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at (23)

Your Shot: A sneak peek at National Geographic's contest submissions

National Geographic magazine turned 125 this month, with an anniversary issue devoted to the power of photography.

The magazine moves the birthday celebration off its pages with the October 1st public launch of a photo-sharing platform, Your Shot (, that allows photography fans to connect with photographers and editors around virtual assignments, get direct feedback on their work and participate in a unique photography-based community.

One of the magazine’s young star photographers, Cory Richards, will usher in the month as lead curator of the magazine’s first assignment on Your Shot.

Led by Richards and his magazine photo editor, Sadie Quarrier, the assignment invites photographers to share three images that convey how photography can help us explore our changing world. Throughout the assignment, Richards and Quarrier will provide photo tips and feedback on the images that are submitted along with direction on what they feel will best help tell the story.

Their favorite photograph will be selected to appear in a future issue of National Geographic magazine. Participants must join Your Shot, National Geographic’s free online photo community and storytelling platform, to submit photos to the assignment.

Here's a look at some of the offers for the first assignment, "Explore our Changing World" and links to the galleries of the photographers.

10900622263?profile=originalSmile From Mentawai Hunter -

Photograph and caption by Mohd Ismail, National Geographic Your Shot - Smile from Mentawai people

10900622480?profile=originalBromo Tengger National Park -

Photograph and caption by Dennis Walton, National Geographic Your Shot - Nothing changes the landscape like a major volcano. I have visited Bromo Tengger National Park in Java, Indonesia many times. The usual drill is to climb to my favorite viewpoint in the early morning darkness and wait for sunrise. You never know what the new day will bring. This time it was an ash eruption of Mt Semeru highlighted by the warm colors of rising sun

10900623093?profile=originalMaster of Disguise -

Photograph and caption by Graham McGeorge, National Geographic Your Shot - Eastern Screech Owls like to take over woodpecker nests that have been dug out over the years in pine trees, which are the main species of tree at this swamp. Fish and Wildlife also paint a white ring around the base of a tree that has active nests in order to avoid when conducting controlled burns. Screech owls can range in height anywhere from 8-10 inches, so you have to have a sharp eye to find these little birds of prey

10900623473?profile=originalOrange Liberty -

Photograph and caption by Joy Acharyy, National Geographic Your Shot - These kids were playing the ghats of Ganges in Varanasi, India. The moment this kid saw me with my camera, she posed with the huge flag in her hand and made my day

10900623494?profile=originalAlive -

Photograph and caption by Jonathan Tucker. National Geographic Your Shot - This is a self portrait I took of myself. This photo was taken under a glacier in Alaska. I hiked over two hours through swamps and up the side of a mountain to reach the Glacier itself. I spent around a hour walking on top of the glacier taking photos until I found this cave. The cave is formed from a waterfall from the mountain that meets the glacier. When I first walked in the cave it took my breath away it was so amazing and scary at the same time - especially when you hear the ice crack

10900624273?profile=originalCastelluccio di Norcia -

Photograph and caption by Mauro Maione, National Geographic Your Shot - The Plains of Castelluccio are a karst plateau of the central-alluvial (Umbria-Marche Apennines), located in the Umbrian side of the Sibillini Mountains at the foot of Mount Carrier, within the territory of the town of Norcia, near the village of Castelluccio, and the National Park of Monti Sibillini, and that is the bottom of an ancient Apennine lake, now dried up, and known for its karst features.8BIM

10900624881?profile=originalThe Last Light -

Photograph and caption by Somnath Chakraborty, National Geographic Your Shot - On a lazy evening I took this frame in unknown lane at Varanasi. A surreal light effect i got when I was walking through this lane. perhaps he was returning from his job and allowed me to take this frame on request. I took at least five frames out of which this one is cleared most.

10900625097?profile=originalWhite Rim Storm -

Photograph and caption by Klaus Priebe, National Geographic Your Shot - During a visit to the Canyon lands during the monsoon season of 2013 I chased storms during the week and had this little micro thunderstorm head right at me. It was a magical moment with the sun peaking through the clouds to the west and the storm producing rain and a few lightning bolts as it passed by me. 8BIM

10900625699?profile=originalWhat a sheep! -

Photograph and caption by Andres Beregovich, National Geographic Your Shot - wandering through Isla Riesco, I bumped into this almost forgotten ranch. Talking to the locals was fun. Then I asked whether I could photograph some of the processes. I couldn't believe the size of this sheep when I first saw it. I almost couldn't take the picture cause I was so impressed. 140kg sheep (about 300 lbs) I've only seen this here.8BIM

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This is the most adorable video I have seen, I even forgot to watch what it was really about for the little girl. Enjoy, Melodie


p style="text-align: center;">This is amazing, I too spent ages going over and over it. See what you think. Melodie

ANGELS at work Enhanced Caught on CCTV Camera

Published on 19 Sep 2012
First I would like to say this is not my video. But after watching it 50-100 times I thought it deserved my full attention. I decided to take the original video and Enhance it the best I could.Because the original video was shot in 1080p I was able to get full zoom in the areas I wanted to look at and was able to slow it down frame by frame.To me this is more a case of Time Travel/Manipulation then it is Teleportation. Was it just coincidence that a person who knew how to teleport people was there at the right time?Or did they know it was going to happen? Check it out and tell me what you think.

Music by Netsky - your way

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Everyone You Chose to Meet on Your Lifepath will Appear at Exactly the Right Moment ~ via John Smallman

Posted: 03 Sep 2013 08:30 PM PDT



Much attention is being focused on the troubling situation in the Middle East, and this is understandable because your compassion flows to those who are suffering there. But do not forget to focus also on being Love in action all day every day, while not judging those whom you think are causing those problems, because in truth they too are suffering and are equally deserving of your love and compassion. Only a constant flow of Love can resolve that situation, and you who are reading this chose to be incarnate on Earth at this time so that you could send your love to those who are suffering anywhere on Earth due to military conflicts, or for any other reason.

Suffering is an enormously powerful distraction that tends to draw you deeper into the illusion. It can lead you to forget to make your daily intent to be Love in action, while those involved in conflicts are frequently so distracted by their own suffering and that of loved ones that they find it almost impossible to enter their quiet inner space even for a moment, where they can access the spiritual help they so dearly need. Your intent to send love to those who are suffering is very effective and does help them to experience brief moments of peace despite the intense distractions of their unhappy environment.

As you know, the divine energy field in which everything has its eternal existence is composed of Love, so that everything that exists is therefore composed of Love. The limitations that are the characteristics of the illusion are the result of attempting to live without Love. . . separated from It. The power of Love is infinite, and by entering the illusion and attempting to separate yourselves from your divine Source you effectively reduced the power, the life force available to you enormously. It is as though, using electricity as an analogy, all the immense power flowing out of an earth-based electrical power station was available to you, but you chose to reduce it to the level at which it would barely light a lamp.

That is why it is in your best interests to wake up. When you do so you will cease to reduce the power level of the Love that flows through you constantly, and without which you would not and could not exist, but will allow It to flow without restriction of any kind, and you will then know yourselves as you truly are: beings of immense influence. . . of immense Light.

Awake and fully conscious, you could not even conceive of the way of life that you are experiencing in the illusion. It is truly beyond understanding, and yet you cling to it in fear, unable to conceive of life without it, with many believing that life ends permanently with the laying down of their human bodies. Nothing that God creates dies. Death is an illusory concept. . . merely a move forwards, a progression to a state of being that is way beyond your present severely limited experience of what life means. It is not to be feared.

The time at which a human lays down her body is not random. Accidents and illness are experiences on the lifepath that you planned, and everything that happens to you is part of your own personal plan. That is not apparent to you while embodied, although some of you are rather good at getting an intuitive sense of what your future path entails. The thing to be aware of is that you are each on the path home to Reality: the state in which Love fills you with the infinite power and joy in which you were created, and of which you are fully and eternally aware.

