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Does anyone else feel like they are readjusting their molecules after a wild adventure ride in the cosmic amusement park? After spending two amazing months in Mt. Shasta, I am in the San Francisco Bay area again gaining perspective while letting the dust settle. It feels like a game attempt on my part to integrate the life-altering spring that we all have been through.

Archangel Gabriel keeps saying the veils are parting so we will be able to see more clearly. I can hardly wait. Mostly it feels like I have just surfed a big wave, got tumbled in the shore break and now I lay panting on the beach with water still lapping around my ears.

The power of this recent time of celestial events is immeasurable. New portals were opened into dimensions of experience where Truth prevails. The expansion of consciousness which transpired through the mighty Eclipse alignments opened new realms of awareness tempered and refined by Love and heightened frequencies of Venus. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Beginning with the 5-5-5 activation on the Full Moon May 5, the beautiful Wesak moon opened a portal for enlightenment of all beings on the planet. On my first weekend in Mt. Shasta, Tibetan Buddhist monks who had been traveling the world with ancient relics were there at the local center for Wesak to offer blessings to anyone who came to receive, even dogs!

There were many global meditations and gatherings that took place on that day to take advantage of this rare frequency. Numerically 5 is the number for rejuvenation on all planes and the birthing of new life. It is the number that carries the momentum of freedom, change, and new opportunities. All of these frequencies were greatly amplified by the Super Moon and the triple 5 day of May 5, 2012.
Total Annular Solar Eclipse in Mt. Shasta, May 20

The momentum toward the full annular Solar Eclipse on May 20 began building early in the small town of Mt. Shasta. This eclipse could be seen in its entirety from Mt. Shasta. It traveled across the Pacific from Mt. Fuji in Japan and contained a very powerful field of energy. People in interesting clothing began to gather, large crowds were expected as well known teachers held weekend gatherings. The local stores ran out of eclipse glasses early in the week and people became very creative. As the town of Mt. Shasta was filled with people, the place was buzzing with even more energy than usual. Because I did not want to take part in the events with many people, I found out that the path of the sun could be seen right from the front yard where I was staying. Several close friends gathered with me next to the creek to hold a meaningful ceremony on the lush green grass.

We had decided to make it a spiritual experience and created a large altar together. The altar reflected both the masculine and the feminine presence that the eclipse energy also promoted. There was a Balinese butterfly picture that had been used on many altars over the years to reflect the idea of transformation. Each of us brought sacred objects such as crystals, sage, and special clay from the San Diego mountains. I added three of the new Essences of Divine Light (more info later) that called to me. The first essence held the quality of purification for the Waters of the World. We had a bucket of the nearby creek water as a representation of all the waters. We acknowledged that our bodies were also mostly water and were grateful for the purification that we created at the beginning of the eclipse cycle.

At the totality we used the essence called Wisdom of Trees. This represented our alignment with trees in nature, the beauty and grounding that powerful symbol of life offers. At the end of the eclipse, we each took the Essence of Divine Light that unites Heaven on Earth as the powerful dimensional energies we are all experiencing move through us. On that special day, knowing that we were joining many others in spirit, it felt as though together we created a beautiful sacred space to receive as much as we could from the experience and offer prayers for the world.
More Eclipse Details

The first portion on the eclipse released old patriarchal patterns in the grids of the earth allowing the expression of the sacred male to be seeded. I could feel the balance that entered during the eclipse totality at the exact conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Pleiades. Feeling a strong affinity for the Pleiades, there was a connecting link within me that felt as though the opportunity came for all of us to plant seeds of Right Relations in every area of our lives. In the Mayan tradition, seeds of new consciousness are planted every 5,125 years at the beginning of a new Sun cycle. We all said powerful prayers for the Earth during the completion of the eclipse.

The wise and loving energies from the Pleiades have been traditionally honored by many native peoples as higher consciousness beings who have been bringing new dimensional energies to the Earth for thousands of years. They are associated with the pyramids in Egypt, with Lemuria and many of the sacred places around the world, including Mt. Shasta.

The feeling of being in a walking meditation lasted for days, and I was grateful to be in a beautiful, peacefully sacred place where I could spend time near water and big trees at the foot of Mt. Shasta. Dog sitting has the added advantage of offering a friendly companion who enjoys outings in Nature.

Spring is exceptionally beautiful in the alpine area of Mt. Shasta. Living on 5 acres of land, there is green to be seen from every window in the house. It was so nourishing after all the city time I have been spending the past few years. In the evenings I would sit on the balcony listening to the creek and smelling the amazing smells of spring flowers such as lilacs and rhododendron. There did not seem to be anything to do but learn how to BE in each precious moment. It felt as though I was in a near bliss state most of the time.

Make way in your life for new awareness and clarity to manifest. Clear away old thoughts of the way things were or should be, and allow the spark of a new Truth to be seeded in your heart. Nourish and feed this seed with your highest ideals and soul inspired desires. Remember WHO is listening.

When you prepare the fertile soil of your fields of energy, and set the seeds of the deepest truth into your being, all the forces of the universe come to assist your process of awakening into new life – the life that is based on your soul’s awakening of Joy and Clarity of Being. ~ Archangel Gabriel
Another Eclipse and Venus Transits the Sun

Astrologers say that Eclipses bring an interruption of the communication between the electromagnetic frequencies within our bodies and that of the earth. So there is an opportunity to reboot our system as a new calibration occurs. When our frequencies shift we can release old patterns from the past and step into a new life unencumbered. There is a chance to experience a completion and a new beginning simultaneously.

We had another opportunity for that experience on June 4 with a Eclipse of the Full Moon, which almost got lost in the power of the building energy when Venus transited the face of the Sun on June 5 in Mt. Shastawhere once again, clear viewing was possible. This event lasts for over 6 hours, during which time the ability of Venus to radiate Divine Love to the Earth was exponentially expanded by the frequencies of Solar Light. Divine Love is the frequency required by our cells to feed our newly expanded DNA. This allows the grounding the fifth dimensional energies within our beings and on the planet.

During the Venus Transit event I was fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful friends from the Sophia community around the world that gathered in Mt. Shasta to share the event. In 1912, Rudolph Steiner created sacred lyrical movements that create a connection between the Earth and the Starry Realms called Eurythmy (Greek for “good movement”). This beginning has advanced into an art form through this group so it creates a sense of heightened consciousness in one who is fortunate enough to have the experience. For three days I danced and sang in a sacred manner with this wonderful community of souls to anchor the power of the Venus Transit within our beings and on to the planet, seeding new life. This powerful connection brought together the Divine Love of the Christ Consciousness and the Divine Feminine with the forces of Nature in a sacred dance of life.
Quan Yin is in the House

Somewhat of interest is a persistent cough in the area of my new Thymus chakra since June 5. Yes, I did catch a chill from dancing blissfully barefoot in the grass in the place where the headwaters of the Sacramento River flow out of the sacred mountain. But trips to the acupuncturist proved that my systems were balanced and I am basically healthy. And it turns out I am not the only one who is experiencing on-going activity in this center. So if that includes you, it is time for us to bring Compassion into the Magnetic High Heart and allow ourselves to feel soothed. Quan Yin is said to be very active at this time on Earth, and the Goddess of Compassion is a powerful ally who can bring a soothing, healing energy into this place in your being.

We need all the compassion we can receive in order to stay centered during the Pluto-Uranus square energy that we are now experiencing. Here is a plug for all those amazing beings who have studied so long to understand the stars. Astrologers seem to have the most brilliant and clear information about the times we are living in. It is important to pay attention because they can really help us explain what we are experiencing on a personal as well as a global level. During the next three years of the Pluto-Uranus squares, part of the intensity of the ongoing waves is focused on Pluto’s need to tear down old structures so something new can be created. This is supported by the Uranus ability to assist us in letting go of whatever we have been holding onto that no longer serves us, even it feels as though the rug has been pulled out from under our feet. Once again, resistance is futile. In fact, those having the most difficulty are the ones who are in the most resistance.

In a different way, Archangel Gabriel also addresses these issues:

Veils part, light activates and new waves of growth set into motion. It is like plant growth. During the time of greatest sunlight, the plants do most of their growing.

This period of time after the portals opened during spring created a momentum of light activation that has been building in power. With the new realms opening in August during the Harmonic Convergence, the seeds that were planted and the activation in the Realms of Light now move into forward motion.
25-Year Commemoration of the Harmonic Convergence

This Harvest is very connected to the Harmonic Convergence commemoration on August 16th and 17th. The completion of a 25-year period that began in 1987 that has changed the face of the world as we have known it. Startling collapse of long-held structures (such as the Berlin Wall and the USSR), and a massive shift in consciousness have been the wellspring of these years. We have seen ancient predictions from many native prophecies, not just the Maya, come into being. And there is more to come. The future is up to us and we are at the decision point. Our focus and our seeding of the new era within our own lives will affect the world. People are gathering all over the world to assist in bringing the frequency of Light to establish a Renaissance of Love for all Life on the Earth. More information about events for this momentous time follows.

Open and receive this completion blessing from Archangel Gabriel:

Harvest time for the awakened human heart is upon you, as you reap all that was sown during the past 25 years, whether you were conscious of your work or not. Since that time the bountiful life of true ascending dreams in the form of pure Divine Love has been building to a crescendo. Like a gigantic waterfall the momentous wave of Christ light blesses the planet. It is time for your massive high heart to open and receive. You are closer than you have ever been and love is the answer to the next wave of experience that completes this momentous and historic year. When you receive from a grateful heart attuned to Divine Presence, veils part, doorways open and true creativity can begin. Prepare the way and veils will part. And so it is.

