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Messages from The Council of 12

Messages from The Council of 12 Transmitted through Selacia -- December 2009 Choices During Humanity's 11th Hour As you move through your ascension process you will naturally make different choices than before. These will be higher consciousness choices that come from holding more light. These new choices will often nullify earlier choices you made. This is appropriate because you are now wiser. The key here is to continually update your view of who you think you are, and your view of what you think "should' happen next. This is vital to your being able to make the highest choices in the present. Oftentimes people feel like they have no choice in what happens. This of course is an illusion for you are always at choice at some level. The challenge is the ego and subconscious mind. You could consciously say to yourself that you will do something, or that you want something. Yet another part of you -- the subconscious really running the show -- is choosing something else! This is quite a dilemma. The key is to work with your DNA and subconscious so that your mind works for you, not against you. Did you know that there's no such thing as being lucky? You can feel lucky of course. But luck is not the word to describe the outcomes of conscious creation! There really are no random events, no accidental meetings, no chance encounters. You are a master creator in each moment and the energies you created yesterday (including past lives!) will set in motion what happens next. Feel grateful for the good. On some days you may feel lucky. On other days you may feel unlucky. Learn to have a larger view of these opposites. Discover how to find a balance and a neutral view of what is happening. When you get into the habit of labeling happenstance as good or bad, you are always at the mercy of your last label. During the 2012 window changes your key to sanity and finding peace within is to grow out of your conditioned need for the drama often associated with good and bad. When you can learn to become comfortable with what is and really accept it at that moment, you will have more positive energy to create "good" moments and be less likely to create "bad" ones. You live during the 11th hour of Earth's massive changes. Remember that you are an integral part of the changes. They are not something happening to you, but something that you and others create over time. For a long time, even before you were born, you were preparing to inhabit a brand new Earth. In this life, you are beginning to have a conscious vision of what that world will be. Learning to create through conscious choice is vital now. You really know how to do it. The ability is encoded within your DNA. Remember this as you move through the final days of this year and prepare for expanded energies in 2010. The energies you have been used to in the recent past are changing even now. Another phase of the acceleration is underway and much is going on behind the scenes. You are changing within these accelerated energies. Your shifting is occurring even during times when you feel like you are standing still! Do you oftentimes feel like you're in waiting mode? Do you feel like "something" is about to happen, but you don't know what? Do you feel like you are waiting for whatever that is? Do not wait. Be your light now. Remember that you create what happens next. Make that creation something you will be proud of 300 years from now. Know that the great shift of these times is different than any other shift you have been through on Earth. Most likely, you have been here for other ones. Atlantis could be one of them. Don't focus on the past and worry that you will repeat past mistakes. Simply focus on the now and the light-filled future you want to create with the rest of humanity! Know that you are loved. You will succeed. As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12. Copyright 2009 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12, * All Rights Reserved *
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Tips for Beating a Down Day.

Tips for Beating a Down Day.

Editor's Note: Today's offering is a simple, practical recipe for beating moments of sadness or depression. No Xanax or pill needed, just some easy ways to fight back when you're feeling overwhelmed or even just a little down. It's worth a read if you're feeling down today, and certainly worth a bookmark just in case.

It is too easy to get into a negative mindset which invariably leads to unhappiness and depression. To avoid being overwhelmed by negativity we need to make a conscious effort to avoid the experience. When life seems like a perpetual dark tunnel these are some suggestions to change your outlook on life.

Don’t Cherish Destructive Thoughts.

Often we don’t realise how much we subconsciously cherish negative thoughts. It may seem counter intuitive, but often a negative frame of mind occurs because we won’t let go of the negative thoughts and ideas. Sometimes the mind clings on to these thoughts with a feeling of self pity or injured pride. We don’t like the negative frame of mind, but at the same time are we consciously trying to overcome it? The problem is that if the negative thoughts go round and round in our mind they can become powerful and we lose a sense of perspective. Just make a conscious decision to ignore the negative flow of thoughts and sentiments and be persistent in these attempts.

Do You want to be Happy or Miserable?

We should feel a negative mindset is a choice. If we feel a victim to our own emotions and thoughts, nobody else will be able to help us. We should feel that by holding on to a negative frame of mind, we are inevitably choosing to be unhappy; each negative is a conscious decision to be miserable. If we really value the importance of our own inner peace and happiness, we will aspire to cultivate this through good, uplifting thoughts. Next time you feel the onset of a depressed state of mind, just ask yourself the question: Do I want to be happy or Miserable?

Spend Time With Positive People

The best antidote to negativity is simply to spend time doing positive, uplifting activities. Sometimes if we analyse and examine our own negativity it does nothing to reduce it. By engaging in useful fun activities, we forget about the reasons for our negativity; this is often the most powerful way to overcome a depressed state of mind.

Don’t Accept Negativity from Other People

We live in a world where there are no shortage of pessimists, critics and doomongers. There will always be people who can find the negative in life; but, there is no reason why we have to ascribe to their world view. For example, often in an office environment there is a negative attitude to the workplace, but, even if there are faults and limitations we don’t have to allow them to make us a negative person.