You are all destined for eternal joy in the eternal Presence of God, the loving Source of all creation, and your homeward paths have been uniquely and individually tailored for you to encounter precisely the experiences and lessons that you chose, before you incarnated, to undergo. Nothing that happens to you is by chance, although you may well feel that some of your experiences just had to be accidental because you cannot imagine any other cause.

However, once you accept that nothing that happens to you is a chance occurrence it becomes much easier for you to see and learn the lessons with which your lives present you.

And when this happens you will find life flows more easily for you with far less stress. This is because you have effectively made the choice to accept the situations that arise, instead of fighting against them and blaming others – or God! – for any misfortunes that befall you.

Wherever it is that you are experiencing life on planet Earth, it is where you chose to be for the lessons that you elected to experience and learn. Where you were born, to whom, and where you live are no more chance occurrences than any other events that “happen” to you.

It is impossible for you to understand these reasons while you remain on Earth as humans, and utterly impossible for you to make sense of another’s lifepath. You have no need to.

If you meet or become aware of someone whom you could help, then do so; it will be one of your lessons. But you do not need to go seeking out people to help. You may certainly choose to do so, but everyone you chose to meet on your human lifepath – for the lessons that you could learn together or teach each other – will appear at exactly the right moment.

Your lifepaths will always unfold just as planned; the fact that they may displease or delight you does not alter that fact.

Pay attention to each moment by living in the now as consistently as you can. Doing that is the most effective way to follow your paths and learn your lessons with the minimum of discomfort. When you created your lifepaths you built into them all kinds of allowances to enable you to provide for the myriad choices within each and every situation that comes up.

Think of all the choices you make, moment by moment, choices you could not foresee, and from which you had to therefore provide alternative routes forward. To proceed most efficaciously, trust the path that opens before you and proceed lovingly and compassionately along it. It is the most direct way Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Black hole at heart of our galaxy “will erupt next year”, say astronomers By Rob Waugh

A huge eruption lit up the skies on our planet two million years ago - coming from the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way.


A huge eruption lit up the skies on our planet two million years ago - creating a fuzzy ball of light around the size and brightness of the moon.

The eruption - a huge blast from the black hole at the centre of our galaxy - would have been witnessed by our ancestors, homo erectus, on the plains of Africa.

Scientists have found the first evidence of this “huge explosion” of radiation from the supermassive black hole - four million times the mass of our sun - a faint glow in a cloud of gas millions of miles from the black hole itself.

Scientists describe the supermassive black hole - Saggitarius A* - as a “dormant volcano”.

Blasts of energy can jet out of black holes when stars and gas clouds are “consumed” by the black hole - and scientists warn that there are “lots and lots” circling our galactic centre.

One in particular could erupt next year.

"They have been monitoring a cloud and predict that it will fall into the black hole at some point in the next year; however, the amount of material will be far less than the event that illuminated the stream," said Greg Madsen, astronomer at the University of Cambridge.

"It will be much fainter and will pose no threat to Earth, but several powerful telescopes will be poised and ready to watch what happens."

Astronomers have long suspected that a large explosion occurred millions of years ago - but have never been able to prove it.

The evidence comes from a lacy filament of gas, mostly hydrogen, called the Magellanic Stream. This trails behind our galaxy’s two small companion galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

“For twenty years we’ve seen this odd glow from the Magellanic Stream,” said Professor Joss Bland-Hawthorn, of the University of Sydney, who led a team studying this problem.

“We didn’t understand the cause. Then suddenly we realized it must be the mark, the fossil record, of a huge outburst of energy from the center of our galaxy.”

“It’s been long suspected that our galactic center might have sporadically flared up in the past. These observations are a highly suggestive ‘smoking gun’,” said Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal.

See Video Link Below:

10900585865?profile=originalDeath Star: Hypernovas and Black Holes

Stan Woosely, a scientist at the university of California, tries to identify where the powerful explosions in the universe are coming from, where stars are dying and where black holes are being born. From BBC science show Death Star.

The team gives its arguments in a paper accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Professor Bland-Hawthorn will speak about the work at the Galaxy Zoo meeting in Sydney, Australia, on 24 September.

The galaxy’s supermassive black hole has been known for decades. It’s orbited by a swarm of stars whose paths let us measure the black hole’s mass: four million times the mass of the Sun.

The region around the black hole, called Sagittarius A* [“A-star”], pours out radio waves, infrared, X-rays and gamma rays.

Flickers of radiation rise up when small clouds of gas fall onto the hot disk of matter that swirls around the black hole.

But evidence has been building of a real cataclysm in the past. Infrared and X-ray satellites have seen a powerful ‘wind’ (outflow) of material from this central region. Antimatter boiling out has left its signature. And there are the ‘Fermi bubbles’ -- two huge hot bubbles of gas billowing out from the galactic center, seen in gamma-rays and radio waves.

“All this points to a huge explosion at the center of our galaxy,” said team member Dr. Philip Maloney of the University of Colorado in Boulder, USA.

Scientists studying the galactic center came together at a workshop at Stanford University in California earlier this year.

While at the workshop, Professor Bland-Hawthorn realized the Stream could be holding the memory of the galactic center’s past.

See Video Link Below:


Death Star: Huge explosion in deep space

On 2nd July 1967, a satellite picked up a huge burst of gamma rays. Was it evidence of a nuclear bomb test in space? Or was it from a much bigger explosion in deep space? Can Einstein's famous physics equation E=MC2 help?

Struck by the fiery breath of Sagittarius A*, the Stream is emitting light, much as particles from the Sun hit our atmosphere and trigger the colored glows of the aurorae -- the Northern and Southern Lights.

The brightest glow in the Stream comes from the region nearest the galactic center.

Geometry, the amount of energy from the original flare from Sagittarius A*, the time the flare would take to travel to the Magellanic Stream, the rate at which the Stream would have cooled over time -- “it all fits together, it all adds up,” says team member Dr. Greg Madsen of the University of Cambridge in the UK.

Scientists say that such flares can and will happen again.

“There are lots of stars and gas clouds that could fall onto the hot disk around the black hole,” says Professor Bland-Hawthorn. “There’s a gas cloud called G2 that we think will fall in next year. It’s small, but we’re looking forward to the fireworks!”

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Jason shares how he met his Hybrid Daughter at Rite Aid

Published on 17 Sep 2012

Jason has had MANY experiences since the age of 4. He's extremely knowledgable and researched on the subject extraterrestrials, UFO phenomenon, and hybrid children. More videos to come.

Human - Alien - genetics - ????? - ( 2611nacdan)

Published on 18 Sep 2012
Embedded the video on your Facebook ,
unfortunately youtube has the voice repressed
the wording can You read in show more ! ! !

But interesting is the background

it shall shows a ( Air Force Base level 6 )

what does this mean ???

the wording

Let me tell you what bugs me of the human endeavor

I've never been a human in question,

have you? Mankind went to the moon

I don't even know where Grimsby ?

is Forget progress by proxy

Land on your own moon ?

It's no longer about what they can achieve, out there on your behalf

But what we can experience Up

here... and of our own time

It's called ...mental wealth.

Hybrid Children Project ~ Blood Relatives
Published on 10 Sep 2012

Grey Zeta hybrid project, Lyran hybrid project, Annunaki hybrid project ~ many cross race mixed children. Hybrids are teaching us to love unconditional, be open minded and evolve body, mind and spirit.

'Our Alien Heritage' [Alien Origins] Lloyd Pye - Are we all Hybrids? Ancient Alien

Published on 28 Aug 2012
~Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: ~credits video: ~sub: - Discover Our Alien Heritage - Alien Origins by Lloyd Pye

~credits video:

Lloyd Pye is at the forefront of research into human origins from alien sources. His Intervention Theory proposes that human DNA is not of this world.

Using remarkable scientific analysis, Lloyd Pye makes a strong case in this presentation filmed at the International Scientific and Metaphysical Symposium in Australia.

A double feature, this DVD also includes Lloyd Pye's take on the mysterious 900 year-old skull of a child that shows evidence of an alien race once having walked planet Earth.

Judge for yourself the amazing and in-depth research and evidence brought to light by this incredible researcher.