I look forward to being in communication with you all again. Mt. Shasta is a timeless reality, but now it feels like a very long time has passed while we circumnavigated the astonishing frequencies being downloaded. As we all surf the increasing flows of Divine Light, I will do my best not to wait so long to communicate.

Shanta Gabriel
July 4, 2012

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We are Physical Angels Sheldan

We are Physical Angels
Excerpt from Sheldan's book Your First Contact
Chapter: Physical Angels (page 156-157)

Cetaceans~Land Water Sky
As you begin to 're-member' who you are, planetary guardianship becomes one of your major responsibilities. The cetaceans provide a model of guardianship you can benefit from by observing. Through the use of their rituals, their song and their travels (migrations),cetaceans vivify the biosphere. Whale song has been found throughout all the oceans of the world. The actions of whale song are found throughout the skies of the world. Even in the deepest parts of Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, the Devas of sky, earth, and water have joyously received the song of the cetaceans. Your world's tribal shamans have full knowledge of its great energies. These wise women and men are well aware that whale song creates necessary, life-sustaining resonance. During every winter in each hemisphere on your planet, the whales' songs bring forth a new and glorious life cycle.

Dear Ones, guardianship is akin to spiritual stewardship. You are the principal element in a huge, cascading chain of life. This chain consists not only of animals and plants but also of rocks, water, and sky. Aspects of the Devic kingdom exist in each one of them. Every constituent of Mother Earth works with every other in a very special way to create the great and continuous cycle of life that surrounds you.
Long ago, the cetaceans and Mother Earth invited you to these guardians and have given you a means to become so. More than knowing the importance of the environment, you need to understand the divine guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy. You might ask how one truly understands and obeys the divine guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
You know this through being open to your inner vision, through practicing positive intentional ritual, and through listening to the intuitive life force that exists within all of you. These are the vital concepts of Love and of the Light. They form the basis for you to begin to comprehend more fully the integral actions required to transform you into skillful stewards of this Earth.
This system, the chain of life, lies at the heart of all events on Mother Earth. You are finally beginning to understand this process. You are presently on the verge of discovering your true purpose here: to complete a sacred triad of spiritual guardianship~~cetacean + human + local Spiritual Hierarchy. Your purpose for being on this planet is a divine one!
Cetaceans, humans, and the local Spiritual Hierarchy create a life sphere of elegance and of Light. They bring Earth's energies into focus while adding their own wondrous energies to the mix. Imagine planets as being more than simply three-dimensional objects orbiting a star until the star's cycle of life brings that planet's life to an end. This narrow, purely material perspective is hardly a workable context for a guardian species to embrace. All things inthis universe have a specific purpose. You are only just now beginning to understand your true purpose as Human Beings.
Remember that you are spiritual guardians of Light, of Love, and of consciousness. You are physical Angels! Mother Earth stands poised at the threshold of a vast spiritual restoration. It is awakening you to who and what you are. You are the spiritual guardians of this most beautiful blue planet.
Your First Contact

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New Message from Matthew 4 July 2012

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our joy to tell you that a great deal of major importance is underway. Although some information that could be published very likely won’t be—namely, that a sizeable number of high ranking Illuminati are in line for arrest—most high level accomplishments are known primarily to the participating parties.

2. In various parts of the world, negotiations are ongoing between representatives of civilizations that are assisting Earth and some of the principals in your governments, banking, manufacturing, military, agriculture, mining, medicine, education, religions, transportation, entertainment—actually, every field that affects life in your world. Considering that spectrum and the level of attendees, you won’t be surprised to know that some within the Illuminati ranks are among them.

3. The “outer space” representatives enter these meetings looking no different from you, then shift into their natural bodies for a while before returning to their first appearance. As you can imagine, this shifting—actually, the very presence of these individuals from other worlds!—has had profound effects on your negotiators. However, the extraterrestrials’ only purpose is to produce profound results—wise decisions by your people—and those are coming about.

4. The visiting contingent has made persuasive presentations that opened your negotiators’ eyes to the folly of proceeding in their respective directions of competition, conflict, corruption, conquest and deception. Some Illuminati in attendance are eagerly jumping on the band wagon; others are less enthusiastic, but since it is abundantly clear that their day is over, they are joining their counterparts who very willingly abandoned ship, so to say.

5. Knowledgeable discourse and reasonable discussions that lead to expanded awareness and cooperation always are far preferable to more forceful measures. Furthermore, the only means whereby light warriors do battle is with light itself. Enlightenment facilitates smooth transitioning from old systems to new, and that is important indeed; but the greater significance is that it is your leaders in all those areas, not individuals from other civilizations, who are setting the new course for your world.

6. Considerable progress has been made in the two areas with the most immediate impact—governing bodies and the global economy. From factual reports in your mainstream media, this doesn’t appear to be so, especially regarding the economy. There is much talk and little action in the United States and the countries that you call the Eurozone, all of whose massive debts are increasing by the day.

7. What this portends for the world, according to your analysts, is ominous. Because they have no idea that today’s situation is the essential prelude to instituting honest and equitable systems, their conclusions are based on history and academic views about how to handle multinational economic matters. Like everything else being forecast on those bases, the economic analyses don’t apply in this era that is unprecedented in the universe.

8. Much publicity also is given to the many unknowns in various governments. The direction of Egypt’s new leader and how the half of the country that didn’t vote for him will react. Where Iran’s nuclear development will lead. How animosity of longstanding between the Israelis and Palestinians will be resolved. What is going on in Pakistan. How other nations may respond to Syria’s civil war. How menacing North Korea may become. What plans do Russia’s and China’s leaders have. What to do about the impoverished countries in Africa and Latin America.

9. Because a particular issue is in the forefront of so many minds around the world, we shall speak of it. President Obama will be reelected, and this is no more a matter of politics now than it ever was. Often we have told you that the Golden Age master planners requested this soul from a highly evolved civilization to come to the planet specifically to fill one of the most strategic positions during this phase of Earths’ ascension out of third density and entry into fourth. And all of you agreed with this when you enthusiastically chose your own roles in this lifetime.

10. We also have spoken about the formidable opposition to Obama’s endeavors to bring about greatly-needed reforms in his country and to achieve peace in the world. What we didn’t disclose before is that light warriors came from his homeland to protect him and his family from the band of dark reptilians, also from another planet, that the Illuminati hired to kill the Obamas. This shows the extent of the dark ones’ fear that this president would end their long reign, and they are right. Very soon they will have no more means to buy assassins, members of Congress or multitudes of lobbyists—then all will see the light in Obama and herald his wise leadership and actions toward world unity.

11. Those and other national and international situations of interest or concern can most aptly be described as moving at varying paces toward “the light at the end of the tunnel.” Because the energy momentum of world transformation cannot be slowed or detoured, stability will emerge out of all current turmoil. Ideologies and philosophies that have perpetuated fear and divisiveness are on the wane, and those cornerstones of duality will cease altogether when the planet enters the lower planes of fourth density, around the end of this year.

12. By then, everything that emits low vibrations will cease. This includes rulers of tyrannical regimes or cultures that deny women God-given and civil rights; Satanists; the controllers of your advanced technologies who have used them for destructive purposes; principals in the Vatican; individuals who still are censoring information or ordering the production of films that glorify war or portray aliens as monstrous invaders.

13. How can almost inconceivably monumental changes in conditions and behavior come about by the end of your year? Only light-filled persons will be living on Earth then.

14. In the meantime, there will be confusion and commotion. Many apple carts are going to be upset as changes initiated. There will be negotiations to end combat and the leave-taking of troops, the return of refugees to their homes. Laws, policies, regulations and practices that are unjust or injurious will be overturned, including unfair taxation rates. Redistribution of the wealth in your world will ease, then end the unconscionable disparity between the few and the masses.

15. Other major changes will come incrementally after the planet enters fourth density. Members of your universal family will be assisting you in efforts that require technologies, such as elimination of all sources of pollution in your air, waters, and soil and other environmental restoration processes as well as new forms of power and transportation.

16. Your leaders, all of whom will have spiritual and moral integrity, will continue to add or amplify reform measures, and Earth will continue her return to her original paradise self and a moderate climate globally.

17. All of those differences from life as you’ve known it are dramatic indeed, but it is your expanding consciousness and spiritual clarity that will bring about the most stunning personal changes as you ascend with Earth through fourth density and into fifth. Along the way you will obtain perfect health and re-grow missing limbs and organs. Not only will you overcome the effects common to aging, but those in advanced years gradually will become younger. You will communicate telepathically with souls elsewhere in the universe, travel astrally, and visit beloved people in Nirvana. Through visualization, you will learn to manifest whatever you want.

18. In short, you will be using the innate powers you always have had as your birthright, and you will take your rightful place within our universal family of multidimensional, eternal souls.

19. Now then, during the short time before Earth exits third density, the remaining dark ones will make last gasp efforts to cling to their remnants of influence and vast fortunes. Blatant lying by recalcitrant politicians will go on for a short while and so will people’s polarized views about what best serves their personal interests. Earth still must release some negativity through geophysical events. Those situations, however, have been “just life” for so long that most people are inured to acceptance.