Let Go of Thoughts

If you can learn to control your thoughts, you can control the experience and emotions of life. The best antidote to negativity is learning the art of meditation. Meditation is more than just relaxation; it is a change in consciousness. We move from the limited perspective of our mind and discover an inner source of happiness.

Live in the Heart

The nature of the mind is to be suspicious and critical. If someone does 99 good things and 1 bad thing, the mind will invariably remember the bad thing. If we allow ourselves to be drawn into highlighting the mistakes of others we will invite a negative mindset. However, if we live in the heart we are not drawn to the faults of others (even if they are insignificant). It is in the heart that we can have a true sense of oneness with others, their faults seem insignificance and we can feel a sense of identity with the achievements of others.

Don’t Sit Around Doing Nothing

The worst thing for a negative frame of mind is to mope around feeling sorry for ourselves.

Ruminating on our bad luck / worries / fears will not diminish them in any way. Exercise can be a powerful way to bring about a new consciousness. Negativity is often associated with boredom and lack of purpose. Stop endlessly checking emails and surfing web, look for something good to do.

Force Yourself to Think of 3 Positive Thoughts.

If you are feeling really miserable and have a low sense of self esteem, try thinking of 3 good things that you have done. At time our own mind can be our worst enemy and very self critical. It is important not to lose a sense of balance; for the various bad things we have done, we have also done some good things.

Don’t Think Anything You Wouldn’t Say in Front of People

We often think things we would never say in front of people. If you are annoyed, disappointed with someone else, imagine what you would say to them in person. Sometimes when we are with people we are forced to behave; even if we are not particularly sincere the effort to avoid negativity can help us to overcome our bad mood.

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From Spark To Flame

From Spark To Flame
by Monique Howat

When my now 19 year old daughter was in Grade 3, all of Mrs. Mathews' students were given a small pot with a bean seed to plant. Green string beans it seems are pretty hardy and the perfect seed to use when promoting green thumbs in young children. That same plant was also a most unexpected source of understanding and insight for me.

Once the bean plants had sprouted and flowered, their teacher allowed the kids to carefully transfer the precious cargo from school to home. Once home, Shanna scouted around for the perfect location and settled on a sunny south window sill and then proudly declared, "Soon I can feed the whole family!"

Shanna's sisters were envious and even our cat looked intrigued which should have been a warning to me because when I woke up the next morning, I saw that the bean plant had been maliciously knocked off the window sill and ripped from it's pot. It's leaves were frayed and except for a limp thread of stem that still connected the roots to the flowering top, it was quite unrecognizable from the day before. The plant, it seemed, was a goner.

I dreaded what I had to tell Shanna but as I gently began to explain that the bean plant had to be put in the compost, her reaction was not what I expected. She said, "Everything will be okay Mom, the plant will get better."

Without wasting a second in thought she secured the first aid kit from the bathroom returning with gauze, a tongue depressor, bandages and a deep belief that the pathetic looking, near-dead bean plant would live, thrive and even produce food!

I had mixed emotions knowing that she was postponing the plants inevitable trip to the compost bin but I went along with it and helped her wrap bandages. Days later, to my absolute surprise, the bean plant was standing tall and looking perky. We were able to remove the bandages and discover a protruding hump in the stem where its near-fatal stem break had been. It was also amazing to see that the one and only bean, had become plump almost completely masking the claw marks that had scarred it.

I don't know why I hadn't thought the cat might go for a second round because it surely did, and this time I ran for the first aid kit! I carefully applied a heavy blanket of everything from cotton and gauze to colored band aids with "ouch" written on them and when the medic work was done, I whispered a little something to the heavens.

Just one week later we were able to take the bandages off and again we barely found evidence of an attack and there was even a new sliver of green where a second bean was forming. I was excited and amazed while Shanna had been expecting nothing less. Back to the window sill it went but this time we built a fortress of heavy books to keep it safe until our day of bounty.

I set the table beautifully with all the fanfare of a Thanksgiving dinner. The beans were carefully divided by 5, which awarded each person 2 small pieces, claw marks and all. They turned out to be the best green beans I had ever eaten!

My daughter never quite understood my exuberance over the significance of the beans. In my work as a youth motivator I am brought together with kids and teens that all desperately need people to believe in them. Now, more than ever, no matter what I have been told about a child or a teen and their behavior, I see everyone, no exceptions, with the same eyes and heart that my daughter used on her broken, beaten up bean plant.

I wonder if it's a coincidence that later that same week, I stumbled upon a most appropriate quote by Italian Poet Dante (1265-1351): "From a little spark, may burst a mighty flame."

Especially if you believe...!

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DailyOM – Bounded by Wellness

DailyOM – Bounded by Wellness
June 22, 2010

Bounded by Wellness

Send Healing To Yourself

Try to spend time each day to send yourself love and light. Often we neglect doing this for ourselves as we are busy tending to others.

Most people, when given an opportunity to aid someone in need, are eager to do whatever they can to be of service. Those of us who have chosen to make healing the world a vocation are grateful for any occasion to send light and love to people in our immediate spheres of influence and beyond. As we apply our passion and our principles to this altruistic endeavor, we often forget to send ourselves the same bountiful gifts of wellness, though we ourselves may be in dire need of it. We overlook ourselves, not because we forget, but because we fear that focusing on the self is an indicator of selfishness. It is moreover much more difficult to heal oneself than to heal others because the seeds of uncertainty are more easily banished when we act on another's behalf. When we send healing light to ourselves, it is important that our intentions and our self-trust be stronger than ever to counteract doubt.