* Did aliens once walk this planet?

* Are we the result of some ancient genetic plan?

* Is the evidence really there?

This video is [FAIR USE] under © COPYRIGHT LAW it is: 1 noncommercial 2 trans-formative in nature 3 not competitive with the original work 4 not effecting its market negatively FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes

'Our Alien Heritage' aka Alien Origins by "Lloyd Pye" Hybrids Ancient Alien Intervention "Ancient Aliens" UfoDisclosure2012 UFO OVNI 飞碟 НЛО ユーフォー ExoPolitics infopowerment DavidIckeNews JohnKuhles ExomatrixTV2012 EX0MATRlXTV

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A Humorous Look at Aging

A Humorous Look at Aging

Daily Inspiration

By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach

After a rather intense workout on the tennis court the other day, my hitting partner looked at me in breathless frustration and said, “This was a lot easier a few years ago!”

I grinned and nodded in agreement, as we both let out a chuckle. I think the uncomfortable laugh was an attempt by both of us to mask and cushion the brutal reality of his statement. I’ve been hitting tennis balls for most of my life and it was definitely a lot easier a few years ago.

After leaving the court I began to think about the process of growing older and how we all deal with aging differently. Of course, how healthy you are as you age will make a significant difference in how you feel about this inevitable aspect of the life cycle. Even though most people tend to hate the thought of growing old, it definitely beats the alternative.

With that said, I’d like to take a comical walk through the process of aging by sharing with you some funny quotes (from here and here) about this whole adventure of maturation:

You Know You’re Getting Old When:
Getting lucky means you find your car in the parking lot.
It takes twice as long to look half as good.
You and your teeth don't sleep together.
Your address book has mostly names that start with... Dr.
Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.

I also ran across a funny piece that broke down the human lifespan into four primary stages of development. Even though I’ve never seen these four stages in any psychology textbooks, I thought they were both perfectly descriptive and easy to identify with.

Since living a long life is truly a precious gift, it’s only appropriate that we use Santa as our gift-giving example. According to the Santa Claus Theory of human development, these are the four stages of life:

Stage 1: You believe in Santa Claus
Stage 2: You don't believe in Santa Claus
Stage 3: You are Santa Claus
Stage 4: You look like Santa Claus

Finally, there are three quotes that I’d like to share with you about the process of aging that seem to offer up the perfect balance of humor and serious food for thought.

The first quote is by Victor Hugo and is a great example showing clearly the power found in your ability to mentally reframe things like aging: “Forty is the old age of youth, fifty the youth of old age!”

The second quote gets to the heart of what makes someone old or youthful in both mind and spirit: “How old would you think you were if you didn’t know how old you are?” This quote speaks to something in psychology called Subjective Experience and is intimately tied to how you see yourself and the world inside your head.

At the end of the day, however, there is nothing we can do to stop this relentless human progression called aging. Even though you can certainly slow it down by living a healthy life, eventually our bodies break down over time just as our automobiles do.

Our minds through our subjective experience, however, have the ability to resist aging because they don’t have to abide by Mother Nature’s laws of physical deterioration.

So the third and final quote I wanted to share with you states: "You’re only as old as you feel!"

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare

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Happy New Year in different languages

Afgani: Saale Nao Mubbarak
Afrikaans: Gelukkige nuwe jaar
Albanian: Gezuar Vitin e Ri
Armenian: Snorhavor Nor Tari
Arabic: Kul 'am wa antum bikhair
Assyrian: Sheta Brikhta
Azeri: Yeni Iliniz Mubarek!
Balochi: Noki saal mubarrak bibi
Bengali: Shuvo Nabo Barsho
Breton: Bloavezh Mat
Bulgarian: ×åñòèòà Íîâà Ãîäèíà(pronounced "Chestita Nova Godina")
Cambodian: Soursdey Chhnam Tmei
Chakma: Nuo bazzor bekkunore
Chinese: Xin Nian Kuai Le
Corsican: Pace e Salute
Croatian: Sretna Nova godina!
Cymraeg: Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Czech: Stastný Novy rok (or Stastny Novy rok)
Denish: Godt Nytar
Dhivehi: Ufaaveri Aa Aharakah Edhen
Eskimo: Kiortame pivdluaritlo
Esperanto: Felican Novan Jaron
Estonians: Head uut aastat!
English: Wishing you all happy new year!
Ethiopian/Eritrean Tigrigna: RUHUS HADUSH AMET
Finnish: Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French: Bonne Annee
Gaelic: Bliadhna mhath ur
Galician: Bo Nadal e Feliz Aninovo
German: Prosit Neujahr
Greek: Kenourios Chronos
Gujarati: Nutan Varshbhinandan
Hawaiian: Hauoli Makahiki Hou
Hebrew: L'Shannah Tovah
Hindi: Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen
Hong kong: (Cantonese) Sun Leen Fai Lok
Hungarian: Boldog Uj Evet Kivanok
Indonesian: Selamat Tahun Baru
Iranian: Sal -e- no mobarak
Iraqi: Sanah Jadidah
Irish: Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Felice anno nuovo
Japan: Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu
Kabyle: Asegwas Amegaz
Kannada: Hosa Varushadha Shubhashayagalu
Khasi: Snem Thymmai Basuk Iaphi
Khmer: Sua Sdei tfnam tmei
Korea: Saehae Bock Mani ba deu sei yo!
Latvian: Laimigo Jauno Gadu!
Lithuanian: Laimingu Naujuju Metu
Laotian: Sabai dee pee mai
Macedonian: Srekjna Nova Godina
Madagascar: Tratry ny taona
Malay: Selamat Tahun Baru
Marathi: Nveen Varshachy Shubhechcha
Malayalam: Puthuvatsara Aashamsakal
Mizo: Kum Thar Chibai
Maltese: Is-Sena t-Tajba
Nepal: Nawa Barsha ko Shuvakamana
Norwegian: Godt Nyttar
Oriya: Nua Barshara Subhechha
Papua New Guinea: Nupela yia i go long yu
Pampango (Philippines): Masaganang Bayung Banua
Pashto: Nawai Kall Mo Mubarak Shah
Persian: Sal -e- no mobarak
Philippines: Manigong Bagong Taon!
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Punjabi: Nave sal di mubarak
Russian: S Novim Godom
Samoa: Manuia le Tausaga Fou
Serbo-Croatian: Sretna nova godina
Sindhi: Nayou Saal Mubbarak Hoje
Singhalese: Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa
Siraiki: Nawan Saal Shala Mubarak Theevay
Slovak: Stastny Novy rok
Slovenian: sreèno novo leto
Somali: Iyo Sanad Cusub Oo Fiican!
Spanish: Feliz Ano ~Nuevo
Swahili: Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaº
Swedish: GOTT NYTT AR! /Gott nytt ar!
Sudanese: Warsa Enggal
Tamil: Eniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal
Tibetian: Losar Tashi Delek
Telegu: Noothana samvatsara shubhakankshalu
Thai: Sawadee Pee Mai
Turkish: Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Ukrainian: Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku
Urdu: Naya Saal Mubbarak Ho
Uzbek: Yangi Yil Bilan
Vietnamese: Chuc Mung Tan Nien
Welsh: Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Wish all your near and dear ones in their country's language and spread the happiness. Hope you enjoyed reading the Happy New Year in different languages and wishing you all prosperous New Year.


Love and Blessings. Melodie

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Heavenletters #3878 Smile at God, July 8, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3878 Smile at God, July 8, 2011

God said:

You give Me great happiness. You make Me Who Knows Only Happiness happy. I am already smiling, and you make Me smile. Although I know true happiness that is beyond happiness occasioned by this or that, I will nevertheless credit you with My happiness. My happiness cannot be added unto, and, yet, you add to My happiness.

My smile cannot be wider, and yet you make Me smile from ear to ear. If I were a flower, it could be said that you make Me blossom from year to year. You make Me blossom infinitely. I smile a smile that has no beginning and no end. I am One Big Smile. You make Me smile. You make Me laugh. Smile back at Me, and the Universe is happy. You, Who are made in My image, smile back at Me. Let Me see you smile now.

