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Prayer for "Personal Ascension" ~

In the name of my beloved God-Presence "I AM."

I ask to receive the initiations needed to qualify for Ascension.
I call for a great cosmic shaft of Cosmic Purity Flame to remove from my mind, my thoughts, my feelings and my body, and all subtle bodies every vibration of human creation that is impure in substance and less than my Divine Perfection in God.
May the Flame of Purity transmute from my world all remaining negative energies!
May the Love of Christ expand in me through the power of the Ascension Flame!
May the Resurrection Flame awaken the memories of my divine blueprint.
So that I can be free forever from all discord that I have ever created!
I affirm that I AM Purity in action.
I AM God's Purity established within mind, body and soul.
Let me also invoke Purity for every part of Life on Earth.
Let me invoke Purity for my family, my friends and for the whole family of God, all Kingdoms and the Earth.
And so it is, beloved I AM!

( From The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)

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I Now Accept My Abundance ~ Prayer .

In the name of my beloved I AM Presence and my beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to the Lords of Manifestation, Angels of Prosperity, Fortuna, Goddess of Supply and Lord of Gold to assist me now in mastering all outer conditions of my life in God's perfect way, including my true abundance.

Charge! Charge! Charge into my life and use today all the blessings that are mine to receive.
Infuse me with Ascended Master Wisdom and Purity that I may never again experience lack or Limitation. Blaze your Heart Flame through my four body systems and expand without limit a great flow of divine abundance.

Saturate me with enough Violet Flame and Emerald Healing Light to keep my life in perfect balance and harmony.
I demand God's invincible Protection and Wisdom in all my financial endeavors.

I demand to become a magnet of attraction, drawing to me all the wealth that I require to fulfill my divine plan on Earth, to make my Ascension and to assist my fellowmen to do likewise.
I give thanks that it is done according to God's Holy Will.

I accept my abundance now with Love and Gratitude. Amen! Amen! Amen!

(Gratitude is the key to attract greater abundance. Always show gratitude for everything you receive. Appreciate the wondrous assistance that we are now receiving from the Realms of Light. May you be God Victorious in all you do!)

( From Prayers to The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)

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And so we continue.

Then a dry spell enters. With no noticeable progress or evident movement, we seem to be treading water. Seeing how we are inwardly, always identifying with thoughts, emotions, and body, gradually builds a weariness of this ordinary way of living. We cannot stop our quest, but we also cannot see our way forward. The weariness, however, leaves us nowhere else to turn. Faith and commitment enable us to persevere through such #spiritual #deserts. Then somehow we bridge the abyss. For example, we realize that we practice because we must. And furthermore, that the source of this “must” lies beyond our consciousness, in the unseen realm that gives faith. This realization leads to confidence that we shall not stop, shall never give up. Our inner work reaches a new tempo and depth, allowing confidence in our own eventual #transformation to take root, further bolstering our practice. We reach unexpected experiences of higher states and intimations of possibilities of deeper forms of service. This reinvigorates our commitment to the path toward greater being.A new difficulty arises, however, where despite our continuing best efforts, we reach another plateau of no further progress. Our confidence in our practice and in our own future transformation evaporates for a time. At a loss, we turn toward the higher and ask for help. Then our confidence shifts from ourselves to the #Divine. We discover the faith that eventually the door to love and the higher worlds will open even to us.And so we continue. Sometimes our movement is passionate, even desperate. Commitment and desperation form two wings of the same force, the flame of longing for the Real. Desperation combines this intense longing with the dissatisfaction of #separation and the fear of failure in the quest. Desperation burns urgently and transports us to new peaks, but soon flickers. Commitment, however, remains to warm and sustain us through the inevitable droughts. The basic longing behind both commitment and desperation moves us, offers us tastes of new worlds, and brings confidence in ourselves, in the path, and in the Sacred.
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Waking The Dragon Within... Sarah-Jane Grace

As wave after wave of new consciousness and new awareness laps upon the shores of our souls, it can be all too easy to become intoxicated by the hypnotic sound of the sea and lose ourselves in the beauty of the moment. Such a space feels precious and amazing, but it can also feel challenging as well, for whilst at soul level we may choose to become lost in such a divine space (for this is a sign of living consciously), on the physical level, we can struggle to find the time to stand in quiet solitude absorbing the joy of the moment.

This presents us with a dilemma; for to become free, we need to be fully conscious and aware of the moment, but in order to give ourselves permission to become free, we want to know that all of our needs on the physical level will be taken care of, thereby keeping us away from the very thing that can bring us that freedom!

We can become tied up in knots trying to work out how to find bliss in life, but this kind of misses the point, for the more we look, the farther away from bliss we get, for bliss is not something to seek out and ‘get’; it is a state of being.

Therefore, when we become lost in the joy of the moment, as the waves lap the shoreline of the soul and we can feel, touch and taste the euphoria of the light dancing within, we need to realise that it is okay to be in such a space. In many ways, it is the still moments that matter the most, for it is the stillness, and the stillness within that stillness, that carries so much power and energy. The rest is distraction, for Truth lies in the stillness, not in the busy-ness of keeping on keeping on (chasing and ticking off boxes on a life ‘to-do’ list that continues to grow no matter how hard we try to get to our destinations) etc.

There comes a time when we need to STOP and embrace the courage to go into this stillness; and we need to know and trust that all that we want and need are within this. If we become truly conscious in this moment of pure magic, joy and amazement, we awaken to a whole new dimension in life and become inspired by the infinite possibilities all around. We realise that Heaven is already on Earth and we can feel the Divine pulse beating in our own hearts and flowing through every cell of our Beings.

Whilst this stillness within the stillness, which brings us the euphoria of being fully awake in the moment, feels intangible and indefinable; it is important to realise that even though it is, it is also within our grasp as it fills our hearts and souls. This is a space without a space; it is beyond definition, but it can still be felt. It can be felt by opening up heart, mind and soul to the infinite wonder of bliss.

Of course, this brings to the surface the perpetual chicken and egg scenario of which to do first: become conscious in the moment or to get the basics in place to remove the day-to-day worries. Yet, such a scenario feeds the dilemma, for until we can see beyond this, we cannot accept that it is only by living consciously in the moment that we become our own creators and everything changes. Until we reach this point, we continually chase the horizon trying to get, trying to achieve and trying to find something externally that has been within us all along.

It therefore seems time to lose ourselves in the moment and to surrender to the hypnotic sound, and the delicious flavours, of bliss...

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included. Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace

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Shifting Realities Part I Sharon Rose

Most of you have been walking between the limited 3rd and 4th dimensions, yet you are now in a cycle that is accelerating your awakening to such an extent that many of you are shifting more of your consciousness into alignment with the unlimited domains of your God Presence. This then shifts all of the energy that your mind has been using to support you living in limitation and separation to now support you creating a stronger foundation in Unity or Christ Consciousness on the 5th dimension. This expansion of your focus will allow you to remain attuned to your life on Earth without being empathetically bound into the pain and confusion that is still playing itself out on the 3rd dimension. You are divinely designed to be omnipresent and to live within a unified field of consciousness where there is no need to be anywhere other than where you are. This is what will make your ascension into the unlimited 5th dimension possible in this lifetime.
~ Ascended Masters Jeshua and Mary Magdalene
To sustain the 5th dimensional ascension frequencies that are waiting to unfold within your heart, mind and body, be willing to live each moment as though it has never happened before, for indeed that is the truth. Today is never yesterday and tomorrow never happens, so each moment is golden and it will never take place again. When you live in this kind of awareness and gratitude for each precious moment, life will take on new meaning and you will be able to stay connected with your Presence much more easily. In fact, it is only in being present that you are truly in oneness with your Presence!

As you continue to shift your attention into the mind and heart of your Presence, you may find yourself seeing and feeling everything within and around you with a renewed sense of joy in just being alive during these magnificent times. The air may feel as though it is lovingly caressing your body, the ground may feel more precious to your feet, and the exchanges you have with others, even strangers, may feel more loving and supportive.

Any dramas that are still being acted out in the world based on the illusionary fears of the ego will continue to wind down until they are no more. It is now vital to keep your attention on living as your Presence so its consciousness may unite with every cell and atom of your being. Your Presence is seeking to be fully embodied so you can ascend into the freedom of a new Golden Age.

Your Presence uses the etheric substances within your body to connect its consciousness with your mind, your heart and even into the most miniscule parts of your body. As this relationship becomes a more conscious part of your reality, you will be creating a much greater access to your creative potential to assist humanity in moving into a new Golden Age and you will be helping the Earth to move deeper into her paradise vibration.

We would suggest that you take some time in your meditations to align with your etheric energy body of light that is always around you. This is your bridge into the multidimensional consciousness of your Presence. Your etheric body is presently in the process of magnetizing and accumulating more light, mostly from the solar and photon energy that is now being released to assist you in moving into a greater alignment with the expanded energy field of your Omnipresent Self.