As we bless ourselves in this way, we serve as both an active channel and a passive destination. This should not change the way we interact with the valuable energy we wish to receive, however. Though we may be tempted to consciously direct or influence the manner in which light impacts our lives because we know ourselves most intimately, we should not try to control its path. When we draw the white light of protection and purity to our bodies, taking it into ourselves with each inhalation, our belief in the fact that it will naturally move toward areas of dysfunction will ensure that it flows through every muscle and organ. And when we fill our spaces with this light, our environments are cleared of all the negative energy that can sap our strength and our spirit. Surrounded inside and out with healing light, we feel safe and protected, healthy, relaxed, and content just as those who regularly receive such loving gifts from us do.

If you sincerely believe that there is a part of yourself that exists independently of upset and illness, the love and light you send yourself will help you connect with it. You will see the affirmative impact of this connection almost immediately when you include yourself in the recipients of your healing gifts, as life's frustrations become more tolerable and your bliss becomes ever more palpable.

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Sweet Friend 4-25-10

Hello my dear friends, here we go again, another weekend flown past. I send you Positive Blessings, much happiness and unconditional love. Wishing you a wonderful Week. Take care and be happy, Blessings MelodieEverything I needed to know about life, I learned from a Jigsaw PuzzleJacquie Sewell1. Don’t force a fit. If something is meant to be, it will come together naturally.2. When things aren’t going so well, take a break. Everything will look different when you return.3. Be sure to look at the big picture. Getting hung up on the little pieces only leads to frustration.4. Perseverance pays off. Every important puzzle went together bit by bit, piece by piece.5. When one spot stops working, move to another. But be sure to come back later (see #4).6. The Creator of the puzzle gave you the picture as a guidebook. Refer to the Creator’s guidebook often.7. Variety is the spice of life. It’s the different colors and patterns that make the puzzle interesting.8. Working together with friends and family makes any task fun.9. Establish the border first. Boundaries give a sense of security and order.10. Don’t be afraid to try different combinations. Some matches are surprising.11. Take time often to celebrate your successes—even little ones.12. Anything worth doing takes time and effort. A great puzzle can’t be rushed.13. When you finally reach the last piece, don’t be sad. Rejoice in the masterpiece you’ve made and enjoy a well-deserved rest.The Return of the Divine Mother
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DailyOM – Time for Wellness

DailyOM – Time for Wellness
July 12, 2010

Time for Wellness

A Self-Healing Day

Set aside a day for focus on yourself. Start the day by setting the intention that you are dedicating this time to healing yourself.

Human beings carry within themselves the seed of healing. Our choices affect us more than we realize, and it is because of this that we tend to place responsibility for our wellness in the hands of others. As beneficial as regular visits to a healer can be, we have the power to heal ourselves at will. When we dedicate a day to the pursuit of wellness, we can relax and renew ourselves in a nourishing and comfortable environment. A sincere desire to open ourselves to the highest realities of our physical and spiritual selves is the key to self-healing so that healing energy can flow into us unimpeded.

A self-healing day should address the vital needs of the self as a whole while directing healing energy where it is needed most. Solitude is an important part of the process as is the ability to take refuge in a space that is both beautiful and peaceful. Start your healing day by setting the intention that you are dedicating this time to healing yourself. Flowers, candlelight, incense, and music can guide our focus toward a more tranquil state.

For a more intense session, try listening to music through headphones since tuning out can help you tune in.

It is up to us to decide what we need to do to cultivate wellness in our lives. For some, it may be time spent in reflection. Others will turn to calming activities that help them remember their purpose, such as journal writing, being in nature, or studying. Our healing may even take a more direct form as we use color, sound, or crystals to balance and ground ourselves.

Ultimately, your wholesome intentions transform what might otherwise be a simple day of rest into a day of healing. Grant yourself permission to relax and savor the stillness. If you attune yourself to the calm around you, worldly distractions will be minimized and the unadulterated flow of your consciousness will reestablish itself in the forefront of your mind. The needs of the body, the heart, and the soul will then be revealed to you, empowering you to tap into the essential healing energy of the universe. The mechanism you use to channel this energy will be dependent on your shifting requirements, so each day of healing you enjoy will be unique. All will replenish you, however, allowing you to recreate yourself in a perfect image of health.

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The Price (and Rewards) of Having Children.

Great story about raising children with a different perspective. Normally, you only see the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this piece provides the rewards too.

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle income family.

Talk about sticker shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition. But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:

• $8,896.66 a year,

• $741.3 month, or * $171.08 a week.

• That's a mere $24.24 a day!

• Just over a dollar an hour.

Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be "rich." Actually, it is just the opposite.

What do you get for your $160,140?

• Naming rights. First, middle, and last!

• Glimpses of God every day.

• Giggles under the covers every night.

• More love than your heart can hold.

• Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.

• Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.

• A hand to hold, usually covered with jelly or chocolate.