The way I see it, there is no occasion not to love. Not loving is not exactly putting your best foot forward, you understand. What can the merit in unhappiness be? Whom does it profit? No one I know.

No longer make excuses for holding unhappiness to you. Blast unhappiness away from the face of the Earth. Imagined unhappiness exists nowhere else. It is a surface thing that runs amok on the surface of life, and that unhappiness belies the Truth of you. Unhappiness is a lie.

And so I say that you are My happiness. And so I say that you add to My happiness. You round Me out. You make Me fulsome. Even as you cannot add a single filament of happiness to Me, I say you do. That is to say that I am grateful to you for the richness you add to the world. The world would be bereft without you. What would occupy the world if you were not here, even if you may be here grumbling? Grumble away for the last time and be done with grumbling and come over here and smile at Me and smile at the world and be a Happiness-Maker. Now is the time. I see you smiling now.

Happiness is yours. Why not? Someone is happy, why not you? Why not be happy this moment of non-existent time? Just as you would choose to dance a tango, choose happiness. You are on the dance floor of life. Enter into the dance of your choice.

Why would anyone choose unhappiness? It makes no sense. Well, perhaps you thought you were obliged to serve unhappiness, as if you owed it to the world, as if you owed it to yourself, as though unhappiness were a life sentence and you would not be paroled.

Parole yourself. You have gotten good at dancing the dance of unhappiness. Now choose another rhythm. Come, come dance with Me. I know One Dance, and I invite you to the Ballroom of Happiness. I have added you to My dance card. Accept now.


Why wait?

Of course, My offer is good for all-time. Of course, My offer has no conditions. My offer never runs out. It is beyond My understanding why or how you could ever say, “No, thank You,” to Me, or, “Thanks, no thanks,” or even, unbelievable as it may be, to not even hear Me invite you to dance with Me. My arms are stretched out to you. There is no one I would rather dance with than you. Easily, I am One Dance Partner for all. I accommodate everyone.

This is not a Masquerade Ball that I invite you to. It is the furthest thing from a masquerade. It is overdue that you take off your masks. If you have not been happy, you have been wearing a mask of unhappiness. True, you believed in it. You were sincere. And you were also mistaken.

Permanent Link:

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



Heavenletters #3881 Enough of Requirements for Love , July 11, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3881 Enough of Requirements for Love , July 11, 2011

God said:

What is love worth? How big can love grow? True love, love that is not dependent upon the external, love that arises from your heart and alights everywhere, love that depends upon itself and itself alone. It isn’t dependent upon anyone or anything but itself. The love I speak of never runs out of itself. That is because love is the fuel to its own fire.

True love is its own kindling. Love sees with the eyes of love. There are no splinters in the eyes of love. I love you young, and I love you old.

As you grow in love, not your capacity for love, for your capacity of love is utter right now, but as you grow in giving love without requiring certain attributes, then you love as I do love. Then you love because you love. Then you are love radiant that lights up any room and all the beating hearts in the room.

This is not a scholarly treatise I give. I am giving you the straight goods. The love you can give is equal to the love I give. I give without doubt. I am not mushy, yet I give love the same way you breathe. Love is Mine to give, and I give it. I give it fulsomely.

Once you countermand ego, then you too can give love without requirement. Whatever someone thinks of Me or does not think of Me does not alter My love. My love is a given. There is no way to stop the flow of My love. The little considerations that influence your love are not considerations to Me. I love because I love. Whether you are true to Me or not leaves no mark on My love. Nothing touches My love. The love I give is a given. My heartbeat cannot be stopped. It cannot be paused. My love is and it pours in sunshine or in rain. It pours in Heaven, and it pours on Earth. Love, which is never routine, never fluctuates in this heart of Mine.

My heart is full of love, and I have no ego. I do not have a speculated need to make Myself important. I do not have to have applause or even approbation or any standing at all. And you don’t either. Your heart doesn’t require the prods to love that the world holds sacred. We are not speaking of personal love here. We are not speaking of the mad dash of love that is rampant on Earth. We are not speaking of love that is dependent upon anything at all.

We are talking about your natural vision. When your eyes are clear, when judgment and ego leave, you too are left with love that soars and displaces all the riff-raff that got deposited in your heart. Enough of requirements for love.

Just love. You do not need someone to be a certain height before you can love him. He does not have to be of a certain profession. He doesn’t have to be somebody. He can be anybody. There are no illusions to your love once you get the hang of it. You simply love. You simply love, and your love covers everyone.

This is not an effort, you understand. If you have to cringe in order to exhale love, that may be noble, but it is not love. Love is not noble, you understand. Love exacts no price. There is no bargaining with love. Love is a state of consciousness, and once you see from a larger vantage, once you remove hidden and unhidden judgment, you will simply love. There will be love, and you will be it.

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Heavenletters #3886 Let Us Not Forget Your Heart , July 16, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3886 Let Us Not Forget Your Heart , July 16, 2011

God said:

I cannot say enough how important you are. Important to Me and important to the world. And, yet, I do not want you to think about your importance very much, for that will make you feel self-conscious. Better to be unself-conscious.

When you are feeling self-conscious, you are either ahead of yourself or following behind. Then you are more like an actor on the stage, which, of course, you, as a human being, are anyway. Better to be natural and unconcerned with how you appear, however. It is more rewarding just to be. Just to be simple. Just to be alive. Just to be you.

How unself-conscious are young children and animals. They are just natural. They are just living. They have no image to follow. And how delightful they are as they don’t notice themselves so much on the stage. They don’t know to put on airs. And why would they? What would the advantage be? To impress someone? They are just enjoying what is at hand. They do not pose for photos in order to appear splendid.


They simply are.

Self-importance isn’t exactly the way to go. Just know how wonderful you are, and then forget about it. Accept your heritage, and don’t make a fuss about it. Your heritage is a given. I am speaking of everyone’s being created in My image. Guaranteed. No exceptions. Life time guarantee. Actually eternal guarantee. There are no seconds. You are all first-class scions of the God above and the God within.

The world, of course, would sort you. The world likes to sort. There is no end to the piles that the world would sort you into. Young, old. Tall, short. Gender. Brains. Wealth. Let Us not forget wealth. That will get you a good place in line. The world forgets itself and what it is made of.

But, you, remember, and then go on from there. Remember it once, and then jump into life freely. When you remember, you can let go of externals which are, after all, only externals. They are not integral to what is truly Real and what matters more than the world’s unimportant stratifications.

It is, of course, easy to get strung up on the externals. Certainly, the externals have an appeal. Who wouldn’t want wealth? And, yet, who doesn’t know that wealth is not what it is cracked up to be. Those who have wealth have an ease that you may not, yet they may not sleep as well or enjoy their lives any more than you enjoy yours. Sometimes less. Being a human being is the common denominator, not money in the bank.

What does bring you happiness? I am talking about solid happiness and not just spurts of happiness at the occurrence of an event. Crossing the finish line before everyone else has its excitement. It lasts a minute or two, or maybe to the next morning. Fame’s claim to happiness is short-lived. Better to have happiness that sees you through. How much are all the short-lived jolts of happiness worth? The secret is to enjoy life from stem to stern.

Of course, be glad to have these jolts of happiness. Also know that they depart just as fast as they came to you. Queen for a day is only Queen for a Day. Even queen for life is not such a bowl of cherries.

In the field of life that I speak of, prince or pauper is the same. When you come down to it, your title is not so much as you thought. Your pocketbook is not much. Your heart is much.

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Heavenletters #3888 Why Must the Universe Suit You Right Now?, July 18, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3888 Why Must the Universe Suit You Right Now?, July 18, 2011

God said:

The thing about being impatient is that you frustrate yourself. You also frustrate the very situation that makes you impatient. You fight. You resist, as if you prefer frustration to patience. Surely, you are choosing impatience. Choose patience instead. Choose to be more easy-going.

