the call of the council and to attend within dreamtime to
be updated on the unfolding energies and that which will unfold energetically for all on
planet earth.
The Galactic Councils also sit in session and now ask for those who are aligned with the
Council of Twelve and the Council of Elders to attend the meetings that are now in session
for the next couple of months. It matters not what time you attend the meetings for time is
but a teaching of distortion that many are unable or unwilling to detach from in this
dimension and planet. It will be agreed in session the way forward for the deep awakening
of the human race and the speed and the depth of the anchoring of the new energies. We
ask for all who are aligned with these councils to attend.
Although we are now stating these councils are in session in the words that are used on
planet earth the vibrational call has gone out across the universe. For those who are able to
hear us on the interdimensional levels the sessions have now commenced. We ask for all
to go within to process our words. On paper our words may make little sense and we fully
acknowledge and appreciate this. However such is the incarnation of many souls on planet
earth this is but a further symbol and sign that all is now unfolding at speed.
For many the signs and symbols, the synchronicities are now speeding up, the human
BEing works on many levels the reading of words on a page but one level. As the multi
dimensionality of your BEing is anchored within and you begin to detach from the depth of
teachings of distortion on planet earth then you will begin to operate on all timelines and
dimensions in which you exist. The symbols will merely trigger that which is within you to
allow the unfolding of the new. The human race now steps into the unknown and many will
trigger if they hold on tightly to what they have learned. For the learning on planet earth
was distorted by those who sought to control and contain the human race.
We as a governing body in the universe are not allowed to intervene with these teachings
for the law of free will is in operation and covers the entire galaxy. That is a matter of
choice for the human BEing incarnated on planet earth. The galactic laws are there for all,
those who sought to distort and to contain your race have been further reprimanded for
their concealment of these laws. The human BEings who have been briefed of the galactic
laws in operation will disseminate them across the human race as the human race is able
to detach from the distortions and once more anchor TRUTH.
We guide once more for clarity, it not within the laws of the galaxy for other realms to
interfere with the teachings that are in operation within planet earth. The reason that many
are falling to frustration is the anchoring of these teachings. The SOUL path of many is to
show their fellow humans the distortions that are in operation and how to live through them
and dissolve them. We ask for those who state that something is impossible to
acknowledge the lives of those who have moved past impossible. The blocks are your
choices dear ones, if you choice to believe a distortion then we can guide the distortion but
we are not permitted to remove it. That is the work of the human who is experiencing the
distortion and the resulting block.
There is much to discuss at the councils and we warmly invite all who are able to attend.
Attendance is asked for all are one and the councils are now working to integrate the planet
earth into the various councils who are in operation throughout the galaxy. It is envisaged
that updates akin to “Minutes of the meeting” will be posted by our channel when she is
available to take through the words. Those who are in attendance may also begin to
disseminate the information. We do not meet in secret, we do not meet to discuss events
and situations in the absence of the human race for that is not allowed. A representative
from all races are part of all councils in the galaxy. We start with the councils that have the
least amount of members as vibrationally they are easier for the human race to attend.
Such is the difference in vibration for many of the councils that it would not be possible for
many humans to attend at once en masse. The energetic space holding would be too great
at this point. However as planet earth gains in energies and vibration this will be possible
and more information around the meeting of other councils that are of interest to the human
race will be dissemninated.
The way of the new earth is now dear ones, no longer are you kept in the dark as to what is
happening across planet earth and within your galaxy. We guide once more that
attendance to the council meetings is voluntary but we anticipate a high turn out for these
meetings hence the length of sessions. We are unable to explain this further in this
dimension using merely words, more information is available for those who choose to
interact with us. It is a choice dear ones, all is vibration in the universe, raising the vibration
you hold sees you access all that has been denied to you for aeons. Those who sought to
control and contain keeping your vibration artificially low to prevent access to higher
We are confident that many are able to access our words through the heart and once more
we send our love and our blessings out across the planet earth. For a race that has seen
much chaos and much change you are progressing at astonishing rates. All races welcome
you home. Until we communicate with you further interdimensionally we wish you peace
and happiness.

Channel: Karen Doonan

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April 2012

The Beings of Light who are assisting us from On High have revealed that Humanity’s shift into Unity Consciousness is succeeding beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven. People everywhere are beginning to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” As a result, the Earth and all Life evolving upon her are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution at warp speed. This is allowing Humanity to receive and integrate the greatly amplified waves of Solar Light that are bathing the Earth at this time from our physical Sun, and the Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns that nurture and sustain Life in this system of worlds.

Through this intensified Solar activity, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth is now able to activate the pineal gland and open the Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to new breadths. The veil has been lifted. Now we can openly communicate with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven in ways that we have not experienced since prior to our fall from Grace aeons ago. This is enabling all of us to hear more clearly the inner voice of our I AM Presence and the celestial guidance that is being given to us by the Company of Heaven.

With the God Victorious accomplishment of this facet of Humanity’s awakening, we are ALL being called to a higher service. It is time for us to fulfill the Divine Mission that each of us volunteered to accomplish in this lifetime. We were allowed to embody during the auspicious moment of Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light, because we agreed to use our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. These patterns involve the Divine Alchemy of transfiguring our bodies and the body of Mother Earth from carbon-based planetary cells into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells. This process requires recalibrating our DNA into frequencies of Solar Light.

Scientists used to believe that our DNA was stationary and stagnant. We now know that our DNA is a shimmering, waveform configuration that is being modified by Light, Solar radiation, magnetic fields, sonic impulses, thoughtforms, and emotions. When Humanity’s I AM Presences join together to collectively imprint the genetic codes for our 5th-Dimensional Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love onto our DNA, these patterns will ignite every cell in our bodies and lift us into alignment with our Solar Light Bodies of infinite perfection. This Solar perfection will then be secured in the nucleus of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. Once this is accomplished, suddenly and miraculously nothing will be the same.

In order to accomplish this mighty feat, we must invoke Humanity’s I AM Presence and the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns to encode our Solar Strands of DNA with the patterns of perfection from our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. Through this unified effort involving Heaven and Earth, we will birth a Renaissance of Love that will transform this planet into expressions of Oneness and Reverence for Life that reflect her Divine Destiny.

The Company of Heaven has given us a powerful Activity of Light that will allow each of us to download the patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. These patterns are pulsating within the Causal Body of God. Through this process, the patterns will be encoded onto the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential within the NEW Solar Strands of Humanity’s DNA. With this amazing Gift of Grace from our Father-Mother God, we will begin the process of birthing a living, ever-expanding Renaissance of Divine Love that will lift every facet of Life on Earth and awaken even the most recalcitrant souls.

Please join with me now as our I AM Presences download the wondrous patterns for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, which have been given to us by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. This invocation is stated in the first person so that we will each experience it personally, but simultaneously we are invoking this Light on behalf of ALL Humanity. Through each person’s I AM Presence, this Activity of Light will take place in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the Highest Good for ALL concerned.

Downloading Solar Programs for A Renaissance of Divine Love

I AM my I AM Presence and I Invoke:

My omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great, Great Central Sun, the Solar Logos El and Ela.

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great Central Sun, the Solar Logos Elohae and Eloha.

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Central Sun, the Solar Logos Alpha and Omega.

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the physical Sun, the Solar Logos Helios and Vesta.

I Invoke the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

I invoke the balanced frequency of my Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection.

I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to take command of this Activity of Light, which I AM Invoking on behalf of myself and every person on Earth. Precious Hearts, download the following programs for each person in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the Highest Good for ALL concerned.

And I begin...