This increase in Light is also helping to shift the majority of humanitys consciousness out of the 3rd and even out of the 4th dimensions which have been holding your Earth within the veils of illusion. Your 3rd dimension will soon exist solely within the paradise vibration that is still sustaining the natural world all around you. As your ascension progresses, your ego will no longer have control over your mind, your feeling nature, or your body. Ascending beyond the fear/duality matrix of consciousness ~ this shift in realities ~ is what the Great Shift of the Ages is really all about.

You are truly living in not only the opportunity of a lifetime, yet rather the opportunity of many lifetimes! As the memories held within the cells of your physical and etheric bodies move into greater harmonic resonance with your Presence, you will be given access to your higher dimensional capacities to create a next Golden Age.

This pivotal year of 2012 will continue to offer you opportunities that support your personal and planetary ascension. The internal confusion that has come from living in duality consciousness will be replaced with the clarity and joy of living in Unity Consciousness. Now is the time to step fully into your true unlimited Self, the Presence of the Divine that you truly are.

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Happy Solstice,

Welcome to my June 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse. Today once again we are preparing for another powerful timing of planetary alignments, grid activations and personal transformation. The Solstice on June 20th coupled with the New Moon the previous day are once again offering potent energy and transmutation all rolled into one. During my review of the energy for June we discussed the current energy trends for this month and the ebbs and flows of our collective journey.

The Solstice on June 20th is always a powerful time of change. Solstice literally means "Stand still of the Sun", where the sun rises and sets at the same place on the horizon for three days, appearing to stand still. This timing is a potent pulse of increased frequency, couple with recent increased Solar Flare activity.

The Whales and Dolphins have always been known as the "keepers of the grid". They navigate the ley lines and grids of our beloved Mother Earth and maintain the integrity of our Bio-Sphere. Today, grids, ley lines, oceans, mountains and all living things were re-calibrated with a new harmonic signature, as we released out dated perceptions, experiences and patterns that no longer serve.

The month of June has for the most felt "intense" - but then again hasn't every month this year? The continuing energy of the Venus Transit earlier this month has amplified the time sequences we continually move in and out of. Many feel overwhelmed, disconnected in the energy of emotional outbursts, body pain and uncertainty. We are walking between two worlds on a daily basis now, and our nervous systems are feeling anxious, irritable, fatigued along with a dose of brain fog and headaches for many. It is a time for inward quiet, in that safe sacred space of the heart.

Today the Whales and Dolphins along with our star seed families of Arcturus and the Pleiades journeyed with us to a holographic temple within the Great Central Sun. We were imprinted within our sacred heart the sacred geometry codes that are unique to each and every one of us - but all carrying the frequency of "love". They have done this so many times and will continue to do so as we re-unite with our higher multi-dimensional selves.

We were reminded that while this timing can feel overwhelming, it is by our personal divine design that we are assisting our beloved Mother Earth in becoming a star. Every thought is by divine design, every action experienced in perfection as we find balance.

Today's Solar eclipse balances the Divine Masculine frequency on all levels, where action is required it will be direct and hold strength. The moon is the Divine Feminine the mysterious or hidden and today as they both mirrored each other all things hidden is revealed in light. June 4, 2012 will be the Lunar Eclipse where we will once again feel the frequency signatures recalibrate and will prepare us for the upcoming Solstice.

We played in our "transcended puddles of light" and felt the inescapable Joy that comes from being childlike and open. We crossed another threshold of surrender and acceptance.

The Whales and Dolphins work with the planetary frequencies on a daily basis as they balance the ley lines and grid lines of our planet. We are divine multi-dimensional beings merging with our human-ness on a daily path of enlightenment. The whales and dolphin support that journey in every way, and today they beamed to us the message that we are doing just great. We need not worry about what is coming in 2012, what "ascension" will look or feel like. They helped us understand we have all the truth and knowledge we need within our sacred heart.

I want to thank ALL that were able to join in and participate with me today. The love and energy allowed a deepening to our connection with the "Whale Matrix" which will be the foundation for all further meditations. We aligned today with the powerful energy of the June New Moon and Solstice and the massive change that is occurring on all levels. The Whales and Dolphins showered us with the frequency of "Love" today, giving each of us a new found inner strength and a new level of trust.

We are and will remain in dramatic times of change over the coming months, and our beloved Whales and Dolphins are within us offering a cohesive integration and interface between our sacred heart and our 3D/ 5D bodies. The Whales and Dolphins offered support for us and our beloved Mother Earth, by weaving the vibrational frequency of LOVE, uniting ALL in this NOW timing.

Our beloved Whales and Dolphins along with our Beloved Arcturians, Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, and Star-Seed families will continue to support the interface of our 3D/5D systems as we continue to surf the crystalline vibrational upgrades of 2012. The entire meditation was recorded, below are the links.

It takes a few seconds for the recordings to begin.
June Overview and Meditation - For Listening on Desktop - For Download as an MP3 File
Copyright © Shala Mata 2009 - 2012

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News Flash 22.5.12 Euro notes with mint sauce Part 7


Let's take a look at the correlations of government debt, banks and capitalism.

For this purpose I extract from my ebook "2012/20 Capitalism Endgame" which you can order by sending me an email to
The price is $12.20 or $20.12 or the same figure in any currency.

Here we go:

Governments create debt because they spend more than they receive in taxes. Then all apply the same debt financing mechanism:

The Central Bank lends to commercial banks at 1% interest and these lend to governments at 5% or more. The ECB provided a trillion € for that purpose in November 2011 and March 2012.

This system makes the banks rich without having to do anything. The tax payer pays the interest. Rating agencies determine the credibility of governments which in turn determines the interest rate. Naturally bank deposits of the oligarchy benefit in the same way.

Nobody questions the validity of this system - our collective consciousness does not question it.

When we create awareness we may begin to doubt - and change our collective consciousness.

In that case we'll create a system that looks like this:

a. The Central Banks lend to commercial banks at 1%.

b. Commercial banks lend to governments at -1%. That's minus 1%, a negative interest rate that reduces the principal over time to zero.

c. Commercial banks borrow further funds from the Central Banks at 1%, at a ratio of 3 to 1, the Borrowing Ratio, BR. These funds are to be used as loans to commerce, industry and private individuals. A BR of 3 to 1 means 3 to commerce and industry for profit in relation to 1 for the government.

d. Through the BR the Central Banks control the money volume, the money supply, and increase or decrease as the economy requires.

e. Governments no longer pay interest or repay loans - i.e. the tax payer, his children and grand children no longer inherit debts.

f. There is no longer any need for raising taxes at all, neither from the worker nor from the oligarch. Hence all incomes rise and costs for all products and services decline.

g. The flawed concept of "growth" is eliminated as you don't need inflation to reduce debts.

h. Naturally you have tamed capitalism. Governments no longer need the capital of the capitalist, as a matter of fact nobody needs it. The capital of the oligarch is now in competition to the capital provided by the central bank. The commercial bank will accept deposits at a lower interest rate than that of the central bank only. Hence this capital can only be used to provide commercial loans - it's original purpose, as all the "financial products" that have caused the world's financial crisis have been abolished.

i. The oligarch can't even get rid of his capital through paying taxes - there are no taxes. Donations to governments will be possible, some might even accept donations and reduce borrowing at the "non-hurting" negative interest rate. In that case the Central Bank will have to change BR, adjust interest rates.

j. In essence you need one currency only called money. Different currencies managed through different systems will always become the pray of capitalism as history has shown over and over again.

The above also illustrates the system of Permaculture Paraguay.

Now back to Greece:

As we are not starting from scratch but encounter a situation where a heap of debt has been created that serves the interest of capitalism we need to create an intermediary tool, "Debt Parking and Reduction, DPR". All debt gets transfered to DPR then dealt with as above. This enables all creditors to write off loans in a slow and compensatable manner.

So how do we tame and abolish capitalism and replace with a sytem that benefits all?

The media and all tools that could encourage a thought process are firmly in the hands of capitalism. Hence the path of argumentation, common sense and logic is not available. Access to our collective consciousness resulting in a change of the way we think and how we perceive the world is possible.

We already experience movements like Occupy and political parties like the Pirates. They all know instinctively that something is wrong, that the world needs to be changed. They may not be able to articulate what is wrong and offer alternatives, but they demonstrate that a change of collective consciousness is happening.

In Part 6 I pointed to Amma, the Hugging Saint, and the connected IAVH and Elizabeth Joyce. As Amma said "Give me a thousand people and we'll change the collective consciousness of this world". You could become one of these thousand, then teach thousands more. The next course is in Doylestown, PA, 16-17 June 2012.