• A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites

• Someone to laugh yourself silly with, no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.

For $160,140, you never have to grow up. You get to:

• finger-paint,
• carve pumpkins,
• play hide-and-seek,
• catch lightning bugs, and
• never stop believing in Santa Claus. You have an excuse to:
• keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,
• watching Saturday morning cartoons,
• going to Disney movies, and
• wishing on stars.
• You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for Father's Day.

For $160,140, there is no greater bang for your buck. You get to be a hero just for:

• retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof,
• taking the training wheels off a bike,
• removing a splinter,
• filling a wading pool,
• coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

You get a front row seat to history to witness the:

• first step,
• first word,
• first bra,
• first date, and
• first time behind the wheel.

You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren. You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.

In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God. You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits.

So . . one day they will like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!

Love & enjoy your children & grandchildren!!!!!!!

Inspiration by God Newsletter, &

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Sweet Friends 5-31-10

Hello my Sweet friends, here we go again, another weekend flown past. I send you Positive Blessings, much happiness and unconditional love. Wishing you a wonderful Week. Take care and be happy, Blessings Melodie

An Apache Legend

There was once an old man who was very fond of beaver meat. He hunted and killed beaver so frequently that his son remonstrated with him.

His son told him that some misfortune would surely overtake him as a punishment for his persecution of the sagacious animals, which were then endowed with the magic powers of the medicine-men.

The old man did not heed the warning, but continued to kill beaver nearly every day.

Again the son said, "If you kill them, they will soon catch and kill you."

Not long afterward the old man saw a beaver enter a hole in the bank. Disregarding his son's advice, he plunged head foremost into the burrow to catch the animal. The son saw him enter the hole, and went in after him. Catching the old man by the heels, he pushed him farther in.

Thinking another beaver had attacked him, the old man was at first too frightened to move, then he cried for mercy. "Let me go, Beaver, and I will give you my knife."

He threw his knife back toward the entrance, but received no reply to his entreaty. "Let me go, Beaver, and I will give you my awl." Again no answer. "Let me go, and I will give you my arrows."

The young man took the articles as they were handed to him, and hastened away without making himself known.

When the old man returned to the tipi, he said nothing of his adventures, and his son asked no questions. As soon as the old man left the tipi, the son replaced the knife and other articles in his father's fire-bag.
"Where is your knife?" said the son when the old man returned. "I gave it to the beaver to induce them to let me escape with my life."

"I told you they would catch you," said the son.

The old man never hunted beaver again.

I found again in the heart of my friend

I shot an arrow into the air, it fell to earth, I knew not where;

For so swiftly it flew, my sight could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air, it fell to earth, I knew not where;

For, who has sight so keen and strong that it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak, I found the arrow, still unbroke;

And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of my friend.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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DailyOM – No Hard Edges

DailyOM – No Hard Edges

June 11, 2010

No Hard Edges

Creating Space In The Body

When our minds are cluttered with too many thoughts and information, our bodies respond by trying to take action.

Our minds and bodies are interconnected, and the condition of one affects the condition of the other. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for healing the body, as powerful as physical therapies. When our minds are cluttered with thoughts, information, and plans, our bodies respond by trying to take action. When the body has a clear directive from the mind, it knows what to do, but a cluttered, unfocused mind creates a confused, tense body. Our muscles tighten up, our breath shortens, and we find ourselves feeling constricted without necessarily knowing why.

When we sit down to meditate, we let our bodies know that it is okay to be still and rest. This is a clear directive from the mind, and the body knows exactly how to respond. Thus, at the very beginning, we have created a sense of clarity for the body and the mind. As we move deeper into meditation, the state of our mind reveals itself, and we have the opportunity to consciously decide to settle it. A meditation teacher pointed out that if you put a cow in a small pen, she acts up and pushes against the boundaries, whereas if you provide her with a large, open space, she will peacefully graze in one spot. In the same way, our thoughts settle down peacefully if we provide them with enough space, and our bodies follow suit.

When we settle down to examine and experience our consciousness, we discover that there are no hard, definable edges. It is a vast, open space in which our thoughts can come and go without making waves, as long as we let them by neither attaching to them nor repressing them. As we see our thoughts come and go, we begin to breathe deeper and more easily, finding that our body is more open to the breath as it relaxes along with the mind. In this way, the space we recognize through meditation creates space in our bodies, allowing for a feeling of lightness and rightness with the world.