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom and the God-Supply of ALL good things. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Flawless Form. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.(pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise, Work, Relaxation and Recreation Habits, and Spiritual Devotion, Meditation and Contemplation Habits. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God that will initiate Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God that will inspire Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the Solar programs from the Causal Body of God that will tangibly manifest Heaven on Earth and a Renaissance of Divine Love. (pause)

The Solar programs are instantaneously downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)

I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these Solar programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded. I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these programs every day and continually delete anything in my thoughts, words, feelings, actions, or beliefs that may conflict with these programs or prevent them from manifesting as a tangible reality in my life.

In deep Humility, Divine Love, and Gratitude I Decree, It is done.

And so it is.

Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

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              Understanding God: Moving from Concepts to Spiritual Enlightenment and Nonduality
                                                                              By Dr. Robert Puff

Throw Out the Concepts

Who are we before anything else ever was? When we take away everything impermanent, who are we atour core? Although God may be the ultimate, our concepts of God are not. Though religion plays a beautifulrole in this conceptual world of ours, it prevents us from God because it labels God.       For instance,religion says, “God is good,” “God is benevolent,” etc. Labels cannot describe God or the ultimate.The ultimate is that which is before anything and everything else, including our concepts of God. In fact, God or the ultimate precedes any label or description.

Throw Out the Concepts, Our concepts are impermanent and subject to change.

Our concepts of God and religion come out of the ultimate of who everyone is. There are not two, but one.        Even better, there is non-duality or unicity. All is one. Religions, faith, and our concepts of gods and God come out of that which is ultimately the truth, which we ultimately are.  We too come out of it. It’s not that God is less real, but that we and God are less real. Our concepts of our self and our concepts of God are less real than that which ultimately is.

The universe has rules.

If we have faith, God plays by those rules. But who are we before the universe was created?
Religions and faiths are beautiful and interesting and affect billions of people around the world. We’re not negating
them, but rather realizing what is before them. Enlightenment entails identifying that which is before God, before our concepts of ourselves, and before the beginning of everything. In the Silence there is Truth When we take our focus away from our concepts and religions, and quiet our minds and just be, we wake up to who we are. In the silence, there is truth. Who we are unfolds. It’s always there, but because of this space-time reality in which we live, we identify with the impermanent instead. When we change our focus and identify with who we ultimately are - the non-dual self, awareness, the infinite silence - then all is well and beautiful. Our conceptual minds have imprisoned us. They assume, and tell us that these assumptions are real. They tell us that life is not a dream, but reality. However, life is an extended dream. When we wake up to this fact, then we get back to who we are. We witness the dream and are aware that we’re the dreamer and the whole of creation is only there because we are. Once we stop identifying with the dream and see it for what it is, we quiet our minds, be still, and just flow with life.  We wake up to who we are. Any concept of truth ultimately can’t be true because it’s a concept.

Although I am now presenting concepts to you, these concepts help us to quiet our mind. Imagine I have a thorn in
my foot. What do I do? I find another thorn to pluck it out. When I pluck it out, I throw both thorns away in a fire.
Let’s use the concepts here to quiet the mind, to pluck out additional concepts and be still. We are All that Ultimately Is When our minds are still, we stop labeling life. We see every aspect of life - a bird, our friends, the past, the future, the sun, the moon, everything - as equally alive, yet equally conceptual. That everything is unicity.
We are all that ultimately is. We’re not better or worse, we just are.

Initially this can be scary for the mind. We want to think, “I’m better or more significant than John,” or “I’m more important than that tree.” However, we ultimately are one, or not two. Non-duality. Our conceptual minds can let go of the battles to win, lose, desire, and fear. Yes, these concepts will still be there, but we’ll realize that they just form part of the dream we call life. We can watch ourselves and others, and relax and just be. It’s like sitting back and watching a movie.
We realize, “I’m watching a movie. I’m not the movie. The movie is not ultimately real.” So we relax, play our part and watch others play their part. We can just enjoy the journey. All is well. Life goes on, but we start identifying with who we are. Who are we, when we’re not conceptual? Who are we, who have we always been, and who will we always be?  Unicity, not two, non-duality. Yes, they are the final thorn to be extracted. Let’s extract them, throw them in the fire, and be done with them.   Just be.


Love, Light, Peace  ~  Tara Mary ~

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Ancient Manuscript Found in Brisbane



The Queensland Museum has been revealed as an unlikely resting place for the missing pieces
of a rare manuscript from ancient Egypt.

Archaeologists had been searching for the missing fragments of the rare Book of the Dead for
100 years when a visiting Egyptologist stumbled across them while in Brisbane to open a mummy exhibition.

Fragments from the rest of the papyrus, more than 3000 years old, lie in the British Museum, the
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

The religious parchment is believed to have been buried with a top Egyptian official who lived in 1420 BC.

Parts of it were discovered in the late 19th century, but archaeologists have never found it all.

Dr John Taylor from the British Museum identified the fragments while being shown part of the
museum's Egyptian collection.

He says a name on one of the pieces caught his eye and his suspicions were confirmed when he viewed the
rest of the collection of more than 100 manuscript fragments.

The discovery was very significant, he said.

"This is not the papyrus of just anybody. This is one of the top officials from Egypt at the peak of ancient Egypt's prosperity," he told reporters in Brisbane.

"After over 100 years we're in a position to reconstruct this really important manuscript, perhaps in its entirety."

Dr Taylor said he was thrilled to make the once-in-a-lifetime discovery.

"It doesn't happy very often, not in this way. You get a really special feeling," he said.

Queensland Museum chief executive Ian Galloway says the manuscript fragments were donated to the Queensland
Museum by a woman 100 years ago.

The museum is now trying to track down her family.

"We are incredibly surprised that we had such a significant object in our collection," Mr Galloway said.

He paid tribute to the museum's past curators for keeping the fragile fragments in such good condition.

There was no doubt the rare manuscript would boost interest in the Queensland Museum, and potentially the value
of its collection, he added.

"Our collections are valued every year and perhaps this year our collections will go up a notch," he said.

The fragments will remain in Brisbane and scholars are expected to attempt to piece together the papyrus on a computer, using photographs.

                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o O o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

P.S. I saw this news story on the Television tonight, in Brisbane, and it showed the pieces they found.
Sadly, no pictures can be found on the internet.

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Agitations of the Dark



                              When the dark is at rest, the light begins to move.

                                                                    ~~~~~ The Secret of the Golden Flower



Just how do we deal with agitations of the dark? How do we make our way through the tangle of being
confused or sad or blocked in understanding a way to tomorrow? It seems natural enough to treat
our problems like an overgrown path and go hacking our way through, doing small violence to ourselves.
Yet this insight from an ancient Chinese text (above) implies something harder and simpler. It implies
that agitation itself is dark, that only when we can keep our hands off will there be room for light.

How many times have I examined and re-examined the words of another in my mind, growing dark vines
by going over and over what was said: What could it mean? What could all that wasn't said mean?
What must I now do in response or in non-response? The thought-weeds grow, blocking the light.

I laugh when I think of how many hours I have spent in my life weaving storylines that never came true
until, like weeds, they covered my heart. It is as if the light, in infinite patience, won't force itself into our
hearts. No, it seems to wait and wait for us to open, content to fill whatever small space we can clear
in ourselves.

It seems that agitations of the dark always cover over. For myself (author), I worker for years covering over
sore lesions of esteem with agitations of achievements. Only when I put the achievements aside did the
light begin to move. Only then did a Universal warmth reach my sore center. Only when I let the dark
energies rest did I begin to heal.

                                                     Suggestions :

                   * Consider something you are re-examining in your mind.

                   * Breathe deeply, and if you can, stop thinking about it.

                   * Let your breath part the dark thoughts, so the light of being can reach the
                     sore center that wants to be held.

                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* )O( * )O( * )O( *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Taken from: The Book of Awakening
by Mark Nepo ~

Have a lovely weekend, everyone !

love ~ Tara Mary *~~

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On May 20, 2012, a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen between the Earth, the Sun and Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. According to myth, the hunter Orion was in love with the SEVEN SISTERS and pursued them until the gods took them to safety, transforming them first into doves, and then into stars. Maia, the eldest of the seven Pleiades, gave birth to Hermes (Thoth).