20. What will cause considerable unrest are the shocking truths that will be coming forth, and there will be alarm about the high number of deaths as many souls leave the planet for one reason or another.

21. That combination is more than enough for the populace to handle emotionally and mentally without adding to the mix strange beings emerging from spacecrafts. It is for that reason that the universal high council decided to delay landings and the extraterrestrials living among you will delay revealing their true identity. The advantages of this postponement far outweigh the fear that is foreseen by a premature introduction of “aliens.”

22. The council, who are among the most highly evolved souls in this universe, reasonably had expected that sufficient changes would have taken place by now so that members of our universal family would be welcomed by Earth’s peoples. But the stronghold of the darkness has lasted much longer than logically anticipated.

23. The souls who had agreed to accept deeply dark roles that would offer many millions the chance to complete third density karma, then they would join the light forces, were highly evolved souls themselves. When they entered the agreement, it was with the certainty that their spiritual fortitude would resist the lure of holding to dark ways. Instead, they became enchanted with controlling the masses and amassing grand wealth, spiraled into the depths of darkness and knowingly refused to honor their agreement.

24. Their powerful global network has kept the great majority of your population in duality and the mentality that keeps minds closed. By no means are these people “bad”—they just are stuck in third density’s limitations. Their bedrock beliefs that have been formed by the various methods of mind control include the orientation that if any other civilization really does exist and ever came to Earth, it would be to annihilate the planet’s population.

25. Even some messages that are telepathically channeled, or claim to be, state that a civilization pretending to be benevolent actually intends to conquer and enslave you. Other messages purport that ETs will evacuate you prior to the cataclysmic cleansing that will devastate the planet, and still others report that degree of devastation but without your rescue. All those kinds of claims are designed to create fear and all are pure nonsense.

26. That is why we often have urged you to be discerning about information from all sources. Ask within and trust your intuition to tell you what is true and what is not. Developing discernment and learning to trust the messages from your soul to your consciousness not only will eliminate unnecessary feelings of fear, they are upward steps in soul evolvement.

27. The council knows the collective consciousness of Earth’s residents, thus they know that the arrival of extraterrestrials at this point would panic most people. Not only would that create more negativity for Earth to get rid of, it would strengthen the dark ones—they thrive on fear energy.

28. At this juncture, it is deemed judicious for you and for your brothers and sisters from outer space to meet closer to the end of the year, when they can join you in full recognition and overtly assist you without any lamentable repercussions. However, that timing is not set in stone—it could be earlier. There is continuous monitoring of Earth happenings and how effectively the light intensity is raising the collective consciousness, and as soon the possibility of widespread fear no longer exists, our space family will join you.

29. During the interim they will continue using technology aboard their crafts to reduce the toxic effects of chemtrails and other pollutants. They will continue to level out the effects of earthquakes and soften the power of major storms without decreasing the amount of negativity released. They will keep on causing weaponry to malfunction, blocking the most potent aspects of the Illuminati’s weather control technology, and destroying their operations in mammoth underground facilities. Also with divine permission to assist you, they can relocate specified individuals who refuse to step down from the helm of various activities that are against the good of Earth humankind.

30. Knowing about these major leaps forward and other marvelous life-changing developments to come, you can feel joyous, excited, confident and soundly prepared to surmount whatever challenges you may encounter during the next few months. And those months will seem to fly by—your sensation of time passing faster and faster will keep increasing as the planet continues ascending.

31. If you are experiencing anomalies that you know are not symptoms of disease, very likely they are the effects of adjusting to the increasingly high energy planes Earth is passing through as well as your cells transitioning from carbon to crystalline. Soon those anomalies will fade away.

32. You are your first responsibility. This is not selfishness or egotism, nor is it lack of love and caring for others. It is that only you can make decisions that are in line with your instincts and intuition, your soul’s guidance to your consciousness that nudges you into avenues that in your soul contract you chose to experience during this lifetime. This may include changes in relationships, employment, location, group affiliation or other interests and activities.

33. On a different level, it may be divesting yourself of trivial interests and meaningless pursuits and detaching from the need to garner material possessions. Earth’s Golden Age doesn’t include interests, habits, attitudes or behavior that are superficial or in any way hurtful to self or others, such as jealousy, envy, self-centeredness, spitefulness, bitterness, resentfulness, mean spiritedness, gossiping. If you recognize any of those in yourself, there is time to change. Focusing on your life in the wondrous Age that you are rapidly approaching will enable you to embrace others and life itself with love.

34. The goal of every soul is to evolve spiritually and intellectually. Pre-birth agreements, which are designed for soul growth of all individuals who want to share the lifetime, are made in unconditional love. When you are experiencing the karmic lessons you chose, you sense that life is flowing smoothly. If heavy restlessness and longing for different circumstances arises, it signifies that the agreed upon experiencing has been completed and it’s time to move on to other contract selections. In the vibrations of the lighter energy planes Earth has reached, both contentment and dissatisfaction are magnified—let the sensations you feel guide your decisions and actions.

35. In the case of extremely difficult situations, the consciousness doesn’t understand that the circumstances are for learning and growing, but the soul knows it is attaining the balance it needs to evolve. When an individual seriously deviates from contract provisions—say, by excessive control or cruelty beyond what the recipient chose—the suffering soul grows by leaps and bounds and the perpetrating individual devolves. Always, divine grace comforts and uplifts those who are wrongfully treated—that is, in harsh ways they didn’t choose in soul contracts—and “offenders” incur karma that is equally difficult to endure.

36. Along this line of “offenders,” it won’t be much longer until you know who has been arrested for crimes against humanity and other deeds that have adversely affected life on Earth. These individuals veered far afield from their soul contracts. Some will be convicted and others will die before coming to trial, but none will escape self-judgment. By the physics that governs life in this universe, throughout the life review process in Nirvana, they will feel exactly the same pain and anguish as did all those whose lives their diabolical deeds affected. This excruciating self-punishment process is beyond your capacity to imagine, and so is those individuals’ devolved capacity in their next incarnation.

37. Knowing what lies ahead for them and understanding that they are the weakest links in the eternal chain that is our soul family will let you more easily feel forgiveness. The high vibrations of forgiveness, like all other godly expressions, are soul growth in action.

38. Lighted souls throughout this universe are beaming love and cheering as you joyously travel this home stretch to Earth’s Golden Age.

Suzanne Ward

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The Week Ahead: 05/21/2012

As we sit basking in the dynamic presence of yesterday’s solar eclipse New Moon there is no longer any question that a cosmic acceleration is influencing our times, as we seem to be in the midst of a new level of amplify. For the next couple of weeks our sun is resting in perfect alignment with the central sun Alcyone in the celestial Pleiadian system. This group of stars represents the seven sisters or seven Goddesses in our galaxy. We also stand at the culmination of Wesak, a festival celebration of enlightenment.

Typically May is a mystical rebirthing time when we can relax, merge with Spirit, the higher planes, and drink in the elixirs of expanded consciousness. We relax and smell the roses (the scent of the Divine); we feel like focusing on comfort, beauty, security, and harmony within all our resources. However the particular stellar waves that will be pouring in from the galaxies above will be providing the signals and frequencies to anchor newer levels of awareness that include sacred respect for the value of life and consciousness.

Energy vibrations from the Galactic Center will be transmitted across the parsecs of space in a language of Light, a form of intelligent communication that affect and support all forms of consciousness. The Pleiades, Alycone, Maia, Electra, Merope and the rest of the cluster of stars from that region of the galaxy will be transducing transmissions and relaying them onward. Our Sun will catch the cosmic communications and distribute them to the rest of the solar system.

Each wave of particular frequency will be carrying a specific resonance of higher frequency and Divinity sent directly to your cells, where the spirals of your DNA are in harmonic resonance with the spirals of the galaxy. You will not see or feel the vibrations with you physical senses however your cells will catch the signals loud and clear. Your biology will know it is being called upon to tune itself to meet and match the new harmonics and entrain with the escalating waves of resonant energy.

Imagine as we progresses towards the Memorial Day weekend in the US the kingdom of humanity will be breathing a New set of encodements that will usher in the experience of Life, physical immortality, and being our body of Light fully present in a cellular biology. The transmissions are very strong and nothing can dispel them. All life on planet Earth, as well as the entire solar system, must adjust to this energy. The Sun’s role is to maintain balance by supporting and sustaining the evolution of consciousness in this galactic realm.

If the resonance is not matched, then dissonance and discord occur, which is what you usually see unfolding as scandals, dishonesty, bickering, warmongering and new levels of madness. All manner of havoc is created by those who feel frantic because they cannot match the cosmic attunement. If you lose contact with your heart center, then you will not be able to fully occupy your body or use your mind to its greatest capabilities during this time.

So if you have, or still are feeling as though the universe is giving you a run for your money by having you stand in chaos, emotional upheaval, physical “jumpiness,” fatigue, phases of confusion, listlessness, sensing compression or its opposite, lightness of being it is because as a committed vessel of Spirit you are holding the newest frequencies and assisting in raising the vibration of the planet through your physical being. It may help to remember that cosmic energies are always absorbed by the earth, so to remain calm and centered, do as the rest of Nature’s creatures and stay in touch with the ground.