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Greetings to you, this is Melchizedek. I speak as one of the members of the Team who are here to assist each and every human being through the evolutionary stages of transformation, as the Earth and her peoples journey from matter into Light. We have great joy in sharing with you, with you all, as progress in being made in no uncertain terms. And we have joy in seeing this land, this land of Scotland, begin the process of self realisation. The land holds the keys for people living here to come into their own self realisation. And the land holds the keys for any who are drawn here to come into self realisation. There will be those who travel from afar to visit these Sacred Sites, called by their soul, by their I AM presence. And all who come to interact with the land, all who come bearing their gifts, their gifts of alignment with Divine will, the Creator’s intent. This is indeed a Holy land, and will be recognised as such with the gifts that it gives in return. All will be made clear to you as you are beginning the journey of activating the sites. You will see the land responding with every breath that you take in alignment with the Source of creation. To be on the land to breathe the air, to bring the Light you carry, and to recognise your value- we say this to all human beings who are drawn to the Sacred Sites of Scotland. The keys to consciousness held within each of these sites will be given to the human beings who give their gifts in return. These keys not only activate the templates of consciousness held within the Earth’s body, but also the etheric templates which are to descend. There is an overlay, a blueprint, where the Earth’s energies are held at the moment by Light beings, guardians of the universal grid work of light, the White Brotherhood, as stellar systems unite, once again each holding their own particular resonance and vibration. And this blueprint is created now, we say to you. All around the Earth. It is in the Earth’s etheric body, it holds the pathways of Light which once anchored into the sacred sites all around the world, provides the map for energy flows- the required template to connect all these sites together once again, to assist in the Earth and her people’s Ascension from matter into Light. We remind all humans that consciousness is the key. For each one’s individual journey of coming into their own power and aligning with the Mother/Father God, the Mahatma, the I AM presence of the Source of creation. This blueprint that we talk of is waiting to be anchored in the sites, is one for this now, and we say there will be more. This one that has been created by the Great White Brotherhood is for this year of 1998. It has been a long time in your Earth time since such a complete template has been created and given to those who volunteered to be the key holders, the janitors, the caretakers, the guardians, whatever you wish to call yourselves. We would go so far to say that never before has a template like this been given, and this would be a truth. For the last time that this scale of Earth working and Earth healing was necessary was on the journey of light into matter. And those blueprints and those templates were different from the ones that are given now, in the journey of Ascension. You can understand, we are sure that each and every moment is precious, is jewel like in its radiance, and can never be repeated again. Such an intricate dance of geometrics, sacred shapes of light and colour that form the Earth’s energies, for the light and energies that flow through the Earth’s body, to the centre of the Earth, to the iron heart crystal of Mother earth, and also round in radiating spheres from that central crystal, out to the Earth’s surface and beyond, and out into the Universe. These are not lines of energy, these are intricate interplays of geometric shapes. Linked one to the other, holographically, spherically, infinitely. We encourage to not use the term lines of energy- for this is too linear. We encourage you to activate your inner senses, by thinking and imagining geometric shapes wherever you go, whichever place you visit, so that you may attune your own sacred geometry, of star tetrahedrons, to the star tetrahedrons that are everywhere in the Earth’s energy fields. For now, this is one of the key shapes to use in your imaginings, in your activations, and there will be others too, that you either may sense at this time or may be given to use at a later time as they come more into the potential of the human energy field to use. For ultimately all the sacred shapes and all the sacred geometry will be anchored through the human energy field to be held once again as the blueprint of creation, all over the Earth, all through the Earth, above and below. We ask you to think spherically, holographically, as this will assist you much in opening up to your truer sensing of the electro-magnetic fields. As has been said to you and as you have seen, the standing stones and circles have a dome, have a sphere, half above the Earth and half below the Earth which carries the main star tetrahedron, the static star tetrahedron for that site. And within this sphere, the two counter rotating star tetrahedrons operate. We encourage you wherever you go to activate by affirmation, your own star tetrahedrons. I affirm that my counter rotating star tetrahedrons are counter rotating in a balanced way now. This is simple and has pure energetic impact. When you do this on a site, the stones will respond to you, we ask you to directly communicate with these eternal holders of wisdom. Some of these sites are like libraries, and the more active they become, the more information will be available to each person who visits. These are their gifts. The information may be recall of the times spent in various civilisations, the gifts may be healing and retrieval of power, where one’s power has been given away. That power may be given back, so we ask you to invoke your own healing on these sites. I affirm I take the next step into wholeness on my journey home. I affirm I reclaim my potential, my power, always to be held within my open heart. I call in the Godhead and I call in the Goddess, the Mother/Father god, who created me, this individualised self. And now I seek realisation of the greater self, of the Love that is mine to reclaim. I affirm I reclaim the Love that I have thrown away, or neglected, or given away. You are human beings, we honour you and we ask that you honour your team. For none of you are alone, you all have the back up and support that is there to call forth, ask for this in your daily lives. And let go, simply: I affirm that I let go of all that stands in my way to wholeness. I affirm I let go of all my resistance of coming into Love. When you open up to the sacred geometry that is creation, you will find such oneness and such joy as you will see and experience - the linking and the bonding that comes through sacred union. The Presence of the Divine Mother and Father God will be in your lives. We will join you later. I Melchizedek and the Great White Brotherhood surround you with our presence and our love. Namaste.
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Travel Light

Travel Light
Posted on June 21, 2010 by theosophywatch

ANCIENT Chinese doctors discovered, 5000 years ago, over 100 energy meridians in the human body. When these meridian points were activated, people were healed.

Today that system of healing is called acupuncture. But now, people are tapping into this same power, literally, without using needles.

They are discovering how to master all the “mental changes” in themselves, as taught in The Voice of the Silence — and how to “harmless make” their own thought and emotional creations.

They are learning, as Albert Einstein famously said, that:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
We have instead to rise above that old thinking, while fully recognizing our hand in the problems they caused. That’s called karmic acceptance.