You can read this online here


Wilfrid Hartnagel

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Beloved ones, let Me hold you in the resonance of Love that is so strong that in it you will live each moment in the law of Love, in the oneness of God, not in the experience of duality.

Let Me attune your heart to this vibration that it might sing within you every moment, that you might feel this grand upliftment, this experience of joy in life. Rather than being buffeted with human emotions, you can live in pure delight experiencing truly Heaven on Earth.

Let Me hold you in the resonance of Real Love until all you feel is the heart’s freedom, that you might walk every step in grace and Love can light your way and make the world the shining revelation of the gift of life that it is meant to be every moment.

Let Me attune your hearts to Me that you might feel the truth, that every moment you hear the voice of the Spirit.

Let Me attune your hearts to the miracle that life is, that living on the frequency of Real Love all the beings of pure beauty, all the Angels who hold for Me the great and shining inspiration and devotion to Love, that every part of this grand and glorious communication that Creation is, may be part of the fullness of your life, every moment of every day.

Let Me hold you in this resonance of Love that you may walk in the world feeling pure joy that the path is clear before you for seeing only good and that by the Law of Resonance you are the entraining heart lifting everyone into this vibration that brings them freedom, gives everyone at least a moment’s respite from the dream of duality and becomes the door that opens into unity, that every heart may recognize its truth and all of Creation sing, “Amen.” The prayer of the heart will be fully answered and humankind has the resonance of Love to attune to, walking in the world as you.

Beyond the ego is the purity of the purposes of Love. In every moment a new view is created and a new feeling of joyous anticipation, of excitement to see what Love will bring, and how everything good that you have imagined can come to you multiplied in so many ways that the mind could never hold or even dream.

Beloved ones, come into this ever-present and joyous communion. Feel the truth of all that you are in Me. Recognize that you are already LOVE fully present, shaking off the dust of the old world and stepping into the spectacular and truly glorious full expression of the truth of Love that the heart is.

Let Me fill you with the vibration of joy and endless peace that becomes for you not only a shield but becomes the presence of living Love. In the fullness of this eternal Now Moment, your vibration “parts the waters” of the old world, every step you take is blessed. This is your inheritance, every one of you. This vibration of the heart is who you are and it is easy, beloved ones, to simply receive it…to allow it to attune your heart to the truth you are, that you might step free of the illusion in this Now Moment. No ascending needed. You are already there.

The truth of Love is the truth of Love, now and always and the moment you are ready, I Am here, bringing you full immersion in the true vibration that the heart is. With the vision of Love, dear ones, you find that you can actually see the shifting of the electrons and feel the air around you sing as you breathe. You can watch while everything begins to sparkle and you can feel the beam of Love that you are, expressed, so that the changes that the resonance of Love brings to the world are tangible, are deeply felt and are joyously accepted.

Let Me attune your hearts now to this resonance of Real Love, that where you stand is the Moment of Creation. All the power of Love, all the Light and all the glory is so present where you are that only ecstasy can even begin to express the feeling.

Let Me attune your hearts to the Love you are this moment. Give Me the “Yes” that encompasses your whole being. Then come into the present moment to receive the gift that Love can bring.

You understand the Law of Resonance. Now you can live it. You can allow this Love to wash away the sands of time. You can feel your heart in all its unfettered glory and watch the illusion fall away effortlessly, the illusion that said your heart wasn’t ready… wasn’t open, had some blocks, was holding your old beliefs. Let it all go and let yourself feel the vibration of freedom that right now you are bathed in the beauty and joy that you are.

As you accept that this is the truth of your heart and that how this feels is the feeling you are meant to have about life – that it is a mystery that comes to you bearing gifts of indescribable blessing, that you can walk each and every step in deep trust that Love will be your vision -- your outreach will be your body as the expression of God as perfect life.

You can feel your heart encompass everything that you are near, wrap around whatever holds your focus, pour forth this Love that is the very creation of life and expand your consciousness through the whole of God until you are cause.

You are My Creator’s Love. You are the forces of All That Is being “en-conscious-ed,” for I Am the one Cause, the movement of life, and there is no separation between us. There is only this miracle that encompasses the unity, the hologram and leaps forth in joy as you, each of you, the pure ray of indescribable Love, unique in your facets, in the ways that you shine this grace, this fulfillment of Love expanding.

Oh, beloved ones, let Me have your heart that I may attune it – up and up and up the vibrational scale until you are the song of life. You are the breath of God. You are the miracle of the whole and the expression of the diamond heart with all its facets, one of which is you.

Though words cannot encompass vibrational reality, beloved ones, it is the language of the heart and as you feel it, your whole being says, “Oh, yes…I remember this limitless Love that sings through every electron in this grand being… that speaks as the heartbeat of Twin Flame Love… that wraps itself forever in the womb of Creation, giving birth to more Love that sweeps forth as ecstasy, as divine feeling…and that brings this truth into the world.”

By the Law of Resonance, you are the fullness of God, the heart of Love entraining the world and giving life to the body of God that is humanity.

Beloved ones, let Me attune your hearts to this vibration of Love that is pure life, that is pure Love, that is the full acceptance of all that Creation is, bursting forth to be celebrated here and now as the hologram of life you are.

When you walk in the world, holding this resonance of Love, old thought forms dissolve in your presence, old illusions are gone. The insanity of duality dissolves and in its place is the deepest and sweetest heart-to-heart connection, regardless of what the ego mind might say. Divisions dissolve and the rule of the day is “both/and” – both the wholeness of Love and the individuated expression of divine feeling that you are.

Oh, dearest ones, your hearts are meant to sing this refrain, to sing with such gratitude that the whole of Creation joins in…that you are recognized by your vibrational signature in the realms of God I Am which is all of existence and all of it is a celebration.

Let Me attune your hearts to this Love and I promise you that this vibration will be the magnet that lifts the experience of life into caring and giving, into sharing and loving, into living in peace, into dropping all barriers and all divisiveness. In just one moment, all things can change and that which has appeared to be a world full of strife, can return to the truth of Love, now.

Let Me attune your hearts to the resonance of Real Love and you will see this Love shimmer all around you. You will feel it change the vibration everywhere you go and you will experience the heart’s entrainment of duality, bringing it back to this one expression of joy that I Am.

There is only one life and all divisions are of the mind. The miracle is how beautifully this life is expressed in its diversity, its beauty and its rich creativity which shines forth as all Creation and certainly as humanity.

Oh, dearest ones, your hearts are so magnificent that when you begin to feel this, this living vortex, when you feel the Love you are in every moment, your experience of life is going to be so different. Everything you touch you will feel the “Yes” -- “Yes” to deep communion and to the acknowledgment of Love; “Yes” to all the energy that Creation brings into your heart and into the world in you and as you, that you can be the instrument of Love’s fullness creating the world in beauty.

Can you feel divine Love sing you into being? Can you feel the song of life that is so perfect that each moment’s “Yes” to Love allows this new birth that you might step forth free and whole and perfect with no ideas of past or future, no baggage, no sub-conscious mind, no human identity…only the indescribable pattern of atomic Love that is your heart, your true identity and through which you feel the world and make it holy?

I Am with you in this communion of blessed joy and I Am in you as the Will of Love. I Am the true identity of everyone and everything. I Am indivisible and yet, I Am creativity, every bit of which is expressed as all Creation and every tiny increment is a-wash with Love. Each one is a perfect package of Love’s resonance and the unique perfection that each of you is.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2012 Circle of Light

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U S Pentagon good guy whistleblower

David Wilcock put this brief description about the video...
"You are about to hear a stunning interview with Drake, an insider specifically asked by the Pentagon "good guys" to come forward and explain what is going to be done.

I was blown away by the information he was giving. If you didn't already believe this was really going to happen, this may very well change your mind.

I ran Drake through an extensive validation process with one of my top insiders and he passed with flying colors. He is the real deal."
This interview is nearly 3hrs long... and is good to listen to as you are doing something else...

This includes some inside information of a plan that is close to happening according to the info provided. Other background research is available at

I have no inside information about any of this, so do your own research if you wish to learn more...

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Note from Selacia: "As I prepare to offer a series of teachings involving soul connection and personal empowerment, The Council of 12 is speaking to me about the importance of expressing our soul and its gifts in the world. We are here now for a purpose during this important crossroads for humanity and the Earth. It is vital that we discover how to more fully integrate our soul or spirit into everyday life. No one can do this for us, but indeed we have lots of help from spirit and the people who touch our lives. As you read their words, The Council of 12 will provide you with insights and potent energy that can help you to be more connected to your soul, and to express your gifts more fully in the world. They are asking us to trust that there is a higher plan for us and the Earth. They ask us to make ongoing effort to remain in our center and to invite a connection with our soul so it can guide us. The Council of 12 is here to support us in doing these things, and in helping one another. That is how we shift our planet into light."