As an emissary of Divinity upon Gaia during this time many are acting as grounding points of the deeper commitment of spirituality and consciousness that is surfacing. As an entity understanding, “one with all” your karmic ethics has you devoted to the purpose of Ascension. As a straight shot of Source dimensional equipment you are a very important component for the New Living Field of embodiment. This knowledge may, or may not, make up for all that you are processing physically and emotionally, however, know that if you are building, claiming, and anchoring what is necessary to advance there are celestial elders watching over you. If the need is there, ask for their assistance when the merger of energies becomes too much. They will help, and at the same time make sure that you continue to grow.

With so many scrambling changes occurring at once many are feeling as though they exist in a house of mirrors. Possessing a keen awareness of the invisible happenings can be distracting and confusing for the human living in accelerated times. We all need to schedule time for pampering when we are feeling ill at ease. For those that perform reality checks and find they are frenzied by energies that are somewhat difficult to handle, you need to formulate clear plans for balance and clarity by consulting your own internal pillar of wisdom and commonsense. The message here is not to beat yourself up for feeling bewildered and out of rhythm. Everyone is involved in this intensive interchange; some are just aware that they are rendezvousing with sacred agreements and contracts. Brainstorm ways that will support the times of disenfranchised spiritual jolts. Visit a health practitioner, make sure your diet is sound, avoid taking big risks, join a metaphysical group, get lost in the arms of nature, etc. You are the only one who can muster the blockbuster remedies for amplified waves of Light running through the human collective with a vengeance during these times.

As the month comes to a close there will be a definite steadying effect that should be felt by all. But before jumping for joy and high-fiving everyone in your spiritual circle open your mind, while the opportunity presents itself, to newly landing ideas that lead to stunning accomplishments in your human and psychic life. As you settle in after the latest stationing between the full moons inspirations and illuminations will be soaring through your brain. Take time to write it all down for future reference. We have just been sent information on how to BE our truth in greater measure. That means life will be in our favor when we remain in harmony with our Soul values, not our human characteristics such as curtailing, suppressing and limiting the directive of Spirit.

Personally, I work diligently to remain in alignment with Universal Harmony and this usually moves me beyond the spaces of whirlwind energies and magnetics. Yes, my physicality still remains a utilized tool of SOURCE THOUGHT so I have my days of light-particle processing when I am dizzy, headachy, or stiff and sore but I recognize this as an opportunity to be a great and clear Light for the greater good and try not to whine too much about it. After all, pro-creators are the connector links of unification between the eternal and the now. How cool is that?

Despite the transitioning symptoms we are in the Era of Pure Eternal Awakening and life force energies. We are coming to understand that Purity and Divine Will are the atmosphere that keeps Intelligence alive now and everything that vibes with It enjoys unification at its highest standards. It is a space where one can live out mastery within life circumstances and situations leading to perfection and acceptance.

The old is easy – the Newest is spiritual embodiment made physical!
Thanks for being a cosmic volunteer to Universal Source Substance,

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Letting Go of Old Structures....Tony Samara

In the world today people are saying to themselves, that we have had enough of the old paradigms and the old systems and we want to change. We don’t know what we want to change, we don’t know how to change but we want to change and that clarity creates a power that has a very real and powerful effect in the world. It changes what most people thought a few years ago was quite impossible to change and that is not even through conscious spiritual work, that is just through the intention being so strong that it changes and pushes away the old paradigms so that there is the possibility and the space that allows the birth of something new.

There are spaces that are opening and in the beginning they seem to be very distant and we cannot connect to them, but as we become more conscious and more clear and put our heartfelt spiritual work into practice then it is possible to utilise our intention to bring forth those changes in a much more conscious way. Then we are walking the path to a depth of our heart and this means that we will be supported.

I believe that we can as human beings assist this movement by being conscious and this is why I would like to share with you a very interesting meditation, which if we put it into practice today and in the future and especially in the next few weeks/months, where there will be more changes, more difficult changes that we will face as a collective group of human beings here on this beautiful earth, then we can move towards the birth of something new rather than get stuck in the fear that the old is there and that we can’t actually deal with it.

We can let go of those old structures and trust that as we jump into the space that is unknown to the mind and the space that is unknown to the innermost part of yourself, that behind all those things there is the heart, and the heart will support you to a beautiful harmony which is present in this moment, but that you can through this meditation bring into more presence not just for yourself but also for the many people who are perhaps dealing with situations that are more difficult than yours, that would feel very happy to receive this beautiful meditation through your intention, through your practice; happy to receive the space that it creates - that is a birth of something that is new no matter what the situation is, however difficult, whatever it is, there is always a beautiful learning that happens and the beautiful transformation that happens that then gives that situation real meaning.

So no matter what is happening in Japan or the Middle East, there is a depth of meaning in that situation that feeds the heart of those individuals that are dealing with this situation and we can help that by connecting from our own heart space through this meditation, through expanding our consciousness so that we are clear where our intention is put so that we join in that transformation that is not just individual to yourself, but that becomes a world transformation that helps us to move beyond the pain and the suffering, back to the space that the heart loves and that is love itself.

The meditation is very easy to do. Just simply find a comfortable space, take a few deep breaths so that you are able to let go of any thoughts, any feelings of any situations that you may have in your mind, in your consciousness. Simply come back to a space that is more peaceful, a space that is more free. As you breathe in and breathe out and feel this space, focus on the third eye - that is the space between the eyebrows, the space that is connected in the sense that is beyond seeing. It is much more the subtle sense of intuition, of seeing into dimensions that are not so clear but require that you simply relax and open to those dimensions so that they speak to you in a much more clear way.

As you focus on the third eye breathe in to this area, breathe in deeply and as you breathe in visualise that the breath is activating this space. As you breathe out let go of any thoughts, any feelings that come up and simply create a sense of presence to this space, the third eye, so that now you can begin to use this space to be very clear that now your whole being can expand.

From this space feel the freedom that goes beyond the physical, beyond the mental, beyond the emotional – feel the freedom like a bird, like an eagle - as you fly deeper into the unseen dimensions that make you, as a human being, very special. Those aspects of yourself that are very deep and very profound, as you go deeper into this space allow yourself to expand as though it is as if your whole being connects to all aspects that are around you.

Touch the beautiful aspects of the universe, the stars, the moon, the galaxies. Touch the space where everything is so free and so open, that this feeling, this power that you now connect to is transmitted to your own body, to your own mind, to your own emotions. Sense the power of the universe, the beautiful stars, the amazing space that is everywhere, that goes beyond our mind thinking, that goes beyond our little emotions. Sense how amazing the divine is.

As you become aware through your expansion of this beautiful space that is everywhere, that transmits to you a sense of power and strength, and through your intention allow that transmission to move to the various parts of your body. Sense the breath carry that beautiful open and powerful space that you are experiencing. Sense the heart open up any contraction, any walls, any pains, any sufferings, any doubts, any feelings of low self-esteem, contraction – sense this disappear as you connect to the expansion into the universe. Sense the beautiful stars and their magnificent light touching your heart so that you are present to reality and not the little pictures of your mind, or the little dramas that can now be completely let go of. Sense this space touch all the organs inside of your body so that even the structure of those organs now receive a new burst of energy - the liver, the kidneys, the glands, the blood system, all aspects of your body sense how easy through the out breath it is to let go of all the contractions and limited fear spaces, and how easy it is to open to the beauty of the divine space that you are seeing through your third eye.

As you do this, sense that your whole body begins to change and so the physical dimension of the world becomes less important as your reference now goes deeper to those dimensions that make you a unique and beautiful human being. Sense how free and open and expansive the body is, as it connects to all beautiful energies that strengthen, that change even the structure that was, to a structure that is. As you breathe in and breathe out, notice that this beautiful energy that you are connecting to through your third eye, expands more and more - you go deeper and deeper into the beauty of the universe. There is more light, there is more space and this gets transmitted to your mind. All those thoughts, all those struggles simply move out as you breathe deeply.

Breathing in and breathing out, move out with the out breath, and now allow this space to move in through the third eye, this beautiful space, the divine space that you are in touch with through the third eye to your mind so that every cell in your brain, every cell in your mind, can connect to a reality that is more profound, more deep, more mystical. There are no more thoughts of fear, there are no more thoughts of pain, or suffering, or doubt. There are no more thoughts that take you away from the present moment of beauty. Allow the mind to trust this as you open up more deeply.

Give yourself a few moments as you breathe in and breathe out to allow this process to move deeper and deeper - to allow the process to move deeper to all parts of your mind, the conscious aspects that you know and even more deeply to the unconscious parts of your mind that are hidden and come up in dreams or in certain situations. Allow time, allow the beautiful universal energy that is everywhere, that keeps you alive, that we call the divine, to move deeper into all spaces within your being. As you breathe in and breathe out, keep in touch with this space through the third eye.

As you take your next deep breath feel this energy move from the third eye down into all parts of your body. Sense this energy being grounded, moving down your spine, down to the feet, moving down to the soles of your feet and see yourself, imagine yourself now moving back to the mundane aspects of your life but with a new sense, with a rebirthed sense of being alive, being connected to energy that makes you so special. See yourself going back to your family, to your partner, to any situation with that new sense of being, and as you do this you slowly transmit this aspect to more and more people.

As you put this meditation into practice several times in the next few weeks, you will find that things begin to change around you. As you touch the divine, the pictures that you hold begin to change and we begin to change the situations around us.