The Pleiades are a well-known sight in the Northern Hemisphere in winter and in the Southern Hemisphere in summer, and have been known since ancient times to cultures all around the world. Early Dakota stories speak of the ancestors as being the Pleiades. The Hopis called the Pleiadians the 'Chuhukon', meaning those who cling together. They considered themselves direct descendents of the Pleiadians.

Navajos named the Pleiades the 'Sparkling Suns', the home of the 'Black God'. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness. The Cree claim to have come to Earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood. Some Native Americans believed that all tribes in North America came from the Pleiades. That they were actually descendents and had been given a task by the Pleiadians to keep the Earth safe.

Eclipses mean changes, good and everything in-between. Eclipses always escort in significant events-- They intensely magnify and are living parenthesis forcing us to look at what we have turned our heads away from. Solar eclipses mean new beginnings, (May 20, 2012) and lunar eclipses (June 4, 2012) represent finishing things. These are very powerful Eclipses each with there own gifts and own set of rules. As the Pleiadian stellar connection renews itself, new crystalline geometries will be birthed that compliment the existing light connection.

I am Pleiadian of origin. I am feminine of nature and I am love as are you. My energy, my light and my truth is needed at this time and at this place. You will feel my presence as I touch you for you all are contained within my heart as we speak light to light, heart to heart, and truth to truth. It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others.

The only way to claim your beauty, your wealth, your health, and your love is to see it in others. For the world mirrors your own reflection. If you do not feel worthy and prosperous, you see that in your own reflection. It is important to address and see the magic of someone winning your lottery games. Congratulate them energetically and send them love as they have energetically earned this monetary gift. See your stock market balancing itself rising in value. See the true energetic value of your home and your car.

Do not focus on depreciation but instead focus on appreciation. Allow what you have ownership of to gain value through you. You receive value when you see the value of others. You gain your beauty when you see the beauty of others. You gain wealth when you rejoice in the good fortune of others. For their good fortune means that your good fortune is right around the next corner, the next thought. Every minute of every day you too shall be blessed if you quietly bless others.

The world reflects your every thought. If you are attracting those who are down in the dumps, sad and desperate, look at your own vibration and make some corrections. Change the way you see the world and you will change yourself. Compliment others on their beauty. The inhabitants of Earth have stopped complimenting each other, honoring each other and it shows in earth's aura. Gain entrance to the kingdom of light through valuing everything on earth. Value your light and your life and the monumental creation that you are. You are a singular creation of the house of light. The Creator has never created another species like you. That is why you are given charge over the angels, because you are grand in preparation. You are grand in thought and the heart’s desires of the Creator are placed within your body mind and spirit.