Getting Unstuck

It is often difficult to get to the root cause of some issues — especially if those issues were created in a past life we cannot consciously recall now.

“These events, limiting beliefs and patterns are what make us feel stuck.”

Removing Negative Patterns

“We’ve all experienced challenging times, painful events and traumas during our lifetimes. We’ve adopted negative beliefs and patterns,” says therapist Annie Siegel, “often learned from our parents and elders, that aren’t serving us.”

The Monkey Trap

Natives in the islands used to catch monkeys by cutting a hole in the top of a coconut, hollow it out, fill it with sweet beans, and tie it to the base of a tree. During the night, a monkey would approach the coconut shell, reach inside and grab a handful of sweet beans — then hold them tight in his fist.

With his hand rolled into a fist, he could not pull his hand back through the opening in the coconut, because he wouldn’t let go of the beans.

So in the morning, the monkey was still trapped there, and the natives only had to come by and pick him up.

Silence the Chatter

Sometimes we find ourselves trapped simply because we won’t let go of all our past grudges, resentments, bitterness, guilt over past mistakes. We hang on to unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others.
The truth is we all have obsessions that trap us.

Greedy Mistakes

Our work, our stuff, our money, our experiences, our hobbies, our relationships, our status, our entertainment — our worldviews.

We believe these will give us identity and satisfaction. When we hold this belief, we become enslaved like a monkey’s fist in a coconut.

“Even though we feel overwhelmed with emotions, a part of us doesn’t want to create balance and get back to a place of feeling good about ourselves,” Annie writes, “we know we can be more than just our inner chatter.”

“Practicing the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) daily, neutralizes the relentless chatter [of what are called in Sanskrit the skandhas] and encourages empowering feelings — you can then create the changes needed to make your life work better for you and others.”

Army of Thought Sensations

Voice of the Silence

“Ere thou canst near the goal … thou must have mastered all the mental changes in thy Self and slain the army of the thought sensations that, subtle and insidious, creep unasked within the Soul’s bright shrine.”

The Highway of Sensations
“If thou would’st not be slain by them, then must thou harmless make thy own creations, the children of thy thoughts,” Blavatsky writes in the Voice of the Silence:
“Thou hast to study the voidness of the seeming full, the fulness of the seeming void. O fearless Aspirant, look deep within the well of thine own heart, and answer. Knowest thou of Self the powers, O thou perceiver of external shadows?

If thou dost not — then art thou lost.”

In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” Socrates begins by describing a cave inhabited by prisoners who have been chained and held immobile since childhood.

Not only are their arms and legs held in place but their heads are bound facing a wall, where they can only see reflected shadows — illusions they must take for reality.

This is a gradual process of self-realization, explains W. Q. Judge, learning “to distinguish between the ‘I’ and the ‘not-I.’”

The Subjective and the Objective:

(Lesson from the Cave of Plato – Republic, Book 1)

“The lightest breeze of passion or desire,” warns The Voice of the Silence, “will stir the steady light upon the pure white walls of Soul. The smallest wave of longing or regret — the path that lies between thy Spirit and thy self, the highway of sensations —

“… a thought as fleeting as the lightning flash will make thee thy three prizes forfeit — the prizes thou hast won.”

Travel Light
Remember who you are,
and travel light.

Gandhi's Belongings

“That man possesses an immortal soul is the common belief of humanity — to this Theosophy adds that he is a soul, and further that all nature is sentient,” writes W. Q. Judge in Chapter 1 of The Ocean of Theosophy …
“… down to the smallest atom all is soul and spirit ever evolving under the rule of law which is inherent in the whole.”

“The course of evolution is the drama of the soul and that nature exists for no other purpose than the soul’s experience.”
- W. Q. Judge

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Sweet Friends 4-23-10

Hello once again for my wonderful group of friends. My wish to you is that your life is full of laughter, peace, joy and abundance, in everything you need. May your weekend be truly blessed. Love & Pure divine energy coming your way. Melodie

Tolowim Woman and Butterfly Man

A Maidu Legend
A Tolowim woman went out to gather food. She took her child with her, and while she worked, she stuck the point of the cradle-board in the ground and left the child alone.

A large butterfly flew past, and she started after it and chased it for a long time. She would almost catch it, and then just miss. She thought, "Perhaps I can't run fast enough because of this heavy thing," and she threw away her deerskin robe. But still she never could quite overtake the creature. Finally she threw away her apron too and hurried on, chasing the butterfly until night came. Then, her child forgotten, she lay down under a tree and went to sleep.

When she awoke in the morning, she found a man lying beside her. He said, "You have followed me this far; perhaps you would like to follow me always. If so, you must through a lot of my people."

Without thinking of her child at all, the woman rose and followed the butterfly man. By and by they came to a large valley, whose southern side was full of butterflies.

When the two reached the edge of the valley, the man said, "No one has ever come through this valley alive. But you'll be safe if you don't lose sight of me. Follow closely."

They travelled for a long time. "Keep tight hold of me; don't let go," the butterfly man said again and again.

When they had come half way through the valley, other butterflies swarmed about them in great numbers. They flew every way, all around the couple's heads and in their faces, for they wanted to get the Tolowim woman for themselves.