The more people that put this meditation into practice and this way of thinking into practice, the more the people in Japan and various parts of the world begin to feel an invisible love that moves beyond, moves deeper than what we watch on television or what we hear on the radio or what we read in the newspaper and this is so important. It is just like when you have a little child it is very important for you to recognise their being through action, not just by observing but by interacting, by being. This is what the world needs today. As you come back to a real sense of being that is transmitted on the many invisible levels, through the many invisible levels that we are not aware of, to touch many people’s hearts.

I encourage you to practise this meditation.

Thank you.

Copyright © 2012 Tony Samara. This article, video or audio may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author is credited, and the URL

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Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful for us in the spirit world to be back in Lithuania on this cold winter’s evening.

Dear ones, a new world is coming and the universe is moving into order; the planets, the stars and the solar system are moving to create new beginnings on this earth, completely changing the energies of the earth plane.

This will be a process, dear ones, this will be a process of learning, for those in power—not all of those in power—will have to let go of much of their power and much of their wealth. The energies of this planet and this world are changing, and for 15 years now, David has channeled the same message. You will stop creating through negative energies and create a new world out of pure love and there will be two shifts of energy.

The first shift in consciousness is from this third dimension to the fourth dimension, and the second shift is from the fourth to the fifth. Not only will human beings shift through this consciousness, but so will the earth plane, she will also ascend. You’re headed towards a completely new world, a beautiful, beautiful world of peace, love and harmony. There will be absolutely no room for war; there will be deep and intrinsic connections between human beings.

You are all healing and your world is changing. For those of you that are healers it is for you to claim your power; this is being supported by many different energies, and Kryon is the energy that is the umbrella for all these energies. Energies and entities of great wisdom, love and understanding are here to hold you in a space—not just for tonight, but forever—into a completely new world, a world of pure love.

There are seven billion on this planet, and there are so many people to be present with this ascension. In spirit world there are queues and queues of spirits waiting to come to this earth to be present as the earth plane evolves and moves to a new dimension, taking all populations with her to this new dimension. And this is happening now and your consciousness will be very different by the twenty-first of the twelfth, 2012. You will look back at this old world, and look over your shoulder, and you will see a crazy world that you are leaving behind, a world where everything is upside down, where nothing is the truth, and you will be moving into a new world of pure love and pure truth.

The new world will be a world led by the conscious; the old world is the world ruled by the unconscious. Your bankers, the hierarchy of this planet, and the monetary system, it’s already beginning to fail, this system will totally fail. And all the different hierarchies that are holding this system together will begin to collapse. You’re headed into a new world where you are whole and where you are complete, and where you are connected to the divine, both the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, and you will be free, free to live your life as you please, and allowing the love to constantly flow.

Just like the sun constantly shines in the solar system, your solar plexus will begin to glow, and your heart will begin to expand, connecting you to the heart of the solar system, and also allowing your mind to connect to the universal mind. Those who have done their inner work will be on the first wave into these new levels of consciousness, and you are all being deeply, deeply held and guided into this new consciousness; you made it here tonight and it was exactly the way that is meant to be. Your cells and your DNA are being activated, your hearts connected to the universal heart, and your mind connected to the universal mind. You’re also connecting to each other, for you are all one. The love will always, always, always flow. We say to treasure your bodies, feed them and exercise them well, and they will uphold you and support you in this transition.

You have all learned and understood this night what it is to be Christ conscious, when the wounded or the hurt aspects of yourself come together and become one and all the issues in your family constellation are released; that is when you become Christ conscious, that is when you are the king of your own life and when you’re walking that magical path between heaven and earth and the love is constantly flowing through you. You’ve recognized the lies and the dishonesty of the old earth and you are free from the dark side and the love flows through you and you emanate love for all to share. You are connected to all of mankind, and you will begin to lift the vibration of this planet and of those who live on the planet.

So just allow your hearts to open even more than they already are, and allow your heart to expand; just let it fill with love. Let it fill with love, just like the first time you ever fell in love, like you never feared getting your heart hurt, and just allowing your heart to expand more and more, expanding into the person who sat next to you and expanding to fill up the room, just filling more and more with love, it safe to allow your heart to open this night. Nothing can happen to your heart with your eyes closed here in a meditation, only good things can happen. Just be with your heart, and place all your consciousness and all your awareness in your heart.

Allow the TV screen in your mind to play back through your life, see all the loves that you’ve won and lost. And just be with your heart, dear ones, your spirit guides are at your feet, they’re here to hold you and to love and to guide you. They’re here to see what you can’t see, like a periscope on a submarine, with a telescope you can see across the ocean and your spirit guides can see your journey ahead of you. So just allow all those feelings to come and let them go and allow your spirit guides to take you wherever you need to go, observing your breath and relaxing, going deeper and deeper and deeper. Be with the love that’s in your heart and share this love with everybody in the room, sending your love to everybody in this room this night, and receiving the love from everybody in the room. This is how the new world will be: no competition, just love, loving each other, accepting each other, being with each other.

Allow the energies of the room to expand, and allow your energies to go higher and higher and higher, and feel Mother Earth beneath your feet, holding you, loving you, caressing you. Let whatever feelings are in your body, let them come and let them go, and have the intention to hold each other, to love each other, and to go to this new dimension, in the fourth dimension. You will not understand this dimension; you have to wait until your mind is sane and is upgraded to a fourth dimensional mind, but just feel all these energies in your body and feel how the love flows, how the love cancels out the negativity.

As we said in the beginning that the Kryon energy is the umbrella of many, many energies, and Lithuania has been a conscious country in years gone by and it has a language filled with consciousness and filled with love. Your ancestors are here this night, this very night your pagan ancestors that lived within nature, that lived with the land and the spirits of the trees, and the many different spirits; for these people this was true, and they present you with these gifts this night, reconnecting you to these ancient spirits, to this ancient world.

Allow these connections to flow and feel these energies. Your ancient brothers and sisters, they spread this beautiful consciousness around the world, become like a sponge, soaking up the consciousness of your ancestors and your ancestors’ love; they will be taking you on a journey, a journey home, a journey to the very truth of who you are.

Consciousness moves through Lithuania into the Americas, into Asia, and throughout the world, teaching the ancient cultures how to love, how to live with the earth; consciousness passed this way many thousands of yours ago, and this consciousness will come back, and you will receive this consciousness once again, emptying your body of old negativities and the love that’s already there will be energized and expanded.

Lithuania is old ancient people, and they are very close to those of Native American peoples, to the Toltecs of the south and southern Mexico, and the Mayan and the Incas, to the great shaman of the Russian lands. All these peoples knew how to live and love upon this earth. They knew how to keep their hearts open and stay connected to Mother Earth and to Father Sky. Allow these energies of the Native Americans to support this process this very night, and just feel this energy come to you and come to the room, for this is an energy of love and of power they forsake their land for the white man to have this experience of separation so we would never walk down this path ever again. Once you move into the fourth dimension you are constantly connected, fully connected to the divine.

The Native Americans may have a special message for each one of you this night, allow yourself to listen, to hear what they have to say to you. Open your inner ears and let them speak; allow the vibrations of your body to rise higher and higher.

And now we bring you the spirit of the Toltecs, and feel this energy, this new energy, ancient but new for you this night, and allow it to awaken your cells and your DNA, and allow it to connect you to the spirits, the animal spirits, to the spirits of the plants, to the spirits of the great pine forests. Many of you have lived these lives with the Native Americans to the Toltecs.

And now let us bring you the spirits of the Mayan, who had great and ancient knowledge, who knew this time was coming. Everyone, without fail, in this room had a lifetime with the Mayan, and let them bring you the knowledge of these end times. Let them bring you the love and the forgiveness and a deep connection to Father Sky, and let them bring to you their deep understanding of the universe and its cycles.

There are many, many aspects of yourselves being reawakened this night; many, many changes are coming, and you will be deeply connected to the Earth, to the Universe and to each other. And just feel the love, and let the love come higher and higher and higher, and just take the time to feel your bodies, allowing your vibration to go higher and higher and higher, feeling Mother Earth beneath you and her energies ascending, taking you to the fourth dimension. Allow the love to come, the love to flow, for very shortly, dear ones, there will be an onset of love flowing through your bodies, and you will merge and flow together just like these two rivers here in Kaunas, constantly flowing, constantly merging.

You’re here on a very powerful confluence where the masculine and the feminine will merge, and just allow the spirits of these two rivers to teach you how to flow and how to merge. That is why we’re here in Kaunas, this night, to allow the masculine and the feminine to flow and to merge, allowing the new world to flow into your hearts; in the new world, the masculine and the feminine flow together.

Feel your energies going higher and higher. Allow your energies to go higher and higher and higher, and feel the connection to Mother Earth and to Father Sky; this is what it will feel like in less than a year from now. On the twenty-first of the twelfth 2012 the end of one cycle, or many cycles, and the beginning of new cycles. You will enter the dimension that is very different from this one, and eventually you will ascend to this new consciousness, an even higher consciousness.

The fourth dimension of Christ consciousness will only allow you to create from love. There will be no ruling and no controlling, just a flow of love, and you will constantly and always be connected to Father Sky and to Mother Earth. We’re going to allow you to sit in this energy for a few more minutes, to let your body be used to this energy. Your cells and your DNA are activating to a new level of consciousness, but you will bring love first of all to your own human body. Illness and consciousness will become a thing of the past and you will begin to live the life of your dreams.