Whatever you allow to make you impatient is not going to last forever. It will go away by itself, or you will find a solution. Disband impatience now. Tell yourself mildly that it’s all right to have this situation for a while. If there is nothing you can immediately do about it this minute, you might as well resign yourself to waiting.

Find that which in the situation you can be glad about. If your computer is frustrating you, at least you have a computer. You still have your fingers to type with. You still have your capacity. What happened to enjoying this moment that is at your service? Must you convince yourself that this moment must be made of something else, or you will not tolerate it?

Who are you to pout at the Universe because it is not obeying your command? Who are you to pout or stamp your foot? Why must the Universe suit your convenience just now? Odds are that you brought this situation that has gotten your goat all on your own? Odds are that nobody created this situation but you. And, if you did not, nevertheless, you still need to ride with it.

Your car won’t start, or you locked yourself out of your car. You are going to be late to work. So, then, be late to work without engendering aggravation to accompany being late. There are greater frustrations than being late. Be glad for that which you can be glad for.

Impediments are part of life. Do not be so impeded by them. Do impediments have to rule you? Roll with the punches, beloveds. Use this time for some other means than screaming at your fate.

It may be your fate to be late to work, but it is not your fate to insist upon intolerant frustration and temper. Wouldn’t you rather be good to yourself? Why not be good to yourself? Why not choose patience as your means?

Go get a cup of coffee, or use the delay to talk to Me in a friendly way? Why not be a good sport rather than a tempestuous one?

If you are caught in a hailstorm, let’s say, why storm at the storm? Accept it instead. If you cannot rule the weather, then make friends with it.

If you cannot sleep at night, you don’t have to cry about it. The world has said that you have to sleep this night. Maybe this night was made for not sleeping. It is enough that you find you cannot sleep. Don’t compound it.

Even if you are the most impatient person in the world, you don’t have to continue to be. You pay a high price for your impatience, for what is impatience but tension?

Untense yourself. Choose calmness. You can do it. There has to be a remedy for toppling out of your Beingness, for isn’t that what you are doing when you choose frustration over taking something in your stride?

Is this situation worth your getting tense over? Is it really?

Do not impound yourself because something is against your will. Life delivered you the wrong thing. Well, then, make it right, or wait it out. You want a situation to change. Maybe it is you who has to change. Maybe you need to increase your tolerance I.Q. Will you do it for Me?

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Heavenletters #3892 Embrace the World, God, and Yourself, July 22, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3892 Embrace the World, God, and Yourself, July 22, 2011

God said:

If you have had enough of what has been, get into more of what is. What is and what was are not equal. What is, is and what was, is not. What was, was an appraisal. It was a conclusion you drew. You attributed a certain value and then the case is closed. It was good, or half-bad, or not good at all. Instead of leaving your appraisal by the wayside, you kept it with you. You would not budge your appraisal. You had made a decision about it, and you kept it, as if your appraisal were true and only true. You would not waver.

Once you looked into a wavy mirror, and that’s how you saw yourself, waving in the breeze.

No matter what I say, you resist. How can you be a beautiful being, you ask yourself, when all of your life attested to your not being a beautiful being.

Oh, how the world will change when you change your appraisal of yourself. We are not speaking of ego here. We are not plumping you up like a sagging cushion. We are talking about the true measure of you. I am talking about the true measure of you. You may be talking about a photograph that was all illusion.

You are not what you were in the past. You are not what you thought you were in the past. You never were what you thought you were in the past. Do not buy yesterday’s goods. Buy fresh thought today.

Do not rely on others in the world to encourage you. Encourage yourself. Encourage others. You are meant to stand tall. You are meant to rise above your old patterns of thought. They have been held onto enough. They have been held on to too long.

It is not that you have to be salvaged. You have to look anew. Open your mind and heart even a crack, and you will begin to see the light coming through. The light is there. It is burning brightly within you. You are a tower of light, yet a tower of light that does not see itself.

You made a bargain long ago that you would not be yourself. You made a bargain long ago that you would be less than yourself. You accepted the bargain. Therefore, I say you made it. You were waylaid, and you said, “Okay. That’s how it is.” And you accepted unworthiness as fact. You looked around, and you saw unworthiness. You looked in a wavy mirror, and you saw waviness. Wave goodbye to unworthiness. You are worth a King’s ransom. And, I, the King, ransom you from false beliefs.

As easily as you were persuaded to false belief, now be persuaded to the true light of personhood. The truth is that you are light surrounded by a body. Your light is not dampened. Your light shines brightly, only you have believed in the shade around your light more than you have believed in the light. As you believed, you saw. Now I ask you to see yourself as you are. See with My eyes, and all you will see is bright light shining.

Wherever you look, you will see bright light shining. You will see the sparkling of love radiating everywhere. You will be weighed on a true scale, and the world’s thumb will not be falsifying the scale.

To thine own self be true takes on a new meaning.

You hear My message to you. You are My message. I give you a message that you are to shine to the world and, so, you embrace the world, My message, and yourself.

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Heavenletters #3895 A Knowing Heart , July 25, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3895 A Knowing Heart , July 25, 2011

God said:

I inveigle you to come to Me with heart in your hand, like a hat, or like an offering, as a guest brings a box of chocolates or a cake. You bring your heart to Me, and you hold it out, and you say: “Here, God, this is for you. Here, God, this is yours. You gave it to me to keep for You, and I have kept it. You did not want me to keep it aseptic or wrapped in plastic where nothing could enter it. You wanted me to keep giving it away on Your behalf, and, so that when I place it before you, you would be happy that it had been used and given away freely.”

You say, “God, it is a little worn. I hope you don’t mind.”

Of course, I don’t mind at all. That’s how I like it. The unused pieces of your heart are sterile. They are rusty not from wear but from disuse. I am an economical kind of God. I like hearts to be well-used and well-used over and over again.

Hearts are not meant to be prim and proper. Hearts are not meant to wear a starched collar. Hearts are meant to be very pliable, to be worn even inside out. Hearts are not to stand on ceremony. They are not meant to be decorous. They are meant to be easy-going and plump. What a heart I gave you, not to be saved, but to be used.

Of course, a heart cannot be used up. It flourishes with use. A heart is meant to be popular, a hail fellow well met. A heart is meant to be welcoming, humble, and generous. A heart is meant to be glad, very glad, for the opportunity of serving fellow hearts on My behalf.

On Earth, you with a wonderful heart that beats inside you in tune to My love is meant to be rampant, galumphing all over, making friends on hill and dale, a knowing heart that knows how to give its love and is not shy to, a rollicking heart that rolls in laughter, engages in play, frolics like a lamb on grass and gathers grass and doesn’t worry about neatness or any kinds of confines, an eager heart to offer itself everywhere, not minding if it is taken or not, a heart that knows its place is everywhere, has confidence to know that all other hearts, no matter what they may seem like, are its kin, perhaps long-lost but now are found.

How My heart beats at the love you have given and the joy you have found. I take joy in all hearts, crazy mixed-up hearts, stumbling hearts, shy hearts, hearts that bump into yours, hearts that lose all bounds, hearts that dance to beat the band, hearts that fall all over themselves, hearts that can’t stop laughing, hearts that never miss a beat, hearts that fall all over themselves in their joy at meeting other hearts, hearts that swing and sway, hearts that go out of their way to offer themselves, hearts that don’t know anything else but to be hearts raring to make music, good-natured hearts that want to play and yet play no games, hearts that sit aside so that other hearts can sit up front, hearts that offer themselves without restriction, hearts that know what life is about, and hearts that know enough to seize the moment and overthrow it with joyfulness.

I am looking for hearts. Are there any hearts here? May I see a count of hearts? Raise your hearts so that I may see them and take them into My heart and have a jamboree such as all hearts have been waiting for.

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Heavenletters #3899 How Do You Make Your Garden Grow?, July 29, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3899 How Do You Make Your Garden Grow?, July 29, 2011

God said:

Yes, the weeds that you point out in another’s garden are your own. Pay attention to your own garden. In this case, weeds refer to faults.