She watched them for a long time, holding tightly to her new husband. But at last, unable to resist, she let go of him and reached out to seize one of the others. She missed that one and she tried to grab now one, now the other, but always failed, and so she wandered in the valley forever, dazed and lost.

She died there, and the butterfly man she had lost went on through the valley to his home.

And now when people speak of the olden times they say that this woman lost her lover, and tried to get others but lost them, and went crazy and died.

Based on a tale reported by Roland Dixon in 1904.


For Mother earth – Posted by Markus Klinger

If you really Love Mother Earth, Make sure you watch this documentary now & Share it!!!

Watch this movie documentary NOW and share it with EVERYONE ASAP!!!

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

HOME official website

PPR is proud to support HOME

HOME is a carbon offset movie

More information about the Planet



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DailyOM - Letting Life Unfold


Letting Life Unfold

Present in the Progression

Try to allow your life to unfold like a flower rather than worrying and making predictions which cause stress.

Our lives are guided by natural rhythms that are particular to each of us and cannot be altered by force of will alone. Life itself is a journey made up of processes and events that manifest before us only to be swept away when time marches on. Whether we envision ourselves creating a career, building a family, or developing the self, we instinctively know when the time has come for us to realize our dreams because all that is involved comes together harmoniously.

When the time is right, the passage of destiny cannot be blocked. Yet as desperate as we are to touch these beautiful futures we have imagined, we cannot grow if we are not fully present in the evolutionary experience. The present can be challenging, uncomfortable, and tedious, but life unfolds as it will, and the universe will wait patiently as we make our way into the unknown.

The fate that awaits us is not dependent on our pace, which was preordained before we ever appeared in human guise. Therefore there is no reason to rush through life to reach those pinnacles of development associated with the paths we have chosen. Enjoying and fully experiencing the journey of life is as important as achieving goals and reaching milestones.

There are lessons we can learn during those moments that seem immaterial or insignificant that we cannot learn at any other time. Appreciating these takes patience, however, because human beings tend to focus on the fulfillment of expectations rather than the simple joys of being.

Like many people, you have no doubt longed for a device that would give you the power to fast forward through certain periods of your existence. Yet haste is by its very nature vastly more stressful than serene fortitude. When you feel yourself growing impatient because the pace of your development is deceptively slow, remember that everything that will occur in your life will occur in its own time. Quelling your urge to rush will enable you to witness yourself learning, changing, and becoming stronger.

There is so much to see and do in between the events and processes that we deem definitive. If you are patient enough to take pleasure in your existence's unfolding, the journey from one pinnacle to the next will seem to take no time at all.

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A very special thank you to all the Lightworkers I have known in my life Amoraea Dreamseed (my first encounter with New Age) Radiance Herbs and Massage, Olympia, Washington (my first encounter with Reiki) Robert Rogers of Zeropoint Healers (my first encounter with chakra healing and Lightbody work) Steve Murray John Gilbert Kathy McConnell Stephen Lovering Ole Gabrielsen Tami MacDowell John Armitage / Haridas Baba Joshua David Stone Michele Gilmore Maria Smedts Yamile Jana Hana Nahas Mariah Windsong El on Messengers of Spirit Jeremy Starke Jens Soeborg Rosemary Alexandra Friends on the Attuneshare, Lightworkers Healing Federation, Ashtar Command, Bring Heaven, Insights from the Masters and Messengers of Spirit ning networks and countless others unnamed who have contributed their Love and Light. Thank you all for sharing your ascension journey with me. Know that we will meet again in the City of Light. All things happen for a reason. Some of you have wondered about my whereabouts or have been confused. Do not be confused, it is all in the Divine plan. Sanat Kumara directed an extension of my incarnation on September 10, 2009 to expand the Love and Light beyond the borders of Lightworkers that have already been touched. It was directed that I work in secret during this time of creation. You will notice my contributions to the Master Plan through videos on YouTube, books on Amazon, documents on Scribd and in the formation of the ashram "City of Shamballa." This was a consequence of me deciding to undergo the Eighth level of Initiation, The Great Transition. A few of you have been tasked with carrying the fire to greater expansion. You are in the Halls of Amenti and members of the Order of Melchizedek. You know who you are. You have not been guided by me, as this has been for the purpose of watching you blossom into Lightcarriers and Lightgivers yourselves. Although this has been difficult for me, the resurrection process required it. Out of Love, no contact was kept, as you have now become the teachers and now it is your time to step into the role of expanding the Light as far as you can send it. There are no limits in this creation. If you build it, they will come. All of humanity needs the Love and Light you carry, it is time for you to do all that you can to radiate the Love to the far reaches of the Earth. The 2012 date was a date planned by the Mayan calendar. It is based upon a plan. There is nothing that says it is a fact. The date of rapture and bliss can happen sooner than 2012, unite your Lights, unite your Love, and it will be. Kindle the fires in all and you will be rewarded with a fire that goes beyond words. Know that I deeply love all of you with my heart and soul. With deepest gratitude to you all and know that all of your actions have been recorded in the archives. May you all be blessed eternally with the Love of All That Is. In Loving Service, Chris / Qan Melchizedek Saint Germain Ashram Shamballa
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Heavenletters #3486

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3486 Serve God Over the Past, June 11, 2010

God said:

It is essential that you let go of your past mistakes. No matter how much you regret, no matter how careless a mistake, or how deliberate, you have to let go of it. Otherwise, you lasso yourself to the past and tie yourself there. This does no good to you or any man. Flagellating yourself is non-productive. It embeds the error. Tell the error, "Begone."