Throughout your life, your soul has wanted to get your attention. The nudges likely have become stronger in recent times. Right now, in this moment, your soul has a message for you - can you hear it?

If you could hear that message right now, you would know how much you are loved. Regardless of the message, the underlying energy would be unconditional love and support. Your soul or spiritual self is always there, seeking to guide you in taking the most productive steps. You may experience this guidance as a direct message, or an indirect one that shows up through other people and circumstances. Either way, it is real, to be treasured, and to be acted upon.

Not sure who is talking when you perceive an incoming message? To discern this is a skill that is developed over time with training, practice, and dedication. If it's your soul talking, rather than your personality or ego, the messages will be fearless and empowering. Your soul will not warn you of consequences or harshly tell you what to do. Your soul's communications will be without agenda and loving.

Many of the wake-up calls you receive are your soul's way of getting you on track and focused on what's really important. During one of these, it's common to feel disorientation or apathy about work, relationships, or yourself. Your soul is trying to wake you up to the need to change something. Only you can change what needs changing, of course, but your soul will patiently support you in discovering what needs to shift.

Some wake-up calls are more minor - like the need to change how you use your living space or the need to confront your shyness in select situations. Other wake-up calls are more foundational - like the one you receive when you are not fully expressing your gifts in the world.
Your Gifts: Music from Your Soul

You were born to express your gifts. There is music in you, just awaiting expression. What is this music and why is it so important now?

The music is the unique energetic expression of your soul. It manifests as gifts. Only you can express these. Only you can give them to the world. As you connect with and express your gifts, something amazing happens. The light within you expands, bringing an uplifting vibration into your energy field. As this happens, your frequency increases and your light radiates out into the world. This light becomes incorporated into your interactions with others; it provides a radiant spark to your activities.

The sound of your music is soundless from a conventional world view. However, this sound is boundless and vast - heard throughout the cosmos as your divine creative spark. It indeed has tones, from a spiritual perspective, but the sound cannot be detected with human ears.

You can express your music anywhere. It's not about your job, your career, or some other worldly marker. It's an expression of your soul - like a fingerprint, unique to you. The world needs your music, especially right now. The Earth is at a crucial tipping point, with humanity needing to choose a radically different way of life in order to survive.
Encoding of Divine Changemakers

You are, after all, a divine changemaker, alive now to help create a more loving world.

You are encoded at a DNA level to consciously and actively participate in the most astounding revolution of consciousness ever seen. The key is remembering - as you do so, you connect with your gifts and naturally desire to share them in the world.

This is not complicated, but you must do this to be fulfilled and to achieve your purpose of being alive during these auspicious moments.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

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Realms are waiting for you.

Heavenletter #4136

Realms Are Waiting for You,

March 22, 2012

God said:

You are independent. That you rely on Me doesn't mean you are dependent upon Me. I am dependable, and so are you. You can rely on Me. You can know I am always with you. Even when it's a gauntlet in life you seem to run through, I am with you. You cannot be without Me. Whatever desolation you seem to face, I am with you. I am with you heart and soul.

You can also rely on yourself. You do not know yourself. Know yourself, and you will rely on yourself more. Too often you emphasize what you see missing in yourself rather than all that you encompass. Too often, you may not have awareness of who and what you are. Your picture of yourself may be so incomplete, so vagrant, so inept that you forget Truth..

You are not inept. It is your picture of yourself that is inept. Your vision is inept. Not you. Your vision. Your awareness. Your tribute to what I have made is marginal. It may have been hammered into you that you are not worth much, and you believe it. Your beliefs can change. Make leaps forward in your view of yourself.

You are a God-made creature. I am responsible for you, and you are responsible for yourself. I made you in My image. I did not make the image in your mind that you carry of yourself.

I made you beautiful. Anything less that you think of yourself is mis-thought, mis-held, mistaken. This is the mistake of the century. You have mistaken yourself for less than you are. And this misperception of yourself must change. You must change it. It is time now to believe in yourself and know the power that is yours. First your vision has to rise high so that you may come to know the glory of that which I have made.

You are not less than your neighbor. You are not less than the mightiest. You are the mightiest. You are My begotten thought. You are not misbegotten. You are My holiness set to the music of Earth. You are My magnificence. Never mind what you have thought of yourself. Think of yourself now in the light which I present to you now.

Value yourself as you value Me. I am inside you. Whatever greatness you see outside of yourself, it is placed in you. It is well-placed in you. You are a vision I had, and My vision is high. Therefore, you are high. You are on high.

Get up off the floor of life and touch the treetops. Touch the portal to Heaven. Touch the stars. Touch Me in your heart.

You are not your body. You are not your mind. You are your heart, and your heart is big, and your heart is vast, and you are vast, and what you encompass is vast. You are Vastness itself propelling itself across the Universe. You take Me with you, and together We somersault the Universe, and together We weave the sky across the Universe, and We weave Truth across the horizon, and We weave all the hearts in the world, and We and the supposed they and the supposed you are the Masters of Love and Life, and We are more than that.

We are united in a common bond of Beingness. We are united. We are seemingly beyond your comprehension. Comprehend that you are more than you know, and life is more than you know, and life is good and life is for you, and you are the light you are seeking. Find yourself, beloved, find yourself, and parts will become whole as you fly across into realms that are waiting for you.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. 
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2012 has catapulted us into uncharted waters. We are in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness Humanity has ever experienced, and the Earth and all her Life are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution through TWO dimensional shifts. We are Ascending from the 3rd Dimension into the 5th Dimension. This is a unique experiment that has never been attempted in any system of worlds. Never has a planet that has fallen to the depth of separation and duality existing on Earth been given the opportunity to Ascend through TWO dimensional shifts in such a short period of time. This is an evolutionary process that normally takes millions of years. When we succeed God Victoriously, which we will through the unified efforts of embodied Humanity and the Company of Heaven, we will have cocreated a new octave of Godhood that will greatly benefit ALL Creation. No matter how grandiose that statement may sound, the Company of Heaven said it does not even begin to adequately describe the magnitude of what the success of this experiment will accomplish on behalf of the Sons and Daughters of God throughout the Universe.

We are a sum total of all of the experiences we have ever had. Through lifetimes of free will choices and the abuse of our creative faculties of thought and feeling, Humanity is responsible for creating the illusion of separation and duality existing on Earth. These distorted human miscreations have resulted in mind-boggling pain and suffering for Humanity and all Life evolving on this precious planet.

Once we transmute the human miscreations of separation and duality, which we must do in order to Ascend into the 5th Dimension, we will retain the lessons we learned from our mistakes and from the loss of awareness regarding Divine Love and the Oneness of ALL Life. When we Ascend, we will take these incredibly painful lessons with us and they will be recorded in the Halls of Knowledge. Our hard-won lessons will then be available to every Son and Daughter of God through study and observation. This means that our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe will be able to learn the lessons of separation and duality WITHOUT EVER having to delve into the depths of pain and suffering Humanity physically experienced on Earth. For this reason, the Legions of Light throughout Infinity are holding the sacred space for our success in this unique experiment. Everyone in the Realms of Truth knows what this victory will mean for the Sons and Daughters of God. That is why this one tiny planet and the Sons and Daughters of God evolving upon her are receiving more assistance from the Heavenly Realms than our Father-Mother God have ever allowed before.

I would like to share some important information with you so that we will all understand our responsibility in endeavor. Every man, woman, and child embodied on Earth at this critical time is here because he or she volunteered to assist with this unique experiment. We have all been preparing for this moment for a very long time, and we already have everything we need within us to succeed in our facet of the Divine Plan. First we need to understand the magnitude of what is actually happening on Earth.

The experiment we are now in the midst of involves a Cosmic Alignment known as “The Shift of The Ages.” For over 25 years we have been hearing about this alignment, but most of the information is referring to the completion of the 5,125-year cycle of the Mayan Calendar and Earth’s alignment with the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. That alignment coincides with the Solstice of December 21, 2012. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have revealed that, in Truth, the Shift of The Ages is far greater than we are comprehending at this time. It is not just the completion of a particular cycle of the Mayan Calendar. The Shift of The Ages involves an extremely rare event that happens only once every several million years.

During that rare Celestial Moment, Galactic, Solar, and Planetary cycles, within cycles, within cycles dovetail into one synchronized pulsation. This pulsation rhythmically unifies ALL Creation with the Heartbeat of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

For greater clarity, here are just a few of the grand cycles involved in the Shift of the Ages. In addition to the 5,125-year cycle of the Mayan Calendar, at the present time we are experiencing the cycle of Earth’s transition from the 2,166-year Age of Pisces into the 2,166-year Age of Aquarius. We are also experiencing the culmination of the 26,000-year cycle known as the Precession of the Equinox, the 438,000-year cycle of Kali Yuga, the 1.8 million-year cycle of Satya Yuga, the 4.4 million-year cycle of Mahayuga, and the 4.4 billion-year cycle of Kalpa, or the Day of Brahma. A Kalpa equals 1,000 Mahayugas or Divine Ages. The Day of Brahma reverberates with the prime creative force of the Godhead. This cycle is one day in the “seven days of Creation” mentioned in the Bible.