Everything the earth experiences, you experience as well. Your destiny is greater than any other creation upon earth. It is time to prepare your heart to receive more love. A love that is so deep and so big that the sky is jealous for it has never seen such vastness. The palpitations within your heart are the breaking down the walls as the light enters. I have gathered you into my heart and now we are one again. I am Pleiadian of origin.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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This document was written by Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg, who run the global Mother Earth Network in
Sweden outside of Stockholm. More information about the network follows the channeling.
This is a public channeling of the Divine Consciousness (God) that Maria Bertram did in a spiritual center in
Stockholm, April 27th 2011. There was no entrance fee and around 120 persons were in the audience. During the
channeling, Maria performed an energy transmission – of the Cosmic White Fire – to everyone in the audience.
You also receive these energies from reading the channeling, which some of you will feel. After the channeling
Manne and Maria performed a healing session for Mother Earth together with the audience.
This is the English translation of the channeling that was done in Swedish.
Please help us spread the channeling through e-mail, forums, websites and blogs!
I speak to all of you / I love you unconditionally / You were born here and now for a reason / The children on
Earth / A world of little boxes / You are one with Mother Earth / You are God / Cleanse your insides / The
transition to the New Spiritual Age / Intensification of the law of cause and effect / Let go of the economic
system / Preparations for the Transition / A meditation / Your cosmic friends have come to show you the way /
Climate changes / New world, new possibilities / Collective solutions /The gift of experiencing lack / The New
World and the New Human / What is human worth?
The headings in the text are added subsequently.
My beloved child. I am speaking to you from a place beyond time and beyond space. I am to be found in the
midst of you. I am to be found inside of your hearts. If you sit down and quietly still your mind and all your
inner noise, you can hear me. I speak to you. I speak to all of you every day. But not all of you listen. But do
know that I never give up. I am always there for you, patiently waiting for you to once again turn to me, to open
up the door in your heart that leads you to me. The road to get there is not long, and it is not difficult. You can do
it here and now, in the now. In the deepest of the deepest of the now. The life you’re living today is hindering
you from experiencing me. You’re running, you’re hurrying, you’re living in achievement, in worry, in pain, in fear, in lack and in conflict. You’re living in emotional and mental prisons that have made you deaf and blind to
see and hear all the miracles that are played out around you. The so-called “reason” and rationality lays a
muffling blanket over your heads. Once you were children, you have all turned your backs on me, feeling that
there was no room for you to be who you in truth are – divine creative beings, limitless, loving and fantastic.
You are amazing. You are limitless. There is nothing that you can’t do. And I love you, my beloved children, I
love you unconditionally. You don’t need to be anything in particular, you need not do anything in particular,
you don’t need to achieve anything, have a particular title, earn money, have some particular ability – to be
loved. You are perfect just through your very being, through your very existence. Never forget that. You don’t
need to accomplish anything in particular to have a value, to have a right to live on Earth and take up your
rightful place. You have not come to Earth to fight, to go to war, to suffer, and to constantly be in fear. You have
been born on Earth to love, to create, to enjoy yourself and to play.
Each and every one of you carries an endless capacity for creating new solutions. Each one of you carries a seed
within you, to the New World which is about to be created. You carry the solutions within you. Each of you has
a special role to play in your present life. There is a reason that you were born right here and right now, and that
you have come here tonight. Nothing happens by chance. There is no "chance." There are no "accidents." There
is no "luck." Everything that happens and will happen, happens for a reason. Each one of you has specific tasks
and special gifts. Many of them, you have not yet discovered; they lie dormant within you. You have infinite
potential. But you need to take your time to begin to explore that potential, and to take yourself seriously and to
start listening to your inner voice. Living in love, truth and humility does not mean making yourself small, as
many believe. Quite the contrary, it is about realizing your own greatness. Hiding yourself is quite easy, but to
dare to stand up for your own greatness and your own divinity is frightening. I would like to encourage you to
dare to show who you are. Open up your true potential. Blossom and grow to become who you really are.
The children on Earth are incredible beings, with so much love, divine presence, joy, trust and creativity within
them. Unfortunately, this is being shut down as the years go by, since the children are exposed to something
called "upbringing," "school" and "teaching." I understand that it might be difficult for you to understand what I
mean, because this is such an integral part of your society and your values. But you must see that children are
already complete when they are born. They don’t need to learn anything, they already know everything. There is
no one closer to God and the divine than the newborn child. It is we humans, all of you along with me, who need
to learn from the child. I speak most clearly through the newborn child. There is no one who possesses as much
wisdom as an infant. It is we who would need to go to “school,” learning from the children, learning to play and
to feel joy, limitlessness and presence in the now. Of course it's good to give children guidance, but it’s not the
same thing. Of course you may want to learn to read and write. That's not what this is about, but it’s about how
the society is structured.
You have created a world of little boxes. A world of separation where you organize life through time, where
children have certain schedules they must follow, where they have certain subjects they must learn, which are
then interrupted by other subjects. They are separated from their parents, their siblings, their relatives and herded
together with other peers. The school system creates a world where children end up in hierarchies in relation to
each other. They don’t get the presence of and the guidance from their families and their loved ones that they
need. The parents, in their turn, sit in the box next to them. They go to their workplaces and are divided in their
hierarchies, isolated from the ones they love. The children are shut out of the adult world and often feel that they
have no place there, as if they didn’t have an important role to play, almost as if they are in some kind of storage.
And the parents are constantly walking around with feelings of guilt because they don’t have time for their
children, and all the other thousands, millions of projects that need to be taken care of in your world.
You have built yourselves a world of many “musts.” You have built yourselves a world of many responsibilities,
rules and social expectations. You have, in your part of the world, the so-called "rich" part of the world, a very
high social standard, where many people – not all, but many – are doing very well. But despite your high
standard, you have less and less of what is most important: “time,” the ability to be present in the moment and to be able to let go of time. As long as you continue to resist the Divine Flow and timelessness through organizing
your life through time, you will have to run faster and faster and faster, and your lack of time will become larger
and larger, and the pressure on you will become stronger and stronger. It will never end, until you one day
collapse and something gives way, because something has to give, since you live in struggle.
You are fighting against your own inner truth and the human’s natural way of living. You live your lives in a
constant uphill battle. This rational, reasoning approach to life, time and existence, the way you separate and
divide life into different units to create hierarchies, to distinguish between emotion and reason, and to suppress
you intuition – has created a world that is not human. Humanity is about to commit collective suicide, if you
continue down the road you are now on. But you already know this. You have a choice. You can create change –
and this is where your own greatness comes into play. You can create change by starting to create change in your
own lives. Remember that you are divine beings. You are all one. You are one with each other, with all of
humanity. You are one with the Earth and you are one with Infinity. That means that what you do affects
everyone else.
All the Divine Light that you create through opening yourselves to the highest divine, opening up your hearts
and creating change in your life – also creates changes in other people's lives, and it creates change on Earth. The
main reason the Earth is feeling so bad today and can’t stand the way humanity treats her is humanity’s low level
of spiritual development. Humanity and Earth share karma. When the people are living in separation, conflict,
war and hatred, in a world where one person’s death is another person’s livelihood – the energies that are created
in such a world cause tremendous suffering for Earth. You are all one. When Earth suffers, you suffer. You
cannot distinguish yourselves from her. She is one with you, she is one with your aura. You have come to Earth
to be her guardians, to heal her and to heal yourselves. It is your main task on Earth. Humanity knew this
thousands of years ago, but they have forgotten it along the road. I know that many people wonder: “What can I
do? There’s no point.” There is much you can do. All change starts somewhere. It's like an avalanche that grows
and becomes larger and larger, and rushes down the mountain with ever greater force.
One single person, one single enlightened human soul on Earth can save the rest of Earth. That is how big you
are. Humans are carrying that large a potential. It's like you are asleep, unaware of your true potential and what
is happening around you, like you don’t see what’s about to happen. You think that you first have to wait for
other people to create change, and that you are powerless and impotent. Nothing could be further from the truth.
You have the power within reach. All you have to do is – instead of connecting upwards – connect downwards,
to Earth's interior. Heal the power channel that all of humanity once had intact, but that was disturbed, which put
the whole Earth and humanity out of balance. All the answers to humanity’s problems are to be found in Earth’s
interior. All consciousness-raising must happen through connecting to Earth's interior, through grounding.
Every human being living on Earth is connected to Earth's energy network, and we all are also connected to each
other. I'm connected to each and every one of you. I express myself through each and every one of you. But
when you keep yourselves closed, I can’t make my voice heard. You are all connected to all of Infinity and all
other life forms on Earth and in the Cosmos. You're connected to every planet, every galaxy, every living soul
throughout Eternity. There are millions of civilizations just in this Cosmos, in your universe – and that’s not the
only universe that exists; there are countless more. And you are all one, on the highest level you are all one, and