If you did not have the very weeds you point out, you would not notice them in other gardens as much as you do. You certainly would not notice them with a superior air.

Finding fault is the antipathy of humility. Serenity is more like humility. Appreciation is more like humility. The more appreciative you are, the more you come from a high place, and this very high place bears the name of humbleness. There is no humiliation in humility. There is humiliation in finding fault. Don’t do it anymore.

The more obvious a fault is in another, the more you possess it. Why harp on faults? I suggest that you get out from under them. The splinter is in your own eye.

The beauty is here within you as well. Look for the beauty, and renounce faults. Be done with them. Help Me to lift the world. You do not help the world by putting it down.
Grow in the direction you want the world to grow in.

The only thing you can do is to be an example to the world. Be the example you would like to have before you. Wouldn’t it be nice and easy then if where you looked, you saw what you yourself would like to be? Be it then now. Be the inspirer.

This is God speaking to you in the way that life speaks to you. Life teaches you. Without ego, you would listen.

Emulate the highest. Complaining is not of the highest. No longer complain. No longer complain even once about anything.

Respond to what another says and not to your opinion of it. Will you take this as your motto? From now on foreswear criticism. Foreswear complaint. Foreswear displeasure.


Embrace upliftment. Embrace.

True, complaint is contagious. There is a vaccine. I would call the vaccine upliftment. Uplift the world rather than carry it. Release yourself from your bonds.

Whatever you thought yesterday, think a new way today. Whatever you found fault with yesterday, let go of it today. Whatever you could have done better yesterday, do it today. Be a replenisher of the Universe. Be a replenisher of appreciation.

Appreciate everyone for their bravery. They are brave to come before you. They run the risk of being snapped at, isn’t that so? Be grateful for everyone who dares to come before you and risk your criticism, for you tend to think you know better, and so you comment on the weeds in another’s garden.

Weed your own garden first, and then go help your neighbor. How about saying nothing once in a while? Who told you that you have to speak out every thought in your head? Speak up when you have something uplifting to say. Inspire or be quiet. Inspire, or bite your tongue. Express your Higher Self. Everything else has been said and said more than once. Think of something new to say.

Think of hearts. How thirsty they are. Give them a drink.

Water the flowers in another’s garden. Share upliftment. Share inspiration. Be careful where you walk in another’s garden.

Weed your own garden, and then invite others to it. Be the beautiful garden you would like others to be. Your business isn’t to improve others. Your business is to inspire yourself. Then you will have many coming to your garden and asking you how you do it? “How do you make your garden grow?” they will ask.

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Everyone knows that sometimes accidents just happen, but some accidents are truly too horrible to fathom. In the video below, you will see a mother watch her baby’s stroller roll onto
subway tracks. What happens next can be described as nothing short of a miracle. In fact, many people who watch this video see and angel watching over the endangered infant.


Watch carefully to see if you notice the angel and then share this amazing video to all your friends!

A Huge Miracle for a Tiny Baby (and her mother)


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Before 9 / 11 and 7 / 7 there were clues in card games, comics, film and TV programmes, of the events that would later take place.

Similarly, the BBC has broadcasted a series imagining a nuclear explosion at the London Olympics.

The series includes several clues that suggest that the 'illuminati' are behind the making of the series and that therefore the events that the series imagines, are being planned to take place in the real world.

There are also clues that suggest the 'illuminati' are plotting an attack on the London Underground.



Please press the link at the end of the film TO SHOW YOU THESE THINGS HAVE BEEN DONE BEFORE!! =
Just like 9/11 where the American Air Defence was having a "Terror Rehearsal" on the same day as the tragic catastrophe..Guess what happened to the people who was suppose to be defending London from Terror Attacks ON THE SAME DAY?? Oh yes you've got it-THEY WERE HAVING A "Terror Rehearsal"-If you really do believe Peter Power you honestly need to be shot!

Live ITV News interview with Peter Power, the Managing Director of Crisis Management firm Visor Consultants who was 'actually running an exercise... based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations that happened'.
Recorded at 8:20pm on the evening of the London Bombings.

Broadcast on May 16th 2004, this show features a fiction terrorist attack very similar to the real attack of 7/7 a year later. The show's panel of experts included Peter Power, the former anti-terrorism police officer who was running a training exercise on the day of 7/7. 100,000 Die at the London Olympics 2012 ?

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Pay-It-Forward Chain Reaction at a Restaurant
posted by mbeal10 on Feb 14, 2010


My four grown children were all home visiting this weekend so we decided to go out for brunch. The centre of attention was my toddler granddaughter. She had never had pancakes before so we were excited about her trying them.



We always try to make our family meals special so this time we decided to order every kind of pancake they had and asked that they be served on one big family-style platter!


We each took turns digging in and also feeding it to the baby, who loved them. There was a lovely environment at the table and lots of smiles. As I was looking around the table, enjoying this wonderful scene, a gentleman at a nearby table caught my eye.


He was eating his breakfast alone quietly, in the corner. He frequently looked over and smiled as my granddaughter continued to entertain us all. Suddenly, I had a great idea.


I dug out a smile card from the reserve that I always carry with me and snuck up to the waitress. I explained to her that I wanted to pay that man’s bill anonymously and that instead of the bill could she please give him the smile card.


Our leisurely breakfast was still going on after the gentleman had left. The waitress came over and told us that he had passed the smile card on and paid for another table before he left. How great!
Not only that though, the waitress then came back later and told us that the second table had now paid for someone else and passed the smile card on too!


I couldn’t believe it when the waitress came back and told us that the third table had done the same thing.


What was really amazing though, was that by the time we left, half the room had ended up paying for a different table! Isn’t that great?



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This is so interesting and mind boggling all at the same time.

String Theory - (2 Minutes)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 1of4)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 2of4)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 3of4)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 4of4)

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Forgiveness: I am good at letting go of past hurts and disappointments.

Happiness is easy and natural until you experience your first wound. For this reason, the second meta-attitude that makes such a big difference to your happiness score is forgiveness. You cannot hold onto a grievance and be happy. Why? One reason is you can't be a victim and be happy. Holding onto a grievance is a sign of a mistaken identity. You are not a victim. Also, holding onto a grievance is really a decision to keep suffering. Forgiveness helps you let go and be happy.

Resentment keeps you stuck in the past; forgiveness brings you back to the present. Resentment costs too much, and it doesn't make you happy. Resentment is a ball and chain; forgiveness sets you free again. Forgiveness offers you insurance against premature aging, a blocked heart, an unhealed past and an unhappy future. To increase your happiness score, try this forgiveness prayer:

Dear God, I declare today a day of amnesty, in which I gratefully volunteer to hand in all of my resentments and grievances to You. Please help me to handle well all of the peace that must inevitably follow. Amen.

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You are putting yourself at risk for spreading viruses & causing virtual dis-ease
Something we all needs to know about Net-Edicate called Neticate. When
you send & receive forwards to large numbers of people, you are
putting yourself at risk for spreading viruses & causing virtual

We should ALL be sending the BCC mail - without everyone else's info
being visible in the email.

Do you wonder why you get viruses or junk mail?

Do you hate it?

Every time you forward an e-mail there is information left over from
the people who got the message before you, namely their e-mail
addresses & names.

As the messages get forwarded along, the list of addresses builds, and
builds, and builds, and all it takes is for some poor sap to get a
virus, and his or her computer can send that virus to every E-mail
address that has come across his computer.

Or, someone can take all of those addresses and sell them or send junk
mail to them in the hopes that you will go to the site and he will
make five cents for each hit.

That's right, all of that inconvenience over a nickel! How do you stop it?
Well, there are several easy steps:

(1) When you forward an e-mail, DELETE all of the other addresses that
appear in the body of the message (at the top).

That's right, DELETE them. Highlight them and delete them, backspace
them, cut them, whatever it is you know how to do.

You MUST click the "Forward" button first and then you will have full
editing capabilities against the body and headers of the message. If
you don't click on"Forward" first, you won't be able to edit the
message at all.