During the Cosmic Moment referred to as the Shift of The Ages, the entire Universe synchronisticly aligns with the Heartbeat of the Cosmic I AM, the Source of All That Is. Once that unified, rhythmic pulsation occurs, our Father-Mother God Inbreathe the whole of Creation up the Spiral of Evolution into the next dimension of our learning experience. This is a natural part of our evolutionary process as Sons and Daughters of God. We have been going through these Cosmic Inbreaths since we were first breathed forth from the Heart of our God Parents. But this time, it is different.

Through the unprecedented Divine Grace of our Father-Mother God, Humanity and the Earth are being offered an opportunity to Ascend through TWO dimensional shifts during this Cosmic Inbreath. This has never happened before. The hope of our God Parents is that the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth will at long last reverse the adverse affects of our fall from Grace, so that we can catch up with the rest of our Solar System and make the shift into the 5th Dimension.

When we fell from Grace aeons ago, we descended into such separation and duality that when it was time for the last Shift of The Ages we could not lift our heads above the mud puddle of our human miscreations enough to see the Light. We were so buried in our self-inflicted pain and suffering that we missed the opportunity to Ascend into the 4th Dimension with the rest of our Solar System. Tragically, we were left behind and we have been struggling through the quagmire of our human miscreations and the appalling antics of our fragmented, fear-based human egos ever since.

Even though the separation and duality we have experienced on Earth was not part of the original Divine Plan, once we created this situation our I AM Presences and the Company of Heaven decided that the lessons we learned from the experience should be used to prevent other Children of God from making the same mistake. That goal was accomplished far beyond what was necessary. We have been writhing for far too long in the atrocities we created when we forgot about the Oneness of ALL Life and the profound Truth that LOVE Is ALL That Is!

So here we are in the midst of another Shift of the Ages and our Solar System is Ascending from the 4th Dimension into the 5th Dimension. During the last shift, the Earth alone was left behind to struggle in the 3rd Dimension. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven feel that we have been wallowing in the quagmire of our human miscreations long enough. They do not want ANY of us to be left behind this time, forced to endure our painful miscreations for thousands of years. The problem is that they cannot just do this for us. We have free will, and they can only intervene in our lives in ways that we have requested through our heartfelt pleas, our prayers, and our invocations.

A lot of people are reporting that there will be millions of people who will not make the conscious choice to move into the Light in time for the completion of this Ascension process. They say there is nothing we can do about it and that these souls will be left behind to progress at their own slow pace. What our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are imploring us to remember is that WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT. In fact, that scenario is exactly the tragedy that the Beings of Light want us to avert this time. Our Father-Mother God do not want a single Child of God to be left behind. That is the reason for this merciful experiment. If any of us do not make the shift into the 5th Dimension, it means the experiment failed.

Every person who was left behind during the last Shift of the Ages is embodied on Earth at this time. In addition to these precious souls, there are millions of advanced souls who have volunteered to embody on Earth during this Cosmic Moment. The Divine Intent of these souls is to help the souls who were left behind the last time to awaken, so they can make the shift this time. This is why there was such a tremendous population explosion during the last century. It is immaterial whether we are part of the Earth’s evolutions who were left behind last time or whether we have come to help our sisters and brothers make the shift this time. All that matters is that we all accept responsibility for doing what we came here to do. That is to help Humanity to lift above the pain and suffering effectively enough to see the Light, so each person will make the conscious choice to Ascend into the 5th Dimension with the rest of our Solar System.

Our Father-Mother God have revealed that at inner levels the I AM Presence of every person has made the choice to move into the Light. Now this heart commitment needs to resonate in each person’s conscious mind and feeling world. This awakening within the person’s heart and mind will motivate changes in their behavior patterns and belief system, which will lift them up enough to perceive the Light. Then they will be able to comprehend the awesome opportunity at hand.

Everyone has free will so we cannot just do this for them, but you and I and every other willing person have an amazing ability to help in the process. The Universal Law is: “The call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed.” Since we are One with every man, woman, and child on Earth, and since we are on Earth ourselves, we have the ability to invoke assistance from every person’s I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven on their behalf. And when we do, the floodgates of Heaven open.

Many of the recalcitrant souls on the planet have been so manipulated and controlled by their fear-based, fragmented human egos that they do not even remember that they have an I AM Presence or that they are a Beloved Child of God. They are oblivious to the events occurring on the planet, and the concept of the Shift of The Ages seems like a fairy tale to them. These are the souls that continue to act out adversely and that many people are saying are going to be left behind. Often that possibility seems like a relief since these are the people who are usually wreaking havoc in our lives and on the planet. However, these are the very people we have promised to help.

The millions of people who are awakening and making the choice to move into the Light on their own are not the ones who need us. They are going to succeed in making the shift and be just fine. It is our sisters and brothers who have forgotten who they are and the fact that they are One with all Life who need our help. They are not acting out in the adverse and appalling ways we are witnessing because they are evil. It is due to the fact that they are so trapped in the illusion of separation and duality that they think the only way to survive is to lie, cheat, steal, and kill. These are the very people we have promised to help. These are our sisters and brothers who need us the most. And these are the people who will make the most positive difference in our lives when they awaken and choose to stop creating such pain and suffering for Humanity.

Please, let’s not forsake them or write them off. And let’s certainly not perpetuate their descent into chaos by holding the thoughtform that they are going to be left behind to suffer with their human miscreations for aeons of time. Instead, let’s think of them as our sisters and brothers in every sense of the word, which they actually are. Let’s think of them as our loved ones. In that case, what would your wishes be for them? What action would you take in order to help them awaken? What would you be willing to do to hold the sacred space for them as they lift above the negativity manifesting in their life? Would you invoke Divine Intervention on their behalf?

This is why you are on Earth! Listen to your heart and you will know the Truth of that statement. Now, ask your I AM Presence how you can be the most powerful Instrument of God during this life-transforming year of 2012, and respond to your inner guidance. You will know exactly what to do.

If you would like some help with this vitally important facet of your Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven has given us Sacred Knowledge and very Powerful Tools over the years that will help you to fulfill this part of your mission.

To make this timely information easily accessible for you, we at the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose have two CDs that are specifically designed to help you accomplish the mission of lifting yourself, your loved ones, and the Family of Humanity up in time to make the shift into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light. Due to the significance of the hour, we are offering these CDs at a reduced rate for your convenience.



by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

This CD contains important information and powerful tools that will teach you how to hold the sacred space for yourself and your sisters and brothers who are so buried in the pain of their life situations that they cannot lift their heads up enough to see the Light. Through your selfless service to the Light on their behalf, you will greatly accelerate their Awakening. This CD will also teach you how to invoke the highest aspects of Divine Integrity into the Governments of the world.

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

This CD is the key to understanding our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love and what it means for all of Humanity during this momentous Shift of The Ages. The information about Divine Love that is given to us by the Company of Heaven and revealed on this CD, is destined to shift the consciousness of anyone who takes the Sacred Knowledge into his or her Heart Flame and expresses it in their behavior patterns.

The CDs are available in ENGLISH or SPANISH.

You can order the physical CDs from the Order Form on the next page, or from our SECURE website. You can also download the CDs directly onto your computer from an mp3 file.

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Dearest Ones, this channel comes to you after requests from Lightworkers to understand the nature of the energy right now, and why you are finding it so difficult to cope with life. Nothing seems to work anymore. You feel unsupported and abandoned in many cases. You are exhausted and anxious, and you feel as though you cannot go on any more.

Well, this is quite true. You cannot go on any more living in a way that is primarily third-dimensional. The Earth has made her transition and is now firmly anchored in the Fifth Dimension. And yet most of you continue with your third-dimensional lives as though nothing had happened.

We know that most of you are expecting that you will wake up one day and see and feel the changes. But no, part of your role as lightworkers is that you will create the changes yourselves. It is up to you to start living the truth and the reality of the Fifth Dimension.

Maintaining the illusion of the Third Dimension is what is causing the stress and exhaustion among you. The shaky and disintegrating structures of the former Third Dimension are no longer enough to hold your lives together. Money and economics no longer support your lives as they once did. Relationships no longer provide the security and support and safety that they once did. Your physical bodies are tired and feel as though they can no longer keep doing this. And we would say to you, yes indeed, it is time to let go and fully embrace your new reality.

But what is even more exhausting for many of you as lightworkers, is the constant swing between dimensional realities. You live your new reality, and yet you are constantly being pulled into the old reality frame that is being lived out by those around you. The constant shift of frames and perspectives is another contributing factor to your exhaustion, anxiety, and feeling of being unsupported.