you are all one with me and we all belong together.
What you need to do is open the door and let me in and listen to me. When I speak, it's your highest divine
aspect speaking. It is your own Higher Self, that part of yourself that is immortal and omniscient, the part of you
that never changes. It’s through your Higher Self that you’re connected to me. When you listen to your inner
voice and hear your inner voice speak, it is me speaking to you, because I am you and you are me. It is you who
are God! God lives in everyone, in everyone's heart. God is not something separate from you. God is oneness
and we are all one. There won’t be a Messiah coming to rescue you. It’s you who will save yourselves, it is you
who’s coming. When you’re painting a painting, when you’re cooking a good meal, when you’re planting
flowers in the garden, when you’re cleaning the garage, when you’re playing with your children or
grandchildren, when you are laughing and joking with your family and neighbors – then you are divine creative
beings. Both in the small, as well as in the large.Everything you do is important and has a purpose, and is part of Infinity. Don’t see yourself as small and
insignificant, in the small as well as in the large, for that is not true. Everything is interlinked and everything is
one, and everything has meaning. There is nothing that can stop you from experiencing me and experiencing
your limitlessness and living in divine peace, except for yourselves. Remember that all obstacles in external
reality are merely reflections of the obstacles you are carrying inside you. You can do exactly whatever you
want. There are no limitations. This is something you have been deceived into believing, that you learn in
school: "This is how do you it"; "But you can not do it like that"; "That is forbidden"; and "That’s not possible,
that is out of the question." But that's not true, because you create your own reality. You are God.
Through freeing yourselves from your inner prisons, and notions of "There is no way," "It is impossible," "It is
dangerous," "But I can’t do that" and so on – you can open up your capacity and your ability on a higher level.
Step by step you can begin to transform yourself, transform your lives and create possibilities that haven’t been
there before. It is possible. But it takes focus. It takes work. It takes conscious work with your thoughts and
approach to reality, so that you begin devoting yourself to that which is actually most important, your spiritual
Your systems reward you to do everything that makes you stand the most still. And that which leads you most
forward is considered unnecessary, silly and is something that many even are ashamed of, or have difficulty
standing up for. Spiritual growth is considered a bit "airy-fairy." You’re living in the Upside-down World. For
precisely the opposite is true. It's what’s going on your insides that is important, because that is what creates
your outer reality. As long as you have the conviction that "I can never get true love," "I can never get what I
need," "It is impossible for me to have close friends," "I will always be poor," "I will never ever get what I want
because it’s not possible" – as long as you live with these negative beliefs, they will continue to shape your lives.
And it will not make any difference how much you struggle in the physical world to create change. As long as
you hold onto these internal beliefs, they will continue to create and shape your lives.
Therefore you need to start cleansing. You have to start examining your internal beliefs about reality. What is it
that you expect? What are your fundamental beliefs about reality? If you expect love and abundance, happiness,
kindness, generosity, trust, humility, truth, ease, joy – that’s exactly what you will get, and nothing will be able
to hinder you anymore. If you expect obstacles, difficulties, suffering, lack, deprivation, fear, worry, anxiety,
practical hassle, cruelty, envy, "the knife in the back," "you can’t trust people" - then that is what you will get.
You create your own reality every day, in every thought, every second, in every action. I know that this is not
easy to change. It’s nothing you do during a coffee break. But I am telling you that it is possible. But it takes
work. It takes focus. It takes awareness. It takes working with yourself every day, or what you call "every day,"
for time is an illusion.
When we enter the New Spiritual Age, things will start to change. The precondition for life on Earth will change.
The energy levels on Earth will change. There are huge waves of light sweeping in over the Earth. They will
come in ever greater force, as we are getting closer to the actual Transition. Here I would like to point out one
thing: There is no fixed date for the Transition. So there is no point in becoming hypnotized by a date or a year,
because that is not the case. It is like a window that has opened, so within a certain number of years the
Transition will happen, but it will not necessarily happen in 2011 or 2012. Most probably, it will happen later
than that. But nothing is decided, since the future is not carved in stone, because you are part of creating it all the
time. Every human has free will. Every being in the entire Infinity has free will and is part of creating the
movement forward, the divine flows of energies that create what you call "reality." It is also not fully decided
how the Transition will happen. It’s not like you can show a map of how the world will look afterwards, or
exactly what will happen, and in which order. That is not the case, but you are part of creating it, and you can
affect it. There will be a transition, and it will be a big challenge for Earth and humanity, that is definite. That
will not change. But how it happens is not decided. You can be a part of affecting that. Realize your greatness.
Realize your importance. It’s time now to wake up from the beauty sleep.
The energy raising that will happen on Earth in the Transition, and the entrance into the 5th dimension, will
bring new preconditions for life on Earth. This means that the universal Law of Cause and Effect will be strengthened further. Humans will, to an ever increasing extent, get back exactly what they send out – everything
from what you're thinking, your beliefs, your convictions, your feelings, to your actions and daily choices. All
the choices will lead to instant effects in a much more direct and powerful way than before. It means that
radiation from nuclear reactors, tests of nuclear weapons, wars, famine and so on, will have a direct impact both
on Earth and humans. You need to be aware of what you send out, because everything you send out, you will get
Think about what it is you’re eating. If you kill an animal to eat it, then what does that mean? It means that you
send out a negative energy that you then have to accept the consequences of. This is not about "morals and
ethics." There is no such thing as "morals and ethics.” They are human illusions. It's about cause and effect. It's
about love or separation. What is love and what is separation? I would like to advise you to think about all the
decisions you make in your everyday lives. “Is this is a loving decision? Or is it a decision made in fear and
separation?” Examine yourself and your actions, in the small as well as in the large.
This will mean that when the Law of Cause and Effect is strengthened on Earth, the societal structures will begin
to crumble, because your societal structures are based on separation, lack, hierarchy, conflict and selfishness. A
company that makes money from selling their products will simply not survive. No form of monetary-based
economy will be able to survive in the new energies. When you give something to another person and expect
something in return, it means that you perform a conditioned action, in other words, you enter into a business
agreement. No such business arrangements will possible any longer, in the long run, because all that you send
out, you will get back. If you are trying to make money from other people, they will in turn try to make money
from you. And what does that make? Zero for both parties. The only way for humanity to move on from this is
to let go of the old economic system. You have the possibility of creating a world of abundance where there is
enough of everything for everyone. You have been deceived into believing that this system is the only system
that works. When you start opening up to Cosmos’ infinity and come into contact with other civilizations, you
will discover that it works perfectly to live without money – and that everyone gets exactly what they want, and
that it creates communities of abundance, free of conflict and war, communities in unity and love. When these
other civilizations begin to visit you on Earth you will also receive the inspiration that you need to see the
opportunities, and to see that: "This is really possible! We have deceived ourselves. We have locked ourselves
up into a small, cramped prison cell where we have been sitting for so long. We have believed that this is the
only possible system that works - but that is not the case.”
When you let go of lack thinking and separation, separating people and putting them into different compartments
and say: "Some are worth more than others," "Some are more productive than others" – when you let go of that
thinking and say: ”We all have a fundamental worth no matter what we create and what we produce," "We are
worth something just because we exist" – then you will be able to create a society of abundance where you will
have exactly everything that everyone needs. Does it sound impossible? Then I can tell you that it’s not. When
humans open up their limitless potential, when they become one with their own truth, when they open their heart,
when they are allowed to be who they really are and let go of all the social expectations and rules and prison
cells that they have placed themselves in throughout all of their existence, when they get to create everything that
they have ever dreamed of creating – they will no longer hate their jobs, but they will work with joy, for it will
be their own choice. Work will no longer be seen as something separate from the rest of their lives, but
everything will work as a whole, where everything is interconnected, where people live together in groups in
love, joy and cooperation, giving and taking, where everyone is involved. Everyone will have their place and get
to be as they are, and get to give of what they have to contribute. When humans begin to open up their potential,
when they get the opportunity to blossom and grow into who they really are, miracles happen.
Today you live in a world that limits and diminishes you and make you less than you are. Stop diminishing
yourselves, stop hiding yourselves, stop slandering yourselves. Heal your hearts. To be able to live with an open
heart, you must heal your heart. Heal your inner pain and your inner limitations. Heal all of your negative beliefs
about yourself and your negative beliefs about your world and about life. This is an extensive work that takes
focus. You need to prepare yourself for the flow of energy which will sweep over the Earth, waves that sweep
over Earth every day, every month, every year – up until the big Transition. You need to work with yourselves to
raise your energy level so that you will be able to handle the Transition's energy flows. No one will get away. There is no way to get away through money or walls. All stand equal before the energy flow. All stand equal
before the Transition. There are no hierarchies in the world which will be able to prevent this.
All of us need to work together, to restore our oneness. I love you, and I really want to guide you and be one
with you but you must dare to take the step and open up to me. This is not anything that I require from you.