(2) Whenever you send an e-mail to more than one person, do NOT use
the To: or CC: fields for adding e-mail addresses.

Always use the BCC:(blind carbon copy) field for listing the e-mail addresses.

This is the way the people you send to will only see their own e-mail
address. If you don't see your BCC: option click on where it says To:
and your address list will appear. Highlight the address and choose
BCC: and that's it, it's that easy. When you send to BCC: your message
will automatically say "Undisclosed Recipients in the "TO:" field of
the people who receive

(3) Remove any "FW :" in the subject line. You Can re-name the subject
if you wish or even fix spelling.

(4) ALWAYS hit your Forward button from the actual e-mail (page) you
are reading. Ever get those e-mails that you have to open 10 pages to
read the one page with the information on it? By Forwarding from he
actual page you wish someone to view, you stop them from having to
open many e-mails just to see what you sent. Unless you use AOL. If
you do get another ISP.

(5) Have you ever gotten an email that is a petition? It states a
position and asks you to add your name and address and to forward it
to 10 or 15 people or your entire address book. The email can
beforwarded on and on and can collect thousands of names and email

A FACT: The completed petition is actually worth a couple of bucks to
a professional spammer because of the wealth of valid names and email
addresses contained therein. If you want to support the petition, send
it as your own personal letter to the intended recipient.

Your position may carry more weight as a personal letter than a
laundry list of names and email address on a petition. (Actually, if
you think about it, who's supposed to send the petition in to whatever
cause it supports? And don't believe the ones that say that the email
is being traced, it just ain't so!

"Send this email to 10 people and you'll see something great run
across your screen." AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!

So please, in the future, let's stop the the viruses causing dis-ease.

Finally, here's an idea! Let's send this to everyone we know (but
please delete my address). This is something that SHOULD be forwarded.

Read more…

Who’s been looking at your Facebook page? Can you find out?
By Becky Worley | Yahoo!


If you have been an internet user for more than five minutes, you've no doubt seen an advert or two that promises to "find out who's searching for you". It sounds like a scam, but is it actually possible?


Can someone find out if you've been looking at their Facebook or LinkedIn profile? Can you tell if someone's unfriended you? And can you see what searches have been performed with your name?





First the warning: there are scams a plenty promising to show you who is "stalking" your Facebook page. I put in a call to Facebook and spoke with their technical folks - the truth is no-one can see who's been on your Facebook page. There are no features buried in the Facebook settings with that data. There are no apps that can unearth that info. Facebook says it is one of the most common scam come-ons on the site. Don't fall for it; you cannot see who's looking at your profile (and no one can see if you've been looking at theirs).


But… there are apps and tools to see who's unfriended you. Facebook tries to squelch these apps, but I found a couple: one that you download to your computer called UnFriend Finder and one for Android called Friends Checker. Sign in, and they store a list of your friends. Then every time you check back, it tells you who's no longer on the list. UnFriend Finder also reminds you of friend requests you've made that haven't been answered. For Twitter, Qwitter does the same thing, telling you who's unfollowed you each week.



Professional tools

LinkedIn is a popular social networking site that lets you connect with professional associates and keeps your work activities up to date, and it does let you see who's viewed your profile. This handy feature is over on the right column of the site - it looks like an ad, but click it to see a handful of most recent people who've looked at your profile. To access a comprehensive list of people checking up on you, you need to pay £8.55 (inc VAT) a month to upgrade to a Personal Plus membership.


While this may seem voyeuristic, it actually makes sense to me: if you're looking for a job, you'd want to know which hiring managers are checking up on you; or if you network for business, this feature tells you which sales leads are vetting you. Another professional site for academics and researchers called has the same useful feature.



Finally: search data about you. You'd love to know who's searching for your name, but the real truth is that search companies will not reveal any data about searches, not unless they are compelled by a warrant. So any come-on promising to tell you who's searching for you is a scam. But you can find out what search terms people combine with your name. Google AdWords offers a keyword search. It will tell you what corollary terms are associated with the search for your name. For example my friend Leo Laporte is a tech podcaster. The words associated with searches for his name are ‘Leo Laporte Twitter name’ and ‘Leo Laporte Blog.’ This corollary info is helpful and might influence his decision to more prominently market his Twitter handle or blog address.



Bottom line: there is very little data available for you as a consumer to track who's looking you up or looking you over on social networking sites.



Note: We’re running this content on Yahoo! UK & Ireland as a trial. Would you like to see a UK-produced series? We’d love to hear your comments. Let us know below.


Facebook Spy - Who's been looking at your profile and pictures?

A rogue application that promises to allow Facebook users to know who visited their profile page is circulating the social network.


A new iteration of an old scam has surfaced on Facebook pushing a fake application that promises to enable users to see who has visited their Facebook page.


The problem? Facebook does not allow this capability. According to Sophos, the app is spreading across the social network with messages that say: "OMG OMG OMG... I cant believe this actually works! Now you really can see who viewed your profile! on [link]."


Those who click on the link accompanying the message are taken to a Web page that asks them to permit the application to have access to their Facebook profile, blogged Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos. Granting that permission will make a user's profile "yet another victim of the viral scam. ... And no, you don't ever find out who has been viewing your profile."


This is far from the first time this type of application has circulated the network. Tempting as it may be for a user to know who is visiting his or her page, promises to keep track of that type of information are invalid.


"Facebook does not provide the ability to track who is viewing your profile, or parts of your profile, such as your photos," the company states in its Help Center. "Applications by outside developers cannot provide this functionality, either. Applications that claim to give you this ability will be removed from Facebook for violating policy."


The company later states, however, that while it does not provide an app that enables users to track profile views or statistics on the views of specific user content, third-party developers may offer some of this functionality. Still, the company has made it "technically impossible" for applications to track profile visits for users who simply go to another user's profile.


According to Cluley, the current campaign is using a variety of different links, but via Sophos has observed that at least one of them has tricked nearly 60,000 people into clicking.


"Always think before you add an unknown application on Facebook, and ask yourself if you're really comfortable with ceding such power to complete strangers," he blogged. "Rogue application attacks like this, spreading virally, are becoming increasingly common—and do no good for anyone apart from the scammers behind them."


Uploaded by TheYoungTurks on 1 Dec 2010




Facebook App: See Who Views You (Bad Idea?)

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Ice dam collapses at Argentine glacier

Ice dam collapses at Argentine glacier

An ice dam at Argentina's Perito Moreno glacier collapsed early Sunday, creating an impressive spectacle not seen since July 2008, although few tourists were actually awake to experience the moment

Several tons of ice fell off the 60-meter (200 foot) ice dam into Lago Argentina at the national park in southern Santa Cruz province.


Some 5,000 tourists had been in the park Saturday awaiting the ice show, park rangers said, but the slight movement of ice which began Wednesday turned into an avalanche at around 4:00 am (0700 GMT), leaving visitors disappointed.


Only a group of rangers witnessed the collapse, which created a crash heard several kilometers away, accelerated by heavy rainfall overnight.


"The noise was very great, it was coming down in buckets," said park ranger Carlos Corvalan.
Perito Moreno, one of the biggest tourist attractions in Argentina, is one of the largest glaciers on the Patagonian ice cap.


The glacier has a travel speed of 1.7 meters (5.5 feet) per day in its central part and periodically creates an ice dam which collapses from the pressure of the advancing glacier.


The glacier was named after one of the first explorers in Argentine Patagonia.


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ALERT -- Europe Bans X-Ray Body Scanners Used at U.S. Airports
Posted by: Dr. Mercola | December 01 2011

A - europe-bans-x-ray-body-scanners

On November 14, 2011 the European Commission banned X-ray body scanners that use "backscatter" technology from airports.

The scanners, which are still in use in the United States, project X-ray beams onto your body using ionizing radiation to create a detailed reflection of your body that is displayed on a monitor viewed by a remotely located officer.

Ionizing radiation causes DNA damage that can lead to cancer, and its effects are cumulative.
This means that every time you pass through an X-ray scanner, your risk of developing cancer, and other unintended adverse effects, increases.