Dearest Ones, we realize that most of you are a little bewildered about your new reality, and wish that you had some kind of “instruction manual” to help you along. Well, we will offer some guidelines here, but primarily we ask that you be understanding of how unstable and erratic your reality is at present. People are confused and uncertain.

Those who are not conscious of the ascension process have no explanation for what is happening in their lives, and are feeling the most stress and anxiety because they see only the evidence of disintegration and chaos. They are becoming increasingly confused and unhappy. But understand that as they feel these emotions, they are coming increasingly closer to “waking up” and understanding what is real, and to begin to create the new reality with you.

Here we would offer to you an understanding of Fifth Dimensional reality very briefly. The most important difference between Third and Fifth Dimensional reality is a change in the nature of Time and Space and how they are perceived by you. Time and Space were fixed realities in the Third Dimension. In the Fifth Dimension they are fluid and are understood to be largely illusionary.

Time in the Fifth Dimension is perceived as the Eternal NOW or present. The cycles of day and night are understood to be mechanical markers of cycles of being, but have no real effect or power over the creative potential of the Now moment. This means that what you feel and experience in the present moment is the only essentially important experience. The past and the future have no relevance as such. What you create and experience in this moment is who and what you are and what you will be, unless you shift your intention.

Once you understand this principle fully, you will understand how to cope with your sense that there is never enough time to accomplish what you need to do. Focus on the present moment, experience it fully in its immediacy, and you will find that time will stretch for you into an eternity. Yes it sounds magical, but the Fifth Dimension is a magical place! And know that what you focus your attention on will become increasingly powerful and will manifest in your life, as you become increasingly aware of your power as creators within the Fifth

The same is true for space. You will increasingly see that space and distance are only illusions of the material plane. You are always and immediately connected to others who are your soul and heart family, no matter where they may be on the planet. The Internet has taught you in a physical way how the illusion of space can be bridged. You will soon understand that within yourselves you have the ability to maintain these links telepathically with those to whom you are connected.

And after this understanding will come the understanding that every human is always connected to every other human on the energetic level, and that what you call a “planet” is no more than a great co-creation of all the beings on that planet, including the animals and the non-sentient beings. In fact a planet is really a great creative “node” where many creator “gods” work together to produce a “consensus” reality. Once you understand this fully, you will begin to understand how to utilize the Paradise Matrix that has been set up in order to co-create the Paradise of the Fifth Dimension that was your original plan for the planet.

Once you understand these principles, you can move forward into the Adventure of the Unfolding of the Creative Now Moment! Understand that your reality will seem to move quicker because your vibration is now higher. Events will unfold rapidly. Things will change rapidly. You will need to be fluid and flexible and open to rapid changes. You will have to have absolute trust that your Higher Aspect in tandem with Spirit knows what you need and where to take you, and that you can follow this unfolding with confidence and trust.

And finally, you will need to be in touch with your Creative Passion! It is the only thing that will move you forward at this time. Otherwise you will stagnate. In the Fifth Dimension you are no longer moved forward along the “tracks” of career and work that once supported you. Now it is the energy and movement of your creative passion that will take you forward. Are you willing to let go of the old structures and move into the flow of new creations and new realities? The extent to which you hold on to old structures will be an exact correlation to the extent of the anxiety and stress that you will feel. It is only when you connect with the flow of Creative Passion that you will move forward in your own Creative Unfolding. And this is the true essence of the Multi-Dimensional experience of Who You Are that is the gift of your New Fifth-Dimensional Planet.

It is our hope that this message will help you to understand the challenges of your present time and to move more rapidly through this transition into full Fifth-Dimensional creative joy

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Top ten threats to men's health

Top ten threats to men's health

They cause more than 60 per cent of all men's deaths in the UK. Find out what you can do to protect yourself

For the weaker sex, British women do pretty well. Men die sooner, they're 70 per cent more likely to die from cancers that affect both sexes and 60 per cent more likely to develop them in the first place. Why is this? Is it down to genes?

We don't think so. If you look at the top ten health threats to men living in the UK, you'll find that many can be prevented.

Some can even be stopped in their tracks if you know the warning signs, have a few tests done by your GP and make some lifestyle changes.

Heart disease

The number one threat to men’s health in the UK is heart disease, killing over 50,000 men annually - one in five of all male deaths. Sadly, most are preventable.

What you can do about it
You're at risk if you are over 40, overweight, have high blood pressure and cholesterol, are a smoker, are diabetic or have a family history of heart disease. See your GP for advice and try to modify your lifestyle: Quit smoking, improve your diet to include fruit, vegetables and fibre, avoid foods containing saturated and trans fats, limit your alcohol intake, try to maintain a healthy weight, and incorporate some exercise into your routine.


In 2007, over 20,000 men died of stroke. Strokes cause more death in men than any single cancer and are the leading cause of disability in the UK. Around half a million people in England alone have some form of disability because of stroke.

What you can do about it
Most people think of strokes affecting only the elderly, but anyone can get one. Strokes are more common in men than women and the vast majority occur in people over the age of 45. You are more at risk of a stroke if you have high blood pressure and cholesterol, smoke, drink to excess, are overweight, diabetic, already have heart disease or have previously had a heart attack. To reduce your risk, have your GP check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking, cut back on salt in your food and limit your alcohol intake.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is the biggest cancer killer of men in the UK, with around 16,000 men dying from it every year.

What you can do about it
Smoking causes 90 per cent of lung cancer cases, though a family history of the disease, exposure to radon gas, air pollution, second-hand smoke and chemicals like asbestos can also cause it. The symptoms of lung cancer can include a persistent cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing up blood, chest pain, weight loss and fatigue. To prevent lung cancer, stop smoking, Doing so will also reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a group of chronic lung diseases which include chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and annually cause the death of between 12,000 and 13,000 men in the UK. Eight out of ten cases are caused by smoking. An estimated three million people in the UK have COPD, but only 900,000 are diagnosed, probably because many ignore the symptoms.

What you can do about it
The early signs of COPD include cough, phlegm and shortness of breath - if have been or are a smoker, and have these symptoms, you should see your GP. COPD can't be cured, but it can be slowed down by medication. The best way to prevent COPD is to stop smoking. Stopping smoking will reduce your risk and help improve your symptoms if you have COPD.

Influenza and pneumonia

Influenza, pneumonia and bronchitis are all infections of the lower respiratory tract which kill, on average, over 10,000 men every year.

What you can do about it
Pneumonia is caused by a number of different bacteria and viruses. Although anyone can be infected, smokers, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions are more at risk. Both diseases are most common during the winter months. You can get vaccinated for the influenza, as well as against pneumonia. Make sure you keep your hands clean, as they are often in contact with germs. Don't smoke as it raises your risk of infection. Eat a healthy balanced diet and try to get some exercise, even in the winter months. This helps to keep your immune system healthy.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cause of cancer in men. Each year approximately 35,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and around 10,200 die from it, yet a recent survey found that 60 per cent of men were unaware of the symptoms.

What you can do about it
Over 70 per cent of new cases occur in men over the age of 65, and having a close family member who has had the disease makes it more likely you will get it too. Early symptoms may include the need to urinate often, passing urine slowly, discomfort while urinating, blood in urine or semen, pain or stiffness in back, hips or pelvis and difficulty in having an erection.

If you have any of these symptoms, see your GP. There is no one way to prevent prostate cancer. However, eating a healthy balanced diet, rich in fruit, vegetables and fibre is associated with a lower risk of many cancers. Cutting back on red meat and saturated fat and drinking alcohol in moderation may also reduce your risk.

Bowel cancer

Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in men and each year over 20,000 men are diagnosed with the disease in the UK and around 8,500 die from it.

What you can do about it
If caught early enough, it is one of the most treatable of cancers, with 90 per cent of those diagnosed living for more than 5 years. It tends to occur in people over the age of 60 and its risk factors include a family history of the disease, having diabetes, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, a poor diet, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption and being inactive. Symptoms might include bleeding from the bottom, changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain and tiredness.

Liver disease

In 2008 there were 4,764 deaths in England and Wales due to alcoholic liver disease. Three-quarters were men. Alcoholic liver disease is a group of illnesses which develop when the liver becomes damaged due to heavy drinking including fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

What you can do about it
It's a fatal mistake to think that binge drinkers are most at risk from liver disease. People most at risk are those who drink over the limit on a regular basis over the years. Alcoholic liver disease does not usually cause any symptoms until the liver has been seriously damaged. When this happens, alcoholic liver disease can cause nausea, weight loss and eyes and skin turning yellow.

The best way to prevent alcohol related liver disease is not to drink alcohol, or to stick to the recommended daily limits. For men this means drinking no more than three to four units a day. One unit of alcohol is equal to about half a pint of normal strength lager, a small glass of wine or a pub measure (25ml) of spirits.