If you must be punished with the realization of the error of your deed or non-deed, you have already been punished enough. Do not keep yourself in the dunce's chair. There is no point to it. You are someone who learned something. The person who made the error and the person who regrets it are not the same person now. Regret your mistake once, and then be done.

You have to let go of the past. You have to free yourself from it. For My sake, let go of the past, and its errors.
Is it not true that heretofore you have been relentless with yourself? Now, I beg of you, let the guilt go. I exonerate you. You are all atoned for. You will not make that mistake again. Is that not good enough?

Why whip the hand, beat the chest, embed a knife in your heart again and again, to what avail?

Every time you imprint an error in your heart, you make it deeper. You make a rotogravure of it. Better to erase it. Do you see the humaneness and practicality of what I am saying? Do not keep error to you. Do not sustain it. Do not feed it over and over again. Release it.

You make no excuses, but you have to let error go. Congratulate yourself for being further along than you once were. Can you not be glad for progress made?

I congratulate you. I congratulate you for having greater vision now. I congratulate you that you are done making that error. You will not step in the same puddle again. Go ahead now, and buy yourself some new shiny shoes. Reward yourself.

You have graduated from an error. Once you were ignorant, and now you are less ignorant. Now you are wiser.
In the world, you do not have to be perfect. You are here on Earth learning how to live divinely in a human world. This is not always easy, but, dear ones, do not make it hard for yourself. There is no percentage in it, not for you, not for anyone.

When you have reached a higher rung in the ladder, you have reached it. Climb up, not down. Think of the greater good and not your penitence.

How does your sitting in a corner, chewing your nails, lashing your back, feeling regret and pain - how does that serve the world? It does not. It pains the world. Why not bless the world? Say:

"I made a mistake. I'm sorry, deeply sorry. Now I erase my mistake from the face of the Earth. I would not burden the world any longer with my regrets. I cast off this burden, from myself and from the world. I have vanquished the dragon. This dragon's term is over. And now I shall go forward on Earth and slay all the dragons of my past and leave a clean playing field for myself and for others forevermore.

"Once I was a scalawag. Now I am further along. I do not keep the dragons of my past in a cage where I can see them. I am not a taxidermist. I live life, and I serve God, not my past. This is good enough."

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Sweet Friends 4-18-10

Hello my dear friends, here we go again, another weekend gone with a blink of an eye. Sending you Positive Blessings, much happiness and unconditional love. Wishing you a wonderful Week. Take care and be happy, Blessings MelodieSixteen Things That it Took Me 50 Years to Learnby Dave Barry1. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe day-light-savings time.2. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.3. The most powerful force in the universe is gossip.4. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside we ALL believe that we are above-average drivers.5. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age 111.6. There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”7. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.8. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”9. The main accomplishment of almost all organized protests is to annoy people who are not in them.10. If there really is a God who created the entire universe with all of its glories, and He decides to deliver a message to humanity, He will NOT use, as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle.11. You should not confuse your career with your life.12. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.13. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.14. When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that individual is crazy.15. Your friends love you, anyway.16. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and do it.AERACURA ~ Bruce Mitchell ~ New Earth Goddess
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DailyOM - Dumbing Ourselves Down

May 18, 2010

Dumbing Ourselves Down

Wanting to Join

There is a difference between shifting our energy to accommodate people we are around and dumbing ourselves down.

The ability to go into any social situation and sense the level of consciousness in that situation is a gift. It enables us to move considerately in a world that holds people of all levels of awareness. However, there is a difference between shifting our energy to accommodate people and dumbing ourselves down to a regrettable degree.

Sometimes, when we get into a particular social situation, we may feel pressure to play it small in order to fit in. Perhaps everyone is drinking or smoking excessively, engaging in gossipy small talk, or complaining bitterly about politics. It is one thing to notice this and modify our expectations and another thing entirely to join in.

When we notice where people are coming from and acknowledge to ourselves that their energy is not in alignment with ours, we have several choices as to how to proceed. One viable option is to quietly endure the situation, keeping to ourselves until it is time to leave. In this way, we take care of our own consciousness and protect our growth process.

Another option is to interact in a way that honors and pays respect to the people in the group, while gently attempting to shift the level of consciousness with our input. In order to do this, we must maintain our own vibration, which means that joining in by dumbing down is not an option.

When we choose to dumb ourselves down to fit in, we not only sell ourselves short but we also lose a possible opportunity to influence the situation for the good of all concerned. Our desire to join in may come from our natural yearning to feel connected to the people around us.

There is no shame in this, but being able to stand on our own, separate from the crowd, is a powerful milestone on any spiritual path. It can be difficult in the moment, but when we arrive on the other side, our integrity intact, we may find ourselves feeling positively smart.

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