Ever since the machines were introduced, concerns over both privacy and public health have been voiced, which is why the European Commission's decision to take a proactive stance by using alternative scanners to protect their citizens' health is likely to bring the issue front and center once again.

Why Did Europe Ban X-Ray Body Scanners?

The European Commission did not give specifics, only noting:

"In order not to risk jeopardising citizens' health and safety, only security scanners which do not use X-ray technology are added to the list of authorised methods for passenger screening at EU airports."

Most likely, they decided that exposing millions of travelers to radiation for a non-medical reason is simply too big a risk to take, not to mention taboo in much of the world.

While the radiation levels used are reportedly very low, there is concern that the type of radiation used, namely, backscatter radiation, is uniquely toxic to the human body.

Screening at an airport X-ray scanner reportedly produces .02 microsieverts of radiation. For comparison, you will be exposed to 20 microsieverts of radiation on a typical transcontinental flight at 30,000 feet.

The problem, however, is that we are comparing apples to oranges, and backscatter radiation – being manmade – may have adverse effects far beyond that of the natural background and cosmic radiation to which it is often compared -- as if to say "it's harmless," which it is not.

There is also the problem that this calculation of radiation risk is based on the reported radiation levels. If we are being lied to then many will be exposing themselves to a health risk they might otherwise reconsider … and there are indications that there might be sound reason to question the reported radiation levels.

Are We Being Lied to About the Scanners' Radiation Levels?

A letter written by five professors revealed that there has not actually been any verifiable scientific testing of the safety of airport scanners -- and that the levels of radiation being used are likely much higher than the public has been led to believe.

These scientists believe that the high-quality images produced cannot possibly be obtained with the low levels of radiation described, and that the actual level may be 45 times higher than what the manufacturer is claiming.

The supposed "testing" of the Rapiscan Secure 1000, the most widely deployed X-ray scanner, was actually performed on a mock-up of spare parts "said to be similar to those that are parts of the Rapiscan system." In addition, none of these tests have ever been peer reviewed -- the data and even the names of the researchers who carried out the tests have been kept secret from the public.

Furthermore, as in so many other instances, our legal and civil rights are being willfully manipulated and trampled for the sake of private and corporate profits.

In this case, the former Homeland Security chief and co-author of the PATRIOT Act, Michael Chertoff, is now one of the primary promoters of full-body scanners, and is a paid consultant for the companies that sell them!

This is an issue that is still being unraveled, so it makes complete sense to use the precautionary approach. After all, we know there is no safe dose of X-ray radiation, and that every time you walk through an airport scanner, you're adding to your body's lifetime radiation load – a genetic time bomb that can detonate in the form of cancer, and other serious diseases, once the burden becomes too high. .

Radiation Technologies Can Malfunction

Even if we're not being lied to, common sense would dictate that we need to proceed with caution and not expose millions of travelers of all ages, and with any number of medical conditions, to unknown risks -- including risks from human error or technological malfunction.

The New York Times published an article in January 2010 about the alarming rise in radiation-related injuries and deaths. People know very little about the harm that can ensue when safety rules are violated and these powerful and technologically complex machines go awry.

For instance, the difference between a routine CT scan, which also uses ionizing radiation, and a debilitating injury is as simple as a computer error causing you to be blasted with errant beams of radiation, leaving you in unspeakable pain, or worse.

How can we be certain that similar errors will not occur with the X-ray scanners when malfunctions are always a risk of using technology? Furthermore, we must keep in mind that even CT scans were once deemed to have far lower levels of radiation than we know they have today.

As Dr. Russell Blaylock says:
"As for the assurances we have been given by such organization as the American College of Radiology, we must keep in mind that they assured us that the CT scans were safe and that the radiation was equal to one chest X-ray.

Forty years later we learn that the dose is extremely high; it is thought to have caused cancer in a significant number of people, and the dose is actually equal to 1,000 chest X-rays."

Indeed, a 2009 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine estimated that .4% of all cancers in the US may be attributable to the radiation from CT studies – confirming how profoundly inaccurate original safety assessments of this technology were, as well as how harmful X-ray-based diagnostic technologies really are.

These errors of the past should indeed serve as cautionary tales when making safety claims for brand new technologies. How many times will a belated "oops!" suffice before we demand the return of the precautionary principle, as is already being followed in Europe?

Radiation from Scanner Beams Concentrates on Your Skin

As summarized by, the dosage of radiation from the backscatter X-ray machines is absorbed almost entirely by your skin and the tissue right beneath it. Because of this, the normal way of understanding radiation risk by calculating the absorbed radiation dose across the volume of the entire body vs. the specific organs affected, will not provide an accurate picture of the real world risks involved.

Scientists from The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have echoed these concerns. Because the radiation beam from the scanners concentrates on your skin, researchers believe the dose may be up to 20 times higher than is being estimated. Another potential outcome of such exposure is skin cancer.

Dr. Jane M. Orient, M.D. has also brought up this concern. In an article for The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), she details what the medical community considers to be the REAL health hazard of full-body scanners using low-energy backscatter technology.

Dr. Orient explains:
"They use an ingenious low-energy backscatter technique, which is apparently wonderful for identifying explosives in cargo. Since the radiation doesn't penetrate far, it wouldn't affect an unborn baby. But it does concentrate the dose in the skin.

Some scientists warn that this effect has not been properly studied, and one nuclear medicine expert told me that he is going to opt out of the scan. I think this much is clear: if you had a deadly disease, and the scanner were an FDA-regulated device that might save your life, your doctor wouldn't be allowed to use it, because of inadequate study."

Dr. Russell Blaylock has also published his viewpoints on this issue, warning that skin cancer is a very real health risk of these machines.

How to Identify the Two Types of Body Scanners

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began using advanced imaging technology (AIT) in airports nationwide in 2007. Today, there are about 510 AIT units at more than 90 U.S. airports that use one of two types of imaging technology: millimeter wave and backscatter.

Backscatter technology is the type noted above, which uses X-rays (ionizing radiation). This type of machine looks like two large blue boxes (you can view an image on the TSA's web site). The second type of technology, millimeter wave, uses electromagnetic waves to create a generic image of passengers. The millimeter wave unit looks more like a round booth and is subject to less controversy because it does not use ionizing radiation and therefore does not carry the same health risks.

Once you know what each type of machine looks like, you can opt-out accordingly or instead receive a manual pat-down. At this time, Scientific American reported that major airports like Los Angeles International, Chicago O'Hare and John F. Kennedy in New York (among others) use the backscatter machines, while airports in San Francisco, Atlanta and Dallas use millimeter wave technology.

Personally, as a very frequent air traveler, I ALWAYS opt-out of the x-ray scanner. Even if the radiation dose is minute (and that's a big IF), I'm not willing to risk my health by exposing my entire body to any avoidable dose on a regular basis.

Europe has already taken a strong stance against the use of these scanners, and in the United States if we have enough people objecting to this new technology we can get them to stop using it altogether. It is far too man-power intensive for agents to manually inspect everyone with the enhanced pat down.

In 2010, when massive numbers of people were planning on opting out in protest, they shut all the X-ray scanners off that day and ran people through the older ones. If 10 percent of us choose to opt out regularly, my guess is that they will shut the machines off permanently.

Currently the TSA reports that more than 99 percent of passengers choose to be screened by the x-ray scanners, so please remember you CAN make a difference by opting out.

Tips for Reducing Your Cumulative Radiation Load While Flying

If you're exposed to other forms of radiation through CT scans, mammograms and other medical procedures, your exposure could easily reach dangerous levels, and this is why it makes sense to avoid unnecessary radiation exposures as much as possible.

One way to reduce your radiation exposure by 99 percent while traveling by air is to fly at night. Just as it is impossible to get a suntan at night, you will avoid virtually all of the sun's radiation when you fly after sunset.

That's why I try to fly exclusively at night now, or as far away from noon as practically possible—in addition to opting out of the full-body scanner. I also take 8 mg of astaxanthin every day, which is believed to radically limit damage from ionizing radiation.

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