Nervous system disorders account for 5 per cent of all male deaths in the UK. Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are responsible for around half of this figure, at just over 5,000 deaths per year.

What you can do about it
The early signs of dementia include an inability to recall recent events, failure to recognize familiar faces and names, general confusion about everyday matters, language problems and mood and behavior problems. Age is the biggest risk factor for dementia, with about one in 14 people over the age of 65 and one in six people over 80 has some type of dementia.

There is no way to prevent dementia, but generally speaking maintaining a healthy lifestyle - exercising, not smoking, keeping socially and mentally active - can help protect against both mental and physical decline.


Accidents are the 10th biggest killer of UK men. This does not include deaths from transport related accidents, which adds a further 2,000 deaths to the 3,700 total. Four out of every ten accidental deaths are caused by falls. Drug related deaths account for another 12 per cent of accidental deaths in men, with choking and suffocating causing another per cent.

What you can do about it
Most accidents occur in the home. If you are in an accident, or are witness to one, the first thing to do is to remove yourself from any immediate danger. Call the emergency services on 999 to get professional help. Get basic first aid training for yourself and all members of your family.

Ensure that fire alarms are fitted and working. Check them regularly. Avoid walking in slippery or icy conditions, especially if you are older. Try to exercise regularly, and make sure that you have your eyesight checked regularly. Ensure that your home is free of obstacles that may trip you up.

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Sweet friends 09-10-10

Hello to my Dear Sweet friends, I wish you much abundance in everything you need. May your Guardian Angels protect you at all times and you have a blessed weekend and week. Much love and peace, Melodie

How the Worm Pipe came to the Blackfoot - A Blackfoot Legend

There was once a man who was very fond of his wife. After they had been married for some time they had a little boy. After that the woman fell sick and did not get well.

The young man loved his wife so dearly that he did not wish to take a second wife. She grew worse and worse. Doctoring did not seem to do her any good, and at last she died.

The man used to take his baby on his back and travel out from the camp, walking over the hills crying. He kept away from the village. After some time he said to his child, "My little boy, you will have to go and live with your grandmother. I am going to try to find your mother and bring her back."

He took the baby to his mother's lodge and asked her to take care of him, and left it with her. Then he started off to look for his wife, not knowing where he was going nor what he was going to do.

He traveled towards the land of the dead; and after long journeying, by the assistance of helpers who had spiritual power, he reached it. The old woman who helped him to get there told him how hard it was to penetrate to the ghosts' country, and made him understand that the shadows would try to scare him by making fearful noises and showing him strange and terrible things. At last he reached the ghosts' camp, and as he passed through it the ghosts tried to scare him by all kinds of fearful sights and sounds, but he kept up a brave heart.

He reached a lodge, and the man who owned it came out and asked him where he was going. He said, "I am looking for my dead wife. I mourn for her so much that I cannot rest. My little boy, too, keeps crying for his mother. They have offered to give me other wives, but I do not want them. I want only the one for whom I am searching."

The ghost said to him: "It is a fearful thing that you have come here. It is very likely that you will never get away. There never was a person here before." But the ghost asked him to come into the lodge, and he entered.

Then this chief ghost said to him: "You shall stay here for four nights, and you shall see your wife; but you must be very careful or you will never go back. You will die right here."

Then the chief went outside and called for a feast, inviting this man's father- in-law and other relations who were in the camp, saying, "Your son-in-law invites you to a feast," as if to say that their son-in-law was dead, and had become a ghost, and had arrived at the ghosts' camp. Now when these invited people, the relations and some of the principal men of the camp, had reached the lodge, they did not like to go in. They called out, "There is a person here!"

It seemed that there was something about him that they could not bear the smell of. The ghost chief burned sweet pine in the fire, which took away this smell, and the people came in and sat down.

Then the host said to them: "Now pity this son-in-law of yours. He is seeking his wife. Neither the great distance nor the fearful sights that he has seen here have weakened his heart. You can see for yourselves he is tender- hearted. He not only mourns for his wife, but mourns also because his little boy is now alone, with no mother; so pity him and give him back his wife."

After consultation the ghosts determined that they would give him back his wife, who should become alive again. They also gave him a sacred pipe. And at last, after many difficulties, the man and his wife reached their home.

Origin of the Worm Pipe

This story is also re-told as "Origin of the Worm Pipe" ...

There was once a man who was very fond of his wife. After they had been married for some time they had a child, a boy. After that, the woman got sick, and did not get well.

The young man did not wish to take a second woman. He loved his wife so much. The woman grew worse and worse. Doctoring did not seem to do her any good. At last she died.

The man used to take his baby on his back and travel out, walking over the hills crying. He kept away from the camp. After some time, he said to the little child: "My little boy, you will have to go and live with your grandmother. I am going to try and find your mother, and bring her back." He took the baby to his mother's lodge, and asked her to take care of it, and left it with her. Then he started off, not knowing where he was going nor what he was going to do.

He traveled toward the Sand Hills. The fourth night out he had a dream. He dreamed that he went into a little lodge, in which lived an old woman. This old woman said to him, "Why are you here, my son?"

He said: "I am mourning day and night, crying all the while. My little son, who is the only one left me, also mourns."

"Well," said the old woman, "for whom are you mourning?"

He said: "I am mourning for my wife. She died some time ago. I am looking for her."

"Oh!" said the old woman, "I saw her. She passed this way. I myself am not powerful medicine, but over by that far butte lives another old woman. Go to her, and she will give you power to enable you to continue your journey. You could not go there by yourself without help. Beyond the next butte from her lodge, you will find the camp of the ghosts."

The next morning he awoke and went on to the next butte. It took him a long day to get there, but he found no lodge there, so he lay down and went to sleep. Again he dreamed. In his dream, he saw a little lodge, and an old woman came to the door-way and called him. He went in, and she said to him: "My son, you are very poor.

I know why you have come this way. You are seeking your wife, who is now in the ghost country. It is a very hard thing for you to get there. You may not be able to get your wife back, but I have great power, and I will do all I can for you. If you do exactly as I tell you, you may succeed." She then spoke to him with wise words, telling him what he should do. Also she gave him a bundle of medicine, which would help him on his journey.

Then she said: "You stay here for a while, and I will go over there [to the ghosts' camp], and try to bring some of your relations; and if I am able to bring them back, you may return with them, but on the way you must shut your eyes. If you should open them and look about you, you would die. Then you would never come back.

When you get to the camp, you will pass by a big lodge, and they will say to you, 'Where are you going, and who told you to come here?' You will reply, 'My grandmother, who is standing out here with me, told me to come.' They will try to scare you. They will make fearful noises, and you will see strange and terrible things; but do not be afraid."

Then the old woman went away, and after a time came back with one of the man's relations. He went with this relation to the ghosts' camp. When they came to the big lodge, someone called out and asked the man what he was doing, and he answered as the old woman had told him to do. As he passed on through the camp, the ghosts tried to scare him with all kinds of fearful sights and sounds, but he kept up a brave heart.

He came to another lodge, and the man who owned it came out, and asked him where he was going. He said: "I am looking for my dead wife, I mourn for her so much that I cannot rest. My little boy, too, keeps crying for his mother. They have offered to give me other wives, but I do not want them. I want the one for whom I am searching."

The ghost said to him: "It is a fearful thing that you have come here. It is very likely that you will never go away. There never was a person here before." The ghost asked him to come into the lodge, and he went.
Now this chief ghost said to him: "You will stay here four nights, and you will see your wife; but you must be very careful or you will never go back. You will die right here."

Then the chief went outside and called out for a feast, inviting this man's father-in-law and other relations, who were in the camp, saying, "Your son-in-law invites you to a feast," as if to say that their son-in-law was dead, and had become a ghost, and had arrived at the ghost camp.

Now when these invited people, the relations and some of the principal men of the camp, had reached the lodge, they did not like to go in. They called out, "There is a person here." It seems as if there was something about him that they could not bear the smell of. The ghost chief burned sweet pine in the fire, which took away this smell, and the people came in and sat down. Then the host said to them: "Now pity this son-in-law of yours. He is seeking his wife. Neither the great distance nor the fearful sights that he has seen here have weakened his heart. You can see for yourselves he is tender-hearted. He not only mourns for his wife, but mourns because his little boy is now alone with no mother; so pity him and give him back his wife."

The ghosts consulted among themselves, and one said to the person, "Yes, you will stay here four nights; then we will give you a medicine pipe, the Worm Pipe, and we will give you back your wife, and you may return to your home."