There is no need for churches, there is no need for Bibles. This has nothing to do with religion. Religion is a
human invention, it has nothing to do with me. You do not have to live in any particular way or do anything in
particular. All you need to do is listen to your inner voice, what is right for you. Every person's path will look
different, there is no formula that suits everyone. What I would advise you to do is listen to yourselves, what is
right for you, and which road is right for you personally. Dare to open up to your inner divinity – for I am with
you the whole way. You need not take any expensive courses – you don’t have to spend a single penny on your
spiritual development if you don’t want to. All you need to do is to listen, to work with being present in the now
and to channel energy from Earth's interior. It doesn’t cost anything. It is important to understand that no money
in the world will be able to save people from this. It’s your capacity, your ability to open up to the divine, to
open your hearts and prepare you for this flow of energy, that will make the difference.
Dare to think: "Now I’m going to stand up and leave! Now it's time for me to create change in my life.” Start
small. Start with that which makes the difference – your thoughts and your expectations. Don’t be afraid. The
transition to the New Age will be very challenging for all of humanity, and it will be painful for a large number
of people. It will be painful for all people living on Earth, and it’s part of the process. It’s important that you
understand that. This is part of the purification, the Great Purification of Earth’s and humanity's karma. And you
will not get away from this – this is something that we, together, have to go through. I am with you all the way. I
never leave you. No matter what happens, know that I will always be there for you, and you can always contact
Feel how you’re being rocked... slowly... back and forth. You’re being rocked as in a cradle... surrounded by
white light. It is me that is rocking you... Let go and let yourselves be carried along... hear the heart pounding...
hear the heartbeats. It is Mother Earth's heart ... it’s me who speaks to you through the Earth. Imagine that
you’re in a womb... it's warm... it's cozy... and it’s safe. You’re now entering into the deepest of all nows ... all
the way down to point zero. Feel how you’re dissolving ... feel how you’re being embraced by complete,
unconditional love… beyond time… and beyond space. Here, there is no struggle and no stress… only
harmony… love… and pure truth. Here you are completely safe… there’s nothing that can harm you… you are
immortal… you are divine and infinite souls on a journey through the Infinity… in the divine ocean, the ocean of
divine white fire… of abundance, love and harmony. Let go and let yourselves be embraced by the energies...
feel how you’re being rocked slowly back and forth. Remember that no matter what happens, everything is just
the way it’s supposed to be... and everything will be just exactly they way it’s supposed to be... and there is
nothing to fear... there is nothing that can hurt you ... because you are infinite ... you are immortal. Right now
you are in a physical body here on Earth. You have lived in many other physical bodies before this... and you
will live in many other physical bodies after this. You have come to Earth to love... and to shine… to shine your
light over Earth, to heal and cleanse the Earth and to help other people to wake up to heal and cleanse the Earth
and themselves. Deep down you are all light workers on the way toward the Light. You have all come to Earth to
shine your light, your truth and your love. Don’t forget that. No matter what happens, no one can ever take your
light and your love from you. Have faith ... open your hearts ... and live your lives in trust. When you live in love,
you also draw love to you.
Your friends from other civilizations are here among us on Earth, although they don’t make themselves known
that often. They are everywhere. If you look up into the sky, you will sooner or later discover signs that they are
here. They see your auras, they can see which of you have worked with your spiritual development and begun to
open yourselves to the higher dimensions of reality. They are at your disposal, and would love to help you and
guide you on this difficult journey through the Transition that is happening. They would like to share their
knowledge, to provide spiritual guidance, to give love and healing to you. Do not be afraid. They’re coming with
love in their hearts. They have come to show you the way to a higher state of consciousness, to a new way of
living, to the New World that awaits in the New Spiritual Age, because nothing will ever be the same again, after
all the old hierarchies, organizations and structures have collapsed. It gives you the opportunity to start building
something new, something divine, something that is in harmony with your inner divinity instead of building a world that goes against your inner divinity. You have an amazing opportunity to start over and create something
fantastic. A new world will be created, and the possibilities will be amazing. The other civilizations will help
you, even in practical terms, to create new ways to produce food, to develop free energy and also later – when
humanity is ready for it – to help you develop your own technology to start to travel in the Cosmos, and to visit
the other side of infinity, when you're ready for it. But it will be a while before that happens.
The climate on Earth will change. There will be a lot of natural disasters on Earth. What has happened up until
now, for example in Japan, is just the beginning. You need to be prepared for much worse things than that. But
that's part of the cleansing process that humanity and the Earth are going through. The Earth has so many
negative energies and blockages in her energy system, just as humanity has, that must be cleaned out. And that’s
why these violent reactions occur. You can mitigate these reactions. You can be part of creating conditions for a
less painful transition. You can not stop the Transition, you can not stop the natural disasters – they will come –
but it is possible to create the best conditions possible. You do that by preparing yourself, working with your
own spiritual development – every day – and being a part of sending healing to the Earth.
Sweden will become a center, a spiritual center of the Earth, from where the New World will start. You will get
a warmer climate, it will gradually become warmer and warmer in Sweden in the coming generations, and during
your lifetime you will experience great changes in the climate in Sweden. You will have a Mediterranean
climate. But during the Transition, it will be the opposite – that is, it can be very, very hot and it can be very,
very cold – with very large changes in the weather, very violent changes. Exactly what will happen, we don’t
know – not even I can answer that – because it is you who create your own reality. I give you the conditions, but
nobody can tell exactly what will happen. It’s the Divine Flow that decides, and you are part of the Divine Flow,
you are part of what is happening. Don’t be afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of. Live your lives in love. Work
to overcome your fears. Face your fears. Don’t push the fears away, denying that you are afraid, that you feel
worry about what will happen – work with it, and recreate your own basic security. Ground yourselves. Don’t
push it away, saying that "I can’t do anything about that." Yes, sure you can. Remember – you create your own
The New Spiritual Age will also mean a new approach to the children, and to each other too as well – because
the Transition will mean that it will no longer be possible to live on Earth, after the Transition to the 5th
dimension, without an open heart. It won’t be possible to live in the separation- and conflict mentality any
longer. It will no longer be energetically possible to remain in this way of living. In order to continue living on
Earth, humanity needs to open their hearts and live heart-based instead of up in the head, living from the rational
mind. It won’t work anymore. The truth is not to be found in our minds, the truth is to be found in your hearts.
New possibilities will be created for you to create communities where you have better possibilities for free
creativity, free creative expression and development, cooperation – in which children are given space and the
chance to flourish instead of being silenced. A world where people no longer live in energy imbalance. Many of
the conflicts, problems and obstacles that you are experiencing today on Earth are connected to the tremendous
energy imbalance that exist on Earth today, you should be aware of that.
When you live from your hearts and live in harmony, when you have processed your karma, all the pain that you
are carrying, when you have reconciled with yourself and begun to love yourself unconditionally – you’ll also
free yourself on very many levels. Much of what you perceive as conflicts in your everyday life today will no
longer bother you. You will no longer have the need to comfort yourself with food, newly renovated kitchens
and expensive things. Children will be more harmonious and happy, since they will be able to get the grounding
they need. And you will be able to get the grounding you need. People will be much more healthy, harmonious
and loving to each other, since it is human nature to be loving and harmonious. Humans’ basic nature is not to be
warlike, that is not true. You are divine. You are love. Release all the knots that you have – all fears, all hindering
“I’m no good.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“I can never be loved.”
“I’m always left behind.”
“I can’t be myself.”“This is impossible.”
“This is dangerous.”
“It can’t be like this – it has to be a particular way, it has to be like this, this and this.”
“You have to have this on paper, with signature and stamp!”
When you start letting go of all this and are able to live your lives in trust and love instead, you will also open up
new possibilities. When you begin to trust yourselves and each other, you will unleash such a huge amount of
potential and energy in you. You will no longer need to control each other. Imagine how big a potential that will
be released in humanity then! Think about how much work that’s performed on Earth today, related to control
and power. How many people on Earth today are not busy counting money? And buying and selling money?
And shuffling papers? And administrating? Imagine that all this power is transformed into something creative
and something positive for humanity, when we don’t need all that stuff anymore – us together, you and I, in
When you no longer need to save and store, as when everyone has a pair of skates each, and a helmet, and a car
safety seat, skis and countless other things in your huge garages, when you can let go of this and say, "Okay –
let’s take everything and own it collectively, and then we’ll take what we need, borrowing from each other. We
own everything collectively and say, ‘Okay, who needs skis today?’" Everyone doesn’t go skiing at the same
time, right? Think of all the new opportunities opening up for you when you begin to think in terms of oneness
instead of separation, “mine” and “yours.” And this is just the beginning, these are only small examples I’m
giving you – there really are no limits to what you can do. You can create cooking teams. Wouldn’t it be nice to
not having to cook every day, and have a big family, welcoming you home – if that’s what you want – where
you get cooked food. You wouldn’t have to be alone if you don’t want to, unless you choose to be alone. The
end of loneliness, the end of isolation, the end of suspicion. When people are together and cooperating, opening
up their hearts, there is no room for prejudice, suspicion and loneliness anymore. It’s the isolation, the separation