You’re now in a fourth dimensional vibration with a three dimensional mind. Slowly allow this vibration into your mind, upgrading your mind to a fourth dimensional mind, allowing this energy of love to connect what is disconnected. Let the feelings come and let the feelings go. You’re feeling the energies of these ancient cultures, but all these cultures that we mentioned earlier, they all ascended to Christ consciousness and they’re bringing to you their gifts, their energies and their ways. They’re awakening your inner knowledge so that you will easily find your way. You are all being reconnected to the universe so that you can go into your world and heal yourself and heal all those that surround you.

Be with this new vibration… let your body feel what it feels like… and observe what you observe… let the feelings come, let the feelings go, allowing yourselves and your DNA to activate to this new vibration and moving you into a new vibration of love. The new world is coming, dear ones, and just know that this is what it feels like.

Go well, and God bless, for this Kryon signing out. Thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown. All rights reserved.

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Great Contemporary Street Art with 6 Artist Names Selected from Around The World

Posted on January 24, 2012 by Megha

The art of street art was born in 1942 and has rapidly evolved with each decade. New variety of forms of street art has been seen at times superior to sweep all that had been created before. In street art every detail, shadow, color, line. The artist creates a stylized logo – a “unique character” and portrays it in the areas of the urban landscape. The most important thing in street-art is there is no assigned territory, to draw the viewer into a dialogue and show a different scene. We offer 6 to view the great artists of contemporary street art.

Appearing at night, and by drawing on what is necessary, this semi-mythical man became a legend and has gained great popularity among contemporary art lovers. His pictures are cut out along the walls of houses and sold out in auction for hundreds and thousands of dollars. But about the man himself nobody knows anything, For the authorities in London he was a criminal, but for lovers of contemporary art he is a genius.


1. “Naked.”
This picture is located on the front of the Bristol Hospital on Park Street, where patients are treated for sexual disorders. After numerous requests from the public, Bristol City Council decided not to paint it with graffiti.


2. “Over the wall.”
Project “The Wall” included a virtual reality that emphasizes the denial of the existence of mankind, which is a fence – the children cut off from the sea and forced to play with buckets and spades on a heap of stones, but this time behind the wall …


3. “I remember when there were trees.”


4. “Picnic.”
The exhibition Banksy, which was held in Los Angeles in 2006, Angelina Jolie has bought three works by the artist for 400 thousand dollars. Among the acquisitions was the picture of “Picnic”, worth 226 thousand dollars.


5. “A man cleaning graffiti from the wall.”
This picture appeared in the May 2008 street Lick Street in London. By August 2008 it was graffiti painted over. Please note – pictures of animals resemble prehistoric cave paintings of Lascaux cave people in France or Altamira in Spain.


Work of Portuguese artist Alexander Fart simply breathtaking. They are elegant and expressive. From the side it is difficult to even suggest that his painting were made by scratching the wall surface. Alexander uses the canvas as a deserted house.His incredible work of art made available to the public masses, adorn the city and impress the minds of passers-by.

6. Vhils visited Moscow and left a house in his “Autograph“.

7. The motto of the author is destroying, you will create. So – tear, scrap, scratch – you’re doing art.

8. Time to create a portrait depends on the height of the wall. Creating a portrait on the wall, two-story building will take the author’s day.

9. It would seems kind of art, the artist selected, looks nice on the street, but it is unthinkable in art shops and galleries. But Alexander Fart manages to do, and exhibition of his paintings options, using the old doors, walls, billboards, fences.


Mark Jenkins

American painter who is known for his street installations, created from the packing tape. Mark Jenkins’ work were reported in several publications, including Time, The Washington Post, Reuters, The Independent and a blog dedicated to street-art, Wooster Collective. He also exhibited in galleries in the U.S., Europe, Japan and Brazil, represented by a number of galleries, including the Lazarides Gallery in London. The artist created a website with steps of making sculptures from the film, and also conducts master classes in the cities that he visits.

10. “I do not know – I’m an artist or not, but I like the psychological impact that my work is performed on people.”


11. “A newspaper man.”

12. According to Jenkins, his work encourages bystanders to comprehend the essence of the universe, starting from what they see. Jenkins like the reaction of people to write to the video.


13. Projects Jenkins inspired others to create a Scottish culture everywhere.

the American street artist, born in the early 1980s in California. He grew up in a family of hippies from childhood he is fond of drawing, and later, skateboarding. In 1995, he began to paint freight trains, and later gained fame for his stencil and the inscriptions on the political and social issues.

14. “Give the poor.”
Graffiti in Lisbon, drawn due to the increase of homeless people in Portugal.


15. “First Love”.
California, 2009.


16. “Cleaner leaves.”

17. “Become the above fears.”


Peter ROA – Belgian painter of street art, which draws around the world, black and white animals: rats, rabbits, birds, dead and half dead, often with eerie anatomical details. According to Peter, he can draw anything, and draws animals, simply because he like it the most.

On odd jobs from a couple of hours he take only two or three sleepless nights.

18. ROA travels a lot. During his travels he draws animals in countries where he went. His melancholy character strongly affects the majority of the works. So his works can be traced by strict graphic quality, dark colors and contrasts of death.


19. “Giraffe”.
Africa, 2011.


20. ROA work in Moscow.



Art collective Mentalgassi, many street artists try to transform the urban space, giving new meaning to the surrounding objects. Distinguished work of their “colleagues” on the art of the fact that they are not located on the walls or bus stops, and on fences.

21. “Making the invisible to be seen.” Mentalgass pointed to the plight of Troy Davis, a 42-year-old man who is in death row in the United States.

22. “Girl on the grid.”


23. “An expression of protest.”


24. “An expression of protest.”


Street Art, no doubt, has its own philosophy and is popular all over the world, which testifies to its aesthetic value and assigns it to a form of progressive, vibrant art, and not manifestations of bad manners. After all, the great art of street artists make visible to others what is generally considered part of the gray area of the streets.