Now, after the third night, the chief ghost called together all the people, and they came, the man's wife with them. One of them came beating a drum; and following him was another ghost, who carried the Worm Pipe, which they gave to him. Then said the chief ghost: "Now, be very careful. Tomorrow you and your wife will start on your homeward journey. Your wife will carry the medicine pipe, and some of your relations are going along with you for four days. During this time, you must not open your eyes, or you will return here and be a ghost forever. You see that your wife is not now a person; but in the middle of the fourth day you will be told to look, and when you have opened your eyes, you will see that your wife has become a person, and that your ghost relations have disappeared."

His father-in-law spoke to him before he went away, and said: "When you get near home, you must not go at once into the camp. Let some of your relations know that you have arrived, and ask them to build a sweat house for you. Go into this sweat house and wash your body thoroughly, leaving no part of it, however small, uncleansed; for if you do you will be nothing [will die]. There is something about us ghosts difficult to remove. It is only by a thorough sweat that you can remove it. Take care, now, that you do as I tell you. Do not whip your wife, nor strike her with a knife, nor hit her with fire; for if you do, she will vanish before your eyes and return to the Sand Hills."

Now they left the ghost country to go home, and on the fourth day, the wife said to her husband, "Open your eyes." He looked about him and saw that those who had been with them had vanished, but he found that they were standing in front of the old woman's lodge by the butte. She came out and said: "Here, give me back those mysterious medicines of mine, which enabled you to accomplish your purpose." He returned them to her, and became then fully a person once more.

Now, when they drew near to the camp, the woman went on ahead, and sat down on a butte. Then some curious persons came out to see who it might be. As they approached, the woman called out to them: "Do not come any nearer. Go tell my mother and my relations to put up a lodge for us, a little way from camp, and to build a sweat house near by it." When this had been done, the man and his wife went in and took a thorough sweat, and then they went into the lodge, and burned sweet grass and purified their clothing and the Worm Pipe; and then their relations and friends came in to see them. The man told them where he had been, and how he had managed to get back his wife, and that the pipe hanging over the door-way was a medicine pipe, the Worm Pipe, presented to him by his ghost father-in-law. That is how the people came to possess the Worm Pipe. This pipe belongs to that band of the Piegans known as Esk'-sin-i-tup'piks, the Worm People.

Not long after this, in the night, this man told his wife to do something; and when she did not begin at once, he picked up a brand from the fire, not that he intended to strike her with it, but he made as if he would hit her, when all at once she vanished, and was never seen again.

Native Americans - Brave Spirits

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Sweet Friends 5-24-10

Hello to my sweet friends, May the Universe, The Great One, and your guardian Angels bring you a week blessed with joy, prosperity and health! Much love and many blessings to you, MelodieA Jicarilla Apache Legend 2There was once an old Apache who went begging from camp to camp every evening. His wife tried to reform the old beggar by playing a trick upon him.One night during his absence she fetched a bleached horse's pelvis into the tipi, and painted it so that it somewhat resembled a face.The old man came home about midnight, and beheld, as he thought, the head of a monster glaring at him in the bright moonlight from the door of the lodge.Twice the woman held up the pelvis, when he turned in terror-stricken flight, calling, "Help, help! Something has killed my woman. Bring spears, bring arrows!" With a spear he cautiously lifted the side of the tipi, but his wife threw out the bone at the back, and he could not discover the cause of the apparition.The next night he went out to beg again. He found plenty of buffalo meat at one of the lodges, some of which was given him to carry home. There were several horses lying outside the lodge, and the old man mistook one of them for a log, and jumped upon its back. The frightened horse rose under him, and soon succeeded in bucking him off.As the Indians came out of the tipi to investigate the cause of the stampede of the ponies, the old man said, "I told you long ago to break this horse, and now I must do it myself!" Thus avoiding, in some measure, their ridicule, he groped about until he found his meat again, and then hastened home.The next morning he decided to move his camp. His family formed a large party, and he wished to precede them on the march. His sons were alarmed, and told him that the Cheyenne would kill and scalp him."Oh, no," said he, "nobody will attack a warrior like me," and he walked on ahead of the others.His three sons painted their faces black and white, so that they were no longer recognizable, and then ran around in front of their father. As they ran toward him he shot all his arrows, but was too frightened to shoot straight.The young men caught him; one ran his fingernail around his scalp, while another placed a fresh buffalo's heart on the old man's head. The blood from the heart ran down his face, and he thought he was scalped.His sons allowed him to go back toward the party; on the way he came to a river, where he stooped to drink, and saw the reflected image of the raw flesh upon his head. He was then sure that he had been scalped, and sat down to die.His sons made signs to him to cross the river and go back. Again frightened by their gestures, he ran until he reached the women, who all laughed at his story of being scalped by the Cheyenne.The sons had explained the joke to their mother, and when the old man appealed to his wife for sympathy she only laughed at him, as he sat and shook with fear before her. At last they pulled off the strange head-covering, and a fresh burst of ridicule of the "brave warrior" followed.The Shadows – Apache is a far more difficult process than most people imagine. Really to listen in the way that is meant by the masters is to let go utterly of ourselves, to let go of all the information, all the concepts, all the ideas, and all the prejudices that our heads are stuffed with. If you really listen to the teachings, those concepts, which are our real hindrance—the one thing that stands between us and our true nature—can slowly and steadily be washed away.Sogyal Rinpoche
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Benefits of Prayer

Benefits of Prayer

Kenneth Cooper, author of ‘it’s Better to Believe’, says that having deep personal convictions and values can do wonders for almost every aspect of your physical and emotional well-being. He listed several specific enhancements to health that have been linked to firm, inner commitments to moral principles, social values, God, or even oneself.

Less Depression, Smoking, And Alcohol Abuse

In a study of more than five hundred African-American men conducted by Wayne State University in Detroit, significant correlation between the participants' religious involvement and their health. The researchers identified a number of indicators of true religious commitment, including overall religiosity and church attendance. They found these were linked to various beneficial health effects, such as less depression, little or no smoking, and infrequency of alcohol consumption.
(Source: November 1994 issue of the Journal of the National Medical Association)

Healthier Mothers And Babies

Maternity patients with a strong religious commitment, and their newborns, who were studied at the Department of Family Medicine, East Carolina University, had fewer medical complications than maternity patients without a religious affiliation.

(Source: November 1994 issue of Southern Medical Journal)

Protection From Colon And Rectal Cancer

In an Australian study of patients with cancer of the colon or rectum, 715 cancer patients were compared with 727 "controls" without cancer.

The researchers found that the respondents who saw themselves as most religious were less likely to have cancer than those who were not as religious. In other words, self-perceived "religiousness" was a statistically significant protective factor against the disease!

Another interesting finding in this study was that self-reported or perceived religiousness was associated with median survival times of sixty-two months. In contrast, those patients who reported themselves as "non-religious" had a median survival time of only fifty-two months.

(Source: November 1993 issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine)

Improved Coping With Breast Cancer

A number of studies have associated a deep religious faith with an ability to cope more effectively with cancer, including breast cancer.

Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio published a study about the impact of deep faith on the condition of women with breast cancer. They found that with a group of Anglo-American patients, "intrinsic religiousness" was a strong predictor of spiritual well-being and hope- both of which are important factors for successfully coping with cancer.

(Source: Oncologocial Nurse's Forum, September 1993)

A Healthier Emotional Balance

A study at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, ranked participating young men and women as high, medium, or low in the quality of their personal religious commitment. Those in the high religious category, regardless of their religious denomination, scored highest for self-esteem, emotional maturity, and nondepression.

(Source: June 1993 issue of Psychological Reports)

Lower Blood Pressure, Healthier Cardiovascular System And Reduced Stress

A commitment to maintain significant social ties, including marriage and religious community involvements -and a willingness to act on such commitments-can have tremendous beneficial effects on health.

A study on this issue, involving more than 1,100 healthy men and women aged seventy to seventy-nine, was reported by Yale epidemiologist Lisa Berkman at a January 1995 meeting of the American Medical Association. She confirmed that strong emotional support and social ties can help lower blood pressure and enhance survival after a heart attack.

Berkman also found that significant social ties, including close friendships and family relationships, improved the levels in the brain of the chemicals norepinephrine and cortisol, which have been associated with excessive stress.

Stronger Marriage Ties

Religious compatibility between spouses at the time of marriage has a large influence on marital stability. A study, conducted by E. L. Lehrer and C. U Chiswick of the Economics Department of the University of Illinois at Chicago, also found that spouses of different faiths generally break up more often than those with a common faith.

(Source: August 1993 issue of the journal Demography)

A commitment to a meaningful marriage-rather than just cohabiting with a partner or remaining single-has also been linked in scientific studies to some specific health benefits. Researchers from the University of Chicago found that divorced men had twice the rate of alcohol abuse as married men. Divorced women also had more problems with alcohol than their married counterparts. Other researchers reported that those who live together before marriage have higher divorce rates, are more likely to be sexually disloyal, and are generally less happy than married couples.

(Source: Conferences of the Population Association of America, April 1995)

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