between humans, that creates war, that creates conflicts, that creates fear. Unite – don’t separate. You’re all so
amazing! And you have so much to give to each other. Remember that each person has so much to give, and can
help others!
Remember that you have things that you don’t need, that you can give to someone else. Why would you keep all
the things that you don’t have any use for, lying around at home? Or why couldn’t the lonely pensioners become
friends with the families with children – it would be so cool for the kids to get four grandmothers and
grandfathers, extra dads and extra brothers. Imagine what a paradise, that's what kids want, that’s what they’re
dreaming of. You know how little kids are – they like to go over to the neighbor and say hello if they are given
permission, and ask for a cookie. It’s you adults who prevent them, through your fear and through society’s
conventions. They want to be in unity with everyone, they want to be friends with the whole block. But it's not
like that today, because there is so much separation, isolation and fear. Everyone is sitting home by themselves
watching TV and are best friends with the people on TV instead of spending time with each other. You have
come to Earth to love.
As you can see, when you start to think – there are only possibilities! Open up your consciousness and begin to
see the possibilities, and you will see that nothing is impossible. You already have what you need. You already
have abundance. But since everyone is holding onto their own things, it feels like you are poor, because
everyone is so afraid and are holding onto what they have, and are so tied up by this feeling of lack, "What if I
don’t get enough, what if there won’t be enough for me?" And it’s no wonder that you feel that way since that’s
the kind of world you have created – a world in lack: A world where you have to – you believe – hold on to what
you have, in fear of not having enough tomorrow. Instead, create a world of abundance where there is always
enough of everything for everyone. Then the possibility to open up and get even more will show up, once you
begin to let go and stop living your lives in lack. For it is your own convictions about lack that’s creating
shortages in your lives. It’s when you begin to dare giving of what you have to others, that abundance is created
in your lives. Think abundance, live abundance, and you will also create more abundance in your lives.
It’s not about, as many believe, that you only need to think of a car long enough to get it. Unfortunately it's not
quite that simple. You have to work more deeply than that. You have to start working with your basic beliefs,
you have to start expanding your consciousness. For all that I have spoken of with you tonight is about expanding your consciousnesses and become bigger than life itself. It will open you up, open up your eyes to the
possibilities around you and then you become truly creative souls, creating your own life and creating a new
world. This may sound like it’s always easy, but it’s not. Of course this will mean very large challenges for you,
especially during the Transition. It's one thing to be generous when you have a lot, and a completely different
thing to be generous when you have almost nothing. That’s the big lesson – to give of what you have, even
though you have almost nothing. That’s the biggest lesson of all. When you have achieved that, you’re a true
Master. Daring to trust that it will be all right, to live in trust, to put your life in God's hands and follow the Flow.
Being one with me and following the Flow, letting yourself be carried along, saying: "I have faith that everything
will be okay. I don’t know if I will have enough food to the end of the month – but I know that I have a hungry
person in front of me, and I have faith that we will find a solution together." Having that big a heart is
This is a lesson few people in the “rich” world have been fortunate enough to learn. But there are very many in
the Third World, the so-called "poor" part of the world, who have had that privilege. It’s a tremendous gift – a
much, much larger gift than you can imagine: Learning to live in faith and joy even though you don’t own
anything. They have very, very much to teach you – daring to let go, daring to give from the little you have and
to think in terms of oneness, and not of separation. It is the largest thing one can learn. And I think that there will
be times where you humans will have that experience in some way, even those of you living in what is called the
"richer" part of the world, and that it will be a gift. I'm not saying it will be easy, but I’m saying that even very
difficult and painful experiences bring something very, very large within them, and it’s by thinking in terms of
oneness and living from your hearts that you will manage to go through this. Remember – you are divine beings.
Everything is the way it’s supposed to be, and everything will be exactly the way it’s supposed to be. Have faith.
Choose to live your life in love and abundance instead of lack and separation.
The transition to the New Spiritual Age means the birth of the New Human, who lives in love and unity.
Celebrate that, celebrate yourself – this is a major event in the history of humanity, and in the history of the
Cosmos. You should know that you have all eyes on you, all the souls from all the countless conscious planets
and galaxies around you are watching you and what’s happening right now – both those who visit you and those
who stay on their planets, which have the ability to see what happens on Earth. They all are with you and support
you in the process. What is happening on Earth is something big. The transition to the New Age means the
unification of spirit and matter – in a great cosmic orgasm. Spirit and matter are the male and the female energies
that unite, merge, and become something even bigger and more fantastic. The red energy from Earth's interior
comes up through Earth's inner gates to the surface and unites with the male, cosmic energy that comes from
Cosmos. They unify and together they create a bright pink energy – the bright pink love energy. It’s that energy
that will raise Earth and humanity into the New Spiritual Age, and it will create new abilities in humans. It is a
New World that will come into existence, with new opportunities. This means that your psychic abilities will be
opened up, and your capacity for telepathy. The energy composition of the Earth will change, and your wildlife
will be affected. Some animal species will become extinct, while new ones will appear. The vegetation on Earth
will change, and the climate will change.
It will be easier for people to reach even higher levels of consciousness, to achieve what we call "enlightenment"
– much faster than before. You have a huge boost in your spiritual development process right now through the
energies that are flowing in, that affect your consciousness and raise your energy levels, and it allows you to
open yourselves to what is coming. But you have to work actively with it. It allows very large changes in you. It
will be easier for humanity to live without food. You will have less need of food, and less need of sleep. It will
be easier for people to learn to levitate than before. The law of gravity will not be the same way as it has been.
There will still be gravity on Earth, but not as powerful as it is today. In other words, there are a lot of things that
people take for granted – things that can not be changed, "laws of nature" as you call them – that will change.
Your entire perception of reality will change. You will learn how to make astral journeys, to contact the dead,
your dead relatives for example, and other souls, your spiritual guides and helpers in other dimensions, Masters,
nature spirits, and you will also have the opportunity to open up and connect with souls from other civilizations
who wish to speak with you and guide you. In other words, there are amazing possibilities that are opening up.
You will also be able to use the energy in Earth's interior to create a better world, and the energy that comes from
Cosmos, and the union of these energies, the male and female energy combined, to heal yourself and others, to
raise your states of consciousness.You will increase your potency, you will raise your fertility. You will have less painful childbirths. You will be
healthier and experience more joy in your lives. You will be able to use the energy to create so-called "free
energy" on Earth that can replace electricity, since electricity is not in energetic alignment with the energy
raising that is taking place. It will not be able to function in the long run on Earth. Neither will your Internet,
your cell phones and any other high tech equipment that you have on Earth. They’re simply not compatible with
the energy changes that are occurring on Earth. So you will have to create entirely new systems. But it won’t be
a problem, since possibilities will be created. You might not even want to have cell phones anymore when you
have become telepathic. This is of course a gradual process that will happen – but there will be very large
changes happening during the Transition, this you can be sure of.
I would like to give you a thought that you can take home with you today and contemplate. It's about basic
human worth, what it really is, and what the foundation for it is. You live in a world where humans are judged on
the basis of their appearance, achievement, position in the hierarchy, gender, age and so on. This is of course an
illusion since you all, each and every one of you who live on this Earth, are divine beings. And you all carry the
potential within you to spread light. I would like to ask you to – wherever you are, whatever you do, and
whomever you meet – when you encounter a homeless person on the street, an aggressive and hostile teenager
on the bus, or a very aggressive and hateful person waving a gun on the TV screen – I want you to remember
this: You are all equal. You are all divine. And you have something to learn from all other humans you meet in
your life. Everyone you meet is your teacher. Be humbled by it.
I would like to finish off by saying that when you feel confused, and when you don’t know which way to go,
when you feel that "I can’t take this anymore," or when you just would like some comfort and guidance – ask me
to come, because I am always there for you, and I will never leave you. I love you unconditionally. My beloved
child. Thank you.
The Mother Earth Network is an ever growing, global spiritual network consisting of thousands of people around
the world. We, Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg, run the network from Sweden, outside of Stockholm. Our
life tasks are to help humanity and Earth through the transition to the New Spiritual Age, and to take part in reestablishing the female energy on Earth. Maria has for many years channeled messages from the Divine
Consciousness (God), Mother Earth, nature spirits, spiritual masters, angels and representatives from other
civilizations in Cosmos. Besides spreading channeled messages, we’re also spreading instructions to a healing
technique, Mother Earth-healing, in which you ground yourself in depth, which is a precondition for spiritual
transformation and to prepare for the transition to the New Spiritual Age. The network’s main activities are
global healing sessions for Mother Earth, through channeled instructions. The network also holds lectures in
Sweden with, among other things, public channelings from different sources. Everything the network offers is
100 % free. Read more about us on the network’s website, where you can also sign up to become a member and
receive our newsletter – with reminders and instructions for the global healing sessions for Mother Earth, our
future channelings, publications and other updates. You’ll find the website at:

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Eyes of Perception

                            ~**~        Mother Earth looks Beautifully stunning today.        ~**~

                                     Another set of eyes will have a different perception.

                         Our inner and outer world is made up of how we perceive anything.

                                ~**~      One person sees through eyes of Love      ~**~

                                Yet another will see through eyes of hurt and despair.

                           When Love wins through all of the emotions we feel within,

                           We will see that Love is the energy that heals and nurtures

                                        ~**~              our entire Being!              ~**~

                              The Power of Love over-rides all other emotions.......

                               When we stay connected to our spiritual essence

                                              ~**~         Our True Selves          ~**~


Namaste  ~  Love

     Tara *~~

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Astral Plane...........By Tom Om.....


The Astral Plane: What exactly is it?

Posted by Tom on April 17, 2012 in Uncategorized · 0 Comments
What is the Astral Plane? You will get different definitions of the Astral Plane. In its simplest form, the astral plane is simply a level of existence in the inner world just like the physical world. Astral traveling is the ability to leave your body and traverse the astral worlds around you. When you do this, you enter a specific plane. When this happens, the most known plane that people travel with is the commonly known as the astral plane. It is a name that sums up all the astral planes that people travel with. This plane literally contains several levels what makes up the space.

The Astral Plane

What exactly does the Astral Plane world looks like, and what can astral travelers do in the astral world? And what kind of beings, both human and others can you encounter?These are some of the questions that people who would like to board the Astral Plane often ask. The answers to these questions vary to a large extent because every traveler does so for different reasons. Even though you may not know exactly where you are destined, the fact of the matter is that you must leave behind your tangible body. When you traverse the space in spirit, you open yourself to a window of experiences that may be beyond human thinking.

Literally speaking, the Astral Plane opens up life experiences beyond human imagination. So, what exactly happens when you leave behind your physical being? As a matter of fact, you can not carry with you a lot of expectations when you enter the plane for the very first time. When you leave your physical body behind, you may expect two things; you may either enter a completely new environment that could be beyond your imagination or find yourself in a familiar environment. The beauty with traveling the Astral Plane is that it allows you to explore the experiences beyond the restrictions of reality. The experiences are totally individualized.

Going on a journey in the Astral Plane is not limited to any specific place or people. The truth of the matter is that you can encounter characters and situations both in the present, past as well as future, since there is no time factor. On the same breath, you may have the opportunity to meet people and explore places you may not have discovered in your entire existence on Earth. Although entering this new realm could be frightening at first, you will eventually travel comfortably. With each passing time, your knowledge of how to control your destiny and the things you do in the Astral Plane eventually increases over time.

The astral plane is naturally higher or inner in absolute terms of source, than Earth and comprises of human emotions and thoughts. Since the human mind is constantly thinking, the astral world consists of mental debris which may make life there quite challenging and hard for first time visitors. It is also a perfect way of learning. It actually connects the Earth and the higher realms of existence. Just like a contemporary world, the astral world is fashioned in a way that it has institutions, schools and places where people go to work on projects.

How far you can go in the Astral Plane is not restricted. You can always return to your physical being whenever you wish.

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Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
The mass arrests are very close to happening. Many figures in banking and finance have already resigned from a wide range of institutions throughout the world, and now these barely reported events include the upper management of some major international corporations....These arrests form the initial thrust of a vast undertaking to remake your reality.

1 Ben, 6 Kank'in, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! The great shift that your world is undergoing was first predicted by the Ancients over 13,000 years ago. It is part of what they called 'the great galactic year.' Heaven is to honor this time by establishing a great Light, which will wash away the dark and all its minions. We were asked, over 20 of your years ago, to come here and be ready at an appointed time to carry out a mass landing of our personnel on your precious shores. And so we came, and then saw that Heaven's dates for this undertaking were somewhat unclear. So we adapted, and proceeded to use these moments to get to know you better. Since our arrival here, we have become part of a sacred movement to prepare Gaia's surface humans for the requirements of the divine decrees for this planet. One of them specifies the need to resolve the issue of the dark minions' labyrinth of control on your planet through sacred cleansing. In the main this will start with a formal, immense change in the way your societies operate and in the way you perceive the nature of your reality.
This great transformation of your reality has, in fact, already been accomplished in Heaven, and all that remains is for it to manifest in physicality. Fundamental sections of your major governments have come together with many secret sacred societies and formed alliances, which include a large number of nation states. This union has obtained the legal and moral agreements which set the stage for a major action that is to happen this spring. We have brought this coalition and merged its intentions with those of Inner Earth. All of us are dedicated to performing our due diligence and, at the proper time, to removing the dark and its agents from their positions of power on your world. This action will clear the way for a flurry of activity, culminating in our mass landings on your planet. Then we can prepare you swiftly for your return to full consciousness and your reunion with your Inner Earth, spiritual, and space families. All this forms part of a far grander and more consequential plan: to turn this galaxy to Light.
Since the advent of peace in our galaxy, Heaven has been able to amalgamate our Federation with the former Anchara Alliance. This expanded Galactic Federation of Light is now focused on bringing you to full consciousness. In many respects you are a great symbol to the ex-members of the dark Anchara Alliance, who daily ask us for details of what is happening on your world. They are very keen to have you come and assist them in their own unique ascension process, which is why nearly half of our fleet in your solar system is composed of ships from these newly joined star-nations. Our liaisons have kept up a steady exchange of data and meetings with them to discuss developments on your planet. Right now, we are gathering information about what is to happen shortly. Various military and police forces are readying for the mass arrests of key members of your governments, global financial networks, and major banks around your world. These arrests form the initial thrust of a vast undertaking to remake your reality.
The remaking of your reality will allow us to come and work openly in your world. Decades ago you permitted the nuclear 'genie' to grow into a network of nuclear power plants which presently serve as prime sources of electricity. Sadly, these were built according to faulty designs which daily leak unsafe amounts of radiation into your air, water, and ground. It is essential for them to be shut down and all nuclear waste storage locales neutralized. Presently, several nuclear power plants in Japan have spread large amounts of radiation into the Pacific and around your globe. A great deal of this radioactive poison is being extracted covertly each day from your seas and air by our personnel, but such a potential health risk needs a much more hands-on interaction by our network of ships. This is one of the major reasons for your new governments to do our disclosure within days of their assuming power rather than weeks, as previously planned. We have much to address in these broadcasts regarding how to neutralize these serious health risks and how to clean up your air, water, and soil.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with news about the progress of our associates in manifesting your prosperity and your new governance. The mass arrests are very close to happening. Many figures in banking and finance have already resigned from a wide range of institutions throughout the world, and now these barely reported events include the upper management of some major international corporations. Our associates are limiting the movements of numerous high-level officials in preparation for what is to happen. The changes in government will become public knowledge only after we have secured control of a number of major banking corporations and have assumed a supervisory role in the operation of several key central banks.
Our intention is to bring down the present corrupt financial system and clean up the trading markets of your global society. Corporations and their many stock manipulations and unjust speculation of commodities need to be drastically transformed. In order to move you out of want and deprivation into a realm of unbounded prosperity, your economy requires both a deep cleanse and a total reconfiguration. The end of illegal taxations and the application of various awe-inspiring new technologies will be a good start. The workings of your major financial institutions will quickly change out of all recognition; they are to become instruments that will enable the manifestation and management of your heart-felt dreams, leading to an optimum environment for your own transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light.
As for your governance, it is in desperate need of a complete overhaul! Politicians and their parties, from time immemorial, have needed to raise money to get elected or to retain public office. This requirement is an open invitation for moral compromise, malfeasance in high office, or even an entire take-over by 'special interests.' Your new governance will move quickly beyond such considerations and set up an environment that discourages such activity. This will be done by instituting a vast public watchdog network, inspired by a new attitude to governance and by greatly facilitated access to government and interaction between officials and the people. A fully informed and educated populace and a swiftly growing transparency in government will transform the current morass. We intend to monitor closely how things progress and to inform you about how well you are doing to get government to conform to your needs.
Today, we addressed some of the elements leading up to the events that are to change your world for the better. We also discussed some aspects of what we need to do to clean up Gaia's ecosystems. The time is getting close for some much-needed events to manifest! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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