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Welcome dear ones, we come to communicate with YOU at a time when the new energies are
now increasing and pulling to the surface of YOUr very BEing that which has been stored
within YOU for lifetimes. It is now time to allow these to rise to the surface and to allow the
deep healing to begin. Healing begins by allowing the emotions an outlet and we guide for all
to stay with the emotions that will begin to arise. Holding on will cause more pain and trauma
as that which has been stored no longer serves in the new energies and the new world that is
being created before YOUr very eyes.
The new world that is being dreamed into creation comes from a place of deep love and that is
accessed through the heart. We guide for all to allow the deep clearing of the heart. Allow all
that YOU have experienced to go for YOU have allowed the experience to talk to YOU, have
learned the lessons and now must allow the experience to dissolve. For the use of the human
heart was never allowed to be shown to YOU under the old energies. It was kept from YOU
and hidden in clear view. Much will unfold across the planet and many will step back in
astonishment as that which has always been here and in full view is now able to be viewed
and heard. For we guide now on the noises that are being heard across the planet and we
guide for ALL to go within to anchor these new energies and what the energies are now
communicating to YOU. For each one of YOU is a vibration, as the new unfolds and begins
the deep clearing process within each one of YOU then YOUr vision will clear and YOUr
hearing will begin to hone itself to new sounds, new vibrations and new communications.
We guide in relation to the unfolding of the dream and we guide in relation to what YOU
populate the dream with, we draw YOUr attention to the thought process that YOU engage
with and guide once more that YOUr thoughts create YOUr reality. Many are now realising this
and actively working with the old energetic programmes that are still running within and
dissolving them. Many more are still in the old energies believing that all is outwith their reach
and that all power is now in the hands of someone else. We guide for YOU to detach from this
as YOU are more powerful than YOU realise and if YOU allow the thoughts to randomly move
through YOUr dreams YOU may begin to create that which YOU do not wish to create. Energy
follows thought dear ones. We guide for all to go within and to find an anchor the peace that is
found within all hearts. It is there all YOU need to find it is follow YOUr emotions. For the
emotions will show YOU that which needs to be cleared. By becoming the observer YOU are
able to see the old energetic programmes that have been stored within. Allowing them to
dissolve will allow the vision that YOU hold to clear, it will illuminate the path that YOU walk.
We cannot highlight strongly enough the need to dream and to dream clearly. For the
dreaming of the human race is changing the world and that world is now being dreamed into
creation. Once more we guide that dreaming is not all conscious, if you are allowing the
emotions to be hoarded within and they are emotions from other lifetimes then YOU may be
dreaming a dream that is now outdated, one that YOU have already learned from but which
will taint the new dream for it is not healed.
We are with each one of YOU holding the space for YOU to see that the path that is
illuminating in front of YOU, whether YOU are able to see this path is down to the filters that
are being used by YOU. For all is filtered in different directions and in different ways across the
planet. We wish to guide more clearly on what we mean by filters. The teachings that YOU
have been taught since YOU took YOUr first breathe on this planet are the filters that YOU
have been using to create the life experience that YOU are having. Each one of YOU uses
different filters according to need and we guide for YOU to look at these filters or teachings.
Do YOU view the world the way that YOU do because YOU were taught to by those around
YOU? Do you hold the views that YOU do because of the society that YOU were born into?
All of these questions should be asked and the answers listened to. For the answers are YOUr
guide to where YOU go next. For if the answer to the question is yes then YOU are viewing
YOUr dream through the eyes of another. It is not possible to dream the dream for another for
only YOU can dream the dream that is in YOUr heart. Only YOU have that dream for only
YOU are experiencing this life experience as YOU. Do YOU understand our analogy? Do YOU
understand our words?
The teachings of illusion taught YOU to align YOUrself with those who had similar beliefs and
many did this without question, a sense of safety being the reward for doing this. This sense
of safety is distorted for even within that sense of “belonging” there is a difference, for each
human BEing is unique in the way that they absorb and process the information coming to
them about the world they create around them. We guide YOU to be discerning and to
question that which YOU do not understand by going within and asking to the heart. For all the
answers to this YOUr human life experience are contained within, they are not found without
and many are now falling into deep confusion and frustration around this. Where there is
argument about right and wrong there is illusion for one human may perceive a right as a
wrong and vice versa.
We guide YOU to look at YOUr uniqueness and we guide YOU to look at those around YOU
and to stop comparing YOUrself. Under the old energies those who stood apart and took a
stance were instantly rejected and that served to control and contain many across the planet.
The new energies support and nurture, they are here to help YOU stand as YOU, there is a
difference in making a stand and standing as YOU, can YOU FEEL it? For when YOU stand
as YOU the universe clearly sees YOU and hears YOU. Many are trying to manifest and to
create whilst hiding within the confines of the old energies. The universe will not be able to see
YOU if YOU are not visible. How do YOU become visible? YOU issue a clear and audible note,
that is within YOUr energy signature. When YOU are YOU, when YOU can FEEL safe and
secure then YOU have found YOUr note and can then sing the song that is YOU to the
universe and the universe will respond.
Many are now confusing the song that is them and the note that is them. Many are trying to
connect to the universe with the same note and this is not possible dear ones, for each one of
YOU is a different UNIQUE note, do not try to sound like those around YOU in YOUr song for
each human alive has a unique note and a unique song to sing. It is not a matter of those who
sing loudest, do not fall into this distortion for the note is heard across the universe as long as
it is clear. Are YOU clear?
Many are still following the rules of the old energies in relation to logic and we guide for YOU to
realise that logic holds no place in a new world based on emotion. For the mind cannot
process emotion that is the role of the heart. When YOU are in YOUr mind YOU cannot create
for the emotions needed to create, to dream, are not processed by the heart, for the mind will
take YOU out of the heart at all times. It will create and invent scenarios that take YOU away
from YOU if YOU allow it. Many are now trying to work out what has happened without
checking within to see how it FEELS. How do YOU FEEL as the new unfolds?
For those who are boarding boats and sailing across the oceans of grief we send much love to
YOU for many are now FEELing the old dissolve and stepping into the boats to discover where
the boat will sail to. The ocean of grief was always taught to YOU through the old energies as
a boat never to be set sail with and the ocean was always to be ignored. The ocean of grief is
a process that a human goes through to understand that none ever leave. All that happens is
the veils of illusion are wrapped tightly around the heart. We guide that all realms are now
stepping forward and many humans are now able to FEEL them. It may be disconcerting to
FEEL an energy signature and not be able to decipher it but once more we guide that YOU did
not have to believe in the realms for them to connect to YOU. More and more will step forward
and welcome YOU home and we guide for YOU to clear and shield YOUr energy systems at
all times. We do not guide this to allow the fear that is the residue to take hold once more, we
guide for YOU to do this so that any communication is clearer. For the debris that YOU hold
within YOUr energy signature may make the communication unclear which then leads many to
more frustration. Frustration and confusion will lower an energy signature and not heighten it.
Guarding YOUr energy signature should become second nature, we guide that we are aware
of many humans who are now in fear of energies stepping forward and we wish to guide
further on this. To walk the planet earth with an energy signature that is open and welcoming
to all energies is not the way to work with the new. The old energies worked at containment
and we guide the new is about expansion and growth. The realms that are around YOU can
only communicate with YOU if you allow it for all are born with free will. If an energy has
stepped forward and YOU are not sure of its source then we guide strongly for YOU to hold the
intention to let only those of the LIGHT to step forward. Many may trigger at our words but we
are here to guide and support and it would be remiss of us not to show YOU what is in plain
The custom on planet earth is to allow an energy to come forward and communicate only if
agreed by the human approached and those energies must respect that. The realms that are
around YOU all adhere to the rules of the universe and those rules state that planetary
customs must be adhered to at all times. Many humans find various energies stepping forward
not realising that the power that is within them is that within them. Not stating the boundaries
and not stating who is welcome and who is not will be interpreted by many energies as okay.
Do YOU fully understand where we guide dear ones? For those of a darker energy, those who
are now leaving the planet will not ask, they will assume, if YOU have not put in a boundary
then expect the communication to go ahead for YOU have not clearly stated it should not. We
guide this to reassure YOU and not place FEAR where there should be none.
As the realms have been hidden in plain view across the planet it makes sense for these
formalities to be stated. For whilst YOU could not connect to the energies then there would be
little problem. Now the energies heighten and many more humans will be able to reach an
energy vibration that will resonate with different realms. For the most part the energies that
step forward should be of the LIGHT, however depending on YOUr soul path, YOUr belief
system and the thoughts that YOU allow to be processed by YOU then this may see other
energies step forward. Many humans are recoiling and not simply stating the boundaries.
We repeat once more for clarity, the custom on planet earth is for an energy to be welcomed
before communication is established. An energy will make its presence known to the human
and the human will always have a choice whether to communicate or not. If the choice is yes
then that is established. If the choice is no then that is adhered to. However the human in
question must have established within their energy signature the rules they wish to be adhered
to. We guide ALL humans who are of a vibration that resonates to a level that energies are
now stepping forward to be aware of these galactic rules and to put them in place.
Clarity of intention is uppermost in all energetic communications and we guide for YOU to be in
the heart space at all times. YOUr mind may be confused and frustrated but YOUr heart will
give a clear signal to YOU if YOU are in TRUTH or not.
We wish to step back now but realise that our words may trigger and further guidance may be
needed. Please ask us directly if YOU wish further clarification and we will step forward. All
that is needed is the intention to work with only BEings of LIGHT at all times. BE of the LIGHT
dear ones for YOU are light. It is simple, but it is often overlooked. There is much that has not
been explained about the planet and how it works in relation to the stars and the greater
universes. More human channels will give more information in due course, for many are now
being contacted by the realms and asked to help guide the planet earth as all humans now
move into the new energies. Once more we state that YOU have free will. Many humans who
are approached to channel are still not in TRUTH for they have not cleared their traumas and
pain and are not able to state the words to the world. We send them much love as the time for
embracing TRUTH and the time for coming together as a race and supporting one another is
We guide that we are here with YOU, many still look to the skies but we guide we have never
left. ALL realms are with YOU at all times, as the memories come back they will step forward.
We guide the new is here to be anchored and worked with, to hold onto the old energies sees
YOU dream the old dream. We ask humbly that YOU dream the new dream and anchor this
for ALL on planet earth.
We are the High Council of Orion and we are YOUr brothers and sisters from the stars.
Remember dear ones, that is all that is asked of YOU as the new unfolds. Open YOUr hearts
and remember why YOU are here and who YOU are. For YOU are all children of the stars and
we welcome YOU home.
Channel: Karen Doonan

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New treatment could help regrow damaged muscles

New treatment could help regrow damaged muscles

Even works after injury has healed

A new treatment using sodium ions has been found to trigger the growth of nerves and muscles in damaged cells.

Significantly the treatment can be administered even after the injury has healed, and could even be adapted for use directly in combat situations as it does not require any complex medical procedures.

In the breakthrough study scientists induced the complete regrowth of missing tails in young tadpoles by applying a drug cocktail that introduces sodium ions into the damaged tissue.

The tadpole tails are complex organs containing spinal cord, muscle and other tissues. In fact in nature only very young tadpoles are able to re-grow a missing tail, an ability they lose as they age. This is similar to humans in that young children have the ability to generate missing fingertips but older children and adults do not.

The manner in which tadpoles regenerate missing tissue is also similar to the way in which humans do so, with each type of cell making more of itself, which makes these results particularly interesting.

Possible uses of technique

The findings have tremendous implications for treating wounds sustained in war as well as accidental injuries. The treatment method used is most directly applicable to spinal cord repair and limb loss, which are highly significant medical problems world-wide. It also demonstrates a proof-of-principle that may be applicable to many complex organs and tissues.

Commenting on the results, study leader Michael Levin said "We have significantly extended the effective treatment window, demonstrating that even after scar-like wound covering begins to form, control of physiological signals can still induce regeneration. Artificially causing an influx of sodium for just one hour can overcome a variety of problems, such as the decline in regenerative ability that comes with age and the effect of regeneration-blocking drugs."

The process resulted in the re-growth of healthy tails, and did not stimulate any abnormal growths. The researchers were also able to stimulate the tail growth up to 18 hours after amputation, which shows that cells which have normally lost the ability to re-generate can still be stimulated to do so.

The study is reported in the Journal of Neuroscience and was carried out at Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences in Boston.
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Sweet Friends 6-11-10

Hello my beautiful friend, I wish you a wonderful weekend of love, laughter, peace and joy. Blessings & Pure Energy coming your way, Melodie

God, Wisdom and A Deeper Understanding of Life
By Dingane Dingane

What is wisdom? For one, it is something that is valued in virtually all cultures throughout the world and throughout the ages wise people lead the way to a deeper understanding of life. Wisdom is not about having mere knowledge. It's much beyond that and in many ways knowledge itself is not even necessary to have wisdom.

Wisdom is an inner understanding that often contradicts intellectual knowledge.

Wisdom is almost always beyond the obvious and the conventional. When we recognize a great wisdom it is as if we see ‘a light' inside our minds -- a special feeling inside which leads us to a greater understanding. Wisdom is not something you attain as much as it is something you grow into. For most of us wisdom is synonymous with an old man and a long flowing grey beard. Although it is true that wisdom comes with age, you don't need to be old to be wise.

For me all great wisdom is spiritual by nature. All great insights into life are insights that transcends the physical world and our mere observations. It's metaphysical (beyond the physical) and therefore it often contradicts conventional thinking. Wisdom is about seeing past the obvious appearances of things. When you do this you cannot help but to recognize something bigger and greater at work behind everything in life. This great invisible force that some call God is not confined to spiritual thinkers, but is the very force of life that flows through everything.

The true meaning of wisdom is having an intimate knowledge of God and the spiritual and metaphysical dimension that will help you see past the appearances of things to reveal a greater meaning behind it all. In Dr. Wayne Dyer's 10 Secrets For Success And Inner Peace, he offers a great insight into wisdom. One of his secrets for success and inner peace is a definition for wisdom. He says that wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you.

Every thought you have will either strengthen or weaken you. On this deeper metaphysical level of life, your thoughts create your life. Having the ability to ‘see' and to realize this is what wisdom is really about. Virtually every spiritual text refers to the power of thought and how we create our lives through our thoughts. This great law, the Law Of Attraction is a controlling law in the universe that dictates what we attract and create in our lives.

Learning to distinguish and then to avoid the thoughts that weaken you will give you a greater sense of power and authentic energy in your life. Weak thoughts like anger, hate and jealousy always weaken you because it requires a counter force. Thoughts of love, peace and joy will only strengthen you because it never takes anything from you -- it only ‘adds' to you. In this sense wisdom will allow you to enjoy a greater sense of inner peace and it will help you to move right past conflict and confrontation.

So often we focus on what's wrong in our lives in an attempt to ‘fix' it. What wisdom teaches us is to shift from what's wrong, to what's right. Carl Jung once said that "what you resist persists" -- wise words from a wise man who understood that what you think about, will only recreate itself in your life experience.

The true meaning of wisdom is to have the insight that's beyond the obvious. It's learning to see that beyond the surface level of life experiences, there is something greater and bigger at work. This invisible (yet knowable) life force is intimately connected to you and your thoughts. What you think about expands in your life and learning to avoid that which weakens you will allow you to cultivate your own authentic power and ultimately create for yourself the kind of life you really want to live.

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Meditation and Enlightenment

Is meditation necessary for enlightenment? ~ Reposted from the internet (Enlightenment comes from Divine Grace, which is attracted to Love and the human seeking Spirit)

“A day will come when you will laugh at your previous efforts. What you realize on the day you laugh is also available now.” - Sri Ramana Maharshi

Many enlightened people spent years doing spiritual practices prior to attaining Self-Realization. Almost to a person, they claim their spiritual practices had nothing to do with it. Sudden, total enlightenment regularly strikes people who have no interest in spirituality, like alien abductions of the heart.

What are we to make of this? I think it’s like falling in love.

Someone strikes your fancy and you want to get to know them. Your heart is in your throat when you send that first, unnerving text.

There are mishaps and misadventures, as in any good love story.

At the same time, you get the strangest feeling that your love is in the stars. You tell your friends your partner is your soulmate and your destiny.

This isn’t like you. You’re a hard-nosed, “show me” realist, and now you’re going around like a half-cracked mystic.

But you’re right. You’re not pursuing a relationship - the eternal Relationship is pursuing you on the apparent, temporal plane.

It’s the same with meditation.

You think you’re meditating to attain enlightenment, but you’re meditating because enlightenment has already claimed you.

You think you’re setting out at dawn to find your quarry, but the “hound of heaven” has pursued you this whole time.

There are no “selves” trying to reach enlightenment or God-Consciousness - there is only God playing the eternal game of hide-and-seek.

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Free Will and Love

There are two forces in the universe- Free Will which is electric and completely unpredictable. It jumps from point to point in a random zig zag. If you want to observe electric behavior in nature just watch how insects or Lightning moves from point to point. Let's call it the wind that changes directions all the time. This explains people how they can run the spectrum from being evil to being good. It explains that you cannot predict anyone. How some people are great and other people are jerks. Most of Humanity is centered in the tunnel vision of free will. Free Will is how Humans evolved from the instinct of the animals- it self-awareness.

And then there is Love which is stable and unifying. Love is magnetic. Love is evolution from the Human Kingdom into the Spiritual Kingdom. Love is group and others awarenesss. The Love force is used by people on the positive path. Free Will (of self and others) and Love get balanced on the positive path- it is called the Will to do Good. You respect free will and follow the Golden Rule. It is called the Path of Service to Others. Love your neighbor as yourself. Evil people only respect their own free will and have no love. Evil is the Path of Service to Self, which is a dead-end path. That is the difference, love or the absence of love.

It explains some of how the simulation we live in works. The simulation we live in is a paradox (everything is purposely designed for choice (positive or negative polarity)). Everything is opposites on purpose as part of the confusion. Day and Night. Sun and Moon. Male and Female. Love and Fear. The positive path finds the narrow way Jesus Christ said, middle way Buddha said, through the illusion. The Paradox called duality (opposites) is the illusion. Genesis was right this is the Land of Confusion. If you can release the mind, which is designed to lock you into opposites with its beliefs and judgments, and enter the heart, you will become free.
Land of Confusion video link:
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With mass media perpetuating so much fear in the news, has anyone considered calling upon Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, to purge Earth and all of humanity of all negativity with the Violet Flame? Although this is a free will realm for choices, a jump start (if fear release is wanted on some level) wouldn't hurt humanity. P.S. You can add Archangel Zadkiel, Saint Germain, and Kwan Yin to your invocation if you desire as well. 

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Sandra Walter

Divine Decree Focus: Purifying timelines and Calling forth Highest Trajectories

Beloved I AM Presence, beloved Higher Levels, flow the Diamond Golden liquid light into the cells of my body and Divine DNA to undo all discordant density that has ever registered there.

Beloved I AM Presence, Divine Mother, Heavenly Father, Paradise SUNs of God, send the purifying Diamond White Flames of Ascension into all of my relationships, loved ones, family monad, soul monad, OverSoul monad and to all willing hearts whom I connect with each day.
Beloved I AM Presence, I surrender all uncomplementary beliefs, habits, thoughts, emotions, and activities which do not honor the complete activation of my Divine DNA and Ascension. I surrender all fear, doubt, struggle, lack and limitation, clearing all distortions so that the full radiance of my Divine Self may merge with me and become my consistent Divine awareness.

Beloved I AM Presence, I stand in the freedom and splendor of the infinite Creator and surrender everything that is not the eternal presence of Divine Love. I surrender all limiting words, thoughts, feelings and deeds that I have ever registered in any reality. There is now nothing within me that opposes the truth of my own Divinity.

Divine DNA, you are free to express my beloved Christed Presence and my pure and true Ascended Self through this body vehicle. I call forth the indestructible purity and power I AM.

I call forth the Crystal Blue Flame of Infinite Purity to clear my mind, body, and emotions of any discordant activity from first separation until now. Clear my timelines and DNA of all discord, and purge the cause, core, record, effect, and all memory of it now.

I call forth the Rays of Divine Perfection from the Great Central SUN, through Solaris (the SUN), and through my Christed presence, Higher Self, into my body vehicle, to grant me complete support to integrate all initiations, activations, wisdom, and the infinite blessings that are perfect for my journey in this now moment.
Let all that is sacred be set forth as my reality in this now. Divine DNA activate, rebundle and reconnect all strands, layers, fields and gateways to provide this experience of Divine perfection and Embodiment of my Highest Self; the Pure Presence of Source in this now.

I ordain this under all graces and forces of the Infinite Pure Creator Source.

I call this forth to the highest level allowed by Cosmic Law, in Divine alignment with the Divine plan and blueprint for my pure and true organic Ascension.
I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You. So be it and so it is.


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The Prayer of Surrender ~ By Master El Morya

Beloved Father/Mother God, into Thy hands I commend my being. Use my Love, my thoughts and my life in selfless service to Thee.
Release from me all that hinders the fulfillment of my holy purposes and Ascension. Teach me to be kind in the ways of the Brotherhood of Light.
Direct and establish my lifestream in ways that, daily and hourly, my true identity in God manifests.
Beloved God-Presence I AM, Eternal Father/Mother God, May the covenant I made with Thee be totally fulfilled!
May I live my life to feel Your Love and see Your Light!
May your Will manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven!
Into thy hands I surrender my being, that through me, God be glorified in all things!

And so be it! Beloved I AM.

Repeat 3 times.


From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.

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Laarkmaa, a group of Pleiadians, have a powerful Heart Meditation. 

It is found in appendix C of the book below


The book is on Kindle for $6.99. Click on the cover image above to go to the book.

I can't share the Meditation here because it is copyrighted, but definitely check it out.

It is kind of like the Unified Chakra Meditation or White Light Empowerment. 

You draw in Light to yourself then you send it to the world. 


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